Ratification and accession Publication in full of report UNCAC
Past and scheduled reviews
Civil society involvement Country visits by review team Private sector involvement
OECD convention
Ratification Review since last report
Foreign Bribery
Criminalised foreign bribery includes liability of legal persons Specialised unit for investigating and prosecuting foreign bribery Unit does only foreign bribery Change in corruption legislation
AML and Corruption
Change in anti‐money laundering legislation Banking regulator carried out a review
On due diligence requirements for high risk customers On correspondent banking arrangements
Changes to anti‐corruption authorities Denial of entry
Changes on legislations, regulation and other powers relevant to denial of entry Used as treaty basis for MLA UNCAC treaty
Will allow use as treaty basis for MLA Used as treaty basis for extradition
International cooperation
Will allow use as basis for extradition Changes to country's legislation related to international cooperation Involved in technical assistance projects with developing countries Designated an appropriate authority responsible for MLA requests Designated points of contact for law enforcement cooperation on asset recovery cases Specific asset recovery policy or policy statement Publicly available
Asset recovery
Specialist unit for recovery of proceeds of corruption Make publicly available details of amounts frozen, seized, recovered or returned Legislation for protection of whistleblowers
In public sector In private sector Changes to legislation Measures in place to prevent conflicts of interest by public officials Requires disclosures by Income public officials Asset Requires conflict of interest disclosure by public officials Gifts received from outside parties forbidden and/or must be disclosed
Public sector integrity
Publish online public procurement
Laws and policies including legislation Selection and evaluation criteria Awards and modifications of contracts
Regulations and procedures for public procurement officials to govern conflicts of interest Companies involved in corrupt contracting practices excluded from future public tenders Debarment list of IFIs taken into account Names of companies made publicly available National budgets Financial and budget transparency
Publicly available Published online
Undergone a fiscal ROSC Undergone a PEFA assessment Fiscal institutions reports publicly available
Educational initiatives
Involved in International Anti‐Corruption Academy Involved in UNODC Curriculum Initiative CosT
Implemented Support
EITI Sectoral initiatives
Implemented Support
Implemented Support
Implemented Support
Aus. Arg. Brz. Can. Chn. Fr. Ger. India Indo. It.
Jp. Kor. Mex. Rus. SAf. SAr. Spa. Tur. UK
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a
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n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Whistleblowers are protected by the case law of Germany's highest court for labour law, the Federal Labour Court, which ruled that employees who report in good faith about their company's misconduct enjoy protection from dismissal.