11 minute read

Vacation Do Booklet


Holiday destination horoscope Text: Meike Heldoorn


Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

As a Taurus, you must LOVE relaxing in serene, bucolic environments surrounded by soft sound, soothing aromas and succulent flavors. If you had and romances that are creatively inspired. Additionally, they put their heart into every relationship. You would be a great leader of a tour. Maybe you can make a long journey

the choice, you would spend all day bathing in a tub overflowing with essential oils. Your ideal holiday destination is then also, not surprisingly, a beautiful resort, all inclusive, in Greece.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) The Cancer is represented by the crab, so of course your ideal holiday destination is close by the sea! You are also very good at picking up energies in the room, since your psychic abilities are out oriented, and care deeply about their families. Your ideal holiday destination would be Malta, where you can go to the beach and be with your family at the same time! Leo (July 23 – August 22) You are fire. As a Leo, you are vivacious, theatrical and passionate. You love to be in the spotlight. Leos are natural leaders, and they enjoy friendships

of this world! Cancers tend to be domestically around Europe and bring a whole group of people with you. Where do I sign? Get in line!

Gemini (May 21 - June 20) The Gemini can be so busy with everything that he or she has the wish to clone his or herself to get everything done. You are playful and intellectually curious. You have a lot of passion and want to combine all your passions, hobbies and careers. A city trip is the ideal holiday destination for you. Here, you can satisfy your intellectual needs and you can party with your friends. Since you also want to try new things, you should go to a city that you have never been to before.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22) As a Virgo, you are represented by the goddess of wheat and agriculture. An ideal holiday destination for you, is then of course also in nature. You are logical, practical and systematic in your approach to life. These characteristics can be optimally used if you go camping. Put on a beautiful tent, right in between the mountains in Austria, and you are ready to relax.

Libra (September 23 – October 22) Libras fixate on balance and harmony. They are obsessed with symmetry and want to create equilibrium in all areas of life. You want to help people as much as possible and you think it is unfair that people have to live in poverty. Well, go do something about it! Your ideal holiday destination is to go do volunteer work in a developing country. If you do not want to go that far, you can also look for less developed areas in Europe!

Koen leest dingen voor nl Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) As a Capricorn, you are great at navigating with both the material and emotional realms. For you, the ideal holiday would be a journey. You are great at climbing, so you have to go to a place where there are a lot of mountains. Maybe a journey around the Alpes?

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) The Sagittarians only question for knowledge. You are chasing after geographical, intellectual and spiritual adventures. Where can you find this more than in a city like Paris or Rome? You can go to every beautiful museum, every monument and satisfy your intellectual knowledge with historical facts. Sounds relaxing, right? November 21) The Scorpio has an incredible passion and power. Life is a game, for a Scorpio. Also, the

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) The Aquarius is a mystical healer. Wherever you go, you are able to make friends with people. You want to change the world as much as you can, but you also need to relax from time to time. You are free-spirited, so you do not make any plans! By not making any plans, you relax the best. Just go to the airport (or go by train, that’s better for the environment), take a dice, and go Scorpio (October 23 –

to the gate (or platform) that this dice suggests!

Scorpio is a water sign. Therefore, the ideal holiday destination for a Scorpio is close to the water. You would relax most if you can just enjoy playing games on the beach, or by a lake. The ideal holiday destination for you would be at the Costa Brava in Spain.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20) Pisces are known for the fact that they learn from every lesson that was thought to them throughout the years. Do not be afraid to let your head rest for a minute from time to time, Pisces! You need a holiday destination where you can sleep well, a place where you can really get some rest. A resort in Thailand is very suitable for you. You can have a nice, comfortable bed, a hammock by the beach or a patch by the pool, and sleep all day!

Koen leest dingen voor Student-proof Destinations

As a student it is always nice to go on a cheap holiday, especially after Corona is over. Michelle will introduce you to the top 5 cheapest holiday destinations in Europe which are definitely student- proof.

Koen leest dingen voor nl Poland Poland can be seen as the best country for making a low budget trip. Its rich history makes that its cities have become open air museums which you can admire for free. Besides all this, fixed holiday charges such as food, hotel rooms and of course alcohol are very cheap.

In a traditional Polish restaurant called Romania a ‘bar mleczny’ you can have Romania can be seen as the full Polish dinner for only 10 euros! underdog within this list. This Therefore it is for sure our country is still in its early years when beloved number one! it comes to tourism. However, this makes that a lot of the fixed holiday charges are cheap. It is possible to get a hotel room for only 15 euro per night. Also this country has some very old architecture, including castles and monasteries, which can be visited for little money.

Czech Republic This country is only 27 years old and maybe that is why it is such a popular holiday destination for students. Some students from Intermate have already experienced the cheap prices of this country when they were in Prague with the AFExCie. The only downside of this is that Hungary the prices of fixed holiday charges rise due This country is becoming famous to their increasing popularity. However, for its nightlife. Besides luring you Czech Republic is still the place to the bar with cheap beers, many bars to be when it comes to cheap know how to attract people by having bars beers and great hospitality. located in spectacular buildings, such as thermal baths and ruins which make partying a cultural experience. Unfortunately, these hotspots Serbia make Hungary gaining popularity Not everyone would think of which means that tourist locations Serbia as a holiday destination, have become more expensive however, the country is working on its over the last couple of years. make-over. Because they are innovating a lot, the fixed holiday charges are not very cheap compared to the other countries in this list. Cities such as Belgrado and Novi Sad have become a mix of different cultures which can be a great and also cheap experience. April 2019 Besides this, you can also attempt 31 all kinds of outdoor activities

Fill-in Story The rise of [superhero group name]

We all miss our wild adventures on the campus since we are not welcome due to the coronavirus. In order for you to keep creating new stories Evie came up with a fill-in story which will guarantee a fun story to tell. Text and Image: Evie Tossaint, Editorial Staff

_______________ [your name] has been at home for weeks, bored out of [his/her] mind because of the Corona lockdown. Today, ___________[your name] decided to take a walk around the TU/e campus. ___________ [your name] walks towards ___________ [favorite campus building]. Then [he/she] sees something inside the building, or rather someone. It was the figure of ___________ [least favorite teacher]. He seems to be playing a ___________ [least favorite music genre] song on a ___________ [musical instrument]. Scurrying from the corners of the building ___________ [your name] sees ___________ [animals] running towards ___________ [least favorite teacher]. ‘Spread the disease my little helpers’ [he/she] calls to them. ___________ [your name] realizes that the Corona virus does not transfer from person to person but from ___________ [animal] to person, and that ___________ [least favorite teacher] is stimulating the spreading of the disease. ___________ [your name] decides to call the people [he/she] can always depend on: the Intermate board. ___________ [favorite board member] picks up the phone and ___________ [your name] explains what [he/she] saw. Once you finished your story, ___________ [favorite board member] gives you an address and tells you to come quickly. When you arrive at the address, ___________ [favorite board member] ushers you inside. Inside are three people: Wil Kuijpers, ___________ [favorite teacher], and ___________ [celebrity crush]. You repeat your observations and together, you form a plan. As you start going outside, Wil gives you some last wise words: “___________ [Wils wise words]” before walking out. When arriving at the ___________ [favorite campus building], you sneak in through the side door and you all take out your ___________ [musical instrument] and start playing a ___________ [favorite music genre] song simultaneously. The ___________ [animals] come running from the corners and start running frantically throughout the building. They collide into the walls and each other and soon enough they are all dead.

Curse you, ___________ [superhero group name]! ___________ [least favorite teacher] shouts, while running towards the exit. There, he runs straight into the waiting policemen, which ___________ [your name] called on the way. After everything is cleared out, the policemen declare that the virus is gone, and everyone can enter the building again. ___________ [favorite board member] opens the door to the Internaat and as if they could ___________ [human sense] it, members of Intermate start appearing at the doors to have a drink at the bar. ___________ [your name] also walks towards the Internaat for a nice drink of ___________ [favorite drink] with the ___________ [favorite committee] and ___________ [celebrity crush].

Quiz: Find Your Vacation Type

1. You are totally exhausted because your week was endless and less than great, because for the tenth week in a row you could not visit the Internaat. How are you going to spend your weekend? A) I am going to call my friends via discord and will hold a nice online Borrel B) I will watch some Netflix, do a puzzle, or even read a book to relax.

3. Industrial engineering is trying to seduce you in doing a master’s degree at their faculty. You are doubting because the promised salary afterwards is great. However, the people of Intermate are also great. How are you going to make this decision A) I will win in information from Wil and other teachers. Put out the pros and cons and weigh them out, before making a decision. B)I will listen to my feelings. I always try to follow my heart.

2. Which of these 2 descriptions suits you more? A) The most important thing for me is what is happening here and now. I assess real situations and pay attention to details. B) Facts are boring. I love to dream and play over upcoming events in my mind. I rely more on intuition than information.

4. Only a few months from now hopefully the first AC party will be held. How do you prepare your most awesome outfit? A) I already put my outfit together with my friends a few weeks in advance, and they are going to be awesome B) Why prepare? Improvisation on the spot often lead to the best outfits.

nl Quiz results

Yes you have found the treasure!!! Now you can find out which vacation is perfect for you.

BAAA History excursion with a friend

ABBB Mingle with the crowds in a vibrant city

BBAB Nature retreat

ABBB Lively city trip

ABBA Somewhere with no tourists

BBAA Solo trip to a historical location AABB Luxury getaway

AAAB Highadrenaline adventure

ABAA Backpacking in the far east

BBAA Volunteering at a relaxing destination

BABA Camping trip with a few friends

BABB Road trip with a few friends

BBBB Getaway with a couple of fiends.

AAAA City trip with a large group of friends

BAAB Hands-on cultural experience

AABA Picture perfect trip with the fam

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