During this year we will do between four and five unitsofworkinLanguageand Literature.Theseunitswillbefromthefollowinglist:
● Myths, Legends & Fairytales - Students explore personal legend, fate, free will, destiny, and The Hero’s Journey in novels from the world literature genre,whilealsointheirownlives.
● WWI - Powerful communication can be delivered through various forms. Animals involved in human warfare. The War Horse play, poetry, images, cartoons.
● Diary - Students willexplorethediarygenreandhowayoungpersoncan make an impact on the world with their words. Anne Frank’s Diary will be read.
● PearlinChina-Studentsexplorepre-revolutionaryChina,theearthasour motherandnurturer,andnovelTheGoodEarth.
Each unit of work will require students to plan, use, evaluate and document sourcesusingtheappropriateformat Studentswillcarryouttextcomprehension exercises, interpretation of visual information and produce written pieces in differentformats,planandexecuteoralpresentationsandcompareandcontrast genresandauthors.
Language and Literature will be assessed using four components – Analysing, Organizing,ProducingtextandUsingLanguage Foreachofthesethereisarubric informing students what they need to do in order to achieve a certain level. Students should make sure they read each rubric carefully so that they understand what they are assessed on. The rubrics will be made available on Managebacalongwiththelearningobjectivesforeachunit.
Assessed through comparing and contrasting genres and texts, analysing the effects of the creator’s choice on an audience and analyzing content, context, language,structure,techniqueandstyleofthetexts.
Assessed through producing work that employs organisational structures that servecontextandintention,andusingreferencingandformattingtoolstocreate workthatservesthecontextandintention.
Assessed by making stylistic choices in terms of linguistic, literary and visual devices,anddemonstratingawarenessofimpactonanaudience.
Assessed by written pieces in different formats, whichemploycorrectgrammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation and the use of appropriate non-verbal communicationtechniques
During this year we will complete four units of work in English Language and Literature.Theseunitswillbethefollowing:
● Self-expression in a Totalitarian State: Studentswillfocusonthehistorical, personalandsocialcontextofnovellasbyOrwellandSolzhenitsyn:Animal Farm&OneDayintheLifeofIvanDenisovich.
● Rebelling Youth in Shakespeare’s play Romeo & Juliet and S.E. Hinton’s novel The Outsiders A closer study of Shakespeare, and a comparison of two works of literature which feature common themes and characterization
● The Short Story Students will study the short story genre, reading short stories from Asia and around the world, culminating in students writing eachtheirownshortstory
● AfricanDiaspora-SeveralpiecesofliteraturefromtheAfricandiasporawill bestudiedinthisunit,withafocusonfeministliterature.
Assessedusingandcoversidentifyingandcommentinguponsignificantaspects of the text and the creator’s choices, justifying your opinions and ideas using explanations, examples and terminology, and identifying similarities and differencesinfeatureswithinandbetweentexts
Measured by how students employ organizational structures that serve the context andintention,organizeyouropinionsandideasinalogicalmanner,and how you use referencing and formatting tools to create a presentation style suitabletothecontextandintention
Usually assessed based on students' production of texts that demonstrate thoughtandimaginationwhileexploringnewperspectivesandideasarisingfrom personalengagementwiththecreativeprocess,makingstylisticchoicesinterms oflinguistic,literaryandvisualdevices,demonstratingawarenessofimpactonan audience,andselectingrelevantdetailsandexamplestosupportideas.
Measures how students use appropriate and varied vocabulary, sentence structuresandformsofexpression,writeandspeakinanappropriateregisterand style, use correct grammar, syntax and punctuation, spell (alphabetic languages), write(characterlanguages)andpronouncewithaccuracy,anduse appropriatenon-verbalcommunicationtechniques
Study different reactions to the idea of the modern as it was expressed literary andvisually
Unit2:Protagonistandantagonistintheborderlandbetweentherealandunreal Studyandcomparerepresentationsofprotagonistandantagonistinfictiontexts withnon-fictiontexts.
Study the historical background for Nynorsk and reflectonthestatusofNynorsk language,literatureandcultureinNorwaytoday.
Explore linguistic variation and diversity in Norway and reflect over attitudes to differentlanguagesandspokenlanguagevariants.
The units are based on conceptual ideas and the studies require student’s involvementinmakinginquiryquestionsrelatedtoaglobalcontext.Thelearning process also includesattaining,practicing,andmasteringidentifiedapproaches to learning skills The assessment of formative and summative learning records thestudent’slevelofcompetenceinthesubject.
Study the influence of the local and global literary market onhowtheaudience receivestheliterature.
Study and produce texts as part of different contexts adapted to content, languageandform,purpose,mediumandaudience.
Lastupdated:August2022 Page5
Studynewformsofcommunicationindigitalmediaandwhetherithasledtoan increasingfreedomofexpression!
Studyandcomparerealismfromahistoricalcontextwithrealisticcontemporary texts
The units are based on conceptual ideas and the studies require student’s involvementinmakinginquiryquestionsrelatedtoaglobalcontext.Thelearning process also includesattaining,practicing,andmasteringidentifiedapproaches to learning skills. The assessment of formative and summative learning records thestudent’slevelofcompetenceinthesubject
TheaimsofEnglishLanguageAcquisitionaretodevelopalearner’suseofEnglish by:
● learninglanguage
● learningthroughlanguage
● learningaboutlanguage
TheEnglishLanguageAcquisitionsubjectaimstodeveloptheessentialprocesses oflanguageandhasbeenorganisedinto4sections.
Theyare: A Listening,
B. Reading,
C. Speaking, D Writing
Within the subject, students are organised into Phases, from 1-6, with 6 aligning with the skill of a fluent speaker. Students are assessed and move through the phases as theirskillincreases,untiltheyhavegainedthenecessaryskillstotake part in English Language and Literature lessons. Tasks, resources and assessmentsaredifferentiatedtomeettheneedsofthestudentsofthedifferent phases.
In grades 9 and 10, the English Language Acquisition subject aligns very closely with the English Language and Literaturesubjectandbothgroupswillbetaught together,albeitwithdifferentiatedtasksandassessments.
● Myths, Legends & Fairytales - Students explore personal legend, fate, free will, destiny, and The Hero’s Journey in novels from the world literature genre,whilealsointheirownlives.
● WWI - Powerful communication can be delivered through various forms. Animals involved in human warfare. The War Horse play, poetry, images, cartoons.
● Diary - Students willexplorethediarygenreandhowayoungpersoncan make animpactontheworldwiththeirwords.AnneFrank’sDiaryandThe AbsolutelyTrueDiaryofaPart-timeIndian.
● Self-expression in a Totalitarian State: Studentswillfocusonthehistorical, personalandsocialcontextofnovellasbyOrwellandSolzhenitsyn:Animal Farm&OneDayintheLifeofIvanDenisovich.
● Rebelling Youth in Shakespeare’s play Romeo & Juliet and S.E. Hinton’s novel The Outsiders. A closer study of Shakespeare, and a comparison of two works of literature which feature common themes and characterization.
● The Short Story. Students will study the short story genre, reading short stories from Asia and around the world, culminating in students writing eachtheirownshortstory.
Comprehending spoken language presented in multimodal text encompasses aspects of listening andviewing.Theprocessinvolvesthestudentininterpreting and constructing meaning from spokenandmultimodaltexttounderstandhow images and other spatial aspects presented with oral text interplay to convey ideas,valuesandattitudes.Atypicaltaskwouldbewatchingafilm,aclipfromTV or a spoken or visual advertisement and the students answer questions either spokenorwritten.
Comprehending written language presented withmultimodaltextencompasses aspects of reading and viewing. It involves the student inconstructingmeaning and interpreting written, spatial and visual aspects of texts to understand how images presented with written text interplay to convey ideas, values and attitudesThestudentsreadawrittenandvisualtextandanswerquestions
The students will have opportunities to develop their communication skills by interacting on a range of topics of personal, local and global interest and significance, with the support of spoken, written and visual texts in the target language (multimodal texts) They can express ideas and feelings, and communicateinformationinfamiliarandunfamiliarsituations.
Thisobjectiverelatestothecorrectandappropriateuseofthewrittentarget language.Itinvolvesrecognizingandusinglanguagesuitabletotheaudience andpurpose.Whenwritinginthetargetlanguage,studentsapplytheir understandingoflanguage,form,mode,mediumandliteraryconceptstoexpress ideas,valuesandopinionsincreativeandmeaningfulways Theydevelopa varietyofstructuresusingstrategies(spelling,grammar,plot,character, punctuation,voice,format,audience)andtechniqueswithincreasingskilland effectiveness.
● Everydaylife-phase1
● News–phases2-6
● Whoweare–allphases
● Folktales–allphases
● Syntaxandgrammar–allphases
● Everydaylife-phase1
● Newsandviews2-6
● Biographies–allphases
● Fairytales–allphases
● Storiesofwar–allphases
This is a language acquisition course for emergent, capable and proficient communicators.
ItistaughtwithintheMYPframeworkforlanguageacquisitioncombinedwiththe curriculum for the subject “Basic Norwegian for language minorities” from the NorwegianNationalcurriculumandisstructuredin6phases:
● 1-2emergentcommunicators,
● 3-4capablecommunicators,
● 5-6proficientcommunicators
The individual student’s phase is determined according to their language proficiency (oral, visual, and written). For students who are in Norway on a long time basis, the aim is that they should eventually become proficient enough to transfertoLanguageandLiterature.
Language Acquisition students areideallytaughtingroupsofasimilarphase In ordertofacilitatethis,grade8and9studentsarecombined.(Itwilldependfrom yeartoyear)
Language Acquisition students will sometimes take part in Language and Literature classes when this is seen to be pedagogically beneficial for the individual student’s language acquisition. This is an ongoing evaluationandthe decision is made by the subject teachers. Thesestudentsarestillconsideredas Language Acquisition students and will beassessedusingLanguageAcquisition criteria.
A transition from Norwegian Language Acquisition to Language and Literature happens after an evaluation by the subject teacher and in dialogue with the studentandparents.
Comprehending spoken language presented in multimodal text encompasses aspects of listening andviewing.Theprocessinvolvesthestudentininterpreting and constructing meaning from spokenandmultimodaltexttounderstandhow images and other spatial aspects presented with oral text interplay to convey ideas,valuesandattitudes.Atypicaltaskwouldbewatchingafilm,aclipfromTV or a spoken or visual advertisement and the students answer questions either spokenorwritten.
Comprehending written language presented withmultimodaltextencompasses aspects of reading and viewing. It involves the student inconstructingmeaning and interpreting written, spatial and visual aspects of texts to understand how images presented with written text interplay to convey ideas, values and attitudes Thestudentsreadawrittenandvisualtextandanswerquestions
The students will have opportunities to develop their communication skills by interacting on a range of topics of personal, local and global interest and significance, with the support of spoken, written and visual texts in the target language (multimodal texts) They can express ideas and feelings, and communicateinformationinfamiliarandunfamiliarsituations.
This objective relates to the correct and appropriate use of the written target language. It involves recognizing and using language suitable to the audience and purpose.When writing in the target language, students apply their understandingoflanguage,form,mode,mediumandliteraryconceptstoexpress ideas, values and opinions in creative and meaningful ways They develop a variety of structures using strategies (spelling, grammar, plot, character, punctuation, voice, format, audience) and techniques with increasing skill and effectiveness.
In the capable level group (phase 3) we will use the book: French Language acquisitionMYPbyconcept4&5).
● Quelleestmonidentitéculturelle?
● Qu’est-cequ’ilyautourdemoi?
● Qu’est-cequetuaimesmanger?
● Quelssonttesloisirs
● Booksandmoviesworkshops
● Grammar/syntax/vocabulary
In the Emergent level group (Phase 1-2) we will use the book French (Language acquisition,MYPbyconcept4&5,phases1-2).
● Etsionapprenaitunenouvellelangue?
● Chezmoi(chambreetmaison)
● LaVille(espaceautourdemoi)
● Majournée(routinequotidienneethobbies)
● Pourquoifairelafête?
In the context of the language acquisition subject group framework, to be multiliterate is defined as being able to understand and use print-based and digital spoken, written and visual text This is a language acquisition course for emergent, capable and proficient communicators. It is taught within the MYP frameworkforlanguageacquisitionandtheobjectiveswillbetoenablestudents' understandingofthenewlanguagethroughlearninglanguage,learningthrough language,learningaboutlanguage
Teaching and learning in the language acquisitionsubjectgroupisorganizedin sixphases.ThephasesdonotcorrespondtoaparticularagegrouporMYPyears and the teacher will need to decide the most suitable phase in which to place individualstudentsoragroupofstudents.
● 1-2emergentcommunicators,
● 3-4capablecommunicators,
● 5-6proficientcommunicators
Comprehending spoken language presented in multimodal text encompasses aspects of listening andviewing Theprocessinvolvesthestudentininterpreting and constructing meaning from spokenandmultimodaltexttounderstandhow images and other spatial aspects presented with oral text interplay to convey ideas,valuesandattitudes.Atypicaltaskwouldbewatchingafilm,aclipfromTV or a spoken or visual advertisement and the students answer questions either spokenorwritten.
Comprehending written language presented withmultimodaltextencompasses aspects of reading and viewing. It involves the student inconstructingmeaning and interpreting written, spatial and visual aspects of texts to understand how images presented with written text interplay to convey ideas, values and attitudesThestudentsreadawrittenandvisualtextandanswerquestions
The students will have opportunities to develop their communication skills by interacting on a range of topics of personal, local and global interest and significance, with the support of spoken, written and visual texts in the target
language (multimodal texts). They can express ideas and feelings, and communicateinformationinfamiliarandunfamiliarsituations.
This objective relates to the correct and appropriate use of the written target language It involves recognizing and using language suitable to the audience and purpose. When writing in the target language, students apply their understandingoflanguage,form,mode,mediumandliteraryconceptstoexpress ideas, values and opinions in creative and meaningful ways. They develop a variety of structures using strategies (spelling, grammar, plot, character, punctuation, voice, format, audience) and techniques with increasing skill and effectiveness.
In the capable level group (phase 3 &4)wewillusethebook:French Language acquisitionMYPbyconcept4&5)
● Quesignifieparlerfrançais?Es-tucurieux?
● L'éducationpourtous,l’éducationpourlapaix?
● Es-tucurieux?
● Qu’est-cequidéfinitnosrelations?
● Whatarethefactorsthatinfluencegoodhealth
● Booksandmoviesworkshop
● Grammar/syntax/vocabulary
In the Emergent level group (Phase 2) we will use the book French Language acquisitionMYPbyconcept4&5,phase1-2).
● Es-tucurieux?(voyagesetmigrations)
● Es-tuunevictimedelaconsommation?
● Commentcommunique-t-on?
● Qu’est-cequidéfinitnosrelations?
● Suis-jeresponsabledemonenvironnement?
In the context of the language acquisition subject group framework, to be multiliterate is defined as being able to understand and use print-based and digital spoken, written and visual text This is a language acquisition course for emergent, capable and proficient communicators. It is taught within the MYP frameworkforlanguageacquisitionandtheobjectiveswillbetoenablestudents' understandingofthenewlanguagethroughlearninglanguage,learningthrough language,learningaboutlanguage
Teaching and learning in the language acquisitionsubjectgroupisorganizedin sixphases.ThephasesdonotcorrespondtoaparticularagegrouporMYPyears and the teacher will need to decide the most suitable phase in which to place individualstudentsoragroupofstudents.
● 1-2emergentcommunicators,
● 3-4capablecommunicators,
● 5-6proficientcommunicators.
Comprehending spoken language presented in multimodal text encompasses aspects of listening andviewing Theprocessinvolvesthestudentininterpreting and constructing meaning from spokenandmultimodaltexttounderstandhow images and other spatial aspects presented with oral text interplay to convey ideas,valuesandattitudes.Atypicaltaskwouldbewatchingafilm,aclipfromTV or a spoken or visual advertisement and the students answer questions either spokenorwritten.
Comprehending written language presented withmultimodaltextencompasses aspects of reading and viewing. It involves the student inconstructingmeaning and interpreting written, spatial and visual aspects of texts to understand how
images presented with written text interplay to convey ideas, values and attitudes.Thestudentsreadawrittenandvisualtextandanswerquestions.
The students will have opportunities to develop their communication skills by interacting on a range of topics of personal, local and global interest and significance, with the support of spoken, written and visual texts in the target language (multimodal texts). They can express ideas and feelings, and communicateinformationinfamiliarandunfamiliarsituations.
This objective relates to the correct and appropriate use of the written target language. It involves recognizing and using language suitable to the audience and purpose When writing in the target language, students apply their understandingoflanguage,form,mode,mediumandliteraryconceptstoexpress ideas, values and opinions in creative and meaningful ways. They develop a variety of structures using strategies (spelling, grammar, plot, character, punctuation, voice, format, audience) and techniques with increasing skill and effectiveness
DuringthisyearwewilldofourunitsofworkinHumanities Theseunitswillbefrom thefollowinglist:
● World War 1 – A study covering Identities and Relationships, causes and consequences and the formation of alliances, military cultural and economicdevelopment.
● Revolution – How societies can adopt, adapt or resist significant ideas throughthestudyoftheFrenchRevolution.
● The Industrial Revolution – Scientific and technical innovations and addressing the question: To what extent can progress be said to be universal? We will also be looking at the effects of urbanization and our ability to feed ourselves. This will be covered by farming practices and local,nationalandinternationalagreementsandorganizations.
● Human Rights – A study of how Human Rights of the individual can be protected and nurtured in a global, democratic society Students will investigate and discuss howitispossibletosecureandprotectindividuals without compromising basic Human Rights. They will also investigate and discuss the current world climate and set acts of terrorism into a relevant context.
During this year we will do five units in Humanities These units will be from the followinglist:
● RussianRevolution
○ Assessmenttask:Research,Identificationoftriggersandcomparison totheFrenchRevolution,oralpresentation.
● Social,CulturalandArtisticMovements(-ismes)
○ Assessmenttask: Analysis,OPVLChart(sourceevaluation)
● WorldWarII
○ Assessment task: Research Essay, OPVL Chart (source evaluation), Sourcedocumentation,Oralpresentation
● InfectiousDiseases
○ Assessment Task(s): Tables, Research, Source evaluation, Source documentation
● HumanMigration
○ Assessment Task(s): Group Research and Presentation of information in various appropriate formats, Source Analysis,Source documentation.
Each unit of work will require students to plan, use, evaluate and document sources using the appropriate format and identify bias,presentinformationina rangeofdifferentformatseg.maps,timelines,graphsandsketches.
Students will also be required to be active in note taking and discussions. Each unitwillconcludewithareflectionontheprocessandwhathasbeenachieved.
● KnowingandUnderstanding,
● Investigating,
● Communicating
● ThinkingCritically.
For each of these there is a rubric informing students what they need to do in ordertoachieveacertainlevel Studentsshouldmakesuretheyreadeachrubric carefully so that they understand what they are assessedon.Therubricswillbe put available on the learning platform Managebac along with the learning objectivesforeachunit. Lastupdated:August2022
Assessedthroughwrittenpiecesofworkintheformofessays,oralpresentations, reports, posters, brochures, newspaper articles, actionplans,budgets,diagrams, time-linesandmaps.
Assessedthroughcompletingworkplans,developingguiding/researchquestions and explaining the choice, collecting and recording relevant information consistentwiththeresearchquestion,andreflectingontheprocessandresultsof theinvestigation.
Assessed by communicating information with clarity in the forms indicated in Criterion A and listing sources according to the instructions from the task hand-outs.
Assessedthroughinformationgiveninwrittenpiecesofwork(seeCriterionA),the identificationofbiasofsources,theuseofinformationtoformandgiveopinions and the identification and analysis of sources/data in terms of origin, purpose andusefulness.
MYPmathematicsislargelybasedoninquirywheretheapproachtothesubjectis through practical work and exploration. In mathematics, an IB accredited textbook is used as the main resource in the classroom, alongside online resources such MyiMaths, Desmos, and Geogebra. Enriching Mathematics tasks are provided through Nrich and STEM resources, as well as opportunities for externalenrichmentthroughAbel,UngAbelandKangarooMathsCompetitions.
The content of mathematics in the MYP isstreamlinedintofourmajorbranches. Numerical and Abstract Reasoning, Thinking and Models, Spatial Reasoningand ReasoningwithData.
● Equivalencetransformations,inequalities,non-linearinequalities
● Using patterns to work backwards, quadratic functions in 2D space, equivalentforms
● Algebraicfractions,equivalentmethods,rationalfunctions
● Usingcircletheorems,intersectingchords,problemsinvolvingtriangles
● Finding patterns in sequences, making generalizations from a given pattern,arithmeticandgeometricsequences
● Rational and irrational numbers, direct and indirect proportion, fractional exponents
● Workingwithsetsofdata,workingwithgroupeddata,histograms
● Currency conversion, absolute value, converting units and reasoning quantity
● Circlesegmentsandsectors,volumesof3Dshapes,3Dorientation
● Right-angletrianglesandtrigonometricratios,sineandcosinefunctions
● Scatter graphs and linear regression, drawing reasonable conclusions, datainferences
● Simpleprobability,probabilitysystems,conditionalprobability
● Transformingfunctions,exponentialfunctions
● Evaluating logarithms, transforming logarithmic functions, laws of logarithms(Extendedonly)
● The unit circle and trigonometric functions, sine and cosine rules, simple trigonometricidentities(Extendedonly)
● Networks,NodesandPaths(Extendedonly)
Thisobjectiverequiresstudentstodemonstrateknowledgeandunderstandingof the concepts and skills of the four branches in the prescribed framework (Numerical andAbstractReasoning,ThinkingandModels,SpatialReasoningand Reasoning with Data) ThisCriteriaisassessedthroughwrittenassessmentsand presentations.
Investigating patterns allows students to experience the excitement and satisfaction of mathematical discovery. Students should be able to select and apply mathematical problem-solving techniques to discover complex patterns, describe patterns and prove, verify and justify general rules. This assessment criterion is often conducted independently and in groups through written investigationsandpresentations. Lastupdated:August2022
Mathematicsprovidesapowerfulanduniversallanguage.Studentsareexpected touseappropriatemathematicallanguageanddifferentformsofrepresentation when communicating mathematical ideas both orally and in writing. This assessmentcriterionisassessedonwrittenassessmentandinvestigations
CriterionD:ApplyingMathematicsinReal-lifeContexts-Maximum8 Mathematics encourages students to see mathematics as a tool for solving problems in an authentic real-life context. Students are expected to transfer theoretical mathematical knowledge into real-world situations and apply appropriate problem-solving strategies, drawvalidconclusionsandreflectupon their results. This assessment criterion is often conducted independently and in groupsthroughoralpresentationsandwrittenassignments
Criterion A along with criterion C are usually assessed using tests and written assignments. Inquiry-based assignments suchasinvestigationsareassessedon the basis of criteria B, C and D. A minimum of two assessments per criterion along with classwork and homework in general constitute the basis for the final gradeattheendofeachsemester
(In the fields of observation, chance favours only the prepared mind.) - Louis Pasteur(7December1854)
The objectives of MYP sciences encompass the factual, conceptual, procedural and metacognitive dimensions of knowledge. The subject is presented with emphasis on understanding and utilizing scientific method as a means of explainingtheworldaroundus.IntegratingtheSciencesasawholeletsstudents understand the core concepts, theories, processes and interconnectivity of the different branches of science, and how their interactions allow for a greater understanding
● First LEGO League - Interdisciplinary team project where students design and program a LEGO robot, investigate and create an innovative solution forapresentedtopic(changesyearly)
● Forces, motion andenergytransfer-Principles, calculations and practical experimentation on energy transfer (work, potential energy, kinetic energy…)
● Organic chemistry and the environment -Chemical properties of organic molecules, oil formation and refinement, polymers and investigating environmentalchallenges
● Electromagnetic radiation and the Properties of Light - Theory and investigative experimentation on wave theory, optics and the biology of sight
● Chemical analysis and Inorganic chemistry - Calculations related to chemical processes and reactions, industrial chemistry, analytical and investigativechemistry
● Microbiology - Characteristics of cell structure and components, cellular mechanisms, evolution and interaction, practical investigation on various microbial systems and biomes, historical progress of developing antibioticsandvaccines
● Biotechnology and bioethics - Principles of genetics and genetic information, applications of biotechnology, selective breedingandgenetic modification,ethicsofbiotechnology
● Electricity and magnetism - Fundamentals of electricity and interaction with magnetic forces, electrical circuits and calculations of current, resistance and voltage, principles and utilization of electric motors and generators
● Chemical analysis and Inorganic chemistry - Analytical and investigative chemistry,stoichiometry,theMole
● Industrial design - Designing, programming and prototyping innovative solutionsforsolvingchallengesofhumanity
The assessment for sciences courses in all years of the programme is criterion-related,basedonfourequallyweightedassessmentcriteria:
Students develop scientific knowledge (facts, ideas, concepts, processes, laws, principles, models and theories) and apply it to solve problems and express scientificallysupportedjudgments.
Assessment opportunities: Quizzes, reading and writing tasks, essays, presentations,posters,investigativereports.
Intellectual and practical skills are developed through designing, analysing and performing scientific investigations. Although the scientific method involves a widevarietyofapproaches,theMYPemphasizesexperimentalworkandscientific
inquiry. When students design a scientific investigation, they should develop a method that will allow them to collect sufficient data so that the problem or question can be answered Using their background knowledge to develop a reason-based hypothesis, set the variables for their investigation and also ascertaintheunitsofmeasurementfortheirdata
Assessment opportunities: Scientific reports (the work you do during and after performing your experiment), observations and analysis, practical andtheoreticalinvestigations,presentationsandanalyticalinvestigations.
Students collect, process and interpret qualitative and/orquantitativedata,and explain conclusions that have been appropriately reached. MYP sciences helps students to develop analytical thinking skills,whichtheycanusetoevaluatethe methodanddiscusspossibleimprovementsorextensions.Studentsareexpected to use various graphing techniques to interpret their data and draw scientific conclusionsfromthem.
Assessment opportunities: Scientific reports (the work you do during and after performing your experiment), observations and analysis, practical andtheoreticalinvestigations,presentationsandanalyticalinvestigations
Students gain global understanding of sciencebyevaluatingtheimplicationsof scientific developments and their applications to a specific problem or issue A varietyofcommunicationmodeswillbeappliedinordertodemonstrateeffective communication techniques in the Sciences Students are expected to become aware of the importance of documenting the work of others when communicatinginscience
Assessment opportunities: Essays, discussions, reflections in scientific reports,definitionquizzes,useofscientificlanguageinallwrittenworkand correctdocumentationofsources.
TheMYPDesigncourseaimstochallengestudentstoapplypracticalandcreative thinking skills inavarietyofdesignsituations.Inquiryandproblemsolvingareat the heart of the subject group, and the students are required to use thedesign cycle. The final solutions they create can rangefromamodel,orprototype,toa product or system as long as it is one that they have developed and created independently. All students are expected to be actively involved in the whole design process, rather than just the final solution Each year students complete twounitsofwork.
● Cargo connect (First Lego League). An interdisciplinary unit between Design,ScienceandMathematics
● WebDesign
● Typeit!
● Formandfunction AninterdisciplinaryunitbetweenDesign,Science
The design cycle is used in each unit of work and this is assessed using four assessmentcriteria
Covers the student’s justification for the need to find a solution for the problem theyarestudying,theirresearch,analysisofexistingsolutionsorproductsandthe productionofadesignbrief.
Students are expected not onlytodeveloparangeofdifferentideas,butalsoto create a specification, or set of criteria to establish whether or not their design was successful. This criterion also measures the planning that was put into producingandfinalizingtheirsolution
In this criterion the ability to construct a logical plan, as well as the students’ technical skills are assessed. Students can change theirplanastheycreatebut thesechangesmustbefullyjustified.
Measures the student’s ability to criticallyreflectonthesuccessoftheirsolution, which they are expected to test, explain any improvementsthatcouldbemade andexplaintheimpactoftheirsolutionontheirtargetaudience.
Theseunitsare; Grade9
● ThenatureandI
● Portraitsandidentity:painting
● ArtHistory Grade10
● OilPainting
● StreetArt
● Installation
Each unit of work requires students to sketch and plan in their arts process journals (some planning can also be electronic, but must be submitted for assessment in a readableformat),produceafinalpieceofartwork,completea writtenpieceofwork(oftenresearchbased)andrecordongoingreflections.
In MYP Arts the process used to create art work, and the ability to demonstrate creativethinking,areasimportantasthefinalartworkitself. Lastupdated:August2022
The visual arts are assessed usingfourcriteria–KnowledgeandUnderstanding, Developing skills, ThinkingcreativelyandResponding.Foreachunitofworkthere are task-specific clarifications (rubrics) explaining what students need to do in order to achieve a certain level. It is important that students read each rubric carefully so that they understand what they are being assessed on The rubrics willbeputontoItslearningalongwiththelearningobjectivesforeachunit.
Students should be able to demonstrate awareness of the art form studied, including the use of appropriate language. They should beabletodemonstrate awarenessoftherelationshipbetweentheartformanditscontextaswellasthe linksbetweentheknowledgeacquiredandartworkcreated.
Students should beabletodemonstratetheacquisitionanddevelopmentofthe skills and techniques of the art form studied and the application of skills and techniquestocreate,performand/orpresentart.
Studentsshouldbeabletoidentifyanartisticintentioninadditiontoalternatives andperspectives.Theyshouldalsodemonstratetheexplorationofideas
Students should be able to identify connections between art forms, art and context,orartandpriorlearning.Theyshouldbeabletorecognizethattheworld contains inspiration or influence for art and evaluate certain elements or principlesofartwork.
During Grade 9, students will complete 4 units of work in Performing Arts These Unitswillincludethefollowing:
● Studyofpractitioners
● Indepthstudyofamusician
● Devisedcourseworkbasedaroundstimuli
● StudyofBloodBrothers
Performing Arts During Grade 10, students will complete four Units of work in PerformingArts TheseUnitswillincludethefollowing:
● HardtoSwallowbyMarkWheeller
● MyMasterpiece
● DevisedthematiccourseworkbasedaroundSevenDeadlySins
● TheBrand
In addition to this, students will work on smaller projects, for examples film analysis.TheyshouldtrytoincludeawiderangeofPerformingArtsSkills.
Students are encouraged to take charge of the content of their work and researchandareresponsibleformanagingtheirworkandthecreativeprocess.
Performing Arts is assessed using the four Criteria as outlined by the IB. The processinvolvedinthecreationofpiecesisasimportantasthefinalproductand this process will be assessed. Assessment tasks will often be practical performanceworkhoweveraProcessJournaldocumentingallaspectsoftheunit willformanintegralpartoftheassessment
Studentsshouldbeabletodemonstrateknowledgeandunderstandingoftheart form studied, including concepts, processes, and the use of subject-specific terminology as well as understanding of the role of the art form in original or displaced contexts. In addition, students should use acquired knowledge to purposefullyinformartisticdecisionsintheprocessofcreatingartwork
Students should beabletodemonstratetheacquisitionanddevelopmentofthe skills and techniques of the art form studied, in addition to demonstrate the applicationofskillsandtechniquestocreate,performand/orpresentart.
Students should be able to develop a feasible, clear, imaginative and coherent artisticintention.Studentsshouldalsobeabletodemonstratearangeanddepth of creative-thinking behaviours, including the exploration of ideas to shape artisticintentionthroughtoapointofrealization.
Students should be able to construct meaning and transfer learning to new settings,createanartisticresponsethatintendstoreflectorimpactontheworld aroundthemandcritiquetheartworkofselfandothers
“PhysicalFitnessinnotonlytheoneofthemostimportantkeystoahealthybody, itisthebasisofdynamicandcreativeintellectualactivity.” - J.F.Kennedy
ItisimportantthatstudentsarereadytoleaveclassforPHEontime Studentswill be taking the Bybanen from ISB to our Gimlehallen facility which will take approximately 30 minutes In addition, students must be prepared with proper indoor/outdoorfootwearaswellasathleticclothingsuchast-shirts,shorts,track pants, yoga/exercise pants Boots, jeans, skirts ect are not appropriate Showering is also recommended and additional time at the end ofclasswillbe giventostudentswhorequireit.
During the year, students are active in outdoor / indoor physical and health education activities and sports which encourage knowledge and acquisition, studentcollaboration,leadershipandselfreflection Theseunitsoffocuspromote knowledge acquisition and skill progression in areas of outdoor education, aesthetic movement and athletic based skills Units of study typically last between6and7weeks.
● HealthEducationandFitnesstraining
● Orienteering&OutdoorLeadership
● Basketball
● PaddleTennis
● Volleyball
● Handball
● Aestheticactivities(yogaordance)
*OutdoorEducationandwinterskitripstoVossarealsoanintegralpartofthePHE program
● Cyclingbasics&cyclingmaintenance
● Waterbasedsports(canoeing,seakayaking,SUP)
● HealthandFitness/traininganduseoffitnesscenter
● Handball
● PaddleTennis
● Basketball
● Badminton
● Volleyball
● Orienteering&Leadership
The assessment for PHE in the MYP is criterion-related, based on four equally weightedassessmentcriteria
Throughout year 4 and 5, students should be able to outline physical health education related factual, procedural and conceptual knowledge, identify physicalandhealtheducationknowledgetodescribeissuesandsolveproblems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations and apply physical sport and health terminology to communicate understanding. Written assignments and / or Oral presentationsareoftenusedinCriteriaA
Throughout year4/5,studentsshouldbeabletoconstructandoutlineaplanfor improving health or physical activity as well as describe and reflect on the effectiveness of their plan based on the outcome. Thiscriterionwillbeassessed within units that require students to inquire and plan Examples could be: gymnastics/yoga routine performance, volleyball or fitness training skill improvementplan Lastupdated:August2022
Throughoutyear4/5,studentsshouldbeabletorecall,applyanddemonstratea broader range of skills and techniques they have learned and practiced, effectivelyrecallandapplyarangeofstrategiesandmovementconceptsaswell as recall and apply information to allow them to perform effectively Weekly reflections and adjustments may be necessary in order to discover ways to improvetheirskillsintheareasoffocus
Criterion C is assessed in performance/playing situations and could includedevelopingskillssuchasaccuracy,timing,coordination,efficiency, control,speed,theuseofpersonalspaceandflow.
Throughoutyear4and5,studentsshouldbeabletoreflectontheirperformance during and at the end of the unit. Students should be able toidentifystrategies that enhance interpersonal skills and create goals and strategies that improve theiroverallachievement.
Criterion D is appropriate for assessing personal and social development in sports/ performance leadership and is often done using oral presentations or writtenreflectiveassignments.
One of the key features of the MYP is its focus on interdisciplinary teachingand learning.Thisisbeneficialtostudentsasitallowsthemtouseknowledgetofoster new understandings, develops flexible thinking, develops collaboration and teamwork and gives them a holistic approach to studying real- life issues and ideas
Students demonstrate interdisciplinary learning when they bring together concepts or knowledge from several subjects (disciplines) to show new understandingsorsolutionsthatwouldhavenotbeenpossiblethroughthestudy ofasinglesubject.
Fromthisschoolyeareachyear-groupwillcompleteoneinterdisciplinaryproject eachyear.Aswearestillinthedevelopmentalphaseofcreatingtheseunits,then in some years, students may experience more than one interdisciplinary unit of workinaschoolyear.
The final pieces of work produced by students for these units will be assessed using specific interdisciplinary assessment criteria and these are: criterion ADisciplinary grounding, criterion B – Synthesizing, criterion C – Communicating, criterionD–Reflecting
These assessment criteria are differentiated for grade 6, grades 7 and 8, and grades9and10,andtheachievementlevelsforthesewillmostlikelyberecorded ontheJunereportcards