1 minute read
Using the Capacity Approach to improve the sustainability of teacher inservice training
outsiders? When they introduced these rules, did they come in touch with the culture and see if the culture agrees? (Peri-urban Male Teacher).
Clearly, there is a tension and mistrust of interventions and conventions promoted by outsiders, as there is an explicit imposition of another worldview, an implicit judgement of Tanzanian culture and a lack of sensitivity towards it. Thus, any alternative classroom management strategies introduced for EGR instructional practice must be proven to work in a classroom of 100+. This can be done by collecting classroom management strategies that have been tried and tested by Tanzanian teachers themselves. These strategies can be shared via EGR modules, and introductory modules prior to EGR content could be introduced, which entail content on creating a positive learning environment, such as providing strategies for classroom management, gender responsive pedagogy and increasing participation and inclusion3