Polk County Cattlemen’s Association
P.O. Box 9005 • Drawer HS03 Bartow, FL. 33831-9005
President – Kevin Fussell 4523 Fussell Rd Polk City, FL 33868-9676 (863) 412-5876
Vice President – Dr. Lujean Waters 8750 Shreck Rd Bartow, FL 33830 (863) 537-1495 Lujean.waters@gmail.com
Secretary/Treasurer - Justin Bunch PO Box 849 Highland City, FL 33846-0849 (863) 425-1121 justin.bunch@cpsagu.com
James Stice PO Box 460 Highland City, FL 33846 (813) 714-2333 jstice@verizon.net
Dave Tomkow 3305 US Highway 92 E Lakeland, FL 33801-9623 (863) 665-5088 dave@cattlemens1.com
From The Scientific Field
Thoughts from the Heifer Pen
Fishing Hot Spots
Endangered Species
Landscape Tips
Rocking Chair Chatter
Future Forest
Jamaican Cherries
Cedar Hive Honey Co
PAGE 34 Markets
News Briefs
John Dicks
PAGE 40 Activity
A Closer Look
Heat Protection
Save Water
PAGE 44 Professor Honored
State Director – David Hunt 9699 Alt Bab Pk Cut-Off Rd Bartow, FL 33830 (863) 287-1835 Dhunt285@aol.com
Alternate SD – Orrin Webb PO Box 202 Bartow, FL 33831 (941) 916-5093 cwebbowebb@aol.com
Ray Clark 4484 Swindell Road Lakeland, FL 33810 (863) 640-0719 rclark@tampabay.rr.com
Donald Conroy 3882 Wolfolk Rd Fort Meade, FL 33841 (863) 412-0790
Stuart Fitzgerald PO Box 1437 Lake Wales, FL 33859 (863) 206-5021 stuartcattlellc@yahoo.com
Ken Sherrouse 13475 Moore Rd Lakeland, FL 33809-9755 (863) 698-1834 kensherrouse@yahoo.com
Scott Shoupe 6130 Allen Lane Lakeland, FL 33811 (863) 581-7593 Scott_shoupe@hotmail.com
Alternate Standing Committee Chairs: Membership Events Trade Show- Bridget Stice Rodeo- Fred Waters PO Box 463 Alturas, FL 33820-0463 (863) 559-7808
Website Cattlewomen – President, Leslie Buchanon 8444 Tom Costine Rd Lakeland, FL 33809 (863) 581-2711 Buckld96@gmail.com
Extension – Bridget Stice PO Box 9005, Drawer HS03 Bartow, FL 33831 (863) 519-1048 bccarlis@ufl.edu
Sheriff’s Dept. – Lt. Paul Wright 1891 Jim Keen Blvd. Winter Haven, FL 33880 (863) 557-1741 pw5281@polksheriff.org
Sgt. Tim Sanders 1891 Jim Keen Blvd. Winter Haven, FL 33880 (863) 656-6119 brusso@polksheriff.org
Warner University –Abby Crawford 13895 Highway 27 Lake Wales, FL 33859 (863) 638-7248 Abby.crawford@warner.edu
*Winners will be notified by phone. You Too Can Be A Winner!
Karen Berry
Senior Managing Editor/ Associate Publisher
Sarah Holt
Patsy Berry
Karen Berry
Sarah Holt
Melissa Nichols
Hey Florida, can you send us some rain? It is the rainy season, right? I always remind everyone to take care when working out in the heat, but at this point, we are in the danger zone most of the day. So please, take care of yourselves when you are working outside.
It’s mid-August and the kids are back to school! Take care on the roads as the future of the country heads to the bus stops and schools. Watch where you are going. Your phone calls and texts can wait until you arrive at your destination.
The new school year means a new beginning for many. It could mean a new teacher, a new school, or new classmates, but hopefully, it means new memories that will be cherished, and friends made that will last a lifetime.
We hope students are enjoying the benefits of agriculture education. These courses educate youth on the importance of this time-honored tradition. Classes range from agriculture economics, animal science, horticulture, leadership development, and much more. Instructors help students understand the importance of agriculture and maybe, just maybe, ignite a spark of interest, opening the door for potential future careers.
We need agriculture to survive. If you eat, wear clothes, take medications, live in a house, write with a pencil, and so many more things, you need agriculture.
Until Next Month
George Domedion
Creative Director/Illustrator
Juan Alvarez
Karen Berry
Melissa Nichols
Staff Writers
Al Berry
Sandy Kaster
James Frankowiak
Sean Green
Contributing Writers
Woody Gore
John Dicks
Social Media
Victoria Saunders
Letters, comments and questions can be sent to P.O. Box 5377, Plant City, Florida 33563-0042 or you are welcome to email them to: info@inthefieldmagazine.com or call 813-759-6909
Advertisers warrant & represent the descriptions of their products advertised are true in all respects. In The Field Magazine assumes no responsibility for claims made by advertisers. All views expressed in all articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of Berry Publica tions, Inc. Any use or duplication of material used in In the Field magazine is prohibited without written consent from Berry Publications, Inc.
you. - Numbers 6:25
Published by Berry Publications, Inc.
Hope you all are doing good and enjoying the green grass. The rain has seemed to be spotty so far this summer, so the grass has been good, although most places I’ve seen haven’t had too much standing water. But as we all know, that can change in one day. It might be knee-deep by the time you are reading this. The calf market is strong and hopefully will stay this way for a while.
Our county is hosting the Fall Quarterly for the state association in September, at the Sunny Acres Lodge of the Tomkow Family. FCW president Becky Finley has requested our help with the steakout dinner on September 7. If you or you know anyone
who would like to help sponsor the dinner, please give me or another director a call. If you would like to help come and cook too, we could always use an extra hand.
You all take care, and don’t get too hot as we get through these dog days.
Until next time,
Heat Stress occurs when cattle cannot cool themselves effectively Heat stress results in reduced feed intake, decreased milk production, reduced fertility, increased ibili di d d h
After the Spring chill has worn off and the Summer Fly Season arrives, your livestock will thank you for supplementing them with products loaded with garlic. Garlic is the natural fly deterrent* that keeps the pests away.
Livestock fed with garlic emit an odor through their skin and breath that will deter flies As a natural product, garlic is safe, easy to handle and easy to apply.
For some of the same reasons plants thrive here, so do plant diseases. We at UF/IFAS help you grow food without fungus, vegetables without viruses.
It takes a team of good scientists with a strong leader. That’s why my decision to appoint Dr. Mathews Paret as the new chair of our Department of Plant Pathology is an important one.
Most relevant to you, he’ll be Natalia Peres and Gary Vallad’s boss, though Paret is in Gainesville and Peres and Vallad are at the Gulf Coast Research and Education Center (GCREC). In addition, if you send samples to our plant diagnostic clinics in Balm, Immokalee, Homestead, Gainesville, or Quincy, Paret oversees the people who get you fast, accurate analyses.
Paret has faculty members at nine sites outside of Gainesville, and one of the central commitments he made during his interviews was to increase collaborations between Gainesville and the research and education centers. He’ll do that in part by spending time at all RECs where he has faculty members, including GCREC.
Paret’s own groundbreaking research has provided Florida vegetable and ornamental crop producers significant savings and profits. He has mentored dozens of students and promises to provide professional and personal development opportunities to students and faculty. Paret has distinguished himself in Extension as director of the North Florida Research and Education Center’s (NFREC) Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic and in developing the U-scout program to train agents in on identification and management of plant pathogens.
Paret’s commitment to international engagement will be crucial in continuing to identify and manage threats
to Florida agricultural production long before they arrive here, whether through hurricanes, or plants and seeds that arrive here daily.
Plant Pathology also delivers key expertise to improve plant breeding so that Vance Whitaker’s strawberry varieties, for example, can resist or tolerate disease.
Paret joined UF/IFAS in 2009 as a post-doctoral fellow in Quincy at NFREC, became an assistant professor in 2010 and earned tenure in 2017, and this summer was promoted to full professor. While his publication record is impressive, he considers his proudest achievements as the positive impacts on producers.
Rose Loria led Plant Pathology for nearly 12 years and helped make it one of the nation’s finest universitybased departments of its kind. Paret will build on that success by helping his faculty foster your success.
Summer is practically over, and to be honest I am not terribly sad about it. I aspire to enjoy each season for what it is and to be a person to embrace the moment, but a lot of the time, I feel like I just survive through summer. When I was a kid, I looked forward to summer, no school, fun activities to do at the library, and trips to the beach. As an adult, there isn’t much change to your schedule, it’s just really hot outside. The other night, when I came home from a party at ten, it was 87 degrees outside. Not only does the heat and humidity cause me discomfort, but it’s also hard to get anything done outside in the heat. You either have to do something really early or late in the evening to make it bearable. To illustrate the heat, the other day the glue that held my rearview mirror melted off the windshield.
I think that I would like to experience an English summer. Growing up with a Florida summer my whole life, an English summer seems cool and relaxing. I can already see myself frolicking through the meadow to take the cute little sheep out to pasture among the stonewall fences and wildflowers. Then I would go back to my little cottage and have some coffee (I am not a fan of hot tea) and spend the rest of the day reading in my garden and maybe walking to the little village when I got bored with my book, to look at the little shops. And then I would call all my little sheep home and go inside to read by the fire. If you haven’t noticed, I have probably spent too much time reading Old English Literature and watching BBC.
Reading things like Peter Rabbit and All Creatures Great and Small makes an English Summer seem to be a blissful time to be alive. I mean, when the highs are only in the 70s, any time seems to be a blissful time to be alive. I am sure that with damp and cold winters, the short summers are a paradise for people in the UK. If I were to go to England during the summer, I would probably wear a sweater when everyone else was in short sleeves. When reading about history or old literature, I always thought that the British were a little bit dramatic about the harshness of tropical climates, but having grown up in a subtropical climate myself, I even think the climate is a bit much at times.
But the mildness of an English summer does explain a lot about the authors that were shaped by it. In the writings of J.
R. R. Tolkien, who wrote The Lord of the Rings, summer was almost a sacred time. In The Lord of the Rings, the elves of Middle Earth relished summer as an almost religious holiday in their culture. He described their parties and their wandering through forests at night, gazing at the stars and singing their songs. In one elf kingdom, the King and Queen went up to the mountain meadows during the high days of summer and wandered around in the woods. This way of thinking about summer nights always seemed like things of fairytales to a little Florida girl, who knew if you went stargazing at night you would be swatting mosquitos and your singing would be drowned out by the sound of the frogs croaking in the swamp. I always attributed Tolkien’s descriptions of summer to the element of fantasy in the world that he had created, but now I wonder if he based it on his childhood summers.
If my childhood summers were to influence my stories, they would be very hot, itchy, and muggy. There would be mosquitos who could carry you away and monsters lurking in the water that would eat you whole (that would probably not be a work of fiction). There would be bogs that would swallow your horse and woods where people got lost if they didn’t keep their wits about them. But there would also be pleasant things. There would be creeks where children played, adventures in the shallow water and trees that shielded them from the summer sun while they played house among the roots and the branches. There would be clay pits that liked the children’s company and let them go, just so they would come back to play again. And there would be beaches where the endless sea and the stable land met like good friends with the warm glow of the setting sun wishing them long happiness.
I would still like to experience an English summer. To see what other people saw that looking back on their childhood seemed like magic. I would love to feel a July day that was only in the mid ’70s (that surely is magic) and wear a sweater next to the fire. But I would still like to come back to my shady creeks underneath the cypress trees and my beaches embraced by the setting sun.
One of the simplest things you can do is keep your fish in the freshest condition from the time caught until served on the dinner plate, and what a difference it makes in the taste.
Recreational anglers always seem ready to jump up and down about attempts to reduce their rights to catch a mess of fish. Then why do those same anglers on the bandwagon jumping or jumping up and down on their soapboxes voicing their opinions bring home repulsive, inedible spoiled fish, especially in the summer?
For this reason, we must continue demanding we reserve some of our fishery for recreational anglers to have a share of fish for personal consumption. Doing this requires stopping the commercial lobbyist from controlling our fish stocks. We must continue having a voice in our fishery. And when it comes time to vote, ask each political candidate you’re thinking of voting for where they stand on our fishing and environmental topics. If you don’t get the correct answers, challenge them, and if they can’t support the same issues important to you, do not vote for them.
State and local officials already manage where, when, and how we can fish and continually change species, catch limits, size, and often seasonal limits. And yes, we’ve learned to live with and abide by these because we enjoy fishing and occasionally eating a few for dinner. But still, we cannot forget to protect the freshness of fish or anything else we plan on eating. We must ensure that what we keep is in prime consumable condition.
Simply tossing them in a fish box without ice or a non-circulating livewell is not the answer. When you get to shore several hours later, you have a spoiling mess on your hands.
It stands to reason that if we’re not going to do it right, do not. Perhaps we should be practicing catch and live-release and protecting our incredible resource.
You can stop by the local fish market for a nice piece of fish or fresh seafood if you’re not keeping fish for dinner. But remember that buying whole fish, fillets, or other seafood can be tricky to select the freshest. So, if you’re unsure how to make an informed decision, only check out the World Wide Web. You can find plenty of tips on how to pick fresh everything, including fish and seafood. It tells you exactly what to look for when making your choice. By far and away, the most significant bonus will be in the taste. There is little compared with the taste of fresh fish or seafood. For me, that is one of the real joys of fishing.
Despite the problems in other fisheries, ours is fantastic. Compared to other places in the world. The ability to take to the sea with the realistic anticipation of hooking into a nice catch is one of the things that make our area unique.
Years ago, I discovered the three key ideas to customer service. 1.) People quickly forget what you say, 2) They never recall what you do, but 3) They always remember how you made them feel. So, I incorporated this idea with my charter service, and we ended up with exciting, fun fishing charters, resulting in a lifetime of memories and excellent customer service. My charter service is and always will be about customer appreciation.
is the area’s number one charter service. I went over 25 successful years guiding and fishing folks in Tampa, Clearwater, and St. Petersburg. Single Boat, Multi-Boat, and Group Charters are all the same. With years of organizational experience and access to the area’s most experienced captains, we can arrange and coordinate any size group, outing, or tournament. Website www.captainwoodygore.com Email fishing@captainwoodygore.com
The Florida Bog Frog or Lithobates okaloosae, as it’s known by its scientific name, is a rare species of frog found only in Western Florida. The Florida Bog Frog is a small and rare amphibian that can reach a snout-to-vent length of 1.9 inches.
This species was unknown to science until 1982, when it was discovered by State of Florida herpetologist Paul Moler while conducting surveys for the Pine Barrens Tree Frog.
This species has a yellowish-brown upper body, a yellow belly, brown eardrum, yellow throat, a narrow ridge that runs laterally down the back, and smaller webbed feet with larger toes.
The diet of the Florida bog frog primarily consists of small insects.
There is limited information available about the reproduction of the Florida bog frog. Florida bog frogs breed between the months of April and August. During the breeding season, bog frogs will let out loud “chucks” to attract a mate. Their calls consist of three to 21 guttural sounds developed in the back of the oral cavity with calls continuously done at five notes per second. Females lay a few hundred eggs at a time on the surface of the water. Bog Frog tadpoles turn into frogs during the spring months.
The Florida bog frog inhabits a total area of less than seven and a half miles. It is found in shallow ponds or creeks along tributaries of the East Bay, Shoal and Yellow Rivers in Santa Rosa, Okaloosa and Walton Counties in Florida.
Bog Frogs occupy sluggish backwaters and seepages associated with clear, sand-bottomed streams. They prefer relatively open mucky areas that are thickly vegetated with low-lying herbaceous plant species and are especially fond of areas dominated by sphagnum.
The main threat to the Florida bog frog is the degradation of its habitat. Bog frogs thrive best in early succession vegetation.
Suppression of fire will cause woody plants to invade their bog habitat causing increased evapotranspiration, which reduces seepage from the soil.
Invasive vegetation also degrades its habitat; with Chinese tallow trees being the main invasive threat. Invasive vegetation degrades habitats by out-competing endemic species for resources needed for survival.
Feral hogs also threaten the Florida Bog Frog’s habitat by digging around in seepage areas which causes destruction to the habitat. Road construction can increase silt and pollution in streams, and can also cause habitat fragmentation.
Increased predation on Florida Bog Frogs is also a threat because their habitat is shared by the southern water snake, cottonmouth and wading birds. Other threats include pathogens and parasites and the effects of global warming such as increased sea level, drought and intense storms.
The Florida bog frog is protected as a state-Threatened species by Florida’s Endangered and Threatened Species Rule. Due to its restricted range, the Florida Bog Frog will always meet the criterion. Therefore, the goal of this plan is to address and mitigate the threats to bog frogs and their habitat, which in turn should prevent further population declines, or enhance populations where practical and enhance the size and quality of bog frog habitat.
To achieve this goal, this plan identifies the following objectives: maintain or improve existing or potential habitat for the bog frog; monitor and survey for populations of bog frogs at documented and undocumented sites; protect bog frogs against unauthorized possession or take; and promote education, outreach, and collaboration among stakeholder groups.
As summer vacation draws to a close, Mosaic welcomes students, faculty and staff back for another successful school year. We also salute the parents, community members and other businesses supporting education across the region.
Every Fall, Mosaic employees look forward to partnering with schools on academic and extracurricular initiatives from 4H & FFA to furthering innovative STEM learning.
Let’s work together to cultivate the most valuable crop of alla bright future.
We help the world grow the food it needs.
It’s August and it’s hot--and not just hot, but hot and humid! Now is a good time to keep your garden activities to a minimum. If you work in your landscape addressing the few chores that might be necessary, always remember to STAY SAFE! Work primarily in the morning or late afternoon hours. Take frequent breaks. Stay well hydrated; remember your sunscreen and insect repellant. Quick tips on chores that may be needed this month:
• Check the overall appearance of your landscape and gardens. Landscape beds can become overcrowded with summer growth. Such crowding can increase the presence of insect pests and diseases due to summer’s high humidity and a lack of ventilation between plants. Monitor your plants often for signs of early pests or disease.
• August can be a rainy month; monitor rainfall and apply supplemental watering only as plants show signs of stress. Keep foliage dry to minimize pest issues. If hand-watering, aim water at the base of plant.
• You can now prune most evergreen and other shrubs to your desired shape. Exceptions to pruning now: Do not prune azaleas or camellias at this time as it will affect developing flower buds. Gardenias can still be pruned until October 1st, without affecting next year’s bloom. If you have poinsettias, pinch back or prune for the last time, no later than Sept 1st.
• To improve drainage, break up any compacted mulch in plant beds. Pull or rake back mulch that has piled up against a plant stem or tree trunk; this will decrease your risk of pest or disease damage.
• Many perennials and annuals in your garden are now pooped! Cut back spent blooms and fertilize as needed to extend blooms into early autumn. If you have wildflowers, leave some blossoms that can produce seed for next year’s garden, and provide food for visiting birds.
• Consider adding new color to your August Garden by planting a container of annuals or perennials. The colors
blue, violet, purple, pink, green and white are considered “cool” garden colors which lend a calm and soothing effect to a steamy late summer garden. All container plants may need supplemental fertilizing, as watering can leach nutrients from the container’s soil. A liquid 20-20-20- fertilizer can be used, following the label’s directions.
• If you have a hot sunny space of turfgrass, consider removing a portion and add a shade tree or trees to create cool shade for the future.
• Summer rains and weed growth go together. If possible, try to keep up with this chore by weeding a little at a time, but frequently, remembering to avoid working in midday heat. Read our blog post on tips for hand weeding: https://blogs.ifas.ufl.edu/polkco/2023/07/14/quick-tipson-hand-weeding-in-your-florida-friendly-yard/.
• Discourage mosquito breeding. Empty any containers in your yard that holds water. Replenish bird baths at least every other day. Flush out bromeliad cups with a garden hose once a week.
• Monitor your landscape for hurricane preparedness. Check trees for damaged/broken branches or branches that overhang rooftop. Check the landscape for yard furniture and other loose items that could become projectiles in heavy winds. Refer to our blog post on hurricane preparedness for more information: https://blogs.ifas.ufl.edu/polkco/2019/05/13/preparing-your-landscape-for-hurricaneseason/.
While summer may be hot and humid, our autumn, winter and spring months make up for the heat by providing some of the best gardening climate to be found anywhere! Why not take some time this August to find a shady porch and a glass of iced tea—relax and make plans for your cool-weather gardening. August is a great time to peruse garden books, local magazines, and online sources for inspiration! Stay cool, and Happy Gardening!
“Integrated Pest Management” https://gardeningsolutions. ifas.ufl.edu/care/pests-and-diseases/pests/management/ integrated-pest-management.html
“Natural Pest and Disease Management” https://gardeningsolutions.ifas.ufl.edu/care/pests-and-diseases/pests/management/natural-pest-and-disease-management.html
“Hurricane Preparedness” https://extadmin.ifas.ufl.edu/disaster/
“Sun Safety” https://sfyl.ifas.ufl.edu/archive/hot_topics/ families_and_consumers/sun_safety.shtml
For more information, contact UF/IFAS Extension Polk County at (863) 519-1041 or visit us online at http://sfyl.ifas.ufl.edu/ polk. The Plant Clinic is open Monday-Friday, 9:00 am-4:00 pm to answer your gardening and landscaping questions. Give us a call or email us at polkmg@ifas.ufl.edu.
If you are not in Polk County, Contact your local UF/IFAS Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Plant Clinic.
The Florida Master Gardener Volunteer Program is a volunteer-driven program that benefits UF/IFAS Extension and the citizens of Florida. The program extends the vision of the University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, all the while protecting and sustaining natural resources and environmental systems, enhancing the development of human resources, and improving the quality of human life through the development of knowledge in agricultural, human and natural resources and making that knowledge accessible.
This article was written by Master Gardener Volunteer Molly Griner under supervision of the Master Gardener Volunteer Coordinator and Residential Horticulture Extension Agent Anne Yasalonis.
An Equal Opportunity Institution.
On a major league baseball diamond, the distance across the infield from the back top of home plate to second base is 127 feet, 3 3/8 inches.
In springtime, a wild male turkey’s head can turn a brilliant red, white or blue in a matter of moments.
A ten-gallon hat does not hold ten gallons. It holds about three quarts.
Squid is the number one pizza topping in Japan.
President Thomas Jefferson despised formal affairs and would often greet foreign dignitaries while wearing pajamas.
Zenith created the first TV remote control in 1950. It was called “Lazy Bones.”
Yahoo! Is an acronym which stands for “Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle.”
I have always been a southpaw, and my handwriting is terrible. Thank goodness for the typewriter. My left-handed writing is used mostly to pay our monthly bills.
On a more positive note, right-handed people use the left side of their brains. Left-handed people use the right sides of their brains. I guess that means only left-handed people are in their right mind.
There’s no denying it, left-handers are the odd men out. Sure, lefties make up about 10 percent of the population, but, frankly, it seems like society has forgotten about them with right-handed gadgets, awkwardly designed desks, cooking tools that fit comfortably in your right hand (now that’s just wrong!).
What causes someone to become a southpaw? Scientists aren’t exactly sure, but research points to a complex collaboration between genes and environment. While no exact set of “leftie genes” have been discovered, people who dominantly use their left hands do have more left-handed family members. And researchers have found different brain wirings in righties vs. lefties.
But no matter what it is that drives someone to use their left paw, science has also uncovered a particular set of personality traits that left-handed people tend to have. So for all of you lefties, leftie-loving righties and ambidextrous folks out there it’s time to brush up on your left-handed knowledge and help put an end to leftie discrimination once and for all.
Being left-handed puts me in the minority, but at least I am in good company. Famous people and celebrities such as Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Bill Clinton, Dr. Albert Schweitzer, Jay Leno, Mark Twain, Natalie Cole and Whoopie Goldberg were/are left-handed. Men are one-and-half-times more likely to be southpaws than women.
I found some interesting facts about being left-handed. The nails on the left hand tend to grow faster than on the right hand. The Egyptians thought is was good luck to enter a house left foot first. Of the five people that designed the Macintosh computer, four were left-handed. Benjamin Franklin signed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution with his left hand.
A few years back Burger King published a full page advertisement in the April 1st edition of USA Today announcing the introduction of a new item to their menu: a “Left-Handed Whopper” specially designed for the 32 million left-handed Americans. According to the advertisement, the new whopper included the same ingredients as the original Whopper, but all the condiments were rotated 180 degrees for the benefit of their left-handed customers. The following day Burger King issued a follow-up release revealing that the Left-Handed Whopper was a hoax, and thousands of customers had gone into their restaurants to request the new sandwich. At the same time, according to the press release, “many others requested their own ‘right-handed’ version.”
Believe it or not the farming industry has a lot of left-handed equipment. Left-handed plows, hoes, and many more. They even make a left-handed sawmill!
Have you ever noticed while sitting on the pot that 95% of the time the toilet roll holder is on the right side of you and so close you can barely unwind it?
Not sure who named it, but there is a town in West Virginia named Left Hand. It has only one service station and more than 200 graveyards within 20 miles. Looney Cemetery is one of the oldest on the side of a mountain. Over the years some of the land has eroded away sending some of the buried down the side of the mountain.
According to ABC News, lefties “are more likely to be schizophrenic, alcoholic, delinquent, dyslexic, and have Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, as well as mental disabilities. They’re also more likely to die young and get into accidents.” An indirect consequence of that fun little tidbit is that lefties are also far more qualified to make a joke about all those things. And doesn’t who a good dyslexia joke love?
Getting out of bed with the left foot first means that you will have a bad day and be bad tempered, i.e. getting out of bed on the wrong side. A ringing in the right ear means that someone is praising you, in the left ear it means that someone is cursing or maligning you. An itchy right palm means that you will receive money. An itchy left palm means you will have to give money. Wedding rings worn on the third finger of the left hand originated with the Greeks and Romans who wore
them to fend of evil associated with the left-hand. The right hand often symbolises ‘male’ while the left hand is ‘female.’ If you hear the sound of a cuckoo from the right it will be a lucky year. If the sound comes from the left it will be unlucky. If your right eye twitches you will see a friend, if it’s your left eye that twitches you’ll see an enemy. When dressmaking, it’s believed to be bad luck to sew the left sleeve onto a garment before the right sleeve. It is thought to be bad luck to pass a drink to another person with your left-hand or anti-clockwise around a table. If you apply an ointment with the forefinger of the right hand the sore will not heal. This is because this finger is said to be the ‘poison’ finger. Passing or pouring wine with the left hand leads to bad luck. Driving on the left started so that horse riders could use their whips in the right-hand to fend off other road users.
The left hand does worst in the parable of the sheep and goats. The sheep are set on Christ’s right hand and the goats on the left. Those on the right inherit the kingdom of god while those on the left depart into everlasting fire (to quote Matthew 25: verse 41: “Then he will say unto those on the left hand, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” Studies have shown that left-handers are more likely to have allergies than righthanders.
There you have it. That’s all I know about being left-handed.
Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Wilton Simpson and the Florida Forest Service announced $2.8 million is now available to landowners through Florida’s Future Forests Program. In its third year, the program offers landowners costshare payments to help increase the acreage of Florida’s healthy forests, which provide clean air, clean water, wildlife habitat, recreation, and thousands of essential products.
“A majority of our state’s forests are privately owned, so Florida landowners are key to maintaining and conserving our forests and natural resources for future generations,” said Commissioner Simpson. “This important program helps landowners offset the initial cost of site preparation, seedlings, and the planting of seedlings.”
“Forests are valuable natural resources and a great longterm investment for the state,” said Florida Forest Service Director Rick Dolan. “Trees remove carbon dioxide emissions as well as produce oxygen, contribute to clean water, and provide homes for wildlife.”
The Florida’s Future Forests Program is open to non-industrial, private landowners, local governments, and registered nonprofit organizations. To obtain an application and learn more about Florida’s Future Forests Program, visit FDACS. gov/FutureForests.
Applicants may request funding for tree establishment practices on a minimum of 20 acres and up to a maximum of 250 acres. Since 2021, the Florida Legislature has appropriated
approximately $12 million for this program. These funds have already been used to create 26,000 acres of healthy forests in Florida.
The Florida Forest Service, a division of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, manages more than 1 million acres of state forests and provides forest management assistance on more than 17 million acres of private and community forests. The Florida Forest Service is also responsible for protecting homes, forestland, and natural resources from the devastating effects of wildfire on more than 26 million acres.
For more information about Commissioner Simpson and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, visit FDACS.gov.
(c) For items purchased tax exempt pursuant to this subsection, proof of acceptance by a selling dealer of a Florida farm TEAM card from a purchaser relieves the selling dealer of the responsibility of collecting the tax on the sale of such items, and the department shall look solely to the purchaser for recovery of the tax if it determines that the purchaser was not entitled to the exemption.
What will this card cover?
1. The primary purpose of the TEAM card will be to allow farmers to claim applicable sales tax exemptions in lieu of certificates or affidavits. Many of these exemptions are not new, the card just makes transactions with retailers much smoother than keeping copies of documents in your glove box to educate people about the tax exempt status for each specific kind of product.
On July 1, 2023, Senate Bill 1164 / House Bill 1279 became law as Florida Chapter 2023-154. This bill covered a range of items that the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) will regulate. One key part of this bill was the creation of the “Farm Tax Exempt Agricultural Materials (TEAM) Card for use by farmers to claim applicable sales tax exemptions in lieu of certificates or affidavits.”
Florida Farm Bureau explained, “This card is meant to provide a more streamlined process for producers to receive the agricultural sales tax exemptions they are given in our state.” Many producers in North Florida are familiar with Georgia’s “Gate Cards” which allow farmers to carry a card to provide retail establishments proof of agricultural sales tax exemption in Georgia. This year the Florida legislature created a similar system for Florida farmers and ranchers. The law states that FDACS shall accept Florida Farm TEAM Card applications beginning on January 1, 2024.
Another key component in Florida Chapter 2023-154 was the clarification of sales tax exemption for fencing and handling facilities. Traditional fence supplies were included in the bill passed in 2022, but electric and temporary fences, as well as materials for handling facilities, were left out of the previous law. The sales tax exemption law now covers materials used to construct or repair permanent or temporary fencing used to contain, confine, or process livestock. A more specific list is provided below.
Florida Chapter 2023-154 states: FLORIDA FARM TEAM CARD
(a) Notwithstanding any other law, a farmer whose property has been classified as agricultural pursuant to s. 193.461 or who has implemented agricultural best management practices adopted by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services pursuant to s. 403.067(7)(c)2. may apply to the department for a Florida farm tax exempt agricultural materials (TEAM) card to claim the applicable sales tax exemptions provided in this section. A farmer may present the Florida Farm TEAM card to a selling dealer in lieu of a certificate or affidavit otherwise required by this chapter…
2. Fencing and processing facility supplies will be covered by the new Farm TEAM card. As of July 1, 2023, specific products now included in agricultural tax exemption include:
• Fencing, lumber, posts, fence wire, and panels.
• Electric fencing supplies were also included in the updated law: Energizers and fence chargers, electric fence wire, tape or rope, ground rods, connector clamps, and insulators.
• Even premixed concrete for posts, nails, screws staples, and hinges for gates.
3. Older tax exemptions will also be covered by the new Farm TEAM card. The following are examples of Florida agricultural sales tax exemptions approved by the legislature in previous years:
• Animal and Aquaculture Health Products
• Off-road (dyed) diesel fuel
• Electricity Used for Agricultural Purposes
• Trailers Used in Agricultural Production
• Fertilizers, Insecticides, Fungicides, Pesticides and Herbicides used for Commercial Production
• Power Farm Equipment – Accessory Parts, Accessories, Repairs & Equipment Used Through the Storage Phase of Production
• Seedlings, Cuttings and Plants Used to Produce Food for Human Consumption
All of these sales tax exemptions listed above are currently available to farmers and ranchers. The TEAM cards, that will be issued starting in 2024, will make the transactions at supply dealers much simpler. Until the TEAM cards are issued, farmers and ranchers will still have to provide the specific product Exemption Certificates and Tax Information Publications (TIP) to retailers for their records.
Have you heard of a cotton candy tree? While not really cotton candy as we know it, the fruit is described as very sweet, much like cotton candy. This tree grows in Florida and is also called Jamaican cherry tree, strawberry tree, muntingia calabura, Panama berry, Singapore cherry, cotton candy berry, jamfruit, or bird cherry. Although sometimes called a cherry or berry, this fruit is not truly either. Indigenous to Mexico, Central and South America, the tree grows rapidly and can withstand both acidic and alkaline soil. In Florida, Jamaican cherry trees can bear fruit all year, but typically is more productive during the warmer months.
Jamaican cherries are very sweet and are delicious eaten out-of-hand. They can also be cooked into jam or desserts or made into beverages. The leaves of the tree can also be steeped in hot water to make tea. The fruit ranges from pale pink to a red color when ripe and looks like a round berry that can be picked straight off the tree. The fruit contains many seeds, although they are very small and may not be noticeable. Fruits are green when young, changing to yellow before ripening to bright red with thin skin. The taste is very sweet and juicy, lending it the name “cotton candy tree.”
Fresh Jamaican cherries are high in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium. The outer skin is tender and edible and contains most of the fiber in the fruit.
Fresh Jamaican cherries are high in antioxidants, carotenoids and vitamin C. The highest concentration of these nutrients is found in the skin and seeds. Antioxidants help protect the body’s cell membranes from harmful free radical damage and lower markers of oxidative stress.
These compounds help provide anti-inflammatory effects, which are beneficial in warding off many major diseases.
These antioxidants are particularly beneficial in protecting blood vessels from oxidative stress, which results in atherosclerosis and high blood pressure. Several of the carotenoids are especially important for good eye health, offering protection to the retina and macula.
Jamaican cherries are high in vitamin K which is an essential component for clotting of blood in the body. This vitamin also helps maintain bone health by transporting calcium and metabolizes the mineral into your skeleton. Several research studies have found that vitamin K boosts bone mineral density and reduces fracture rates in people with osteoporosis. As a result, the Institute of Medicine increased its daily recommendation of vitamin K.
Choose plump, firm fruit that feel heavy for their size and are still attached to the stem. Look for richly colored skin that is free of blemishes. Store fruit in a shallow container in the refrigerator for up to one to two days. Jamaican cherries are delicate and best eaten as soon as picked. Rinse under cool running water before eating or preparing.
Jamaican cherries are delicious eaten raw, with its sweet crunchiness. The fruits can be mixed into fruit salad or desserts, or they can be cooked into jams, preserves, and sauces. The leaves are also edible and can be steeped in water to make tea.
Enjoy fresh Jamaican cherries today. In every juicy, crunchy bite is a load of great nutrition.
Selected References
Emma Self, a recent graduate of Bartow High School, is the new Florida FFA area IV Vice President. Area IV includes Polk, Orange, Broward and Osceola counties. FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
FFA officers play a key role in sharing FFA and agriculture’s message. They present workshops and deliver presentations focused on the importance of agriculture and leadership development in addition to coordinating statewide activities over the course of their year in office
Born and raised in Bartow, Self is the daughter of Kristi Lassiter, a speech-language pathologist, and stepdaughter of Zachary Lassiter, an X-Ray Technician. Emma is the oldest of two biological siblings: Ben, 16, and Carolina who is 13. She also has a stepsister Reese, 16, and a stepbrother, 14-year-old Tyson.
Emma attended Spessard L. Holland Elementary, Bartow Middle School, and Bartow High School. “I owe a lot of who I am to the teachers and environment of these schools,” said Self. “I became an FFA member in the sixth grade because of the middle
school agriculture teacher, Michele Parmer, who came to my elementary school and talked about the Ag program at Bartow Middle School. Having no background in agriculture or FFA, I still signed up for the class and have loved it ever since,” said Emma, who served as an officer for two years in middle school and two years in high school.
I enjoyed competitions like Forestry CDE (Career Development Event), Nursery and Landscape CDE, Parliamentary Procedure LDE (Leadership Development Event) and Extemporaneous Speaking LDE. I also made so many great friendships and had such unique experiences like State and National conventions,” she noted.
Throughout her involvement with FFA, Self has garnered many awards and served in a variety of leadership positions, but “I don’t like to focus on awards or titles because I gain perspective and appreciation from the moments within the journey, not the destination,” she said. “However, some of my favorite accomplishments are winning my first Extemporaneous Speaking competition in the ninth grade, making it to the final four in Discussion Meet at the Florida FFA State Convention, winning Parliamentary Procedure at the District level after waiting to compete in it for four years, competing
at state for the Florida Farm Bureau Youth Speech Contest and making Reserve Grand Champion with my Market Lamb at the Polk County Youth Fair.”
Self is quick to note the importance of her mentors throughout her membership in FFA. “My biggest mentors are Mrs. Parmer; Lexi Sanchez, Bartow High School Agriculture Educator; Mr. Foreman, Citrus Ridge Academy Agriculture Educator; my friends and my mom,” she said.
The motivation for Self to seek state FFA office comes from several perspectives. “My initial reason was to serve,” she said. “I wanted to gain humility and give back to the organization that has done so much for me. As I carry this with me throughout the year, I realize it goes deeper than just serving. It is ‘Living to Serve’. I want to live out Christ’s love in a way that puts others before me. Especially the FFA members who all have such a special place on this earth, and I want every person I meet to feel the same way: Seen. As I look back, my ‘Why?’ is that I could no longer sit around and wait for change, I wanted to be change.”
Throughout her year of service as a Florida FFA officer, Self plans to examine her options for college. “That looks like Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, Warner University, the University of Florida and more,” said Self. “I hope to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Agriculture Education and become an Ag teacher. My main goal is to give students a comfortable place to find and pursue their passion.
“I have also considered eventually becoming an educational researcher after a few more years of college so I can make positive changes in the education system,” she added. “I am honored to serve Florida FFA and I did not get here because of me. I got here because this was the Lord’s plan for my life and He made it possible.” Congratulations Emma, and best of luck for your year of Florida FFA service and beyond!
Michael Gorgen’s former career was in law enforcement. “I moved to Central Florida and became a bee farmer,” Gorgen said. “I did this out of a concern for the quality of our food.” Gorgen is the owner of Cedar Hive Honey Company. “We realized that our bees living nearby produced some of the best raw honey in Central Florida,” Gorgen said. “Our friends and family loved it so much that we created our first hive out of Cedar Wood. After perfecting our skills we decided to open up for business and Cedar Hive Honey Company was born.”
Cedar Hive Honey produces pure raw specialty honey from hives soaking up the Florida sunshine on their farm before going to their customers’ kitchen tables. “Our bees work hard and fast to produce a fantastic, raw honey that we love to share with the world,” Gorgen said. “This isn’t just any Florida honey, this honey is raw, local, and bursting with flavor. All of our honey is unprocessed and unfiltered going from the hive to the jar with minimal handling.”
Cedar Hive Honey has many unique types of honey to choose from in addition to creamed honey. “Raw honey is unique in that it contains all of the pollen collected by the bees, which makes each jar of honey a true reflection of the flowers that were blooming in our area at the time of collection,” Gorgen
said. “Our local honey is not only loaded with antioxidants and vitamins, but it’s also full of raw, natural goodness that’s perfect for your health.” I can verify the quality and taste of Cedar Hive’s honey because I’m addicted to their lemon-creamed honey.
Creamed honey is a type of honey spread made from crystallized liquid honey. It has a soft, smooth consistency that feels pleasant on the tongue versus naturally crystallized honey which is rough and gritty. It is also known as whipped, spun, churned, or set honey, and even honey butter or fondant, names hinting at the way it’s made and indicating it has a thick, soft, creamy, buttery consistency, but they are all the same thing.
Depending on how it’s made, there may be quite a few differences between creamed and liquid honey in terms of properties, uses and health benefits.
Commercially-produced creamed honey is likely pasteurized and pasteurization destroys beneficial elements and lowers vitamin and mineral content, basically reducing the honey to a sugary spread without benefits or noticeable uses. Certified raw creamed honey preserves all the nutrition and proper-
ties of the original product and provides the same range of benefits and uses.
Some of the health benefits of creamed honey included demulcent properties which calms cough in upper respiratory tract infections and even cough caused by acid reflux. It soothes heartburn pain and throat-burning sensation caused by the regurgitation of gastric juices. It has antibacterial and antiseptic properties with benefits for wound healing.
Honey is acidic, with a low pH, naturally dense as a result of high sugar-low water content and contains antimicrobial elements such as hydrogen peroxide and methylglyoxal which inhibit microbial growth. It has probiotic properties and promotes digestive health in addition to having antiviral, antifungal and antioxidant properties. “We are becoming quite famous for creamed honey because we are making them properly,” Gorgen said. “We can be found at the Lakeland Downtown Farmers’ Curb Market and other specialty markets in Central Florida.”
Keeping things local is important to Cedar Hive Honey. “Everything to do, we keep it local, especially to Central Florida,” Gorgen said. “Keeping things local is extremely important when it comes to honey because it’s all about the purity.”
If you’d like to learn more about Cedar Hive Honey Company or if you’d like to try some of their honey, you can visit their website at www.cedarhivehoneyco.com. You can also visit them at the Lakeland Downtown Farmers’ Curb Market when the market is back in season.
Courtesy of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
2 Florida avocados, pit removed and mashed
1 Florida tomato, diced small
2 Florida Key limes, juiced
¼ red onion, diced small
2 tablespoon fresh cilantro, roughly chopped
½ teaspoon cumin
Several dashes hot sauce (optional)
Sea salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste
Mix all the ingredients together in a large bowl and stir to combine. Taste and adjust seasoning as needed. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
Ingredients q q
24 medium-sized Florida mushroom caps, rinsed and stems removed
1 cup Florida zucchini, finely diced
½ cup Florida onion, finely diced
½ cup radish, finely chopped
½ cup breadcrumbs
½ cup fresh basil leaves, chopped
3 tablespoons Parmesan cheese
1 egg
1 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Combine all ingredients except mushrooms; mix well. Stuff mixture into mushroom caps and place stuffed mushrooms on a large baking pan. Bake until mushrooms soften and mixture begins to brown, approximately 15 minutes.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has signed a new immigration bill into law. The new law requires employers with more than 25 employees to use the federal E-Verify system to verify the employment eligibility of new employees. The requirement took effect July 1, 2023. Florida law has required public employers, contractors, and subcontractors to participate in E-Verify since 2021. The new law expands the participation requirement to private employers with more than 25 employees.
E-Verify is an internet-based system operated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that electronically verifies employment eligibility information provided by new employees. The E-Verify system supplements, but does not replace, existing I-9 employment authorization requirements. Employer I-9 requirements remain in effect.
The system compares information provided by the employee to federal databases. Generally, E-Verify provides confirmation that the Social Security number provided by the employee matches Social Security Administration records. EVerify procedures allow employees to correct or challenge initial E-Verify determinations.
It should be noted that E-Verify can be used only for new hires. Employees hired before July 1, 2023, remain subject to the existing Form I-9 documentation requirements, but their information does not have to be entered into the E-Verify system.
The E-Verify provisions may be enforced by state agencies, including the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, the attorney general, and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Employers must provide documentation of employment eligibility to these agencies upon request.
Beginning July 1, 2024, if the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity determines that an employer has failed to comply with the E-Verify requirements, the employer will be given 30 days to correct the noncompliance. A fine of $1,000
per day may be imposed if three violations occur in any 24-month period. Violations may also result in suspension or revocation of state licenses, permits, registrations, and other forms of authorization required by law.
The new law imposes separate civil and criminal penalties on employers that hire individuals without work authorization, in addition to existing federal civil and criminal penalties. So employers may be penalized by the state of Florida for failure to participate in E-Verify and for employment of unauthorized individuals, and may also be penalized by the federal government for unauthorized employment. Other provisions of the new law, in particular those relating to the validity of driver’s licenses issued by other states, immigration status data collection requirements for hospitals, and criminalization of interstate travel with noncitizens, may be challenged on federal preemption grounds, but the E-Verify provisions are expected to stand.
Florida employers with more than 25 employees can enroll online at: e-verify.gov/employers/enroll-in-e-verify.
In just a few weeks Downtown Lakeland will look different as tents line the roads for the reopening of the Lakeland Downtown Farmers Curb Market. The market will reopen on Saturday, September 2, 2023, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. After that, you can come out every Saturday between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. to explore small businesses and buy produce from local farmers. The market is located at 117 N. Kentucky Ave, Lakeland. There are a large number of vendors selling a variety of products. Produce, plants, food, art, furniture, and jewelry highlight a few of the things you will find at the market.
Downtown Lakeland gets a little crowded on Saturday mornings but there are many places to park when you want to market shop. The first option is on-street parking, which has a two-hour time limit. If you will not be at the market long and enjoy parallel parking, then this is a good option. The second option is parking garages. There is the Main Street Garage and the Heritage Plaza Garage. Both garages offer free parking on the weekends. The third option is public parking lots. These are the Oak Street Lot and Munn Park Lot. Some parking lots are reserved for private parking. It is important to
look for these Private Parking signs to make sure your vehicle will not be left in a place where it can be towed away.
At the market, look for vendors that you like and find ways to get connected with them. Many have social media accounts that keep you updated on new products and days when they will be at the market. Following Lakeland Downtown Farmers Curb Market on Facebook will keep you updated on open times, closed times, and vendor updates. The market closes for holidays and severe weather. The most recent updates and information can be found on their Facebook page.
The Downtown Lakeland Farmers Curb Market is a great way to support small businesses in the Polk County area. If you are looking for fresh produce, ready-to-eat food, or gifts then visit this farmers market on Saturday, September 2, anytime between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Happy market shopping!
The University of Florida Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) has issued a request for proposals (RFP) for the new Center for Applied Artificial Intelligence (AI) at its Gulf Coast Research and Education Center at Balm in southern Hillsborough County. The estimated $20 million, 34,000-square-foot project will include offices, research and meeting spaces and provide housing for graduate students.
“The facility and associated faculty will develop programs in robotics, precision agriculture and plant breeding that will accelerate agricultural technologies for not only our strawberry and tomato industries in the region but the breadth of agricultural enterprises around the state,” said Robert Gilbert, UF/ IFAS’ dean for research.
Florida Farm Bureau members have an opportunity for vacation savings on hotels, resorts, car rentals and more through membership in the Voyager Travel Club. Members may enjoy even greater savings as premium members. For more information, visit MyFFBF.org to obtain the Farm Bureau exclusive signup code.
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Rural Business Cooperative Service has $21 million available for the Rural Energy America Program to help agricultural producers and rural small businesses access federal funds for renewable energy and energy efficiency improvements. Eligible recipients for these grants include state, tribal or local governments; colleges and universities; electric cooperatives and utility companies; and for-profit and non-profit organizations. For more information, visit: www.rd.usda.gov.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is streamlining its Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) to ultimately better help agricultural producers and private landowners conserve wetlands, productive farmlands and at-risk grasslands. The USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), which administers the ACEP, is updating its processes around appraisals, land surveys, as well as certifying eligible entities that help NRCS and producers enroll into easements. For more information, contact the USDA Service Center in Plant City, 201 South Collins Street, Suite 201. Telephone: 813/752-1474.
Mathews Paret, Ph.D., a professor in the University of Florida (UF) Plant Pathology Department has been named department chair, effective September 15. In this capacity, Dr. Paret will lead the department of more than 30 members on the UF Gainesville campus and at research and education centers around Florida. Plant pathologists work on the front lines of emerging and economically important diseases that impact crop production and farmers’ livelihoods.
The Southwest Water Management District’s (District) Governing Board has voted to decrease property taxes by adopting a proposed 9.6% reduced millage rate for the District’s fiscal year 2024 budget. The reduction, which will be subject to final approval on September 6, will be effective October 23 and will save taxpayers $13.9 million.
The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) is reviewing 181 applications for the Rural and Family Lands Protection Program RFLPP). The applications represent over 200,000 acres. The program, which partners with farmers and ranchers through conservation easements, is designed to safeguard working agricultural operations that contribute to Florida’s economy and the production of food and fiber.
When you grow up in Florida, chances are you spent lots of your summer enjoying the beach. For me, it was the joy of squeaky, sugar-white sand of Anna Maria that most captured my imagination.
Most of such beach time was limited to just day trips with my family. Only occasionally did we find a room somewhere for a night or two. Vivid memories I have of being 10 or 12 years old and learning to skimboard at water’s edge.
One thing, though, that escapes me about the beach is remembering any interaction with sea turtles. Surely they were there, just like now, thousands of mama Loggerheads lumbering ashore at night to nest, leaving a deposit of 100 eggs or more in a flipper-dug and sand-covered clutch. After incubating a couple of months, new hatchlings would emerge and scramble to the Gulf.
How did I miss all of that?
Today it seems that everyone is attuned to the tales of turtles. Hardly can you tune into the tv without an update during the season. It’s a good one this year, with about 400 nests on Anna Maria Island, and hopes to beat the record of 544.
Yet these Gulf Coast numbers pale by comparison to the activity on Florida’s east coast. There, over just 20 miles, it’s projected that some 30,000 nests will be laid!
The numbers are so massive that unlike our western beaches, where if you’re lucky, you might find one turtle on a given night, on the Atlantic side it’s almost impossible NOT to see one, or maybe many!
There’s an amazing invasion of turtles going on.
Naturally, curiosity led to my acute desire to check it out firsthand. So, teamed with three friends equally interested in seeing a parade of turtles, we recently headed east.
Our destination was the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge, located in and around Melbourne Beach. It was created just a few years ago, in 1991, and stretches across 20.5 miles of beach and shoreline habitat.
The refuge was designated to protect the most significant area in the world for Loggerhead turtle nesting. It’s also the biggest for Green turtle nesting in North America. Just that one little area along the ocean gets 35% of all Loggerhead and Green turtle nests in the US.
I had hoped to get a glimpse of just a couple of turtles. Maybe we could see one crawling ashore and another actually nesting. It turned out, though to be much, much more amazing, There were so many turtles scrambling to lay their eggs that not much beach walking was needed. We needed only to sit on the deck, starting at about 10 pm, and quietly watch the water. Shortly thereafter appeared what looked like a giant boulder inching out of the water and heading straight our way.
The turtles didn’t arrive all at once, but methodically they did crawl ashore, find a suitable spot, and earnestly began digging, or actually slinging sand. It scattered everywhere; and since so many turtles were nesting, some of that being dug and slung was actually eggs of another turtle from only a few nights before!
Survival of the fittest, I suppose, but it left me wondering which ones would be lucky to survive.
Hours later, at the crack of dawn, I returned to the deck, and gazing over the beach I counted the tracks over an area I gauged to be about 100 yards. In that length of just a football field, during the night before, were 37 sets of turtle tracks all reflecting the same journey to nest.
Remarkable it was, yet there was more to come. Off to my left, perhaps 10 ft. away, was the distinctive sound of slinging sand. Only a few minutes before sunrise, yet there was this one final mama turtle doing her thing.
She was a massive Green turtle, larger than the Loggerheads, and endowed with a long, strong tail to help her propel. This girl could really move, and she let it be known as she flipped some sand my way, hitting my leg as if to say “stay away”.
I just watched as she finished her work and headed back to sea, choosing a line to follow which fell directly in the rays of the rising sun.
John Dicks is both a Lawyer and Businessman, including an interest in farming. He and his family have owned a Blueberry Farm and have Agricultural lands which they lease for cattle operations, as John says, “to someone who knows and handles cattle much better than I do!”. John is both a Gator, having received his undergraduate degree from the University of Florida, and a Seminole, with his Law Degree from Florida State University. John serves as Of Counsel to Trinkle Redman, a law firm in Plant City where he also served nine years as City Commissioner, including three terms as Mayor.
Ever since I was a little boy, all I ever wanted to be was the Sheriff of Polk County. Sure there were people who told me that I was crazy for thinking that way, but I learned at a young age that if you set a goal and you really, really want something, it’s within your power to attain it through hard work and dedication. I know that there are young men and young women out there right now dreaming of becoming a deputy – or even the Sheriff one day.
For those who are passionate about keeping people safe and putting bad guys in jail, we have made it easier than ever for you to become a Polk County deputy sheriff. We are currently offering FREE scholarships to the law enforcement and detention academy at Polk State College – and we will pay you $3,000 per month while you’re in the academy. Then when I swear you in, you’ll get a $7,000 bonus ($2,000 from PCSO, and $5,000 from the state) and your starting salary will be $56,700. And while you’re working here full-time, we’ll pay for any additional college classes you’d like to take (at the state
tuition rate). And after you get your Associate’s, Bachelor’s, or Master’s, we’ll give you bonus pay each year for having the degree. When it comes to higher education, we do everything for you except take the classes and pass the tests!
If your mama is worried about you being out on the streets and arresting bad guys (moms worry – it’s what they do) tell her that we have lots of other positions here at the Sheriff’s Office in our investigative and specialty units. We have property crimes detectives, robbery detectives, marine deputies on boats, canine handlers with dogs, and so many other opportunities to solve and prevent crime.
Did I mention our health insurance? It includes vision and dental as well. And we have the free county wellness center, which includes office visits for you AND your dependents. And of course, you know our deputies have take-home cars – even if you live in a neighboring county. Free gas in today’s economy is almost priceless.
We are also hiring for several civilian positions: fleet auto/ body technician, forensic latent print analyst, IT technical analyst, telecommunicator, food service specialist, detention support specialist and substitute detention support specialist, part-time clerical assistant, and part-time court process server. Civilians comprise more than one-third of our agency and the support roles they fill are critical to our mission of keeping people safe! With the exception of the fleet/auto body technician, there’s no experience or training required (just a high school degree or GED) to work full-time in one of these support positions.
You can tell that I’m passionate about where I work. To me, it’s the greatest place on earth, and I would love to share that experience with anyone who is up for the challenge. Visit our website polksheriff.org and click on Career Opportunities or call our recruiter at 863-298-6440. Come be a star on my team!
Camping is a great experience for many of us. The challenge of surviving even a few nights without our modern creature comforts is part of the thrill. There are certain creature comforts for which there is simply no compromise, the most common of which is a toilet. Many campgrounds have facilities to accommodate our urban conditioning to make the camping experience more agreeable, but there are situations in which urban comforts will not be available. National forests for example, or worse, a natural disaster like a strong storm or hurricane. In these situations, it is good to have backup plan. This month we are making a very simple portable toilet that can be used to make backwoods primitive camping a little more comfortable and can be kept for use if any of our Florida storms force us out of our comfort zone.
5-gallon bucket
Small trash bag
Cat Litter (recommended but not required)
Toilet paper
Swim Noodle
• Cut a small wedge out of the noodle so it will clamp onto the side of the 5-gallon bucket.
• Cut a slit out of the bucket handle bracket (so toilet paper roll can easily be changed.)
• Pop one side of the bucket handle out and thread a toilet paper onto the handle, replace handle to the bracket.
• Place a small garbage bag into the 5-gallon bucket and add a little bit of cat litter.
• Press the swimming noodle onto the edge of the bucket for a comfortable cushiony seat.
If you are camping, remember to pack your waste out with you just as if were trash. Human feces takes about a year to biodegrade, can be an environmental hazard. If the trash bag is tied tightly, it will be sanitary and will not produce foul odors.
I went hiking in the Chassahowitzka Wildlife Management Area in Hernando County recently to check out some of central Florida’s caves. In hopes of discovering new caves, we got off the beaten path and saw quite a lot of wildlife. Though our trip was not centered upon finding any specific species, we had hoped to find a Hickory Horned Devil caterpillar (Citheronia regalis) or at least a Giant Swallowtail Caterpillar (Papilio cresphontes) because…. well, the larvae look like bird droppings and adults are the largest butterfly in North America, two cool factors that make finding these caterpillars worth the effort. Though we did not find any of the caterpillars we would have liked to see, we were a little surprised to find what appeared to be Azalea caterpillars (Datana major). When I hear talk of Azalea, it’s usually in terms of a prized ornamental plant someone is trying to keep alive. I do not know much about the plants, but caterpillars in the Datana genus are easily recognized and kind of a big deal. This month we will take a closer look at the Datana caterpillar, commonly known as the Azalea caterpillar. You might find them in your own back yard if you grow Azalea, or any of the alternative host plants these critters like to eat.
The Azalea caterpillar is a member of the Notodontidae family of moths, commonly known as “Prominent” or “Back Tooth” moths; a family that consists of around 3,500 species. These moths are medium-sized nocturnal moths and are generally pretty drab in color, typically shades of gray, olive green, tan or brown. Some may have black spots or streaks, but moths in this family are not particularly visually stunning. These moths can be found worldwide but most are found in the new world tropics. This species scientific name Notodontidae translates to back(not) tooth (odont), the back-tooth moth because of a prominent tuft of hair on the back edge of the four wings that tends to stick up, resembling a tooth when the adult moth is at rest with its wings in a tent shape.
The adult moths do not feed and remain alive only long enough to mate. Once mated adult female moths lay their eggs on the underside of the host plants leaves in clutches of up to 100 eggs. For most of the United States the species has only one generation per year, however, in Florida’s tropical climate we can see two or more generations per year, the most prominent populations occur throughout North America between July and October. The caterpillars, rather than the adult moth, are what makes this species a big deal. When the eggs hatch the tiny caterpillars emerge and immediately begin to feed on the leaves of their host plant Azalia and it is their eating habits that make this species so remarkable. For the first few instars, the young caterpillars only skeletonized the leaves, but as they grow, they will need more nutrition to prepare for pupation and begin to eat the entire leaf. This may not seem like a big deal if you are imagining a few caterpillars on your plant, however, unlike many other caterpillars, the azalea caterpillars do not wander around as individuals, but rather, feed on the host plant as a group and consequently
can strip the host plant clean of its leaves seemingly overnight. Although this rarely kills the host plant it can slow its growth and is certainly unsightly for anyone that cherishes azaleas.
Although these caterpillars prefer to feed on Azalea they are known to also feed on blueberries, apple trees, red oak, witch hazel, crabapple and sumac. The caterpillars are easy to recognize, though their appearance changes slightly as the caterpillar grows. The younger caterpillars are reddish brown in color and have yellow stripes along the length of its body. In the latter stages of the caterpillar’s development it will grow to be two inches long and its coloration will change to black with yellow or white stripes and a red head. A fun characteristic of these caterpillars that can easily be observed is their group defensive posture. When they feel threatened, they assume a defensive posture by arching their back into a c shape, not just one caterpillar, but the entire group of caterpillars will assume this defensive posture and it can be quite entertaining to watch. They do not sting and can safely be touched or handled for mechanical removal from the host plant.
Physically removing the caterpillars from the plant is always my preference over toxins, however this species feed in very large groups and hand removal may not be practical. It’s important to remember the natural enemies that help control these caterpillars in the wild live in the leaf litter and soil. When we grow the host plant in our gardens and homes we may inadvertently disturb the habitat these natural enemies need to survive when we mulch and rake the soil to keep our gardens neat. Again, natural enemies are not always a viable solution because when the food source (caterpillars) diminish, so do the natural enemies until the food source becomes abundant enough to repopulate the natural enemies. A popular alternative to just letting nature take its course is the use of the microbial insecticide BT which is the bacteria (Bacillus thuringiensis), commonly marketed as a control agent for caterpillars because it is less likely to effect beneficial insects as much as popular toxins.
Another solution, (and one of my favorites) is the use of Diatomaceous Earth. It is non-toxic because it is little more than the fossilized exoskeletons of microscopic diatoms, a single cell algae that is distinguished as being the only organism on our planet with cell walls composed of silica. This is effective because silica is a quartz-like compound that is as sharp as glass. Diatomaceous earth works by literally cutting the insect from the bottom side as it walks across the tiny shards of silica.
Take a closer look at your garden this month, as we move into most active period for the Azalea caterpillar. If spotted in time you have a good chance of saving your Azalea during the next couple months that we should see large populations of this caterpillar.
It’s hot outside! Heat-related illness (HRI) can happen any time of year in our Florida environment. Experts from the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) have important advice for gardeners and outdoor enthusiasts who are most at risk for exposure when the heat index is high. The heat index is what the temperature feels like to the human body when the air temperature is combined with relative humidity. It is considered dangerous when it is 90 degrees or higher. Heat index is measured according to the temperature in the shade; direct sunlight can increase the heat index by up to 15%. The heat index is available on weather apps and channels.
Understanding why the heat index is important can help gardeners make wiser decisions about when they choose to garden (or not!).
Our bodies are designed to help regulate our internal temperatures; however, certain factors can interfere with our body’s ability to self-regulate. When we get too hot, we start to perspire, which helps us cool off when the sweat evaporates. When the sweat is not able to evaporate, due to high humidity, our bodies lose the ability to regulate and heat gets trapped inside our bodies. This is when we become at risk for heat-related illnesses, such as heat exhaustion or heat stroke. To prevent heat-related illnesses, take precautions such as checking the heat index before gardening, and gardening in the morning or evening instead of daytime. Protect your skin from the sun by wearing light-weight and light-colored clothing, and a wide-brimmed hat to protect your skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays. Wear sunscreen and reapply regularly. Drink at least 8 to 12 ounces of water, juice, or electrolyte drink before going outside to garden, and drink at least that
much every hour you are outside, even if you do not feel thirsty. Take frequent breaks in the shade – at least every 15 to 20 minutes.
It is important to understand the symptoms of heat exhaustion or heat stroke so you can take immediate measures. Heat exhaustion is characterized by feeling faint or dizzy; sweating excessively; having cool, pale, or clammy skin; nausea or vomiting; and/or a rapid, weak pulse. If you start to experience any of these symptoms, immediately go to a cool, shady location and drink cool fluid. Remove some of your clothing and cool your body by wetting your skin with cool towels.
If you do not improve, seek medical attention. Symptoms of heat stroke include confusion; headache; red, hot, dry skin; nausea or vomiting; body temperature above 103 degrees; rapid pulse; and/or loss of consciousness. Heat stroke is a medical emergency, and 911 should be called immediately.
The Southwest Florida Water Management District’s (District) Facilitating Agricultural Resource Management Systems, or FARMS program is celebrating 20 years of serving the region’s agricultural industry. The District believes working with the agricultural community to conserve water is essential to help ensure future water supplies. FARMS manager Carole Estes explains more about this innovative cost-share program:
Facilitating Agricultural Resource Management Systems (FARMS) – Your Questions Answered
Q: What is FARMS?
A: The Facilitating Agricultural Resource Management Systems, or FARMS program for short, is designed to serve as an incentive to the agricultural community to promote water quantity, water quality and natural systems BMPs to conserve groundwater use and promote resource sustainability. The program is an agricultural cost-share reimbursement program that reduces groundwater withdrawals from the Upper Floridan aquifer through conservation and alternative water supply best management practices (BMPs). Water quality and natural systems improvement BMPs also may be cost-shared in priority areas in conjunction with water conservation BMPs. The program is a public/private partnership developed by the District and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) in 2003.
Q: What is a best management practice, or BMP, and what does that look like for FARMS?
A: Best management practices (BMPs) are methods that have been determined to be the most effective and practical means for improving water conservation and quality in agricultural discharges. Examples of commonly used BMPs for FARMS include surface water pump stations, water control structures, automatic irrigation controls, soil moisture sensors and weather stations.
Q: What are some of the benefits to the water resources through the FARMS program?
A: Implementing agricultural BMPs provide many water resource benefits, including reduction of groundwater withdrawals from the Upper Floridian aquifer, improvement of ground and/or surface water quality impacted by groundwater withdrawals; applied nutrient reduction or retention, and improved natural system functions within wetlands and watersheds. Approved projects support the District’s Regional Water Supply Plan, Southern Water Use Caution Area, or SWUCA Recovery Strategy, Strategic Plan and Springs Management Plans.
Q: How much water has been offset through the FARMS program?
A: From the inception of the FARMS program in 2003 through 2023, the total projected groundwater offset from the more than 240 approved FARMS projects is 31.5 million gallons of water per day at an overall average cost-benefit of $2.43 per thousand gallons of water offset.
Q: As a member of the agricultural community, how do you qualify for FARMS funding?
A: If you are a member of the agricultural community, and have a District water use permit, you can apply for FARMS funding. To qualify for funding, projects must be located in the District and include one or more of the following BMP strategies: utilize an alternative water supply or technology to reduce groundwater use, improve irrigation water quality and watershed ecology by reducing reliance on poorer quality groundwater, and reduce nutrient applications or increase nutrient retention. The FARMS program may reimburse a grower up to 50% of the total project costs. Some projects may qualify for up to 75% reimbursement of total project costs based on the water resource benefits and the project location.
Q: How can I learn more about the FARMS program?
A: To learn more about the FARMS program, you can visit the District’s website at WaterMatters.org/FARMS or contact the District at (941) 404-1452.
The Governing Board of the Entomological Society of America (ESA) has elected UF/IFAS entomologist Lukasz Stelinksi one of six new Fellows of the Society for 2023. Election as a Fellow of ESA acknowledges outstanding contributions to entomology via research, teaching, Extension, administration, military service or public engagement and science policy.
Stelinski, a professor of entomology and nematology at the University of Florida/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center, is well known to Florida’s citrus growers for his many contributions. A consistent area of his research focus has been the practical applications of semiochemicals for pest management, particularly in the area of mating disruption. His research has contributed to the development of a theoretical framework for understanding mating disruption mechanisms in insects.
Stelinski helped evaluate and refine practical technologies for releasing semiochemicals in crops, leading to the development of now widely available tools. In recognition of his contributions to applications of chemical ecology for pest control, he was elected as a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2022.
Currently, Stelinski is investigating the interactions between phytopathogens and their vectors,
aiming to develop sustainable management systems for crop production in response to disease invasions. His work on citrus greening disease has involved managing vector populations and addressing issues such as insecticide resistance.
For example, his lab unraveled the mechanisms conferring insecticide resistance in citrus psyllid populations and developed appropriate remediation strategies. Grower adoption of revised insecticide application schedules eliminated the problem of neonicotinoid and pyrethroid resistance among psyllid populations in Florida citrus almost entirely.
Stelinski’s research on plant-insect interactions has revealed the impact of citrus psyllid feeding on plant immunity and growth. Through his studies, he has determined that suppressing vector populations can lead to measurable yield gains, particularly when disease is widespread. In this case, his findings have revealed the utility of incorporating threshold-based management strategies for vectors, reducing unnecessary insecticide sprays while maintaining yield and increasing grower profit.
Stelinski’s research has also influenced cultural control methods for disease management in citrus. His team demonstrated the effectiveness of establishing living windbreaks and replacing individual diseased trees, instead of replanting entire
orchards. Additionally, his research on psyllid vector movement has contributed to the reduction of abandoned orchards in Florida, which serves as a source of disease inoculum.
With nearly 240 peer-reviewed journal articles and over $16 million in grant support, Stelinski has greatly benefited from wide-ranging collaborations with many colleagues across the globe. He has worked with many brilliant students and postdocs, all of whom have greatly contributed to his lab’s success. Those students and postdocs are now active in academia, industry and the U.S. government.
Stelinski helps teach courses and seminars on pest management, chemical ecology and professional development in entomology, and he actively promotes the implementation of biorational solutions to pest management through his Extension program.
Stelinski joins other esteemed entomologists from across the nation who were named 2023 Fellows of the Entomological Society of America including:
• Cassandra Extavour, Harvard University
• James Hagler, U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service
• Alvin M. Simmons, U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service
• Edward L. Vargo, Texas A&M University
• Douglas B. Walsh, Washington State University This year’s honorees will be recognized during Entomology 2023, November 5-8, in National Harbor, Maryland.
The mission of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) is to develop knowledge relevant to agricultural, human and natural resources and to make that knowledge available to sustain and enhance the quality of human life. With more than a dozen research facilities, 67 county Extension offices, and award-winning students and faculty in the UF College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, UF/IFAS brings science-based solutions to the state’s agricultural and natural resources industries, and all Florida residents. ifas.ufl.edu | @UF_IFAS
ABOUT: ESA is the largest organization in the world serving the professional and scientific needs of entomologists and people in related disciplines. Founded in 1889, ESA today has more than 7,000 members affiliated with educational institutions, health agencies, private industry, and government. Headquartered in Annapolis, Maryland, the Society stands ready as a non-partisan scientific and educational resource for all insect-related topics. For more information, visit www. entsoc.org.
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Welcome back to school, and if you’re not in school, welcome to the worst traffic of your life for the next two to three weeks. Polk County CattleWomen have not had a meeting since May, but now we are ramping up and getting busy!
Our next event is the Florida Cattlemen’s Association Fall Quarterly to be held in Davenport, FL at Richie Brothers. This is a two-day event that consists of committee meetings, board meetings and the Steak-Out. Florida CattleWomen held a Beef Short Course at Southern Grace where CattleWomen from across the state came to show off their beef cooking skills.
Good luck to all the teachers and students that are going back to school! Our next meeting will be on September 5th at 6:30 in the Valencia room at the Bartow Extension office. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at blairbuchanon@ gmail.com.
Blair Buchanon Polk County Cattlewomen President blairbuchanon@gmail.com