The Seguso family has been producing hand-blown glass on the island of Murano in Venice, Italy for more than six hundred years. As one of the oldest Muranese dynasties, twenty-two generations of artisans, entrepreneurs and glass masters with a wide range of skills, have all shared an immense passion for the design and craft of hand blown glass. Through the precious artisanal skills of their glass masters, furnaces and factories, Seguso has had the pleasure of producing pieces for royal families, the Vatican, some of the finest private residences and public spaces throughout the world, Donghia’s Murano glass chandeliers and lamps, and now this special selection of accessories exclusively for Donghia.
It is with excitement that we introduce this selection of glass accessories. Available only through Donghia showrooms, these hand-made objects illustrate the creative heritage of one of the oldest family traditions in the world, while continuing the special collaboration between Donghia and Seguso to offer products for the most beautiful interiors.
41 Ma di so n Ave n ue 1 00 10 N ew Yor k NY ph. 2 1 2 6 9 6 1 1 3 3 - u sa@se guso.c om www.s eg u so . c o m /fo r do ng hia
The strong relationship between Donghia and Seguso is based upon a shared desire to produce unique and exclusive products, bringing the excellence of craftsmanship into new and exceptional designs.
ALBA VASE DN8011 H. 27 cm - 10.64” inch | 10 1/2” inch L. 29 cm - 11.43” inch | 11 1/2” inch W. 12 cm - 4.73” inch | 4 3/4” inch
GIGANTE SHIELD VASE DN8006 H. 54,4 cm - 21.43” inch | 21 1/2” inch D. 33 cm - 13 “ inch | 13 “ inch
ALBA BOWL DN8012 H. 13 cm - 5.12” inch | 5 1/8” inch L. 27 cm - 10.64” inch | 10 1/2” inch P. 12 cm - 4.73” inch | 4 3/4” inch
PERLATO TALL VASE DN9008 H. 42 cm - 16.55” inch | 16 1/2” inch PERLATO SHORT VASE DN9007 H. 32 cm - 12.61” inch | 12 1/2” inch
CONTARINI VASE DN9005 H. 32 cm - 12.61” inch | 12 1/2” inch
LUGANO VESSEL DN8007 H. 45,7 cm - 18.01 “ inch | 18 “ inch D. 32.5 cm 12.81” inch | 12 7/8” inch VARESE BOWL DN8008 H. 31 cm - 12.21” inch | 12 1/4” inch D. 44.5 cm - 17.53 “ inch | 17 1/2” inch
ATLANTA T. 404 8420760 BOSTON T. 617 5749292 CHICAGO T. 312 8220766 CLEVELAND T. 216 8317797 DALLAS T. 214 7411777 DANIA T. 954 9207077 HOUSTON T. 713 3557777 LAS VEGAS T. 702 2581616 LOS ANGELES T. 310 6576060 NEW YORK T. 212 9353713 SAN FRANCISCO T. 415 8617717 WASHINGTON T. 202 4792724
YIN YANG MEDIUM DN8004 H. 30 cm - 11.82” | 11 7/8” inch LEPANTO VASE DN7001 H. 41 cm - 16.15” inch | 16 1/8” inch
PISA VASE DN8014 H. 35.5 cm - 13.99” inch | 14 “ inch
YIN YANG SMALL DN8003 H. 15,5 cm - 6.11” inch | 6 1/8” inch
CELLINI VASE DN8002 H. 22 cm - 8.67” inch | 8 5/8” inch L. 40,5 cm - 15.96” inch | 16” inch W. 32,5 cm - 12.81 “ inch | 12 7/8” inch
PANDORA BOWL DN8001 H. 15 cm - 5.91” inch | 6” inch