EntreComp into Action: get inspired, make it happen
ENTREPRENEURI! AL COMPETENCES WORKSHOP Workshop using EntreComp as the basis to explore and analyse how to improve support systems for development of entrepreneurial learning
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Juan Ratto-Nielsen Inter-Training Joanna Stompel Polish National Agency of Erasmus+
Images from the Eastern Partnership Youth Forum (image courtesy of the contributor)
This workshop aimed to explore diverse understandings of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial learning within the neighbouring countries to the EU (Eastern Partnership – EaP) and analyse it in the light of the EntreComp framework. The topic was addressed both from individual and organisational perspectives to discover and map the needs, methods and policies of youth work to support entrepreneurship competence development in young people. It was organised as part of the third Eastern Partnership Youth Forum, gathering nearly 300 young leaders, youth workers and youth policy-makers from the
EU and Eastern Partner Countries on 22-23 June, 2017, in Warsaw, Poland. The workshop can be adapted to work with different groups, and provides a method to: y Introduce the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework as a tool to define entrepreneurship y Share good practices of supporting entrepreneurship competences development (policies and strategies) y Map concrete practices and policies that support the development of EntreComp y Analyse the main characteristics of identified “support systems”
y Match EntreComp and support systems in both Programme and EaP countries to see transferability/adaptability y Draw conclusions on how to improve support systems (public policies) The workshop follows a three-session approach:
Session 1 (120 min) y Getting to know you – introduction of trainers and participants y Introduction to the topic of the workshop – Exploring our understanding of entrepreneurship competences