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The UK’s largest soft within budget. By adjusting the fold furnishings forum looks at calculations for the blind, you can also ensure a section of contrast is on display Roman blind variations. even when the blind is raised. You can also Roman blinds are a popular choice as they section before adding it, which also fold neatly and use less fabric than introduces texture. gathered or pleated curtains. There are a number of variations that can be made to Contrast side borders or centre panel a ‘standard’ folded blind to alter its These also allow you to add a contrast appearance. colour or design to a blind. They can be Contrast bottom border when it is just over one width of fabric or To add interest, a fabric border in a tie a plain blind to a room theme which contrast colour and/or design can be sewn includes pattern. on to the bottom of the blind. This can be create tucks or pleats in the contrast useful to extend the size of a blind slightly a good way to add a small section of more Attached valance expensive fabric to a scheme and stay To add interest to the top of a blind, attach a Fine quality Feathers_h:fqf 30/11/2016 15:46 Page 1 flat section of fabric as a valance. This can be a simple lined ‘flap’ that folds over across the top edge or could be added in a contrast fabric. For extra definition, add a trim to the lower edge of the valance section or shape the bottom with a curve or point.
Soft/relaxed Roman blind These are made like a standard Roman blind but do not have rods. You can still make tucks in the lining to attach the rings, or simply hand sew them to the back of the blind. They can be soft and delicate if made unlined from voile or a similar lightweight fabric with the usual number of folds and cord drops. To create a swag effect at the bottom section, angle the rings wider apart at the bottom 25%, and/or cut the bottom edge around 10cm wider. Then gently and evenly angle the sides into the finished width to create extra fullness.
Some makers prefer to use a rod near the bottom of the blind to stop it collapsing inwards and offer some support

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to the bottom of the panel. This is fixed to the lining at the back of the blind, (positioned at the top of the angled section) and helps support the extra fullness.
Swagged This variation of a soft Roman blind has no rods and only uses two cord drops which gives a very relaxed style. For this reason, it is not suitable for heavy fabrics or wide blinds.

Cascade folds By altering the calculations for the rod spacing of your blind you can produce Soft fold blind . Pic courtesy of Sinclair's Soft Furnishings and Interiorsfolds that create an even stepped effect when the blind is raised. This keeps the calculator which will work out standard folds of fabric stay in place even when the stacked folds flatter but does mean the and cascade folds for you once you know blind is down. raised blind is slightly deeper and will cover the dimensions of the finished blind: During making, the excess fabric is added more of the window recess. The size of the https://www.mydecozo.co.uk/Calculators evenly to each fold section, and either fold areas of the blind increase by a set stitched in place before assembling the amount as you move down the blind Waterfall folds, aka a hobbled blind blind, or drops of tape are stitched to each panel, but it does not use more fabric than Another less common fold option is to rod position down the back of the blind to a standard fold blind. create a hobbled effect by adding extra hold the it at the correct drop and set the
The MyDecozo forum has a free to use fabric to the length of the blind. These folds in place.Glover Bros hh_Layout 1 02/11/2012 10:56 Page 1
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Name of business Ryan Oliver Upholstery When established 2016 Owned by Ryan Oliver Location St Mary Bourne, Hampshire Speciality Traditional and Modern Upholstery Number employed Sole Trader
How long have you been doing your job? I started doing marine upholstery in 2007, then went into furniture in 2014.
How long did it take to really learn the skill? The great thing with upholstery is you never really stop learning. There’s always room for improvement. Do you consider yourself a craftsperson or tradesperson? A mixture of the two. What makes up the bulk of your work? Mainly working with interior designers. I also do work for some large furniture companies and the public. What keeps you motivated? The desire to continue building my business and provide excellent quality work and customer service. What aspect of your work do you most enjoy? The variety that comes with upholstery. One day you’re doing a set of traditional dining chairs, the next an ottoman. Professionally, what is your greatest frustration? Two minute videos on how to become an upholsterer. Tell us about the most challenging project you have ever undertaken. I once reupholstered a doctor’s surgery and waiting room in 30 hours straight. It was done over one weekend, so everything was ready for patients on the Monday morning. And the most unusual/bizarre/funny request you have ever dealt with? Fortunately, I haven’t had many bizarre requests. But I’m still young, so there’s time yet! What are the most pressing issues currently facing your business? My most pressing issue is definitely time. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day to get everything done. How long have you been a member of the AMUSF and how important has this been to your business? I have only recently joined the AMUSF. It was important to me to get approved as I feel it’s a real sign of quality. Professionally, who or where do you turn to for advice/ a second opinion? My previous employer. He did a lot for me and what he doesn’t know about upholstery isn’t worth knowing. When you talk to a fellow upholsterer/ soft furnisher, the talk always turns to...? How busy we all are.
How do you keep your skills and techniques updated?
Practise makes perfect in my opinion. What is the single most important piece of advice you would give to someone starting out in this business? Dive right in and don’t look back.
Where do you see the future of the industry? The future is bright in my opinion. In an ever increasing, machine manufactured world, I can’t see a machine doing what we do.
What has been your proudest professional moment? Building up my business from scratch. Also being accepted into the AMUSF.
Contact details: T: 07711 010890 W: www.ryanoliverupholstery.co.uk E: ryanoliver.upholstery@yahoo.com