My health studio what is a baby boomer exercise class

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META TITLE: What is a Baby Boomer Exercise Class? Westlake Village Fitness Classes META DESCCRIPTION: My Health Studio is a Westlake Village Exercise and Fitness Center offering Baby Boomer Classes What is a “baby boomer” exercise class? After American soldiers returned from World-War II there was an explosion of births nearly 76 million born between 1946-1964. The term “baby-boomers” applied to this generation. They are known for: • •

increased levels of economic security and income most active and most physically fit generation

In today’s fitness market the baby-boomers are now in their 50’s and 60’s with health problems associated with aging. Boomers are known for their passion for staying young and active longer than their parents. Baby boomer exercise classes are specifically tailored to meet the needs of people over 50. The goal is to make physical activity a cornerstone of healthy aging. Being active is vital to maintaining and improving: • • • • • • •

physical health endurance strength balance flexibility mental health independence

Aerobic exercise and activity is the key to wellness, prevention and recovery. Exercise reduces: • • • • •

obesity chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure cancer HIV among other diseases

The best way for baby boomers to get fit is by joining a local gym or health studio. In this supportive environment people can have their health and progress measured and monitored by a professional staff member. Individuals with health issues are guided to go at their own pace with modifications to achieve individual results. Some classes to consider are: •

Fitness Classes

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Zumba Classes Weight loss classes Baby boomer fitness classes Personal training Exercise classes Group fitness CPR Certification

The best way for baby boomers to get fit is by joining a local gym or health studio. In this supportive environment people can have their health and progress measured and monitored by a professional staff member. Individuals with health issues are guided to go at their own pace with modifications to achieve individual results.

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