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WARNING The following are ideas from the minds of two disturbed individuals. We cannot guarantee the sanity of any of the things that you will find contained in these pages.

The Intelligent Hoodlums


Plainclothes Thanos



HOrace Mandroid


Hello, SuperVillains‌ In these pages, you will find a number of ideas that have been kicking around our heads. Many of them are plans that can be instituted with a little planning, an internet connection, and some creativity. These aren’t lesson plans but more like concepts to get you thinking in the right direction. They are each codenamed so that if they fall into the wrong hands it’s not big of a deal.

Vox Populi HTML + BrainyBox

the concept:

a Vox Populi is a born from using brainy Box. Why brainy box? this six sided powerhouse give you the ability to go beyond telling a story or evincing research in the usual manners. Text and images are okay, but being able to embed html when and where one likes? that’s really the voice of the people. applications:

1. Six sided stories- Students can write a story in six parts or from six perspectives. 2. Research presentations- Six sides, six questions. 3. Embed Everything- Add Voki, Animoto, Powtoon, ANYTHING that can be html embedded and place it on a face. complications: Okay, so you can use for free, but then you have to be thoroughly prepared when it comes to saving your work. You’ll have to set a password and save the URL for your project. If you are using a LMS or cloud based storage, just copy and paste said URL and you’re golden. we suggest taking it for a spin before you utilize it in a setting that might get you in trouble. This tool is also highly addictive and can be utilized for any number of things.

social Contract Fakebook + Hyperlinks

the concept:

Nothing really crazy here. This is rather straight forward. If you’ve used Facebook, Fakebook won’t be too much of a challenge. Just make sure that you think BIG here. Add links to multimedia in your imagined timelines or links to images. (You can even add links to other Fakebooks). applications: 1. Fakebook of famous folks- Scientists, Pop Stars, Astronauts…you get the picture. 2. Biographies of things that wouldn’t have social media- What would the number 5 say social media? A Water Buffalo? How about the skin between your feet? THINK OUTSIDE OF THE PROVERBIAL BOX. 3. Six degrees of separation- make your own social network by stringing together mutlitple fakebooks. Great for showing linkage between concepts. for example, what would Alfred Nobel’s, Robert Oppeheimer’s and Dexter’s fakebook have in common?



Striked Punch Biographies

the concept:

Strikingly is quite dope. It’s the Twitter of Websites in a sense. One page. That’s it. Perfect for displaying one topic or concept. Displaying research on a famous figure? Use Strikingly. Digital Portfolio? Use Strikingly. Need a website in a hurry? Use Strikingly.

applications: 1. Use it in conjunction with another tool: Want to make your Fakebook more authentic? Build your character a website on Strikingly as well. 2. Displaying information attractively and quickly: Strikingly has the ability to display images dynamically. The one page setup is ideal for anyone that would get overwhelmed busy website builders. 3. Tutorials: Strikingly is great to show process. Steps to a math algorithm? Scientific thought? Progression of a paper? All could be done with Strikingly.

complications: The free version of Strikingly comes with some limitations, but nothing you can’t handle. The main complication is getting in. If you don’t have an email address handy, then you can use the Google email Hack and all should go well. if you don’t know what the google email hack is? just google it.

complex text fake text messages + HIlarious creativity

the concept: Fake text messages are great because creativity can abound and foolishness will ensue. Don’t forget that hyperlinks can be included, adding to the mayhem.

applications: 1. Hilarious Conversations between unlikely persons: What would Abraham Lincoln say to Kanye West? How about a conversation between Marie Antoinette and Buddy from Cake Boss? 2. Funny conversations to explain things in class: No better (and potentially more funny) way to explain how something works than to have a conversation between two people or…yourself. 3. Interview: You could use the tool to interview anybody that you’d like again, with potentially hilarious consequences.



smore than love smore + standard tools

the concept:

Smore can be adapted for research, presentations, posters, whatever you like. Embedding is possible with Youtube and Vimeo vids, maps, calendars, and a host of other lovely options. It’s a tool that is as tasty as it’s name.

applications: 1. Any presentation can be augmented: Add what you like and keep everything in one place with Smore. Then email the link, embed in your own blog or website, or download as a PDF or JPG. 2. Create a “Newletter”: So you’re studying about the World War II propaganda and you want to create some? Bring some history to life with Smore. 3. Biographies: Smore is great for pretending you’re someone else and making a timeline of your life. With all the add ons it’s pretty nifty.

complications: There’s a free version, of course. You’ll need the google email hack if you don’t have a email account.

Animated insomnia Animoto + HTML

the concept:

The more multimedia the better. Animoto is easy video creation and comes stock with images and video for you use immediately. Tell a story. Make a commercial. Create a movie trailer. Use the video in a bigger project. There are tons of possibilities here. The HTML embed capabillity makes this viable for anything your little heart desires.

applications: 1. Vox Populi: Create a trailer for a concept and embed the html into one of the faces of a BrainyBox or create six. You do the planning. 2. Upload your own video: You can use stock film is you want or…you can upload your own stuff. Great for end of the year reminiscing. 3. Download the vids and do funny stuff: You can download the videos and place them into larger projects. Edit the video with iMovie, Windows Movie Maker, or any online editor like WeVideo.

complications: There is a free version of the site, but there is also one that for educators. The educator account nets you 50 free student accounts. If you have smaller students, you’ll want to set these up for them because the Google Email Hack is again in play. If you have older students, you’re good to go.

wandering nomad google maps + hyperlinks

the concept:

Maps can be great ways to tell stories. History? Check. Picture books? Check. Math Word Problems? Check. Google Maps is great if you have a Google account or Apps for Education. Story Maps is dope whether you have a Google account or not. applications: 1. Journey Through Books- Reading a particularly engaging piece of writing, maps characters or events as you go. Add video and images via hyperlinks. 2. Autobiographies/Biographies- This one is pretty simple to sort out. 3. Webquests- Send someone around the world in search of buried treasure or the answer to the capital of Indonesia. Add Google Street Treks for an added flair for the exotic. Mix them with a tool like Zunal to bring it all together.

complications: The dreaded log ins! Google Hack will work for Story Maps. You’ll need a viable gmail for Google Maps. Search “My maps” in Google to head directly to the “My Maps” section of Google Maps.

young turk Infographics + anything

the concept:

Adding images to data makes them sexy. Sexy is good. No one likes looking at spreadsheets…even those that claim they do. The products can be embedded and downloaded for your viewing pleasure. applications: 1. Math Word Problems: Explain the answers to your math word problems with graphics. Download them as jpegs. Add them to presentations. ‘Nuff said. 2. Processes: Infographics can explain processes visually and simply. Science, History, anything.

complications: You accounts might be tricky here, but the Google Hack reigns supreme. Each of the services have a free component that’ll let you accomplish what you need to. If you need more power, Piktochart has a nice Educator’s plan and Visme is pretty inexpensive as well.

via appia VIALOGUES

the concept:

Need conversation to happen? Need conversation to happen around a video? Vialogues is great for that. You can use Ted talks, Youtube, or upload your own creations. This product is brought to you by the geniuses at Edlab from Columbia University.

applications: 1. Close Reading with Video:So you have a copy of a famous text, say “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night,” or something equally as cool. You find a video of said text being read and then conversation can commence via Vialogues. Handle all the good stuff you do on paper on the interwebs. 2. Shhh…be quiet: Record some stuff. Let people comment and respond. Simplicity. 3. Sundance Film Festival Stylistic: So you do a movie project and your have a bunch of submissions. You upload the submissions onto Vialogues. Give a rubric to all interested parties. Let them watch the films, comment, and score.


Accounts needed.

straight cache, homie QR CODES + video + audio

the concept:

The QR things has been around for a while. Little symbols that when scanned with the proper tool will allow you to view content. Audio, video, images, and text are all in play. You can acquire them in many places on the interwebs. Qrstuff is a pretty good place to start.

applications: 1. Cache it In: Create a “quest” using QR codes. already has a tool for this purpose, but you could always do it yourself. 2. Use the Codes, Luke: Take a handout. Add the QR codes instead of instructions or questions. Party on. 3. Books De-Coded: Add QR codes to books for book reviews .

complications: You’ll need a QR reader. Other than that, it’s a piece of chocolate.

sight beyond sight AUDACITY, GARAGE BAND, + REader’s Theater

the concept:

Don’t sleep on audio. Use of mp4 can be a powerful way to convey information and to create content. Many people multitask while listening to their favorite podcasts. Ain’t that a revelation?

applications: 1. Radio Killers: You ever listen to the old radio serials? Why not make one? If you do creative writing, script it out and record it using Audacity (free) or Garage Band. Add special effects and such. You’ll make Orson Welles proud. 2. Reader’s Theater: Find a Reader’s Theater or write one. Record it most righteously. 3. Reenactments: Take some famous scenes from History. Write a script. Narrate.

complications: Audacity is a download and Garage Band only works on Macs. There are some Web 2.0 options.

The INtelligent HOodlums




Plainclothes Thanos


HOrace Mandroid

Government Name: Stephanie Weber

Government Name: Mike Lang

Current Occupation: Chief Officer of Awesome

Current Occupation: Head Insane Person

Affiliations: Intelligent Hoodlums

Affiliations: Intelligent Hoodlums

First Appearance: Intelligent Hoodlums #1

First Appearance: Intelligent Hoodlums #1

Daytime Gig: Project Facilitator, IDPL

Daytime Gig: Project Facilitator, IDPL

Universe: 220

Universe: His own

Aliases: Webs, Q, Chi, The Quits, Vegas Aliases: Pedagogical Super Villain, Chen Lau Citzenship: USA (possibly Canada) Hu, Employee 1552, Chocolate Boy Wonder Skills: Turning dreams into plans into reality, Citizenship: Elysium bringing the world into the classroom and the Place of Birth: Unrevealed classroom into the world, super villainy, thinking outside of the box Bio: If Kim Possible and Wade were all one

Skills: Facilitating of Educational Experiences, Super Villainy, Thinking Outside of the Box Bio: A little Endeavour Morse, a little Dr. Doom, and a whole lot of practice.

person, that would be Webs.




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