The "INTEGRAL MEMORY PLC" user's logo


LONDON, United Kingdom

Integral is a brand of Integral Memory plc, a company born in the UK as the PC era was just beginning in 1989. We began by supplying memory for very early PCs and data systems. Later in 1999 we began producing some of the very first memory cards and USB drives for the fast growing digital market. Today, Integral Memory produces a wide range of memory and storage products including; DRAM, Memory Cards, USB Flash Drives, 256-bit Encrypted USBs and Solid-State-Drives (SSD). All our products are warranted and supported. Our Integral LED division builds on our 29 years of experience in technology and semiconductor products. We are meeting the challenge to create a comprehensive range of well-priced, innovative LED products that perform, saving you energy and money, as well as benefiting the environment.
