During this year we will complete four or five units of work in Language and Literature Theseunitswillbefromthefollowinglist:
● Faitytales - The elements of a fairytale. Oral tales from around the world. Creativewritingofownfairytale.
● SPAG: Anongoingcourseaboutspelling,punctuationandgrammarwithin theEnglishlanguage
● Friendshipandbelonging-InterdisciplinaryunitwithVisualArts,wherethe students read the novel Abomination and create the script and a stop-motionanimationfilmononeofthescenes
● Novel – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Matilda: students will explore the novel genre, focus on relations and communication, and constructopinionparagraphs.ComparisonoftwoworksbyRoaldDahl.
● Shakespeare – A Midsummer Night’s Dream: a study of theformatofthe play, its content and its language How Shakespeare’s theatre has influencedtheatreandfilmtoday
Each unit of work will require students to plan, use, evaluate and document sourcesusingtheappropriateformat.
Students will carry out text comprehension exercises, interpretation of visual informationandproducewrittenpiecesindifferentformats,planandexecuteoral presentationsandcompareandcontrastgenresandauthors.
Language and Literature will be assessed using four criteria– Analysing, Organising,ProducingtextandUsingLanguage.Foreachofthesethereisarubric informingstudentswhattheyneedtodoinordertoachieveeachlevel Students shouldmakesuretheyreadeachrubriccarefullysothattheyunderstandwhatis being assessed The rubrics will be putontoManagebacalongwiththelearning objectivesforeachunit.
Assessed through comparing and contrasting genres and texts, analysing the effects of the creator’s choice on an audience and analyzing content, context, language,structure,techniqueandstyleofthetexts
Assessed through producing work that employs organisational structures that servecontextandintention,andusingreferencingandformattingtoolstocreate workthatservesthecontextandintention.
Assessed by making stylistic choices in terms of linguistic, literary and visual devices,anddemonstratingawarenessofimpactonanaudience.
Assessed by written pieces in different formats, whichemploycorrectgrammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation and the use of appropriate non-verbal communicationtechniques.
A Analysing
B. Organizing.
C. Producingtext.
D. Usinglanguage.
Each criterion has detailed descriptors, and to a maximum of eight levels. Studentsareengagedinunitstudiesinatleastfourunitseachyear.Theunitsare based on conceptual ideas and the studies require student involvement in makinginquiryquestionsrelatedtoaglobalcontext
Thelearningprocessalsoincludesattaining,practicing,andmasteringidentified approaches to learning skills The assessment of formative and summative learningrecordsthestudent’slevelofcompetenceinthesubject.
Example of task: produce a text, apply all three forms of communication and a rationale.
Criterion C - make stylistic choices in terms of linguistic, literary and visual devices,demonstratingawarenessofimpactonanaudience
Criterion A-identifyandcommentuponsignificantaspectsoftextsandidentify similaritiesanddifferencesinfeatureswithinandbetweentexts
Criterion B-employorganizationalstructuresthatservethecontextandintention and use referencing and formatting tools to createapresentationstylesuitable tothecontextandintention
Criterion D - use appropriate and varied vocabulary, sentence structure and forms of expression. Use correct grammar, syntax and punctuation. Spell, write andpronouncewithaccuracy
Criterion A - Identify and comment upon significant aspect oftextsandidentify and comment upon the creator’s choices. Justify opinions and ideas, using examples, explanations and terminology. Identify similarities and difference in featureswithinandbetweentexts.
Criterion C - Produce texts that demonstrate thought and imagination while exploringnewperspectivesandideasarisingfrompersonalengagementwiththe creativeprocess.Selectrelevantdetailsandexamplestosupportideas.
TheaimsofEnglishLanguageAcquisitionaretodevelopalearner’suseofEnglish by:
● learninglanguage
● learningthroughlanguage
● learningaboutlanguage
TheEnglishLanguageAcquisitionsubjectaimstodeveloptheessentialprocesses of language and has been organised into 4 sections. They are: A Listening, B Reading, CSpeakingandDWriting Withinthesubject,studentsareorganisedinto Phases,from1-6,with6aligningwiththeskillofafluentspeaker.
Studentsareassessedandmovethroughthephasesastheirskillincreases,until they have gained the necessary skills to take part in English Language and Literature lessons. Tasks, resources and assessments are differentiated to meet theneedsofthestudentsofthedifferentphases
Throughouttheyear,theEnglishLanguageAcquisitionsubjectmayalignwiththe EnglishLanguageandLiteraturesubjectandbothgroupswillbetaughttogether, albeit with differentiated tasks and assessments Otherwise, groups are taught separately to ensure the delivery of a bespoke learning programme for the LanguageAcquisitionstudents
● AnovelstudyofCharlieandtheChocolatefactory
● HowcanIconnectwithothers?
● Whatispoetry?
● Ongoingspelling,punctuationandgrammarworkshops
Comprehending spoken language presented in multimodal text encompasses aspects of listening andviewing.Theprocessinvolvesthestudentininterpreting and constructing meaning from spokenandmultimodaltexttounderstandhow images and other spatial aspects presented with oral text interplay to convey ideas,valuesandattitudes Atypicaltaskwouldbewatchingafilm,aclipfromTV or a spoken or visual advertisement and the students answer questions either spokenorwritten.
Comprehending written language presented withmultimodaltextencompasses aspects of reading and viewing It involves the student inconstructingmeaning and interpreting written, spatial and visual aspects of texts to understand how images presented with written text interplay to convey ideas, values and attitudesThestudentsreadawrittenandvisualtextandanswerquestions
The students will have opportunities to develop their communication skills by interacting on a range of topics of personal, local and global interest and significance, with the support of spoken, written and visual texts in the target language (multimodal texts) They can express ideas and feelings, and communicateinformationinfamiliarandunfamiliarsituations
This objective relates to the correct and appropriate use of the written target language It involves recognizing and using language suitable to the audience and purpose. When writing in the target language, students apply their understandingoflanguage,form,mode,mediumandliteraryconceptstoexpress ideas, values and opinions in creative and meaningful ways. They develop a variety of structures using strategies (spelling, grammar, plot, character, punctuation, voice, format, audience) and techniques with increasing skill and effectiveness
● Myself,myfamilyandmyfriends–allphases
● Mydailylife–allphases
● Speakingaboutfood-allphases
● Myclothes-allphases
● Syntaxandgrammar–allphases
This is a language acquisition course for emergent, capable and proficient communicators. It is taught within the MYP framework for languageacquisition combined with the curriculum for the subject “Basic Norwegian for language minorities”fromtheNorwegiannationalcurriculumandisstructuredin6phases: 1-2 emergent communicators, 3-4 capable communicators, 5-6 proficient communicators. The individual student’s phase is determinedaccordingtotheir languageproficiency(oral,visual,andwritten) ForstudentswhoareinNorwayon a long time basis, the aim is that they should eventually become proficient enoughtotransfertoLanguageandLiterature.
Language Acquisition students will sometimes take part in Language and Literature classes when this is seen to be pedagogically beneficial for the individualstudent’slanguageacquisition.Thisisanon-goingevaluationandthe decision is made by the subject teachers. Thesestudentsarestillconsideredas Language Acquisition students and will beassessedusingLanguageAcquisition criteria.
A transition from Norwegian Language Acquisition to Language and Literature happens after an evaluation by the subject teacher and in dialogue with the studentandparents
A typical task would be watching a film, a clip from TV or a spoken or visual advertisement and the students answer questions either spoken or written. Phases1-2cananswerquestionsinEnglish.
CriterionB:Comprehendingwrittenandvisualtext.–Maximum8 Thestudentsreadawrittenandvisualtextandanswerquestions.
Criterion C: Communicating in response to spoken, written and visual text –Maximum8
The students can here write an essay or an oral task where they express ideas andfeelings,andcommunicateinformationinfamiliarandunfamiliarsituations
Here the student will show the use of a range of vocabulary, grammatical structures and convention, pronunciation in oral expression and organization of information andideas,anduseofbasiccohesivedevices. Thiswillbeassessed inaninteractiveoraltaskorawrittentask
Forgrade6, emergent, phase1:
● Myselfandmyfamilyandmyfriends
● Myhomeandmytown
● Adayinmylife
● Vocabular,grammar/syntax
Language acquisition in the MYP aims to develop a respect for, and understandingof,otherlanguagesandcultures,andisequallydesignedtoequip thestudentwithaskillsbasetofacilitatefurtherlanguagelearning.
Teachingandlearninginthelanguageacquisitionsubjectgroupisorganizedinto three levels of proficiency; emergent, capable and proficient Each levelfocuses on two phases. In total there are six phases. The phases represent a developmental continuum of additional language learning Depending on their prior additional language-learning experiences, students may commence their language acquisition course in any phase on the continuum and mayexitfrom anyphaseonthecontinuum.
The language acquisition subject-group objectives represent some of the essential processes of language and have been organized under four communicativeprocesses Theyareasfollows:AListening,BReading,CSpeaking, DWriting.
In order to meet these objectives, teachers will need to concentrate on each of the macro skills of language: listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and interpreting. These skills are very much interactive and interrelated, though in someinstances,teachersmaywishtodealwiththemasdiscreteskills.
Assessment for language acquisition in all years of the programme is criterion-related,basedonfourequallyweightedassessmentcriteria: Listening(criterionA), Speaking(criterionB), Reading(criterionC), Writing(criterionD),
Comprehending spoken language presented in multimodal text encompasses aspects of listening andviewing.Theprocessinvolvesthestudentininterpreting and constructing meaning from spokenandmultimodaltexttounderstandhow images and other spatial aspects presented with oral text interplay to convey ideas,valuesandattitudes.Atypicaltaskwouldbewatchingafilm,aclipfromTV or a spoken or visual advertisement and the students answer questions either spokenorwritten.
Comprehending written language presented withmultimodaltextencompasses aspects of reading and viewing. It involves the student inconstructingmeaning and interpreting written, spatial and visual aspects of texts to understand how images presented with written text interplay to convey ideas, values and attitudes.Thestudentsreadawrittenandvisualtextandanswerquestions.
The students will have opportunities to develop their communication skills by interacting on a range of topics of personal, local and global interest and significance, with the support of spoken, written and visual texts in the target language (multimodal texts). They can express ideas and feelings, and communicateinformationinfamiliarandunfamiliarsituations.
This objective relates to the correct and appropriate use of the written target language. It involves recognizing and using language suitable to the audience and purpose When writing in the target language, students apply their understandingoflanguage,form,mode,mediumandliteraryconceptstoexpress ideas, values and opinions in creative and meaningful ways They develop a variety of structures using strategies (spelling, grammar, plot, character, punctuation, voice, format, audience) and techniques with increasing skill and effectiveness.
DuringthisyearwewillcompletefiveorsixunitsofworkinIntegratedHumanities fromthefollowinglist:
● Introduction to Individuals and Societies: What is History? What is Geography? – Analysis of sources, learning how to make bibliographies, learning how to carry out research, bias, chronology, physical geography, humangeographyandenvironmentalgeography.
● Weather and Climate – How to observe and record weather, microclimates,aspects,forecastingweather.
● Natural Disasters – Development of strategies for living in hazardous environments,humanresponse,scientificandtechnicalinnovation
● TheWaterCycle– Risks and prevention. Comparison of twocountriesand humanresponse.
● OurEarth– Personal and socialperspectivesontheprocessandeffectsof globalization.
● Our Earth extensions - Castles and their developments An investigation into the causes and consequences of scientific and technical innovations (weaponry)
● Settlements -Sometimesitisgoodtobeanindividualbutsometimesitis necessarytobepartofateam Push/Pullfactorsandhowweinteractwith each otheranddecidehowwelivetogether Aninvestigationintopersonal expression,causeandconsequenceandsystems
Each unit of work will require students to plan, use, evaluate and document sources using the appropriate format and identify bias,presentinformationina rangeofdifferentformatseg maps,timelines,graphsandsketches Studentswill also be required to be active in note taking and discussions. Each unit will concludewithareflectionontheprocessandwhathasbeenachieved.
Individuals and Societies will be assessed using four criteria – Knowing and Understanding, Investigating, CommunicatingandThinkingCritically.Foreachof thesethereisarubricinformingstudentswhattheyneedtodoinordertoachieve acertainlevel.Studentsshouldmakesuretheyreadeachrubriccarefullysothat theyunderstandwhattheyareassessedon Therubricswillbemadeavailableon thelearningplatformManagebacalongwiththelearningobjectivesforeachunit.
Assessedthroughwrittenpiecesofworkintheformofessays,oralpresentations, reports, posters, brochures, newspaper articles, actionplans,budgets,diagrams, time-linesandmaps
Assessedthroughcompletingworkplans,developingguiding/researchquestions and explaining the choice, collecting and recording relevant information consistentwiththeresearchquestion,andreflectingontheprocessandresultsof theinvestigation
Assessed by communicating information with clarity in the forms indicated in Criterion A and listing sources according to the instructions from the task hand-outs.
Assessedthroughinformationgiveninwrittenpiecesofwork(seeCriterionA),the identificationofbiasofsources,theuseofinformationtoformandgiveopinions and the identification and analysis of sources/data in terms of origin, purpose andusefulness.
Mathematics is taught in accordance with the IB mathematics program guide Thisguideisnotasyllabusbutmerelyanoverviewofthetopicssuggestedbythe IB
MYPmathematicsislargelybasedoninquirywheretheapproachtothesubjectis through practical work, exploration and associating maths with real world contexts Weuse2IBaccreditedmathtextbooksaswellastheMyiMathsplatform asaresourceforacquiringknowledge.
ThecontentofmathematicsintheMYPyear1focusesonbuildingknowledgeand understandingofthefollowingconcepts:
● Problemsolvingusingmathematicalcontexts(usingthefouroperations)
● Numberorderandstructure(positiveandnegativedirectednumbers)
● Fractions,PercentageandDecimals
● AlgebraandSimplifyingofTerms
● Geometry(AnglesandShapes)
● Graphs,Statistics&Probability Assessment
Thisobjectiverequiresstudentstodemonstrateknowledgeandunderstandingof the concepts and skills of the branches in the prescribed framework. This assessment criteria is often summated in the form of chapter tests, quizzes, projectsandpresentations.
Students should be able to select and apply mathematical problem-solving techniquestodiscoversimpleaswellasmorecomplexpatternsandprove,verify and justify general rules. This assessment criterion is often conducted independentlyandingroupsthroughoralpresentationsandwrittenassignments.
Mathematicsprovidesapowerfulanduniversallanguage.Studentsareexpected touseappropriatemathematicallanguageanddifferentformsofrepresentation when communicating mathematical ideas both orally and in writing. This assessment criterion issummatedthroughoralcommunicationinpresentations andthroughwrittenassignmentsandtests.
Mathematics encourages students to see mathematics as a tool for solving problems in an authentic real-life context. Students are expected to transfer theoretical mathematical knowledge into real-world situations and apply appropriate problem-solving strategies, drawvalidconclusionsandreflectupon their results This assessment criterion is often conducted independently and in groupsthroughoralpresentationsandwrittenassignments.
Criterion A along with criterion C are usually levelled using tests and quizzes where knowledge of the topic is assessed Inquiry-based assignments such as investigation exercises are usually but not always assessed on the basis of criteria B, C and D A minimum of two assessments per criterion along with classwork and homeworkingeneralconstitutethebasisforthefinalgradeatthe endoftheyear
“My goal is simple It isacompleteunderstandingoftheuniverse,whyitisasitis andwhyexistsatall,”
-StephenHawkingThe objectives of MYP sciences encompass the factual, conceptual, procedural and metacognitive dimensions of knowledge. The subject is presented with emphasis on understanding and utilizing scientific method as a means of explainingtheworldaroundus.IntegratingtheSciencesasawholeletsstudents understand the core concepts, theories, processes and interconnectivity of the different branches of science, and how their interactions allow for a greater understanding
● IdentificationofLabequipmentandsafetyguidelines
● The Nature of Science - Principles of science and scientific method, working experimentally, structuring analysis of experimental results and observations
● Introduction to Chemistry - Chemical reactions, Acids and bases, Solids, fluidsandgases
● Astronomy - Scale and structure of the solar system, stars, galaxies and theuniverse
● Robotics and Programming - Principles of algorithmic thinking and visual programmingofmicrocontrollers
● Introduction to Biology and Cell theory - Characteristics of life and structureoflivingorganisms
The assessment for sciences courses in all years of the programme is criterion-related,basedonfourequallyweightedassessmentcriteria:
Students develop scientific knowledge (facts, ideas, concepts, processes, laws, principles, models and theories) and apply it to solve problems and express scientificallysupportedjudgments.
Assessment opportunities: Quizzes, reading and writing tasks, essays, presentations,posters,investigativereports
Intellectual and practical skills are developed through designing, analysing and performing scientific investigations. Although the scientific method involves a widevarietyofapproaches,theMYPemphasizesexperimentalworkandscientific inquiry. When students design a scientific investigation they should develop a method that will allow them to collect sufficient data so that the problem or questioncanbeanswered.
Assessment opportunities: Scientific reports (the work you do before you perform your experiment), inquiry discussions, planning and designing investigations.
Students collect, process and interpret qualitative and/orquantitativedata,and explain conclusions that have been appropriately reached. MYP sciences helps students to develop analytical thinking skills,whichtheycanusetoevaluatethe methodanddiscusspossibleimprovementsorextensions.
Assessment opportunities: Scientific reports (the work you do during and after performing your experiment), observations and analysis, practical andtheoreticalinvestigations,presentationsandanalyticalinvestigations
Students gain global understanding of sciencebyevaluatingtheimplicationsof scientific developments and their applications to a specific problem or issue. A variety of communication modes will be applied in order to demonstrate understanding Students are expected to become aware of the importance of documentingtheworkofotherswhencommunicatinginscience.
Assessment opportunities: Essays, discussions, reflections in scientific reports,definitionquizzes,useofscientificlanguageinallwrittenworkand correctdocumentationofsources Lastupdated:August2022
TheMYPDesigncourseaimstochallengestudentstoapplypracticalandcreative thinking skills inavarietyofdesignsituations.Inquiryandproblemsolvingareat the heart of the subject group, and the students are required to use thedesign cycle. The final solutions they create can rangefromamodel,orprototype,toa product or system as long as it is one that they have developed and created independently.
All students are expected to be actively involved in the whole design process, ratherthanjustthefinalsolution Eachyearstudentscompletetwounitsofwork
● Information:E-book-Internally publish a prototype E-bookaboutanimals foryoungchildrenusingtheiPads
● Product: “Clock” - After researching the history of time-keeping devices, create an analog clock or other time-keeping device that you and others wouldfindusefulonaday-to-daybasis.
The design cycle is used in each unit of work and this is assessed using four assessmentcriteria.
Covers the student’s justification for the need to find a solution for the problem theyarestudying,theirresearch,analysisofexistingsolutionsorproductsandthe productionofadesignbrief
Students are expected not onlytodeveloparangeofdifferentideas,butalsoto create a specification, or set of criteria to establish whether or not their design was successful. This criterion also measures the planning that was put into producingandfinalizingtheirsolution
In this criterion the ability to construct a logical plan, as well as the students’ technical skills are assessed. Students can change theirplanastheycreatebut thesechangesmustbefullyjustified.
Measures the student’s ability to criticallyreflectonthesuccessoftheirsolution, which they are expected to test, explain any improvementsthatcouldbemade andexplaintheimpactoftheirsolutionontheirtargetaudience.
● MythicalCreatures
● Stopmotion(TransdisciplinaryunitwithEnglishLanguageandLiterature)
● Mosaics
Each unit of work requires students to sketch and plan in their arts process journals (some planning can also be electronic, but must be submitted for assessment in a readableformat),produceafinalpieceofartwork,completea writtenpieceofwork(oftenresearchbased)andrecordongoingreflections.
In MYP Arts the process used to create art work, and the ability to demonstrate creativethinking,areasimportantasthefinalartworkitself.
The visual arts are assessed usingfourcriteria–KnowledgeandUnderstanding, Developing skills, ThinkingcreativelyandResponding.Foreachunitofworkthere are task-specific clarifications (rubrics) explaining what students need to do in order to achieve a certain level. It is important that students read each rubric carefully so that they understand what they are being assessed on The rubrics willbeputontoManageBacalongwiththelearningobjectivesforeachunit.
Usuallyassessedthroughwrittenpiecesofwork,eitherintheartsprocessjournals or through specific assignments. However, it can also be assessed through oral presentations,ordiscussionswithstudents
Assessedusing,andcoverstheacquisitionanddevelopmentof,skills,evidenceof whichcanbefoundinartsprocessjournals,aswellasinthefinalpieceofartwork
Measuredthroughplanningandreflectionsinartsprocessjournals,aswellasthe processesstudentsusetocreateart
Measures ability to transfer their learning into new settings and to create an artistic response to the world around them Itismeasuredthroughtheirfinalart work,andwrittencritiquesoftheirownworkandtheworkofothers.
During Year 6, the students will go on a journey through the performing arts, startingwithGreektheatre,throughShakespeareanDramaandmusicaltheatre.
● IntroductionofDramaticskills
● AMidsummerNight’sDream
● Pantomime
● GreekTheatre
● CommediaD’larte
● MusicalTheatre
Three main Units of study will include an in-depth unit on Greek theatre and anotheroneaboutMusicaltheatre Thethirdunitwillbeininterdisciplinarystudy of A Midsummer Night’s Dream with English Language and Literature, aswellas VisualArts. Inthisunitstudentswilldeveloparichsetofskillstoperformonstage.
Performing Arts is assessed using the four criteria as outlined by the IB. The processinvolvedinthecreationofpiecesisasimportantasthefinalproductand this process will be assessed. Assessment tasks will often be practical performancework,butwrittentaskswillalsoformpartoftheassessment
Students should be able to demonstrate awareness of the art form studied, including the use of appropriate language. They should beabletodemonstrate awarenessoftherelationshipbetweentheartformanditscontextaswellasthe linksbetweentheknowledgeacquiredandartworkcreated
Students should beabletodemonstratetheacquisitionanddevelopmentofthe skills and techniques of the art form studied and the application of skills and techniquestocreate,performand/orpresentart.
Studentsshouldbeabletoidentifyanartisticintentioninadditiontoalternatives andperspectives.Theyshouldalsodemonstratetheexplorationofideas
Students should be able to identify connections between art forms, art and context,orartandpriorlearning Theyshouldbeabletorecognizethattheworld contains inspiration or influence for art and evaluate certain elements or principlesofartwork
“Physical Fitness in not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body,it isthebasisofdynamicandcreativeintellectualactivity,”
-JF KennedyIt is important that students are ready to leave class for PE on time, in addition they must be prepared with proper indoor/outdoor footwear as well as athletic clothingsuchast-shirt,shorts,trackpants,yoga/exercisepants Bootsandjeans are not appropriate. I would also recommend that students have sunscreen duringthesummermonthsorahat(incasewegooutdoors)
During the year, students are active in physical and health education activities andsportswhichencouragestudentcollaboration,leadershipandself-reflection. Theseunitsoffocuspromoteknowledgeacquisitionandskillprogressioninareas ofaestheticmovementandathleticskills.
● Kickball
● Ultimatefrisbee
● Handball
● Gymnastics/Fitness
● Badminton
The assessment for PHE in the MYP is criterion-related, based on four equally weightedassessmentcriteria.
Throughout year 1, students should be able to outline physical healtheducation related factual, procedural and conceptual knowledge, identify physical and healtheducationknowledgetodescribeissuesandsolveproblemssetinfamiliar and unfamiliar situations, and apply physical sport and health terminology to communicate understanding. Written assignments are often used in Criteria A. Assessment of this objective should be completed using oral presentations and/orwrittenassignments
During year 1, students should be able to construct and outline a plan for improvinghealthorphysicalactivityaswellasdescribetheeffectivenessoftheir plan based on the outcome. This criterion will be assessed within units that requirestudentstoinquireandplan.Weeklyreflectionsandadjustmentsmaybe necessaryinordertodiscoverwaystoimprovetheirskillsintheareasoffocus.
At the end of year1,studentsshouldbeabletorecallandapplyarangeofskills and techniques they have practiced, effectively recall and apply a range of strategies and movement concepts as well as recall and apply information to allowthemtoperformeffectively.
Criterion C is assessed in performance/playing situations and could include developingskillssuchasaccuracy,timing,coordination,efficiency,control,speed andtheuseofpersonalspaceandflow
At the end of year 1 of the MYP, students should be able to identify and demonstrate strategies to enhance interpersonal skills, identify goals and apply strategiestoenhanceperformance,describeandsummarizetheirperformance. Criterion D is appropriate for assessing personal and social development in sports/performanceleadership.
One of the key features of the MYP is its focus on interdisciplinary teachingand learning.Thisisbeneficialtostudentsasitallowsthemtouseknowledgetofoster new understandings, develops flexible thinking, develops collaboration and teamwork and gives them a holistic approach to studying real- life issues and ideas.
Students demonstrate interdisciplinary learning when they bring together concepts or knowledge from several subjects (disciplines) to show new understandingsorsolutionsthatwouldhavenotbeenpossiblethroughthestudy ofasinglesubject.
Fromthisschoolyeareachyeargroupwillcompleteoneinterdisciplinaryproject eachyear Aswearestillinthedevelopmentalphaseofcreatingtheseunits,then in some years, students may experience more than one interdisciplinary unit of workinaschoolyear
The final pieces of work produced by students for these units will be assessed using specific interdisciplinary assessment criteria and these are: criterion ADisciplinary grounding, criterion B – Synthesizing, criterion C – Communicating, criterionD–Reflecting.
These assessment criteria are differentiated for grade 6, grades 7 and 8, and grades9and10,andtheachievementlevelsforthesewillmostlikelyberecorded ontheJunereportcards.