Interacts v5n1

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Hulagway Ay-Ayam Fun, Games, and Trivias

Volume 5 | Number 1 | October 2013

Bro. Niño Franco D. Mamorbor EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

Bro. Christian Edward D.M. Padua ASSOCIATE EDITOR

Bro. Melvin M. Blancio

Sr. Jewel B. Tumaliuan

Bro. Jim Zedrick O. Bondad

Bro. Ramoncito R. Tadepa

Sr. Angelyn R. Dela Torre

Bro. Ferdinand Q. Martin, Jr.







Bro. Mc Greggy C. Cabaya Bro. Julito Cajegas, Jr. PRODUCTION STAFF

CONTRIBUTORS: Bros. Mark Anthony Ecalne, Aldrin Castro, Dexter Solleza, Manuel Pachoca, Rogelio Molina, Mars Batay-an, Victor Eludo, Prince Carl Cariaso, Mark Anthony Rivera, Sis. Anna Marie Aldon Diaz

The Very Rev. Eleuterio J. Revollido, S.Th.D. Sr. Mariefe I. Revollido Rev. Ramil M. Aguilar Bro. Roehl Baldonado ADVISERS AND CONSULTANTS

InterACTS is the official publication of Aglipay Central Theological Seminary (ACTS), published twice a year. Letters, comments, suggestions and contributions are welcome. Original manuscript must be encoded, doublespaced, on letter-sized bond paper, and should include author’s name, address, and diocese. The identity of the writer may be withheld upon request. We cannot return any material not accepted for publication.


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elebrating ―fiestas‖ is a part of the tradition and life of most catholic churches. Some celebrate feast in honour of their patrons, others commemorate the birth or death of saints. But whatever the reasons are, we Catholics celebrate feasts days to give thanks to God, our provider and guide. This year, ACTS celebrates its 32nd Thanksgiving Anniversary. Yes, it has been 32 years since the Supreme Council of Bishops decided to open two regional seminaries for the IFI way back in 1981. And one of these is our beloved seminary which was then named as Gregorio Aglipay Theological Seminary. The other seminary is St. Paul‘s Theological Semianry in the Visayas. Thirty-two years had passed, and ACTS had fulfil and continues to fulfil its commitment, facing the challenges of our time and beyond. Thirty-two years of moulding theologians, shaping characters, building communities, training leaders, and serving God and fatherland—these are the proofs that ACTS, indeed, is an instrument of God‘s incarnation to the world. As part of this celebration and thanksgiving, we bring to you a new issue of InterACTS. An issue dedicated (mostly) in showcasing the talents and ability of ACTS Seminarians in doing relevant theology, and in creating literary pieces. With its new set of editorial staff (in which I am the head), new lay-out, and new section names are created to fit in to the ambiance of the merriment. We hope and pray that you will enjoy reading this issue. Learn something, be uplifted and challenged by our reflections, experience as if you have visited ACTS through our pictures. Continue supporting our beloved seminary!

Pagpalain tayong lahat ng Bathalang Maykapal! Pro Deo et Patria!

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seminary. Usually we claim that we are called. Yes, definitely we are and we are called in different ways. But it doesn‘t stop there. The work doesn‘t stop when we answer ―Yes‖ to God. The calling and the responding doesn‘t stop when we decide to go for the vocation of being a priest. We are always given the challenge to prove that we are worthy of the calling. We are continuously challenged to prove that the ―Yes‖ we give God comes from our hearts. When, where, and how can we say that what we are doing is worth celebrating one? As seminarians, it is a must that every action we do is directed towards the glorification of God. As they say, “Lahat ng gagawin, ginagawa, at ginawa, dapat iaalay mo sa Diyos”. Much to say that our accomplishments as servants of the Lord, are accomplishments for the glory of God. But does it mean we are boasting when we said something worth celebrating?


he first semester of the school year is about to end. And I think it would be nice to have a glimpse of the trending expressions (or questions) posted by the seminarians. ― Anong worth celebrating things ang nagawa mo to glorify God?‖ ―What Christ-like attitude have you modelled for others?‖ Some said that the questions were a little hard to answer. Too striking, that will really make us think, reflect, and say to ourselves, ―Ano nga kaya?‖ Most of the seminarians will answer, ―I want to serve God‖, ―I want to work in the vineyard of the Lord‖ when asked of the reasons why they entered the


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Let me quote a verse from St. Paul‘s second letter to the Corinthians, ―Whoever wants to boast must boast about what the Lord had done.‖ Therefore, when we say that we have done somethi ng that i s worth celebrating, we should be boasting not for ourselves but for how God has given us the chance to take part in worshipping God and the glorification of his name. I think, doing something worth celebrating must be the goal of every seminarian, and every Christian. We must continuously strive to make something that will glorify God‘s name through us.


here are two guiding aspects in Christian living in a seminary setting that this InterACTS issue would like to highlight to our attention. The first is ―acts worth celebrating‖, and the second, ―the Christ - like attitude in living.‖ The first one point to the value and meaning of events, the second is the ethical demand patterned after Christ. Christian living here underscored its significance from a transcending action and commitment of an individual g e a ri ng t ow ar ds t ra n sfo rm i ng community (Romans 12). In the last five months there are several outstanding acts worth celebrating as experienced by ACTS community and meritoriously enumerated as follows: (1) the commencement of ACTS Master of Divinity (M.Div.) program this school year, (2) the approval of the Ramento Professorial Chair giving a sustained opportunity for Old Catholic theologians to teach as adjunct professors of ACTS, (3) ACTS continuous commitment to relevant theological education through student ‘s immersion to produce liberating theological reflection, (4) Teachi ng faculty ‘s const ant participation in research and seminars and ecumenical theological education. The last two items could be seen in the large content of this issue where its value and meaning are expressed. I firmly believe that ―acts worth celebrating‖ could only happen if the people involved have the ―Christ - like attitude in living.‖ It is the attitude of committing selflessly to the cause of the struggling people in our society, like Christ who served the least of His b ret hre n. Thi s sem est er ga ve opportunities to those under formation to be with the peasants of Hacienda Luisita in their ―bungkalan,‖ also with the

The Very Rev. Eleuterio J. Revollido, S.Th.D.

Christ - like attitude in living—the attitude of committing selflessly to the cause of the struggling people in our society, like Christ who served the least of His brethren.

wider segments of the society by participating in the real State of the Nation (SONA), and by joining biblico theological forum in an ecumenical setting, all to the belief that relevant and theological education start not in books and library research but in committing oneself first to the cause of those in need. It was then that a life giving theology emerges. I firmly believe further that theologians, our seminarians under formation should be guided, immersed and also be molded as persons schooled in scholarly fashion. This is so because they are expected having the capacity to express the language of faith based in their commitment to people and rooted in the struggle of the marginalized for life in its fullness. No more no less, this is the one expected from an IFI seminarian in an incarnational theology that this church claims to propagate, that b a si cal l y a re t he ― act s w o rt h celebrating‖ in a ―Christ - like attitude in living.‖

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Colossians 1:15-16: “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created; things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.”


e thank God for ―our creation, preservation and all the blessings of this life.‖ What exactly those blessings are we never say. There really isn‘t time to think about them, let alone talk about them. Today we do have time to think about the blessings of this life and we will take time

We had, of course, no part at all in our actual creation. We did not put ourselves together. Sometimes we think that if we had we might have done better than God did. We might have

We are ‗a creation.‘ We are created in the image and likeness of God.


We know that we are not self-made men and women. We are ‗a creation.‘ We are created in the image and likeness of God. To speak of creation, is to speak of creation as relationship. The word creation implies relationship. ―Creation‖ points to a ―Creator‖, a God who creates. Creation therefore means relationships between the human and non-human created order, and the response of the person within that order, and the response of the person to the

….we were simply given a role to play.

to think about them. We were created without our consent. We were not asked whether or not we would like to live in a world that is such a strange and often bewildering mixture of light and dark, joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure, good and bad, success and failure. We were not consulted about the matter at all. We were simply given a part to play in the great human drama. We were not asked at what time we would prefer to play that part, or where we should like it to be, whether it be a great part or a minor ones; we were simply given a role to play.

added a little more of this and a little less of that to the mixture and it would have made life infinitely easier for us. But we dare not be too sure about that.

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created order in its relationship to God. We are God‘s creation, created in His image and that the gifts of God‘s goodness in creation, we must respond with grateful hearts through bonds of love, care, concern, respect and companionship. Today we will each have an opportunity to imagine life with the others, our sisters and brothers, to try t o d ee pl y c o nne ct f rom t hei r perspective and experience and speak of their concern and their wisdom and this can increase our sense of kinship as we are all God‘s creation. What does being made in God‘s image have to do with how I treat "them"? About ―the Others?‖ As Christians, we believe that every life has worth because we‘ve been made in God‘s image. We wonder how anyone could commit such destruction upon fellow human beings. Yet while we rage against acts of injustices, murder, violence and oppression, we may not

Jesus, Our Creator -Reflecting God in Our Relationships Sr. Mariefe I. Revollido

We demean God‘s image in others by failing to let people be themselves. realize that we, too, sometimes violate the image of God in others, diminishing the quality of their lives in more subtle ways. Let‘s explore what the Scriptures have to say about devaluing the image of God in those who are different from us, and what we can learn from Jesus about honouring it instead. Judging by Appearances Jesus also taught that we need to be very careful about evaluating others based on superficial assessments: "Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment" (Jn. 7:24). His words in this passage reiterate what God told the prophet Samuel: The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. (1 Sam. 16:7)

Though someone‘s outside appearance may reflect what‘s happening inside, our judgments about what appears to be true of a person can also be wildly off base. During the senior year of college of my best friend, her roommate told her that a mutual friend thought she was bisexual. As a boy-crazy heterosexual, she was shocked. Apparently, her drab clothes and lack of dates meant something was wrong. Something was wrong: Her self-esteem was appalling. She thought she was fat, so she wore baggy clothes; she thought no guy could ever like her, so she played the role of the "smart girl" and was "just friends" with the guys. Inside, she

desperately wanted to feel pretty and have a boyfriend. The friend who thought something was wrong was partially right. But she jumped to an inaccurate conclusion. Even though we have been on the receiving end of superficial judgments, we tend to make generalizations about what‘s wrong with the church or society—sometimes not realizing that those statements have hurt someone who‘s listening to us. We can easily make judgments based on some aspect of a person‘s appearance that seems suspect. But we demean God‘s image in others when we do so, because we‘ve judged them instead of seeing them as people with real needs who are made in the likeness of their creator. Remaking Others in Our Image Another way we demean God‘s image in others is by failing to let people be themselves. Instead of affirming their unique talents, interests, and aptitudes, we try to remake them in our image. Such attempts send the message: "You're not acceptable." Creativity is a natural outgrowth of being made in God‘s image; remaking others in our image is a destructive misuse of that gift. How much of our criticism, nagging, or even "counsel" is based on the insecurities that arise in our hearts when someone isn't like us? God made each of us just as He wanted, and He alone orders and effects our change. Closing Ourselves Off We can also belittle God‘s image in

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Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment (Jn. 7:24).

others when we close ourselves off from other people. Sometimes we do this out of fear of confrontation, rejection, or risk. Other times we're motivated by arrogance that causes us to disdain someone. Either way, ignoring people undermines their value.

My sister-in-law before she got married, she worked at a temp agency where they filled unskilled labour positions. A man named Jim, who was usually unkempt and dirty, always got the worst jobs. More than once, she noticed Jim looking at her out of the corner of his eye. They hadn't seen Jim in a while when he showed up one day. He was clean, neatly dressed, had a steady job—and was rightfully proud of himself. Later that day she encountered Jim again at a nearby cafeteria. He smiled at her and obviously wanted to talk, but my sister-inlaw acted as if she didn't see him. After a moment, she peeked at him: His face was crumpled and sad. She might as well have slapped him and said, "You're too far beneath me to notice." Shame flooded her. She could pretend that she was afraid and did

what any young woman should have done to be safe. But that wasn't true. She knew Jim would never hurt her. The truth? She was proud. Since then, I have prayed that God would keep Jim from believing the damaging message that my sister-in-law‘s silence and pride sent him that day. Whether we're judging others based on appearances alone, trying to remake others in our image, or closing ourselves off from people, pride is often the root issue. We'll always fail to honour the image of God in others when we exalt ourselves over them, because pride focuses on us instead of God. It renders us unable to see God‘s image in others. Through the Eyes of Jesus As we‘ve seen, it‘s easy to take away life in subtle ways by failing to relate to people as image bearers. In contrast, Jesus shows us what it looks like to treat people with respect and compassion. Consider this: Jesus, fully man, was also fully God. Colossians 1:15-16 says: He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created; things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.

When Jesus came to earth, He didn't just model how to treat people well. He revealed what God would do when face-to-face with His own creation, those stamped with His own likeness. Jesus saw no risk in relating to those of all races, genders, or status. When He

...pride is often the root issue. We'll always fail to honour the image of God in others when we exalt ourselves over them, because pride focuses on us instead of God.


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encountered someone who hadn't always chosen the right path, He didn't simply see a sinner; He saw His creation, His image, damaged and twisted. Other people for several years may have attended a church that excelled in reaching out to people who had been burned by religiosity and legalism. Our priest/pastor modelled an attitude of grace and truth that invited us to be real

other genders, ethnicity, cultures, r e l i g i o n s o r s o c i o e c o no m i c conditions? Am I demonstrating love, respect, and dignity that the people in my world deserve as image bearers? Is there anyone to whom I'm not offering these things? Are there particular individuals God wants me to relate to differently?

In our churches and small groups, in our workplaces and neighborhoods, we have regular opportunities to offer others life by treating them as image bearers. with our struggles and to walk with others through theirs. His messages consistently challenged us to let go of our inclinations to judge those we might deem to be hopeless cases—people whose lives looked like that of the Samaritan woman. Fellow believers often helped us see beyond the shortcomings of others to realize their true value in Christ. Then we understood that they were also seeking and struggling to live and walk in grace and truth. In our churches and small groups, in our workplaces and neighborhoods, we have regular opportunities to offer others life by treating them as image bearers. I'm learning to ask Jesus to wipe away my misconceptions, prejudices, and wrong opinions so we can respond to others as He did—with dignity and respect. To do so, the following questions may help us see others through His eyes.  How do I view and value people of

It‘s an ongoing process, of course. But I'm thankful we have Jesus as our model. Jesus listened. He asked questions. He touched people. He didn't label people but treated them as individuals with real needs. He knew the inestimable value of every person stamped with the image of God... His image In the familiar prayer we then thank Him for ―all the blessings of this life.‖ What are they? We usually begin with ourselves, which is perfectly natural. I thank God for the people that I have known, the necessities of life and the privilege of being useful to other people. We are grateful to Him for giving us a chance to play our part, whatever it may be, in the great human drama, to do what we can, whether it be great or small, and occasionally to share in a few ecstatic joys of life with other people, having a good relationship with them. We have all our ups and downs, fear and struggles, but even when things are bad and down we can still say, Thank you God for our creation. God bless us all.

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heistic philosophers say that God is good. This goodness is m ani fest e d on h ow he demonstrated in history his love when he created humankind in his image and likeness. Logically, if human is created ―imago dei‖, goodness pervades its very being because God is good or the ultimate source of goodness. In the same way, if God feels love, human as his creature, has also the nature or the capability of loving. This can be explained by the Satkaryavada School of Thought which believes that ‗the effect is not a new creation but only an explicit manifestation of that which was

Yahweh is a God who serves. The Book of Genesis tells this to be so. Creation happened in six days. If one has to ascertain the creation account, it will be discovered that among all of the creatures created in the sixth day, human is the last. As the Book of Genesis states: And God said: „Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind: cattle and creeping things and wild animals of the earth of every kind. And it was so. God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind, and the cattle of every kind,

If human is created ―imago dei‖, goodness pervades its very being because God is good or the ultimate source of goodness.

implicitly contained in its material and everything that creeps upon the cause.‘ Satkaryavadins further explain ground of every kind.‟ And God saw that it was good. that ‗only an efficient cause can produce that for which it is potent. In the Then God said, „Let us make humankind in case of God‘s creation of human, He is o ur i ma ge, a c co rd i ng to o ur the efficient cause (can cause likeness…‟ (Gen.1:24-26). production). Human, as his creature, is the effect which implicitly inheres or preWhy is humankind created last? The exists in the material cause. It can be answer to the query can be found in said, therefore, from the preceding Genesis 1:29-30: As it is written: statements that love comes from or is God but its pleroma would only be God said, „See, I have given you every reached with its expression to the plant yielding seed that is upon the face of beloved. In the case of God, who is love all the earth, and every tree with seed in its and its source, has become a lover. fruit; you shall have them for food. And to Thus, the Chinese philosopher Hsun Tzu God, because He is love and its source, has once said, ―Nature is unwrought material of served humankind from the very beginning. the original.‖ In the s am e w ay too, every beast of the earth, and to every bird humans as creatures of God, initially of the air, and to everything that creeps possess love which according to Hsun on the earth, everything that has the Tzu, ―love in its primitive stage‖ and can breath of life, I have given every green only be fully fashioned or formed when plant for food.‟ expressed to and for the beloved.


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Of Love and Service Bro. Roehl L. Baldonado

of the poor did not cease. All of which was not concealed from God, who would always look after the welfare of the poor. As an expression of his love, he sent his only Begotten Son to serve his people. As Jesus himself said: ―… just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many‖ (Mt. 20:28). G o d ‘s s e em i ng t ra ns ce nd e nc e , therefore, was turned into immanence due to the incarnation of His only Begotten Son into the world.

To be God-like is to love which also means to serve. Hence, God‘s mandate ‗to have dominion‘ means ‗to be at the service of all creation.‘ The passage clearly tells that God, because He is love and its source, has served humankind from the very beginning. In Genesis1:28, God bestows His blessings on humankind. He said: ‗Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the air.‘ ‗Be fruitful and multiply‘. The above passage does not only mean to grow in number but also in goodness. It can mean ‗to be God-like‘ since humankind was created in God‘s image and likeness. To be God-like is to love which also means to serve. Hence, God‘s mandate ‗to have dominion‘ means ‗to be at the service of all creation.‘ Yes, servi ce i s t he concrete manifestation of love. God did not cease in his service to humankind. It continued even after his creation of humankind including his creation of the provisions necessary for the latter‘s sustenance and survival. God‘s love and service was incessant. It went on during the time of the judges and prophets whom he commissioned to consistently speak out strongly on j usti ce i ssues. They cou rageou s defenders of justice and opposed all forms of injustices and oppression of the poor and downtrodden.

Here, God‘s immanence in creation s houl d n ot be u nde rst ood t he pantheistic way, that he is in all matter or that the totality of all matter is the ―body of God.‖ Such definition gives the impression that God penetrates the whole of creation or that he himself is nature. Here, the author would like to give immanence a different face, that is, participation and involvement within the circle of creation. As Justo L. Gonzales, O.P. said: ―From its very beginning Christianity has existed as the message of the God who ‗so loved the world‘ as to become part of it. Christianity is not an ethereal, eternal doctrine about God‘s nature, but rather it is the presence of God in the world in the person of Jesus Christ. Christianity is incarnation, and, therefore, it exists in the concrete and the historical.‖

God, because He is love and its source, has served humankind from the very beginning.

The corruption by the rich and powerful

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t is expected from every Christian to liveout their faith, and this faith shoud always be drawn from the lifeexamples of Christ. Thus, being inspired by the works and deeds of Jesus requires contemplation which will lead to a deep commitment to action, and this contemlation and action develops our Spiritual Maturity. Let us now draw ourselves to the experience of Jesus in Jerusalem. This experience of Jesus will helps us understand that Spiritual Maturity requires to be critical and concerned of the things that happen around us, just as He did. That to be spiritually mature means to have a heart that is willing to confront and be confronted with the realities that affect the society, where injustice, oppression and corruption continue to lurk, but is always challenge to standup for c hang e and transformation. Jerusalem in Jesus’ time. In Chapter 19 of the gospel according to John it is said that ‗Pilate had an inscription written and put on the cross, and it read: Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews; and it was written in Hebrew, Latin and Greek‘. As such it only tells us that during the time of Jesus, the country that he lived in was not only populated by Jews but also may have an influence of Greek and Roman. The country was under Roman occupation for Judea was under a roman governor. Jerusalem, aside from being the center of worship, was also the center of trade. Since it has been the place where Jewish populace go to offer sacrifices to God, the only place of worship for the Jews and where the annual celebration of the Passover is held. Jerusalem has


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been the center of commerce. That is why, there are gospel accounts that there were money changers even in the temple.

...even those that serve as envoys of God had favored and connived with those that oppress and suppress the people of God.

As Jesus went to Jerusalem, and He did not favored what He saw. The most holy place had been desecrated and turned into a marketplace. Merchants were selling animals for temple sacrifices. Money changers were exchanging the pilgrims' money for coins reserved for temple use. Jerusalem though considered to be a holy place, was not spared of violence, i nj u st i ces a nd c o rru pt i o n. Bot h Ecclesiastical and Civil taxes were imposed, that is why during their time they have money that was used for temple and ones that bear the face of Caesar. Taxes imposed by the Roman and Jewish authorities were exploitative and burdensome for the people, especially for the small tenant farmers. The presence of the military was much felt. This environment of violence and social injustice had led to poverty. It was at this time that revolutionary groups were formed. For this, Jesus had wept over Jerusalem, out of disgust. Jesus turned over the seats of the merchants and the tables of the money changers, scattering their coins. He made a whip of some cords and used it to drive out the merchants

Contemplation and Action: ―Jesus leads us to Jerusalem‖ Rev. Ramil M. Aguilar

and even animals. As He said, ―It is written, 'My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations', But you have made it a den of thieves!‖ This environment of injustices was very evident in the parables that Jesus told, it was also seen as He carries out His ministry, these pictured poverty, violence and oppression that had existed in his times, e.g. the absentee landlord (very rich people in Jerusalem had their property administered by others in their country estates), tenant revolts, debts and debt ors, sl avery, ext orti on, corruption, starving beggars, uncaring rich people, day laborers waiting around for employment, a widow pestering a corrupt judge to get justice – all these situations are description of a society where Jesus had lived in. It is very clear then, that during the time of Jesus, there was a big gap between the rich and the poor. This gap is well illustrated by the contrast between the rich man and Lazarus in Luke‘s parable (Lk.16). The Leaders in Jesus’ Time

However, it would be unjust to classify all of the Jewish leaders during the time of Jesus as sympathetic to Rome. Some did support rebellion against Rome, but those at the highest levels were undoubtedly have the favor of Rome. Read gospel account according to John chapter 11: verses 45 to 48. During the time of Jesus, it seems that the hope for the will of God to reign is far from reality, because even those that serve as envoys of God had favored and connived with those that oppress and suppress the people of God. This is the general picture of daily life in the time of Jesus. Jesus Sets an Example In all of this Jesus also tells that there will be temptations to avoid sturggles. Just as what had happened a couple of times. We remember how Jesus rebuked Peter as satan, for saying that He (Jesus) should not suffer death. But Jesus tells that if He will face persecution for doing the mission that the Father has given to Him, so be it.

In the midst of all these injustices, the It was clear for Jesus, that He had to step church leaders, the high priests and out of His comfort zone to pursue the Pharisees are enjoying the comfort of mission that was entrusted to Him by the their office as religious leaders, that Father, i.e. to face and confront instead of witnessing to the will of God, injustices, oppression and corruption an they, in one way or another had d preach the will of the Father. connived with the foreign rulers. Thus maintaining status As Jesus leads us to quo, which gives temple in t hem p e r s o n a l be spiritually mature is to the Jerusalem, let us benefits. The priests again picture the pursue the mission and at the temple in scene of His Jerusalem not only ministry that God has triumphal entry. officiated over the The holy city of religious life of the entrusted us no matter what Jerusalem was Jews, they were also the cost. c row de d with rulers and judges. pilgrims who had

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come f or t he a nnu al Passo ve r celebration. The crowd overjoyed, and given hope for freedom and justice are placing their cloaks and leafy branches in Jesus' path, waving palm branches, and shouting ‗Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the coming kingdom of our ancestor David! Hosanna in the highest heaven!‘ While the Pharisees in multitude who obviously does not affirm to the acclamation and said: ―Teacher, rebuke your disciples.‖ But, Jesus, dismayed of the attitude of the

22:35-36,38 ) aft er t he seri es of confrontation and the plot to kill Jesus, we find Jesus telling to His disciples: “He said to them, „When I sent you out without a purse, bag, or sandals, did you lack anything?‟ They said, „No, not a thing.‟ He said to them, „But now, the one who has a purse must take it, and likewise a bag. And the one who has no sword must sell his cloak and buy one. They said, „Lord, look, here are two swords.‟ He replied, „It is enough. „is that after the confrontations of Jesus in the temple.”

One thing is clear, when there was Everyday we are exposed to modern–day i nj u s t i c e s , and oppression, Jesus Jerusalem, where violence, oppression, stood to condemn injustices and corruption continue to lurk. it, even in the face of persecution. We to s ho ul d be Pharisees, for he knows how corruption prepared, that in preaching the good had creped in them, He answered, ―I tell news, not all will be pleased, not all will you, if these were silent, the very stones accept it. There will be contradictions would cry out.‖ and threat to our lives. But here Jesus is leading us to be firm even in the midst of Here, Jesus leads us to a place where fear, that the will of God should not be injustices, oppression and corruption is compromised. happening. To be spiritually mature means to step out of our comfort zones and preach the good news to the poor Jesus Challenges us and oppressed. Even today, the Jerusalem that Jesus had entered is present. It is a reality in Jesus, teaches us as He leads us to the church, in the society, and even in temple in Jerusalem that to be spiritually ourselves (our heart is the temple of the mature is to pursue the mission and Lord); Everyday we are exposed to ministry that God has entrusted us no modern–day Jerusalem, where violence, matter what the cost. Jesus invites us to oppression, injustices and corruption enter Jerusalem and if need be, to continue to lurk. As members of the One cleanse the house of the Father, not to Body of Christ gives us great honor. He make it den of thieves. One that leads us to be critical and reminded not intrigues me is the question: Does Jesus to succumb into temptations for want us to fight for the purification of the personal upliftment and selfish motives. House of the Father, or to use force in the establishment of the Reign of God? But rather be like Jesus who stood His ground for justice and truth. In the gospel according to Luke, (Lk


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Points to ponder

(Continued from page 19)

Everyday we are exposed to violence, oppression, injustices and corruption. How do we intend to act? How can we consider the injustices that were ha p p e ni ng i n t h e m o d e rn - d a y Jerusalem, in the church, the society, and our selves? What role do we play in the aforementioned, do we act as modern-day maintainers of the status quo, like the high priest and Pharisees who selfishly benefited in the injustices? Or are we challenged by Jesus to be Spiritually mature and be advocates for change and transformation?

...when there were injustices, and oppression, Jesus stood to condemn it, even in the face of persecution.

The continuing harassment of our clergy, church workers, and members is an indication of the continuing political repression and worsening human rights violations in our society. ***

OLD CATHOLIC THEOLOGIAN JOINS ACTS By The Very Rev. Eleuterio J. Revollido, S.Th.D. he Prof. Dr. Franz Segbers of the Old Catholic Church of Germany will join the teaching faculty of ACTS for two months (November and December 2013). He will give a series of lectures on Social Ethics and at the same time to attend the 2nd National Clergy Convocation in Baguio City. This is the third time that Prof. Dr. Segbers will join ACTS program.


His presence is part of the ―Ramento Professorial Chair‖ where visiting professors from the Old Catholic Church will teach in ACTS for at least two months beginning this year (2013) until 2016. Four theologians from the Netherlands and Germany committed themselves to the program to give the new M. Div. program more solid groundings. It is being supported by the International Bishops‘ Conference (IBC) of the Old Catholic Church of the Union of Utrecht through the initiative of its Archbishop Joris Vercammen.

HOW TO REACH US Letters to the Editor Email: Send us photos of your church. Published entries will win an ACTS Limited Edition Souvenir.

Write: Aglipay Central Theological Seminary 01 Nancamaliran West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan, 2428

Log on to to submit your photos and tell us what it means to you to be an IFI member.


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ACTS OFFERS MASTER OF DIVINITY (M.DIV.) PROGRAM By The Very Rev. Eleuterio J. Revollido, S.Th.D. CTS once again strikes a historical landmark in its 32 years of ministry in theological education and formation by adding another level of theological education by offering the Master of Divinity (M. Div.) program this school year 2013-2014. There are three students enrolled in this program namely, Bro. Mars Batay-an (LUISA), Bro. Victor Eludo (Dinagat) and Bro. Dan Falcutila (ROOM). It could be recalled that from 1981-2004, ACTS only offered the three year Licentiate in Theology (L.Th.) and in the school year 2004-2005 that it commenced offering the Bachelor of Theology program. The M. Div. program is side by side given with those enrolled in the Bachelor of Theology program.


The M.Div. program is a four-year residential program of study, training and formation offered every year to qualified applicants who hold a first Baccalaureate degree in either Arts and Sciences from a reputable or government recognized institution of higher learning. The purpose of this program is to equip the students with knowledge and skills for ministerial and pastoral leadership as well as an opening to a higher degree of learning in theological education. Its goals are to have a more critical and in-depth grasp of the biblical, theological and historical traditions with appreciation of the Philippine and Asian cultures and context, and have a more developed understanding of the ministry and pastoral identity. ***

ANNUAL AGLIPAY LECTURE HELD AT ACTS by Bro. Mars Batay-an he annual Aglipay Lecture was held last August 30, 2013 at the Conference Roo m of Ba la y Aglipa y, ACTS, Urdaneta City. This momentous event was held n commemoration of the 73rd Death Anniversary of the Supreme Bishop Gregorio L. Aglipay, D.D. The first lecture was delivered by the Very Rev. Eleuterio J. Revollido, S. Th. D.,

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rector of the seminary which was entitled, ―Towards an IFI Ecumenical Experience with the Old Catholic Church and Today‘s Challenges.‖ The second lecture entitled, ―Old Catholic Churches of the Union of Utrecht: Ecclesiological Principles and Theological Vision in the Eyes of an IFI Theologian‖ was delivered by the Rev. Noel Dionisio L. Dacuycuy, S. Th. D., one of the faculty of the seminary. The half-day event was participated by the faculty, seminarian, and priests from different dioceses. ***

ACTS COUNCIL OF SEMINARIANS ELECTS NEW SET OF OFFICERS by Bro. Mc Greggy Cabaya ast June 31, 2013 the Council of Seminarians of the Aglipay Central Theological Seminary held its first General Assembly at the Balay Aglipay Conference Hall and elected its new set of officers. In the line were Bro. Ramoncito Tadepa (Cavite) who was elected as chairman, Bro. Juanito Lomocso Jr. (RizPam) as vice-chairman, Sr. Cherry Mae Felipe (Isabela) as secretary, Bro Arvin Mangrubang (Ilocos Norte 1) as treasurer, Bro. Rogelio Molina (Ilocos Norte 2) as auditor, Bro. Fernando Ellano Jr. as housemaster, Bros. Michael Consigna (Surigao) and Ricardo Bitoy, Jr. (BILLESA) as refectorian and sports coordinator respectively. Together with them were Bro. Christian Edward Padua (LUISA) who was appointed as the new student librarian while Bro. Aldrin Acoba remained as the chief sacristan. Each year level also chose their own repective representatives with Bro. Mark Anthony Rivera (Bataan-Bulacan) for the freshmen, Bro. Mark Anthony Ecalne (BILLESA) for the second years, Sr. Shiela Mei Faderogao (ROOM) for the third years, and Sr. Josie Baddas for the graduating class. ***


OBISPO MAXIMO VISITS ACTS, HOLDS COMMUNITY AUDIENCE By Bro. Victor Eludo he Aglipa y Centra l Theo lo gica l Seminary welcomed His Emminence, the Most Reverend Ephrai m S. Fajutagana, D.D., the Obispo Maximo of Iglesia Filipina Independiente during his official visit in the seminary as he graced the Community Audience held at the Conference Hall of ACTS on July 11, 2013. The affair was attended by the seminarians and teaching staff of ACTS headed by the seminary‘s rector , the Very Rev. Dr. Eleuterio J. Revollido who delivered a welcome message. The Obispo Maximo gave his consultative statement concerning various problems encountered by the seminary particularly the security of the three seminary priests who recently received ―threats‖ from suspicious unidentified armed men. Meanwhile, an open forum or a dialogue highlighted the said event wherein the seminarians were given an opportunity to ask queries directly to the Obispo Maximo. Bro. Juanito Lomocso, Jr. stressed his concern about the dilapidated roof of the seminary‘s ABC Building and queried on the budget for theological education. The Obispo Maximo was lauded by the seminarians as he was given by the seminary a token of appreciation in recognition to his untiring and dedicated service to the community. After the program, pictorials with the Obispo Maximo and a fellowship lunch was followed.





he Aglipa y Centra l Theo lo gica l Seminary celebrated its annual fiesta last October 3-5, 2013. These 3 days notable occasion was divided into three main events. On the first day, a mass was celebrated in commemoration of the 7th death anniversary of OM Alberto Ramento. The second day was highlighted

with a Street Dancing Competition entitled Parada ng Tagumpay ng Rebolusyon and the Pageant Night (Lakambini ng Rebolusyon). A thanksgiving mass was celebrated on the last day with the Supreme Bishop, the Most Rev. Ephraim S. Fajutagana, D.D. as the main celebrant, and the Rt. Rev. Joel O. Porlares, Diocesan Bishop of Bataan and Bulacan as the preacher. The event was successfully ended with the avid participation of the visitors from different dioceses and parishes of north and central Luzon. ***

ACTS EXPERIENCES HARRASMENTS AND GRAVE THREATS By Bro. Mark Anthony Rivera he Iglesia Filipina independiente is strongly alarmed over the harassment and grave threat to the life of the students and faculty at the Aglipay Central Theological Seminary. This year, there were incidents reported about the harassment and grave threat to the seminary and its rector. First, on January, a van was seen parked on the Seminary gate with a barrel of a riffle protruding from the window aiming directly at the altar of the church while thee mass was being celebrated. Second, on June 6, two motorcycle-riding in tandems were seen roving the vicinity of the seminary, and more than a week after, an unidentified man carrying a riffle covered with sack was noticed by one of the seminary students. And recently, reports from neighbors were received that there was a van without plate number roving at the vicinity of the seminary. The said incidents constitute grave threats to the security, life and liberty of seminarians, and members of the faculty. The Church believes that the said incidents were part of the long running surveillance and intends to terrorize The Very Rev. Dr. Eleuterio J. Revollido, rector of the seminary for his involvement with different people‘s organizations and human rights advocacy groups.


(Continued on page 17)

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CALLED TO SERVE: New batch of vineyard workers…


he first semester of the new academic year started with ten new seminarians coming from the different provinces all over t he Philippines. They arrived in ACTS, their new home, in preparation for a journey to fulfill the will of God, to serve his people by teaching and preaching the good news. These new seminarians are: Bros. Mars Batay-an(LUISA), Melvin Bl anci o(East ern Pangasi nan), Mc Greggy Cabaya (LUISA), Prince Carl Cariazo (Nueva Ecija), Victor Eludo (Dinagat), Lexter Jay Duke (Rizal and Pampanga), Mark Anthony Rivera (Bataan and Bulacan), Ferdinand Martin (Rizal and Pampanga), Dan Falcutila (Romblon and Mindoros), and Julito Cajegas Jr. (AGUSURIS). Three of them, Bros. Batay-an, Falcutila, and Eludo are degree holders. Hence, they are enrolled under the Master of Divinity Program. The rest is under the B achel o r of Theol goy Prog ram . Nonetheless, all of them have one thing in common—that is, to respond to the


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call, PRO DEO ET PATRIA! Bro. Jim : Why did you decide to enter the seminary? Bro. Prince : ―I know that it is the will of God, who calls me to enter, and I want to serve him and his people.‖ Bro. Ferdinand : ―I want to proclaim his Word and to become a good priest who can help people strengthen their faith.‖ Bro. Melvin : ―I decided to enter the s em i n a ry b ec a u s e I ha v e t he compassion to be God‘s servant and to proclaim his word to the people.‖ Bro. Jim : Who inspired you to enter the seminary? Is it your personal decision? Bro. Julito : ―It is my own decision, because I want to be a good priest and preacher someday.‖ Bro. Mars : ―I am inspired by the priest

whom I idolized.‖ Bro. Mark : ―I am also inspired by the priest who encouraged me to enter the seminary, and it is also my desire to serve God.‖ Bro. Jim : What are your goals now that you have now belong in the ACTS Community ? Bro. Mc Greggy : ―I want to study hard to fulfill my dreams to be a priest who can teach and preach.‖ Bro. Lexter : ―I want to develop myself to become a future servant of God, and a future leader of the church.‖ Each of them was called in a different way and has different reasons of responding to that call. Some got inspirations from other priests. Others found inspiration to fill the inadequacy of priests in their dioceses. Like most seminarians answer when asked why they choose to become a priest, they too want to serve God and His people, that is, to preach the Gospel, and help others strengthen their faith.

Before I was born, the LORD chose me and appointed me to be his servant.

-Isaiah 49:1

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Tangan ang itim na garbage bag… lilibutin namin ang buong seminary upang mangolekta ng basura.


innggg!!! Rinnggg!!! Rinnnggggg!!!

Tumunog na ang bell. Hudyat ng pagsisimula ng arawang work details. Umpisa na ng gawain sa umaga. Pagkatapos ng agahan, kanya-kanya na nang gawain sa paglilinis ang mga seminarista. Rinnggg!!! Rinnggg!!! Rinnnggggg!!!‖ Tumunog na ang bell. Hudyat na kailangan ko nang kuhanin ang aking sandata. Kailangan na ako nang komunidad ng seminary, kailangan na nila ang aking tulong. Ngunit kagaya ng ibang mga superhero (kahit hindi ako isa) meron din akong sidekick na kasama. Costume… Check! Weapon… Check! Sidekick… Check! Ready to go!!! ―Boy Basura! Pakisama naman ‗yong nasa kwarto namin!‖ Wika ng isang seminarista. ―OK!‖ Sagot ko. Tangan ang itim na garbage bag sa isang kamay mula sa isang dulo nito habang hawak naman ng sidekick ko

ang kabila, lilibutin namin ang buong seminary upang mangolekta ng basura. Ito ang gawin ko. Boy Basura kung ako‘y tawagin ng kapwa ko seminarista. Hindi dahil sa mukha akong basura o amoy basura kundi dahil sa gawaing iniatang sa akin—ang mangolekta ng basura mula Lunes hanggang Sabado. Trabaho ko ang paghiwalayin ang mga basurang n ab ub ul ok at hi ndi na bu bul o k. Karamihan, mga hindi nabubulok na basura ang aking nakukuha katulad ng plastik. Ang mga basurang nabubulok ay inilalagay ko sa malaking plastic bag na siya naming kinokolekta ng garbage t ruck tuwing umaga. Ang mga nabubulok naman ay inilalagay ko sa compost area ng seminaryo kung saan marami ang naki ki nabang—mga alagang aso at manok, ibon, at ang iba nama‘y ginagawang pataba sa lupa. ...mahirap ba? Sa paghihiwalay ko ng mga basura, sarisari ang aking naaamoy. Minsan mabaho, mayroon ding pagkakataon na mabahong-mabaho. Sa makatuwid, hindi mawari. Pero hindi ito nagiging dahilan upang hubarin ko ang pagiging si Boy Basura. Mahirap paniwalaan pero may naituro sa akin ang aking pagiging tagakolekta ng basura.

...matitipon sa harapan ng Diyos ang lahat ng tao at sila‘y pagbubukod-bukurin tulad ng ginagawa ng pastol sa mga tupa at mga kambing.


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Naisip ko, mula doon sa mga mababahong nabubulok na basura,


Refleksyon mula sa binukodbinukod-bukod na mga basurang nakolekta Bro. Aldrin Castro kahit na nabubulok na sila ay may nakukuha pa ring pakinabang sa kanila. Mula sa kanilang pagkabulok ay nakakapagbigay sila ng buhay sa iba. Nagiging pagkain ng hayop, at pataba sa mga halaman. Hindi lang sila bastabastang basura na patapon dahil nakakapagbigay ito ng buhay sa ibang nilalang ng Panginoon. Paano ko nakita ang Panginoon? Ito ang tanong na madalas naming itinatanong sa aming sarili sa bawat gawaing aming ginagawa.

...isip-isip din kapag may time Naisip ko tuloy, ―Saan kaya ako ibibilang? Katulad ba ako ng mga tupa at mga nabubulok na basura na nakatulong at nakagawa ng mabuti sa kapwa? O katulad ako ng mga kambing at mga hindi nabubulok na basura dahil sa mga kasalanang aking nagawa?‖ Ikaw, sa tingin mo, saan kaya tayo?

Habang pinagbubukod-bukod ko ang mga nabubulok at hindi nabubulok, naalala ko yung talinhaga ng ating Panginoong Hesukristo tungkol sa Araw ng Paghuhukom. Kung kailan, matitipon sa harapan ng Diyos ang lahat ng tao at sila‘y pagbubukod-bukurin tulad ng ginagawa ng pastol sa mga tupa at mga kambing (Mateo 25:31-46). Parang ‗yong paghihiwalay ko sa nabubul ok na m aaari pang pakinabangan, at hindi nabubulok na nakakasama sa kapaligiran. Ang mga nabubulok, inilalagay ko sa compost pit, pag katapos ay m ul i si l ang pakikinabangan. Pagkain ng mga alagang hayop o kaya pataba sa lupa. Ang mga hindi nabubulok naman na katulad ng plastik ay inihihiwalay dahil sa maaari silang makapagdulot ng pinsala sa iba. Kaya siguro kailangan ring paghiwalayin ang mga tupa at kambing. Ganoon din sa tao, sa pagdating ng Araw ng Paghuhukom, ihihiwalay ang mga nakagawa ng kabutihan sa kapwa at ang hindi. Ihihiwalay ang naging makatarungan sa hindi makatarungan. Ihihiwalay ang naging maibigin sa Diyos at sa kapwa, at ang hindi.

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Diyos ng pagsisikhay... Isinulat ni Mahuyo


ng pagsasaka ay isa sa mga mahi hirap na g aw ai n. N ak ak a ram dam ang m ga magsasaka ng matinding init at lamig sa panahon ng ulan. Gigising ng madaling araw para makapunta agad sa bukid upang masimulan agad ang gawain. At sa hapon naman ay nakalubog na ang araw kapag umuwi. Hirap at pasakit ang k a ni l a ng d i n a ra n a s p a r a l a n g magampanan ang gawain. Subalit sa kabila nito sila pa ngayon ang hinahamak. Mga wala daw pinagaralan kaya nababagay lang sa kanila ang ganitong trabaho. Walang pinagaralan ang magulang kaya ang mga anak ay lalaking walang pinag-aralan at mananatiling magsasaka hanggang sa sila ay mamatay. Sa panahon ng t animan hi ndi sil a ti nut ul ungan, samantala sa anihan kinukuha ang lahat ng palay na pinaghirapan. Sa panahon naman ng taggutom tinatanong kung bakit kulang ang bigas samantalang sila naman ang unang nagugutom. Ang Diyos ay parang isang magsasaka, na ginagawa ang lahat para ang mga tao sa mundo ay mabuhay. Kung ating


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babalikan ang creation story, makikita n at i n d oon ang p agsi si kay ng Panginoon para mapaganda ang mundo na magiging tahanan ng mga tao. Pinapakita ng Diyos ang kanyang lubos na pagmamahal sa atin subalit ano ang iginanti ng mga tao? Puro kasamaan at di pa nakuntento ay inangkin pa ang mga bagay na dapat ihandog sa Diyos. Hindi man lamang magawang magpasalamat sa Diyos bagkus sisi at panghuhusga sa Diyos ay iniaalay kung may kahilingan na di naibigay. Nakalimutan natin na kung wala ang Panginoon wala rin tayo. Kung ang mga kababayan nating magsasaka ay nakakaramdam ng hirap at pagkalam ng sikmura, ang Panginoon ay ganun din. Ang Diyos ay magugutom din sa pagmamahal natin nakakaramdam siya ng hirap sapagkat napalayo na tayo sa kanya. Subalit katulad ng isang magsasaka, ang Diyos ay patuloy parin sa paggawa at pagsisikhay upang mapalapit tayong muli sa kanya habang patuloy sa pag-inog ang buhay.


Tulang iniaalay ni Mahuyo sa mga magsasakang nagsisikhay

Sa aking kamusmusan ako‘y di pansin Na ang ibang nilalang di kayang pasayahin Subalit sa kabila nito ako pa rin ang piliin Sapagkat buhay ko ay buhay mo rin. Katawan ko ay payatot at malambot Nasa ilang minuto ay madaling mabunot At ang resulta, ay matinding lungkot Ng mga taong sa D‘yos ay may takot Sa alang pagtanda marami ang nagsasaya Sapagkat buhay ko ay kukunin nila Para maging buhay nila at sigla At maging malakas sa paggawa.

Ampo para han mga Parag-uma (Panalangin para sa mga Magsasaka) ni Mahuyo

Makagarahum nga amay nga naghatag ha amon hin kinabuhi amon ginaampo an amon mga kabugtoan nga magtaranum. Kunta ihatag mo haira an an maupay nga panlawas para makapadayon hira han ira mga buruhaton. Hira an nagtatanum han amon kinikinahanglan ha kada adlaw, an ira paningkamot it naghahatag ha amon hin kusog. Ginoo ihatag mo kunta an isakto nga panahon nga kun diin haira pagtanum umuran hin isakto ngan han ira pag-uma sumirak nga naaangay. Ayaw hira pabay-e nga daug –daugon kay hira an imo kabulig ha pagbuhi han imo mga binuhat. Ini nga tanan amon gin-aampo pinaagi kan hesukristo nga amon Ginoo.


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ino naman ang bagong mukha sa kwentong ito? Ano Sa pag-attend ng bawat service, isa ang pinakaang kinalaman niya sa favorite niya ay iyong misa. seminaryo? Uma-attend ba ng flag ceremony ang mga langgam? Kung hindi, bakit lagi silang pila-pila? At kung oo, bakit katahimikang hindi niya nakasanayan. naglalakad sila? Ito ba ang uri ng pag re speto ni l a s a kani l ang Nasasaway naman si t‘yo Peto, ang pangkwebang watawat? problema lang, kailangang uulit-ilitin mo. Hindi ko alam kung paano napadpad Magsawa ka o hindi, ang mahalaga masaya siya. Malamang nasa isip niya sa seminaryo itong si t‘yo Peto, isang ―huwag kang ‗basag trip‘, mag-isip ka araw na lamang, nang magsimula ang aming pang-umagang pagsamba, ng sa iyo‖. gumulantang sa akin ang isang boses na nagkukwento ng kung ano-ano sa Madalas siyang uma-attend ng worship aking likuran. Akala ko seminarista, service namin. Kung kasama nga siya sa attendance namin, baka mas marami paglingon ko, isang lalaking mukhang pang beses na present ang taong ito sa sisinto-sinto ang aking nakita. Simula ng ibang mga seminarista. dumating siya, naging dagdag na siya sa apple of the eye ng lahat (kawawa Sa pag-attend ng bawat service, isa naman si Mahadera, dedma na siya sa ang pinaka-favorite niya ay iyong misa. mga boylet niya). Kasi nagagawa niya ang kanyang pamatay na pausing. Kapag kami ay Matinding mag-trip ang taong ito. nakapila na, pipila na rin si t‘yo Peto, Habang ang lahat ay nasa yugto na ng with matching dance pa nga. Pipila siya, kaseryosohan at pagninilay, isang nag-aantay ng tamang pagkakataon t aw ang pam at ay ang kanyang para bumira… ipapamalas at sigurado, sabog ang mundo ng mga nasa simbahan. Pati Ayan na, malapit na siyang bigyan ng ang rector napapakamot ulo. Cool diba? Kung minsan naman tahimik din komunyon… ang taong ito, nagninilay din o Oras na niya… at nagseseryoso. Kahit ano pa man, basta ang mahalaga tahimik siya, walang Kabum! Pagkatapos tumanggap ng pasaway, walang sanhi ng tawanan sa k om uny o n , t um al i kod , sa bay misa. Kung minsan naman, hindi mo mapigilan ang trip ng taong ito, pagpapamalas ng kanyang killer pause na ala Villar na nakahugis check ang magsasalita kung kailan niya gusto, o daliri at nakalagay sa mukha, pang Mr. tatawa kung hindi na matiis ang Pogi ang dating, seryoso ang tirada, may beautiful Masaya kami kahit na sabihin ng iba na may eyes pa na parang batang sakit sa pag-iisip ang taong ito, ang mahalaga sa inuto para kumanta. Inggit ang mga seminarista, lalo

amin ay nakikilala niya ang Diyos.


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KILALA N’YO BA SI T’YO PETO? isinulat ni Paeng Gulgulangot

na si Felixa, sabay balik sa upuan. Sa ganito‘t-ganito man, masaya kaming naririto siya, parang naging ampunan na nga ng may mga problema sa pagiisip ang seminaryong ito. Nanjan si Mayumi ang suki ni mommy Fe at Fr. Nixon sa barya, na kahit may klase ay sige pa rin ang hingi. Ang anak niyang si Gale at si t‘yo Peto nga na binibigyan namin ng pagkain pagkatapos ng simba.

nakasulat dito ay walang katuturan. Dahil nasasaiyo ang pagbibigay dito ng kabuluhan. Ang bawat kataga dito ay w alang hal aga, dahil hi ndi ito makalilikha ng mga bagay na kaya mong magawa. Ikaw ang hangganan, ikaw ang sukdulan, ikaw ang magaakda ng kapalaran. Isa lang ang tanong ko, may konsensya ka ba?

Kailan ba tayo nagpahalaga sa kapwa natin?

Masaya kami kahit na sabihin ng iba na may sakit sa pag-iisip ang taong ito, ang mahalaga sa amin ay nakikilala niya ang Diyos. Kahit na sabihin pang madalas siya mang-trip, ang mahalaga, inilalaan niya sa Diyos ang panibagong umaga na ipinagkaloob sa kanya. Ikaw, ako, tayo? Kailan ba natin nakilala ang Diyos? Kailan ba tayo nagsilbi sa kanya? Ano at sino ba ang mukha ng Diyos? Kailan ba siya kumatok sa atin at ating p i na g b u k s a n ? Ka i l a n b a t a y o nagkaloob ng tubig sa mga nauuhaw? Kailan ba tayo nagbigay ng maisusuot sa mga wala nito? Kailan ba tayo nagbigay ng pagkalinga sa mga may sakit? Kailan ba tayo nagkaloob ng pagkain sa mga nagugutom? Kailan ba tayo nagpahalaga sa kapwa natin? Sa kapwa natin na naglalarawan ng mukha ni Kristo. Sana isa tayo sa mga taong nagbibigay ng ngiti sa Kanyang mukha, at hindi ang nagpapataw ng koronang tinik sa Kanya. Sana isa tayo sa umaalalay sa Kanya, at hindi nagbibigay sakit sa Kanya. Sana maisip mo ito, at hindi manatiling sulat kamay ng taong may pasimuno nito. Ang mga

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BATANG WALANG MUWANG Isinulat ni: Bro. Manuel Pachoca


anghalian ng Linggo, pauwi na ako ng seminaryo. May nakita akong tatlong bata na dumaan sa harap ng simbahan. Nasa sampung taong gulang na siguro ang isa sa kanila, at nasa anim naman ang dalawa pa. Ang tatlong bata ay may dala-dalang mga nakasakong kalakal (plastic, bakal, atbp.)na nakapatong sa kanilang ulo. Sa aking palagay ay ibebenta nila ito upang kumita ng pera.

natututo na sila agad na kumayod sa halip na mag-aral. Madalas nakikita natin sila sa kalye na nangangalakal, nanlilimos, at halos makipagpatintero sa mga sasakyang dumaraan. Maaaring hindi lang ako ang nakakapansin nito. Karami han di n sa ati n ay nakakapanood ng mga ganitong kalagayan sa telebisyon o nararanasan ito sa komunidad na ginagalawan natin. Wari‘y nakatanglaw ako sa bintana na naki kita ang nakakaaw a nil ang kalagayan, ngunit mas pinipiling walang gawin, nakatitig sa salamin at sariling repleksyon lamang ang nakikita.

Nakakaawa ang mga batang katulad Sa puntong ito tunay kong hinahangaan ang mga taong nakikipaglaban at nila na sa murang isipan ay banat na sumisigaw para banat na ang buto sa marinig ang mga pagtatrabaho upang hinaing ng mga kumita ng pera. Ilang murang isipan nila ay mahihina o aping bata pa kaya ang uri sa lipunan higit k a t ul a d ni l a sa kailangan na nilang lalo sa mga lipunang ati ng ginagalawan, habang magbanat ng buto sa pagtatra- batang tulad nila. Sa si m pl e ng ang ilan ay hindi baho para kumita. pakikiisa sa magkanda-ugaga sa kanilang mga paglulustay ng salapi. hinaing ay hindi ako nawawalan ng pag-asa na Naisip ko, sa murang isipan nila ay makakamtan din nila ang kanilang mga kailangan na nilang magbanat ng buto hinihiling—ang magkaroon ng maayos sa pagtatrabaho para kumita. Hindi nila na pamumuhay, hindi nilalamangan, at nakakamit ang tamang atensyon at hindi inaapakan ang karapatan. Dahil karapatan na dapat sa kanila ay k a rap at an ng b aw at bat a na ipagkaloob. Tinanong ko tuloy ang magkaroon ng maayos na edukasyon aking sarili, bilang mamamayan ng at mam uhay ng m atiw asay sa lipunang ito, napapansin ba natin ang komunidad na kanilang ginagalawan. mga tunay na nangyayari sa ating lipunan? Kasi nakakalimutan na natin na mahalaga ring pag-ukulan ng panahon Ngunit bakit nga ba ganito ang kalagayan nila sa buhay. Dahil ba sa at bigyan ng pansin ang karapatan ng mga taong gahaman sa kayamanan at bawat isa sa atin. kapangyarihan, na ang mga inosenteng Isang katotohanan na maraming bata bata na gaya nila ang lubos na ang katulad nila—nagugutom at hirap naaapektuhan? Dahil ba sa kanila na mas inuuna pa ang pagbibigay ng sa buhay. Sa mga mura nilang isipan ay


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PAGNINILAY NI BROTHER AT SISTER: Koleksyon ng mga pagninilay sa Concurrent Field Education

solusyon sa mga kaliwa‘t kanang political scandal, kaysa ang solusyunan ang suliranin sa kahirapan? Tayo, bilang mga anak ng Diyos ay maging iisa at kaisa sana Niya sa tunay na misyon—ang maisakatuparan ang tunay na Kaharian ng Diyos na kung saan ay mayroong pagkakapantaypantay, kapayapaan, pagkakaisa at katarungan. “Sapagkat sa mga tulad nila (bata) naghahari ang Diyos.” (Mateo 19:14)

PANALANGIN O Diyos na makatarungan sa lahat ng panahon: Dumadalangin ako sa Iyo na patuloy mo kaming gabayan at kalingain higit lalo ang mga kapatid naming nagugutom. Nawa sa patuloy naming paglalakbay sa buhay ay patuloy pa rin naming makamtan ang hindi naglalahong biyaya na sa Iyo lamang nagmumula; alang-alang sa Iyong bugtong na Anak na si Hesukristo na aming Panginoon. Amen.

Wari‘y nakatanglaw ako sa bintana na nakikita ang nakakaawa nilang kalagayan, ngunit mas pinipiling walang gawin, nakatitig sa salamain at sariling repleksyon lamang ang nakikita.

Si Bro. Manuel o mas kilalang Bro. ―Maning‖ ay nasa ikalawang taon na nang pag-aaral ng Teolohiya sa seminaryo. Siya ay nagmula sa Diyosesis ng Eastern Pangasinan. Siya rin ay kabilang sa grupo na kung tawagin ay PEACE o KAPAYAPAAN sa wikang Filipino. Ang kanyang pagninilay na ito ay ang nagkamit ng ikaapat na karangalan sa ginanap na pagpili ng mga natatangi, worth sharing, uplifting, at challenging na Pagninilay sa CFE ng mga Brothers at Sisters.

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PUNO Isinulat ni: Sr. Anna Marie Aldon Diaz


oong ika-3 ng Agosto ay nagkaroon ng selebrasyon ng ika111 taong anibersaryo ng proklamasyon ng pagtatatag ng Iglesia Filipina I ndependiente sa aming parokya. Isa sa nakakuha ng aking atensyon ay ang sermon ng aming mahal na obispo. Sinabi niya na tayo bilang simbahan ay nakakabit sa puno at ito ay ang Panginoong Diyos. Para sa kin, ito ay isang high point. Nabigyan kasi ako ng pagkakataon na makiisa sa selebrasyon sa aming parokya at nagkakuha rin ako ng ibang kaalaman tungkol sa ating Simbahan. Masasabi ko rin na nagtagumpay at m aka bul u ha n a ng gi naw ang selebrasyon. Napakahalaga lalo‘t higit sa ating mga Pilipino ang magkaroon ng ating sariling simbahan na bunga ng pawis, luha at dugo ng ating mga ninuno. Sa kabila ng maraming pagtuligsa sa atin ng ibang relihiyon, tayo ngayon ay buhay na buhay pa din at patuloy na naglilingkod dahil tayo bilang Simbahan ay nakakabit sa puno—ang Panginoong Diyos. Sabi ng aming mahal na Obispo, tayo raw bilang simbahan ay nakakabit sa ating Panginoong Diyos na siyang puno kung kaya‘t hanggang ngayon tayo ay buhay na buhay pa din. Bilang isang Simbahan, nararaoat lamang na ang

ating sandigan ay ang ating Panginoon. Minsan kong tinanong ang isang kaibigan kung sino ang nagtatag ng ating Simbahan, ang kanyang sagot: ang Diyos. Dahil magkakaroon daw ba ng Simbahan kung w alang pananampalataya? Tama din naman. Puno… Ano nga ba ang puno? Gaano ba ito kahalaga sa atin? Ang puno ay kasama sa nilikha ng ating Panginoon noong likhain Niya ang sanlibutang ito, at ito ay isang biyaya at regalo Niya sa Kanyang nilalang. Tayo bilang mga tao ay binigyan niya ng responsibilidad na mangalaga dito. Puno ang nagbibigay sa ating ng pangangailangan upang mabuhay. Ang hangin na ating kailangan, mga pagkain at iba pa ay nanggagaling sa puno. Kung minsan ginagawa rin itong tambayan at pahingahan. Minsan pa‘y masarap mag-aral sa ilalim ng puno lalo na kung kainitan ng sikat ng araw at tanging puno ang nakakapagbigay ng lilim sa atin. Puno. Napapansin lamang natin ito kapag kailangan natin ngunit kapag hindi na, hinahayaan na natin at kung minsan pa nagiging dahilan at nakakapagdulot tuloy sa atin ng sakuna. Sa ating buhay bilang mga Kristiyano maihahalintulad natin ang puno sa ating Panginoon. Sa ating buhay hindi lamang bilang isang Simbahan kundi sa ating bawat isang Kristiyano ay masasabing nakakabit tayo sa puno, nakasandig sa Kanya. Kung ang puno ay nagbibigay

hindi maiiwasan na sa mga nakakabit na parte nito ay may malalagas sa pagdating ng unos. ...Minsan bumibitiw tayo sa Panginoon.


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PAGNINILAY NI BROTHER AT SISTER: Koleksyon ng mga pagninilay sa Concurrent Field Education

ng ating pangangailangan upang mabuhay, gayon din ang ating Panginoon. Sapat na Siya upang tayo ay mabuhay, kung ang puno ay nakapagbibigay ng kaginhawaan sa atin, mas lalo naman ang ating Panginoon. Kung walang puno marahil kaunti na lamang ang nabubuhay sa mundo. Ganoon din kung wala ang Panginoon, marahil tayong lahat ay wala rin dito. Pero sa kabila ng kahalagahang dulot ng puno hindi maiiwasan na sa mga nakakabit na parte nito ay may malalagas sa pagdating ng unos. Ganoon din ang nakakalungkot na katotohanang nangyayari sa atin kapag tayo ay nakakaranas ng pagsubok sa buhay. Minsan bumibitiw tayo sa Panginoon. Bilang isang Simbahan, ito ang isang katotohanang nangyayari sa atin. Hindi naiiwasang may nalalagas rin sa atin. Ngunit ano ba ang dapat nating gawin sa mga nalalagas? Tulad din ba ng dahon na wawalisin at sisigaan? O hahayaang mabulok sa lupa upang maging pataba sa mga bagong pasibol? Hindi dahil sa nalagas sila ay wala nang halaga. Sa kanilang pagkabulok, inaasahan na sila ay magiging malaking tulong sa iba upang sila naman ay lumago din. Nawa bilang Simbahan na patuloy na nakakabit sa puno, kung papaanong nakasandig tayo sa kanya, nawa ang iba din nating mga kapatid ay makakabit sa atin lalo‘t higit ang mga kapatid natin na nangangailangan. Nawa bilang mga Aglipayano, palagi nating isipin na mayroon tayong misyon na maglingkod sa Diyos at bayan tulad din ng isang puno. Hindi lang tayo basta nakakabit sa ating Panginoon kundi kasama tayo na magpapatuloy ng Kanyang iniiwang misyon na maitatag

ang kaharian ng Diyos dito sa lupa.

Panalangin Diyos na aming sandigan sa aming buhay: Kami po ay patuloy na nagpupuri at nagpapasalamat sa Iyo sa patuloy Mong pagkakaloob sa amin ng aming mga pangangailangan sa araw-araw. Nawa po ay turuan Mo din kaming maging tulad Mo na maging sandigan ng aming mga kapatid na higit na ngangailangan at nawa matutunan din naming na ibahagi ang lahat ng biyaya na aming natatanggap mula sa Iyo; ito po ang aming samo at dalangin sa Iyong Anak na si Hesukristo na aming Panginoon. Amen. Minsa‘y napagkakamalang Aldon ang apelyido ni Sr. Anna, ngunit ang totoo ay Diaz. Siya ay nasa ikalawang taon ng pag-aaral ng Teolohiya. Kabilang siya sa grupo na kung tawagin ay FAITH, grupo na may matatag na pananampalataya ngunit may mahihinang sikmura. Ang kanyang pagninilay na ito ay ang nagkamit ng ikatlong karangalan. Siya ay mula sa Diyosesis ng Laguna. Kasalukuyan siyang abala ngayon sa pagbabasa ng mga e-books.

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BUHAY NA MAKABULUHAN Isinulat ni: Bro. Rogelio Molina

Noong July 6, 2013 nagpunta kami sa Hacienda Luisita sa Tarlac. Sa isang ― B u ng k a l a n ‖ n a p r o g r a m a n a pinangunahan ng PCPR o Promotion of Church Peoples‟ Response. Ito ay dinaluhan ng ibat-ibang Religious Organizations at simbahan kagaya ng United Methodist, UCCP at IFI, maging ng iba pang mga sector ng lipunan. Pagkat apos n ami ng kum ai n ng pananghalian nagbi gay sil a ng o ryent asyon sa ami n. Kami ay magtatanim ng palay sa bukid. Ngunit bago kami lumarga sa pagtatanim ay nagkaroon muna ng isang pananalita ang isang matandang magsasaka.

Mahirap ang dinaranas ng mga magsasaka sa pagtatanim ng palay. Madalas pa silang pagkaitan ng kaginhawaan, kalayaan, katarungan at m a s a g a n a ng b u ha y . S i l a a ng nagbubungkal ng lupang sinasaka, sila ang naghihirap, ngunit ang lupang kanilang sinasaka ay hindi mapasakanila. Sa sama-samang pagtatanim sa Bungkalan ay malaki ang naitutulong namin sa mga magsasaka dahil marami a n g n a g t u t ul o ng - t ul o ng u p a ng magtanim at marami rin ang lupang natatapos na matamnan. Sa aking pagtatanim ay naranasan ko ang hirap na dinaranas ng mga ordinaryong magsasaka may maipakain lamang sa kanilang pamilya at sa sambayanan.

Sila ang nagbubungkal ng lupang sinasaka, sila ang naghihirap, ngunit ang lupang kanilang sinasaka ay hindi mapasakanila.

Isinalaysay niya ang kanilang kalagayan at sitwasyon sa buhay. Kakaunti ang kanilang tinatamnan ng palay at pagkukunan ng pagkain. Hindi pa lahat ng kanilang ani ay napapasakanila. Ang kalahati nito ay ibinibigay nila sa panginoong may lupa. Nasa panganib din daw ang kanilang mga buhay dahil sa mga militar. Masaya ako dahil naranasan ko na maging bahagi at makalubog sa isang programa para sa mga magsasaka. Naranasan ko din ang hirap at saya sa pagtatanim ng palay. Mahirap, sumakit nga ang aking ulo ng dahil sa tindi ng init ng sikat ng araw.


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Ang sabi sa kanta, ―Ang buhay ng Kristiyano ay masayang tunay.‖ Sa mga magsasaka, masayang tunay ba ang k a ni l an g b u hay ? Ang k ani l a ng kalagayan ay tunay na mahirap. Ang kanilang binubungkal na lupa ay hindi nila pagmamay-ari. Ang kanilang ani ay hinahati upang ibigay sa panginoong may lupa. Sa pagod at pawis ng mga magsasaka nagmumula ang ating kinakain. Sinabi ng isang pastor ng Metodista, ―Kung walang magsasaka, paano na tayo?‖ Ang buhay ng bawat t a o a y n a p a k a h a l a g a n g u ni t maituturing na ang buhay ng mga magsasaka ay nasa panganib pa rin sa kamay ng mga sundalo ng ating gobyerno. ―To serve and protect‖ ang

PAGNINILAY NI BROTHER AT SISTER: Koleksyon ng mga pagninilay sa Concurrent Field Education

Sa pagod at pawis ng mga magsasaka ay nagmumula ang ating kinakain.


kanilang motto ngunit sino nga ba talaga ang kanilang pinaglilingkuran? Wal ang i ba kundi ang m ga mayayamang panginoong may lupa na siyang pinagsisilbihan. Bilang isang seminarista na magiging lingkod ng Diyos sa hinaharap, alamin natin kung kanino ba tayo magsisilbi, sa mga mayayaman o sa mga mahihirap? Oo nga, Pro Deo et Patria ang motto ng simbahan natin ngunit paano natin maipapakita at maipadadama ang tunay na pagsisilbi sa Diyos at bayan? Ang ikinabubuhay natin ay nagmumula sa mga maralita, ngunit sila rin ang pinagkaitan ng panahon upang magkaroon ng masaganang buhay. Kaya bilang isang nagbibigay buhay na salita ng Diyos nawa ay maipadama at maipakita natin ito sa pakikilahok at pakikisalamuha sa kanila. Sa kabila ng hi rap at pagod ng pagsasaka kailangang madama nila at makita ang isang Diyos na nagbibigay buhay sa bawat isa.

Panalangin Mapagpalayang, makatao na Diyos, Ikaw ang siyang nagbibigay buhay sa mga tao. Kaya‘t pinupuri namin at hinahangad ang iyong kabutihan upang mabigyan ng makabuluhan, matiwasay at masaganang buhay ang lahat ng mga tao. Ito ang hinihiling at idinadalangin namin sa pangalan ni Kristo Hesus. Amen.

Mas kilalang Tatay Rolly si Bro. Rogelio Molina. Bukod sa pagiging seminarista sa ikalawang taon ng pag-aaral ng Teolohiya, siya rin ay kasapi ng samahang FREEDOM o KALAYAAN. Kasapi rin siya sa mga ipinagpipitagan at iginagalang na grupo ng mga Tatay, Nanay, Kuya at Ate ng mga seminarista. Ang kanyang obra maestra na ito ay nagkamit ng ikalawang parangal sa pagsulat ng Pagninilay ng mga Brothers at Sisters.

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HUWAD Isinulat ni: Bro. Dexter Solleza


indi nanaman ako nakapunta sa aking assignment sapagkat ako ay umuwi sa amin upang ayusin ang aking transcript of record sa Lucban, Quezon. Pabalik ng seminaryo, paglapag sa Cubao ay nakapukaw sa akin ang nagkalat na mga bata na nangangalabit sa mga palabas sa Mang Inasal. May mga matatanda rin, at mayroon ding animo‘y isang akan sila na doon na sa lansangan nakatira. Para sa akin, low point ang ganitong kaganapan. Ayos lang sana kung talagang naghihirap ang ating bansa. Pero mayroong iilang sila lamang ang nakikinabang sa ating kayamanan.

na magdasal at sabihing, ―Si Kristo nga naghirap, marapat lamang na tayong mga Kristiyano ay ganoon din ang mangyari. Ang magpakahirap dahil may kakamtin tayong gantimpala mula sa langit.‖ Sinabi ni Abesamis na ang salvation ay hindi ang kaligtasan ng kaluluwa kundi ang kaligtasan ng mga tao. Sa aking pag-uwi sa Laguna, marami akong nakitang mga nakatira sa lansangan, walang makain, walang maayos na tulugan, marami ang nagaani ng kahirapan, kawalang hustisya at mga taong pinagkaitan ng karapatan, at mga nagugutom. Subalit iilan lang ang nakikinabang sa mga kayamanan na dapat ay para sa lahat.

Sabi nga ng isa naming guro, kung aalisin daw natin ang teolohiyang bumalot sa ating kaisipan tungkol kay Kristo ay makikita natin ang tunay na ginawa ni Kristo. Siya ay nakipamuhay sa mga taong tinuturing na masama ng Ngunit sa aking mga nasaksihan ay sa mga api at mayroon akong mga natutunan. Una, l i p u n a n , hindi lang sa loob ng silid paaralan pinagsamantalahan, iniangat ang reputasyon at dignidad ng mga m a a a ri n g m a k a k u h a n g m g a kababaihan at pinagaling ang mga kaalaman. Maaari ka rin matuto sa mga may karamdaman, binigyan ng mas kaganapan na makikita sa kapaligiran. malinaw na pagpapaliwanag ang mga Pangalawa, totoo ngang may sapat sa mga pangangailangan ang bawat isa, kautusan, at kinondena ang mga maling kaisipan at pananaw ng mga subalit inaangkin at tinatago ng mga nasa temple at pamahalaan. Iyan ang sakim. tunay na kahulugan ng ministriya na pinakita at Ang sabi sa isinabuhay ni Ebanghelyo noong Linggo, Sa pagod at pawis ng mga magsasaka ay Kristo upang m a g i n g ―Maraming nagmumula ang ating kinakain. hal im baw a aanihin subalit na dapat kakaunti ang n a t i n g mga m a gsundan bilang mga manggagawa, at aani.‖ Totoo nga naman, marami ang tagapagtatag ng kaharian ng Diyos dito nagugutom at uhaw sa banal na salita. sa sanlibutan. Dapat punuan at tugunan ito bilang mga Kristiyano. Subalit ito lang ba ang dapat nating pagtuunan natin ng pansin? Ang turuan lang ang mga tao


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PAGNINILAY NI BROTHER AT SISTER: Koleksyon ng mga pagninilay sa Concurrent Field Education

Pag kaharap mo ay kaibigan Pagtalikod ko ay ewan Siya daw ay kaagapay sa isang kaunlaran Na ninanais nitong inang bayan “Little Brown bro” kung kami’y turingan Ng imperyalistang gahaman Gusto lang ayhuthutin ang aming yaman At walang itira na kahit anuman Mula sa mga pulo na pinag-aagawan Hanggang sa butil ng likas na yaman Kanilang pinakikialaman pati pamahalaan At ang mga nakaupo ay papet na naturan Mahirap sa pakiramdam ang ganitong kalagayan Kahit anong pagsisikap ang gawin ni Juan Ay hindi maka-ahon sa pinagkautangan Wala na din mailaman sa gutom na tiyan Kelan ka matatauhan Juan? Sa ginagawa nilang paglapstangan sa puri mo at dangal Pati sa Iyong Inang Bayan na ginagahasa ng salitan Ng tiyuhin mong si “Uncle Sam” ang may kagagawan Humayo ka at ipaglaban ang iyong sambahayan Putulin ang karahasan na sila’ng may kagagawan Kung hindi man makuha sa sigaw sa lansangan Tiyak na kikilos ng patuloy ang mamamayan Hanggang ang kalayaan at kapayapaan na nakabatay sa katarungan Ay lubusang makamtan. Mahilig sa kulay pink si Bro. Dexter. Siya ay nasa huling taon na ng kanyang pag-aaral. Siya ay kabilang sa grupo ng PAG-ASA o HOPE. Siya ay tubong Laguna pero hindi namin alam kung madalas siya sa lawa. Limang taon na siyang nagsusulat para sa InterACTS. Ngunit sa dinami-dami ng kanyang naisulat ay kakaunti lamang ang nakakaalam na siya ang nagsulat ng mga iyon. Ang kanyang reflection na ito ang nagkamit ng unang karangalan. Magaling, magaling, magaling…

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...WORSHI 36

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Complete attendance ka yata?..

Sister Josie, ilan absent ko sa worship?

Ember Letter muna ang gagawin ko.

Anong Chapter na sa Acts yung naipasa mo?

Tu… tu… tu… tu….tut-tu….

Sino ba ang wala sa tono? Ako o ikaw?


Hanggang 10:30 pm ang library hour ngayon di ba?

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Gagawin mo na ba yung papers kay Deacon Lucero?

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