Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-3, Issue-2, 2017 ISSN: 2454-1362,
Needed Recursive Thinking For An Engineer (Environment Setting For An Engineer Before Start Thinking) Divya Bharathi.C1 & Umamaheswari.R2 1
UG student, 2Assistant Professor, Electronics & Instrumentation Engg. Department, Valliammai Engineering College,SRM Nagar, Tamilnadu, India. Abstract— This technical document is completely based on the thinking of engineering and how to set environment, and explains thinking technology in human being and also it gives reason where new and innovative ideas are created. The development of recursion thinking has been proposed to continue in engineers. The present study adds to the emerging literature on the development of social cognition by investigating of recursive thinking. The present study investigated whether recursive thinking is such a process. Keywords— Environment follow; Recursive memmory; Free from past error; Inside evolution; Mighty sphere
1.Introduction Recursive thinking plays a major role in taking decisions as Engineer at many situations. The term Recursion means “Depends on past”. Sometimes we can’t able to answer for a some simple question, for example when your friend asked you to answer a very simple question like what did you ate yesterday dinner? Surely 75% of people struggle to answer that question immediately because that is not an arithmetic operation to make quick. It will explain that Recursive thinking is completely deficient from arithmetic thinking. 25% of people answer immediately because their mind is free to answer that question. When you wake up early morning, what colour of dress you will prefer. The choice depends on what you have decided last day else, if you will choose your favorite colour in case it is available, suppose it is not so what you will do. Clearly, you will choose the colour what your brain will decide. It is needed to understand the concept of thinking how you an taking decisions. Clearly our decisions creative ideas are born from brain, but our brain is similar to stack concept in Engineering ( i. e ) Last in first out. Memory is different from thinking. You
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need time to recollect your memory but thinking in somewhat, where you will feel support is needed. Similar to computer, our brain also have two types of memory (i) Permanent memory (ii) Recursive memory Recursive memory will store some present data until next data to come, when you want to create new ideas, or to explain anything, you will only use the words from that Recursive memory. Universe have given a same brain and thinking technology to all, but how people differ in their identity because Everyone Recursive memory, is not same. That’s why. Diversity in society takes place actually it is needed to establish a human kingdom and society. When we want, some new ideas (or) solutions, our Recursive memory should fulfilled with that problems and their similar case. This will be helpful for an engineer to understand the scenario quickly.
2. Uniqueness of Recursive Thinking Recursion is a process that calls a similar process or calls itself. Recursion is an ubiquitous property of the human mind and possibly the principal characteristics our species from all other creations on the planet. Theory of mind which refers to the ability what might be going on in the mind of another individual. It also refers to thinking, knowing, perceiving or feeling what others are thinking, knowing, perceiving or feeling, and therefore is recursive. Another way to examine the concept of self is through the awareness that one can exist at different points in time. For example, we might remember what we were thinking or experiencing yesterday, which is again a recursive process. It indicates that we can not only understand that we have thought processes in the present, but that we also had them in the past and will have them in the
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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-3, Issue-2, 2017 ISSN: 2454-1362, future. The concept of self can be extended through time. The notion of a past self depends on memory. There are two kinds of recursive memory, according to the Endel Tulving. Semantic memory refers to your store house of knowledge about the world, For example, knowing the boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius. Episodic memory refers to the particular episodes in your life that you can relive in your mind. You probably remember what you did yesterday, not just as a succession of facts, but as events that you can bring to consciousness and replay in your mind. Episodic memory are recursive and unique to humans. Recursion can be much more complex than simple repetition and it is used in human language to provide qualification or to add complexity to an expression.
millions of new ideas to establish successful mankind. We all know that, today mankind is because of an evolution which started billions of year ago. Evolution takes place in our human brain also. All successful leaders understand this. We need to create a generation that should rectify (or) free from part error is all our motive of engineers. As a modern engineer you need to bring your ideas into practice first. Recursive thinking is really Faithfull for you, for that agreed to assemble all these things. (i.e.)
(i) Recursive memory (ii) Environment follow theory (iii) Free Evolution together called “Might Sphere” a workstation for a engineer to do this inside work.
3. Theory of Recursion 4. Statistical More generally, human computation is recursive. Programmers use subroutines that call subroutine. Another example of recursion, probably derived from language, is counting. Counting is a further picture of how recursive principles can very much increase the power and capacity of the human mind. The use and manufacture of tools may also include recursive components. Tool use itself is not uniquely human. Human beings are surely the most phenomenal makers and users of tools. The American psychologist Benjamin B. Beck, an expert on tool-making behavior, said that "man is the only animal that to date has been observed to use a tool to make a tool." This again entails recursion. Human beings are unique in their attempts to find criteria that define our uniqueness—we think uniquely, therefore we are unique. Among the characteristics that are often claimed as uniquely human are language, theory of mind, the concept of a knowing self, episodic memory, mental time travel, making tools that make tools and counting. Recursion is a property that infuses the early development of basic skills, providing us with the flexibility and creativity that characterizes the human mind. Also, Environment plays a major role in taking decision generation of new ideas, when we need to find solutions to some problem we need to make use of this “Environmental follow” theory. Now a day's many machine, devices, instruments are created with ideas (or) technology derived from nature (Environment) that will make us to look forward. We are in a position, where we need [Type text]
Participants were taken from Third Year Engineering students, Electronics & Instrumentation Engg. Department, Valliammai Engineering College. The majority participants were of got Internship training in Manufacturing Industries. Each Participant were given a set of questionnaire and examined the recursive thinking test. Factor analysis indicated that the test can be considered to measure a single dimension of recursive thinking with distinct levels of difficulty. The results showed that thinking about action and thinking about thinking precede thinking about thinking about thinking. However, the thresholds of transition to a higher score were not consistently lower for action items than for one-loop recursion items.
Fig.1: Chart showing recursive thinking among participants
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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-3, Issue-2, 2017 ISSN: 2454-1362,
5. Conclusion Recursive thinking is about reformulating a difficult task into one we know how to solve, by reduction, revolution or embedding. Recursive thinking is to reduce what appears to be a very large and difficult problem into a series of simpler ones. The learning objective is to begin to understand and recursive logic and thinking. Recursive thinking includes a range of mental tools that reflect the breadth of the field of thinking. It represents a universally applicable attitude and skill set to everyone, would be eager to learn and use.
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