How Security Guards Save Lives You have noticed security guards at the office building where you work, the shopping mall where you buy your clothes, your apartment complex and your hospital. Most of the time, they are quietly doing their job of keeping the site safe and helping when they can. However, sometimes their role calls for significant action. Sometimes they even save lives. •
An Arizona security guard was making his rounds at an apartment complex when he saw a woman at the pool frantically signaling for help. The woman’s friend was in the shallow end of the pool, face down, not moving. The guard was able to reach into the water, grab her hand and pull her out of the pool. Then he performed CPR for about 10 minutes until paramedics arrived. The 80-year old woman survived thanks to the efforts of the guard, Marley Dominique.
At a casino in New York, a young security guard named Cory Lapp was called to the scene when a man fell off his chair and didn’t get up. Lapp, 21, had paramedic training and said he could see the man wasn’t breathing, so he performed CPR until emergency responders got there. Media reported that the man had suffered a heart attack and that Lapp had saved the man’s life by his actions.
Security guard John Resetar helped stop a teen’s stabbing rampage at a Pennsylvania high school. The teen had stabbed 20 students, leaving a trail of blood. When Restart followed the trail, he came upon the teen, which stabbed him in the chest. An assistant principal then tackled the teen and Resetar and the administrator subdued him; Resetar punched him three times and the teen dropped the knife.
A British security guard saved a boy’s life at the Christmas Market in Manchester. Cherice Wallen, 29, spotted a 4-year-old boy who was choking on a sausage and turning blue. She
applied the Heimlich maneuver and the second time she squeezed his chest a piece of sausage flew out of his mouth, clearing the passageway to his lungs and he began breathing again. The boy, Joshua, made a full recovery and sent Cherice a thank you card. Those may seem like unusual cases, but they are only a few examples that spotlight the highest and best roles of security guards at work!