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Tampa Bay Fishing Report June 2023

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Florida Guacamole

Florida Guacamole

Capt. Woody Gore


Summer means hot and humid days, and June is no exception. Expect good fishing this month, but good fishing has a price - heat. Everything will be biting this month, so plan your trips now and take advantage of good summertime fishing. Remember that these hot days can dehydrate you, often to the dangerous point, before you realize what is happening. Most heat-related illnesses are preventable by keeping the body cool and avoiding dehydration in hot environments. Here are the symptoms: unconsciousness, seizures, difficulty breathing, confusion, vomiting and diarrhea, rapid heartbeat, and hot, dry, flushed skin without sweating.

Remember to drink plenty of fluids. Water and sports drinks do well in rehydrating bodily fluids. However, remember that some fluids containing alcohol will impair your decision-making while imposing safety issues on yourself and others. If you drink alcohol, do it "Responsibly" On the water, it is called BOI or Boating Under the Influence.


Snook fishing during the summer is almost a given. Practically every angler is looking to catch them, and given the amount of fishing pressure, especially on the weekends, it is a wonder they bite at all. Any mangrove shoreline will hold snook provided there is bait and structure because a snook is an ambush feeder. They find many meals from the shady mangrove root system lining Tampa Bay. Rocky shores and sandy bars also hold plenty of snook. Early morn- ing flats produce well on topwater, and greenbacks always produce.


June produces some good redfish days around the flats of Tampa Bay; look for heavy pushes and schools of mullet. To find redfish, you must cover lots of water. Once you find them, they do not venture too far from the bait they are chasing. And stay in the same area, especially while there is food. Bear in mind as long as there's food, there's fish. Live greenbacks and dollar-size pinfish work well and don't forget the old standby, shrimp.

Spotted Sea Trout

Trout fishing continues to remain strong through the summer along deep grass flats. Look for fair size fish on grass flats all over Tampa Bay. Live shrimp and greenbacks under a popping cork fit the bill nicely. But free-lined shrimp in sandy potholes might produce larger fish and an occasional flounder.


Markers and sandy flats are good places for Cobia this month. They frequent markers, especially those holding bait. They also cruise the flats following a giant ray. When fishing markers, keep a chum bag over the side if they are in the area; they should come running, not to mention the giant Spanish Mackerel filling the bay this month. The large hidden dorsal fins can be dangerous if brought into the boat green. Anglers should always control the fish once boated.


Tarpon fishing comes alive in June. They are everywhere, from the beach to the bays, and they are hungry. Large Greenbacks, Threadfins, and crabs are abundant in the bay, and Tarpon loves them. Tarpon fishing around the Tampa area is excellent, north to the Courtney Campbell Causeway.


Sheephead, Mackerel, Kingfish, Amber Jacks, Permit, Grouper, and Snapper, are doing well and will continue. Fishing around structure or one of the many fish attractors is an excellent place to start or watch your bottom machine as you cruise. Tampa Bay has an excellent deep water structure throughout, and you need to find it.

“Give Me a Call & Let’s Go Fishing”


Fishing in Tampa Bay and Near Coastal Waters

Everything seems to be biting, depending on the tides. Snook, Redfish, Sea Trout, Mangrove snapper, Sheepshead, later season mackerel, and look for summer trout in deeper channels.

If you want to use my Charter Fishing Guide service, you can reach me or my son by calling our cell numbers Capt. Woody 813-477-3814 you can send an email to fishing@captainwoodygore.com

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