InterVISTAS Greenhouse Gas Report - Fiscal Year 2007

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InterVISTAS Consulting: Greenhouse Gas Report Fiscal Year 2007 strategic transportation & tourism solutions

July 2008

Greenhouse Gas Report


Executive Summary This Greenhouse Gas Report has been conducted on behalf of the InterVISTAS Group for the fiscal year 2007, January 1 to December 31. The report follows the accounting and reporting guidelines of The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, Revised Edition published by World Resources Institute and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. This Protocol is the international accounting tool most widely used by government and business leaders to understand, quantify and manage greenhouse gas emissions. A copy of these documents can be downloaded from the GHG Protocol website, Included within the organizational boundaries of this report are the parent companies IVM Investments and IVM International Investments, and their subsidiaries InterVISTAS Consulting Inc, InterVISTAS EU Consulting, IVM USA Investments and InterVISTAS GA2 Consulting. Collectively the group is referred to as the InterVISTAS Group. In fiscal year 2007, the InterVISTAS Group’s consolidated greenhouse gas emissions were 673.7 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. IVM Investments, the InterVISTAS Group’s Canadian operations, generated 627.5 metric tonnes and IVM International Investments, the InterVISTAS Group’s American and European operations, accounted for 46.2 metric tonnes (based on the data that was reported). On a consolidated basis, direct emissions from stationary and mobile combustion sources (Scope 1) contributed 33.7 metric tonnes; indirect emissions from consumption of purchased electricity (Scope 2) generated 61.7 metric tonnes; and other indirect emissions (Scope 3) accounted for 578.4 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. A detailed breakdown of greenhouse gas emissions by source is shown in Figure 1.

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Greenhouse Gas Report


Figure 1: Consolidated greenhouse gas emissions by source, fiscal year 2007

460 160


GHG Emissions (Tonnes CO2e)

440 140 120 95.4

100 80

Scope 3 Scope 2 Scope 1


60 40




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Joe Kelly, Director Environmental Services, InterVISTAS Consulting Inc. has volunteered to act as the internal GHG champion. Mr. Kelly will see to it that the GHG inventory process and system is implemented and maintained on an ongoing basis. The GHG Inventory Quality Management System (QMS) will ensure that inventory methods are the best possible, data is of the highest quality, and that the process and system developed by the company are fully implemented. This report is available online on the company’s website, For more information about the InterVISTAS Group’s greenhouse gas reduction commitment, please contact Joe Kelly, Director, Environmental Services at 604-717-1811 or

July 2008

Greenhouse Gas Report


Table of Contents Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ i 1.

Introduction........................................................................................................................ 1


Accounting and Reporting Procedures ........................................................................... 2


Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Fiscal Year 2007 .......................................................... 5

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3.1 3.2 3.3


Scope 1 ...............................................................................................................................6 3.1.1 Stationary Combustion Sources .............................................................................6 3.1.2 Mobile Combustion Sources...................................................................................6 Scope 2 ...............................................................................................................................7 Scope 3 ...............................................................................................................................7 3.3.1 Air Travel ................................................................................................................7 3.3.2 Business Use of Automobiles.................................................................................8 3.3.3 Staff Commuting.....................................................................................................9 3.3.4 Paper Usage ........................................................................................................10

Management Actions to Reduce Emissions ................................................................. 11 4.1 4.2

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Organizational and Operational Boundaries .......................................................................2 Inventory Exclusions ...........................................................................................................3 Base year ............................................................................................................................4 Emissions adjustments .......................................................................................................4 Inventory quality ..................................................................................................................4

GHG Inventory Quality Management System ...................................................................11 GHG Reductions Plan.......................................................................................................12


Greenhouse Gas Target Setting..................................................................................... 14


Purchases of Carbon Credits ......................................................................................... 15

Greenhouse Gas Report


List of Tables Table 1: Consolidated greenhouse gas emissions, fiscal year 2007................................................. 5 Table 2: Emissions from natural gas consumption in buildings, fiscal year 2007.............................. 6 Table 3: Emissions from electricity consumption, fiscal year 2007 ................................................... 7 Table 4: Emissions from air travel, fiscal year 2007.......................................................................... 8 Table 5: Emissions from business use of automobiles, fiscal year 2007 .......................................... 8 Table 6: Emissions from Canadian employee commuting, fiscal year 2007 ..................................... 9 Table 7: Emissions from American employee commuting, fiscal year 2007 ..................................... 9 Table 8: Emissions from paper usage, fiscal year 2007.................................................................. 10 Table 9: Strategies to reduce heating, ventilation and air conditioning utility consumption............. 12 Table 10: Strategies to reduce electricity consumption (non-HVAC) .............................................. 12 Table 11: Miscellaneous strategies................................................................................................. 13

List of Figures Figure 1: Consolidated greenhouse gas emissions by source, fiscal year 2007............................... ii Figure 2: The InterVISTAS Group’s organizational structure ............................................................ 2 Figure 3: Scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions ................................................................................ 17 Figure 4: Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions ................................................................................ 18 Figure 5: Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions ................................................................................ 19

July 2008

Greenhouse Gas Report


Introduction This Greenhouse Gas Report has been conducted on behalf of the InterVISTAS Group1. The report presents information collected from a detailed accounting of the InterVISTAS Group’s corporate emissions in fiscal year 2007, January 1 to December 31. 2007 is the first year a greenhouse gas report has been prepared by the InterVISTAS Group. The InterVISTAS Group intends to publish annual greenhouse gas reports in order to track its performance. This report is organized as follows:

Section 2 describes the accounting and reporting procedures used;

Section 3 presents the greenhouse gas emission inventory for fiscal year 2007;

Section 4 summarizes greenhouse gas management actions for reducing emissions;

Section 5 outlines targets for future emissions reductions; and

Section 6 discusses carbon credit purchases for fiscal year 2007.

Unless specifically noted as otherwise, the term “the InterVISTAS Group” used in this document applies to IVM Investments, IVM International Investments, and its subsidiaries. 1

July 2008


Greenhouse Gas Report



Accounting and Reporting Procedures The report follows the accounting and reporting guidelines of The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, Revised Edition published by World Resources Institute and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. A copy of these documents can be downloaded from the GHG Protocol website,

2.1 Organizational and Operational Boundaries Organizational boundary: This defines the companies, business units and operations that constitute an organization for the purposes of the greenhouse gas report and the criteria for how the emissions will be reported. For the purposes of reporting this inventory, the InterVISTAS Group applies the GHG Protocol’s organizational boundary based on the operational control approach. The InterVISTAS Group’s organizational structure consists of two parent companies: IVM Investments for domestic Canadian operations, and IVM International Investments for American and European operations. Each parent company holds operating subsidiaries as illustrated in Figure 2 below. All parent and subsidiary companies are considered part of the InterVISTAS Group’s organizational boundary based on the GHG Protocol’s control criteria. Figure 2: The InterVISTAS Group’s organizational structure

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Greenhouse Gas Report


Operational boundary: This identifies and categorizes emissions sources associated with an organization as defined in the organizational boundary. The InterVISTAS Group’s inventory includes emissions categorized into the following “scopes” as defined by the GHG Protocol:

Scope 1 (direct emissions from sources that are controlled by the InterVISTAS Group) The InterVISTAS Group has Scope 1 emissions from natural gas heating of buildings. The company does not own or lease any vehicles.

Scope 2 (indirect emissions from the InterVISTAS Group’s use of purchased electricity) The InterVISTAS Group has Scope 2 emissions from the use of electricity onsite.

Scope 3 (all other indirect emissions) The InterVISTAS Group has Scope 3 emissions from the following sources: 1. Air travel 2. Business use of automobiles 3. Staff commuting 4. Paper usage

2.2 Inventory Exclusions Of the emissions applicable to the business of the InterVISTAS Group, the following emissions sources are not currently included in the inventory:

July 2008

European Offices – the company was not able to obtain heat or electricity data from the offices in London and Bristol. Therefore, the emissions generated from fuel and electricity consumption in these offices were excluded from the inventory. While likely small, the InterVISTAS Group plans to quantify these emissions in future years.

Garbage – the InterVISTAS Group does not currently have access to reliable data about the weight or volume of garbage being picked up from the InterVISTAS Group, the types of vehicles used, or the routes that the vehicles take to the incinerator or landfill. Therefore, emissions from garbage haulage have been excluded from the inventory until the haulers are able to quantify and report their GHG footprints.

Couriers – the InterVISTAS Group does not currently have access to reliable data about the types of vehicles or the routes that the vehicles take to deliver their packages. Therefore, emissions from couriers have been excluded from the inventory until the couriers are able to quantify and report their GHG footprints.

Greenhouse Gas Report


2.3 Base year A base year is a reference year against which emissions performance can be measured over time. Following the guiding principals of the GHG Protocol, the InterVISTAS Group has selected 2007 as its base year due to the availability of accurate and complete data for that year.

2.4 Emissions adjustments As the InterVISTAS Group’s knowledge and experience in inventory development grows, it may develop improved calculation methodologies and tools. When this happens, previous years’ reported emissions will be adjusted according to the new methodology. Adjustments will also be made when new emission factors are published that more closely reflect actual emissions than those available at the time of the original calculations. These adjustments allow the emissions accounting to be as accurate and consistent from year to year as possible. However, in the case where adjustments are relatively insignificant or do not reflect a change in calculation methodology, recalculations will not be performed for previous years’ emissions.

2.5 Inventory quality To ensure inventory quality, a staff person at the InterVISTAS Group external to the Inventory Quality Team will review all calculation spreadsheets for accuracy. The InterVISTAS Group may choose to subject this inventory to a verification (audit) by a qualified third party.

July 2008

Greenhouse Gas Report


Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Fiscal Year 2007


In fiscal year 2007, the InterVISTAS Group’s consolidated greenhouse gas emissions were 673.7 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). IVM Investments accounted for 627.5 metric tonnes of CO2e and IVM International Investments contributed 46.3 metric tonnes of CO2e (based on available data). Consolidated direct emission from stationary and mobile combustion sources (Scope 1) contributed 33.7 metric tonnes; indirect emissions from consumption of purchased electricity (Scope 2) generated 61.7 metric tonnes; and other indirect emissions (Scope 3) accounted for 578.4 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. Further details on each scope are provided in the subsequent sections. Table 1: Consolidated greenhouse gas emissions, fiscal year 2007 Emissions (tonnes CO2e) Scope 1 (Direct)

Stationary Mobile

Scope 2 (Indirect - Consumption of Purchased Electricity) Scope 3 (Other Indirect emissions)

61.7 Air Travel Business Use of Automobiles Staff Commuting Paper Usage Sub-total Scope 3

TOTAL Note: Figures may not add due to rounding.

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33.7 n/a

445.9 34.7 66.5 31.3 578.4 673.7

Greenhouse Gas Report


3.1 Scope 1 In fiscal year 2007, consolidated direct emissions from stationary and mobile combustion sources (Scope 1) generated a total of 33.7 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. More details are provided in the following sections.


Stationary Combustion Sources

Building Natural Gas: the InterVISTAS Group occupies 10,715 square feet of offices in Vancouver, 1,152 of square feet in Winnipeg, 5,551 square feet in Washington, DC and small offices in Chicago, London, UK and Bristol, UK. Each space is separately metered. In fiscal year 2007, the natural gas consumed in the InterVISTAS Group’s offices was 33.7 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. The Washington office does not use natural gas. Table 2: Emissions from natural gas consumption in buildings, fiscal year 2007 Emissions Source

Activity Data (GJ)

Emission Factor (gCO2e/GJ)

Emissions (tonnes CO2e)


Natural Gas





Natural Gas





Natural Gas






Emissions factor source: Natural Gas Emissions factor sourced from UK Defra: Annex 1 Table 1, 2007 Guidelines to Defra’s GHG Conversion Factors for Company Reporting Note: Figures may not add due to rounding.


Mobile Combustion Sources

The InterVISTAS Group does not own or lease any vehicles. Accordingly, its Scope 1 mobile combustion emissions are zero.

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Greenhouse Gas Report


3.2 Scope 2 The InterVISTAS Group occupies 10,715 square feet of offices in Vancouver, 1,152 of square feet in Winnipeg, 5,551 square feet in Washington, DC and small offices in Chicago, London, UK and Bristol, UK. Each space is separately metered. In fiscal year 2007, indirect emissions from consumption of purchased electricity (Scope 2) generated 61.7 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. Table 3: Emissions from electricity consumption, fiscal year 2007 Emissions Source

Activity Data (kWh)

Emission Factor (kg/kWh)




0.084 **





0.100 **





0.497 ***





0.706 ****




Emissions (tonnes CO2e)


* Electricity usage from Washington office was not available as landlord declined to participate. Usage was estimated based on Vancouver office electricity usage/sq.ft. **BC Hydro Emissions factor of 0.084 kg/kWh British Columbia and 0.1 kg/kWh Manitoba, National Energy Board (2005 data) as referenced by Dowlatabadi et al Paper “Ground Source Heat Pumps in Canada: Economics and GHG Reductions Potential� Page 10, Table 4, Published May 2007. ***Climate Registry, General Reporting Protocol, Page 115, Figure 14.2 US eGrid RFC East Sub-region. ****Climate Registry, General Reporting Protocol, Page 115, Figure 14.2 US eGrid RFC West Sub-region. Note: Figures may not add due to rounding.

3.3 Scope 3 In fiscal year 2007, on a consolidated basis, other indirect emissions (Scope 3) accounted for a total of 578.4 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. More detail is provided in the following sections.


Air Travel

Many employees of the InterVISTAS Group fly frequently for business purposes. In fiscal year 2007, employees flew a total of 487 times, which generated 445.9 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent.

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Greenhouse Gas Report


Table 4: Emissions from air travel, fiscal year 2007

All Staff

Emission Factor

Emissions Source

Activity Data

Airplane Fuel

Destinations to and from

Refer to


Emissions (tonnes CO2e) 445.9 445.9

Emissions factor source: the formula used to calculate the greenhouse gases is sourced from the calculator ( Note: Figures may not add due to rounding.


Business Use of Automobiles

Periodically, employees of the InterVISTAS Group use rental cars, taxis and private automobiles for business purposes. In fiscal year 2007, the fuel consumption from all business use of automobiles generated 34.7 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. Table 5: Emissions from business use of automobiles, fiscal year 2007 Emissions Source

Activity Data

Emission Factor (gCO2e/km)

Emissions (tonnes CO2e)

Rental Cars


10,173.1 km*








Private Automobiles


140,337 km

195.3 (economy car) to 220.8 (intermediate and mid-sized luxury)




*Number of kilometres estimate based on total Rental Car General Ledger dollar figure from the InterVISTAS Group divided by monthly average price of gasoline in British Columbia per month. **Calculation based on dollar amount spent on taxis during average month (June 2007) each individually divided into Vancouver taxi pricing of $2.75 entrance, plus $0.10 for each 63 metres thereafter. Emissions factor source: Table 4 default fuel economy factors for different types of mobile sources and activity data, GHG Protocol – Mobile Guide (03/21/05) v1.3 Note: Figures may not add due to rounding.

July 2008

Greenhouse Gas Report



Staff Commuting

Based on a survey of 30 Canadian employees, 5 American employees, and 1 British employee, in fiscal year 2007, employee commuting accounted for 66.5 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. The UK employee does not use a car or transit to get to work so produces no emissions from commuting. Table 6: Emissions from Canadian employee commuting, fiscal year 2007

All Staff

Emissions Source

Activity Data (km)

Emission Factor (gCO2e/km)

Emissions(metric tonnes CO2e)

Automobile Fuel


220.75 *




2.4 **


Car Pool


55.19 ***





Emissions factor sources: *GHG Protocol – Mobile Guide (03/21/05) v1.3 Table 4 Medium Gas Auto, averaged for city and highway. **Poudenx, Pascal and Walter Merida, 2007, Energy Demand and greenhouse gas emissions from urban passenger transportation versus availability of renewable energy: The example of the Canadian Lower Fraser Valley, Energy, 32(1), 1-9. ***GHG Protocol – Mobile Guide (03/21/05) v1.3 Table 4 Medium Gas Auto, averaged for city and highway, assuming four passengers Note: Figures may not add due to rounding.

Table 7: Emissions from American employee commuting, fiscal year 2007

All Staff


Emissions Source

Activity Data (km)

Emission Factor (gCO2e/km)

Emissions (tonnes CO2e)

Automobile Fuel


220.75 *




2.4 **


Car Pool


55.19 ***




Emissions factor sources: *GHG Protocol – Mobile Guide (03/21/05) v1.3 Table 4 Medium Gas Auto, averaged for city and highway. **Poudenx, Pascal and Walter Merida, 2007, Energy Demand and greenhouse gas emissions from urban passenger transportation versus availability of renewable energy: The example of the Canadian Lower Fraser Valley, Energy, 32(1), 1-9. ***GHG Protocol – Mobile Guide (03/21/05) v1.3 Table 4 Medium Gas Auto, averaged for city and highway, assuming four passengers Note: Figures may not add due to rounding.

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Greenhouse Gas Report



Paper Usage

All of the paper usage represents copy paper used in the photocopiers, printers and fax machines of the InterVISTAS Group. The InterVISTAS Group used 511,500 sheets of copy paper and 67,000 sheets of colour copy paper, equal to a total of 1,157 packages (reams) of paper. In fiscal year 2007, paper usage accounted for 31.3 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. Table 8: Emissions from paper usage, fiscal year 2007 Activity Data (# of sheets)

Activity Data (# of 20 lb packages)

Emission Factor (lbsCO2e/20lb package)

Emissions (metric tonnes CO2e)

The InterVISTAS Office Paper Group





The Colour Copy InterVISTAS Paper Group





Emissions Source

TOTAL Emissions factor source: Environmental Defence Paper Task Force Website Note: Figures may not add due to rounding.

July 2008


Greenhouse Gas Report



Management Actions to Reduce Emissions The InterVISTAS Group is implementing a five-part GHG management action plan, including: 1) a GHG Inventory Quality Management System, 2) an internal reductions plan for its office space, vehicle fleet and buildings, 3) target setting and 4) investment in GHG offsets for 2008.

4.1 GHG Inventory Quality Management System Joe Kelly, Director Environmental Services, has volunteered to act as the internal GHG champion. Mr. Kelly will see to it that the GHG inventory process and system is implemented and maintained on an ongoing basis. The GHG Inventory Quality Management System (QMS) will ensure that inventory methods are the best possible, data is of the highest quality, and that the process and system developed by the company are fully implemented. Through this inventory process, the InterVISTAS Group has:

Established an Inventory Quality Team made up of Connie Chang and Anne Ellenberger.

Developed a Quality Management Plan including steps to be taken in collecting the data, inputting it into a tracking spreadsheet, and reporting the results annually.

As recommended by the GHG Protocol, in future fiscal years the Inventory Quality Team will ensure that the InterVISTAS Group:

July 2008

Performs generic quality checks to ensure that the tracking system continues to remain accurate, and that data is being archived for future verification.

Reviews final inventory estimates and reports – as a normal part of monthly, quarterly or annual management decision making, management should review and support the greenhouse gas inventory estimates and reports.

Performs source-specific quality checks from time to time to ensure the continued quality of the data.

Institutionalizes formal feedback loops so that errors, operational changes or inconsistencies are reflected in the ongoing inventory tracking system.

Documents activities in its Annual Report and archives all data.

Greenhouse Gas Report


4.2 GHG Reductions Plan During the inventory process the team reviewed the environmental policies of the InterVISTAS Group and recommended a range of greenhouse gas reduction strategies and other environmental policies. These recommendations are provided in the tables below. Table 9: Strategies to reduce heating, ventilation and air conditioning utility consumption Existing Condition 2007

Office Space

In the Vancouver office, heat is controlled by each floor. The landlord has made significant investments including installing a new heating unit two years ago. In the Winnipeg office, heat and air conditioning are controlled by the Airport Authority. In the Washington office, heat and air conditioning are controlled by the building manager. Heat and air conditioning rates are set by the City Government.


Little opportunity to have additional impact on building heat or air conditioning

Table 10: Strategies to reduce electricity consumption (non-HVAC) Existing Condition 2007

Office Lighting


July 2008

In the Vancouver office, there is a mix of centralized light switches and individual switches. The landlord has installed motion detection lights in bathrooms. Vancouver Policy is to for the last person to leave to turn off the lights. Washington office, lights are controlled by movement in four large zones.

Some computers on power saving mode. LCD monitors are gradually starting to replace old monitors. Electronic recycling taking place in Vancouver office. Printers set to sleep when not in use and turn off at night.


Policy: Turn off all lights that are not in use.

Policy: Replace all plasma computer monitors with LCD monitors as monitors age or new computers purchased. Change power settings on all computers to power down if not used within a certain amount of time. All computer or printing equipment purchases to be Energy Star rated. Action: Install stickers on monitors reminding staff to turn off monitors and computers or power bars when not in use.

Greenhouse Gas Report


Table 11: Miscellaneous strategies Existing Condition 2007 Vehicle Travel

Air Travel

Remains essential for marketing and service delivery, hence can be unavoidable at times. Typically only critical travel is entertained. Employees are consolidating trips or maximizing “layover coffee meetings” to minimize travel. Some employees are using the WestJet/Offsetters link to offsets included, and some are purchasing offsets separately when they fly. Video conferencing is being used periodically. Recently the Washington office used online interviews to avoid travel on a project. Some employees are utilizing Webex to share PowerPoint presentations or documents over the internet.

Staff Commuting

In the Vancouver office, as of January 1st specific employees could choose between a parking pass or subsidized transit pass. In the Washington office the company contributes to transit passes. In the Winnipeg office, transit is not a realistic option for employees.

Rental Cars


Paper Usage

The InterVISTAS Group has started purchasing 30% recycled paper. Printers and computers have been set to default double-sided printing. Several employees are using two computer monitors to make it easier to read documents on screen instead of printing them. A large monitor is used in the boardroom, which minimizes the need for printed handouts at meetings. An email signature “Please do not print this email” has been appended to most employees’ email signatures. A corporate donation was made at Christmas 2007 in lieu of Christmas cards.


July 2008

Recommendations Prior to making a vehicle trip, determine if it could be combined with other business trips, or held when a larger trip can be planned. Policy: Examine a policy for invoicing clients for carbon credit purchases on flights. Action: Engage senior management to seek input on changing culture to reduce frequency of flying. Continue to examine high quality video conferencing services and encourage clients and partners to utilize same. Examine billing clients for video conferencing services to help pass on the additional overhead costs of these technologies. Action: Examine a company car share program to utilize coop cars instead of employee mileage. Conduct lunch and learn education sessions, and email best practices, to communicate how easy and convenient transit is for Vancouver employees. Examine coordinating schedules for those interested in car pooling. Offer contest incentives to encourage alternative transport. Request Hybrid cars where possible. Where Hybrid cars are not available, select economy or compact vehicles where appropriate.

Encourage a print-less mindset by reinforcing the safety of computer servers and unlikelihood of server crashes or data loss. Look for more opportunities in everyday workload to scan instead of printing or faxing.

Switch to green couriers such as Novex in Vancouver where possible.

Greenhouse Gas Report



Greenhouse Gas Target Setting After reviewing its GHG footprint for its fiscal year 2007, the InterVISTAS Group initiated new greenhouse gas targets as follows: 1)

GHG emissions / Employee:

TARGET: 1 tonne reduction per employee in each of 2008, 2009 and 2010 On December 31, 2007, the InterVISTAS Group had 56 full time and two part time employees who worked at 55% and 68% capacity. Based on 57.2 full time equivalent employees, the InterVISTAS Group’s total consolidated emissions of 673.7 tonnes CO2e equates to 11.8 tonnes per employee. To meet the reduction target, the InterVISTAS Group would need to reduce total emissions per employee to 10.8 tonnes in 2008, 9.8 tonnes in 2009 and 8.8 tonnes in 2010. 2)

Total GHG Emissions

TARGET: The BC Provincial Government has set a target of 33% reductions in GHG emissions for all Government agencies and Crown Corporations by 2020 In fiscal 2007, the InterVISTAS Group’s total consolidated emissions were 673.7 tonnes. To meet the BC Government reduction target, the InterVISTAS Group would need to reduce its emissions to 451.4 tonnes by 2020. To stay on track to meet this target, the InterVISTAS Group should aim to reduce its annual emissions by roughly 3% per year. This equates to 653.3 tonnes in 2008, 633.4 tonnes in 2009 and 614.2 tonnes in 2010.

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Greenhouse Gas Report


Purchases of Carbon Credits In fiscal year 2007, the InterVISTAS Group purchased $1,037.20 or 51.86 tonnes of local, high quality, verified carbon credits from Offsetters Climate Neutral Society. The InterVISTAS Group plans to purchase a similar amount of carbon credits in fiscal year 2008. Offsetters invests funds received from the InterVISTAS Group and other clients into renewable energy and energy efficiency projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and would not take place without its involvement. For more information about this organization, please visit

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Greenhouse Gas Report

Appendix 1: Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Scope

July 2008


July 2008

Scope 3 578.4 tonnes 86%

Scope 1

Scope 2

Scope 2 61.7 tonnes 9%

Scope 1 33.7 tonnes 5%

Scope 3

1200 West 73rd, Suite 550, Vancouver, BC, 23.9 tonnes

2000 Wellington Avenue, Suite 205, Winnipeg, MB, 8.9 tonnes

Chicago, IL Office, 0.9 tonnes

The InterVISTAS Group's 2007 Scope 1 Emissions: 33.7 Tonnes CO2e

Greenhouse Gas Report 17

Figure 3: Scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions

July 2008

Scope 3 578.4 tonnes 86%

Scope 1

Scope 2

Scope 1 33.7 tonnes 5%

Scope 2 61.7 tonnes 9%

Scope 3

1615 L Street, Washington, DC, 44.2 tonnes

1200 West 73rd, Suite 550, Vancouver, BC, 14.4 tonnes

2000 Wellington Avenue, Suite 205, Winnipeg, MB, 3.1 tonnes

Chicago, IL Office, 0.02 tonnes

The InterVISTAS Group's 2007 Scope 2 Emissions: 61.7 Tonnes CO2e

Greenhouse Gas Report 18

Figure 4: Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions

July 2008

Scope 1 33.7 tonnes 5%

Scope 2 61.7 tonnes 9%

Scope 1

Scope 2

Scope 3 578.4 tonnes 86%

Scope 3

The InterVISTAS Group's 2007 Scope 3 Emissions:

Air Travel, 445.9 tonnes

Staff Commuting, 66.5 tonnes

Business Use of Automobiles, 34.7 tonnes

Paper Usage, 31.3 tonnes

Greenhouse Gas Report 19

Figure 5: Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions

Prepared by InterVISTAS Consulting Inc. Airport Square – Suite 550 1200 West 73rd Avenue Vancouver, BC Canada V6P 6G5 Telephone: 604-717-1800 Facsimile: 604-717-1818

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