Good security guards can be sometimes hard to come by but if you want the best around security guard companies Los Angeles contact Allied Nationwide, Inc. We are going to take a quick look at the history of these people and their profession and how it has evolved over the years. It has been around for thousands of years. The origins of security began in the 13th century B.C. That was the first recorded use and maybe even misuse of security in Egypt by Pharaoh Ramses. He hired a private military force. These practices continued into the times of Ancient Rome and Greece. The Varangion Guard was formed in 400 A.D. by the Byzantine Empire. They were private and protected the emperors of the times. By the 1600s and 1700s these systems began to evolve. England’s Magna Carta and the statute of Winchester established police systems and the like. They made these systems for towns and persons of the time. There was a new way called “hue and cry”. This was used to apprehend individuals that were supposed criminals. Night watches and patrols were created and alarm systems were also created during this time. The gates were locked and guards were placed in order to stop people from coming through them if they were not allowed. The bill of rights affirmed these things under William and Mary, but soon after more measures were determined to be necessary. Many more people moved to cities and this established the fact that more security would be needed due to the tightly packed nature of cities. There was widespread violence, poverty, and most importantly crime. Harry Fielding is credited with envisioning this new idea to create preventative security systems. He created a paid professional security force in 1748. Those that need security should contact the best security guard companies Los Angeles at Allied Nationwide, Inc.