InterAdria Magazin 1

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Interadria magazin Uvodnik / Introduction Interadria usluge / Interadria services Prodajni centar / Sales center Nautic Shop Servisni centar / Service center Members card program Povijest Sessa Marine / History of Sessa Sessa marine gamma Yacht line C 68’ F 54’ C 52’ C 46’ C 43’ Cruiser line C 38’ C 35’ C 30’ S 32’ S 26’ Open line KL 36’ KL 27’ KL 30’ KL 26’ KL 24’ KL 22’ KL 20’ Fishing line Do 26’ Outboard Do 36’ Do 26’ Inboard Do 22’ Charter Sessa Marine plovila / Charter Sessa Marine vessels Stelle di Mare gastronomski vodić/ Stelle di Mare gastronomic guide Novi Yamaha vanbrodski motori / New Yamaha outboard engines Nautičke Informacije / Nautical Informations Lučke kapetanije u RH / List of harbour-master’s office Sajmovi 2010 / Boat Shows 2010

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Dragi čitatelji, Interadria SC tvrtka je koja se od početka opredijelila za plovila visoke kvalitete i osobnosti. Pristup i ophođenje prema klijentima razlikuje tvrtku od velikog dijela konkurencije. Na jednom mjestu može ponuditi sve što je potrebno nautičaru: plovila iz bogate proizvođačke ponude Sessa Marine čiji smo zastupnici, ovlašteni servis koji pruža usluge održavanja plovila kao i popravaka eminentnih brandova brodskih i vanbrodskih motora - Yamaha, Volvo Penta, Yanmar. Nakon dugog niza godina uspješnog poslovanja pokrenuli smo magazin kojim ćemo vam pokušati na suptilan način dočarati ljubav prema moru, nautici i plovidbi. Ovaj je časopis namijenjen kako vlasnicima plovila tako i svakome kome je more strast. Pisan je dvojezično na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku kako bi bio dostupan široj nautičkoj publici. Na oko 70-tak stranica, u 1. broju Magazina obrađuju se noviteti u ponudi Sessa Marine plovila, Yamaha marine asortimana, kao i noviteti u ponudi usluga Interadrie SC. Zaplovite s nama…

Dear readers, InterAdria SC is a company that has opted for high quality boats with defined personality from the very beginning of its existence. Our approach to clients and the way we treat all of them by providing a whole range of additional services, makes us different from the competition. InterAdria SC can offer everything a sailor needs in just one place: boats to be chosen from a rich variety of the Sessa Marine offer (needless to say that we are Sessa Marine’s exclusive dealer), authorized repair shop that provides maintenance services to vessels, as well as repairing services of eminent brands of inboard and outboard marine engines - Yamaha, Volvo Penta and Yanmar. After many years of successful business we have started a magazine in which we will try to subtly evoke the love for the sea and nautical navigation. This magazine is dedicated to boat owners and all those who are passionate lovers of the sea. It is written in two languages, English and Croatian, to be accessible to a wider nautical audience. These 70 or so pages of the 1st issue of our Magazine bring to you all the news about the Sessa Marine product range and the Yamaha Marine assortment, as well as innovations in service offer of the company InterAdria SC. Sail with us ...

Klara Basan, Marketing & communication



Klaudio Brnečić, direktor Tel.: +385 (0)51 687 177 GSM: +385(0)91 215 44 88 e-mail:

InterAdria SC usluge Tvrtka InterAdria SC osnovana 1997. te je kroz niz godina uspješnog poslovanja izrasla u jednog od renomiranih poslovnih subjekata u nautičkom sektoru. Ekskluzivni je distributer plovila marke Sessa Marine za Republiku Hrvatsku, Sloveniju, Srbiju i Crnu Goru, ovlašteni distributer i serviser Yamaha marine program, Volvo Penta i Yanmar motora. U sklopu svoje poslovne politike Interadria SC nastoji biti prepoznata kao pouzdan partner koji nastoji pružiti najbolju moguću uslugu na tržištu. U središtu svih nastojanja nalazi se želja da se klijenti osjećaju ugodno i zadovoljno.

InterAdria SC, company founded in 1997, through many years of successful business has grown into one of the renowned business entities in the nautical sector. It is exclusive Sessa Marine dealer for Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro as well as authorised dealer and service for Yamaha marine, Volvo Penta and Yanmar engines. As part of its business policy InterAdria SC seeks to be recognized as a reliable partner that provides the best possible service on the market. In the center of all efforts is a desire to make clients feel comfortable and satisfied with provided services.

Prodajni centar

Sales center

Ured prodaje nalazi se u Marini hotela Admiral u Opatiji na adresi Maršala Tita 139. Osim prodaje novih Sessa Marine plovila u ponudi su i rabljena plovila iste tvrtke s garancijom. Pružamo i niz ostalih usluga kao što su: brokerage, uvoz, izvoz, osiguranje i registracija plovila. Naši djelatnici svome poslu pristupaju s velikim entuzijazmom i predanošću s ciljem zadovoljavanja potreba klijenata, stoga im se možete uvijek obratiti. Na usluzi su Vam:

Office is located in the Marina of the Hotel Admiral in Opatija, Maršala Tita 139. In addition to selling new Sessa Marine vessels, we also offer used boats of the same producer. We also provide a long series of related services: brokerage, imports, exports, insurance and registration of vessels. Our employees approach their work with great enthusiasm and commitment aiming at satisfying any possible desire customers might have. Our staff is always available at the following numbers:

Jasmin Puž, sales manager Tel.: +385 (0)51 705 563 FAX: +385 (0)51 705 579 GSM: +385 (0)91 215 44 90 e-mail:



Senka Sirotnjak, sales manager Tel: +385 (0)51 705 563 FAX: +385 (0)51 705 579 GSM: +385(0)91 215 44 89 e-mail:


Rich palette of product

InterAdria Nautic Shop Nautic shop nalazi se u sklopu marine hotela Admiral u Opatiji. Iz bogatog asortimana može se istaknuti Yamaha marine program s Yamaha vanbrodskim motorima. Ovi četverotaktni motori vodeći su u svojoj klasi s nizom prednosti: lako rukovanje, ekonomična potrošnja i niska razina ispušnih plinova... Uz njih su nezaobilazna ulja i masti kao što su Yamalube 4-stroke engine oils, gear oils. Osim rezervnih dijelova za Yamahine motore u ponudi Nautic shop-a nalaze se rezervni dijelovi za Volvo Penta i Yanmar motore. Također su prisutni i vrlo popularni i praktični Yamahini gumenjaci koji omogućuju stabilnu i udobnu plovidbu, a koriste se i kao tenderi za veća plovila. Tu je i oprema za sportove na vodi: skuteri, skije, banane, tube, prsluci. Od ribičke opreme Nautic shop u ponudi ima štapove, role, najlone, udice, olova i različite varalice. Iz ostalog asortimana ovdje se može pronaći oprema za sidrenje: sidra, bokobrani, konopi; oprema za spašavanje, prsluci, brodska elektrika i kozmetika. Posjetite dućan nautičke opreme i izaberite nešto iz palete proizvoda poznatih proizvođača.


Ana Tomeček Tel.: +385 (0)51 705 579 FAX: +385 (0)51 704 020 GSM: +385 (0)91 215 44 99 e-mail:

InterAdria general distributor and service Sessa marine, Yamaha marine, Volvo Penta i Yanmar, has expanded its offer of opening stores with nautical equipment. Nautical shop is located in the Marina Hotel Admiral in Opatija. From the rich asortment, stores can be extracted Yamaha marine acessories with a Yamaha outboard engines.These four stroke engines leading to hiss class, have a number of advantages that include: easy to manage,the reduction of exhaust emission and economical consumption. With them are unavoidable yamaha oils such as Yamalube 4-stroke engine oils and gear oils. You can also find a very popular and practical yamaha rubber boats that provide a stable and comfortable sailing and are also used as tenders for larger vessels. There is a equipment for water sports: scooters, skis, banana and other tube, life wests for rescue, etc.Of fishing equipment should mention rods, rolls, nylon, hook, lead and various tricks.From the assortment of other things here you can find equipment to anchor; anchor winch,fenders, mooring ropes, life vests, signal lamps, Electrical ship equipment and cosmetics. Visit us in nautical shop and choose something from a rich palette of well-known product manufactures.

Nautic Shop Marina Hotela Admiral Maršala Tita 139, Opatija GSM: +385 (0)91 215 44 99 e-mail:


Servisni centar

Service center

InterAdria SC ističe se višegodišnjim iskustvom na području servisa plovila te brodskih i vanbrodskih motora. Servisni radovi su uskospecijalizirani za plovila marke Sessa Marine kao i ugradnju i popravak cijele palete Yamaha, Volvo Penta i Yanmar motora. Servisni centar nalazi se u Kastvu, Ćikovići 73 C, svega 5 km od centra Rijeke i 3 km od centra Opatije. Raspolaže suvremenom i kvalitetnom opremom, a njegovo stručno osoblje jamči sigurnost i pouzdanost izvršenih radova. Vrši usluge popravaka, čišćenja i poliranja, konzervacije, ugradnje dodatne opreme te transporta plovila ukupne dužine do 26 stopa. Centar raspolaže zatvorenim prostorom od oko 500 m2 u kojem je moguće smjestiti do četiri manja plovila dužine do 24 stope te otvorenim prostorom od cca 1300 m2 gdje je moguće smjestiti i veća plovila - do 38 stopa. U voznom parku servisnog centra nalaze se dostavna vozila, kombi vozila i prikolice koji omogućuju servis 24/7 na svim lokacijama.

InterAdria SC has a service center with years of experience in servicing vessels and inboard and outboard marine engines. Service works are specialized for boats of renowned brand Sessa Marine. Interadria service center is authorized for the installation and reparation of the entire range of Yamaha, Volvo Penta and Yanmar engines. It is located in Kastav, Ćikovići 73 C, just 5 km from the center of Rijeka and 3 km from the center of Opatija. The service shop is equipped with modern and high quality working tools. Its professional staff ensures the safety and reliability of all the executed works. It performs reparation services, cleaning and polishing, conservation, installation of all sorts of additional boat equipment as well as transportation of boats of up to 26 feet. InterAdria Service Center has an indoor area of about 500 square meters where up to four small boats of up to 24 feet can be stored, and open space of approximately 1300 square meters which can accommodate bigger vessels of up to 38 feet. Service center provides technical assistance 24 / 7 on any location thanks to its transportation fleet consisting of delivery vehicles, vans and trailers. URED MARKETINGA / MARKETING OFFICE

Damir Dubrović customer service manager

Tel: +385 (0)51 704 178 GSM: +385 (0)91 215 44 92 e-mail: Aleks Hrvatin GSM: +385 (0)91 215 44 94 Sakib Salkić GSM: +385 (0)91 215 44 95 Zoran Purić GSM: +385 (0)91 215 44 96 Dražen Galešev GSM: +385 (0)91 215 44 97 Marin Vasilić GSM: +385 (0)91 215 45 00


Klara Basan, Marketing & communication Tel: +385 (0)51 687 450 FAX: +385 (0)51 704 020 GSM: +385 (0)91 215 44 87 e-mail: RAČUNOVODSTVO ACCOUNTANCY

Sandra Brnečić Tel.: +385 (0)51 705 665 FAX: +385 (0)51 704 020 GSM: +385 (0)91 201 48 12 e-mail:

Loretta Puž

Tel.: +385 (0)51 705 665 FAX: +385 (0)51 704 020 GSM: +385 (0)91 215 44 98 e-mail:

Members card program InterAdria SC je za sezonu 2010. pripremila jednu novost - Members karticu. Kartica je osmišljena kao zahvala postojećim klijentima na ukazanom povjerenju, a uz pomoć koje će moći uživati u mnogim pogodnostima prilikom korištenja usluga. Postoje 3 vrste kartica i to: bijela, srebrna i zlatna kartica. Ovisno o vrsti plovila koju klijent posjeduje dodjeljuje mu se odgovarajuća kartica. Open line plovilima odgovara bijela, cruiser line plovilima srebrna, a yacht line plovilima zlatna members kartica. Kartica omogućuje čitav niz pogodnosti te tako između ostalog omogućuje besplatan ulaz na poznate europske i hrvatske sajmove nautike na kojima je InterAdria prisutna kao izlagač. Posebne pogodnosti članovi našeg programa imaju prilikom korištenja usluga servisa kao i popuste prilikom kupnje nautičke i ribolovne opreme u Nautic shopu u marini hotela Admiral. U suradnji s tvrtkom S.e.s.s.a d.o.o. omogućeni su popusti na usluge iznajmljivanja plovila -charter. Lista pogodnosti koje će vlasnici kartica moći ostvariti nadopunjavat će se i mijenjati četiri puta godišnje, odnosno svaka tri mjeseca, a informacije o promjenama moći će primati poštom i e-mailom.

Members card program For the season 2010 InterAdria SC has been prepared one novelty - Members Card program. The card is designed as a gift to the clients for the loyalty and confidence they have reserved for our company. The members card owners will be able to enjoy many benefits when using the Interadria service. There are 3 types of cards: white, silver and gold card. Depending on the type of vessel the client possesses, we will issue the appropriate card. The owners of the Open line boats will be given the white card, to those owning a cruiser line boat a silver card will be issued and the gold card to the owners of the yacht line vessels. The card provides a range of benefits. Among other things it allows free entry to famous European and Croatian Boat Shows on which InterAdria SC is present as an exhibitor. Special discounts will be offered to our members when using the services provided by our service shop as well as discounts when purchasing nautical and fishing equipment in our Nautic shop located in the marina of the Admiral hotel. In cooperation with the company S.e.s.s.a. d.o.o. discounts will also be given for our vessel rental service. The list of benefits for our card members will be updated four times a year (every three months) and informations will be given via mail or e-mail.



Povijest Sessa Marine Sessa Marine proslavila je svoju 50. godišnjicu, 50 godina teškog rada emocija i uspjeha. 50 godina povijesti talijanske nautičke industrije koju su napisali članovi obitelji Braga-Radice s osnovnim načelima: izumiti, dizajnirati i kreirati ekskluzivne brodove sa savršenom ravnotežom između tehnologije, kvalitete i stila. Tvrtku je osnovao Camillo Braga, otac Raffaela Radicca, a danas je rukovodi treća generacija menadžera, Massimo i Riccardo Radice koji su usredotočeni na stalan napredak i orijentirani prema novim proizvodima i tržištima.Od osnutka tvrtke do danas proizvedeno je više od 30 000 brodova. Od 2002.g . 60% proizvodnje se odnosi na liniju brodova iznad 25 stopa. Glavni pogon se nalazi u Civitate al Piano i prostire se na površini od 37 000 kvadratnih metara kao i na natkrivenoj površini od 20 000 kvadratnih metara. Drugi proizvodni pogon se nalazi u gradu Rocceletta di Borgia u provinciji Catarzano te se prostire na površini od 5 000 kvadratnih metara. Oko 1000 plovila godišnje izlazi iz ovih tvornica, što je u prosjeku 4 do 5 dnevno. Proizvodnja je podijeljena u četiri proizvodne linije: Open line od 20-26 stopa, Cruiser line od 30-35 stopa, linija Yacht od 43-52 stope, te fisherman liniju od 22-36 stopa. Od 2006 g. Sessa Marine je prisutna i u SAD-u.Tvrtka je poduzela investicijski plan u širokim razmacima. Prosječno je 10 miljuna Eura uloženo kako bi se utrostručila produkcijska struktura. U svibnju 2008. godine otvoren je centar proizvodnog razvoja Sessa Marine, neovisna jedinica posvećena dizajnu. Svo modeliranje trupova i predserije se sastavljaju na tom mjestu. Tehnologija i strojarstvo zajedno sa radnom snagom, temeljnom karakteristikom Sessa Marine, spojeni su obnovljenom potragom za stilom i dizajnom. Pridavanje važnosti detaljima, formalnoj linearnosti i čistim linijama, sve su to elementi sessinog identiteta. Dizajn je povjeren mladom dizajneru jahti Christianu Grandeu čiji je rad inovativan te potpuno predan detaljima, visokoj kvaliteti izabranih materijala i završnih radova. Sessa Marine je potvrdila svoju vodeću poziciju na talijanskom nautičkom tržištu zahvaljujući i ostalim važnim faktorima. Ekološki prijateljski etički rast učinio je Sessu škverom s certificiranim standardom ISO 14 000 koji jamči da se cijeli poslovni proces proizvodnje provodi s naglaskom na zaštitu okoliša. Zadnjih nekoliko godina Sessa standardno oprema plovila s drenažom za otpadnu vodu. Zahvaljujući aparaturi u nautičkom području kvaliteta proizvoda je povećana te za posljedicu ima smanjenje otpada, poboljšanje razine vanjskog utjecaja na okoliš i smanjenje emisije otpada u atmosferi i unutar radne jedinice. Sessa Marine je tvrtka kojoj je cilj ekološki, prijateljski, te etički održiv rast.


History of Sessa Marine Sessa Marine celebrate fifty years of hard work, emotions and successes. Fifty years of Italian nautical industry wich are writen by members of the Braga Radice family with one fundamental constant-devise, design and create exclusive boats with a perfect balance between design and technique, quality and style. Founded by Camillo Braga, father of Rafaella Radice , the company is curently managed by the third generation of managers, Massimo and Riccardo Radice focusing on the continual improvement of the business proces oriented towards the challenges on the new markets axis. Over 30.000 boats have been manufactured since the establishment of the yard up until today. From 2002. onwards 60% of the production is in the over 25 feet line. The main plant in Cividade al Piano covers an area of 37.000 mq as well as covered surface of 20.000mq. At Roccelletta di Borgia in the province of Catanzaro, the other Sessa Marine productive unit has doubled its systems now operating in covered area 0f 5.000 mq. Aproximately 1000 boats leave these premises anually at an average of 4/5 units a day, subdivided into four production lines:Open line from 20-36 feet,Cruiser line from 30-35 feet, Yacht line from 43-52 feet and fishing line from 22-36 feet. As of October 2006.Sessa Marine has been direct present in the USA.Over the last few years the company has undertaken a wide-ranging infrastructure investment plan.Aproximately 10 milion Euro have been invested to triple the productive structure. In May 2008. The Sessa Marine product development centre, an independet unit dedicated to design, was inaugurated. All of modelling, bodywork and pre-series activities are assemled here. The tehnology and the engineering together with the work force, a fundamental characteristic of Sessa Marine , are merged with a renewed search for style and design.Attention to details, the formal linearity and the clean lines, are the elements of the inescapable Sessa identity.Design is entrusted to Christian Grande, a young yacht designer whose work is distinguished by maniacal atention to details, the high quality of the materials chosen and finishes. Sessa Marine also confirms its position as leader in the Italian nautical market thanks to the other important factors. An enviromentally friendly ethical growth has made Sessa one of the only yards to be certified ISO 14. 000. This degree assures that the entire business production process is caried out with attention to the environment.For the last eight years Sessa has already been standard equipping its own boats with drainage for black water. Thanks to the apparatus the quality of the product is increased with consequent reduction in waste, improving the level of external enviroment impact and diminishing the solvent emissions into the atmosphere and within working units. Sessa Marine is company that aims at an environmentally friendly ethical and sustainable growth.


Innovative technology

Sessa Marine Gamma

Sessa Marine je obiteljska tvrtka koja je neprestano ulaže u marketing i inovativne tehnologije. Glavna misija joj je proizvodnja najprestižnijih brodova uzimajući u obzir kvalitetu i sigurnost. Sessa je prepoznata u svijetu nautike po inovacijama, jasnim i čistim linijama, elegantnom i suvremenom diizajnu. Neovisnost i odstupanje od standarda, more, sloboda i emocije ono je što karakterizira sve njihove proizvode. Sessina gamma dijeli se u četiri skupine: Open, Fishing, Cruiser i Yacht. U Open liniju spadaju plovila od 20-36 stopa koje karakterizira sportski izgled, brzina i prostrana sunčališta. Cruiser nudi plovila od 30-38 stopa elegantnog stila i udobnosti, dok Yacht linija predstavlja glamurozne i luksuzne brodove od 43-68 stopa. Za sezonu 2010 Sessa Marine je predstavila nove modele Yacht linije, C68’ i Fly 54’ i pokazala posljednje dostignuće tehnologije i dizajna. Predstavnik noviteta u Cruiser segmantu je C38’, a u Open liniji to su Key Largo 20’ i Key Largo 27’. Moramo spomenuti i da je „Fishing“ linija doživjela lagani redizajn poznatog Dorada 26’ koji sada dolazi i sa vanbrodskim motorom.


Sessa Marine is a true family company, that has always locked at the marketplace in a innovative technology, yielded by the company’s constant investments Their thrue mision in producing the most prestigious boats, taking into strict consideration all designing items concerning quality and security onboard. Sessa has been recognized through the world for its strong inovation in design, and for clean and pure style, a true expression of a modern and contemporary design. Outstanding quality and total dependiability, secret for living the sea with style, freedom and emotion is what characterized all their products. Gamma Sessa Marine is divided into four groups: Open, Fishing, Cruise i Yacht. Open line is represented by boats from 20-36 feet, wich features sporty look, speed and beautiful sun area on the bow. Cruiser line offers boats from 30-38 feet with elegant style and comfort, while the Yacht line represents the glamorous and luxury from 43-68 feet. For the season 2010 Sessa Marine presented two new models in Yacht line - C68’ and Fly 54’wich are the latest accomplishments of technology and design. Noveltie in Cruiser segment is a beautiful C38’ and in the Open line the New Key Largo 20’ and Key Largo 27’. We must mention that the „Fishing“ line experienced a slight redesign of the famous Dorado 26’, wich now comes with outboard engines.


Yacht Line

Sessa Marine C 68 Stigla je najluksuznija jahta poznate talijanske kuće

Sessa Marine’s flagship open hard top is here

Sessa Marine, nakon razdoblja intenzivne pripreme, lansirala je svoj najnoviji brod. C68 uistinu je predvodnik u segmentu plovila s hard top-om. Trup 21 metar duge jahte rezultat je detaljne studije Sessinih inžinjera. Jedinstven stil i osobnost kao i dizajn inspirirani su klasičnim automobilima iz 30-ih i 40-ih godina uz dozu moderne rafiniranosti. Novi koncept koji odražava vlastitu prepoznatljivu osobnost. Najupečatljivija obilježja C68 su raspodjela prostora, izbor materijala, igra boja te prozori koji propuštaju zrake svjetlosti režući tradicionalne granice otvorenog i zatvorenog prostora spajajući ih u jedan divan sklad.

Sessa Marine, following a period of intense preparation, has launched its flagship, the C68, a truly “Class Leading” solution in the open hard top segment. A 21 meter yacht with a hull form that is the result of in-depth studies. A unique style with a personality of her own and a design inspired by the classic cars from the 1930s and 1940s but with a modern touch.

Vlasnička kabina - ponos vlasnika Vlasnička kabina najbolje prikazuje filozofiju ove jahte. U prostoriji prevladava obilje svjetlosti, što je jedna od važnijih karakteristika. Spavaći dio i kupaonica stvaraju jedinstven prostor koji se međusobno nadopunjuje. Dvostruki umivaonici ispred velikih prozora gdje onaj s desne strane reflektira svjetlost prema onom s lijeve strane te efekt wellnessa s kromoterapijskom rasvjetom i tuš kadom odvojeni su od spavaćeg dijela staklenim zidom. Nevjerojatna kuhinja Unutarnji prostor i dalje odiše nautičkim ambijentom, ali je u isto vrijeme jasno vidljiva domaća atmosfera. Sessa se vodila principom tvrtke Dada koja je dizajnirala kuhinju koja odiše modernim stvaralačkim duhom i funkcionalnošću. Rezultat? Ergonomski dizajniran prostor bez žrtvovanja estetike.


Novi model / New model

A new boating concept that reflects your own distinct personality The most striking features of the C68 are the distribution of space, the choice of materials, how the colours play with each other and how the windows allow light to merge the traditional boundaries between the external and internal spaces amplifying the internal spaces and bringing them in harmony with the outside. An aft cabin that is the pride of her owner! The owner’s cabin best illustrates the philosophy of this yacht. An area that highlights one of the yacht’s important characteristics where light is a fundamental element. The sleeping area and the bathroom create a unique space whereby one becomes a part of the other. The double sinks in front of the large window where the one on the right reflects the one on the left and the spa effect created by the chromo therapeutic lighting in the shower stall enclosed in a glass wall. An amazing kitchen The internal spaces still maintain a nautical air about them but at the same time clearly separate the “domestic” areas. For this, Sessa Marine has collaborated with Dada who have conceptualised the yacht’s kitchen with the same creative spirit


and functionality created for the home. The result? To merge in a narrow space the cooking, washing and refrigeration functions without sacrificing ergonomics or aesthetics that one would have in a beautiful home. The pleasure to be together and to relax The C68 was designed with space in mind to enjoy time together with one’s friends. For example, the large internal volumes and the external areas both rich as well as refined for one’s guests or the exceptional sun bed at the bow with the 2 integrated chaise lounges that invite one to reflect on a sunset as one would do on from one’s own terrace at home. Principal characteristics of the c68 yacht. With the stamp of reliability. Propelled with 2 MAN V12 engines of 1360 HP each, the C68 can ensure optimum performance and a comfortable ride. For the development of the new hull, Sessa Marine has reunited a working group consisting of their own engineering staff, the Arnaboldi office from Viareggio and Christian Grande, who was for many years the yard’s designer. The hydrodynamic form of the new hull has been developed with the Krylov Shipbuilding Institute of Saint Petersburg, the leading model test basin in Europe. Sessa Marine has searched for the best for their flagship! All of the technical details have been specified with a focus on quality and the highest reliability. Installed on the C68 are the best components available such as the hydraulic and electrical systems where the best technical solution is to install redundancy in the main systems previously done only on much larger yachts.

TEHNIČKI PODACI / MAIN TECNICAL DETAILS Dužina preko cijelog broda / LOA Širina / Beam Visina / Heightl Osobe / People on board Ležaja / Beds


5,2 m 16 6+1 3200 l

Spremnik vode / Water tank

1000 l

Crni tank / Black water

Osnovna karakteristika C68` je pouzdanost Glavna karakteristika C68` je pouzdanost u 2 MAN V12 motora snage po 1360ks svaki koji će vam osigurati optimalnu učinkovitost i ugodnu vožnju. Za razvoj novog trupa Sessa Marine je okupila grupu sastavljenu od vlastitih inžinjera, ureda Arnaboldi iz Viareggia i Christiana Grandea – dugogodišnjeg Sessinog dizajnera. Hidrodinamični oblik novog trupa razvijen je u bazenu brodskog instituta „Krylov Shipbuilding Institute“ u Sankt Petersburgu. Sessa Marine je tragala za najboljim. Svi tehnički detalji su najviše koncipirani na kvaliteti i pouzdanosti te su na plovilo ugrađene najbolje komponente za hidrauličke i električne sustave.

5,15 m

Spremnik goriva / Fuel tank

Maksimalna snaga / Maximum power

Zadovoljstvo zajedništva i opuštenosti C68 je dizajniran da u njemu uživate zajedno sa svojim prijateljima. Bogate i rafinirane površine unutarnjeg i vanjskog prostora s prekrasnim ležaljkama na pramcu pozivaju vas da uživate u zalasku sunca kao što bi uživali na vlastitoj terasi kod kuće.

21,05 m

400 l 2 x Man V12 1360 hp


Sessa Sport Fly 54 Snaga i udobnost pod plaštom elegancije

Power and comfort under a cloak of elegance

Novo elegantno morsko stvorenje izranja iz vode ove sezone. Sessa Marine SPORT FLY 54 prvi je sportski model u „Fly Bridge“ seriji i predstavlja korak ispred za sve koji željno iščekuju oslobađanje cijele Fly Bridge linije. Nova serija izrazito se ističe bogatom opremom i inovativnim materijalima i tehnologijama.

A new elegant marine creature will be ploughing through the waters this season. Sessa Marine’s SPORT FLY 54, the first-ever sport model within the “Fly Bridge” series, is a real step ahead of the game for our customers, who eagerly await for the release of the entire Fly Bridge line. Equipped with all-new features and finishings, the series will showcase a groundbreaking use of materials alongside highly innovative technology.

Fuzija prostora, stil i udobnost Vanjski izgled broda ističe se sportskim dizajnom i mišićno robustnim izgledom trupa. Tri velike kabine i dnevna soba/kuhinja strukturno se isprepliću kako bi se dobio što je moguće prostraniji stambeni prostor bez žrtvovanja oblika i karaktera sportskog izgleda. Fuzija dizajna trupa broda, unutrašnjosti i vanjštine značajke su koje „SPORT FLY 54“ čine izrazito funkcionalnim. Život na otvorenom moru SPORT FLY 54 na svom fly bridgu može se pohvaliti kuhinjom opremljenom roštiljem, sudoperom i hladnjakom. Sa sedam sjedećih mjesta i kliznim zavjesama prostor postaje pravi solarij: namješten, koristan i udoban kao i ostatak broda. Fly bridge uistinu pretvara ovaj model u vikendicu s terasama i pogledom koji se nikad ne ponavlja. Prostrana vlasnička kabina u središtu broda je veliki i luksuzni apartman s pogledom od kojeg zastaje dah, privatnom kupaonicom s WC-om i tušem, LCD ekranom, garderobom za dvije osobe, te dovoljno polica. Na kapetanu broda ostaje odluka kako će personalizirati dnevnu sobu. Odlučuje i želi li kuhinju s barom ili je više za tradicionalnu blagovaonicu. Na raspolaganju su i brojni dodatni elementi kao što su flat-screen TV, zastori integrirani u prozorska okna, vinoteka ili bar na gornjoj palubi fly bridgea.


Novi model / New model

A fusion of space, style and comfort The SPORT FLY 54’s exterior reflects the motifs of the rest of the boat - designed to be muscular in build and distinctly sporty. Three large cabins and three living room/kitchen spaces, structured and revised to be as residential as possible, maximize the space available without sacrificing the bold shapes character of its “sport” model category. An interplay between the boat’s interior and exterior features render the SPORT FLY 54 an extremely functional one. The motor with IPS transmission not only makes the vessel safe and easily manoeuvrable , but it clears space on board. The colour scheme highlights the slender form of the model, and recalls the Sessa’s flagship model, the C68. “Life on the open sea” The fly bridge, a feature unique to the SPORT FLY 54 within its category, boasts a kitchen equipped with grill, sink and refrigerator. With seating for seven and the sliding curtains, the space becomes a true solarium: furnished, useful and as comfortable as the rest of the boat. The fly bridge truly turns the model into a vacation home with patios and lookout points that never display the same scenery twice. The spacious master cabin at the centre of the boat is a large and luxurious suite with a breathtaking panoramic view,

23 a private bathroom with toilet and shower, an LCD screen, a wardrobe for two and ample shelf space. It remains up to the ship’s captain to decide how to personalize the living room. Choices are between a kitchen with a bar, or the more traditional dinette configuration. Also available are numerous additional elements such as the retractable flat-screen TV, the rollaway shades integrated into the window panes, the wine display cabinet or the bar on the upper deck of the fly bridge. Light and transparency Sessa has turned this yacht into one of the most luminous in its category, emphasizing to the extreme the relationship between the vessel and the open sea. Its enormous windows, numerous portholes and its use of materials down to the last detail are all geared at ensuring that as much light as possible be present on board. The entrance to the three cabins below kitchen are immersed in a well of light streaming directly in from the windshield of the upper bridge. The master cabin, with its large windows and many openings to the outside, has been designed with the same goal in mind: to maximize the light’s influence within the suite. Speed and hospitality This boat, both elegant and welcoming, also equipped with an enormous sailors’ cabin, will give rise to true adrenaline rushes to all aboard when reaching its speed of 37 knots. Even at maximum cruising speed, however, it maintains its easy manoeuvrability, in part due to the joystick feature to make docking or anchoring very simple. Stability and security come first for the SPORT FLY 54, yet there has been no compromising between the efficiency, comfort and luxury, all characteristics of the Sessa Marine philosophy.

Svjetlost i transparentnost Sessa je pretvorila ovu jahtu u jedan od najatraktivnijih modela što se tiče svjetlosti s velikim naglaskom na dodir plovila i otvorenog mora. Njegovi ogromni prozori i obrada materijala do najfinijih detalja usmjereni su k davanju unutrašnjosti broda što je više moguće svjetlosti. Velika količina svjetlosti također struji s vjetrobranskog stakla fly bridgea i ulazi u sve tri kabine i kuhinju. Vlasnička kabina s velikim prozorima dizajnirana je s istim ciljem; omogućiti maksimum svjetlosti svim njenim dijelovima. Brzina i gostoprimstvo Ovaj brod, istovremeno elegantan i gostoljubiv, opremljen prostranom skiperskom kabinom, daje u vožnji visoku dozu adrenalina postižući brzinu od 37 čvorova. Čak i uz maksimalnu putnu brzinu, zadržava laku upravljivost zahvaljujući joysticku koji čini pristajanje i sidrenje vrlo jednostavnim. Za modele SPORT FLY54 stabilnost i sigurnost su na prvom mjestu kao i udobnost i luksuz, što je glavna karakteristika filozofije Sessa Marine.


TEHNIČKI PODACI / MAIN TECNICAL DETAILS Dužina preko cijelog broda / LOA Širina / Beam Maksimalna snaga / Maximum power

16,20 m 4,70 m 2 x 515 Kw

Spremnik goriva / Fuel tank

2 x 1000 l

Spremnik vode / Water tank

2 x 300 l

Crni tank / Black water Osobe / People on board Ležaja / Beds

180 l 16 6+1


Sessa Marine C 52

Sessa Marine C 46

C52’ predstavio se u revidiranom izdanju.Snažniji motori, lijepši otvoreni kokpit sa sportskim izgledom prozora za bolju vidljivost, dvije nove boje trupa;bakrena i tirkizna koje odstupaju od standardne mornarsko plave i rubin crvene. Dvije inačice unutrašnjosti: „tradicionalna „ i „inovativna“ obje sa snažnom i jedinstvenom osobnošću.

C46 je spreman realizirati pojam luksuza. Da li radi kabine sa tri prozora smještene u sredini broda da bi se povećala stabilnost i smanjila razine buke; ili možda zbog inovativnosti joystick komandi i IPS prijenosa koji osigurava izvanredne performanse i upravljivost; ili radi njegovih agresivnih linija i vrhunskog komfora iznad i ispod palube.C46 nudi osjećaj koji do sada još niste isprobali.

C52, Sessa Marine’s flagship, is now being presented in a new and revised version. More powerful engines, a better designed outdoor cockpit with new and sporty windows for a better and clearer visibility, two new broadside colourings: “copper” and “turquoise” that add on to the previous “navy blue” and “ruby red”. Two new indoor versions: “Tradition” and “Innovation”, both with a strongly innovative and unique personality.

The C 46’ is ready to revolutionise your idea of luxury. Perhaps because of the suite with three windows, positioned amidships in the vessel to increase stability and lack of noise; or perhaps because of the innovative joystick controls and IPS transmission, which assure extraordinary performance and manoeuvrability; or perhaps, indeed, for the aggressive lines or for the superb confort of the accommodation above and below deck. Or simply that you have never before had occasion to enjoy such a feeling before now.

TEHNIČKI PODACI / MAIN TECNICAL DETAILS Dužina preko cijelog broda / LOA Širina / Beam Težina bez motora / Weight without engine Broj osoba / Persons capacity Max snaga motora / Max engine power Spremnik goriva / Fuel tank Spremnik vode / Water capacity Kategorija gradnje / Project category Design


15,90 m 4,50 m 18000 kg 16 1.550/1.140 Hp/Kw 2 x 1.000 l 2 x 300 l B Christian Grande

TEHNIČKI PODACI / MAIN TECNICAL DETAILS Dužina preko cijelog broda / LOA Širina / Beam Težina bez motora / Weight without engine Broj osoba / Persons capacity Max snaga motora / Max engine power Spremnik goriva / Fuel tank Spremnik vode / Water capacity Kategorija gradnje / Project category Design

14,89 m 4,28 m 12800 kg 12 870/640 Hp/Kw 2 x 650 l 430 l B Christian Grande


Sessa Marine C 43 Elegantan dizajn koji ništa ne prepušta slučaju: konture broda koje otkrivaju svu ljepotu, moć i snagu trupa. U unutrašnjosti broda svaki je detalj pomno razrađen kako bi stvorio modernu i snažnu, a istovremeno toplu i opuštajuću atmosferu. U tom duhu, i salon i kuhinja prikazuju igru boja i materijala što stvara jedinstvenu i modernu cjelinu. Spoj kože, inox detalja i crnog lakiranog orahovog drva nikoga ne ostavlja ravnodušnim. An elegant design which leaves nothing to chance: bands and stops underline the contours of the structure and reveal the strength of the hull. Inside, each detail is finely crafted to create an atmosphere which is both modern and uncluttered but also mellow and welcoming. A successful choice of materials and colours provides a play on contrasts and allows the boat’s interior to be visualised in a different manner. In this spirit, the lounge and galley present a play of colours and materials which create a unique, modern atmosphere: textured leathers on black lacquered wood or walnut, as well as velvet partitions enhanced by fetching steel pieces.

TEHNIČKI PODACI / MAIN TECNICAL DETAILS Dužina preko cijelog broda / LOA Širina / Beam Težina bez motora / Weight without engine Broj osoba / Persons capacity Max snaga motora / Max engine power Spremnik goriva / Fuel tank Spremnik vode / Water capacity Kategorija gradnje / Project category Design


13,20 m 3,99 m 9800 kg 12 740/544 Hp/Kw 2 x 450 l 280 l B Christian Grande


Novi model / New model

Cruiser Line

Sessa Marine C38


Potvrđuje vodstvo Sessa Marine u segmentu cruiser plovila

Reconfirms the leadership of Sessa Marine in the cruiser segment

Sessa Marine s ponosom predstavlja svoje zadnje dostignuće, C38’ - projekt inspiriran pričom o C35’, jahti koja već više od deset godina definira osjećaje i duh Sessa Marine. C35’ je već oko jedanaest godina najbolje prodavani model u svojoj klasi s više od 500 proizvedenih primjeraka što je omogućilo Sessi da bude prepoznata kao vodeći brand u segmentu cruiser plovila. Usavršavanje kvalitete i želja za stalnim napretkom oduvijek su bile glavne težnje Sessinih stručnjaka čije su smjernice implementirane u izradi ove nove elegantna i inovativne jahte. Linearna struktura i uloga igre svjetlost karakteristike su koje plovila Sessa Marine čine jedinstvenim i prepoznatljivim. U tridesetosmici svjetlost se prostire kroz velike staklene površine koje su kreirane po uzoru na model C 68. Jedan od ključnih elemenata C38 je odlično iskorišten unutarnji prostor, gdje se posebno ističu: jedna od najvećih kupaonica u klasi, luksuzna i udobna vlasnička kabina kao i kabina za goste s dva odvojena kreveta koji se mogu vrlo lako spojiti u bračni krevet. Također jedinstveni element predstavljaju dvije kuhinje: unutarnja kuhinja dizajnirana prema modelu poznatih talijanskih dizajnera te vanjska u kokpitu s mini barom. Posebnost i veliku preglednost daju skladno dizajnirani prozori koji mame svojom širinom i pozivaju vas da pogled skrenete na more.

Sessa Marine proudly presents its latest arrival: The C 38 - project which has been inspired by the story of another yacht that has been defining for over ten years the feeling and spirit of Sessa: the C35. For eleven years this yacht has been a best-seller in the 10 meter category with 500 examples produced which has allowed Sessa to be recognized as a leader in the cruiser market. The research into quality and a desire for continuous improvement, both of which have always been a part of Sessa Marine, have been incorporated with the creation of this new yacht, elegant yet innovative. The linear structure and the importance of light passing through the large glass panelling, characteristics that define Sessa’s unique C68 model, can also be found in the C38 as well as in all future project. One of the key points of this yacht is the optimization of the internal space allowing it to have one of the biggest bathrooms in its class as well as an independent owner’s cabin and an aft cabin with two separate beds that can be made into a large double.


Another unique element are the two kitchens, an internal one designed by a famous Italian kitchen designer and another external one, found in the cockpit, with minibar. A key innovative design feature of this yacht is the large number of windows and portholes that help to reduce the structural barriers and allow one to get closer to the ocean. The C 38 will also be equipped with a modern electrically openable Hard Top to ensure the highest degree of comfort when cruising. A large swim platform at the stern where one can stow a larger than normal tender, dedicate d tanning zones, chaise longues, sofas and an automobile styled helm station are only some of the details that make this yacht unique. The boat is available in either bronze, navy blue, squid black, or white.

TEHNIČKI PODACI / MAIN TECNICAL DETAILS Dužina preko cijelog broda / LOA Širina / Beam Maksimalna snaga / Maximum power Spremnik goriva / Fuel tank

2 x 480 l 310 l

Crni tank / Black water Beds


3,80 m 2 x 220 hp

Spremnik vode / Water tank Osobe / People on board

C38’ opremljen je modernim električnim Hard Top-om pri čemu je osiguran najviši stupanj udobnosti pri krstarenju. Velikom platformom na krmi dominiraju kožna garnitura, sofe i ležaljke. Automobilski dizajnirano kormilo samo je jedan od detalja koji ovaj brod čine jedinstvenim. Dostupan je u poznatim Sessinim bojama; brončanoj, mornarskoplavoj, crnoj i bijeloj boji.

11,70 m

95 l 12 4


Sessa Marine C35

Sessa Marine C30

Glavni adut C35’ je uživanje u brojnim putovanjima na najbolji mogući način. Njezine fine linije prostoru daju toplinu,dok završni detalji doprinose funkcionalnosti i komforu na brodu. Ugodna atmosfera započinje već na samom kokpitu gdje su smješteni sofa, stol i mini bar, te stražnje sunčalište.Nastavlja se salonom sa opremljenom kuhinjom i velikim krevetom u pramcu. Kad imaš sve, lako se osjećati ugodno.

C30’ je naslijedio svu eleganciju i stil Cruiser gamme.U kokpitu se nalazi sofa sa podesivim stolom koji pruža mogućnost dodatnog stražnjeg sunčališta.Ispod palube lako ćete se osjećati kao da ste kod kuće zahvaljući elegantnom salonu,hrastovoj kuhinji, lijepo uređenom toaletu i prostranoj bračnoj kabini.Zna se da su najmanji u obitelji uvijek i najrazmaženiji.

.The overall equilibrium of the C 35 is the best basis for a totally relaxing voyage. Its soft lines create extremely wide living spaces, whilst the attention to finishing details enhances functionality and comfort on board. An atmosphere of well-being, felt from the cockpit, with its double sofas, table and mini-bar, continues into the dinette with equipped kitchen, and culminates with a view of the spacious bed in the bow. When you have everything, it is easy to feel at your ease.

The C 30 inherits all the exclusivity and style of the Cruiser range. In the cockpit, you can sink into the sofas as if into an embrace, whilst the table can be lowered and transformed into a sunbathing area. Below deck it is easy to feel at home, thanks to an elegant dinette, a real kitchen in oak, a well designed bathroom and a spacious double cabin. Everyone knows that the smallest in the family are always the most indulged.

TEHNIČKI PODACI / MAIN TECNICAL DETAILS Dužina preko cijelog broda / LOA Širina / Beam Težina bez motora / Weight without engine Broj osoba / Persons capacity Max snaga motora / Max engine power

3,53 m 6200 kg 12 640/480 Hp/Kw

Spremnik goriva / Fuel tank

515 l

Spremnik vode / Water capacity

240 l

Kategorija gradnje / Project category Design


10,60 m

B Christian Grande


9,56 m

Širina / Beam

3,00 m

Težina bez motora / Weight without engine Broj osoba / Persons capacity Max snaga motora / Max engine power

3900 kg 8 456/336 Hp/Kw

Spremnik goriva / Fuel tank

515 l

Spremnik vode / Water capacity

110 l

Kategorija gradnje / Project category Design

B Christian Grande


Sessa Marine S32

Sessa Marine S26

„S“ kao stil i „S“ kao sport.Samo jedno slovo sažima duh trupa dizajniranog za užitak na moru.S 32’ fascinira svojim dizajnom, dinamičnim profilom i privlačnim rješenjima. Salon u kokpitu je savršena kružnica, centar u kojem se spajaju linije vozačevog mjesta, bara i velikog krmenog sunčališta. I kada otkrijete da je unutrašnjost prostora lijepa kao i eksterijer ne možete ne biti zadovoljni.

Famozan osjećaj slobode uz agresivan stil i funkcionalnost na otvorenom.Kokpit se pretvara u veliko sunčalište kada vozača se okreće, te kuhinju i sjedeću garnituru pretvara dovoljno mjesta za dupli krevet i kupaonicu.Uz S26’ život na

S for style and sport. Just one letter sums up the spirit of a hull designed for the pleasure of living and breathing the sea. S 32’ captivates with its dynamic profile and attracts with its great design solutions. The dinette in the cockpit is a perfect circle, the centre into which the fluid lines of the steering seat, the bar and the large sunbathing area on the stern all merge. And when you discover that the interior is just as beautiful as the exterior, you cannot help but be won over.

The most captivating expression of freedom. With her aggressive style and practical design, S 26 enhances the pleasures of the outdoor life. The spacious sunbathing area in the cockpit can be extended by upturning the central sofa. The steering seat turns backwards, transforming the dinette with equipped kitchen into a convivial lounge. And below deck there is still space for the double cabin and the bathroom. Life at sea has never been so attractive.



Dužina preko cijelog broda / LOA

9,77 m

Dužina preko cijelog broda / LOA

7,65 m

Širina / Beam

2,99 m

Širina / Beam

2,50 m

Težina bez motora / Weight without engine Broj osoba / Persons capacity Max snaga motora / Max engine power

4700 kg 8 640/480 Hp/Kw

Spremnik goriva / Fuel tank

515 l

Spremnik vode / Water capacity

110 l

Kategorija gradnje / Project category Design


koju nudi S26’ pruža užitak življenja spustimo sjedeću garnituru. Sjedalo u centralni salon. Ispod palube ima moru nije nikada bio toliko atraktivan.

B Christian Grande

Težina bez motora / Weight without engine Broj osoba / Persons capacity Max snaga motora / Max engine power Spremnik goriva / Fuel tank Spremnik vode / Water capacity Kategorija gradnje / Project category Design

2270 kg 7 325/240 Hp/Kw 300 l 45 l B Christian Grande


Open Line

Key Largo 36


Potakni emocije

Boost your emotion

Stil Open linije, elegancija cruisera, snaga triju Yamahinih vanbrodskih motora od 350 KS. Key largo 36 ‘ nije samo brod, već je simbol elegancije. Prostran, udoban i sa stilom: Key Largo 36 iza svoje sportske duše krije svu snagu i mogućnosti Yamahinih vanbrodskih motora od 350 KS. 11,5 metara dugačak, Key Largo 36 jamči maksimalnu iskoristivost unutarnjih i vanjskih prostora zahvaljujući zanimljivim rješenjima kao što su: prostran krmeni kokpit, sofa u obliku slova L s prostorima za opremu i rasklopivi stol u tikovini, ulazna vrata na bočnoj strani broda s ljestvama za ulazak u more, prostor u vratima, stojeće sjedište s plastičnim poklopcem opremljeno gornjom pločom od nehrđajućeg čelika, sudoperom s mješalicom toplo/ hladno, daskom za rezanje u tikovini, električnim Ceran kuhalom i ormarićem u tikovini s frižiderom od 105 l. Tu su i tri sjedala za pilota i kopilota u koži, podesiva po visini te inox nosač s navigacijskim svjetlima i el. sirenom. Upravljačka konzola je boje šampanjca s predviđenim mjestom za GPS, prostorom za odlaganje stvari s poklopcem od pleksiglasa, el. flapsovima s indikatorima, kompasom te ugrađenim prekidačima za dodatnu opremu... U ulaznom prostoru ističe se namještaj od hrastovine kao i crne, lakirane stepenice. U kuhinji dominiraju kuhinjski namještaj od hrastovine s lakiranom gornjom pločom u crnoj boji, venecijanske rolete u srebrnoj boji i hladnjakom boje inoksa, te pod i namještaj izrađeni od hrastovine. U kabini se nalazi sofa koja se može pretvoriti u bračni krevet s bočnim stranicama u tkanini i sjedećim dijelom u crnoj koži, kutija za zvučnike te razni prostori za odlaganje. Krmena kabina ima dupli krevet pretvoriv u bračni, bočne

The style of an Open model, the elegance of a Cruiser, the power of three 350 HP Yamaha outboard engines. Not simply a boat, but the symbol of elegance. Plenty of room for power, comfort and style: Key Largo 36 holds behind its sporty soul an open model able to support the power of three outboard engines of 350 HP. 11.5 meters long, Key Largo 36 guarantees maximum use of its internal and external spaces, thanks to some interesting solutions. COCKPIT: spacious aft cockpit, L-shaped sofa with storage space and demountable teak table, door on the boat’s side with a ladder to the sea, storage inside the door, stand-up seat cabinet with fibreglass cover fully equipped, sink with mixing tap, cutting boards in teak, el. cooking hob and cabinet in teak with a 105 l fridge. There are also three height adjustable helm/passenger seats and the stainless steel signal pole for horn and navigation lights. CONSOLE: delicate champagne colour control console provides space for the optional GPS as well as storage for gadgets with plexiglas cover, el. flaps commands with LED indicators, compass and built-in switches for extra accessories. ENTRANCE: the oak furniture and black lacquered stairs, the kitchen is dominated by oak cabinets with black lacquered countertop, silver Venetian blinds, oak floor and furniture with stainless steel refrigerator. CABIN: sofa that can be converted into a double bed with shading fabrics and seating in black leather, box for loudspeakers, spacious dinette storage, oak floor. Stern cabin accommodates a twin bed convertible in double, panoramic side windows with opening port-holes, oak wardrobe, oak bedside tables with lacquered black top. BATHROM: oak cabinet with black lacquered top and ceramic sink with Philip Starck mixing tap, electric marine toilet, shower, black lacquered


cabinets and mirror-table, Venetian blind. OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT: to be chosen among a vast and rich assortment: console cover, hull production in ochre, a 10 000 BTU air conditioner, bow thruster, autopilot Raymarine ST6002, TV in the cabin, 4kW-220 V generator, bow roller and stainless steel anchor, VHF Raymarine 240, Sessa Marine set of dishes. ,Key Largo 36 guarantees great comfort of its living space and great performance in manoeuvrability even at high speed and in rough weather and sea conditions. This is possible thanks to the double hydraulic cylinder steering mechanism and double electric racing flaps. The deep V polyedric hull and the stern bracket contribute to optimise the use of the three outboard engines and to guarantee the correct water flow to the propellers. The minimum engine power requires two 300 HP engines, and the maximum power can be up to three outboards of 350 HP, reaching a maximum speed of over 50 knots and cruising speed of 35 knots. “We wanted to create a special product” states Massimo Radice, Vice President of Sessa Marine, “to offer the client comfort, power and style and make ourselves known as unique and irreproducible even with a boat of only 11 meters. A product for someone who wishes to live with style and elegance a day at sea and be able to extend it to a night cruise with comfort thanks to a double cabin and a toilet room.”

TEHNIČKI PODACI / MAIN TECNICAL DETAILS Dužina preko cijelog broda / LOA Širina / Beam Motor / Enginet Brzina krstarenja / Cruising speed Spremnik goriva / Fuel tank Fresh water

panoramske prozore s otvorivim obloom, noćnim ormarićima od hrastovine čija je gornja ploča lakirana u crnoj boji. Kupaonica je od hrastovog namještaja s lakiranom gornjom pločom u crnoj boji, keramičkim umivaonikom s miješalicom Philip Starck, el. protočnim WC-om, tušem, ormarićima i ogledalom, obloom i venecijanskim roletama. Od bogate dodatne opreme vrijedi izdvojiti: pokrivku za konzolu, mogućnost izvedbe trupa u oker boji, klima uređaj 10 000 BTU, pramčani propeler, autopilot Raymarine ST6002,TV u kabini, generator 4KW-220 V, pramčani kliznik s inox sidrom, VHF Raymarine 240, set posuđa Sessa Marine. Key Largo 36 jamči veliku udobnost kako u stambenom prostoru tako i u manevarskim sposobnostima pri velikoj brzini. To je moguće zahvaljujući dvostrukim hidrauličnim cilindrima volana i dvostrukim električnim flapovima. Duboki V trup i krmeni nosač doprinose optimiziranom korištenju triju vanbrodskih motora i jamče ispravan protok vode na propeler. Minimalna snaga motora zahtijeva dva motora od 300 KS. Maksimalna snaga može biti do tri vanbrodska motora od 350 KS pri čemu može postići maksimalnu brzinu od preko 50 čvorova i krstareću brzinu od 35 čvorova. Predsjednik Sessa Marine Massimo Radice ističe: “Željeli smo stvoriti poseban proizvod te ponuditi kupcima udobnost, snagu i stil i učiniti sebe poznatima i jedinstvenima čak i s brodom od 11 metara. Ovo je proizvod za nekoga tko želi živjeti sa stilom i elegancijom danju te biti u mogućnosti produžiti svoj boravak na noćno krstarenje zahvaljujući udobnoj dvokrevetnoj kabini i lijepom toaletu.“


11,50 m 3,50 m 3 x Yamaha 350 KS 33 knots 1200 l 230 l


Sessa Marine Key Largo 27


Novi model / New model

Kompaktna perfekcija

Compact perfection

Sessa Marine predstavila je za sezonu 2010. novi model iz linije Open - Key largo 27’, za koji kažu da je vrhunac tehnologije, performansi i dorade u svojoj klasi. Key largo 27’ interpretacija je modernog stila i vrhunskog dizajna. Kako ga je opisao glavni dizajner Sessine kuće Christian Grande, „brod sa svojim snažnim i mišićavim linijama koje kao da podsjećaju na morskog psa; brz, uglađen i okretan uklapa se u revolucionarni stil Sessa Marine“. Poseban naglasak stavljen je na gladak čelik, prekrasnu tikovinu i luksuzno sunčalište koje okružuje pramčanu palubu. Ergonomski dizajniran kokpit od sunčališta dijeli konzola. Udobnost kokpita nadopunjuje prostrana sjedaća klupa u obliku slova „L“. Blagovaonski stol od tikovine može se podići ili spustiti na željenu visinu te se vrlo lako može pretvoriti u sunčalište na krmi. Ispod konzole skriva se brodska kuhinja sa sudoperom i štednjakom koja je svojim oblikom, funkcionalnošću i praktičnošću razrađena do najsitnijih detalja. Inteligentna uporaba integriranih kuka na unutarnjoj strani trupa je strukturna te estetski i vizualno stvara vrlo moderan brod. Visoki standardi prepoznatljivi su i u unutrašnjosti plovila i to posebno u pojedinostima koje su sastavni dio razvoja modela Key Largo. Dupli krevet u kabini može se podijeliti na jednostruki ležaj i kauč u obliku slova „L“. Brod ima zasebnu kupaonicu s wc-om i umivaonikom, što inače nije slučaj za plovila ove dužine i veličine. Posebna pozornost pridaje se tkaninama i materijalima koji su korišteni u izgradnji broda kao što je lakirana orahovina presvučena tkaninama svijetlih tonova.

State of the art of technology, performance and refinement are all a part of the new Key Largo 27 by Sessa Marine - Sessa’s latest interpretation of modern style and an all together extremely detailed and elegant design. In the words of Sessa Marine’s designer Christian Grande, ”the boat’s form echoes the 1970s, with squared bow and soft sides, a muscular and powerful body that resembles a shark, fast and sleek, cutting edge, fitting the revolutionary style of Sessa Marine. Sleek steel, teak accents and luxurious sunbeds are lining the foredeck; the helm divides the sunbathing area from the ergonomically designed cockpit, complete with a wide “L” shaped couch. The dining table, in solid teak, can be raised or lowered to the desired height and also converts the space into a second sunbathing area at the stern; the double helm incorporates a large console that hides a galley complete with sink and stove along with a teak cupboard, in complete harmony with the open deck. The form, function and practicality of all the various components are very detailed. The intelligent use of integrated cleats on the internal sides of the hull structurally and esthetically creates a streamlined boat. Below decks the high standards are easily recognized in the detailing that is integral to the development of the Key Largo range: a double bed that can be split into single beds and an “L” shaped couch, a separate bathroom with toilet and sink, all are unique for a boat of this length and size. All materials used in the building of the boat are the latest,


for example lacquered stained walnut dressed with fabrics in soft tones. The propulsion and hull form are the product of extensive testing and refining at the new “Centro Studi di Sessa Marine”, making Sessa one of the few boat builders to have an in-house research and development facility. The V shaped hull of Key Largo 27 is extremely safe, “dry”, tender and maneuverable, capable of up to 44 knots (with 2 Yamaha 150 HP 4 stroke engines). The Key Largo 27 model can accommodate a maximum of 400 HP, either with twin or a single engine. For the launch, there is a package with either two Yamaha F 150 engines or a single Yamaha V8 F300/350. The packaging demonstrates Sessa Marine’s willingness to offer a top luxurious product without any compromises including: twin hydraulic rudders, 500 litre fuel tank, external shower, equipped for water skiing, GPS Raymarine Wide, VHF, 42 litre fridge. Another ace for the Sessa Marine team. The KL 27 will be greatly admired this boating season, being fast and exciting in its compact perfection.


7,80 m

Širina / Beam

2,56 m

Visina / Construction height Maksimalna snaga / Maximum power Spremnik goriva / Fuel tank

500 l

Spremnik vode / Water tank

45 l

Osobe / People on board

Opsežna ispitivanja koje je Sessa Marine provela na istraživanju trupa i pogona u svom institutu „Centro Studi di Sessa Marine“ čine Sessu jedinstvenom, obzirom da je jedna od rijetkih brodogradilišta koja ima vlastiti centar za istraživanje i razvoj postrojenja. Trup u obliku slova „V“ iznimno je siguran, okretan i praktičan za manevriranje te je sposoban dostići i do 44 čvora s dvije vanbrodske četverotaktne Yamahe od 150 ks. Key largo 27’ može smjestiti motor maksimalne snage od 400 ks bez obzira radi li se o jednom ili dva motora. Yamaha nudi za ovo plovilo dva motora od F150 ks ili jedan V8 F300/350. Sessa Marine je time pokazala spremnost da ponudi vrhunske proizvode bez kompromisa uključujući dvostruko hidraulično kormilo, spremnik goriva od 500 l, vanjski tuš, a uz sve to opremljen je i za skijanje na vodi, ima i VHF stanicu, GPS Raymarine Wide te frižider od 42 litre. Key largo 27’ zadivit će mnoge ove sezone kao plovilo uzbudljivih i privlačnih karakteristika koje je dotaklo savršenstvo.


1,65 m 2 x 150 hp



Key Largo 30

Key Largo 26

Tehničke inovacije i novi dizajn čine Key Largo 30’ jedinstvenim. Potpuno novi i jedinstveni kokpit, dizajniran po uzoru na Key Lago 36’, i to sa dva ergonomski izrađena sjedišta koja ublažavaju vibracije prilikom off-shore vožnje. Key Largo 30’ dostupan je sa 2 četverotaktna motora snage 250 ks.

Čežnja za slobodom i novim horizontima.Uskoči u Key Largo 26’ i pogledaj oko sebe: veliki kokpit,prostrano sunčalište na pramcu,bočni prostori za odlaganje nautičke opreme,a ispod pramca udobna kabina sa duplim ležajem.Svaki centimetar broda predstavlja dinamičan prostor elegantnog dizajna umjetnički prikazanog pomoću novih boja i tkanina.

Technical innovation and new design are what the new Key Largo 30 is really made of. A completely new and unique cockpit, designed by exploiting the innovative cruising post of the Key Largo 36. Key Largo 30 will be available in bundle offer with two, shipyard mounted, 250 HP four-stroke engines.



Dužina preko cijelog broda / LOA

9,01 m

Dužina preko cijelog broda / LOA

7,50 m

Širina / Beam

2,99 m

Širina / Beam

2,55 m

Težina bez motora / Weight without engine Broj osoba / Persons capacity Max snaga motora / Max engine power

3000 kg 10 2 x 250/185 Hp/Kw

Spremnik goriva / Fuel tank

700 l

Spremnik vode / Water capacity

100 l

Kategorija gradnje / Project category Design


New horizons open up before your longing for freedom. Climb aboard the Key Largo 26’ and take a look around: a large cockpit, spacious sunbathing area on the bow, capacious peaks in which to store all your equipment. And below deck a comfortable double cabin. Every square inch an expression of dynamism based on an elegant design rendered even more refined in its colours and fabrics.

B Christian Grande

Težina bez motora / Weight without engine Broj osoba / Persons capacity Max snaga motora / Max engine power Spremnik goriva / Fuel tank Spremnik vode / Water capacity Kategorija gradnje / Project category Design

1500 kg 8 350/257 Hp/Kw 500 l 45 l B Christian Grande


Key Largo 24

Key Largo 22 deck

Key Largo 24 je malen ali potpun i brz brod koji želi biti zamijećen. Dijelom zahvaljujući bojama trupa – koraljnoj, okri i brončanoj koje iskaču iz standardno poznatih „nautičkih“ boja. Key Largo 24 svojom prostranošću,maštovitošću i inovativnim dizajnerskim rješenjima nastavlja i poboljšava razinu udobnosti svojih predhodnika. Za cjelokupan dojam dovoljan je samo jedan pogled na pramac broda i njegovo prostrano sunčalište, te udobno namješten kokpit.

Ako su Vam nespojive ljepota i udobnost provjerite sportski šarm Key Larga 22’ deck koji skriva profinjenu kabinu sa bračnim krevetom. Zavući se pod palubu samo je jedan od užitaka nakon uzbudljivog dana ispunjenog jurnjavom po valovima i otkrivanjem skrivenih uvala. Key largo 22’ nudi najbolji način da sa svojim prijateljima, zaljubljenicima u divlju prirodu, iskoristite prostranost kokpita i sunčališta na pramcu. Sve ostalo se ne računa.

Key Largo 24 is a small but complete and fast boat which wants to get itself noticed; partly thanks to the new colour schemes for the hull, breaking the nautical clichés with our new coral, ochre and bronze liveries. Key Largo 24 is trailertransportable and just right for wide open spaces and imaginative solutions, continuing and improving the levels of comfort and habitability of the preceding Key Largo vessels; it is enough to see the spacious sun-deck at the prow, complemented with a chaise longue in the cockpit area and a set of cushions with closed cells.

If your expectations of beauty foresee a drop in terms of comfort, think again. The sporty charm of Key Largo 22’ Deck hides a welcoming and beautifully finished double cabin. But going below deck is only one of the pleasures awaiting you, after a day racing the waves and exploring secluded bays. With your friends, immersed in the wild beauty of nature: the best way to experience the spacious cockpit and bow. Nothing else matters.


6,90 m

Dužina preko cijelog broda / LOA

6,45 m

Širina / Beam

2,50 m

Širina / Beam

2,48 m

Težina bez motora / Weight without engine Broj osoba / Persons capacity Max snaga motora / Max engine power Spremnik goriva / Fuel tank Spremnik vode / Water capacity Kategorija gradnje / Project category Design



1400 kg 8 250/184 Hp/Kw 270 l 45 l B Christian Grande

Težina bez motora / Weight without engine Broj osoba / Persons capacity Max snaga motora / Max engine power Spremnik goriva / Fuel tank Spremnik vode / Water capacity Kategorija gradnje / Project category Design

1000 kg 8 200/148 Hp/Kw 200 l 45 l C Christian Grande


Key Largo 20

Novi model / New model

Čista emocija Sportski duh i udobnost karakteristike su koje definiraju najnovijeg člana Sessa Marine Key Largo obitelji. Plovilo manje po dimenzijama, međutim veoma brzo i snažno s bogato opremljenom kabinom i Yamahinim F115 AETL motorom garantira odlične performanse. Ovaj Open model sa zadivljujućim dizajnom trupa karakterističnim za Sessu vjerno prati svog uspješnog prethodnika - Key Largo 24. Key largo 20’ je maleno, ali kompletno i brzo plovilo koje se istovremeno predstavlja i kao plovilo velikog prostora i inovativnih rješenja preuzimajući dobre strane svojih prethodnika. Dovoljno je navesti prednje sunčalište i kabinu koja je s obzirom na veličinu plovila zaista prostrana. U kabini ima mjesta i za električni protočni wc. Sjedalo u kokpitu je napravljeno kao klupa tako da s lijeve i desne strane ima mjesta za odlaganje nautičkog pribora Nova je sportska komandna ploča obojena u nextel sa svim potrebnim instrumentima za vanbrodski motor. Novi Key Largo 20’ ističe se i netipičnim nautičkim bojama kao što su koraljnocrvena, oker i brončana. Bogato je opremljen serijskom opremom od koje valja izdvojiti tuš, automatsku kaljužnu pumpu, umetke u tikovini, pilotsko i kopilotsko sjedalo. Od dodatne opreme može se naručiti extra boja trupa, bež jastuci, bijela boja motora, stol u tikovini i bež pokrivke za konzolu kao i pokrivku preko cijelog broda te kemijski wc


Pure emotion TEHNIČKI PODACI / MAIN TECNICAL DETAILS Dužina preko cijelog broda / LOA

6,10 m

Širina / Beam

2,30 m

Težina / Weight

850 kg

Motor / Enginet

Yamaha F115 AETL

Spremnik goriva / Fuel tank

200 l

Spremnik vode / Water tank

45 l

Osobe / People on board


A sporty spirit and a true sense of both comfort and hospitality are what define the newest member of Sessa Marine’s Key Largo family - New Key Largo 20. A boat reduced in size but not in speed or strength, with a fully-equipped cabin and Yamaha F115 AETL motor, guaranteeing optimal performance. An open model with a captivating form that highlights a winning design emblematic of the Sessa name and perfectly traces the success seen by its older brother Key Largo 24. Key Largo 20 ‘is a small but complete and fast boat that represents both a large space craft innovative solutions and taking the good side of their predecessors. It suffices to mention the front sun deck and cabin, which is due to the size of the boat really spacious. The cabin has room for foldaway electric toilet. Seat in the cockpit is designed as a bench, to the left and right sides is place for the disposal of nautical accessories. The instrument panel painted in nextel is new and sporty with all the necessary instruments for outboard motor. New Model Key Largo 20 ‘stands out with atypical nautical colors such as coral red, ochre and a bronze. Key Largo 20 ‘is richly equipped with standard equipment, showers, automatic bilge pump, teak side, pilot and copilot seats... Also additional equipment can be ordered: extra hull colour, beige cushions, white colour engine, a table in teak, beige console cover and overall cover and chemical toilet.


Fishing Line Dorado 26 Outboard

Novi model / New model


Mala transformacija dobro poznatog fishermana sa stilskim dizajnom

Transformation of well known fisherman with a stylish design

Sessa Marine predstavlja novu inačicu svog dobro poznatog fishermana – Dorado 26 s vanbrodskim motorom. Sessa Marine fisherman serija namijenjena je istinskim zaljubljenicima u ribolov, onima koji traže praktično, pouzdano i elegantno plovilo u rasponu od 22 do 36 stopa. Dorado 26 u sezoni 2009./2010. doživljava transformaciju. Od sada je osim u izvedbi s unutarnjim motorom snage 190 ks dostupan i u izvedbi s vanbrodskim motorom snage od 150 do 250 ks. Unutrašnjost Dorada 26’ je funkcionalna i vrlo prostrana. Sastoji se od vlasničke kabine s bračnim krevetom te odvojene kupaonice s tušem i umivaonikom, salona s klupom i pomičnim stolom koji se pretvara u još jedan ležaj. Elegantna kuhinje izvedena je u hrastovini i opremljena sudoperom, frižiderom, plinskim kuhalom i mikrovalnom pećnicom. Dorado 26 ima otvoreni hard top što salonu daje dodatnu svjetlost i prozračnost. Prostrani kokpit s površinom od čak 4 m2 i praktičnim spremištima za ribičku opremu lako je pretvoriv u sunčalište. Brod je opremljen Yamahinim vanbrodskim motorom od 250 konjskih snaga koji omogućuje maksimalnu brzinu od 28 čvorova i krstareću brzinu od 24 čvora. Sessa Marine poziva vas u svijet u kojem strast za ribolov kraljuje.

Sessa Marine presents a new version of its fisherman - Dorado 26 from now on with outboard engine. Sessa Marine Fisherman series is dedicated to true fishing lovers, those who are looking for user-friendly, reliable and elegant vessel in the range from 22 to 36 feet. Dorado 26 in season 2009/2010 is experiencing a transformation. From now on, except the version with standard well known inboard engine of 190 hp, it will also be available in versions with outboard engine from 150 to 250 hp. The interior of Dorado 26’ is functional and spacious. We can mention the owners cabin with a double bed, a separate toilet room and a corner dinette for four people with demountable table convertible into a third bed. The right side of the dinette has been created with elegant whitened oak kitchen furniture equipped with sink, fridge, cooker and microwave oven. The boat is supplied with an opening hard top which permits the dinette’s full exposure to air. A nice and spacious cockpit, convertible into sunpad, with practicle space storage for fishing accessories.The boat is powered by a Yamaha outboard engine F250 AETX which allows a max speed of 28 knots and cruising speed of 24 knots. Sessa Marine invites you to a world where passion for fishing reigns.


8,20 m

Širina / Beam

2,70 m

Težina / Weight

2470 kg

Motor / Enginet

190 KS / 140 KW

Spremnik goriva / Fuel tank

300 l

Spremnik vode / Water tank

230 l

Osobe / People on board



Dorado 36 Sa Doradom 36’ sezona na moru traje cijelu godinu. Iskoristite lijepo vrijeme i uživajte na otvorenom: na pramcu, u kokpitu ili na fly bridgu gdje se mjesto vozača pretvara u sunčalište. Čak i kad je nevrijeme na moru uzbudljivo je naći se u unutrašnjosti broda sa dvije kabine i bračnim krevetima, kupaonicom, prostranim salonom i dobro opremljenom kuhinjom. Uživajte na moru dok ga drugi mogu samo gledati. With Dorado 36’ the sailing season lasts all year. Make the most of the good weather to live to the full the large open spaces at the bow, in the cockpit or on the fly bridge, where the steering area is transformed into a place for sunbathing. And if it looks stormy, feel the excitement of going for cover in the welcoming atmosphere awaiting you below deck, complete with a double berth, bathroom and spacious dinette with a well equipped kitchen. Enjoy the sea whilst others just look on.

TEHNIČKI PODACI / MAIN TECNICAL DETAILS Dužina preko cijelog broda / LOA Širina / Beam Težina bez motora / Weight without engine Broj osoba / Persons capacity Max snaga motora / Max engine power Spremnik goriva / Fuel tank Spremnik vode / Water capacity Kategorija gradnje / Project category Design


11,60 m 3,50 m 7000 kg 12 520/382 Hp/Kw 2 x 340 l 260 l B Christian Grande


Dorado 26 Inboard

Dorado 22

Lakoća stila Dorada 26’ ocrtava ekstremno fleksibilne prostore. Od pramca profil se lagano spušta poput vala. Sunce ulazi u kabinu kroz pomični krov, a vjetar kroz bočne prozore. Prozirna klizna vrata odvajaju kabinu od kokpita. Stol može biti vani, a može se i sakriti ispod bračnog kreveta u pramcu. Kuhinja je skrivena daleko ispod sjedala pilota. Dorado 26’je mjesto gdje sloboda neprestano pronalazi nove oblike.

Trup za svako vrijeme. Kompaktan, robustan i praktičan, Dorado 22’ je plovilo za sve vremenske uvijete. Kokpit sa krmenom klupom predstavlja savršeno mjesto za sunčanje kao i prostor za odlaganje sportske opreme. Ako vidite oblačno nebo, ne brinite, prostrana kabina vas poziva da kroz njene prozore promatrate uzburkano more, a prije spavanja neka vas lagano uspava uspavanka kišnih kapi.

The fluid style of Dorado 26’ outlines spaces which are flexible in the extreme. From the bow, its profile drops away like a wave. The sun streams into the cabin through the sliding roof and the wind throught the side windows, merging into the spacious cockpit by means of a transparent door. The table may be assembled inside or out and disappears under the double bed. The kitchen is hidden away beneath the pilot’s seat. A place where freedom constantly finds new expressions.

A hull for all seasons. Compact, sturdy practical, Dorado 22’ is at ease in all sea and weather conditions. The cockpit, fitted with an aft bench, provides the perfect spot for sunbathing as well as plenty of space to store all your sporting equipment. And if the sky looks threatening, you can contemplate the sea from behind the big glass windows of the pilot’s cabin. Before going to sleep on your bed in the prow, lulled by the patter of rain.


8,30 m

Dužina preko cijelog broda / LOA

6,50 m

Širina / Beam

2,70 m

Širina / Beam

2,43 m

Težina bez motora / Weight without engine Broj osoba / Persons capacity Max snaga motora / Max engine power Spremnik goriva / Fuel tank Spremnik vode / Water capacity Kategorija gradnje / Project category Design



2800 kg 8 190/140 Hp/Kw 2 x 125 l 80 l B Christian Grande

Težina bez motora / Weight without engine Broj osoba / Persons capacity Max snaga motora / Max engine power Spremnik goriva / Fuel tank Spremnik vode / Water capacity Kategorija gradnje / Project category Design

1100 kg 7 150/110 Hp/Kw 100 l 60 l C Christian Grande


Charter Sessa Marine plovila

Charter Sessa Marine vessels

Nautički turizam sve je važniji u ponudi Hrvatske u posljednjih nekoliko godina. Gosti žele aktivan odmor, žele upoznati zemlju na drugačiji način, približiti se prirodi, istražiti more i otoke, a charter sve to omogućuje. Stoga je Interadria SC u suradnji s tvrtkom S.e.s.s.a. d.o.o. pokrenula charter Sessa Marine plovila.. Osim klasičnog chartera, S.e.s.s.a. Charter nudi plovila po principu„try and buy“, gdje potencijalnim klijentima nudi mogućnost da prije nego se odluče za kupnju plovila isto testiraju. Ured Sessa chartera nalazi se u sklopu marine hotela Admiral u Opatiji. Charter je baziran na dnevnim i tjednim izletima, a u ponudi su gotovo svi modeli Sessinih plovila. U sezonama 2008. i 2009. najam plovila izazvao je veliki interes klijenata koji su uživali u dinamičnim adrenalinskim vožnjama i prostranim sunčalištima Sessa Marine modela. Flotu održava stručno i visokokvalificirano osoblje, a sva plovila opremljena su pripadajućom sigurnosnom i navigacijskom opremom koja će zadovoljiti i one najzahtjevnije.

In recent years, the importance of nautical tourism in Croatia has risen significantly. Guests are interested in an active vacation, they want to discover the country in a different way, get in closer touch with nature and explore the sea and islands. Therefore, InterAdria SC in collaboration with S.e.s.s.a. d.o.o. company has launched a charter service of the Sessa Marine vessels. In addition to the classic charter, S.e.s.s.a charter offers boats according to the try and buy principle. The opportunity to test the boat is given to potential customers before making their final decision about buying a certain Sessa model. Our charter office is located at the marina of the Admiral hotel in Opatija. The charter service is based on daily and weekly trips in our Sessa fleet vessels. In seasons 2008 and 2009 boat rental raised great interest with our clients, who were able to enjoy fast driving and spacious sunning areas, typical for almost all the Sessa Marine fleet models. Boats are maintained by our qualified staff and are all equipped with navigation and safety equipment that will meet the requirements of each client.

Sessa Marine KEY LARGO 20’ Dužina preko cijelog broda / LOA Širina / Beam Max. osoba na brodu / Max. persons Motor / Enginet

Sessa Marine ISLAMORADA 23’

6,10 m 2,10 m 6 Yamaha 150 ks

Dužina preko cijelog broda / LOA Širina / Beam Max. osoba na brodu / Max. persons Motor / Enginet

Sessa Marine KEY LARGO 22’ Dužina preko cijelog broda / LOA Širina / Beam Max. osoba na brodu / Max. persons Motor / Enginet

Sessa Marine KEY LARGO 25’ DECK Dužina preko cijelog broda / LOA Širina / Beam Max. osoba na brodu / Max. persons Motor / Enginet


7,36 m 2,59 m 7 Yamaha F 250 AETU

Izabela Lelek Purić gsm +385 91 215 44 93 email

6,54 m 2,48 m 8 Yamaha F 150 AETL

7,56 m 2,50 m 6 Volvo Penta GXI 225 ks

Sessa Marine C35’ Dužina preko cijelog broda / LOA Širina / Beam Max. osoba na brodu / Max. persons Motor / Enginet

10,60 m 3,53 m 12 Volvo Penta D4 260 ks

Sessa Marine C 43’ Dužina preko cijelog broda / LOA Širina / Beam Max. osoba na brodu / Max. persons Motor / Enginet

11,88 m 3,99 m 12 Volvo Penta 2xIPS 740 ks




gastronomic guide

Sessa Marine je izdala Stelle di Mare, prvi gastronomskom vodič posebno posvećen brodovlasnicima i ljubiteljima mora.

Sessa Marine has invented and realized Stelle di Mare, the first gastronomical guide specially dedicated to ship owners and sea lovers.

Šest poglavlja knjge obrađuju gastronomsku ponudu medieranskih zemalja: Italije (more i jezero), Španjolske, Francuske, Hrvatske i Grčke. Putovanja i umjetnost kuhanja, more i dobra hrana, dobitna su kobinacija za relaksaciju tijela i duha. Sessa Marine, vodeći se upravo tom idejom stvorila je do sada nešto neviđeno. Gastronomski vodić kroz restorane Mediterana sa detaljnim uputama o tome gdje usidriti brod i kako do njih doći. Svaki restoran izabran je i rangiran u skladu sa ponudom, ambijentom i cijenom, a sve to po iskustvima Sessinih suradnika koji izabiru samo najbolje od najboljeg. Atraktivnost Stelle di Mare leži i u činjenici da detaljno opisuje položaj restorana u odnosu na najbližu marinu gdje je moguće usidriti plovilo.

Six chapters, dedicated to five countries: Italy (one for the sea coasts and one for the lake coasts), Spain, France, Croatia and Greece. Travel and art of cooking, sea and good food, are the combinations becoming more and more indivisible. Starting from that and aimed by the idea to present something never seen before, Sessa Marine offer a gastronomical guide of restaurants, a selection of excellences with the most suitable bay and harbor to reach them. The restaurants has been chosen according to the proposed food and to the typical ambient. Aside from the chef’s special and the average cost, each restaurant has been noted according to its quality level, resting on the experience of Sessa Marine dealers who work along the coasts and frequent day after day the best place to be. The point that makes Stella di Mare more unique and attractive is the localization of the restaurants in reference with the nearest harbors. Each sheet is completed by the reference of the nearest marina where you can leave your boat.

Stelle di Mare možete naći u Nautic shopu Marina hotela Admiral

You may find Stelle di Mare at Nautic shop Marina hotela Admiral

Nautic Shop Marina Hotela Admiral Maršala Tita 139, Opatija GSM: +385 (0)91 215 44 99 e-mail:

Nautic Shop Marina Hotela Admiral Maršala Tita 139, Opatija GSM: +385 (0)91 215 44 99 e-mail:



Novi Yamaha vanbrodski motori

New Yamaha outboard engines f4/5/6

Yamaha za sezonu 2010. predstavlja 3 nova modela svojih motora. Riječ je o prenosivim četverotaktnim motorima 4,5 i 6 ks. Dok su modeli F 4 i F 6 poboljšanje inačice već dobro poznatih modela, model F 5 je apsolutni novitet. Ovi modeli donose novost u dizajnu – dolaze u dvije boje i jedinstvenom obliku. Kombinacija male mase od 27 do 28 kg, posebno dizajniranog poklopca koji se lako skida kao i ergonomski izrađenih ručki omogućuje lako prenošenje i rukovanje motorima. Ovi motori imaju i jedinstvenu mogućnost bočnog polaganja u 3 položaja zahvaljujući Yamahinom jedinstvenom spremniku ulja iz kojeg ulje ne može iscuriti u kojem god položaju motor bio. Ova činjenica vrlo je važna prilikom transporta i skladištenja motora jer nema bojazni od istjecanja ulja. Svi su ovi motori bazirani na Yamahinoj vodećoj tehnologiji četverotaktnih motora koja osigurava malu emisiju štetnih plinova i potrošnju goriva te ujedno i veću ekonomičnost. Značajka ovih motora je i ta da imaju ugrađen 1,2 litreni spremnik goriva koji eliminira nužnost posjedovanja vanjskog spremnika goriva. Ova karakteristika vrlo je važna vlasnicima manjih plovila budući da znamo da je svaki milimetar slobodnog prostora ondje od iznimne važnosti. Motore karakterizira elektronsko paljenje koje omogućuje jednostavan start motora u svim vremenskim uvjetima, a osim toga tu je i zaštita paljenja u brzini i limitator broja okretaja prilikom vožnje unatrag te limitator okretaja u neutralu (leru). Valja naglasiti da ovi kao i svi Yamahini modeli imaju specijalnu antikorozivnu zaštitu koja omogućuje korištenje motora bez ikakve bojazni u svim uvjetima. Ove modele možete pronaći u Nautic shop-u u marini hotela Admiral, Opatija.

Yamaha for the 2010 season presents three new models of its engines. It is a portable four-stroke engine, 4.5 and 6 hp. Whilst the F 4 and F 6 are improved versions of the well-known existing models, the model F 5 is an absolute novelty. These models make news in design, they come in two-tone colours and unique form. The combination of low weight of 27 to 28 kg, a specially designed easily removable cover and ergonomic handles allows an easy transfer and handling. Yamaha’s unique 3-position oil leak-free storage system allows the engines to be easily stored – without the risk of oil leaking into a boat, car or trailer during transportation. All these engines based on Yamaha leading four-stroke engine technology that provides low emissions and fuel consumption are also much more economical. These engines’ characteristic feature is a built-in 1.2 litre fuel tank, which eliminates the need for an external fuel tank. This characteristic is very important to owners of smaller boats because we know that every inch of available space is very important in confined spaces. Engines have electronic ignition, which allows an easy start in all weather conditions, while a number of technologies protect the engine against accidental damage. Start-in-gear protection locks the starter to prevent damage that occurs from starting the engine in-gear. The over-rev limiter and neutral rev-limiter prevent the engine from excessive wear at high revs. It should be noted that all Yamaha models have a special corrosion protection, which allows the use of the engine without any fear in all conditions. These models can be found in Nautic shop in Marina Hotel Admiral in Opatija.

Kontakt info. Nautic Shop, Marina hotela Admiral Maršala Tita 139, Opatija Kontakt osoba: Ana Tomeček Tel./ fax: +385 (0)51 705 579 GSM: +385 (0)91 215 44 99 e-mail:

Contact info: Nautic Shop, Marina hotela Admiral Maršala Tita 139, Opatija Contact person: Ana Tomeček Tel./ fax: +385 (0)51 705 579 GSM: +385 (0)91 215 44 99 e-mail:









3.00 m


06 - 21h

06 -21 h


4.50 m


07 -19 h

07 -22 h


2.50 m


07 - 19 h ; n/b 08 - 13

06 - 22 h

3.00 - 3.50 m


07 - 20 h

07 -21 h



1. LUČKA KAPETANIJA / HARBOUR-MASTER’S OFFICE PULA Obala maršala Tita 18; Pula; Kapetan Josip Lazarić Tel: 052/222-037 Fax: 052/222-867 e-mail:

5.LUČKA KAPETANIJA / HARBOUR-MASTER’S OFFICE ŠIBENIK Obala Dr. Franje Tuđmana 8 Šibenik Kapetan Janes Lakoš Tel:022/214-261 Fax:022/217-378

Lučka ispostava / Branch office

Kapetan / Captain

Tel / Phone

Lučka ispostava / Branch office


Miljenko Gasparini



Valter Vlačić




Gianfranco Baldaš




Đorđo Bastijančić



Ante Huljev



Nino Škopac



Ante Mijalić




7.00 m


08 - 15 h

07 - 21 h


4.80 m


07 - 13 h

07 - 21 h

PULA-Marina Veruda

2.50 m


08 - 15 h

07 - 21 h


4.00 m

051/271 327

07 -17 h

07 -22 h


3.00 m

051/781 004

09 - 17 h; n/b 07 - 13 h

07 - 21 h

2. LUČKA KAPETANIJA / HARBOUR-MASTER’S OFFICE RIJEKA Senjsko pristanište 3;Rijeka Kapetan Darko Glažar Tel:051/214-031 Fax:051/313-265 e-mai:kapetanija


3.00 m


06 -20 h ; n/b 09 -13 h

06 - 22 h

Lučka ispostava / Branch office


2.20 m


07 -19 h ; n/b 07 - 13 h

06 - 22 h


5.00 m


07 -12 h;16 - 19 i n/b 07 - 12 h


7.00 m



8.50 m

Kapetan / Captain

Tel / Phone

Mošćenička Draga

Nikola Randić


07 - 21 h


Boris Tomulić


07 -19 h ; n/b 07 - 13 h

06 -22 h


06 - 24 ; n/b 06 - 24 h

06 -24 h


Srećko Suserić



Rajko Sobol



Željko Udovičić


Novi Vinodolski

Miljenko Žanić


Dario Šopota


Ivan Kosić



2.50 m


07-19 h ; n/b 07 - 19 h

00 - 24 h


1.50 m


07 - 13 h

06 -22 h

BIBINJE-Marina Dalmacija

5.00 m


11 - 22 h

11 - 22 h

SUKOŠAN-Marina Dalmacija

6.00 m


07 -19 h

07 - 21 h


2.50 m


07 -19 ; n/b 07 - 19 h

06 -22 h



2.20 m


06 - 22 h

06 - 24 h


Branko Ivošić



2.00 m


07 - 18 h

07 - 21 h


Miro Magašić



2.20 m


07 - 19 ; n/b 07 - 19 h

06 - 22 h


Mladen Čargonja



2.20 m


06 -22 h ; n/b 06 -22 h

06 - 22 h


Jordan Vešković



2.50 m


08 - 14 h

08 -20 h

Mali Lošinj

Zoran Tomić



3.50 m


08 - 20 h

08 - 20h


3.30 m


08 - 14 h

08 - 14 h


Boris Rajić


Vladimir Dumić



7.00 m


06 -22 h ; n/b 06 -22 h

06 - 22 h

PRIMOŠTEN-Marina Kremik

3.00 m


08 - 19 h

06 - 22 h




3.00 m


08 - 15 h

08 -17 ; n/b 08 - 12 h


3.50 m


06 - 22h ; n/b 06 - 22 h

06 - 22 h


4.50 m


07 - 13 h

07 -21 h

3. LUČKA KAPETANIJA / HARBOUR-MASTER’S OFFICE SENJ Obala kralja Zvonimira 12; P.P.1. Kapetan Siniša Orlić Tel: 053/881-301 Fax: 053/884-128 e-mail:


3.00 m


07 - 13 h

07 -22 h

Lučka ispostava / Branch office


3.00 m



3.50 m


07 - 12 ; 16 -19 h; n/b 07 - 12 h

Tel / Phone

Tel / Phone

Branko rameša


Živko Šokota


Ante Palada


6.LUČKA KAPETANIJA / HARBOUR-MASTER’S OFFICE SPLIT Obala Lazareta 1 Split Kapetan Boris Matošić Tel: 021/362-436 fax:021/346-555 Lučka ispostava / Branch office

Kapetan / Captain

Tel / Phone


Ante Radić



Jordan Kuvačić




Makarska Rogač

Ivo Mladinov


Vedran Bezmalinović



Nikola Brkuljić




Radovan Šerka



Đana Fio



Mate Zenčić


Stari Grad

Milivoj Čubretović



Vice Franičević



Željko Kuštera



Damir Radica



Drago jerkin


7.LUČKA KAPETANIJA / HARBOUR-MASTER’S OFFICE PLOČE Trg Kralja Tomislava 5 Ploče Kapetan Vidan Bartul Tel:020/681-681 Fax:020/678-621 e-mail:

Sveti Juraj

Mario jančić


07 -21 h


Davor Badurina



Vlado bačić


8.LUČKA KAPETANIJA / HARBOUR-MASTER’S OFFICE DUBROVNIK Obala Stjepana Radića 37 Dubrovnik Kapetan Ivan Filippi Tel:020/418-989 Fax:020/418-987

Živko Škunca


Lučka ispostava / Branch office


1.80 m


07 -19 h ; n/b 07 - 13 h

07 -21 h

2.00 m


08 - 15 h

08 -15 h, s 08 - 13 h


2,50 m


07 -12 h; 16 - 19 ; n/b 07 - 12 h

07 -21 h


5.00 m


07 -12 h; 16 - 19 ; n/b 07 - 12 h

07 -21 h


3.00 m


07 -19 h ; n/b 07 - 13 h

06 -22 h


3.50 m


06 - 22 ; n/b 06 - 22 h

06 -22 h


2.50 m


07 -12 h;16 - 19 ; n/b 07 - 12 h

07 -21 h


10.00 m


06 - 22 h

06 -22 h


4.00 m


07 -13 h

07 - 21 h

Biograd n/M


3.70 m


07 -19 h ; n/b 07 - 13 h

07 - 21 h


radna vremena benzinskih postaja podložna su promjenama / working hours of petrol stations are subject to change n/b - nedjeljom i praznikom / sundays and holIidays s -subotom / saturday sezona / season 18.05. -13.09.

Kapetan / Captain

Kapetan / Captain

07 -21.30 h






4.LUČKA KAPETANIJA / HARBOUR-MASTER’S OFFICE ZADAR Liburnska obala 8; Zadar Kapetan Milivoj Maričić tel:023/254-888 Fax: 023/254-876 Lučka ispostava / Branch office

Kapetan / Captain

Tel / Phone


Đuro Kralj



Leo Vasković



Grgur Čumbelić


Ivo Lučić


Kapetan / Captain

Tel / Phone

Ston Trpanj

Baldo Antunović


Damir Santini



Vojko Trojan


Ante Milić


Vela Luka

Ivica Barčot


Stari Grad Paklenica

Anđelko ramić



Enko Glumac



Vladimir Maržić



Ivo Cibilić


Đani Mustać


Marina Komolac

Ivica Matuško







24. - 28. 02. 2010.

SALON NAUTIKE , Beograd, Srbija

25. - 28. 03. 2010.

CROATIA BOAT SHOW, Split, Hrvatska

10. - 18. 04. 2010.


28. 04. - 03. 05. 2010.

INTERNAUTICA, Portoro탑, Slovenija

11. - 16. 5. 2010.

CANNES BOAT SHOW, Cannes, France

10. - 13. 09. 2010.

NAUTICA, Rijeka, Hrvatska

22. - 26. 09. 2010.


02.-10. 10. 2010.

BIOGRAD BOAT SHOW , Biograd na Moru, Hrvatska

21. - 24.10. 2010.


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