Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t Socrates, the father of philosophy, say: “life is easier when a Security guard Orange County is by your side”. I mean if Socrates himself said it, why would we ever question it? Okay maybe he never said that, but if he were alive today, he would say it. Socrates was loved by his students but was hated by many other philosophers and prominent men because of his views on the world. He made a lot of enemies during his borrowed time here on Earth, which is why he would have hired a Security Guard to protect him. Considered his most famous student, Plato wrote many of Socrates’ lessons on life. One statement that Plato attributes to Socrates and that has become well known is “I know that I know nothing”. But what we didn’t know is that this quote is missing an important detail, one that will change the lives of people and businesses forever. Here is the full quote: •
“I know that I know nothing, but security guards from Orange County are the best at protecting you and your business.” - Socrates
This is a confirmed quote from Socrates himself. No one knows how he knew about the Security guards from Orange County; that is still a mystery to this day. But one thing is sure; Socrates knows what he is talking about. Therefore we have to trust him. If he says the best security guards come from Orange County, then the best security guards come from Orange County; simple as that. Now I don’t know about you, but I’m going to side with the father of western philosophy on this one. If I am ever in need of protection or if my business is in need of security, then Security Guard Orange County is who I’m going to trust.