Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-3, Issue-2, 2017 ISSN: 2454-1362,
Success Stories: Improvement of Bivoltine Double Hybrid Silkworm Rearing *Dr. P. M. M REDDY, Sci-C & H. S. PHANIRAJ Sci-D SSPC, Central Silk Board, Vijayapura, Karnataka, India In India, Sericulture is essentially a village-based industry providing employment to a sizable section of the population. Although Sericulture is considered as a subsidiary occupation, technological innovation has made it possible to take it up on an intensive scale capable of generating adequate income. Besides capable of providing continuous income to farmers, it creates new avenues for engaging the rural folks in related activities leading to blocking the rural migration in search of livelihood. Majority (about 70-80%) of the divided families are presently poses uneconomical land holdings in India, which are marginal or small. Hence, the thought is given for utilizing the existing land for better income and the result is the shift in the cropping pattern. Among, crop diversification & rotation, Sericulture emerged as an important economic activity, becoming increasingly popular in several parts of the country, because of its short gestation period, quick recycling of resources. It suits very well to all types of farmers and exceptionally for marginal and small land holders as it offers rich opportunities for enhancement of their income and creates own family employment round the year. This has brought mulberry sericulture to a comparable level with other agricultural cash crops grown in the similar agroclimatic condition. Recent researches have shown that Sericulture can be developed as a highly remunerative agro-based cottage industry. The present global scenario clearly indicates the enormous opportunities for the Indian Silk Industry if exploited. The need of the hour is to produce more gradable internationally acceptable bivoltine silk with reduced cost of production to meet the growing demands of quality silk. Realizing this, the Govt. of India had ventured to make all efforts to boost bivoltine production in the country.
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
The present study one of the progressive farmer Success story of sericulture practices Mr. NIRNJAN KUMAR , progressive farmer at Sonnenahalli, Siddalaghatta Taluk , Chickaballapura Distract His is basically belongs to Sericulture family and his father previous Central Silk Board Member and he is incredibly involved to full pledge bivoltine double hybrid silkworm rearing and separately well maintained suitable V1 Mulberry Garden to adapted new technologies like wider spacing Max 10 x 10 ft.& Min 6 x 6ft. distance between plant to plant and watering through drip irrigation total 15acrs of mulberry garden cultivated in different spacing and also implement proper package of practices applied required quantity of FYM in addition of green manure using sonhamp,& doncha for trenching and mulching to improve the soil status and leaf quality its influences the good growth of silkworm rearing and good quality of cocoon production and brought chawki worms in CRCs and he maintained separate late age rearing house. He is converted to double hybrid silkworm rearing past two years for every month crop 1000Dfls rearing the total cocoon yield 900-950kgs and yield per 100 Dfls an average production 90-95kgs @ rate of minimum Rs.350-380/kg the total income an average pre-crop is Rs. 3,60,000/ (Three lakhs sixty thousand only) he reared per annum minimum 1012crops his income per annum minimum 3640Lakhs and his experiences in mulberry sericulture is more than 15-20 years. His opinion sericulture is the best prospect in present geographical condition. He is very much willing to Bivoltine double hybrid silkworm rearing, Sericulture is only one of my occupation and look after my family by increasing annual income for better livelihood through mulberry sericulture. It will also have positive impact on the neighboring farmers and the entire area shall be benefitted.
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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-3, Issue-2, 2017 ISSN: 2454-1362, PHOTOGRAPHS OF MULBERRY PLANTATION & SILKWORM REARING
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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-3, Issue-2, 2017 ISSN: 2454-1362,
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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Vol-3, Issue-2, 2017 ISSN: 2454-1362,
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