Budapest 2016

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BUDAPEST 6-19 February, 2016

Stockholm 10 - 23 Juni

In the Depth of Colours is a quality exhibition in a gallery with an eloquent atmosphere and a long cultural background. This opportunity is for a few blessed artists. The well-established Gallery T has place for more, but we have decided to give room only to 25 artworks, to make every artwork shine on the wall. Stockholm is the heart of Sweden, an old city which also is the most important capital of Scandinavia. To make sure the guests value the art, the selling of the artworks will be taken care of by the internationally known art critique Riccardo Baldelli. The exhibition includes a good quality opening party, a catalogue and a certificate. All is included in the price.

Index Interartex

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Flux Gallery

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The artists

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Interartex, formerly known as Maecenas Italy Art, is one of the largest Nordic companies in the art business with many years of experience and a vast network of galleries around the world that we collaborate with. Additionally, we have contact with several artist associations in the world. We care about you as an artist and put you and your needs first. Our employees have a wealth of expertise in their respective fields which enables us to offer you tailored solutions that are adapted to your needs. The company has chosen to use digital media to reach out to many customers in Sweden, Europe and the rest of the world. We are, for example, on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. We look forward, we see the future . . .

artist for art...

Although our gallery is new, it has a serious professional background which goes back to an earlier activity. We have joined the strengths of two different approaches to accomplish our goals: Mรกrton Romvรกri's professional knowledge and routine of coordinating a gallery, and Andrea Juhรกsz's pragmatic experience in the field of business and graphic design - what is more, both of them are practising artists.

In 2012, after several years of successful cooperation, we have decided to set up an art gallery which aims to fulfil the need for the domestic and international representation of abstract and kinetic arts, and promotes artists creating in this field in the long run. In the spring of 2013 we launched programs at 44 Paulay Ede street, in the 6th district of Budapest, and in December we have already managed to introduce the gallery at an international art fair.

In 2014, we enlarged our team with some new colleagues to pursue the realization of our objectives with even greater energy. We are building international cooperation, participating in art fairs and offering foreign artists opportunity to exhibit at our gallery in the framework of residency programs.

In November 2014, we moved into a nice, spacious new location, at Gregersen Point Art (Lรณnyay st. 31, Budapest, District IX.), where we can simultaneously held multiple events.

We trust that, as a result of our work, we could add to the important cultural scene of Budapest, as artists with an artist-centered approach and independent style. Our hope is to be present in the international art scene, as well.

2015 Member of The Associaction of Hungarian Contemporary Art Galleries.


Participants in Interartex' Budapest exhibition 2016 in cooperation with Gregersen Art Point - FLUX Gallery

Alma, Francesca Antonelli, Simona Armato, Vincenzo Attika, Boubezari Bracci, Graziella Caetano, Cristina Maya Carichino, Monia Catarsi, Alba Corrado, Mimmo Costa, Rosanna Eriksson, Emilia Hefter, Birgit Häljesgård, Lisbeth Järvinen, Juhani Koziol, Alena Lilliesköld, Margareta Mangione, Rosalba

Mariscotti, Osvaldo Melecchi, Roberto Mild, Orsi Muntoni, Gianni Muntoni, Rosy Muzzillo, Elisa Otteby, Marie Parada, Domingo Pecchia, Lucia Pucci, Osvalda Rokka, Marketta Sargeant Branca, Andrea Skogsberg, Margareta Stankov, Milan Steinheim, Liv Katrine Temin, Josefina Tveit, Gro Anita

Vincenzo Armato

Caos, 50x70 cm , Oil and collage, 2014

Vincenzo Armato

Ciao una Vita Fumata, 60x80 cm, Oil and collage, 2014

Boubezari Attika

Apparition, 65x50 cm, Acrylic, oil and sand, 2014

Cristina Maya Caetano

Pure Essence, 50x60 cm, Oil on canvas, 2015

Birgit Hefter

Cream Gateau Blind Flight I, 50x40 cm, acrylic on paper, 2011

Birgit Hefter

Cream Gateau Blind Flight II, 36x24cm, Acrylic on paper, 2011

Lisbeth H채ljesg책rd

Harbour, 68x53 cm, Aquarelle, 2015

Juhani J채rvinen

Macerata I, 48,5 x 27,5 cm, 2015

Margareta Lillieskรถld

Happy, 50x70 cm, Oil on canvas, 2011

Margareta Lillieskรถld

Lost Memory, 60x80 cm, Oil on canvas, 2015

Rosalba Mangione

Finestra aperta nella mente, 100x70 cm, Acrylic on canvas

Osvaldo Mariscotti

Squares 8, 61x76,2 cm, Oil and enamel on canvas, 2015

Rosy Muntoni

Basaura Nonna Pina, 50x80 cm, Oil on canvas

Domingo Parada

Reciprocity II, 57x57 cm, Acrylics on D'Arches 300 paper, 2014

Osvalda Pucci

Tari, 40x40 cm, Oil on canvas, 2010

Josefina Temin

Los Caracoles, 19,5x36x18 cm, Sculpture, 2015

Presentation of the Artists using bold colors and wave forms in the breeze of her soul. What her eyes see, what Armato Vincenzo nasce a Mazara del Vallo her five senses feel, she analyze inwardly il 19 / 05 / 1952 dove vive e lavora. Dopo un and in the silence of her being she create lungo viaggio nell'anima dell'Arte Moderna e with love each work, uniquely. Her art work been published in various specialized Art Contemporanea, decide di vivere Magazines, Art books, and Honorable un'esperienza nuova, aggregandosi al Mentions and Awards also make part of her progetto Fumo d'Artista. Cioè incollare pacchetti di sigarette, accendini, fiammiferi, artistic curriculum. Website: http://cms.cristina-mayacartine e mozziconi di sigarette. L'artista nelle sue opere intende trasmettere che il fumo è solo fumo, di tutto non rimane niente. Birgit Hefter Vincenzo Armato

Cristina Maya Caetano Cristina Maya Caetano is Portuguese. She likes to use vibrant colors, in a greeting to life and to nature. Exploitation of color, contrast between the abstract and the figurative printed on landscapes, images and characters that she invents, are her favorite subjects alongside the animals, flowers and plants. For Cristina art is freedom and joy of the soul. In her oil-oncanvas she is inspired from her own poems and to which she then gave a breath of selfexistence. Her poems and her paintings were born in her heart and in her soul in a better conception than the existing reality. It is in tune with the essence of spirituality of the fifth dimension that she express herself

Birgit Hefter was born 1969, in Munich, Germany. She won a first price for her drawing of a church scene at the age of eight. She finished gymnasium with a price for her art exam. After studies at the LMU Munich university she went to the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich and did the exams for teaching art at a gymnasium in Bavaria. She worked in an atelier in Domaghstreet before starting her teachings in Passau, where she became an art teacher in 1997. She did various series of artwork, especially word-paintings with colourful stripes. Two of her bird paintings were wonderfully transformed in great weavings into the traditional gobelin technique by a master of gobelin, Annette Boysen.

She designed and sewed the costumes for an early Wagner opera at a festival for young artists in Bayreuth 2005 together with stage designer Peter Sommerer. She makes costume design for dancers, especially oriental dance and flamenco. She also does pottery after studies at the school for ceramics in Landshut, Bavaria. She has had several individual exhibitions and many group exhibitions. She has won art awards for her drawings both in 1991 and 2009. She lives and works in Immenstadt since 1997.

sentiments, she wants to make the viewer complicit. Website: Facebook: Art by Lisbeth Häljesgård, Sweden Margareta Lilliesköld

Margareta Lillesköld was born in Sweden. She achieved her aspiration to work in Paris for the Chanel fashion House and also completed a one year course in fashion design at the Chambre Syndicate de la Haute Couture Parisienne. In Denmark she Lisbeth Häljesgård took a course in pattern construction and fashion design at the Kobenhavns Tillskurer Lisbeth Häljesgård is a self-taught Akademi. To realise her ambition she watercolor artist from Sweden, born in 1952. started a boutique and studio in the heart of She has participated in many exhibitions in Stockholm. Next step was a three year Sweden and in different countries, as in course at Beckman’s School of Design. Iceland, Austria, Monaco, France, Great After graduation she established a design Britain, Germany and Italy, and some of the company working for customers like IKEA, exhibitions are juried. Lisbeth Häljesgård and also many overseas clients. The next has been awarded by three prizes for her change was a move to London establishing paintings and her artistic merit, all in 2015. a Scandinavian shop in Regent Street. “Sandro Botticelli Prize” in Firenze, Italy, Margareta took life drawing classes at “Prize International Rome Imperial”, Rome, Froebel College and portrait painting at Italy “International Prize Marco Polo- Art Putney Art School. To live in Italy had Ambassador”, Venice, Italy Watercolor is for always been her dream and in 2006 she her a fantastic means of expression. She decided with her husband to move to Italy, paints mostly nature and landscape. It is her where they designed and built their own inner feeling that usually determines most of house. Not finding many models, she the subjects, by suggesting motives and worked with still life and 2010 started to

paint abstracts mainly in oil and on big canvases. Her best time is spent in her studio overlooking the hills and mountains of the Apennines. Website:

States,Dubai,England, Mexico, Italy, Spain and Sweden. Has won several prizes and distinctions in different events in different countries. His work is part of the collection in several museums, cultural institutions and private collections.

Rosy Muntoni

Osvalda Pucci

Rosy Muntoni nasce a Siniscola (NU), appassionata d’arte fin da piccola decide di frequentare l’istituto statale d’arte di Roma dove consegue il diploma di maestro d’arte “sezione decorazione pittorica”. Cerca in ogni sua opera di dare il meglio di se con una serie di lavori che cercano attraverso uno scavo psicologico accurato, di evidenziare la profondità dello spirito umano, soprattutto nei ritratti dove riesce a far emergere l’essenza interiore dei personaggi . Sue Opere si trovano presso musei, collezioni pubbliche e private.

Domingo Parada Domingo Parada Farjat, Bolivian-american artist born in Sucre, Bolivia, considered one of the most important figures in contemporary art in Latin-america and his native country, with extensive exhibitions in Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil,Paraguay,Chile,Portugal,United

Pucci Osvalda è Artista con presenze Internazionali , Istituzionali e private Nata a Siena ,si è dedicata fin da giovanissima allo studio della pittura e vi dedica un’intera esistenza, inizialmente sotto la guida sostenuta del Professore in Discipline Pittoriche,Plinio Tammaro,Pittore/ Scultore; dedizione anche da parte del Caposcuola della Scultopittura Teobaldo da Vinci, ove da quì si sono sperimentate diverse tecniche pittoriche, ed aver poi optato ,per una tecnica Antica, quella “dell’olio a colore spanto o spanso” , e da lei rielaborata, corretta; ricerca la più evocativa, per interpretare al meglio il suo linguaggio. La ricerca s’incentra in espressioni simboliche e su soggetti astratti di matrice naturalistica: un mondo riveduto in un contesto metafisico. Ha partecipato alla Rassegna Internazionale Itinerante in Europa con lo Sponsor "TY NANT "collocando il suo lavoro" Metropolis 1998" nella collezione privata TY NANT, nel Galles, a Cardif.

Interartex Publishing Layout Elisa Bastiani Text The curriculum vitaes0are written by the artists themselves. The texts are monitored by Jenny Holmstrรถm and Elisa Bastiani Supervision Riccardo Baldelli Editorial: Kรถping, Sweden, 5 February 2016

triangle of central Rome, and is outlined by the

Palazzo Maffei Marescotti, which lays in the

heart of Rome, in the seventeenth century palace

important step of an exhibition in the spiritual

fantastic gallery, and to add to your career the

possibility to associate your name with this

Pericle Fazzini, to name just a few. We offer you the

Artists such as Piero Brolis, Luigi Montanarini,

its exhibitors it counts as very important, which

the focus of considerable artistic activities. Among

Pope Paolo VI. The gallery has been in recent decades

founded by Mons. Giovan Battista Montini, future

UCAI, the association of artists and art lovers

exhibition at the “Galleria La Pigna� run by the

Interartex has the honor to organize a wonderful

U.C.A.I. Unione Cattolica Artisti Italiani Galleria "La Pigna" via della Pigna, 13/a 00186 Roma

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