2012 ICF Annual Report

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Advancing the Art, Science and Practice of Professional Coaching

PHOTO: ICF Global Board and Staff members join together during the 2013 Board Meeting in Lexington, Kentucky.

ICF GLOBAL STAFF EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT Magdalena Mook, CEO/Executive Director Todd Hamilton, Assistant Executive Director George Rogers, Assistant Executive Director Celeste Moore, Executive Assistant



Mariska Frey, Manager of Credentialing and Program Accreditation Angela Holleran, Credentialing Coordinator Sherrie Harvey, Credentialing Coordinator Emily Webb, Credentialing Coordinator

Lindsay Bodkin, Director of Brand Management Abby Heverin, Communications Coordinator Ann Jarvis, Marketing Manager Kristin Kelly, Marketing Specialist Stephanie Wright, Brand Designer Toby Bishop, Senior Sales Director Liz Blevins, Sales Coordinator

MEETINGS AND EVENTS Denise Stenzel, Director of Meetings and Events


TABLE OF CONTENTS 2012 President’s Message 4 Executive Director’s Message


2012 Board of Directors


ICF’s Purpose & Vision 7 Strategic Overview & Priorities


Global Media Outreach


ICF Credentialing Program


ICF Chapter Brand Alignment


ICF Membership Growth


2012 ICF Global Coaching Study ICF Global 2012


Chapter Awards


President’s Award


Prism Awards


ICF Foundation


2012 Milestones


Financial Overview



Download a PowerPoint presentation with highlights from 2012 and an overview video clip!



Don Whittle, Director of Membership

Mark Ruth, Director of Research and Education Sandy Stansfield, Research Manager Nicole Zafian, Learning Manager

REGIONAL SERVICE CENTRES (RSC) Matt Varney, North American RSC Manager Jackie Burton, North American RSC Assistant Manager Stephanie Norris, Latin American RSC Manager Isabelle Maes, European RSC Manager Fiona Toy, Asia-Pacific RSC Manager

Additional support in the areas of technology, finance and membership services provided by Associations International, LLC shared service staff members.


PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Volunteer leadership is a privileged opportunity for service and contribution. As your steward in 2012 and a member since 1996, I am honored to witness the seed of a good idea grow into a mature tree with branches reaching around the globe and roots dropping deep into the earth. The ICF tree is solid and resilient, a welcoming home to diverse populations of people who are practiced and artful in the field of coaching. Our connected community has positively impacted society through the efforts of passionate, pioneering and personally caring members. 2012 presented opportunities to begin implementing a new strategic direction for the ICF, and the teams of leaders in our 117 Chapters, the Global Board of Directors, and the management team contributed with consistency and commitment. 2012 was a year of transitions that celebrated our history and opened doorways to embrace what ICF will become. This was a common theme throughout our focus on strategic goals during the year. Indeed, 2012 was a full and fruitful year for the ICF and for me personally. It has been my honor to meet so many people around the globe in my year as President and I am humbled by the thriving contribution you make in your communities and the ambassadorship you generously embody every day on behalf of coaching. I am very proud of our work in the world awakening a new way of being in service to humanity flourishing.

Janet M. Harvey, MCC 2012 ICF Global President

“The ICF tree is solid and resilient, a welcoming home to diverse populations...”


CEO/EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MESSAGE There has never been a better time to be a coach! The scope and depth of the coaching influence in the world is amazing—and growing with every coaching client, one at a time. It is our vision, our push for humanity flourishing, and our insistence on quality standards that make the potential impact of this profession truly limitless. I am very proud to serve and to be a part of this vibrant coaching community. 2012 was a really challenging and yet fulfilling year for the ICF! Since realigning our strategic priorities in mid2011, our organizational development has been situated in three primary focus areas: constructing a global standards system; building a high-performance organization; and becoming the preferred resource for the business community. And it was all done on behalf of, and for the benefit of, our evergrowing membership base. I am delighted to have the opportunity to work with the leadership and membership of this organization. The ICF is what it is today because of you! So thank you for your hard work, your

dedication and your support. I appreciate all we accomplished in 2012, and I look forward to what we will accomplish in the weeks, months and years ahead. As long as we are working together, our growth and influence on the coaching profession are endless! Thank you for your continued support of the ICF, and of professional coaching.

Magdalena Mook CEO and Executive Director





Dr. Damian Goldvarg, MCC (USA/Argentina) SECRETARY/TREASURER



Dr. Cheryl Vermey, PCC (USA) Dr. Jeffrey Auerbach, MCC (USA) Meryl Moritz, MCC (USA) DIRECTORS

Kara Exner, PCC (Canada) See Luan Foo, PCC (Singapore) Patricia Mathews, MCC (USA) Dr. Ajay Nangalia, PCC (India) Dave Wondra, PCC (USA) Marilyn O’Hearne, MCC (USA)


The ICF recognized two Board members whose terms expired at the close of 2012 at ICF Global 2012 in London, UK. Thank you for your service! Marilyn O’Hearne, MCC (USA) Dr. Cheryl Vermey, PCC (USA)

ICF’S PURPOSE/VISION The International Coach Federation believes in the power of coaching to promote humanity flourishing, and so leads the advancement of coaching worldwide.

110 countries represented 117 ICF Chapters 9,447 Credential holding coaches 20,000+ members 7

STRATEGIC OVERVIEW & PRIORITIES ICF’s Strategic Plan clearly outlines the major short- and longterm goals of the ICF. To help you see the ICF’s Strategic Plan in action look for these icons throughout this publication. These icons display how various initiatives fit into the overall goals of the ICF.

I. Create attractive credible presence and voice for professional coaching Construct global standards system • Establish world-class credential program • Establish profession entry thresholds • Implement governance councils: credential, education • Establish registered education providers • Establish registered testing providers • Administer ethical conduct and IRB processes • Enhance research protocols • Expand body of knowledge Enhance image and awareness • Educate about professional coaching (Value, Efficacy, Process, Definition, Ethics and Regulation) • Build awareness of the ICF Brand Facilitate global community • Provide value to members • Engage members in evolution of the ICF • Coordinate branded events for professional development and networking Build high-performance organization* • • • • •


Create sustainable governance Ensure financial viability Define and manage culture Ensure infrastructure Ensure synergistic relationship with the ICF Foundation

II. Create global strategic alliances Become preferred resource for business community* • Engage/establish joint projects • Create value proposition for partnering with the ICF • Leverage research Develop partnerships for membership growth • Create alliances with education providers • Create relationships with other relevant professions and credentialing bodies Build relationships with top influential governmental organizations* Create partnerships to grow body of knowledge and advance standards • Engage/establish joint projects with prospective association members • Create a value proposition for partnering with the ICF • Identify potential association members to invite • Identify research projects Inspire multi-disciplinary global alliances *Denotes priorities for 2012.

GLOBAL MEDIA OUTREACH A key priority in 2012 was working toward enhancing the image and awareness of the ICF and professional coaching overall. Through media relations efforts and advertising placements, ICF staff and volunteers worked to connect with a wide range of individuals—potential ICF Members, human resource managers, training directors, government officials, chief executive officers, and more—around the globe.

• In 2012, the ICF distributed more than 21 press releases/ media alerts to generate increased understanding of the ICF and coaching.

Advertising and/or editorial pieces were included in the following outlets throughout the year: • Associations Now (ASAE) • choice magazine • Coaching at Work • Euro Business Review • The European • European CEO • Facebook • HCM Today • HR Daily Advisor

• The ICF Credential was mentioned in 4,665 media clips, with a potential circulation of more than 2.1 billion. • ICF was mentioned in 9,230 captured media clips, representing a potential circulation of more than 5.4 billion.

• HR Magazine (SHRM) • HR Monthly (AHRI) • Human Resources (HRINZ) • International Journal of Coaching in Organizations (IJCO) • The New Economy • New European Economy • Latin Trade (in English and Spanish) • Library of Professional Coaching • LinkedIn • T+D Magazine (ASTD) • Talent Management • Training Daily Advisor • Training Magazine • World Commerce Review


ICF CREDENTIAL PROGRAM EXPERIENCES UNPRECEDENTED GROWTH During 2012, ICF finalized development of a new Internet-based written exam to test applicants’ knowledge, implemented an enhanced process for conducting performance exams through the use of recorded coaching sessions, and made several changes to streamline the application-review process. Survey results also revealed increasing user satisfaction and advocacy for the program, as well as pointing to aspects of the application process that need further improvement. None of these changes would have been possible without the efforts of ICF Members who volunteered their time and expertise on a number of teams and task forces.

Percentage of 2012 Credential Holders

3% Master Certified Coach (MCC) 28% Professional Certified Coach (PCC) 69% Associate Certified Coach (ACC)



9,447 ICF Credential Holders

The mission of the ICF Credentialing program is to: • measure and certify competence of individual coaches • protect and serve consumers of coaching services • inspire pursuit of continuous development. Number of Credential Applications Received Per Year 3,000







increase from 2011


The Training Program Search Tool is a searchable database available on the ICF website of all accredited programs. This the fourth most visited page on coachfederation.org with 226,095+ hits in 2012.

Programs Approved in 2012

54 Approved Coach

Specific Training Hours (ACSTH)


33 Accredited Coach-


Training Programs (ACTP)




In a fast-growing industry, coach training is vital to protect the integrity, consistency and quality of coaching. That’s why ICF accredits coach-training programs. An ICF-approved program offers assurance of a high-quality education aligned with the ICF definition of coaching, Core Competencies and Code of Ethics.







ICF CHAPTERS LEVERAGE THE GLOBAL BRAND In 2012, the majority of ICF’s 117 Chapters became brand aligned. The consistent use of ICF Chapter names, colors, logos and fonts in all communications have created clarity and consistency resulting in a greater impact and wider recognition of the ICF brand. A Chapter Identity Manual was created to guide Chapters in the implementation of this new brand strategy. Chapters across the world created new websites and social media accounts capitalizing on SEO opportunities and many have begun to see web traffic increase.


79% of

ALL Chapters

92% of

Chartered Chapters

Complete Brand Compliance**

61% of

Chartered Chapters

Social Media Accounts

“ICF has done an incredible job of getting its chapters brand aligned. ICF chapters are now speaking with one consistent and relevant ICF voice. That voice is louder, more memorable and more compelling and that’s tremendously important for the coaching profession and the ICF brand.” —William Arruda, CEO, Reach Personal Branding 12

63 Twitter 50 Facebook 48 LinkedIn * Numbers as of April 17, 2013. Many ICF Chapters are in process of making changes to become brand aligned. These numbers also include chapters with no web presence currently. ** Complete Brand Compliance = Proper logo usage on website, newsletters and marketing materials, email signatures, and social media presence.


20,636 Total Members 6,275 New Members 75.66% Retention Rate Breakdown by Region: Asia: 1,303 Eastern Europe: 1,141 Latin America and the Caribbean: 1,144 Middle East and Africa: 490 North America: 10,256 Oceania: 1,168 Western Europe: 5,134

Top 10 by Numbers: United States: 8,074 Canada: 2,179 United Kingdom: 1,065 Australia: 1,037 France: 752 Spain: 638 Sweden: 441 Italy: 428 Turkey: 322 Switzerland: 317

110 Countries Represented


2012 ICF GLOBAL COACHING STUDY During 2012, the ICF released the long-awaited findings of the 2012 ICF Global Coaching Study. The study was commissioned by the ICF and undertaken by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. One of the primary goals of the study was to engage participation with as many coaches as possible on a worldwide basis, thus providing an up-to-date picture of the profession to help meet the challenges ahead.

>100 (31 countries) 50-99 (7 countries) < 50 (79 countries)

More than 12,000 professional coaches in 117 countries 14

The following are several key themes that emerged from the 2012 ICF Global Coaching Study Final Report: • The profession appears to be growing, with an estimated 47,500 professional coaches generating close to $2 billion (USD) in annual revenue/income. • The profession remains concentrated in the higherincome regions of North America, Western Europe and Oceania. Collectively, these regions contain more than three in four coaches, well exceeding the 11 percent share of global population living in these regions. • Despite the critical mass of coaches found in the higherincome regions, the evidence from the study indicates faster growth in coaching has emerged in markets outside these regions, such as Latin America and the Caribbean. • Coaches are looking confidently to the future, with expectations over the next 12 months of increasing demand (clients and sessions) leading to growth in annual revenue and income from coaching. • There is much diversity in the coaching profession. Professional coaches address a wide range of client concerns in a variety of different contexts, while also offering a mix of additional services to meet client needs. • The coaching profession is growing in maturity, with an increasing share of coaches having 10 or more years of experience. The proportion of coaches with five-plus years of experience is highest in the more developed highincome regions (i.e. North America, Western Europe and Oceania). • Key issues for the future include tackling obstacles such as untrained individuals who call themselves coaches; seizing opportunities to increase awareness of coaching benefits; and answering the question of whether coaching should be regulated.


To help share this research with people around the world, throughout the past year, more than 30 custom presentations were created using the data from the 2012 ICF Global Coaching Study. To experience some of what has been created using this valuable data, visit coachfederation.org/coachingstudy2012.


ICF GLOBAL 2012 In October, more than 900 coaching professionals convened at the Novotel London West in London, UK. Attendees connected, learned and were inspired through three and a half days of education and events. The sold-out conference celebrated a milestone as it was the first conference to be held outside North America in ICF’s 17-year history.

ABOVE: ICF Global 2012 Steering Committee

New elements introduced this year: • Virtual conference participation via live online broadcasts of all four general sessions • Official conference app for smartphones • Personal ROI handbooks and workbooks for attendees to track their learning and value of attendance • London Walking Tours, guided by coaches with a knowledge and passion for London and its history, attractions and charm • Flash Mob Coaching facilitated by Shivani Mair, ACC • Executive summaries covering four general sessions and seven breakout sessions Prior to the official start of the conference, Chapter Leaders met on October 3 for the ICF Global Leadership Forum. In conjunction with the forum, the ICF Global Leaders Recognition and Appreciation Luncheon was held where 2012 ICF Chapter Awards were presented. Also on October 3, ICF Assessors met for the Assessor Team meeting. In addition to ICF Chapter Awards, the recipients of the 2012 ICF International Prism Award, and the ICF President’s Award were presented at ICF Global 2012.


935 Attendees 310 First-time

Brene Brown, Mega-Catalyst

56 Countries and 97 ICF Chapters Represented David Whyte, Mega-Catalyst

3 Mega-Catalysts (Keynote Speakers)

72 Catalysts (Speakers)

Camila Batmanghelidjh, Mega-Catalyst

42 Educational Sessions and 4 General Sessions

1 Provocateur

Neil Mullarkey, Provocateur


CHAPTER AWARDS Two new award categories were introduced in 2012: the I Care For— Pro-Bono Coaching Award and the Breaking Barriers Award. A total of 22 applications were accepted in 2012. An awards task force selected five winners across both categories.

I Care For—Pro-Bono Coaching Award ICF Hungary In February 2012, MALEV Hungarian Airlines went bankrupt, leaving many unemployed and a country in shock. Members of ICF Hungary offered coaching services to former MALEV employees—the total initiative provided 700 hours of coaching at an estimated value of $100,000. National media outlets saw the power of coaching through the work of ICF Hungary.

ICF Italy In May 2012, an earthquake struck an area of northern Italy. The earthquake was devastating: it took the lives of 25 people and damage was estimated at five billion Euros. ICF Italy took action and in just a matter of weeks, 40 credentialed coaches began participating in a project offering free coaching sessions for organizations or entrepreneurs affected by the earthquake. TOP LEFT: ICF Hungary accepting the I Care For Chapter Award. BOTTOM LEFT: ICF Italy accepting the I Care For Chapter Award. TOP RIGHT: ICF Bulgaria and ICF Victoria accepting the Breaking Barriers Chapter Award MIDDLE RIGHT: ICF Jakarta accepting the Breaking Barriers Chapter Award. BOTTOM RIGHT: ICF Russia accepting the Breaking Barriers Chapter Award.


Breaking Barriers Award ICF Bulgaria and ICF Victoria Though far apart geographically, members of these ICF Chapters teamed up to extend their influence by creating the Australian-Bulgarian Cross Development initiative. By doing so, they were able to address membership issues and specific challenges more effectively. ICF Bulgaria was a young chapter and ICF Victoria was experiencing a decline in membership and involvement from experienced coaches. The chapters teamed up, connecting young coaches in Bulgaria with experienced coaches in Australia for pro-bono coaching sessions. The initiative attracted new members to ICF Bulgaria and re-engaged 17 inactive senior members in ICF Victoria.

ICF Jakarta It was a year of firsts for ICF Jakarta: they were officially inaugurated, their membership multiplied, and they organized two major events. Following their inauguration, members immediately set to work educating the public about coaching through International Coaching Week 2012 and at the Indonesia Coaching Summit.

ICF Russia ICF Russia spearheaded a weeklong event over International Coaching Week 2012 that led to Chapter growth and contributed to the growing awareness of the coaching industry. Throughout the week, more than 70 events organized by ICF coaches, coaching companies, and coaching schools were attended by 2,500 participants across several regions and cities in Russia. 19

PRESIDENT’S AWARD Business and Executive Coach, Dóra Hegedüs, ACC, was honored with the 2012 ICF President’s Award. Each year, the ICF President selects a single individual or organization to honor for contributions in promoting coaching in a humanitarian capacity. “This year’s [2012] ICF President’s Award winner inspired me through her word and deed as a role model for the values of ICF that we all hold sacred: integrity, excellence, respect and collaboration,” 2012 ICF President Janet Harvey, MCC, explained. “Her inspired invitation to initiate a coaching chapter in Hungary was followed by consistent influence and inspiration for community outreach that built high awareness about the positive impact of coaching and a commitment to bring unity and alignment with ethical conduct and practice for all coaches in the country.” ICF Hungary was founded in 2008. With only 12 members in 2010, growth became the major goal, and a little more than a year later, they became a Chartered Chapter. Today, they have more than 100 members and the highest retention rate in the world. ICF Hungary’s focus is now on promoting coach credentials. “Looking back on the last five years as a founding board member at ICF Hungary, the work and our results seem simple, though it was not easy,” Dóra says. “To find the right cause, dedicate energy with pure intent and full responsibility, have faith in yourself and others, and be able to motivate team members without finances is challenging. But this creates such a centripetal force by which people, potentials and possibilities are drawn to. ICF is an amazing professional and human community; it’s a pride and joy to belong to and work for. I feel touched and more than honored with the award.” LEFT: Dóra Hegedüs, ACC, accepting the President’s Award from 2012 ICF President, Janet Harvey, at ICF Global 2012.


“To observe changes and benefits that developed as the company moved more deeply into a coaching culture was extraordinarily rewarding.” —Esra E. Aksuyek, PCC Coach for Roche-Turkey

PRISM AWARDS A record-breaking 20 applicants applied for the 2012 ICF International Prism Award. Roche-Turkey, Banner Health, and the United Nations Secretariat were named Prism Award recipients. An honorable mention was awarded to the Royal Australian Navy. The award annually recognizes organizations that have benefited from their commitment to coaching as a leadership strategy.


PHOTO: Roche-Turkey representatives at ICF Global 2012.

Roche–Turkey Roche–Turkey, a subsidiary of a multinational pharmaceutical company, had high hopes that fell short in 2009 after a lackluster evaluation. A highly regarded human resources consulting firm demonstrated that the company’s employee engagement was rated as “indifferent,” but they felt they had great potential to become an emerging market leader. So Roche-Turkey turned to an option for corporate development that was still somewhat new in Turkey: professional coaching. The result was so effective that other companies in Turkey have inquired about how they too can create a coaching culture. Roche-Turkey offered coach training and individual coaching to high-potential leaders (who were groomed to become internal coaches), and then offered 45 high-potential employees 12 coaching sessions with their internal coaches (or an external coach). Two years after their mediocre evaluation, they have surpassed their goals and moved from “indifferent” to “high-performing” in the category of employee engagement.

Moved to “high-performing” in employee engagement.

Banner Health Banner Health, one of the largest nonprofit healthcare systems in the U.S., has flourished through coaching despite federal reforms and a shaky economy. Their massive coaching program has offered leadership development to more than 2,000 employees. Banner offers one-on-one coaching sessions and several 22

classroom opportunities, including “Coaches Corner” (a monthly tool for everyday leadership) and “Leaders as Coach” (a four-hour course that goes over the levels of listening, powerful questioning, and the coaching competencies). There are 30 internal coaches who offer coaching in addition to their current Banner duties. Banner employees have seen improved conflict resolution, enhanced teamwork, improved productivity, improved patient satisfaction, and better clinical outcomes.

United Nations Secretariat Coaching came to the United Nations Secretariat as an action plan to help managers deal with a tremendously complex global operating environment. But coaching did more than help them deal with complexity; it re-shaped the culture of the organization. In 2009, Encompass LLC began developing a coaching program for the United Nations ABOVE: United Nations Secretariat representatives at ICF Global 2012. Secretariat to increase managerial capability and enhance the delivery of the Secretariat’s strategy. Various workshops and one-on-one sessions were offered to senior directors and managers. In all, more than 1,000 employees have been coached. The program appeared to have the greatest impact on job satisfaction but also demonstrated a strong positive influence Interested in applying for on cost effectiveness, efficiencies, and productivity. The UN Secretariat experienced the 2013 Prism Award? an 87.6 percent return on investment Visit icf.to/prism through its coaching program.

87.6% return on investment through its coaching program


ICF FOUNDATION The ICF Foundation is a nonprofit entity separate from the International Coach Federation that focuses on supporting research, education, and charitable purposes relating to professional coaching.

Gift of Coaching Initiative A major focus in 2012 was the launch of the Gift of Coaching Initiative. Hoping to make professional coaching more available to nonprofit leaders around the world, coaches can apply to serve in the program. Coaches donate a minimum of eight coaching sessions, and are matched with a nonprofit leader looking to benefit their organization through professional coaching. To support coaches wishing to be a part of the program, the Foundation worked with the ICF Nonprofit Community of Practice, led by Karen Ramsey, ACC, to develop an orientation session that volunteers complete before being matched with a nonprofit group. For more information on the Gift of Coaching Initiative, visit foundationoficf.org/gift.

Special thanks to… Karen Tweedie, PCC “I appreciate Karen’s commitment to the Foundation and willingness to be the president for three years. Thanks to her vision, hard work, and passion for coaching, the Foundation will keep supporting programs that provide coaching services to the less privileged.” —Dr. Damian Goldvarg, MCC, 2012 ICF Global President-Elect 24

Future of Coaching Summit In support of the Foundation’s objective to assist with coachingrelated research, the Foundation helped fund the 2012 Future of Coaching Summit. This event was put together by various nonprofit organizations representing coaches, coaching organizations, and groups working in coaching-related fields. The Summit created a space for organizations to discuss the combination of art and science that informs the field of professional coaching and how groups can best work together to support the future of coaching. Conversations in 2012 focused on coach development and practice (including coach training, education, mentoring, supervision, etc.), credentialing, certification and accreditation.

Show Your Support Please consider making a donation to support the work of the ICF Foundation via PayPal at foundationoficf.org/give.

2012 ICF FOUNDATION BOARD OF TRUSTEES Karen Tweedie, PCC Diane Brennan, MCC Paula Cushing Dr. Damian Goldvarg, MCC Janet Harvey, MCC Silvia Tassarotti, MCC Sir John Whitmore

22 Coaches volunteered for the Gift of Coaching Initiative

15 Organizations were represented at the Coaching Summit

Karen Ramsey, ACC “While many hands and hearts contributed to this remarkable program [Gift of Coaching], we offer particular recognition for Karen Ramsey, who conducted the focus group research with not-for-profit executive directors and active professional coaches working in this sector around the globe, as well as members of the ICF Nonprofit Community of Practice.” —Janet Harvey, MCC, 2012 ICF Global President 25

2012 MILESTONES Credentialing Coordinator (Emily Webb) and a Brand Designer (Stephanie Wright).

International Coaching Week Thousands of people around the world experienced the proven power of coaching, many for the first time, during International Coaching Week (ICW), February 5-11, 2012. ICW is a weeklong global celebration of the coaching profession held annually.

Partnership leads to creation of the Global Coaching & Mentoring Alliance

ICW was founded in 1999 by ICF Member Jerri N. Udelson, MCC.

The Association for Coaching (AC), European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC), and the ICF partnered and created the Global Coaching & Mentoring Alliance. This formal agreement declared, “As a collective of global professional coaching and mentoring bodies we seek to build alliances, a cooperative spirit, purpose and initiatives where we can partner to make a difference to the emerging profession and society as a whole.”

ICF opens new Regional Service Centre in North America

The Alliance is a key component of ICF’s Strategic Plan. Through the Alliance, the coaching and mentoring bodies are able to speak with a unified voice—something that will benefit the profession, the coaches and the purchasers of coaching.

ICF Chapters and individual coaches were encouraged to share the benefits of coaching with their communities. Such “celebrations” included pro-bono coaching services, educational lectures, and workshops for the public.

New look for Coaching World In February 2012, the new Coaching World was unveiled. Logistical changes included a new digital platform and a new quarterly distribution schedule (released in February, May, August and November). Content changes were significant as well—featuring such pieces as interviews with coaching thought leaders, case studies on how organizations are using coaching successfully, industry research and more. ISSUE 4 November 2012

Members in North America account for nearly 50 percent of the total ICF membership. A dedicated Regional Service Centre (RSC) opened to serve as the first point of contact for all ICF Chapters and members in North America. The North American RSC is the ICF’s fourth Regional Service Centre.

Growing global staff To support the ICF’s ever-growing membership, several new positions were added to the ICF Global staff in 2012, including: a Sales Coordinator (Liz Blevins), a Credentialing and Accreditation Manager (Mariska Frey), a North American Regional Service Centre Manager (Matt Varney), a


Coaching World Advancing the Art, Science and

What They Didn’t Tell You in Coaching School Selecting a Specialty

Dropping a Difficult Client

Practice of Professional Coaching

To develop a pool of talented writers, the Contributor’s Club was created in late 2012.

The first official ICF Global Conference will take place in 2014.

Enhancements continue to be made to Coaching World to make it a must-read publication in the coaching profession. Visit icfcoachingworld.com to view the latest issue.

ICF has also added a new targeted education event, ICF Advance, which will take place October 25-26, 2013 in Washington, D.C.

Give coaching, receive coaching Website enhancements ICF began working with a new company to redesign the ICF website for an improved user experience. Staff also began evaluating the navigation and updating all content.

New format for ICF Conferences At the close of 2012, the ICF bid farewell to its Annual International Conference and welcomed a new conference format through ICF Global Conferences. ICF Global Conferences are hosted by two or more ICF Chartered Chapters and receive various means of support by ICF Global staff. These new conferences will stretch the educational experience beyond local membership to the greater regional membership. These events will be broader in scope and length, embrace and engage a greater audience, and include multiple educational offerings in various formats designed specifically to expand and deepen professional skill sets. Networking will also be a focal point of each conference.

The ICF Reciprocal Peer Coaching program (now available in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish) creates opportunities for professional growth for all ICF Members. Through the program, you can receive coaching from an ICF coach if you provide coaching to another ICF coach. The program exists to make coaching more accessible for coaches and to provide support for ICF coaches in their professional and personal development through coaching.

Implementing Member Eligibility Requirements The implementation of the Member Eligibility Requirement policy for new ICF Members began in April 2012. Significant research and input from current ICF Members, Chapter Leaders and the ICF Global Board revealed a demand for a clear policy and baseline requirements on becoming an ICF Member. The most important criteria identified was coach-specific training. As a result, ICF now requires members to have completed or be enrolled in 60 hours of coach-specific training. This move demonstrates ICF’s desire to raise the standard for the profession and strengthen ICF’s credibility in the marketplace. Continued on next page ...


IN MEMORIAM Social Media ICF social media channels grew at unprecedented speeds in 2012.

15,000+ fans 6,700+ followers 27,500+ members 154 posts 26,000 visitors 35,000+ views

(est. 19,965 minutes watched) Most Popular Video: 2012 ICF Global Coaching Study Top Findings Twitter Ambassador Program ICF Global marketing staff started a new initiative to encourage ICF Chapters to use Twitter on a daily basis. A weekly message with a list of tweets and user tips is sent to all ICF Chapter leaders. Chapters are encouraged to use these directly or as a starting point for their own Twitter messaging.


AndrĂŠs Perini, PCC June 8, 2012 Angela Wagner, MCC December 3, 2012

FINANCIAL OVERVIEW 2012 Revenue by Source

Interest 0.3%

Research & Development 0.4%

Marketing <0.1%

Web/Tech RSCs 4% 5%

Ads 1.7%

Conference 17.3%

Membership 61.7%

2012 Member Dues Allocation

Programs 18.5%

Research & Development 6%

Conference 21% Programs 11% Administration 20%

Membership 16%

Marketing 17%

2005-2012 Growth in Operating Reserve

All figures are shown in USD and are unaudited. Financial audits are posted to coachfederation.org annually when finalized.


coachfederation.org 2365 Harrodsburg Rd, Suite A325 Lexington, Kentucky 40504 Phone: 1.888.423.3131 or 1.859.219.3580 Fax: 1.859.226.4411

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