February 2014
February 2014
Business Up Front
By Jim Frankowiak
Derrick Kelley, owner of Kelley Buick GMC and lifelong Polk County resident, will do what it takes to earn your business. In the heart of Polk County, Bartow, Florida, Mr. Kelley has one simple philosophy. This philosophy is that if he treats his customers like he treats his family and friends, with the respect they deserve, they would continue to come back again and again. Mr. Kelley was right, after many years of being in business his philosophy is still in place and still working for him. At Kelley Buick GMC your new and used car buying experience will be much different than anything you have ever encountered. There are no high pressured salesmen, simply business associates who are there to help you make the best decision for your budget. Selling quality used cars and outstanding deals on brand new Buick and GMC products. Kelley Buick is built on Honesty, Trust and Integrity. Mr. Kelley and his business partner Russell Hernandez have a staff equipped with highly qualified business associates who make your buying experience pleasant. He has a service department that makes service an enjoyable experience and he stands behind the product he sells with warranties and guarantees. The waiting area is equipped with couches, TV’s and refreshments to relax while your vehicle is being serviced. The dealership of the past with all the modern day incentives is what you will find when you walk through the doors of Kelley Buick GMC. The Kelley family, Derrick and his wife Marie, are both vital to the everyday operations at Kelley Buick, and customer satisfaction really matters to them. WWW.INTHEFIELDMAGAZINE.COM
Mr. Kelley also believes in giving back to the community that supports his business. He recently made a donation to the Polk County Youth Fair in the amount of $34,265 in matching contributions. He came up with this idea because he knows the youth involved in agriculture needed support for their project animals. He thought, what better way to support the community and give back than to support those at the Polk County Youth Fair? He also has challenged other local businesses to step forward and support the Polk County Youth. “It was a rewarding experience to hand the directors of the youth fair this check and to know that I made a difference in the lives of the youth who work so hard raising projects.” Mr. Kelley has also sponsored the local rodeo circuit by being a saddle sponsor for the participants. He feels it is vital to be a part of helping the youth in our community. Kelley Buick GMC has Polk County’s largest selection of custom 4-wheel drive vehicles. Mr. Kelley doesn’t ever plan on being the biggest dealership, just the best, one where the customer knows they matter. Kelley Buick will do what it takes to get your business and it is well worth the drive to Bartow. If you would like to have a buying experience unlike anything you have previously had, go see the business associates at Kelley Buick GMC located at 255 West Van Fleet Dr. Bartow, Florida or call visit them online at www.kelleybuickgmc.com. INTHEFIELD MAGAZINE
February 2014
V O L . 7 • IS S U E 7
VOL. 7 • ISSUE 6
F eature S tory
PolkKrieger County Rob Youth P a g e 3Fair 4
Business Upfront
Page 3
President -JB Wynn
P resident C harles C lark (863)- 581-3255 ( 863) 528-8537 jbwynn29@gmail.com cclark@ expoco.com
Results are in!
Vice President McCullers V ice P resident- -David Dave Tomkow
Treasure -Justin Bunch
Cover Photo by: Melissa Nichols
P.O. Box 9005 • Drawer HS0 3 Bartow, FL 33831 -9005
Cigar Box Guitars
Page 40
((863) 863) 6528-1195 6 5-50 88 cattlemanslivetock@ earthlink.net
S ecretary/ Treasurer J ustin B unch (863) -425-1121 ( 863) 4 25-1121 jbunch@ agriumretail.com jbunch@agriumretail.com A l B ellotto - ( 863) 581-5515
Al Bellotto - (863) 581-5515
R ay C lark - ( 863) 6 83-819 6 rclark@ State tampabay.rr.com Director -Ray Clark -(863) 683-8196
L .B . F landers, DV M - ( 863) 6 4 4 -5974
Master Gardner
Page 10
Recipe: Sue Harrell
Page 48
L.B.F ussell Flander, DVM 9- 84 (863) 644-5974 Dewey - ( 863) -3782 Mike F ussell ( 863) 69 8-8314 Dewey- Fussell - (863) 698-8314 fussell.flafarm@ verizon.net fussell.flafarm@verizon.net David McC ullers - ( 863) 528-1195
Fishing Hot Spots
Page 14
Warner University
Page 18
Moby Persing - (863) 528-4379
Florida Arugula
Page 49
Naturally Amazing: Bird Feeder
Page 50
Rocking Chair Chatter
Page 22
Growing Success: Lakeland Montessori
Moby Persing - ( 863) 528-4 379
Mike Facente - (863) 697-9419
Ned W aters - ( 863) 69 8-1597 watersn@ doacs.state.fl.us Charles Clark- (863) 528-8537
J .B . W ynn - (cclarkc4@yahoo.com 863) 581-3255 jbwynn29 @ gmail.com Dave Tomkan - (863)665-5088
cattlemenslivestock@earthlink.net A lternate - Mike Facente - ( 863) 697-9419 S tanding C ommittee C hairs: Membership - J .B . W ynn E vents - K evin F ussell ( 863) 4 12-5876
A Closer Look: Foods That Heal
Page 51
Page 24
R odeo - F red W aters ( 863) 559 -780 8 watersf@ doacs.state.fl.us Website - Chris Nelson (863) 533-1020 C attlewomen - P resident Marjorie W ood ( 863) 6 6 0 -4 137 onnie397@ aol.com E xtension - B ridget C arlisle ( 863) 519 -8677 bccarlis@ ufl.edu
Streamsong Resort Open For Business
S heriff’s Dept. - S gt. Tommy Dixon
Page 36
February 2014
February 2014
Publisher/Photography Karen Berry Senior Managing Editor/ Associate Publisher Sarah Holt
I just returned from the Fresh From Florida breakfast, an annual event held at the start of the Florida State Fair in the Ag Hall of Fame building. I don’t enjoy it just for the food, although I do enjoy “grazing” on the food grown right here in Florida. It is always a pleasure to see the large crowd of people on hand from such a wide variety of agricultural backgrounds. Once again, Governor Rick Scott, Attorney General Pam Bondi and Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater, joined Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam in welcoming everyone to the breakfast. Every person who eats is involved in agriculture. Unfortunately most consumers don’t see it that way. The thought of how their food arrived on the table doesn’t really cross their minds until there is a crisis of some sort in the media. This is a mindset that needs to change. We have many things we take for granted, like cell phones, cable TV, computer games, and more. These are not necessities of life. Life cannot be sustained without food. So please, take the time to thank your farmer and rancher. Look for the Fresh From Florida label on your food. It only takes a second of time, but can make a world of difference to the local economy. This community of agriculturists is truly passionate about what they do. Where would we be without them? Until Next Month,
The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. _ Numbers 6:25
Editor-In-Chief Al Berry Editor Pasty Berry Office Manager Bob Hughens Sales Manager Danny Crampton Sales Al Berry Tina Richmond Danny Crampton Melissa Nichols Justyna Thomson Creative Director/Illustrator
Juan Alvarez Photography Karen Berry Al Berry Stephanie Humphrey Staff Writers Al Berry Sandy Kaster James Frankowiak Sean Green Ginny Mink Libby Hopkins Melissa Nichols Contributing Writers Woody Gore
February 2014
Agro-Culture Liquid Fertilizers..............................16 Alan’s Air Conditioning....................5 Arcadia All-Florida Championship Rodeo....................52 Bankers South Group....................35 Broke & Poor..................................39 Carlton & Carlton, PA...................52 Cattlemens Livestock Auction......21 Cattleman’s Feed.............................41 Cecil Breeding Farm.......................13 Country Village Power Equipment...........................42 Crescent Jewelers...........................9 Darn Grills & Ranch Supply........47 Ellison RBM Inc...............................47 Everglades Farm Equipment........56 Fancy Farms....................................23 Farm Credit.....................................43 Farm Bureau Ins Bill William......39 Fla Dpt of Ag & Consumer Svcs..........................34 Florida Farm & Ranchers Supply........................42 Florida Fence Post Company........15 Florida Strawberry Festival.........45 Fred’s Market Restaurant...............9 Grove Equipment Service.............17 Grove Equipment Service............38 Harold’s Feed & Pet supply............11 Helena Chemical-Tampa...............21 International Market World.........20 Jason Grimes Contracting.............7 JH Biotech........................................47 Kelley Buick.......................................2 Key Plex............................................55 Lightsey Cattle Co.........................47 Mosaic................................................12 Napa.................................................20 Pathway Biologic............................44 Polk County Cattlemen’s Association...................4 QLF Specialty Products...................7 QLF Specialty Products................53 Rocking “H” Ranch.........................46 Savich & Lee..................................23 Seedway............................................9 Southern Excavation.....................54 Stephanie Humphrey....................50 Stoller ..............................................41 The Bug Man..................................47 Wallenstein of Florida...................53
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February 2014
It’s That Time of year again. Each of us are anxiously watching the weather reports everyday to see if cold weather is on its way. By now most of us have had a frost or two, and are working hard to keep our livestock fed and in good condition. What a blessing it was to go all the way into January with green grass. For those of you who have already entered another breeding season, I’m sure you are busy putting bulls out and keeping an eye on your cows. The Polk County Youth Fair was a few weeks ago and everything went off without a hitch (or at least that I heard about!). Kids worked hard all year with their hogs, steers, rabbits, chickens, plants, crafts and many other projects to bring to the fair. Their hard work paid off when they earned ribbons, trophies or maybe even a spot in the Parade of Champions. I was especially proud of my 8-year old nephew, Gabe Chandley, for winning Grand Champion Commercial Steer his first time showing an animal. The youth fair fundraiser “A Taste of Agriculture” was held on January 18th at Higgenbotham’s Rocking H Ranch. It was a cold, but successful night, as many showed up to help support their local fair. A big thanks to the volunteers and sponsors that made it possible
February ebruary 2014
and dedicated their time and resources. The steaks and sides sure were delicious. The National Cattlemen’s Convention was held in Nashville this past February 4 - 7. Cattlemen from all over the US were in attendance. We should know more about how well Florida was represented by next month’s letter. Right now, we’re preparing for the Polk County Cattlemen’s and UF’s IFAS Ranch Rodeo & Trade Show coming up on Saturday, February 15th. A lot of work has gone into this event as we enter the 9th year for the trade show and 7th year for the rodeo. Hope you were able to make it out to this exciting event to watch the cowboys and cowgirls show off their skills. As I’m writing this, we have just had four straight days of rain with a forecast of warm weather predicted for next week. Bring on the green grass.
JB Wynn
JB Wynn Polk County Catlemen’s Association President
Alfred Hitchcock did not have a belly button. When you sneeze, all bodily functions stop, even your heart. Only 7% of the population is left-handed. 40-people are sent to the hospital every minute. The average person over 50 will have spent 5 years waiting in lines. The toothbrush was invented in 1498. The average housefly lives for one month. 40,000 Americans are injured by toilets each year. A coat hanger is 44 inches long when straightened. Your feet are bigger in the afternoon than any other time of day. Only two animals can see behind themselves without turning their heads, the rabbit and the parrot. The first Harley-Davison motorcycle built in 1903 used a tomato can for a carburetor. Humphrey Bogart was the 7th cousin to Princess Diana. In most television commercials advertising milk, a mixture of white paint and a little thinner is used in place of milk.
February 2014
The MacKay residence is an outstanding example of an early twentieth century type of architecture known as “Craftsman style” and is surrounded by lush gardens containing rare and tropical plant and tree specimens. Would it surprise you to know that the Preserve is home to one of the rarest trees in the world? This fact is only one aspect of the mystery of MacKay. The 7,000 square foot estate was the winter home of Scottish investor and entrepreneur, Alexander MacKay, who secured the property in 1915 on the advice of a man named Critchlow. Critchlow told MacKay that he should consider buying land in the city of Lake Alfred, where citrus was a burgeoning industry. The Critchlow family owned a sawmill by Lake Alfred. Mr. MacKay took his advice and purchased about 1,000 acres, some of which may already have contained citrus trees. Mr. MacKay ordered plans for the residence and most materials were shipped by railcar from Tampa. He named his estate La Rochelle, which is also the name of the lake which the estate 10 10
FFebruary ebruary 2014 2014
overlooks. This huge home has sleeping porches, porch columns and open interior spaces and is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. The MacKays loved this place and implemented the practice of tea time at exactly 4:00 p.m. each day. As a result of a management plan for the Gardens and Lakeside Preserve, the City of Lake Alfred is required to create outdoor recreation opportunities, renovate the residence, restore the gardens and provide interpretive and environmental educational programs. The Polk County Master Gardeners’ organization was pressed into service to assist in the recovery of ornamental plantings in the cultural landscape, which had seen years of neglect. The former residence is now being used for dirt days, interpretive tours, weddings, family reunions, corporate meetings and other events. In addition, monthly educational gardening programs are presented on the first Thursday each month at 10:00 a.m. by the MasWWW.INTHEFIELDMAGAZINE.COM WWW.INTHEFIELDMAGAZINE.COM
ter Gardeners Speaker’s Bureau and hosted by Pat Farris and Debra Howell, with assistance from other Master Gardeners. A Floridafriendly demonstration garden has been provided by Anne Yasalonis and the Florida Yards and Neighborhoods Program. Assisting with these projects are Master Gardeners Kathleen Sabatino, Lynn Hice, Harry and Joan Laird, Mike Fisher, Sylvia Alchediak, Jan Liles, Joe Wolf, Dan Chase, Chris DeRidder, Pat Cherundulo, John King, Tom Willard, Lynn Rumrill, Molly Griner, Lynn Lang, Sondra McClouth, Linda Wheelock, Ralph Cosier and non-Master Gardener volunteers Steve Franklin, Dave Daubert, Bonnie Sprague, Ray Duchesny, Joel Campbell, Garden Clubs and the rest of our faithful following. The Master Gardener presence was initially provided by Cathy Butcher, who is responsible for supervision of landscape volunteers who help her and the City of Lake Alfred in this vast recovery and maintenance project. Cathy Butcher was also monumental in securing additional help with an internship provided through Dr. Sydney Park Brown of the Plant City University of Florida campus or Gainesville. This internship would not only benefit the intern, in this case Ashley Tyer, but would aid MacKay Gardens by assisting with onsite plant identifications and management plan fulfillment. Ashley has designed a map to correlate with the location of numbered posts and descriptions of the corresponding plant. She also consented to make a brief video with which to publicize MacKay due to its lack of public awareness. Most people do not even know of the existence of Lake Alfred’s “diamond in the rough.” The video may be accessed via YouTube by searching for MacKay Gardens and Lakeside Preserve.
two ridge systems in Central Florida. In 2008, Bok Tower received a grant to fund a project to assist in the efforts to save this beautiful plant from becoming extinct. Volunteers are coordinated to water, plant, weed and collect data for this worthwhile project. On a recent visit to take photos for this article, I made it a point to check on the lupines and was elated to see they had endured the cold snap. Additional intriguing points of interest are three miles of lush trails, the grotto, a gorgeous view of Lake Rochelle and a canoe launch, an impressive bamboo path and a stand of eucalyptus trees planted in the shape of a cross as a memorial to the MacKay’s son, Robert. In restating the pervading theme of preserving the historical and environmental importance of MacKay Gardens and Lakeside Preserve, I would like to quote Nancy Daley who once said, “It (MacKay Gardens Preserve) will define the character of our city for generations to come.” Ode to Mackay By Debra Howell One final thing, which I feel Compelled to say, When properly pronounced, It’s MacEye not MacKay!
A definite asset to daily functions is the recent addition of the offices of Parks and Recreation, Director Jeff Tillman, and his assistant Anaeli Quinonez, both of whom have been very helpful to the efforts of the Master Gardeners. But, if gardening talks and interpretive walks are not your “cup of tea,” try this on for size, MacKay hosts the Bluegrass Bash and Astronomy Nights which may be more to your liking. MacKay also plays host to some of the summer kids’ camp activities. You may call the City of Lake Alfred or go to their website for future events or to schedule an event of your own creation. None of this would be possible today were it not for the dedication, concern and vision of the Lake Alfred City Commission, Nancy Daley and a group of concerned citizens. With the assistance of Nancy Daley and the Trust for Public Land, a grant for 2.5 million dollars was obtained from the Florida Forever Program of the Florida Communities Trust. Prior to the transfer of ownership to the City of Lake Alfred in 2005, this tract was scheduled for the wrecker’s ball and the bulldozers. MacKay Gardens and Lakeside Preserve was opened to the public in 2008. The city has risen to the challenge of the upkeep of MacKay, and indeed, painting and woodworking were in evidence as recently as last week when I visited the estate for a follow-up photo shoot. If you are still not convinced that a craftsman style dwelling, constructed for a Scotsman from a $15.00 set of plans, by a boat builder name Hans Yourst, is meritorious of these preservation efforts, then read on. Early on Alexander MacKay enlisted botanist, John Morley, to manage the estate with its complement of citrus groves. MacKay then tapped world-renowned Dr. David Fairchild, a globe-trotting botanist who was searching the world for plants for possible use in America. Thus the reason for MacKay Gardens being the home to one of the rarest trees in the world, the Reevesia pubescens (the Thoreau tree), which shares an area with the “Dinner Plate” tree, so called due to its very large leaves. Also, present are Grugru palms and an African tulip tree, just beginning to exhibit impressive orange flowers. The historic value of these plants provided impetus towards the appropriation of the grant. Not only does MacKay embrace the upkeep and preservation of these historic treasures, they have embarked on a project in partnership with the Bok Tower Rare Plant Conservation Program to successfully establish a colony of the endangered scrub lupine, Lupinus aridorum. Juliet Tynear, rare plant specialist in the Rare Plant Conservation Program, has begun establishment of this lupine, which is endangered due to environmental stresses and is now found only on WWW.INTHEFIELDMAGAZINE.COM
February 2014
Dannie Glassburn Florida 4-H, District IX
Connecting our mission to our communities At the heart of every local fair are young people learning about responsible farming, ranching and food production. As a global leader in the production of essential crop nutrients, Mosaic takes pride in fulfilling our mission of helping the world grow the food it needs. However, most people don’t know we also produce high-quality feed ingredients that provide the critical building blocks of animal nutrition – for farmers and ranchers here in Florida and around the world. Quality food on our tables begins with quality feed on farms. That’s why we’re proud to support our local FFA and 4H programs – where commitment to teaching responsible agricultural practices is about growing a safe and healthy future, for all of us. Let’s keep our communities growing, together.
February 2014
FFebruary ebruary 2014 2014
Large Tampa Bay snook, caught late afternoon just before leaving to end the charter. She picked up a piece of cut ladyfish and it was game on.
Tampa Bay Fishing Report February Snook: (Snook is closed until the end of February) Gulf of Mexico, Monroe County, and Everglades National Park (state and adjacent federal waters) If we all remember correctly back in 2010 is when we had that tremendous snook kill that almost decimated our snook population. I can remember marking Bay water temperatures in the 40’s which is cold by anyone’s temperature gauge. If you’re lucky enough to find some they’ll probably be lethargic and perhaps not willing to chase down bait. If you must target them in the winter months while they are trying to survive, you might try dead bait on the bottom using a circle hook.
Spotted Sea Trout: Trout action usually goes off the wall with cooler water temperatures. Fish the strong in or out tides around deep water. They eat shrimp, small pinfish, greenbacks and artificial lures. Rig a popping cork with shrimp, either live or artificial and hang on. Soft plastic jerk style lures on a jig head produce excellent catches when bounced off the bottom. Remember, the bite always comes on the fall, so don’t be surprised to have a fish on just after the lure hits the water. Sheepshead & Snapper: They will show up everywhere during the winter months. Try fishing markers, bridge fenders, docks, seawalls, rock piles, oyster bars or any type of structure. Shrimp and fiddler crabs work along with green mussels and oysters. Pompano: Don’t be surprised when you hook into several nice pompano around the Big Bend Power Plant. They are frequent visitors every winter with many boats and manatees. Cobia: Don’t be surprised to see one on the back of large Rays and Manatees. As the waters cool you should see them around the hot water discharges of power plants. Large shrimp on a ¼ oz. jig head normally does the trick. But small or chunk crab also works.
Redfish: Redfish continue to be fairly active with plenty of smaller fish running around channels and canals. Patience usually produces the occasional slot fish. Artificial’s, hard and soft baits catch wintertime reds as well as shrimp and cut bait.
Warm Water Discharges:
There are plenty of manatees, so try not to hook them. 14
February 2014
“Give Me a Call & Let’s Go Fishing” – 813-477-3814 Captain Woody Gore is the area’s top outdoor fishing guide. Guiding and fishing the Tampa, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Tarpon Springs, Bradenton, and Sarasota areas for over fifty years, he offers world class fishing adventures and a lifetime of memories. Single or Multi-boat Group Charters are all the same. With years of organizational experience and access to the areas most experienced captains, Woody can arrange and coordinate any outing or tournament. Just tell him what you need and it’s done.
Visit his website at: WWW.CAPTAINWOODYGORE.COM send an email to wgore@ix.netcom.com
or give him a call at 813-477-3814
Photo of me and Captain Mel Berman caption: This month marks the death of a longtime friend and fishing companion Capt. Mel Berman. I enjoy many hours trout fishing with Mel and listening to stories about his broadcasting career. You’re fondly remembered my friend and not forgotten. Sharks: Sharks also frequent the warm water discharges this time of year, so don’t be surprised when you catch several while targeting Cobia. You’re more likely to catch them on the shallow sand bar on the Northeast side of the discharge area. Just remember you’re not going to be alone at the Big Bend Power Plant, besides all the boat traffic there will be several hundred manatees. In January, at the Power Plant, on the East side of Tampa Bay it was one shark on almost every cast using shrimp. And February should be the same as long as the water temperatures stay down. WWW.INTHEFIELDMAGAZINE.COM
February 2014 2014 February
15 15
February 2014
February 2014
WARNER UNIVERSITY NEW AG STUDIES PROGRAM PROGRESSING Ag Complex Fund-Raising Goal Nearing Halfway Mark By Jim Frankowiak The new Agricultural Studies Program at Warner University – though just fully-introduced at the beginning of the current academic year – is showing promising growth signs among undergraduate students and from donors for its proposed on campus Ag complex.
dents experience agricultural related content during their freshman and sophomore years while other school’s programs introduce core classes later on. Warner’s complimentary minors increase a student’s marketability in a highly competitive marketplace, as well.
Designed to develop leaders “who will impact agriculture here at home and around the world,” the program offers a Bachelor of Arts in Agricultural Studies at the Christian University bounded in 1968 as Warner Southern College by Church of God pastors and laity at Lake Wales. In 2008 the name was changed to Warner University and it now has a student body of nearly 1,200 from over 30 states and 20 countries. Warner consists of three schools: School of Ministry, Arts & Sciences: School of Business; and the School of Education. The undergraduate program includes over 25 liberal arts and professional majors, including the new Ag Studies Program, as well as three graduate level programs designed for working professionals. They are Master of Business Administration, Master of Arts in Education and Master of Science in Management. Courses are available on line as well as on campus.
“I think this program has enabled many students to stay close to home while earning a bachelor’s degree in this field of study,” said Stephen Brown, a member of the inaugural class. “One of the things that I enjoy about the program is our small class sizes. My current classes have no more than eight students. This is a huge difference from larger programs that might have up to 100 students. It really gives us a better learning experience, and more of a ‘discussion’ based learning style.” He also appreciates the blend of “book knowledge” and hands-on, field experiences each semester, “which allows us to meet professionals in the field and learn more of a practical approach to what they do. And, the program diversity will equip every graduate with a vast array of knowledge that will help them to succeed with whatever their career choice may be,” said Brown.
“Six students were in our Ag Studies Program in the fall of 2012,” said Program Director Lauren Lewis, “and as we began our program fulltime this academic year, we had 30 students enrolled.” Program interest stems from a number of factors such as small class size, the proximity of farms, ranches and groves, as well as Warner’s Christian foundation. Additionally, stu18
February 2014
Program participant Kaylee Norris agrees. “This is exactly what we needed in this area of Florida,” she said. “It gives students the option to explore diverse parts of agriculture and helps them determine the area best suited for their career choice.” Her classmate Danielle Sprague is “learning so much more than I could have ever imagined,” she said. “Our teachers are always willing to help and want to see us succeed in the field. I would definitely recommend this program to anyone interested in study agriculture from a hands-on/practical approach.” WWW.INTHEFIELDMAGAZINE.COM
“We have tremendous support from our local ag community,” noted Lewis. Warner Ag Studies Program students have undertaken practicums with Polk County Extension Services, University of Florida/ Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences, D & S Cattle, Astin Farms, 5R Ranch, Davis Citrus Management, Highlands Soil and Water Conservation and Woolfolk & Myers Grove Caretaking. “Student activities ranged from planting strawberries, brokering cattle, managing aerial pesticide application, grove management practices, agribusiness management, conducting soil and tissue analysis, citrus Best Management Practices enrollment and the installation of weather stations,” she said. “Fifteen industry professionals also served on our Curriculum Advisory Committee to help guide program development to ensure the student learning outcomes are practical and applicable for the agriculture workforce.” Lewis grew up in Haines City, worked for her family’s produce-trucking business, raised cattle, and was a member of 4-H and FFA, serving as a state FFA officer. She holds an undergraduate degree in Agricultural Economics and Business from Auburn University and Master of Science in Agricultural Education from Texas A&M University. She has been Warner’s Director of Ag Studies since June of 2012 with responsibility for teaching, program administration, recruitment and fund-raising. Warner announced a capital plan in late 2012 to build a $2 million, 38,000-square-foot Ag Complex on campus “and I am delighted to note that as of this time we have raised nearly $800,000,” she said. Initial gifts came from the Florida Specialty Crop Foundation, Ben Hill Griffin, Inc., The Matred Carlton Ollif Foundation, Highland Packaging Solutions, Di Mare Produce, Florida’s Natural Growers Foundation, Ed and Myrtle Lou Swindle and Lake Wales Large AniWWW.INTHEFIELDMAGAZINE.COM
mal Services. The complex is to include administrative and educational buildings, livestock and equipment barns and a greenhouse. “Once the campaign goal has been reached, construction will begin on the complex,” said Lewis, noting that Warner University has no debt and will only undertake capital projects, such as the Ag complex, when funds have been fully secured. Lewis and her colleagues have encountered a few surprises since the introduction of the program. “Initially, we thought the program would begin with freshman and grow with that initial class, but that has not been the case,” she said. “Half of our current class is comprised of transfer students with two-year degrees from other institutions. Also, we are beginning to receive inquiries from prospective students outside the state of Florida.” Given diversified industry support, positive response from current students and the growing interest from prospective students within and outside of Florida, the future for the Warner University Ag Studies Program is bright – and in keeping with the school’s motto – “Beyond Belief.”
For information about Warner University, visit: http://warner.edu. Ag Studies Program information is available at: http://warner,edu/ undergraduate/depatments-programs/agricultural-studies/ INTHEFIELD MAGAZINE
February 2014
February 2014
Cattlemen’s Livestock Market
3305 Hwy 92 E • Lakeland, FL 33801
Weekly Beef Sale:
Tuesday 12:00 Noon Pairs and all Vet checked cattle will be sold at 3pm
NEW, USED and ABUSED! Cattle Receiving Schedule:
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2670 Hwy. 92 E Plant City, FL (Between Lakeland and Plant City)
OPEN SATURDAYS: 8:30-5:00 www.brokeandpoorpc@aol.com
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Ham Radio I have had a Ham Radio Operator’s license (W4WKH) ever since I was a senior in high school. Over the years I have talked to people all over the world. In the beginning, as a novice license operator, I was restricted to using only the Morse code. I built my first transmitter in a Tampa Nugget cigar box that my dad gave me. Needless to say it wasn’t the best as I messed up every TV set within a quarter of mile every time I hit key to transmit. I recall a conversation I had with an old gentleman Nevada on 20 meters many years ago one Saturday morning. Bert was his “handle,” and he gave me a lesson on the value of time after I related the number of things that was on the agenda for the day. I explained my lack of time because of my busy weekday schedule. He said, “Al, let me tell you something that has helped me keep my own priorities.” He then began to explain his theory of a ‘thousand marbles.” Bert said, “I sat down one day and did a little arithmetic. The average person lives about 75 years. Some live more, some lest but on an average 75 seems to be the norm. Now then,” he continued, “I multiplied 75 times 52 and came up with 3900, which is the number of Saturdays that the average person has in their entire life on average. It was not until I was 55 years old did I start to think about all this in any detail and by that time I had lived through over 2800 Saturdays. I got to thinking that if I lived to be 75, I only had about a thousand of them left to enjoy. So I went to a toy store and bought every single marble they had. I took the marbles home and put them inside a large clear plastic container on my desk right next to my ham radio receiver.” “Every Saturday since then, I have taken one marble out and thrown it away. I realized that by watching the marbles diminish, I focused more on the really important things in life. There is nothing like watching your time here on this earth run out to help get your priorities straight.” As we continued our Saturday morning chat Bert continued, “let me tell you one last thing before I sign off with you and take my wife out for breakfast. This morning I took the last marble out of the container. I figure that if I make it until next Saturday then I have been give a little extra time.” 22
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He signed off, and I just sat there thinking about what he had just told me. How many Saturdays had I squandered over the years. From time to time I recall that pleasant Saturday morning conversation in making a decision on what was really important that morning or any other day of the week. If I go by Bert’s theory, then I don’t have any marbles left. However, recently I read where the insurance companies say the average lifespan of men is 82 years. That’s encouraging! You realize you’re getting older when you enjoy reading senior citizens bumper stickers.
“I was always taught to respect my elders. Now I don’t have anyone to respect” “I’m so old I don’t buy green bananas.” “Sometimes I wake up grumpy, and some days I let him sleep.” “I am so old that whenever I eat out, they ask me for money up front.” Let me close with this short story. A retired couple just down the mountain from our home in Blairsville, Georgia, have become good friends over the past year. Fred was telling my wife, Patsy, about his young grandson that asked him what was his favorite fast food when he was growing up. Fred said I told him, “We didn’t have fast food when I was growing up. All the food was slow.” “Come on Granddad, where did you eat?” He replied, “It was a place called “home.” Mom cooked everyday and when Dad got home from work, we sat down together at the dining room table, and if I didn’t like what she put on my plate I was allowed to sit there until I liked it.” In closing, there are three kinds of men both young and old. The ones that learn by reading, the few who learn by observation, and the rest of them that have to pee on the electric fence to find out for themselves. WWW.INTHEFIELDMAGAZINE.COM
February 2014
Growing Success,
One Student at a Time:
by Ginny Mink
The educational system in America is taking a beating on so many fronts. Undoubtedly there are people who sit on either side of the Common Core Curriculum fence, just as much as there are those who support or belittle homeschooling. Certainly the concept of Montessori and charter schools is a highly debated one as well. While we can’t reveal our personal leanings here, we can share with you something awesome that is happening in a Montessori charter school in Polk County. With the help of a local restaurant and some dedicated farmers and agriculturists, Lakeland Montessori Middle School is a shining star in the public education sector, for sure! We chatted with one of the two teachers there, Anna Clarke. She shared, “Lakeland Montessori Middle School is a first-come, first serve, application charter school serving seventh and eighth grade. I’m a middle school teacher who has terrible gardening skills because I grew up in a different state and I studied marine biology, so I really had to learn a lot. We’ve been really excited about all the farmers that have helped us out and have taught us a lot. It’s been good.” What Anna’s talking about is an Ag in the Classroom grant in which Lakeland Montessori Middle is the proud recipient. Anna further explained, “We didn’t write the grant, it was an organization that we work with a lot called h.e.a.r.t., which is Hunger Education and Resource Training. It’s related to Warner University in Lake Wales. They train college students who are interested in becoming missionaries or Peace Corps workers in agriculture and hunger issues. We have done trips with them out to their site in the past and they offered to write this grant. Paul Saucier, the gardener out there, wrote the grant to support them helping us learn about agriculture at our site. So we put the garden in, and we had to ask around for where we could do it and we were very lucky that the Red Door donated the space to do it in and also said that they would like to buy the vegetables and the herbs from us that we produce.”
How did this all come to fruition? Anna clarifies, “Paul Saucier wrote the grant and submitted it, and we were funded. We consulted with a couple of farmers, one is Gil Debagnieu (Go Natural Organics). Gill has a farm in Lakeland and so he consulted with our students. Also, the people who run the horticulture landscape program for the City of Lakeland also consulted with the students. So the students all gathered opinions and ideas. 24
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Each group of four students came up with a plan for their garden and they presented it to Paul and Gil. Paul and Gil gave them feedback and once they had their plants chosen, then they decided as a group which was the best plan; then they installed the garden.” That sounds pretty simple but if you’re not familiar with the area let us explain: Lakeland Montessori Middle is housed in the Polk Museum of Art, which is super cool in and of itself, but there’s not any agricultural land nearby. There are houses and shops surrounding it. So where in the world are these kids growing the garden? Anna graciously explained, “The garden is extremely narrow. It’s a strip of land that is about 20 feet long and about 1 ½ feet wide and then there’s another section that’s another 20 feet long by about 6 feet wide. So, it’s really urban gardening and that means that a lot of people who see it, get really excited about it! There’s a lot of lettuce and a lot of herbs and a lot of greens. What’s been a challenge for the students is they have to meet with the Red Door about once every eight weeks and find out what plans they have to change the menu, what herbs and vegetables add extra value to the menu that they can charge more for and they have to plan their next planting around those things. They have another meeting Friday to start planning the spring planting. The students have had to learn how to keep the accounting, they’ve had to learn how to write invoices. They actually invoice the Red Door for things and then they invest the money that they earn back into the garden.” Talk about an incredible learning experience for these kids!
What else is great about kids growing gardens? Anna continued, “They are out there two to three times a week, usually for about 30 minutes at a time and then about every six weeks we spend a full day or two out there installing things. We’ve been super lucky because the Landscape Department for the City of Lakeland is so over-the-top-amazing! The students have had a tour of Hollis Gardens, that whole park is designed to show all of the agriculture of Florida and all the major crops so that’s how the students learned what the different fruits and vegetables look like and what seasons they should be planted in. That’s what they learned through those guys. They’ve come in and consulted with the students and said, ‘here’s what we know about the soil where you are, but here’s what we do and here’s the irrigation that we recommend,’ and so the students WWW.INTHEFIELDMAGAZINE.COM
have made their own choices, but they’ve got some consulting with that.” Anna wanted to make sure that the guys in the Landscape Department for the City know how deeply the students have appreciated their assistance. There’s more to this grant than growing things. Anna elaborated, “Part of our grant also requires that the students learn about the history of agriculture in Florida and we’re lucky because we’re walking distance to Florida Southern’s archives which has a large archive just about the history of agriculture. So, the students each did a research project about what the different farms are that were in Lakeland over the years. They looked at old photos and property maps to determine that. They also looked at the advertising that was going on. They looked at citrus advertising and other agriculture ads. Part of that project was they went to a senior center across the street from us and they interviewed them about what they eat now and what they ate as children and how those things have changed. So that’s kind of how we incorporated it into the rest of the curriculum.” Apparently the experience was particularly eye opening for one of Anna’s students. She said, “One student was really taken aback, it took her a while to warm up to the senior citizen she was talking to because he really, very carefully, explained that his family had often gone through periods when they didn’t have much to eat. So, he had helped his family out by fishing and she had been really moved by that. So that was a good moment.” Sometimes we need to realize just how well we’ve got it! You can hear, in Anna’s voice the sheer fact that though this isn’t an area in which she has much expertise, it’s an enjoyable experience for her and the students she teaches. She concludes, “I think one of the best stories was that the students had been super excited about turning in their first invoice and getting their first check, but what really excited them was when they went and they looked at the menu of the restaurant. They saw that there was a BLT and it said that they had grown that lettuce, it was Montessori Greens. When they saw how much the restaurant was able to charge for that because it was fancier, because it was our lettuce, they were super excited! I think one of the things that has been really fun, as a teacher, is to see how much math the students learned by figuring out how to draw a scale map of the property and then planning out the area required for each different crop in their design proposal, they got a lot out of that.” As an aside Anna revealed, “Part of this is that our students (once a year for a different school business that they run) turn our school into a restaurant and they actually get training from the Red Door on how to be professional, how to show up on time, how to dress professionally, and how to serve everyone graciously. They pick the recipes and they do all the cooking under the supervision of the chefs from the Red Door and then they charge their parents lots of money to come and to eat their dinner and see their play. That’s how they raise money for their end of the year field trip. The Montessori philosophy is that in order for students to be healthy, independent adults, they need to start learning economic independence in middle school, so that’s why we focus so much on that.” If you’d like to know more about Lakeland Montessori Middle you can contact them through their website: http://lakelandmontessori.com/ or by phone: (863) 413-0003. If you’d like to taste their fresh produce you can do so at the Red Door: http://reddoorwinemarket.com/ and if you’d like to support h.e.a.r.t. visit: http://heart-institute.org/.
February 2014
The 67th Annual Polk County Youth Fair The 67th annual Polk County Youth Fair took place January 25 -31. Participants, who are Polk County students from ages 8 to grade 12, spend the whole year planning for the fair. Each year the Polk County Youth Fair has outcomes and stories that serve as reminders to those involved as to why they are there and devote the hours they do to the event. The 2014 youth fair is no different. As the week wrapped up the many participants learned lessons and created memories that will last a lifetime. We witnessed events that brought tears to our eyes as we saw the community step up to support our youth. We heard stories that filled our hearts with joy and pride. The 2014 Polk County Youth Fair will never be forgotten by those present. Although there are thousands of 4-H and FFA members who participated, there are a few that made such an impression, nobody will forget them. At the market hog show we witnessed Zach Holman, a little boy who walked with the assistance of two arm crutches and had a determination about him that few kids could relate to. He was quite an inspiration to those who were at the hog show. It made me realize that the youth fair is for everyone, it is an event that teaches so many valuable lessons. The contests give all participants something to work for and the reward is always amazing. During the hog sale, loyal supporters of the youth, Lew Hall (Gentry Morrison Funeral Home) and Ronnie Hedricks (Bul-Hed) got into a bidding war to support the young man who entered the sale ring with his crutches. This young man’s hog sold for $10 per pound. Not many dry eyes were in the arena at the time of the sale, and it was at that moment that I understood the hours it takes to organize the event and why it is worth it. It is to be able to have the community support the youth.
By Melissa Nichols
The opportunities for the youth involved in the youth fair are really endless. At the steer sale on Friday night we heard the story of the Grand Champion open steer exhibitor, 16 year old, Taeler Dupre, who decided in 6th grade he wanted to get into showing cattle. He raised two market hogs to save the money to buy his first heifer. He showed the heifer for several years, bred her and got a bull calf as her offspring, he castrated the bull and not only raised him, but also won Grand Champion Steer with him competing in the open class with steers from all around the U.S. This steer had a tremendous bidding response due to the fact that Taeler worked very hard not only raising a steer from a calf, but also marketing his project. He plans to save the earnings to continue to grow his herd and plan for college. The grandson of Cary Lightsey is quickly advancing in the cattle industry, as he was named Grand Champion in the Polk county bred commercial steer contest. He raised a Simmental Angus crossed steer from his family ranch Grape Hammock. His steer was crowned Grand Champion in this division and allowed Gabrial Chandley to start his college savings at a young age. You see, that is the whole idea behind the youth fair, it is like a business for children to run, they provide the product and the community supports their products by not only buying them, but also by giving them add-ons if you cannot buy their project. Many of the exhibitors continue to expand their projects. This year wrapped up with tears for the high school seniors who have participated in their last youth fair, and excitement in the eyes of those planning for next year. This is what the youth fair is all about, it is an avenue to allow youth to dream big, live their dreams and make them a reality. The youth fair has events for virtually everyone, from baking to photography, beef purebreds to rabbits, plants to sewing, whip popping to archery, no matter what your children’s hobbies are, they can be successful at the Polk County Youth Fair. Now is the time to begin planning for the 2015 PCYF. If you would like to get your children involved in the youth fair, check out the website www.pcyf.net or contact Janice Jackson at 863-519-1046.
2014 Polk County Youth Fair Champions Allana Albritton Pure Country 4-H Family and Consumer Sciences--Apple Slices Tri-Color Award Erista Albritton Ft. Meade Community 4-H Archery-Jr. Sighted Long or Recurve Bow 1st Place Riley Albritton Southern Variety 4-H Purebred Beef--Simmental Bull-Reserve Champion Commercial Steer Class - Winner Sr. Livestock Judging - 1st Place Taylor Alexander Kathleen High FFA Rabbit Judging Sr. Team 1st Place Johnny Almallah Road Ends 4-H Foods--Citrus Gift Box Tri-Color Award Foods--Cashew Brittle Tri-Color Award Silent Auction Gift Basket--Citrus Basket Tri-Color Award Austin Armstrong Crystal Lake Middle FFA 26 26
Poultry and Egg Judging Jr. Team 1st Place Bailey Barber All Stars 4-H Dog Show Intermediate Agility-Sub Nov A 1st Place Dog Show Intermediate Obedience-Sub Nov B 1st Place Dog Show-Intermediate Team 1st Place Dog Show-Intermediate and Overall High Point Winner Mackenzie Barber All Stars 4-H Intermediate Tablesetting--Most Creative 1st Place Dog Show-Intermediate Brace 1st Place Dog Show-Intermediate Team 1st Place Dustin Barefoot Lake Gibson High FFA Horticulture Ornamentals Department Tri-Color Award Elise Barfield All Stars 4-H Photography--Practice Series Tri-Color Award
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Jack Barnett Polk Centennial 4-H Jr. Speaking Demonstration 1st Place Cake Auction Winner Home Furnishings--Day Worker Basket TriColor Award Archery-Sr. Sighted Compound Bow 1st Place Commercial Heifer-Brahman InfluenceYearling Reserve Champion Purebred Beef--Brangus Bull Grand Champion Purebred Beef--Brahman Breed Bull Grand Champion Elizabeth Bazemore Great Oaks Pioneers 4-H Poultry and Egg Show—Turkey Champion Hannah Bell Haines City High FFA Livestock Judging Sr. Team 1st Place Ashley Benjamin Kathleen High FFA Poultry and Egg Judging Sr. Team 1st Place Clare Bibby Lake Gibson High FFA Horticulture Ornamentals Department Tri-Color Award WWW.INTHEFIELDMAGAZINE.COM WWW.INTHEFIELDMAGAZINE.COM
Jesse Bibby Hoof n Horn 4-H Purebred Beef--ChiMaine Bull Grand Champion Willow Boyer Home Grown 4-H Archery-Intermediate Instinctive Long or Recurve Bow 1st Place Donovan Brady Bartow High FFA Horticulture Citrus Department - Tri-Color Award Steer Carcass Contest - Reserve Champion Allison Briggs Frostproof FFA Market Hog Eagle Award Winner Emma Brown New Horizons 4-H Intermediate Tablesetting--Best Informal Outdoor 1st Place Joshua Brown Ft. Meade Community 4-H Archery-Jr. Sighted Compound 1st Place Taylor Brown Crystal Lake Middle FFA Rabbit Judging Jr. Team 1st Place Bailey Buchanon Lake Gibson High FFA Open Market Steer - Reserve Champion Commercial Heifer Intermediate Showmanship 1st Place Shelby Carlton Kathleen High FFA Horticulture Ornamentals Department Tri-Color Award Hoof n Horn 4-H Poultry and Egg Judging Sr. 1st Place Shelby Carmichael Mulberry High FFA Foods--Pumpkin Cake Tri-Color Award Josie Chandler Tenoroc High FFA Purebred Beef--Angus Female Grand Champion Purebred Beef--Angus Bull Grand Champion Purebred Beef--English Breed Female Grand Champion Purebred Beef--English Breed Bull Grand Champion Purebred Beef Sr. Showmanship 1st Place Keatley Chandler Polk City 4-H Purebred Beef--Angus Bull Reserve Champion Purebred Beef Eagle Award Winner WWW. WWW.IIN NTTHE HEFFIELD IELDM MAGAZINE.COM AGAZINE.COM
Gabriel Chandley Lucky A’s 4-H Horticulture Peach Department Reserve Champion Purebred Beef--Simmental Female Reserve Champion Commercial Market Steer Grand Champion Commercial Steer Class Winner Peyton Chandley Lucky A’s 4-H Commercial Heifer Jr. Showmanship 1st Place Purebred Beef Jr. Showmanship 1st Place Jr. Steer Showmanship 1st Place
Purebred Beef--Continental Breed Bull Grand Champion Kaitlynn Coatney Lake Region High FFA Best Dozen Brown Eggs Champion Dog Show, Sr. Showmanship, Basic 1st Place Grace Colston Live and Learn 4-H Intermediate Tablesetting--Judges’ Choice 1st Place Intermediate Illustrated Talk 1st Place
Michael Charanthsing Crystal Lake Middle FFA Poultry and Egg Judging Jr. Team 1st Place
Laura Colston Live and Learn 4-H Jr. Tablesetting--Best Informal Outdoor 1st Place Jr. Illustrated Talk 1st Place
Melissa Chauncey Mulberry High FFAPurebred Beef--Limousin Bull Grand Champion Purebred Beef--Continental Breed Male Reserve Champion
Mary Colston Live and Learn 4-H Storytelling Sr. Division 1st Place Sr. Speaking Demonstration 1st Place
Timothy Chauncey Mulberry Middle FFA Commercial Heifer Individual Herdsman Award Winner Ariel Chenowith Home Grown 4-H Jr. Team Sew-Off 1st Place Abigail Chestnut Hog Wild 4-H Horse Show Intermediate Grooming and Conditioning 1st Place Josalynne Christian Home Grown 4-H Clothing--Infant Hat, Shoes, and Bib Tri-Color Award Clothing--Reversible Toddler’s Dress Tri-Color Award Clothing--Dog Jacket Tri-Color Award Clothing--Tote Bag Tri-Color Award Photography--Once Upon a Time Tri-Color Award Sr. Tablesetting--Best Formal 1st Place Kaydee Clark Abundant Life 4-H Sr. Livestock Judging 1st Place
Rebekah Combee Tenoroc High FFA Commercial Heifer-Brahman InfluenceYearling Grand Champion Commercial Heifer Team Herdsman Award Winner Kaitlynn Connell Boots n’ Spurs 4-H Sr. Team Sew-Off 1st Place Taylor Connell Boots n’ Spurs Horse Show Sr. Western Pleasure 1st Place Amber Cooper Bartow High FFA Market Hog Class Winner Allyson Crosby Highlander 4-H Jr. Tablesetting--Best Holiday or Celebration 1st Place Market Hog Herdsman Award Winner Erica Curtis Clovers on the Ridge 4-H Horse Show Quiz-Sr. 1st Place Dog Show-Sr. Showmanship, Novice 1st Place Dog Show-Sr. Rally, Novice A 1st Place Dog Show-Sr. Agility, Sub-Novice A 1st Place Dog Show-Sr. Obedience, Sub-Novice A 1st Place
Delaney Clemmons Lake Gibson High FFA Horticulture Blueberry Department Reserve Champion Ean Clemons Haines City High FFA Cake Auction Winner Hannah Cline Polk City 4-H Purebred Beef--Maine Anjou Female Reserve Champion
Hannah Combee Tenoroc High FFA Commercial Heifer Team Herdsman Award Winner
Marissa Dawes New Horizons 4-H Commercial Heifer-Brahman Influence-3 yr old Grand Champion
Purebred Beef--Simmental Bull Grand Champion
Chase Deboard Ft. Meade FFA
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Commercial Heifer-European InfluenceYearling Grand Champion Commercial Heifer-European Influence 2 yr old Reserve Champion Commercial Heifer-European Reserve Overall Champion Logan Deines Winter Haven High FFA Purebred Beef--Shorthorn Female Grand Champion Misty Devane New Horizons 4-H Purebred Beef--Zebu Female Grand Champion Cameron Dicks Lucky A’s 4-H Cake Auction Winner Foods--Citrus Antique Basket Tri-Color Award Home Furnishings--Patchwork Picnic Blanket Tri-Color Award Silent Auction Gift Basket--Valentine Gift Basket Tri-Color Award Market Hog Class Winner Chili Cook-Off-Best Decorated Booth 1st Place
Leah Dunham Great Oaks Pioneers 4-H Horse Show Sr. Western Walk/Trot 1st Place Horse Show Jr. Western Horsemanship 1st Place Horse Show Jr. Egg and Spoon 1st Place Taeler DuPre Kathleen High FFA Purebred Beef--Angus Female Reserve Champion Open Market Steer Grand Champion Open Steer Class Winner Madison Dvorak Lake Gibson Middle FFA Horse Show Intermediate Western Walk/ Trot 1st Place Samantha Dwan Green Swamp 4-H Archery-Intermediate Sighted Long or Recurve Bow 1st Place Corey Dyal Bartow Middle FFA Horse Show--Jr. Judging Team 1st Place Rabbit Best of Breed
Sadira Dickson Boot Scootin’ 4-H Silent Auction Gift Basket--Gift Wrapping Tote Tri-Color Award
Cassandra Estes Lake Gibson High FFA Rabbit Best of Show Rabbit Best of Breed
Bryanna Dierker Country Ridge 4-H Foods--Bread in a Bag Tri-Color Award Home Furnishings--Birdhouse Basket Tri-Color Award Home Furnishings--Soup for Two Basket Tri-Color Award Silent Auction Gift Basket--Gardening Basket Tri-Color Award
Kaliegh Evans Mulberry Middle FFA Commercial Heifer Eagle Award Winner
Emma Dobratz Polk County Sea Stars 4-H Intermediate Rabbit Showmanship 1st Place Anna Dodd Bartow High FFA Foods--Campfire Bars Mix Tri-Color Award Foods--Birthday Candies Tri-Color Award Home Furnishings--Woven Basket Tri-Color Award Commercial Heifer-Brahman Influence-3 yr old Reserve Champion
Carrie Facente Tenoroc High FFA Commercial Heifer Team Herdsman Award Winner Shana Finley Bartow Middle FFA Intermediate Scrap-Off 1st Place Matthew Fletcher Lucky A’s 4-H Chili Cook-Off-Judge’s Choice Award 1st Place Kaitlyn Flowers Lake Gibson Middle FFA Poultry and Egg Show--Commercial Hen Champion
Chandler Doughty Westood Middle FFA Market Hog Class Winner
Olivia Foreman Polk Centennial 4-H Jr. Tablesetting--Judges’ Choice 1st Place
Wyatt Draper Lucky A’s 4-H Chili Cook-Off-Judge’s Choice Award 1st Place
Trace Foreman Bartow High FFA Family and Consumer Sciences--Navel Orange Preserves Tri-Color Award Live and Learn 4-H Sr. Illustrated Talk 1st Place
Jacob Driskell Ft. Meade High FFA Market Hog Class Winner
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Caleb Frasier Ft. Meade High FFA Chili Cook-Off-People’s Choice Award 1st Place FFebruary ebruary 2014 2014
Indira Fuentes-Sanchez George Jenkins High FFA Rabbit Best of Breed Colby Fussell Bartow Middle FFA Reed Fussell Bartow High FFA Cake Auction Winner Horticulture Citrus Department Grand Champion Purebred Beef--Brahman Female Reserve Champion Purebred Beef--Brahman Bull Grand Champion Purebred Beef--Brahman Bull Reserve Champion Purebred Beef--Brahman Breed Bull Reserve Champion Jordan Futch Hog Wild 4-H Horse Show Overall High Point Winner Horse Show Geldings Seven and Under 1st Place Horse Show Sr. Western Horsemanship 1st Place Horse Show Sr. Trail 1st Place Horse Show Sr. Egg and Spoon 1st Place Horse Show Sr. Hollow Log 1st Place Kate Garrett Frostproof High FFA Sr. Tablesetting--Best Informal Indoor 1st Place Morgan Giles Winter Haven High FCCLA Sr. Individual Sew-Off 1st Place Emily Gipson Thunderhooves 4-H Horse Show Sr. English Equitation 1st Place Cassidy Gladney Mulberry Middle FFA Rabbit Best of Breed Makayla Goble Lake Gibson High FFA Commercial Heifer-European Influence-3 yr old Grand Champion Wyatt Good Haines City High FFA Livestock Judging Sr. Team 1st Place Logan Grimes Kathleen High FFA Rabbit Best of Breed Rabbit Judging Sr. Team 1st Place Rachel Grube George Jenkins High FFA Horticulture Peach Department Grand Champion Austin Guerrera Auburndale High FFA Poultry and Egg Show--Male Bantam Champion WWW.INTHEFIELDMAGAZINE.COM WWW.INTHEFIELDMAGAZINE.COM
Lexie Gunter Lake Wales High FFA Purebred Beef--Zebu Bull Grand Champion
Michael Hickman Crystal Lake Middle FFA Poultry and Egg Judging Jr. Team 1st Place
Lilly Kinard Hog Wild 4-H Market Hog Class Winner
Cierra Hamilton Crystal Lake Middle FFA Rabbit Judging Jr. Team 1st Place
Katie Hiles All Stars 4-H Dog Show-Sr. Rally, Basic 1st Place Dog Show-Sr. Agility, Basic 1st Place Dog Show-Sr. Obedience, Basic 1st Place
Alexis King Top Notch 4-H Market Hog Class Winner Commercial Heifer-European InfluenceYearling Reserve Champion
Lindsey Hilligoss Lake Gibson High FFA Horticulture Blueberry Department Tri-Color Award
Chelsea King Top Notch 4-H Open Steer Class Winner
Megan Handley Dream Catchers 4-H Family and Consumer Sciences--Lemon Jelly Tri-Color Award Intermediate Poultry Showmanship 1st Place Purebred Beef--Zebu Bull Reserve Champion Casey Harper Haines City High FFA Purebred Beef--Brangus Bull Reserve Champion Mikayla Harper All Stars 4-H Dog Show-Intermediate Team 1st Place Kimberly Harwell Hoof n Horn 4-H Market Hog Class Winner Cole Hathcock Lake Gibson High FFA Horticulture Judging Sr. Team 1st Place Steven Hathcock Lake Gibson High FFA Horticulture Ornamentals Department Tri-Color Award McKenzie Hayes New Horizons 4-H Intermediate Tablesetting--Best Formal 1st Place Brianna Heath Thunderhooves 4-H Horse Show Quiz-Intermediate 1st Place Horse Show Intermediate English Showmanship 1st Place Horse Show Intermediate English Equitation 1st Place Horse Show Intermediate Western Pleasure 1st Place Horse Show Intermediate Egg and Spoon 1st Place Sam Hendrickson Bullseye 4-H Archery-Intermediate Sighted Compound Bow 1st Place Haley Henson Polk County Sea Stars 4-H Jr. Rabbit Showmanship 1st Place Gage Hester Dundee Ridge Middle FFA Purebred Beef--Zebu Female Reserve Champion WWW. WWW.IIN NTTHE HEFFIELD IELDM MAGAZINE.COM AGAZINE.COM
Kaitlyn King Top Notch 4-H Market Hog Sr. Showmanship 1st Place
Cole Hixenbaugh Lucky A’s 4-H Best Dozen White Eggs Champion Chili Cook-Off-Judge’s Choice Award 1st Place
Ellie Kingham Clovers on the Ridge 4-H Horse Show Quiz-Jr. 1st Place Horse Show Jr. Western Showmanship 1st Place Horse Show Jr. Horse Judging 1st Place Horse Show Jr. Hollow Log 1st Place Horse Show Jr. Keyhole 1st Place Horse Show Jr. Stakes 1st Place Horse Show Jr. Poles 1st Place
Corin Hockenberry Home Grown 4-H Storytelling Jr. Division 1st Place Dog Show-Agility, Novice 1st Place Dog Show-Obedience, Sub-Novice A 1st Place Jarrett Hockenberry Home Grown 4-H Sr. Tablesetting--Best Informal Outdoor 1st Place Austin Houck Kathleen High FFA Rabbit Best of Breed
Horse Show Jr. Barrels 1st Place Megan Kling Bartow Middle FFA Horse Show--Jr. Judging Team 1st Place Set Lamb Bartow Middle FFA Market Hog Intermediate Showmanship 1st Place
Sydney Howerin Dundee Ridge Middle FFA Livestock Judging Jr. Team 1st Place Charity Jeznach Be A Champ 4-H Rabbit Best of Breed
Courtney Lamoureux Bartow High FFA Horticulture Ornamentals Department Reserve Champion Commercial Steer Class Winner
McKenzie Johnting Bartow High FFA Market Hog Class Winner
Abrielle Landau Boone Middle FFA Rabbit Best of Breed
Morgan Johnting Bartow High FFA Market Hog Class Winner Abigail Jones Home Grown 4-H Intermediate Tablesetting--Best Holiday or Celebration 1st Place Storytelling Intermediate Division 1st Place McKenzie Kachmarik Country Cousins 4-H Market Hog Gain-In-Weight Contest 1st Place Stephanie Keeble Hog Wild 4-H Horse Show Mares Six and Under 1st Place Horse Show Sr. Western Showmanship 1st Place Horse Show Sr. Poles 1st Place
Kyle Lay Dream Catchers 4-H Commercial Steer Class Winner Erika Ledo Crystal Lake Middle FFA Rabbit Judging Jr. Team 1st Place Katy Locke Bartow High FFA Horticulture Citrus Department Reserve Champion Kendall Locke Lake Gibson Middle FFA Steer Carcass Contest Grand Champion Intermediate Steer Showmanship 1st Place
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Rachel Locke Bartow High FFA Horticulture Citrus Department Tri-Color Award
Curtis McGuire Bartow High FFA Horticulture Citrus Department Tri-Color Award
Kelsey Orlando Home Grown 4-H Jr. Poultry Showmanship 1st Place
Kagen Long Dundee Ridge Middle FFA Livestock Judging Jr. Team 1st Place
Maegan Meredith Tenoroc High FFA Commercial Heifer-European Influence-2 yr old Grand Champion Commercial Heifer-European Grand Overall Champion Commercial Heifer Sr. Showmanship 1st Place Purebred Beef--Maine Anjou Female Grand Champion Purebred Beef--Continental Breed Female Grand Champion
Ronald Owen Lake Region High FFA Metal Work--Horse Sculpture Tri-Color Award
Kimberly Long Winter Haven High FFA Rabbit Best of Show 1st Runner-Up Rabbit Best of Breed Margaret Long Polk Centennial 4-H Cake Auction Winner Foods--German Chocolate Cake Tri-Color Award
Kailey Mesmer Green Swamp 4-H Rabbit Best of Breed Dog Show-Jr. Rally, Basic 1st Place
Tyler Lovering Hog Wild 4-H Open Steer Class Winner
Kaleb Mesmer Green Swamp 4-H Rabbit Best of Breed
Payge Lundy Great Oaks Pioneers 4-H Horse Show Record Book Intermediate 1st Place Horse Show Intermediate Western Showmanship 1st Place
Katlynn Mesmer Green Swamp 4-H Dog Show-Sr. Agility, Novice 1st Place
Samantha Mansow Crystal Lake Middle FFA Rabbit Judging Jr. Team 1st Place
Vanessa Miller Lucky A’s 4-H Home Furnishings--Stained Glass Window Tri-Color Award
Cody Martinez Lake Wales High FFA Steer Gain-In-Weight Contest 1st Place
Clay Mock Haines City High FFA Livestock Judging Sr. Team 1st Place
Michaela Mathis Home Grown 4-H Jr. Team Sew-Off 1st Place
Andrea Moreno Crystal Lake Middle FFA Poultry and Egg Judging Jr. Team 1st Place
Ethan McCabe Southern Variety 4-H Archery-Jr. Instinctive Compound 1st Place
Cody Morrison Lake Gibson High FFA Horticulture Ornamentals Department Tri-Color Award
Cidney Mccall Frostproof High FFA Horse Show Sr. Costume 1st Place Zane McCann Bartow Middle FFA Poultry and Egg Show--Female Bantam Champion Moriah McCullers Frostproof High FFA Home Furnishings--Appliqued Puppy Pillow Tri-Color Award Sr. Tablesetting--Judges’ Choice 1st Place
30 30
Sydney Murphy Kathleen High FFA Rabbit Judging Sr. Team 1st Place Dalton Nall Hoof n Horn 4-H Market Hog Jr. Showmanship 1st Place Alyssa North Clovers on the Ridge 4-H Dog Show-Jr. Showmanship, Basic 1st Place Dog Show-Jr. Rally, Basic 1st Place Dog Show-Jr. Agility, Basic 1st Place Dog Show-Jr. Obedience, Basic 1st Place
FFebruary ebruary 2014 2014
Zuriel Orlando Home Grown 4-H Sr. Poultry Showmanship 1st Place
Abigail Parmer Top Notch 4-H Horticulture Vegetable Department Tri-Color Award Poultry and Egg Judging Jr. 1st Place Rabbit Judging Jr. 1st Place Katherine Patrick Thunderhooves 4-H Horse Show Sr. English Pleasure 1st Place Hope Peavey Ft. Meade Community 4-H Horse Show Intermediate Horse Judging 1st Place Horse Show Intermediate Musical Flags 1st Place Dog Show-Intermediate Showmanship 1st Place Dog Show-Intermediate Rally, Advanced 1st Place Dog Show-Intermediate Agility, Novice 1st Place Dog Show-Intermediate Obedience, Novice A 1st Place Toni Pendleton Green Swamp 4-H Clothing--Necklace, Bracelet, and Earrings Tri-Color Award Emily Petry Lakeland High FFA Commercial Heifer-Brahman Influence-2 yr old Grand Champion Commercial Heifer-Brahman Grand Overall Champion Alexis Phillips Lake Gibson High FFA Horticulture Ornamentals Department TriColor Award Brenda Pierre Dundee Ridge Middle FFA Horticulture Judging Intermediate Team 1st Place Darby Pittman Bartow Middle FFA Horse Show--Jr. Judging Team 1st Place Allyson Polston Polk City 4-H Purebred Beef--Brangus Female Grand Champion WWW.INTHEFIELDMAGAZINE.COM WWW.INTHEFIELDMAGAZINE.COM
Purebred Beef--Brangus Female Reserve Champion Purebred Beef--Brahman Breed Female Grand Champion Purebred Beef Team Herdsman Winner
Hannah Reeder All Stars 4-H Dog Show-Intermediate Rallly, Novice A 1st Place
Codie Sailor Lake Wales High FFA Market Hog Class Winner
Cassidy Polston Polk City 4-H Purebred Beef Team Herdsman Winner
Samuel Reeder All Stars 4-H Dog Show-Jr. Agility, Sub Novice A 1st Place
Rubi Sanchez Dundee Ridge Middle FFA Horticulture Judging Intermediate Team 1st Place
Delanie Potteiger All Paws In 4-H Dog Show-Jr. Showmanship, Novice 1st Place Dog Show-Jr. Rally, Novice A 1st Place
Dwayne Reynolds Lake Gibson High FFA Horticulture Ornamentals Department Tri-Color Award
Kaitlynn Sarazin Westood Middle FFA Horticulture Vegetable Department Tri-Color Award
Samantha Riner Lake Wales FFA Foods--Andes Mint Cake Tri-Color Award
Ty Sasser Country Cousins 4-H Market Hog Class Winner
Shelby Ritchie Lake Gibson High FFA Horticulture Blueberry Department Tri-Color Award Horticulture Ornamentals Department Grand Champion Horticulture Ornamentals Department Four Tri-Color Awards Horticulture Department Premier Horticulture Exhibitor Horticulture Judging Sr. Team 1st Place
Alexis Schaffer Southern Variety 4-H Rabbit Best of Show 3rd Runner-Up Rabbit Best of Breed
Lauren Pounders Kathleen High FFA Rabbit Best of Show 2nd Runner-Up Rabbit Best of Breed John Prescott Polk Centennial 4-H Educational Exhibit--Look What’s Growing in FL Tri-Color Award Alanah Pruitt Thunderhooves 4-H Horse Show Sr. Keyhole 1st Place Horse Show Sr. Stakes 1st Place Olivia Pruitt Thunderhooves 4-H Horse Show Intermediate Speed Showmanship1st Place Horse Show Intermediate Costume 1st Place Gavin Purvis Kathleen High FFA Horticulture Ornamentals Department Tri-Color Award Stephen Purvis Clovers on the Ridge 4-H Dog Show-Sr. Showmanship, Advanced 1st Place Elizabeth Putnam Polk Centennial 4-H Intermediate Tablesetting--Best Informal Outdoor 1st Place Emma Putnam Polk Centennial 4-H Jr. Tablesetting--Most Creative 1st Place Savannah Rau 4-H Independent Member
Horse Show Sr. Grooming and Conditioning 1st Place
Horse Show Mares Seven and Under 1st Place
Horse Show Sr. English Showmanship 1st Place
Keith Schroh Lake Gibson Middle FFA Market Hog Class Winner
Kiersten Robbins Bartow Middle FFA Horse Show--Jr. Judging Team 1st Place
Hannah Scionti Kathleen High FFA Commercial Heifer-Brahman Influence-2 yr old Reserve Champion Commercial Heifer-Brahman Reserve Overall Champion
Madison Roberts Bartow High FFA Commercial Steer Show Reserve Champion
Kaylee Scott Lake Wales FFA Horse Show Record Book-Sr. 1st Place
Maegan Rodden Polk County Sea Stars 4-H Rabbit Judging Sr. 1st Place
Bryce Seckinger Westood Middle FFA Dozen White Eggs Reserve Champion
Miranda Rodden Polk County Sea Stars 4-H Sr. Rabbit Showmanship 1st Place
Brianna Shade Kathleen High FFA Poultry and Egg Judging Sr. Team 1st Place
Brianna Rowell Ft. Meade Middle FFA Cake Auction Winner Home Furnishings--Fall Ribbon Wreath TriColor Award
Cheyenne Sharp Bartow High FFA Purebred Beef--Hereford Female Grand Champion Purebred Beef--Hereford Bull Grand Champion Purebred Beef--English Breed Female Reserve Champion Purebred Beef--English Breed Bull Reserve Champion
Tristan Russel Bartow High FFA Purebred Beef Individual Herdsman Winner Dugan Rust Frostproof FFA Purebred Beef--Brahman Female Grand Champion Purebred Beef--Brahman Breed Female Reserve Champion
Arron Sharrett Lake Gibson High FFA Horticulture Judging Sr. Team 1st Place
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31 31
Phillip Shaske Polk City 4-H Poultry and Egg Show--Female Large Fowl Champion
Tomi Kate Snively Boots and Buckles 4-H Jr. Tablesetting--Best Informal Indoor 1st Place
Jordan Sherer Lake Wales FFA Foods--Williamsburg Orange Cake Tri-Color Award
Madalyne Souther Dream Catchers 4-H Jr. Tablesetting--Best Formal 1st Place Nic Sparks Dundee Ridge Middle FFA Livestock Judging Jr. Team 1st Place Livestock Judging Jr. High Individual Winner
Brianna Sherrod Bartow High FFA Horticulture Peach Department Tri-Color Award Laura Shockley Lakeland High FFA Clothing--Bibtop Apron Tri-Color Award
Bailie Spivey Hog Wild 4-H Cake Auction Winner Woodworking--Carved Wood Spirit Tri-Color Award
Mariah Sholan Lakeland High FFA Commercial Heifer-European Influence 3 yr old Reserve Champion
Kathryn Springfield Frostproof High FFA Sr. Steer Showmanship 1st Place
Rebekah Sikes New Horizons 4-H Home Furnishings--Burlap Cross Wreath Tri-Color Award Sr. Tablesetting--Most Creative 1st Place Anna Claire Skipper Lucky A’s 4-H Chili Cook-Off-Best Decorated Booth 1st Place Connor Slay Ft. Meade High FFA Chili Cook-Off-People’s Choice Award 1st Place Erin Smith Bartow High FFA Horse Show Sr. Speed Showmanship 1st Place Horse Show Sr. Horse Judging 1st Place Horse Show Sr. Musical Flags 1st Place Horse Show Sr. Barrels 1st Place Georgiana Smith Clovers on the Ridge 4-H
Dog Show-Intermediate Showmanship Basic 1st Place
Dog Show-Intermediate Rally, Basic 1st Place Dog Show-Intermediate Agility, Basic 1st Place Dog Show-Intermediate Obedience, Basic 1st Place
Michael Smith Doris Sanders FFA Foods--Apple Struedel Muffins Tri-Color Award Conner Smoak Lake Gibson High FFA Horticulture Ornamentals Department Tri-Color Award Horticulture Judging Sr. Team 1st Place 32 32
Horse Show Jr. Trail 1st Place Horse Show Jr. Costume 1st Place Katelyn Taylor Lake Gibson Middle FFA Rabbit Best of Breed Rebecca Taylor Polk Centennial 4-H Horticulture Peach Department Tri-Color Award Zach Taylor Ft. Meade High FFA Chili Cook-Off-People’s Choice Award 1st Place Rhayanna Temples Haines City High FFA Market Hog Class Winner
Nicholas Steele Auburndale High FFA Open Steer Class Winner
Mollie Tew Hoof n Horn 4-H Horticulture Ornamentals Department Tri-Color Award Intermediate Horticulture Judging 1st Place
Dominick Stephens Kathleen High FFA Rabbit Judging Sr. Team 1st Place
Kate Thielen Thunderhooves 4-H Sr. Team Sew-Off 1st Place
Sierra Stevenson Kathleen High FFA Rabbit Best of Breed
Kylee Tobias Lake Gibson High FFA Market Hog Grand Champion Market Hog Class Winner Horse Show Intermediate Stakes 1st Place Horse Show Intermediate Poles 1st Place Horse Show Intermediate Barrels 1st Place Poultry and Egg Show--Male Large Fowl Champion
CJ Stricklen Home Grown 4-H Jr. Horticulture Judging 1st Place Margaret Stricklen Home Grown 4-H Sr. Horticulture Judging 1st Place Alyssa Sweat Country Cousins 4-H Horse Show Jr. Musical Flags 1st Place Marissa Tarango Ft. Meade Community 4-H Horse Show Intermediate Western Horsemanship 1st Place Horse Show Intermediate Trail 1st Place Poultry and Egg Judging Intermediate 1st Place Rabbit Judging Intermediate 1st Place Robert Tate Pure Country 4-H Horse Show Record Book--Jr. 1st Place Horse Show Jr. Grooming and Conditioning 1st Place Horse Show Jr. English Showmanship 1st Place Horse Show Jr. English Pleasure 1st Place Horse Show Jr. English Equitation 1st Place
FFebruary ebruary 2014 2014
Elena Tovias Kathleen Middle FFA Poultry and Egg Show Grand Champion Emily Tregler All Paws In 4-H Dog Show-Intermediate Showmanship, Advanced 1st Place Dog Show-Intermediate Rally, Novice B 1st Place Dog Show-Intermediate Agility, Novice 1st Place Dog Show-Intermediate Obedience, Novice B 1st Place Morgan Turney Country Ridge 4-H Sr. Tablesetting--Best Holiday or Celebration 1st Place Sr. Scrap-Off 1st Place
Dakota VanAken Dundee Ridge Middle FFA Horticulture Judging Intermediate Team 1st Place Livestock Judging Intermediate Team 1st Place Lauren Vandermaas Dream Catchers 4-H Horse Show Geldings Six and Under 1st Place Horse Show Intermediate English Pleasure 1st Place Sophia Vera Bok Academy FFA Dog Show-Intermediate Rally, Basic 1st Place Dog Show-Intermediate Agility, Basic 1st Place Dog Show-Intermediate Obedience, Basic 1st Place Chelsea Waldman Bullseye 4-H Cake Auction Winner Grayson Waldman Bullseye 4-H Whip Popping Intermediate Division 1st Place Intermediate Livestock Judging 1st Place Josiah Waldman Bullseye 4-H Archery-Jr. Instinctive Long or Recurve Bow 1st Place Whip Popping Jr. Division 1st Place Ryan Waldman Bullseye 4-H Archery-Sr. Instinctive Long or Recurve Bow 1st Place Whip Popping Sr. Division 1st Place Hannah Walker St. Paul Lutheran 4-H Photography--Liquid Gold Tri-Color Award Tristen Walling Be A Champ 4-H Purebred Beef--Simmental Female Grand Champion Purebred Beef--Continental Breed Female WWW. WWW.IIN NTTHE HEFFIELD IELDM MAGAZINE.COM AGAZINE.COM
Reserve Champion Purebred Beef Intermediate Showmanship 1st Place Market Hog Reserve Champion Market Hog Class Winner
Kaleb Williams Haines City High FFA Livestock Judging Sr. Team 1st Place
Kathleen Wann All Stars 4-H Dog Show-Intermediate Showmanship, Novice 1st Place Dog Show-Intermediate Obedience, SubNovice A 1st Place Dog Show-Intermediate Team 1st Place Dallas Warrick Kathleen High FFA Poultry and Egg Judging Sr. Team 1st Place
Keaton Williams Haines City High FFA Market Hog Class Winner Kendyl Williams Country Cousins 4-H Market Hog Class Winner Makayla Williamson Frostproof Middle FFA Cake Auction Winner
Dylan Webb Top Notch 4-H Market Hog Class Winner
Riley Williamson Thunderhooves 4-H Horse Show Jr. Western Walk/Trot 1st Place
Lauren Weiss Lake Gibson High FFA Horticulture Blueberry Department Grand Champion
Christian Wilson Excel Christian Academy FFA Archery-Sr. Instinctive Compound 1st Place
Jessica Wells Southern Variety 4-H Archery-Intermediate Instinctive Compound 1st Place
Samuel Winter Excel Christian Academy FFA Rabbit Best of Breed Rachael Wise Lucky A’s 4-H Chili Cook-Off-Best Decorated Booth 1st Place
Hunter Westmoreland Bartow High FFA Horticulture Ornamentals Department Tri-Color Award Rhyanna Wheeler Thunderhooves 4-H Horse Show Intermediate Hollow Log 1st Place Horse Show Intermediate Keyhole 1st Place Jacob White Frostproof FFA Purebred Beef--Hereford Female Reserve Champion Leslie White Polk Centennial 4-H Cake Auction Winner Intermediate Speaking Demonstration 1st Place
Theresa Yohn Auburndale High FFA Livestock Judging Sr. High Individual Winner Sadie Yoshioka Kathleen High FFA Poultry and Egg Judging Sr. Team 1st Place Alex Young Ft. Meade Community 4-H Family and Consumer Sciences Giardiniera Tri-Color Award
FFebruary ebruary 2014 2014
33 33
Fresh From Florida: Nurturing Success. Growing the Future.
Spivey Family Farm Stephen, Zachary, and David 2013 Fresh From Florida Members The Florida Strawberry Growers Association joined the Fresh From Florida program on behalf of all of its members. “We joined Fresh From Florida because the program supports our best interests and the interests of all producers in the state. We’re proud to be Florida strawberry growers.” – David Spivey
WWW.INTHEFIELDMAGAZINE.COM INTHEFIELD MAGAZINE February 2014 For 34 more information on member benefits visit FreshFromFlorida.com or call (850) 617-7399.
ebruary 2014 2014 FFebruary
35 35
Guests Can Now Stay and Play at the Luxury Resort By Jim Frankowiak The mid-January ribbon-cutting ceremony for the 216-room Lodge at The Mosaic Company’s Streamsong Resort has unlocked the opportunity for guests to experience all the luxury resort has to offer. Located in southern Polk County, miles away from Florida’s well known beaches and theme parks, Streamsong offers highly-acclaimed golf, bass fishing, sporting clays, conference facilities a spa, varied dining and more in the midst of a natural Florida setting.
parture from Mosaic’s existing businesses and “the innovation we have been able to bring to the community.” The company and its team have transformed former phosphate mine land situated within 16,000-acres into a luxury resort in a process that began with discussions in 2007 and stepped well beyond reclamation. The new resort has also meant 300 new jobs in the county selected from a pool of some 7,000 applicants.
“Our mission is to redefine what guests, particularly golfers from all over the world, should expect from a luxury resort,” said the resort’s general manager Richard Mogensen. The ribbon-cutting event attracted a host of local, county, state and national elected officials. Among those dignitaries were U.S. Rep. Tom Rooney and Florida Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services Adam Putnam, as well as Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd.
As a mine, the site contributed more than 100 million tons of phosphate rock to help the world grow the food it needs as a critical ingredient for crop nutrition. This conversion will enable the land to continue its contributions to the community in a far different manner, helping to “assuage the fears of what comes next after phosphate mining,” said Commissioner Putnam. “There is no concern with this project.”
Mosaic President and CEO Jim Prokopanko likened the event to “Super Bowl Sunday for Mosaic” since it marked a significant de-
While the resort’s goal to become a destination for golf enthusiasts from around the world is admittedly ambitious, Streamsong officials
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February 2014 February 2014
reported during the event that “bookings are well ahead of plan.” Golf, a key focal point at Streamsong, includes the Red Course designed by Bill Coore and Ben Crenshaw and Tom Doak-designed Blue course both being considered “must plays” by serious golf enthusiasts. Since the courses opened for play in January of 2013, they have topped GOLF Magazine’s list of the “Best New Courses You Can Play” and were recently ranked among the top 15 best courses in the U.S. by the website Golfweek.com. In addition to golf, guests can enjoy the resort’s bass fishing lakes, where catches up to 20-pounds have been reported, bird-watching and wildlife along the property’s natural trails and a sporting clays facility. European spa treatments and a lakeside infinity pool are added amenities at Streamsong.
STREAMSONG, Fla. (Jan. 17, 2014) – Rich Mack of The Mosaic Company (center right) and Alberto Alfonso, Alfonso Architects, (fifth from left) cut the ribbon on the grand opening of Streamsong Resort, the newest of Florida’s luxury destinations. The resort debuts with top golf resort accolades from leading golfing magazines and critics, bringing global travelers to a unique natural experience in central Florida, and employing more than 300 people from the local community. (From third to left) Steve Seibert, Mosaic board of director; Jim Prokopanko, President and CEO of The Mosaic Company; Alberto Alfonso, Alfonso Architects; Congressman Tom Rooney (behind Mr. Alfonso); Bob Lumpkins, chairman of the board, The Mosaic Company; Rich Mack, The Mosaic Company; Josh Lesnik, KemperSports (behind Mr. Mack); Commissioner Adam Putnam.
The Lodge has three restaurants: Sotto Terra™, offering contemporary Italian cuisine like osso buco, stone oven-roasted duck breast and chicken involtini, P2O5 where guests can sample traditional Florida comfort foods such as Apalachicola oysters, conch chowder and buttermilk friend chicken, or the rooftop Fragmentary Blue for pub-style dining including sriracha glazed chicken skewers, warm blue cheese potato chips and buffalo pork rinds. Streamsong includes more than 18,000-square-feet of flexible meeting space plus special settings such as a rooftop meeting room and terrace, covered breezeway and 40,000-square-feet of outdoor venues. The 7,600-square-foot ballroom can accommodate up to 500 guests and Streamsong’s executive boardroom hosts up to 24. There are also nine, separate breakout rooms for smaller group meetings. Tampa- based architect Alberto Alfonso designed the Lodge to showcase and celebrate the property’s natural environment. Guestrooms and suites feature floor-to-ceiling glass and offer views of the WWW.INTHEFIELDMAGAZINE.COM WWW.INTHEFIELDMAGAZINE.COM
lakes and natural surroundings. Rooms feature touches like a separate seating area, dual-HD televisions with premium cable channels, writing desks and dual-sink bathrooms, an in-room mini-refrigerator and classic library novels. AcquaPietra™ is a 7,000-square-foot grotto-style spa with seven unique pool experiences and nine treatment rooms, also designed by Alfonso, and considered “a metaphor for the prehistoric seas” that once covered the region. The golf Clubhouse, which Alfonso designed, also offers banquet space with water views, 12 guestrooms, Restaurant Fifty-Nine™, a steak and seafood-themed restaurant, a bar, lounge and golf shop. Streamsong is operated by Interstate Hotels & Resorts, the leading U.S.-based global hotel management company. Additional information about Streamsong Resort is available at:
February 2014 February 2014
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February ebruary 2014
February 2014
Market Watch: G.S. Monroe Cigar Box Guitars and More by: Libby Hopkins
On a recent outing to one of my favorite markets, The Lakeland Downtown Farmer’s Curb Market, I had the chance to meet G. S. Monroe and check out some of his unique, hand-made folk instruments. They really shouldn’t be called instruments but works of art. Monroe is not only keeping folk music alive, he is also keeping the age-old craftsmanship of the luthier alive as well. “I am into the roots of folk-music and I have a hobby of building cigar box guitars and homemade musical instrument,” Monroe said. He also calls himself a “luthier.” According to the website, Wise Geek (www.wisegeek.com), the word “luthier” is “Taken from the French word ‘lute’ (luth), which means makes or repairs stringed instruments. To those outside the luthier world, the term might be most closely associated with acoustic guitar making, but people who make mandolins, banjos, violins, cellos, dulcimers, ukuleles, and other stringed instruments are also luthiers.”
Monroe’s instruments have a “down home” feel to them and they are reminiscent of a time gone by, especially his cigar box guitars. “The cigar box guitar gained popularity shortly after the Civil War and it is a traditional folk instrument,” Monroe said. “It’s an instrument that you can put together from parts found around the barn.” He also feels that cigar box guitar crafting is a lost art and he is determined to keep this art form alive. “It was really a fallback position for me,” Monroe said. “I got into making homemade instruments as a hobby and I love working with my hands and being creative.” He also loves playing the instruments he makes. “I think music is uplifting to the soul and something that everyone should delve into in one way or the other, so I try to make it easy, educational and fun,” Monroe said. On any given Saturday at the market, many of Monroe’s customers will join him in impromptu jam sessions at his booth. He is thrilled when one of his customers comes to visit and shows him a new tune they’ve learned to play on one of his instruments. “Many of my customers have started out on my canjos, which is basically a can on a stick,” Monroe said. “If you can sing it, hum it, or whistle it, you can play it on a canjo.” The canjo is just one of the many unitars he has at his stand. Monroe’s instruments aren’t something that he mass produces or you will find in large quantities at music stores. All of his instruments are custom-made and one of a kind. They are made from Cypress wood. “I like the idea of using local hard
February 2014
woods to do a local flavor in folk instruments,” Monroe said. “The woods that I use are all recycled or reclaimed wood from various sources.” The Gulf Cypress he uses comes from fallen timber that has been around for 30-50 years. He finds the wood in old Florida Cracker homes and barns. “The Cypress is the one of the best tone woods for instrument building that you can find around these parts,” Monroe said. He started selling his instruments online and they did well, but he wanted to find a more local outlet for selling. A friend told him about the market and he decided to check it out. “I went down and talked to the folks at the market and I like the atmosphere of the market, so I decided to open up a booth.” Monroe said. “The type of culture that Lakeland is trying to build in the downtown area is just ideal for artisans like me.” What Monroe does is functional folk art and he wants to do it in an area where it would be appreciated. The market is that place and he loves every aspect of it. “Local patronage is most important to me,” Monroe said. “With the way the economy is, we need to support each other and small businesses. They are our friends and neighbors and we need to be there for each other.” Monroe looks forward to the market each week because he loves what does, which is making music. “I trust in the Lord to lead me and I take it one day at a time,” Monroe said. “I enjoy life and I enjoy what I do, because I love to see people walk away from my booth with something I created.” If you would like to learn more about the instruments Monroe makes, you can visit his website at www.gsmonroe.com. The Lakeland Downtown Farmer’s Curb Market is located at 200 N. Kentucky Ave. in Lakeland, Fla. They are open every Saturday from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
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February 2014
February 2014
Photo by Ron O’Connor – Farm Credit
Farm Credit of Central Florida Chief Appraiser, Shane Platt (4th from Left) and his wife, Carol (5th from Left) were honored by deed restrictions with(3rd landscape pruning practices; Florida Governordealing Rick Scott from L),issues; Cabinet members, Chief problem plants such Jeff as invasive, plants; pesticide ferFinancial Officer, Atwaternon-native (L), Attorney General, Pamand Bondi tilization plant nutritional deficiencies; mulch application; (Second practices; from right), Commissioner of Agriculture, Adam Putnam and irrigation system issues House including frequency and timing of Mike appli(Right), as well as Florida of Representatives member, cations. frequent areas of interest cited by communities particiLaRosaOther (Second from left). pating in the FFL Community Association Outreach Program have The Platts were recognized as recipients of thepractices, coveted Commissionincluded stormwater pond best management dealing with er of Agriculture’s Environmental Leadership Award. Kissimmee erosion caused by Ag stormwater runoff and questions involving Park Properties, LLC covers and 1,200recommendations acres in Osceola are County reclaimed water. Evaluations basedand onfeascitures orange groves and a cow/calf operation. It has been under conence-based research from UF/IFAS. In addition to site evaluations, the tinuous family ownership for more than 135 years and has achieved Community Association Outreach Program offers onsite presentations Century Pioneer Farm status. about the FFL principles. Kissimmee Park Properties borders Lake Tohopekaliga, the headwaThe Community is arenowned free resource tersFFL of the northernAssociation Everglades. Outreach The PlattsProgram have been for for HOAs and other community associations to provide for guidance their extraordinary environmental stewardship and wildlife conserinvation instituting reviewing landscapeefforts.sustainable They havelandscape teamed uppractices, with the Florida Forest Service related covenants and working landscape maintenance contracand other conservation groupswith to preserve wildlife habitat and foltors. had several success stories withwhile communities adoptlowFFL Besthas Management Practices (BMPs) operatingthat a viable, agricultural business. edproductive FFL practices from which they were able to see reduced water consumption and water utility and maintenance costs. Contact me at the Hillsborough County Extension Service, 813-744-5519 x 54142, if these services would benefit your homeowner or condominium association. For more information on environmental horticulture topics, contact your local County Extension Service. Additional information on Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ can be accessed at http:/ /floridayards.org, http://fyn.ifas.ufl.edu and WaterMatters.org. The Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Community Association Outreach Program is sponsored by the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, the Hillsborough and Polk Boards of County Commissioners and the Southwest Florida Water Management District. Photo by Ron O’Connor – Farm Credit
Farm Credit of Central Florida Business Analyst, Maria Hernandez (Second From Right) is congratulated by Congressman Dennis Ross (Right) on earning her U.S. citizenship. Her Husband, Roy (L) and son, Javi helped to honor Maria at the Town Hall meeting in Lakeland on Wednesday night. “Maria Hernandez is truly an inspiration. Her hard work and dedication showcase the attributes that make this country great. I was honored to present her with a flag flown over the U.S. Capitol and I wish Maria, Roy, and Javi the best in all of their future endeavors.” The flag Maria received flew over the White House and is a special honor Congress can bestow upon citizens in recognition of significant achievements. WWW. WWW.IN INTTHE HEFFIELD IELDM MAGAZINE.COM AGAZINE.COM W W W. I N T H E F I E L D M A G A Z I N E . C O M
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February 2014
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Artists Appearing on the
FEB. 27 - MAR. 9, 2014 • PLANT CITY, FLORIDA
Jimmy Sturr
Thu. Feb. 27, 10:30 FREE
Love and Theft Sat. Mar. 1, 3:30 $15 & $20
Shoji Tabuchi
Thu. Feb. 27, 3:30 $15 & $20
Ronnie Milsap
Thu. Feb. 27, 7:30 $25 & $30
Little Big Town
Thompson Square Sun. Mar. 2, 3:30 $25
Sat. Mar. 1, 7:30 $40
Charley Pride Mon. Mar. 3, 3:30 $15 & $20
Josh Turner Mon. Mar. 3, 7:30 $20 & $25
Lee Brice Wed. Mar. 5, 7:30 $20 & $25
Tommy Dorsey Orchestra Thu. Mar. 6, 10:30 FREE
Brenda Lee Tue. Mar. 4, 3:30 $15 & $20
Fri. Feb. 28, 3:30 $15 & $20
Colt Ford
Fri. Feb. 28, 7:30 $15 & $20
Rascal Flatts “LIVE & LOUD” Tour 2014 Sun. Mar. 2, 7:30 $55
Kellie Pickler Tue. Mar. 4, 7:30 $15 & $20
Oak Ridge Boys 40th Anniversary Tour Thu. Mar. 6, 3:30 $15 & $20
Crystal Gayle Wed. Mar. 5, 3:30 $15 & $20
Third Day Thu. Mar. 6, 7:30 $15 & $20
John Anderson Fri. Mar. 7, 3:30 $15 & $20
Mobile App
Free Grandstand Boyz II Men Fri. Mar. 7, 7:30 $20 & $25
Caroline Kole Sat. Mar. 8, 1:00 FREE
Dustin Lynch Sat. Mar. 8, 3:30 $15 & $20
Jerrod Niemann Sat. Mar. 8, 7:30 $20 & $25
Easton Corbin Sun. Mar. 9, 3:30 $15 & $20
The Band Perry Sun. Mar. 9, 7:30 $40
Seating at 3:30 & 7:30pm is on a first come, first seated basis. Concert dates and times are subject to change
Visit www.flstrawberryfestival.com or call 813-754-1996 and get your tickets for the best seats available! While online, check out the Free Entertainment, Midway Specials, Discounted Days, and Full Schedule of Festival Events.
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FFebruary ebruary 2014 2014
47 47
Florida Strawberries & Cream Cake
A take off on the classic Tres Leches Cake
from the FSGA
Submitted by Strawberry Sue Harrell of the Florida Strawberry Growers Association
DIRECTIONS 1. Place sliced strawberries into a mediumsize bowl. Add sugar. Toss gently. Let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes. Toss again. Refrigerate until ready to serve. 2.
2 pounds Florida strawberries, sliced 1 cup sugar 4 large eggs 1 1/4 cups water 1 (18 1/4 ounce) box white cake mix 1 cup heavy cream 1 (12 ounce) can evaporated milk 1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
Preheat oven to 350ยบ. Grease a 9x12-inch baking pan. Beat eggs in a large bowl. Add water and cake mix and beat three minutes. Pour batter into pan. Bake for 30 minutes, or until center of cake springs back when touched. Let cool to room temperature.
3. In a medium-size bowl mix cream, evaporated milk and sweetened condensed milk. Set aside. Using a fork, wooden skewer or chopstick generously punch holes in cake. A chopstick works best. Slowly pour the milk mixture over the cake until liquid is absorbed. Refrigerate until ready to serve. 4. To serve, cut cake into squares and generously spoon sweetened berries on top. Add whipped cream if desired. Makes 12 servings.
Whipped cream (optional) 48
February 2014
Arugula Spicy and Bold
By Sandy Kaster, M.S. Clinical Medicines, B.S. Nutrition Science
resh Florida greens and lettuces are in their peak season now during the cool weather months. Both lettuces and fresh greens are flavorful and pack a variety of nutrients. Arugula, a type of green commonly eaten in Europe, stands out for its spicy, peppery, slightly bitter flavor. Its leaves are similar in taste and appearance to radish greens, with a similar spiciness to radishes. Also called rocket, salad rocket, roquette, rucola, or rugula, arugula is easy to both grow and enjoy. Younger leaves are more tender and milder in taste. Its zesty flavor complements other milder lettuces and is present in a spring mix or mesclun salad. The mesclun salad is a combination of flavorful greens that combine the tastes of mild, bitter, spicy, and piquant. In addition to arugula, other components of mesclun salad might include leaf lettuce, radicchio, escarole, curly endive, watercress, sorrel, parsley, basil, fennel, dandelion greens, or mizuna. The combination of different greens contributes to both flavor and nutritional value. NUTRITIONAL PROFILE Very low in calories, arugula is bursting with vitamins and minerals, such as fiber, iron, copper, and vitamins A, C, and K. This peppery green is a rich source of phytochemicals that have been shown to fight cancer-causing elements in the body. Eating a variety of lettuces and greens provides an array of different phytonutrients. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, a diet rich in dark green leafy vegetables, including lettuce, lowers the risk for developing a variety of cancers. In general, the darker colored leaves have more nutrients than their paler counterparts. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, one ounce (roughly 1.5 cups) of raw fresh arugula (28 g) contains 7 calories, 0.7 g protein, 0.2 g fat, 1 g carbohydrate, and 0.4 g of dietary fiber. One cup of arugula also provides 38% of the Daily Recommended Value (%DV) for vitamin K, 13% for vitamin A, 7% for vitamin C and folate, 4% for calcium and manganese, 3% for potassium and magnesium, 2% for iron, and significant amounts of copper, zinc, phosphorus, vitamin E, and riboflavin. Arugula is one of the lowest calories foods available and is packed with nutrients! Vitamin K: For blood and bone health A one ounce serving of this zesty green meets more than one third of your daily requirement for vitamin K, an essential vitamin for bone and blood health. Vitamin K plays a major role in proper blood clotting in the body. It also helps your body transport calcium and metabolizes the mineral into your skeleton. Several research studies have found that vitamin K boosts bone mineral density and reduces fracture rates in people with osteoporosis. As a result, the Institute of Medicine increased its daily recommendation of vitamin K. One serving of arugula covers 38% of your daily requirement. Mixing arugula with other lettuces and greens, most of which are also very high in vitamin K, can help meet your daily requirement. Vitamins A and C: Fight Free Radicals Fresh Florida arugula is high in both vitamins A and C. These
vitamins are also considered antioxidants that act to prevent cell damage from free radicals in the body. Free radicals cause damage to cells and are involved in cholesterol accumulation in the arteries, which leads to atherosclerosis and heart disease. These harmful compounds also play a role in nerve and blood vessel damage in those with diabetes. In addition to their protective effects against free radical damage, vitamin A is also required for good eye function and vitamin C plays a role in strong immunity. Vitamin C is also important for healthy blood circulation and wound healing, and helps the body absorb more iron, which is also plentiful in arugula. Folate Florida arugula is a good source of folate, a vitamin that can reduce the risk of birth defects of the brain and spinal cord (neural tube defects) in the fetus. Pregnant women should consume a diet high in folate, and eating greens, lettuces, and other vegetables and fruits every day can help. Folate is also essential for growth and development, and plays a key role in DNA formation. Its heart-healthy benefits come from its ability to lower homocysteine levels in the body. Homocysteine is an amino acid in the blood that is correlated with heart disease. Additionally, low levels of folate have been linked with low energy levels, depression and even memory impairments. So it’s an essential vitamin for everyone, in addition to its significant importance for the developing fetus. How to Select and Store Choose arugula leaves that are bright green and look fresh and deeply colored. Avoid any that are limp or have yellow or dark spots. The leaves and stems should look crisp and tender and feel dry to the touch. Arugula is delicate. To store, wrap the roots in a damp paper towel, cover with a plastic bag and refrigerate. Use within a day or two and wash immediately before use. How to Enjoy To prepare the greens, trim the roots, separate the leaves, and place in a large bowl of water to remove dirt. Dry leaves well. Taste a few leaves of arugula before deciding how much to add to the salad mix, since age and season can make the leaves much spicier. Arugula adds a delicious peppery taste to any vegetable or fruit salad. Other ways to enjoy this flavorful vegetable include: • Mix into pasta dishes • Use to top pizza, bruschetta or sandwiches • Sautee with olive oil, salt, and pepper • Blend with garlic, oil, and pine nuts for a pesto sauce • Puree and use in soups and sauces • Toss into a stew or soup Fresh Florida arugula is at its peak today. The spicy leaves add zest and nutrition to any salad or dish. SELECTED REFERENCES http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu http://www.whfoods.com INTHEFIELD MAGAZINE
February 2014
Naturally Amazing Activities
Bird Feeder 1
By Sean Green
Building a bird feeder is a great way to attract birds to your garden. Many children enjoy watching their cheerful, energetic activities and it’s always fun to see how many birds can be identified. This month we will craft a simple bird feeder made of popsicle sticks,
but a more elaborate bird feeder can be made by substituting the popsicle sticks with small twigs that can be found around the house or garden.
Materials: Popsicle Sticks or twigs Glue Twine Glue Gun
3. Make a square pattern on the first layer over the top of the platform. 4. Continue gluing popsicle sticks around the outside until the feeder is at least an inch deep. 5. Thread twine through the top stick so it can be hung up. Fill the feeder with bird seed or fruit and enjoy the show.
Show us your feeders at https://www.facebook.com/InTheFieldMagazine
1. Line up 11 popsicle sticks. Glue 3 sticks across them. Turn it over. 2. Do a second row of popsicle sticks going in the opposite direction to strengthen the base
813-767-4703 301 South Collins Street, Suite 101, Plant City, Florida 33563
• 50
P o rtrait P h o tograp h er Spe c ializ ing in H igh Sc hool Se niors
February 2014
A Closer Look
By Sean Green
Foods that heal
The topic of human health is clearly dominating the minds of Americans with more frequency than ever before. This month more than ever, human health has been heavy on my mind. A very close member of my family was diagnosed with stage four kidney cancer at the end of January. My natural instinct for confronting such news is to immerse myself in research in an attempt to understand the dynamics involved in the condition of a beloved family member, or any human being for that matter. Much of the research I have done so far confirms my existing sentiment that the human being is designed to persist rather than perish and we are provided everything needed to do so from the natural world. Hippocrates of Cos was an ancient Greek physician of the Age of Pericles, his contribution to the field of medicine distinguishes him as the “father of medicine”. Two of his principles that are nearly non-existent in contemporary Western medicine are: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” and “Medicine should do no harm.” Too often we are trained to accept a dependence on synthetic drugs, toxic treatments, or chronic medical care rather than healthy food sources and habitual exercise. A closer look at our foods contribution to human health will define the choice between life and death for some. Perhaps with renewed attention to health issues, the farmers role in human health will be restored to its appropriate significance. The internet is loaded with articles and testimony from people that have survived cancer and other conditions by eating healthy foods in their natural state, some resources are supported by scientific research while others are persistent folk remedies. The common thread within every resource I examined is that eating natural, unaltered fresh vegetables is the most successful means of not only preventing, but curing cancer. I have included a partial list of foods prepared by the Cancer Cure Foundation that have been the subject of clinical research and are medically significant. I am eternally grateful for the harvest of little miracles that are regularly delivered to the local farmers market. In the face of seemingly impossible odds, it is ultimately our Farmers that provide the best medicine.
Broccoli, Cabbage, and Cauliflower
Convert a cancer-promoting estrogen into a more protective variety. Phytochemicals prevent colon and rectal cancer, and Sulforaphane triggers enzymes that deactivate carcinogens. According to Agriculture Department studies, the more bitter broccoli contains more of the cancer preventing compound Glucoraphanin.
In studies published in the journal Nahrung, beets were found to reduce serum cholesterol and triacylglycerol levels by 30 and 40%, respectively and increase HDL (good cholesterol)
According to researchers at Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences WWW.INTHEFIELDMAGAZINE.COM
(DIAS), the substance falcarinol slows cancer cell growth.
Chili peppers and jalapenos
Capsaicin, neutralizes certain cancer-causing substances (nitrosamines). Hot peppers can be placed on a cut to stop bleeding almost instantly and apparently do the same for intestinal cancers.
Vitamin D
A report presented at a recent American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) meeting revealed that vitamin D can lower the risk of developing breast cancer by up to 50%.
Allium compounds (dialyl sultides) increase the activity of immune cells that fight cancer, block carcinogens and slow tumor development. In addition, these components deactivate carcinogens in the liver. According to reports published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating garlic regularly reduces the risk of stomach cancer 50% and colorectal cancer 66%
Studies continue to confirm mushrooms fight cancer by boosting the immune system through the compound lentinan, believed to slow tumor growth. According to the American Cancer Society, “at least one randomized clinical trial of lentinan has shown it to prolong life of patients with advanced and recurrent stomach and colorectal cancer.” Coriolus Versicolor is the most promising species studied and is now used in Japan in association with chemotherapy.
According to a study reported by Cancer Research 2001;61:61126119, rats fed diets of 5% to 10% black raspberries saw a 43% to 62% decrease in esophageal tumors. A similar report published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer shows black raspberries, outperform both blueberries and strawberries in cancer prevention.
Green Tea and Black tea
Green Tea and Black Tea contain antioxidants known as polyphenols (catechins), which prevent cancer cells from dividing. According to a report in the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, polyphenols that are abundant in green tea, red wine and olive oil, may protect against various types of cancer.
Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that attacks free radicals, the trigger for cancer. It appears that lycopene levels increase with the temperature of the weather. Vitamin C, is antioxidant and prevents cellular damage that leads to cancer. These substances are concentrated by cooking the tomato. INTHEFIELD MAGAZINE
February 2014
February 2014
• Agriculture • Youth Steer Projects • Residential Property • Hunting & Recreational Properties
• Operating Expenses • Livestock • Equipment • Crop Insurance
www.farmcreditcfl.com Farm Credit of Central Florida’s Director of Marketing & Government Affairs, Ron O’Connor (Center) accepts the Florida Cattlemen’s Institute and Allied Trade Show’s Lifetime Commitment & Longstanding Achievement Award from University of Florida IFAS Okeechobee Dairy/Water Quality Agent, Courtney Davis (L) and UF-IFAS Orange County Livestock Agent, Dennis Mudge (Right). This year marked the event’s 31st year. Florida’s three Farm Credit associations are longtime supporters of the FCA’s Allied Trade Show. O’Connor accepted the award on behalf of Farm Credit.
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February 2014
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MASSEY FERGUSON 210 2wd., diesel tractor. $3,750 Call Alvie. 813-759-8722
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INDEPENT ACCOUNT MANAGER In The Field Magazine is looking for an independent account managers to Join our team! Please contact Danny @inthefieldmagazine.com or call 813-759-6909
NEW DOORS CLOSEOUT SPECIAL!!! $75 to $295. Call Ted today 813-752-3378 MOBILE HOME TUBS Metal brand new in box 54” Mobile Home Tubs. Call Ted 813-752-3378 $165.00
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MAHINDRA 8560 40 actual hrs., 2wd, diesel, 83hp, shuttle shift, warranty. $22,500 Call Alvie 813-759-8722
MASSEY HARRIS FERGUSON NO. 16 PACER With belly mower $1950 Call Alvie 813-759-8722
FRESH PRODUCE Forbes Road Produce. Open everyday from 7:30am - 8pm. Forbes Rd. & I-4 @ exit 17. Come out and see us!
BAD BOY CZT50 Zero turn 26hp Kawasaki. 138 hrs., Warranty. $4,995 Call Alvie 813-759-8722 USED EQUIPMENT Mowers, disk, box blades & disk plows. Call Alvie TODAY! 813-759-8722 KUBOTA B6100E Tractor with 48" woods belly mower. $1,750. Call Alvie 813-759-8722
February 2014
February 2014
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February 2014