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Regent Fall Report – Blank Sample
Send letters or emails to Fellows-Elect to welcome them to the College and offer any assistance they might need prior to the Convocation. Also, a congratulatory letter / email could be sent after the Convocation. The Regent should convey to the Fellows-
Elect the honor of being selected for Fellowship, the history and goals of the ICD, their responsibility as Fellows to promote the core values of the Section (Integrity,
Leadership, Service), and encourage them to “Share the Honor” by inviting worthy colleagues to Fellowship. The Section Office will provide contact information on request. (Updates are entered frequently, so always obtain a fresh list when contacting
Fellows in your District.) Regents, with other District officials, should consider a variety of activities and events for Fellows in their Districts/ chapters. Partner with the Vice Regent, Deputy Regent, Counselors, and Editors to promote the
ICD in your state(s)/chapter(s). Promote the Fellowship nomination process within your District. Partner with the
Deputy Regent and Counselors to identify and nominate Fellowship candidates. Develop relationships with leaders in state associations, dental schools, and alumni organizations to better identify established and emerging leaders to honor with ICD
Fellowship. Foster leadership activities in your constituent or component chapter. Mentor dental students, young dentists, and new Fellows. Become familiar with and promote ICD projects (Peace Corps, Fisher House, etc.) Initiate special ICD projects in your District/Chapter(s). Consider projects with a leadership or service theme or ones which foster international collegiality. Attend local, state, and District dental meetings to increase the visibility of the ICD. Attend any annual ICD meeting in your constituent or component chapter. Consider conducting District meetings. Monitor the business activities of the District. For multi-state Districts, maintain constant contact with constituent/state ICD personnel. Choose District officers who will promote the ICD values and be timely in their designated activities to assist you in your position as Regent. Attend the Fellowship Orientation Program (FOP), Convocation, and Dinner Dance at the USA Section ICD annual national meeting. Assist the Editor with the development and publication of the District newsletter. This may include taking photographs at events, writing articles, and/or recruiting information. Inform Section Office of deaths, changes to contact information, as received. Develop and implement a long-range Strategic Plan for your District. Attend the White Coat Ceremony for the Freshman class of each dental school in your
Chapter and/or District (or ask an ICD local officer to represent ICD.) Coordinate all intra-state and inter-state ICD activities. Promote USA Section ICD Foundation contributions. Maintain custody of the Regent’s Medallion and ICD lapel pin, and wear them at meetings of the SECTION and the COLLEGE, where appropriate. ICD strongly encourages all Regents to participate in at least one humanitarian mission or seminar during the four-year term to support our vision, core values and motto.