Cheers - Nov/Dec 2013 (Vol.9)

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Nov/Dec 2013 | 09 brought to you by



Festive fare

Cradle of SA wine

Braai the bird this Christmas

Constantia’s wine valley

Icy cold, rich & gold... REMEMBER LION?


Brush up on the basics





• A Bell’s Whisky summer hamper • A Nespresso coffee machine courtesy of Van Ryn’s brandy • Book Giveaway: Abundance by Marlene van der Westhuizen

contents 19



4 EDITOR’S LETTER Beering up in Oc-sober


The latest in liquor circles

14 TOPS AT SPAR IN SOWETO Wine festival reportback


Fresh supplies of Icon wines

19 CONSTANTIA VALLEY South Africa’s vineyard cradle



Graham Beck wines



TOPS at SPAR’s Johannesburg bierfest

36 LETTING BYGONES BE Memories are made of this

40 WHISKY 101

Starting with the basics

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09 1

contents cont...

44 Publisher | Shayne Dowling Editor | Fiona Mc Donald Art Director | Megan Knox Advertising | Trishka Radyn PR & Promotions | Julia Andrade Photography | Julia Andrade and Contributors | Seamus Allardice, Greg Landman, Clifford Roberts, Charlotte Drummond, Emile Joubert, Anél Potgieter, Gerrit Rautenbach and Tinus van Niekerk

44 BUST OUT THE FISHNET TIGHTS Highlights of the Rocky Horror Show


happy holiday s

50 WRAPPED IN A BOW A few festive gift ideas

Head Office | Cape Town Tel: 021 685 0285 Suite WB03 Tannery Park 23 Belmont Road, Rondebosch, 7700 Postal Address: PO Box 259, Rondebosch, 7701 Printing | Paarl Media Cape Published by | Integrated Media for TOPS at SPAR


53 WIN:


54 THINGAMAJIGS Glasses & gadgets




than 13 December 2013. The Prize/s is as indicated,



Walking the talk: pedestrian safety

Try this at home


What’s forthcoming in Issue 10

win a copy of Abundance

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

Entrepo 021 448 2240 & Utique 076 206 2659

Emile’s take on turkey

Vamping up the simple sandwich

Abundance by Marlene van der Westhuizen



SPAR Good Living items are available at your nearest TOPS at SPAR and SPAR outlets. and

a bumper hamper from Bell’s


TOPS at SPAR | Jess Tivers, Group Promotions & Advertising Manager - Liquor

71 GROCERY LIST What to buy

72 LOOPDOP Army daze in die Noordkaap

Competition submissions should reach us no later no alternatives or cash will be provided. Six months’ supply equates to one case of product per month. The decision of Integrated Media will be final and no correspondence will be entered into. Under no circumstances shall Integrated Media, TOPS at SPAR, SPAR or its appointed representatives and the prize donors be liable to anyone who enters these Prize Draws for an indirect or consequential loss howsoever arising which may be suffered in relation to the Prize Draws. By entering these competitions you make yourself subject to receiving promotional information. Entrants are deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions. Prize Draw Rules: The prize draw is only open to consumers who must be over 18 years of age and resident in South Africa. Employees of Integrated Media and TOPS at SPAR, SPAR and their respective advertising, media and PR agencies, as well as the family members, consultants, directors, associates and trading partners of such organisations and persons are ineligible for the draw.

140 BBDO_808409_E


Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18.



Fiona McDonald


In 1981 a group of South African mercenaries led by Colonel “Mad Mike” Hoare attempted an abortive coup of the Seychelles. Their cover was as a tour group ‒ the Ancient Order of Froth Blowers...


here might have been drama

tradition which continues to this day.

Botha airport as the hijacked

area may be consumed and all must

aplenty at Durban’s Louis

Air India Boeing touched down with the mercenaries aboard, but fortunately they didn’t give beer drinking a bad name!

Only beer brewed within the Munich conform to the Rheinheitsgebot or German beer purity laws.

Beer itself is an ancient drink with the

October has come and gone, and with it

Romans having enjoyed it more than

celebrate the brewing of ale, lager,

its life cycle as a form of low beer before

the many festivals held countrywide to

two thousand years ago. Whisky starts

Don’t miss out!

undergoing its double distillation

Cape Town: Newlands Brewery

safer to drink than water…

contains an article on responsibility – in

celebrating in September while Cape

TOPS at SPAR festival was the chance

issue of pedestrian road fatalities or foetal

November. Once again thousands of

seasonal products. These are beers not

weissbier and stout.

The biggest beerfest is the TOPS at

SPAR event at Montecasino in

Johannesburg. Durban jumped the gun, Town enjoys its festival a week into

thirsty patrons thronged the venue to

enjoy the gemutlichheit of the German Oktoberfest tradition.

It’s not just about drinking huge

draughts of golden nectar; there’s a celebration of culture as well. That

process. In the middle ages beer was One of the biggest draws to the local

for patrons to sample specially brewed available at any other time of the year

7 - 10 November

some way, shape or form, even if it’s the

alcohol syndrome. So this movement gets a big thumbs up from us.

We, too, will be supporting

– or at any venue other than the bierfest.

OcSOBER and sincerely hope that this

skill of their brewers, as well as to give

public gets behind in a big way.

SA Breweries do this to demonstrate the these malt-meisters a chance to do

is a movement which the South African And finally congratulations to the

something different.

TOPS at SPAR team for their efforts in

ing a tuft of goat hair (Tirolerhüte) to the

fledgling movement for the month of

customers. TOPS at SPAR was

pretty dirndl skirts worn by the servers, as

Just as over the past three years November

extends from the funny felt hats contain-

leather trousers – or lederhosen – and the well as to the bratwurst, eisbein, sauerkraut and pretzels consumed too.

History reflects that the world’s

biggest bierfest – the Munich

Oktoberfest – has its roots in the

marriage of Crown Prince Ludwig to Princess Therese in October 1810.

Naturally there was a huge party to

celebrate – and it’s become an annual 4

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

But one more thing to celebrate is the

October to take on additional significance. has gained traction as MOvember – a time for men to grow mustaches in order to

demonstrate their hairy upper lip support for cancer awareness – so October is becoming known as OcSOBER.

As you know, promoting the responsible

use of alcohol is something that TOPS at

SPAR and Cheers takes very seriously. We ensure that each issue of the magazine

bringing unique wines to SPAR

recognised with a double gold and gold medal at the annual Veritas awards for the Olive Brook Le Geminus

Sauvignon Blanc Sémillon 2010 and Mirabilis MCC bubbly.

Cheers to that! Fiona

Fiona McDonald is a trained journalist who has spent the last 20 years writing about wine ‒ and more recently, about whisky too.


news news news news IN VINO VERITAS

Potstill brandies won seven double


Translated from Latin, in vino veritas

golds, with Distell’s Van Ryn’s accounting

One of the signs that summer is on the

means: in wine [there is] truth. Just

for three of them.

way is when consumption of Sauvignon

But the best news at the

Blanc starts to take over from the more

show was judged in Paarl and of the 1 792

awards ceremony for TOPS

hearty red wines that winter demands.

wines and brandies judged, just 68 were

at SPAR was the news that

And a consumer favourite is Du Toitskloof

deemed worthy of the ultimate accolade

the Olive Brook Mirabilis

‒ which was just recognised with a gold for

‒ a Veritas double gold medal.

recently the annual South African wine

MCC 2009 was awarded

the 2013 vintage at prestigious German

Top performer was the KWV ‒ for the

one of only five gold

wine competition, Mundusvini.

second year in a row ‒ with four double

medals and the Olive

golds and 13 individual gold medals across

Brook Le Geminus

Du Toitskloof winery is need look no

their wine and brandy portfolio. Nederburg

Sauvignon Blanc/

further than a short journey through the

followed close behind, also with four

Semillon 2010 won the

Huguenot tunnel separating Paarl from

double gold medals but just nine golds.

only double gold

Worcester. It’s in the beautiful Breedekloof,

medal for a white

near the wide river of the same name ‒


the Breede river ‒ and is backed by

Cabernet Sauvignon again showed why it rules the roost as king of the red grapes

Anyone wanting to know where

with eight double golds, a feat matched

majestically rocky mountains which

only by the red blend and Sauvignon Blanc

were decked with snow a few times this

category. Chardonnay won six double gold

past winter. The 2013 Du Toitskloof Sauvignon Blanc

and Shiraz and Pinotage five each.

is described as “a complex, beautifully


Lovers of unusual whisky will welcome the news that the ultra-quirky, left-field Scotch Monkey Shoulder will soon be available on the shelf in South Africa.

balanced wine which fills the

This is one malt whisky which has taken the rule book and ripped it up, challenging convention and all the stereotypes that people who love whisky are stuffy, boring and wear tweed jackets with leather elbow patches! Monkey Shoulder is a triple-distilled Scotch whisky with is rich, smooth, mellow and simultaneously fun-loving and free-spirited. It’s great in cocktails or long drinks but works equally well on its own. And the name? Well, apparently that’s linked to an old tale about distillery workers who used to have to spend hours and hours turning tons of malting barley

litchi, ending in a

sometimes lead to repetitive stress injuries

lingering crisp finish”.

Consequently, the arm would hang down ‒ a bit like a chimpanzee. Maltsters would often call this affliction ‘monkey shoulder‘ ‒ and hence the quirky title for the tipple. Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

gooseberry, pear and

with shovels. The back-breaking task used to and sore shoulders in particular.


mouth with hints of

Lovely on its own, it is even better when paired with cured meats, prawns, sushi and light chicken dishes.

what’s happening

news news news news ISLAND STYLING

Luxurious yachts on azure blue seas speak of the jet set lifestyle ‒ and it’s something the marketing folks at Mainstay want consumers to desire.

the world, won gold at the


International Wine & Spirit

It took just one year after the

Competition in 2006, 2007 and 2010 as

wine made its debut for

well as gold at the Concours Mondial.

Tamboerskloof Katharien

The new Mainstay 54 Island is an

Syrah Rosé to start making

extra-pure super-premium vodka that is

waves, not for what’s

distilled five times! It’s aimed at a young,

inside the bottle, but

carefree, adventurous and free-spirited

what’s on the outside!

As brand manager Kurt Hermanus said

market which aspires to “escaping the

This beautiful pink

recently: “Sociability is key in

day-to-day humdrum routine.”

everything that Mainstay espouses,

Hermanus said Mainstay took pride

wine was awarded a silver medal for the best designed

from the beautifully natural,

in “always offering something new and

Rosé at the international

sophisticated dream escape that our

exciting” ‒ and that’s why the beautiful

Harpers Design Awards 2013,

television commercials showcase, to

blue bottle stands out on the shelf.

one of only two medals

Extending the options available to

awarded in this category,

and activations that South Africans will

their growing band of followers are the

the other being a bronze.

witness over the next few months.”

three new Mainstay Fusion variants ‒

the spirited, adventure-filled parties

The label is elegant in its

also in the iconic bottle. Exotic Fusion is a

simplicity and characteristic understatement

Mainstay’s new product, 54 Island

blend of the Mainstay spirit with

‒ hand crafted, printed, torn and each one is

vodka along with Mainstay Fusion.

coconut, coffee and vanilla while the

individually (and lovingly!) stuck on the

Tropical Fusion has mango and other

bottle by hand. The label pays tribute to the

to blow its trumpet ‒ after all, it’s

tropical fruits. Island Fusion has a hint of

only daughter in the family, Katharien, and

already been judged the best vodka in

hazelnut and spices added to the blend.

it’s this name which appears on the label

And the parties are all to launch

The original Mainstay doesn’t need

rather than the more traditional vintage statement. The image of a girl playing a clarinet on the neck tag is that of a sculpture made by her maternal grandmother, further reinforcing the family connections and intimacy of the product. “The Tamboerskloof Katharien design was rewarded for what was a simple, but expertly executed label. Clean, clear and just very inviting”, wrote the judges in their summation. And the wine? That’s pretty good too, with lovely mixed berry flavours on the palate that makes it great for accompanying fresh summer salads, salmon, prawns or chicken, even quiche, cheeses and sushi. Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09 7


ews news news RESPONSIBILITY

REWARDED Judges described the beverage as “like

the real thing” and consequently awarded it

There are many folks who wish to participate in seasonal festivities ‒ or any festivities for that matter ‒ but don’t necessarily feel the need to imbibe alcohol to have a good time. J.C. Le Roux, the specialist bubbly producer from Stellenbosch, has just been recognized by the annual SA Food Review for introducing the J.C. Le Roux Le Domaine non-alcoholic sparkling wine.

the top prize in the New Product category as well as the prize for best overall product. J.C. Le Roux Le Domaine non-alcoholic has all the crisp freshness and fizzy sparkle of a bubbly ‒ just without the alcohol. Brand manager Lucindi-Jane Branfield


Earlier this year there were headlines across all media channels worldwide about the

said being crowned the overall winner

plight of workers on South African wine

proves they were on the right track when

and fruit farms.

they set out to create a wine for consumers

Paarl wine farm Fairview has long been

who wanted to have fun without “missing

acknowledged as one of the most ethical

out on Le Good Life”.

and progressive farms around with regard

As the overall winner, the wine will now

to labour practices. Provision of better

head to Paris, France where it will compete

housing, schooling, creche’s and more all

with other products at SIAL, the world’s

form part of what Fairview does.

largest food innovation marketplace which will be attended by roughly 150 000 visitors!

STANDING OUT Being stacked shoulder to shoulder,

So it’s something of a surprise that Fairview has only now adopted Fairtrade certification for their wines. The ranges made by this progressive Paarl operation

shelf upon shelf, makes it hard for individual bottles and brands to really

include Goats do Roam, La Capra, Fairview

stand out distinctly and yell “pick me!” at the browsing shopper!

and sister operation, Spice Route.

Which is why Pernod Ricard embarked on a revamp of its Ballantine’s Finest whisky. The bold new-look bottle is available in South Africa in time for Christmas and hopefully achieves standout status. The label is chevron-shaped and echoes the iconic wings of the historic Ballantine’s Finest label, giving the bottle a more dynamic, eye-catching appeal. The brand’s crest has also been amped up and

Fairtrade accreditation will allow Fairview to further build upon its existing social accountability projects, bringing further benefit and upliftment to the surrounding farming community. South Africa leads the world in

given a few steroids while the seal has been simplified ‒ with the

Fairtrade wine, producing two-thirds of

designer believing in the ‘less is more’ mantra.

the 21.8 million accredited bottles sold

“The Ballantine’s Finest bottle has changed very little over the years,” said Pernod Ricard in the media release, “but we

in 2012. “We welcome the addition of

recognised a need for the look to be updated to offer our

Fairview wines to the Fairtrade offering

customers a stunning bottle that delivers stand-out on

both locally and internationally, and

shelf. We wanted to ensure that our new design stayed

most importantly the benefits that it

true to our proud heritage and identified with our loyal customers, whilst also being seen as a contemporary, vibrant brand, and we’re delighted with the final result”. 8

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

will afford the farm workers, their families and communities,” said Arianna Baldo, business manager of Fairtrade Label

what’s happening

news news news news South Africa. The current 20 certified South Africa wine producers extend over 64 farms and employ 2 419 farm workers. “In 2012, a total of over R8.1 million was received by Fairtrade certified farms in South Africa and 165 projects were implemented. The funds used for the implementation of social projects directly benefitted 8 532 recipients and indirect beneficiaries are estimated to be over 42 000,” Baldo said. The Goats Do Roam 2013 range will be the first wines produced from Fairtrade certified grapes. A percentage of the funds generated from the sale of these wines will be put into various community development projects, benefitting upwards of 450 people.


news news news news FROM LITTLE ACORNS...

Stellenbosch is one of South Africa’s most historic towns, arguably the fulcrum of the

Generations of Matie students have whiled away happy hours on Lanzerac’s stoep, drinking Rosé and other wines. Winemaker Wynand Lategan and his

local wine industry and yet it retains its

team wanted to recapture the spirit of the

charm as a university town too.

60s and 70s heydays by launching the

Lanzerac estate’s history, which extends

Lanzerac Alma Mater range of wines ‒ in


Those slow moving elephants which star in the Amarula advert, picking the Marula fruit at their ripest, are smart beasties ‒ because they know a good thing when they see it! Amarula is the only South African

from 1692, is inextricably linked with that

the same iconic teardrop bottle. There’s a

brand to be included in Impact

of the Eikestad ‒ and is the birthplace of

white (mainly Chenin Blanc), red (Shiraz-

Databank’s list of the world’s Top 100

the first bottled Pinotage in 1959.

driven blend) and rosé (Shiraz and Malbec)

premium spirits brands in terms of

and in all of them the emphasis is on fruit and drinkability. “We’re very excited and proud of the

volumes sold. To be considered, a brand must sell more than one million nine-litre cases a year. Amarula occupies the number

Alma Mater range,” said Lategan who

81 slot on the highly regarded list.

believes the wines will be popular with

Earlier this year Amarula was also

the older and younger generation alike.

identified as the seventh most frequently requested liqueur amongst the world’s top style bars by Drinks International magazine. Global marketing spokesperson Siobhan Thompson said Amarula’s edge in the competitive global market was the unique flavour of tangy marula fruit. She said the brand, distributed to


over 100 countries worldwide, was

in the world, awarded at the 2013 World Whisky Awards. In the past few

elephants, highlighted in

months it added a gold medal from the International Wine & Spirit

much of the brand’s

Competition for the fourth consecutive year as well as a gold and best in


Bain’s Cape Mountain whisky proudly holds the title of the best grain whisky

class performance at the International Spirits Challenge in London. Made from just three ingredients ‒ water, yeast and grain ‒ the whisky is anything but simple, owing its complexity and flavour to the

also distinctive for its immediate association with Africa and

“The authenticity of Amarula’s origins, its romantically exotic provenance and the

skill of the distillers at the James Sedgwick distillery in Wellington. And

fact that marulas are

the American oak casks which used to contain Bourbon in which the

loved by elephants

spirit is matured for three years.

and other animals

The whisky is exceptionally smooth with toffee, floral and vanilla aromas softened by sweet, spicy undertones. It takes its name from Andrew Geddes Bain who was a pioneering road builder and was the man responsible for the superb engineering which resulted in the Bain’s Kloof Pass linking Wellington with the interior of South Africa in 1853. 10

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

of the wild, lend it a very special allure.”

World’s Best Grain Whisky.

Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18.


Awarded The


news news news news Right: Colin Patterson Marketing Director at SPAR Western Cape for TOPS at SPAR with Spier Winemaker and Guild Cellarmaster Frans Smit and Ernie Els Winemaker Louis Strydom.


The Cape Winemakers Guild is one of two high profile wine auctions held in South Africa every


It’s said that a good man is hard to find, but the popular whisky brand Bell’s found a ‘good guy’ ‒ and rewarded him with R1 million. The nationwide in-store promotion and radio campaign called upon Bell’s whisky drinkers to nominate someone they knew who embodied the core values of the whisky brand: respect, honesty, selflessness, perseverance, compassion and responsibility. After hearing the nominees stories, Metro FM listeners were called upon to vote for their favourite candidates. Nirmal of

year, the other being the Nederburg auction. The SPAR Group featured prominently at both the CWG and Nederburg yet again this year. Colin Patterson of The SPAR Group Western Cape wielded his auction paddle with aplomb and put in the winning bid of R60 000 for a one-of-a-kind 18-litre bottle of wine ‒ a new record. The wine, a unique blend of the top wines from all 45 members of the Guild, was part of the Charity segment of the auction and raises funds for the Guild’s Protégé Programme. Records tumbled all round with R199 100 raised for the programme and a bumper auction total of R8.4 million reached for the wines on offer ‒ 46% up on the previous year’s sales. September’s Nederburg Auction saw the volumes of wine available drop from 25 444 litres to 12 426 litres but The SPAR Group also played a significant role, being the single biggest local buyer. The SPAR Group group snapped up R673 360 worth of wine. Two of the highlights of the Nederburg auction were R22 000 paid for just three bottles

Pretoria was put forward by his brother-in-

of Zonnebloem Cabernet Sauvignon 1973 ‒ or R9 778 per bottle while three bottles of

law Shunil ‒ and won the listeners approval

Chateau Libertas 1940 went for R14 000. Vinous treasures indeed!

by being the kind of guy who put his community and their needs above his. “I was taken aback when I heard that my brother-in-law held me in such high regard,” Nirmal said when hearing the news. The award was utterly unexpected. Shunil said the nomination was a “no-brainer” for him. “I’ve always admired his humility, generosity and selflessness, so when I heard of what

Outgoing Distell MD Jan Scannell pronounced himself very happy with the outcome which saw average price per litre attained rise quite dramatically even though the volumes of wine available were smaller.


It’s not often a cellarmaster recommends something as mundane as a

toasted sandwich to pair with a wine ‒ but that’s precisely what Michael Bucholz of Obikwa does with this fun and funky range of wines. Like the ostrich on the label, he’s not afraid to stick his neck out. His

constituted a Bell’s Man of Character, he was

point is that these are approachable wines for everyday drinking ‒ and the

the obvious choice for me.”

sandwiches, of course, are as gourmet as you want them to be! Instead of

Bell’s Brand manager, Thandeka

using ham and cheese ‒ make it Parma ham and Gruyere, for example.

Ngqumeya said they were delighted with

“As a simple solution for a no fuss, yet delicious dinner, I recommend

the public response to the positive values

serving OBiKWA Cabernet Sauvignon with scrumptious toasted sandwiches.

campaign. “Having followed the stories

A filling of Portobello mushrooms with garlic, thyme and Taleggio cheese

closely, it was encouraging to see that

will work its magic on this fruit forward wine,” was Bucholz’s suggestion.

there are so many South Africans who are contributing to the upliftment of our nation, one individual at a time.” 12

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

And the wine was recently awarded a Silver, best in class, medal from the International Wine & Spirits Competition ‒ one of the most respected in the world.

Wine festival

Top row, from left: Mixing it up as only TOPS at SPAR can, DJs Fang da Rhythm; Festival MC and actress Hlubi Mboya with Soweto-born councillor Ruby Mathang and Metro FM DJ and Idols judge Unathi Msengana– and branding is everything, with the future of wine in Soweto looking bright with TOPS at SPAR’s support – especially if patrons utilise the buying guide. Bottom row, from left: An energetic dance and music set from d’lons performers; TOPS at SPAR’s display and Nederburg’s bold yet inviting stand.

September is the month in which South Africans mark the return of spring, and celebrate a day of leisure with Heritage and Braai Day – but it’s also when the annual TOPS at SPAR Soweto Wine Festival is held in Johannesburg.


Vino Soweto

ts physical location – to the southwest

and lifestyle festival, now in its ninth year.

tantalising, diverse and full of flavour and

of the greater city of Johannesburg – is

The brainchild of Cape Wine Academy

we’re pleased to be helping to educate

what gave Soweto its name, an

principal Marilyn Cooper, the event was

people within the Soweto region by

abbreviation for South Western Township

held at the University of Johannesburg

showcasing the best of the best that the

– which it was at the turn of the 20th

campus on the first weekend in September

country has to offer,” he said.

Century when gold had just been

and was once again an unparalleled success

discovered on the Witwatersrand.

with thousands of enthusiastic festivalgoers

Gauteng Area Manager Dave Noble lauded

attending the three night event.

the sell-out show. “If we look at the trend of

Nowadays, however, it’s a vibrant urban

Headline sponsor, TOPS at SPAR’s

growth of this festival in the long run – and

destination which was once home to two

Just shy of 9 000 attendees walked

Nobel peace laureates in Nelson Mandela

through the doors of the event which

the increase in consumption in South

and Archbishop Desmond Tutu – a unique

enjoyed a higher profile this year due to the

African since its launch, it’s the right thing

attraction which draws tourists from the

backing of both Food Network and the

to do and the right place to be.

world over to Vilakazi street where they

Travel Channel, which senior vice president

once lived.

of content and marketing in the UK, Nick

see the variety of wines on offer. Going

Thorogood said was “exciting”.

forward, TOPS at SPAR will work with the

A firm fixture on Soweto’s social calendar is the annual TOPS at SPAR Soweto wine 14

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

“South African wine and food is

“It was a great success and a delight to

organisers and the industry to encourage


Top row, from left: Elda and Geraint Crwys-Williams, Lettie Geng, Sbongile Mataboge, Thembi Makwale and a bird’s eye view of the festival. Centre row, from left: Thuli and Nqubile enjoying a Nederburg Wine and Food Pairing Class, The Muffins left-handed guitarist handled the vocals too while Tatiana Miron and Laura Laguirce of the French Embassy took to a couch. Bottom row, from left: Chilling in the VIP area; wine lovers in arms, Mnikelo Mangciphu and Marilyn Cooper, co-founders of the festival, Lerato Matolu and Revonia Molelekwa.

inspirational. “It was bloody brilliant!,” he

festival is an integral part of Joburg

said. “It was another rocking evening at the

Tourism’s destination marketing strategy,

TOPS at SPAR are so bullish about is that

TOPS at SPAR Soweto wine fest. The

serving to showcase Joburg from a lifestyle

there is a noticeable change in the wine

enthusiasm and interest in wine is just so

and leisure perspective and positioning it

preferences of Soweto consumers –

refreshing and honest – and I love it!”

as the continent’s most exciting

even more of the right wineries to exhibit.” One of the points which Noble and

something echoed by organiser

On a more serious note, the head of

metropolitan centre.” Strategic or not, the fact remains that

Marilyn Cooper. When the event was first

Joburg Tourism, Phelisa Mangcu said it was

hosted eight years ago there was a

events such as this that were crucial in

thousands of people had a good time,

noticeable demand for sweeter wines –

promoting Soweto – as well as an

tasting a huge variety of different wines

but this has changed and long-time

important tool to attract more events. “The

and socialising with gusto – all under the

festivalgoers now demand drier and more

TOPS at SPAR Soweto wine and lifestyle

TOPS at SPAR banner.

noticeably oaked wines.

TOPS at SPAR Wine Festival “It’s the right thing to do and the right place to be.”

Masterchef South Africa judge Pete Goffe-Wood presented a number of food and wine pairing workshops which were hugely popular, something he found

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09 15

Tinus talks


New vintage Icon wines

le AvailabAR P S m o r f PS and TO R A P at S stores

There are five levels to the SPAR private label wine portfolio. Carnival featured in last issue, represents the bag-in-box range and is marketed in three and five litre variants, while e the glass wines are offered Call th LINE T O H in the “Sweetspot” 1.5 litre, and the “Prestige”, TOPS 31“Pinnacle” 3 141 0860 and “Icon Collections”, all sold in 750ml format.


y focus this issue is on the five

and juice stemming from five selected vineyard

Sauvignon Blanc sites, together

wines which make up the Icon

sites located within five to 10 kilometre from

representing 52%, and 48%

Collection. All five are blended

either the Atlantic or Indian Ocean. In fact, with

Sémillon that was barrel matured for

wines, whether these be between vineyards

the Optimus, juice blending commenced from

18 months in second-fill French oak.

‒ where the life of a good wine actually

a selection of the fruit from more than 20

Layering blending was done for both the

begins ‒ between grape varietals, tanks,

different vineyards. These single vineyard

Sémillon and the Sauvignon Blanc.

barrels, or vintages. The Méthode Cap

wines are prepared independently and kept in

Classique wine called Mirabilis (meaning

separate tanks throughout, with the juice

producing and utilising quality fruit only.

“ultimate”) was released three months ago,

blending initiative conducted from a very early

Bunches and berries were meticulously

the vintage is 2009 and it’s a blend of 80%

stage. After blending, the final wine was kept

selected with a close eye kept on fruit and

Chardonnay and 20% Pinot Noir. The wine

on the (fine) lees in tank for just over 14 months

juice colour, the ratio between berry flesh

was disgorged at the end of January 2013,

‒ a much longer period than the norm for

or sap and skin, and the ideal degree of

and has been received with huge enthusiasm

Sauvignon Blanc in South Africa or elsewhere

ripeness. Scrupulous wine chemistry is

and compliment within the SPAR trade.

in the wine world. The wine was then left in

essential and correct cellar management

To create Le Geminus the focus was on

bottle for six months prior to its release. These

was the order of the day to ensure that the

comprises four still wines, one red and

nurturing stages allowed for the development

wine achieved the ideal IA index readings

three white, all singularly unique in style

of a labyrinth of complex aromas and flavours

and generous mouthfeel, and to ensure a

and handcrafted for immediate enjoyment,

in the wine.

perfect blend of vinous and oak flavours.

The balance of the Icon wines portfolio

or to be patiently savoured over years of

The first impression on the palate is

The wine has great luminosity with a

bottle ageing allowing for the wines to

textural; that of a creaminess that is followed

crisp lemony colour. It portrays fresh and

arrive at their apogee of complexity.

by good florality and white fruit, underpinned

complex aromas reminiscent of fine white

by variations of lemon, gooseberry and

flowers and white fruits with a marvellous

mushy peas. The wine is rich and multi-

lift of creaminess and subtle wood

layered, fresh and tense with great flavour

impressions, accentuated by delicate green

definition, concentration and intensity, and a

aromas, dry herbs, red grapefruit and apple

remarkable density of fruit weight.

freshness. There is great intensity and

The 2011 Optimus (meaning “the best”) is a 100% Sauvignon Blanc with the final fruit

Tinus van Niekerk is TOPS at SPAR’s wine consultant and has been instrumental in refining the grocery chain’s wine offering. But wine is not the only thing that fascinates this Northern Cape-bred nature lover. He’s as au fait with bush lore, animal behaviour and geology as he is about wine.


Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

Le Geminus 2011 with “Geminus”

concentration, supported by richness and

referring to “the two best” is a Bordeaux-

ample fruit flesh and creamy fat on the

style white blend that comprises a

mid-palate ending with good precision and

percentage of the Optimus Sauvignon

flavour depth and length. An elegant wine

Blanc, some other components of selected

loaded with finesse, it will age well.

Tinus van Niekerk

The balance of the Icon wines portfolio comprises four still wines, one red and three white, all singularly unique in style and handcrafted for immediate enjoyment

Olive Brook Quintette 2011 is the Bordeaux-style red blend which was the first in the range. Created from selected grapes

with the velvety tannins exhibiting layers of

with Merlot (29%) predominating, followed

texture intermixed with hints of pencil

layers of appealing white fruit on the nose,

by Cabernet Sauvignon (25%), Petit Verdot

shavings and currants. There is weight,

it is embellished by refined notes of almond

(24%), Cabernet Franc (15%)and Malbec

richness, flavour concentration and

and lemon and hints of figs and wax. On

(7%). The universal attraction of a Bordeaux-

cohesion, underscored with good substance

the palate the fruit is intense and vital, with

style red wine blend lies in the fact that

and depth with compelling fruit purity, and

a big core of tangy grapefruit, lemony

enjoying a classic such as this is both an

a highly nuanced many-faceted finish.

natural acidity and a dense, ethereal,

intellectual and emotional experience ‒

Olive Brook Crafter’s Choice

Luminous in appearance with bountiful

concentrated creaminess, playing against

hedonistic perhaps. It can be drunk early,

Sémillon 2012 is a newcomer to the Olive

discreet, well-handled oak, and ending in a

kept for years, it is easy to enjoy, consumer

Brook Icon wine portfolio ‒ and because of

long, rich, complex finish. There is an overall

friendly, fruity and wonderfully complex.

limited quantities, this first release will only

elegance and completion.

The components were individually barrel

be available in selected stores. The Sémillon

matured after which the final blend was

from single vineyard in Stellenbosch. Bunch

crafted. Wood maturation took place in a

and berry selection are done, 80%

combination of new and second fill 225 litre

fermented in barrels with the total

French oak barrels for a period of 20 months.

maturation in French oak lasting for 18

The wine requires time to fully evince its

months. Part of this Sémillon is employed

complete aromatic and flavour profile and

for blending into Le Geminus.

the anticipated maturity is 2014-2030.

While Sémillon is acknowledged as one

The wine is opaque with an aromatic

of the noblest of all white grape varieties,

signature of blackberry, dark plum, black

invariably blended with its time-honoured

olive and crushed flowers, accentuated by

companion Sauvignon Blanc, it remains

wafts of sweet cherry and cassis,

relatively unfashionable and perhaps the

encapsulated by subtle oak impressions. It

most underrated white grape variety in

has a composed style with no hard edges,

terms of quality delivery.

Tinus’ tips:

These SPAR Icon wines are handcrafted

to age well in bottle provided the storage conditions are optimum.

• Serve the dry white wines, Optimus, Le Geminus and Crafter’s Choice

Sémillon cool, rather than chilled.

• Allow for ample breathing time for all

four the table wines, preferably decant.

• The wines are without exception ideal food wines.

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09 17

Wine route Constantia

The country’s first vineyards were planted on the slopes of the Constantiaberg and the father of South African winemaking, Simon van der Stel, established Groot Constantia’s fabled reputation. Greg Landman reviews the many offerings of the area.

Cradle of wine C

ape Town is one of the very few cities in the world to have a major wine route virtually on its doorstep.

Within an easy 20 minute drive from the centre of the city are leafy and very expensive suburbs, world class restaurants, fabulous shopping, brilliant golfing, and some superb wine farms. It’s the oldest

vineyard area in the country, wine having been made here since the late 17th Century. Don’t be confused by all the different places with Constantia in their names – they all have their very own, unique charms.

In 1685, Cape Governor Simon Van der Stel was granted the land—almost the whole valley—by a friend

of his in The Dutch East India Company. It’s believed that in appreciation he ostensibly named his farm after the friend’s daughter who was called Constanza. When he died in 1712 leaving no heirs at the Cape (his son Willem Adriaan having been sent back to the Netherlands in disgrace in 1708…), the farm was divided in

three and sold off. In 1778 Hendrik Cloete bought one of the three pieces and soon developed the growing of vines even further, contributing significantly to what we see at Groot Constantia today. The Cloete family owned Groot Constantia when its wines were famous all over the world, even being demanded by Napoleon Bonaparte in exile on faraway St Helena island. Beau Constantia

Groot Constantia

Klein Constantia Buitenverwachting

to Hout Bay

Eagles Nest High Constantia Wine Cellar

Rd Steenberg



Cons Klein


he at

M3 to Cape Town







Constantia Valley



Firgrove Rd


a Sp

Steenberg Rd

Constantia Uitsig





pse W

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Constantia Glen

Map not to scale

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09 19

Wine route

Being one of the finest examples of Cape Dutch architecture still standing, a visit here is a must.

Steeped in history and packed full of character, the views down the vineyards to the distant sea are a delight. The magnificent gables were probably

designed by famed architect Anton Anreith and

Groot Constantia

have been carefully preserved. Various cellar tours

are available as are tastings of their world famous wines. The range is large, but the staff is expert at guiding you through it all. There are two restaurants, Jonkershuis,

which serves typical, and delicious, bistro food with many examples of Malay cuisine, and Simon’s, a tad more

formal. Both of them serve al fresco meals when the weather is fine, and there are few experiences more

enjoyable than sitting outside under the ancient oak trees indulging yourself. Jonkershuis is open for breakfast,

lunch, and dinner. It’s best to visit as early as possible in order to avoid the hordes of tourists, especially during

summer, but whenever you go, you will be assured of an experience to remember.

Klein Constantia This is where you will find the famous, and much

awarded, Vin De Constance, the favourite of European Kings and Emperors and writers like Jane

Austen. Made solely from Muscat grapes, it is still sold in its iconic antique bottle. The other

wines are formidable as well, no expense having been spared to make this a destination to seek out. The tasting room is big and airy, just the place to spend a few lazy hours, and some

money. In addition to the Estate Range, the KC range is more user friendly and value for money

without sacrificing quality. Rest assured, you will find something to suit your taste and pocket,

including an excellent Spirit of Constantia husk brandy, deliciously smooth and clear.


Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09


High Constantia Wine Cellar When you’re done with all that elegance and

want to take a trip down the lane, literally, into the past, go here for excellent handcrafted

wines made by David Van Niekerk. The reds in particular are delicious, especially the one

he calls Sebastiaan, a five varietal Bordeaux style blend, but the others are worthy

contenders, and very well priced. Take home a case or two – they will last,

made as they are for the long haul.

Also take a look, if they have it, at the Clos André Méthode Cap Classique, a classic Pinot/ Chardonnay bubbly,

aromatic and fresh, with a nice tight

bead.Top end prices are quite hefty but these are wines made in small

quantities for a niche market and consequently very special.

Beau Constantia At the top of the Nek, just before you begin the

descent to Hout Bay, you will find the new kid on the block. In Constantia terms, this place – which has

only been open for a year – is a mere pup, but well

Eagles Nest

worth a visit. Eschewing all attempts at gables and

things, this elegant, modern structure has glass walls

and views to die for, looking from high up down into the Valley and over False Bay. Huge vineyards

recently replanted by the Du Preez family farm

manager, Japie Bronn, run high up the mountain as

This airy tasting room is perched overlooking a large

far as 350 meters above sea level on very precipitous

clearing in a forest. Generous picnic baskets for two

range of wines called Pas De Nom (No Name) and

grassy space surrounded by trees – almost like a

slopes. He’s rewarded for his trouble by having a

can be pre-booked at R350 including a bottle of wine

his stylised image on the label. The tasting room has a

cheeses, salads, sliced biltong and so on. Remember

one to throw off all inhibitions and enjoy the wines in

The wines have won plenty of awards locally and

change weekly), five wines and canapés at R145 – a

to be enjoyed on the grass. In the hamper are meats, to bring your own picnic blankets and a sun brolly.

relaxing outside area with easy chairs to encourage situ. They also have a canapé pairing (which will

internationally and are priced from R55 for the Little

great idea. If it all gets too much for you, there’s a spa

sensuous Shiraz, deep, dark, and delicious.

warning though: be aware that there is a steep set of

Eagle Merlot Rosé to R225 for their fabulously

on site, where you can be really pampered. A word of stairs to be negotiated to and from the tasting room. Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09 21

Wine route

Constantia Glen Here you will find a small range of excellent premium wines

with the ubiquitous panoramic “view” all around, as far as the

eye can see. If heights bother you, take care you sit inside, as one knows how a bird feels when visiting here. The reds are called

Three and Five, denoting the number of grape varieties used in the composition of the blends. They are serious wines, with

plenty of dark red berry flavours supported by the judicious use

of oak, really delicious. The Constantia Glen Two is a Semillon/ Sauvignon Blanc blend, lightly wooded and delightfully fresh.

The Sauvignon Blanc is full of ripe fruit flavours which it delivers with a dry, but not mouth puckering, panache.


Horses crop contentedly in the paddocks as you drive up to their famous restaurant and tasting room. Then you round

a bend to see a flock of nice fat sheep and their gambolling offspring, munching away at the grass on the rugby field. The mood is relaxing in the extreme. But there are other attractions, including a great new coffee house and deli

called Coffee BloC where chef Edgar Osojnik indulges

customers with superb coffees and cakes like Sacher Torte

from his Austrian roots. He is also the chef behind the fine dining restaurant here, a long time favourite with people

who know a good thing when they see it. And then there

are the award-winning wines — made under the sure hand of Hermann Kirschbaum for many years. The selection is large, ranging from elegant Sauvignons Blanc to

sophisticated and complex reds, all fitting partners for the excellent cuisine at the restaurant. Picnics under the trees are a favourite with visitors, and tables and chairs are

provided – so civilised! Obviously booking is necessary. 22

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

Wine route

Steenberg Trying to be all things to all people, and succeeding

brilliantly, is Steenberg’s vastly varied offerings: a very

elegant small hotel with rooms clustered around a grassy

quad ringed by oak trees, a championship golf course, two great restaurants, and multiple superb wines. Why would

you ever want to leave? The range of wines is large, most of

them ranked 4 stars or more in the Platter Wine Guide. Of

special mention is the superb bubbly, the 1682 Chardonnay and the Rosé version thereof. The tasting room has large glass walls that open on to an elegant pond that it shares

with the adjacent restaurant called Bistro 1682, where the

speciality is tapas in its many forms, fish, meat or vegetable,

Constantia Uitsig You would think that a place that is home to three

award-winning restaurants, and a hotel and spa, would have enough on its plate to be going on with, but here the wines are also superb. The whites, especially, are

favourites with consumers and their Cap Classique winemaker André Rousseau’s pet project - is a

knockout. The Constantia Red is a Merlot-driven

Bordeaux style blend, elegant in its own skin, and lovers of dessert wines will enjoy the Red Muscat

d’Alexandrie, very intense but not overpoweringly sweet. A meal at international award-winning

restaurant, La Colombe, is fine dining at its best with

prices to match, the perfect place for a special occasion,

very French. Constantia Uitsig is more relaxed with the cuisine drawing from Mediterranean roots, pastas, the

freshest salads, and delicious desserts. The River Café is on your left as you enter the estate and is a favourite with the ladies who lunch in Constantia. Expect

delicious baked goodies and the best Eggs Benedict in the Valley. Not open in the evenings.


Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

all delicious bite-sized things that go perfectly with wine.

The other restaurant, Catharina’s, is close to the hotel and is light and bright with views down the vineyards, most

appealing. The food prepared by chef Garth Almazan is a

bit more serious but not overwhelmingly expensive. It has

recently been revamped, bringing it nicely into the modern era without altering its charm.

Cocktails courtesy of The Bascule



Sunshine and blue skies, allied with longer days and more leisurely outdoor pursuits call for liquid refreshment. Here are a few cocktail suggestions utilising two delicious fruit juice blends from SPAR ‒ Apple and Blackcurrant and Cranberry.

Cranberry Sparkler

Ginger & Cranberry punch

Blackcurrant Cosmo




30ml SPAR Cranberry Juice

Juice of 1 lime

45ml vodka

1 lime wedge

250ml vodka or gin

30ml SPAR Apple and Blackcurrant Juice

Sparkling wine or Méthode Cap Classique

250ml SPAR Cranberry Juice

15ml Crème de cassis liqueur

Cranberries (optional)

Ginger syrup to taste (see below)

METHOD: Pour the SPAR Cranberry Juice and a squeeze of lime into a chilled glass. Top the glass off with the bubbly. Garnish with cranberries, raspberries or citrus peel ‒ but that’s entirely optional.

Soda water Raspberries (optional)

METHOD: Add all the ingredients into a cocktail shaker with chipped or shaved ice. Mix thoroughly. Strain into a martini glass and

METHOD: Mix together the vodka (or gin depending on your preference) and SPAR Cranberry Juice in a jug. Add the juice of 1 lime and ginger syrup to taste. Pour into highball glasses over ice and top off with soda water. Garnish with a slice of apple and a Call the

blackcurrant or raspberry. TOPS HOTLINE 0860 313 141

garnish with a slice of apple and a blackcurrant or raspberry. Available at TOPS at SPAR and SPAR stores

Available at TOPS at SPAR and SPAR stores


Ginger syrup

INGREDIENTS: 10cm knob of ginger, peeled and roughly chopped, 65g sugar, 375ml water. METHOD: Place all ingredients in a saucepan and simmer until the sugar has dissolved and the ginger flavour has infused the syrup. This usually takes around 15 to 20 minutes. Strain the syrup to remove the ginger and cool thoroughly before use.

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09 25

Cap Classique

life’s a bubble T

he semi-arid scrubland of the

good strong bones capable of coping

Having been appointed to head up the

you’d expect to find a state-of-

Thirty years ago, building one of South

Graham Beck’s foresight in deciding to

Klein Karoo is not somewhere

the-art purpose-built bubbly cellar – but that’s where self-made billionaire and

entrepreneur Graham Beck located his winery 30 years ago, on Madeba farm. It’s a piece of land he bought for an

entirely different purpose: he wanted to establish a horse breeding stud and

Robertson’s soils, rich in limestone, were known to be ideal for raising horses with

with the demands of competitive racing. Africa’s first ever specialist sparkling wine cellars would have seemed like

sheer madness. Yet in 2013, with this

renowned sparkling wine the first choice of the likes of Prince Harry for his

Sentebale Charity fundraiser when he

build a winery – especially one dedicated to bubbly production. “What a

remarkable man, willing to make a huge

investment in an area, based on gut feel,” Ferreira said.

Now acknowledged as a wine region

was in Africa this year as well as Bono of

capable of producing truly remarkable

uncannily smart move to have made.

Robertson was something of a vinous

Irish rock group U2, it seems an

At the time Graham Beck would have

been in his 50’s. Sadly, the gruff-voiced

patriarch died three years ago at the age

of 80 but he lived long enough to see his wines lauded by princes and presidents and covered in accolades.

Pieter Ferreira, the cellarmaster and

one of the country’s foremost proponents of sparkling wine, was still taking small

top quality wines, in the mid-80’s

backwater, disparagingly referred to as being “anderkant die berg” so for the

larger than life character that was Mr

Beck to take such a monumental leap of faith was quite something. Time has proved his gut instinct right – and

Graham Beck Wines is so much more than just a bubbly cellar nowadays.

Ferreira heads up the winemaking

steps in the wine industry at that stage.

team of Erika Obermayer and Pierre de

in 1984 – and by 1987 had worked two

when it comes to red and white wine

He joined Achim von Arnim of Cabriere


sparkling wine cellar in 1990, he lauds

harvests in Champagne, soaking up

knowledge like a sponge, having found his passion for wine with a bubble.

Klerk – both of whom are no slouches

making. Obermayer is acknowledged as one of the most knowledgeable and accomplished Sauvignon Blanc

Sadly, the gruff-voiced patriarch died three years ago but he lived long enough to see his wines lauded by princes and presidents and covered in accolades. 26

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

Graham Beck Wines

It’s been mentioned by name in the most recent James Bond novel, while President-elect Barack Obama chose it to celebrate his historic election victory in 2007 and was used by the Swedish Royal family to mark the nuptials of Princess Madeleine this year. “It” is the bubbly produced by Graham Beck wines. Fiona McDonald reports.

winemakers around, consistently making the honours rolls of various competitions.

Although he appeared something of a

rough diamond, Mr Beck had an abiding affection for modern art – and briefed architect Johan Wessels to break the

mould of winery design. Ferreira said the functionality of the cellar was a tribute to Wessels’ interpretation not only of the winemaker’s ‘wish list’ but also

knowledge of the processes involved in sparkling wine making.

The original plan was for the winery to

be dug into the koppie it currently butts up against – but that scheme had to be changed when the geotechnical survey

was done and they discovered that it was granite. “We would have had to blast away half the koppie,” Ferreira said, which with Beck’s mining nous and know how would not have been a problem but time was the issue.

With its gently curved green roof,

ochre and mauve colour scheme it

shocked traditionalists – but the colours were purposefully selected to mirror

those of the surrounding landscape: the

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09 27

Cap Classique

ochre/russet hues of the Klein Karoo, the

Noir blend, a vintage Rosé that is mainly

the indigenous vygies which bloom in

Chardonnay, the spectacular Brut Zero

green of the fynbos and the purple for spring. Wessels recounted that it was

considered “avant garde” 20 years ago but now sits comfortably in its

surroundings, having been extended

twice to accommodate the increase in

production. It was initially supposed to be a 600 ton winery but now handles 3 000 tons of grapes annually. The

burgeoning consumer demand and thirst

for bubbly has also meant that additional

Pinot Noir with around 20%

2008, a 100% Chardonnay Blanc de Blanc and the Bliss Demi Sec NV.

One wine which needs to be singled

out for individual mention is the Cuvée Clive 2007, the winery’s most exclusive

Bubbly by any name

Méthode Cap Classique is the name given to South African sparkling wine made the

space is needed to mature the sparkling

same way that Champagne is. Because of French wine laws, only sparkling wine

Graham Beck Wines is renowned for.

Champagne. So, although made in precisely the same manner, and still filled with

Méthode Cap Classique Producer’s

The method is ostensibly simple. A still wine is made by fermenting grapes with

wine made in the traditional French

more yeast to encourage a second ferment. This time, however, instead of taking

aged on its lees (dead yeast cells) for a

process of fermentation means that the yeast feeds on any available sugars within

bottling and release.

by-product ‒ but the gas has nowhere to escape, being trapped inside the sealed

(who has the nickname of Bubbles…)

bottle is generally around 6 to 7 atmospheres ‒ or two to three times the pressure

wine for years at a time – something

According to the guidelines of the

made in the geographical region of Champagne, north of Paris, can be called millions of bubbles, there’s a play on the French word for Cape ‒ in Cap... Classique!

Association, South African sparkling

yeast ‒ this is known as the base wine. That wine is then bottled, inoculated with yet

Méthode Champenoise style should be

place in a large tank, the fermentation takes place within the sealed bottle. The

minimum of 12 months before final

the wine, converting them to alcohol and giving off carbon dioxide gas as a

However the effervescent Ferreira

varies this depending on what the

harvest provides and his intention for the wine. So the Brut Rosé 2009, for

example, spent 36 months of lees

contact, before release while the Brut

Zero 2008 had a whopping 72 months – six years! – before release.

The first release of bubbly was in 1993

with a non-vintage Brut, initially called

the Royale, it was a blend of 50% Pinot

Noir and 50% Chardonnay. A few years later a Blanc de Blanc – or 100%

Chardonnay – bubbly was released to more critical acclaim. And the rest is history with the range now

encompassing the standard Brut NV

(non-vintage), a Rosé NV that is gently

pink and a 50/50 Chardonnay and Pinot 28

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

bottle and thus adding the fizz to the wine. The amount of pressure contained in the contained in the average car tyre!


Bubbly sweetness levels differ depending on the amount of residual sugar in the wine. Before each bottle is finally sealed it undergoes a process whereby the dead yeast cells from the secondary fermentation are removed ‒ and the bottle is topped off before being corked and secured with the wire cage or muselet. These levels vary with Brut Zero being the driest ‒ with less than 3g of sugar per litre. Extra Brut bubbly contains between 3 and 6g while Brut is less than 12g. Sec is between 12 and 32 while Demi-sec contains anything between 33 and 50g of residual sugar. (Graham Beck Demi sec NV, for example, clocks in at 39.4g.)

Graham Beck Wines bubbly named in honour of Mr Beck’s

280 000 cases a year! But the entire team

ago. It truly is the best of the best and is

difference to their people as well the

son Clive who died tragically some years made in limited quantities.

The bubbly was just the beginning of

the story of Graham Beck Wines: there’s

a vast range of red and white wines – and total production of all wines runs to

For Ferreira his 20-plus years at the

is focussed on giving back and making a

helm of the Graham Beck bubbly ship

environment. The Beck’s pioneering

relentless in his quest for the perfect

social and environmental initiatives have won numerous awards. If you’d like to read more about them, visit

have passed in the blink of an eye. He’s bubble and meeting the constant

challenge of attaining consistency,

continuity and finesse. He maintains

that quality is not a destination but a

continuous journey. “I’m still looking

for the perfect bubble. Until then, I’ll keep refining.”

TOPS at SPAR Olive Brook Mirabilis MCC 2009 was rewarded with one of only five gold medals at the annual Veritas awards in 2013. It, too, was made in this winery but crafted by TOPS at SPAR’s winemaker.

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09 29



Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

Eisbein, pretzels and oompah bands can mean only one thing: time to join in the revelry of Oktoberfest. Alex Greenleaf reports on the ancient German tradition with a South African twist.


t’s South Africa’s answer to the

renowned celebration of beer held

in Munich every year since the early

1800’s – but instead of taking place in a 4000-seater Bavarian Brauhaus the

TOPS at SPAR Bierfest is held in a

giant marquee pitched at Johannesburg’s Montecasino.


avarian brewsters


The bravest beer fans donned their

lederhosen and were invariably the ones yelling the reveller’s chorus of “prost!”

while sampling some excellent beers in a festive and fun atmosphere

Anyone entering the marquee

immediately felt as if they’d been

transported into a Beer House in the middle of Munich in October.

Festooned with traditional Bavarian

décor there were massive rows of beer benches as far as the eye could see. Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09 31


Top to bottom: Revelling in the festive atmosphere were, from left, Sam Anderson, Wilna Louw, Nadine du Toit, Robert Morton, Natasha Talbot and Tracy Saunders. Bavarian blue highlights formed part of the overall brauhaus décor. A meat lover’s feast: eisbein, wurst galore and tangy traditional mustard to slather over it all.

Of course the star attraction was the beer itself and there was a wide selection to choose from Fräuleins, dressed in traditional Alpine dirndl, served eager patrons, many of whom had also dressed the part as

merchandise and costume accessories were sold to enhance the overall

experience. This was definitely not the place for the shy and introverted.

Of course the star attraction was the

beer itself and there was a wide selection to choose from.

Clearly popular was the easy-drinking

Royal Bavaria Oktoberfest Bier along

with the traditional Krystal Weiss Protea Edelweiss and the speciality dark ale, the King Ludwig Munich Dunkel with its

Darren Scott was Burgermeister

flavour dominated by rich notes of

(Master of Ceremonies) on the opening

range of local beers, ciders and coolers

accent, revving up the audience to party

Munich malt. For the less adventurous a were also available.

The event was declared opened when

night and sported a passable German and sing the night away.

But don’t make the mistake of

a fräulein tapped the first keg of beer

thinking that the Bierfest is purely about

meaning “It’s tapped!”

activities and competitions including the

and everyone shouted “O’zapft”

The atmosphere was incredible with an

oompah band setting the tone with a

rousing selection of foot stomping, thigh slapping German tunes which gave the event a real “hofbrauhaus” feeling. 32

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

drinking beer: not so. There were various traditional Oktoberfest challenges of beer pong, arm wrestling, and Mass

Leben, where contestants had to hold a

one litre full bier stein with their arms at a 90 degree angle. The strong armed


A bird’s eye perspective of proceedings on the opening night. Some of the friendly frauleins who rocked their dirndls while providing service with a smile.

Perhaps the most laudable aspect of the festival was the promotion of responsible consumption and safe driving practices... contestant able to maintain the pose the longest was the outright winner. There was also a best dressed

competition where the best dressed King Ludwig and Princess Therese were

crowned depending on their lederhosen and dirndl.

Cash might be king everywhere else

– except for the Bierfest. Everything was

ordering both beer and food. The latter included Eisbein, bratwurst and other

German sausages, fleischsalat (meat salad), pickles, pretzels and sauerkraut.

Perhaps the most laudable aspect of the

festival was the fact that they promoted

responsible alcohol consumption and safe driving practices to guests with the

However, it’s all about fun and frivolity

Cheers, No Gears! programme.

with your friends and having a good beer

“crowns” which could be bought in

revellers download the Dryver app - and

inhibitions at the door. So when in Bavaria

and convenient to buy with no need to

t-shirts, caps and keyrings. Then there

purchased using Bierfest currency called denominations of R25. These were easy

queue as the service at the TOPS at SPAR Bierfest was unbelievable when it came to 34

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

TOPS at SPAR was on hand to help

rewarded folks who did so with freebie were rehydration stations as well as chauffeur drive and taxi services.

(or two or three) while leaving your

(or in Montecasino in this case) do as the

Bavarians do and hitch those hosen while

belting out “Ein prosit der gemütlichkeit!” Cheers to that!


Who says a beer can’t be flavoured?

New flavoured beer. Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18.



Award-winning journalist Cliord Roberts loves researching topics such as beer ‒ especially the practical side of the subject!


Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09


Beers of yore When braai chatter drifts to the topic of beer blasts from the past, you tread on hallowed ground. One best tread carefully... warns Clifford Roberts.


here are a few things that

stood out in the eponymous

2003 biographical film about

marked the era; they were there when

Schafft”), Luyt Lager (yes, the same

you drank beer, that is.

Sportsman, Kronenbraü 1308,

we sought respite; a happy memory – if Gather any group and slip in a

discussion of favourite beers through

the ages and conversation opens up like some marvellous yellow brick road; a delicate web of golden hallowed

memory onto which a spotlight has suddenly been cast.

Who can ever forget Lion Lager, in

policeman-turned-robber Andre

the red and gold label? “Icy cold, rich

accents typical of these Hollywood-

they used to sing – and now again, you

Stander. One of them was the flat style movies; another, the beer

dumpies that brought the memories rushing back.

Somehow, the images are decidedly

male (ladies only sipped a shandy now and then, surely?). Think Army and

rugby, photographs of police hit squads relaxing on the beach after a day of

mayhem and murder, of braais, of short shorts and long socks. Of sideburns, Chevrolets and drive-ins.

Stander and his gang held up banks

in the 80s because in those days, it was easier than putting on your shoes. As

squat brown bottles now replaced by a can or long necks. In a way, they

totally unimpressive contents). Heck,

just to show I’m not biased, there’s even (empty) tins of Swan, DB Draught and

Canterbury Draught propped up on the pelmet.” (sic)

Incidentally, the last brewer at SAB

Birkenhead breweries. Lion Ale came

twanging? First brewed in 1889, it rose to be the biggest SA beer of Andre Stander’s generation before it was

former brewer at Mitchell’s and to an end in 1981.


dramatically revamped and eventually

Luyt Lager was a product of the late

Still, in a 2006 Markinor/Sunday

1972, which moved to Ballito, KZN

culled in 2003 due to declining sales.

Times survey it ranked as one of the top three brands that South Africans missed most.

Remember Ohlsson’s Lager, another

giant rooted in our earliest beer

traditions that lasted until the 1990s? How about the brand with the

in these parts for decades

how quickly we forgot the dumpy; the

featuring a rampaging elephant with

will too. Remember those guitar notes

playground at the tip of Africa. If you foul aftertaste of life under siege, but

(the impressive black and gold tin

to brew Lion Ale was Andy Mitchell,

strapline: The Beer Natal Made

were around then, you’ll still carry the

Kronenbraü Gold, Colt 45 and Rogue

and gold, down a Lion – feel satisfied!”

South Africans, we weren’t easily

distracted from our violent political

Luyt as in Louis and SA rugby),

Famous? “Lion Ale hasn’t been spotted ,” writes an

avid collector in the Eastern Cape, in a

1995 entry on an online message board. “But I’ve got some tins in my

collection, together with such long

gone rarities as Schafft (as in “Sink a

Louis Luyt’s brewery first established in before closing down. The former

fertiliser magnate was also behind Kronenbräu, and apparently the

purchase of a 14th century brewery in

Bavaria in pursuit of authentic heritage for the brand. The annual agricultural shows in platteland towns were the

poorer for the passing of Kronenbräu as each year a team of beautiful glossy

chestnut Clydesdales used to pull a

German-style wagon of wooden beer barrels in annual parades of

trompoppies, local marching bands and

revving tractors and combine harvesters! Exclaims one very breathless Tinus Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09 37


Who can ever forget Lion Lager, in the red and gold label? “Icy cold, rich and gold, down a Lion ‒ feel satisfied!” they used to sing ‒ and now again, you will too. Remember those guitar notes twanging? Brits on another fan message board: “I

have a Kronenbraü 1308 genuine leather wall decoration [exclamation mark]. It

seems to be very old [exclamation mark]. The brass is even green [exclamation

mark]. Do any one know how much it is worth [yes - exclamation mark, but no question mark].”


Somehow, one can’t be surprised that the 70s were also high times for Colt 45. Which kid didn’t have a tattered poster of Bruce Lee’s Fists of Fury,

Dirty Harry or Magnum Force hanging

but no slight intended on Bernie or other members of the Brewery

Collectibles Club of America).

Here on Bernie’s wall-to-floor

shelving, meticulously listed in the

South African division of his precious haul, are assembled a fascinating

gathering. Some cans appear to be once-off’s marking an occasion: a

festival, a retirement, an ad campaign. Was Culemborg Lite a beer? Bernie might be off on that one. But South

African brewers and tin-can makers have clearly had fun over the ages. Consider: Golf Lager, Grand Champion,

Centenary Lager 1895-1995, Charles’ Cheer, Kaltenberg Royal, Mackeson

Porter, Mampodi Beer, Master Brew Lager, Keller Lager, Pickup/Bakkie Lager, Suidpunt Lager Bredasdorp

1838-1988, Uklahlamba Sorghum Malt Beer and Whitbread Gold Crest Lager. Then, of course, there are the

countless series of beer cans pitched to

US and introduced into SA through his

of surfers, of sportsmen, of national

firm, Intercontinental Breweries (ICB). Rogue was a brand introduced by SAB

in the late 1960s, to take advantage of a

government reduction on excise, writes UCT historian Anne Mager, in a 2005

paper entitled One beer, one goal, one nation, one soul: South African

Breweries, heritage, masculinity and nationalism 1960–1999.

And Schafft? The beer went the same

us as “collectible” – pictures of wildlife, flags, of famous musicians. (Remember the 1996 series? Lion Lager was all

dressed up in support of our manne as

they took to the home pitches to battle New Zealand. We lost, but only gave up on Lion much later.)

We may have wondered… scoffed

even, about the collectors of all these cans.

Now we know. (Could Bernie be

way of the dinosaurs, but its label series

making a mint?)

like Bernd Schaumann, the genius

memories. And perhaps an old poster of

really says something about the internet

of a cupboard door somewhere.

lives on in the catalogues of hoarders

behind “Bernie’s Beercan Paradise”. (It

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

one might snag in an inner-city river,

on the bedroom wall? Colt 45 too

carried the Luyt signature - made in the


that dredged up stuff resembles what

For the rest of us, we’ll just have our

that Stander movie to hang on the inside



Uisge Beatha, the water of life, is what whisky is called in Gaelic. And it’s a spirit which has conquered the world since it was first legalised in the 1800’s. The latest Scottish Whisky Association figures reveal that whisky sales are growing in leaps and bounds. Fiona McDonald reports.

The growth of whisky is helping boost


the economic recovery in the United

chunk of sales with France some distance

The Scottish Whisky Association’s

n the first six months of 2013,

exports of Scottish whisky rose 11% to almost £2 billion (R31.2 billion),

up from £1.7 billion (R26.5 billion)

during the same period in 2012. The

United States accounts for the largest behind but the Scottish Whisky

Association reports that demand from the East – Singapore specifically and Africa is cause for delight.


Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

Kingdom and is helping to put money in the coffers of the government in the

form of tax. Ironically, it’s a 1494 tax

register which first documents a record

of distilling: “Eight bolls of malt to Friar John Cor wherewith to make aqua vitae”.

website reveals that this would have been enough to make 1 500 bottles of spirit and also indicates that the practice of distilling was well-established.


nd fling attempt by the English to control the rebellious Scots. It took another 100

But for centuries whisky making was

linked to monasteries and monks, with

the product prescribed as a healthy elixir

or medicine for everything from stomach ailments to smallpox. The monks shared

their skills and a thriving trade was born

years, during which stills were concealed in deep, dark glens and smuggling was


rife, before the Duke of Gordon

So what is whisky exactly and how is it

production be legalised – since many of

malted barley or grain, yeast and water.

proposed in the House of Lords that the the stills were located on his lands!

The Excise Act was passed in 1823

made? It’s a distilled spirit, made from

And it’s the distinction between barley and grain (maize) that separates malt

- which naturally caught the attention of

and within a decade there were virtually

century taxes were imposed. Much of the

Scotland remain where they were once

alcohol to be made, one needs sugars

water sources.

the barley needs to be malted. So it’s

the taxman and from the end of the 17th trade went underground in the early 1700’s when taxes were hiked in an

no illicit stills. Many of the distilleries in hidden, in deep valleys close to good

whisky from grain whisky.

The simplified process is as follows: for

which the yeast can ferment. To get that, Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09 41


The production areas in Scotland are the Highlands, Lowlands, Islay and Campbeltown ‒ with the all important Speyside forming part of the Highlands region. steeped in water before being laid out on

tails are discarded because they are quite

for the grain to germinate and sprout.

spirit that is then put into old wooden

a warm floor – a malting floor – in order This process, the Scottish Whisky

Association reports, creates starch which in turn leads to soluble sugar that can then be fermented to form alcohol.

Once the barley has sprouted, the

process is stopped by means of heating it

volatile while the heart is pure. This is the casks and matured for years before finally

The barley is then crushed in a mill to

form grist, a flour basically. The next

step is for this grist to be mixed with

water in a mash tun to create a sugary wort. Once the solids are drawn off, yeast is added and the process of

fermentation started – essentially almost making a beer.

With an alcoholic strength of around

8% this is then distilled – twice – in a

distinctive copper pot still. As the liquid’s heated, the alcohol evaporates as steam

and rises up the copper pipe where it then passes over the head of the still and is

the head, heart and tails. The head and 42

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

Blended Scotch whisky is “a blend of one

or more single malt Scotch whiskies with

one or more single grain Scotch whiskies”.

Blended malt Scotch whisky is simply

more than one distillery – for example a And the final category is equally

from more than one distillery.

Speyside forming part of the Highlands region.

In 2009 regulations were drawn up

defining five categories of Scottish

whisky. They are: single malt Scotch whisky, single grain Scotch whisky, blended Scotch whisky, blended malt

Scotch whisky and blended grain Scotch whisky. Single malt is a

whisky “distilled at a

single distillery made from water and malted barley without the

addition of any other cereals and by batch distillation in pot stills”.

Furthermore, from November 2012

made and aged in Scotland before being

through the still, the spirit is separated in

such as maize can be used in its making.

the Highlands, Lowlands, Islay and

the still into a spirit safe. The first

then re-distilled. After its second time

still rather than a pot still and grains

self-explanatory: blended grain Scotch

single malt Scotch whisky must be

distillation is called low wine – and it is

malt in that it can be made in a column


then condensed and returned to liquid

form, flowing down the copper arm of

Scotch whisky”. So it differs from single

Speyside malt and a Lowland malt.

Campbeltown – with the all important

ultimately the whisky.

comply with the definition of single malt

all over the world as Scotch whisky.

strength and bottled, labelled and shipped

years gone by the heat source used to be smoky character to the barley – and

unmalted cereals and which does not

a blend of single malt whiskies from

The production areas in Scotland are

fires made with peat which in turn gave a

without whole grains of other malted or

being diluted to the required alcoholic

up and drying it out. Nowadays this is

generally done in gas-fired kilns but in

from water and malted barley with or

bottled in Scotland – so it can’t be

sent abroad in a bulk container and bottled elsewhere.

Single grain is a Scotch

whisky “distilled at a single distillery

whisky – a blend of single grain whiskies Naturally, these regulations govern

only Scottish whisky and don’t apply to Irish, Welsh, Swedish, Japanese or even American, Australian or South African whisky!


ime less

“Come up to the lab – and see what’s on the slab...” And if you aren’t already muttering “I see you shiver with antici....PA-tion!” – then you haven’t lived. Because it means you’re not acquainted with one of the most edgy, groundbreaking musicals of all time – the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Seamus Allardice looks at the latest revival of what was once considered so shocking the verkrampte South African government banned the film and the record. Photography by Jesse Kate Kramer.


grew up with my folks constantly

on her as Princess Diana’s) but both loved

style vocals as Eddie, the delivery boy. It

playing music. In fact one of my earliest

the Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack.

was considered unsuitable and depraved

memories is sitting with oversized

The old National Party government

– which is exactly why it struck such a chord with local audiences.

earphones on, listening to tunes on my

banned the 1975 film, starring Barry

dad’s Kenwood hi-fi. He loved Dire Straits,

Bostwick and Susan Sarandon in the roles

Deep Purple and Black Sabbath while my

of Brad and Janet while Tim Curry was

relaxed and the production was unbanned

mom was a huge Beatles fan, worshipped

legendary as sweetly transsexual Dr Frank

the science fiction double feature saw

Queen (Freddy Mercury’s death was as hard

N. Furter and Meatloaf unleashed his rock

South Africans take to the cross dressing


Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

Once the strict Calvinistic rules were

Musical Theatre


It’s astounding Time is fleeting Madness takes its toll But listen closely For Not for very much longer Brendan van Rhyn was immense as Dr. Frank N. Furter, both physically – any man of his size strutting confidently in six inch heels defies the laws of physics – and in performance. His previous experience as the Madame in Madame Zingara’s Theatre of Dreams and as Cathy Specific, more than

stage show and movie with particular glee.

enough for a vibe and it has a nicer bar

equipped him for this role as he engages

No Round Table party in the 80’s was

than most pubs. The show is produced by

with the audience, indulges in dramatic

complete without a Dr Frank N. Furter

Eric Abraham, who also underwrote the

pauses and makes not just the stage but

inspired fishnet stocking-clad group of

renovation project which converted the old

the entire theatre his own. Van Rhyn is the

men. So it’s hardly a surprise that the most

textile warehouse into the beautiful 335

undoubted star attraction but he is closely

recent revival of Richard O’Brien’s 70’s hit

seat theatre it is today.

matched by Adrian Galley.

Despite it not being a dress-up night it

Galley is the narrator and with his

80’s (like me) and those who loved the

wasn’t only the host(esse)s in fishnets... and

booming voice setting the scene and

original shows more than 30 years ago.

when the third bell tolled before the show

lending weight to a couple of numbers, his

The 2013 revival is staged in the Fugard

some of the guys in our group were

put down of a group of hecklers was

Theatre on the fringe of the old District Six

chivvied along by a very gregarious

brilliant. A group of boisterous middle-aged

in Cape Town. To my mind, the Fugard is

transvestite usher. Their uncomfortable

ladies in sequinned top hats were clearly not

the best theatre venue in Cape Town: it’s

reactions had us chuckling at their expense

Rocky Horror virgins, bantering with Galley

small enough to feel intimate but big

– and set the tone for a great evening

from their seats. “Rumours, rumours,” Galley

has pulled crowds of both those born in the

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09 45


Rocky Horror at the Fugard

Running from the 10th of July 2013 to the 12th of January 2014 at the Fugard Theatre in Cape Town this production is directed by Fleur Du Cap Best Director Nominee Matthew Wild, while the musical direction is by Stefan Lombard and choreographed by Louisa Talbot. Dates for the nights when the audience is encouraged to enter the spirit of things by dressing up as their favourite Rocky Horror character are as follows: 15 and 19 November, 6, 13, 20, 27 and 31 December and 10 January 2014. You can find out more by going to the Fugard’s website at or book online at

Blood Brothers

Rocky Horror isn’t the only musical on at the moment. One of SA’s most celebrated thespians, David Kramer has adapted Willy Russell’s Blood

I’ve got to keep control I remember doing the Time Warp Drinking those moments when The blackness would hit me And the void would be calling Let’s do the Time Warp again CASH, STEVE / CHOWNING, RANDLE

Brothers for South African audiences. responded, “you’re spreading rumours... For those in the audience keen on the aesthetic appeal of Rocky’s ripped body Shaun Smit more than adequately complied with the requirements of the role. I practically had to remind my better half to close her mouth and wipe away the drool! Anyone who can perform a handstand push-up while wearing a gold speedo

It tells the story of twins separated at birth who grow up on different side of the racial and socio-economic lines. The Liverpool setting of Blood Brothers has been reimagined by Kramer into a Cape Town apartheid context. It ran at the Theatre on the Bay from the 10th of September to the 20th of October, before moving to the Montecasino Theatre from the 15th of November until the 5th of January

deserves attention. Speaking as an Average

2014. The musical returns to

Joe, Smit’s performance will make most men

Cape Town at the Fugard running from

reconsider their eating and exercise habits...

12 February until the 29 March 2014.

Pierre van Heerden’s cameo as the brief

of her challenging Dr Frank N. Furter. The tiny Maher staring up at the towering van Rhyn and accusing him of being a sponge... “all you do is take, take take...” set up the rather bizarre ending brilliantly. For those not familiar with the storyline, do a bit of pre-show research to flesh out your enjoyment of the spectacle. The songs carry even the most novice theatregoers through the confusion because the score is so familiar, you’ll catch yourself singing along to the classics like “Time Warp” (It’s just a jump to the left...), “Science Fiction

appearance of Eddie was brave; the role

maintaining the Transylvanian accent left

played by Meat Loaf in the 1975 movie and

her spoken pieces difficult to follow.

1974 Los Angeles stage versions of the

Perhaps this aspect disappointed slightly,

and Janet initially were, I think we could all

production is iconic. He belted out “What

being a bit of let down from the high the

do with a little “late night science fiction,

Ever Happened to Saturday Night?” before

rest of the production established.

double feature picture show”. We often find

returning as the wheelchair bound Dr Scott.

That’s not to say that Rocky Horror finished

Double Feature” and “Dammit, Janet!”. While most of us aren’t as square as Brad

ourselves pressured into conforming, when

Daneel can der Walt’s portrayal of Magenta

on a flat note. Dominique Maher’s portrayal

we should be celebrating our weirdness.

was brilliant physically and vocally,

of Columbia was terrific – especially the sight

“Don’t dream it, be it...”


Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09


Vision 20/20


He’s the former Disney kiddie star who brought sexy back and demonstrated that his talents stretch to acting as well as vocals: Justin Timblerlake, Part Two.... Julia Andrade looks at the music, movies and books for this issue.


Justin Timberlake: 20/20 Experience Part 2 ‒ RRP: R159.51

Haim: Days are gone ‒ RRP: R149.58 The American indie/rock trio

It’s true ‒ The 20/20

have been airing catchy singles

Experience has a part two! The

for over a year now and are finally ready to release their first

multi-platinum music legend’s sequel album is expected to be released in South Africa on

full length album. The Haim sisters ‒ Este, Alana and

30 October. To make the wait a little more bearable,

Danielle’s all-girl band from Los Angeles have previously

Timberlake revealed the track-list along with a short

released the critically acclaimed EP “Forever” and several

behind-the-scenes clip of the experience recording in

other successful singles such as “Don’t Save Me” and

studio. The 20/20 Experience part 2 of 2 is even longer than

“Falling” which will be featured

the first one, timed at a little over 74 minutes! Timberlake

in their new album.

also posted an open note to his fans revealing, “Since all of

Anticipated release date

these songs were written together over a year ago, it’s been

is 25 October 2013.

so hard to wait this long to release them. I can’t wait for all of you to hear ‘The 20/20 Experience’ in full.”


CORNER The Top Gear Years ‒ Jeremy Clarkson, R145

had lost everything. In the wake of

resides in an outhouse across the

her mother’s rapid death, her family

lawn. Ella finds comfort in the

We now know all about the world

disbanded and her marriage

company of the very charming

according to Clarkson. Ten years ago,

crumbled. With nothing to lose, she

gardener, Ludo. Then out of the

at an ex-RAF aerodrome in Surrey,

made the most impulsive decision

blue Sebastian decides to move on,

Jeremy and his friends built a world

of her life: to walk 1 100 miles of the

catching Ella horribly unawares.

that was rather more to his liking:

west coast of America. She had no

How much longer can she hide from

they called it Top Gear HQ. And Top

experience of long-distance hiking

what really destroyed her marriage?

Gear is for Jeremy what the jungle is

and the journey was nothing more

for Tarzan: the perfect place to work

than a line on the map. But it held a

Refusal ‒ Felix Francis, R240

and play. But they didn’t stop there ...

promise ‒ a promise of piecing

Sir Richard Stewart, the racing

And all along Jeremy was writing

together a life that lay in ruins.

authority chairman, wants Sid Halley

about it in Top Gear magazine. Here,

My Husband Next Door ‒ Catherine Alliott, R240

results. But Halley gave up

fruits of his labours: the cars, the hijinks, the pleasure and the pain.

Ella married the handsome artist

swearing he’d never go back. Then

Sebastian Montclair at the tender

Sir Richard is found dead and Halley

age of just 19, but now, separated in

receives a threatening call insisting

every way but distance, Sebastian

he investigates the race fixing.

collected for the first time, are the

Wild ‒ Cheryl Strayed, R165 At 26, Cheryl Strayed thought she


to investigate suspicious race investigating eight years ago,


cd’s, dvd’s & books

Man of Steel ‒ RRP: R109

From Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures comes Man of Steel, starring Henry Cavill in the role of

these polarized worlds. Directred by South African Neil Blomkamp who brought Soweto to the filmgoing public in District 9. It also stars Matt Damon and Jodie Foster.

Clark Kent/Kal-El under the direction of Zack Snyder. A

Star Trek: Into Darkness ‒ RRP: R119

young boy learns that he has extraordinary powers and is not of this Earth. As a young man, he journeys to discover where he came from and what he was sent

When the crew of the Enterprise is

here to do. But the hero in him must emerge if he is to

called back home, they find an

save the world from annihilation and become the symbol of hope for all mankind.

Elysium ‒ RRP: R119

In the year 2154 two classes of people exist: the very wealthy who live on a pristine man-made space station called Elysium, and the rest, who live on an overpopulated, ruined Earth. Secretary Rhodes, a government official, will stop at nothing to enforce anti-immigration laws and preserve the luxurious lifestyle of the citizens of Elysium. That doesn’t stop the people of Earth from trying to get in, by any means they

unstoppable force of terror from within their own organisation has detonated the fleet and everything it stands for, leaving our world in a state of crisis. With a personal score to settle, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one man weapon of mass destruction. As our heroes are propelled into an epic chess game of life and death, love will be challenged, friendships will be torn apart, and sacrifices must be made for the only family Kirk has left: his crew. Expected release date: 29 November 2013. Starring Chris Pine and Zoe Saldanha.

can. When unlucky Max is backed into a corner, he agrees to take on a daunting mission that if successful will not only save his life, but could bring equality to

*cd’s and dvd’s available at

Halley refuses, but when his young

understanding of his son and make peace with

important and beautiful images of the

daughter goes missing he realizes he may

the choices he once made for them both.

Mandela family and their home.

8115: A Prisoner’s Home ‒ Alf Kumalo & Zukiswa Wanner, R190

King ‒ Gareth Crocker, R215 Elijah Rolene is a lost man. Following the

Renowned photographer Alf Kumalo

death of his wife, he quits his job and turns to

Henry Wegland, a former ANC activist now

captured the day-to- day life of the

prescription painkillers for comfort. His

living in New York with his son, encourages

Mandelas ‒ the raids by the security police

veterinarian sister convinces him to help out

Saul, his grandson, to travel to South Africa to

and intimate family moments, both of joy

at her animal shelter where he helps rescue a

make a documentary about the people

and sorrow, as well as Mandela’s return to

rare white lion cub. Soon the lion is brought

involved in the country’s liberation. Saul

his home after his release from prison in

to live with them in their Detroit home and

begins to unravel the dark secrets of his

1990, 28 years after he had left it. Using this

instantly connects with Elijah’s autistic niece,

grandfather’s past and the shocking events

unassuming house as the setting, 8115

Harper. But then something happens that

that led to his exile. Henry must come to a new

collects some of Kumalo’s most historically

threatens to tear their world apart.

pay the ultimate price.

A Quiet Kind of Courage ‒ Anthony Schneider, R180

DISCLAIMER Please note that prices of all books, cds and dvds are recommended retail prices and are correct at the time of going to press. They are, however, subject to change at the discretion of suppliers, without any prior notice. All books featured here are distributed by Penguin Books SA. Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09 49

Gift Guide Festive ideas

For him ✚for her

Have you been a good boy or girl all year? Perhaps Santa will leave a bumper gift under the tree for you... Here are a few ideas from the Cheers team.

Champagne star from Le Creuset, the perfect aid for removing a stubborn bubbly cork ‒

se with for tho y styled rs to fondue ll ia c e nicke of ers, sp ic ll p p a , , m s s a r n h e of to bak e optio a range wse th raaiers es. la have from b s to bro t ‒ n recip if e s v Amaru /g ie e a b d .z b n o o a .c h s la g ie tin aru ssor interes la, acce . Visit w Amaru makers h come with whic

For bubbly connoisseurs, Pongracz Desiderius, the House of JC Le Roux’s flagship


Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

Bourbon bonanza, Jack Daniel’s Holiday Select

Award-winning collection of Van Ryn’s 10-, 12-, 15- and 20-yearold brandies in a wooden presentation box

15398 OFyt

Xxxxxxx Gift Guide The perfect seasonal accessory for the stylish Cognac lover ‒ Hennessy’s VS plus two branded glasses in a gift package designed by Pininfarina

Breathe deeply with this whisky, brandy or spirit aerator ‒ from

Use it for water, wine or juice, a 1-litre fridge carafe ‒ R255

A South African original, Simonsig Kaapse Vonkel bubbly gift pack

What’s Christmas without nuts ‒ or a nutcracker? Collector’s Single Tin from Jack Daniel’s

Glittering in gold, Krone Borealis Brut 2010


Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

Bell’s Whisky summer hamper

wi n

Bell’s Whisky summer hamper ®

Six lucky Cheers readers stand the chance to win a hamper valued at R1000 each!

Enjoy the summer sunshine with a Bell’s Good Guy, seated in a camping chair, sipping on a unique blend of Bell’s Extra Special Scotch Whisky, wrapped in a must have cream festive season gift pack. Each hamper contains a Bell’s Festive gift pack bottle of whisky, two glasses, two camping chairs and an ice bucket .

Go to w th ww. e C fa he ceb er o By entering you stand a chance of winning yo s Fa ok.c a Bell’s Whisky summer hamper ur ce om ch bo /C Send an email with the subject line Cheers Bell’s Whisky summer hamper giveaway an ok he ce pa er containing your name, ID number, physical address (not a P.O. Box please!), name of of ge sM ag wi a the TOPS at SPAR store at which you made any purchase from and the till slip nn nd , in do number, along with a contact telephone number to qualify for the random g! ub SH le AR draw to SEE T&C’S ON PG 2 E

how to enter

Not for Sale to Persons Under the Age of 18. Drink Responsibly. Sep|Oct 2013 Vol 08 53


2 1 1 Macaron mad? How about this gift set, with book, bags, nozzles and tips ‒ R695, 2 SPAR Good Living’s 5 piece beverage set of 4 tumblers and a glass jug. 3 Want to chill your drink but not dilute it? This set of 9 whisky & drinks stones is just the thing ‒ R250, 4 Fire it up! Blowtorch with heart-shaped ramekin set ‒ R350,






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The old saying goes that there’s many a slip, twixt cup and lip...

and the same holds true for glasses. Accidents happen ‒ especially when it’s hot and sunny outside and a glass is nicely dewed from the chilled contents. SPAR Good Living’s extensive range of individual glasses, in an assortment of shapes and sizes, allows you to replace breakages as they occur. 5 Red Wine Glass (340ml), 6 Bavaria Beer Glass (420ml), 7 Zombie Tumbler (310ml).


Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

useful items

8 Tip-Top coasters in bamboo and silicone, set of four ‒ R280. 9 Keep your cool this summer with a clear acrylic wine bucket ‒ R335. 10 Art, design and functionality combine in these Jim Bob Menu Holders ‒ R135. All available from from



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12 Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09 55


If your idea of heaven is unwinding with a fabulous novel and a tall glass of wine, then tops&tales is the perfect place for you. Visit us on Facebook to meet other like-minded bookworms, share your thoughts on the latest literary feasts and wicked wine reviews. We also treat our fans to fantastic monthly giveaways and competitions. Join the community of word and wine lovers today. Visit

Recipe book

Profusely pretty


Following up the success of Delectable and Sumptuous, Cape Town chef and author Marlene van der Westhuizen chalks up another milestone with Abundance. her considerable cooking skills to share

Cape Town through her eyes.

abundantly clear from the first

importantly!) easy-to-make recipes

who collaborated with her – and

from the Cape and it is

few pages that once again Marlene van der Westhuizen demonstrates her

soul-deep love of food and cooking as

well as that of her home city, Cape Town. Having been happily established in

Green Point for many years, Van der

Westhuizen celebrates her knowledge

of local haunts and suppliers as well as


“Having the luxury of breaking the egg yolk

a slew of new, delicious and (most with her substantial following.

Where Delectable took readers on a

stroll through her life in Charroux,

France, where she spends a chunk of

each year offering cooking courses, and Sumptuous straddled both her South African and French odysseys,

Abundance is all about seeing

6 eggs, poached

continues in the same vein set by

previous collaborators and shutterbugs Stephen Inggs and Gerda Genis, capturing wonderfully evocative

images of food, people, places and moments in time.

Published by Pan Macmillan, it’s a

‘must have’ for any foodie worth their salt!

To get the rustic ‘paper package’ look

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

when doing a delicious version of a

12 slices pancetta, grilled until crisp

poached egg, simply drop each raw egg into a lightly olive-oiled square of plastic

and allowing it to drench this salad is just the ticket!” Serves 6

Johann Wilke is the photographer


wrap that has been placed in a muffin pan.

Place the beans and peas in a bowl, pour

Tie each square with a piece of string and


some boiling water over them and leave for

suspend from a wooden spoon into boiling

400g young green beans, topped

about eight minutes. Drain and then toss

water until cooked but still soft. Use a pair

300g shelled peas

with the macadamia nuts and a little olive oil.

of scissors to slip the warm eggs onto the

150g macadamia nuts, roasted

Arrange the rocket on six individual

150ml extra virgin olive oil

plates. Place an equal amount of green

Handful wild rocket

beans, peas and nuts on each of the plates.

fresh salad. Season and garnish with shards of pancetta. Enjoy immediately. Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09



he book is sub-titled City food 57

Recipe book


“This dessert happened one evening when I suddenly had to rustle up something sweet. How fabulously simple!” Serves 6


0860them 313 141 into the hot individual desserts and put

oven. Bake for about 25 minutes or until the pastry has a lovely caramel colour.



1 roll puff pastry, defrosted

Heat the oven to 200̊C/Gas 6. Smooth the

in a small pan. Reduce slightly until it has a

125g almonds, ground

pastry into six individual, buttered flan dishes.

syrupy consistency.

125g castor sugar

Prick the dough lightly with a fork.

Melt the rest of the sugar with 1Tblsp water

Whisk the ground almonds, 75g of the

75ml cream

sugar, the cream and the egg together in

1 egg 250g blueberries


Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

scoop them out of the moulds and place each on a small, pretty plate. Drop the rest of the

a small mixing bowl. Spoon the mixture

berries into the syrup, give them a quick turn

into the pastry cases. Divide about half

and immediately spoon them onto the tarts.

of the berries between the


Remove the tarts from the oven,

Serve with some of the leftover syrup.

Available at TOPS at SPAR and SPAR stores


enter now!

To qualify, send in a postcard or e-mail clearly marked Cheers Book Giveaway and containing your name, ID number, physical address (not a PO Box please!) along with a contact telephone number to qualify for the random draw. Entry deadline is Friday, 13th December 2013. The address to send it to is or Cheers P.O. Box 259, Rondebosch, 7701.



“I stole this recipe without any guilt

the oil until they are fabulously

from one of the most appetising

golden brown and cooked.

pictures of sumptuous food I have

Remove the pork from the pan

ever seen. I only had the photograph

and keep warm.

as guidance ... all guesswork really!” Serves 6

Heat 100ml of the olive oil in a saucepan and fry the pork bites in

Quarter the roasted potatoes and add them, as well as the peeled garlic, to the pan for a quick stir in


the olive oil. Turn off the heat and

6 fresh pork rashers, cut thickly and

spoon the pork rashers back into the

sliced into bite-sized bits. 200ml extra virgin olive oil. 2 new potatoes, roasted in the skin. 1 head of garlic, roasted whole and peeled. 6 sprigs rosemary leaves stripped from the stems and chopped.

Stand a chance of receiving one of two copies of ‘Abundance’, published by Pan Macmillan SEE T&C’S ON PG 2

pan. Add the rosemary. Toss the mixture lightly together. Place the toasted slices of rye bread onto individual plates and spoon the warm pork and potato on top of the bread. Add the slices of goat’s milk

6 slices rye bread, toasted.

cheese and season to taste. Serve

300g soft goat’s milk cheese, sliced

with a little pot of green

into rounds.


peppercorns and a small jug with

Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste.

the rest of the olive oil to sprinkle

Green peppercorns, to serve.

over this delicious concoction.

Double your chance of winning! Go to and LIKE the Cheers Facebook page.

4 red chillies, chopped.

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09 59


This little piggy... SPICED GAMMON INGREDIENTS: 2kg gammon

For the glaze:

250ml red wine

20 whole cloves

Water to cover

40ml honey

1 large onion, halved

5 tsp ground cinnamon

2 cloves garlic (unpeeled)

1 tsp smoked paprika

1 head fennel, halved

5 tsp red wine vinegar

2 star anise 15ml (1Tbsp) coriander seeds 15ml (1Tbsp) fennel seed 15ml (1Tbsp) black peppercorns

METHOD: Put all the ingredients (except those for the glaze) into a large pan, on the stove but off the heat, adding water until the ham is covered. Turn on the

The festive season just wouldn’t be the same without the traditional feast: from mince pies and Christmas pudding to turkey and ham. Silwood Kitchen have entered the spirit of things by providing a few options for the annual gammon. Photography by Julia Andrade

heat and bring to the boil, then turn down to a simmer and partially cover the pan. Cook for about 2 hours. Preheat the oven to 200˚C. Lift the ham out of the hot liquid, place it onto a board and let it cool slightly. With a sharp knife, take off the rind, and a little of the fat layer if it’s very thick, but leave a thin layer of fat. Use the same knife to score a diamond pattern in the remaining fat on the ham, in lines about 2cm apart. Stud the points of each diamond with a clove. Put the cinnamon, honey, paprika and red wine vinegar into a small saucepan and whisk together over a high heat, bringing it to the boil. Let it boil away, for about 5 minutes, so that the glaze reduces to a syrupy consistency that will coat the fat on the ham. Place the ham in a roasting tin lined with foil. Pour the glaze over the clove-studded ham, then put it in the oven for about 20 minutes, or until the glazed fat has caught and burnished. Remove the ham from the oven and place it on a wooden board to cool before carving. Delicious served cold with peppery salad, pestos and homemade mayonnaise


Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

Silwood Kitchen

Spiced Gam mon

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09 61


HONEY & MUSTARD GLAZED GAMMON INGREDIENTS: 1.5kg ‒ 2kg gammon 2 onions cut into quarters 2 carrots cut in half 5 all ‒ spice cloves 2 star anise 2 apples cut into quarters For the glaze: 60ml Dijon mustard 60ml honey

METHOD: Preheat the oven to 180̊C. Place the gammon in a large pot and cover with water before adding all of the ingredients. Boil for between 45 minutes and an hour. Remove the gammon from the water and allow to rest. When it is cool enough to handle, slip the surrounding net off and then, with a sharp knife, slice off the top layer of tough skin or pork rind, leaving a good amount of fat. Lightly score lines in the fat to make diamond shapes. Mix together the honey and mustard. Using a pastry brush coat the gammon in the glaze. Place the glazed gammon on a baking tray, cover with tin foil and place in the pre-heated oven for +/- 30 minutes until the gammon has a golden brown colour. Allow to rest before slicing. Perfect served cold with hot English mustard!


Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

Silwood Kitchen

SIMPLE ROAST GAMMON INGREDIENTS: 2kg gammon 1 onion 20 cloves 10 black peppercorns For the glaze: 40g soft brown sugar Grated rind and juice of 1 orange 30ml honey 30ml wholegrain mustard

METHOD: Place the gammon in a large pot of water. Stud the onion with 4 of the cloves and add the bay leaves and peppercorns all into the pot. Bring the water to the boil, cover and simmer for an hour. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 200̊C. Drain the gammon; remove the skin and most of the fat from it. Score the remaining fat into diamonds, stud with the remaining cloves and place into a roasting tin. Mix together the ingredients for the glaze and spoon over the gammon. Roast in the preheated oven for +/- 1 hour basting at least 3 ‒ 4 times. Allow to rest before carving.


Call the TOPS HOTLINE 0860 313 141


These delicious recipes were prepared and cooked by chef Charlotte Drummond, a second year student at the Silwood Kitchen in Cape Town.

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09 63

DIY Cooking

There are no star-shaped crystal snow flakes gently wafting down to settle delicately on a pine bough which is already occupied by a chirruping Robin Redbreast... Emile Joubert might well be a Huguenot descendant, but he’s a fan of celebrating the festive season in African fashion.


Giving thanks for turkey

hristmas in South Africa is


I make the following humdinger stuffing

This will be your trusty Weber or any other

for a bird of the size mentioned:

even Santa’s reindeer wear

kettle barbecue that delivers heat of an


sunblock and get their rabies shots

indirect nature. Heat of an indirect nature

50g butter

topped-up. Africa may not be for sissies,

means heat whereby the coals are not lying

2 medium onions, peeled and

but this does not mean we can’t have a

directly underneath the meat, which will

traditional Christmas.

cause it to incinerate, sizzle and char due to

2 sticks celery, finely chopped

This is true: a turkey will in fact be

the time-intensive nature of the cooking

225g pork sausages

prepared for Christmas lunch – not for

process. Get out the book of instructions

100g fresh wholemeal breadcrumbs

the sake of your guests, but because we

and pay attention to what it states about

4 Tbsp fresh parsley, chopped

are all suckers for tradition. And what’s

the number of charcoal briquettes required.

2 Tbsp fresh thyme, chopped

more, you can – and shall – do it in the

Count them out, one-by-one, and stack ’em

1 egg, beaten

great outdoors, celebrating the blue skies

on opposite sides of the Weber. It’ll pay

2 Tbsp brandy

and mid-thirties not huddling around a

dividends in the long run.

Salt and black pepper

of which is a hideous sweater knitted by



These largish birds are found in

Melt the butter in a pan, add the onions and

supermarkets, especially around Christmas

cook gently for 10 minutes until soft and

time. Depending on the amount of steroids

golden. Add the celery and cook for a further

they were fed, these suckers can grow to

five minutes. Turn into a bowl and allow to

16kg, but we shall suffice with a bird in the

cool. Remove the skins from the pork

4kg to 5kg weight class.

sausages. Add the sausage meat, breadcrumbs

made for the outdoors. I mean,

log fire, wrapped in woolly layers – one


your mother-in-law!

Traditional as the large gobbling fowl

finely chopped

and herbs to the bowl. Mix well. Add the egg

may be and despite the ravings of the

and finally, the brandy. Season generously

fogeys wanting this bird at Christmas, the

with salt and pepper and mix well.

turkey is not the most flavoursome of creatures. The meat is also on the dry side.


a finalist in the Men’s Health Braai King

Therefore we need to prepare a stuffing

Right. Down to business. Give the turkey a

competition, uniquely qualifying

which is, well, stuffed into the cavernous

good rubdown with kitchen towel, inside

arse-end of the bird before cooking.

and out, to get rid of any excess moisture.

Writer and PR guy Emile Joubert was

him for this column. 64

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

Emile Joubert Cram that stuffing in the cavity by hand, and

to cooking their Christmas turkey in the

gin behind the bush; listen to the folks

if you are feeling really nifty take a huge

staid confines of their oven, are now

telling stories about that exciting bridge

needle and some string and sew the cavity

probably having a seizure ‒ especially upon

match in 1965. That sort of thing ‒ sound

closed so no unnecessary stuffing falls all

hearing the hissing sound of the bird

interested. You are the host, after all...

over the place during the cooking process.

having its guts braaied out inside the kettle.

Plonk the bird on a baking pan on your

Well, just to reassure them, open the lid

After about two-and-a-half hours you should check on the turkey. If you stick a sharp

Weber that has been heated with the

after 20 minutes so they can check out the

knife into the deep thigh flesh and the juice is

charcoal on the sides, as per

delicate golden colour of the bird as it

a very light pink, you are about 30 minutes

aforementioned indirect method.

sizzles gently in the Weber. Smear the meat

from chow time. And you can then remove

generously with soft butter. Cover the thing

the foil and replace the lid, leaving the bird to

charcoal ready that you can add to the braai, as

with foil (shiny side on the flesh) to prevent

get that appetising golden-brown colour.

you are set for between three and four-and-

the colour from getting too carried away.

a-half hours of braaing (and drinking...) time.

Besides checking that the heat in the

It is a good idea to have some additional

After 30 minutes, give it another poke with the knife. When the juices run clear, she’s a-ready.

Before closing the braai with the lid, of

Weber remains constant, you can now take

course, brush the turkey with soft butter ‒

it easy. Help one of the relatives find the set

Ensure that those relatives still able to

liberally. Okay. Your guests, obviously used

of false teeth he lost while downing a pink

stand and make appreciative noises move over to the Weber to see your work of art.

Check out the delicate golden colour of the bird as it sizzles gently. Available GO TO ‘IN THE BASKET’ at TOPS at SPAR and FOR YOUR ON PG71 SPAR stores FULL GROCERY LIST Call the TOPS HOTLINE 0860 313 141

Sure, Uncle Forsworth’s turkey had a better colour way back in 1954, but otherwise the dish should be criticism free. Should this not be the case, accidentally walk into the snide and sneering guest with the red-hot baking dish. One problem solved! Let the bird stand for 10 minutes to rest so that the juices can resettle back into the flesh. You’ve done all the hard work so get one of the relatives to carve the bird for you. According to the old-timers, you’ll always stuff it up so you might as well get it over with and hand them the carving knife and fork. The flavour of a turkey cooked over charcoal is delectably smoky and speaks of a cook who can do his thing anywhere, anytime.

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09 65




It can be as simple as peanut butter and syrup or jam or as gourmet as shaved Parma ham with marinated artichokes, mizuna lettuce, sliced quail’s egg and aioli.... Dinner diva and popular food blogger Anél Potgieter sinks her teeth into sandwiches.


ohn Montagu, the fourth Earl of

back, to Hillel the Elder, a Jewish sage

the belegde broodje which was an

the “invention” of the sandwich in

and herbs between pieces of unleavened

and thinly sliced beef, cut from hunks of

Sandwich, is the man credited with

the late 1700s. Historic records

reveal that he was quite the gambler

and card player – to the point that he wouldn’t even pause for sustenance,

who Wikipedia reports wrapped lamb

bread – an entirely feasible scenario since flatbreads feature prominently in the food of North Africa and even Asia.

And yet, way before the gambling Earl

open-faced sandwich, made using bread meat hung from the rafters in taverns

providing sustenance to travellers and locals alike.

The popularity of the sandwich grew

instead demanding that cheese and

started the food fashion, in the Middle

rapidly in both Britain and Europe in

between two slices of bread. It was

substituted for plates. These trenchers

necessitated fast, easily eaten meals.

meat be piled upon one another

something that he could eat with one hand while the other held his cards.

Soon his fellow card players followed his lead, demanding food like

Sandwich’s – and the rest is history. But this practice goes even further

Ages thick slices of stale bread

had meat or stew served on them and

the 19th century as industrialisation

The festive season is just around the

once that had been consumed, the

corner – and, like the European and

stray mongrels – or more charitably

wasting too much time or valuable daylight

trenchers were flung to the floor for any given to starving beggars.

The Dutch also feature in the form of

Turbo-boosted beef sarmie with mustard sauce

British workers, you don’t want to be

fussing over a hot stove. Here are some

ideas for quick and easy, fuss free sarmies. HOW TO TURBO-BOOST A BEEF SANDWICH WITH MY MOM’S MUSTARD SAUCE This is my ultimate beef sandwich. Fabulous bread, some leftovers from a beef roast with my mom’s mustard ‒ something I had to make weekly when growing up. The real secret that I’m letting out here is mom’s mustard sauce recipe. It’s the South African sweet ’n sour mustard (soet mostert) but without the condensed milk. It goes perfectly with beef, pork, turkey and just about anything else. But don’t just take my word for it; give it a try and either keep the recipe to yourself or pass it on. Just one tip: if you substitute the mustard with 1 teaspoon of mustard powder you can also use it as a “mayonnaise” for your potato salad. Or you could use the “mayonnaise” with cooked onions and you


Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09


Chicken & coleslaw open sandwich

have “slaphakskeentjies”. The other good thing is that it keeps very well for over a week when stored in the fridge.

INGREDIENTS: Bread of your choice Roast beef, sliced Gherkins, sliced Tomatoes, sliced

COLESLAW Ingredients:

Available at TOPS at SPAR and SPAR stores

Call the GO

50g white cabbage, finely sliced 50g red cabbage, finely sliced 2 spring onions or salad onions, chopped


TOPS HOTLINE Red onions, sliced ON PG71 FOR YOUR 0860 313 141

Avocado, sliced

2 baby fennel bulbs, finely sliced


40g mung bean sprouts or any sprouts

Chillies, chopped

1 red chilli, chopped

Salt and pepper for seasoning

10g parsley, chopped 10g flavourburst micro leaf salad (optional)



3 eggs

1 Tbsp Dijon mustard

½cup sugar

3 Tbsp Sherry vinegar

½ cup vinegar (I use spirit vinegar)

10g parsley, chopped

½ tsp salt

½ tsp salt

1 heaped Tbsp hot mustard

Large pinch of milled black pepper

METHOD 1. Beat the eggs and add the sugar little by little until mixture is light and fluffy. 2. Add salt and then add the vinegar slowly while beating well. 3. Place your sauce over a double boiler and whisk until the mixture starts to heat up and thicken. 4. Just before the sauce starts to boil, remove from the heat and add the mustard. Beat well. 5. Allow your mustard sauce to cool before serving. 6. Put your sandwich together and smother with some of this delicious mustard.


¼ cup olive oil

OPEN SANDWICH The deliciousness of this sandwich was


introduced to me by a work colleague, the

1. Preheat your oven to 200̊C and bake the

lovely American ‒ Madeleine. I’m a huge

crumbed chicken pieces for 20 minutes - or

fan of the combination of fresh ingredients

according to the instructions on the packet.

and fantastic salad dressing that lifts each

2. Mix all the coleslaw ingredients together.

bite. It’s an absolute winner.

3. Mix the salad dressing ingredients

After trying it for the first time, I realised

together and drizzle over the coleslaw.

once again how delicious homemade salad

4. Mix well and make sure you coat all of

dressings are ‒ and together with the

the coleslaw. Season to taste.

coleslaw and chicken makes for a tangy,

5. Place the just fried, grilled or oven-baked

rich and healthy meal. For an even healthier

chicken pieces onto your bread and top it

option you can grill the chicken. What’s also

with the coleslaw. It’s entirely optional

handy is that you can use the coleslaw as a

whether you butter the bread or not.

salad on its own ‒ and it normally fits in

Grab with both hands, open wide and tuck in!

perfectly with one of those impromptu braais we so enjoy around this time of year. The recipe below is fine for two people.

INGREDIENTS: 4 Slices of bread 300g crumbed chicken pieces/steaklets

As addictions go, zoo biscuits are not the worst in the world. Food blogger Anél Potgieter admits they gave her life meaning and purpose.


Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09 67


Making strides? Saunter, stroll, march, stride, pace, toddle, totter, stagger and amble ‒ are all synonyms for the word “walk”. But the simple act of placing one foot in front of another, something we all learn to do around the age of one, can be fatal. Fiona McDonald looks at the issue of pedestrians who make up 30% of the annual road death toll.


One of the initiatives Minister Peters announced was ramping up the number of law enforcement officers: there are currently just 18 000 traffic officials to police the drivers of the 10 million vehicles on South African roads. “We need laws that bite and assist behavioural change within the South African motoring community,” Peters was quoted as saying in her address to the media at Parliament in Cape Town. The World Health Organisation (WHO), as part of its ongoing research into public health issues has estimated that just two in 10 South African motorists comply with the laws regarding drink driving ‒ while the same number applies to those who obey the law and actually wear their seatbelts as required.

outh Africa is considered a violent

That number halves when it comes to putting

country: 5 000 people die of gunshot

small children in safe restraints when driving

wounds with a further 2 000 to 3 000

‒ just one in 10 people do so!

being killed by ‘sharp instruments’ (ie. stabbing) yet even when lumped together the numbers


still don’t top those of annual road death figures

The United Nations has estimated that by

which stand at around 14 000!*

2020 the single biggest cause of death in the

In September Minister of Transport Dipuo Peters announced yet another multi-agency

famine but motor vehicle crashes. It’s one of

effort to curb the annual road death toll in

the reasons that the UN general assembly

South Africa, this time involving the SA

kicked off a global programme two years ago,

National Roads Agency Limited (Sanral), Road

declaring the period from 2011 to 2020 the

Traffic Infringement Agency and the Road

Decade for Road Safety.

Accident Fund. “The areas of focus would include

the WHO in 2013, estimates of road deaths per 100 000 people vary dramatically by

National Road Traffic Act, road structural

country. In Sweden it’s three, the United

challenges, and educational campaigns aimed

Kingdom 3.7, Australia 6.1 while in the United

at raising awareness about road safety

States it’s 11.4 and in China 20.5. South

hazards among motorists, passengers, and

Africa? 31.9 people per 100 000 will die on the

pedestrians alike.”

roads. Neighbouring Mozambique is almost

to stop in our tracks in horror: 40 people die

half that at 18.5 while Malawi registers 19.5. The numbers can be almost overwhelming

on our roads every day, the cost of those

but it’s a bit like eating an elephant: you need

crashes is estimated at R309 billion annually.

to chew one mouthful at a time...

But as a nation we are almost inured to the Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

According to the latest statistics released by

reviewing existing legislation under the

The figures she trotted out should cause us


world will not be natural disasters, war or

carnage taking place around us.

Of the 1.3 million people killed on the world’s roads a full quarter ‒ 25% or 325 000

Arrive Alive

souls ‒ are pedestrians. In South Africa, the

pilot programme in Limpopo or

proportion is higher: of the 14 000 annual

Mpumalanga province. The initiative

fatalities almost a third (4 600) being

focussed on an accident hot spot ‒ a stretch

pedestrians, many of them children. Cape

of road with no sidewalks, close to a rural

Town’s Red Cross Children’s Hospital reported

school where the number of pedestrian

that in 2011 it treated 752 children who had

accidents was particularly high.

been involved in accidents as pedestrians.

The intervention was a simple one,

In May this year a global road safety

providing school children and workers

Arrive Alive

tips for motorists: Be aware that many informal settlements are situated alongside main roads and that there are no formal points of crossing or pedestrian bridges. Do not speed near these settlements but be prepared to slow down.

conference was held in St Petersburg in

walking along that stretch of road with a

Russia. John Dawson, chairman of the

simple reflector on a string with a safety pin.

International Road Assessment Programme

This was easily attached to either clothing or

Be on the lookout for small children.

stated that 60% of the world’s roads rate

a school bag or backpack. In just one month,

Avoid passing vehicles in the vicinity

only one or two stars on the international

after having done extensive public

of these settlements and especially in

five-star scale for pedestrian protection. In

awareness and handing out hundreds of

hazardous driving conditions such as

middle- and low income countries this figure

reflectors there was a noticeable decrease in

heavy rain or night driving.

rises to more than 80% where roads have a

the pedestrian accident figures. This was

speed limit above 40km/h and have no

more than six years ago and yet the

functioning sidewalk.

programme has not been rolled out on a

Mass action programmes aimed at

major scale. When approached for comment

improving pedestrian safety, he stated, can

on this particular initiative, a spokesman for

be both cost-effective and significantly

the Arrive Alive campaign within the Road

reduce casualties.

Traffic Management Corporation reported

Do not assume that you have been seen.

If visibility is bad, slow down ‒ avoid driving when your vision is impaired either by strong rain or the headlights of approaching vehicles. Be on the lookout for pedestrians walking at the side of the road with their backs towards you. Be aware of intoxicated

that this initiative is ongoing. Reflectors are

pedestrians ‒ especially over weekends

the CEO of the Asia Injury Prevention

handed out to pupils whenever Arrive Alive

and near informal settlements.

Foundation, Mirjam Sidik of Vietnam. She

conducts road safety lectures in schools.

Backing up his speech was one given by

reported on the success of pilot ‘model

In America and Canada these reflectors are

Be careful near places where busses or taxi’s appear to stand next to

school zones’ where high visibility vests,

called danglers and are highly effective!

the road ‒ passengers might suddenly

manned pedestrian crossings, building of

They’re either sold or given away with

decide to cross the road!

sidewalks along with community and parent

sponsors logos and branding on them.

involvement in the whole pedestrian safety

So successful at alerting motorists to the

process had reaped extensive rewards ‒ as

presence of walkers are these shiny danglers

well as lowered the number of accidents,

that they are required by law in Finland and

injuries and fatalities considerably.

Estonia. Research conducted in the former

The issue of visibility is key. In South

country showed that by attaching one of these

Always be ready for the unexpected... Be especially attentive around schools and in neighbourhoods where children are active. Drive there like you would like people to drive in front of your own home!

Africa, a high proportion of accidents

reflectors to an item of clothing when walking

involving pedestrians occur between 6 and

alongside a road at night decreases the risk of

minimum reflectivity of 400 CIL

11pm. And there are a number of factors

being hit by a motorist by a factor of 10!

(co-efficient of luminous intensity). It’s

which come into play ‒ not just the dark and

Without them, pedestrians are only visible

been estimated that motorists have

lack of visibility but oncoming lights, alcohol,

when 50m away. With them that distance is

roughly seven seconds to take evasive

excessive speed, proximity to the road and

increased to between 250 - 300m. Of course,

action by either slowing

the unsuitability of the physical

the European Union has a minimum

down or swerving to

surroundings for walking.

standard applied to these reflectors: they

avoid the pedestrian.

must be CE-certified and EN13356 rated ‒

* (Annual South African road death toll - 2011)

Some years ago, the Association for Responsible use of Alcohol (ARA) funded a

which means they comply with the rules on

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09 69

what to look out for next issue Keeping Calm and Carrying On: Kleine Zalze’s quiet quality focus Whisky: Single malts vs blends explained Stirred, shaken, mixed and tossed Mix Trickster: TOPS at SPAR’s cocktails brought to you by

Congratulations to last issue’s winners THE WINNERS OF FUSION ICE HAMPERS ARE:

1. Bobbie Opperman (Nelspruit) 2. Marisa van der Merwe (Bellville) 3. Elizabeth Anne Sparks (Durban) 4. Sipho Speka (Boksburg) 5. Msindisi Qoma (Cape Town)


Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09

LIFE ON A CAPE FARM BOOK WINNERS: 1. June Mason (St. Francis Bay) 2. Kumaren Naidoo (Chatsworth)

enjoy your spoils!

Call the TOPS HOTLINE 0860 313 141

Grocery list TOPS at SPAR

Available at TOPS at SPAR and SPAR stores

Your complete list of ingredients for all the recipes in this issue.


Available from TOPS at SPAR Liquor

400g young green beans

75ml Dijon mustard

300g shelled peas

30ml wholegrain mustard

2 new potatoes

15ml hot mustard

2 Tbsp brandy

2 tomatoes

small jar of gherkins

250ml red wine

1 avocado

280ml SPAR cranberry juice

45ml vodka

50g white cabbage

30ml SPAR apple and

250ml vodka or gin

50g red cabbage

Sparkling wine or Méthode

5 red chillies & 4 mixed chillies

Cap Classique 15ml Crème de cassis liqueur 1l Soda water

Available from SPAR Dried Spices/Herbs/Stock salt and pepper green peppercorns black peppercorns 4 star anise 1 box whole cloves 5 all‒spice cloves 25ml ground cinnamon 5ml smoked paprika 15ml coriander seeds 15ml fennel seed

Fresh Fruit/Veg/Herbs/Spices 1 orange 2 apples 250g blueberries 2 limes 6 brown onions 2 red onions 2 spring onions or salad onions 2 carrots

blackcurrant juice

Baking/Dry goods

1 head fennel

150g macadamia nuts

2 baby fennel bulbs

125g almonds, ground

40g mung bean sprouts or any sprouts

125g castor sugar

2 sticks celery

190g sugar

2 heads of garlic

40g soft brown sugar

10cm knob of ginger

100g fresh wholemeal breadcrumbs

10g flavourburst micro leaf salad

loaf of bread of your choice

handful wild rocket

6 slices rye bread

60g parsley

1 roll puff pastry

20g fresh thyme 6 sprigs rosemary

Dairy 12 eggs


75ml cream

1 punnet of cranberries

300g soft goat’s milk cheese

1 punnet of raspberries

50g butter

1 punnet of blackcurrant citrus peel slices of apple


Meat/Fish/Poultry 12 slices pancetta 6 fresh pork rashers 100g roast beef

450ml extra virgin olive oil

225g pork sausages

130ml honey

3 x 2kg gammon

25ml red wine vinegar 125ml vinegar 3 Tbsp Sherry vinegar

Frozen foods 300g crumbed chicken pieces/steaklets

All ‘in the basket’ items are available at your nearest TOPS at SPAR and SPAR outlets. See and

Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09 71

Loopdop Gerrit Rautenbach


Van Postmasburg tot Walvisbaai Die armie, destyds, was iets wat elke jong man moes deurgaan. Van ’n jaar na twee en toe terug na een jaar se diensplig, is jong manne orals die land vol gestuur. Vir my was dit die Noord Kaap.


eërgevegskool, Lohatla 1980. Ek


onthou daai dae so goed soos gister.

Dié aand staan en wei ons aan burgers en

Van Maandag tot Vrydag byt jy vas in

gesels oor die ding wat hulle Vrydagmiddag

die rooi sand, maar Vrydagaande kyk jy

kwytgeraak het met die laaste

noord en skuif Kathu toe. Hotel toe. Daar

takvergadering op Lohatla. Die ding dat een

was so alles-in-een partytjieplek wat

van ons infanterietak se instrukteurs

bestaan het uit ’n kroeg, steakhouse en

Walvisbaai toe moet skuif. Hulle het gevra of

disco. Dan vat jy ’n knerts of ses, werk ’n

daar ’n vrywilliger is, maar almal het grond

bielie-biefstuk deur en skuif oor dansbaan

toe gekyk of by die venster uit.

toe om te sien hoe lyk die vondse. Daar

“Daar kry jy my nooit,” kreun Janneman

‘n Oase in die Noordkaap se mooi woestyn wereld.

wil hê ek moet by hulle aan huis loop eet.” Janneman is toe vort vir sy Sondagnoenmaal en plegtig aan haar ouers voorgestel.

moet jy net versigtig wees om nie

verby ’n koningshap dubbelburger. Die

Hulle het gaan aansit en Pappa het die seën

deurmekaar te raak met ’n Yskor-man van

volgende oomblik hou hy op kou en staar

gevra. Janneman het nie eintlik geluister nie,

Sishen se chick nie. Dan’s dit rêrig oorlog.

net oopbek vorentoe. Ek kyk oor my skouer

maar skelm geloer wat daar te ete was. Skielik

wat kan dan so belangrik wees.

het die gebed se woorde deurgedring.

Saterdagaande weer, kyk ons suid en ry af Postmasburg toe. Inry toe, ongeag wat

Sy was só belangrik.

wys. Ek en Janneman was dik pelle en het

Janneman los sy burger net daar vir my en

“... en seën die hande wat dit voorberei het, maar seën dan spesiaal ook vir

in ruil vat hy my ou 1968 Volla se sleutels.

Janneman wat so wonderlik deel gaan

Man, daai Janneman kon beweeg. Hy het

word van hierdie gesin. Seën hom en Sanet

Postmasburg-inry aangekom en gesien

haar trompop geloop, hartlik homself

op hul nuwe pad vorentoe, ’n pad wat hulle

More More wys vanaand vanaand. Dit was

voorgestel en binne sekondes toe lag sy. ’n

saam in die huwelik gaan loop ...”

oukei, want die dubbelburger met kaas en

Minuut later koop hy vir haar ’n melkskom-

slaptjips was in elk geval die lekkerste deel.

mel. Tien minute later is hulle weg na my

Dié inry was nie deel van ’n franchise nie,

Volla toe. Ek het maar op die pawiljoentjie

maar ’n privaat besigheid. Hulle het sommer

gaan sit en kyk hoe Volla se vensters toestoom.

altyd hierdie roetemarse saam geloop. Dié spesifieke keer het ons in

hulle hamburgervleis van die plaaslike

Met die terugtog basis toe was ou

slaghuis se diklekker Noordkaapbees

Janneman stom gevry. Net voor die hek

gemaak. Ja, dit was die lekkerste ding van

praat hy die eerste keer. “Kan ek asseblief more die Volla leen? Sanet

daai aande.

Nou daar waar Pappa amen sê, sien hulle net ’n leë stoel waar Janneman moes wees. Blykbaar was hy toe ’n uitstekende instrukteur daar in Walvisbaai se woestyn ... Freelance writer Gerrit Rautenbach is a man who knows how to spin a yarn, having been the editor of Mooi Loop and Wegbreek magazines.


Nov|Dec 2013 Vol 09


Postmasburg TOPS at SPAR

Dewald du Plessis is your Manager at the Postmasburg TOPS at SPAR Address: 55 Hoof Street, Postmasburg, Free State Tel: (053) 313 0690 Fax: (053) 313 0362 Email: Business Hours: TOPS at SPAR Mon - Fri: 09h00 - 20h00, Sat: 08h00 - 17h00 & Sun: Closed. SUPERSPAR Mon - Sat: 07h15 - 20h30, Sun: 08h00 - 20h00.



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