Internet Marketing Magazine - Mar Apr 2011

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From the Desk of the Editor Welcome to this the second edition of ‘Internet Marketing Magazine’ – the original and leading free magazine designed specifically for Internet Marketers to be delivered on the iPad, iPhone, Android and web platforms. We are now in full flight and have thousands of new readers coming on every week and that number is growing exponentially at the moment. Thanks to each of you that has been helping to share the word. ‘Internet Marketing Magazine’ will be Bi-Monthly initially, and will provide you with the knowledge of both the fundamentals of marketing online as well as cater for advanced marketers with leading tips and strategies on what is working on the Internet right now (and this really does change month by month). The panel of writers for ‘Internet Marketing Magazine’ is quite diverse in it’s knowledge base. All the contributing writers are either millionaires or are doing Internet Marketing or Direct Marketing on a full time basis, so the experience that we can draw on for the articles and content for you is extensive.

The web presence we are building for you is very diverse as we see everyone wants to consume their content differently. For those with iPad’s and Androids you will find us in the Zinio store. iPad users can also just go to Apples App Store and search for ‘Internet Marketing Magazine’ as we are number 1 there as a general rule. I find the iPhone to be too small to consume the content efficiently, so the web version is probably better if this is you. The Facebook page of is now live and will be built out with a whole bunch of new features soon. Visit that page with your ‘marketers hat on’ and check out the ‘reveal process’ behind the ‘Like’. Notice the page that follows it as has both the gift the site visitor ‘liked’ for as well as a compelling offer for email opt-in. If you are not doing this on your facebook fan page you should add it to your to do list or sing out and we’ll give you a hand to make it happen. In this episode we cover a diverse range of subjects that are very topical right now. So sit back and enjoy your second edition of ‘Internet Marketing Magazine’. Something that is important is make sure register yourself for your free 24 month subscription valued at $311.88 at or on the facebook site. This will ensure you receive the notifications as soon as the new editions come out and also all the other rich media and surprise bonuses like the ongoing training videos and reports etc from our panel of expert marketers. Wishing you the best of success online


Internet Marketing Strategist & Editor – Internet Marketing Magazine

Internet Marketing Magazine


Your Number One Most Important Job as an Internet Marketer 99 out of 100 entrepreneurs online are focused on ‘Selling’ as their primary objective and main focus. This is understandable as selling for profit is the reason that we do marketing online. While this is a valid model, it’s certainly not the best model to position your business for lasting success in 2011 and beyond. Traffic is getting more and more expensive and so the cost of acquiring a customer to make a one off sale often costs the same as or more than the profits you will make from one sale alone. So for this reason… Your Number One Most Important Job as an Internet Marketer is to build a list (database) of prospects and clients who that you can create a relationship with to then market other products and services strategically to them over time.

All the consulting clients that we work with at that are doing big numbers online have changed from being opportunity seekers to strategic marketers at some point in their development. They now make money out of building a big list and creating relationship with them and making offers over time. There is no exception to this. Think about it, how often does Amazon email you? And they started off as just an online bookstore making one-off book sales and evolved and morphed over time into one of the best marketing machines on the planet. The great thing about their business is that they are emailing a list of ‘clients’ rather than ‘prospects’, which is a very powerful position to be in as they know their list already are buyers. So how do you build your list?

Think about it now in your own business – “If building my list is the most important task I have online, how much time, effort and resources do I put to that task each week or month?” How was your answer? Chances are, not good, but that’s OK provided you learn from that and move on. If you were able to answer honestly to yourself that you are devoting massive time and resources to building your list and your relationship with them then congratulations as you are well and truly on your way to building a good long term strategic internet business. Most new Internet Marketers I meet are in the ‘Opportunity Seeking’ business, meaning that they are chasing one online opportunity to make some cash after another. I know this for a fact well as I did it for several years myself. You know what, this is fine initially when you first start marketing online because you really need to get some experience with driving some traffic and making offers and trying out different niches until you find the area that you are going to specialize in.

Internet Marketing Magazine

The answer is to build a website (or a squeeze page section of your website where you drive traffic) where its primary focus is to provide something of value for free in exchange for your new prospects’ contact details. You then follow up with them again in an automated way with the use of autoresponder software. Your free offer is about quality… not quantity. What you offer is only limited by your imagination, but good examples of what you could use include free reports, videos, audios and newsletters etc. To create a good free offer you really need to get into the mind of your prospect and ask yourself “What is it that they really want?” and give them that, as that will significantly increase your chance of getting a great conversion rate on your landing page. An important point with your opt‐in offer is to also communicate that you are going to follow up with them again, otherwise what people see and hear in their mind is that “I’m just going to get this free product or service the one time”. You want to set up the right relationship from day one so that they look forward to future communication from you.


You can achieve this by having an eCourse component to your offer or advising them that they will also receive your newsletter or follow up training components on an ongoing basis. Once you have your free offer in place you need to drive targeted traffic to it over time to capture your leads and deliver your free offer to them. A recent study by our friend and colleague Armand Morin showed up something so powerful you can’t ignore it. His research showed that of the top 100 websites on the Internet 89 of them use the new ‘free’ model. What we’re referring to is, if you look at the major online companies today, like Google, My Space, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, all of them utilise the 100% FREE model... it costs you nothing to use! Then they make money out of you over time with enhanced services, or they make money out of advertisers because they have they have the target market on their list. The way we look at it is that we can debate this all day long but the facts are facts. The free model is here and it’s here to stay. It’s a great model and it is obviously the right model because the marketplace as a general rule doesn’t want to be ‘sold to’ and this is more the case now more than ever before.

All successful Internet Marketers (without exception) know that the money is in the lifetime value of the client, not in one‐off sales. If you are not following up with your prospects and clients you are potentially leaving a huge amount of money on the table. Ask yourself now “how many automated follow up emails do I have in my marketing funnel sequence that create value and relationship as well as offers over time?” If you answer was ‘not many’ then this is a great place to start on your action list of what you need to do next to become a more successful marketer in your niche. Greg Cassar is the leading Internet marketing strategist behind the scenes of many of the biggest Internet marketers in Australia and abroad ( You can follow Greg online at his blog or receive his 21 free Internet marketing training videos (paid membership site now free) at

What do you do now that you have them on your list? You need to follow up with them in an automated system called a ‘marketing funnel’ that provides both value as well as offers over time. (I’ll cover detailed ‘marketing funnel design’ for you in a future edition of the magazine). By opting-in the prospect has put their hand up to say that they are interested in your area of expertise, your training, your products and/or services. You get the opportunity to nurture and educate them and build trust so that when you do make offers there is a high probability of their success because you are not marketing to strangers – they feel like they already ‘know you’. This way you become a welcome guest rather than an unwanted pest. Having a large list with which you have a good relationship enables you to make good value offers and generate income on a predictable basis. Marketing to your existing leads and clients is always more cost effective than the costly process of continually trying to get new clients.

Internet Marketing Magazine


7 Steps To Get Your Partner To Support Your Internet Business Dreams How do you convince your partner that the late nights you spend learning how to set up your online business are a good investment of your time, and their loss of your attention? I often am told “You are so lucky to have the support of your husband” and I know I am. But you know what? Like anything, getting support for your dreams is just like making a sale. You need to know how to make the sale and how to keep the sale. This counts for every thing in your life. So, If getting support from your partner for your goals is just like a sale, let’s look at the tried and tested formula for a sales letter, sales audio and videos. Like any genuine sale, it is not manipulation or deception. A genuine sale provides all the information a person needs to be able to decide if they want to “buy in” and the environment to make the decision without stress. 7 Steps To Sell Your Partner On Your Dreams Welcome the viewer: In the case of talking to your partner about something as important as their support of your dreams, create a welcoming environment. Don’t try and discuss this in the middle of getting dinner ready. Grab a cuppa / bubbles and sit down. Establish Credibility: In this case you will be establishing how serious you are about your dream or goal. This will show them this is not just another fad that is not worth spending time on. Use a hook or cliff hanger: This keeps the viewer wanting to stay to the end. Everyone, yep even people who love you, will be thinking deep down “What’s in it for me?”. Let them know that you’ll tell them at the end, something that will make it all worth while for them. Share Your Story: In sales, this is so people can relate to you. This is because people like to do business with people they like and relate to. Hopefully, with your partner, you have a bit of that groundwork covered. This is the place to share your passions. Why you are so passionate about this and go into a bit more depth on what ground work you have already done.

Internet Marketing Magazine

Paint the Problem: Remember, this is a sale so we’re not talking about YOUR frustrations and problems. We’re talking about them. So this may be they are living with someone who is frustrated, or they are tied to a nine-to-five job and would love to have more freedom. You may have children one of you wants to be home with. Think about why YOU have this dream and it may also be a similar motive for your partner. Provide The Solution: In a sales letter, audio, video this is the main body. So it works similar for your sales pitch here. This is where you want to lay down some facts and case studies. Examples of what has worked for others and why you think it may work for you. This is also the place to deliver on your promise you alluded to in your hook. To know what promise will work best (equivalent to your offer in a sales pitch) you need to know what their biggest fears are and the biggest benefit. You need to think long term and short term here. So long term it may be lifestyle freedom but in the short term, you will need some other offers. For example, if their biggest fear is the time it will take you, I suggest you negotiate the amount of time you will spend on your venture, balanced with time with them and family (this is a good discipline for yourself as well). If their fear is money, you can assign a budget together. You can point them to the number of free resources you can access to learn how to build your business (This magazine is a brilliant example of high quality free resources you can access). If their concern is time AND money, then you can present information on mentors that will save you both time and money in the long run. HINT: You can also have some fun here. I’ll leave it to your imagination


Call To Action: You don’t want to spend all this time and action, moving towards a sale and not close the deal. In sales it is “fill in your email” or “click here to buy”. With your partner it may be: • • •

Let’s work out a time table together of times I will devote to my new venture, and time balancing my life with yours, or Let’s agree now if I have your support to book a workshop, invest in a program, take a sabbatical from my work, or Lets agree now that you will not undermine me with doubting language (if this has been a problem) and instead you will re-frame your language to be one of support.

A Word of Warning on Crafting Your Message I made this mistake myself and I have seen many people (both men and women) make exactly the same mistake. You cannot expect your partner to have the same dreams as you. In your ideal world, you and your partner will be inspired by the same passion and both strive towards the same goal. They too, will want to be at the same events, working late at night to learn how to master Internet marketing and be fascinated by SEO and Opt-in rates. Don’t aim for this. It is unfair to expect your partner to get sucked into your jet-stream just because you want them to. The sale you are after is their support. You want them to encourage you, not undermine you.

After all, in my books, a great relationship is one that helps each partner be the best they can be. It works both ways. Your partner may have hidden dreams as well and will appreciate your support. You may be surprised at the common ground your different dreams may have after you work through this process. I’d love to know what you think. I’m sure for some people, the thought of approaching their partner in this way is horrifying. For others, I know it can change your life. Love to know what you think. Just drop me an email or talk to me over at Facebook. You can get all my details below. Janet Beckers is the host and founder of Wonderful Web Women, An award winning on-line community recognised for generous and honest marketing advice for women on the internet. She is also an international best selling author and multiple award winner, including Australian Marketer of The Year 2009. To learn from the most successful women on the internet through live webinars, masterminds and forums absolutely free, visit and join today.

Anything that comes later, is a true bonus and you know that it comes from genuine personal interest rather than just kindness. In many cases, your partner can get involved doing things that you do not have a natural ability for, and they have the satisfaction of doing something practical to help you achieve your dream.

Internet Marketing Magazine


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Two Keys to Increasing Your Websites Conversions Web conversions... the engine that drives your online business. How do you increase conversions? It’s a question I get asked many times a week and it’s one of my main points of focus when doing critiques for clients. So what’s the answer? If you guessed it’s a “How long’s a piece of string?” question, well you’re pretty much on the money. There are many many factors that go into what makes a high converting website but I want to focus on two of the most important... and two many business owners get wrong: headlines and colours. These two “biggies” for mine are the petrol that drives your engine. Let’s get into it... First, headlines. Without a strong headline your copy simply cannot work. Yes we are visual creatures and I hear the argument all the time, “No one reads any more”. Not so. Here’s an example from a “traditional” business, and one I still see with frustrating regularity:

“Welcome to the Cellulite Clinic” This is the first thing a prospect will see. Is it enticing? Hardly. You’ve got a matter of seconds (one study put it at 3 seconds before they decide to stay or go) and it may be the ONLY time they ever see your website. Their unconscious but instant response to a bland old ‘welcome’ message is... “Who cares!” If it’s boring or unconvincing... you lose ‘em and they’ll never return. Solution? Grab your prospects by the throat and make them sit up and take notice. Make it about them. Make it full of the DOMINANT EMOTION your market feels. This example is more likely to get them interested...

Internet Marketing Magazine

Tired of Ugly, Embarrassing Cellulite? Finally, a Natural Remedy for Stimulating and Tightening Your Upper Thighs – Guaranteed! Notice use of the emotion... “Ugly” and “Embarrassing”. That hits you between the eyes. Does your website headline do this or have you got a bit of work to do? Ok, onto the second one, colours. Subtle, but oh so important is the colours you choose for your banner and the overall look and feel of your website. The colours must be congruent with your market, your product and the message you want to convey. Again, you get this wrong and prospects click off in a hurry. If you asked them why chances are they can’t explain it... “I just didn’t like it” is probably all they will say. Colour will have a lot to do with it.As a general rule I avoid black as it’s a negative colour. Here’s a quick rundown of the other main colours and what messages they convey: Red – grabs attention and signifies action and movement (why it’s used a lot on call to action buttons) Green – calming colour of growth, nature and harmony Yellow – optimism, happiness and stability Purple – prosperity and prestige Blue – trust, wisdom and loyalty Grey – solid, serious, practical White – purity, cleanliness and strength So how does your website look and feel... and what does it say? Can you improve it? If so, your headline and the colours you have used are a good place to start.

Steve Plummer

Copywriter and Marketing Strategist Steve Plummer is one of Australia’s highest paid and in-demand copywriters and is the personal copywriter for Australia’s “Millionaire Maker” Mal Emery. Steve’s marketing and writing savvy have resulted in hundreds of thousands of dollars in extra sales for many happy clients. Follow Steve’s blog at


Planning Your eBay Business For Long Term Success Writing up a business plan for eBay or any business for that matter, doesn’t have to be a drawn out over the top process. You can start with a one-page business plan if you like. And besides, it will likely change a number of times as your business grows and develops. The purpose of having a business plan in the first place, is to understand what business you’re in, understand your target market, set your goals with a clear list of tasks to get you there and understand how much money you’ll need to do it. After all, there’s no point in starting your eBay business unless you have an end goal in mind. The first thing to do is to take some time and really think about the business you’re going into. “Who is your target market and what is it you’re going to sell to them?” Ask yourself questions like… Is there a want or desire for the products you want to sell to your target market? Next, think about how you see your business in the future. What will your eBay business look like 1 year from now, 5 years from now or even 10 years from now? Even if you’re not sure just yet, write down exactly how you’d like your perfect day to unfold. Be very specific and detailed here. Living your ‘perfect day every day’ is the reason you’re starting your business in the first place so you’ll want to tailor everything you do to achieve this goal. Remember…eBay is simply your ‘vehicle’ to having the lifestyle you and your family deserve, so take the time to think through what you really want before you even start to think about what you want to sell. Next step…think about which niche market will you specialize in? Remember, there are 50,000 categories to choose from on eBay and each of them have many, many sub-categories that re untapped!

Internet Marketing Magazine

Is there a category that you’re most interested in? Have you found a market that is untapped and one you feel you’d enjoy selling into? Are you an expert in any of these markets? You may have more than one market you’re interested in, so write them all down. You never know what may come and of course, don’t forget…who do you know in the retail sector that may be able to point you in the right direction to getting your hands on a never ending supply of stock? Next step…how big would you like to grow your eBay business and how much profit would you like to make each week/month/ year? Don’t forget that you’ll have running costs involved so think about gross profit and net profit as you begin your research. Next step…how will you stand out from the ‘crowd’ and what strategies will you have in place to make these goals become reality? Here’s where you begin to plan your ‘domination’ in your chosen market so that buyers naturally would want to shop with you instead of your competitors. Next step…Are you going to sell to the world or just stay in the Australian market? We always suggest selling worldwide if the products you’re selling are easy enough to ship. It just makes sense and you’ll make a lot more profit! Next step…do you know how to write your eBay listings to attract maximum attention? Remember…standing out from the crowd is paramount for long-term success and profits on eBay! Next step…think about how much money you’ll need to invest into your business from the very start. If you’re starting with very little capital, then you’ll tailor your business to get stock at little or no cost till you build your bank balance. If you’re starting with some funds you’ve put aside, then perhaps you may want to get some stock up front and keep it at home or a warehouse or maybe a fulfilment company.


However…Most Importantly….. If you’re new at this, always start steady and only sell items of low value to build your feedback up, gain credibility and understand exactly what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. Grow your eBay business at your own pace however make sure you do something each and every day to ensure you get out of it what you wanted in the first place. If you’re an experienced businessperson, then hopefully you’ll know your limits and grow your eBay business accordingly. Don’t forget though…eBay is unlike any other business so know the rules of the game to achieve the best results you can. As Your eBay Business Takes Shape and Begins To Grow… …It’s important that you spend time working ON your business instead of always IN it. If you find yourself working 50 hours plus a week, then it’s time to start thinking of how you can automate daily processes, which in turn will free up your time so that you can focus on making more profits. Remembering of course, that staying on track with your business plan doesn’t always go as planned! Be prepared for what allsuccessful eBayers’ go through… many detours along the way ;-)

“Having a business plan is just a roadmap that guides you on your path.” Here’s a list of things you’ll need to keep track of, that’ll become part of your daily business regime. These areas will all need to be systemized so that you don’t lose control when your eBay business takes off and you become very busy. 1.Taking good, clear photos is paramount to your selling success so make sure this process is carried out properly. 2. Have a system for shipping your goods. Always let your customers know the tracking number of their parcels if you can. It makes the whole process run much more smoothly and keeps your customers much happier knowing their parcel is in fact on the way! 3. Offer as many payment methods as you can including PayPal, as it’s the most trusted payment method for eBay buyers. You can accept cheques, credit cards, money orders, bank cashier’s checks or direct deposit. It comes down to offering as many choices to the customer so they can decide on how they’d like to spend their money with you.

Internet Marketing Magazine

If you accept bank deposits, make sure you have a system for checking new payments each morning as they appear in your account. The sooner you process your orders, the happier your customers will be! 4. Outstanding customer service. If you’re selling into a niche market, it’s almost a sure bet that if you add to your cluster of products, your customers will be more than happy to hear from you if they’ve had a good buying experience with you in the past. This is one area where you can really maximise your profits if you’re good at what you do! Also, don’t forget to add systems for handling complaints or lost parcels. Yes this does happen too! Because your bidders are the lifeblood of your business, it would be safe to say that your customer service will be the most important part of your eBay business. This goes without saying if you intend on being in business for any real length of time in fact. Don’t forget, your online customers can’t see you, so they are relying heavily on what you say in your listings. They are putting their trust and hard earned money with you, so treat them like gold! We’ll be sharing lots more on customer service and how to be the best at giving it later on! We’re extremely passionate in this area and know that all of our repeat business is a direct result of the outstanding service we give to our customers. They are very appreciated…and we tell them every chance we get! Next issue we’ll be sharing more tips and strategies of setting yourself up as a long term and profitable eBay seller. Untill then, happy selling and please contact us here at Bidding Buzz with your success stories we’d love to hear how you are going. We’ve got plenty more tips and strategies we’ll be sharing with you in our column here at Internet Marketing Magazine but if you want to reach your eBay goals faster you can follow us on our blog at

Matt & Amanda Clarkson

Bidding Buzz…the worlds leading eBay Education Company!


The Ultimate Guide To Selecting The Best Online Video Camera It’s no secret that online video is huge. And without a decent online video marketing strategy in place, you are loosing out on tons of traffic and therefore leaving tons of money on the table! But, there is one thing that stops most people dead in their tracks when it comes to online video marketing and taking advantage of this huge opportunity - the pain of getting the best camera for easily creating great looking online videos! In fact, the question I get asked most often at my blog is: “What’s the best camera to use online?” While it comes across as a simple question, the answer is not straightforward at all. Why? Because there is pretty much a specific camera for each occasion, and without knowing what people want to use the camera for, it’s impossible to offer a “just right” camera for their situation. If you’re in that situation and you are totally lost on what the right camera to use is, I have put together a special guide for you inside this article. This is a guide to remove confusion once and for all, and to make it easy for you to select your next camera that will be “just perfect” for your situation. There are thousands upon thousands of camera models out there, and to make sense of it all, I have created 5 main categories of cameras to help you in your selection process. Below is an explanation of each category to help you cut through all the clutter, and get to the right choice... The key question to ask yourself is not which camera is the best camera, but rather, what exactly do you want to use the camera for. And once you know that answer, the selection process becomes rather trivial, using my guide below...

The bottom line though, when selecting a camera, is to try and test it with your setup first before purchasing. This can save you lots of frustration and also potentially thousands of dollars! I do mention some examples inside this article, but please do your own due diligence and make sure that the camera you choose actually works with your setup. Enjoy!

Category 1: Web Cameras What Kind Of Applications Web Cameras Are Best For? Web cameras are the simplest and easiest cameras to use out of all online video cameras. Their main use is for live online videos (for example Skype conversations), or for creating those really quick off the cuff type of videos straight onto your computer. It’s not the kind of camera you’ll use to get a professional look, but for those quick videos, it’s great to always have one installed on your computer. My Top Picks An example of this is the Logitech HD Pro Webcam C270. Overall a great camera providing great quality videos, and also very popular among PC users. Mac users (and some more recent PC users) are a little more privileged since an amazing web cam already comes installed with their computers, so there is no need for purchasing an extra device. Who Are These Kind Of Cameras Best For? I think everyone should have a webcam on their computer, whether they’re doing a lot of online videos or not. It’s one of the best ways of communicating live with others over the net, and without it, you lose out on the whole visual dimension of human interaction online. But instead of using it for recording videos, I recommend simply using web cameras for mainly live videos in conjunction with services like Skype or Price Range $50 - $200

Internet Marketing Magazine


Category 2: Party Cameras

Category 3: Camcorders

What Kind Of Applications Party Cameras Are Best For?

What Kind Of Applications Camcorders Are Best For?

Also known as Flip-Style cameras, “party” cameras have come a long way in how well they can record video. Nowadays, being able to record in High Definition is pretty much standard, even for these smaller party cameras, and the video quality can often be excellent - even to the extent of competing with some other more professional cameras! No kidding - I am serious. But obviously these cameras are not appropriate for all kinds of videos. They’re perfect for shorter videos, and “on the spot” type of videos where not much preparation is necessary. They’re very popular for YouTube type of videos, and in fact, for newbie’s, this is an excellent type of camera to get started with!

Cameras in this category are designed for the main stream. In other words, everything about these cameras are designed in such a way to make video recording easy and fun for the nonprofessional video person. While you can create superb looking videos with these kind of cameras, they can often come with other hassles that you may not be aware of - especially when thinking about getting your videos online in particular.

My Top Picks Three great examples of these cameras are the Kodak Zi8 (or it’s 3rd generation version), the Flip Ultra HD and also the Vado by Creative. All three are great entry-level cameras for YouTube kind of videos, and will record in HD format without any issues. Just keep in mind that sound quality may not be as excellent on these cameras, and that you may need to use an external microphone to increase sound quality. But overall, for general online video use, these cameras kick ass!

My Top Picks Typical examples of camcorders are cameras such as the Sony HDR-SR8, or the Canon Vixia HFM30 or other similar cameras (both these models have an external mic jack which allows you to record much better sound - a very important part of video!). They are normaly characterized by a great looking design that fits snuggly into your hand with a nice flip out LCD screen. While you’re able to record really superb looking videos with these type of cameras, selecting the right one for your needs can be a nightmare. There are literally thousands of different models, each with their own bells and whistles, which can make the selection process overwhelming. Heck, even I struggle to be able to find the ideal camcorder for my needs, and I’ve been immersed in this stuff for years now!

How Complex Is It To Use These Types Of Cameras? How Complex Is It To Use These Types Of Cameras? In terms of operating these cameras and getting the video files onto your computer, the process is super simple. In the case of the Kodak, you simply record onto an SD card, and once finished, simply insert the SD card into your computer and click and drag the files straight onto your computer. For the Flip Ultra HD and the Vado, after recording, you simply insert the camera into your computer USB drive, and copy the files over. The file formats for all of these cameras are great for editing, and even though they are in HD quality, the file sizes are still reasonable and wont kill your computer!

Operating camcorders in the “easy mode” is pretty straightforward. If you want to take it a notch up, there will be a moderate learning curve before you can become proficient. The biggest complexity is not so much the recording side, but getting the video files onto your computer in a format that is easy to handle. A large number of camcorders today record in the AVCHD format, which is an amazing compression format for recording, but getting the files onto your computer in a nice and easy format for editing, that does not break your computer in terms is size, is a challenge to say the least!

Who Are These Kind Of Cameras Best For? Party cameras as best suited for people who want to create quick, semi-pro, short videos for their websites or video sharing sites like YouTube. Because they are so nice and small, you can carry them with you and record whenever, wherever you are, and still get a great result without needing a PhD in videoography! Price Range $100 - $300

Who Are These Kind Of Cameras Best For? Camcorders are best suited for people who mainly want to record videos for personal use like family videos for example. It’s not so great for getting your videos online, because of the file format issue, but still possible if that’s what you want to use it for. In fact, for a long time, I used my Sony HDR-SR8 for all my online videos. But the process was messy and it was actually quite hard to get a good end result for online video specifically. Price Range $400 - $2,500

Internet Marketing Magazine


Category 4: DSLR Cameras

Category 5: Professional Cameras

What Kind Of Applications DSLR Cameras Are Best For?

What Kind Of Applications Professional Cameras Are Best For?

These are Digital SLR video cameras with the ability to also record video. Depending on which brand and model you get, you can record incredibly high quality videos with these kind of cameras. And by incredible, I mean the kind of quality you can expect from TV shows such as House for example. In fact, apparently House is actually filmed with one of these awesome cameras. While they have awesome video quality, they do have some drawbacks as well as you’ll soon see...

These are the type of cameras designed for pro’s. I can’t comment all that much on these cameras, simply because I have not had much use for them over my career. It’s not the kind of camera I would buy, mainly because of the cost, but also because I wont actually use them much for my purposes. Instead, whenever I would need a camera like this, I would just hire a pro who already has their own equipment and pay them for their time. My Top Picks

My Top Picks Typical examples of these cameras are the Canon 5D MKII, the Canon 7D, and also the Canon 60D cameras. Each comes with their own strengths, but all of them record in superb video quality. I personally own the Canon 60D, I totally LOVE it and it is currently my main camera for recording shorter type of online videos.

A typical example of this is the JVC GY-HM100E. From what I can tell, this is great camera and is often used for more pro work like budget television commercials and similar kind of video work. But the price range is huge here going from $5,000 to anywhere up to $100,000 and above! But as I mentioned before, I can’t really make a solid recommendation here simply because I have not used them much, and have found them simply too advanced for the kind of online video marketing I do.

How Complex Is It To Use These Types Of Cameras? How Complex Is It To Use These Types Of Cameras? These cameras are a lot more complex to operate than any of the previous type of cameras. So, if you’re new to DSLR cameras, the learning curve will be pretty steep and it may take some time before you can master it completely. But once you’ve got it all figured out, the end result is truly beautiful. The operating complexity aside though, what makes these cameras great for workflow is that they record in a very easy to use format for editing. So, even though the video files are very high quality, the file sizes are still reasonable sizes, wont break your computer, and they are super easy to edit!

Who Are These Kind Of Cameras Best For?

Obviously, to use these kind of cameras well, you need to be a pro. Enough said :)

Who Are These Kind Of Cameras Best For? These cameras are best kept for professionals, or people who want to make it their career to become professional videographers. Once well trained, you can use these cameras for pretty much any kind of video work. Price Range $5,000+

These cameras are great for anyone serious about taking their video quality to the next level, without totally breaking the bank. It’s not suited for recording things like events or seminars where it’s important to record for longer than 12 minutes at a time. But if you want to create Hollywood style shorter videos, these cameras are simply excellent and are unparalleled in the video world. Price Range $800 - $3,000 (non including lenses)

Internet Marketing Magazine


Whew! There you go! It’s a bit of a mouth full, but once you understand the 5 different categories, and you know what kind of videos you want to be creating, the selection process becomes A LOT easier. The best part of course is that you’ll get the right camera... err... the camera that is right for you, and you won’t have to waste thousands of dollars (like I did during my early learning days). Believe me, once you have the right camera for your particular situation, online video takes on a whole new level. Not only will you be less frustrated but you’ll also be able to start creating videos super fast, which is what I am all about. In fact, I’ve just recently written a 92 page report on Rapid Video Blogging. It takes you through a 7-step process for turning your video views into cash, and you can download it totally FREE right here: Until next time!

Gideon Shalwick Gideon Shalwick specialises in turning video views into cash. If you want to learn how he does it, grab your FREE copy of his popular 92 page Rapid Video Blogging report recommended by some of the world’s top online experts, and read by thousands of people around the world. Go see for yourself at

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Getting the Most Out of Google The undisputed king of the search engines in 2011 is Google. If you are an online entrepreneur or even a traditional business owner you can’t afford to ignore Google and your presence on their platform. Chances are that Google Search is a major way that your potential prospects and clients either are or are not finding you. But Google is much more than just a search engine. They are a very smart organisation that has morphed into a whole bunch of different services or utilities online. Many of these services they provide are free for you to use, while some are premium paid services. Lets now look at some of the best services that Google provides so that we can quickly identify how you as a business owner can ‘get the most out of Google’. The areas we will cover are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Google Adwords Google Image Ads Google Places Google Apps / Gmail Google Analytics Google Website Optimizer

1. Google Adwords Google Adwords Search Network ads are the paid ads that turn up on the top section and the right hand side section of the Google search screen.

The Google Adwords search network system works on a Pay Per Click (PPC) model. This means that you pay a pre-determined amount (eg. $0.56 or $1.03) every time that someone clicks on your ad. The whole thing works on relevance. If Google determines that your ad is very relevant and highly regarded by its searchers because it’s getting a good Click Through Rate (CTR) and people are staying on your site a good length of time, then they will reward you with lower advertising costs and your ads will rank higher than other advertisers who are not creating as relevant advertising. To really win the Adwords game your ads need to be relevant to the keywords that are being searched for, and then the website landing page that the searchers end up at after clicking the ads need to be closely relevant to the keywords that were searched for as well as the keywords in the ad. Google Adwords is something that every business owner should consider from accountants to plumbers and beyond. The reason why is because there are already millions of people searching for solutions to their problems, so it makes sense for you to have your ads showing up on the first page of Google stating that you can provide a solution to the relevant problems.

This is the most pure and perfect form of advertising that exists in the history of mankind. Big call I know, but the reason why I say this is because your ads only show up if people are actively searching for the keywords that you have advised Google are related to your product / service that you are advertising.

Unfortunately Google Adwords is not as cost effective in 2011 as when I first started doing it 6 years ago. There are more competitors now and because of supply and demand the cost per click goes up over time. A good Google Adwords Consultant will be able to smash the competition for you and result in cheaper clicks and better rankings for your ads. This may be more cost effective for you than trying to learn to do it yourself. My team at can assist you if you need a hand in this area or any of the sections below.

Then the best bit is that you only pay for your advertising if a Google searcher clicks on your ads. It can’t get any fairer than that. If you compare this to an ad in the newspaper – I can’t see any major publications allowing you to only pay for your ad if you get some interest from it.

2. Google Image Ads Google has a 2nd major part to its advertising, this is the display network. The Google Display Network is when your advertising shows up on relevant non Google Websites where website owners display Google ads on behalf of Google on their sites.

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Display network ads come in many types, but essentially there are two main types – text ads (like Google Search) or image ads. I love Google Image ads because it works out a very cost effective traffic source for driving leads to free offers. ‘Image ads’ is just another way of saying Banner Advertising on Google’s display network. The thing is that it is more targeted than standard banner advertising on other networks because you can determine the keywords and page content that are relevant to the websites where you want to show your ads. Your image ads can be either standard images or they can be animated (gifs or Flash). You should choose animated gifs as this allows your banner ads to have a cost effective way of having animated components. This means you will catch the site visitor’s eye more with movement on your ads. The other main benefit of animated gif ads is that you will be able to communicate more on the same sized banner ad because you have multiple images worth of words and images that can rotate on your ad. Unfortunately there is a little bit of an art to really getting this form of advertising really cracking. Give it a go yourself but if you don’t get the results you are after you should engage a professional to give you a hand. These campaigns don’t require much maintenance so once it is live you could save money by managing it yourself. This form of advertising is not necessarily well suited to every business. Where it is relevant is if you have some kind of free offer that you are using for lead generation such as a free report or video in exchange for their contact details so that you can market to the leads again. 3. Google Places ‘Google Maps’ is now called ‘Google Places’ even though most people still think of it as Google Maps. Millions of people search Google Maps every day. A free listing on Google Maps makes it easy for them to find your business. If you are a localised business then you want to make sure you are maximising your exposure in this medium as it really is an easy way to rank high for free traffic from Google. Use Google Places to create your free listing. When potential customers search Maps for local information, they’ll find your business: your address, hours of operation, even photos of your storefront or products. It’s easy, free, and you don’t even need a website of your own, but it is better if you have one that you can link to from there. A common thing that we find with nearly every local business that we work with is that they have a presence on the maps on Google but they have never ‘claimed their listing’ and populated the information. While Google never really reveals their search and ranking algorithms it is clear that Google Places listings that have been ‘claimed’ and populated with full information about the business do get higher priorities in rankings than those that have not been claimed.

Internet Marketing Magazine

Google Places is particularly relevant if you have a ‘traditional business’ such as ‘Accountant in Bondi’ etc as these local searches are when the Google Places listings will show up. If you haven’t already done so then please visit to claim your business listing today. 4. Google Apps / Gmail Google has grown into a service provider online that provides web visitors and website owners far more than just search services. One of their biggest developments in recent years has been their Gmail email service. In a relatively short period of time Google’s Gmail service grew in popularity because of its superior spam protection and smart web based email client. Many people use Gmail as their personal email service, but as a business owner you also have the option to use the premium corporate version of this service called Google Apps. Google Apps has many components to it, with one of the most popular of these being the email service. Effectively it is like is Gmail for your business, so instead of your email address being it is This is not a free service, it costs US$50 per mail user per year but it is a very cost effective way of running an email service for your business. Back when I had a day job one of my roles in corporate IT was as an email Network Architect for large multi nationals, so I know email very well. For a small to medium sized business it is no longer cost effective to run Microsoft Exchange or Lotus Domino (Notes) if you can have an email service hosted and managed by Google for just $50 per user per year. The other real benefit of Google Apps for your business is that it will provide you with a whole suite of other collaboration tools for your team such as Google Calendar, Google Docs and Google Sites just to name a few. Try Google Apps at for your business today, as it really is excellent. We find we implement it in 9 out of 10 companies we work with. 5. Google Analytics “You can’t manage what you can’t measure” is one of the better things I learned from one of my marketing mentors Mal Emery. The tool that I use for measuring website stats and I recommend that you use too is Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a free service from Google. Effectively you tell Google what website that you want Google Analytics to track website visitor statistics on. Google Analytics will then supply you a piece of tracking code to put on the pages of your website. Google Analytics will then start recording how many site visitors you get per day, how they found your website, what parts of your


site that they are clicking on and much more. You can even get Google Analytics to send you automated reports on a how your website is progressing. It’s amazing how many website owners we meet who don’t have Google Analytics setup for their sites. If you fit into this category please consider this a virtual slap on the wrist from me for being a naughty boy / girl / other and take action immediately to get it live for your site by visiting 

Say you have a page on your website and it’s primary purpose is to give away a copy of your free report in exchange for the site visitors details. Each time this happens we would consider it a ‘conversion’. What you now need to do is take a copy of that page and create a 2nd version of it with a new webpage name. On that 2nd version of the page change a design element that you think may have a positive effect on your conversions. A great place to start is by writing a new headline.

6. Google Website Optimizer Google Website Optimizer is another free service from Google. What it does is it gives you a way of comparing two website pages or website elements together to see which one results in the best lead or sales conversions.

Then within Google Website Optimizer tell it the web address of the first page and also the new page you’ve created. Also tell Google Website Optimizer the page that the web visitor will end up at following an opt-in (a conversion). Google will now give you some tracking code to put on those pages.

Website Optimizer, Google’s free website testing and optimization tool, allows you to increase the value of your existing websites and traffic without having to spend additional funds on traffic.

Once that is done you choose for the A/B experiment to start and Google will start rotating automatically between those pages in a round robin fashion when site visitors hit the site. Over time you will be able to see which page of the site performs better and you will be able to declare a winner. You then take this winner and create a 2nd version of it and repeat the process again.

As the readership base for Internet Marketing Magazine is quite diverse from complete Internet Newbies to full-time marketing pro’s we’ll keep it simple and talk about the most the most common configuration of the Google Website Optimizer tool which is A/B split testing. Most website owners take guesses at which components of their websites are going to result in the most leads and sales. There is no need to guess when Google Website Optimizer will tell this information to you based off real site visitors and their actions.

Internet Marketing Magazine

Effectively what you are doing is constantly tracking and measuring and pushing the conversion rate up on your website. You can have the same advertising cost but actually reduce your cost per lead simply by increasing your conversion rate. If you are paying for any advertising for your site you should without a doubt be utilising Google Website Optimizer in your business. There is much more to Google Services than we have outlined here, but this is a good summary of the fundamental services of theirs you should be implementing in your business today. Greg Cassar is the leading Internet Marketing Strategist behind the scenes of many of the biggest Internet marketers in Australia and abroad ( You can follow Greg online at his blog or receive his 21 free Internet marketing training videos (paid membership site now free) at


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The Nine Keys to Success in Making Passive Income First up let us introduce ourselves. We’re Andrew and Daryl Grant. We have an internet business where we sell info products. This is something we’ve done for the last 5 years, and it gives us a great passive income. It’s allowed us to give up our 7-day-a-week consulting business, and pretty much do whatever we want with our time. Our business runs on autopilot, and because we have a world-wide market, we literally make money while we sleep. We get to meet lots of people at various stages of their journey to financial freedom. And whenever we meet successful people we ask them “what’s been your key to success?” In all we’ve identified nine things that successful people all have in common. In the next few issues we’ll share these nine Keys to Success with you. Here’s the first one. Key #1—Have a clear, specific goal. Now lots of people talk about having goals, but we meet very few people who do this in a way that guarantees success. Generally people come up with goals that are too fuzzy or vague, and that don’t feel achievable. In 2000 we set ourselves a 5-year goal to retire from our 7-day-aweek consulting business with $10,000 a month passive income. We tried loads of things (property, shares, Forex trading), but for the first 4 ½ years nothing worked. They all made money, but not passively. With 6 months to go, we “discovered” the internet. Now here’s the thing – we retired from our consulting business on the exact date that we’d set 5 years before. Great huh? But here’s the lesson for you—set 6 month goals! The only reason it took us 5 years was because that’s what we thought it would take.

2. Write them down as if they’ve already happened. This is important, because it sets your subconscious mind on a mission. You see, your subconscious mind can’t tell the difference between fantasy and reality. So if it believes you’ve already achieved a goal, it will do what’s needed to create that reality. So for our passive income goal, in 2000 we wrote “Today is the 13th of April 2005. We’re super excited because we’ve just done our last day of consulting. We’ve been able to retire from the business because we are now making over $10,000 a month passive income. To celebrate we’re going out to dinner at our favourite restaurant.” Here’s what most people get wrong. They write their goals in the future (eg “I’m going to make $10,000 a month passive income”). If you do this, your subconscious mind will take this instruction literally – and keep the passive income in the future for you, not the present. You’ll always be “going to make it”, not “making it already”. 3. Get a goal book. Write all your goals in it. Add pictures. Your subconscious mind works in pictures and feelings, so speak to it in the language it understands. 4. Add emotion or humour. Again, this is about making the goal real to your subconscious mind. The more you can feel, see, and hear yourself achieving your goals, the more driven your subconscious mind will be. Describe exactly how you’ll feel once you’ve achieved your goal, in emotional terms. 5. Visualise yourself achieving the goals, and experiencing the feelings you get. This is the same technique top athletes use visualising a winning performance. Do this as part of your success ritual every day.

Here’s how to set powerful goals that guarantee your success: 1. Make them clear and specific. The more detailed you can be the better. It’s much easier to hit a clear target than a fuzzy one.

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If you don’t have your goals written down, do it now. Set aside 30 minutes or so using the formula we’ve described here. Involve your partner and your kids. And see what an amazing difference it makes. Andrew and Daryl Grant are self made Internet Millionaires from Australia. Starting off with eBooks and then branching off into multiple types of income streams online they have been successful Internet Marketers for many years. If you’d love some practical help to make passive income, please go to to download your free copy of our “Quickstart Guide to Making Money Online”

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50,095 Facebook Likes in 65 Days Discover how to leverage Facebook to build your brand and propel your profits… Why Social Media is so Important? The new ‘word of mouth’ is Social Media. Social Media is your ability to communicate your marketing or personal message online for social interaction, relationship and value building using the very latest in web and mobile technologies. Social media is all about establishing and building relationships. It’s interactive and opens up the conversation with your prospects and customers in a way that was not possible just a few years back. Social Media’s such as Facebook allow you to promote your brand very, very quickly using viral techniques. I was able to build 50,095 Facebook Likes in 65 Days using these techniques, but more on that in a moment. Social media is efficient and cost effective. As most of the social media platforms are free the real cost is your time that you spend promoting and communicating on these platforms. Now with platforms such as Facebook you are in control of the content… although this is not always the case. As there are mechanisms that allow for feedback from existing or potential customers and clients it is also the fastest way for information to travel – both good and bad. So why pay attention to Facebook? Quite simply… because that’s where the people are. • There are over 600 million users as of the time of this article and millions are joining each month. • This total number of members is expected to double in next 2 years. • Around 50% or 300 million of active users log into the site each day for 55 minutes. • If Facebook were a country, it would be the third largest in the world.

Internet Marketing Magazine

More than 700,000 local businesses have active Pages on Facebook. Do you currently have your business listed as an active page on Facebook? If not then it is worth taking it as an action and implementing because it is a cost effective viable way of getting your message out to your community. Secrets to how I attracted over 21,000 ‘Likes’ in just 30 days and then went on to create 50,095 Facebook Likes in 65 Days? My facebook page of has experienced and is still experiencing rapid growth. Check out the page to see what I have built there, but here is a summary of some of the main techniques I have utilized in this growth strategy. • ‘Like’, ‘Comment’ and ‘Share’ are the key tools for creating viral traffic as each time one of your members does this for any of your Facebook page it also writes to their wall and their friends with similar interests can find it and follow the link back to your facebook page. Where ever possible encourage your members to ‘Like’, ‘Comment’ and ‘Share’ as much as possible. Also return the favor for strategic joint venture partners and others that you follow. • ‘Lists and Groups’ are Facebook tools that allow you to segment your Facebook members according to their interests and preferences. This way you can now ‘laser target’ your communication with members rather than categorize and communicate with all members the same. Share your expertise and when doing so encourage your hyper-responsive members to ‘Like’, ‘Comment’ and ‘Share’ and do the same for them as appropriate.


• ‘Tagging’ and ‘Messaging Others’ are two tools you can use to either reach out and communicate with strategic partners or raise their profile by tagging when they have been in photos at your events etc. • Commenting with a Backlink is a very powerful but rarely known strategy. What this means is that you can write on the wall of a facebook page with similar likes and interests to yours to add some value. Then at the end of your comment you can put ‘sharing from’ and an @ with your Facebook page name and it will place a link back to your Facebook page from their wall. • Cross Promotion is where you build relationships with people who have similar followings to your page. You then reach an agreement with them where you promote their page to your members and they promote your page to their members as a Win/Win How does all this help you? Review the strategies above and identify how many of them you are currently using to build your Facebook pages profile. Implement as many of them as possible to build your profile and also build strategic relationships and friends who are interested in your services. Create groups to share your expertise and also events to promote your products, services and your events. All this together helps build massive credibility and great strategic alliances for you business. The next step once you have your ‘Likes’ is to try to migrate your members into your email marketing funnel so that you can follow up with them via that media as well. This allows you to implement an autoresponder sequence that creates relationship and makes offers to your list over time. Jay McLean a self-made Millionaire, Business Coach, Marketing Strategist, Best Selling Author, Empowerment Speaker, Internet Marketer, Real Estate Developer and Programmer of Wealth Creation. Visit Jay’s Life Master Success Secrets fan page at and click ‘Like’ to download a free eBook that briefly shares the 21 Success Secrets of the most influential Billionaires of today such as Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Richard Branson, J.K. Rowling and more...

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