TVBE_Nov P1, 11, 12 news_TVBE_Aug_P_news 09/11/2011 10:57 Page 1
Inside: IBC2011 Wrap-Up, MAM Focus, AP High-Def Rollout
Europe’s television technology business magazine
First Alexa M for CPG Broadcast 3D TV By David Fox
LNK’s new LDK 3000 cameras have been installed in the refurbished news studio. Here they are in use with presenter Lina Kairyte
Lithuania gears up for high def transmissions HD Build-Out As this Baltic state gears up for high definition television broadcast transmission, Philip Stevens talks to a broadcaster and the winner of a competitive tender for new cameras Set up in 1995, LNK TV — Laisvas ir Nepriklausomas Kanalas (‘Free and Independent Channel’) — is one of the major broadcasters in Lithuania. Operating from studios in the capital, Vilnius, the company runs four channels — LNK, TV1, LIUX!, and Info TV. Since 2006, the broadcaster has covered 95% of the country using DVB-T, with the LNK channel also available as an analogue transmission for 93% of the population. Cable is also used for all four channels. “Our main channel, LNK, focuses on transmitting in-house and locally produced productions,” explains Ricardas Kazlauskas, technical director and a board member of the broadcaster. “LNK has three studios — news, a small production facility and a main production studio.”
LNK Gallery: The gallery serving LNK’s refurbished news studio
Over the past several years, the company has carried out a number of major refurbishment projects. The first involved the installation of a new playout and production system for all the channels. “This was based on Grass Valley products such as Maestro, K2 Classic, Concerto, Jupiter, LDK400 cameras, Kayak 2.5 and 1.5 ME SD/HD vision mixers. We also installed Continued on page 11
Arri has delivered production prototypes of its modular Alexa M camera to the Cameron–Pace Group. The compact M was developed with CPG for use in a new smaller 3D rig that minimises cabling and offers an optimised, streamlined 3D system. “The Arri team has been amazingly responsive to the needs of the 3D market by creating the Alexa M,” said CPG Co-Chairman, James Cameron at the recent IBC. CPG will be the exclusive distributor of the Alexa M in its Phase 1 rollout. “The success of 3D will be based on designing technology that supports the creative process of the filmmaker; we are excited about the Alexa M towards that goal. The team at Arri has brought to the industry a great step forward toward quality 3D,” added co-chairman and CEO, Vince Pace. The front-end of the Alexa M transmits uncompressed raw sensor data at around 18Gbps to a back-end image processor/ recorder using a hybrid fibre-optic cable that can also power the head. Weighing well under 3kg, the Alexa M head has multiple mounting points and will also be useful for Steadicam or remote use. The camera body provides the same image processing and recording options as the standard Alexa: images, sound and metadata can be recorded onto SxS Pro cards or external recorders, including uncompressed Arriraw. The fibre means the head can be up to 1km from the body, which “allows for some unique and extremely innovative 3D camera applications. We hope CPG will take full advantage of them in the months ahead,” said Franz Kraus, managing director of Arri Munich. The feedback Arri receives from CPG will help develop the final production version expected early 2012. Arri will also integrate elements of CPG’s 3D rig automation technology into the Alexa M.
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Head and body in concert: Arri’s Alexa M on a Cameron–Pace Group S3D rig
There is also a new flagship Alexa Studio camera, which has a quiet, adjustable mirror shutter and optical viewfinder. It also has a 4:3 sensor, making it the only digital camera (besides the Arriflex D-21) to boast true anamorphic capability. Many cinematographers prefer the anamorphic look, which cannot be created in post. Arri also has a new High Speed mode allowing Alexa and Alexa Plus cameras to run from 60 to 120fps, using newly released Sony 64GB SxS Pro cards, which are about four times faster than current 32GB cards. The 120fps feature is part of the new Alexa Software Update Packet 5.0, and has to be separately licensed. Licenses can be disContinued on page 12
IBC Wrap-Up This issue we’re very pleased to bring you an in-depth and we believe comprehensive wrap-up of key trends and themes from IBC2011. What were the lessons we can learn from the IBC experience, and what pointers for the future? IBC analysis is provided by our writing team of Chris Forrester, David Fox, Carolyn Giardina, Dick Hobbs, George Jarrett, David Kirk and Adrian Pennington. Our 28-page IBC Wrap-Up section begins on page 14. — Fergal Ringrose