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Figure 5: COVID-19 Daily Information Update

Figure 5: COVID-19 Daily Information Update

Source: PHIM (2021) This has become a vital piece of information to the general public, enabling the vast majority of the population to keep up-to-date with daily COVID-19 trends in the country, and facilitating the public to take the necessary precautionary measures. It became and remains a well-known source of current information, sparking discussion during each new wave and particularly at the peak of the pandemic when new COVID19 cases, admissions into treatment centres and deaths were high. PHIM Website

Since the Public Health Institute of Malawi did not have a website but was suddenly thrust into the public eye, the Kuunika programme developed a simple website for the Institute to act as a platform for disseminating important public health information during phases the pandemic. Figure 6 presents an example of the website landing page:

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