Warm-ups are essential to get the body prepared for a more exhausting workout to come within Balanced Body Pilates. These warm ups are essential to prevent any injury or strain. As well, to get the blood flowing at a pace before diving right into the demanding stuff. Included below are some favoring well-known exercises within the Pilates world. ●
Hip Rolls: Works out the abdomen, hamstring, and glutes. To accomplish this successfully, lay on your back with your feet firm (hips width-apart) on the mat while your knees are bent. You arms should be stretched by your sides. Tighten and twist your abs upward as, while your hips are raised above until you feel that the weight of your body is balanced on your shoulders. By keeping your lower back straight, it prevents an arch and keeps the shape in the straight line from your shoulders to hips. Shrugs: Stand with your feet hips-width apart and have your arms hang loosely at your sides. Inhale, as you bring your shoulders to your ears and keep this posture for a few second until releasing as you exhale. Repeat this about 10 times. This releases tension within the area. Breath: With hips feet-width apart as you stand, arms relaxed, inhale deeply through your nose to occupy your lungs entirely as you count to 4 to yourself. Exhale through your mouth as you tighten your abs, pushing all the air in your lungs. Repeat 5 times. This is practice for rhythmic breathing. Mermaid Side Stretch: Sit with both legs crossed to the left side. By keeping your hips grounded, your arm should extend straight up above your head while the other arm is to the floor as support. Then bring the inside of the arm close to the ear without raising your shoulder.
These warm-up exercises promote strength and flexibility that is a main quality and focus of Balanced Body Pilates. These exercises keep the physical integrity within the work-outs.