Interadria Magazin 12

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3 5 5 7 7 9 9

SAJMOVI / BOAT SHOW REVIEW 10 Vrlo aktivna i dinamična sezona! / Busy and dynamic season 10

TEST / TEST 14 C 42 - Mala superjahta / C 42 - A Small Super Yacht 14

PRODAJA PLOVILA / BOAT SALES 19 Zašto koristiti usluge brokera za plovila / Why use a Boat Broker 19





UPOZNAJTE NAŠ TIM / MEET OUR TEAM 34 Kristian Brnečić InterAdria SC sales manager 34


SAVJETI ZA SIGURNOST / SAFETY TIPS 39 Noćna plovidba / Nighttime navigation 39

SAVJET PRAVNIKA / LEGAL ADVICE 42 Registracija plovila u Hrvatskoj / Registration of Boats in Croatia 42

ZANIMLJIVE DESTINACIJE / INTERESTING DESTINATIONS 46 UČKA - Planina s najljepšim pogledom / Mountain with the most beautiful view 46

ŽIVOTNI STIL / LIFESTYLE 50 Restoran Aurora 50

OKUSI MEDITERANA / FLAVOURS OF THE MEDITERRANEAN 52 TARTUF / TRUFFLE 52 Čokoladne praline s tartufom / Chocolate pralines with truffle 54




Dragi prijatelji,

Dear friends,

Dobrodošli u novu nautičku sezonu!

Welcome to a new nautical season!

Kao što ćete vidjeti na narednim stranicama prošle smo godine sudjelovali na gotovo svim sajmovima u regiji, a sa zanimanjem smo posjetili i sajmove u Tullnu, Splitu i Dubaiu, sve kako bismo bili čim bliže vama i čim bliže najnovijim nautičkim trendovima.

As you will see on the pages that follow, last year we participated in just about all the boat exhibitions in the region, and with a great interest we also visited boats shown in Tulln, Split and Dubai. We came to be closer to you and first to follow the latest nautical trends.

I možemo vam reći – zadovoljni smo! Nautika ide dalje, ljubitelja mora je sve više.

And we can say – we are positive about the future! So many people admire the sea and push the nautics to go on.

Sessa je predstavila modele C 42 i FLY 42 za koje smo sigurni da će lako pronaći kupce. Yamaha svake godine donosi sve revolucionarnije modele Waverunnera za ljubitelje zabavnih i brzih vožnji. I naši ostali partneri Volvo Penta, Yanmar, Sea Help i Allianz za svaku sezonu pripreme ugodna iznenađenja za nautičare, vjerujemo da će svatko od vas pronaći nešto za sebe.

Sessa displayed new eyecatching models C 42 and FLY 42, that will easily find the buyers. Yamaha presents most revolutionary Waverunner models every year, to the satisfaction of fun and speed lovers. Our other partners Volvo Penta, Yanmar, Sea Help and Allianz, they always prepare some pleasant surprises for boaters, and we believe everyone will find something for themselves.

O aktualnoj InterAdria ponudi redovito vas obavještavamo newsletterima, a neka od rabljenih plovila možete vidjeti i u magazinu.

We keep you informed about the current InterAdria offer by newsletters, but some of the preowned boats you can also find in this issue.

I dalje donosimo korisne savjete za nautičare, a nekoliko stranica smo već tradicionalno posvetili skrivenim draguljima našeg kraja.

Again we bring some useful advices for the boaters, and traditionally we dedicated few pages to the hidden jewels of our area.

Već 20 godina smo tu da bi vaša ljetovanja bila ugodna i nezaboravna.

For 20 years we have been here to make your vacations enjoyable and memorable.

Vidimo se i ove godine!

See you again!

Klaudio Brnečić direktor | general manager







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Informacije i prijave Avenija Dubrovnik 15, 10020 Zagreb T 385 1 6503 582 F 385 1 6503 112 e


InterAdria SC Plus Zorica Labotić, zastupnica u osiguranju / Insurance agent Ćikovići 73 C, Kastav tel. +385 (0)51 705 563 fax. +385 (0)51 705 579 gsm. +385 (0)91 215 44 91 e-mail.



InterAdria SC Plus je spremna za novu sezonu i izazove koje ona donosi.

InterAdria SC Plus is ready for new season and all the possible challenges it may bring.

Zadovoljstvo nam je predstaviti našu novu djelatnicu - Zoricu Labotić.

We are pleased to introduce you our new employee - Zorica Labotić.

Odmah je položila ispit HANFE za obavljanje poslova zastupanja u osiguranju, a nautičku terminologiju i strane jezike poznaje još od ranije, te je spremna odgovoriti na sve Vaše upite.

She took the exam and got her insurance agent’s licence immediately, and being already familiar with the nautical terminology and foreign languages, she will readily reply all your questions.

Punim jedrima Plovite bezbri탑no i sigurno uz Allianz osiguranje. Sve informacije o obveznom i kasko osiguranju plovila potra탑ite kod svojeg Allianz zastupnika ili u najbli탑oj poslovnici Allianza. Info 0800 5000 |

Osiguranje plovila i skipera


InterAdria SC Plus Danijela Brnelić, zastupnica u osiguranju Ćikovići 73 c, Kastav tel. +385 (0)51 705 563 fax. +385 (0)51 705 579 gsm. +385 (0)91 215 44 95 e-mail.



Ponekad se šteta ipak dogodi. Donosimo vam kratak pregled što je u tom slučaju najbolje napraviti.

Sometimes it happens. Here we will instruct you in brief what to do then.

U slučaju štetnog događaja osiguranik je dužan poduzeti sve mjere potrebne da se štetne posljedice smanje ili da se spriječi njihovo povećanje. Nakon što ste se uvjerili da je s članovima posade na vašem plovilu i drugim plovilima sve u redu.

In case of damage the insured is obliged to do everything in order to reduce the existing damage and to avoid its further spreading. Of course, after you check that your crew and the crew on other boats are fine.

Ne prihvaćajte nikakve obveze prema drugim sudionicima, a ako vam je potrebno tegljenje ili spašavanje unaprijed dogovorite cijenu.

Do not accept liability towards other participants of the occurrence, and if you need towing or salvage you should better agree the price in advance.

Svaku štetu odmah prijavite nadležnoj lučkoj kapetaniji, a ako je u pitanju krađa i policiji, te u čim kraćem roku obavijestite svog osiguratelja o štetnom događaju.

Every marine incident should be reported to the nearest harbour master’s office, in case of theft to the police as well, and you should inform your insurance agency as soon as possible.

Za obradu štete potrebna je sljedeća dokumentacija: - Ispunjen obrazac prijave štete - Prijava lučkoj kapetaniji - Preslika plovidbene dozvole - Preslika dozvole za upravljanje brodicom ili jahtom Važno je da ne započnete s popravcima prije nego ovlašteni procjenitelj napravi izvid štete. Nakon izvida, osiguravajuća kuća će tražiti da dostavite ponude za sanaciju. Želimo vam da i ova sezona prođe bez oštećenja, no u slučaju da se ipak dogodi slobodno nam se javite. Stojimo Vam na raspolaganju za sve upute.

Please submit the following documents: - Claim report - Report to the Harbour Master's Office - Vessel registration copy - Skipper's licence copy Please keep in mind that you should not start with repairs before the surveyor inspects the vessel. After the inspection, you will be asked to collect the offers for neccessary repairs. We wish you a season without claims, but if something happens please feel free to contact us. We will instruct you further.


IZNAJMLJUJEMO vrhunska poslovna prostora površine 300m2 i 600m2, prilagodljivog rasporeda, na odlicnoj lokaciji u Ljubljani.

+386 41 681 993 +386 41 681 993 mail: Kontakt: Mobile: +386 41 681 993 GLOBRENT NEPREMICNINE d.o.o. Kristina Babošek / Property Manager Kristina Babošek / Property Manager GLOBRENT NEPREMICNINE d.o.o. Mobile: +386 41 681 993 Kontakt: mail:


Osmo izdanje Festivala, u organizaciji Turističke zajednice grada Kastva te suradnji s umjetničkim ravnateljem Damirom Halilićem Halom i suorganizatorima - Turističkom zajednicom općine Viškovo, Općinom Matulji, Turističkom zajednicom općine Čavle, Turističkom zajednicom općine Kostrena i Turističkom zajednicom općine Jelenje, i ove je godine okupio tisuće posjetitelja iz svih krajeva svijeta, što potvrđuje da je ovo pravo vrijeme i prava glazba za domaće i strane goste koji vole blues. Ne može se reći da se tražila karta više jer je ulaz na sva događanja bio slobodan. Festival je započeo u Kostreni, a čast da otvore 8.Kastav Blues Festival pripala je Albi i Leu. Nakon odličnog dua, publici se predstavio Elizabeth Lee’s Cozmic Mojo. Druga večer festivala održana je u grobničkom Kaštelu. Grobničanima se na samom početku predstavio Michael Messer, jedan od vodećih britanskih gitarista. Nakon Michaela Messera, svoju je priču publici ispričao dobitnik prestižne nagrade Grammy, fotograf Alan Messer. Večer je zaključio glasnogovornik hrvatskog bluesa, Tony Lee King. Na krovu matuljske Sportske dvorane održana je treća večer na kojoj su nastupili Kaplowitz Blues Trio, Darko Jurković Charlie, Vedran Božić & Rock Masters. Četvrta festivalska večer održana je u Kastvu. Na pozornici na Fortici prvi su nastupili gosti iz Rima, The Sweet Waters i Daniele Bazzani. No, veliko finale je pripalo Sydney Ellis i njenim Midnight Preachersima. Peta večer festivala održana je u Ronjgima na Viškovu, gdje su Little George Band iz Velike Britanije i zagrebački Blue point svojim nastupom oduševili brojnu publiku. Festival je zaključen u Dražicama, na Trgu mlikarice, nastupom makedonske grupe Crossroad Blues Band te Duškom Jeličićem & The blues friends. Festival je bio popraćen izložbama i radionicama. Tako su izložba Božidara Milinovića – Mr. JAZZ-a Working Man Blues te izložba Motus Emila Knapića i Aleksa Knapića i ove godine privukle brojne ljubitelje umjetnosti. U caffe baru Art, svoju izložbu fotografija ikona rock i pop glazbe, održao je i profesionalni fotograf Alan Messer. U nedjelju, 9. kolovoza, pod kastavskom Ložom, Michael Messer, dvostruki dobitnik BBC-jeve nagrade za akustičnoga blues-glazbenika godine, na radost svih uzrasta, održao je glazbeno - edukativnu radionicu.

The 8th edition of the Festival, organized by Kastav tourist board in cooperation with art director Damir Halilić Hal, and co-organizers Tourist board Viškovo, Tourist board Matulji, Tourist board Čavle, Tourist board Kostrena and Tourist board Jelenje, has once again gathered thousands of visitors from all around the world, which confirmed this was the right time and the right music for national and foreign Blues lovers. However, we can not say people were looking for an extra ticket, because the entrance was free for all events. The festival opened in Kostrena. The honour to open 8th Kastav Blues Festival was given to Alba and Leo. After this fantastic duo, Elizabeth Lee’s Cosmic Mojo presented themselves to the audience. The second Festival evening took place in Kaštel, Grobnik. Michael Messer, one of the leading British guitarist, was the first to introduce himself to the audience of Grobnik. After Michael Messer, the story of photographer Alan Messer, the winner of Grammy award, was narrated.Tony Lee King, the ambassador of Croatian Blues, closed the evening. Third Festival evening was held on the roof of Matulji sport hall, where Kaplowitz Blues Trio, Darko Jurković Charlie, Vedran Božić & Rock Masters performed. Fourth evening took place in Kastav. The guests from Rome, The Sweet Waters and Daniele Bazzani, got on the stage at Fortica first; but the grand finale was reserved for Sydney Ellis and her Midnight Preachers. Fifth evening of the festival was held at Ronjgi, Viškovo, where Little George band from Great Britain and Blue point from Zagreb impressed the numerous spectators. The Festival was concluded in Dražice, at Trg mlikarice, with the performance of the Macedonian Crossroad Blues Band, and Duško Jeličić & The Blues Friends. The festival was accompanied by exibitions and workshops. The exibition of Božidar Milinović - Mr. Jazz “Working Man Blues” and the exibition Motus by Emil and Aleks Knapić allured many art lovers this year, too. Professional photographer Alan Messer held his exibition - photograps of rock and pop icons - at coffee bar Art. On Sunday, 9th August, below “Loža”, Michael Messer, double winner of the BBC award for the acoustic Blues musician of the year, held music - educational workshop, to the joy of everyone present.

NAJAVA ZA 2016.: 03.08. - 08.08. – 9. KASTAV BLUES FESTIVAL, Kostrena – Čavle – Matulji – Kastav – Viškovo – Jelenje

ANNOUNCEMENT FOR 2016: 03.08. - 08.08. – 9. KASTAV BLUES FESTIVAL, Kostrena – Čavle – Matulji – Kastav – Viškovo – Jelenje

Višednevna međunarodna glazbena manifestacija nastala u čast Philadelphia Jerry Ricksa koji je za posljednje počivalište odabrao upravo Kastav. Festival okuplja istaknuta imena domaće i svjetske blues scene. Uz koncertne večeri, bogat popratni program čine glazbena radionica i zanimljive umjetničke izložbe.

Multiday international music manifestation established in the honour od Philadelphia Jerry Ricks, who has chosen Kastav to be his resting place. The festival gathers distinguished names of the national and worldwide blues scene. Among concert evenings, the rich programme will be filled with music workshop and interesting art expostions.

Info: TZ grada Kastva i Damir Halilić Hal 051/691 425; 095/907 5921

Info: TZ grada Kastva i Damir Halilić Hal 051/691 425; 095/907 5921


Vrlo aktivna i dinamična sezona Kao sastavni dio politike oglašavanja, sudjelovanje na nautičkim sajmovima je od ključne važnosti za predstavljanje noviteta kako za Sessa Marine tako i za InterAdriu. Sezona nautičkih sajmova 2015. otvorena je Zagrebačkim sajmom, središnjim nautičkim događajem u Hrvatskoj. Od 18. do 22. veljače 2015. sajam je na jednom mjestu okupio ključne osobe nautičkog svijeta, od izlagača koji su prezentirali svoje proizvode do posjetitelja koji su željno iščekivali početak nove nautičke sezone. Ovom prilikom InterAdria SC je izložila dva od najuspješnijih Sessa Marine modela: kompaktan i moderan gliser Key Largo One, te Key Largo 24 Inboard savršenog dizajna za one koji žele kompaktan komfor.



Busy and dynamic season As part of its advertising policy the boat show presentation both for Sessa Marine and for InterAdria SC presents the focal point for presenting novelties. The boat show presentation season 2015 was opened by Zagreb Boat Show, the central event in Croatia dedicated to nautics. From 18 to 22 February 2015 the show brought together the key players from the industry, whether they were exhibitors showcasing their products and services or visitors eager to take advantage of this unique opportunity. Interadria SC used this opportunity to exhibit two gorgeous Sessa marine models: Key Largo One a compact and stylish runabout and Key Largo 24 Inboard – perfectly designed boat for those seeking compact comfort.

Budva U drugoj polovici travnja u Budvi u Crnoj Gori održan je trodnevni sajam nautike, a na njemu je ove godine sudjelovala i InterAdria SC predstavivši svoje usluge od održavanja plovila do logističke podrške.

In the second half of April, three days nautical show event took place in the eye-catching Budva, Montenegro. InterAdria SC decided to visit the show this year and displayed there a range of its services in from the boat maintenance to logistics.

Internautica Portorož, glavni proljetni nautički događaj, održan je u Marini Portorož u Sloveniji od 6. do 10. svibnja 2015.g. kao savršena najava za dinamičnu nautičku sezonu na Jadranu. InterAdria SC je iskoristila i ovu priliku da predstavi svoje proizvode i usluge prije ljetne izlagačke stanke.

Internautica Portorož, the main spring boat show event, was held in Marina Portorož, Slovenia from 06 to 10 May 2015. This event served as the perfect introduction into dynamic boating season on the Adriatic. InterAdria SC used this ultimate opportunity to present the range of its products and services before the summer exhibition break.



Cannes Rujan je već godinama rezerviran za Yachting Festival Cannes, najelitniji događaj u godini koji u prekrasnoj gradskoj luci Cannes u Francuskoj okupi najmoćnije aktere nautičke industrije, izlagače i posjetitelje. Sajam je održan od 8. do 13. rujna 2015.g. a na njemu je izloženo više od 500 plovila među kojima 150 svjetskih premijera. Ovog rujna Sessa je ponovno posjetila Cannes i pokazala jedinstvenu kvalitetu svojih modela. U središtu ovogodišnjeg izlaganja bila je veličanstvena Sessa C 42. Svjetska premijera te jahte zapanjujuće ljepote i profinjenog interijera znak je da Sessa ne misli stati s osvajanjem tržišta.

September is reserved for Yachting Festival Cannes, the annual top meeting where the major players from the nautical industry, exhibitors and visitors, all come together to the beautiful city harbour of Cannes, France. The festival was held from 8 to 13 September 2015. It has hosted more that 500 boats on display and no less than 150 world premiere editions. This September Sessa came back to Cannes to offer an insight into the unique quality of Sessa marine models. The headline of this year’s display was the magnificent new Sessa C 42. The global launch of this stunning yacht with her breathtaking interior represents Sessa’s new breakthrough on the market.

Samo dva tjedna nakon izlaganja u Cannesu, InterAdria SC je krenula s najavom nove nautičke sezone 2015/2016 zapaženim sudjelovanjem na Riječkom sajmu nautike koji je održan od 25. do 27. rujna 2015.g. Na sajmu su izložena najatraktivnija nova i rabljena plovila spremna za isporuku, te cijeli niz Yamaha vanbrodskih motora.

Just two weeks after the Cannes, InterAdria SC announced new nautical season 2015/2016 by its stunning presentation at Rijeka Nautic Show which was held from 25 to 27 September 2015. InterAdria prepared a wide selection of new and used Sessa boats ready for immediate delivery and exposed them together with a range of Yamaha outboard engines.



Genova Genova Boat Show, jedan od najvažnijih nautičkih događaja u Italiji, održan je od 30. rujna do 5. listopada 2015.g. Sessa je iskoristila ovu prigodu za izlaganje najpopularnijih modela Key Largo linije: Key Largo 36, Key Largo 27 i Key Largo 24, kao i najnovije modele Yacht linije: C 42 i F 47.

Genova Boat Show, one of the key yachting events in Italy, took place from 30 September to 5 October 2015. Sessa used this opportunity to showcase Key Largo line top models: Key Largo 36, Key Largo 27 and Key Largo 24, as well as the ultimate novelties in Yacht line: C 42 together with F 47 model.

Već tradicionalno, jesensku sezonu izlaganja InterAdria zaokružuje sudjelovanjem na sajmu nautike u Biogradu na Moru kako bi predstavila Sessa asortiman i kompletnu ponudu svojih usluga. Biograd Boat Show organiziran je u Marini Kornati, od 22. do 25. listopada 2015.g. i još jednom dokazao da ga svi koji žele uživati u plovidbi Dalmacijom jednostavno moraju posjetiti.

Traditionally, as the closure of autumn exhibition fairs, InterAdria SC attends the Biograd Boat Show to present the Sessa assortment together with the wide range of its services. Biograd Boat Show edition was held in Marina Kornati, Biograd na Moru from 22 to 25 October 2015. Once again, the event has proven to be a must visit for those keen to enjoy their yachting experience along Dalmatian cost.

Kratka zimska stanka je iza nas.

A short winter break is now behind us.

Pozivamo vas da nas posjetite u nadolazećim sajmovima tijekom 2016.g.

We invite you to join us at the upcoming boat show events in 2016.

Unaprijed se tome veselimo!

Looking forward to it!




C 42 C 42 - Mala superjahta

C 42 - A Small Super Yacht

Dugo najavljivani model Sessa marine C 42 zaplovio je morima, službeno je predstavljen na Cannes Yachting festivalu 2015.

The long awaited Sessa Marine C 42 has sailed the seas; the official inauguration took place at Cannes Yachting Festival 2015.

Donosimo test ove male superjahte koja će očarati svakoga.

Here is the test of this small super yacht which will enchant everyone.

C 42 je kreirana s ciljem pružanja potpune udobnosti boravka na plovilu bez žrtvovanja dizajna. Ističe se velikim, gostoljubivim, otvorenim kokpitom kojim dominira prostrana ‘’L’’ sofa pretvoriva u prostor za sunčanje, te izrazito lako upravljiv i čvrst električni pomični bimini krov koji pruža optimalnu zaštitu od sunca. Kokpit je povezan sa salonom prostranim kliznim staklenim vratima koja omogućavaju spajanje ovih dvaju prostora u skladnu cjelinu. Udoban i šarmantan salon iz kojeg se kroz velike panoramske prozore pruža izniman pogled obogaćen je potpuno opremljenim barom uključujući 40’’ TV ugrađen u ormarić na sklapanje. Salonom dominira udobna sofa koja se po potrebi može pretvoriti u pomoćni krevet. Ergonomski dizajnirano upravljačko mjestu s kompletno opremljenom upravljačkom pločom smješteno u nastavku salona omogućuje vlasniku potpuno uživanje u krstarenju.


C 42 is created to provide the complete comfort of the vessel with no sacrifices in design. C 42 stands out with her large hospitable open cockpit dominated by a spacious ‘’L’’ sofa which can be converted into sunbathing area, and easy controlled and solid electrical bimini top for the optimal sun protection. The cockpit is connected with the salon by wide sliding glass doors which enable their merging into a harmonious whole. Cosy and charming salon with vast panoramic windows enables an incredible view, it has a completely furnished mini bar and a 40’’ TV which slides into the cabinet. The salon is dominated by the comfortable sofa which can be easily transformed into an extra bed. Thanks to the ergonomic pilot’s place and completely equipped control panel the cruising experience can be only perfect.

Prostrana kuhinja nalazi se u potpalublju odmah ispod impresivnih bočnih vjetrobranskih prozora koji omogućavaju uživanje u prirodnom svjetlu. U potpalublju su smještene i 2 kabine svaka sa privatnom kupaonicom opremljenom odvojenim tuševima. Vlasnička kabina smještena je u pramcu, a ističe se prostranošću i stajaćom visinom od 2 m. Udobna stražnja kabina može biti opremljena sa dva odvojena kreveta ili s jednim bračnim. C 42 je jedno od najvećih u ovoj kategoriji plovila, s mogućnošću potpune personalizacije sukladno potrebama vlasnika. Novitet modela C 42 su i inovacije u dizajnu krmenog dijela plovila. Po želji kupca krmeni prostor može biti dizajniran kao dodatni prostor za sunčanje ili pak zajedno s platformom može biti pretvoren u pravu BBQ -Grill zonu. BBQ zona strateški je locirana na krmi, kako bi bila što bliže moru i ne bi narušavala komfor samog kokpita. Opremljena je električnim roštiljem, sudoperom i prostranom radnom površinom kako bi priprema jela bila što jednostavnija i lakša. Ova verzija dizajna kokpita garantira vlasniku i njegovim prijateljima potpun užitak roštilja na otvorenom i pravu party atmosferu uvijek na novoj top lokaciji.

The spacious galley is situated at the lower deck’s side, right under the impressive windscreens, with lots of natural light. At lower deck there are 2 cabins, each with a private toilet and separate showers. The bow master cabin is spacious and 2 m high, while the stern cabin can be furnished with two separate or one double bed. C 42 is among the biggest in the category and can further be personalised according to the specific owner’s needs. The novelty of C 42 is in design of the stern which can be used as the extra sunbathing area or can be converted with the platform into a BBQ area for culinary delights in open space, depending what are the owner’s preferences. BBQ version is purposely located at stern to be closest to the sea and not to intrude the comfort of the cockpit. This option guarantees to the owner and his guests an enjoyable BBQ experience and party atmosphere, while exploring always new and attractive locations. BBQ area is equipped with an electrical grill, sink and large surface, to make the preparation of dishes as simple as possible.


Kako bi i sama vožnja ovom iznimnom jahtom bila zadivljujuća plovilo pokreću VOLVO PENTA IPS 400 motori s joystick sustavom upravljanja i to već u standardnoj opciji. Za one koji traže zahtjevnije performanse dostupna je i izvedba sa IPS 500 motorima. Novi C 42 zadovoljit će sve potrebe nautičara Mediterana i impresionirati Vas već na prvi pogled!




13.10 m


3.90 m


2 x VP IPS 500 (720 Hp/ 544 Kw)





Istisnina / Displacement

10.3 t


2x490 l


350 l

Crni tank / Toilet holding tank

100 l

Kategorija gradnje / Category


To make a boating experience even more captivating the C 42 is equipped with VOLVO PENTA IPS 400 inboards, with a joystick control system as the standard option. For those who want more there is also an option with IPS 500 inboards. New model C 42 will fulfil the needs of the Mediterranean boaters, and impress you at first glance!



Zašto koristiti usluge brokera za plovila

Why use a Boat Broker

U posljednje vrijeme neki se odlučuju kupiti i prodati plovilo u vlastitom aranžmanu. U ovom broju donosimo neke od prednosti kupnje i prodaje plovila posredstvom brokera kako biste sami procijenili što se na kraju više isplati.

Recently some people decide to buy or sell the boat on their own. In this issue we will list some advantages of buying and selling a vessel through a broker, so that you can decide which option is more cost-efficient.

Prednosti kupnje rabljenog plovila posredstvom brokera.

The advantages of buying a preowned vessel through a broker

Profesionalni broker pažljivo će saslušati koje su vaše želje i potrebe i na temelju toga vam pomoći da čim jednostavnije pronađete plovilo koje vam najviše odgovara.

A skilled professional broker will note carefully your wants and needs and help you to simply find the right vessel.

Ako se radi o plovilu koje ima u ponudi broker zna u kakvom je ono stanju i zna koje bi eventualno nedostatke trebalo ukloniti i koliki bi bio trošak.

If your broker already has an adequate vessel in offer he knows the objective condition of the vessel, what repairs are to be done and how much would that cost.

Ako se radi o nekom drugom plovilu broker će imati ulogu vašeg predstavnika prilikom kupnje. S vama će vjerojatno ići na test vožnju, uočiti će eventualne nedostatke plovila, poznavajući stanje na tržištu znat će ako je tražena cijena realna, zašto se i koliko dugo prodaje to plovilo i ima li na tržištu povoljnijih sličnih plovila.

Otherwise your broker will act on your behalf in the process of purchase. He will accompany you at sea trial, check the condition of the vessel, estimate if the asking price is fair and reasonable knowing the current market conditions, how long the vessel is on the market and why, and whether there are similar vessels on the market.

Pomoći će vam da ponudite realnu cijenu za plovilo, znati će koji su bitni dijelovi kupoprodajnog ugovora, koji porezi i

A broker will help you to prepare the realistic offer. Furhter, a broker knows which clauses should be included in the Bill of


davanja vas očekuju nakon kupnje i koje dokumente morate dobiti od prodavatelja da biste se kasnije mogli upisati kao vlasnik i registrirati plovilo. Ukratko, znati će štititi vaše interese.

Sale, which taxes and fees are to be expected later and which documents the previous owner must hand over so that you can be inscribed as the owner and register the vessel. In brief, the broker will protect your interests.

Broker vam također putem svojih partnera može pomoći ugovoriti financiranje, policu osiguranja ili mjesto za vez.

A broker can also assist you to arrange the financing, insurance policy or mooring place through his business partners.

Ako svojim klijentima pruža uslugu održavanja i servisiranja plovila može vas pratiti tijekom cijele sezone, a osim toga imat ćete partnera koji će vam ponovno biti na raspolaganju i ako se jednom odlučite prodati plovilo ili zamijeniti ga većim.

If your broker offers the maintenance services as well, you will have someone who can take care of your vessel through the year. Moreover, your broker can assist you again if you decide to sell the vessel or to buy the bigger one.

Prednosti prodaje rabljenog plovila posredstvom brokera

The advantages of selling a preowned vessel through a broker

S obzirom da brokeri već imaju bazu podataka potencijalnih kupaca za tip plovila koji prodajete, najčešće se njihovim posredstvom plovilo proda brže nego u vlastitom aranžmanu. To je važno ne samo zbog toga da čim prije dođete do novaca, već i stoga što vam se ne nagomilavaju redovni troškovi održavanja, marine, osiguranje ili leasinga.


As the brokers already have the potential buyers database, they can speed up the selling process by offering your vessel directly to the target customers.

Broker zna koju cijenu možete postići za svoje plovilo, i najčešće može postići bolju cijenu od vas samih.

This is important not only because you have more chance to get some money sooner, you will also avoid the accumulation of the ongoing costs like maintenance, marina, insurance or financing.

Bez dodatnih troškova dobit ćete dobru uslugu oglašavanja, jer će broker plovilo oglasiti u svom poslovnom prostoru,

A broker knows the best price that can be achieved and often a broker can obtain a higher price for your vessel than

na web stranicama, newsletterima, na sajmovima na kojima sudjeluje, te posredstvom drugih dealera s kojima surađuje kako bi se plovilo čim brže i uspješnije prodalo. Osim toga, broker će ponuditi održavanje ili smještaj plovila u svom prostoru, te će uvijek biti na raspolaganju da pokaže plovilo zainteresiranim klijentima ili po potrebi odradi probnu vožnju s potencijalnim kupcem. Broker će u vaše ime odgovoriti na svaki upit o plovilu, filtrirati ih i samo one konkretne koji mogu rezultirati kupoprodajom proslijediti vama, čime će vam uštedjeti dosta vremena. Ako kupac primjeti određene nedostatke na plovilu, broker će ga znati savjetovati na koji način se to može riješiti i uz koliko ulaganja. A kada dođe vrijeme za sklapanje ugovora, broker već ima spremnu i isprobanu verziju dokumenta pa se ne trebate ni time zamarati.

through a private sale. At no extra cost you will get good advertising, for a broker will advertise your vessel in the office, on the web page, through the newsletters, on the boat shows, and through the broker network in order to sell the vessel more efficiently. Besides, a broker will offer the maintenance or vessel accomodation in his yard, and will always be available for showing your vessel to a potential buyer or for a sea trial. A broker will answer all enquiries about your vessel, make selection and forward you only those among them which can result with sale, which will save your valuable time. If a potential buyer notices some imperfections, a broker will know how to interpret these issues, how to counsel a buyer and to estimate the necessary investments. When the selling process comes into the final stage, a broker already has a refined and tested Bill of Sale form ready, so you will not need to bother with that either.







7.80 m


2.64 m


max 400 KS/hp



Težina bez motora / weight without engine

2070 kg




500 l


45 l


Christian Grande

Kategorija gradnje / Project category





6.10 m


2.30 m


max 150 KS/hp



Težina bez motora / weight without engine

850 kg




200 l


45 l


Christian Grande

Kategorija gradnje / Project category




SESSA C68 2012. god, 2 x Volvo Penta IPS 1200

SESSA S 32 2009. god, 2 x Volvo Penta 5.0 Gxi 275 KS

SESSA ISLAMORADA 23 2008. god, Volvo Penta 4.3 GXI 225 KS 250 sati

SESSA KEY LARGO 34 2013. god, 2 x Volvo Penta 5,7 Gxi 320 KS 50 sati


SESSA C 46 2008. god, 2 x Volvo Penta IPS 600 800 sati

SESSA Oyster 30 2004. god, 2 x Volvo Penta 4,3 Gxi 225 KS 360 sati

SESSA Dorado 36 2008. god, 2 x Yanmar 6BY 260 KS cca 800 sati

SESSA KEY LARGO 27 2013. god, Volvo Penta 5,7 Gxi 320 KS 180 sati

SESSA C 43 2009. god, 2 x Volvo Penta IPS 500 280 sati

SESSA ISLAMORADA 23 2005. god, Volvo Penta D3 160 340 sati

SESSA DORADO 22 2006. god, Suzuki 140 KS

SESSA KEY LARGO 27 2013. god, 2 x Yamaha 150 KS 100 sati

Dalla Pieta 72 2009. god, 2 x Cat 1675 KS

Menorquin 160 2008. god, 2 x Volvo Penta D6 370 EVC 350 sati

Fiart 28 GENIUS 2002. god, 2 x VOLVO PENTA 140 ks 220 sati

Marlin 25 2005. god, Mercruiser 300 KS 500 sati

Azimut 58 1998. god, 2 x MTU 755 ks 980 sati

MARIAH 21 SC 2006. god, Mercruiser 4.3 180 ks 200 sati

Mar-Co 23 2008. god, Mercury 250 250 sati

Arimar Advantage 270 2011. god, Yamaha 15 ks 50 sati

Azimut 46 2004. god, 2 x Caterpillar 500 ks 705 sati

Fairline Corniche 31 1992, 2 x Volvo Penta 200 ks 500 sati

Mar-Co 23 XL 2010. god, Yamaha F300 BETX 200 sati

Lodestar NSA 260 2005. god,


yamaha noviteti / NOVELTIES

YAMAHA Waverunners 2016 Više snage. Više mogućnosti. Novi VX Cruiser HO

More power. More features. The new VX Cruiser HO

Otkrijte HO, naš najnoviji VX Cruiser. Jači i snažniji agregat, revolucionarni upravljački sustav RiDE , No Wake Mode i Cruise Assistant ugrađeni su u ovaj savršeni primjer modernih i ekonomičnih performansi.

Meet the HO, our latest VX Cruiser. A bigger, more powerful engine, plus its revolutionary RiDE control system and a host of other advantages have created this stunning example of stylish performance with economy. While many individual technical and practical features have played their part in making the VX models our most soughtafter watercraft, it is their all-round versatility that has gained them such a loyal following. Simply put, the VX Cruiser HO is now the premium watercraft in this sector - and the only one that can deliver such a highly capable and luxurious on-water cruising experience with such affordability.

Premda zbog brojnih tehničkih i praktičnih značajki imaju status najtraženijih plovila, VX modeli su svoje vjerne kupce zapravo osvojili svojom istinskom svestranošću. Jednostavno rečeno, model VX Cruiser HO je vodeće plovilo u kategoriji – i jedino koje tako povoljno može pružiti iznimno svestrano i luksuzno iskustvo na vodi. Detalji • 4-cilindrični agregat velike snage od 1.812 ccm • Visokotlačna HyperFlow pogonska pumpa • Revolucionarni sustav RiDE za intuitivno upravljanje • Laki, no iznimno čvrsti NanoXcel® trup i paluba • Low-RPM sigurnosni sustav i daljinsko zaključavanje • Elektronski hod unatrag s kontrolom proklizavanja • Elektronski Cruise Assist sustav i način rada No-Wake • Iznimno udobno dvobojno sjedalo za krstarenje za 3 osobe • Produžena stražnja platforma s Hydro-Turf podnicama • Kuka za vuču i duboka, meka stepenica za ponovno ukrcavanje • Velika ugrađena osvrtna zrcala i višefunkcijski LCD pokazivači • Avanturistički stil, boje i grafike


Details • Powerful High Output 1812cc 4-cylinder engine • High pressure HyperFlow jet pump • Revolutionary RiDE system for intuitive control • Light yet ultra-strong NanoXcel® hull and deck • Security with Low-RPM mode and remote control • Electronic Reverse with traction control • Electronic Cruise Assist and No-Wake mode systems • Ultra-comfortable new 2-tone Cruiser seat for 3 • Extended re-mount platform with Hydro-Turf mats • Tow hook and deep, soft-touch re-boarding step • Large integral mirrors & multi-function LCD meters • Adventurous styling, colours and graphics

Novi V1 Sport – očekujte više. Dobijte više. Model V1 predstavlja još jednu Yamaha inovaciju – nevjerojatno svestrano plovilo ulaznog segmenta, opremljeno legendarnim značajkama WaveRunner modela zahvaljujući kojima je ovaj model najzabavniji stroj s 3 sjedala koji novac može kupiti. Stoga je novi V1 Sport paket koji nudi pouzdanost, ekonomičnost, jednostavno upravljanje, uzbudljivo snažne performanse i sposobnost vuče za wakeboarding i ostale vodene sportove. Opremljen značajkama koje ne očekujete na tako povoljnom plovilu – od dvostrukih osvrtnih zrcala do prostornog spremišta, te od stepenice za ponovno ukrcavanje do HydroTurf podnice i kuke za vuču – savršen je za sve koji žele stilski dotjeran i svestran stroj za sportsku vožnju ili krstarenje. Detalji • Potpuno novi 3-cilindrični agregat velike snage TR-1 od 1.049 ccm • Snažan i stabilan kompresijski oblikovan trup i paluba • Visokoprotočna mlazna pumpa i mehanički hod unatrag • Dugo i vrlo udobno sjedalo za 3 putnika • Inovativan i ergonomski dizajn okrenut prema naprijed • Stepenica za ponovno ukrcavanje i HydroTurf podnica • Snažna kuka za vuču - za wakeboarding i vodene igračke • Veliki spremnik goriva - više vremena za zabavu i dulja krstarenja • Prostrani spremnik i pretinac za rukavice s dva držača čaša • Dvostruka konveksna osvrtna zrcala • Pregledna, višefunkcijska instrumentna ploča • Upečatljive i moderne nove boje i grafike

The new V1 Sport - Expect more. Get more. The V1 marked another industry first for Yamaha - a remarkably capable entry level watercraft, packed with legendary WaveRunner features that make it the best value 3-seater fun-machine money can buy. So the new V1 Sport is the total package, offering reliability, economy, easy handling, excitingly powerful performance and towing ability for wakeboarding and other watersports. Packed with features you don’t expect to find on such a keeny priced unit - from reverse to dual mirrors and spacious storage and from a re-boarding step to HydroTurf mats and a tow hook - it’s perfect for anyone wanting a stylish machine with all-round capability for sporty riding or cruising. Details • All-new TR-1 High Output 1049cc 3-cylinder engine • Strong & stable compression-moulded hull and deck • HyperFlow jet pump and mechanical reverse • Long & very comfortable seating for up to 3 riders • Innovative and ergonomic rider-forward design • Re-boarding step and comfortable Hydro-Turf mats • Strong tow hook - for wakeboarding and water toys • Large fuel tank - more playtime & longer cruising • Spacious storage and glovebox with dual cupholders • Dual convex rearview mirrors • Easy-to-read multi-function instrument panel • Stylish new stand-out colours and graphics


Novi lagani motor: TR-1 HO Ovaj uzbudljivi 3-cilindarski motor s 1049 ccm predstavlja vrhunac inovacija u porivnom sustavu Waverunner V1, V1 Sport, VX Deluxe i VX Cruiser modela (osim VX Cruiser HO). TR-1 HO (High Output) je 13% snažniji od svojeg prethodnika Yamaha MR-1 , a istovremeno 40% manji i 20 % lakši. Rezultat je kraće vrijeme ubrzavanja, veća maksimalna brzina i veća efikasnost, te naravno više zabave u vožnji.

The brand new lightweight engine: the TR-1 HO This exciting new 3-cylinder 1049cc power unit is the pinnacle of marine engine innovation and features in the WaveRunner V1, V1 Sport, VX Deluxe and VX Cruiser models (excluding the VX Cruiser HO). The TR-1 HO (High Output) is 13% more powerful than the Yamaha MR-1 engine that it replaces, while being 40% smaller and 20% lighter. The result is quicker acceleration and higher top-end speeds, with even better fuel economy and more fun for the rider.

Napredne mogućnosti kontrole Novi modeli waverunnera: VX Delux, VX Cruiser i VX Cruiser HO opremljeni su revolucionarnim sustavima koji olakšavanju upravljanje: Cruise Assist sustav pomaže u postavljanju i zadržavanju konstantne brzine; No Wake Mode sustav omogućuje postavljanje broj okretaja motora na idealan omjer za vožnju, a RiDE sustav omogućuje ultimativnu lakoću upravljanja. RiDE sustav transformira užitak plovidbe i donosi novi osjećaj sigurnosti svakom vozaču bez obzira na prethodno iskustvo. Za kretanje prema naprijed i ubrzavanje povucite ručicu gasa na desnoj ručki – za usporavanje i hod unatrag povucite ručicu na lijevoj ručki. Da, zaista je tako jednostavno!


Advanced Throttle Control Features On the handlebars, many WaveRunner models, including the VX Deluxe, VX Cruiser and VX Cruiser HO include Yamaha’s premium Cruise Assist for setting and holding a consistent speed, No Wake Mode to set the engine RPM at the perfect no-wake speed; and RiDE (Reverse with Intuitive Deceleration Electronics), Yamaha’s dual handlebar throttle controls that deliver the utmost control. The revolutionary RiDE system transforms your riding pleasure, bringing a new feeling of confidence to every rider at every level. Simply pull the throttle lever on the right hand-grip to move forward and accelerate - pull the lever on the left grip to slow down or reverse. Yes, it’s really that simple! Info: InterAdria SC Ćikovići 73 c, Kastav tel. +385 (0)51 705 563 fax. +385 (0)51 705 579 e-mail.

Obala Frana Supila 6, 5141 - Opatija - Hrvatska Te l . : + 3 8 5 ( 0 ) 9 8 4 2 5 4 2 6 Fax: +385 (0)51 701 661 w w w. e r i k s k i . c o m

C A M E A D R I AT I C d . o . o . ĂŚHJRWL E 51215 Kastav - Hrvatska Te l . : + 3 8 5 5 1 6 9 1 3 7 0 Fax: + 385 51 691 657 w w w. c a m e . c o m / h r






Brodski električni uređaji u istom ili vrlo sličnom obliku mogu se naći i u kopnenim električnim sustavima, ipak je njihovo korištenje u uvjetima plovidbe, općenito mnogo zahtjevnije.

Marine electrical devices can be find in similar shape in land electrical systems, but their use in navigation environment is more demanding.

Klimatski uvjeti u kojima se plovilo nalazi konstantno se mijenjaju s obzirom na zonu plovidbe, godišnja doba i doba dana.

The climate conditions of the vessel are in constant change depending on the navigation area, season or time of day.

To uzrokuje učestale promjene temperature zraka i mora, vlažnosti i saliniteta. Sol, vlaga i kondenzacija povećavaju koroziju metalnih dijelova električnih uređaja i slabljenje izolacije zbog stvaranja vodljivih slanih naslaga, te gljivica i pljesni na vlažnim dijelovima. Zbog kondenzacije vode na oplati, pregradama, ali i unutar kućišta električnih uređaja može doći do kapanja i proboja električne izolacije. Električni uređaji koje se nalaze u prostoru strojarnice, pogotovo u blizini dizel motora izloženi su agresivnoj atmosferi. Palubni strojevi su izloženi zapljuskivanju i uranjanju u morsku vodu, a neki uređaji moraju trajno raditi pod vodom. Zbog toga sve brodske izvedbe električnih uređaja, kao uostalom i sva ostala brodska oprema, moraju zadovoljiti mnogo strože uvjete, te biti pravilno i redovito održavani i servisirani. Također, elektronska oprema mora biti postavljena poštujući standarde sigurnosti od električnog udara, požara i eksplozije, raspoloživost svih vitalnih brodskih sustava ovisnih o električ-


This has an impact to the frequent change in temperature of the sea and land, humidity and salinity. Salt, humidity and condensation increase the corrosion of the metal parts in electric devices and the weakening of the insulation due to creation of conductive salt residues, fungus and mold in damp areas. The condensation of the water on the skin, partitions but also housing of the electrical devices can cause the dripping and electrical insulation failure. The electrical devices in the engine room, and especially in the vicinity of diesel engines are exposed to the agressive atmosphere. Devices on the deck are exposed to the splashing of and immersion in the sea water, while some devices must function under the water. Therefore, all of the marine versions of the electrical devices, and the marine equipment in general, must fulfill more strict requirements, they must be adequately and regularly maintained and serviced. Further, the electronic equipment must be installed accord-

noj opremi, otpornost na klimatske uvjete i uvjete brodske okoline te elektromagnetsku kompatibilnost. Ujedno, ovi sustavi moraju zadovoljiti i zahtjeve za trenutnu spremnost za pogon, jednostavnost prijenosa energije, jednostavnu pretvorbu u druge oblike energije (mehaničku, svjetlosnu, kemijsku i toplinsku), stabilne pogonske karakteristike, visoki stupanj pouzdanosti, jednostavnost rukovanja i održavanja, dug životni vijek i neznatan utjecaj na okoliš. Brodski električni uređaji i sustavi, odnosno električna energija općenito, na brodu imaju i tri vrlo značajna nedostatka: 1) opasnost od strujnog udara, 2) opasnost od izazivanja požara i eksplozije i 3) osjetljivost na vlagu. Elektroinstalacije na svakom plovilu moraju biti kvalitetne radi sigurnosti i pouzdanosti, stoga je najbolje izradu i održavanje prepustiti stručnjacima. Redovno i pravilno održavanje električnih instalacija važno je u prevenciji požara, eksplozija i izazivanja strujnog udara, te prestanka rada uređaja uslijed prodora vlage i korozije. Jedan do najučestalijih uzroka nesreća na plovilima je požar uzrokovan nedostacima na električnim instalacijama istosmjerne struje. Požari mogu započeti na kablovima akumulatora/baterija, žicama kaljužnih pumpi, pa čak žicama instrumenata čija je izolacija oštećena zbog jakih vibracija motora i neprimjerenog tj. nezaštićenog položaja na oštrim rubovima. Instalacija za vanjsko napajanje plovila el. energijom također

ing to the safety rules in order to prevent the possibility of the electric shock, fire or explosion, respecting the availability of the core marine systems which are dependent of the electical equipment, weather condition resistance, environment and electromagnetic compatibility. Finally, these systems must respect the current readiness for operation requirements, the ease of energy flow, the simple energy conversion (mechanical, light, chemical, thermical), steady operating characteristics, high reliability, operational simplicity, longeivity and insignificant influence to the environment. Marine electrical devices and systems, i.e. the electrical energy in general, have three major disadvantages on the vessel: 1) the possibility of the electric shock, 2) the risk of fire and explosion and 3) the moisture sensitivity. All marine electrical installations must be of high quality to be safe and reliable, therefore their installation and maintenance should be done by the experts. Regular and adequate electrical installation maintenance is of high importance for prevention of fire, explosion, electric shocks and operational failures of the devices caused by moisture or corrosion. A fire which resulted from defects on DC electrical installations is among the most frequent causes of damage on a vessel. The fire can start on the battery cabels, bilge pump wires, instrument wires if their insulation is damaged by strong


je potencijalna slaba točka sigurnosti plovila od požara. Požari nastali na električnim instalacijama teško se gase jer uzročnik ponovno potakne vatru i nakon upotrebe protupožarnog aparata. To je jedan od glavnih razloga zašto na brodu mora postojati sklopka na akumulatorima kako bi se u takvim situacijama mogao isključiti kompletan električni sustav. InterAdria SC pruža kompletnu uslugu instalacije i održavanja elektronske opreme na plovilima. Brodska elektronika uključuje ugradnju novih elektroinstalacija, popravak i promjenu starih i dotrajalih instalacija, dijagnostiku kvarova na instalacijama i uređajima, ugradnju instrumentnih ploča, testiranje, ugradnju i zamjenu akumulatora, ugradnju akumulatorskih punjača i naponskih invertera. Također, tvrtka pruža usluge ugradnje navigacijske opreme za plovila: radara, GPS-a, uređaja za mjerenje brzine, elektromotora, rasvjete, navigacijskih svjetala, ali i solarnih panela, bijele tehnike i ozvučenja. Uz to pruža usluge održavanja i servisa svih električnih sustava na plovilu. Servisni centar Interadrie SC raspolaže znanjem, iskustvom i opremom za brze intervencije pronalaska i otklanjanja problema sa elektroinstalacijama i elektroničkim uređajima. Uvijek preporučamo ugradnju glavne sklopke te osigurača kako bi maksimalno zaštitili elektronske uređaje poput sonara i elektro motora. Kvalitetne brodske instalacije podrazumijevaju uredno složene vodiče u odgovarajuće bužire (npr. Cavoflex)


engine vibrations and inadequate or unprotected position near a sharp edge. The external power supply installation is also a potential weak point which can lead to the fire on the vessel. When the fire breaks out at an electrical installation it is difficult to extinguish because the cause of the fire simply re-ignites. For this reason vessels must have a battery switch so that the complete electrical system can be turned off in a situation like this. InterAdria SC offers the complete marine electronic devices installation and maintenance services. Marine electronics includes the installation of new electrical installations, repairs and replacements of old and worn out installations, device and installation failure diagnostics, instrument panel installations, testings, battery installation or replacement, battery charger and power inverter installation. Further, Interadria offers the navigational equipment installation: radar, GPS, speedmeter, electromotor, lights, navigation lights, but also solar panels, white goods and sound systems. Finally, Interadria offers the maintenance and service of all the marine electrical systems. Interadria SC service centre has the knowledge, experience and tools for prompt interventions at electrical installation and electronic devices failure detection and problem solving.

Uvijek preporučamo ugradnju glavne sklopke te osigurača kako bi maksimalno zaštitili elektronske uređaje poput sonara i elektro motora. Kvalitetne brodske instalacije podrazumijevaju uredno složene vodiče u odgovarajuće bužire (npr. Cavoflex)

We always recommend the installation of the main switch and the safety fuse for the protection of the electronic devices like sonar or electrical motor. High quality marine installations have the conductors neatly arranged in adequate tubes (Cavoflex per example).

S povjerenjem nam možete prepustiti ugradnju:

We can assist you with the following:

• Instaliramo i servisiramo sidrene vinčeve

• anchor vinches installation and maintainance

• Zamjenjujemo i instaliramo akumulatore

• battery replacement and installation

• Instaliramo brodske TV, radarske i VHF antene

• TV, radar and VHF marine antennas installation

• Servisiramo i dijagnosticiramo generatore

• generators maintenance and diagnostics

• Instaliramo LED i halogenu signalnu i kabinsku rasvjetu

• LED and halogen signal and cabin lights

• Instaliramo kaljužne pumpe, pumpe svježe, sive i crne vode

• solar panels suggestions and installation

• Predlažemo i instaliramo solarne panele • Rješavamo sve vrste sitnih elektro problema na vašem plovilu

• bilge pump and water pumps installation • various electrical problems on your vessel Info: InterAdria SC Service Center Ćikovići 73 C, Kastav tel: +385(0)51 704 178 fax: +385(0)51 704 020

gsm: +385(0)91 215 44 92 e-mail:



Kristian Brnečić

InterAdria SC sales manager InterAdria SC d.o.o. pod motom ONE STOP SERVICE svojim klijentima nastoji pružiti potpunu i kvalitetnu uslugu bilo da je riječ o kupnji i prodaji plovila, održavanju, servisu motora, a može vam pomoći i oko registracije i osiguranja plovila .

InterAdria SC led by ONE STOP SERVICE motto tries to offer complete and best quality service to the customers, from a boat sales and purchase, regular maintenance, engine maintenance, to registration and insurance paperwork.

Jedan od ključnih odjela naše tvrtke je odjel prodaje s primarnim ciljem pomoći kupcima pri pronalaženju idealnog plovila sukladno njihovim željama, potrebama i htijenjima.

One of the core company departments is the sales department. The primary role of the sales department is to assist our customers to find the ideal vessel according to what they imagine, want and need.

Predstavljamo vam našeg voditelja prodaje – g. Kristiana Brnečića. Kristian Brnečić je na funkciju voditelja prodaje došao nakon što je stekao iskustvo i u drugim segmentima poslovanja Interadrie. Svoj profesionalni put započeo je u odjelu održavanja i servisiranja plovila gdje je dodatno usavršio svoja otprije stečena tehnička znanja o motorima i sustavima plovila. Radio je kao skipper, asistent prodaje, charter manager, a 2014. godine kad je otvoren Servisni Centar u ACI marini Ičići, g. Brnečić tamo preuzima radno mjesto voditelja servisnog centra. Kruna njegovog dosadašnjeg rada i požrtvovnosti je pozicija voditelj prodaje koju preuzima 2015.g. Ova odgovorna funkcija osim iznimno dobrog poznavanja svih segmenata nautičkog sektora podrazumijeva komunikativnost, organiziranost, odgovornost i proaktivnost. Uz izgradnju i održavanje odnosa s klijentima i poslovnim partnerima, važan aspekt posla koji obavlja je i stalno praćenje novih trendova u nautici te zahtjeva koje tržište postavlja. Kristiana ćete odmah primjetiti po njegovom pozitivnom stavu i susretljivosti, te širokom osmijehu na licu. Uvijek ima vremena da se posveti kupcu i pomogne savjetom, a to je apsolutno najvažnije u poslu kojim se bavi. Nakon što procijeni specifične potrebe određenog kupca, marljivo radi dok ne pronađe idealan tip plovila, posebnu pažnju posvećuje svim, pa i najsitnijim detaljima kako bi svaki kupac na kraju bio zadovoljan. 34

In this issue we represent you our sales manager – Mr. Kristian Brnečić. Kristian Brnečić came to this position after getting the experience in all other aspects of Interadria business. His professional path started in boat service and maintenance department where he further improved his technical knowledge about boat engines and systems. Further, he worked as a skipper, sales assistant, charter manager, and in 2014 when the Service Center in ACI marina Ičići was opened he became its service center manager. The crown of his dedication to business is the sales manager position he took over in 2015. This is most responsible position which apart from the comprehensive nautical knowledge demands high communication and organisation skills, responsibility and proactivity. The main tasks are to build and maintain relations with the customers and business partners, but also to follow new nautical trends and market demands. Kristian is easily recognised by his radiant and friendly attitude, and a wide smile on his face. He always has enough time to dedicate himself to the client and to give advice, which is the most important thing in his work. After he estimates the specific needs of the client, he will work meticulously until he finds the ideal vessel; he gives special attention to details to make every customer happy.

U poslovanju je vrlo etičan i korektan, unutar tvrtke pravi timski igrač. Ljeti se taj njegov sportski duh vidi u ljubavi prema moru i uživanju u plovidbi i vodenim sportovima. Zimi se Kristian posvećuje svojoj drugoj velikoj strasti – skijanju. Kao instruktor skijanja s puno strpljenja i entuzijazma prenosi svoje znanje i ljubav prema snijegu najmlađim polaznicima škole. S isto toliko žara ljeti će vlasnike plovila uputiti i savjetovati u navigaciji i prenijeti im ljubav prema moru. Zato, ako razmišljate o kupnji plovila, bilo da je riječ o novom ili rabljenom, slobodno se javite u Kristianov ured u ACI marini Ičići, on će vam vrlo rado pomoći. In business, he is very ethical and fair, within the company frameworks he is real team player. In summer his sports spirit reflects itself in his passion for the sea, navigation and water sports. In winter Kristian enjoys in his second passion – the skiing. As skiing teacher he most patiently and with enormous enthusiasm transfers his skills and passion for the snow to the youngest attendants of the ski school. With the same passion he will instruct and advise the boat owners about the navigation and transfer them love towards the sea. Therefore, if you consider buying a vessel, whether new or used one, feel free to contact Kristian in his office in ACI marina Ičići. It will be his pleasure to assist. Info: InterAdria SC Kristian Brnečić, sales manager ACI marina Opatija, Liburnijska 7a, Ičići tel: +385(0)51 445 178 gsm: +385(0)91 215 44 86 e-mail:





Real Estate Croatia

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Noćna plovidba

Nighttime navigation

S pravom opremom i uz dobre vremenske uvjete, noćna plovidba može biti sigurna, zabavna, pustolovna, pa čak i romantična.

With the right equipment and decent weather, a night cruise can be safe, enjoyable, adventurous and even romantic.

Danas postoje brojni uređaji koji nam omogućuju bolje snalaženje tijekom noćne plovidbe. GPS/ploteri, detaljne elektroničke mape, napredni radar, termalne slike, noćna optika i reflektori ne samo da povećavaju sigurnost nego i samopouzdanje potrebno kako bi se uživalo u plovidbi u mraku. No, bez obzira na najnoviju navigacijsku opremu koju imate na plovilu, pridržavajte se jednostavnog pravila – usporite! Čak ni pri jakoj mjesečini ne možete vidjeti tako dobro kao danju. Predmete nećete vidjeti dok im niste prilično blizu. Ako idete prebrzo možda nećete uspjeti skrenuti dovoljno brzo da biste izbjegli sudar s neosvjetljenim objektom kao što je na primjer komad drveta koji pluta.

Today, there are many devices than can help us and improve our vision during nighttime navigation. GPS/chart plotters, detailed electronic cartography, advanced radar, thermal imaging, night-vision scopes and spotlights not only increase the safety but also inspire enough confidence to enjoy boating after dark. Rule No. 1 – slow down! No matter what high-tech navigation equipment you have on board. Even on a high intensity moonlight evening, you just can’t see as well as during the day. Objects won’t come into view until they are fairly close. If you’re going too fast, you might not be able to manoeuvre quickly enough to avoid a collision with an unlit object such as floating timber.

Tijekom plovidbe noću izbjegavajte korištenje bljeskalica i ostalih izvora bijele svjetlosti jer mogu uništiti vaš noćni vid, a to je vrlo opasno. Imajte na umu da pozadinsko osvjetljenje instrumenata treba biti na minimumu. Jednom kad se vaše oči priviknu na mrak, previše svjetla na plovilu pokvariti će vaš noćni vid a očima će trebati više od 30 minuta kako bi se ponovno prilagodile. Srećom, većina brodske elektronike ima mogućnost podešavanja pozadinskog osvjetljenja, a neki uređaji imaju i “night mode”. Što se tiče općeg osvjetljena na plovilu najbolja je crvena boja jer ne smanjuje osjet vida. Međutim, lampe i reflektori mogu biti od koristi kad želimo identificirati predmet u našoj blizini. Moguće je kupiti i noćnu optiku koja će stvoriti sliku zelenkaste boje i učiniti vidljivima predmete na udaljenosti do 60 m.

Keep in mind that the illumination of your instruments and electronics should be kept at minimum. Once your eyes have acclimated to the dark, too much onboard light can destroy your night vision, and the readjustment of your eyes can take over 30 minutes. Most marine electronics allow you to adjust the brightness of the backlighting, and many units also have a “night mode”. When it comes to instrument illumination, red is the best colour since it does not desensitize the rods.

U svakom trenutku morate znati koja je vaša pozicija!

In any moment you should be able to point your current position.

Današnji ploteri prikazuju puno više od trenutnog položaja. Svi fiksni objekti iznad vode kao što su plutače, nasipi, vrhovi stijena i dokovi vide se na ploteru, kao što bi se vidjeli i na karti, s prednošću da istovremeno pokazuju trenutni položaj plovila u odnosu na te objekte. Ploter prikazuje i dubinu mora, grebene i ostale podvodne prepreke kako biste mogli izbjeći

When navigating at night, avoid turning on flashlights, spreaders or other bright lights that can destroy night vision. All of these are very tricky. However, a searchlight or spotlight can be handy when trying to identify a nearby object. You can also buy a night vision which will cast everything in green and illuminate objects up to 60 m away.

Furthermore, today’s chart plotters show a lot more than just your present position. Virtually any fixed object above water, such as buoys, jetties, exposed rocks and docks, show up on the plotter, just as it would on a paper chart, while at the same time showing the boat’s relative position to these


nasukavanje. No imajte na umu: nikad se ne smijete osloniti samo na elektronsku kartu, pogotovo ako se ne radi o novoj verziji. Važan instrument u plovidb je i dubinomjer. Pomoću njega u svakom trenutku možete imati jasnu indikaciju o dubinama ispod plovila.

objects. Chart plotters also indicate water depth, reefs and other submerged obstructions, so you can avoid running aground at night. A depth sounder is also important for confirming the water depth. You should never rely solely on the electronic chart, particularly if the chart has not been updated recently.

Ako noću vidite sve što se nalazi oko vas osjećat ćete više samopouzdanja , a tome služi radar – on je vaš vid kad su vam oči slijepe. Radar prikazuje što se nalazi oko vas i na kojoj udaljenosti. Osim svojim očima, iskusni nautičari najviše vjeruju radaru.

Seeing everything that’s around you at night makes you feel more confident while cruising, and that’s just what radar (radio detection and ranging) is: your sight when your eyes are blind. It shows you what’s out there and tells you how far away it is.

Dok plotter prikazuje fiksne objekte, radar može detektirati gotovo sve što se nalazi iznad površine mora, uključujući druga plovila. Radar je već desetljećima prisutan u nautici, ali današnji su sustavi precizniji, jednostavniji i troše puno manje energije nego prije.

Besides their own eyes, the experienced boaters will mostly rely on radar.

Poznato je da radar gubi učinkovitost kad se predmeti jako približe, na sredini ekrana pojavi se mrlja koja zamračuje predmete koji su blizu plovila. No moderni radari nemaju taj nedostatak i mogu čitati objekte blizu plovila što je posebno važno ako noću plovite na prometnom mjestu. Međutim, tijekom noćne plovidbe najdragocjeniji su oštar vid i oštar sluh, poznavanje pravila plovidbe i korištenja navigacijskih svjetala. To može spasiti vaše plovilo i vaš život. Ako imate potrebno znanje možete identificirati svako plovilo, njegovu aktivnost i odrediti gdje možete sigurno ući ili izaći iz luke, kao i pronaći sigurnu rutu kroz uske kanale. Moderna navigacijska tehnologija je super, ali ništa nije bolje od opreza, iskustva i znanja! Želimo vam nezaboravnu i sigurnu plovidbu!

While a chart plotter shows fixed objects, radar can show you just about everything above the water’s surface, including other boats. Marine radar has been around for decades, but today’s radar systems are more refined, easier to use and less power hungry than ever before. Traditionally, radar loses effectiveness at very close range due to a phenomenon called “main bang,” which results in a blob in the middle of the screen that obscures targets close to the boat. However, newer radars don’t have the main bang, so they can read an object very close to the boat which is especially useful when cruising crowded waters in the dark. However, the most valuable nighttime navigation tool are sharp eyes and ears, knowledge of boating rules and navigation lights patterns can save your boat and your life. You can then identify any type of vessel and its activity, determinate where to safely enter and exit the harbour as well as find a safe route to pass through narrow channels. Modern navigation tools are great, but nothing beats the good lookout, experience and knowledge! Have a memorable and safe boating!



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Tekst napisao / text by Damir Šebetić, mag. prava

Registracija plovila u Hrvatskoj

Registration of Boats in Croatia

Kupili ste novi ili polovni brod! A što sada? Gdje krenuti?

You bought a new or a used boat! What to do now? Where to begin?

Svaka promjena statusa plovila zahtjeva dodatni i neuobičajeni napor vlasnika ili skipera. Iako je postupak vrlo sličan zemljišnim knjigama (i tamo imamo građevinsku dozvolu, uporabnu dozvolu i sl.) puno rjeđe se susrećemo s takvim registrima za plovila. Uvijek treba kupovati od iskusnih brokera jer oni tada za vas obave i sve potrebne predradnje kako bi vam olakšali proceduru. Ako je plovilo već bilo u hrvatskom registru – to je odlično. Za vas je procedura skoro gotova osim promjene imena plovila. Nemate posebne porezne obveze jer je na brodu plaćen PDV. Ako kupuje društvo od društva onda i nadalje postoji PDV od 25%. Na stranicama Ministarstva pomorstva, prometa i infrastrukture naći ćete obrasce s kojim se vrši prijava u lučke kapetanije gdje se nalazi brod ili gdje će pretežno ploviti. Ali ako vaš brod nije bio nikada u hrvatskom registru, onda je nešto malo više složenije. Svaka osoba koja ima prijavljen ili dokaziv boravak više od 183 dana u Hrvatskoj ima pravo registrirati svoje plovilo u RH. Razlika je samo što se brodica do 12 m upisuje u registar brodica a jahte iznad 12 metara do 24 metra u registar jahti. A što je registar brodica ili jahti? To je registar koji sadrži osnovne tehničke podatke o plovilu, njegovo ime ili broj, podatke


Each change in the status of a boat requires additional and unusual efforts on behalf of its owner or skipper. Although the procedure has been very similar to that followed in case of land registers (where there is also a building permit, use permit, etc.), we do not frequently deal with such registers intended for boats. Boats should be always bought from experienced brokers because they perform all required preliminary actions on your behalf and make the whole procedure easier for you. The procedure itself is not so complex but it includes several steps. I have tried to summarise these steps and this text is designed for information purposes only. If a boat has been already registered with the Croatian Register of Shipping – it is excellent news. In that case, the procedure is almost complete and the only thing is to change the boat’s name. You have no further tax liability as VAT has been already paid for the boat. If a company is buying a boat from another company, the 25% VAT liability remains. You can refer to the web pages of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure and find the forms through which the registration is made with harbourmasters’ office where the boat is located or will primarily sail. However, if the boat has never been registered with the Croa-

o vlasniku te u nekim slučajevima terete koji prate plovilo. Kako se u pravnom prometu jahta smatra nekretninom, onda se u taj registar upisuju tereti kao hipoteka, pravo uživanja i slično. Kod nas se sve promjene na plovilima sada rade on-line. Svaki EU brodski registar bi trebao periodično u skladu s odobrenjem iskorištavanja plovila, vršiti preglede plovila. Kod jahti za privatnu upotrebu je tehnički pregled jednom u 5 godina, a za one koji će se baviti charterom svake godine. Kod nas to radi Hrvatski brodski registar u Splitu preko svojih inspektora koji su raspoređeni po glavnim lučkim upravama. Plovila koja su registrirana u drugim EU zemljama a plove hrvatskim Jadranom bi trebali pregledavati njihovi inspektori kod nas. Nažalost, nije ujednačena praksa tehničkih pregleda brodica ili jahti a što stvara dileme oko izbora registracije. Npr. nesporno je da uređaji radi sigurnosti ljudi i spašavanja na moru moraju biti na plovilu. Ali sam pregled plovila trupa i drugih agregata varira o subjektivnoj ocjeni inspektora. Takvi različiti pregledi uzrokuju i znatne varijacije troškova za vlasnike. Usporednom analizom prijave po prvi puta u registar jahti ili brodica u našem okruženju, Hrvatska prednjači sa primjenom elektroničke usluge. Kod upisa brodice, osoba podnosi zahtjev, a lučka kapetaniji ili ispostava će izdati oznake (kratice za luku i broj) koje morate ispisati na brodici. U očevidnik brodica obvezno se upisuje brodica duljine veće od 2,5 metara ili brodica s ukupnom snagom porivnih strojeva većom od 5 kilovata koja je u cjelini u vlasništvu fizičke ili pravne osobe s prebivalištem, odnosno sjedištem u Hrvatskoj. U očevidnik brodica može se upisati i brodica istih karakteristika, koja je u cjelini ili dijelom u vlasništvu strane fizičke ili pravne osobe ili osobe bez državljanstva ili hrvatskog državljanina koji nema prebivalište u Hrvatskoj ako brodica pretežno boravi u moru Republike Hrvatske. Morate imati u pripremi slijedeću dokumentaciju: • ispravu kojom se dokazuje vlasništvo brodice i porivnog uređaja (kupoprodajni ugovor, ugovor o darovanju, rješenje o nasljeđivanju, račun, svjedodžba o gradnji i sl.), • ispravu kojom se dokazuje bruto tonaža,

tian Register, than it is a little bit more complex. Any person having registered or provable residence for more than 183 days in Croatia may register its boat in Croatia. The only difference is that a boat not exceeding 12 m in length is registered with the Boat Record Book (Register of Boats) while a yacht exceeding 12m and up to 24 m is registered with the Register of Yachts. What are in fact the Register of Boats and the Register of Yachts? These are registers containing the basic technical information concerning boats and yachts, their names and numbers, their owners’ personal data, and in some cases encumbrances associated with the boats and yachts. As in legal transactions yachts are considered as immovable property, encumbrances such as mortgages, usufructs and similar are entered into such registers. In Croatia, all changes concerning boats and yachts are made on-line. Each EU Register of Shipping should periodically and in compliance with the boat exploitation approval perform the surveys. In case of the yachts intended for private use, such technical survey is required once in a five-year period, and for those intended for charters every year. In Croatia, this is the responsibility of the Croatian Register of Shipping in Split and its inspectors distributed among main harbourmasters’ offices. The boats registered in other EU countries and sailing in Croatia should be inspected by their inspectors in Croatia. Unfortunately, the practice applied to the technical surveys of boats and yachts has not been standardized and still causes dilemmas when choosing registration. For example, it is indisputable that the equipment providing safety and security of persons and providing for the salvage at sea must be located on board. However, the survey of a hull and generating units varies and depends on a discretionary assessment of an inspector. Such different surveys may result also in different costs to the owners. Following the comparative analysis of the first registrations of yachts or boats in our environment, Croatia is leading in the application of electronic services. When a boat is registered, one is applying to a harbourmasters’ office to issue the boat’s designations (letters for the port and number) that will be displayed on the outside of the hull. A boat of more than 2.5 m in length or with a total power of propulsion units of more than 5kW, fully owned by a natural or legal person having its residence or seat in Croatia, is to be entered into the Boat Record Book (Register of Boats). A boat of the same characteristics, owned fully or partially by a foreign natural or legal person or a person without nationality or Croatian national who does not have a residence in Croatia may be also entered into the Boat Record Book (Register of Boats) if a boat is predominantly sailing in the Republic of Croatia. You have to possess the following documents: • a document proving the ownership of a boat and propulsion units (bill of sale, gift agreement, inheritance decision, invoice, builder’s certificate, etc.),


• policu o osiguranju obvezne odgovornosti prema trećim osobama, • ispravu kojom se dokazuje da je brodica brisana iz stranog upisnika brodica, ako je bila upisana u strani upisnik brodica, • dokaz o podmirenim poreznim obvezama (račun gdje je vidljiv plaćeni PDV u zemlji porijekla), • Deklaraciju o sukladnosti izdanu sukladno Tehničkim pravilima, ako je brodica građena u Republici Hrvatskoj ili Deklaraciju o sukladnosti izdanu sukladno Direktivi EU 94/25 EC ako je brodica građena izvan Republike Hrvatske. Svatko može slobodno provjeriti tko je vlasnik plovila na WEBu. U RH mogu se pregledati podaci o plovnim objektima odabirom tipa objekta te oznake, imena ili nacionalnog identifikacijskog broja (NIB). To je naročito korisno kada se plovilo želi kupiti od vama nepoznatog trgovca ili trgovca u stranoj zemlji. Prije bilo kakvog ugovora, treba provjeriti tko je vlasnik a tek onda pregovarati za cijenu. Prije fizičkog pregleda jahte provodi se postupak utvrđivanja tehničke prihvatljivosti za prvi upis jahte, a isti se podnosi HRVATSKOM REGISTRU BRODOVA u Splitu putem WEB aplikacije. Najviše smutnje (nedoumica) izaziva tzv. Osnovni inicijalni tehnički pregled kojeg mora obaviti svaka pojedina jahta (plovilo za sport i razonodu duljine trupa veće od 12 metara) koja se po prvi put upisuje u Upisnik jahti Republike Hrvatske. Osnovni pregled prijavljuje se HRVATSKOM REGISTRU BRODOVA (HRB). Zahtjev mora biti u potpunosti ispunjen i mora sadržavati sve podatke o tražitelju (točan i potpun naziv pravne ili fizičke osobe koja je vlasnik jahte, adresa, broj telefona, broj telefaksa, ime i prezime odgovorne osobe, itd.). Uz zahtjev mora biti priloženo i slijedeće (ne zahtijevaju se originalni dokumenti, ovjereni prijevodi, ni ovjerene preslike): • preslika Potvrde o tipnom odobrenju jahte u skladu s Direktivom (EC Type Examination to 94/25/EC Directive),


• a document showing gross tonnage, • a compulsory liability insurance policy covering material damages, • a document showing that a boat has been deleted from the foreign register (for a boat that has been previously registered with a foreign register), • an evidence of payment made for taxes (invoice showing VAT has been paid in the country of origin), • a declaration of conformity issued in compliance with the technical rules if a boat has been built in the Republic of Croatia or declaration of conformity issued in compliance with the Directive EU 94/25 EC if a boat has been built outside Croatia. On web pages, it may be easily checked who is the owner of a boat. In Croatia, all information concerning vessels may be accessed by selecting type, designation, name or national identification number. It is especially useful when a boat is bought from an unknown dealer or from one abroad. Before entering into any agreement, first it should be checked who the owner is and than start to negotiate the price. Before a yacht’s survey, there is a procedure in order to confirm the technical acceptability for the initial survey of a yacht, and the application to be issued such attestation is made to the CROATIAN REGISTER OF SHIPPING in Split via web application. Many doubts (dilemmas) are caused by so called the initial survey to be performed for each yacht (pleasure craft of more than 12 m in length) to be registered for the first time with the Register of Yachts of the Republic of Croatia. Such initial survey is performed by the CROATIAN REGISTER OF SHIPPING (CRS). The request for such survey must be fully completed and must include all required information (accurate and full name of legal or natural person owning the yacht, address, telephone number, fax number, name and surname of responsible person, etc.). The request must be supported also by (original documents, certified translations or certified copies are not mandatory):

• preslika Deklaracije o sukladnosti jahte s Direktivom (Declaration of Conformity to 94/25/EC Directive) • samo za jahte za osobne potrebe, preslika upisnog lista, plovidbene dozvole ili nekog drugog mjerodavnog dokumenta zemlje članice EEA kao dokaz da je predmetna jahta već bila stavljena na tržište i/ili uporabu unutar EEA • preslika potvrde graditelja (Builder's Certificate) Na osnovu tako dostavljenih dokumenata, MINISTARSTVO POMORSTVA, PROMETA I INFRASTRUKTURE izdaje "Potvrdu o tehničkoj prihvatljivosti radi prvog upisa u upisnik jahti Republike Hrvatske s tehničkim podacima jahte", a Hrvatski registar brodova započinje postupak osnovnog pregleda jahte. U tom smislu HRB izdaje nalog svom nadležnom područnom uredu za obavljanje osnovnog pregleda jahte (Područni uredi HRB-a: Vela Luka - tel. 020 813 120, Split - tel. 021 408 110, Šibenik - tel. 022 214 975, Zadar - 023 235 981, Mali Lošinj - tel. 051 231 331, Rijeka - tel. 051 671 811, Pula - tel. 052 223 152), te dostavlja pisanu obavijest tražitelju kojem se područnom uredu treba obratiti za osnovni pregled jahte. Osnovni pregled jahte se isključivo obavlja po pozivu tražitelja područnom uredu HRB-a u trenutku kada je plovilo pripremljeno za pregled i opremljeno svom zahtijevanom opremom. Osnovni pregled jahte može se započeti i prije dovršetka postupka upisa jahte u Upisnik jahti. Jahte mogu imati ime i luku upisa. Ne treba brojčana oznaka. Po ishodovanju svih potrebnih dokumenata potrebno se je obratiti nadležnoj Lučkoj kapetaniji koja po uspješno završenom postupku upisa izdaje Upisni list jahte. Po uspješnom dovršetku pregleda i upisa jahte (uz prethodno predočenje Upisnog lista jahte), područni ured HRB-a izdaje privremenu "Svjedodžbu o sigurnosti jahte za plovidbu" i Potvrdu o baždarenju. Vrijeme trajanja pregleda jahte ovisi o stanju jahte, opsegu pregleda, opremljenosti jahte, te ovisi od slučaja do slučaja. Najbolje je unaprijed se dogovoriti sa inspektorom kada plovilo ima godišnje radove na suhom te da se to odmah iskoristi i za pregled plovila. U stvarnosti, svaka procedura zahtijeva strpljenje, a to je i naglašeno kod ovakvih slučajeva. Ali to ne bi trebalo predstavljati takvu gnjavažu koja bi zasjenila zadovoljstvo da se na vašem plovilu vijori hrvatska zastava.

• a copy of EC-Type Examination Certificate under Directive 94/25/EC, • a copy of Declaration of Conformity under Directive 94/25/ EC, • for the yachts for private purposes only, a copy of certificate of registration, permit or any other applicable document issued in the EEA member states, serving as a proof that a yacht has been already placed on a market and/or used in the EEA area, • a copy of Builder’s Certificate. On the basis of those documents, the MINISTRY OF MARITIME AFFAIRS, TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE issues the “Attestation on technical acceptability for the purpose of the first registration with the Register of Yachts of the Republic of Croatia with the yacht’s technical data”, and the Croatian Register of Shipping performs the initial survey of the yacht. The Croatian Register of Shipping issues the order for the initial survey of the yacht to be performed (CRS local offices: Vela Luka - tel. 020 813 120, Split - tel. 021 408 110, Šibenik - tel. 022 214 975, Zadar - 023 235 981, Mali Lošinj - tel. 051 231 331, Rijeka - tel. 051 671 811, Pula - tel. 052 223 152) and notifies in writing the yacht’s owner of the CRS local office to be referred to for the yacht’s initial survey. The yacht’s initial survey is performed exclusively when the local office has been contacted by the yacht’s owner and when the yacht has been prepared for the survey and furnished with all required equipment. The initial survey of the yacht may start even before the completion of the registration process. A yacht may have a name and port of registry. No numerical designation is required. Once all required documents have been secured, it is necessary to refer to the competent harbourmasters’ office which will upon the successfully completed registration process issue Certificate of Registry. Upon the completion of the survey and registration (with previous presentation of Certificate of Registry), CRS local office will issue temporary “Seaworthiness Certificate” and “Certificate of Calibration”. The time required for the yacht’s survey depends on the yacht’s state, volume of survey, yacht’s equipment, and varies from case to case. It is best to arrange the survey with an inspector when the yacht is under annual maintenance checks on the dry dock. In reality, to go through any procedure requires patience and in this case such patience is especially welcome. However, this should not present any obstacle that would outshine in any way your satisfaction that your yacht is proudly flying the Croatian flag.



UČKA Planina s najljepšim pogledom Mountain with the most beautiful view


Park prirode Učka, ukupne površine 160 km2, obuhvaća istoimenu planinu i dio Ćićarije, a proteže se duž zapadne obale Kvarnerskog zaljeva, na jednoj od najsjevernijih točaka Mediterana.

The Učka Nature Park, a total area of 160 km2, includes the same-named mountain and part of Ćićarija, and extends along the western coast of the Kvarner Bay, in one of the northernmost parts of the Mediterranean.

Položajem, reljefom, geološkom građom, klimom, bujnošću šumske vegetacije, ugroženim i endemskim vrstama flore i faune, Učka s Ćićarijom predstavlja specifičnost ovog dijela Istre i Kvarnera. Upravo to glavni su razlozi zbog kojih je 1999. godine ovo jedinstveno područje proglašeno parkom prirode. Posebnost Parka prirode Učka ogleda se i u izvanrednom spoju prirodnih bogatstava i ljudskog djelovanja, a o boravku čovjeka na ovim prostorima, koji traje još od prapovijesti, svjedoče brojni materijalni ostaci.

With its position, relief, geological structure, climate, lush forest vegetation, endangered and endemic flora and fauna, Učka together with Ćićarija represents a specific feature of this part of Istria and Kvarner. In fact they are the main reasons that this unique area was declared a nature park in 1999. The uniqueness of the Učka Nature Park is also reflected in the extraordinary combination of natural richness and human activity, whilst the numerous material remains bear witness to man’s presence in these areas which has lasted since pre-history.

OBILJEŽJA PARKA Park prirode Učka predstavlja riznicu biološke raznolikosti ovog dijela Europe. Područje je to bogato biljnim vrstama među kojima je i učkarski zvončić, koji raste na Učki i nigdje drugdje na svijetu. Očuvane bukove šume i prostrani travnjaci dom su brojnim životinjama, a zabilježena je i prisutnost

FEATURES OF THE PARK The Učka Nature Park represents a treasury of the biological diversity of this part of Europe. The region is rich with plant species amongst which is the Tommasini bell flower that grows on Učka and nowhere else in the world. The preserved

velikih zvijeri poput medvjeda, vuka i risa. Područje Parka stanište je i najveće europske sove, sove ušare, a za ljubitelje ptica poseban je doživljaj promatranje leta surog orla ili bjeloglavog supa koji prelijeću područje Parka u potrazi za hranom. Atrakcijama Parka valja pribrojiti i autohtonu kulturnu i graditeljsku baštinu vidljivu na svakom koraku, kao i tradicionalnu poljoprivredu. Poseban doživljaj predstavlja etno-gastromanifestacija Učkarski sajam koja se održava prve nedjelje u rujnu. Tamo, osim u dobrim vibracijama, možete uživati u gastronomskim delicijama poput ovčjeg sira, domaćih rakija i vina, pršuta te ostalim tradicionalnim lokalnim specijalitetima. AKTIVNOSTI Jedna od mnogobrojnih planinarskih staza za samo nekoliko sati odvest će vas iz slikovitih gradića liburnijskog primorja preko šumovitih obronaka Učke do njezina najvišeg vrha Vojaka na visini od 1401 m. S vidikovca koji oblikom podsjeća na srednjovjekovnu kulu pruža se punih 360 stupnjeva pogleda od kojeg zastaje dah: poluotok Istra, otoci sjevernog Jadrana, planine Gorskog kotara, Venecija, Alpe.

beech forests and spacious grasslands are home to many animals, and the presence of large beasts such as bears, wolves and lynx has also been noted. The area of the park is also the habitat of the largest European owl – the Eurasian eagle-owl, while a special experience for bird lovers is watching the flight of a golden eagle or a griffon vulture that fly over the area of the park looking for food. Worth adding to the park’s attractions is the indigenous cultural and architectural heritage visible at every step, as well as the traditional agriculture. The ethno-gastro event Učka Fair, held first Sunday in September, is a special experience. Here, besides the good vibrations, you can enjoy culinary delicacies such as sheep’s cheese, local brandies and wines, prosciutto and other traditional local specialities. ACTIVITIES In just a few hours one of the many hiking trails will lead you from the picturesque little towns of the Liburnian coast over the wooded hills of Učka to Vojak, its highest peak at 1,401 m. From the lookout point, reminiscent of a mediaeval tower, there extends a full 360 degree panoramic view which will leave you breathless: the Istrian Peninsula, the islands of the


Unutar granica Parka nalazi se i geomorfološki spomenik prirode, kanjon Vela draga, koji se odlikuje slikovitim soliternim vapnenačkim stupovima i stijenama, a do kojeg vodi geološka poučna staza. Kanjon još od tridesetih godina prošlog stoljeća posjećuju alpinisti, a danas je za poklonike slobodnog penjanja jedna od najpopularnijih lokacija u Hrvatskoj. Posebno mjesto unutar Parka zauzima područje između mošćeničkog zaseoka Trebišća i brda Perun, koje je bilo sveti prostor za prve slavenske doseljenike na Kvarner. Prođete li uređenom mitsko-povijesnom stazom koja prolazi ovim područjem, saznat ćete tko su bili Slaveni, kakva su im bila vjerovanja te na koji su način štovali svoje vrhovne bogove, Peruna i Velesa. Krenete li put Ćićarije, svakako valja posjetiti izletište Korita, koje se nalazi na 45 minuta hoda od sela Brgudac. Posebnost izletišta jest izvor pitke vode koji se prelijeva u deset masivnih drvenih korita te prekrasan pogled koji se pruža na masiv Učke. Posjetiteljima Parka prirode Učka, osim planinarskih i poučnih staza, na raspolaganju je i osam biciklističkih staza koje presijecaju Učku i Ćićariju te nude mogućnost upoznavanja prirodnih krajolika i uživanja na čistom i svježem planinskom zraku.


Northern Adriatic, the mountains of Gorski Kotar, Venice and the Alps. Within the borders of the park there is a natural geomorphological monument – the Vela Draga canyon which is characterised by its towering picturesque limestone columns and cliffs, to which an educational geological trail leads. The canyon has been visited by alpinists since the 1930s, and today it is one of the most popular locations in Croatia for devotees of free climbing. The area between the Mošćenice hamlet of Trebišća and the hill of Perun which was a sacred place for the first Slavic settlers to the Kvarner region occupies a special place within the park. If you pass down the landscaped mythical-historical trail which leads through this region you will find out about who the Slavs were, what their beliefs were and in which ways they worshipped their supreme gods Perun and Veles. If you head to Ćićarija, a visit to the popular destination of Korita, which is a 45 minute walk from the village of Brgudac, is certainly worth making. The special feature of this destination is the spring of drinking water that flows down ten massive wooden troughs plus the wonderful view which extends over the Učka massif. Alongside the hiking and educational trails visitors to the Učka Nature Park also have at their disposal 8 cycling trails that cross Učka and

Svakako je nezaobilazan i posjet slikovitom selu Mala Učka, gdje je moguće kupiti tradicionalni učkarski ovčji sir, čija receptura i način izrade potiču još iz rimskih vremena. KAKO DO NAS? Dolazite li automobilom iz pravca Rijeke i Zagreba, nastavite brzom cestom prema tunelu Učka (Pula, Poreč itd.) te zatim skrenite na izlazu Veprinac. Tada ćete stići na staru županijsku cestu koja će vas dovesti u Park. Dolazite li automobilom iz pravca Istre, prije ulaza u tunel Učka, pored benzinske postaje INA skrenite desno i pratite signalizaciju koja će vas dovesti na staru županijsku cestu, odnosno u središte Parka prirode Učka. U Park možete stići i iz obližnjih mjesta na Liburnijskoj obali, koja su udaljena 30-tak minuta vožnje.

Ćićarija offering the chance to get to know the natural landscape and enjoy the clean, fresh mountain air. An unmissable place to visit is the picturesque village of Mala Učka where you can buy traditional Učka sheep’s cheese, the recipe and method of production of which date back to Roman times. HOW TO REACH US? Coming from Rijeka or Zagreb, continue along the expressway in the direction of Učka Tunnel (Pula, Poreč etc.) and take the exit Veprinac. From there continue along the regional road that leads to the park. Coming from Istria, turn right before the entrance to Učka Tunnel, next to the INA petrol station, and follow the signs that will bring you to the old regional road and to the centre of the park. Učka Nature Park can also be reached from nearby places along the Liburnian coast, which lie at cca. 30 minutes’ driving distance.

Reportaža realizirana u suradnji sa / story realized in cooperation with: Javna ustanova “Park prirode Učka”




Restoran Aurora

Restoran Aurora

Na obroncima Učke, smješten ispod drevnog Veprinca, nalazi se restoran Aurora. Dugogodišnja tradicija i vrhunski užitak spojeni su u zeleno-plavu gastronomsku priču na mjestu na kojem se susreću planinski zrak s Učke i dah soli s okusom Kvarnera.

Restaurant Aurora is located on the slopes of mountain Učka, beneath primeval Veprinac. Longtime tradition and top enjoyment joined into the green-blue gastronomic story at the place where the mountain air from Učka and the touch of salt with the taste of Kvarner merge successfully.

Ponuda restorana je šarolika, od mesnih i ribljih jela do obrok salata i slastica, te pizza. Gostima nudimo teleće medaljone u umaku od terana i kapule, punjeni pureći odrezak na učkarski, jadransku lignju punjenu crvenim radićem i pršutom, salatu Veprinac s rezancima bifteka... Svako jelo djelo je spretnih ruku i ljubavi prema kuhanju što sirovu namirnicu dovodi do tanjura savršenih okusa. Vruće ljetne večeri zamjenite svježim zrakom i osvježavajućim povjetarcem na terasi, dovoljno daleko, a opet blizu gradske vreve i rijeka ljudi, u smirujućoj atmosferi uz zvuk cvrčaka sa pogledom na more, a s druge strane na Učku.

Various menu of the restaurant includes meat and fish dishes, salads, desserts and pizza. Guests can choose between wheel cutlets with teran and onion sauce, “Učka” stuffed turkey steak, red radicchio and prosciutto stuffed adriatic calamari, salad “Veprinac” with beefsteak and many more. Every dish is a creation of skilled hands and love for cooking, which turns raw food into perfect, tastefull dish. Replace your hot summer evenings with fresh air and refreshing breeze from the terrace, far away, yet close enough to city life and people, in the calming atmosphere with crickett song and beautifull seaview from one side, and Učka from the other.

Ugodan ambijent, prostrana terasa s najljepšim pogledom na Kvarner i Opatijsku rivijeru udaljen je samo desetak minuta vožnje od pitoresknih Ičića dok ćete za dvadeset minuta urbani ritam grada Rijeke zamijeniti uživanjem u miru i tišini okruženi prirodom.

Pleasurable environment, commodious terrace with the most beautiful view to Kvarner and Opatijska rivijera is situated only ten minutes driving from pitoresque Ičići. In only twenty minutes you will replace the urban rhythm of Rijeka with peace and quietness, surrounded with nature.

Restoran Aurora Šavroni 2, Veprinac, Ičići Tel. 00385 51 299 112 E mail: web: Facebook: Restoran Aurora Veprinac




Vlažna zemlja šumovitog područja poluotoka Istre, u blizini rijeka na dubini od kojih 50 cm, skriva jedno od najvrijednijih i najcjenjenijih blaga Mediterana - tartuf. To je podzemna gljiva koja raste u simbiozi sa raznim vrstama drveća te se traži isključivo uz pomoć posebno istreniranih pasa sa istančanim njuhom. Svoju boju, okus i miris poprimaju od stabla uz čiji korijen rastu. Njegova popularnost seže duboko u povijest upravo zbog njegovog specifičnog mirisa i okusa. Tartuf je jedan od poznatih afrodizijaka. Tome svjedoče brojni mitovi i legende još od doba Rimljana. Oni su, primjerice, smatrali da tartufi rastu jer je njihov vrhovni Bog Jupiter munjom pogodio stablo hrasta, a kako je on bio poznat po svom seksualnom apetitu, ovu su gljivu smatrali vrlo moćnim afrodizijakom. Najnovija istraživanja pokazala su kako je tartuf bogat feromonima - hormonima seksualne aktivnosti, te time potvrdila ovo drevno uvjerenje. Najpoznatija podjela tartufa jest ona na bijeli i crni tartuf. Bijeli tartuf (Tuber Magnatum) je najpopularniji i najskuplji; vrlo je specifičnog izgleda i okusa. Konzumira se svjež kao dodatak jelima te je vrlo važno da ne stoji dulje od 10 dana


Moist soil of the forrest area of Istrian peninsula, near rivers on the depth of approximately 50 cm, hides one of the most precious and most valuable treasure of the Mediterranean truffle. It is underground mushroom that grows simbiotically with various types of trees and it can be found only by the help of specially trained dogs with fine scent. Its colour, flavour and fragrance a truffle gets from the tree at which roots it grows. The popularity of truffle reaches deep into the past because of its specific frangrance and taste. Truffle is one of the well known aphrodisiacs. Many miths and legends dated from the Roman Empire are to testify it. For instance, they thought that truffles grow because their supreme God Jupiter stroke an oak tree with lightening. As Jupiter was well known for his sexual appetite, they considered this mushroom to be a very powerful aprodisiac. The newest researches show that truffle is rich in feromones - hormones of sexual activity, and confirm this ancient belief. The most common classification of truffles is white truffle and black truffle. White truffle (Tuber Magnatum) is the most popular and the

jer tada gubi svoja toliko popularna svojstva. Bijeli tartuf se ne smije zaleđivati niti ga se smije konzervirati, a čuva se u posudi zamotan u papirnati ručnik ili krpu. Najukusniji je bijeli tartuf koji raste u simbiozi sa hrastom. Bijeli tartuf je samonikla biljka koja ne raste u bilo kakvom tlu i u simbiozi s bilo kakvim biljkama; uzgajališta nažalost ne postoje, a berba se odvija isključivo u razdoblju od rujna do siječnja.

most expensive; it has specific looks and flavour. It is to be consumed fresh as the addition to various dishes within 10 days, otherwise it can lose its so popular characteristics. White truffle is not to be frozen or canned; it is to be kept in a bowl wrapped in a paper towel or cloth. The most delicious truffle is the one that grows simbiotically with an oak tree. White truffle is wild grown plant which will not grow in a soil of any kind or in symbiosis with a tree of any kind; unfortunatelly there aro no breeding farms, and harvesting takes place only from September to January.

Tuber Melanosporum je najbolji među crnim tartufima. Osim njega poznajemo još i Tuber Aestivum i Tuber Brumale. Crni tartuf ima nešto slabiju aromu od bijelog tartufa te stoga ima i pristupačniju cijenu. Berba crnog tartufa odvija se u kasnu jesen i zimu.

Tuber Melanosporum is the best among the black truffles. Besides this one, Tuber Aestivum and Tuber Brumale are also well known. Black truffle has lighter aroma than white truffle, therefore its price is much more available. Harvesting of the black truffle takes place in the late autumn and winter.

Današnju gurmansku kuhinju teško je zamisliti bez ove gljive. Francuski gurman Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin nazvao je tartuf “dijamantom kuhinje”. Tartuf kao dodatak jelima savršeno nadopunjuje tjesteninu te riblji i mesni meni. Ukoliko Vas put navede u Istru, nemojte propustiti sav užitak okusa i zadovoljstvo koje će Vam pružiti njegovo veličanstvo tartuf.

It is very hard to picture today’s gourmand kitchen without this mushroom. For a French gourmand Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin the truffle is “diamond of the kitchen”. Truffle complements pasta, fish and meat dishes perfectly. Should road take you to Istria, make sure not to miss all the enjoyment of taste and pleasure that his majesty the truffle will give you.


čokoladne praline Chocolate pralines s tartufom with truffle Sastojci: 50 g maslaca 100 g čokolade (70% kakaa) 1 vanilin šećer 200 g čokolade 5 g bijelog tartufa

Ingredients: 50 g butter 100 g chocolate (70% cocoa) 1 vanilla sugar 200 g chocolate 5 g white truffle

Priprema 1. Maslac zagrijte do vrenja, maknite s vatre i dodajte čokolade natrgane na kockice i vanilin šećer i miješajte tako dugo dok se čokolada ne otopi. 2. Na kraju umiješajte naribani tartuf. 3. Pripremljenu čokoladu izlijte u papirnate košarice i stavite u hladnjak.

Preparation: 1. Warm the butter untill boiling, remove from heat, add shear diced chocolate and vanilla sugar and stir untill the chocolate is completely melted. 2. At the end add grated truffle and stir. 3. Prepared chocolate pour to paper cups and put in the fridge.

Posluživanje Poslužite istinskim ljubiteljima tartufa ili u specijalnim prigodama.

Serving: Serve to true truffle lovers or on special occasions.

Savjet Praline možete ohladiti i u zamrzivaču, ali ih tada ostavite samo par minuta, dok u hladnjaku mogu stajati dulje. 54

Tip: Pralines can also be cooled in the deep freeze, but only for few minutes, while in fridge they can stay longer.



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THE CROATIAN PART OF THE ADRIATIC SEA Jadransko more je duboko uvučen zaljev Sredozemnog mora i spada u tip poluzatvorenog mora. Usporedno s pravcem protezanja jadranskog bazena pružaju se dva velika planinska lanca, jedan na Balkanskom, a drugi na Apeninskom poluotoku. Površina Jadranskog mora je 138595 km2, duljina oko 738 km, prosječna širina oko 159.3 km. Ukupna duljina obalnog dijela Jadranskog mora na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske je 6278 km, od čega kopnu pripada 1880 km, a otocima 4398 km. Otoci

U unutrašnjim morskim vodama i teritorijalnome moru Republike Hrvatske nalazi se ukupno 1246 otoka, otočića i hridi, od toga 66 nastanjena otoka. S tolikim brojem otoka hrvatska obala je, poslije grčke najrazvedenija obala Mediterana.


Prosječna dubina Jadranskog mora iznosi oko 173 m.; najpliće je u Tršćanskom zaljevu, a najdublje u Južnojadranskoj kotlini (1233 m). Najplići dio našeg mora je u Istri, gdje dubina ne prelazi 50 metara. Počevši od Pule, morsko dno blago pada, tvoreći dugu, krivudavu dolinu koja se prostire od otoka Žirje prema Italiji, a naziva se Jabučka kotlina. Najveća dubina tog dijela je oko 240 m. Dno se uzdiže od Jabučke kotline prema grebenu Palagruža; tamo je najveća dubina 130 m. Južnije, prema Jabučkoj kotlini, dno oštro pada. Najdublja izmjerena dubina na tom dijelu je oko 1300 km.

Temperatura i slanost

Jadran je toplo more s izraženim godišnjim hodom površinske temperature mora. Prosječna temperatura Jadranskog mora je 11ºC. Zimi se temperature kreću od 7ºC (krajnji sjeverozapad) do 14ºC (Otrantska vrata), ljeti od 22ºC do 25ºC (južni Jadran i Istra i do 27ºC), dok je u proljeće površinska temperatura mora do 18ºC.

The Adriatic Sea is a deeply recessed bay of the Mediterranean, so it belongs to semi-closed sea types. Parallel with the Adriatic basin, two big mountain chains extend, one on the Balkan and the other on the Apennine (Italian) peninsula. The sea covers a surface of 138595 km2, around 738 km in length and approximately 159.3 km in width. The coast length of the Croatian part of the Adriatic sea is 6278 km in total, of which land accounts for 1880 km and the islands for 4398 km. Islands

In internal seawaters and territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia there are 1246 islands, islets and rocks, 66 of them inhabited. With such a multitude of islands, the Croatian coast is the most indented in the Mediterranean, after the Greek one.


The average depth of the Adriatic sea is around 173 m. The shallowest part of the Adriatic Sea is in the Trieste Bay, and the deepest one in the South-Adriatic basin (1233 m). The shallowest part of our sea is in Istria, where the depth does not exceed 50 m. As from Pula, the seabed mildly drops, making a low, narrow valley which extends from the island of Žirje towards Italy, and is called Jabučka kotlina. The biggest depth of that part is about 240 m. The bottom rises from Jabučka kotlina to Palagruža reef, where the biggest depth is about 130 m. Towards South, the bottom drops steeply towards the Južnojadranska dolina. The biggest measured depth of that part is 1300 m.

Temperature and salinity

The Adriatic sea is a warm sea with marked annual changes in sea surface temperatures. The average temperature of the


Slanost Jadranskog mora je oko 38.30‰, što je više od prosjeka slanosti svjetskog mora. Sjeverni Jadran ima manju slanost od srednjeg i južnog Jadrana zbog utjecaja alpskih rijeka najviše rijeke Po.

Morske mijene

Plima i oseka Jadranskog mora imaju relativno male amplitude. U južnome dijelu ta razlika rijetko prelazi 40-ak centimetara, dok je u sjevernome dijelu ona nešto veća i može iznositi do 1 metar. Morske su mijene miješanog tipa, što znači da imaju poludnevni ritam tijekom punog mjeseca i mlađaka, a dnevni ritam tijekom prve i zadnje četvrti. Njihove su amplitude veoma nepravilne.

Površinske struje

Morske struje nemaju značajniji utjecaj na sigurnost plovidbe u području otvorenog mora. Brzina struja se mijenja u pojedinim područjima i vremenskim razdobljima. Srednje brzine morskih struja su oko 0,5 čv, ali u određenim uvjetima, naročito u uskim prolazima i u blizini riječnog ušća mogu dostići i do 4 čv.

Valovi Najfrekventnije površinske valove na Jadranu uzrokuju bura, jugo te sjeverozapadni vjetar maestral u ljetnom periodu. Značajke površinskih valova uzrokovanih vjetrom ovise o smjeru, brzini i trajanju prevladavajućeg vjetra, veličini područja nad kojim vjetar puše i topografiji morskog dna, što u Jadranskom moru uzrokuje znatno veće visine valova juga nego bure pri istoj brzini i trajanju vjetra. Apsolutni maksimum visine vala na otvorenom moru zabilježen je za vrijeme olujnog juga na sjevernom Jadranu i iznosi 10.8 m. Za situacije s burom maksimalna registrirana visina vala u sjevernom Jadranu je 7.2 m.


Adriatic sea is 11ºC. Winter temperatures range from 7ºC (in the extreme north-western part) to 14ºC (the Strait of Otranto), and in summer from 22 to 25º C (in southern part of the Adriatic sea and Istria up to 27ºC) while spring sea surface temperature goes up to 18ºC). The average Adriatic Sea salinity is about 38.30‰, which is above World sea standard. The salinity in the northern part of the Adriatic is lower than in mid and south Adriatic because of the impact of Alpine rivers (the Po river in particular).

Sea tides

Tides of the Adriatic Sea have relatively small amplitudes. In the southern part of the Adriatic, the difference rarely exceeds 40 centimeters, while in the northern part it is higher and can reach up to 1 meter. Sea tides are the ones of mixed type, which means their rhythm is semidiurnal during the full and new moon, and diurnal during the first and last quarter. Their amplitudes are very irregular.

Surface currents

Sea currents have no major impact on open sea navigation safety. The current speed changes in certain areas and during some periods. The average current speed is about 0.5 knots, but under certain circumstances, especially in narrow straits and in the vicinity of rivermouths, it can reach up to 4 knots.


The most frequent surface waves on the Adriatic sea are caused by bura, scirocco and the NW wind maestral (landward breeze blowing in the summer period). The characteristics of surface waves caused by the wind generally depend on direction, speed and duration of the prevailing winds, the size of the area where these winds blow and seabed topography, which in the Adriatic give rise to much higher waves with scirocco than with bura, given the same wind speed and duration. The absolute open sea wave height maximum was recorded during a tempestuous scirocco in the north Adriatic

Klima Područje Jadrana, osim njegovog krajnjeg sjevernog i sjeverozapadnog dijela, ima mediteransku klimu sa suhim ljetima i vlažnim jesensko-zimskim razdobljem. Sjeverni i sjeveroistočni dio Jadrana, odnosno područje od Venecije do Rijeke, ima neke karakteristike kontinentalne klime, kao što su izraženiji godišnji hod temperature zraka i veća količina oborina u ljetnim mjesecima. Magla Na cijelom području Jadrana magla se najčešće javlja u zimskom razdoblju (od prosinca do veljače). Najčešća je na sjevernom Jadranu i to u Tršćanskom zaljevu (preko 20 dana u godini) te na zapadnoj obali Istre (10 do 20 dana u godini). Na ostalom dijelu Jadrana javlja se u prosjeku manje od 5 dana u godini. Na dubrovačkom području javlja se vrlo rijetko (u prosjeku manje od jednog dana u godini). Vjetar Vjetrovi nad Jadranom ovise o razdiobi baričkih sustava na širem području. Najčešći vjetrovi na Jadranu su bura (sjeversjeveroistok do istok-sjeveroistok), jugo (istok-jugoistok do jug-jugoistok) i maestral (sjever-sjeverozapad do sjeverozapad). Osim tih vjetrova pušu i vjetrovi iz smjera jug (oštro), sjeverozapad (lebić, garbin), zapad (pulenat), sjever do sjeverozapad (tramontana), istok (levant) te vjetrovi obalne orijentacije (burin ili kopnenjak i zmorac). Za sigurnost plovidbe osobito je važno poznavanje meteoroloških parametara, ponajprije vjetra. S obzirom na klimatska obilježja i reljefne karakteristike jadranskog otočja i priobalja, na Jadranu se vrlo često i naglo izmjenjuju suprotni tipovi vremena, s mogućnošću iznenadnih udara vjetra (bura, jugo, lebić, ljetne nevere). U takvim situacijama uvjeti za navigaciju postaju teški i izuzetno opasni, naročito za manja plovila.

and amounted to 10.8 m. In bura scenarios, the maximum wave height registered in northern Adriatic was 7.2 m.


Adriatic area, except for its northern and northwestern part, is characterized by Mediterranean climate, with dry summers and humid autumn-winter periods. The northern and northeastern part of the Adriatic, i.e. the area from Venice to Rijeka, has some continental climate features, such as more emphasised annual air temperature changes and greater quantity of precipitation during summer.


On the whole Adriatic area the fog appears generally in the winter period (December-February). It is most frequent in the northern Adriatic, precisely in the Trieste Bay (more then 20 days a year) and on the Istrian west coast (10 to 20 days per year). In the remaining part it appears on average less than 5 days per year. In Dubrovnik area the fog is very rare (on average less than one day a year).


Winds blowing over the Adriatic generally depend on the distribution of barometric systems in the wider area. The most frequent winds in the Adriatic are bura (NNE to ENE), scirocco (ESE to SSE) and maestral (WNW do NW). Besides those, some winds blow from the north “oštro”, SW lebić, garbin, W pulenat, N to NW tramontana, E levanter and there are also coast-oriented winds, burin or kopnenjak and zmorac. For a safe navigation it is extremely important to be well acquainted with the meteorological parametres, especially the wind. Given the climatic features and the ortographic characteristics of the Adriatic islands and coast, abrupt weather changes are quite frequent, with the possibility of sudden wind blows (bura, scirocco, south-western winds, sudden summer storms). Under such circumstances navigation conditions get difficult and extremely dangerous, especially for small vessels.



EMITIRANJE POMORSKO-SIGURNOSNIH INFORMACIJA (MSI) / BROADCASTING OF MARITIME-SAFETY INFORMATION (MSI) MSI informacije uključuju: • navigacijska upozorenja; • vremenska izvješća; • informacije o akcijama traganja i spašavanja; • ostale hitne obavijesti vezane za sigurnost plovidbe.

MSI information include as follows: • navigational warnings • weather reports • information about search and rescue actions • other emergency information regarding navigation safety


NAVTEX frekvencija / NAVTEX frequency 518 kHZ

Termini emitiranja (UTC) / Broadcast schedule 02:40/06:40/10:40/14:40/18:40/22:40

TERMINI EMITIRANJA MSI PORUKA PUTEM VHS SUSTAVA / VHS SYSTEM MSI BROADCAST SCHEDULE Obalna radijska postaja / Coastal Radio Staton OPR Radio Rijeka ORP Split Radio ORP Dubrovnik Radio

VHF kanali / VHF Channels 518 kHZ Ch 07, Ch 21, Ch 23, Ch 28, CH 81 Ch 04, Ch 07, Ch 28, Ch 85

Termini emitiranja (UTC) / Broadcast schedule (UTC) 05:30/12:30/19:30/00:30 05:45/12:45/19:45/00:45 06:20/13:20/20:20/01:20

Ljestvica stanja mora / WMO Sea State Code STANJE MORA / WMO STATE CODE



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Mirno / Calm (Glassy) Naborano / Calm (Rippled) Malo valovito / Smooth (Wavelets) Umjereno valovito / Slight Valovito / Moderate Jače valovito / Rough Jako valovito / Very rough Teško more / High Vrlo teško more / Very high Izuzetno teško more / Phenomenal

0 0 - 0.1 0.1 - 0.5 0.5 - 1.25 1.25 - 2.5 2.5 - 4 4-6 6-9 9 - 14 > 14

VAŽNI TELEFONSKI BROJEVI / IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS 112 192 193 194 18166 18988 1987 18095 11888 195


Jedinstveni broj za hitne slučajeve / Number for emergencies Policija / Police Vatrogasci / Fire department Hitna pomoć / Ambulance Trenutne meteorološke informacije / Weather forecast Opće informacije / General information Pomoć na cestama / Road assistance Točno vrijeme / Correct time Informacije o mjesnim i međugradskim telefonskim brojevima / Information on local and long-distance telephone numbers Traganje i spašavanje na moru / Search and rescue at sea

IZDAVAČ / PUBLISHER InterAdria SC d.o.o. Ćikovići 73 C, 51215 Kastav tel. + 385 51 705 563 fax. + 385 51 704 020 UREDNICA / EDITOR Klara Basan, SURADNICI / ASSISTANTS Danijela Brnelić, prof. Izabela Lelek-Purić Zorica Labotić, LEKTURA / PROOFREADING Danijela Brnelić, prof. FOTOGRAFIJE / PHOTOGRAPHY arhiva / archive: InterAdria SC, Sessa Marine S.r.l. OBLIKOVANJE, PRIJELOM I TISAK / DESIGN AND PRINT Media Graphics d.o.o. Cankareva 9, 10000 Zagreb tel. + 385 1 3779 611 fax. + 385 1 3779 612 NAKLADA / EDITION 2 000 primjeraka / pieces Publikacija nije na prodaju / The Publication is not for sale Zabranjeno je kopiranje i prenošenje sadržaja publikacije InterAdria magazin bez pisanog dopuštenja izdavača. It is strictly forbidden to copy any contents from InterAdria magazine publication without prior written permission of publisher Posebna pažnja pridaje se točnosti magazina. Uredništvo ne odgovara za nenamjerne ili tiskarske pogreške.

OFFICIAL DEALER / EKSKLUZIVNI ZASTUPNIK INTERADRIA SC r SALES CENTER r Čikovići 73 c 51215 Kastav - Croatia r tel. +385 51 705 563 OFFICE r ACI marina Opatija r Liburnijska 7a, 51414 Ičići - Croatia r tel. +385 51 718 405 e-mail:

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