The Federal Government’s response to a Senate inquiry into the insurance industry has shone a spotlight on the need for new approaches to make it easier for consumers to compare policies. But making it happen isn’t necessarily as easy as it might seem.
We look at the immediate future for insurers as premium rates continue moving up and why the insurance industry took it on the chin and when consumers and ASIC attacked add-on automotive insurance.
We examine the future of autonomous cargo ships that will be plying the oceans in the future, show how collaboration has become important in the “digital insurgency”, ask some hard questions about insurtech, and highlight how black lung disease has returned to the coal mining industry.
We interview the new CEO of Allianz Australia, Richard Feledy, who wants to listen to staff before he starts strategising. There are plenty of views on emerging risks, commentary on the upcoming royal commission and NIBA’s concerns about the need to focus on standards of conduct.