What does it take to change the world? bold new solutions innovative thinking vision What profession puts all of the above to work in practical ways every day?
From developing renewable energy sources to designing robots that perform surgery, no other field of study has the potential to shape the future like engineering. Engineering turns ideas into reality, and we see the results all around us. The buildings we live and work in, the clean water we drink, the wireless devices we communicate with - almost everything we use every day is the product of engineering: a new idea a better solution a world of improvement
Creative solutions, born of inventive minds, deliver the promise to improve peoples lives and shape tomorrows world.
More than ever, solutions are needed to manage the challenges of tomorrow’s world. By engaging the creative young minds of today’s students, we tap into the greatest source of innovation available to us. For over three decades, intelitek has inspired students to pursue engineering. Our robust engineering program motivates students, empowers instructors and supports administrators in the quest to equip students with career- and college-ready skills and the desire to use these skills to improve the world around them.
inspiring sTudEnT achiEvEmEnTs. 35-PO01-ENG1 Rev-A © 2010 intelitek, inc. All rights reserved. Specifications and available courses subject to change.