InterAdria Magazin 9

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Edukacija djelatnika / Education of employees Proširenje servisnog centra InterAdria SC / InterAdria SC Service Centre enlargement Malta

5 6 9


Osiguranje plovila: prijevoz kopnom / Marine insurance: land transport 11


Važnost i prednosti osiguranja plovila / The importance and benefits of marine insurance 12


Sessa Fly 42 15

Sessa Fly 47



Fratelli Aprea 22


Fratelli Aprea Sorrento 32 24



Novi izgled kompaktnih modela - F 4,5,6 / Colour and graphic changes for compact models - F 4,5,6 28


Kontrola tehničke ispravnosti plovila / Technical inspection of vessels 32

Tikovina najdragocjenije drvo svijeta / Teak the most precious wood in the world 36


Internautica 2014 38

Design Lab 40

SAVJETI ZA SIGURNOST / SAFETY TIPS 42 Kako izbjeći požar na plovilu i kako ga ugasiti ukoliko do njega dođe / How to avoid fire on a vessels and how to fight fire in case it breaks out 42 SAVJET PRAVNIKA / LEGAL ADVICE 46

Check lista / Check list 46 team building 50 Zimska avantura InterAdria SC tima / InterAdria SC team winter adventure 50


Mošćenice - Srednjovjekovni kvarnerski gradić / Mošćenice - Medieval Kvarner Town 53


Bevanda: Hotel - Restaurant - Bar 56 OKUSI MEDITERANA / FLAVOURS OF THE MEDITERRANEAN 58 Čokolada - najukusnija i najkorisnija poslastica ikada izmišljena! / Chocolate - the most tasteful and the most useful delice! 58 Mousse od crne čokolade s maslinovim uljem / Dark chocolate mousse with olive oil 60


DOBRO JE ZNATI / GOOD TO KNOW 62 Pravila za izbjegavanje sudara na moru / International regulations for preventing collisions at sea 62


Dear readers, partners, friends.... With edition number 9 of InterAdria Magazine we enter fifth year of this venture. Hereby I would like to express sincere thanks to the editorial board who are trying to reach higher level of quality and present more interesting topics in every number, to the team of our associates who help us to make our dreams come true and to you our faithful readers for your continuous support. One of the keys to our success is the constant investment of our company into education of our employees an in our striving to become better and to offer high quality service. We are proud that 2014 began with enlargement of our Service centre capacities and with introduction of new services. On of them is technical inspection of the vessels. We are proud to be able to follow the trends in nautics and to be able to meet our clients needs.

In this edition of InterAdria Magazine we deal with nautic novelties. We explained the importance of marine insurance and presented few advices about how to prevent the fire on a vessel. Further, we listed the documents you will need when leaving the port in accordance with EU regulations. Sessa Marine shipyard presented some novelties in this number as well. We present you models Fly 42 and Fly 47, sophisticated and smartly designed yachts that will be a perfect choice for those who know how to enjoy. This time we tell you the story about something completely different, traditionally built Fratelli Aprea boats. I believe you will enjoy in this issue and its content, and we will keep on trying to meet all of your expectations.

Dragi čitatelji, partneri, prijatelji... InterAdria magazin svojim 9. brojem ulazi u petu godinu kontinuiranog izlaženja. Ovim putem želim zahvaliti sjajnom redakcijskom teamu koji se trudi pružiti što kvalitetniji i zanimljiviji sadržaj iz broja u broj, teamu suradnika koji nam pomažu u realizaciji naših snova i naravno svima vama vjernim čitateljima koji nam dajete potporu i zajedno s nama stječete nova znanja. Upravo jedan od ključeva naše uspješnosti kao tvrtke leži u stalnom ulaganju u edukaciju djelatnika i težnji da budemo čim bolji i pružimo kvalitetnu uslugu. Možemo se pohvaliti da smo 2014. godinu započeli proširenjem našeg Servisnog centra i novim uslugama koje uvodimo u ponudu. Jedna on njih je i usluga kontrole tehničke ispravnosti plovila. Ponosni smo na činjenicu da praćenjem novih trendova u nautici možemo odgovoriti na sve zahtjeve klijenata.

I u ovom broju InterAdria magazina bavimo se aktualnostima u nautici. Obradili smo pitanja vezana uz važnost osiguranja plovila, te donosimo niz savjeta o mjerama prevencije požara na plovilu. Također, donosimo pregled dokumentacije koja vam je potrebna prije isplovljavanja iz luke sukladno EU regulativi. Noviteta iz brodogradilišta Sessa marine ni u ovom broju ne nedostaje. Predstavljamo plovila Fly 42 i Fly 47 koji zahvaljujući profinjenom stilu i kreativnim dizajnerskim rješenjima predstavljaju idealan izbor za one koji znaju uživati. Ovoga puta donosimo priču i o nečem potpuno drugačijem, a riječ je o tradicijskoj gradnji plovila Fratelli Aprea. Vjerujem da ćete uživati u otkrivanju sadržaja i ovoga broja magazina, a mi ćemo se i dalje truditi ispuniti sva vaša očekivanja. Klaudio Brnečić direktor | general manager



Edukacija djelatnika ključ kvalitete

Education of employees Key to quality

Kontinuirano stručno usavršavanje svojih djelatnika InterAdria SC nastavila je i u sezoni 2013/2014 i to na području održavanja motora Volvo Penta i Yanmar za koje je ovlašteni servis.

As an authorized service, InterAdria SC continues the professional trainings of employees in season 2013/2014, this time in the field of Volvo Penta and Yanmar inboard engines maintenance.

Ove jeseni voditelj servisnog centra g. Damir Dubrović prisustvovao je seminaru – global treningu Volvo Penta servisera u organizaciji Volvo Penta centra Rijeka. Teme ovogodišnjeg stručnog usavršavanja bile su inovacije i poboljšanja u elektroničkom sistemu upravljanja poznatijem kao EVC- „ Electronic Vessel Control“

This autumn our customer service manager Mr. Damir Dubrović attended the course - global training for Volvo Penta service organized by Volvo Penta center Rijeka. The training was focused on Volvo Penta innovations and improvements in electronic systems control known as “EVC- Electronic Vessel Control“.

Tijekom tradicionalnog godišnjeg Yanmarovog Tehničkog treninga koji je krajem 2013. godine održan u Šibeniku, domaćin NCP Usluge, predstavljene su sve Yanmarove novosti i najavljene nove generacije „common rail” motora usuglašene s novim zahtjevima emisije ispušnih plinova. Prezentiran je i Navelin projekt „Best in service“ kojim se u zajedništvu sa ovlaštenom prodajno-servisnom mrežom kreće u kampanju kontinuiranog rada na kvaliteti opsluživanja krajnjeg korisnika, orijentiranost na krajnjeg korisnika i podršku istom. Daljnji korak projekta objavljen je pred zagrebački Sajam nautike, a isti je usmjeren na nagrađivanje lojalnosti i urednosti u održavanju motora.

During the traditional annual Yanmar Technical training which was held at the end of the 2013 in Sibenik, hosted by NCP Services, Yanmar presented news and announced new generation of common rail engines compliant with the new gas emission regulative. Navela company in collaboration with the authorized Yanmar sales and service network presented the project “Best in service” - service quality campaign focused on the end users. A further step of the project was presented before the Zagreb Boat Show with the aim of rewarding loyalty and regularity in engine maintenance.

InterAdria SC kontinuirano prati najnovije trendove u održavanju i ugradnji motora kako bi odgovorila na sve zahtjeve klijenata. Ulaganjem u znanje dodatnim školovanjem zaposlenika InterAdria nastoji osigurati što potpuniju i kvalitetniju uslugu.

InterAdria SC service center is trying to be one step ahead by investing in education of employees, following the trends and providing quality services. Continuous investment in knowledge and additional staff education ensure complete and first class service.

Proširenje servisnog centra InterAdria SC

InterAdria SC Service Centre enlargement

InterAdria SC je u 2014. g. proširila kapacitete svog servisnog centra na dodatnih 475 m2 vanjske površine. Postojeći servisni centar raspolagao je manipulativnim prostorom na površini od 1066 m2, a uz novootvorene površine kapacitet se povećao na 1541 m2. Otvoreni dio servisnog centra sada pruža mogućnost servisiranja i održavanja i većih plovila dužine do 42 stope.

In 2014 InterAdria SC enlarged the storage capacities extending onto new 475m2 of the outdoor surface. Previous service surface consisted of 1066m2 of the manipulative space, and new area increased the capacity to 1541m2. The outdoor part of the service centre can now accomodate larger yachts up to 42 feet. Apart from the outdoor part, the service centre has the indoor area which can accomodate up to four smaller boats of approximately 26 feet.

Uz navedenu vanjsku površinu servisni centar raspolaže i zatvorenim prostorom u kojem je moguće istovremeno na servis i održavanje smjestiti do četiri manja plovila dužine do 26 stopa. InterAdria SC servisni centar nalazi se na već dobro poznatoj lokaciji u Kastvu, Ćikovići 73 C, svega 5 km od centra Rijeke i 3 km od centra Opatije. Centar raspolaže suvremenom i kvalitetnom opremom, a njegovo stručno osoblje jamči sigurnost i pouzdanost izvršenih radova prema ISO standardu.

InterAdria SC service centre is situated on the well known location in Kastav, Ćikovići 73 C, only 5 km of distance from Rijeka center and 3 km from the centre of Opatija. The service centre is equipped with modern tools of the best quality. The professional employees guarantee safety and reliability of the works done according to the ISO standard.

Servis i održavanje plovila obavlja se u skladu s normama proizvođača, a izvode se i svi radovi vezani za popravak motora, konzervaciju i dekonzervaciju, brodsku dijagnostiku i ugradnju rezervnih dijelova, te manje popravke u stakloplastici. Osim navedenog, InterAdria SC pruža i usluge pripreme i izrade antivegetativnog premaza, vrši zamjenu i popravak istrošenih dijelova, održavanje elektroničke i navigacijske opreme, te usluge pranja, čišćenja i poliranja plovila. Za one koji žele povećati vrijednost svog plovila nudimo usluge ugradnje dodatne opreme, te posebno održavanje koje se odnosi na izvanredne radove na zahtjev vlasnika. Obratite se InterAdria SC servisnom teamu i prepustite nam svu brigu o servisu i održavanju vašeg plovila. Info: InterAdria SC Service Center Ćikovići 73 c, Kastav

tel: +385(0)51 704 178 fax: +385(0)51 704 020

Service and maintenance is done according to the manufacturer’s instructions, but services extend to engine repairs, conservation, deconservation, diagnostics, spare part installation, and minor hull repairs. Apart from this, InterAdria SC can offer antifouling preparation, worn out parts replacement, maintenance of the electronic and navigation equippment, washing, cleaning and polishing of the boat. For those who wish to increase the value of their vessel, we can offer the furnishing with extra equippment, as well as the special maintenance according to the additional requests of the client. Contact InterAdria SC service center team and leave your vessels repaire in our care.

gsm: +385(0)91 215 44 92 e-mail:



Naziv potječe od feničke riječi Malat – “siguran raj”. Ona je to za mnoge i danas...

The word Malta is derived from the Phonecian word “Malat” - “a safe heaven”. It still is...

U samom srcu Mediterana, 93 km od Sicilije i 288 km od Tunisa, nalazi se stjenoviti arhipelag sa 3 naseljena otoka – Malta. Iako Malta ima samo 400.000 stanovnika, više od milijun turista godišnje dolaze posjetiti tu zanimljivu i egzotičnu destinaciju povijesti duže od 7000 godina. Feničani, Kartažani, Rimljani, Bizantinci, Arapi, Normani, vitezovi Sv. Ivana i Britanci, svi su oni ostavili neizbrisiv trag u mentalitetu Maltežana koji su tijekom stoljeća naučili nove ideje iskoristiti za vlastiti napredak.

In the very heart of Mediterranean, 93 km from Sicily and 288 km from Tunisia, there is a rocky archipelago with 3 inhabited islands – Malta. It has only 400.000 inhabitants, but million of tourists visit this most interesting and exotic destination with the history of over 7000 years. The Phoenicians, the Carthaginians, the Romans, the Byzantines, the Arabs, the Normans, the Knights of St. John and the British, all of them left an indelible mark upon the charactere of Malta’s people who, over the centuries, have learned to benefit from new ideas.

Iako je turizam vrlo važna gospodarska grana, Malta je posljednjih godina naglasak stavila na pomorstvo i usluge u financijskom sektoru i time uspjela privući brodovlasnike i poslovne ljude Europe, Afrike i Bliskog Istoka. Osim što je zanimljiv investitorima, malteški fiskalni režim koristan je i za Maltu jer uspješno privlači poslovanje i investicije na Maltu koja je danas financijsko središte u kojem je registrirano više od 50,000 kompanija.

Although the tourism is rather important, in last few decades Malta shifted the emphasis onto the maritime and financial service sector and thereby attracted a number of European, African and Middle East shipowners and business people. Besides it is most attractive to investors, the fiscal regime of Malta continues to direct significant volumes of new business and investments to Malta, whish results in Malta becoming home to more than 50,000 companies.

Pomorski registar Malte, s druge strane, osim što nudi kompletnu i profesionalnu uslugu vlasnicima plovila, konstantno radi na pouzdanosti i sigurnosti malteške zastave. S oko 6000 plovila registriranih pod malteškom zastavom danas je najveći u Europi.

The Malta Ship Register, on the other hand, apart from offering an outstanding service to the ship-owners, has been proactively striving to establish the Malta flag as a flag of confidence. With 6000 Malta registered vessels, Malta has now the largest Ship Register in Europe.

Potaknuta interesom svojih klijenata za mogućnosti koje ta mediteranska zemlja pruža, InterAdria SC je uspostavila kontakt s vodećom malteškom grupacijom, te sada klijentima može pružiti brz i kvalitetan odgovor na sva relevantna pitanja.

Following the interest of many clients about how to benefit from the advantages this Mediterranean country offers, InterAdria SC established connections with the leading Malta’s service providers and is now ready to assist you with prompt replies concerning this issue.

putovanje \C RCO²GPLG

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Osiguranje plovila: prijevoz kopnom

Marine insurance: land transport

Ako vaše plovilo nije na vezu tijekom cijele godine i potrebno ga je cestovnim putem transportirati u zimovalište, u sklopu kasko police možete, uz simboličnu nadoplatu, ugovoriti dodatno pokriće za osiguranje prijevoza plovila kopnom.

If you do not have the annual berth contract and your vessel should be transported to a winter storage, please note that you can extend your Hull Insurance policy to cover the risks of land transport.

Pokriće uključuje neograničeni broj prijevoza cestovnim motornim vozilom i prikolicom koji su primjereni za prijevoz osiguranog plovila, a osigurani su rizici prometne nezgode, požara i krađe.

The insurance contract is irrespective of the number of transports during the insurance period, as long as the road motor vehicle and the trailer are suitable, and includes the risks of traffic accident, fire or theft.

U slučaju da transport obavlja registrirani prijevoznik koji ima ugovorenu policu osiguranja od odgovornosti, naša je preporuka da ipak ugovorite dodatno pokriće. Važno je naglasiti da je kasko policom plovilo osigurano do visine svote osiguranja, dok je odgovornost prijevoznika prema CMR konvenciji ograničena na 8.33 SDR po kg bruto težine oštećene robe.

Even if the carrier does have a Liability Policy, we still recommend that you arrange the additional cover. What you should note is that a Full Hull Insurance policy covers the vessel up to the sum insured. On the other hand, as per the CMR Covention, a Carrier’s Liability is limited to 8.33 SDR per kilogram of gross weight short.

InterAdria SC Plus Danijela Brnelić, zastupnica u osiguranju Ćikovići 73 c, Kastav tel. +385 (0)51 705 563 fax. +385 (0)51 705 579 gsm. +385 (0)91 215 44 95 e-mail.



Marino Sorić, dipl. ing. havarijski inspektor Allianza i stalni sudski vještak / Allianz marine surveyor and court expert

Važnost i prednosti osiguranja plovila

The importance and benefits of marine insurance

Kako bismo svojim klijentima dodatno približili važnost i prednosti osiguranja plovila, porazgovarali smo s havarijskim inspektorom Allianza i nezavisnim sudskim vještakom Marinom Sorićem.

In order to make our clients more familiar with the importance and benefits of the marine insurance, we invited the Allianz marine surveyor and court expert Marino Sorić.

Zahvaljujući svojoj višegodišnjoj praksi, vjerojatno ste se susreli s raznim pitanjima koja muče vlasnike plovila. Koja su najosnovnija? Zašto se neki od njih nikako ne mogu odlučiti na ugovaranje police kasko osiguranja? Krenimo od najosnovnijeg: Zašto kasko osigurati plovilo? Kasko osiguranje plovila ima mnoge prednosti, a klijentima ga posebno savjetujemo radi sigurnosti od nepredviđenih troškova uslijed, primjerice, pomorske nezgode. Naime, mnogi vlasnici plovila poistovjećuju policu obveznog osiguranja od automobilske odgovornosti s policom obveznog osiguranja od odgovornosti vlasnika plovila. Međutim, obvezno osiguranje plovila ne pokriva materijalnu štetu. Drugim riječima, uslijed pomorske nezgode, šteta prouzročena na tuđem plovilu nije pokrivena i time se vlasnik plovila koji je prouzročio nezgodu izlaže mogućnosti tužbe.


From your experience, what are the most common questions the owners of the vessels are asking? Why some of them simply cannot decide to arrange the hull insurance policy? Let’s begin with a simple question: Why should people arrange a hull insurance policy? Hull insurance has many advantages, and we recommend it to our clients for their safety and to avoid the unexpected costs of accident per example. Prior to arranging a policy, people should read the applicable insurance conditions. Many boat owners think a compulsory liability policy for boats has the same cover as a compulsory liability policy for the road vehicle. However, the compulsory liability policy does not cover material damages on other boats. In other words, in the case of collision, material damage on other boat is not covered and the owner of the vessel who is responsible for the collision is at risk of being persecuted.

Vrijedi li kasko polica i kad se plovilo nalazi u moru i na kopnu? Plovilo može biti osigurano i na kopnu s tim da je prilikom ugovaranja osiguranja uputno napomenuti te na polici navesti lokaciju suhog veza i vremenski period osiguranja na kopnu i u moru.

Is the hull insurance policy applicable both in the sea and ashore? Yes, a vessel can be insured ashore as well, but when arranging the policy it is good to mention where would be a dry dock and to specify the period when the vessel will be ashore.

Je li plovilo osigurano i kada se ne koristi? Šteta se može dogoditi i kada nismo na plovilu, tj. na vezu u marini, na suhom vezu i u drugim situacijama, što je dodatni razlog za kasko osiguranje. Naime, kaskom je plovilo osigurano i od vremenskih nepogoda ili provalnih krađa dijelova opreme i dok je na vezu.

Is the vessel insured while not used? Yes, damage can occur when we are not using the vessel, at berth, in winter storage ; this is an additional cause to arrange the hull insurance policy. The vessel can be at berth but with hull insurance the vessel is still covered against the consequences of bad weather, burglary, theft...

Je li potreban pregled plovila kod ugovaranja police osiguranja?

Is it neccessary to have the vessel inspected when arranging the insurance policy? Allianz does inspect the vessel in order to make a list of the equippment and to declare reasonable value of the vessel. This is good for both the insurance company and for the client, so that everything is clear in case of damage.

U Allianzu imamo praksu napraviti pregled plovila kako bi se popisala sva oprema i odredila realna vrijednost u slučaju nastanka štete. To je korisno i za osiguravatelja i za vlasnika plovila kako bi se u slučaju štetnog događaja izbjegle moguće nesuglasice. Kakav je postupak kod prijave štete? Kod nastanka štete prvo je potrebno poduzeti sve potrebne radnje kako bi se spriječilo daljnje povećanje štete. Potom se šteta prijavljuje nadležnoj lučkoj kapetaniji (ili u slučaju provalne krađe policiji). Sva potrebna dokumentacija vezana za plovilo i osobu koja je njime upravljala, ukoliko je šteta nastala u plovidbi, predaje se u odjel prijave šteta, a havarijski inspektor upućuje se na pregled oštećenja. Ako je štetni događaj pokriven prema ugovorenim uvjetima osiguranja, po dostavi računa popravka osiguraniku se isplaćuje naknada. Gospodine Soriću, hvala Vam na korisnim informacijama koje ste podijelili s nama i želimo Vam uspješnu sezonu sa čim manje prijava šteta.

What is the claim procedure? In the case of an incident, first all necessary actions should be undertaken in order to avoid further damage. Further, a damage should be reported to the relevant Harbour Master (or to the police in case of burglary and theft). The requested documents of the boat and the skipper’s licence (if the damage occurred during navigation) should be submitted to the claim department, and a surveyor is then sent to inspect the damage. If the claim is refundable according to the insurance conditions, when the client provides the invoice, a refund is paid out. Mr. Sorić, thank you for sharing with us useful information. We wish you a successful season, and not too many claims.



Sessa Fly 42 Ljubav na prvi pogled

Love at first sight

Sessa Fly 40 dobitnica je nagrade plovilo godine 2012. u Italiji zbog svoje nevjerojatne prostranosti i ergonomije kokpita i fly bridgea. Uspjeh Sessa Fly 42 nesumnjivo će biti još i veći. Predstavljamo Vam udobnu i funkcionalnu obiteljsku jahtu: Sessa Fly 42

If Sessa Fly 40 – winner of “the boat of the year” in Italy 2012 became famous for the incredible spaces and the ergonomics of the cockpit and the flybridge area, the Fly 42 is able to further increase this success. We present you a comfortable and functional family yacht: Sessa Fly 42

Da bi Fly bridge bio čvršći i lakši, neki od strukturnih elemenata izrađeni su od karbona. Od niza funkcionalnih elemenata kojima je fly opremljen treba izdvojiti: duplo sjedalo za upravljačem, veliko sunčalište prema pramcu, prostranu L sofu, luksuznu kuhinju, frižider i roštilj. Jedan od najvećih aduta Fly 42 je upravljačko mjesto koje omogućuje savršenu preglednost instrumenata, iz stojećeg i sjedećeg položaja, a “inteligentni” bočni prozori olakšavaju vidljivost na moru. Kokpit je još nevjerojatniji u svojoj udobnosti i dodatnoj prostranosti. Na L sofi za stolom ima mjesta za čak 8 osoba, a samo jedan dodatni jastuk pretvara je u veliko sunčalište. Nadalje, tu je i električni bimini koji pruža zaštitu od sunca i zaklon u bilo koje doba dana. Krma je opremljena velikim roštiljem, sudoperom i površinom za pripremu hrane na vanjskom dijelu krme, što je savršeno za koktel party ili roštiljanje s prijateljima kada je na moru lijepo vrijeme. Ovako dobro osmišljen raspored omogućuje

In order to increase the rigidity and reduce the weight, some structural parts of the flybridge are made of carbon. This spaceful area is remarked also for its rich equipment such as a double pilot seat, a big bow sunbathing area, strategically located to shelter from the wind, a wide L sofa , a teak table for 6 people, and a kitchen furnished with sink, refrigerator and grill. First of all, there is a pilot position expertly designed to offer excellent viewing of instruments both seated and standing, and the “intelligent” side windows that increase visibility at sea. Even more incredible is the comfort of a new cockpit, which has been increased both in space and in seating capacity. The L-shaped divan for 8 people can be easily converted into a sunbathing area by means of an additional cushion. Furthemore, an electric bimini will protect from the sun at any time of the day.


gostima zabavu i jelo uz samo more, a pritom salon i kokpit ostaju uredni. PRVOKLASNI INTERIJER Prostor luksuzne kuhinje vrlo je dobro iskorišten, te je u njoj moguće pripremiti jelo za najmanje 6 osoba. Materijali i oprema su slični kao u C 68: frižider od 165 l, velika električna pećnica (Miele) i puno pretinaca. Ispod stepenica je smještena perilica za rublje s gornjim punjenjem. Velika je pozornost posvećena dimenzijama vrata i visini kabine (oko 1.90 m), te pretincima i namještaju. Krevet u vlasničkoj kabini sadrži veliki pretinac s hidrauličnim mehanizmom koji olakšava korištenje. U donjem dijelu kabine nalaze se dva kreveta s odvojenim WC-om i tuš kabinom, kao i na Fly 47. Svaki detalj na Fly 42 odiše vrhunskim talijanskim dizajnom. Harmoniji prostora pridonosi poseban izbor samo najfinijih materijala i tekstura u kombinaciji s igrom svjetlosti koja ulazi kroz prozore i reflektira se u ogledalima. TEHNOLOGIJA: IPS I za Fly 42 Sessa je izabrala provjerene i pouzdane VOLVO PENTA IPS motore s četverocilindričnim D4 motorima od 3.7 l, EVC komandama, turbo kompresorom, superchargerom i aftercoolerom. Fly 42 može postići maksimalnu brzinu od 32 čvora s prosječnom potrošnjom od 80l/h pri krstarećoj brzini (25/26 čvorova).


The stern area is equipped with a big BBQ, sink and chopping board positioned in the outside stern part of the boat, for a cocktail party or barbecue with friends during a beautiful day at sea. The smart conception allows the guests to have fun and eat near the water, while in the same time the cockpit and saloon stay clean. HIGH RANGE INTERIOR The kitchen, positioned in the lower deck can host at least 6 people. Materials and furniture are similar to those used in the C 68: 165 l refrigerator, big electric oven (Miele) and lot of place for storage. Under the stairs there is a place for a top loading washing machine. Particular attention has been drawn to the dimensions of the doors and the cabin’s heights (about 1,90 m), as well as to the storage and furniture. In the owner ‘s cabin, bed is equipped with big capacity storages having hydraulic opening system for an easy access. In the lower part of the cabin there are two bedrooms with independent toilets and a shower box each, like in the Fly 47. Thanks to the chromatic perception of the spaces, the play of lights allowed by the wide windows, the mirrors as well as the choice of material normally presented in the bigger boats, the Fly 42 reveals here the Italian style in full.

Izrađena od vinilesterskih vlakana da bi zaštita od osmoze bila čim bolja i multiaksijalne stakloplastike radi ojačavanja laminata trupa, Fly 42 pruža prilično visoku sigurnost. Za dobra navigacijska svojstva, prelaženje preko valova i stabilnost na moru zaslužan je “V” oblik trupa.



13.10 m


3.90 m



Broj osoba / Persons capacity n.



900 l


360 l

Crni tank / Black water tank

125 l

TECHNOLOGY: IPS CHOICE Sessa Marine renews its choice to equipe this Fly 42 with IPS VOLVO engines. Equipped with 4-cylinder engines D4 3.7-liter common-rail, with commands for EVC, turbo compressor, supercharger and after cooler, the Fly42 will reach a maximum speed of 32 knots with an average consumption of 80 l/h at cruise speed (25/26 nodes). Made with vynilester resins to ensure an excellent barrier against osmosis and multi-axial fiberglass to strength the hull laminates, the Fly 42 offers considerably high security levels. Navigability, smooth on waves and sea keeping are ensured by its “V” variable hull.


Sessa Fly 47


Sessa marine Fly 47 plovilo koje zahvaljujući svom profinjenom stilu i kreativnim dizajnerskim rješenjima predstavlja idealan izbor za one koji znaju uživati.

The Sessa Fly 47 offers buyers plenty of style and some nice design touches that make this yacht a great choice for a those who knows how to enjoy.

Osim iznimnog izgleda Sessin adut su i savršene performanse koje omogućuju predivno iskustvo krstarenja. Dizajneri plovila uložili su golem trud kako bi funkcionalne detalje stopili u prepoznatljiv i elegantan talijanski stil. Prvo što ćete primijetiti na novom Fly 47 je velika hidraulična platforma za kupanje, na koju s lakoćom možete smjestiti jet ski ili gumenjak. Klizna vrata na krmi reflektiraju zrcalni efekt što odaje dojam veće privatnosti. Boje i materijali pažljivo su usklađeni s namjerom da se postigne elegantan, no ne odveć strog dojam. Profinjena kombinacija sjajnih i matiranih površina također doprinosi vrlo ugodnom ozračju. Zahvaljujući velikim bočnim prozorima u glavnom salonu pogled na more je spektakularan. Gotovo kao da je postignut dojam da se nalazite na otvorenom dijelu jahte. Stilska igra nastavlja se i u kabinama. Vlasnička kabina i kabina za goste iznimno su komforne i opremljene odvojenim kupaonicama s tušem. Sunčalište na pramcu dovoljno je prostrano za dvoje, a za potpun ugođaj tu su ugrađeni držači za čaše i zvučnike koji doprinose ugodnoj i opuštajućoj atmosferi, no ono što uistinu treba pohvaliti

Apart from good looks, Sessa has enough in the way of performance credentials to ensure great experience of cruising. The designers at Sessa worked hard to combine their functional touches with elegant Italian style. The first thing you notice is a very large swim platform, easily capable of handling either a jet ski or a tender. A set of sliding doors is reflective, for added privacy for those in the saloon. Very stylish mix of colours and materials results in a very classy, yet not overbearing look. A very sophisticated combination of glossy and matt surfaces is also soothing. Inside the saloon, no matter where you sit or stand, the view of the sea is spectacular. The designers used the large side windows to create the sense of internal space as you would have on an open yacht. Stylish details continue down to the cabins. There is a plenty of storage space in a very comfortable master cabin and a guest cabin, and there are separate toilets with showers. On the bow, there are rather big sun pads with built-in drink holders and speakers.

je prostrana gornja paluba gdje se za stolom može smjestiti 8 osoba. Zvučnici su naravno posvuda, bimini tenda na Flay-u pruža savršen zaklon od sunca, a tu je i nezaobilazan električni roštilj, sudoper i frižider, tj. sve što je potrebno za ugodno druženje. Novi Fly 47 opremljen je sa dva Volvo Penta IPS 600 motora zahvaljujući kojima postiže maksimalnu brzinu veću od 30 čvorova, i brzinu krstarenja od 25 čvorova. Zahvaljujući dobroj preglednosti s oba upravljačka mjesta, eleganciji zbog koje vlasnik može ponosno uploviti i u luksuznije marine, Sessa Fly 47 pravi je izbor čak i za one koji prvi put kupuju plovilo. Odvažite se i upoznajte svu raskoš i stil Sessa marine plovila.

But what should be praised the most is the fly bridge. There is a very comfortable area with a table space for up to eight persons. The speakers are everywhere, and of course there are an electric grill, sink and fridge for constant entertaining. The bimini top can be manually folded down, while the aft drop-down sun shade has two sets of lock which enables guests to let in partial sun or enjoy complete privacy. Equipped with twin Volvo Penta IPS 600, Fly 47 reaches a top speed of over 30 knots and a cruise speed of around 25 knots. Thanks to the excellent lines of sight from both helm positions - main and the fly bridge, and the outstanding elegance which lets the owner arrive in confident style at even the most up-scale marina, Sessa Fly 47 is a great first yacht choice.



14.27 m


4.39 m



Broj osoba / Persons capacity n.



2 x 636 l


560 l

Crni tank / Black water tank

165 l



For the bigger things in life... come to



Nešto drugačije / Something different

Prisjećanje na istinsku majstorsku tradiciju. Privlačnost bezvremenskog dizajna. Pouzdanost i preciznost stvaranja karakteristike su guca Fratelli Aprea. Godine 1890. u Sorrentu, Italija Cataldo Aprea počeo je ručno izrađivati guceve. Ova čvrsta i sigurna plovila izrađena su kako bi osigurala pouzdanost ribarima, čak i u najtežim uvjetima za plovidbu. Tijekom stoljeća, Cataldo i njegovi potomci - “majstori stolari” prenosili su svoje iskustvo građenja na sve mlađe generacije predajući im svoj osobni pečat i toplinu. Današnje brodogradilište Fratelli Aprea naslijedilo je njihovu baštinu, te kroz svoj rad i dalje nastoje prenijeti svu tradicionalnu privlačnost izrade plovila, unapređujući je i oplemenjujući elegantnim dizajnom i spajajući ih s modernim tehnologijama.


The recollection of a true artisan tradition. The appeal of a timeless design. The reliability of a precious technique. A gozzo made by Fratelli Aprea draws upon all of this. In 1890 Cataldo Aprea started making gozzos in Sorrento, Italy ; these were solid and safe boats, built to guarantee proper reliability to the fishermen, even in the most difficult sailing conditions. During the course of the centuries, Cataldo and its “master carpenters” descendants continued to build exceptional boats and to pass on their experience. Today’s shipyard of Fratelli Aprea inherited their history, and carry it on in order to keep the appeal of a traditional product the same, updating it with an elegant design combined with modern technologies. Its mission is to build excellent and exclusive products, featuring elegance and simplicity.

Njihova misija je izgraditi vrhunska plovila koja odišu jednostavnošću i toplinom. Posjedovati Fratelli Aprea znači posjedovati bezvremensko plovilo vjerno svojim korijenima, oslobođeno modnih trendova. Svako plovilo projektirano je i izgrađeno u skladu sa tradicionalnim tehnikama građenja majstora iz Sorrenta. Svaki detalj na plovilu pomno je razrađen kako bi pružio izniman doživljaj opuštenosti i ugode, a pritom i izdržao sve uvjete na moru. Njegove glavne karakteristike ostale su stoljećima iste: Fratelli Aprea „zna kako držati more“. Ova plovila odišu glatkim, oblim linijama i čvrstoćom te pritom stvaraju elegantan sklad u svom prirodnom okruženju – vodi. Plovila Fratelli Aprea su prava umjetnička djela, izgrađena kako bi ponudila iznimnu udobnost i sigurnost plovidbe dok je dizajn plovila odraz tradicije koja traje još od 1890.godine. InterAdria SC s ponosom predstavlja neke od neprolaznih modela Fratelli Aprea spremnih za isporuku… Info: InterAdria SC Prodajni centar / Sales center Ćikovići 73 c, Kastav

Owning a Fratelli Aprea gozzo means possessing a timeless object, free from fashion trends and faithful to the roots. Every vessel made by Fratelli Aprea is designed and built according to the techniques of Sorrento’s artisan tradition. Each one of its parts is meticulously created to experience and withstand the sea over time. Its main characteristic has been the same for centuries: knowing how to take the sea. All boat components are carved, smoothed and assembled to obtain sturdiness and elegant harmony with their natural habitat: the water. The gozzo boats made by Fratelli Aprea are bona fide works of art, built to offer the utmost comfort and a pleasant and safe sailing. The current design is the trait that tells its story since 1890. InterAdria SC proudly presents some of the most exceptional timeless Fratelli Aprea models ready for delivery …

Kontakt / contact: tel. +385(0)51 705 563 fax. +385(0)51 705 579 e-mail.



Fratelli Aprea Sorrento 32


Plovilo karakteristične tradicionalne gradnje idealno za nautičare koji u isto vrijeme traže funkcionalnost i jednostavnost pri upravljanju. Sa svojih 9.75 m pruža izvanredne performanse i izuzetnu stabilnost na moru, a istovremeno odiše snagom i kvalitetom izrade.

Fratelli Aprea Sorrento 32 is a traditional-looking vessel for sea lovers looking for a distinct seaboat that’s yet very functional and easy to operate. At its 9.75 m, it is a good performer with exceptional stability, power, and quality workmanship.

Sorrento 32 je vrlo dobro opremljeno plovilo, idealno za obiteljska krstarenja. Kokpit karakterizira udobna klupa u tikovini na koju se može smjestiti do pet osoba, a zajedno sa prostranim teakovim stolom čini udoban salon na otvorenom za objedovanje ili druženje sa prijateljima. Kokpit je natkriven hard topom čiji su rubovi izrađeni od mahagonija.

Sorrento 32 is well equipped and ideal for a family cruising. Its spacious cockpit is covered by hard top with well decorated topside rimmed with mahogany. Cockpit features a teakcovered bench seat for up to five which together with teak dining table forms ideal lounge space for outdoor dining and card playing at night.

Idealno mjesto za uživanje na suncu ili pak opuštanje uz lagan povjetarac nudi sofa na pramcu. Još jedan zanimljiv elemenat koji daje posebnost ovom plovilu je i velika rešetkasta platforma za kupanje u tikovini. Kupači će iznimno cijeniti i udobne inox / teak stepenice koje se sa platforme spuštaju u more. Iako ne postoji spremište za odlaganje stvari na samoj platformi, ronioci će doći na svoje zahvaljujući prostranosti kokpita.

Those who like to enjoy the sun or the light breeze at night will be delighted with the large sofa in the bow - the ideal place for relaxation. Another great feature of a boat is a teak-grate swim platform. Swimmers will appreciate the six-step stainless steel ladder that drops down from it. While there’s no stowage on the platform itself, snorkelling/diving gear will fit easily in the cockpit area.

Upravljačko mjesto u samom srcu kokpita jednostavno je i funkcionalno sa vrlo dobrom pozicijom kontrolnih instrumenta. Kompletan dojam elegancije pruža i upravljač izrađen od mahagonija. Zahvaljujući povišenom upravljačkom sjedištu preglednost s kontrolnog mosta je izuzetna.

The helm positioned at the hart of the cockpit is simple, but very functional with very good instruments overview and a touch of elegance thanks to mahogany wheel. As far as seating is concerned, fixed helm seat is extra-high for superior visibility all-around.

Interijer plovila klasičnog je dizajna sa suptilnom kombinacijom materijala i boja. Luksuzna i potpuno opremljena kupaonica smještena je odmah pored ulaza.

The interior of a vessel is classically designed with subtle combination of materials and colours. Toilet room with a stand-up head/shower and lavatory is located near the entrance.

Preko puta nalazi se prostrani salon / blagovaonica u obliku slova „U“ gdje se lagodno može smjestiti 6 osoba. Ovaj udoban salon jednostavnim pomicanjem centralnog stola lako se pretvara u prostrani ležaj za dvoje.

Across to starboard is a U-shaped lounge for six quickly, convertible into a comfortable double bed. The in-line galley is fully functional with a two-burner electric stove, sink, refrigerator. The best part of this interior is the owner’s cabin. Not hidden by a curtain as in some other small cruisers, this stateroom is just forward of a full cherry bulkhead with closing door for full privacy. For a boat that’s less than 10 m, this represents a lot of features, and a lot of privacy, in a little space.

Kompletno opremljena kuhinja vrlo je funkcionalna i nudi dva električna kuhala, sudoper i hladnjak. Najbolji dio interijera je vlasnička kabina. Kabina nije kao kod ostalih manjih plovila odvojena zavjesom već vratima za potpunu privatnost. Za plovilo manje od deset metara ovakva izvedba predstavlja puno više mogućnosti te nudi više privatnosti za tako malen prostor. Još jedno veliko iznenađenje Sorrenta 32 je njegova iznimna stabilnost. Dok na prvi pogled ovo plovilo djeluje široko, potpuno druga priča nazire se ispod vodene linije plovila. Trup je zapravo modificirana verzija V trupa, a ne oblo dno kako bi se moglo zaključiti iz prvotnog dojma. Pokretano sa 2 Yanmara snage 315 ks ovo plovilo postiže krstareću brzinu od 22 čvora i maksimalnu brzinu od 32 čvora.

The other big surprise about the Sorrento 32 is its stability. While the vessel seems very broad at first sight, it’s a different story below the waterline. Its hull is actually a modified-V, not a round bottom, as someone may think. Powered by 2 Yanmar engines of 315 hp it achieves curing speed of 22 knots, and maximum speed of 32 knots. Fratteli Aprea Sorrento 32 represents masterful blend of traditional lines, exceptional details finishing and modern technology resulting in exceptional performance.

Fratelli Aprea Sorrento 32 predstavlja izuzetno plovilo u kojem se spajaju tradicionalni elementi izrade, besprijekorne obrade detalja i moderne tehnologije rezultirajući iznimnim performansama. 25







Fratelli Aprea


Fratelli Aprea


Sorrento 32


Sorrento 36 HT

Godina proizvodnje / Year of built


Godina proizvodnje / Year of built







9.75 m


10.90 m


3.80 m


4.50 m


2 x YANMAR 315 ks/hp


2 x YANMAR 440 ks/hp


400 l


1000 l


200 l


400 l




tvrdi krov, bimini tenda, agregat od 4 kW, hidraulična pasarela, pramčani propeler, GPS plotter Raymarine C 70 + sonda za dubinomjer + radar, autopilot Raymarine ST 6001 + daljinski upravljač, VHF Raymarine DSC, LCD TV 15’’ salon + LCD TV 17’’ kokpit i kabina + DVD, antena za TV sa pojačalom, radio CD + daljinski upravljač i 4 zvučnika 80W, frižider u kokpitu, stol u kokpitu (tikovina), rasklopiv stolac u tikovini, drveni ormarić na mjestu suvozača sa instalacijom za TV, drvene obloge na klupi vozača i suvozača, brojač metara lanca, pokazivač otklona kormila, dodatna baterija, komplet konopa, nosači bokobrana 6 duguljastih + 2 okrugla bokobrana, krmena tenda, el. reflektor, držači štapova za ribolov, sofa na pramcu, pokrivka za sjedalo

pramčani propeler, el. sidreni vinč, krmena platforma, tikovina na palubi, tikovina u kokpitu, stol u kokpitu, vanjski tuš, hidraulična pasarela, hidraulični flapovi, brisači vjetrobranskog stakla, jastuci za sunčanje na pramcu, kokpit tenda, zimska pokrivka, bokobrani, konopi za privez, sustav tople vode, električni WC, crni tank, VHF, GPS ploter, autopilot, radar, kompas, Tridata, dubinomjer, reflektor, punjač baterija (+ inverter), 3 x LCD TV, DVD, TV antena, radio / CD, vanjski zvučnici, klima uređaj / grijanje, hladnjak, zamrzivač, staklokeramička ploča za kuhanje, roštilj, ledomat, navigacijska oprema, sigurnosna oprema, mreže protiv komaraca



Hard top, bimini top, aggregate of 4 kW, hydraulic gangway, bow thruster, GPS plotter Raymarine C 70 + echosounder, radar, autopliot Raymarine ST 6001 + remote, Raymarine VHF DSC, LCD TV 15’’ in salon + LCD TV 17’’in cockpit and cabin + DVD, TV antenna with amplifier, RADIO CD + remote and 4 speakers 80W, fridge in cockpit, cockpit table (teak), teak folding chair, wooden box on the passenger seat with the installation of the TV, wood trim on the bench for the driver and front passenger, chain counter, rudder angle indicator, extra batteries, rope kit, fender fasteners 6 + 2 elongated rounded fenders, aft canvas, El spotlight, fishing rod holders, bow seat, cover for seat

bow thruster, electric anchor winch, swim ladder, bathing platform, teak on deck, teak in cockpit, cockpit table, outdoor shower, hydraulic gangway, trim tabs, windscreen wiper, bow cushions, cockpit tent, winter cover, fenders, mooring ropes, hot water system, electric toilet, black water tank, VHF, GPS plotter, autopilot, radar, compass, tridata, speed, echo sounder, searchlight, battery charger(+ inverter), 3 x LCD TV, DVD, TV antenna, radio/CD, CD-changer, outside loudspeakers, air conditioning/heating, refrigerator, 3 x cockpit fridge, freezer, glassceramic hob, grill, ice maker, navigation equipment, safety equipment, grey water tank, cockpit light, mosquito nets


Key Largo 36

Key Largo 30




Sessa Marine


Sessa Marine


Key Largo 36


Key Largo 30

Godina proizvodnje / Year of built


Godina proizvodnje / Year of built







11.05 m


9.05 m


3.50 m


2.99 m


3 x Yamaha F 350 AET


2 x Honda BF 22


1200 l


700 l


230 l


100 l


boja trupa - bež, klima uređaj 10 000 BTU, dodatni jastuci u salonu, pramčani propeler, TV u kabini 26’’, brojač metara lanca, I-pod, hard top s električnim biminijem, pokrivka za konzolu, LED svijetla, GPS Raymarine C120, Kit Generator 4 kW, pramčani kliznik sidra + inox sidro, KIT DSM 300 fish finder, bijela boja motora, frižider u kokpitu, frižider u kabini, daljinska komanda za radio na prednjem sunčalištu i konzoli, indikatori polozaja flapova, el. kuhalo (cerano) u kokpitu.

OPREMA 2 akumulatora, bojler tople vode, koraljna boja trupa, stražnje sunčalište, plinsko kuhalo, mikrovalna pećnica, tuš u wc-u, el. hladnjak na kokpitu, priključak 220V s punjačem akumulatora,meki krov s izvlačenjem dodatne tende, pokrivka konzole, pokrivka za klupu, GPS Raymarine C 80 s dubinomjerom, pramčani propeler


EQUIPMENT hull color ochre, air condition 10 000 BTU, additional dinette cushions, bow thruster, TV in cabin 26”, anchor chain counter, I-pod pre-rigg, T-TOP with electric bimini, console cover, back table and sofa cover, Led spot lights, GPS Raymarine C120, Kit Generator 4 kW, Bow roller + stainless steel anchor, echosounder Raymarine DSM 300, color of engines - white, el.fridge in cockpit, el fridge in cabin, radio remote control on front suntpad and console, flaps indicator, el. cooking plate (cerano) in cockpit

2 x battery, boiler, corallo-hull color, after sunpad, gas cooker, microwave, toilet shower with pump discharge system, el. cooler chest, shore power 220 V with battery charger, soft top extensible, cockpit table & bench cover, console cover, GPS Raymarine C 80 with depthfinder, bowthruster




Sessa Marine


Key Largo 27


Sessa Marine

Godina proizvodnje / Year of built



Key Largo ONE



Godina proizvodnje / Year of built



7.80 m




2.63 m


5.75 m


2 x Yamaha F150 AETX


2.35 m


500 l


Yamaha F 115 AETL


50 l


100 l


45 l

OPREMA Boja trupa-blue lagoon, 2 akumulatora, bimini tenda, GPS, frižider, stol, pokrivka konzole, spremnik vode 45 l, električni tuš

EQUIPMENT Hull color-blue lagoon, 2 batteries, bimini, GPS, fridge, table, covering console, 45 l water tank, electric shower

OPREMA boja trupa: bronzo, el. frižider, el. WC, tikov stol u kokpitu pretvoriv u sunčalište, el. vinč sa sidrom i lancem, radio CD sa daljinskim na konzoli, stajaće sjedište sa sudoperom , tikovina u kokpitu, GPS Lowrance HDS 7, bijela boja motora, pokr7.80ivka konzole

EQUIPMENT hull color: bronze, el. fridge, el. WC, teak cockpit table convertible into sundeck, el. winch with anchor and chain, CD radio with remote controls on the console, stand-up seat with sink, teak in cockpit, GPS Lowrance HDS 7, white color engine, console cover


yamaha noviteti / NOVELTIES

Novi izgled kompaktnih Colour and graphic changes for compact modela - F 4,5,6 models - F 4,5,6

Želeći ojačati svoj ​​identitet, Yamaha je za 2014. godinu odlučila modelima F4, F5 i F6 dati novi izgled primjenom nove boje pokrova i grafika. Ispod novog pokrova je pouzdan četverotaktni motor od 139cc koji proizvodi 4 ks, 5 ks ili 6 ks, ovisno o specifikacijama. Sve tri verzije motora dostupne su s dugim ili kratkim osovinama, a ne smijemo izostaviti ni inovativan sustav skladištenja u tri položaja. Sada već dobro poznati vanbrodski četverotaktni modeli F4, F5 i F6 nude snagu, pouzdanost i omogućavaju sigurnu plovidbu. Kompaktne dimenzije i velike drške čine ih lako prenosivima, a CDI sustav omogućuje jednostavno pokretanje. Tijekom plovidbe bit ćete oduševljeni malom potrošnjom goriva, jednostavnim rukovanjem, reduciranom bukom i vibracijama, te cjelokupnom pouzdanošću. Svaki vanbrodski motor iz Yamaha proizvodnog programa koristi najnoviju brodsku tehnologiju, strukturu agregata i domišljati sustav usisa i ispuha. Bez negativnog utjecaja na snagu, performanse i upotrebljivost, korištenjem nove tehnologije čistog sagorijevanja Yamahini posebno osmišljeni vanbrodski motori doprinose i očuvanju okoliša. 28

To strengthen their brand identity, Yamaha has updated its F4, F5 and F6 outboard engines with new graphics and a change of cowling colour to bring these engines in line with their bigger stable-mates. Beneath the new cowling is the same reliable 139cc four-stroke engine that produces 4hp, 5hp or 6hp, depending on specification. All three versions are available with long or short shafts, and combine light weight and unique features such as three-position storage, with ease of use and low maintenance. These well known four stroke outboard engines F4, F5 and F6 are convenient to store and use too, offering the power you need to hit the water with confidence. Compact size, large carrying handles and built-in fuel tanks enhance their portability – and start-up is easy with Yamaha’s CDI Ignition System. Low fuel consumption, simple controls and low noise and vibration levels, along with Yamaha reliability, come as standard. Like every engine in range, they use the latest Yamaha

marine technology for engine layouts, intake and exhaust systems. Without compromising on power, performance or usability, those specially designed engines also help preserve the environment through the use of pioneering clean-burn technologies. 1. New-look grey cowling colour and latest design graphics In keeping with their unique character the F4, F5 and F6 feature new looks, with their smart grey top cowlings and the very latest generation Yamaha graphics and styling. It’s a refreshing design that reflects the playfulness of these compact and portable engines – and the fun and adventure they offer. 2. CDI ignition system So that the fun could start right away the ignition systems are made ​​of strong components, and ensure reliable starting and consistent performance every time you use them. 1. Pokrov vanbrodskog motora u novoj sivoj boji Kako bi se naglasio jedinstveni karakter ovih vanbrodskih motora, F4, F5 i F6 karakterizira prepoznatljiva siva boja. Nova svježa paleta boja naglašava razigranost ovih kompaktnih vanbrodskih motora – kao i zabavu i avanturu koju nude. 2. CDI sustav paljenja Kako bi zabava mogla započeti odmah, sustavi paljenja izrađeni su od čvrstih komponenti, te osiguravaju pouzdano pokretanje i vrhunske performanse pri svakom korištenju. 3. Ugrađeni spremnik goriva Praktični ugrađeni spremnik goriva zapremine 1.1 litre izuzetno je jednostavan i ne zauzima previše prostora. Ukoliko se odlučite na dulju plovidbu jednostavno priključite dodatni spremnik goriva i prebacite ventil za dovod goriva. 4. Jednostavan za nošenje Ako želite brzo isploviti, važno je i da je motor jednostavan za prenošenje. F4, F5 i F6 jedinstveni su u lakoći prenošenja zahvaljujući posebnoj ergonomski dizajniranoj ručki.

3. Built-in fuel tank with switch-over facility for remote tank The handy built-in 1.1 litre fuel tank is great for portability and makes more room in the boat, For longer trips, simply plug in a remote tank (available as an option) and twist the 2-way tap. 4. Easy and comfortable to carry about - ashore or on board When you want to escape to the sea quickly, easy portability is important - and the F4, F5 and F6 are the ultimate in portable power with their compact shape and large comfortable carry handles. 5. 180º steering with friction and throttle adjustment Handling is a joy, thanks to the simple steering friction control adjustment and the ability to steer a full 90º to left or right, which makes light work of tight turns and docking. Throttle trim is easy to adjust too, so when you are at sea you can rely on great stability and control, even at high speed.

5. Podešavanje upravljanja i gasa Upravljanje modelima F4, F5 i F6 je čisti užitak zahvaljujući jednostavnoj kontroli trenja i mogućnosti okretanja od 90 º što znatno olakšava naglu promjenu smjera i pristajanje. Na taj način možete jednostavno podesiti upravljanje ili gas tijekom plovidbe te osigurati izvrsnu stabilnost i kontrolu čak i pri velikim brzinama. 6. Yamaha idealna anti-korozivna zaštita Potreban Vam je vanbrodski motor u kojeg se možete pouzdati, a Yamaha vanbrodski motori poznati su po svojoj pouzdanosti i zadržavanju vrijednosti. Osim što jedinstvena YDC-30 aluminijska legura štiti vanjske dijelove motora, cinčani premaz, visokokvalitetni nehrđajući čelik i 5-slojni vanjski premaz nude dugotrajnu zaštitu iznutra i izvana. 7. Sustav skladištenja u tri pozicije Kada želite skladištiti svoj vanbrodski motor, zadnja stvar koja vam tada treba je neuredno curenje ulja. Yamaha jedinstveni sustav oduška dozvoljava skladištenje vanbrodskog motora u tri pozicije bez propuštanja ulja.



Karakteristike: - Nova siva boja pokrova i novi dizajn naljepnica - Jedinstven sustav skladištenja u 3 pozicije, bez propuštanja ulja - Mala težina i velike drške za jednostavno prenošenje - Jednostavno rukovanje i upravljanje sa zakretajem od 180º - Ugrađen 1.1 litarski spremnik goriva, dodatni spremnik goriva dostupan kao opcija - Punjenje/alternator 12V/6 Amp - dostupan kao opcija - F - N - R (naprijed - neutral - unazad) - Sustav pogona u plitkoj vodi - CDI sustav za jednostavno pokretanje u svim uvjetima - Izbor različitih koraka propelera (opcija)

6. Yamaha ideal anti-corrosion protection

InterAdria SC Ovlašteni distributer / Authorized dealer Ćikovići 73c, Kastav tel. +385 51 705 563 | fax. +385 51 705 579 gsm. +385 91 215 44 90 e-mail.

Features : - New grey top cowling and graphics - Unique 3-position oil leak-free storage system - Portable and lightweight, with large carrying handles - Easy-to use 180° steering and large shift knob - Built-in fuel tank (1.1 l) and remote tank connection allowing the possibility to connect an extra portable fuel tank (optional) - Optional lighting coil provides 12V 6 Amp power supply - Large easy to use F-N-R Forward-Neutral-Reverse gear change lever - Shallow Water Drive for cruising close inshore - CDI ignition system for easy starting and reliability - Choice of different pitch propellers (optional)

You need the outboard engine on which you can rely, and Yamaha outboards engines are renowned for their reliability and value. Besides being unique, YDC-30 aluminum alloy exterior protects the engine parts, zinc coating, high-quality stainless steel and 5-layer outer coating offering long-lasting protection both inside and outside. 7. 3-position storage system prevents oil leaks When taking your engine to and from the water - or storing it - the last thing you need is a messy oil leak. Yamaha’s unique engine breather system allows the engine to be stored on its front or either side without danger of oil leaking onto your dock or deck.

Sa tobom na putu

Sa tobom na moru Sa tobom na moru Ukoliko ne želite da Vaš spremnik,

injektori ili filter goriva izgledaju ovako Ukoliko ne želite da Vaš spremnik, injektori ili filter goriva izgledaju ovako

Alge, vodA, kiseline i pArAfini neprestano napadaju tvoj spremnik i cjelokupan sistem koristite na servisnom intervalu ili po pojavi za napajanje koristite goriva na servisnom intervalu ili po pojavi

Datacol ima rješenje!

problema profesionalne aditive za

problema profesionalne aditive za i zaštitu sistema za ubrizgavanje čišćenje i zaštitu sistema čišćenje za ubrizgavanje Života motoru

Života motoru

Trošak održavanja

Trošak održavanja



Potrošnja goriva (do 10%) Potrošnja goriva (do 10%)



Zagađenja Performansi

Datacol d.o.o. Datacol d.o.o. Digitronska 33, HR 52460 Buje, Hrvatska Digitronska 33, HR 52460 Buje, Hrvatska Tel./Fax +385 (0)52 772 438Tel./Fax +385 (0)52 772 438



Kontrola tehničke ispravnosti plovila

Technical inspection of vessels

Uslijed velikog interesa za provjerom stanja plovila, bilo da je riječ o klijentima koji su zainteresirani za kupnju plovila ili pak onima koji upisuju plovila u registar brodica i jahti, InterAdria SC ponudila je novu uslugu u svojoj paleti a riječ je o Kontroli tehničke ispravnosti plovila i savjetovanju.

Due to increasing interest of the clients who intend to buy a vessel and the clients who are in the middle of the registration process, InterAdria SC decided to introduce the technical inspection of vessels and consulting services.

Provjera tehničke ispravnosti plovila uključuje provjeru stanja trupa, strojeva, opreme i uređaja ugrađenih na plovilu, u svrhu utvrđivanja njihova stanja: jesu li propisno održavani i jesu li prikladni s obzirom na namjenu plovila, te ako su na njima nisu provedene preinake koje bi mogle bitno utjecati na stanje, svojstva i sigurnost plovila.

The technical inspection of vessels consists of the hull, engines, equipment and devices control with the aim to detect their condition, to confirm if the vessel is appropriately maintained, to see if the vessel is adequately used and to check if there are some modifications that could have significant impact to the general condition, characteristics and safety of the vessel.

Za opću ocjenu stanja najviše podataka može dati pokusna plovidba potpuno opremljenog plovila pri kojoj se detaljno ispituju stanje i svojstva pojedinih sustava. Pregledom se mora sa sigurnošću utvrditi je li plovilo sposobno za plovidbu.

Test drive of the completely equipped vessel during which condition and characteristics of all the systems are checked in details, provides the best feedback. The inspection results which confirm if the vessel is ready for navigation must be absolutely reliable.

Svrha ispitivanja na pokusnoj plovidbi je provjera ako tehnički opis plovila ispunjava zadane uvjete, usporedba parametara zadanih od strane proizvođača sa zatečenim stanjem plovila, te provjera osnovnih zahtjeva za sigurnu navigaciju. Kontrola plovila provodi se procesom vizualne procjene i upotrebom mjernih instrumenata, a obuhvaća provjeru temeljnih sustava: Trup - kontrola čvrstoće strukture i integriteta nepropusnosti svih osjetljivih dijelova trupa. Strojevi i prostorije strojeva - pogonski strojevi moraju biti smješteni unutar zatvorene prostorije koja je izolirana na način da se smanji rizik od požara i spriječi širenje vatre, da se smanji opasnost od otrovnih plinova kao i štetni utjecaj topline, buke ili vibracija u ostalim prostorijama. Dijelovi strojnog uređaja i pripadajuće opreme koji zahtijevaju učestaliji nadzor moraju biti lako pristupačni. Izolacijski materijal u prostoriji strojeva mora biti negoriv.

The purpose of a test drive is to check whether the technical description of the vessel meets the prescribed standards, to compare the parameters proposed by the manufacturer with the actual condition of the vessel, and to check the basic rules for safe navigation. The control consists of the visual inspection and of the evaluation with measuring instruments. The basic systems are checked: Hull - structure, integrity and waterproofness of the sensitive parts of the hull are checked. Engines and engine room - engines must be closed within an insulated space with reduced risk of fire, toxic gas, heat, noise or vibrations. These parts of engine and the related equippment that must be inspected regularly should be easily accessible. Insulation material must be fire resistant.


Provodi se provjera ispravnosti rada u različitim režimima, uspostavljanje odnosa između broja okretaja osovinskog voda, snage motora, potrošnje goriva i ostalih pogonskih karakteristika glavnog motora. Sustav goriva - sustav punjenja, spremanja, odušivanja i pražnjenja tankova goriva mora biti tako izveden da se u najvećoj mogućoj mjeri smanji opasnost od požara ili eksplozije. Električna oprema - posebnu pažnju potrebno je obratiti na zahtjeve u vezi opterećenja i zaštite od kratkog spoja za sve strujne krugove. Provjera električne opreme uključuje provjeru sklopova na kontrolnoj ploči i generatora. Akumulatorske baterije moraju biti pravilno učvršćene i zaštićene od prodora vode. U prostorijama gdje su smještene akumulatorske baterije mora biti osigurana odgovarajuća ventilacija radi sprječavanja nakupljanja plinova.


The performance must be checked in various ratings, as well as the relation between the axis rotation, engine power, fuel consumption and other main engine characteristics. Fuel system - fuel must be filled, stored, ventilated and emptied with the minimum risk of fire or explosion Electrical equipment - all requests related to the loading and protection of the electrical circuits must be checked carefully. This includes the inspection of the control board and the generator. Accu batteries must be fixed properly and protected from the water. The appropriate ventilation is requested. Steering system - sailing boats and motor boats with an inboard engine and with the remote control of a rudder must

Sustav upravljanja - kod plovila s pogonom na jedra i motornih plovila s jednim ugrađenim pogonskim strojem koja imaju predviđeno daljinsko upravljanje kormilom moraju dodatno postojati sredstva upravljanja kormilom u nuždi u uvjetima smanjene brzine plovila. Sigurnosna oprema - potrebno je provjeriti opremljenost sidrima, prslucima za spašavanje, splavima i protupožarnim sustavima, s posebnim naglaskom na rok valjanosti. Također je potrebno utvrditi postojanje propisane signalne opreme. Navigacijska oprema - karte, publikacije, ispravnost navigacijskog sustava. Rezultati ispitivanja na pokusnoj plovidbi govore o ukupnom stanju plovila, eventualnim nedostacima, te akcijama koje valja poduzeti kako bi se navedeni nedostaci otklonili. Nakon objektivne procjene stanja plovila može se pristupiti i procesu utvrđivanja tržišne vrijednosne plovila s obzirom na zatečeno stanje. Opća kontrola tehničke ispravnosti plovila relevantan je pokazatelj stanja plovila, te se njeno provođenje preporuča ne samo prilikom kupnje ili registracije plovila, već i u vremenskim intervalima korištenja plovila kako bi vlasnik imao dokaz da je plovilo sigurno za korištenje uz konstantno adekvatno održavanje i servisiranje.

have an additional rudder control for the events of reduced speed. Safety equipment - charts, publications, functional navigational system The test drive results show the general condition of the vessel, possible malfunctions and need for repair. After the general evaluation of a vessel, the fair market value can be estimated. The general technical inspection is a reliable indicator of the vessel’s condition and it should be done not only for the purposes of buying or registration of the vessel, but also during in commission period, so that the owner can always be sure that the vessel is safe if maintained appropriately.

Info: InterAdria SC Service Center Ćikovići 73 c, Kastav tel: +385(0)51 704 178 fax: +385(0)51 704 020 gsm: +385(0)91 215 44 92 e-mail:



najdragocjenije drvo svijeta


the most precious wood in the world Ovo veličanstveno tropsko drvo pripada monsunskoj šumskoj vegetaciji Indije, Tajlanda i Malezije, a stablo naraste i do 30 - 40 metara u visinu.

This magnificent tropical wood belongs to the monsoon forest vegetation of India, Tailand and Malaysia, and a tree can grow up to 30 - 40 meters high.

Prepoznatljivo je po crvenkasto zelenom lišću pomalo malo grube površine, a srž je smeđe do tamno zlatne boje.

It is known for its reddish green leafs of slightly hairy surface, and the core can vary from brown to dark gold colour.

Današnji naziv tikovina potječe od riječi THEKKU iz malajalanskog indijskog dijalekta. Postoje tri vrste stabla tikovine: Tectona grandis, raste u Indiji i Indokini, a poznata je kao obična tikovina za izradu uporabnih predmeta , Tectona hamiltoniana - tikovina s područja Burme i Tectona Filipinesis - filipinska tikovina.

The name teak is derived form the word THEKKU that originates from the Malayalam Indian dialect. There are three sorts of teak: Tectona grandis which grows in India and Indochina, and is known to be used as a common sort for the production of utilities; Tectona Hamiltoniana - a teak from Burma; and Tectona Filipinesis - Philippines teak.

Svoju popularnost tikovina je stekla zahvaljujući mehaničkoj postojanosti, mekana je na dodir, dobro se savija i ne puca, a povrh svega ima ili vrlo ugodan aromatični miris.

Teak earned its reputation because of its to mechanical consistency, it is soft, flexible and does not break, and above all it has very pleasant aromatic scent.

Zbog jake strukturalne snage i izdržljivosti od ove vrste drva stoljećima se izrađuje namještaj, a prepoznata je u i brodogradnji zbog jedinstvenih karakteristika, koje se odlikuje time da drvo ne truli i ne prikuplja hrđu kada dođe u dodir s metalom.

Because of its consistent structure and durability, this sort of wood has been used for centuries in the production of furniture, but it is also recognized by shipyards because of unique characteristics: it does not rot and does not get rust from the metal.

Sadrži visok postotak ulja, zbog čega je otporan na vlagu i nije privlačan insektima.

It contains high percentage of oil which makes it resistant to humidity and unpleasant to the insects.

I danas je ovo drvo jedno je od najčešće upotrebljavanih prirodnih materijala u nautici – koristi se za pokrivanje brodske palube i izradu svih oni dijelova koji su izloženi vremenskim uvjetima. To vrlo otporno drvo jedino je koje može odgovoriti na visoke zahtjevne standarde koje nautička industrija postavlja.

Today this wood is one of the most used natural materials in nautics - it is used for deck floors and all other parts of boat that are exposed to weather conditions. This very resistant wood is the only one that can meet high standards of the nautic industry.

Pored dobre reputacije zbog izdržljivosti, tikovo drvo je poznato i po bogatstvu toplih tonova i satenski glatkih površina. Jedan je od rijetkih materijala koji starenjem postaje ljepši. Srebrnosiva patina, koja se razvija s vremenom, tikovini daje poseban sjaj i veličanstvenost. Tek obrađeno drvo ima specifičan crvenkasto zlatni ton. Ovisno o ukusu, oni koji žele održavati originalnu boju svake godine premazuju tikovinu uljem, da bi sačuvali navedena svojstva. 36

Apart form good reputation because of its strength, teak wood is also popular because of the warm colour and smooth satin surfaces. It is one of the rare materials which becomes more beautiful during time. Silvergrey layer gives a special shine and magnificence to teak. Recently processed wood has a specific reddish golden tone. Those who prefer to keep the original colour, wax the teak every year.What should also be mentioned is that this sort of wood does not split, and seeks no other care than occasional polishing and potential waxing.

Valja napomenuti kako kod ovog drveta nema raslojavanja, a osim povremenog poliranja i eventualnog premazivanja uljem nije mu potrebna nikakva dodatna njega. S ciljem pružanja potpune usluge svojim klijentima, InterAdria SC u suradnji s partnerskom tvrtkom Puhar d.o.o. nudi uslugu postavljanja i održavanja paluba od tikovine. Usluga obuhvaća postavljanje brodske palube od tikovine, saniranje postojeće tikove palube, zamjenu ispucalih letvica ili fugi na palubama, brušenje i premazivanje postojeće tikovine, restauraciju, postavljanje tikovine na pasarele.

With the aim of offering a complete service to the clients, InterAdria SC offers flooring and maintenance of teak decks in cooperation with Puhar d.o.o. Service includes laying and sanation of the existing teak deck, replacement of the bars or fugues, abrasion and waxing of the teak, restauration, and placing teak onto gangway.




Design Lab Ususret nadolazećoj sezoni vrijeme je za pripremu plovila kako bi nesmetano uživali u svakom slobodnom trenutku. Tvrtka Design lab pruža profesionalnu podršku, specifičnu po širokoj paleti proizvoda i usluga. Izrada i montaža inox opreme za plovila; inox ograde za sve tipove plovila, nadstrešnice, soft top, hard top, platforme, bimini tende, inox rezervoari, pramčani izlazi (špiruni), inox auspusi, skrokovi, kormila, pete kormila i ostala inox oprema i okovi po narudžbi. Servis plovila; servis osovinskih vodova,uključujući korekcije propelera, centriranje motora, izmjene ležajeva, šupernica, radovi pod morem… Individualan pristup svakom klijentu, na jednom mjestu originalna, funkcionalna i kvalitetna rješenja. Kontakt / Contact Design lab d.o.o. Juraši 61, 51216 Viškovo


tel. 091/ 267 27 40

Design Lab Just before the forthcoming season the vessel should be well prepared, so that you can later peacefully enjoy your precious moments of freedom. Design lab company offers professional support and wide range of the specific products and services. Production and installation of the inox parts on the vessels, inox fenders for all types of boats, covers, soft top, hard top, platforms, biminies, inox tanks, prow outlets, inox exhausts, rudders, propulsions, axis, other inox parts and fittings. Boat maintenance, axis maintenance, corrections of propellers, engine alignement, substitution of bearings, underwater works. Individual approach to the client, the original, functional and high quality solutions in one place.



Kako izbjeći požar na plovilu i kako ga ugasiti ukoliko do njega dođe

How to avoid fire on a vessels and how to fight fire in case it breaks out

Za požare na plovilu korisno je znati kako izbijaju i kako se gase. Pravila, upute i savjeti kod spašavanja na moru naglašavaju kako se plovilo napušta samo u krajnjoj nuždi, no to vrijedi za sve okolnosti osim za požar. Požarom zahvaćeno plovilo napušta se kada ste svjesni da se vatra više ne može ugasiti. Ukoliko vatra izbije dok je plovilo na vezu često može zahvatiti i plovila oko sebe. Prioritet je svakako gašenje požara, ali je isto tako bitno udaljiti okolna plovila kako se vatra ne bi proširila dalje. Jedan od najčešćih uzroka požara na plovilima izazvan je neispravnim električnim instalacijama. Pravilnim rukovanjem motorom, gorivom i plinskim instalacijama možemo spriječiti nastanak požara.

About the fire on a vessel it’s very useful to know how they break out, how to extinguish them, and the most important thing, how to prevent them. All regulations, instructions and advices regarding rescue at sea emphasize that you should leave the vessels only in case of extreme emergency, but this theory is applicable in all circumstances except in case of fire. You leave a vessel caught by fire when you become aware that the fire can not be extinguished any more, and then is necessary to keep a safe distance. However, if the fire breaks out while the boat is at berth , it will certainly spread over the surrounding vessels . Extinguishing the fire is the priority by all means, but it is also of utmost importance to remove the surrounding vessels as soon as possible or at least pull them along the anchor, in order to prevent the fire from spreading. One of the most common causes of fire on vessels are faulty electrical installations. With proper handling of engine, fuel and gas installations we can prevent the fire incidents.

Požar je najlakše i najjednostavnije zaustaviti u njegovom začetku jer je tada i šteta minimalna. Ipak upotreba vatrogasnog aparata samo je zadnja faza, a prava obrana od požara je prevencija, odnosno smanjivanje i uklanjanje uvjeta njegovog nastanka. Stoga vam želimo skrenuti pozornost na nekoliko vrlo važnih razloga zbog kojih može doći do požara na plovilu.


The easiest and most simple way to stop a fire is in the very beginning , and then the damage will be minimal as well.

Više od polovice broja požara na plovilima uzrokovano je neispravnim električnim instalacijama i trošilima. Najkritičnije točke su utičnice priključnog kabela i brodske utičnice. Ukoliko vam osigurač izbacuje pronađite uzrok jer bi upravo to moglo biti uzrok požaru. U kratkom spoju žica se vrlo brzo zagrije, topi pa čak i zapali izolaciju na slabo uočljivom mjestu, a u skučenom brodskom prostoru vatra se lako proširi. Grijači na 220 V i neispravni punjači baterija također su potencijalna opasnost za nastanak požara, pa se upravo iz tih razloga plovilo nikada ne ostavlja priključeno na vanjsku mrežu bez nadzora. Prvi korak kod gašenja požara izazvanog kvarom električnih instalacija je gašenje izvora napajanja, iskopčavanjem priključnog kabela i isključivanjem glavne sklopke akumulatora. U suprotnom ukoliko vatru i ugasite, ona će ponovno planuti. Pregrijavanje motora drugi je po učestalosti razlog požara na plovilima, a glavni je uzročnik slabo hlađenje motora zbog kvara ili smanjenog dotoka vode. Povećanjem temperature počinju se topiti i izgarati gumeni dijelovi na motoru. Zapaljena guma stvara gusti crni dim. Otvaranjem poklopca motora u strojarnicu ulazi veća količina svježeg zraka , što dovodi do rasplamsavanja vatre koja se naglo počinje širiti po strojarnici te se vrlo brzo pretvara u ozbiljan požar koji zbog neprimjerene reakcije i panike često prijeđe u katastrofu. Ako je plovilo smješteno među drugim plovilima njih je nemoguće ukloniti i plamen će se širiti sve dok se vatra u potpunosti ne ugasi. Gašenje je opsežnije jer osim borbe s okolnim plamenom potrebno je dobro namočiti okolna plovila kako bi se ograničilo širenje vatre. Nastala šteta često je veća nego na plovilima koje je plamen zahvatio u moru. Treći požar po učestalosti posljedica je curenja goriva. Nije čest ali je najgori i najopasniji ukoliko gorivo procuri iz spremnika, dovodnih cijevi ili na spojevima filtera i motora. Na otvorenim prostorima ta koncentracija vrlo brzo ispari no u zatvorenim prostorima može stvoriti kritičnu koncentraciju para koje se na povišenim temperaturama vrlo lako zapale. Ipak miris mu je dosta intenzivan te se njegova prisutnost u plovilu osjeti odmah. Postoji još niz razloga zbog kojih su izbijali požari na plovilima, uglavnom kao posljedica direktne ili indirektne nepažnje.

However, using a fire extinguisher is merely the final phase, and just like with everything else the most reliable defence from the fire is prevention, reduction or elimination of the possible causes. Therefore it is good to know what induces fire on a vessel. Faulty electrical instalations cause almost half of them. The most critical spots are connective cable jacks and jacks on the boat. If a fuse ejects frequently, it is obligatory to detect the cause since that could be the cause of the fire. In a short circuit the wire in the cable heats quickly and melts, and it might even inflame the insulation, usually at the spot dificult to notice, and the fire spreads easily in the cramped vessels space. 220 V heaters or faulty battery chargers are also potential danger for the emergence of a flame, therefore a vessel should never stay connected to an external power supply system without supervison. The first step in extinguishing a fire caused by a failure of electrical instalations is to extinguish the power supply source, by unplugging the connective cable and by turning off the main battery switch. Otherwise, even if you extinguish the fire it will flare up again. The engine overheating is the second most frequent cause of a fire on the vessels, and the main cause is the poor engine cooling due to failure or reduced water flow. With the increase in temperature the rubber parts on the engine start melting and burning down. The burnt rubber produces dense black smoke . When opening the engine lid, a huge quantity of fresh air enters into the engine room, the fire blazes up, rapidly expands within the engine room and very quickly turns into a very serious fire. If the vessel is placed between other boats, it is not possible to remove them and the flames will be spreading around until the fire is completely extinguished. The extinguishing is more complex since it is neccessary to thoroughly soak the surrounding vessels with water in order to restrict spreading of the fire. The resulting damage is often higher than on vessels caught by fire at sea. The third most frequent cause of the fire on a vessel is the fuel leakage. It is not very common, but it is the worst and most dangerous one if it leaks out of the tank, pipes or filter and engine connections. It vaporises rather quickly in an


U ovu grupu mogli bi se ubrojiti požari od nespretno ispaljene signalne rakete i sličnih sredstava, dogorjele svijeće, neugašeni opušak kao i požari nastali kao posljedica radova na plovilu; zavarivanje, lemljenje, korištenje fena ili plinskog plamenika. GAŠENJE POŽARA Prijenosni vatrogasni aparati koriste se za gašenje početnih požara. Vrlo je važno započeti gašenje što prije, tako da šteta od požara odnosno nekontroliranog gorenja bude što manja. Slijedom gore navedenog postavlja se logično pitanje koje aparate dostupne na tržištu za gašenje požara koristiti. S obzirom da se radi o aparatima za početno gašenje požara i relativno malim i skučenim prostorima na plovilu (računajući i strojarnicu kao najčešće mjesto početka eventualnog požara), na tržištu možemo pronaći sljedeće aparate: a) vatrogasni aparati sa tzv. suhim prahom kao sredstvom za gašenje požara. Sredstvo za gašenje (suhi prah) izbacuje se pritiskom dušika (N2) ili ugljičnog dioksida (CO2). Suhi prah je univerzalno sredstvo za gašenje: za krutine, tekuće, plinove i uređaje pod naponom električne struje. Nedostatak su moguća naknadna oštećenja na električnim, elektronskim kao i drugim preciznim instrumentima. Nakon gašenja prah je potrebno ukloniti i izbjegavati korištenje vode. b) vatrogasni aparati sa ugljičnim dioksidom (CO2) Ova vrsta aparata vrlo je efikasna u zatvorenim prostorima jer ne oštećuju električnu, elektronsku ili drugu preciznu opremu. Nedostaci ovih aparata su veća cijena, veća težina i rad pod visokim tlakom (opasnost od visokog tlaka). c) vatrogasni aparati sa pjenom za gašenje požara Ovi aparati su vrlo efikasni kod gašenja krutih tvari. Jednostavni su za održavanje, ali su opasni kod prisustva električne energije kao i kod niskih temperatura jer može doći do smrzavanja. Svako od ovih sredstava ima svoje određene prednosti i nedostatke, no u najčešćoj primjeni koriste se aparati za početno gašenje požara koji kao sredstvo za gašenje koriste suhi


open space, but in closed spaces it can create a critical vapour concentration which are highly inflamable at higher temperatures. The odour is intensive and its presence on the boat is noticed immediately. There are other causes of fire, which result from direct or indirect negligence. Here we can mention clumsy launched signal rocket, burned down wax candle, not fully extinguished cigarette, and works on a vessel such as welding, soldering, using a dryer or a gas burner. FIREFIGHTING Portable fire extinguishers are used for initial fire extinguishing. It is very important to start the firefighting soon as possible , in order to diminish the damage. a) dry powder fire extinguishers Extinguishing agent (dry powder) is ejected by pressing nitrogen (N2) or carbon dioxide (CO2). Dry powder is universal fire extinguishing medium for the solids, liquids, gases and devices powered by electricity. Disadvantage is possible subsequent damage to the electrical, electronic and other precise instruments. After using the extinguishing powder it is necessary to remove the powder from the surfaces and to avoid using water. b) carbon dioxide (CO2) fire extinguishers This type of equipment is very effective indoors because it does not damage the electrical, electronic or other precision equipment. Disadvantages of these apparatus are higher price, weight and (dangerous) work under high pressure. c) foam fire extinguishers These devices are very effective in extinguishing solids. They are easy to maintain, but they are dangerous in presence of electricity as well as at low temperatures , because the low temperature may cause freezing. Each of these devices has its specific advantages and disadvantages. According to Croatian, EU and CRS regulations, all devices for the initial fire fighting must be inspected every year (two-years) by an authorized service according to the

prah. Svi aparati za početno gašenje požara, po zakonskim propisima RH, EU i registrima brodova moraju se najmanje jednom godišnje (dvogodišnje) kontrolirati kod ovlaštenog servisa prema važećem pravilniku o servisiranju aparata za početno gašenje požara. Prema procijeni , obimu požara, vlastitim sposobnostima i sredstvima koja su na raspolaganju, treba pozvati pomoć vatrogasaca dok se istovremeno pristupa gašenju sa raspoloživim sredstvima kako bi se smanjile štete do dolaska vatrogasaca, nekog drugog plovila ili neke službe koje mogu pomoći. Svaki požar na početku se može ugasiti čašom vode. Ukoliko se zakasni ili nepravilno i nepravovremeno pristupi gašenju i pozivu u pomoć vatrogasaca ili drugih službi požar se može razviti i prijeći u katastrofalne razmjere uz nepredvidive štete i ljudske žrtve. S ciljem pružanja potpune usluge svojim klijentima, InterAdria SC u suradnji sa partnerskom tvrtkom Dioxa. d.o.o. koja je u službi vatrogastva dugi niz godine nudi usluge punjenja, servisa i kontrolnog ispitivanja vatrogasne i sigurnosne opreme na kopnu i na moru.

current regulations on servicing equipment for initial fire extinguishing. Depending of the estimation, size, our own abilities and accesible equippment, it is neccessary to call the fire brigade while using all available means trying to put out the fire until the fire brigade, another vessel or anybody else who can help arrives. In the beginning, every fire can be extinguished with a glass of water. However, if there is a delay or improper approach in fire fighting and appeal for help, fire can develop and reach catastrophic dimensions which can result with unpredictable damage and human victims. With the aim of providing complete service at one place InterAdria SC established partnership with Dioxa d.o.o., a company with long experience in fire extinguishing systems, in order to provide services of filling, maintenance and control testing of the fire extinguishers and safety equipment ashore and at sea. autor teksta / author: Izabela lelek Purić vanjski suradnik / associate: ing. Ivan Milković, Dioxa d.o.o.



Check lista

Check list

Dolazi ljeto i nakon pripremanja plovila za sezonu potrebno je provjeriti i dokumentaciju prije isplovljavanja iz matične luke.

The summer is coming and it is time to start thinking not only about preparing your boat for the boating season but also about checking the required documents before leaving your domicile harbour.

Ove godine ćete ploviti pod malo izmijenjenim pravnim okruženjem s obzirom da od 01.07.13. RH je postala članica EU u njezin teritorij je postao zajednička carinska zona. Ali nemojmo zaboraviti, mi nismo još u Schengenu tako da granične kontrole putnika i robe su još na snazi te se po tome razlike i postupak uplovljavanja i isplovljavanja plovila iz RH te tretman stranih plovila na Jadranu. Postoji dva pravna režima u svezi plovidbe: plovila pod hrvatskom zastavom i plovidba pod stranom zastavom. Sva plovila u vlasništvu EU državljana koja su s danom pristupanja Republike Hrvatske (RH) Europskoj uniji (EU) zatečena u postupku privremenog uvoza mogu ostati u tom postupku do isteka odobrenog roka privremenog uvoza. Istekom tog roka, plovila se moraju pustiti u slobodni promet podnošenjem carinske deklaracije ili ponovno izvesti iz EU (u treće zemlje) ili uputiti u postupku provoza „T1“ u drugu državi članicu. Prilikom puštanja u slobodni promet vlasnik plovila mora dokazati da je na njegovo plovilo plaćen PDV u zemlji članici EU ispravom „T2L“.To se vidi iz računa ili drugog rješenje poreznog organa. Upis u europski registar plovila se još ne smatra da su je PDV plaćen u domicilnoj zemlji. Ako je plovilo starije 8 godina od dana 01.07.13. a bilo je vlasništvo rezidenta EU, tada se automatski smatra da je PDV plaćen na kupnju plovila te se prilikom puštanja u slobodni promet u RH ne obračunava niti carina niti PDV.


This year you are going to sail in a somehow changed environment in legal terms as the Republic of Croatia became on 1 July 2013 another EU member and its territory a part of the customs union. However, we should not forget that Croatia does not participate in the Schengen Area yet and that consequently the controls of passengers and goods at the national borders are still in place. This is also the reason why procedures applied on the Adriatic when boats are entering and leaving Croatia are still different and why foreign boats are treated differently than elsewhere. There are two legal regimes in place in case of the boats: for those flying the Croatian flag and for those flying foreign flags. All the boats which were placed under the temporary import procedure in the Republic of Croatia by the EU residents before 01 July 2013, may remain under the named procedure until the end of the validity of the temporary import procedure. When the period of the temporary import procedure expires a boat must be released for free circulation by submission of a customs declaration or re-exported from EU (to a third country) or transported under T1 transit procedure to other member state. When releasing the boat for free circulation, the owner must provide proof that VAT has been already paid for his/her boat

Pripazite, na plovilima koji nisu registrirana za gospodarsku djelatnost, svaki prekršaj može dovesti do oduzimanja plovila i visoke kazne. Ovo je check lista: Zapovjednik plovila, koje uplovljava u Republiku Hrvatsku morskim putem, dužan je: •

prijaviti se u najbližu luku za međunarodni promet (ako nema godišnji vez u marini)

preslika računa ili ugovora o kupnji plovila sa iskazanim PDV-om (preporuka)

popis posade i putnika ( samo jedna crew lista)

imati Knjižica plovila ( Seebrief ) – dokaz o vlasništvu

imati punomoć za upravljanje plovilom ( ako nije vlasnik osobno)

imati dozvolu za skipera radi upravljanja sa tom kategorijom plovila (EU ili RH dozvola)

imati važeće osiguranje za plovilo kod hrvatskog agenta osiguranja (preporuka)

platiti propisane naknade za sigurnost plovidbe (bivša vinjeta)

platiti boravišnu pristojbu jednom godišnje

dozvoljena razina alkohola kod skipera 0,5° promila (preporuka)

Na stranom plovilu u vlasništvu fizičke osobe koje plovi u Republici Hrvatskoj, mogu se za vrijeme plovidbe nalaziti vlasnik plovila, članovi njegove uže obitelji i osobe koju je vlasnik opunomoćio.

in one of the EU member states, by presenting T2L document. This includes the invoice or tax administration certificate. The registration with the European Register of Shipping is still not admitted as the proof that VAT has been paid in the domicile country. If the date of first entry into service of the boat was more than 8 years before 1 July 2013, and the boat was owned by an EU resident, than it is automatically regarded that VAT has been paid and when such boat is released for free circulation in Croatia, no customs or VAT rate will be calculated or charged. Be careful, in case of sport and leisure crafts any breach of law may lead to high fines or even seizure of a craft. This is the check list: The skipper of the boat entering the Republic of Croatia by sea shall: •

report its arrival at the nearest port open for international traffic (unless the annual berth has been contracted in a marina)

possess the copy of the invoice or sale agreement for the boat where VAT is specified (recommended)

possess a list of crew and passengers (only one crew list)

possess ownership certificate (Seebrief )

possess authorization for the operation of the boat (unless he is the owner himself )

possess certificate of the skipper's competence – licence for a relevant boat category (EU or Croatian licence)


possess certificate of insurance policy by Croatian insurance company (recommended)

pay mandatory navigation security fees (former vignette)

pay sojourn tax once a year, and

have always in mind that permitted alcohol level for skippers is 0,5 promille (recommendation).

On board a foreign flagged boat owned by a natural person and sailing in Croatia may be the owner of the boat, members of his/her immediate family and persons authorized by such owner. On board a boat owned by a legal person and sailing in Croatia may be the employees of such legal person or persons authorized to use the boat under a written power of attorney. Consequently, if a foreign flagged boat is owned by a leasing company, it is required to act as if the boat is owned by a foreign company and to have the power of attorney on board is of utmost importance in this case.

Na plovilu u vlasništvu pravne osobe, koje plovi u Republici Hrvatskoj mogu se za vrijeme plovidbe nalaziti zaposlenici pravne osobe ili osobe ovlaštene za korištenje plovila temeljem pisane punomoći. Znači da, ako je strano plovilo u leasingu, potrebno je postupati kao da je u vlasništvu stranog trgovačkog društva te je punomoć od izuzetne važnosti da bude na plovilu. Na tekstu punomoći mora biti jasno ispisano ime i prezime odgovorne osobe u pravnoj osobi koja je potpisala i ovjerila pečatom punomoć, vremensko razdoblje korištenja plovila na koje se punomoć odnosi, ime i prezime osobe koja je odgovorna za upravljanje plovilom, te imena svih osoba koje će u vremenskom razdoblju važenja punomoći boraviti na plovilu. Dobro je kod sebe imati leasing ugovor s kojim se može najbrže dokazati statusa korisnika plovila koje je vlasništvo stranog trgovačkog društva. Strana plovila su do sada imala vinjetu koja se dobivala momentom ulaska u RH. Ona vrijedi do dana isteka i ne izdaje se nova. Zbog toga se uvela od 01.01.14. naknada za sigurnost plovidbe koju sada plaćaju sva plovila bez obzira na zastavu koju vije. U tom slučaju, morate provjeriti zadnji dan važenja vinjete i odlučiti da li ćete provesti postupak puštanja u slobodni promet plovila u RH ili ćete izabrati drugu destinaciju za ovogodišnje plovljenje. I ako vas zaustavi djelatnici lučke kapetanije, policije ili carine, ne prepuštajte se panici jer za to nema razloga. Oni su došli samo provjeriti kako bi bili sigurni da vaš brod vozi osoba koja to smije i da na plovilu nisu osobe koje i ne bi smjele biti na našem lijepo Jadranu. Do viđenja u nekoj prekrasnoj uvali u ljetnom sutonu i bonaci.


The text of such power of attorney must clearly include the name and surname of the responsible person of the legal person who signed and attested by a corporate seal the power of attorney and the period of time covered by such power of attorney in respect of the authorized use of the boat, the name and the surname of the person responsible for boat operation, and finally the names and surnames of persons who will stay on board during the time covered by such power of attorney. It is recommended to have also at hand the leasing contract as this is the fastest way to prove the status of the user of the boat owned by a foreign company. Before the accession of Croatia to EU foreign flagged boats had vignettes. Such vignettes remain valid until the date of their expiration but new ones are not further issued. Because of that on 1 January 2014, navigation security fees were introduced and are mandatory for all boats regardless of the flag they are flying. Consequently, you have to check the expiration date of your boat’s vignette and decide whether you will initiate the procedure of releasing the boat for free circulation in Croatia or pick up another destination for this year’s sailing. Even if you are stopped by the officials of a harbour master’s office, police or customs administration, do not panic because there is no reason for that. They will be there only to check and be sure that your boat is operated by a person who is allowed to do so and that there are no persons who are not supposed to be on our beautiful Adriatic. See you in one of the Croatian magnificent bays while enjoying summer sunset and twilight colours and a dead calm sea. Tekst napisao / Text by Damir Šebetić, dipl. iur Odvjetnik i skiper / Lawyer and skiper Info: tekst napisao Šebetić & Partners , law firm, Đorđićeva 6, Zagreb tel. + 385 1 4873 222 / fax. + 385 1 4873 538 e-mail.


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Zimska avantura InterAdria SC tima


InterAdria SC team winter adventure

Kraj kalendarske godine u InterAdriji tradicionalno je vezan uz opuštajuće ski druženje na padinama Kronplatza. Stoga je i ovaj put početkom prosinca 2013. naša muška ekipa provela produženi vikend uz aktivan odmor i nezaboravno druženje. Unatoč izrazito toplom vremenu, snijega za zimske sportove nije nedostajalo, te su se dečki osim u skijanju i boardanju okušali i u drugim timskim sportovima na snijegu.

The end of year in InterAdria SC traditionally means a relaxing ski weekend on the slopes of the well known Kronplatz ski resort. At the beginning of December 2013 InterAdria men team spent a nice four-day weekend and unforgettable holidays gathering. Despite the extremely warm weather, there was enough snow for winter sports. The boys enjoyed skiing, snowboarding and other team sports on the snow.

U pauzama skijanja ekipa je uživala u razgledavaju znamenitosti Brunica i iskoristila vrijeme za predblagdanski shopping,

When resting from skiing, a team enjoyed sightseeing in Brunico. They used the opportunity to do the festive shopping,

te pažljivo biranim poklonima razveselila ženski dio ekipe. Izgradnja zajedništva i međusobne povezanosti ključ su uspješnosti našeg teama. Ovom vrstom druženja InterAdria SC nastoji osim poslovnih razviti i duboke prijateljske veze među zaposlenicima. Budući da su se i ljudski resursi krajem prošle godine povećali za tri nova člana ova zimska avantura bila je idealna prilika za aktivno uključivanje novih djelatnika u našu zajednicu.

and carefully chose gifts for their female colleagues. Improving the sense of collectivness and coherence is a key to the success of our team. By this sort of team building InterAdria SC is trying to built both business and friendship bounds among employees. Since our team got three new members in 2013, this winter adventure was ideal way to actively involve new employees in our community.


Obala Frana Supila 6, 51410 Opatija, Hrvatska Tel.: +385 (0)98 425 426, Fax: +385 (0)51 701 661,

Came Adriatic d.o.o. Žegoti 5b, Kastav Tel.: +385 (0)51 691 370 Fax: +385 (0)51 691 657


Mošćenice Srednjovjekovni kvarnerski gradić

Mošćenice su srednjovjekovni kvarnerski gradić smješten na brijegu visokom 173 m, na istočnim padinama planine Učke, povrh malog ribarskog mjesta Mošćenička Draga.

Medieval Kvarner Town

Mošćenice are medieval Kvarner town situated on a 173 m high hill on the eastern slopes of Učka, just above small fishermen village Mošćenička Draga.


Osim iznimnog pogleda na čitav kvarnerski zaljev, te otoke Krk i Cres, ovaj gradić pruža pogled u prošlost, a svojim kamenim zidinama i uskim kalama privlači u svoju unutrašnjost u kojoj još uvijek žive duhovi srednjovjekovnih priča.

Apart from an outstanding view of the Kvarner Bay, and islands Krk and Cres, this town gives an insight to the past; the stone walls and narrow streets draw a visitor inside, in the world which is still inhabited by ghosts from medieval stories.

Ulaz u grad moguć je samo s jedne strane i to kroz gradska vrata ispred kojih je prema nekim izvorima postojao drveni pokretni most, dok je sa svih ostalih strana gradić okružen padinom koja se strovaljuje sve do mora. Po osnovnoj urbanoj strukturi Mošćenice pripadaju tipu koncentrično koncipiranih naselja opasanih zaštitnim bedemima, odnosno nizom kuća čiji su vanjski zidovi u funkciji bedema koji polukružno zatvaraju zbijenu strukturu grada. Organizacija unutrašnjih komunikacija nepravilno je isprepletena i prati krivudavu liniju vanjskog gradskog obzida. Maleni unutarnji prostor gradića nije omogućio stvaranje većih gradskih površina .

The town can be entered from one side only through the gates in front of which once there was a wooden bridge. All around the town there is a slope which descends to the sea. The basic urban structure of Mošćenice puts the place into the category of concentric villages encircled with city walls; in other words the external walls of the houses create the city walls that close the compact structure of the town in a semicircular shape. The internal connections are irregular and they follow the deviations of the external wall. The modest internal dimensions of the town did not allow creation of more spacious surfaces.

Sam ulaz u grad brani isturena četverokutna kula „kaštel“ u kojoj je danas smještena osnovna škola, a odmah pored nalazi se etnografska zbirka gdje se čuva zavidan broj tradicionalnih nošnji, alata, ukrasa i predmeta - svjedoke života ljudi ovoga kraja. Blizu same zbirke nalazi se Mošćenički toš, mlin za masline, star oko tri stotine godina i simbol ovog srednjovjekovnog grada. Gradska loža, centar gradskoga života, mjesto je svih važnijih zbivanja. Pod njezinim krovom sklanjala se gradska straža, tu se vijećalo i donosilo odluke, čitali se proglasi, trgovali, plesalo i veselilo se.

The gate is protected by a rectangular turret “kaštel” where today the elementary school is situated. In the neighborhood there is the ethnographic collection with traditional clothes, tools, ornaments and utilities as a witness of the local way of living.

Na vrhu brijega, na glavnom trgu gdje se spajaju sve krivudave uličice, smještena je ujedno i najviša točka grada trobrodna barokna crkva Sv. Andrije koja je današnji izgled dobila u 18. st. U gradu se nalaze i drugi važni sakralni spomenici kao svjedoci davno minulih vremena, a to su crkva Sv. Bartola iz 1628. g. i


Not far away there is a symbol of this medieval town: Mošćenički toš, olives mill, around 300 years old. A city lodge is the centre of life and all important events, it used to shelter a city guard, it used to be a place where the most important decisions were made, proclamations read, trades done, but also the place for dancing and feasting. On the top of the hill, on the main square where all the streets meet, there is the highest point of the town, a baroque church of St. Andrew. In the town there are other sacral monuments as well, with

crkva Sv. Sebastjana iz 1501.g. s karakterističnim trijemovima. O utjecaju baroknog stilskog izraza 17. i 18. stoljeća na ovaj kraj svjedoče pak kuće Negovetić, Rubinić, i Dešković s bogato dekoriranim detaljima pročelja. Prošlost Mošćenica kao naselja seže u prapovijesno vrijeme na što upućuju mnoga arheološka nalazišta. Na ovom području sjeveroistočne Istre, u prapovijesno doba živjeli su Liburni, jedno od ilirskih plemena. Prvi srednjovjekovni zapisi o Mošćenicama kao samostalnoj zajednici potječu iz 1374. godine. U periodu od 1637. do 1733. godine neposredni su posjednici Mošćenica bili Isusovci. Tada su Mošćenice 1637. godine dobile gradski statut. Mošćenice su 1896. godine postale sjedište samostalne općine, ali su i one doživjele sudbinu ostalih srednjovjekovnih primorskih gradova - njihovo se stanovništvo počinje spuštati na more i stvarati jezgru novog naselja - Mošćeničku Dragu. O povezanosti ovih dvaju mjesta svjedoče 753 stepenice koje spajaju staru jezgru Mošćenica s plažom Sv. Ivan u Mošćeničkoj Dragi. Zbog svoje iznimne kulturno povijesne vrijednosti koju ovaj gradić ima temeljem zakona o zaštiti spomenika povijesna jezgra Mošćenica uvrštena je 1968.g. u registar nepokretne kulturne baštine. Danas su Mošćenice omiljeno izletište brojnih grupa turista ali i polazište ljubitelja pješačenja i planinarenja na putu prema starim, napuštenim selima, planine Učke do kuda vodi pješačka staza.

their specific porch they stand as witnesses of past ages, like St. Barthelmus church from 1628 and St. Sebastian church from 1501. However, the most of the baroque influence is visible on the fronts of the Negovetić, Rubinić and Dešković houses. The history of Mošćenice village goes far into prehistorics, which is proved by a number of archeological locations. This part of northeastern Istria had been inhabited by Ilyric tribe called Liburni. First medieval writings where the name Mošćenice is mentioned belong to 1374. During the period between 1637 and 1733 Mošćenice were owned by Jesuits. Then, in 1637, Mošćenice got the statue. In 1896 Mošćenice became the center of an independent community. However, like in many other villages along the coast, people started to move towards the sea and to create the center of a new village – Mošćenička Draga. Today we can see 753 steps that connect the old center of Mošćenice with the beach of St.Ivan in Mošćenička Draga. Due to a very rare historical value, in 1968 the historical centre of Mošćenice is enlisted into the register of the cultural heritage. Today, Mošćenice are one of the favorite tourist sites, but also visited by those who love to walk the footpaths towards the old, abandoned villages of Učka.

Reportaža realizirana u suradnji sa / story realized in cooperation with: TURISTIČKA ZAJEDNICA MOŠĆENIČKA DRAGA




Hotel - Restoran - Bar, jedinstveni koncept, jedinstveni doživljaj

A unique concept of Hotel - Restaurant - Bar experience

HOTEL Bevanda - design hotel s pet zvjezdica u samom srcu Opatije i mjesto koje svojim gostima nudi potpuno opuštanje u bogato opremljenim sobama, s personaliziranom uslugom i posebno osmišljenim uslugama. Hotel je nastao na temeljima istoimenog restorana, osnovanog 1971. godine. Legendarno ime obogaćeno je s 10 bogato opremljenih soba, svake nazvane po slavnoj osobi koja je tijekom opatijske povijesti boravila u gradu i inspirirala se ovdašnjom mondenom kulturno-društvenom scenom. Hotel Bevanda pruža prostor opuštanja na samo korak do mora, i s pogledom na predivne Rijeku i Opatiju te Istru i otoke u daljini.

HOTEL Bevanda is the first five-star design hotel in the heart of Opatija, a place that provides its guests with complete relaxation in richly furnished rooms and personally customized services. The hotel was built on the foundations of a restaurant of the same name, established in 1971. We have enriched the famous name with 10 elegantly furnished rooms, each named after a famous person who stayed in Opatija throughout history and who had been inspired by its trendy cultural and social scene. Hotels provides you with a place to relax and enjoy yourselves, and to meet all of your desires. Just by the sea, with a view of the beautiful cities of Rijeka and Opatija, the Istrian landscape and islands in the distance.

RESTORAN Utemeljen u korijenima svježih namirnica kontinenta i mora, kultni restoran Bevanda danas stvara klasična i raznovrsna jela osvježena modernim dodirom. Uz želju za serviranjem ukusne hrane u fokusu kuhinje su čiste i jasne arome namirnica. Tradicionalnim desertima udahnut je novi život, osmišljena je karta koja je odraz kvarnerskog i mediteranskog enogastro naslijeđa. Slastice u Bevandi savršeno zaokružuju ponudu jela i “točka su na i” opuštenog ručka ili večere.

RESTAURANT On the basis of fresh ingredients of the continent and the sea, the restaurant „Bevanda“ today creates classic and versatile dishes refreshed with a modern touch. With the desire to serve delicious food, the focus of our kitchen are pure and distinct food flavoring. The drinks selection was, and still is among the best in the region. The offer of leading local and foreign drinks complemented perfectly the Bevanda menu.

Uređenje restorana, upečatljivo i pažljivo osmišljeno te prvo značajno osvježenje prostora još od njegovog otvorenja, djelo je hrvatskih arhitekata i dobavljača. Ono je moderno, polivalentno, s izdvojenim intimnim prostorima za pušenje cigara i uživanje u žestokim pićima. Naravno, u našim prostorima spremni smo ugostiti i Vaša privatna ili poslovna događanja

The interior of the restaurant, thought distinctively and carefully, is also the first significant refreshment since its opening. It is the work of Croatian architects and suppliers. It is modern, multifunctional with a separate private area to smoke cigars and enjoy hard drinks. Of course we are at your disposal to maintain your private or business events.

BAR Smješten na ulazu u hotel, bar inspirira svojom lokacijom, tik do mora i uz vizure Rijeke, Opatije, Istre te otoka u daljini. Ljeti u vanjskom prostoru, zimi u unutrašnjosti hotela, bar i njegovi stilizirani šankovi osmišljeni su kao mjesta zabave, razgovora, susreta i druženja. Dan provedite uz opuštajući pogled na more, a tijekom večeri uživajte u glazbi i dinamičnosti noćnog života u našoj režiji. Vodeća ponuda pića – od kave i prirodnih sokova do šampanjaca, koktela, vina na čaše i žestokih pića – komplementarna je zalogajima koji se ovdje mogu naručiti.

BAR The bar is located at the entrance to the hotel. Right next to the sea, the bar overlooks Rijeka, Opatija, Istria and the faraway islands, making it a truly inspiring place. Outdoors during the summer and inside during the winter, the bar and its stylized furnishing are envisioned as a place where you can come to have fun, talk, meet and socialize. Spend your days in a relaxed haven overlooking the sea, and enjoy your evenings with music and the rhythm of the nightlife, courtesy of hotel Bevanda. The superior offer of drinks - from coffee and natural juices to champagnes, cocktails, wines and spirits - perfectly complements the dishes you can order here.

Kontakt / Contact: BEVANDA HOTEL, RESTAURANT AND BAR Zert 8, Opatija, Croatia Tel: +385 (0)51 493 888 Fax: +385 (0)51 718 354 E-mail:





Čokolada je namirnica koja predstavlja vrijedan izvor energije svojstvene arome, slatkog okusa i jedinstvenog osjećaja topljenja u ustima.

Chocolate is a valuable source of energy, with specific aroma, sweet taste and unique sense of melting.

najukusnija i najkorisnija poslastica ikada izmišljena! Osnova i glavni sastojak čokolade je zrno kakaa. Ono je plod biljke kakaovca (lat. Theobroma cacao ili hrana bogova) koju čovječanstvo poznaje već tisućama godina. Čokolada ima dugu povijest koja seže sve do Maja, starog naroda iz središnje Amerike. Maje su prvi upotrebljavali plodove kakaova stabla, koje raste u tropskim kišovitim šumama, za izradu ukusnog napitka zvanog chokolatl. Još tada, čokolada je uvažavala velik ugled, a upotrebljavala se i kao valuta i vrijedan dar za proslave! U Europu se proširila u 16 stoljeću , te su vrlo brzo i Europljani počeli cijeniti njenu vrijednost. Čokolada je danas omiljena poslastica širom svijeta i gotovo je nemoguće zamisliti život bez nje. Čokolada, posebno ona s velikim udjelom kakaove mase, ima pozitivne učinke na zdravlje. Iznimno je bogata fosforom i magnezijem, a sadrži i veće količine željeza, cinka i kalija. Pozitivno utječe na zdravlje srca – kockica tamne čokolade dnevno smanjuje krvni tlak


the most tasteful and the most useful delice ever!

The basic and main ingredient of the chocolate is a cocoa, the fruit of the cocoa tree (lat. Theobroma cacao or food of the gods) known for thousands of years. The chocolate has a long history that origins from the Central America Maya civilization. The Maya were the first who used the cocoa fruit from the tropical rainforests to prepare a delicious drink called chokolatl. The chocolate had so high reputation of great excellence, that it was used even as a currency or a valuable gift for celebrations! The chocolate spread in Europe in 16th century, and very quickly Europeans began to appreciate its value. Today it is the most popular delice in the world; it is almost impossible to imagine the world without it. The chocolate, especially the one with large percentage of cocoa, has the most positive effects on health. It is rich with the phosphorus and magnesium, it has large amount of iron, zinc and kalium. It is good for the heart – a cube of the dark chocolate per day lowers the blood pressure and improves the blood circulation. It is full of antioxidants that protect our body. It is believed to provoke good mood, because it stimulates the production of a serotonin – the hormone of “good humour”.

i poboljšava protok krvi, te predstavlja pravu riznicu antioksidansa koji štite naš organizam. Pripisuju joj se zasluge za stimuliranje dobrog raspoloženja, odnosno potiče stvaranje serotonina - hormona „dobrog raspoloženja“. Konzumacijom manjih količina čokolade potičemo koncentraciju i jačamo svoje intelektualne i psihičke sposobnosti. Tri su osnovne vrste čokolade: crna, mliječna i bijela. Od svih vrsta čokolade, tamna, crna čokolada se smatra najzdravijom i najkvalitetnijom, i to s razlogom. Tamna čokolada sadrži minimalno 50% kakao udjela , dakle ima najveći postotak kakao zrna u odnosu na sve ostale vrste čokolade. Može biti slatka ili gorka. Mliječna je čokolada vjerojatno najpopularnija vrsta, proizvodi se uz dodatak mlijeka, a sadrži od 20% do 40 % kakaovih dijelova. Bijela se čokolada temelji na kakao maslacu, i ne sadrži zrna kakaa. Atraktivna je kao kontrast tamnoj čokoladi, no nema tako jaku snagu arome ni finoću okusa. Postoji nebrojeno mnogo proizvoda koji sadrže čokoladu. Osim u slatkišima i kolačima rado je viđen gost u kupkama za njegu tijela, kremama i balzamima za njegu usana, ali se primjenjuje i u aromaterapijama i masažama. U kojem god obliku ju koristili, ne zaboravite uživati!

Small amounts of the chocolate stimulate concentration and strengthen our intellectual and physical abilities. There are three kinds of chocolate: dark, milk and white. Of all the kinds, the dark chocolate is believed to be the most healthy and to have the highest quality. With reason. The dark chocolate contains minimum 50% of cocoa, which is the highest percentage in comparison to other kinds of chocolate. It can be sweet or bitter. The milk chocolate is the most popular kind, it is produced with addition of milk, and it contains 20% to 40% of cocoa. The white chocolate is based on cocoa butter, and it does not contain the cocoa seeds. It is good as a contrast to the dark chocolate, but it does not have the same aroma or fine taste. There are numerous chocolate products. Apart from being present in sweets and cakes, it is most popular in baths, cremes, lip balms, but it is also used in aromatherapies and massages. Any way you use it, do not forget to enjoy!



Mousse od crne čokolade s maslinovim uljem Sastojci:


• 200 g crne čokolade (min. 60 % kakaa)

• 200 g dark chocolate (min. 60 % cocoa)

• 200 ml slatkog vrhnja

• 200 ml whipped cream

• 100 g šećera u prahu (odvojeno 50+50g)

• 100 g caster sugar

• 3 jaja (odvojeni žumanjci i bjelanjci)

• 3 eggs, separated

• 100 ml maslinova ulja

• 100 ml olive oil



Na pari rastopite čokoladu.

Melt the chocolate in a bowl over simmering water .

Za to vrijeme miješajte žumanjke s polovicom šećera dok ne posvijetli i postane pjenasto. U posebnoj posudi izmiješajte bjelanjke s malo soli i ostatkom šećera u čvrst snijeg.

Place egg yolks and half the sugar in the bowl and beat until pale and thick. In a separate bowl, whisk eggwhites with a pinch of salt slowly adding remaining sugar.

Vrhnje istucite u šlag. Rastopljenu čokoladu pomiješate s maslinovim uljem. Nakon toga smjesi dodajte sve ostale sastojke, redom kremu od žumanjaka, snijeg od bjelanjaka pa tučeno vrhnje.

Prepare whipped cream. When the chocolate has melted, slowly stir in the olive oil. Slowly add first egg yolks cream, then eggwhites and whipped cream into the mixture.

Pažljivo promiješajte. Mousse podijelite u manje staklene posudite i hladite najmanje 4 sata, ali najbolje preko noći.


Dark chocolate mousse with olive oil

Stir gently. Spoon into individual bowls or cups and chill for at least 4 hours or overnight. Serve topped with hazelnuts and cream.


Pravila za izbjegavanje sudara na moru

International regulations for preventing collisions at sea

Za razliku od kopna, na moru je nešto složenije odrediti tko i u kojoj situaciji ima pravo prednosti u plovidbi, stoga donosimo kratak pregled osnovnih pravila za izbjegavanje sudara na moru koji se odnose se na brodove koji su u vidokrugu jedan drugome.

Unlike the road, at the sea is a bit trickier to determine who and in which situation has a priority of passage. WE bring you a brief overview of the basic rules for Preventing Collisions at Sea.

Ukoliko tijekom plovidbe prijeti opasnost od sudara plovila moraju se primijeniti pravila plovidbe i izbjegavanja sudara na moru. Sudari se mogu izbjeći promjenom kursa, promjeno brzine ili promjenom kursa i brzine. Svaku radnju poduzetu da bi se izbjegao sudar treba izvršiti odlučno i pravovremeno. Smanjena vidljivost, velika brzina plovidbe i nepovoljni vremenski uvijeti povećavaju opasnost od sudara. BRODOVI NA MEHANIČKI POGON 1. Suprotni kursevi: kada se dva plovila na mehanički pogon približavaju jedan drugome iz suprotnih kurseva ( noću se vide oba bočna svjetla); tako da prijeti opasnost od sudara svaki od njih mora skrenuti NADESNO tako da jedan drugome prođu s lijeve strane 2. Presijecanje kurseva: kada se kursevi dvaju plovila na mehanički pogon presijecaju, tako da prijeti opasnost od sudara, s puta se sklanja ono plovilo koje vidi drugo plovilo preko svoje desne strane , ali tako da se ne prođe drugom plovilu ispred pramca ( osim ako drugačije nije moguće). To znači da mora na vrijeme skrenuti udesno i proći po krmi broda kojeg se izbjegava.


Any action to avoid collision at sea must be taken in accordance with the Rules for preventing collisions at sea. Collision can be prevented by: changes in course, changes in speed and both changes in curse and speed. Each act in terms of preventing collision must be done firmly and on time. Reduced visibility, navigation at high speed and adverse weather conditions increase the risk of collision. POWER-DRIVEN VESSELS 1. Head-on Situation: When two power-driven vessels are meeting on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal courses so as to involve risk of collision each shall alter her course to starboard so that each shall pass on the port side of the other 2. Crossong: When two power-driven vessels are crossing so as to involve risk of collision, the vessel which has the other on her own starboard side shall keep out of the way and shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, avoid crossing ahead of the other vessel. 3. Overtaking: any vessel overtaking any other shall keep out of the way of the vessel being overtaken. The vessel in overtaking the other is concerned the one which would be able to see only the stern light of that vessel but neither of her sidelights.

1. Suprotni kursevi / Head-on Situation

2. Presijecanje kurseva / Crossong

4. Vjetar sa suprotne strane / When each has the wind on a different side

5. Vjetar sa iste strane / When both have the wind on the same side

3. Pretjecanje brodova / Overtaking

3. Pretjecanje brodova: svako plovilo koje pretječe (bez obzira na vrstu pogona) drugo plovilo mora zaobići plovilo koje sustiže na način da je najsigurnije za oba plovila. Smatra se da plovilo pretječe ako je u položaju da bi plovilu koje sustiže moću moglo vidjeti samo bijelo krmeno svjetlo. JEDRILICE / JEDRENJACI Ako se dva jedrenjaka približavaju jedan drugome tako da prijeti opasnost od sudara jedan od njih mora se ukloniti drugome s puta na slijedeći način: 4. Vjetar sa suprotne strane: ako svaki od jedrenjaka ima vjetar sa različite strane jedrenjak kojemu vjetar puše u lijevu stranu mora se ukloniti s puta drugome. 5. Vjetar sa iste strane: ako oba jedrenjaka ima vjetar s iste strane, jedrenjak u privjetrini sklanja se s puta plovilu u zavjetrini. MEĐUSOBNE OBVEZNOSTI PLOVILA (Osim već navedenih pravila) plovilo na mehanički pogon mora se ukloniti s puta: - brodu koji ne može manevrirati - brodu ograničene mogućnosti manevriranja - brodu koji ribari - jedrenjaku / jedrilici Jedrenjak u plovidbi mora se ukloniti s puta: - brodu koji ne može manevrirati - brodu ograničene mogućnosti manevriranja - brodu koji ribari PLOVIDBA U TJESNACIMA / KANALIMA Plovila kroz tjesnac moraju ploviti koliko god je moguće poštujući sigurnost plovidbe, desnom stranom tjesnaca. Sidrenje u uskom kanalu, njegovu ulazu ili izlazu je zabranjeno. Brodovi kraći od 20 m ne smiju ometati prolaz većim brodovima.

SAILING VESSELS When two sailing vessels are approaching one another, so as to involve risk of collision, one of them shall keep out of the way of the other as follows: 4. When each has the wind on a different side, the vessel which has the wind on the port side shall keep out of the way of the other; 5. When both have the wind on the same side, the vessel which is to windward shall keep out of the way of the vessel which is to leeward; RESPONSIBILITIES BETWEEN VESSELS A power-driven vessel underway shall keep out of the way of: - vessel not under command - vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre - vessel engaged in fishing - sailing vessel Sailing vessel underway shall keep out of the way of: - vessel not under command; - vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre; - vessel engaged in fishing. NAVIGATION IN NARROW CHANNELS A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel or fairway shall keep as near to the outer limit of the channel or fairway which lies on her starboard side as is safe and practicable. Any vessel shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, avoid anchoring in a narrow channel A vessel of less than 20 meters in length or a sailing vessel shall not impede the passage of a vessel which can safely navigate only within a narrow channel or fairway.





Šibenski most / Šibenik bridge Morinjski most / Morinj bridge Ždrelac most / Ždrelac bridge Paški most /Pag bridge Skradinski most / Skradin bridge Virski most / Vir bridge Trogirski most / Trogir bridge Tisno most / Tisno bridge Jedinstveni broj za hitne slučajeve / Number for emergencies

30.8 m 20.5 m 16.5 m 54.0 m 9.5 m 9.0 m 2.5 m 1.8 m 1.7 m

Trogirski most / Trogir bridge Ždrelac most / Ždrelac bridge Osorski most / Osor bridge Tisno most / Tisno bridge M. Lošinj (Privlaka) most / M. Lošinj ( Privlaka) bridge

4.0 m 3.8 m 2.7 m 2.4 m 2.5 m


Osorski most / Osor bridge - otvoren je svaki dan u / open every day at: 9 h i / and 17 h M. Lošinj (Privlaka) most / M. Lošinj (Privlaka) bridge - otvoren je svaki dan u / open every day at: 9 h i / and 18 h

VAŽNI TELEFONSKI BROJEVI / IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS 112 192 193 194 18166 18988 1987 18095 11888

Jedinstveni broj za hitne slučajeve / Number for emergencies Policija / Police Vatrogasci / Fire department Hitna pomoć / Ambulance Trenutne meteorološke informacije / Weather forecast Opće informacije / General information Pomoć na cestama / Road assistance Točno vrijeme / Correct time Informacije o mjesnim i međugradskim telefonskim brojevima / Information on local and long-distance telephone numbers


4. LUČKA KAPETANIJA / HARBOUR-MASTER’S OFFICE ZADAR Liburnska obala 8, Zadar Kapetan/Captain Milivoj Maričić Tel:023/254-888 Fax: 023/254-876

Obala maršala Tita 18, Pula; Kapetan/Captain Lucio Toffetti Tel:052/222-037


2. LUČKA KAPETANIJA / HARBOUR-MASTER’S OFFICE RIJEKA Senjsko pristanište 3, Rijeka Kapetan/Captain Darko Glažar Tel:051/214-031 Fax:051/313-265 LUČKA ISPOSTAVA / BRANCH OFFICE Mošćenička Draga Opatija Bakar Kraljevica Crikvenica Novi Vinodolski Omišalj Malinska Krk Punat Baška Šilo Cres Mali Lošinj Mali Lošinj -Nerezine Susak Rab

KAPETAN / CAPTAIN Nikola Randić Boris Tomulić Rajko Sobol Željko Udovičić Miljenko Žanić Dario Šokota Nikola Dujmović Ivan Kosić Marino Ivošić Teodor Ružić Mladen Čargonja Jordan Vešković Boris Rajić Vladimir Dumić

TEL/PHONE 051/737-501 051/711-249 051/761-214 051/281-330 051/242-321 051/244-345 051/842-853 051/859-346 051/221-380 051/854-065 051/856-821 051/852-110 051/571-111 051/233-845 051/237-380 051/239-205 051/725-419

3. LUČKA KAPETANIJA / HARBOUR-MASTER’S OFFICE SENJ Obala kralja Zvonimira 12, Senj Kapetan/Captain Siniša Orlić Tel:053/881-301 Fax 053/884-128


Obala Dr. Franje Tuđmana 8, Šibenik Kapetan/Captain Robert Baljkas Tel:022/217-217 Fax:022/217-378 6. LUČKA KAPETANIJA / HARBOUR-MASTER’S OFFICE SPLIT Obala Lazareta 1, Split Kapetan/Captain Boris Matošić Tel: 021/302-400 fax:021/361-298 7. LUČKA KAPETANIJA / HARBOUR-MASTER’S OFFICE PLOČE Trg Kralja Tomislava 24, Ploče Kapetan/Captain Ivo Matković Tel:020/679-008 Fax:020/678-621 8. LUČKA KAPETANIJA / HARBOUR-MASTER’S OFFICE DUBROVNIK Obala Stjepana Radića 37, Dubrovnik Tel:020/418-988 Fax:020/418-987 Lučke kapetanije i ispostave omogućavaju informacije o meteorološkim uvjetima, upozorenjima i pomoći na moru Harbour Master’s and Branch Offices provide meteorological and other information, air and rescue at sea.

IZDAVAČ / PUBLISHER InterAdria SC d.o.o. Ćikovići 73 C, 51215 Kastav tel. + 385 51 705 563 fax. + 385 51 704 020 UREDNICA / EDITOR Klara Basan, SURADNICI / ASSISTANTS Danijela Brnelić, prof. Izabela Lelek - Purić LEKTURA / PROOFREADING Danijela Brnelić, prof. FOTOGRAFIJE / PHOTOGRAPHY arhiva / archive: InterAdria SC, Sessa Marine S.r.l. OBLIKOVANJE, PRIJELOM I TISAK / DESIGN AND PRINT Media Graphics d.o.o. Cankareva 9, 10000 Zagreb tel. + 385 1 3779 611 fax. + 385 1 3779 612 NAKLADA / EDITION 2 000 primjeraka / pieces Publikacija nije na prodaju / The Publication is not for sale Zabranjeno je kopiranje i prenošenje sadržaja publikacije InterAdria magazin bez pisanog dopuštenja izdavača. It is strictly forbidden to copy any contents from InterAdria magazine publication without prior written permission of publisher Posebna pažnja pridaje se točnosti magazina. Uredništvo ne odgovara za nenamjerne ili tiskarske pogreške. Special attention is given to the accuracy of the magazine. The editorial board is not liable for the unintentional errata.


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