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Andreu World

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City Arts

“Adela Rex, “Adela Rex, comprised comprised of three interlocking of three interlocking pieces, pieces, is already ais already a timeless classic” timeless classic”

SPACE 10-132

“It’s a basic humanneed to be surrounded by signs that remind us of nature,” Philippe Starck says.that remind us of nature,” Philippe Starck says. The TheInterior Design Hall of Fame member has beenInterior Design of Fame member has been a champion of ecology since he shot to stardom ina champion of ecology since he shot to stardom in 1984 with his design of the Royalton Hotel in New1984 with his design of the Royalton Hotel in New York. His rst collaboration with the sustainability York. His rst collaboration with the sustainability gurus at Andreu World isgurus Andreu World isAdela Rex, a seating lineAdela Rex, a seating line made entirely of FSC-certi ed oak or walnutmade entirely of FSC-certi ed oak or walnut plywood, the sleek 3-D geometries formed in aplywood, the sleek 3-D geometries formed in a proprietary mold. Each chair is made of threeproprietary mold. Each chair is made of three pieces that interlock without t-pieces that interlock without ttings or screws.tings or screws.



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