Internet Marketing Magazine October 2013

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October 2013
















a freelance digital marketing and web design professional from Cambridge, UK. He has worked with over 50 businesses to establish brands and maximise online potential. You can find out more about Stuart on his website, He blogs at www.



1Expert commentary on what are the big plays that have recently happened online and how they affect you.

Read his article on Wordpress Security on PAGE13

Jon Miller leads all aspects of Marketo’s thought

leadership, communications, and content marketing programs. In 2010, The CMO Institute named Jon Miller a Top 10 CMO for companies under $250 million revenue. Jon holds a bachelor’s degree in physics from Harvard College and has an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business. Read his article on Behavioral Targeting on PAGE 17

Humayun Khan is a Content Crafter at Shopify. He

is also a startup News Contributor for Techvibes, BetaKit and Techomy. Humayun Khan is the author of The Ultimate Guide to Business Plans. Read his article on the Science of Working Smarter on PAGE22

Emily Williams is the Chief Editor of DesignWebKit, a blog about design dedicated to bloggers, designers, developers, freelancers and all creative and curious people. DesignWebKit has useful roundups and how to guides, unique tips and tricks on all you want to know about design. Share the secret of your good mood with Emily on Twitter @DesignWebKit Read her article on Pinterest Marketing on PAGE27

Bill Hazelton is an Experienced online marketer

specializing in PPC search, web analytics, display advertising, SEO, conversion rate optimization and social media. www. Read his article on eCommerce for the Holidays on PAGE31


internet marketing magazine october 2013


1Birdsnest CEO, Jane Cay talks about curated eCommerce in an exclusive interview with Internet Marketing Magazine.


Know how to maximise your WordPress security.


1Techniques to get more email opens and clicks using behavioral targeting.


1Discover the 8 Stress Hacks for Entrepreneurs.


1Know why Pinterest is useful not only for personal usage, but also in business promotion.


Simple steps to prepare your eCommerce site early for the Holidays.



f you haven’t got access to the member’s area please feel free to do at (it’s free). This month’s complete audio interview with eCommerce expert Jane Cay has now been added. It has lots of sections in it that were not included in the magazine, so be sure to check it out. A special thanks to those who have left reviews in the apple platforms as it really helps us out. If you are getting good value from Internet Marketing Magazine and you can spare 1 minute of your time to click this link to give us a quick honest review that would be greatly appreciated (click ‘view in iTunes’ then scroll down and click ‘write a review’, thanks :). We hope you get great value from Internet Marketing Magazine. Wishing you the best of success online, Regards,

Greg Cassar is Australia’s leading Internet Marketing Strategist. With Greg & his team provide traffic, development and conversion optimization services for medium to large businesses, enterprises & eCommerce stores looking for serious growth online. You can follow Greg’s latest updates by subscribing to Internet Marketing Magazine at for the new members area and the latest issue updates.

internet marketing magazine october 2013




THE STATE OF THE INTERNET In this section of Internet Marketing Magazine our editor Greg Cassar cover’s the facts and provides expert commentary on what are the big plays that have recently happened online and how they affect you. > ANGRY BIRD - PENGUIN 2.1


In early October Google’s Matt Cutts announced on Twitter that they unleashed Penguin 2.1. Mr Cutts advises that it impacted about 1% of search queries.

“The world’s 500 largest mobile commerce competitors are growing their mobile sales by 71% this year to more than $30 billion” reports Internet Retailer. This is amazing growth that really shows the maturity of the mobile space now considering that the iPhone was only introduced 6 years ago. The worldwide m-commerce market is on track to grow a massive 83% to $85 billion this year. The table below shows the top 5 sellers from mobile platforms for 2013.

It’s still early days to know the exact effects of this SEO change with some webmasters reporting major traffic dropoffs and others reporting recoveries as a result of the algorithm change. To check if your site has been affected by Penguin 2.1 keep an eye on your analytics for organic traffic dropoffs as of the 2nd week of October. Moving forwards webmasters need to change away from the “link building” SEO mindset of old and focus more on building quality content that will earn natural inbound links.

This data was released by Internet Retailer to promote their Mobile 500 Guide.

> CROWD FUNDING FOR BREASTS Crowd Funding is an ever-growing trend in 2012 and 2013. It’s commonly used for funding start-ups’, apps, films and music. Crowd Funding has now moved in a new direction – breast augmentation. provides a service that allows the ladies to get new boobs for free whilst even choosing their own surgeon. The site reports that contributors “contribute with direct donations of any amount and receive photos, videos, messages and everlasting gratitude in exchange”. As an Internet Architect I often see trends coming before they arrive but this


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is certainly one that we didn’t see on the horizon.

Organic search data from Google will no longer be available in Google Analytics. Webmasters will now notice in Google Analytics the keyword search term is now replaced with the wording of “Not Provided”.

> WHAT IS GOOGLE HUMMINGBIRD? Google unveiled a recent algorithm update on the eve of their 15th birthday which is code-named Hummingbird, It is the biggest change to the engine room of the Google search engine since early 2010, when Google upgraded its algorithm to one it called Caffeine.

Whether or not there will be a similar service offered in the future for men seeking extra confidence is still to be determined :)

> GOOGLE SEARCHES NOW SECURE… A BIG LOSS FOR ANALYTICS Google has made a sweeping change to all search activity by making searching secure with SSL encryption for all search activity — except for clicks on ads. Back in October of 2011 Google began encrypting searches for anyone who was logged into Google. Now it has been done for all searches regardless of whether or not the user is logged into a Google Account. Google advises its about adding “extra protection” for searchers, but many industry sources also believe its because they were getting heat in the media about NSA spying activity.

The name Hummingbird is reported to have come about from being “precise and fast.” Panda, Penguin and other recent updates were changes to parts of the old algorithm, but not an entire replacement of the whole like Hummingbird is. Hummingbird is like a brand new engine, though it continues to use some of the same parts of the old, like Panda and Penguin.

Businesses around the world are wondering if the update will help or hurt their business – only time will tell. IMM I believe in reality it is a move to increase ad sales because it is very weird that the keyword data from organic searches will no longer flow through to Google Analytics but Paid search keyword data will. internet marketing magazine october 2013



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ALL ABOUT JANE CAY • Jane Cay is a highly successful eCommerce entrepreneur in the fashion industry. • Getting started with her eCommerce store, Birdsnest, just five years ago, Jane has now built her store to over 250 brands and her team to over 100 staff. • Birdsnest was recently awarded Best Customer Experience in the Online Retail Industry Awards.

It’s the engagement that builds brand advocates that come back and tell their friends.

internet marketing magazine october 2013





An Interview by Internet Marketing Strategist Greg Cassar Can you tell us a bit of your story, and how you got into this business? JANE: Like all good stories, it starts with a love story. I’m the city girl who headed off to the big smoke to work in IT and then fell in love with a farmer. I had this great career in the city working for IBM back when the Internet was just becoming mainstream. Then this boy in a big cowboy hat came along. So, I ended up in regional Australia thinking that ‘hopefully location is no longer a barrier to having a career in the online space’. I bought a retail business in town, which was a women’s fashion business. I eventually took that dress shop business online, and it’s been a very exciting journey from there.

Did it take long to get the momentum that you were after, as doing a startup can be difficult? JANE: Yes. It has been such an organic process. I think the Charles Darwin philosophy of just adapting to change is crucially important - it’s those that are the most adaptable to change that really thrive. Initially I did go into a retail business thinking ‘I was going into country town retailing’. I didn’t have this big vision that we would go


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The Birdsnest Online Shop

online and take on the world. I got into a really good business and realized, ‘Wow, we’ve got a great offering and we’re solving these women’s wardrobe dilemmas in a way that I don’t think anyone else is solving, and what is the rest of Australia doing?’ Over in the U.S. and the UK, they were already shopping online, and I thought ‘we should be doing it’. This was back in 2006, and people thought I was nuts. They were just saying “No one is going to buy jeans online Jane, that’s just crazy” but I stuck at it with the belief that it really could work. We did start to think big, but we started small and all our steps were baby-steps. But we just kept thinking, ‘How can we do this better?’ A quick Definition – ‘Curated commerce’ refers to creating unique product lines that

> COVER STORY: provide customers with a distinct collection not offered by other online retailers in a market.


all these different motivators and that still is the foundation of our business. GREG: For anyone who hasn’t seen the site, you’ll have to go to to see the pre-styled outfits and collections (curated eCommerce). This has benefits for both the consumer and also for the business because instead of selling one dress you’re selling a whole matching outfit, such as the hat, the shoes, the bag, etc. So it’s a win for the customer because they really don’t have to think through the styling decisions, but it’s also a win for the business because as eCommerce entrepreneurs and Internet marketers, we want to get that average sale price up as well.

You are very strong in the Curated eCommerce space. Can you describe the effect this has had on your customers and also your business? JANE: With the physical retail store I was fascinated by the buying process of the women who were coming into the store for that purchasing decision, and I realized how powerful a really good retail experience could be. So as the analyst, I started mapping all those motivations. Sometimes it was for a big occasion such as the school reunion, or the daughter’s wedding. Other times it was about her body with things such as “I’ve got hips, I just want to hide my hips” or, “I’ve got great legs, let’s show them off.” Sometimes it was about colours that she felt confident in. Then we thought ‘how do we take that intimate and personalized experience that you have one-on-one with a really knowledgeable shop assistant to the online environment?’ That was my obsession. We spent two years designing this site about how you would shop by

What has been the strategy behind the site ranking strongly with organic SEO? JANE: I didn’t know what SEO meant when we launched in 2008. I didn’t really even think Google was that important initially. The first iteration of our site was very well designed for our customers, but we hadn’t focused on how Google looked at our site at all. We had so many duplicate pages of dresses and we learned quickly that we weren’t going to rank very well. So, we redesigned – we’re now on our third major reiteration of the site, but in our second iteration, we fixed all of that up so that Google could find just one instance of every product and category. internet marketing magazine october 2013




For a short time we had an SEO agency, but now we’ve taken it all in-house. We use tools like SEOmoz to see how we’re going, and we’ve done a lot of internal training and going to conferences and trying to get our heads around it. ‘Relevant’ is a word I got taught early on and I’ve stuck to it – just building content that’s relevant to our customers is the most important thing to me. We have a huge content team and styling team now and we write all our own content. We build quality links when we can. We have over 250 suppliers, so we work with them to get them linking directly into us. Also industry publications such as Internet Marketing Magazine link to us, and it all helps.


internet marketing magazine october 2013

You have built a strong social media following with Facebook and Pinterest etc. Are you finding these platforms successful at driving sales of particular product lines that you want to move? JANE: People might think we’re crazy, but we haven’t really been very focused on the commercial outcomes of our social media. We have been focused on how we build a community and what that community wants to talk to us about, and listening to them. It’s a great way to get feedback on our products with the things they like, they don’t like. We have just started tracking the referrals from Facebook, and then how that translates commercially, but it’s almost out of interest rather than being too focused on the commercial numbers.



I think if we start to post anything that looks more commercial, we will get much less response, sharing, and engagement. Ultimately it’s the engagement that builds brand advocates that come back and tell their friends.

Any closing thoughts or advice for those interested in eCommerce, but not yet taken it to that next level? JANE: I would say that you’ve got to be more than interested in eCommerce. You’ve got to be really passionate about solving a problem for your customer in a unique way. I think technology is just a tool, so if you are interested in eCommerce as a tool, that’s not the thing that’s at the heart of a business. You’ve got to work out what is it ultimately that you want to take to market and whose problem are you solving, and then you can use this fabulous thing called the Internet and all these great technologies to solve the problem for that customer in the most exciting way - and then you’ll have a business on your hands. IMM

Resources mentioned in this article: 1. Birdsnest 2. SEOMoz

internet marketing magazine october 2013


Make Your Website Easy to Read & Effective on all Mobile Phones


internet marketing magazine october 2013





ebsite security is serious business. Knowing how to maximise your WordPress security can be the difference in losing your business or ruining your reputation. The rise in compromised websites has (and in my opinion will always) increase due to the nature of the Internet’s popularity and the demand from consumerism. Since 2009, the number of WordPress security hacks has increased over twofold. In 2012, the number was reported to be over 170,000 sites.

If you work in online marketing, the odds are that you would have worked on, or will at some point work on a WordPress site. Thousands of malware types and infections are active on the Internet but fortunately, not all apply to WordPress. What makes WordPress security vulnerable? Here’s the most common exploits you will come across to WordPress security: • Out-of-date software • Poor servers • Poor credential management • Poor system administration • Lack of technical knowledge • Cutting corners

Being knowledgeable of the reasons why your WordPress security may be compromisable is half the battle. Knowing the typical types of attack could also be of great benefit. Here is a breakdown of the most common WordPress security issues you should be aware of. Back-doors A back-door allows an attacker to gain access to your website via what you would consider to be abnormal methods (i.e. FTP, WordPress admin etc). Back-doors are exceptionally dangerous and if left unchecked, can cause havoc on your server. Drive-by downloads A drive-by download is usually embedded on your website via some type of script injection. The point of a drive-by download is often to download something onto your user’s local machine. One of the most common downloads informs the user that their website has been infected with some sort of virus and that the user needs to install an anti-virus product to fix it. Pharma hacks A pharma hack is one of the most prevalent exploits. It is actually categorized as SPAM (stupidpointless-annoying-messages) and if you are found to be distributing SPAM, you run the risk of being flagged by Google with various alerts to deter visitors, such as “This site may be compromised”. Malicious redirects Quite simply, a malicious redirect sends a user internet marketing magazine october 2013



WORDPRESS SECURITY to a malicious website. If a visitor is redirected to a website other than the main one, the website may contain infectious software, advertisements or what might appear to be random or foreign sites.

Brute force attacks Brute force attacks occur when someone tries to gain access to your site by attempting an enormous number of different username and password combinations, until the right one is found. Password guessing is very fast when used to check all short passwords but for longer passwords, other methods can still be used to the same effect. Zero-day Attacks A zero-day attack exploits a previously unknown vulnerability on your site and occurs prior to awareness of the vulnerability. It is sometimes difficult for you to prevent this, as these attacks occur before developers have time to realise and address the vulnerability and thus, find a secure solution or update to provide you with. Armed with this knowledge, here are my top 10 security tips to ensure your WordPress site is and remains secure: 1. Make contact with your web host Its reported that 41% of hacks occur as a result of hosting. You should contact your web host and ask them what they have put in place to establish WordPress security on their


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servers. Your hosts will be able to delete any generic accounts, so you should always know who is accessing your website. Avoid any unnecessary credentials or access points, including FTP, wp-admin and SSH. Stay clear of cheap hosting providers without solid customer service and high WordPress security measures in place. 2. Undertake regular backups Prevention is one thing, but if all else fails then you should have a backup plan. You should never rely only on your web host for your site backups. Some hosts do periodic backups, but either way it should be standard practice to routinely backup your whole site and database in case your WordPress security is compromised. 3. Default site information Brute force attacks on WordPress security are mostly attempting to compromise the websites administrator panels by exploiting hosts with default credentials (i.e. “admin” as a username). If your site’s username is still admin, you need to change this immediately. Have very secure passwords, that uses a good mix of capital and non-capital letters, numbers and characters and is at last 8+ characters long is advised. Try to avoid common phrases and password variations like stuart123. Instead, use 9St1u3a!rt~? (remember to make a note in a secure place, as guessing these types of passwords is next to impossible). WordPress databases are like the brain for your entire WordPress site – every single piece of information is stored in there and thus, makes it every hacker’s favourite target. The smartest way you can protect your database and increase the WordPress security is by changing the database prefix from wp_ to anything else – perhaps something like wp_st6u3a88r0t.

> 4. Directory hardening Many web hosts often provide the ability to browse a site’s directories as a default configuration. Unfortunately, this also allows a hacker to see the contents of these directories. Updating your .htaccess file can disable this. Your “uploads” folder stores all the media that gets uploaded to your WordPress site. By default, this folder is also visible to anyone online. Updating your .htaccess file will prevent online users from viewing this folder too. Lastly, updating your file permissions enables your core files to be secured against various other attacks. 5. Default WordPress files You should rename or delete your install.php, upgrade.php and readme.html files as these are completely unnecessary after installation and actually serve as WordPress security vulnerabilities. If you don’t want to delete these files for any reason, then you can just rename them. You should also remove any mentions of WordPress, so that your not providing hackers with useful information that might lead to potential exploits. Remove the “Powered by WordPress” tag, the WordPress version meta data from your theme and any links back to WordPress from your website.


mentions, it is easy for people to know how best to exploit your WordPress security. Its essential to update everything as soon as new versions become available. 7. Security plugins Using additional security measures can be effective in preventing your WordPress site from being hacked. There are a number of free WordPress security plugins available that address many of the common security issues that most WordPress website owners face. Here is a list of the better security plugins I have come across: - Better WP Security - Bullet Proof Security - WP Login Security 2 - All In One WP Security & Firewall - Wordfence - Sucuri WordPress Security Plugin (paid plugin) 8. Universal registration If your website is currently set up so that anyone can register as a user, then this can be a potential method for hackers to access your website. This option should only be necessary if you are running a community site where signing up is encouraged. So if don’t run this type of website, then you should prevent anyone from having the opportunity to register. Simply go to Settings -> General in your WordPress dashboard.

6. Keep everything up-to-date Hackers will look for vulnerabilities that they can exploit in older versions of WordPress, including outdated versions of WordPress plugins and themes. Ensure that all of your WordPress files, plugins, themes etc are always up-to-date to maintain strong levels of WordPress security. Consider a situation where a security flaw is found in a older version of WordPress. If you don’t keep current with WordPress updates and don’t remove the unnecessary WordPress

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WORDPRESS SECURITY 9. Do your research Plug-ins and themes are great. They make life easier and allow those without coding knowledge or the time needed to build a site from scratch to have a site ready in a short space of time. But beware. Many free themes are potential security risks. And out-of-date plugins can be good places for hackers to find holes in your security. Do your research and make sure only to install plugins that are tested with the latest version of WordPress and have solid reviews.

WordPress Security: Conclusion I am of course just scratching the surface here. The knowledge and tips above should allow you to begin optimising your WordPress security. The aim of my article was not to frighten you, or point out various vulnerabilities in the WordPress platform. The reality is that any website can be hacked.

10. Fire-power! Deploying a web application firewall (WAF) on your server helps protect your site against vulnerabilities found in plug-ins, out-of-date software and zero-day attacks. You should ask your hosting provider if they offer web ap-

But there are significant measures you can take to avoid common hacking practices from threatening your website. If you would like to find out more about how you can get a website built securely, then get in touch with Thinking Forwards. IMM

plication security as a service. If they don’t, then it may be a good indicator of the overall level of security they can offer.

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GET MORE EMAIL OPENS AND CLICKS USING BEHAVIORAL TARGETING By Jon Miller This gives you solid and very powerful information to go on. As McKinsey wrote in ‘The Coming Era of On-Demand Marketing’, “Online behavioral models built with Web traffic, search behavior, lifestyle data, and demographics are particularly effective at identifying prospects not found with traditional demographic prospecting models.” Examples of Behavioral Targeting Some basic examples of behavioral targeting:

Behavioral data can be highly predictive of future decision-making patterns and road-topurchase activity. A prospect’s browsing and search activity relates directly to his intent; his social sharing activity can indicate future purchase possibilities; and emails opened, links clicked, and content consumed indicate good old interest. The information gleaned by paying attention to a consumer’s digital behavior is her online body language. By tracking and interpreting online body language, you can determine where she is in her buying journey and what problems she might be trying to solve. You can even begin to figure out what interests her, what annoys her, and what persuades her.

Email: • Which emails did a consumer open and/or click on? • Which emails did she NOT open and/or click on? • Which type of offer does she respond to most often? • How long ago was her last interaction with an email — three days, three weeks or three months? • Who responds frequently, who rarely interacts?

Knowing who your customers are is great, but knowing how they behave is even better.


nowing who your customers are is great, but knowing how they behave is even better. Their personas and demographics tell you what they might be interested in, but their behavior tells you what they definitely are interested in.

internet marketing magazine october 2013



BEHAVIORAL TARGETING Social • Did a consumer mention your company on Twitter? • Did she navigate to your site from Facebook? • Did she share one of your messages? Website: • Did a consumer visit your website? If so, how recently? • What content did she download or view? • What keywords were used to navigate to your site? • How many pages did she view while there? Behavioral Targeting Drives Opens, Clicks, and Engagement When David Daniels, founder of the Relevancy Group, was an analyst at Jupiter Research (acquired by Forrester Research in 2008), he reported that targeting emails based on Web click-stream data increased open rates by more than 50%, and increased conversion rates by more than 350%.

At Marketo, we found that our lead nurturing campaigns that use behavioral targeting have 57% higher open rates, 59% better click-to-open rates, and a whopping 147% higher overall click rate. Research from Gareth Herschel at Gartner found that event-triggered campaigns (e.g. those based on behaviors) performed five times better than traditional batch campaigns. On top of that, Forrester Research recently found that only 17% of companies assessed themselves


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as mature practitioners of behavioral marketing — but those mature practitioners grew revenue faster than they planned (53% versus 41%). And just in case you needed more convincing, MarketingSherpa research also shows that triggered emails and segmenting campaigns based on behaviors are the top tactics to improve email engagement.

Dumb Lists and Complex Queries So it’s clear that behavioral targeting is valuable. But while this engaging level of targeting is not a new concept, it’s still not commonly put into practice. Why? Because traditional email service providers (ESPs) have not made it easy. In a perfect world, every interaction that individual consumers have with your brand would be collected and stored in behavioral databases, so you could target and customize every single message easily. Unfortunately, many marketers don’t yet live in that world. According to Forrester, only 45% of marketers are currently capturing and consolidating customer behavioral data from multiple channels into a single database. Data come from many sources, and customer-facing systems don’t always talk to each other. Social data, for example, are sometimes connected; sometimes not. Website data are almost never connected to transactional data.

> Traditional email providers don’t help much with data aggregation. Sure, they can track email behaviors and feed their customers reports on open and click-through rates. But they lack connection to other behavioral data and are unable to inform communication with more personal behavioral cues. These ESPs work primarily from imported lists and spreadsheets. We call these “dumb lists,” for obvious reasons. Anything sophisticated requires pulling custom lists with complex queries written by technical experts — they are made up of API calls, SAS code, and SQL queries.


answer, etc. • Website: visit, clicked link, completed form, referral source, search query, etc. • Campaign history: campaign membership, campaign response, campaign success, etc. • Custom: purchase history, deposit, withdrawal, cart abandonment, data usage, etc.

When marketers are forced to deal with complicated technical jargon and customized code, they are at the mercy of IT. This means acting on behavioral data is challenging for the average marketer using a traditional ESP. Less agility means it takes longer to react to opportunity. Ultimately, it means that sophisticated behavioral targeting is often not done because it’s too difficult. A Smart Database with Smart Lists That’s why modern, engaging email marketing needs to be powered with a behavior-smart database at the core. This database serves as the system of record for all prospect and customer interactions within marketing, sales, and transactional systems. The result: a single place from which marketers can build highly targeted campaigns tied to trackable information about each individual contact. With a smart database, marketers can easily target their subscribers using demographic AND behavioral filters and triggers, such as: • Demographic: name, location, age, registration source, household, preferences, score, custom fields, etc. • Email history: sent, opened, clicked, bounced, unsubscribed, etc. • Social: shared content, referral, poll

“Smart lists” can combine filters to create specific target segments: subscribers aged 1825 who shared content via social, or customers with balances above a certain amount who visited the loans page twice in the last month. Plus, you can track campaign and response history for a solid record of how segments have performed. This type of email marketing system makes marketing self-reliant, so that marketers can easily create and manage sophisticated behavioral-targeted campaigns on their own, without having to enlist the help of technical support. That means they spend less time modifying spreadsheets and waiting for IT, and more time building engaging, relevant campaigns. IMM

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internet marketing magazine october 2013

internet marketing magazine october 2013






Using a service that allows you to schedule updates for times when you are not online allows you to setup posts in batches and achieve continuity in your marketing efforts.

internet marketing magazine october 2013




s an entrepreneur, you’re most likely used to juggling some of the following: suppliers, customers, employees, product launches, marketing, finances, growth, operations and more on a day to day basis. And that’s sometimes only a portion of what’s on your plate. Add family, kids, rent, mortgage, car payments, health, and diet in the mix and you’ve got a real soup on your hands.

out of your day? Newly published research in the Journal of Environmental Psychology showed that for people who work in open or shared spaces, a highly personalized workspace meant lower levels of emotional exhaustion and distraction despite the lower levels of perceived privacy. In other words making your space your own will help you feel less stressed and allow you to get more done.

So then how do you juggle it all? Where do you draw the line? Recognizing the need that busy ecommerce entrepreneurs have for relaxation in their lives, we decided to put this post together to provide easyto-implement stress hacks proven by science and backed up by plain old common sense. Okay, so now that we’ve got your attention, here we go: 1. Personalize Your Workspace Who would have thought that adding things like photos of friends and family, plants, quotes, comic strips, artwork, screen savers, personalized desktop background, and more could help you get more


What they found instead was that multitaskers were terrible in all three experiments, worst of all they found that when frequent multitaskers attempted to focus on a single task, they used their brains less effectively than non-frequent multitaskers. You’d be wise instead to abide by what one researcher dubbed the 20-minute rule, which proposes that instead of switching tasks from minute to minute, devote a 20-minute chunk of time to one task and then switch to another. That my friends is beginnings of master the zen art of uni-tasking. 3. Take Time to Meditate

2. Do One Thing at a Time Here’s a fact: multitasking sucks. Don’t believe me? Well, in 2009 researchers at Stanford asked 262 college students to complete three experiments involving switching tasks, going through irrelevant information, and using their working memory under the assumption that multitaskers would outdo the non-multitaskers.

It’s no secret that there’s a whole new breed of entrepreneurs obsessed with meditation and there’s a lot of research and evidence that internet marketing magazine october 2013



WORKING SMARTER supports the fact that those who meditate are better equipped to deal with stress. One in particular study conducted by scientists at the University of Washington and the University of Arizona recruited 45 human resource managers for an experiment looking to gauge the benefits of meditation in the face of stress. They gave a third of them eight weeks of mindfullnessbased meditation training, another third eight weeks of body relaxation training, and the last third no training at all and found that the mindful-meditation group reported less stress performing a stressful multitasking test than the other groups. 4. Get Enough Sleep We’ve all heard that we need at least eight hours of sleep, but the reality is that depending on your age that number can vary between three and eleven hours. However, if you go too long without your right amount, what you end up with is a steep decline in concentration, energy, and vitality. One study conducted by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found that subjects limited to a mere


internet marketing magazine october 2013

4.5 hours of sleep each night for one week reported feeling more stressed, angry, sad, and mentally exhausted. But when they went back to resuming normal sleep patterns, they saw a dramatic shift improvement in their mood. So, figure out your “normal” sleep pattern and stick to it.

4) and helping you remain calm regardless of what comes up. Especially when you consider that in the modern workplace, sitting literally is the new smoking. See if you can find ways to build activity into daily tasks like conducting “walk and talk” meetings or take the stairs whenever possible.

5. Shake it Up Building daily exercise into your routine can work magic for dealing with everything you have on your plate as a busy small business owner. According to the the Mayo Clinic, exercise works wonders by pumping up your endorphins to make you happier, helps you get in the flow to boost creativity, improving your sleep (see tip

6. Take a Break from Email Here’s a “did you know” fact for you: 23 percent of an average professional’s day is spent emailing. It’s statistic that got researchers from the University of California to run a study where they cut off 13 employees from email for a total of five days and strapped heart

> monitors to their chest while simultaneously tracking their computer use. Not shockingly, after being cut off from email they found that employees were less stressed, focused on a single task for longer and cut down multitasking overall. 7. Plan Ahead When you run your own business, chances are your day to day involves making decisions left, right, center, and everywhere in between. However, researchers have long observed that we have a limited pool of cognitive resources when it comes to making decisions so it’s probably best to reserve such a precious resource on things that really matter.

It might also be the reason why CEOs like the late Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg decide to wear the same thing each day, because it’s one less thing in their life they needed to worry about. Stanford researchers


demonstrated our waning decision making powers when students in two groups were given the task of memorizing either two-digit or seven-digit numbers and then asked to decide between chocolate cake or a fruit bowl. Interestingly the students tasked with memorizing seven-digits were 50 percent more likely than the other group to choose cake over fruit. In other words, planning what you can ahead of time and leaving yourself less ‘on the fly’ stuff to worry about will allow you to make better decisions in your business. 8. Go Analog More Often There’s a whole slew of research demonstrating that our current pace of digital consumption can have us leaning on the edge of technological addiction, depression, stress, sleeping disorders. And when it comes to social media, it actually has the potential to make us more lonely, jaded and jealous. Add to that pile the fact that we’re constantly connected through our mobile devices after work hours and it all makes for a brain that never fully recuperates from one day’s worth of work to get ready for the next. IMM internet marketing magazine october 2013



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Pinterest is useful not only for personal usage, but also quite effective in business promotion.


interest is no longer the underdog after coming in third behind Facebook and Twitter in Experian Hitwise’s ranking of top ten social networks. With more than 100 million visits for the month of May, Pinterest has become the talk of the blogosphere and for good reasons. The site is less than 3 years old, having just dropped anchor in the Web in late 2009. Today, the site is visited daily by more than 1 million visitors who can’t stop pinning their favourite photos and images that depict style, recipes, craft, children, pets, recipes etc. Pinterest is useful not only for personal usage, but also quite effective in business promotion. This visual-based social network drives a lot of referral traffic and is of a great value for marketers. Its members number in the millions despite being an invite only website (although getting in is not very hard) and the amount of unique visitors is increasing every internet marketing magazine october 2013



PINTEREST day. So how do we tap into the potential market that is hiding inside Pinterest? How Pinterest Works Let’s look at the inner scheme of Pinterest. It’s a huge virtual pinboard that allows people to look through interesting stuff, pin them and and leave comments below what was pinned. But we have to look deeper to see the real significance of this technology. What is Pinterest famous for? The great selling point of Pinterest that wins people over are its cool and captivating pictures. We are visual creatures and we love to look at beautiful pictures of people, nature, food, scenery, etc. On Pinterest, we pin what we like to see, and other people pin what they like to see. The trick here is to let your visuals get pinned as often as possible.

Every pin is a link to the source of the image, usually an external site – in this case, a link to your site. So every repin of the image can lead readers in a straight road back to your site. Talk about a crowd puller. Users who are searching for data may click on a nice-looking image, arrive at your website and may be converted from a simple passerby to the future customer and hopefully loyal fan. Moreover, if your pins are eye-catching and worthwhile, they may be repined by other pinners or even be embedded on your fans’ sites or blogs.


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Making Pinterest Work For You To gain confidence and loyalty you should neatly build your following on Pinterest. First of all, you have to create a good-looking account. It doesn’t matter if you activate the profile with your own name or with your company brand. But remember, people are more inclined to believe and follow individuals, not so much for companies, unless they are very popular and well-known brands.

You can tie your profile to the email which is used for your Twitter account, so you can quickly share pins in both social networks. To increase visibility, on your Profile picture, check ‘Hide your Pinterest profile from search engines’ and be sure that it’s ‘Off’. This will allow your page to be indexed in a search. Don’t forget to add the Pinterest social media button to your website, blog or portfolio and your Pinterest signature to your email These two tiny, but significant gestures will help you in promotion and to build your fan base. How To Get Pinned In preparing your images to be pinned, check out its quality and overall design. Always remember that Pinterest doesn’t sell your products or services, you sell them using Pinterest via their technology and their social platform. The real value ofPinterest is in its pictures and shots. Hence, the appearance of the images that can link back to you has to be pleasant to the eye

> and, where possible, remarkable. However, don’t expect that it’s easy to do, that is don’t think that you will win over the fans only by showcasing photos and adding new images of your products and brand. To receive lots of repins and shares you have to follow these simple but effective tips. 1. Creating Unique Boards Create boards, organize them in a unique way so they stand out in a crowd of common names such as “cool stuff” or “things I like”. If the name of your board is unique, people will be curious to know what is hidden behind that crazy, unusual or unexpected board names. Don’t just brand your digital boards. Pinterest fans will follow your boards more often if they feature original content. Establish a separate board with images that make your followers smile and laugh or some other kind of shots that raises their mood at once and make them return to your pins.

2. Quality Images Pinterest is a picture-based website, so the quality of your images is a must! Use only extremely high quality shots, their size should be about 600 or 800 pixels wide and 1000 pixels deep. The quality of the photos, images or artworks is part of your marketing strategy so take your time to choose them well. It will be worth your effort in the end. Always keep an eye on the size of the images: if the size is too small, pinners can’t share it, but if users can easily find the same image in another blog or website at the right size or resolution, they’ll pin that one, and you will lose out on the traffic generated from that pin.


3. Make Your Images Share-Able Don’t watermark your images. That makes it exclusive, a property of an organization, and as a result, people won’t pin your images. It’s better to not also put any marketing pitches in there, like the price of your services or products on pictures or your company logo. This may backfire, making your images unpinnable. On Pinterest, you let your product sell itself by its appearance. Keep everything else that reeks of corporate marketing out of the images. Pinterest is not a promotional website where you share your advertising, it’s a place where everyone is connected through the things and stuff viewers find interesting. At most, you can mark your image with a price tag and pin it under Gifts which is a category that caters to this kind of images marketing.

4. Vamp Your QR Code The Pinterest community loves cool images so if you can make a cool QR code that is worthy of being pinned around, the Pinners will spread the image carrying details to link back to your organization or to you. Make it beautiful with stylish designs so readers can take it for an artwork and repin it over and over again.

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PINTEREST 5. Detailed Descriptions If you want your images to be noticed, it would help to write detailed descriptions. With the right keywords people will find your images more quickly and you’ll have more chances to be noticed, ensuring more traffic to your website. 6. Reward Your Pinners If your budget permits, give a prize to the pinner who gets more shares, likes and tweets of your discount. In such attractive way you’ll make people like your brand and to get to know you better.

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7. Interact With Your Pinterest Friends One original pin can bring you traffic for several weeks or more, compared to a tweet that on average works its charms for only one day. When you just start pinning, don’t begin your Pinterest existence with commercial messages, get involved with emotional, fun and eye-catching pins. By repinning viral stuff you’ll draw the attention and people will start following and liking you. The best tactic is to reciprocate and follow them back, repin their artworks, but add your personal message to the repinned image.


Conclusion The whole Pinterest Universe is based on the content that people share. Despite the millions of images being pinned now, it’s not difficult to get your photos noticed and repinned. Just showcase things that might be interesting and the network’s simple system and userfriendly interface will help drive traffic and to your page. Remember, people on Pinterest like looking for creative things and enjoy the process of finding and discovering new images. Let’s take advantage of all this and make Pinterest work for your business. IMM This article originally appeared on


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uring the lazy late summer months, the last thing you might be thinking about is the upcoming holiday season. Yet, the notion of Christmas in the summer time really isn’t that far off base when it comes to your e-commerce shop. We all know the holiday shopping season can quickly turn chaotic so, particularly if you’re new to the e-commerce game, you need to start preparing yourself and your site for holiday shoppers well in advance of the holidays. Depending on the size and scope of your site as well as the time you can dedicate to the prep work, you might want to consider starting the preparation in July or August. The “Back-to-School” rush is usually a good time to start preparing for the holidays. It might sound crazy to begin prepping your site for the holiday season in the middle of summer, but prepping well in advance is key to success. The tips that we’re providing below for getting your e-commerce site ready certainly apply to the holiday shopping season but they are also critical to the overall success of your business website no matter what time of year it is.

for the upcoming holiday season: Remove All Your Site’s Roadblocks Online shoppers want what they want when they want it. They want to get in, find what they need, make a purchase, and get out. The more roadblocks and difficulties they encounter in the shopping path on your site, the less jolly your holiday season will be. For starters, make sure that you supply contact information clearly and concisely either in the footer on your site or somewhere else where it is prominently located and easy to find. There’s nothing more aggravating or suspicious than a missing telephone number, no email address and hard to find contact information. Nothing screams “untrustworthy” more than hard-to-find contact information. Be sure to display the hours that your customer service representative(s) will be available each day as well. Customers who get frustrated trying to find contact information and customer support information won’t stick around long.

The one thing that all e-commerce entrepreneurs learn very quickly is that preparing for the holiday season early is the only safe option. Being unprepared for the holiday rush can destroy your credibility and negatively impact your business for years to come. Here is a list of our best tips and advice for e-commerce site owners on preparing early

Setup a Customer Support Plan If you rely on a customer support team to service your customers, you need to start prepping them now as well. Customer support can make or break a business during the holidays. Your team needs to be properly internet marketing magazine october 2013



ECOMMERCE trained and knowledgeable about the inventory you sell. Good customer service representatives are a valuable asset to have on your team. Not only do they need to be trained in basic customer service skills, they need to be prepared to manage even the most peculiar customer support scenarios effectively. Email support questions should be answered appropriately and within a 24 period during the holidays and no later than 48 hours in all other situations. Customer support should have a protocol to be followed and as the site owner, you should shop your own store and test your own support team’s abilities on a regular basis. Your goal should be to find complaints before the customer does. Product Details and Descriptions Many consumers will not shop online simply because they can’t adequately view purchase items well enough. To ensure convenience for your customers, you need to create product details and descriptions that provide enough information that your customers can comfortably and accurately make a purchase decision. Consumers want to be able to see the item for sale (several angles are ideal) and want to know as much as they can about your merchandise. At the very least, try to enhance your product descriptions for all your existing products by adding more descriptive text (AKA relevant keywords). You might also consider adding additional products specifically geared towards the holiday season. In addition to the product information you provide, customers appreciate what others are saying. Enabling your site to display consumer reviews, ratings, and product comparisons can be a valuable tool for consumers when making purchase decisions. Providing such information is also valuable to your company because it can increase your conversion rates, help reduce the amount of product returns you need to deal with, and decrease the amount of time


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your customer support team needs to deal with problems. Be Clear About Holiday Deadlines As you prepare for the holiday onslaught, be sure you are VERY clear with your customers about cut off dates for orders to be purchased, shipped, and delivered well in time for the holidays.

• Last minute shoppers shop online predominantly so be sure to include specific dates and times about delivery cut-offs prominently throughout your site, including your home page and all product pages. • Communicate any pre-ordering options that you might offer for new products. • Use explicit wording such as “Shipping Deadlines” or “Shipping Cutoff” rather than generic descriptions like “Shipping Info” or “Shipping Details”. • Clearly indicate any shipping restrictions or delivery limitations, for example outside of the continental U.S. (Alaska, Hawaii) or for international locations. If different states or countries have different delivery cutoffs, make this clear. • Prominently display all available shipping options and their respective prices: standard, expedited and overnight/ express.

> Gift Certificates, Gift Cards and Gift Wrapping The amount of gift cards being sold each year is growing steadily. They are an extremely popular choice for all occasions but especially around the holidays. When you start promoting your gift cards, be sure to display them prominently on the home page and in the navigation bar of your site, as well in other strategically placed areas, such as your shopping cart and email confirmations that you send your customers. You should provide the functionality in your shopping cart that will allow customers to redeem their gift cards or gift certificates in the checkout process. Strategic placement of your gift cards can help increase sales. It can also be an option for the last minute shoppers who missed out on the cutoff dates but still need a great gift idea. Offering gift wrapping as a “value-added” service might not be possible for some merchants, but for smaller retailers, a gift wrapping service can help differentiate your offering from your competitors and build loyalty from your customer base. Not to mention, gift wrapping can also provide an incremental source of revenue. Setting Up Product Feeds Because of the ease with which customers can compare prices online, you should start the process of setting up product feeds at shopping comparison engines like Shopzilla,NexTag and GoogleBase. Consumers actively use these engines to compare and lock in the lowest prices available so you’d be advised to start using them. Setting up product feeds now should benefit you with the upcoming holiday sales push but you’ll also benefit year round from having your products listed


and catalogued in these key shopping site databases. Update Your Product Catalog You should start immediately to update your product catalog and inventory levels, if applicable. You should post your product inventory levels on each product page for customers to avoid angering them at checkout time with no inventory, but also to create a sense of urgency when your inventory counts are getting low. The last thing you want to do is build up a customer’s desire with one of your best selling products only to disappoint with a “SOLD OUT” sign after they complete the checkout process. Be on the lookout when updating your product catalog for cross-selling and up-selling opportunities where you can bundle and promote related product items that your customers will benefit from. Also consider cross-merchandising your products with “theme” pages for specific holidays and promotions. During the holiday season in particular, you should display the product in its home category (eg. “skirts”) but also be able to cross-merchandise products in various themes or event-related categories “Gifts for Mom,” “Back to School Sale,” “Hot Gift Ideas,” etc. Buying Guides, Bestsellers and Hot Gift Ideas Most merchants will already know what their best selling items are and should feature those items prominently on the home page. You might also consider developing profiles of prospective purchase items based on the person who is receiving the gift that can serve as buying guides for your customers (eg. “Gifts for Mom”, “Gifts for Dad”, “Gifts for Kids”, etc.) You might also develop pricing “buckets” to make it easier for budget conscious consumers to easily segment and navigate your product line (eg. “Gifts for Under $20”, “Gift for Under $50”, etc.) internet marketing magazine october 2013



ECOMMERCE Consider A/B Testing & Landing Page Optimization The summer leading up to the holiday season offers an ideal time to try improving your conversion rates on your site’s landing pages by experimenting with different design templates, creative elements and features of your site. A/B testing is an optimization methodology that provides site owners with the ability to compare and test various elements on their sites to see how it impacts the conversion rates. The idea is to collect some data now in the late summer and fall in time for the holiday season. There are some very simple and affordable testing solutions that you can try out immediately.


in no time at all. Use Creative Promotions to Drive Sales and Build Loyalty Try to come up with some creative promotions for your holiday marketing efforts. Simply discounting your prices in order to drive traffic is too short-sighted and can hamstring your ability to raise prices on a long term basis. Utilize promotions that will build customer loyalty and repeat business. Creating urgency with time-sensitive promotions and “order-by” dates are also effective.

Google Analytics Content Experiments is a free website testing and optimization tool that gives you the ability to improve the performance of your existing websites and traffic without spending a dime. You can use Google Analytics Content Experiments to test and optimize your site design, improving the conversion rates of your site and ultimately, increase your sales and ROI regardless of your experience level, whether you’re a novice online marketer or a professional.

Here are some additional holiday promotional ideas to consider: • Promote your hot, new product releases early in the holiday season. You could even offer your customers the ability to “pre-order” these new releases to ensure availability to them. • Try building co-branded promotions with key vendors, suppliers and manufacturers, such as “Nintendo Weekend” or “Burberry Day”, for example. You might ask your most important vendors about participating as a co-op marketing opportunity with advertising support or product discounts for the limited time offer. • Solicit your visitors for holiday promotional ideas or suggestions that they’d like to see from your website or company • Create an exclusive website only offer or promotional event geared at your most loyal customers. For example, you could offer a discount on holiday shipping for purchases over $100.

For WordPress site owners, there’s a Google Optimizer Plugin that quickly and easily integrates the Google Analytics Content Experiments code into your blog posts and pages for you. Downloading the plugin and installing it takes only about 15 minutes and you can be up and running your first Optimizer experiment

Start Leveraging Social Media If you haven’t already setup a Twitter account or a Facebook page, you should do it as soon as possible. While it might be too late at this point (if you haven’t already established accounts) to setup, and get immediate impact in time for the holiday rush, you should go

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through the process of setting up your Facebook and Twitter accounts anyway so you can start building traction in this arena for the future. Setting up these accounts is fairly straightforward, but there’s a process to building a Twitter followingand a Facebook friends list, which is an art in and of itself.

Social media is an opportunity to build relationships and forge more meaningful dialogue with existing as well as prospective customers. It shouldn’t be viewed as a means to shove your products and services down the throats of your friends and followers. Businesses that use social media exclusively as a means to shout from the rooftops promoting their own products and services are missing the point. Don’t be a shameless carnival barker with your social media accounts. The most successful social media marketers use their accounts to share relevant, helpful information by providing links to other sites, tips, advice and recommendations, helping to build trust and authority in their respective niches.

More Tips: One suggestion that you can implement right away regardless of whether or not you have your own Facebook or Twitter accounts setup yet is to give your site visitors the ability to post their product “wish lists” to their Twitter or Facebook accounts directly from your site. You should also encourage your customers to post their favorite products or recent purchases directly to their own Facebook or Twitter accounts. IMM

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