1 minute read
Using the Capacity Approach to improve the sustainability of teacher inservice training
and lesson plans (akin to those used in their context) that teachers can follow
2 The EGR strategies that are introduced should also build on what teachers already know and do with regard to the current Standard 1-3 Kiswahili syllabus; and as discussed previously, EGR strategies should also be easily applied in classrooms of up to 100+ students.
2 There is a debate regarding the use of the scripted lesson plan: Scripted, externally developed lesson plans may give some teachers a sense of security but also create tensions between the scripts' perceived relevance and the teachers' desire for autonomy. It has been argued that teacher trainers may want to experiment with offering a choice of different instructional models, and that script developers may want to experiment with giving teachers more explicit autonomy, both in choosing scripts and in modifying them