Engineering Program Engineering Topics and Course Library Engineering CORE Design Introduction to Engineering 1.1 (Core): Introduction to Engineering 1.2 (Activity): Engineering Contributions 1.3 (Core): Engineering in Society 1.4 (Activity): Engineering Ethics 1.5 (Core): Careers in Engineering 1.6 (Activity): Career Inquiry 1.7 (Core): Engineering Approaches to Product Design 1.8 (Activity): Paper Tower 1.9 (Core): Engineering Education Planning 1.10 (Project): Exploring Engineering
Robotics Engineering Curriculum REC Semester 1 REC Unit 1: Introduction to Robotics 1.1 (Core): Introduction to Robotics 1.2 (Core): Engineering Notebook 1.3 (Activity): Engineering Notebook 1.4 (Core): Safety 1.5 (Core): The VEX Robot 1.6 (Activity): Vex Components 1.7 (Core): Fasteners 1.8 (Activity): Chassis Construction 1.9 (Core): Drive Train 1.10 (Activity): Drive Train Construction 1.11 (Core): Robot Controller 1.12 (Activity): Wiring the Vex Controller and Battery 1.13 (Core): Radio Control 1.14 (Activity): Using Radio Control 1.15 (Core): Dual Joystick Control (Tank) 1.16 (Activity): Tank Control 1.17 (Core): Single Joystick Control (Arcade) 1.18 (Activity): Arcade Control Operation 1.19 (Core): Robot Systems Design 1.20 (Activity): Adding Components to the BaseBot 1.21 (Project): Motion Path Challenge
REC Unit 2: Introduction to Vex Programming 2.1 (Core): Process Control 2.2 (Core): Block Programming, Syntax, Motor Control 2.3: (Activity) Programming the Vex Controller 2.4 (Activity): Open-Loop Driving Exercises; Optimization 2.5 (Core): Variables and Constants 2.6 (Activity): Apply Constants, Variables, and Comments 2.7 (Core): Precedence, Tests and Loops 2.8 (Activity): Tests and Loops 2.9 (Core): Simplified Symbols, Logical Operators, and Integer Math 2.10 (Activity): Fine Motor Control 2.11 (Core): Pseudocode and Turns 2.12 (Activity): Make a Square 2.13 (Core): Dead Reckoning and User Functions 2.14 (Activity): Simple Shapes with User Functions 2.15 (Project): Follow a Complex Path
REC Unit 3: Physics and Robotics 3.1 (Core): Motors and Motor Speed 3.2 (Activity): Angular Velocity 3.3 (Core): DC Motors: Types and Uses 3.4 (Core): Gears and Gear Trains 3.5 (Activity): Gear Trains 3.6 (Core): Fundamentals of Linear Motion 3.7 (Activity): Linear Motion 3.8 (Core): Rotational Dynamics 3.9 (Activity): Linear and Angular Velocity 3.10 (Core): Newton’s Laws 3.11 (Activity): Weight 3.12 (Core): Friction and Traction 3.13 (Activity): Coefficients of Friction 3.14 (Core): Torque 3.15 (Activity): Test Motor Torque 3.16 (Core): Gear Ratios and Torque 3.17 (Activity): Hill Climb 3.18 (Core): Power 3.19 (Project): Tractor Pull
REC Unit 4: Sensors 4.1 (Core): Introduction to Sensors 4.2 (Activity): Open-Loop vs. Closed-Loop Navigation 4.3 (Core): Open-Loop vs. Closed-Loop Systems 4.4 (Core): Introduction to Vex Kit Sensors 4.5 (Activity): Bumper Car 4.6 (Core): Ultrasonic Sensors 4.7 (Activity): Ultrasonic Rangefinder 4.8 (Core): Following Lines 4.9 (Activity): The Line-Following Sensor 4.10 (Core): Advanced Driving Techniques 4.11 (Activity): Advanced Driving Exercises 4.12 (Activity): Line Following 4.13 (Unit Project): Bumper Books
REC Unit 5: Arms and End Effectors 5.1 (Core): Introduction to Robotic Arms, Degrees of Freedom 5.2 (Activity): Robotic Arm Construction 5.3 (Core): Mass, Weight, Center of Weight and Torque 5.4 (Activity): Center of Weight of BaseBot 5.5 (Core): Relationship of Torque, Gear Ratio and Weight of Payload 5.6 (Activity): Stall Torque 5.7 (Core): Remote Control; Limit Switches 5.8 (Activity): Windshield Wiper 5.9 (Core): End Effectors 5.10 (Activity): End Effector
REC Unit 6: First Semester Project 6.1: (Project):
REC Semester 2 REC Unit 7: Introduction to Electronics 7.1 (Core): Fundamentals of Electricity 7.2 (Core): Components and Schematics 7.3 (Activity): Schematics and Breadboards 7.4 (Core): Ohm’s Law and Making Measurements 7.5 (Activity): Using a Multimeter and Ohm’s Law 7.6 (Core): Circuits 7.7 (Activity): Series and Parallel Circuits 7.8 (Core): Feedback 7.9 (Activity): Blinking LED 7.10 (Core): Working With easyC® and Sensors 7.11 (Activity): Integrating Hardware and Software 7.12: Final Project
REC Unit 8: Mechanical Properties 8.1 (Core): Safety and Best Practices 8.2 (Core): Chain and Sprockets 8.3 (Activity): Testing Chain and Sprockets 8.4 (Core): Locomotion Systems 8.5 (Activity): Building the Tumblebot 8.6 (Core): My Robot Features 8.7 (Activity): Program the Tumblebot Drivetrain 8.8 (Core): Using the easyC® PRO C-Editor 8.9 (Activity): Writing an Arcade Function 8.10 (Core): Advanced easyC® PRO Functions 8.11 (Activity): Introduction to Freeze Tag 8.12 (Core): Adding Autonomous Control 8.13 (Project): Freeze Tag
Computer Assisted Design with SolidWorks Activity 1: Introduction to SolidWorks Activity 2: Sketching the Base Activity 3: Extruding the Base Activity 4: Working Drawings of the Base Activity 5: Drawing the Crank Wheel Activity 6: Drawing the Link Arm Activity 7: Drawing the Cover Activity 8: Designing the Stamp Halves Activity 9: Assembling the Rotary Stamp Activity 10: Motion Analysis Activity 11: Project - Designing a Crank Handle
Computer Assisted Design with spectraCAD Engraver Activity 1: Getting Started Activity 2: Using spectraCAD Activity 3: Managing Files Activity 4: Creating the LMC Project Activity 5: Drawing the M Activity 6: Drawing the C Activity 7: Speaker Design Project Activity 8: Creating the Speaker Cone Activity 9: Completing the Speaker Project Activity 10: spectraCAD Engraver Activity 11: Generating an NC File Activity 12: NC Files and Coding Activity 13: Pocketing Activity 14: Pocket Toolpaths and spectraCAM
Computer Assisted Machining with spectraCAM Milling Activity 1: Getting Started Activity 2: Using spectraCAM Activity 3: Starting the LMC Project Activity 4: Generating Tool Paths - LMC Project Activity 5: Contouring and NC File Generation Activity 6: Speaker Design Project Activity 7: First Pocket Operation Activity 8: Second Pocket Operation Activity 9: Engraving Text and Generating Code Activity 10: Advanced Operations Setup Activity 11: Advanced Operations Activity 12: Ruled Surfaces Activity 13: Swept Surfaces Activity 14: Final Steps
Computer Assisted Machining with spectraCAM Turning Activity 1: Getting Started Activity 2: Using spectraCAM Activity 3: Starting a Project Activity 4: Creating the CAD Drawing Activity 5: Geometry Duplication and Rough Tool Path Generation Activity 6: Finish Tool Path and NC File Generation Activity 7: Advanced Project Setup Activity 8: Creating the Part Drawing Activity 9: Final Geometry and Tool Paths Activity 10: Tool Paths and NC Code Activity 11: Starting the Final Project Activity 12: Creating the Lighter Geometry Activity 13: Final Geometry and Tool Paths Activity 14: Final Tool Paths and NC Code
Computer Assisted Machining with Mastercam Activity 1: Getting Started Activity 2: Two-Dimensional Part Design Activity 3: Designing a Three-Dimensional Mill Part Activity 4: Applying Surfaces to Mastercam Designs Activity 5: Tool Path Generation Activity 6: Tool Path Generation 2 Activity 7: Key Chain Project Activity 8: Tool Path Parameters - Part I Activity 9: Tool Path Parameters - Part II Activity 10: Tool Path Parameters: Facing and Pocketing Activity 11: Desk Set Project Activity 12: NC Utilities Activity 13: Domino Project Activity 14: Tool Path Parameters: Drilling Activity 15: Tool Path Parameters: Surface Tool Paths Activity 16: Review and Post-Test
Industrial Design with Pro/ENGINEER Introduction Creating a Simple Part Activity 1: Getting Started Activity 2: Shelling a Part Activity 3: Creating Patterns and Rounds Activity 4: Creating Internal Pins Activity 5: Adding Supports Activity 6: Adding Color to the Part Activity 7: Creating an Assembly Activity 8: Beginning the Cell Phone Activity 9: Speaker and Microphone Activity 10: PC Board Activity 11: Back Cover Activity 12: Back Cover Completed Activity 13: Assembling the Cell Phone Activity 14: Multiview Drawing Activity 15: Designing a New Keypad
Rapid Prototyping and Concurrent Engineering 1.0 (Core): Introduction to Prototyping 2.0 (Core): Rapid Prototyping Technologies 3.0 (Activity): Rapid Prototyping in Industry 4.0 (Core): Proof of Principle Prototypes 5.0 (Activity): Creating Simple Prototypes 6.0 (Core): Additive Processes 7.0 (Activity): Advanced Additive Prototyping 8.0 (Core): Subtractive Processes 9.0 (Activity): Advanced Subtractive Prototyping 10.0 (Core): Selecting A Rapid Prototyping Process 11.0 (Project): Windshield Wiper Prototype
3D Printing with the Solido SD300Pro Printer Lesson 1: Introduction to the SD300Pro Lesson 2: Preparing the SD300Pro for Printing Lesson 3: Printing Your First Model Lesson 4: Introduction to SDView Lesson 5: Peeling Cuts Lesson 6: Deciding on the Model Orientation Lesson 7: Projects
Manufacturing CNC Milling Technology with spectraLIGHT/Super proLIGHT/eXpertMill Activity 1: Introduction and Safety Activity 2: CNCBase Control Software Activity 3: Mounting the Workpiece Activity 4: Tooling Activity 5: Reference Positions Activity 6: Verifying a Program Activity 7: Running a Program Activity 8: Fundamentals of NC Programming Activity 9: Programming the House Activity 10: Machining Project #1 Activity 11: Arc Programming Activity 12: Programming the Star - Project #2 Activity 13: Machining Project #2 Activity 14: Programming Your Initials - Project #3 Activity 15: Final Project
CNC Turning Technology with spectraLIGHT/proLIGHT Activity 1: Introduction and Safety Activity 2: CNCBase Control Software Activity 3: Securing the Workpiece Activity 4: Tooling Activity 5: Reference Positions Activity 6: Verifying a Program Activity 7: Running a Program Activity 8: Fundamentals of NC Programming Activity 9: Programming a Taper Activity 10: Machining Project #1 Activity 11: Arc Programming Activity 12: Programming Project #2 Activity 13: Machining Project #2 Activity 14: Project #3 Activity 15: Final Project
Flexible Manufacturing Systems Activity 1: Getting Started Activity 2: CNC Machining Activity 3: RoboCell Simulation & Control Software Activity 4: Designing an FMS Workcell Activity 5: Expanding the Workcell Activity 6: Writing a Program Activity 7: Programming Mill Operations Activity 8: Conditional Programming Activity 9: Storing Finished Parts Activity 10: Multiple Part Programming Activity 11: Lathe Operations Activity 12: Multiple Part Lathe Operations Activity 13: Program Integration Activity 14: Designing the Final Project Activity 15: Running the Final Project
Flexible Manufacturing Systems with ER4u and spectraLIGHT Activity 1: Getting Started Activity 2: Using Robotic Control Software Activity 3: Moving the Robot in the FMS Cell Activity 4: Recording Robot Positions Activity 5: Writing and Running a Robot Program Activity 6: Preparing the Mill Activity 7: Recording Robot Positions for Mill Tending Activity 8: More FMS Robot Programming Activity 9: Optimizing the FMS Robot Program Activity 10: Robot and Mill Handshaking Activity 11: More Robot and Mill Handshaking Activity 12: Completing the FMS Programs Activity 13: Running an FMS Production Cycle Activity 14: Final Project Activity 15: Conclusion
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) 1 Activity 1: Introduction to CIM Activity 2: Introducing OpenCIM Software Activity 3: Parts and Production Flow Activity 4: Storage Setup Activity 5: Production Planning Activity 6: Processes and Machine Definition Activity 7: Part Definition Activity 8: Defining a Product Part Activity 9: Producing a New Part Activity 10: Timing and Optimization Activity 11: Viewing Production Details in Device View Activity 12: Viewing Production Details in Storage View Activity 13: Defining Part Production in the Lathe Activity 14: Integrated Production Activity 15: Tracking Integrated Production
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) 2 Activity 1: Mass Production and CIM Activity 2: Robotic Systems Activity 3: Location Planning Activity 4: QC Devices Activity 5: Feeders Activity 6: Adding an Assembly Station Activity 7: Assembled Part Production Activity 8: Assembled Product Characteristics Activity 9: Expanding Assembly Capabilities Activity 10: Subassemblies and Multi-level Assembly Activity 11: Purchase Orders and MRP Activity 12: Multi-level Assembly Production Activity 13: CIM Database: Part I Activity 14: CIM Database: Part II Activity 15: Conclusion
Plastics Technology (Thermoforming) Activity 1: Introduction to Plastics Activity 2: Polymers Activity 3: Thermoforming and Safety Activity 4: Thermoforming Hardware Activity 5: Extrusion and Polystyrene Activity 6: Injection Molding and Polyethylene Activity 7: Polypropylene and Plastic Welding Activity 8: Methods of Plastic Welding Activity 9: Vacuum Forming and Twin Sheet Forming Activity 10: Vacuum Forming Activity 11: Cast Acrylic and PVC Activity 12: Dome Blowing Activity 13: Nylon and Dip Coating Activity 14: Dip Coating Activity 15: The Plastics Industry Activity 16: Plastic Recycling and Resource Conservation
Mechanical Materials Testing
REC Unit 9: Advanced C Programming
REC Unit 10: Industrial Robotic Arms
9.1 (Core): Proportional Control 9.2 (Activity): Using Proportional Control 9.3 (Core): Derivative Control 9.4 (Activity): Using Derivative Control 9.5 (Core): PID Control 9.6 (Activity): Integral Control 9.7 (Core): Data Filtering 9.8 (Activity): Data Filtering and Graceful Degradation 9.9 (Core): Behavioral Robotics 9.10 (Activity): Build a Vacuuming Robot 9.11 (Core): Organizing Behaviors 9.12 (Activity): Writing a Roombot Behavior 9.13 (Core): Random Turns 9.14 (Activity): Generating Random Numbers 9.15 (Project): Roombot Field Navigator
10.1 (Core): Industrial Robots 10.2 (Activity): Building a Turret 10.3 (Core): Potentiometers 10.4 (Activity): Installing the Potentiometer 10.5 (Core): Robotic Movement 10.6 (Activity): Completing the Arm 10.7 (Core): Robotic Integration 10.8 (Project) Pass the Workpiece
REC Unit 11: Advanced Mechanics 11.1 (Core): Lift Systems 11.2 (Activity): Building a Lift Mechanism 11.3 (Core): Advanced Gear Systems 11.4 (Activity): Rack and Pinion Test Stand
REC Unit 12: Second Semester Project 12.1 (Project): Bucket Battle
35-PO01-ENG2 Rev-A © 2010 intelitek, inc. All rights reserved. Specifications and available courses subject to change.
Activity 1: Getting Started Activity 2: Tensile Testing I Activity 3: Tensile Testing II Activity 4: Tensile Testing III Activity 5: Creep Testing Activity 6: Compression Testing Activity 7: Hardness Testing Activity 8: Bending Test Activity 9: Shear Testing Activity 10: Fatigue Testing Activity 11: Fatigue Crack Growth Testing I Activity 12: Fatigue Crack Growth Testing II Activity 13: Failure Analysis Activity 14: Specialized Testing Activity 15: Selecting Materials
Mechanisms Activity 1: Getting Started Activity 2: First Class Levers Activity 3: Second Class Levers Activity 4: Third Class Levers Activity 5: Inclined Planes and Screws Activity 6: Wheels and Axles Activity 7: Pulleys Activity 8: Gears Activity 9: Gear Ratios Activity 10: Gear Trains Activity 11: Chain and Sprocket Drives Activity 12: Stepped Pulley and Belt Drives Activity 13: Block and Tackle Activity 14: Cams
Robotics Robotics and Materials Handling 1 with SCORBOT-ER 4u/ER 9 Pro Activity 1: Introduction to Robotics Activity 2: Using Robotic Control Software Activity 3: Recording Robot Positions Activity 4: Writing and Running a Robot Program Activity 5: Cartesian Coordinates Activity 6: Inputs and Program Jumps Activity 7: Outputs Activity 8: Joint and XYZ Coordinate Systems Activity 9: Relative Positions Activity 10: Loops, Polling, and Counters Activity 11: Subroutines Activity 12: Contact and Non-Contact Sensors Activity 13: Servo Control of the Conveyor Activity 14: I/O Control of the Conveyor Activity 15: Conclusion
Robotics and Materials Handling 2 with SCORBOT-ER 4u/ER 9 Pro Activity 1: Robotics Activity 2: Basic Robotic Programming Tools Activity 3: Manipulating Blocks Project Activity 4: Programming the Robot to Execute Circular Movements Activity 5: Drawing a House Activity 6: Roll and Pitch Activity 7: Block Alignment Project Activity 8: Feeders and Templates Activity 9: Peripheral Devices Activity 10: Linear Slidebase Project Activity 11: Programming Using Encoder Values Activity 12: Conditional Branching Activity 13: Programming with Conditional Branching Activity 14: Analog Inputs and Outputs Activity 15: Programming a Sorting System Project
Fundamentals of Robotics with SCORBOT-ER 4u/ER 9 Pro Activity 1: Introduction to Robotics Activity 2: How Robots Work Activity 3: Using Robotic Control Software Activity 4: Recording Robot Positions Activity 5: Programming a Simple Pick & Place Task Activity 6: Absolute and Relative Positions Activity 7: Basic Robotic Programming Tools Activity 8: Block Alignment Project Activity 9: Feeders and Templates Activity 10: Peripheral Devices Activity 11: Linear Slidebase Project Activity 12: Encoders Activity 13: Roll and Pitch Activity 14: Programming the Robot to Execute Linear Movements Activity 15: Programming the Robot to Execute Circular Movements Activity 16: Final Project: Drawing a House
Advanced Robotic Programming with SCORBOT-ER 4u/ER 9 Pro Activity 1: Review Activity 2: Programming with Subroutines Activity 3: Digital Inputs Activity 4: Digital Outputs Activity 5: Delivering Materials with a Conveyor Project Activity 6: Conditional Branching Activity 7: Programming with Conditional Branching - Project #2 Activity 8: Analog Inputs and Outputs Activity 9: Loops and Counters Activity 10: Contact and Non-Contact Sensors Activity 11: Programming a Sorting System Project
Process Control Process Control: Flow
Activity 1: Introduction to Process Control Activity 2: Introduction to ProcessMotion Simulation Software Activity 3: Block Diagrams and Gain Activity 4: The System Block Diagram & Final Control Element Gain Activity 5: Calculating Process Gain Activity 6: First Order Systems Activity 7: The Flow System Time Constant Activity 8: Controlling the Flow System Using Open Loop Control Activity 9: Introduction to On-Off Control Activity 10: On-Off Control - Tasks Activity 11: Controlling the Flow System Using On-Off Control Activity 12: Proportional Control Activity 13: First Order Systems Under Proportional Control Activity 14: Controlling the Flow System Using Proportional Control Activity 15: Proportional Integral (PI) Control Activity 16: Controlling the Flow System Using PI Control Activity 17: Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) Control Activity 18: Controlling the Flow System Using PID Control Activity 19: Controller Selection and Design Activity 20: Designing Controllers for the Flow System
Process Control: Level Activity 1: Introduction to Level Control Activity 2: ProcessMotion Simulation Software Activity 3: Block Diagrams and Gain Activity 4: The System Block Diagram and the Final Control
Element Gain Activity 5: Calculating System Gain Activity 6: First Order Systems Activity 7: The Level System Time Constant Activity 8: Controlling the Level System Using Open Loop Control Activity 9: Introduction to On-Off Control Activity 10: On-Off Control - Tasks Activity 11: Controlling the Level System Using On-Off Control Activity 12: Proportional Control Activity 13: First Order Systems Under Proportional Control Activity 14: Controlling the Level System Using Proportional Control Activity 15: Proportional Integral (PI) Control Activity 16: Controlling the Flow System Using PI Control Activity 17: Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) Control Activity 18: Controlling the Flow System Using PID Control Activity 19: Controller Selection and Design Activity 20: Designing Controllers for the Flow System
Process Control: Pressure Activity 1: Introduction to Process Control Activity 2: Introduction to ProcessMotion Simulation Software Activity 3: Block Diagrams and Gain Activity 4: Calculating Process Gain Activity 5: Calculating the Final Control Element Gain Activity 6: First Order Systems Activity 7: The Pressure System Time Constant Activity 8: Controlling the Pressure System Using Open Loop Control Activity 9: Introduction to On-Off Control Activity 10: On-Off Control - Tasks Activity 11: Controlling the Pressure System Using On-Off Control Activity 12: Proportional Control Activity 13: First Order Systems Under Proportional Control Activity 14: Controlling the System Using Proportional Control Activity 15: Proportional Integral Control Activity 16: Controlling the Pressure System Using PI Control Activity 17: PID Control Activity 18: Controlling the Pressure System Using PID Control Activity 19: Controller Selection and Design Activity 20: Designing Controllers for the Pressure System
Process Control: Temperature Activity 1: Introduction to Process Control Activity 2: Introduction to ProcessMotion Simulation Software Activity 3: Block Diagrams and Gain Activity 4: Calculating Process Gain Activity 5: Heating Element Control Activity 6: First Order Systems Activity 7: The Temperature System Time Constant Activity 8: Controlling the Temperature System Using Open Loop Control Activity 9: Introduction to On-Off Control Activity 10: On-Off Control - Tasks Activity 11: Controlling the Temperature System Using On-Off Control Activity 12: Proportional Control Activity 13: First Order Systems Under Proportional Control Activity 14: Controlling the Temperature System Using
Proportional Control Activity 15: Proportional Integral Control Activity 16: Controlling the Temperature system Using
Proportional Integral Control Activity 17: PID Control Activity 18: Controlling the Temperature System Using Proportional Integral Derivative Control Activity 19: Controller Selection and Design Activity 20: Designing Controllers for the Temperature System
Fluid Power Hydraulics 1 Activity 1: Getting Started Activity 2: Pressure and Force Activity 3: Pressure Gauges Activity 4: Hydraulic Power Transmission - Part 1 Activity 5: Hydraulic Power Transmission - Part 2 Activity 6: Hydraulic Power Source Activity 7: Determining Component Characteristics Activity 8: Controlling the Flow Rate Activity 9: Flow Control Valves Activity 10: 4/3 Closed-Center Valve - Construction and Function Activity 11: 4/3 Closed-Center Valve - Characteristics Activity 12: Power Transformation Using a Double-Acting Cylinder Activity 13: Loading a Piston Activity 14: Controlling the Piston Location Activity 15: Conclusion
Hydraulics 2: Fundamentals of ElectroHydraulics Activity 1: Getting Started Activity 2: Mechatronics and Hydraulic Systems Activity 3: Building a Dowel Insertion System Activity 4: Controlling a Hydraulic Press Activity 5: Controlling a Barricade Activity 6: Sequential Operation Activity 7: Grain Gate Valves Activity 8: Controlling a Cargo Airplane Door Activity 9: Increasing System Efficiency Activity 10: The Relay Activity 11: Latching a Relay Activity 12: Semi-Automatic Press System Activity 13: The Timer Activity 14: Irrigation System Activity 15: Improving Control in a Circuit with Sequential Operation
Pneumatics 1: Fundamentals Activity 1: Getting Started Activity 2: The Logic Function AND Activity 3: Implementing AND in a Pneumatic Circuit Activity 4: The Toggle Valve Activity 5: Using AND to Build a Fully Automatic System Activity 6: The Logic Function OR Activity 7: Implementing OR in a Pneumatic Circuit Activity 8: Circuit with Two Double-Acting Cylinders Activity 9: Sequential Cycle Activity 10: A Delay Activity 11: Sequential Control with a Timed Delay Activity 12: Opposing Control Signals Activity 13: Timing Diagrams Activity 14: Using a Single Pilot Valve to Prevent Opposing
Control Signals Activity 15: Using A Single Pilot Valve in a Pneumatic Circuit
Pneumatics 2: Advanced Activity 1: Introduction to Pneumatics Activity 2: Atmospheric Pressure and Vacuum Activity 3: Atmospheric Pressure, Vacuum and Mechanical Work Activity 4: The Double-Acting Cylinder Activity 5: 3/2 Valves Activity 6: Controlling a Piston with PBs Activity 7: 5/2 Air-Operated, Air-Returned Valve Activity 8: 5/2 Air-Air Valves Activity 9: Laws of Gases I Activity 10: Laws of Gases II Activity 11: 3/2 Air-Operated, Spring-Returned Valve Activity 12: Spot Welding System Activity 13: 3/2 Roller Valves Activity 14: The Punch - A Semi-Automatic System
Pneumatics 3: Electro-Pneumatics Activity 1: Getting Started Activity 2: Building a Basic Electrical Circuit Activity 3: The 5/2 Solenoid-Spring Valve Activity 4: The 5/2 Solenoid-Solenoid Valve Activity 5: Magnetic Switches Activity 6: Implementing the Logic Function AND Activity 7: Implementing the Logic Function OR Activity 8: Implementing the Logic Function NOT Activity 9: Sequential Operation Activity 10: The Relay Activity 11: Unlatching a Relay Activity 12: Building a Fully Automatic Circuit Activity 13: Adding a Delay Using an Electric Timer Activity 14: Unlatching a Fully Automatic Circuit Activity 15: Measuring Cylinder Speed
Quality Control Mechanical Measurement and Quality Control Activity 1: Getting Started Activity 2: Accuracy, Precision & Measurement Tools Activity 3: Units of Measurement and Conversion Activity 4: Fractions, Decimals, and Rounding Activity 5: Scaled Measurement Tools Activity 6: Vernier, Dial, and Digital Calipers Activity 7: Micrometers Activity 8: Height Gauges and Dial Indicators Activity 9: Fixed Gauges Activity 10: Transfer Measurement Tools Activity 11: Statistical Analysis Activity 12: Statistical Process Control Activity 13: Nominal Dimensions and Tolerance Activity 14: Parts Inspection & Inspection Reports Activity 15: Conclusion
Exploring Machine Vision and Quality Control Activity 1: Image Calibration Activity 2: Pattern Matching and Searches - 1 Activity 3: Pattern Matching and Searches - 2 Activity 4: Finding & Measuring Edges & Stripe Activity 5: Digital Images: File Types, Compression, Graphic Cards
and Scanners Activity 6: Introduction to Remote Sensing Activity 7: Remote Sensing & Image Processing Activity 8: Machine Vision in the Medical Sector Activity 9: Machine Vision in the Medical Sector Activity 10: Analog and Digital Camcorders Activity 11: Machine Vision and Robot Guidance Activity 12: Introduction to Programming Languages Activity 13: Conclusion
Machine Vision and Quality Control Activity 1: Getting Started Activity 2: Camera and Lighting Activity 3: Image Digitization Activity 4: Working with Images Activity 5: Image Enhancement Activity 6: Using Filters Activity 7: Object Analysis Activity 8: Pattern Matching Activity 9: Blob Analysis Activity 10: Quality Control - Flaw Detection Activity 11: Quality Control - Part Counting Activity 12: Quality Control - Measurement & Gauging Activity 13: Quality Control - Position Verification Activity 14: Executing a Machine Vision Operation Activity 15: Conclusion
Machine Vision and Image Processing Activity 1: Machine Vision and Quality Control Activity 2: Binary & Hexadecimal, Bits & Bytes Activity 3: Camera Activity 4: Image Digitization Activity 5: Grayscale, Binary Images Activity 6: Color Activity 7: RGB, CMYK and HSL Activity 8: Introduction to Blobs Activity 9: Blob Analysis Activity 10: Image Quality & Interference Problems Activity 11: Noise Activity 12: Neighborhood & Point-to-Point Operations Activity 13: Morphological & Geometric Operation Activity 14: Arithmetic Operations Activity 15: Quality Control
PLC Technology PLC Technology 1 MicroLogix/SLC 500 Activity 1: Getting Started Activity 2: Examining Input/Output Relationships Activity 3: PLC Monitoring Tools Activity 4: Writing and Simulating a Basic Ladder Diagram Activity 5: Project: Controlling a Sorting System Activity 6: NOT Logic Activity 7: AND Logic Activity 8: OR Logic Activity 9: Project: Arsenic Filling Station Activity 10: Latching and Unlatching Outputs Activity 11: Improving Elevator Control Activity 12: One Shot Rising Activity 13: Timer On Delay Activity 14: Timer Off Delay Activity 15: Conclusion
PLC Technology 2 MicroLogix/SLC 500 Activity 1: Getting Started Activity 2: Bits and Words Activity 3: Counter Up and Reset Activity 4: Counter Down Activity 5: Project: Implementing CTU and CTD Activity 6: The Equal (EQU) Instruction Activity 7: The Not Equal (NEQ) Instruction Activity 8: Project; Applying Equal and Not Equal Activity 9: The Less Than (LES) Instruction Activity 10: The Greater Than (GRT) Instruction Activity 11: Project: Implementing GRT and LES Activity 12: The Move (MOV) Instruction Activity 13: The Add (ADD) Instruction Activity 14: The Subtract (SUB) Instruction Activity 15: Conclusion
PLC Technology 3: PLC-Controlled Pneumatic Systems Activity 1: Getting Started Activity 2: The Pneumatic HMI Activity 3: Manual Control of a Pneumatic Piston Activity 4: Semi-Automatic Control Systems Activity 5: Semi-Automatic Action Using a 5/2 Spring-Return Valve Activity 6: Fully Automatic Operation Activity 7: Fully Automatic Operation with Spring Activity 8: Timers Activity 9: Counters Activity 10: Sequential Operation with Two Double-Acting Cylinders Activity 11: Sequential Operation with Three Double-Acting Cylinders Activity 12: Solving Opposing Control Signals Activity 13: Solving Opposing Control Signals in a Three Cylinder System Activity 14: Controlling a System with a Variable Timer Activity 15: Advanced Operation
PLC Technology 4: PLC-Controlled Hydraulic Systems Activity 1: Getting Started Activity 2: Using a 4/2 Sol-Sol Valve to Control a Double-Acting Cylinder Activity 3: Using a 4/2 Sol-Spring Valve to Control a Double-Acting Cylinder Activity 4: Using a 4/3 Sol-Sol Valve to Control a Double-Acting Cylinder Activity 5: Using a Fully Automatic Hydraulic Circuit Activity 6: Using a Fully Automatic Hydraulic Circuit with a Timer Activity 7: Using a 4/3 Sol-Sol Valve with a Counter Activity 8: Using a Fully Automatic Hydraulic Circuit with an OSR Instruction Activity 9: Sequential Operation with Two Double-Acting Cylinders Activity 10: Sequential Operation with Three Double-Acting Cylinders Activity 11: Sequential Operation with Two Double-Acting
Cylinders and a Delay Activity 12: Sequential Operation with Three Double-Acting Cylinders and a Delay Activity 13: Variable Timers Activity 14: Variable Counters Activity 15: Project: Port Soil Removal System
Electrical Electrical Systems Activity 1: Getting Started Activity 2: Introduction to Electricity Activity 3: Magnetism and Electromagnetism Activity 4: Electrical Power Supplies Activity 5: Instrumentation Activity 6: Output Devices Activity 7: Control Devices Activity 8: Circuit Protection Activity 9: Electrical Conditioners 1 Activity 10: Electronic Conditioners 2 Activity 11: Series Circuits Activity 12: Parallel Circuits Activity 13: Controlling Electrical Output Activity 14: Logic Gates Activity 15: Conclusion
Fundamentals of Electronics Activity 1: Introduction to Electronics Activity 2: Semiconductors Activity 3: Sources of Power Activity 4: Practical Application of the Diode Activity 5: Full Wave Rectifiers Activity 6: Bipolar Junction Transistors Activity 7: Specialized Diodes Activity 8: Field-Effect Transistors Activity 9: Power Supplies - Part 1 Activity 10: Power Supplies - Part 2 Activity 11: Introduction to Logical Systems Activity 12: The Logical OR Function Activity 13: The Logical AND and NOT Functions Activity 14: The NOR and NAND Functions Activity 15: Binary Numbers and Codes
Advanced Electronics Activity 1: Integrated Circuits Activity 2: Logic Gates Activity 3: More Logic Gates Activity 4: Boolean Algebra Activity 5: Binary Arithmetic Activity 6: Flip-Flops Activity 7: Types of Flip-Flops Activity 8: Shift Registers Activity 9: Counters Activity 10: Digital to Analog Conversion Activity 11: Analog to Digital Conversion Activity 12: Data Acquisition Activity 13: Sensors Activity 14: Displays Activity 15: Circuit Analysis
Sensors Activity 1: Introduction to Sensors Activity 2: Contact Sensors Activity 3: Digital Light Sensors Activity 4: Analog Light Sensors Activity 5: Reed Switch Sensors Activity 6: Logic AND Circuits Activity 7: Logic OR Circuits Activity 8: Relays - Logic NOT Circuits Activity 9: Inductive Proximity Sensors - Intro Activity 10: Inductive Proximity Sensors - Applications Activity 11: Pressure Sensors Activity 12: On-Off Control Systems Activity 13: Using an Optic Fiber as a Conductor Activity 14: Control Circuit Design Activity 15: Conclusion
Environmental Engineering Introduction to Environmental Engineering Activity 1: Ecosystems and Ecology Activity 2: The Hydrosphere and Water Resources Activity 3: Water Quality and Supply Activity 4: Water Pollution Activity 5: Wastewater Management Activity 6: Fundamentals of Air Pollution Activity 7: Global Air Pollution Activity 8: Solid Waste Management Activity 9: Solid Waste Disposal Activity 10: Hazardous Waste Disposal Activity 11: Population and Economic Growth Activity 12: Energy Growth Activity 13: Environmental Impact Assessment Activity 14: Environmental Ethics Activity 15: Sustainable Development
Wastewater Management Activity 1: Introduction Activity 2: Wastewater Characteristics Activity 3: Wastewater Treatment Processes Activity 4: Treatment Plant Planning and Design Activity 5: Sewer Design Activity 6: Pump Stations Activity 7: Preliminary Treatment Activity 8: Flow Measurement Activity 9: Primary Treatment Activity 10: Secondary Wastewater Treatment Activity 11: Disinfection Activity 12: Advanced Wastewater Treatment Activity 13: Effluent Disposal Activity 14: Sludge Management Activity 15: Natural Wastewater Treatment
Environmental Pollution Control Activity 1: Introduction to Environmental Pollution Activity 2: Introduction to Air Pollution and Classification Activity 3: Meteorological Processes and Atmospheric Dispersion Activity 4: Effects of Ambient Air Pollution Activity 5: Reducing Air Pollution 1 Activity 6: Reducing Air Pollution 2 Activity 7: Noise and Indoor Air Pollution Activity 8: Introduction to Water Pollution Activity 9: Water Pollution Activity 10: Marine Pollution Activity 11: Water Quality and Treatment Standards Activity 12: Wastewater Treatment Processes Activity 13: Land Degradation Activity 14: Land Pollution and Solid Waste Disposal Activity 15: Pollution Legislation
Water Supply Engineering Activity 1: Introduction Activity 2: Water Sources Activity 3: Water Quality and Treatment Standards Activity 4: Water Pollution Activity 5: Water Supply Systems Activity 6: Water Intake Activity 7: Water Treatment Overview Activity 8: Coagulation and Flocculation Activity 9: Filtration Activity 10: Disinfection and Conditioning Activity 11: Water Distribution Systems Activity 12: Pipes Activity 13: Joints and Valves Activity 14: Pump Stations Activity 15: Water Distribution in Buildings
Introduction to Transportation Engineering Activity 1: Introduction to Transportation Activity 2: Traffic Flow Models Activity 3: Forecasting Travel Demand Activity 4: Capacity and Level of Service Analysis Activity 5: Transportation Planning Activity 6: Transportation Impact Analysis Activity 7: Transportation Engineering Software Applications Activity 8: Land Transportation - Facility Design Activity 9: Water Transportation - Facility Design Activity 10: Air Transportation - Facility Design Activity 11: Transportation System Management Activity 12: Transportation Safety Activity 13: Energy Issues in Transportation Activity 14: Intelligent Transportation Systems Activity 15: Emerging Transportation Systems
Civil Engineering Introduction to Construction Technology Activity 1: Introduction to Construction Technology Activity 2: Construction Planning Activity 3: Planning and Management Techniques Activity 4: Project Costing Activity 5: Scheduling and Estimates Activity 6: Construction Materials I Activity 7: Construction Materials II Activity 8: Construction Methods and Machinery Activity 9: Structural Analysis Activity 10: Design Methods Activity 11: Basic Components I Activity 12: Basic Components II Activity 13: Design Philosophy I Activity 14: Design Philosophy II Activity 15: Management, Manpower, Safety and Software
Introduction to Highway Engineering Activity 1: Transportation Systems Activity 2: Highway Planning and Development Activity 3: Surveys Activity 4: Geometric Design of Highways Activity 5: Highway Materials Activity 6: Traffic Design Activity 7: Design of Pavements Activity 8: Construction of Highways Activity 9: Drainage of Highways Activity 10: Construction of Roads on Uneven Terrain Activity 11: Maintenance of Highways Activity 12: Highway Economics and Finance Activity 13: Environmental Impact on Highways Activity 14: Highway Capacity Activity 15: Highway Safety
Construction Technology: Bridge Engineering Activity 1: Introduction to Bridge Engineering Activity 2: Bridge Classification and Materials Activity 3: Superstructure Design Activity 4: Substructure Design Activity 5: Foundations Activity 6: Loads Activity 7: Bridge Analysis Activity 8: Construction of Foundations Activity 9: Construction of Substructure Activity 10: Superstructure Construction Activity 11: Superstructure Design Activity 12: Inspection Activity 13: Inspection (2) Activity 14: Maintenance and Repair Activity 15: Object Non-Structural Considerations
Construction Technology: Fluids and Hydraulics Activity 1: Basic Principles of Fluids Activity 2: Fluid Pressure Activity 3: Hydrostatic Forces on Surfaces Activity 4: Buoyancy and Floatation Activity 5: Fundamentals of Fluids Flow Activity 6: Fluid Motion and Energy Equations Activity 7: Impact of Jets and Jet Propulsion Activity 8: Analysis of Laminar Flow in Pipes Activity 9: Loss of Energy in Pipes Activity 10: Applications of Flow Analysis Activity 11: Flow in Open Channels Activity 12: Hydraulic Machines: Turbines Activity 13: Hydraulic Machines: Pumps Activity 14: Fluid Systems Activity 15: Dimensional Analysis and Model Analysis