In The Field Magazine - Hillsborough November 2011

Page 1

November 15 - December 15, 2011 ®

Covering What’s Growing

November 2011


The best reason to buy a Kubota M126X may not be the one you think. Yes, the M126X has an impressive list of deluxe features that come standard. And Kubota’s reliability and innovation are world-renown. But the best reason to buy an M126X is because you care about a job well-done. And you know this versatile mid-size tractor will deliver premium performance the first time, and every time. When there’s no substitute for a job well-done, there’s the Kubota M126X. • Powerful 4-cylinder, 108 PTO HP Kubota diesel engine • Fuel-efficient Common Rail System (CRS) • 16F x 16R IntelliShift transmission with 8-speed DualRange powershift

w w w. G u l f C o a s t Tr a c t o r. c o m



November 2011

November 2011


From the Publisher


Karen Berry

VOL. 8 • ISSUE 1

It’s hard to imagine that seven years have gone by and we are celebrating the seventh birthday of In The Field magazine. I have to say that I could not be more proud of what we, as a team, have accomplished. I want to personally say thank you to each of our advertisers and contributors over the past years for making us a success. Because of your support we have been able to continue to grow each and every year enabling us to have interesting, educational and timely editorial content. So believe it or not, when you pick up In The Field magazine, get it in your mailbox or purchase advertising space, you become a part of our team. I want to personally say thank you to each one of you who have written in or shared with us your thoughts and compliments, giving us your ideas on stories and reading it each and every month! I do want to mention a few names of those who have made In The Field what it is today. The Hillsborough County Farm Bureau has been very supportive in every aspect and I want to say thank you to the Executive Committee and the Directors, with a very, very special thank you to Judi Whitson. It makes us proud to be affiliated with a group of people who are looking to make a huge difference in the agriculture community. Thanks, also goes out to FSGA, what a great group all of you are. To the In The Field staff “THANK YOU” for everything that you do: Sarah Holt, Managing Editor/Associate Publisher, Bob Hughens, Office Manager, Danny Crampton, Sales Manager, Amey Celoria, Art Director, Gordon Johnston, Circulation Manager, Tina Richmond, Sales, and to all of our contributing writers! One very special note, I have been blessed to have my father and mother be a huge part of what this magazine has become, so Al and Patsy Berry THANK YOU. We are proud to continue to create a bond with those that are not directly involved in agriculture in order to build a better understanding of our industry. We believe what we continue to put in print on a monthly basis….”NO FARMERS NO FOOD” without our farmers, Florida can’t grow. Be blessed,


® Hills Cover_Nov:Layout 1


1:34 AM

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November 15 - December 15, 2011


Cover Story

In The Field’s 7th Anniversary of Covering What’s Growing

7 8 10 14 20 24 28 54 74 90 Publisher/Owner Karen Berry

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phillippians 4:13

Editor-In-Chief Al Berry Senior Managing Editor/Associate Publisher Sarah Holt Editor Patsy Berry Office Manager Bob Hughens

In The Field® Magazine is published monthly and is available through local Hillsborough County businesses, restaurants and other local venues. It is also distributed by U.S. mail to a target market, which includes members of Hillsborough County Farm Bureau and Strawberry Growers Association. Letters, comments and questions can be sent to P.O. Box 5377, Plant City, Florida 335630042 or you are welcome to email them to: or call 813-759-6909.



November 2011

Did you know? Advertisers Index Business UpFront

5:30 m a 0 1 , 0, 2011 1 r e b m rchase ece u D P , y h t a i d w r ll Satu l i p o p Pu • Lo l

n Po p • Balloo Prizes & n u F • Fo o d s Po p s a m t s i r h • New C erchandise &M a piece n i w o t e • Chanc m Kameleon fro

Clem’s Custom Meats

Dry Creek:

The Wheels Turn on the Set

Fishing Hot Spots Captain Woody Gore

Rocking Chair Chatter Al Berry

Grub Station

The Catering Company & Café

County Fair

Recap & Livestock Show Results


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Sales Manager Danny Crampton Sales Al Berry Tina Richmond Danny Crampton Kay Mullis Creative Director Amey Celoria Designers Juan Carlos Alvarez Mona Jackson Cover Photo Mona Jackson

Photography Stephanie Humphrey Karen Berry Al Berry Staff Writers Al Berry Sandy Kaster James Frankowiak Sean Green Mark Cook Ginny Mink Contributing Writer Woody Gore Les McDowell

Advertisers warrant & represent the descriptions of their products advertised are true in all respects. In The Field® Magazine assumes no responsibility for claims made by their advertisers. All views expressed in all articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of Berry Publications, Inc. Any use or duplication of material used in In The Field® magazine is prohibited without written consent from Berry Publications, Inc. Published by Berry Publications, Inc.

TURN SOMETHING OLD INTO SOMETHING NEW! • Fine Jewelry • Diamond Setting & Restyling • Custom Design/Casting • Expert Watch & Jewelry Repair on Premises • Watch Batteries Installed “While You Wait”

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November 2011



100 South Mulrennan Road • Valrico, FL 33594 Phone (813) 685-9121

Dear Readers,

This is the time of year when there’s a lot going on. We have the holidays, football season, hunting and many events throughout the area. It’s an enjoyable time with lots to do. For those of us involved in agriculture, this month marks an important and special opportunity for us to strengthen the understanding of the link between farm and city. Once again this year I am pleased to note that our annual Farm City Festival will take place Friday, November 18, in downtown Tampa on the Franklin Street Mall. This celebration will take place from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Our Farm-City Festival is part of a national initiative that takes place throughout our country to promote understanding and increase cooperation between rural and urban residents. Numerous commodity groups, the Florida Strawberry Festival, Florida State Fair, 4-H and, of course, Farm Bureau will be on hand with information and lots of fresh grown items for attendees to enjoy. I can’t stress enough how important it is for the farm-city connection to work and work well based on a mutual understanding and respect. The experts are telling us that by the year 2050 there will be three billion, yes billion, more people on the planet. That means agriculture will have to provide for 10 billion people. Those same experts tell us that the three percent of the earth’s surface used to feed all of us will remain the same as population jumps. We all have to recognize and respect our agricultural lands and how important they are today and in the

future. Farm-City Festival is a great time to enjoy the fruits of our labors and to tell those enjoying them how we are all working hard in agriculture to assure we can meet the needs of a growing population. Besides that, agriculture is an important and healthy part of Hillsborough County’s economy. Nearly 40 percent of the county’s land is used for agriculture production and that results in annual product sales of more than $815 million. Agriculture production and related businesses in the county generate an economic impact of more than $1.4 billion and employ more than 20,000 persons with annual earnings in excess of $290 million. And, if you add to that, the additional local economic impact by supporting related businesses such as banking, real estate, transportation, packaging, equipment, seed and others who support our industry, the overall impact of agriculture in Hillsborough County is very substantial. So come on down to the Farm-City Festival and bring a friend or two. Have a good time and let people know about the important role agriculture plays here in Hillsborough County.

100 S. Mulrennan Rd. Valrico, FL 33594

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Apple trees can grow fruit for 100 years.

Apples are a member of the rose family.

Insurance Services 813.685.5673

Johnny Appleseed’s real name was John Chapman.

Member Services 813.685.9121

Only one variety of the apple is native to North America.

George Washington did NOT cut down a cherry tree.

Dried cherries help reduce jet lag.

Cherry trees produce beautiful flowers.

Many flowers combine their fruit to make one pineapple.

The pineapple plant makes only one single pineapple a year.

Many weddings feature mangos as a symbol of love.

Danny Aprile .............................. President Bill Burnette ....................... Vice President Jemy Hinton ................................Treasurer George Coleman....................... Secretary Glenn Harrell ...............Member at Large

Mangos have been eaten in India for over 6,000 years.


Mangos are a good source of dietary fiber.

Mangos contain over 20 different vitamins and minerals.

There are over 1,000 varieties of mangos.

The Latin word for apricot means “precious”.

Apricots thrived in ancient Greece and India.

Apollo astronauts ate dried apricots on their way to the moon.

Dreaming of apricots is said to be good luck.

Banana plants aren’t trees. They are actually herbs.

It is said that cherries have POWERFUL pain relief benefits for runners and other athletes.

In general, the darker the cherry the sweeter its flavor

Cherries can help cure Gout.


Amanda Collins, Roy Davis, David Drawdy, Jim Dyer, Alvin Futch, Stefan Katzaras, Joe Keel, Greg Lehman, Kenneth Parker, Jake Raburn, Marty Tanner, James Tew, Patrick Thomas, Michelle Williamson, Ray Wood

Judi Whitson, Executive Director 813.685.9121

Valrico Office 813.685.5673

100 S. Mulrennan Rd. Valrico, FL 33594 Tommy Hale, CLU, ChFC, CASL, CPCU Agency Mgr. Julie Carlson, John McGuire

Plant City Office 813.752.5577

1302 S. Collins St., Plant City, FL 33563 Jeff Sumner, Bill Williams

Happy Thanksgiving!

Danny Aprile

Tampa Office 813.933.5440

1046 W. Busch Blvd., Ste. 100, Tampa, FL 33612 Greg Harrell, Jeff Harper

Danny Aprile President, Hillsborough County Farm Bureau

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Danny Aprile, Vice-President; Jemy Hinton, Treasurer; George Coleman, Secretary; Glenn Harrell, Member-at-large; Bill Burnette, Jake Raburn, Patrick Thomas, Amanda Collins, Roy Davis, David Drawdy, Jim Dyer, Alvin Futch, Stefan Katzaras, Greg Lehman, Carl Little, Lance Ham, Michelle Williamson and John Stickles. Judi Whitson, Executive Director



November 2011



November 2011


Strawberry Fact Florida is the nation’s winter strawberry capital. Of all the fresh strawberries produced in the United States, 15 percent are grown in Florida. Over 90 percent of the state’s strawberries are produced in Hillsborough County, primarily in the Plant City and Dover area. Strawberries have been cultivated commercially in this area for over 100 years. Florida strawberries are grown as an annual crop on raised, plastic-covered beds. Land is typically prepared in

Index of

September and plants are set in October. Berries are harvested from mid-November through March. Strawberries are picked and packed in the field by hand. The trays of berries are then sent to shipping facilities where they are loaded on refrigerated trucks for delivery across the country. Provided by the University of Florida Gulf Coast Research and Education Center


Ag Technologies......................................19 AgroFabrics............................................94 Agri Signs/Southern Graphics Designs.....87 Agro-Culture Liquid Fertilizers...............78 Allen’s Sawmill.......................................67 Antioch Feed & Farm Supply..................47 Aquarius Water Refining.........................73 Astin Strawberry Exchange.....................89 Bartow Chevrolet..................................... 3 Berry Blue Farm & Nursery....................81 Bill’s Transmissions.................................71 Bingham Portables..................................89 Brandon Auto Services............................88 Broke & Poor Building Surplus...............72 Brown’s Jewelers.....................................87 Byrd & Barnhill, P.L................................89 Carpet Diem...........................................84 Cecil Breeding Farm................................31 CF Industries, Inc....................................17 Chop-N-Block........................................69 Chuck’s Tire & Automotive....................85 Clem’s Custom Meats.............................21 Cowboys Western World.........................29 Crescent Jewelers..................................... 5 Dad’s Towing..........................................71 Dairy Queen...........................................57 Diamond R Fertilizer..............................93 Discount Metal Mart..............................75 Driscoll’s................................................37 Dusty’s Camper World............................86 East Coast Ag Products...........................89 Fancy Farms...........................................65 Farm Bureau Insurance...........................41

Come Experience the Napa Valley of Tampa Bay

Farm Bureau Insurance Jeff Sumner........81 Farm Credit............................................63 Felton’s Market.......................................73 Fischbach Land Company.......................65 Florida Golden Honey............................88 Florida Strawberry Growers Asso............55 Forbes Road Produce..............................11 Fred’s Market..........................................91 Gator Ford..............................................61 Gerald Keene Plumbing...........................18 Grove Equipment Service.................. 44, 69 Gulf Coast Tractor & Equipment............. 2 Handy Can Portable Restrooms..............93 Harold’s Feed & Pet Supply................ 12,13 Harrell’s Nursery....................................88 Haught Funeral Home............................39 Helena Chemical....................................72 Hillsboro State Bank...............................91 Hillsborough County Farm Bureau........... 7 Hinton Farms Produce............................78 Hope Christian Academy........................88 Huff Muffler..........................................91 I-4 Power Equipment...............................45 ITFM We Tell Your Stories......................59 Johnson’s Barbeque.................................93 Keel & Curley Winery.............................. 9 Kennco Manufacturing...........................88 KeyPlex Nutritionals...............................43 L.I.T. Security Cages...............................85 Lancaster Farms......................................57 Land’s Feed & Farm Supply....................67 Land’s Strawberry Palace........................95 Lewis Insulation Technologies.................85

Loetscher Auto Parts...............................81 Magnolia Hill.........................................83 Malissa Crawford...................................55 Mark Smith Excavating...........................30 Meryman Environmental........................77 Mosaic...................................................77 Parrish Threads......................................61 Plant City Awning & Aluminum.............89 Plant City Tire & Auto...........................86 Red Rose Inn & Suites........................ 48,49 Rhizogen................................................79 Roadrunner Veterinary Clinic..................96 Savich & Lee Wholesale..........................79 Shell’s Feed & Garden Supply..................33 Southside Farm & Pet Supply............. 22,23 Southwestern Produce.............................27 Stephanie Humphrey Photography..........25 Stingray Chevrolet..................................35 Syngenta.................................................15 The Hay Depot.......................................93 Timberlane Pet Hospital & Resort..........84 Trinkle, Redman, Swanson, Coton, Davis & Smith........................................75 Two-Lips Tack ‘N Togs...........................42 Uncommon USA.....................................83 Walden Lake Car Wash...........................84 Wells Memorial......................................63 West Coast Fence....................................87 Wetzel’s Farrier Service...........................91 Wild and Wooley....................................86 Willie’s Seafood.......................................87 Wishnatzki Farms...................................25

YOU TOO CAN BE A WINNER HEY READERS, hidden somewhere in the magazine is a No Farmers, No Food logo. Hunt for the logo and once you find the hidden logo you will be eligible for a drawing to win a FREE InTheField® T-Shirt. Send us your business card or an index card with your name and telephone number, the page on which you found the logo and where on that page you located the logo to:

Our Tasting Room & Gift Shop is Open Daily Until 6pm Sample All Our Wines for Just $5 Friday Evening After Hours Wine Bar Appetizers Served from 6pm-9pm Happy Hour 6pm to 7pm Live Music 6:30pm to 10:30pm $5 Cover Charge Winery Tours Saturdays & Sundays 12noon, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm & 4pm $5/person or $9 including a wine tasting Visit for more details Black Friday Sale 11/25 10am-5pm 25% Off Everything in the Store Host Your Next Special Moment at Keel & Curley! Wedding Ceremonies & Receptions Bridal & Baby Showers Anniversary & Birthday Parties Corporate Events


5202 W. Thonotosassa Rd. Plant City

InTheField® Magazine P.O. Box 5377, Plant City, FL 33563-0042 All Entries must be received by December 3, 2011. Winner will be notified by phone. You Too Can Be A Winner - Enter Now! 8


November 2011

November 2011


Business UpFront by Mark Cook What do two old country boys from Plant City know about running a custom meat market? In the beginning maybe not too much, but after over a year in preparation and a month with the doors open Billy Williams and Jerry Clendening are learning as they go and walking by faith with Clem’s Custom Meat Market in Plant City. “We both didn’t have the experience people might think you need but it has been something that was a dream of Jerry’s for years and we both have a passion for making this work,” Billy said. “While neither of us had meat market experience we hired those that did which has helped us greatly. And we both knew what we like and want when we shop and know how important customer service is and we know how we like to be treated.” Billy was born and raised on a strawberry farm and continues to work the farm daily. “But farming isn’t what it used to be and it is harder and harder each year so when Jerry came to me looking for a partner I jumped on the chance,” Billy said. “Farming is in my blood but new challenges are always good and it has been an exciting process for all of us.” The pair spent over a year transforming the former Plant City jail, which since then had been a church and a dance studio, into a retail store. It wasn’t easy but Billy is pleased with the results. “When you take a building like this and convert it into a retail store and meat market it isn’t a simple process,” he said. “Things like floor drains need to be installed. Coolers, freezers and display cases all had to go in and you have to get everything up to code.” Clem’s Custom Meats tries to provide the Plant City community with something different. “We deal with the Colorado Box Beef Co. and their Black Canyon Angus line of beef and the quality of our meats are some of the best around,” he said. “We think it is better than anything you can find in town and price wise it is comparable or even better than the local supermarkets.” Clem’s offers beef, chicken, pork and even some seafood fresh and frozen.


November 2011

“We tell people if they walk in and don’t see what they want, just ask. More than likely we have it and if not we will get it.” Clem’s has the word custom in their title for a reason. “Most of our cuts are about an inch thick,” Billy said. “But if someone comes in and for example wants their meat cut an inch and a half, we have people who can’t wait to do it exactly like they want it.” “Another thing we offer is custom packages. If some calls me and says for example, ‘Billy I want four rib eyes, two with the bone-in, two pounds of ribs and some chicken wings,’ We will put it together for them and have it ready when they get here. Basically whatever the customer wants is what we will do.” Williams’ partner, Jerry Clendening, is proud of the service they are providing area residents. “First of all, I love people – I’m a people person,” Jerry said. “When I meet people in the store then they become family to me.” “As far as our product goes, we have what I feel is the best quality meat around. The Black Canyon Angus line of beef we serve is all Choice beef. We have people who come in our store after buying a couple of steaks and tell us it was the best beef they have tasted in 20 years.” Besides meats Clem’s has other typical supermarket items. “We hired Glen Long former manager and owner of T&K Produce, to run our produce department,” Billy said. “And in addition to produce we also stock milk and bread for our customers.” Billy has been pleased with the reception they have gotten since opening the doors in October and have a huge grand opening event planned for December 3 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. “While we have been open for a while we wanted to plan a really big event and thought December would be a perfect time,” Billy said. “Santa Claus will pay a visit, plus we will have live music, giveaways and a truckload sale with outstanding prices.” “If people are looking for something new we hope they stop by and say hello. We look forward to earning their business.”

First Flat!

First flat was picked at Ferris Farms in Floral City, Florida Dudley Calfree is the General Manager

November 2011




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November 2011







E$ V A S


November 2011


Innovative products are only part of what we do. Syngenta is committed to helping you produce the highest-quality crop possible with new additions to your strawberry portfolio like Quadris Top™ fungicide. Our goal is to aid strawberry growers in producing higher marketable yields, year after year, with proven solutions. To learn more about the products listed below, contact your local Syngenta sales representative.

The Wheels Turn on the set of Dry Creek by Dry Creek America’s First Frontier creator Les Mc Dowell photos by Linda Constant There’s something about a horse in harness That has always called to be. The jingle of the chains and the squeak of the leather. Looking down from the wagon seat with pride at the team as they pull even and step a little higher with their necks bowed ..... saying look at me. Dry Creek, America’s First Frontier, the television show, has a few wagons, buggies and even a Concord Stagecoach that travels its dusty streets in Manatee County and on National TV. I watch them transform Dry Creek back to a time of Gee and Haw and real horse power. I have to look back at my own life. I guess growing up I was a bit of a horse and buggy nerd of sorts. When my friends were into muscle cars.....I bought my first buggy. I bought it from an 80-year-old man, Mr. Bailey. I spent a lot of time visiting him at his place. His hobby was gathering horse drawn vehicles and working on them. I’d sit and


November 2011

watch him work and listen to his stories of a time long gone by. Anything with four legs at my house got hitched up. Dad made a harness out of old conveyor belting. He also made a cart out of bicycles and I was off down the road pulled by my burro Tonka. Guess you could say I never out grew my passion for it. On my honeymoon, a team of horses pulled my new wife and I up over the Sierra’s and into Sutter’s Fort on the Highway 50 wagon train. I drove a stagecoach in the Buffalo Bill Wild Wild West show in 1983. Even had a “Stop Arthritis” wagon train for 10 years. All these roads Les traveled brought me to Dry Creek. So when you watch Dry Creek and see a horse drawn rig rattle down main street.....remember Tonka and that little boy who never grew’ll find him at Dry Creek......Everybody knows where Dry Creek is......cause it’s inside each and everyone of us. Go to for times and channels.

©2011 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow all bag tag and label instructions before buying or using Syngenta products. The instructions contain important conditions of sale, including limitations of warranty and remedy. All products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your state or local extension service before buying or using Syngenta products. Agri-Mek and Gramoxone SL are Restricted Use Pesticides. Actara, Agri-Mek and Voliam Flexi are highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment on blooming crops and weeds. Do not apply these products or allow them to drift onto blooming plants while bees are foraging adjacent to the treatment area. Abound,® Actara,® Agri-Mek,® Gramoxone,® Quadris Top,™ Quilt Xcel,® Ridomil Gold,® Switch,® Tilt,® Voliam Flexi,® the Alliance Frame, the Purpose icon and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. Syngenta Customer Center: 1-866-SYNGENT(A) (796-4368). MW 1L111030 11/11

November 2011


4Rs: A Path to Environmental Health and Safety by Jim Frankowiak By the middle of this century, United Nations officials are foreefficiency increases the quantity produced per acre for each unit of casting the world’s population will approach 10 billion, an increase of nutrient applied without sacrificing yield potential. more than two billion people. Farmers must produce sufficient food With respect to the environment, adoption of nutrient stewardto feed that growing population with what the experts are saying will ship contributes to the preservation of natural ecosystems by growing be just about the same land resources in use today. more on less land. Retaining nutrients within a field’s boundaries and To look at that another way, each farmer today produces sufin the crop rooting zone great reduces the amount that is not utilized ficient food for 153 people. At mid-century, that number will increase by plants and thereby escapes into the environment as pollution. to 568. Utilization of the 4Rs requires the implementation of best Industry experts agree that increased food production will be management practices (BMPs) that optimize the efficiency of fertilachieved by intensified crop production and not by an expanded arizer use. The goal of fertilizer BMPs is to match nutrient supply able land base. Genetic and bioseed industries have predicted yield with crop requirements and to minimize nutrient losses. Selection increases of three to four percent annually. However, to optimize of BMPs varies by location, and those chosen for a given farm are the yields of advanced seeds, fertilizer inputs must be optimized to dependent on local soil and climatic conditions, crop, management provide the greatest potential for success. conditions and other site specific factors. At the same time there is Other agronomic and congrowing pressure to limit the use servation practices, such as no-till of fertilizer on legislative, regulafarming and the use of cover tory and non-governmental fronts crops, play a valuable role in supon national, regional, state and porting 4R nutrient stewardship. local levels. As a result, fertilizer BMPs are To effectively address the most effective when applied with dual concerns of sufficient yields other agronomic and conservation and environmental protection, practices. The Fertilizer Institute, the InterThe Fertilizer Institute is national Fertilizer Industry Ashard at work educating approsociation, the International Plant priate parties on the 4Rs. This Institute and the Canadian Fertilincludes partnering initiatives izer Institute have joined forces to with other groups to help educate develop the 4Rs. The 4Rs are a producers and associates how to framework for achieving the cropimplement an effective 4R plan. ping systems goals of increased Those entities operating in a manGrowing a garden on reclaimed land, Hardee Technical Services production and farmer profitner that is consistent with the 4Rs demonstrated that reclaimed land will support a crop. The 2009 ability, enhanced environmental are encouraged to register with crop included yellow squash, zucchini, okra, tomatoes, peas, pepprotection and improved sustainthe Institute as a 4R consistent pers, onions, and more. ability. Enhanced understanding, partner. adoption and promotion of 4R Institute and partner outstewardship are the goals of the sponsors of this overall initiative. To reach also includes active participation in policy discussions involving attain these goals, the 4Rs incorporate the: lawmakers and regulators, as well as special interest groups and the • Right Fertilizer Source at the public. • Right Rate at the Here in Florida the Institute is partnered with the Florida Fertil• Right Time and in the izer and Agrichemical Association (FFAA) based in Lakeland. Most • Right Place recently, Institute Director of Stewardship Programs Lara Moody 4R Nutrient Stewardship is an innovative and science-based addressed the Florida Senate Agricultural Committee on 4R nutrient approach to fertilizer best management practices to help achieve agri- stewardship. The state utilizes a voluntary BMP program for produccultural sustainability. The 4Rs imply there are four aspects to every tion agriculture to help address Florida’s total maximum daily loads fertilizer application and together they provide an effective framework (TMDLs). to assess whether a given crop has access to the necessary nutrients. Following the committee presentation, Moody and FFAA PresiProperly managed fertilizers support cropping systems that prodent Mary Hartney met with William Bartnick, the Environmental vide economic, social and environmental benefits. However, poorly Administrator of Florida’s Department of Agriculture and Conmanaged nutrient applications can decrease profitability and increase sumer Services’ Office of Agriculture Water Policy, who is leading the nutrient losses, potentially degrading water and air. development of the state’s BMP crop manuals. Hartney and Moody From an agricultural productivity perspective, nutrient stewardsought to have the inclusion of 4R language in the planned update of ship is good business since it effectively deals with fluctuations in the row crop manual. prices of fertilizers and other inputs, as well as in prices of crops sold. For more information about the 4Rs, visit: www.nutrientstewIt has been well documented that higher crop yields are achieved through better crop and soil management. Lastly, improved fertilizer


November 2011

At harvest time and all the time, CF Industries is helping farmers feed a hungry world.

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours! As the world struggles to meet the demand for food for growing populations, CF’s phosphate operations are a critical part of the solution. Not only do we produce high-quality fertilizer to boost crop production, but we work with environmental and industry partners to care for and protect vital natural resources.

When we are done mining, CF Industries does an excellent job reclaiming the land for future generations.

Nick Katzaras looks on as Damon Lawrence displays a rich harvest of Florida strawberries during the 2011 season.

10608 Paul Buchman Highway  Plant City, FL 33565  813-782-1591 2520 Guy Verger Boulevard  Tampa, FL 33605  813-247-5531

November 2011



November 2011

November 2011




It’s been a great week fishing the bay area and I’m certain everyone loves the low humidity for a change. Snook: Snook fishing is going well despite the freezing winter temperatures a few years ago. They have made a decent recovery. We’re catching some nice fish on both live bait and artificial lures. Bait and lure presentation is critical, so remember out in front, not behind or on top. You will find them almost everywhere, broken


November 2011

“Give Me a Call & Let’s Go Fishing” Captain Woody Gore is the area’s top outdoor fishing guide. Guiding and fishing the Tampa, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Tarpon Springs, Bradenton, and Sarasota areas for over fifty years; he offers world class fishing adventures and a lifetime of memories. Single or Multi-boat Group Charters are all the same. With years of organizational experience and access to the areas most experienced captains, Woody can arrange and coordinate any outing or tournament. Just tell him what you need and it’s done. Visit his website at: WWW.CAPTAINWOODYGORE. COM, send an email to or give him a call at 813-477-3814.

ns St.

Tampa Bay Fishing Report

bottom grass flat, dock, or structures around the bay. Redfish: On an incoming tide get out there first, before the boats traffic starts, and you can expect good early morning topwater action along grass flats and mangrove shores. Keeping an eye open for large mullet schools and be certain to work them thoroughly. Spotted Sea Trout/Silver Trout: Look for fair size trout anywhere on Tampa Bay grass flats especially deeper edges. Live shrimp and greenbacks under a popping cork, but free-lined shrimp in sandy potholes might produce some larger gators and the occasional flounder. When red fishing an early incoming tide with topwater lures, expect some larger sea trout to gobble the lure. Cobia: Cobia will be traveling the flats and open water, sometime as singles or groups and normally always behind large Rays. Keep your eyes peeled, toss your bait close and the battle begins. Tarpon: Diehard Tarpon anglers should check the nighttime and early morning bridges. Threadfins, crabs and larger scaled sardines should do nicely. Mackerel & Bluefish – Jack & Ladyfish: If you are looking for some great light-tackle action, look no further as Tampa Bay is full of bait and that means plenty of fish. Drift the bait schools or anchor around a marker tossing out a white bait or threadfin, and hang on. Shinny artificial lures like silver spoons also work. We have good success using 60 lb. Seaguar leader and long shank 2/0 silver Daiichi hooks.

Clem’s Custom Meats


It’s a well known fact that structure and weeds hold bait, which also means they hold fish. However, fishing around rocks, docks, pilings and weeds can sometimes be a truly frustrating experience. It seems like each time you hook-up on a fish they take off for parts unknown, usually thick weed beds, rocks or rocky bottoms, and mangroves. Then without fail the fish either pulls the hook or breaks the line. What is an angler to do apart from feelings of disparity at loosing a nice fish or sometimes hurling a few choice words toward uninterested bystanders? They might try a time proven technique that’s worked for many anglers. Whenever a fish is hooked, anglers immediately begin applying pressure by keeping a tight line. So, if you take away the pressure, what will the fish do? More times than not they stop struggling against a tight line or running toward the nearest cover. Here’s a little technique that’s worked for me and other seasoned anglers for many years. Based on our success it might be worth a try when fishing near bad areas. Especially if fish are continually running into the rocks, mangroves and thick weed beds to break your line and get away. Another important thing you might want to be very aware of is your drag system and drag settings; making certain the drag is properly adjusted and the drag is in good operating condition. Because “lever” drag reels are much more precise, it’s best to try backing off the drag when using this type of reel. With this system, it’s possible to return to your fighting setting with good accuracy. On the other hand, reels with star drags are not as precise. Changing the drag setting during a fight makes it practically hopeless to return to your original setting. Once the fish stops running it is time to tighten the drag and gently begin easing up on the fish in an attempt to lead it up and away from anything that could foul your line. If the fish takes off again, back off on the drag and start over again. It’s better to make several attempts than loose a trophy fish. Once you’re confident the fish is far enough away from trouble it’s time to get on with the normal action of landing a nice fish. However, in the early stages, remember to be patient.


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November 2011

November 2011


WHY POINT THE FINGER AT NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION: Managing Urban Runoff and Pollution by Susan Haddock, Commercial Horticulture/Integrated Pest Management/Small Farms Agent, UF/IFAS Hillsborough County Extension photos courtesy of UF/IFAS

Over the last two decades, and especially recently, attention is being focused on stormwater pollution related to urbanization. This is because urbanization produces a wide variety of pollutants and a large amount of runoff. A much greater percent of land area is covered by structures and impervious pavement in urban areas. These rooftops, parking lots and roads prevent rain from soaking into the ground. Natural areas, such as wetlands, forests and grasslands, hold rainwater locally, and allow slow percolation through the soil and plant material, which acts as a filter for pollutants. Urban areas have little ground water recharge due to loss of stormwater infiltration. In urban areas, most of the rainfall remains above ground. Urban areas are designed with storm drains that carry unnaturally large amounts of stormwater to waterbodies. As storm drains transport pollutants to ponds, streams, rivers and bays, the runoff gains speed, and when dumped into the waterbody causes bank erosion, damages vegetation and destroys aquatic habitat. Pollutants such as oil, chemicals, heavy metals, landscape fertilizers and pesticides, trash and soil are carried with the stormwater to waterbodies. These pollutants adversely affect water quality. The higher water temperature of urban runoff from pavement raises the overall temperature of waterbodies. Urbanization increases flooding during rainy seasons and contributes to lower stream and river levels during dry seasons. These conditions are harmful to aquatic life. So what can be done to manage urban stormwater runoff and pollution? The following measures can help mitigate the adverse effects. Some of these measures are much easier to implement prior to urban construction while others can be implemented at any time. Some measures are simply practicing environmental stewardship while others may be a legal responsibility. 1. Buffer strips A turfgrass or riparian (forested) buffer between impervious paved areas and the closest waterbody will help reduce erosion, improve soil retention, filter pollutants and sustain ecosystems and habitats. 2. Retention ponds Man-made basins create an aquatic buffer that capture stormwater runoff from a higher elevation and filter pollutants before they enter local streams, rivers and bays. The pollutants are trapped in the pond and settle out. Retention ponds can provide an aesthetically pleasing view for homeowners and an attractive environment for fish, waterfowl and other wildlife. However, retention ponds may receive excessive nutrient runoff from landscapes. High nutrient levels contribute to algae production, which can deplete oxygen levels and disrupt natural food sources for wildlife. 3. Porous pavement Using alternative construction materials such as pervious concrete, pavers, turf block pavers and gravel reduces the amount of direct runoff into waterbodies. Use of pervious pavement is a Best Management Practice recommended by the EPA for the management of stormwater

runoff. 4. Preservation and restoration projects Preserving or constructing wetland or riparian areas will slow runoff and absorb pollutants. Planning that preserves existing areas is much more cost effective than restoring a damaged or ineffective area later. 5. Implement protective measures at construction sites Sediment or silt fences reduce offsite movement of soil. Laying grass or straw over exposed soil reduces erosion. 6. Septic System Maintenance Septic systems should be inspected and pumped every three to five years. Water conservation measures extend the life of septic systems. 7. Pet Waste Management Pet waste contains bacteria, parasites and nutrients, which when left on the ground can wash into storm drains and runoff to nearby waterbodies. Bacteria and parasites can harm aquatic life and nutrients contribute to algae growth. 8. Manage individual pollutants Check vehicles and equipment for leaks and recycle motor oil and antifreeze. Dispose of out of date or unwanted chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers properly. 9. Implement the Green Industries Best Management Practices (GI-BMP) for the Protection of Water Resources The goal of GI-BMP is to promote the reduction of non-point source pollution and the efficient use of water, by: a. Reducing off-site transport of sediments, nutrients and pesticides. b. Using appropriate site design and plant selection. c. Using appropriate rates and methods of applying fertilizer and irrigation. d. Using integrated pest management (IPM) to minimize pests and apply chemicals only when appropriate. 10. Adhere to local and State Fertilizer Use and Landscape Management Rules Hillsborough, Pinellas and Manatee Counties have Fertilizer Use and Landscape Management Rules in effect with specific rules and recommendations for fertilizer use and landscape management. These ordinances apply to all individuals who apply fertilizer to urban landscapes, including homeowners, commercial applicators and governmental and institutional employees. Commercial applicators and governmental and institutional employees are required to be GI-BMP Certified. For more information on GI-BMP Certification and Landscape and Fertilizer Ordinances look for the next article in the series, Why Point the Finger at Nonpoint Source Pollution: Fertilizer Use and Landscape Management Rules. GI-BMP information, including a free downloadable educational manual, can be found at You can view or download the Hillsborough County Landscape and Fertilizer Ordinance at

GM IS PROUD TO PARTNER WITH FARM BUREAU速 TO BRING YOU THIS VALUABLE OFFER1. Farm Bureau members can get a $5001 private offer toward the purchase or lease of most new GM vehicles, including the Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD and 3500HD lineup. Visit for more details. They get tough jobs done with a maximum payload of up to 6,635 lbs.2 and a conventional towing capacity of up to 17,000 lbs.3 And through the GM Business Choice Program4, business owners receive even more when purchasing or leasing an eligible Chevrolet or GMC truck or van for business use. Visit for details. 1Offer valid toward the purchase of new 2011 and 2012 Buick, Chevrolet and GMC models, excluding Chevrolet Volt. 2Requires Regular Cab model and gas engine. Maximum payload capacity includes weight of driver, passengers, optional equipment and cargo. 3Requires available 6.6L Duramax速 diesel engine. Maximum trailer ratings assume a properly-equipped base vehicle plus drive. See dealer for details. 4To qualify, vehicles must be used in the day-to-day operation of the business and not solely for transportation purposes. Must provide proof of business. This program may not be compatible with other offers or incentive programs. Consult your local Chevrolet or GMC dealer or visit for program compatibility and other restrictions. Take delivery by 9/30/2012. Farm Bureau and the American Farm Bureau Federation速 are registered service marks owned by the American Farm Bureau Federation, and are used herein (or by GM) under license. 息2011 General Motors LLC


November 2011

November 2011


s errie. b f o a etern Florid k r a i r m es emieegetabl r p A v


Come Grow With Us 100 Stearn Ave. Plant City, FL 33563 Tel: 813.752.5111 Last Christmas Patsy, my wife, gave me a Garmin as a gift. For those for you who do not know what a Garmin is, allow me to explain in plain simple English. It is an electronic device with a small TV screen that shows you where you are going and how to get their if you pre-program it before you leave. The Garmin comes complete with a mechanical woman I have appropriately named ‘Loud Mouth Bessie’! She never shuts up from the time you plug the device into your cigarette lighter. I think there was a reason for this particular gift to me from Patsy. I am, like most men, too proud to ask for directions. Patsy figured it was another electronic gadget of which I have many, and maybe, just maybe, I would use it. The Garmin may turn out to be the best Christmas gift she has ever given me. Let me explain. Last year while traveling through Atlanta on I-75 I missed one turn to the right by one lane and headed to Chattanooga, which was not where I was going. About an hour later, and 50 miles out-of-the way we managed to get back on track, and headed east on highway 129 to Blairsville, Georgia. This past July in preparation for the same trip Patsy reminded not to forget the Garmin and to program it for 16 Bearpaw Road in Blairsville. I programmed it, and plugged it in as we pulled out of our driveway in Plant City. Immediately ‘Loud Mouth Bessie’ started giving me directions, “Turn left on Alexander…go two miles to I-4…turn left on I-4,” and on and on as if I had no idea where I was headed. I let Big Mouth talk, as I wanted to let Patsy know I appreciated her gift. No sooner did we hit I-4 then Patsy’s eyes closed, and she passed out, fast asleep as if someone had shot her with a blow gun! So here we go, ‘Big Mouth Bessie’ and me. Every five minutes she had something to say, but I refused to unplug the Garmin, as I wanted to see just how accurate it was. She didn’t miss a lick all the way to Atlanta, where the problems started.


November 2011

With Patsy still fast asleep and ten million cars and trucks going four hundred miles an hour, Bessie kept telling me to get ready to turn, so I moved to the right in preparation to stay on I-75. Some old toot stayed right up on my right and refused to let me move over one more lane and I missed my turn again. I thought for a minute “Big Mouth Bessie” was going to come out of the Garmin and take the wheel. She calmed down and said, “Recalculating,” and that’s where I began to appreciate her. We took the back roads. I listened to her every direction, and 40 minutes later we were back on target. I think she got lost when we were coming over Blood Mountain, and she said, “Turn right on Helton Falls Road.” I stayed on 129 and was soon headed to our cabin on Bearpaw. I guess next to contact lenses, E-ZPass and cell phones, the Garmin GPS is the greatest invention of all times. How Patsy was able to sleep with all of “Big Mouth Bessie’s” jabbering I’ll never know! It seemed once she went into the recalculating mode she never shut up. Bessie is never wrong. Why doesn’t she give me some options like, “On the next road you could take a right…it’s a little winding and the road is steep, but you could save two minutes, or you might go straight even though it’s ten miles longer but more scenic.” With ‘Big Mouth Bessie’ my ability to lie is a thing of the past. Before, when you didn’t want to go some less than entertaining party early, you could always say “Sorry I am late. I got lost.” This electronic gadget put an end to this excuse. When are we ever going to stop having to listen to these mechanical women? Everything has an automated voice. My car tells me to buckle up, the trunk is not closed, and the door is unlocked. Try to cancel your newspaper by phone when you go on vacation, it’s that mechanical woman that takes your call. The same with the bank, phone company, and just about every busi-

ness you call. What about calling your friends, “Sorry we missed your call. If you will leave your name, time you called, etc.” … and on and on! Why not just say, “Leave your name and number and I’ll call you back?” Let me close out this month with two items. Here is a new exercise for seniors. Find a smooth level surface where you have plenty of room. Get two five-pound potato bags. Put one in each hand and hold them extended out from your sides, holding them there as long as you can. Try for 60-seconds, then relax. The next day move up to 10-pound bags and hold them the same way as long as you possible can. The third day jump to 50-pound potato bag and then eventually try to get to where you can lift 100-pound potato bags in each hand, and hold your arms straight out from your sides for more than a full minute. After you feel confident at that level, put a potato in each bag. Have you heard the story of 93-year old Gladys? She was very despondent over the recent death of her husband, George. She decided that she would just end her life and join George in death. Thinking that it would be best to get it over quickly, she took out George’s pistol and made the decision to shoot herself in the heart, since it was so badly broken in the first place. Not wanting to miss the vital organ and become a vegetable and be a burden to family members, she called her doctor’s office to inquire as to just exactly where the heart would be. “On a woman,” the doctor said, “Your heart would be just below your left breast.” Later that night, Mildred was admitted to the hospital with a gunshot wound to her knee.

November 2011


Perfectly Fresh. Perfectly Priced. VEGETABLE SALE

Recipes Courtesy of The Florida Department of Agriculture

Fri. & Sat. November 18th & 19th • 8 am - 5 pm Fri. & Sat. December 16th & 17th • 8 am - 5 pm Order Online at • Call in Your Order or Just Drop by and See Us During the Sale! Coconut Florida Snapper with Spinach Endive Sauté Ingredients 3 tablespoons olive oil, divided 4 6-ounce snapper filets ¾ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon black pepper 2 cloves garlic, crushed 1 teaspoon fresh ginger, peeled and grated ½ cup diced onion, divided 1 cup canned coconut milk 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice 1 teaspoon soy sauce ¼ teaspoon hot sauce ½ cup fresh cilantro, chopped 1 head Belgian endive, thin sliced 1 10-ounce bag spinach, washed

Pecans are here! Southwestern Produce Company 1510 Sydney Rd. • Plant City, FL

(813) 754-1500 or (813) 757-0096

Preparation Season fillets with salt and pepper. In large sauté pan, heat 1 tablespoon olive oil over medium-high heat. Cook fillets 3 to 4 minutes per side until cooked through. Remove fish from skillet and keep warm. For coconut sauce, return pan to heat and cook garlic, ginger and ¼ cup onion until tender. Add coconut milk, lime juice, soy sauce, hot sauce and bring to a boil. Lower heat and add cilantro, simmer for 5 minutes. In a separate, large skillet, heat the remaining oil over medium-high heat. Sauté remaining ¼ cup onion, endive and spinach until greens are just wilted. Serve fillets with sauce over sautéed vegetables.

Fresh from the Farm to your Freezer! ***All items are 8 pounds unless otherwise noted.***

Pecan Halves 1 lb Bag ................................. $10 2 ½ lb Bag ............................. $25 5 lb Bag ................................. $49 10 lb Bag ............................... $97

Yield 4 servings

Spinach Lasagna Ingredients 1.37-ounce package spaghetti sauce mix 6 ounces tomato paste 8 ounces tomato sauce ¾ cup water 2 eggs, beaten 16 ounces cottage cheese ½ teaspoon salt 10 ounces frozen, chopped spinach ½ cup Parmesan cheese 8 ounces uncooked lasagna noodles 8 ounces mozzarella cheese, sliced


Preparation Combine spaghetti sauce mix, tomato paste, tomato sauce and water in medium saucepan. Bring to a boil over low heat. Set aside. Combine eggs, cottage cheese, salt, spinach and ¼ cup of the Parmesan cheese, mixing well. Set aside. Spread ½ cup of the spaghetti sauce mixture in a greased 13 x 9 x 2 casserole dish. Place half the uncooked lasagna noodles over sauce. Spread in order: half the spinach mixture, half the mozzarella cheese, and half the spaghetti sauce. Repeat layers using remaining ingredients. Sprinkle with remaining ¼ cup Parmesan cheese. Cover securely with aluminum foil and bake at 350 degrees F for one hour. Let stand 10 minutes before serving. Yield 12 servings

November 2011

Pecan Pieces 1 lb Bag ................................. $10 2 ½ lb Bag ............................. $25 5 lb Bag ................................. $49 10 lb Bag ............................... $97

Our new web site is now live! Order online and we’ll have it ready for you to pick up. Give us a call or visit to be placed on our mailing list for monthly notification.


Beans & Peas Fordhooks .............................. $22 Baby Butter Bean ................... $13 Green Beans .......................... $13 Pole Beans ............................. $13 Speckled Butter Beans ............ $13 Blackeye Peas ........................ $13 Butter Peas ............................. $13 Conk Peas .............................. $22 Crowder Peas......................... $13 Green Peas ............................ $13 Pinkeye Peas......................... $13 Sugar Snap Peas .................... $15 Zipper Peas ............................ $13 Corn & Greens White Corn ............................. $13 Yellow Corn ........................... $13 Cream White Corn 4# ............. $ 6 Cream Yellow Corn 4# ........... $ 6 Collard Greens....................... $12 Mustard Greens ..................... $12 Turnip Greens ........................ $12 Spinach .................................. $12 November 2011

Other Vegetables Cut Okra ................................ $12 Breaded Okra ........................ $12 Whole Okra............................ $12 Sliced Yellow Squash ............. $12 Sliced Zucchini ....................... $12 Brussel Sprouts ...................... $12 Broccoli .................................. $13 Baby Carrots .......................... $12 Cauliflower ............................ $13 Mixed Vegetables .................. $13 Soup Blend............................. $13 Fruit & Peanuts Blueberries 5# ....................... $15 Blackberries 5#...................... $15 Raspberries 5# ...................... $15 Cranberries 5# ...................... $15 Mango Chunks 5# ................. $15 Peaches .................................. $15 Green Jumbo Peanuts............ $15

Happy Thanksgiving! INTHEFIELD MAGAZINE 27

New shipments arriving daily!

The Catering Company & Café

Camo wear & work coats in stock

by Cheryl Kuck

Grub Station reviews are written through my receiving a reader recommendation or if I have previously visited the establishment and felt what they presented were either unusual, had a heart-warming story, local history, or just great food. In the case of Plant City’s newest hot spot for lunch, The Catering Company & Café, I had a great recommendation since the In the Field Magazine staff discovered it and let me know how much they enjoyed the experience. When I called to schedule an interview, owner Sharon Silver said, “I’d love to do it. They (magazine staff) are really nice and eat here all the time.” The cafe’ is located in the historic district next to the Art Lounge Gallery on Reynolds Street. Its décor is compatible to the look of the gallery and evokes the artsy, loft atmosphere of old SoHo or Greenwich Village. The simple, clean look of the café was created through extensive renovations of the old building by Sharon’s husband Robert Silver, owner of Dynamic Painting Company and a Plant City resident for 15 years. “We tore out and replaced everything except for the original tin counter that is now repositioned and refinished as the front of the bar,” Silver said. The spacious interior with extra seating in the intimate outside courtyard at the café entrance is set-up so that it can be easily transformed into party or business event space for The Catering Company, which forms the major part of the business. While the couple fully-support one another’s endeavors, make no mistake, the sole owner and CEO is astute businesswoman Sharon Silver, who says she is living her dream. A role-model for young women who wish for success, she received hers, the hard way… by earning it.


November 2011

As a then single mom, Sharon started her career as a server at Tampa Palms Country Club. The food and beverage manager took notice of her work ethic, attention to detail and ability to work with the public. He told her that she needed to be on the marketing side of the business and promoted her to assistant director of sales. When a directorship became available, she was given the position of director of sales. When offered the opportunity of opening Newland Communities Real Estate Group’s 3.5 million dollar facility, The Palmetto Club at Fishhawk, by District Manager Don White, she knew this was the last link she needed to establish her own business so she told him she would help establish the club for the first two years. After that she formed The Catering Company and made a partnership agreement to handle the catering side of six of Beef O’Brady’s restaurants. Within five years, she sold her shares in O’Brady’s back to them, and was completely on her own, having established her references as an outstanding caterer. The Reynolds Street location suited her needs to fulfill the last part of the dream, which was to open a café. “It seemed silly to waste a space built for catered events that are mostly (if on-site) held in the evenings so I was able to fulfill that dream by opening a café for breakfast and lunch,” Silver said. There is an open-kitchen policy that enables to public to have a peek at the café’s spotless kitchen at any time. For those of us who wonder from time-to-time at the condition of the kitchen in some of the places we have visited, this is a welcome bonus and certainly lets you have peace of mind about restaurant cleanliness.

Huge selection of George Strait Shirts Largest selection of Miss Me jeans in town Shop in the store for discounts in the restaurant! Join our rewards program.

November 2011


• Land Clearing • Demolition • Drainage • Ditch and Pond Cleaning and Mowing • Mulching & Mowing of Heavy Underbrush • Free Estimates

Bus: 813-986-4242 Cell: 813-293-4242

The most popular day to visit the café is on Burger Friday’s when you can sink your teeth into a half pound of juicy beef burger and perfect skin-on fries for only $5.95. Also a sampling of two styles of chicken was served, a grilled breast topped with the Southwest flavors of cheese and bacon sold in the four and six ounce weight sizes and chicken pieces and bowtie noodles, with a cilantro Alfredo sauce. Both the larger and smaller pieces of the chicken in each dish were fresh, tender and succulent. The café (unlike many restaurants) does not cover the quality and freshness of their meat and poultry with sauces. Not only were we assured of the freshness of all ingredients, Silver added, “We don’t use microwaves here. We use real food. None of it is ever frozen.” Meats and poultry are purchased locally from Clem’s Custom meats on Evers Street and all produce is also from Plant City. Downtown businesses will soon notice the old-fashioned three-wheel bicycle with a large basket containing bag lunches for the convenience of workers


who can’t leave their offices for lunch. After 2:00 p.m., the space is a strictly used for catering, although she and some of her staff of 13 may be working at off-site catering events at any time of the day or night as the occasion demands. The extensive catering menu includes suggestions for chambers of commerce, non-profits, churches and schools. Italian and Spanish menu’s, international hors d’oeuvre menu’s, brunch, picnics, various holidays, special events and even ideas for a baby shower. Some of her many clients include the Sheriff’s Department, Coca Cola Bottling Corp., and The National Guard. Already a rising star in business, Silver also owns Day Dreams Day Spa & Bath Shops in Brandon and Lakeland. In the future it’s my guess she will be one of Tampa Bay’s great female conglomerate entrepreneur’s. “I believe that God gives everybody a passion, if they would only recognize and then act on it,” she says.

November 2011

The Catering Company & Café

Well-established catering in Hillsborough County with newly opened café Location: 115 E. Reynolds in historic downtown Plant City Seating Capacity: 100 Phone: (813) 707-1447 Fax: (813) 707-1440 Web: E-Mail: Hours: Café, Mon.–Fri. 7:30am to 2:00pm Sat 8:00am to 2:00pm Closed Sunday Catering Hours: Through consultation with customized events held on café premises or off-site Seating Capacity: Approx. 100 Café Price Range: American-style cuisine Breakfast menu from $3.95 Lunches from $7.05 to approx. $8.00 Friday Special Burger & Fries plate $5.95 No alcohol in café. Full Liquor license for catering. Free beverage refills–coffee, tea & sodas

November 2011


“Family Owned & Operated Since 1961”

Solving Local Natural Resources Problems With Quality Technical Services Since 1946 by Jim Frankowiak The Hillsborough Soil and Water Conservation District has been promoting soil and water conservation in the county since 1946. Its goal is to solve local natural resource problems with quality technical services that are available at no charge. The District has an elected board of five supervisors that oversees a local grassroots program dealing with soil conservation, water conservation and other natural resource issues, including several educational activities. Hugh Gramling of Plant City is the current District Chairman. The district partners with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Though employees of Hillsborough County, district staffers are housed in NRCS offices in Plant City and have access to the equipment and resources of that federal agency, which traces its roots to the Soil Conservation Service established by Congress in 1935. This action recognized the importance of a national role in protecting the nation’s soil and water resources on private land in a voluntary, incentive-based approach. Though the name has changed to NRCS, its role and importance has remained the same over the decades. The agency, in association with partners such as the District, works on voluntary, science-based programs and problem solving at the community level. The lands that are the focus of this agency and its partners produce our food and fiber, provides habitat for fish and wildlife, filters our water and helps purify our air. Change brings challenges for conservation such as soil erosion, crop rotations, animal feeding operations, irrigation, grazing, urban sprawl, plus emergencies such as flooding and wildfires. “Much of our District work is associated with helping farmers and ranchers benefit from the incentivebased conservation programs that promote good stewardship and lead to sustainability of their operations,” said District Engineering Specialist Kim Ford. “Once contacted, we respond individually or with a team to determine what type of technical and design assistance will be needed. In addition to designing a plan for the farmer or rancher, we facilitate partnerships and resolve permit issues. Our work reduces the need for involvement by local and state regulatory agencies.”


November 2011

“Some regulatory applications and related documentation can be substantial,” said Ford. “We offer our expertise to help our customers take advantage of their opportunities by providing free technical assistance in a timely manner.” The services offered by the District and its partners are substantial. Here is an example of one client and how the District responded. Wayne Wiggins has a 50-acre site in the northeast area of Hillsborough County. It is an open and rural area with several ponds and low areas, some large trees and on-site conveyances that receive stormwater from the south and west. Wiggins wants to improve the land for agricultural use with several new fields for strawberries and two irrigation tailwater recovery ponds. District services have included the design of ponds for irrigation, stormwater and tailwater recovery for freeze protection, plus scheduling on site visits by representatives of other programs. In addition to Ford, the team assisting Wiggins included representatives from the Southwest Florida Water Management District and its FARMS Program, as well as Hillsborough County’s Environmental Protection Commission. Wiggins, whose family has lived in the Plant City area all the way back to the Civil War era, was not aware of the District and its services. “That all came about through a chance conversation with my former high school classmate Hugh Gramling,” said Wiggins. “Hugh put Kim Ford and me together and I have been very pleased with the response and overall quality of service I have received from Kim and the other members of the team he has assembled on my behalf.” “In addition to providing assistance with design and other considerations, the team assembled by Kim suggested a number of alternatives I am considering for both the near and long term,” said Wiggins. “This group is very familiar and experienced with a broad range of programs designed to assist farmers. That expertise is very helpful and I would encourage others in agriculture, both ranchers and farmers, to take advantage of these services.” For more information about the Hillsborough Soil and Water Conservation District, visit http://www.hillsboroughcounty. org/soilwater or call 813/757-3740.

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w w w. s h e l l s fe e d. co m

November 2011


Automated Weather Network Offering Text Message, Email Alerts to Growers by Jim Frankowiak On the 15th of this month, the Florida Automated Weather Network deployed an alert system that will notify users by either text or email when freeze conditions occur at any FAWN site in Florida. This is an important tool now available to the state’s agriculture industry. Notification in this manner allows production managers to receive important weather-related information enabling them to make decisions for freeze protection and saving water and energy while in the field. This is a subscription alert system with the cost for text message alerts at $50 per season. Email alerts are $20 per season. Both types of alerts can be received for a $60 subscription per season. To register, visit the FAWN website at: FAWN currently has 36 sites, located from Homestead to Jay, near Pensacola. There are plans to add an additional four sites. Most are located at University of Florida /Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) research centers, USDA facilities, Florida Division of Forestry sites, state/county parks and county Extension offices. FAWN is a program of UF/IFAS based in the Information Technology unit and working closely with the UF/IFAS Deans for Extension and Research. “This system was tested during the winter of 2010/2011 with funding from the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMN) with two FAWN sites, and the response to participate was overwhelming,” said FAWN Project Director Rick Lusher. “More than 500 users registered to receive the messages during the season and were well satisfied with the results.” For the winter of 2011/2012 and beyond, a system has been developed that will disseminate alerts from all 36 FAWN sites in the state. Registered subscribers will receive a set of four alerts on nights when temperatures are critically low. The first alert occurs when the temperature at a user-selected FAWN site falls to within two degrees Fahrenheit of the user-selected temperature. A second alert is sent when the temperature at the FAWN site is equal to the user-selected critical temperature. A third occurs when the temperature at the FAWN site rises to within two degrees Fahrenheit of the Wet Bulb Based Irrigation Cutoff Temperature for that site. The final alert takes place when the temperature at the FAWN site is equal to the Wet Bulb Based Irrigation Cutoff Temperature for that site. FAWN came about shortly after the National Weather Service discontinued the collection of weather data in rural locations and issued agricultural forecasts


November 2011

and advisories to alert Florida growers to potential freeze conditions. That service ended April 1, 1996 in an effort to reduce expenses. On the night of January 18-19, 1997, temperatures were expected to drop into the mid to upper 30s. However, that forecast was based on data collected at city and airport sites, which are typically warmer than rural areas. That night, temperatures in rural locations ended up much lower than forecasted and damage estimated at $300 million resulted primarily to winter vegetables. Due to the lack of rural weather information, growers were not aware of the potential for damaging temperatures. An Agricultural Weather Task Force was formed to find a solution to this problem – the lack of agricultural weather information. The task force included members of the Florida Farm Bureau, the Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association, Florida Citrus Mutual, the Florida Nurseryman Associations, Growers and Landscape Association, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, U.S. Senator Bob Graham’s office and UF/IFAS. FAWN was initiated in 1997 with a legislative appropriation to UF/IFAS. The network has grown to 36 sites currently and there are plans to add an additional four sites. FAWN’s database, originally designed by UF faculty and graduate students, has been upgraded and is now housed in the UF Computer Center with 24-hour support. From the inception of FAWN it was evident that the project had to have more than weather data. The original concept was to assist growers in managing their crops during cold weather. However, additional management tools have been developed to aid users in making informed production, harvesting and marketing decisions. Additionally, use of FAWN Cold Protection tools can save irrigation time during cold events, which can bring about substantial savings in both energy costs and water use. It must also be noted that non-agricultural users of FAWN continue to grow in number. The National Weather Services uses FAWN data when evaluating fire risks. The Florida Division of Emergency Management uses the data when tracking the southward progression of cold air, to monitor wind speeds during hurricanes and in making decisions regarding potential risks from weather events. The Florida Division of Forestry relies on the information when issuing burning authorizations, fighting forest fires and in monitoring smoke plumes and UF researchers use FAWN data for many projects. For more information about FAWN, visit:

Driscoll’s is very pleased to announce that we have created two new Programs for our Eastern Region to show our appreciation and commitment to our local Communities. Philanthropy Team Facilitator: Elaine Harris w/second of Michelle Williamson. Secretary: Ruth Rojas w/second of Judy Rojas Treasurer: Gilbert Blanco w/second of Amanda Collins Communication Lead: Elias Dominguez w/second of Esther Gutierrez Communicator/Action Project Coordinator: Jesse Garza Grantee Relationships: Gilbert Blanco Grower Liaison: Michelle Williamson Consultant/Advisor: Pedro Ruiz Consultant/Advisor: Mark Greeff

Our commitment is to –“ Inspire and Strengthen Communities and Facilitation with our Driscoll’s Employees, Growers, our Farm Workers and their Families and Non-Government Organizations.” Sustainability Team President: Ben Lahr Vice President: Pablo Kiger Budget and Data Analysis: Mathew Curran Facility Outreach: Jesse Romo Grower Outreach: Ben Lahr and Sambhav Connecting Internally: Donny Todd Sustainability Liaison: Juan Bueno Recycling: Donny Todd and Leticia Zavaleta Secretaries: Rosa Rodriguez and Leticia Zavaleta Consultant/Advisor: Pedro Ruiz Consultant/Advisor: Mark Greeff

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November 2011


Extension Agents Gain Diverse Recognition

HAUGHT FUNERAL HOME Serving Plant City and East Hillsborough County


by Jim Frankowiak Confirmation for value received and achievement comes in different ways. For some it’s pay for services rendered, for others it’s a “thank you for a job well done” and sometimes it comes from peers by way of recognition or other actions. Hillsborough County Extension Service Agents and faculty members Lynn Barber, Lisa Leslie, Rob Northrop, Shawn Steed and Alicia Whidden have each been recognized in a variety of ways over the past few months. They are all members of the team that provides educational service on behalf of both the University of Florida and Hillsborough County. Barber, who has responsibility for the Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Program, was recognized several times at the Florida Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals – Extension Professional Associations of Florida Awards Program. She took first place honors for her Florida Community Association Journal articles, second place for website Fact Sheets on Recycling Live Christmas Trees and Ten Tips for Protecting Your Landscape Plants from the Cold. She also won second place honors with Maria Carver for their Gardening Workshops brochure. Barber’s FloridaFriendly Landscaping™ Fact Sheets won the Gold National Award from the Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals. Family and Consumer Sciences Agent Leslie won the Educational Publication Team Award at the National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences, First Place Southern Region. She also received a Program of Excellence Award from the Florida Association of Family & Consumer Sciences. Leslie and her associates on the Extension Financial Management Focus Team won the Jim App Award from Interim Dean and Director of UF/IFAS Extension Millie Ferrer-Chancy. Northrop, who is responsible for urban, community and traditional forestry, has recently been appointed to the U.S. Forest Service Urban Interface Advisory Council for the 17-state Southern Region as a representative for Cooperative Extension and Universi-


November 2011

ties. The Council serves as liaison between the state and federal forestry agencies, national forests and universities within the region. Council members assist the U.S. Forest Service by identifying emerging forest conservation challenges associated with expanding metropolitan groins, identifying federal research needs, planning landowner education and assistance programs and developing new technologies to assist local governments. Steed, Extension Faculty & Area Commercial Ornamental Production Agent for Hillsborough & Polk Counties, won first place honors from the Florida Association of County Agriculture Agents (FACAA) for his individual newsletter, which also garnered him finalist honors from the National Association of County Agriculture Agents (NACAA). His website won state wide recognition (FACAA 1st place) and was a NACAA Southern Region Winner. Both were under the Communication Awards category for excellence in communicating programs and ideas to their clientele. Whidden, who is an Extension Faculty member with responsibility for Vegetables & Small Fruit, took home national (NACAA) and state (FACAA) honors for Search for Excellence in Farm Safety and Health. The honors recognized her development and implementation of an outstanding Extension educational program in farm health and safety. In 1914 Congress established the Extension Service to provide a means for disseminating and implementing research-based information from land-grant universities. The University of Florida is the state’s land-grant university. The transfer of knowledge from UF to people throughout the state is facilitated by “Extension” faculty located in each of Florida’s 67 counties. This partnership between counties and the university is the heart of the Cooperative Extension Service mission and enables the university to extend its knowledge base to each community. For more information about Extension and its programs, visit:

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October 2011

Flora B. Wallace—101, of Plant City died October 2, 2011. She was preceded in death by her husband Claude, daughter Hazel Edgeman and great-granddaughter Teressa Maureen Wallace.She is survived by 3 grandchildren, 5 great-grandchildren, 8 great-great-grandchildren and friend Emma J. Morgan. Kenneth Simpkins—57, of Plant City, died October 6, 2011. He is survived by his wife of 34 years, Cindy; son, Kenneth, Jr. “Gizzy”; brothers, Bobby (MeMe), Frankie (Bev), and Jimmy (Margie); and sisters, Doris O’Brien (Freddy),Viola Tayburn, Cora Best and Nora Stickle. Barbara Harvey—90, of Plant City died on October 7, 2011. She was born in Germany and moved to the states at nine years old. She was a member of St Clement Catholic Church,a pink lady at South Florida Baptist Hospital for 30 years, and a longtime seamstress. She is survived by two sons, Hans and Jimmy; 4 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren Betty K. Evers—95, of Welcome, Fl., passed away on Thursday, October 13, 2011, at Country Manor in Plant City. Betty was born March 23, 1916 in Sarasota, Fl., with her twin brother Billy to A.E. and Mary Alice Wilson, a pioneer family. Betty was predeceased by her husband, Horace Evers and son Jerry

Evers and brother Billy Wilson. She is survived by her son Allen Evers and wife Mayra and daughter-in-law Rose Stephenson, sisters Opal Benson and Dorothy Gunn; 9 grandchildren, many great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. Eloise Leab—66, of Thonotosassa, entered into rest at Melech Hospice House, Temple Terrace on October 14th, 2011. Born in Clinton TN, she was the child of Nan and Pauline Mosley. She was a member of First Missionary Baptist Church of Thonosassa FL, and a resident of the Plant City area since 1962. Survived by her beloved husband Kenneth who shared her life for 51 years. Children Kenneth Leab Jr., Melissa Harvey, and Karen Bridges, Grandchildren Derek, Somer, Kristopher, Joshua, Amber Tyler, and Sawyer and her sister Dorothy Dabney. Joann Tomlinson—70, passed away on October 17, 2011. Bertha Mae Dellie (Sistruck) Sanders—92, passed away on October 17, 2011. Eunice Louise Roach—87, passed away on October 21, 2011. William F. Kilpatrick—87, of Plant City passed away on October 26, 2011.

It has been an honor to serve you.

November 2011


GCREC Hosts Caladium Field Day by Jim Frankowiak Caladium growers and researchers from the Gulf Coast Research and Education Center (GCREC) gathered in mid October at the Center to learn of the latest developments impacting the industry and other information. The event was organized by Dr. Zhanao Deng, an environmental horticulturist overseeing the floriculture breeding program at the Center. Following welcome remarks from Center Director Dr. Jack Rechcigl, Plant Pathologist Dr. Natalia Peres presented a comprehensive summary of current results of her ongoing evaluation of fungicides for Pythium root rot control. Dr. Peres’ extensive evaluation included 10 fungicides applied both pre and post infection, seeking both curative and preventive performance at temperatures conducive to Pythium root rot growth. “From a preventive perspective, we found Heritage, Pageant and Insignia performed well, but it is important to note those fungicides are from the same chemical group and that is an important consideration to be recognized,” said Peres. Good prevention study performers were Subdue, Pageant and Banol, as well as Rainman. “However, neither Banol nor Rainman are yet labeled for ornamentals,” she said. “From a curative perspective, Subdue and Insignia did well, while Terrazole and Rainman are added good options for growers to consider,” said Dr. Peres. Evaluations will continue and Dr. Peres is anxious to hear from growers for additional study suggestion considerations. She noted a number of biological pesticides, including Red Shield, Serenade Soil and RSSI Bioworks, are next to be evaluated at the Center. Germplasm & Licensing Associate John Watson, a member of the IFAS Research Staff, then discussed licensing and the history of the Florida Foundation Seed Producers. “We are currently engaged with 45 crops and 23 plant breeders and most of our activities are governed by Material Transfer Agreements,” he said. Watson noted the UF/IFAS Cultivar Release Process is guided by the “significance of the contribution a new cultivar will make to the industry, including a comparison of advantages over disadvantages and the ultimate question – Will growers use the new cultivar?”


November 2011

Producers traces its history to 1943 when it was initially established as a not-for-profit entity. It was renewed in 1957 and in 1973 became a Direct Support Organization (DSO) of the University of Florida. Its role is multi-fold from the seed stock program, technology transfer and international property licensing to patent and license protection and marketing, Watson noted that currently the organization has 270 active licenses and that includes or will shortly include 18 caladium cultivars. Watson went on to discuss the varied structure for royalties, noting that “70 percent of royalty income was devoted to the breeding program with 20 percent going to breeders and the remaining 10 percent covering administrative costs.” Dr. Deng presented an update on new caladium varieties and the just released Cherry Tart (R201). His comments included bulb weight, volume of marketable bulbs and production indexes as compared to Red Ruffles, Sweetheart and Red Frill. “Cherry Tart performed well in all areas,” he said. Dr. Deng also reported on both 4 and 8-inch pot trials and estimated wholesale values which he reported at $20,000 per acre. Attendees were then given an update on a range of new varieties under study and their individual attributes at this stage of development. Dr. Deng then presented the emerging cell fusion technique and its potential for developing new varieties. “This process enables us to develop new varieties in a shorter period of time with the desired attributes and disease resistance.” He noted research is being underwritten by the Gloeckner Foundation and Florida Caladium Growers Association. One of the newest developments, according to Dr. Deng, “is the use of molecular markers or fingerprints of plant varieties that allow us to correctly and rapidly select potential breeding candidates. We are developing caladium specific markers and constructing a data base that will enable us to screen more plants in less time while increasing our rate of success,” he said. Dr. Deng and his colleagues then led attendees on a field tour enabling them to view various caladium varieties undergoing trials.

November 2011


Opening Thursday, December 1, 2011-Just in Time for Christmas!

RUTH HOHL BORGER NAMED TO NEW IFAS COMMUNICATIONS LEADERSHIP POST by Mickie Anderson Ruth Hohl Borger, a Michigan State University communications official, has been named assistant vice president for the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences and will lead IFAS’ communication and marketing efforts. Borger, currently communications director for MSU’s College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, will also lead the Information and Communication Services office. She’ll step into the new job Dec. 14, Jack Payne, UF senior vice president for agriculture and natural resources, announced. Borger was selected following a search that drew more than 40 applicants. Her title will be assistant vice president for IFAS Information and Communication Services. “IFAS does so much for this state, the country and even the world that many people don’t know about,” Payne said. “Ruth is the perfect person to help us find ways to strategically tell our story.” Payne has IFAS officials from all parts of Florida working toward a strategic plan that will incorporate the “three legs” of the IFAS mission: research, teaching and extension. Creating awareness about IFAS is among his top priorities. Borger said the fact that she will be part of IFAS’ leadership team speaks volumes about Payne’s commitment to communications. “IFAS is among the most respected entities in the land-grant university world,” she said. “We just need to find every way we


November 2011

possibly can to ensure that people outside that world are aware of that, too.” Borger’s role with IFAS Information and Communication Services will include oversight of the IFAS bookstore, graphics, web, news and video services, the Electronic Data Information Source for extension and the Solutions for Your Life website. “It’s going to be a huge challenge,” she said. “But I’m very excited about taking it on. The opportunity is so rich with potential.” Before Michigan State, Borger held leadership positions with Lansing Community College, Macomb Community College and Arizona State University. She has a doctor of education degree from Arizona State, a master’s degree from George Washington University and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Notre Dame. UF/IFAS is a federal, state and county partnership dedicated to developing knowledge about agriculture, human and natural resources, and the life sciences, and making that information accessible to the public. It has offices in every Florida county.

November 2011


AGRICULTURE REBOUNDS IN HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY Despite a sagging economy and a hard winter, agriculture has made a strong recovery in Hillsborough County. The Hillsborough County Agriculture Industry Development Program and County Extension have released the agriculture sales and acreage estimates for 2010. According to the data, the 2010 sales estimate of Hillsborough County agriculture products is almost $816 million, up nearly 5 percent from 2009. The total land area devoted to agriculture in the county is 258,979 acres; and although the amount of farmland has decreased 2.4 percent since 1997, the production value of the land is up 65 percent due to the increased farming of higher-value-per-acre commodities, such as strawberries and blueberries. Hillsborough County covers more than 1,000 square miles, of which 39 percent is used for agriculture production. The county ranks as the fourth largest producer of agricultural products in the state, and 59th out of 3,076 counties in the United States. Hillsborough has 2,843 farms, the second most of any county in Florida. Hillsborough County produces 90 percent of the strawberries grown in Florida, nearly 11 percent of the strawberries grown in the nation, as well as the most tropical fish of all counties in


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the state. Strawberries continue to be the highest sales crop at $366,046,522, which is almost 45 percent of the county’s total agricultural sales. Hillsborough also produces 14 percent of Florida’s tomatoes and 5 percent of the tomatoes grown in the U.S. The next highest sales crops after strawberries are: Ornamental plants are second with $144,403,830, accounting for 17.7 percent of annual sales. Vegetable production is third with $140,000,000, with 17.2 percent of annual sales. Aquaculture is fourth with $27,577,981 and 3.4 percent of annual sales. Beef cattle/pasture is fifth with $20,078,142 for 2.5 percent of annual sales. Local agriculture generates additional local economic impact by supporting related businesses such as banking, real estate, transportation, packaging, equipment, seed, agricultural suppliers and services, and marketing firms. According to a study completed in 2005, for every dollar of agricultural goods sold outside of the county, an estimated $l.86 is added to the local economy as a result of indirect and induced benefits.

November 2011


l r i G y t i C a Diary of e a “Country” Boy Trying to Rais


November 2011

They were intense. I told my son and my husband, “The Father is watering our plants!” I was so thrilled by the prospect of having His blessings on this educational experience. Of course my husband found it amusing to sarcastically reply, “Or washing them away,” as the rain grew heavier. I just kept the Faith though and on Monday when the last of the rains had cleared out, I waited for J to get off the bus and then we went to check on our vegetables. The deluge of rain had prevented us from going out all weekend. Our neighbor and her grandson joined us because they had heard from me about this adventure. Imagine our awe when we discovered that in only four days our broccoli, peas and lettuce had all sprouted! It seemed wholly amazing to the four of us that in just a few short days a handful of seeds had burrowed their way through the ebony sand. Not to mention the fact that though we read about the depths necessary for each seeds’ implantation we still guesstimated when we stuck them in the mix. That night J prayed, “God let us have Your patience and love to keep growing our plants.” So, with yummy vegetables beginning to peek through J’s hand-mixed soil, and utter joy over small miracles, we suddenly recalled the fact that we needed to get our strawberries. And that, my friends, is a story for another time…

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entry, we ended up purchasing a pre-mixed organic fertilizer, namely because I drive a Toyota Yaris and thusly I wasn’t about to fill my small but adequate trunk up with horse manure from Valrico (gross). So, having cleaned buckets, drilled holes and taped pieces of screen over said holes, we moved forward in the ‘dirt-mixing’ process. Utilizing one of the originally purchased black cement mixing trays, I poured half a bag of the Miracle Gro organic mix

in with one bag of Scott’s top soil. Then I told J to mix it (I really didn’t want to get dirt under my fingernails; I’m a city girl, remember?). To my amazement, Mr. Scared-OfPoop, dug in with both hands. We didn’t have a trowel or spade or other such farming accoutrement in which to till the earth and the enthusiasm with which he dug down to the bottom of the tray and flipped dirt was encouraging. So, as I was taking pictures of my son with his arms nearly up to the shoulders in dark black soil, he looked at me and asked, “When are we putting the poop in?” I had to chuckle as I replied, “That’s organic fertilizer you’re mixing, it’s already in there.” He looked away from me and down at the dirt his arms were encompassed in, then looked back up at me, shrugged and kept mixing. Now, that’s progress! Once he finished mixing multiple trays of dirt and fertilizer, we filled our ten buckets. Again, we didn’t have trowels so we were forced to use a small piece of metal gutter left over from one of my husband’s roofing jobs. I did the “shoveling” because I didn’t want to risk J cutting his hands on the makeshift trowel. “Do farmers improvise like this?” I had to wonder. But I digress…I think we were both quite excited about the next step in this adventure. J went inside and got our five packets of seeds and we planted two buckets each of all five varieties. That means we planted two broccoli, two spinach, two lettuce, two sugar snap peas and two tam jalapenos. My husband had recently added another water spicket to the side of the house we intended to set our garden up on, so we added a little water and placed our buckets in a straight line on the sunny side of the house. I have to tell you that J grouched about having to carry heavy buckets and though his face was covered in sweat, he did it anyway. That was on a Thursday. Amazingly it was the same day that the almostlastgroup of summer rains came through.


When last I left you we were talking about dirt (I guess the more politically correct agricultural term is “soil”). In the beginning of this endeavor I informed my son that we would need to get some horse manure from my friend, Sherry, for the purpose of fertilizing our vegetation. He wrinkled up his face, shook his head and responded vehemently, “I’m not touching poop!” To which I retorted, like all good mothers attempting to educate their children, “Oh yes you are. You want to be ‘country,’ you’re gonna grow things the way organic farmers do.” Again he shook his head in rebellion but knew better than to open his mouth any further (I’ve trained him well, or at least I like to think so). However, as I told you in the previous



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The Mystics, including, original members of the group, George Galfo and Phil Cracolici, will celebrate the spirit of the season with classical Christmas songs. P.J. Leary’s Las Vegas Sounds also perform.


Richie Merritt, formally of the Marcels, will be performing in the Red Rose Dining Room. Also, P.J. Leary’s Las Vegas Sounds perform before and after the show.


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Performing in the Red Rose Dining Room.

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November 2011




or seven years In The Field magazine has been covering what is growing in Hillsborough County. We teamed up with Hillsborough County Farm Bureau from the very first issue with the intent to raise awareness of agriculture, the farmer and rancher, and what goes in to getting food on your table each day. We bring you informative as well as entertaining articles in order to build a better understanding of the agriculture industry. Each of us has a connection to agriculture. It doesn’t matter if you don’t own a pair of boots, if you live in the country or city, if you don’t rise with the sun and stay at work in the fields or on the ranch until the work is finished; each of us has this connection. You will be amazed to find the areas that agriculture touches. These are the stories we want to bring to you on a monthly basis. We decided to select a feature story from each year of the existence of In The Field magazine and do a recap of that article. The task of selecting which feature articles from past issues to highlight was a difficult one. Basically we put the names in a hat and this is what we came up with. This is just a brief overview of the article as it ran. We hope you enjoy it!

The very first issue of In The Field magazine was released in November 2004. On the cover was long time rancher Ed Varn, owner of a 1,700-acre ranch just north


of Plant City. At the time of the article, Mr. Varn was 82 years old and still working on the ranch. Just about every day found him repairing fence, helping with cattle roundup or just out checking his cattle. His great grandfather and family came from South Carolina in 1850 and settled in Bartow. In 1918, while living in Brandon, his father purchased property in Knights Station, the property where he now lives. The move from Brandon to Knights Station took place in 1926. When his parents passed away he inherited the homestead and continued to acquire adjacent property. When asked how long he intended to continue at this pace, he remarked, “This is all I know. I don’t think I’ll ever quit. When my time comes to leave this work, you’ll most likely find me some where on the ranch. I hope the good Lord lets me finish what ever job I was working on at the time before he calls me.”

In the September 2006 issue, In The Field magazine highlighted one of the outstanding youth in Hillsborough County, Yancy Ray. At the time, 12-year-old Yancy was the sole proprietor of Little Man’s Nursery, which boasted numerous trees and ornamentals, as well as a greenhouse filled with 3000 blueberry cuttings. He not only sold plants but he also had customers pay for his landscaping capabilities. Yancy is the son of blueberry growers, Sheri and Robert Ray and started working on the family farm at the tender age of

November 2011

seven. He started showing both chickens and plants through his 4H club and has won many awards. Yancy applied for and received a loan from USDA after submitted a four-year business plan for opening a plant nursery and blueberry farm.

In March of 2007 we took you inside the life of Dennis Carlton, who always wanted to be a cowboy. This seventh generation Floridian is a cattle rancher, citrus grower and real estate developer. Throughout his career, Carlton has been defined by wise decisions concerning both land acquisitions and the environment. “Whenever a piece of land comes into my care, I try to improve and restore it as much as possible,” he said. Carlton’s desire to preserve Florida’s natural resources is to be admired. Riding into the woods or out on the open range several times a week, “keeps me focused on what is really important.” The story written in 2007 ended with this paragraph: When Adlerman Carlton settled in Florida in 1843, Florida was an untamed frontier full of promise. Surely he would be proud of the wisdom and heart that his descendant, Dennis Carlton, pours into preserving its natural resources and beauty. A cowboy with a passion for protecting the land, Carlton concludes, “I have been blessed to do a lot of things, and everything that I do seems to revert back to the land.”

In September 2008, the last of the original faculty of Plant City High School retired. Ray Clark began with a teaching internship in 1972 and in 2008 he retired as Agriculture Department Chairman. His career was marked by many instances of student FFA achievements at the local, state and national levels, with an endless string of former students making their mark in agriculture and the community. “I am particularly proud to have had five students become national FFA officers, including Chris Vitelli, who was national president,” said Mr. Clark. In addition, he had 17 students who became state FFA officers. Mr. Clark pointed out that the honors and awards won were due to hard working students, involved parents and a very supportive community. “This area has always supported agriculture. If we ever needed volunteers or financial support for a program or student, help was just a phone call away. I can say the very same thing for the administration of Plant City High School and the great agriculture teachers I have worked with for 36 years.” Born in Plant City, Mr. Clark grew up in western Polk County. “We had cattle on our farm and we were involved in citrus, grew bell peppers and strawberries.” After attending Kathleen High School, Polk Junior College and the University of Florida, Mr. Clark headed to Plant City to begin his amazing career.

In September 2009 In The Field magazine introduced you to Hugh Gramling, the Executive Director of Tampa Bay Wholesale Growers Association. Gramling heads up this Limited Agricultural Association in Plant City, founded upon the concept of nurserymen working with other nurserymen in Hillsborough County. “That spirit of mutual cooperation has continued and it is a hallmark of our group,” he said. Gramling, well known for his volunteer efforts, was at the time of the 2009 article, secretary of the Southwest Florida Water Management District Government Board, Chair Ex-officio, Hillsborough River Basin Board, SWFWMD, Chair, Hillsborough County Soil and Water Conservation District, Chair, Hillsborough County Agricultural Economic Development Council, Chair, Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscaping Association Research Committee, Chair, Hillsborough County Water Technical Advisory Committee and President, Southern Regional of International Plant Propagators Society. In addition, he was a Director of the Florida Agricultural Hall of Fame Foundation and member of the IFAS Invasive Plant Working Group, an Advisory Committee member for both the Gulf Coast and MidFlorida Research and Education Centers and the IFAS Florida Medical Entomological Lab and Board member of the Plant City Chamber of Commerce. Wow. He said, “I am pleased to represent the association on these various groups since it legitimizes and supports our position regarding the importance of science to the regulatory process.”

In October 2010, our feature article was on John Stickles with Florida Pacific Farms, growers of delicious strawberries. The farm had just recently been awarded with a CARES (County Alliance for Responsible Environmental Stewardship) award. The program, initiated by Florida

November 2011

Farm Bureau and the Suwannee River Partnership, highlights efforts by farm owners to improve natural resource management in the Suwannee River Basin. Stickles relocated to Dover from California after growing up on agricultural lands in San Diego County in southern California.

In February 2011 we highlighted Wishnatzki Farms, which originated when Harris Wishnatzki left his native Russia to come to the United States to pursue the American dream for his family. Mr. Wishnatzki met a fellow pushcart peddler and a wholesale business was born. After spending several winters in Florida buying produce, Mr. Wishnatzki moved his family to the area in 1929. Gary Wishnatzki has been at the helm since 1990 and under his guidance the firm has grown steadily. Now Wishnatzki Farms is Florida’s largest strawberry shipper, an achievement the company has recorded for the last five decades. Other products are shipped throughout the year including blueberries, bell pepper, cantaloupe, eggplant, squash, pickling cucumbers, cherry tomatoes and grape tomatoes. Consumers are assured the produce they buy is traceable and there’s even a way for them to log comments on the Fresh QC website regarding the product they purchased by simply entering its unique pick number from the package label. This is just a brief overview of a few of the feature articles from the seven years In The Field magazine has been in existence. We appreciate your confidence and support as we look forward to many more years of Covering What Is Growing in Hillsborough County! •









November 2011

November 2011


Hillsborough County Fair Enjoys Another Year of Growth Progress on All Fronts by Jim Frankowiak

The 2011 Hillsborough County Fair scored a success once again as great weather and growing programs boosted attendance by nearly 20 percent, according to its Executive Director Tom Umiker. “While attendance is one measure of success, every area of livestock - beef, dairy, poultry, rabbits, sheep, goats and swine - all saw increased numbers of animals and exhibitors. We feel that is particularly noteworthy since many fairs in the U.S. are seeing declining numbers,” said Umiker. The fair, which took place October 12-16, is located at its permanent home five miles east of Brandon on State Road 60. “Our Family Living area had increased participation, especially in the Photography and Arts area,” said Umiker. “And our Talent Showcase and Competitions were up substantially, too. The weekend prior to the fair, two events were held. On Saturday evening Morgan Boykin was chosen Harvest Queen of the Fair and Georgia Foster was picked Junior Harvest Queen. Both are students at Strawberry Crest High School. The event was also the setting for recognition of several individuals and businesses as recipients of the Fair’s annual Harvest Awards. Farm Family of the Year honors went to Carl and DeeDee Grooms of Plant City, while the Agribusiness of the year title went to Rick Martinez’ Sweetwater Farm in urban Tampa. The Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to retired Plant City High School Ag Instructor Ray Clark and the honor of Urban Agriculturalist of the Year was bestowed on the Tampa Heights Community Garden. Kitty Wallace of Tampa was


given the Outstanding Public & Community Service award. The next day’s Open Meat Goat Show, despite extremely adverse weather conditions, “was only down slightly.” The Fair’s 3rd Annual Ranch Rodeo also grew and “has proven to be not only entertaining, but also educational for our suburban fairgoers,” said Umiker. The rodeo format pits real ranch hands doing everyday ranch activities in competition against teams from other ranches. “I believe it is very important to note that none of this could be accomplished without a large volunteer corps from ticket sellers, parking lot attendances, garbage pullers, animal pen erectors and haulers to sign posters and decorators,” said Umiker. “Without our group of dedicated volunteers there would be no fair let alone one that continues to grow every year. The same is true of our sponsors. Their ongoing support is appreciated and vital as we proceed from year to year.” Umiker said the Fair, which is held on an 80-acre site owned by Hillsborough County, is focused on several areas which make it unique and unlike the annual State Fair or Strawberry Festival. “We are modeled much after traditional fairs where the focus is family involvement, providing an opportunity for people engaged in many facets of agriculture to compete and given urbanities a chance to learn about agriculture and its importance,” said Umiker. “Our various events give youngsters a chance to experience competition on a less intense scale so they can grow and enjoy participation before they move on to more intense venues. Competition is good, but kids interacting with other kids

November 2011

is important, too. Our continued growth in all facets confirms our belief that there is interest in fairs like ours.” The Fair also included the 14th Annual Teenage Battle of the Bands, arts, crafts and photography. The crafts category included stained glass, needlework, knitting, quilting, handicrafts and sewing apparel. There was also the World of Cooking, Canning, Baking and a Just for Kids section. “We even have a Recycled Yard Art Competition where the artists’ imagination is really at work,” said Umiker. The Harvest Pageant also had a category for babies and children. Fairgoers were hard-pressed to leave the grounds hungry. The Fair included the FishHawk Rotary’s Annual Chili Cookoff, the 4H Foundation Bar-B-Que Dinner Fundraiser and Cattlewomen’s Youth Beef Cooking Contest. Lots of traditional fair food was available, as well. Animal lovers enjoyed some unusual events such as pigracing and swimming, as well as Horses Got Talent Too and the Weird, Wacky & Wonderful Variety Show. Horticulture and agriculture was on display throughout the Fair with both youth and adult shows and the annual FNGLA Nurserymen’s Plant Sale. The 2011 Fair also introduced an Antique Tractors, Engineers and Machinery Exhibit. Umiker said the Fair hopes to have a new exhibition building, a multi-use arena and two livestock barns completed in time for the 2012 Fair. For more information on the Hillsborough County Fair and dates for the 2012 event, visit:

November 2011


Hillsborough County Fair Results Youth Dairy Show

Costume Contest 1st–Blane Rogers–Scarecrow & Cornfield 2nd–Emily Linton–Little Miss Muffet & Her Spider Beside Her 3rd–Kyleigh Glenn–Little Red Riding Hood & OH! Is that Grandma maybe not but the BIG BAD WOLF 4th–Siera Linton–Pirate Princess & Parrott Showmanship Contest Junior Showmanship–Kyleigh Glenn Intermediate Showmanship–Ty Hamilton Senior Showmanship–Trent Johnson Dairy Show Class Winners: Ayrshire Breed–Trent Johnson • Class 1–McKeen Potter Lassie • Class 3–McKeen Masterpiece Crystal • Class 4–Tommy Key Harmony Morgan • Class 7–McKeen Harmony Margo • Reserve Jr. Champion–Tommy Key Harmony Morgan • Jr. Champion–McKeen Potter Lassie • Class 11 –McKeen Iceman Lilly • Class 13–McKeen Tommy Little Bit • Reserve Sr. Champion–McKeen Iceman Lilly • Sr. Champion–McKeen Tommy Little Bit • Reserve Grand Champion–McKeen Tommy Little Bit • Grand Champion–Tommy Key Harmony Morgan Brown Swiss Breed • Class 1 –Sweet T Sugar Daddy Bugsy–Aaron Dunn • Class 2–Red Brae Lonnie–Lauren Poley • Class 5–CIE McKeen Wurl Buttercup–Emily Linton • Class 6–CIE FTE Shaner 1-137 Grace–Blane Rogers • Class 7–Hug-M-All Dynasty Posch–Ty Hamilton • Class 8–CIE Spices Powdered Sugar–Ty Hamilton • Reserve Jr. Champion–CIE FTE Shaner 10137 Grace–Blane Rogers • Jr. Champion–Red Brae Lonnie–Lauren Poley • Class 11–McKeen Mardi Maddy –Trent Johnson • Class 13–CIE McKeen Collection Molly–Trent Johnson • Reserve Sr. Champion–CIE McKeen Collection Molly–Trent Johnson • Sr. Champion –McKeen Mardi Maddy –Trent Johnson • Reserve Grand Champion–Red Brae Lonnie–Lauren Poley • Grand Champion–McKeen Mardi Maddy –Trent Johnson

Guernsey Breed • Class 7–McKeen Royal Sherry–Trent Johnson • Jr. Champion–McKeen Royal Sherry–Trent Johnson • Class 11–Lily–Michelle Gullans–Armwood FFA • Class 13–McKeen Nitro Sweet Pea–Trent Johnson • Reserve Sr. Champion–Michelle Gullans–Armwood FFA • Sr. Champion–McKeen Nitro Sweet Pea–Trent Johnson • Reserve Grand Champion–Michelle Gullans–Armwood FFA • Grand Champion–McKeen Nitro Sweet Pea–Trent Johnson Holstein Breed • Class 1 –Daze–Riverview FFA • Class 2–Misty Moo–Arista Georgiou–Alonso FFA • Class 3–Magnolia–Morgan Whorley • Class 4–LuLu–Daniel Paul • Class 5–NLNH Lollipop Comet Hammer–Nicholas Hammer • Class 6–Hobbs Carey Blastoff 4009 Angel–Blane Rogers • Class 7–BM Smith Maxlife Trinity–Bri Smith • Class 8–Josie–Taylor Reed • Reserve Jr. Champion–Misty Moo–Arista Georgiou–Alonso FFA • Jr. Champion–BM Smith Maxlife Trinity–Bri Smith • Class 11 –NLNH Piper River–Nicholas Hammer • Class 13–Dalton–Nicholas Hammer • Reserve Sr. Champion–NLNH Piper River–Nicholas Hammer • Sr. Champion–Dalton–Nicholas Hammer • Reserve Grand Champion–Dalton–Nicholas Hammer • Grand Champion–BM Smith Maxlife Trinity–Bri Smith Jersey Breed • Class 1–H&N Buttercup’s Ginger Showtime–Nicholas Hammer • Class 2–Red Bud–Alyssa Uptegraff • Class 4–Wesselhoffs Sunset Jewel–Nathan Cox • Reserve Jr. Champion–H&N Buttercup’s Ginger Showtime– Nicholas Hammer • Jr. Champion–Wesselhoffs Sunset Jewel–Nathan Cox • Class 12 –Dixie–Michelle Gullans–Armwood FFA • Class 13–Precious Paramount Pride N Passion–Trent Johnson • Reserve Sr. Champion–Dixie–Michelle Gullans–Armwood FFA • Sr. Champion–Precious Paramount Pride N Passion–Trent Johnson • Reserve Grand Champion–Wesselhoffs Sunset Jewel–Nathan Cox • Grand Champion–Precious Paramount Pride N Passion–Trent Johnson

SUPREME CHAMPION–ALL-BREEDS Precious Paramount Pride N Passion–Trent Johnson

Major Dairy Contributors Publix Super Market Charities F.O.E. Ladies Auxiliary #3566 Dakin Dairy Farms, Inc. The Campbell Group of FL McIntyre, Panzaerella, Thanasides, Hoffman, Bringgold & Todd P.L. Florida Mineral Salt & Ag Products Friends of Dairy

Jersey–Josh, Lauren & Jacob Churchwell and Merc Animal Health Halter Sponsor: F.C. Mullis Plumbing, Inc.

Red Team Sports–Ted Koonz & Tami Bullock FarmTek


Tampa South RV Sales –Gene & Jody Holcomb

Supreme Dairy Champion Sponsor

Southeast Milk, Inc.–Feed Division

Lithia Woodworks –Vernon Blackadar Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion Sponsors

Ayrshire–Suzanne Churchwell Halter Sponsor: Lay’s Western Wear Brown Swiss –Vernon & Sandy Blackadar Halter Sponsor: Hinton Farms Produce, Inc. Guernsey –American Guernsey Association Halter Sponsor: Swilley Johnson Electric Holstein–North Florida Holsteins Halter Sponsor: Beef O’Brady’s–Plant City


Berry Publications, Inc.–In the Field Magazine Plant City Realty, Inc. Fleet Products Junior Champion & Reserve Junior Champion Sponsor Showmanship Sponsors

Pee Wee Showmanship: Florida Dairy Farmers & Tower Dairy Showmanship Buckles: F.O.E. Ladies Auxiliary #3566 Clipping Contest Sponsors

McIntyre, Panzaerella, Thanasides, Hoffman, Bringgold & Todd P.L. Herdsman Award Sponsor

Hoards Dairyman Magazine

November 2011

Costume Contest Sponsor Additional Contributors

FarmTek Florida Redneck Goatropers Chris & Suzanne Holcomb Cabot Cheese

Hillsborough County 4-H Dairy Club Mynatt Insurance D&J Farms–Kahelin Family Suzanne Churchwell Walmart–Bloomingdale Store Florida Dairy Farmers Tower Dairy Sweetie Pies In Memory of Lee Holcomb Alex & Janet Aversa Hillsborough County 4-H Dairy Club

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Clipping Contest 1st–Nicholas Hammer 2nd–Ty Hamilton 3rd–Arista Georgiou–Alonso FFA

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50¢ OFF Medium or Large


November 2011

with this coupon ( limit 4 ) Expires 12/31/2011 cannot be combined with any other offers 1902 W Reynolds Plant City, FL


Hillsborough County Fair Results Pygmy Goat Show

Showmanship Intermediate 1st Justin Ferrell of Odessa Wranglers 4H 2nd Lauren Foster of Odessa Wranglers 4H

Best Res Jr Doe Taylor Neslon with Danika

Showmanship Senior 1st Taylor Nelson of Sickles FFA 2nd Shane Painter of Sickles FFA 3rd Ambria Llauger of Sickles FFA 4th Tabatha Manascalco of Chamberlain FFA 5th Jen Sawicki of Sickles FFA Best Junior Wether Justin Ferrell with Wee Rock Farm Tegan

We Tell Your Stories

Grand Champion Jr Doe Justin Ferrell with Wee Rock Farm Clementine Res Grand Champion Jr Doe Taylor Nelson with Danika

and the stories of your friends, family and neighbors...

Best Sr Doe Justin Ferrell with Oak Haven Farm Maybe Baby Best Res Sr Doe Jen Sawicki with Oak Haven Farm Siloutte

Best Sr Wether Justin Ferrell with Oak Haven Farm Weebil Best Res Sr Wether Jen Sawicki with Oak Haven Farm Hardcastle Grand Champion Wether Justin Ferrell with Oak Haven Farm Weebil Res Grand Champion Wether Justin Ferrell with Wee Rock Farm Tegan Best Jr Doe Justin Ferrell with Wee Rock Farm Clementine

Apr. 15-May 15, 2011


Mar. 15-Feb. 15, 2011



Grand Champion Sr Doe Justin Ferrell with Oak Haven Farm Maybe Baby

Best Reserve Junior Wether Darci Kleback with Locomotion

August 15–September 15, 2011

June 15–July 15, 2011


D&K Farms

Layna Blount

Res Grand Champion Sr Doe Jen Sawicki with Oak Haven Farm Siloutte

A Family Tradition

Best in Show Justin Ferrell with Oak Haven Farm Weebil Res Best in Show Justin Ferrell with Oak Haven Farm Maybe Baby


Hil lsb oro ugh Cou nt y Far m Bur eau

Sponsors Fox’s Feed Depot,Tanya Ferrell Supporters and Volunteers Debra Piper, Stacy and Larry Dailey, Kelsey Fagan, Hailey Smith, Pam Lunn, BJ Fernandez

Covering What’s Growing m

Billy Keith Williams

Owners Jade & Ashlyn Banks

June 2011


May 15–June 15,

Covering What’s Growing

August 2011



Covering What’s Growing

www.InT 1 m

April 2011


September 15–October 15, 2011


Covering What’s Growing

1 m

Feb. 15 - Mar.

March 2011

15, 2011

FIELD MAGAZINE 1 JulyHE15–August 15, 2011 INT




Hillsborough County Fair Results

Gary Wishnatzki

Justin Gill Memorial Beef Breed Show

Showmanship Winners Junior Division – Clayton Brock Intermediate Division – Anna Conrad Senior Division – Riley Brown

Scholarship Recipients Cattlewomen’s College Scholarship – Kelsey Hull Cattlewomen’s Kelly Nobles Memorial High School Scholarship – Alli Thomas

Steer Winners Grand Champion – Riley Brown Reserve Grand Champion - Jake Maxwell

“Big-Gift” Winner Brittany Brown

Commercial Heifer Winners Grand Champion – Jordan Pugh Reserve Grand Champion – Ashley Nobles All Other Breed Heifer Winners Grand Champion – Anna Conrad Reserve Grand Champion – Madi Conrad Herdsmen Winners Junior Division – Layton Pharis Intermediate Division – Kasey Lewis Senior Division – Alli Thomas


November 2011

David Spivey

at’s Growing Coveringagazin

Wishnatzki Farms:


An ti oc h C ri tt er s 4- H C lu b

May 2011




Covering What’s Growing


A 90 Year Lega


2011 Florida Cattlemen’s Association Sweetheart

Spivey Farms

September 2011


Covering What’

www.InTheField 1 Magazine.c


s Growing

Covering What’s Growing

February 2011


SPONSORS The Gill Family / Lonesome G Ranch Harold’s Feed & Pet Supply AMS Shorthorns Midway Welding Land’s Feed & Farm Supply Cowboys Western World Southside Farm Supply HC Cattlemen & Cattlewomen Julia McConnell, Melissa Sampson & Linda Sosa Olive Peat Company/Temple Terrace Industries



July 2011



These past issues and more are available online at 813/759-6909



November 2011



Florida Strawberry Festival Gives Money to University of Florida Gulf Coast Research and Education Center The Florida Strawberry Festival is a proud supporter of the Strawberry Industry and its local farmers. Once again, the Festival’s Board of Directors has approved a donation to the University of Florida Gulf Coast Research and Education Center. A check written in the amount of $20,000 was given to Gulf Coast Research and Education Center Director and Professor, Jack Rechcigl, Ph.D. on Monday, October 31, 2011. In 2010, the funds given by the Festival were used to fund two graduate students who performed research focused on strawberry breeding to help improve production and quality of the strawberry, as well as water conservation which researches alternatives to freeze protection. “On Behalf of the University of Florida Gulf Coast Research and Education Center, I would like to thank the Florida Strawberry Festival for their kind donation to help fund graduate student scholarships. In particular, the students that receive those scholarships will be working on research projects that will help support the strawberry industry in Plant City,” says Dr. Rechcigl. Festival President, Ron Gainey said he is “pleased to learn that the funds donated today will be used to assist in research to help find alternatives to weed killers. Finding the alternatives

Parrish Threads

ats Shirts • H

• Visors • Jackets •

Bags • Stonework

gs a B w o r s , P e T l t a y c r e o m T r a t & s e b . Straw cts..

to the recently outlawed Methyl Bromide is crucial to our local farmers and a successful strawberry season.” The Florida Strawberry Festival Staff and Board of Directors appreciates the dedicated research of the University of Florida and their commitment to the strawberry industry. Be sure to come out and eat some of the delicious strawberries at the 2012 Florida Strawberry Festival March 1 – March 11, 2012. For more information on all the Florida Strawberry Festival events, log on to or call the main office at 813-752-9194.

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Just for YOU!

4837 Goff Road • Plant City, FL 33567

Sales to Growers, Organizations and Individuals


Barbara & Rachel Parrish, Owners Established 1995

Swine Tag-In at Strawberry Festival On September 12, 85 Hillsborough County FFA and 4-H students were drawn to participate in the swine show and sale at the 2012 Florida Strawberry Festival. On October 24, all 85 students and their precious pigs came out to the Festival for the initial tag-in. The tag-in took place at the Carriage House on Festival grounds from 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm. The purpose of the tag-in is to give each pig a number to use as identification during the Festivals swine show and sale. While at the tag-in, students received their record book. Farm Credit is the proud sponsor of the Swine Record Books for the Florida Strawberry Festival. Students are encouraged to do their best caring for their animal and keeping a neat and accurate record book. With this project, each student will learn skills in production, management, and marketing that will help them throughout their lifetime. The record book is to be completed by the student as it is used to provide important information on Festival and animal safety, provide photos of the swine’s growth, and keep a running list of expenses used to care for the swine. Mark your calendars!! These 85 youth and their swine will take the spotlight in the show ring Thursday, March 1, 2012 at the Florida Strawberry Festival. Be sure to come out and support our local youth! For more information on all the Florida Strawberry Festival events, log on to or call the main office at 813-752-9194.


November 2011

November 2011


Farm Credit—Your

One Stop Lender Verna McKelvin, Manager

Sweetwater Sundays

Sweetwater Organic Community Farm hosts a true seasonal farmers market every Sunday from November through May. In its sixth year the Market will take place on Sweetwater Farm, an urban organic farm in the Town n’ Country area of Tampa. The Market will be open every Sunday during their growing season from November through the end of May 2012, 12 PM to 4 PM, excluding holidays (Christmas, New Year, Easter). With space for 25 vendors, market-goers will enjoy a variety of sustainably grown agricultural products direct from the farmer, some of which is grown by Sweetwater Farm. Shoppers will also enjoy a variety of handmade goods, fair trade coffee, artisan breads, farm-fresh eggs, local honey, environmentally-friendly products, as well as healthy take-home and ready-to-eat foods. Sweetwater Sundays will also feature incredible talent every Sunday in its “Sunday Music Series” with Tampa Bay’s finest local musicians from 1 PM to 3 PM and an open mic from 12 to 1 and 3 to 4. The Farm also hosts a monthly farm tour, workshops, and a field trip program. Check www.sweetwater-organic. org for details.


November 2011

The Ybor City Saturday Market is an “open air” market that comes to life EVERY Saturday, year round, rain or shine, 9 am-3 pm (summer hours, 9 am-1 pm) in Centennial Park in Historic Ybor City (corner of 8th Avenue and 19th Street). We are the original open air market in Tampa Bay, celebrating 11 years of continued success in 2011. The market offers locally produced items including fresh produce and bread, fine cigars, honey, specialty jellies, gourmet baked goods (cupcakes, biscotti, pound cakes, cakes, cookies, pies and more), prepared foods, plants, flowers, jewelry, dog treats and accessories, imported goods, to a large variety of arts and crafts, and so much more! The market has between 60-70 talented crafters and local entrepreneurs offering their unique wares and displaying their incredible talents. We are very proud to host our ever popular annual family/multi-cultural events as fundraisers for the market! *Flan Fest (last Saturday in February) *Festival Del Sabor (2nd Saturday in October) *Paws In Ybor (3rd Saturday in April) New vendors are always welcome! The Ybor City Saturday Market is looking to expand in all areas. Come join the “Saturday Market Family” in a family-friendly environment that is a great place to make new friends and promote your business. Appropriate vendors will include a wide range of items, especially those that might be unique to our area. Take the TECO Streetcar Line and get off at the last stop. We offer FREE parking, FREE admission, and pets are welcome. The Ybor City Saturday Market is a non-profit (501-c-3) organization that relies strictly on sponsorship, donations, and vendor fees to operate. For more information: Facebook Page: Ybor City Saturday Market 813.241.2442 email:

Familiar Faces Dedicated to Serving

Local Families “Our family” has been providing compassionate care for 115 years and we’re always looking for ways to enhance our services to you. Wells Memorial Funeral Home is operated by people who live in the Plant City area, who are committed to providing the highest quality of service. And, as your neighbors, we are ready to help whenever you need us. Exclusive provider of Dignity Memorial® benefits.

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November 2011


Perfect Love

by Ginny Mink

A Boutique with Heart

As we watch our country’s economy slip into a terrifying abyss, as we experience increased joblessness and fearfulness of our own employment insecurity, many of us are driven to dream. We dream of walking away from corporate instability and being the authors of our own economic fates. Yet, how many of us visualize methods in which to create businesses that do more than just secure incomes for ourselves and our families? What percentage of today’s entrepreneurs’ dream of erecting a company that serves a mission-based idealism? Though the answers to these questions have not been researched by the Barna Group, yet, there is at least one woman in Plant City whom endeavors to do just that. If you’re like my 78 year old Mammaw, you were sad to see the Frenchman’s Market close it doors, but Sheri LeDuc is opening that very cool building back up to the public, albeit on a smaller scale. She has rented a portion of the space therein to start TWO-Lips Tack ‘N Togs. No doubt that’s a mouthful, but given her ideas, it will also be an eye-full to all who peruse her merchandise. Sheri is basing her business on Matthew 5:13-16, verses that tell believers that we are the salt and light of this world and therefore must do our utmost to live in a way that will bring praise to the Father. Thusly, the “Boutique’s mission is to glorify God, to enrich and inspire the lives of everyone we touch!” The mission side of her business comes from personal experience. She explains, “My sister is in a domestic violence situation and she’s a single mom of three children so I want to reach out to single moms. We are starting a shoebox ministry for single moms and children. People can put things in the boxes that they’d like to receive and once they’re filled we will mail the boxes to people whose names have been submitted.” The business itself is a consignment boutique for “high-end, designer label clothing, jewelry, home fashion/décor and pageant dresses but our niche is actually equestrian.” Sheri wanted to start something that was “unique and different.” When considering the name she didn’t want to use something overtly Faith-based, but she did want it to have meaning. She chose TWO-Lips, a fun spelling of her favorite flower,


November 2011

tulips. Then, according to her, she discovered that the word tulip means “perfect love, which was Jesus.” And, she adds, “All God wants from us is to love one another.” Sheri’s boutique is so eclectic it defies description. It’s going to be one of those places you just have to visit yourself, and come November 21 that’s exactly what you’ll need to do. However, for the sake of explanation, we will attempt to provide you with a small glimpse. Sheri’s husband is a musician and a worship pastor so he desires to include vintage guitars in the shop. Sheri says she’s trying to cater to Plant City and so far, Plant City’s residents have been dictating her inventory. Currently she has, “pageant gowns, designer handbags (Dooney & Bourke, Coach and Brighton), fashions and apparel. We’ve got a lady who designs jewelry, a lady who designs horse blankets and we’ll be carrying professional make-up.” As if all that’s not enough, they intend to also house a coffee shop within their seven hundred square foot boutique. The coffee is being supplied by Monica Fleming with Divine Coffee House. The aromatic brewable beans are of the Organo Gold label, but there’ll be smoothies and tea available too. Think about it, you can go in, grab a cup of coffee, get a prom dress, purchase a new-to-you saddle for your Arabian and add a gift for a family in need, all in one trip! Sheri wants people to know that she’s not in this for the profit. Actually, she says there are other reasons for doing this aside from her sister’s predicament, “My mom can no longer work at Lowe’s because she just had her voice box taken out. I want to give my mom and my 16 year old daughter work and take some pressure off my husband who is a tug boat captain one week on, one week off.” The shop is still taking in inventory, “Gently worn or new, no rips, holes, tears, or bad odors and no junk,” Sheri clarifies and then adds, “Bring in equestrian show apparel and consign them so you can get new ones.” Of course, people can always feel free to donate as well. So, if you’ve got something that fits the myriad of materials being accepted you can call or email Sheri for further instructions: (813) 624-2384 or Don’t forget to show your support on their November 21 opening day!


Great vacant parcel for homesite or farm. Use as pastureland now and look forward to future possibilities. The property is already platted into four parcels. Great investment! $259,000


68 Acres Riverview, FL Open pasture land, over 3,500 feet of road frontage on Boyette Road - $8,500/acre 48 Acres Lithia, FL Gorgeous property with huge oak trees and is one of the last parcels located in the Lithia/Fishhawk area! Over 2,300 feet of road frontage on two roads $795,000 8.8 Acres Lithia, FL Nice wooded homesite with oak hammocks. Makes a beautiful large homesite or already platted into four parcels at 2.2 acres each! Nice investment! $110,000 reduced $99,900

Reed Fischbach, Broker Fischbach Land Company 813-546-1000 P.O. Box 2677 • Brandon, FL 33509

Note: While every attempt is made to provide as accurate information on this property offering as possible, FISCHBACH LAND COMPANY, LLC does not guarantee the accurace therof. Buyer shall rely entirely on their own information and inspection of property and records.

November 2011


“Where the spirit does not work with the hand there is no art.”


Stop in to Check Out Nutrena’s Full Line of Show Feeds

—Leonardo da Vinci—

by Ginny Mink

. D


November 2011 --------. -----------



it apart because every saddle-maker has a different way of doing things and it’s kinda neat to see how they do it.” Dale’s current clients consist of day-worker cowboys, horse trainers and trail riders. However, the majority of his saddle repair work comes from the day-workers, “because they use their saddles daily and they usually have a couple they rotate so they’ll drop one off and get it back in a week or two.” Lately though, he’s been doing a lot of “cowboy mounted shooting which is 1880’s period correct.” This is because once a month, at the Hillsborough County Fairgrounds, the Single Action Shooting Society has a shootout where everyone dresses up and reenacts an 1880’s style shootout. According to Dale, “Florida has one of the biggest clubs (of this kind) in the nation.” Dale doesn’t just do saddles, by the way. In fact, he says, “I do everything in leather from window treatments (interior design in hair-onhide), to saddle work, to holsters and bridles. Anything in leather I have done or have tried to do. I have more work than I can actually keep up with, but saddle repairs come first. It takes two to three weeks for the bridles and holsters.” He admits that working with leather is like “aromatherapy” to him when he’s in his “man-cave.” He loves the smell of leather that permeates his backyard workshop. Dale’s not stingy with his space or his knowledge though. “I’ve taught boy-scouts, 4H and cub-scouts how to do leatherworking, and anyone who wants to learn. A lot of Friday nights the shop is full of seven or eight people talking, learning, sharing ideas. A couple times a month we do leatherwork.” Dale and his wife, Alice (who also does some impressive leatherwork) will have been married 20 years when February rolls around. They have three great kids, Savannah (16), Skylar (15) and Jonathan (13). Like a responsible father of three, Dale says he hasn’t left his full time job at TECO because he’d lose out on his health insurance and pension. Certainly we can all understand those drawbacks in a very fragile and seemingly unstable economy. It’s too bad though, because there’s no doubt he’d love to be doing his leatherworking full time.


In this world of man-made synthetics, a world in which humankind is so engrossed by its own capacity to create replicas of naturally occurring materials, we seem to have lost the appreciation for fine craftsmanship. As a child, my father dabbled in all forms of artistic mediums from blown glass to lapidary endeavors, even into the world of leather works. While none of these ventures ever proved financially fruitful, I was always impressed by his creations. He has long held a pedestal position in my mind with regards to his talent. I recently had the pleasure of meeting a man whose craftsmanship and talent has surpassed my father’s, at least when it comes to cowhide. Dale North works with leather like Michelangelo worked with marble, like da Vinci utilized colored pigment. Surely some of you doubt these comparisons, but take one look at Dale’s holsters, chinks and saddles and you might change your mind, or at least get the reason he’s being compared to such artistic genius. Dale begins his story by saying, “I got started when I was dating my wife because she was showing horses when we met. My mother-in-law gave me a horse, so I had to get a used saddle. Eventually it broke and I went looking for a saddle repair shop but it was expensive, so not having a lot of money, I got to lookin’ and since I’m pretty handy, I thought it was something I could do myself.” Pretty handy doesn’t begin to describe the awesomeness of this man’s ability. He continues, “At that time, 20 years ago, there was no internet so I asked around, found a leather supply shop in town and they set me up with everything I needed and I fixed it myself. I was young and excited about getting involved in horses. I started buying used saddles, taking them apart and fixing them then selling them for extra money. Low and behold, my friends started coming to me to fix their saddles. So I started buying more supplies, then my friends were recommending to their friends that I could fix their saddles and the hobby turned into more than a hobby.” Though Dale was working on his friend’s saddles back then, he reveals that he received a large amount of exposure to different saddle types while spending ten years working for Tampa Horse Sale in Thonotosassa. Given the vast array of saddle structures and a very determined mindset, Dale purchased all kinds of saddles. He explains, “Unfortunately, leather-crafting is a dying art. The ones who are really good at it have stopped doing it or passed, so the only way to learn is to take one they built and take




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Legolan Legoland d

Selection for both awards is based on service to industry and profession, service to UF, IFAS and CALS, community service and professional recognitions, honors and memberships. “As a CALS alumnus, volunteering is a way to give back to the program that helped me get to where I am today,” said Freel. “I am excited to have this opportunity to recognize CALS alumni for their service.” Nomination information and a list of previous recipients are available online at Individuals may request a copy of the nomination form by calling (352) 392-1963. Completed nominations must be received no later than Tuesday, Jan. 17. CALS Alumni and Friends is dedicated to building a network to enhance awareness and promote the quality programs of UF IFAS through fraternity among graduates, former students and friends. For more information, visit or call (352) 392-1963.


The University of Florida College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Alumni and Friends organization is seeking nominations for its Award of Distinction and Horizon Award. “These awards provide an opportunity for us to recognize CALS alumni and friends who have made a true commitment to service,” said Erin Freel, CALS Alumni and Friends President. The Award of Distinction is presented to UF/CALS alumni or friends in recognition of their outstanding contributions to UF, the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, CALS and the agricultural, natural resource, life science and related industries and professions. The 2011 recipients are Chuck Allison, BSA ’78, MS ’81, of Orlando, Fla., and Don Quincey of Chiefland, FL. The Horizon Award recognizes a graduate of the last decade for the same contributions and his or her potential as a leader in the agricultural, natural resource, life science and related industries and professions. The 2011 recipients are Cindy Sanders, BSA ’91, MS ’05, of Micanopy, FL and Jim Spratt, BSA ’01, of Tallahassee, FL.

Processing clean, professional andadded user friendly facility. Livestock Livestock Processing clean, and user friendlyinfacility. Flavoring can be for extra FFA participants now have a place to We professional provide a quality product our clean, Livestock Processing professional and user friendly facility. From hunters to farmers we have We offer traditional cuts such as ground From hunters to farmers we have We offer traditional cuts as ground tasty products. We are your personal bring their livestock clean, professional and such user-friendly becausehave From hunters to farmers We facility offer traditional such 4-H as ground 4-Hour andpricube steak andcuts but the to fit your needs. andour the facility to fit your needs.we burger, facility.cube steak and stew meats but ourburger, custom processor sostew we meats welcome mary focus is to deliver an affordable, the facility to fi t your needs. 4-H and burger, cube and meats but aresteak our custom products. Ourour FFA participants now have a place FFA participants nowstew have a place We offerare traditional such asOur specialties your special orders, too. specialties our customcuts products. FFA participants now have a place consistent and dependable product. specialties aresausage, our custom products. Our to bring their livestock because our ground burger, cubejerky steak stew Snack meats are properly to Sticks, jerkybecause areaged all made toAll bring their livestock our Snack Sticks, sausage, areand all made to bring theirmore livestock because our Snack Sticks, sausage, jerky are all made To learn us, hope meats but our specialties are our maximize its quality. primary focus is toabout deliver anwe affordable, from our original recipes and we use only primary focus is to deliver an affordable, from our original recipes and we use only custom products. Our Snack Sticks, from our original recipes and we use only consistent primary focus is to deliver an affordable, you will visit our website, but we and dependable product. the fi nest ingredients to create these treats. consistent and dependable product. the finest ingredients to create Wild Game and Domestic sausage, jerky are all made these from treats. our the consistent and dependable product. fi nest ingredients to create these treats. invite you to tour our facility. Either To learn more about us, we hope Flavorings can be added for extra tasty To learn more about us, we hope Flavorings can beand added for extra Livestock Processing original recipes we use only tasty the Towill learn more about to us,but wewe hope Flavorings can be added for tasty ourforward website invite way, wevisit look hearing from We are your personal custom you will hunters visit our website butextra wehave invite you products. We are your custom products. From to farmers we finest ingredients to personal create these you will visit our website but we invite products. We are your personal custom you to tour facility. Either way, we look you soon! treats. the facility to fit your needs. 4-H and processor so we welcome your special you to tour facility. Either way, we look processor so we welcome your special you to tour facility. Either way, we look processor welcome too. your special forward forward so weorders orders too. Like us on forward orders too. are properly to hearing All meats All meats are properly to hearing cattle exotic to hearing All meats are properly deer from you hogs aged to maximize its from you aged to maximize its from you aged to maximize its soon! quality. soon! quality. soon! quality. /chopnblock hogs • cattle • elk • deer • exotic Legolan

CALS Alumni and Friends Seeks Nominees for Award of Distinction, Horizon Award

ATTENTION: w o owM E: R S , N w o FN AR N :: rocessing g g n i n i c c u u d g d o Custom n o r Custom Custo MeatP i RANCHERS r t c t nnWetprovide ua quality product in our Custo d I o I&nWeHUNTERS! CustomMeatP Custo MeatProcessing rocessing r I Wild Game and Domestic provide a quality product in our Wild Game and Domestic We provide a quality product in our Wild Game and Domestic


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November 2011


Learning Responsibility Can Be Fun Cork Crackers 4-H by Sherri Robinson Memories of my childhood days in 4-H came back to me when I spoke with Sundi Griffin, the club leader of Cork Crackers 4-H. I only spent a short time with 4H, unlike Sundi who has been involved with it practically all her life. It was tough as a kid for her to keep up with all the care and feeding of animals but as she got older her love for 4-H grew. Her parents and family can hardly believe how passionate she is about it all now. Her children now share her passion. By the time they came along, she could hardly wait until they were old enough to join in. For the past nine years they have been showing dairy cows, which is a favorite, among other things, such as plants, at several of the fairs. This is Sundi’s third year with Cork Crackers. She has a total of 11 boys and girls. Ten are regular 4-H’ers and the other is one of her sons, who is a Cloverbud. Cloverbud is a program designed for young people ages 5 to 7 allowing them 4-H experience but placing restrictions on “showing.” If interested in the Cloverbud program, you can find more information by logging on to The Cork Crackers is a small group but that’s the way Sundi likes it. She didn’t want to have one too large so that they couldn’t do activities at their meetings. They hold meetings about once a month on a Friday or Saturday evening and plan lots of fun things. All parents are encouraged to come and join in with their kids making it a time of bonding, not just for the family, but the group, also. During the meetings they cook, eat and do a fun activity, as well as go over upcoming events. In October they were involved in the Hay Exchange’s Fall Festival. The Hay Exchange allowed them to set up a booth and keep 100 percent of the profits they earned so the Cork Crackers can continue to do fun, important things. They sold drinks, baked goods and some yummy homemade jelly that the kids made themselves. Many people in the community believe in what this group is doing and support them with donations and help. One of the grandfathers owns a nursery and has, in the past, donated plants for them to work with. Another friend sometimes loans calves so the kids can get experience with responsibility and showing of the


November 2011

animals. Showing animals can be expensive and families must have a place to keep them. Sundi realizes that’s not possible for everyone who would like to participate so she does what she can to help make that happen. It is people like her friend who help her make it possible to participate. “Though showing is highly encouraged it is not the most important thing,” said Sundi. While she believes showing and winning are certainly important, it is more important that it teaches the kids responsibility. She thinks the showing world can be confusing at first but, for her, after she tried it she was hooked. Just trying something can spark a love for it and maybe a lifelong interest. There are many great opportunities in 4-H, such as scholarships. With our area being so agriculturally minded, getting an education in this field can be a great idea. HCC offers a wonderful program in Agriculture right here in Plant City. It can take 4-H to the next level for an interested child. Being in 4-H does not have to be stressful or super involved to gain the benefits of such an affiliation. Kids can choose to show or not show. If they are not interested in animals maybe plants would be more their style. There is so much to learn and be part of. For those who wish to show there is the Hillsborough County Fair, Florida State Fair and the Strawberry Festival. There’s nothing wrong with just enjoying being part of something also. Sometimes it takes awhile before a child really figures out if they want to do something like 4-H. Sundi realizes this and knows it can be costly, that’s why she does all she can to help kids participate and try things out without parents having to break the bank. If you are interested in your child joining or just trying 4-H out and you live in the areas of Thonotosassa and Cork, let Sundi know. She would love to have you and your child. To contact Sundi, call her at 813-478-2114. You can find more information on 4-H at the Hillsborough County Extension websitehttp://hillsborough.extension. Click on 4-H Youth Development to find 4-H specific information including clubs in other areas of Hillsborough County.



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November 2011


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November 2011

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November 2011


A Closer Look: Florida Grizzled Mantis

A Closer Look: Florida Grizzled Mantis (Gonatista grisea) By Sean Green “Nature will bear the closest inspection. She invites us to lay our eye level with her smallest leaf, and take an insect view of its plain.” —Henry David Thoreau When we think of the mantis, most of us consider the praying mantis. The classification of this insect remains contested. Mantis like insects, such as walking sticks and rock crawlers, were placed in the same order as cockroaches. This fact is always fun to share with people that are disgusted with roaches but would love to have a pet mantis. The Tree of Life Project, a collaborative collection of biologic information compiled by both amateur and expert contributors place the Florida Grizzled Mantis (Gonatista grisea) in the order of Mantodea comprised of about 2300 described species. When mating season begins in autumn, the female deposits between 10 and 400 eggs into a frothy mass that hardens to a protective capsule called an ootheca. These egg deposits can be found attached to pine trees. Unfortunately the eggs are vulnerable to the variety of parasitic wasps in Florida and few will survive, those that do will live about 12 months. Those kept in captivity can survive as long as 14 months if cared for properly. These harmless insects make great pets, or even better, science projects that can be observed and released responsibly. Gonatista is a genus of mantodea that includes six species, most of which are native to the Caribbean and found in Puerto Rico and Hispanola. Our species Gonatista grisea, also known as the Grizzled Mantis or Lichen Mimic, is native to the South. The scientific name Mantodea comes from the Greek words for prophet and shape. The term describes the two enlarged raptorial legs that somewhat resemble a praying posture. Spiked specifically for grasping their prey rather than walking, these front legs characterize the insect. Equally as impressive is its ability to turn its head 180 degrees in each direction, a convenient compensation for having only one ear. Its one ear is by no means a handicap. It can detect ultrasonic waves (like a bat) from up to 60 feet away. This feature helps males avoid predation when flying at night looking for mates. Because they can detect ultrasonic sounds, they can evade bats that would otherwise eat them. When they detect the sonar of bats, the mantis will stop flapping its wings, falling to the ground in tail spin. The eyes of the mantis are no less impressive. Gonatista has compound eyes containing as many as 10,000 individual lenses for excellent binocular vision. These fascinating features comprise the weaponry for an insect that is an amazing predator. Gonatista is a pure carni-


November 2011

vore that feeds primarily on insects, but will also feed on small reptiles, amphibians, fish, rodents, or anything small enough for it to capture. As ambush predators, Gonatista must master the ability to remain still for long periods of time. Camouflage is it’s best strategy, it waits on tree bark for an unsuspecting victim to come near, lashing out with its raptorial legs when its meal is within reach. Gonatista has no venom or web to subdue the prey that struggles in its spiky grip and must quickly chew of its victims head to end the assault. Decapitation is not isolated to the food choices of Mantids. Sexual cannibalism is a frequent observation in captive mantids and it is all to easy to conclude this behavior will occur in the wild. Although debated, some sources claim that submissive male mantids have a selective advantage in the success of producing offspring. This theory is supported by quantifiable evidence of an increase in the duration of copulation among cannibalized males sometimes doubling the chance of fertilization. Quantifiable evidence alone however, is not enough evidence to draw a reasonable conclusion. One must consider variables that may influence the behavior of the species. One of the most notable variables considered is its captive environment. The results of a research project conducted by entomologists Eckehard Liske and Jackson Davis were published in the journal Animal Behavior in 1984. In the research project, 30 pairs of mantasis were cared for and videotaped. The research project revealed that the pairs engaged in an elaborate posturing ritual before mating and none of the 30 males were decapitated by their well fed counterparts during the mating process. The act of cannibalism during mating is arguably the result of unusual conditions in captivity and inappropriate feeding by their keepers. Sexual cannibalism therefore is not a characteristic behavior of this species, but rather a circumstantial behavior. We certainly cannot call sexual cannibalism an urban legend because the female mantis does sometimes eat her mate. Scientifically, this is a sound behavioral characteristic that could lead to a competitive advantage. Some male mantises will offer themselves as a food sacrifice during the mating process to nourish the female. If the female mantis is malnourished, she will not survive to lay eggs to pass the fathers genes along to the next generation.

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November 2011


Naturally Amazing Activities LIGHTED POTPOURRI JAR by Sean Green

Meryman Environmental, Inc. Meryman Environmental Inc. is a State Certified Laboratory (License # E84747) qualified to perform Drinking Water Analysis State Wide.

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According to studies done by the US based Environmental Protection Agency, the air inside of the home is arguably almost five times more polluted than the air outside. One of the main reasons is the excessive use of over- the- counter house cleaning products. Above all is the air freshener, most of which contain synthetic fragrances and noxious chemicals. To be environmentally safe while maintaining a healthy living environment, we can practice ancient techniques that are still valid alternatives to chemicals today. Potpourri is known to have been used in early Egyptian and Chinese civilizations, dating back more than 6000 years. Flowers, herbs and spices, scented oils and extracts were used for decoration and maintenance of homes, as well as in religious ceremonies and rituals. The French word potpourri literally translates to rotten pot and is coined from the process of creating it. Early civilizations collected partially dried rose petals, preserving them between layers of salt inside covered jars and pots allowing the mixture to rot. The idea behind it was that when they would open these jars, it would give out a fragrance that would immediately fill the room. With the holiday season at hand, this month we will focus on sharing our love of nature with the people we love. For many of us, the smell of pine is a comforting one. For some of us it’s reminiscent of warm family gatherings during the holiday seasons, for others, the comforting solitude of nature itself. A lighted potpourri jar can be the perfect gift for anyone who loves nature. This activity is a great excuse to get out in the field while the weather is still terrific.

FILLING THE JAR: 1. Circle the lights around the bottom of the inside of the glass jar one turn, keeping the remaining lights outside the jar. Cover the lights with a layer of potpourri. 2. Create a second layer of lights over the first layer of potpourri. 3. Repeat the pattern layering lights / potpourri until the jar is full and the lights are scattered throughout the potpourri. 4. Cover the top of the jar with a decorative doily 5. Secure the doily to the top of the jar by winding ribbon around the mouth of the jar.

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Small pine cones Dry leaves and twigs of evergreens (pine, juniper, cypress) • Essential oils (Pine & Cedar) • Anything dry, colorful and beautiful (rose buds, flower petals, acorns, etc) In a large bowl, mix the potpourri objects and sprinkle with pine and cedar oil at a ratio of 2:1 respectively. Keeping the mixture covered or sealed in an airtight bag until used will preserve the scent.

November 2011

Your water should be tested:

I advance our science, to help farmers grow our food.

Glass Jar Potpourri Mix Small strand of Christmas lights (ideally battery powered) A small lace doily Ribbon or lace


Most drinking water systems fall under the Limited Use Public Water System Program (64E-8). The program regulates multi-family water systems and private water systems that service a specified number of citizens. Definitions for these systems and statutory authorization to regulate them are found in section 381.0062 of the Florida Statutes. Chapter 64E-8 of the Florida Administrative Code establishes the rules to implement the statutes. It includes setback standards for private water systems, construction standards for multi-family water systems, and construction and operation standards for limited use public water systems. The program is implemented at the local level by the county health departments.

Development in Harmony with Nature!



And I never take it for granted. ®

November 2011



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4’ High 5’ High 6’ High 3’........ $39 .......... $44 .......... $54 4’........ $41 .......... $49 .......... $69 5’........ $47 .......... $55 .......... $77 6’........ $60 .......... $66 .......... $83 7’........ $77 .......... $89 ........ $105 8’........ $88 ......... $103 ....... $127 10’..... $111 ........ $127 ....... $143 12’..... $121 ........ $142 ....... $155 14’..... $149 ........ $167 ....... $184 16’..... $160 ........ $190 ....... $202 18’..... $170 ........ $204 ....... $228 20’..... $193 ........ $216 ....... $250 Gate Roll Kits Available

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WOOD FENCE POST 6½’ treated


2-2½” .............................$2.19 2½-3” .............................$2.89 3-3½” .............................$3.79 3½-4” .............................$4.25 4”-5” ..............................$5.10 Quantity Prices Available

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Galvanized Hvy Duty/16 ga

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6’x8’ Stockade Fence $32 6’x8’ Board on Board $39

10+ for $31/ea 10+ for $38/ea

5 ft. Cattle Bunk ................. $89.00 10 ft. Cattle Bunk ............. $115.00


1047-330’ Field Fence 14ga cl3 .................................................... $115.00 1047-330’ Field Fence 12½ga cl1.................................................. $139.00 1047-330’ Field Fence 12½ga cl3 low carbon ................................ $139.00 1047-330’ Field Fence 12½ga cl3 high tensile................................ $155.00 barb Wire 15½ CL3 Gauge ............................................................. $35.00 barb Wire 12½ GA CL3 ..................................................................$65.00 barb Wire 15½ GA 3” spacing........................................................$49.00 100’x4’ cl3 no climb horse wire ................................................. $125.00 100’x5’ cl3 no climb horse wire ................................................. $149.00 200’x4’ cl1 no climb horse wire ................................................. $199.00 200’x4’ cl3 no climb horse wire ................................................. $229.00 100’x4’ cl1 4 X 4 goat wire .......................................................... $75.00 330’x4’ cl1 4 X 4 goat wire ........................................................ $239.00 5’x16’ Horse Panel 6ga 2x4 .......................................................... $59.00 50”x16’ 10 Line Panel 4GA ........................................................... $22.00


12½ gauge 11½ gauge 4’.................$46.......................$54 5’.................$64.......................$67 6’.................$75.......................$82 line Post corner Post 6’.......... $7.50 ..................... $10.50 $ 7’.......... 8.50 ..................... $12.50 8’.......... $9.50 ..................... $13.75 1 3/8” toP rail 10 1/2’ ................................. $8.95 21’...................................... $17.90

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Beneficial microbes are nature’s way of maintaining healthy soil. Without them, the soil’s fertility will deteriorate no matter how much fertilizer is add to it. Rhizogen fertilizers are packed with beneficial microbes, Mycorrhizal fungi, humates and essential nutrients — all of which help build rich, fertile soil. Beneficial microbes make the nutrients in the soil more available to plants. Mycorrhizal fungi create extensions of plants’ roots, multiplying their ability to pull water out of the soil. Humates reduce soil compaction, which means less water is required. U.S. Patents 6,878,179, 7,044,994 & 7,442,224








November 2011

November 2011


Strawberry Crest High School Licensed Propagators Serving Farmers & Retail Customers

Strawberry Crest FFA Wins National Silver Award Winners of the National FFA Agricultural Issues Forum Career Development Event (CDE) were announced at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis. Strawberry Crest FFA Agricultural Issue Team was awarded a Silver Medal for their accomplishments. The agricultural issues forum event is sponsored by Elanco of Greenfield, Indiana as a special project of the National FFA Foundation. The team consisted of Kade Greene, Garrett Vida, Kyle Lee, Jake Maxwell, Kelsey Bozeman, Abby Jett, and Charlotte Thibault. The team got sponsors from many local businesses and would like to thank them for assisting in sponsoring the trip so they could compete at the National FFA Ag Issue CDE Event. The sponsors were Sam Astin Strawberry Exchange, Rotary Club of Plant City, Mark Waller of I-4 Power Equipment, Insulators & Allied Workers Union, Chemical Dynamics, Hillsborough County Farm Bureau, Blue Ribbons Farms, Helena Chemicals, Sam Patterson Truck Brokers, JJ Grow of Inverness, FL., and Felton Meat and Produce Market.

Starting a Farm or Need Resets? The National FFA Agricultural Issues Forum CDE is a competitive activity that tests students’ knowledge of agricultural issues and evaluates how well they can apply classroom knowledge to real life situations. To qualify for the National Agricultural Issues Forum CDE, Strawberry Crest FFA team designed a presentation that addresses multiple viewpoints of a contemporary agricultural issue which was the Numeric Nutrients Criteria. The team presented it to a number of audiences in our community. For the national event, they present a portfolio based on their local audiences’ feedback and deliver their presentation to a panel of judges. This event, held at the Westin Hotel in Indianapolis, is one of many educational activities at the national FFA convention in which FFA members practice the lessons learned in agricultural education classes.

We have several thousand 1 to 15 gallon blueberry plants available! Call for quote.

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Used Auto & RV Parts U-Pull or We-Pull Dear In the Field Readers, When I first signed up to be a state officer, never in a million years did I think it was going to be as great an experience as it has. I have travel all across the state of Florida, as well as to Georgia and Indiana for national convention. My travel to national convention was one of the greatest experiences I have had this year. I met a boat load of amazing people from across the country. I can officially say that I have friends at every end of the country. Friendships hold our society together and what greater way to make life long friends then in the FFA. I can say from my experiences, as well as talking to others, that there is no better place to meet people then in the FFA. We hold our organization to such high standards that we can only make a positive impact on each others lives. I have learned that even when we are put into bad situations there is always a lesson to be learned from it. For every bad situation there are two good ones right around the corner. I have always believed that life goes on. We could be at the worst of our luck and not think we are going to get out of that bad situation but I promise that you will. As I travel from city to city for programs or FFA activities, there is still no greater joy then talking to FFA members. To this day nothing brings a smile to my face more than to hear what FFA


November 2011

members are doing or challenging situations that they have over come. As the days turn to night, the other state officers and I are counting down the days before we set off to China. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and it brings me joy to be spending it with some of the greatest people from our state, as well as from across the country. As we raise money to go to China, get familiar with their society and most importantly, get some warm clothes, I have to remind myself about the little things in life. Those little things in life are going to be the most memorable and will surely stay with us for a lifetime. If you have any questions or would like to support the state officers on their trip to China, don’t hesitate to email me at john.

John Modrow, Jr. FFA Area V State Vice President

*Bring this ad and receive free yard entry.*

Loetscher Auto Parts, llc (new ownership)

We Buy Wrecked or Damaged Motor Homes, Trucks & Junk Cars!


4306 Hwy 574 W | Plant City, FL 33563

November 2011


Durant High School Durant FFA Wins District Forestry The Durant FFA Forestry Teams had an outstanding day at the 2011 District Forestry Contest held at the Hillsborough River State Park on October 13. The Durant Senior Team A placed first. Team members were David Walden, Bailey Harrell, Alex Fernandez and Cole Debra. The Durant Senior B team placed third with team members Andi Butts, Jerri Rowell, Darby Hasting and Tyler Baker. The J.F. St. Martin Junior Team placed fourth, members on the team were Kerri Greenwood, Clint Walden, Genevieve Fletcher and Lindsey Robinson. The Durant Senior Team will travel to Perry, Florida and take part in the State FFA Contest in November.

David Walden Receives Gold At Nationals David Walden, a Senior at Durant High School and son of Carney and Terri Walden, placed fourth in Public Speaking CDE at the National FFA Convention held in Indianapolis on October 18 -20 where he competed against 48 other FFA members from other states. David’s speech was on Immigration Reform and was entitled Why Are There No Workers. The event was held in conjunction with the 84 National FFA Convention. The top four individuals received a $1000.00 scholarship to help further their education. The scholarships and the speaking event were sponsored by the Monsanto of St. Louis. The prepare public speaking CDE is designed to recognize outstanding FFA members for their ability to prepare and present a factual speech on a specific agricultural issue in a well thought out and logical manner.



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Durant FFA Livestock Team Receives Silver Medal

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The Durant FFA Livestock Team placed 13th at the National FFA Livestock contest held at the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis. The team competed against 49 other FFA teams from other FFA chapters that represented their states. Team members were Brittany Coleman receiving a Gold Medal, Seth Poppell, Jerri Rowell and Jesse Coleman receiving a Silver Medal. The overall team ranking was a Sliver medal.

November 2011

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November 2011


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November 2011

November 2011


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Barrington Middle School FFA at National FFA Convention Dustys_hz.eps

November 2011

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Kaylin Park and Katelyn Beane of the Barrington Middle School FFA Chapter in Florida were one of 13 teams from across the country in the National FFA Agriscience Fair Environmental Science: Division 3 event. The event was held in conjunction with the 84th National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Ind. The students’ project, titled “Which Organic Material Retains the Most Water?” was led by advisor Greg Lehman and was awarded a Bronze emblem. Participants conducted a scientific research project pertaining to the agriculture and food science industries, and they presented their findings to a panel of judges with a display and a report. Students in the Environmental Science area studied areas such as pollution sources and their control. This could range from research on water quality to agricultural chemical impact on water quality to impact of cropping practices on wildlife populations and more. The 2011 Agriscience Fair awards were presented onstage during the seventh general session at the 84th National FFA Convention. Winners of the agriscience fair receive $350 for 1st place, $200 for 2nd place and $100 for 3rd place. The agriscience fair is sponsored by Cargill and Syngenta as a special project of the National FFA Foundation. A total of 434 exhibits with 607 participants attended the 2011 Agriscience Fair.






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November 2011




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November 2011

November 2011



by Sandy Kaster, M.S. Clinical Medicine, B.S. Nutrition Science Fresh Florida spinach is coming into season now and is at its peak throughout the cooler months. This leafy green vegetable, along with collard and mustard greens and kale, is bursting with vitamins and minerals. Spinach is very low in calories and very high in fiber, iron, and vitamins A and C. The United States is the second largest producer of spinach in the world behind China, and Japan is the third largest producer. Many common spinach varieties are grown in Florida and fall within the categories of smooth leaf, semi-savoy leaf and savoy leaf. The savoy type has dark green, crinkly and curly leaves. It is the type sold in fresh bunches in most supermarkets. Flat or smooth leaf type has broad, smooth leaves that are easy to clean. This type is often grown for canned and frozen spinach, as well as soups, baby foods, and processed foods. Semi-savoy is a hybrid variety with slightly crinkled leaves. It has the same texture as ‘Savoy’, and is grown for both fresh market and processing.

Nutritional Profile

Astoundingly high in vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as other nutrients, spinach is a real nutritional standout. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, a diet rich in dark green leafy vegetables lowers the risk for developing a variety of cancers. In addition to its cancer-fighting properties, spinach is considered an excellent source of vitamins A, K, B6, B12, and E. It’s a very good source of dietary fiber, protein, phosphorus, copper, and zinc. Additionally spinach is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and the heart-healthy nutrients niacin and selenium. Rich in vitamins and minerals, it is also concentrated in health-promoting phytonutrients such as carotenoids and flavonoids to provide powerful antioxidant protection. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, one cup of boiled fresh spinach (180 g) contains 41 calories, 5.4 g protein, 0.5 g fat, 6.8 g carbohydrate, and 4.3 g of dietary fiber. One cup of spinach also provides a whopping 1110 percent of the Daily Recommended Value (%DV) for vitamin K, 377 percent for vitamin A, 84 percent for manganese, 39 percent for magnesium, 36 percent for iron, and plenty of potassium, calcium, copper, vitamin C, and many of the B vitamins. That’s an amazing amount of concentrated nutrients in only one cup and a great way to get more vegetable-based protein!


Spinach is full of antioxidants in many forms, including flavonoids and carotenoids. These compounds help provide antiinflammatory effects, which is beneficial in warding off many major diseases. Other antioxidant nutrients high in spinach include vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, and manganese, zinc, and selenium. These antioxidants are particularly beneficial in protecting blood vessels from oxidative stress, which results in atherosclerosis and high blood pressure. Several of the carotenoids are especially important for good eye health, offering protection to the retina and macula.


Spinach is an excellent non-dairy source of calcium, providing 22.6 percent percent of your daily requirements in one cup of cooked vegetable. Calcium is important in maintaining the


November 2011

strength and density of bones. Additionally, this mineral has been shown to prevent bone loss that can occur as a result of menopause and reduce symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome. Adequate calcium intake is needed to prevent calcium stores being leached out of bones. Calcium also plays an important role in muscle contraction, nerve conduction, and cell membrane function.

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Vitamin K

Spinach is bursting with vitamin K. One cup of boiled spinach provides over 1000 percent of your daily needs for this vitamin! One cup of raw spinach leaves contains about 200 percent. Vitamin K is an essential component for clotting of blood in the body. This vitamin also helps maintain bone health by transporting calcium and metabolizes the mineral into your skeleton. Several research studies have found that vitamin K boosts bone mineral density and reduces fracture rates in people with osteoporosis. As a result, the Institute of Medicine increased its daily recommendation of vitamin K. Spinach is one of the richest sources of vitamin K (second only to kale), and contains other bone boosting nutrients such as calcium and magnesium.


Spinach is considered an excellent source of manganese, an important mineral that plays a role in a variety of physiological functions throughout the body. Manganese is needed for glucose, protein, lipid, and cholesterol metabolism from the foods we consume, as well as for pancreatic function and development. The mineral is important in normal skeletal growth and development, prevention of sterility, and synthesis of thyroid hormone. One cup of boiled spinach provides over 80 percent of your daily requirement for manganese.

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402 S. Collins St. • Plant City, FL 33563

How to Select and Store

Choose spinach that has a deep, vibrant green color with no signs of wilting or yellowing. The leaves and stems should look fresh and tender and be dry to the touch. To store raw spinach, pat leaves dry with a paper towel, place in a tightly wrapped plastic bag and squeeze out as much air as possible. Keep refrigerated for up to five days. Do not wash spinach until immediately before use.

How to Enjoy

Wash well to remove all sand and grit immediately before use. Several ways to enjoy this vegetable include: • Lightly steamed with garlic • Sautéed lightly with olive oil and herbs • Stir-fried with soy sauce, mushrooms, and baby corn • Tossed as a salad instead of lettuce • Added to pasta sauce or lasagna • Tossed into a stew or soup • Use as a sandwich topper Fresh Florida spinach is at its peak today. Eat more of these leafy greens and reap all of the health benefits they offer in one delicious package.

Selected References

November 2011





MASSEY FERGUSON 2300L 4x4 w/loader, 277 hours, 22.5 hp, $7,000. Call Robby 863-537-1345.

ANIMAL & BIRD CAGES Add living microbes to improve your soil, Equipment serving the fur-bearing and exotic bird industry. Cages built to order. Wire by roll or foot. 813-752-2230 Swap July 15, 2012 and Nov. 25, 2012.

NEW HOLLAND TC29 TRACTOR/LOADER 29 pto hp, 268 hrs, $13,000 (UT6406). Ask for David 813-623-3673

Building Supplies DECKING BRDS. & TILL SIDING Call Ted 813-752-3378. DOUBLE INSULATED THERMO PANE Starting at $55. Call Ted 813-752-3378. SURPLUS WINDOWS DOUBLE INSULATED Starting at $55. Call Ted 813-752-3378. MOBILE HOME-SIZED WINDOW SCREENS We make window screens of all sizes available in different frame colors. Call Ted 813-752-3378. TILL 4 X 8 SHEET B-grade $17.95. Call Ted 813-752-3378.

KUBOTA L2600 27 hp, 2 wd, 2334 hours, $2,750. Call Alvie 813-759-8722. BOLENS G154 DIESEL TRACTOR 15 hp, 4x4, 3 pt. lift, $2,500. Call Alvie 813-759-8722. MASSEY FERGUSON 2003 GC2300 4 X 4 hydro stat transmission, 2702 hrs. $5,350 Call Alvie 813-759-8722 SAVICH & LEE Horse Fence, Sheep & Goat Fence. 4ft - 1 to 3 rolls - $2.50 off 4 or more - $5 off, 10 piece limit fence. 47 inch 1 - 8, $2.50 off 9 or more $5 off 10 piece limit. Barbed Wire - 5 or more - $1 off 10 piece limit. Pick up ONLY while supplies last. See our ad on page 79 for pricing.

Feed FERTILIZED BAHIA HAY FOR SALE 4x5 rolls $25 ea., 800 rolls available. Call for pick up 863-287-3091 or 863-294-1650.

NEW DOORS CLOSEOUT SPECIAL!!! $75 to $295. Call Ted today 813-752-3378. MOBILE HOME TUBS Metal brand new in box 54” Mobile Home Tubs. Call Ted 813-752-3378

Equine Services HORSE BOARDING Stalls and individual turnout, lighted arena and round pen. Owners on property. $300 full care. Call 813-610-4416.

Farm Equipment HEAVY DUTY TRAILER 14’ Shop built, heavy duty trailer, 2 axel with ramps. $750.00 Call Alvie 813-759-8722. NEW MAHINDRA 6530 2wd, 65hp. Dual remotes, 5 year warranty. $16,919.00 Call Alvie 813-759-8722. MASSEY FERGUSON 255 Grove Tractor with 6’ mower $7,500. Call Alvie 813-759-8722. KUBOTA L275 With shuttle shift. Ready to work! $3,500. Call 813-759-8722.


Jobs CONTRIBUTING WRITER Write about events in your community. Immediate openings in Hillsborough and Polk Counties. Paid per article. Responsibilites include covering community events and taking pictures. Email your resume to ACCOUNT MANAGER Sales, account management. Immediate openings in Hillsborough and Polk Counties. Email your resume to

Lawn Equipment/Supplies RUBBER MULCH All colors, buy 10 bags, get 1 FREE! $8.99 a bag. Call Ted 813-752-3378.

Real Estate INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Why would you accept 1% on your savings when you can receive 6% payable monthly, secured by a first mortgage on a $500,000 Plant City 16 unit apartment complex 130,000.00 required - 26% loan to value - 3 yr. minimum term - act now or the opportunity will be gone. For more information call 813-759-1136.

November 2011 BLAIRSVILLE GEORGIA MLS# 213989 Imaculate, shows like new, open, bright, airy, lots of glass. Split plan, one bedroom & bath on each side of great room. Fireplace, back porch for grilling out. A must see. 2 car garage with separate doors for each car, work area in garage, basement finished except for garage. Priced to sell!!! $149,900. Call Jane Baer w/ Jane Baer Realty. 1-800-820-7829. BLAIRSVILLE, GEORGIA MLS #191458 Prepare to love this well-kept 2BR cabin with a seasonal mountain view. This enticing 1 1/2 story provides gas fireplace, loft, wood flooring, main-level laundry, central air, ceiling fans, Nottley River priveleges, covered porch and a simple, no-fuss landscape. Fishing. Call Jane Baer w/Jane Baer Realty 1-800-820-7829. 2.66 ACRE NURSERY FOR SALE OR LEASE N. Lakeland with 1,000 sq ft frame house, 2 sheds, irrigation throughout. Call Bruce 863-698-0019. ESTATE SALE Large double-wide mobile home, partially furnished, 2 BR/2 ba, large kitchen, huge living room, laundry room, front screenin porch, covered double carport, utility room, Located in Country Meadows Adult Park in Plant City. Asking $23,000. Call Al at 813-763-2220. FOR SALE 4 Acres West of Plant City, one 1/4 mile south of 92 on Bethlehem on the west side. Total frontage 557’ dry land front 63’, depth of 305’. Back of dryland is 125’ water stream runs though property and great for cabin and animals. Asking $19,000. Call 813-707-8520

Miscellaneous 4 X 6 TRAILER Good condition. Plywood siding added. 2,000-lb. capacity. Call 813-249-9074 for more information.

Is the company you are using: • Gap & Primus Compliant? • Have GPS Reporting? • Specialize in Agriculture? ... if not call

Handy Can

863-519-5400 Open Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. til 5 p.m.

The Hay Depot r Farm u O “From ur Barn” To Yo


Sweet Pellets $ 49





Alexander St. THE HAY DEPOT

1001 S. Alexander St.

Plant City, FL 33563 • 813-478-1654

November 2011


© 2011 Agrifabrics. All rights reserved. AgroFabric is a trademark of PCK, Inc.



Don’t get left out in the cold In 2010, uncovered crops (left) are a complete loss, rows covered with AgroFabric (right and below) survive six hours below freezing (25˚ F).

Fabric without Agro

with AgroFa bric

Prevent damage from irrigation

Get ready for the Big Chill

Fresh Produce Now Available Full Lunch Menu

Put AgroFabric Essential Frost Protection System to Work this Winter

AgroFabric covered thousands of acres during the 2010-11 Deep Freeze

Choose the Blue-Green Seam for superior strength! AgroFabric is available in seven grades for frost protection (0.5 to 2.0 oz. sq. yd.) to cover tender plants or strawberries, and five weights of Winter Blankets (up to 6.0 oz. sq. yd.), durable enough for long-term overwintering during harsh climates. For information or to find a dealer near you, visit or call 770-663-7600.

Sign up online for a FREE SWATCH CARD | 770-663-7600 PMB 29, Suite 101• 5905 Atlanta Hwy • Alpharetta GA 30004 • 770 663 7600 Phone • 770 663 7690 Fax •

39 James L. Redman Pkwy.

Last winter put AgroFabric to the test – delivering a “pro” performance at every level. Plan to protect your fields without power, fuel or irrigation in the event of severe demand on those resources. AgroFabric® creates a stable, favorable microclimate by capturing extra heat during the day – and then slowing the loss of stored heat at night from the soil.

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24 hrs a 7 days a day 365 days week a year

Est. 1969

SERVICES INCLUDE: • Digital Radiographs • Emergencies • Equine Dentistry • In-House Lab Work • Preventative Care • Reproductive Services • Ultrasound ROUTINE & EMERGENCY CARE For other large farm animals (no cats or dogs) SPECIAL PRICING 4-H & FFA Student Project Animals FARMS and/or GROUPS Call for Discount Pricing!


Large Animal Vet Services General Practice Specializing in Equine Dentistry fo l l ow us on

914 E Knights Griffin Rd., Plant City, FL 33565 • 813.951.0118 cell • 813.752.0224 office 813.719.1913 fax • •

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