Scott Angle
Thoughts from the Heifer Pen
Fishing Hot Spots
Endangered Species
Rocking Chair Chatter
Mandarin Oranges
Polk Pastured Pork
Bee Keeping
News Briefs
John Dicks
PAGE 40 Activity
PAGE 41 A Closer Look
PCYF Results
Hidden somewhere in the magazine is a No Farmers, No Food logo. Hunt for the logo and once you find the hidden logo you will be eligible for a drawing to win a FREE No Farmers No Food Sticker. Send us your business card or an index card with your name and telephone number, the number of the page which you found the logo and where on the page you located the logo to the address below
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P.O. Box 5377 • Plant City, Fl. 33566-0042
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Polk County Cattlemen’s Association
P.O. Box 9005 • Drawer HS03 Bartow, FL. 33831-9005
President – Kevin Fussell 4523 Fussell Rd Polk City, FL 33868-9676 (863) 412-5876
Vice President – Dr. Lujean Waters 8750 Shreck Rd Bartow, FL 33830 (863) 537-1495 Lujean.waters@gmail.com
Secretary/Treasurer - Justin Bunch PO Box 849 Highland City, FL 33846-0849 (863) 425-1121 justin.bunch@cpsagu.com
State Director – David Hunt 9699 Alt Bab Pk Cut-Off Rd Bartow, FL 33830 (863) 287-1835 Dhunt285@aol.com
Alternate SD – Orrin Webb PO Box 202 Bartow, FL 33831 (941) 916-5093 cwebbowebb@aol.com
Ray Clark 4484 Swindell Road Lakeland, FL 33810 (863) 640-0719 rclark@tampabay.rr.com
Donald Conroy 3882 Wolfolk Rd Fort Meade, FL 33841 (863) 412-0790
Stuart Fitzgerald PO Box 1437 Lake Wales, FL 33859 (863) 206-5021 stuartcattlellc@yahoo.com
Ken Sherrouse 13475 Moore Rd Lakeland, FL 33809-9755 (863) 698-1834 kensherrouse@yahoo.com
Scott Shoupe 6130 Allen Lane Lakeland, FL 33811 (863) 581-7593 Scott_shoupe@hotmail.com
James Stice PO Box 460 Highland City, FL 33846 (813) 714-2333 jstice@verizon.net
Dave Tomkow 3305 US Highway 92 E Lakeland, FL 33801-9623 (863) 665-5088 dave@cattlemens1.com
Alternate Standing Committee Chairs: Membership
Events Trade Show- Bridget Stice
Rodeo- Fred Waters PO Box 463 Alturas, FL 33820-0463 (863) 559-7808
Website Cattlewomen – President, Leslie Buchanon 8444 Tom Costine Rd Lakeland, FL 33809 (863) 581-2711 Buckld96@gmail.com
Extension – Bridget Stice PO Box 9005, Drawer HS03 Bartow, FL 33831 (863) 519-1048 bccarlis@ufl.edu
Sheriff’s Dept. – Lt. Paul Wright 1891 Jim Keen Blvd. Winter Haven, FL 33880 (863) 557-1741 pw5281@polksheriff.org
Sgt. Tim Sanders 1891 Jim Keen Blvd. Winter Haven, FL 33880 (863) 656-6119 brusso@polksheriff.org
Warner University –Abby Crawford 13895 Highway 27 Lake Wales, FL 33859 (863) 638-7248 Abby.crawford@warner.edu
I just attended another fabulous Fresh From Florida breakfast at the Florida State Fair. This event happens every year in the Ag Hall of Fame building on opening day of the fair. Farmers and ranchers, representatives from Florida’s agriculture community and others joined together with local and state politicians for this event that features Fresh From Florida products.
It’s always a good time when like-minded people gather, especially when it involves feeding our county, state, and country. Farmers and ranchers are cut from a different cloth. Many of which are soaked with generations of blood, sweat and tears.
Paul Harvey said it best in his 1978 speech to members of the FFA. Here is a portion of that speech.
And on the 8th day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, "I need a caretaker"
God said, "I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, milk cows, work all day in the fields, milk cows again, eat supper, then go to town and stay past midnight at a meeting of the school board"
God had to have somebody willing to ride the ruts at double speed to get the hay in ahead of the rain clouds, and yet stop in mid-field and race to help when he sees the first smoke from a neighbor’s place
It had to be somebody who’d plow deep and straight and not cut corners; somebody to seed, weed, feed, breed and rake and disc and plow and plant and tie the fleece and strain the milk and replenish the self-feeder and finish a hard week’s work with a five-mile drive to church; somebody who would bale a family together with the soft strong bonds of sharing, who would laugh, and then sigh, and then reply, with smiling eyes, when his son says that he wants to spend his life "doing what dad does"
-- so God made a Farmer.
There’s more to that speech. Look it up. It’s worth reading, or you can give it a listen. It’s a great reminder to us all.
Until Next Month
Karen Berry
Senior Managing Editor/ Associate Publisher
Sarah Holt
Patsy Berry
Karen Berry
Sarah Holt
Melissa Nichols
George Domedion
Creative Director/Illustrator
Juan Alvarez
Karen Berry
Melissa Nichols
Staff Writers
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Sandy Kaster
James Frankowiak
Sean Green
Contributing Writers
Woody Gore
John Dicks
Social Media
Victoria Saunders
Letters, comments and questions can be sent to P.O. Box 5377, Plant City, Florida 33563-0042 or you are welcome to email them to: info@inthefieldmagazine.com or call 813-759-6909
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Published by Berry Publications, Inc.
Since our last talk, winter has made it to us. Although the last week or so has brought much warmer weather and the grass is sure wanting to come back. Hopefully the weather holds up and we can get a little shower. It sure would be nice to hear the whippoorwills soon and know that spring was here.
February will be a busy month for the association, and we hope to see you all at the ranch rodeo and trade show on the 18th. If your kids showed beef in the youth fair and you are a current member, let us know, we like to give back what we can to our youth involved with the industry.
We can’t seem to get a break with the input cost of everything this year, but at least the markets are getting stronger. All across the board, calves feeders, and weigh up cows have been doing better each week.
Inventory reports this month show a national herd of cows the lowest number seen since 1962. Maybe the next few years will shape up better for us all than the last few.
You all take care and as always if there’s anything we can do for you reach out to one of our board members and let us know.
2,208± Acres in Multiple Tracts
Attention Conservationists, Recreational Land Buyers & Developers - This Property Has Something For You!
PROPERTY LOCATION: 1 mile south of Arcadia, Florida just off Highway 17. Property is situated along the Peace River. Watch for Auction Signs.
LIVE AUCTION LOCATION: Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center. 75 Taylor St, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 INFORMATION
The Peace River Preserve is a 2,208± acre property that lies on both sides of the Peace River in Desoto County, Florida. This property has endless recreational opportunities, as well as valuable conservation opportunities with great potential for a conservation easement as the property has yet to be conserved. The property also has the potential for mitigation banks, habitat preservation, water quality mitigation, and university studies.
East of the river the property, lies outside of the Federal Flow Way allowing for development near Arcadia. Possibilities on the West side outside of conservation include camping, hunting, motor recreation, canoeing, and eco-tours. In the past, this property has been hunted for exotic game and has also been used for river boat tours.
ship Institute, a three-semester program that includes personal and professional leadership development, an international experience and access to a mentor, all with the goal of preparing students for leadership in business, communications, science, and natural resources.
It’s not just the faculty in the UF/IFAS College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) who know their students and make CALS feel special. The dean knows them, too.
And not just their names. As International Baccalaureate (IB) at Bartow High School graduate Abbie Putnam was preparing to become a UF CALS graduate, she asked Dean Elaine Turner for a letter of recommendation.
Turner could have written it from memory if the list of Abbie’s beyond-the-classroom experiences were not so long. Internships with the UF/IFAS government affairs office in Tallahassee, with the Florida Farm Bureau national affairs team, with a congressman in Washington, D.C., with the United States Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service working on issues related to Bangladesh and the European Union, with a major seed association in Washington, D.C., and more.
While she’s been in Gainesville, Abbie has enjoyed a sense of family in CALS. The faculty and administration know her well enough that they have personally recommended opportunities they knew she’d be interested in.
Abbie’s sister Libby, also an IB at Bartow High School grad, recalls a moment when she experienced that same personal touch. It was an email from Cathy Carr, director alumni and career services, letting Libby know about an internship with the agribusiness giant Land O’ Lakes. Libby’s first reaction was to reply: “This is epic!!!”
Her second reaction was to get started with what turned out to be a successful application. She spent last summer in Minneapolis, Canada, Indiana and Washington, D.C., learning about government affairs, about how a multinational corporation works and about a row-crop agriculture far different from her family’s citrus and cattle operation in Polk County.
The sense of family Abbie and Libby enjoy at CALS grew even more this year when a third Putnam sister arrived. Like her sisters, Emma is majoring in agricultural education and communication. She also earned a spot in the most recent cohort of the CALS Leader-
It wasn’t their dad, CALS alumnus and former commissioner of agriculture Adam Putnam, who sold them on CALS. Nor was it their mom Melissa, a UF College of Education graduate who nonetheless so enthusiastically promotes her daughters’ college that she could be an unofficial CALS recruiter.
The Putnam sisters each say taking advantage of the opportunity to be CALS students for a week while they were still in high school heavily influenced their decision to attend not just UF but CALS.
They each participated in the Florida Youth Institute, a weeklong CALS camp that challenges students to think deeply about global challenges related to food security and offers a preview of life on campus. Turner, Dr. Charlotte Emerson and a whole team spend a week challenging, inspiring and recruiting FYI students. On my very first day as leader of UF/IFAS in 2020, I spoke to Emma’s cohort.
Through FYI and the leadership development opportunities that followed when the Putnam sisters became CALS students, they’ve heard about and lived the school’s priorities—excellent instruction, relevant curricula, experiential learning, and strong alumni and stakeholder connections.
All three say a hallmark of their education has been the ability to apply classroom lessons through the college’s experiential learning opportunities—opportunities that CALS faculty help them identify.
Turner’s letter of recommendation helped keep Abbie at UF. She’ll enter the UF Levin College of Law in the fall.
And there may be yet a fourth Putnam sibling entering CALS in 2024. Abbie, Libby and Emma’s brother Hughes (who now lives in Memphis but attended Union Academy Middle Magnet School in Bartow) participated in FYI last summer.
Hughes isn’t committed to attending CALS. But if he does, CALS will be committed to him. And he’ll find family, even when he’s not around his sisters.
This is hard. Writing is hard, being an adult is hard, trying to keep up with friendships and family relationships is hard, making sure you have enough time to do all the things, and enough money to keep all the things going is hard. Having the emotional gumption to go and do all the things is also hard. I have been staring at a blank screen typing and erasing over and over for the last hour worrying about a social function that I have to go to tonight, and my brain had the audacity to bring up a meme that said choose your hard. Right now, I am faced with choosing between the hards of not showing up and showing up and pretending I have social graces. Honestly, the easier hard to me in this moment is not showing up. But the better hard is to show up like a responsible, respectable person.
Sometimes it’s not about looking at the hards that we have to go through, but what the end result is. It can be hard for me to take the time to clean my room, but I prefer the result of a clean room, even though it would be equally as hard to leave it a mess and have a hard time finding that one thing right when I needed it. Sometimes what we thought was going to be hard is not as hard as we thought it was going to be. My dad told me one time that all you have to do is be brave for five minutes. After five minutes, you either aren’t scared anymore, or you are dead. This can be a very comforting thought because all you have to endure is five minutes; it’s just that when you are working with animals the other outcome is a reality. But so far, I have survived all of my five-minute attempts! Five minutes of pushing heifers into the hopper afraid can end in a whole day of pushing up heifers with the thought that you are going to murder the next one that turns around on you. Five minutes of convincing yourself you can help finish working cows before the rain comes while you are still sore from having your wisdom teeth taken out can end up with you staring at the ceiling at 2 am because you were hurting so bad when you got home from work that you took the steroids you were supposed to take that morning before you went to work cows. I’ve survived every five minutes of first rides that I have put on horses, which can be the scariest five minutes of a rider’s life because you do not know if the colt
will be gentle or decide it doesn’t like you on its back. I’ve also survived all of the first five minutes of learning how to drive in high school (and so did everyone in the car!). I have even miraculously survived the first five minutes of job interviews.
There have been times where I wasn’t sure that I was going to last those five minutes. When I was about 11 years old, my sisters and I were out riding with our dad when a rabbit came out and spooked my horse. My horse jolted off to the side which left me hanging off the other side of the saddle sunny side up. All I could see was the sky and the cantle of my saddle, and I thought to myself “I am just going to fall off,” but then I thought, “It would be kind of sorry of me to fall off without putting up a fight.” And I managed to pull myself up with the reins. In that situation, the harder hard seemed to be the ground rather than the whip lash of trying to stay on.
The other Sunday I had to help my dad with a cow that had gotten out. I had to haul the trailer across town to the pasture where he was. (It should be known that I hate hauling a trailer and avoid it at all costs.) I managed to cross a narrow bridge with oncoming traffic and back up to the chute within a somewhat reasonable amount of time. When we loaded the cow, she was mad enough to kill someone, but we got her in the trailer with perfect timing. After I closed the gate on her I told my dad, “I don’t want to be a cowgirl, I just want to stay home and read my books.” He said if I just stayed home with my books then I wouldn’t have anything to write about, which is true. But sometimes I would just like experiences to write about that did not include so much adrenaline. I am still trying to figure out if he made me drive home with the trailer to prove his point or because it was the more practical thing to do.
Choosing the right hard means putting on your cowgirl boots and doing the job. We need the right kind of hard in our lives to help us grow and expand our horizons, and sometimes we need hard in our lives just to show us there is more to living than just books.
I’ve spent endless hours enjoying the companionship and friendship of other anglers, each sharing numerous stories and adventures. However, pressure to catch fish, inexperience, and overcrowding can increase tensions among recreational and professional anglers and undermine a fishing trip.
We’re all guilty! So let’s get that out of the way. While we may not do it deliberately, we’ve all gotten too close. And when we do, we get that familiar “hey you idiot” stare or an oratory of verbal banter and profanity admonishing us for infringing on their fishing spot. Just take it like an adult, apologize, and move away.
Common sense and courtesy are simple and everyone should practice them. There’s plenty of water with loads of places to fish. So, if someone’s in the spot you want to fish, just move on to one of your other spots or look for new ones. We’ve all been there, traveling long distances to our favorite spot. But when we arrive, oh my goodness, boats are fishing right there. Well, life happens. Think positive and consider it an opportunity to find new locations.
So you pack up and leave for another area wondering why anyone would be so inconsiderate as to crowd other anglers? The answer to that question is mainly to catch a fish. More than any other spot violation and fishing protocol. This is probably the number one source of irritation and arguments. We
all understand we cannot expect to fish alone, especially on weekends and holidays - especially those popular hot spots. But we should expect common sense, courtesy, and consideration, especially if you’ve arrived there first.
Casting Distance - How far is enough to stay away from another boat? It depends on the area, but a general rule of thumb that’s been around for years is 100 yards. Or if your cast lands within the casting range of another boat, you’re too close.
As a guide spending many hours on the water, I’m sure I’ll make some judgment errors and may do something to irritate a fellow angler. Let me apologize in advance and tell you it will never be deliberate. Okay, that about covers it.
Everything seems to be biting, depending on the tides. Snook, Redfish, Sea Trout, Mangrove snapper, Sheepshead, later season mackerel, and summer trout are showing up in deeper channels and grass flats.
get better at protecting our environment.
Reclamation ecologists like Ashlee work to return mined lands to productive use as wildlife habitats, public parks and more—so future generations can enjoy these lands for years to come.
Capt. Woody Gore operates Tampa Bay's #1 Outdoor Fishing Guide Services. Guiding and fishing in Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Clearwater areas for over fifty years, he offers first-class customer service, family-oriented charters, and a lifetime of memories.
Visit his website, www.captainwoodygore.com
Email: fishing@captainwoodygore.com
generation, we
Scrub Blazing Star or Liatris tenuifolia, which is its scientific name, is a perennial flowering plant in the Aster family that produces a striking blaze of flowers. The inflorescence is a spike of rayless rose/ purple-colored flowers that typically bloom from the top, down.
It reaches a height of three to four feet and grows in welldrained soils in the Southeastern United States, typical of scrub and Flatwoods communities.
In early spring it produces leaves similar to pine needles and then in summer it begins growing a stalk that will produce the showy, purple flowers. Its showy flower display makes it ideal for attracting pollinators. Liatris species are an important food source for the larvae of butterflies and moths and the flowers have special value to native bees.
Scrub blazing star is restricted to sand pine scrub, a central Florida plant community that encompasses 40 or more endemic plant species. The richest collection of endemics is found along the sandy, well-drained Lake Wales Ridge that extends in a north and south direction through Polk and Highlands Counties. Scrub vegetation is dominated by large evergreen shrubs, sand pine, and scrub oaks. Sandy clearings scattered among the oaks and pines support smaller shrubs, numerous herbs and a few hardy grasses.
Because of its brilliant flowers, scrub blazing star has been included in many botanical collections. The plant’s geographic range extends from near Auburndale and east of Lake Wales (Polk County) south along the Lake Wales Ridge through Sebring to the Archbold Biological Station (Highlands County). An extensive survey of scrub habitat conducted in 1988 documented 22 localities for scrub blazing star in Polk County and 71 localities in Highlands County. Most of these sites support very limited numbers of plants and most are found on private property, although several do occur on state and federal lands. Land acquisition efforts by government and private organizations are increasing tracts of protected habitat.
Sites at the Archbold Biological Station, in Arbuckle State Park, and in the Arbuckle State Forest are protected. Two other sites, at Saddle Blanket Lakes and adjacent to Highlands Hammock State Park, are being acquired by the state.
Sand pine scrub in central Florida is disappearing at a rapid rate. Almost every day new tracts of land are cleared to support citrus groves or new residential subdivisions. Recent frost and freeze patterns have caused large-scale citrus growers to move south along the Lake Wales Ridge. The urban populations of ridge communities, such as Haines City, Winter Haven, Lake Wales, Avon Park, and Sebring, have experienced dramatic growth in recent years and continue to expand. The remaining habitat is becoming increasingly more fragmented. Because of its beautiful flower, the scrub blazing star has been popular with collectors, further endangering its lasting survival. It was one of four Florida plants added to the federal list as a group in July 1989.
State acquisition of a large tract of scrub at Saddle Blanket Lakes and smaller tracts purchased by the Nature Conservancy provide protection for several populations of scrub blazing star. The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) altered previous draft recovery plans, which covered first nine and then 11 previously listed plants to include blazing star, the ziziphus and other endangered and threatened scrub taxa. The latest revised draft recovery plan was announced by the FWS in 1995, outlines basic efforts deemed necessary to restore the scrub blazing star and other endangered plants, including habitat protection through land purchase and other means (including the Habitat Conservation Plan process for threatened animals in the Florida scrub habitat); the management of protected habitats; and the assessment of progress and plan post-recovery monitoring.
• According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Americans eat an average of 3.4 pounds of fresh strawberries every year.
• Ancient Romans believed strawberries had medicinal powers.
• There is a museum in Belgium dedicated to strawberries.
• Native Americans ate strawberries long before European settlers arrived.
• Strawberries are believed to help reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers.
• Strawberries contain high levels of nitrate.
• The strawberry belongs to the genus Fragraria in the rose family, along with apples and plums.
• June 14th is National Strawberry Shortcake Day
We all love to watch contests, everything from football to the strawberry shortcake-eating contest at the Florida Strawberry Festival in Plant City. There are hundreds of weird and unusual contests going on all over the world every day.
Every year, young men in a Sudanese tribe take part in a four-month long eating contest. The goal is to eat as much as possible staying as still as possible (since moving burns calories). At the end of the four-month period, they’re carted out in front of their fellow villagers and judged on their roundness. I know a couple of people who could win this one hands down. Just park them in front of a TV with a barrel of nacho cheese and they could make history.
One of the oddest competitions known to man is the World Worm Charming Championship that has been held in a small village in England since 1980. Contestants stake off a small plot of land and, for 30 minutes, coax as many earthworms out of the dirt as possible without digging for them or using drugs. They use vibrations, by inserting a stick in the ground, and rubing it with another stick. Some say they make “earthworm music,” and the worms come to the top. Whoever collects the most worms, wins. Grand prize is a fishing pole!
Men are asked to test their strength in Finland every July by running through a 772-foot obstacle course while carrying their wife on their back. The winner wins
his wife’s weight in beer. The rules are: You must be married to the woman you are carrying, and she must be over 17 years of age, and weigh at least 108 pounds. Each time you drop her during the contest a 15-second fine is incurred. The sport originated as a joke in Finland, and is supposedly reminiscent of the past when men courted women by running into their village, picking them up, and carrying them off.
According to the records, the first “World Toe Wrestling” competition started in 1976 in a pub in the UK. The locals kicked off this competition by having contestants lock their big toes together, and attempt to force their opponent’s foot to the ground. The organizers were so excited about this game they applied in 1997 to have it included in the Olympic games. Unfortunately the supporters of this competitive sport were turned down.
Toe Wrestling doesn’t sound like much, but past participants will testify to the contrary, as they have broken toes and sprained ankles to prove it.
About 85 years ago there were numerous endurance tests in the United States. Some of the marathon competitions included people walking, talking, running, dancing drinking, eating and even kissing. One of the most famous competitive events of all time was the “Bunion Derby.” It was the first, and last, transcontinental running race between Los Angeles and New York City. No wonder they called it the “Bunion Derby!” It
started on March 4, 1928. By the end of the first day, 77 runners had dropped out. Only 80 left Oklahoma! By the time they got to Chicago only 65 remained in the race. Finally, on May 26,1928, 55 runners made it to the finish line in New York.
The winner, had a 15-hour lead, and was Any Payne, a 20-year-old Cherokee farm boy from Oklahoma. His time was 573 hours, 4 minutes, and 34 seconds over 83 consecutive days. He won $25,000 and paid off the family farm debt.
If you’re over 65 listed below are a few games you can play!
1 - Sag. You’re it.
2 - Pin the Toupee on the bald guy.
3 - 20 questions shouted into your good ear.
4 - Kick the bucket.
5 - Red Rover, Red Rover, the nurse says bend over.
6 - Hide and go pee.
7 - Spin the bottle of Mylanta.
8 - Musical recliners.
Speaking of competitive senior citizens, have you seen the movie, Age of Champions? The movie is about five competitors who sprint, leap, and swim for gold at the Senior Olympics. In the movie there’s a 100 year-old tennis champion, 86 year-old pole-vaulter, and a rough and tumble basketball team, known as the “Tigerettes,” made up of grandmothers who discover the power of the human spirit and triumph over the limitations of age.
Adolph Hoffman, 88, wins the track and field events, and 90 year-old swimmers Bradford and John Tatum win the swimming competition.
It’s a fact that brains of the elderly are slow because they know so much. The elderly have so much information in their brain that it takes longer for them to access it. The seniors’ brain is somewhat like a computer. A computer struggles when the hard drive gets full. Likewise, senior citizens brains take longer to access information because it has so much information stored over the years. Some doctor’s say the brain of the elderly does not get weak, it is slower because of all the information taken in over time, and they simply know more.
The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule (PSR) inspections have begun. Sign up now to request a free On-Farm Readiness Review (OFRR), offered in partnership by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and University of Florida IFAS. The OFRR is an educational opportunity to help individual farms align practices with the PSR regulatory requirements in preparation for inspections.
For more information on FSMA and to sign up for an OFRR, visit FDACS.gov/FSMA or call (863) 578-1900.
To take full advantage of the OFRR and for PSR compliance, one farm representative should first attend a Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training. Upcoming trainings can be found at: crec.ifas.ufl.edu/extension/events
This publication is supported by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award U2FFD007446 totaling $1,166,732 with 100 percent funded by FDA/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by FDA/ HHS, or the U.S. Government.
FMS Super-Mol Blocks, Tubs, and Super-Pro Blocks providing the protein, energy and vital nutrition that your cattle need to stay in tip top shape during the winter changes to your forages Proper nutrition matters for pregnancy rates, healthy calves, and high performing cattle throughout the year
Proud to be supporters of the Champion of Champions Youth Education Program Supporting Today’s Youth to Become Tomorrow’s Leaders Come out and Support the youth on FEBRUARY 9-20, 2023
Fresh Florida oranges and grapefruit are famously known for being a sweet, delicious wintertime fruit, a nutritious snack, a refreshing dessert, or a healthy holiday gift. Florida’s state flower is the orange blossom, and indeed the orange and all citrus fruit are important state crops. Did you know that Florida also produces sweet mandarin oranges? Mandarins, known scientifically as Citrus reticulate, are known for having thin, loose peels surrounding a sweet, juicy, small orange. Native to the Philipines and Southeast Asia, mandarins are commonly grown in Japan, China, and India, as well as in the United States, in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas. Different types of mandarins include clementine and Satsuma types. Often mandarins and tangerines are used interchangeably.
An excellent source of vitamins and minerals, a medium-sized mandarin contains 39% of the daily value for this vitamin. Mandarins are an excellent nutritional source of dietary fiber, folate, thiamin, potassium, and Vitamin A. In addition to these vitamins and minerals, they contain a wealth of other diseasefighting compounds, such as phytonutrients and antioxidants. These potent chemical fight cancer, lower cholesterol, and control blood sugar levels.
According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, one medium-sized mandarin (88 g) contains 47 calories, 0.7 g protein, 0.3 g fat, 12 g carbohydrate, and 3 g of dietary fiber. It also provides 39% of the Daily Recommended Value (%DV) for vitamin C, 14% for dietary fiber, 5% for vitamin B6, 3% for calcium, and 2% for magnesium.
Vitamin C is important for a healthy immune system, cancer prevention, healthy blood circulation and wound healing. This vitamin acts as a potent antioxidant in the body, neutralizing harmful free radicals and preventing its damaging effects in cells. By fighting cell and tissue damage, vitamin C protects against cancer and other diseases, such as the common cold. This vitamin also helps the body absorb more iron, and aids in the development of strong bones and teeth.
Current research findings support that vitamin C’s benefits come from consumption of whole fruits and vegetables. A high intake of produce is associated with a reduced risk of death from all causes, including heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Taking supplements does not seem to provide the same protective benefits as eating the whole fruit.
Mandarin oranges and other citrus fruits contain a significant amount of dietary fiber, which can help lower cholesterol, assist with digestion, and prevent constipation. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, a diet high in fiber may decrease the risk of several types of cancer including colon, rectum, breast, and pancreas.
A single mandarin orange provides 14% of the daily value for fiber, which has been shown to reduce high cholesterol levels, which helps to prevent atherosclerosis. Fiber can also help maintain steady blood sugar levels, as can fructose, the naturally occurring type of fruit sugar found in oranges. Oranges also contain pectin, a water-soluble fiber that helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and aids in satiety.
Choose mandarins that have smoothly textured skin and are firm and heavy for their size. Avoid any with soft or brown spots. The juiciest mandarins tend to be smaller, heavy for their size, and thin skinned. Avoid those that have soft spots or traces of mold. Mandarin oranges can be stored either at room temperature or in the refrigerator, and will last about two weeks with either method.
Since mandarin oranges come in their own natural packaging, they are a portable, convenient snack. You can simply peel and separate into wedges, and eat out-of-hand. The fruit can also be juiced with a juicer or squeezed by hand.
Other ways to enjoy oranges include:
• Toss orange segments into any fruit or vegetable salad.
• Squeeze the juice into a pan, allow it to thicken over heat, and use it as a sauce for fish or chicken.
• Add orange juice to baked goods for a bright refreshing twist.
• Slip a few slices of orange into a pitcher of water for a refreshing low-calorie beverage.
• Boil orange slices with your teabag or add slices to boiled tea.
• Use the whole mandarin, peel and all, to make marmalade.
• Serve orange wedges after a meal for dessert.
Enjoy fresh Florida mandarins today. With its sweet juicy flavor, mandarins are delicious as well as healthy!
http://en.wikipedia.org/ http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ http://www.whfoods.com
Florida’s Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) is officially in the hands of a fifth-generation Floridian, an agriculturist, businessman, experienced legislator, and family man. Commissioner Simpson took victory in the 2022 election and was sworn into his new role in January of 2023. Born in Polk County to a family of agriculturists, Simpson learned not only the value of hard work but also the importance of sound business decisions and standing by what you believe in. Through his success in agriculture, leadership, and the Florida Senate, it is evident that Simpson is well equipped to serve as Florida’s Commissioner of Agriculture.
“From a big picture perspective, I want to make sure that we’re protecting agriculture and we’re protecting Florida consumers. More specifically, I want to make sure we’re working to secure the future of Florida agriculture, and not for the next five to ten years, but for the next 50 to 100 years. That really means defining Florida agriculture as a national security issue and evaluating any regulations or burdens on agriculture through that lens,” said Simpson.
Simpson’s appreciation for agriculture was developed at a young age. Born in Lakeland, Florida, he was raised with the expectation that he was to be part of the family’s agricultural operations. Simpson spent many hours after work and on the weekends working alongside his family.
“Prior to moving to Trilby, our family did a lot of farming at our home in Plant City. We raised our own cattle and swine. We also did a lot of canning of our food, like tomatoes, strawberries, and other things of that nature. When we moved to Dade City, we started the egg business,” stated Simpson.
Simpson’s interest in agriculture continued through the years as he established a life in Pasco County. He and his family began an egg business in Dade City that continues to be in operation today, 45 years later. Simpson is also involved in other aspects of agriculture in addition to eggs including cattle, hay, and the citrus industry, providing a vast perspective and knowledge of agriculture. As a result, Simpson understands firsthand the impact the industry has on our state, and the challenges the industry faces.
“One of our greatest challenges is being able to respond to our natural disasters, like hurricanes, in ‘real time’ and making sure that we continue to fight invasive pests and diseases. Some of the greatest opportunities are protecting Florida’s food and water supply by banning foreign control of agricultural and sensitive military lands through the Secure Florida Act. Additionally, I’m requesting $300 million for the Rural and Family Lands Protection Program, which partners with willing farmers to preserve working agricultural lands and their immense economic and environmental benefits,” said Simpson.
Not only has Simpson been a famer throughout the years, but he has also taken his expertise and involvement beyond agricultural operations, into other organizations and the government. Simpson is an active member of the Pasco County Farm Bureau Federation where he has served as president of the board of directors. He has also served as a director on the Florida Farm Bureau Federation board and countless other organizations.
“Florida Farm Bureau and similar agriculture organizations are an incredible asset, and are very informative to not only the public, but to the agriculture community itself,” said Simpson.
In addition to agricultural organizational involvement, Simpson’s leadership in the Florida State Senate and serving as the Florida Senate President has shown proven success for Floridians.
“When you look at back at my career in the Senate, I’m proud of what we were able to accomplish for the agriculture community - from the Right to Farm Act, strengthening Florida’s Greenbelt Protections, enacting the agritourism statute, sales tax breaks on farm equipment, and advocating for growers,” said Simpson. “In my 10 years in the Senate, we cut $10 billion in taxes, paid down $10 billion in debt, and we’ve created a model of prosperity for the rest of the country.”
As a business owner himself, Simpson recognized the impact that legislation can have on industries. This spurred his motivation and interest in becoming involved with being part of the policymaking process.
“The first election that I could vote in was in 1984 for Ronald Reagan. I saw the interaction and the differences, even back then, from business and the priorities of keeping everyone fully employed. Less regulation, less government, and less taxes are the key to prosperity. Between running our family businesses and then getting more involved in my philanthropic efforts, government always seemed to be in the way. Government was blocking what I thought were common sense solutions that folks were trying to do to improve our communities, and to make our state a better place to live in,” stated Simpson.
As a result, a resonating theme throughout the years and efforts of his leadership in the Florida Senate continues to lead back to the idea less government, less taxes, less regulation, and more private sector growth. Simpson will now implement his leadership skills at FDACS. His outlook is positive as he believes the future of agriculture is bright. He is encouraged by the diversification in Florida’s agriculture industry with over 300 commodities, expressing that agriculture is a year-round business in Florida. This not only provides for year-round jobs and economic impact, but it is meeting consumer demand year-round, too.
Simpson is excited for what’s in store as Florida’s Commissioner of Agriculture and expressed that any recognition he has ever received is humbling as a farmer, and someone who takes pride in putting food on people’s tables. It is evident that through his leadership, experience, and hope for the future of agriculture and protection of consumers, Florida is in promising hands with Wilton Simpson as the state’s 13th Commissioner of Agriculture.
You can say Devon Garbus was born to be a farmer. “My mom picked the name ‘Devon’ because it means farmer and her parents and extended family were farmers and ranchers, but aside from planting flowers as a kid I had no experience as a farmer,” Garbus said. “Reading books and watching YouTube videos counts as experience though, right?” Garbus said with a chuckle.
Like a lot of people, when the COVID pandemic hit, it took its toll on Garbus. “For me, it hit me pretty hard psychologically and at a time when a few other things were happening in my life that led to the farm,” Garbus said. “I wanted more outdoor hobbies and I picked up fishing. I wanted to provide natural and native habitat for pollinators like the Monarch that are slowly dying due to monoculture/imported lawns and gardens. I wanted to have a reliable source of food for my family.”
He looked at his options and even considered property in Georgia, but he found out he wouldn’t be able to have animals. “So, I found this spot and fell in love instantly,” Garbus said. “Great views, tons of Florida swamp and some nice high ground overlooking a huge pond. I’m slowly using the pigs to help remove invasive plants, then the areas that I’m not keeping for the animals I am putting in native pollinators like Milkweed to keep the monarchs happy and I can go by hand to remove any more invasive that pop up.” Polk Pastured Pork was born.
There are a lot of buzzwords in the meat industry like “organic, non GMO, free range” and Garbus tries to avoid them. “My pigs are raised outdoors from the time I get them and many are born on at our farm,” Garbus said. “I plant a high density forage to grow out for them to eat, plus everything that comes naturally, acorns, bugs, etc. My pigs are also starting to get one third of their diet
from micro greens - known as Fodder. I am growing 60-75 pounds of barley micro greens every day for my pigs. This helps me keep my costs down while providing an extremely high quality of food.”
Garbus refers his pigs as “pastured raised,” but some would say “forested,” in the end it doesn’t matter to Garbus. “What matters is the quality that is produced, and keeping the pigs happy and healthy,” Garbus said. “My pigs turn out a red meat that is highly marbled and full of flavor. It’s so tasty every time I throw it on the stove or grill I feel like a real chef. Commercial pork is a whole other food compared to this. There are also health benefits to eating pastured pork. One example is an increased level of OMEGA-3 Fatty acids and Vitamin D.”
If you ask Garbus what he liked most about having a farm, he’ll tell you just being on the farm. My day job is sitting in front of a computer endlessly typing and staring at a screen,” Garbus said. “Being outside, enjoying the Florida weather would be enough but I also get to see where my food is coming from, help other people get delicious food locally and the community around
pasture raised pigs is probably one of the best around. It’s crazy how many people were willing to mentor me and become friends who are hundreds of miles away.”
Keeping things local is extremely important to Garbus. “My wife and I have spent lots of time at farmers markets and finding mom and pop restaurants for this reason,” Garbus said. “Amazon and the big chains get plenty of money from us. Why not invest in yourself and get a large supply of high quality protein in bulk? The extra freezer you may need or want pays for itself after your second purchase, whether it’s pork beef or chicken. We were doing more of this before the farm, and the people we’ve met now are helping us do this even more. Honestly, if you are on the fence about investing in pork or beef shares, go to your local veggie stand and compare the quality of locally raised and Walmart quality. The difference is huge, and you’ll see it in the meats as well.”
If you would like to learn more about Polk Pastured Pork, you can visit their website at www.polkpasturedpork. com.
Beekeeping is an important aspect of agriculture in Florida and offers numerous opportunities for youth to learn and develop important life skills. By participating in a beginner beekeeping class, youth can develop skills such as communication, decision-making, and responsibility through hands-on experiences with the bees. In addition, they will learn about science, technology, and the environment as they care for the hives and observe the behavior of the bees. These experiences not only provide a unique learning opportunity but also help young people develop critical life skills that will serve them well in their personal and professional lives.
Beekeeping is not only a valuable hobby, but it can also be a fulfilling career. Those who have developed a passion for beekeeping can consider a career in honey production, queen breeding, or even becoming a professional beekeeper. Beekeeping offers the opportunity to work outdoors and be part of the growing agricultural industry, while also positively impacting the environment by helping to pollinate crops. The hands-on experience and knowledge gained through a beginner beekeeping workshop can provide a solid foundation for those interested in pursuing a career in the field. Whether a hobby or a career, beekeeping provides a unique and rewarding experience that helps individuals develop important life skills while also supporting the local community and environment.
The movement of pollen from the anthers of a flower (Male part of the flower) to the stigma (female part of the flower) of a flower, is called pollination. Pollination is how many plants reproduce and they need the help of animals and insects known as pollinators to achieve this goal. Pollinators can include mammals such as bats, birds, and other animals, but insects and other arthropods are the most common pollinators. Among these insects, we found the western honeybee. The western honeybee is one of 300 bee pollinator species occurring in Florida. Although they are not the only pollinators in the state, these bees are credited approximately for 85% of the pollination of all crops in Florida. This means that without western honeybee agriculture as we know it wouldn’t exist. The western honeybees also help to pollinate many ornamental plants on landscapes and other plants in natural areas.
In Florida we have over 3,000 registered beekeepers, managing a total of approximately 400,000 honeybee colonies and producing over 10 – 20 million pounds of honey. According to USDA Statistics Florida is the number four state with honey-producing colonies and within the first 10 states in honey production. Beekeepers in Florida provide pollination services to crops including strawberries, blueberries, watermelons, and other important crops of the state. Since Florida have a subtropical climate, the state is part of the honey flow, meaning that many beekeepers from colder states travel to Florida during the wintertime for their beekeeping business. For these reasons, beekeeping is extremely important in the state of Florida.
Beekeeping can provide numerous amounts of products including:
Honey: this substance derives from the nectar gathered by the bees during the pollination process. Once a bee returns to the hive, she will start regurgitating the nectar from bee to bee. During this process, each bee adds enzymes to the nectar until one bee deposit the nectar into a hive cell. Later other bees are going to dry out this substance and cap it, converting the nectar into honey. Depending on the flower where the nectar was gathered, the flavor and color of the honey will vary. Honey can be sold as raw honey, processed honey, and with or without a honeycomb. Honey can be used as a nutritious food, for medicinal purposes, or for mead and other honey drinks.
Beeswax: This substance is produced by honeybees and is used to build comb for brood (eggs, larvae, and pupae), and for honey and pollen storage. Today beeswax is mostly used to produce candles, but it can also be used for pharmaceuticals and cosmetic products, as a sealing agent, for art purposes, and as cheese coatings.
Pollen: The pollen gathered by bees during the pollination process can be used as nutritious food for humans.
Propolis: This is a sticky resinous substance honeybees collect for conifer plants that they used to seal their hives. Propolis has antibacterial and antifungal properties that bees use to protect the hive. For this reason, propolis is used as a natural supplement in natural medicines.
Royal jelly: This substance is secreted by worker
bees (between the ages of 5 days-15 days) and fed to larvae for the first 3 days after hatching. The bees that will become queen bees are fed royal jelly for the rest of their lives. Today royal jelly is used as an ingredient in creams, moisturizers, and as a supplement in healthy foods.
Bee venom: Bee venom has been used in alternative therapy collected as a venom extract to be injected or directly administered by bee stings, for arthritis treatment for many years. It has been also used in alternative therapy for sclerosis, tendonitis, and fibromyalgia treatments. These applications should be performed by trained professionals.
Beekeeping is not just for commercial purposes. Homeowners can also keep their bees in their backyard as a hobby or to help pollinate their vegetable gardens or ornamental plants. It is always important to look for local regulations before bringing bees into your property. Check for property zoning, local city regulations, and HOA rules. Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDCAS) regulates registered beekeepers throughout the state. Even if you are keeping bees for non-commercial purposes, FDACS will
still require you to be a registered beekeeper. To learn more about the Florida registration process, visit the FDACS Beekeeper Registration website.
Come join us at the UF/IFAS Extension Polk County office for an informative Basic Beekeeping Workshop for youth ages 14 to 18! On March 14, 2023, from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm, we will cover everything you need to know about the western honey bee and beekeeping. From beekeeping laws and regulations to the biology of honey bees, pests and diseases, and the tools you’ll need to get started, this workshop will provide a comprehensive introduction to the world of bees. You’ll even get to see a live demonstration of a hive and learn about the many career opportunities in beekeeping. Our office is located at 1702 S Holland Pkwy, Bartow, FL 33830. Don’t miss this chance to learn about the important role bees play in agriculture and the environment!
Registration is through 4-H online: https://v2.4honline.com/#/user/sign-in
The 2023 Florida State Fair is taking place February 9 – 20. For information about the fair, visit: floridastatefair.com. The annual Florida Strawberry Festival is set for March 2-12 with information available at: flstrawberryfestival.com.
The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) has $2.6 million available to landowners through the Sequestering Carbon and Protecting Florida Land Program, which offers Florida landowners incentive payments to help increase the acreage of healthy forest in the state. To obtain an application and learn more about the program, visit: FDACS.gov/CarbonProgram.
The Southwest Florida Water Management District (District) is conducting prescribed burns through March on the Lower Hillsborough Wilderness Preserve, located south of Cross Creek Boulevard between U.S. Highway 301 and Morris Bridge Road. Approximately 700 acres will be burned in small units to help reduce the risk of wildfires burning out of control.
According to research by the University of Florida, grass doesn’t need to be watered as often during the cooler months. One-half to three-quarters of an inch of water every 10–14 days is sufficient. In fact, if your lawn has received any significant rainfall, then you can turn off your irrigation system and operate it manually as needed. You can determine when your grass needs water when:
• Grass blades are folded in half lengthwise on at least onethird of your yard.
• Grass blades appear blue-gray.
• Grass blades do not spring back, leaving footprints on the lawn for several minutes after walking on it.
Watering only every other week at most during the winter will help conserve drinking water supplies that the public needs for critical uses during the dry season. For additional information about water conservation, please visit the District’s website at WaterMatters.org/SkipAWeek.
Water restrictions in south Hillsborough County have been lifted. Commercial and residential property owners in that area can now water twice per week on specific days and times of day. For more information, visit: https://news.yahoo/hillsborough-lifts-water-restrictions-south-171700817.html.
District Asks Homeowners to “Skip a Week” of Irrigation this Winter
The Southwest Florida Water Management District (District) is reminding residents who irrigate their lawns to “Skip a Week” or more of watering during the cooler months of January and February.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has several assistance opportunities for agricultural producers and private landowners. One such program is the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) through which NRCS provides technical and financial assistance to help producers and growers make conservation improvements on their land that benefit natural resources, build resiliency and contribute to combating the impacts of climate change.
EQIP provides cost share assistance for producers to use conservation practices to address a wide variety of resource concerns. Applications for EQIP assistance are accepted throughout the year. For more information, contact the USDA’s Plant City Farm Service Agency office, 201 South Collins Street, Suite 201, Plant City, FL 33563. Telephone: 813/752-1474, Ext. 2.
To know me, is to know that I like camping. I guess I always have, and certainly I still do.
Maybe you do, too.
Or maybe you’re intrigued with the idea, or loved it in the past, but thinking that pitching a tent in these times, with skeeters seemingly bigger than buzzards, is something you’d like to just take a pass on.
Well times do change, and even so with camping.
Starting as a fad just a few years ago, and now growing quickly into the mainstream of popular diversions is “Glamping.” It’s one of those made-up words combining two competing interests into one polar opposite expression.
In this case, “glamping” is said to combine “glamorous” with “camping.”
Yes, that’s rather strange on its face. I mean, how in the world can those two concepts ever co-exist?
If I had to guess, it all started with the fancy bush camping done for safaris throughout central Africa. Many years ago, elaborate (and expensive) camping quarters were built in order to attract and accommodate tourists who wanted to get up close with nature, and most particularly, with wild animals.
All across the great Kenyan Savannah to the Serengeti in Tanzania, companies have established and built both permanent and portable lodges and camps to keep comfy the countless throngs of people itching to get a glimpse in the wild of lions, elephants, leopards and giraffes.
When I set off on a sojourn several years ago to the heart of Africa, I was absolutely amazed at not just the luxury of it all, but the engineering it required to fashion a tent to include hot and cold running water as well even as flush toilets and bidets! How was that even possible?!
The answers I still don’t really comprehend; but the popularity of it all, I certainly understand.
Lots of people care not to deal with the difficulty of sleeping on top of a rock, but give them a warm therapeutic mattress and a few outlets for USB chargers and maybe the idea of listening to a cricket crescendo in the middle of the night might not be all that horrifying.
Particularly so for many is when there are gourmet meals mixed into the adventure. Who wouldn’t enjoy dining outdoors when it so often provides such stunning views and vistas?
It’s grown so popular that the option to glamp awaits you in almost any setting. Even several of our state parks have gotten in on the trend. Check out Colt Creek for instance. It’s less than an hour away, and offers more than 5,000 acres of native Central Florida habitat, making it a perfect spot to find everything from bald eagles, deer, otters, alligators; and glamping! You can find some info at www.coltcreekstatepark.com
Care to visit some of our best National Parks, but have no interest in pitching your own tent? One notable outfitter ready to help is aptly named, Under Canvas. They generally gather right outside of the Park itself, but it’s a fine way to avoid the crowds and still enjoy the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Mount Rushmore, Zion and others. Contact them at UnderCanvas. com.
How about really getting away from it all and glamping while kayaking with killer whales? As you would suspect, it’s more than just whale watching. It can be a close encounter!
Just getting to this remote spot is an adventure in itself, but it makes things all that much more enjoyable knowing you’ll be glamping when you get there. Check out Orca Camp at www. wildcoastadventures.com.
The whole idea of Glamping has now become so popular that you can indulge in it nearly anywhere, doing almost anything. One website frequented by many glampers lists locations and accommodations in places all around the world, including a handful right here in Florida.
You’ll find it at Glamping.com. It’s a resource for listings including “cabins, huts, lodges, tents, tree houses, villas, and yurts.”
Yes, yurts!
You know, yurts are those round portable tents covered and insulated with furs and skins used by the nomads of Central Asia.
Glamping in yurts for a summer vacation? Why not?!
John Dicks is both a Lawyer and Businessman, including an interest in farming. He and his family have owned a Blueberry Farm and have Agricultural lands which they lease for cattle operations, as John says, “to someone who knows and handles cattle much better than I do!”. John is both a Gator, having received his undergraduate degree from the University of Florida, and a Seminole, with his Law Degree from Florida State University. John serves as Of Counsel to Trinkle Redman, a law firm in Plant City where he also served nine years as City Commissioner, including three terms as Mayor.
As the weather has reached the “this is why we live in Florida” status, people are venturing into the outdoors, trading air conditioned homes for fresh air and exploration. And who could blame you with the numerous parks, preserves, and trails for hiking, biking, and picnicking to choose from in Polk County. If you plan on enjoying an outdoor trek, keep in mind that from time to time, hikers do get lost in our county. The Polk County Sheriff’s Office has a vast amount of experience and resources in the area of search and rescue. We have K-9 teams that track missing persons, an Aviation Unit that takes to the sky and searches for heat signatures of people who need rescuing, and we even have a robust drone unit that can get into places our larger aircraft cannot.
But the best line of prevention against becoming lost begins with you. By planning ahead you’ll be better prepared to expect the unexpected.
• Before you head out, let someone know where you are going and when you expect to return. If you don’t show up when you’re expected, that person can sound the alarm.
• Don’t go out alone. It’s best not to hike by yourself. Take a friend or family member or plan to hike with a group. There is safety in numbers.
• Be sure to know the trail area, pack a map and either a compass or GPS device (or both).
• Be sure to check the weather and dress appropriately, and consider packing something extra, like raingear.
• Make sure your cell phone is fully charged and bring and external power supply in case you need to charge your phone while hiking. Turn on your “Find My Phone” feature or other locating application.
• Bring more food and water than you think you might need—especially water.
• Other things to consider packing, especially if you are hiking in a remote area: things that will help you if you have to stay out overnight like a blanket, a flashlight, matches kept in a water-resistant storage container, a first aid kit, and a whistle.
And if the unexpected does happen, and you do become lost, the United States Forestry Service recommends the STOP method (https://www.fs.usda.gov/ visit/know-before-you-go/if-you-get-lost):
STOP: As soon as you realize you may be lost, stop. Stay calm and don’t panic.
THINK: Think about where you are and how you got there. What landmarks did you pass? Use your phone to find your GPS coordinates and know how to provide them to law enforcement.
OBSERVE: Look around for landmarks that could help first responders locate you. Is there an open field or clearing nearby that will make it easier for aviation to see you and help rescuers locate you?
PLAN: Most of the time it is better to stay in place and call 911. Use your whistle to alert anyone nearby and to assist rescuers in locating you. Stay hydrated and warm.
If it looks like you may have to spend the night outdoors, look for a sheltered area to hunker down. Hang any bright clothing from a tree near you to help first responders spot you easier. And again, stay calm.
With a little planning and preparation, you’ll be able to explore the outdoors and enjoy the many wonderful things God has given us. Stay Safe.
March 22-25, 2023
Location: Polk County Agricultural Center- 1702 S. Holland Parkway, Bartow, Florida
7 a.m. - 11 a.m. - Beef arrival check-in/ weigh-in
1 p.m. - 6 p.m. - Swine arrival, check-in/ weigh-in
3 p.m. - Beef Exhibitor Meeting - Arena
6:30 p.m. - Zebu and Bull Shows
Zebu females, Zebu bulls, American Influence
bulls, Euro bulls, B&O bulls, Top 5 Overall bulls
9 a m - Beef Show
Novice, Junior, Intermediate, Senior, Adaptive
Registered Females
Brahman, Brangus, Ultra Brangus, Angus, AOB, Simmental
Commercial Heifers
American Influenced
Bred & Owned Heifer Show
Bred & Owned American Influence
Bred & Owned Euro
Supreme Champion Heifer Drive
6 pm
Steer Shows
Prospect, American Influence, B&O, Market
Supreme Steer Champion Drive
*non market cattle may leave at the conclusion of show
FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 2023
8 a.m. - Exhibitor Meeting
9 a.m. - Showmanship (Adaptive, Novice, Junior, Intermediate, Senior)
1 p.m. - Swine Shows
Market Swine, followed by Breeding
9 a.m. - Registration - Judging Contest
10 a.m. - Livestock Judging Contest
4 to 6 pm - Buyer’s & Sponsors Dinner in the Stuart Center
6 p.m. - Market Steer & Swine Sale
Hayman Arena - Bartow
*Schedule is subject to change
om of the insect that attacked. Though our scorpions prefer to live in the wild, they are known to crawl into homes through drafty doors and windows, cracks in the homes foundation or flooring and sometimes enter the home along plumming pipes. Because scorpions actively hunt at night, chances are you may never see them crawling around in your home.
We kicked off the new year with short bursts of cold weather and we have made it through the dead of winter. Springtime is only a month away and many insects are still dormant preparing for Springtime emergence. The colder weather makes for great hiking but at the cost of a significant reduction in the variety of critters that could otherwise be easily found. There are, however, certain critters that are easier to find in the winter months and one of those is our native scorpions, as they will certainly seek shelter in or near warm places such as your home, garage, mulch, or leaf litter. Though we have six known species of scorpion in Florida, this month we are taking a closer look at the Southern Devil Scorpion (Vaejovis carolinianus) because it likes humidity and we are still getting rain so it may be more active than our other species.
The Southern Devil Scorpion (Vaejovis carolinianus) is a member a large family of scorpions that range throughout Mexico, North America, and into Canada. The Canadian species (Paruroctonus boreus) holds the title of the northernmost species of scorpion in the world. Our Southern Devil species can be found in the southeast and ranges no further north than Tennessee and Kentucky. Unlike western species of scorpion that are associated with hot and dry dessert environments, the Southern Devil scorpion thrives in the humid environments we’re used to in Florida and our weather is perfect for year-long scorpion activity.
Our scorpions do not hibernate in the wintertime, but instead, simply find food and shelter in a warmer place, often in or near human dwellings. Natural sources of heat in the wild include decaying leaves, underground burrows, rock or wood piles that can create or store heat. These scorpions typically run when disturbed, however, like other wildlife, will not hesitate to defend itself if it feels trapped and threatened.
I have personally never been stung by any scorpion in Florida and that is a direct result of having a healthy respect and understanding for the scorpions I have kept as pets or sought in the wild. I have read blogs from some enthusiasts that have been stung by the Southern Devil scorpion and they described the sting as as slightly more painful than a hornet or wasp with symptoms of pain and swelling lasting no more than an hour.
If you’re entertaining the thought of trying to catch any Florida scorpions proceed with caution and keep in mind that venom from any insect can be a medical emergency if you find out the hard way you are allergic to the particular ven-
Scorpions are ambush hunters. They will venture out at night and lie in wait for their prey. They don’t see very well and must rely on ground vibration and movement to locate their prey; they do so however, with astounding accuracy. Once prey is located and within range, the scorpion rushes to the prey to grab it with crawfish like claws, holding it still while it plunges its venomous stinger, located on the end of its tail, into its prey sometimes impaling it in the process. The venom quickly kills its prey and begins the digestive process. The scorions chelicere (mouthparts) also resembles small claws and are used to rip small pieces of flesh from its prey rather than to chew it. Scorpions, like spiders, can only consume liquids and because they do not have a proboscis with which to stab and drink from, scorpions access the liquids by ripping away the solid pieces of prey to get to the liquid of the innards. Common prey includes spiders, roaches, termites, and other soft body insects, but I have seen them attack small lizards as well. After a meal, the scorpion can go 15 to 30 days without food, however must have daily access to water.
Scorpions are not insects, they are arachnids in the same family as spiders and ticks. Scorpions, like some spiders, bear live young that are enveloped in a sac. The brood size can range from just a few to more than 100 tiny white scorpions. When birthed, the baby scorpions (scorplings) free themselves from the sac and complete their development on top of the mothers back over a period of about 50 days.
Control of scorpions within the home can be difficult because chemical means of doing so are ineffective for an arachnid that can go up to six months without eating and typically remain sedentary after a good meal. The best means of control are to understand scorpion behavior and reduce the availability of an ideal habitat for scorpions within your home.
Scorpions like dark, undisturbed areas. Inspect under sinks, in closets, and storage areas. Such places are ideal for a glue board that will trap spiders, mice, and scorpions that walk over it. Scorpions hunt at night, take measures to make sure beds and their sheets do not touch the floors or walls to give the scorpion easy access to a warm bed to hide in. It is wise to avoid walking barefoot in the dark if scorpions have been found in your home and make a habit of shaking out clothing and shoes especially if they are left outside for a time.
The Souther Devil scorpion is common throughout Florida and the Southeast and will certainly have its place outsude the home. They are beneficial and I would not encourage taking any measures to eliminate them from your yard. Taking reasonable measures to preserve natural outdoor habitats such as rock piles, decaying wood, and leaf litter will help prevent them from seeking shelter in your home.z
This is the most updated information available at publishing.
Kinsley Abner
Bartow Middle FFA
Commercial Heifer Int. Show-
manship 1st Place
Kinsley Abner
Bartow Middle FFA
Commerical Heifer Overall
European Reserve Champion
Kinsley Abner
Bartow Middle FFA
Purebred Beef - Angus Bull
Grand Champion
Kinsley Abner
Bartow Middle FFA
Purebred Beef - English Breed
Male Reserve Champion
Kyndall Akins
Haines City High FFA
Horticulture - Ornamental
Grand Champion
Gracellny Allen
Lakeland Christian FFA
Horse Show - Sr. Western
1st Place
Gracellyn Allen
Lakeland Christian FFA
Horse Show - Overall High
Hailey Ambrose
Kathleen Cattle Crew 4-H
Dairy Goat Inter. Showmanship
1st Place
Hannah Ambrose
Kathleen Cattle Crew 4-H
Dairy Goat Jr. Showmanship
1st Place
Harper Anderson
Auburndale Comm Church 4-H
Horticulture judging - Jr.
1st Place
Alexis Ashley
Auburndale Sr FFA
Breeding Goat - Sr. Herdsman
Madison Avery
Lucky A’s 4-H
Preston Babicz
Market Steer - Carcass Contest
Grand Champion
Jayden Bachman
Auburndale Sr. FFA
Poultry - Female Bantam
Eleanor Barber
All Stars 4-H
Food Preservation
Elijah Beale
Lakeland Christian FFA
Best in Show
Elijah Beale
Lakeland Christian FFA
Market Hog - Eagle Award
Kelsey Beardon
Bartow Middle FFA
Market Hog - Division 1
Grand Champion
Rilee Bennett
Lucky A’s 4-H
Purebred Beef - Brangus Bull
Grand Champion
Rilee Bennett
Lucky A’s 4-H
Purebred Beef - Brahman Bull
Grand Champion
Rilee Bennett
Lucky A’s 4-H
Purebred Beef - Supreme
Male Grand Champion
Laura Lynn Berkan
Bok North FFA
Rabbit Best of Breed
Mason Berry
Frostproof Mid/Sr. FFA
Poultry Inter. Showmanship
1st Place
Mason Berry
Frostproof Mid/Sr. FFA
Market Hog - Record Book
Kayley Best
Haines City High FFA
Purebred Beef - Eagle Award
Jasmyn Billano
Haines City High FFA
Rabbit Best of Breed
Alyssa Blackburn
Lake Wales Sr. FFA
Chili Cook Off
First People’s Choice
Alyssa Blackburn
Lucky A’s 4-H
Home Furnishing
Colton Blankenship
Bartow Middle FFA
Lamb Inter. Showmanship
1st Place
Jefferson Blizzard
Southern Souls 4-H
Rabbit Jr. Showmanship
1st Place
Julia Bojalad
Bartow Sr. FFA
Horticulture - Ornamental Plant
Addyson Bolden
Country Ridge 4-H
Horse Show - Jr. Western Trail
1st Place
Addyson Bolden
Country Ridge 4-H
Horse Show - Jr. Keyhole
1st Place
Addyson Bolden
Country Ridge 4-H
Horse Show - Jr. Western Showmanship
1st Place
Addyson Bolden
Country Ridge 4-H
Horse Show - Jr. Western
1st Place
Bailey Bowen
Lake Wales Sr. FFA
Table Setting - Sr.
Most Creative
Madelyn Bowen
Lucky A’s 4-H
Montana Bowen
Frostproof Mid/Sr. FFA
Purebred Beef - Herdsman Award
Nathan Boyd
Frostproof Middle/Sr. FFA
Rabbit Inter. Showmanship
1st Place
Nathan Boyd
Frostproof Middle/Sr. FFA
Rabbit Inter. Knowledge
1st Place
Chase Boyton
Lucky A’s 4-H
Gift Basket Winner
Jordan Brantley
Frostproof Mid/Sr. FFA
Purebred Beef - English Breed
Male Grand Champion
Jordan Brantley
Frostproof Mid/Sr. FFA
Purebred Beef - Supreme
Reserve Champion
Jordan Brantley
Frostproof Sr. FCCLA
Chili Cook Off
First Judge’s Choice
Jordan Brantley
Frostproof Sr. FFA
Table Setting - Sr.
Judge’s Choice
Jordan Brantley
Purebred Beef - Hereford Bull
Grand Champion
Natalie Brinn
American Pride 4-H
Dairy Goat - Nigerian Dwarf
Grand Champion
Natalie Brinn
American Pride 4-H
Dairy Goat - Overall
Grand Champion
Raelynn Brinn
American Pride 4-H
Dairy Goat - Nigerian Dwarf
Reserve Champion
Raelynn Brinn
American Pride 4-H
Dairy Goat - Nubian
Reserve Champion
Raelynn Brinn
American Pride 4-H
Dairy Goat - Recorded Grade
Reserve Champion
Raelynn Brinn
American Pride 4-H
Breeding Goat - Jr. Herdsman
Lily Brown
Frostproof Middle FFA
Cake Auction
Lyric Brown
New Horizons 4-H
Cake Auction
Riley Brown
Auburndale Sr. FFA
Horticulture - Blueberry
Riley Brown
Auburndale Sr. FFA
Horticulture - Ornamental Plant
Kylie Buettner
Rowdy Ropers 4-H
Goat Tying Skills - Sr.
1st Place
Ashley Burkes
Market Goat - Medium Weight
Sawyer Burns
New Horizons 4-H
Cake Auction
Venice Cabrera
Haines City High FFA
Home Furnishing
Juan Carillo
Dundee Ridge Academy FFA
Market Hog - Inter. Herdsman
Hailey Carmen
Dundee Ridge Academy FFA
Dairy Goat - Commerical
Reserve Champion
Donna Carroll
American Pride 4-H
Horticulture Judging - Sr.
1st Place
Savannah Carroll
Lake Gibson Mid FFA
Breeding Goat Inter. Show-
1st Place
Emily Cason
Kathleen Cattle Crew 4-H
Purebred Beef - Chiania
Grand Champion
Covyn Chaisson
Kathleen Cattle Crew 4-H
Table Setting - Jr.
Best Informal Indoor
Gabriel Chandley
Lucky A’s 4-H
Livestock Judging - Sr.
1st Place
Sara Clanton
Ft Meade Community 4-H
Breeding Goat - Boer
Reserve Champion
Sara Clanton
Ft. Meade Community 4-H
Breeding Goat - Boer
Grand Champion
Sara Clanton
Ft. Meade Community 4-H
Breeding Goat - Commercial
Grand Champion
Sara Clanton
Ft. Meade Community 4-H
Breeding Goat Sr. Showman-
1st Place
Sara Clanton
Ft. Meade Community 4-H
Lamb - Middle Weight
Sara Clanton
Ft. Meade Community 4-H
Breeding Goat - Commerical
Grand Champion
Hannah Clayton
Commercial Market Steer
Reserve Champion
Adalyn Compton
Kathleen Cattle Crew 4-H
Livestock Judging - Jr.
1st Place
Kenzie Courts
Lakeland Sr. FCCLA
Pillow Sew-Off Inter.
1st Place
Annabelle Crandall
Southern Variety 4-H
Archery Sr. Sighted Compound
1st Place
Annabelle Crandall
Southern Variety 4-H
Home Furnishing
Annabelle Crandall
Southern Variety 4-H
Horticulture - Ornamental Plant
Brayden Cranor
Kathleen Cattle Crew 4-H
Commercial Heifer Jr. Record
1st Place
Brayden Cranor
Kathleen Cattle Crew 4-H
Top Ranch Hand Jr. Overall
1st Place
Brayden Cranor
Kathleen Cattle Crew 4-H
Purebred Beef - Shorthorn
Grand Champion
Brayden Cranor
Kathleen Cattle Crew 4-H
Purebred Beef - English Breed
Reserve Champion
Braydon Cranor
Kathleen Cattle Crew 4-H
Commercial Heifer Jr. Show-
1st Place
Gracie Crews
Frostproof Sr. FFA
Dairy Goat - Nubian
Grand Champion
Gracie Crews
Frostproof Sr. FFA
Dairy Goat - Overall
Reserve Champion
Brooklyn Cribbs
Lake Region Sr. FFA
Purebred Beef - Chiania
Reserve Champion
Kennedy Curtin
Market Steer - Gain-In Weight
1st Place
Jack Dainty
Lakeland Christian FFA
Best in Show
Jayden Davis
Archery Inter. Sighted Com-
1st Place
Paige Davis
Frostproof Sr. FFA
Nala Day
Lake Gibson Sr. FFA
Horticulture - Ornamental
McKenna Dean
Farm Fresh 4-H
Cake Auction Winner
Marie Dickason
Golden Horseshoes 4-H
Horse Show - Inter. Eng.
1st Place
Marie Dickason
Golden Horseshoes 4-H
Horse Show - Inter. Eng.
1st Place
Carson Dicks
Lucky A’s 4-H
Mason Dicks
Lucky A’s 4-H
Quentin Dickson
Kathleen Cattle Crew 4-H
Table Setting - Inter.
Best Informal Indoor
Jack Dierker
Haines City High FFA
Jack Dierker
Haines City High FFA
Gift Basket
Jeremiah Dooley
Orange Blossom 4-H
Demonstrations - Inter.
1st Place
Kayleigh Douge
Bok North FFA
Table Setting - Inter.
Judge’s Choice
Sophia Dufour
George Jenkins Sr. FFA
Rabbit Sr. Showmanship
1st Place
Payge Dupre
Lake Gibson Sr. FFA
Purebred Beef - Brangus
Female Reserve Champion
Payge Dupre
Lake Gibson Sr. FFA
Market Steer - Sr. Showmanship
1st Place
Kate Durrance
Lucky A’s 4-H
Rabbit Judging Sr. Individual
Kainin Snyder
Bartow Sr. FFA
Rabbit Best of Breed
Hannah Stegall
Lake Wales Sr. FFA
Purebred Beef - Brangus
Bull Reserve Champion
Zibe Stein
Bok North FFA
Commerical Heifer Bill
Whatley Award
Zibe Stein
Bok North FFA
Whip Popping Inter. Tra-
1st Place
Zibe Stein
Bok North FFA
Top Ranch Hand Inter.
1st Place
Zibe Stein
Bok North FFA
Purebred Beef - Brahman
Reserve Champion
Makenna Stencel
Lake Gibson Sr. FFA
Rabbit Best of Breed
Madison Stokes
Frostproof Mid/Sr. FFA
Purebred Beef - Brangus
Grand Champion
Claudia Stricklin
Winter Haven FFA
Educational Display
Best in Show
Zachary Suggs
Westwood Middle FFA
Dairy Goat - Commercial
Grand Champion
Lauren Sullins
Lake Wales Sr. FFA
Lamb Eagle Award
Daelynn Sutter
Frostproof Sr. FFA
Dairy Goat Sr. Showmanship
1st Place
Emery Swartzmiller
McLaughlin FFA
Breeding Goat - Inter.
Herdsman Award
Maribel Tarango
Ft Meade Community 4-H
Top Ranch Hand Sr. Overall
1st Place
Maribel Tarango
Ft Meade Community 4-H
Horse Show - Sr. Costume
1st Place
Maribel Tarango
Ft. Meade Community 4-H
Home Furnishing
Maribel Tarango
Ft. Meade Community 4-H
Food Preservation
Mariela Tarango
Ft. Meade Community 4-H
Cake Auction Winner
Mario Tarango, Jr.
Ft. Meade Community 4-H
Livestock Judging -Inter.
1st Place Robert Tate
Pure Country 4-H
Storytelling -Sr.
1st Place Robert Tate
Pure Country 4-H
Horse Show - Open Eng.
Type Mare&Gelding
1st Place
Carlee Taylor
Kathleen Cattle Crew 4-H
Market Steer - Inter. Show-
1st Place
Liliana Taylor
Bartow Middle FFA
Horticulture - Blueberry
Richard Taylor
New Horizons 4-H
Horticulture - Blueberry
Aleah Thomas Hog Wild 4-H
Poultry - Turkey
Lydia Thomas Hog Wild 4-H
Rabbit Judging Jr. Individual
1st Place
Lydia Thomas Hog Wild 4-H
Poultry/Egg Judging Jr.
1st Place
Steven Tolley
Dundee Ridge Academy
Dairy Goat - Commericial
Reserve Champion
Paisley Trotter Hog Wild 4-H
Market Hog - Division 1
Reserve Champion
Brayden Tyler
Bok North FFA
Food Preservation
Brayden Tyler Bok North FFA
Gift Basket
Zoey Uhl
American Pride 4-H
Dairy Goat - Other Breed
Grand Champion
Slyvia Ulrich
New Horizons 4-H
Table Setting - Inter.
Best Informal Outdoor
Emma Valencia
Lakeland Sr. FCCLA
Pillow Sew-Off Inter.
1st Place
Salvador Villalobos
Lakeland Sr. FCCLA
PJ Pant Sew-Off - Sr.
1st Place
Isaac Waldman
Orange Blossom 4-H
Archery Inter. Instinctive
1st Place
Makayla Waldman
Orange Blossom 4-H
Archery Jr. Instinctive Long
1st Place
Mariah Waldman
Orange Blossom 4-H
Whip Popping Sr. Tradi-
1st Place
Mariah Waldman
Orange Blossom 4-H
Archery Sr. Sighted Long
1st Place
Moriah Waldman
Orange Blossom 4-H
Cake Auction
Layne Walker
Southern Charms 4-H
European Market Steer
Grand Champion
Kyla Waltz
Bartow Sr. FFA
Rabbit Best of Breed
Zoey Waters
George Jenkins Sr. FFA
Dairy Goat - Other Breed
Reserve Champion
Aubrey White
Auburndale Comm Church
Home Furnishing
Kinley White
Golden Horseshoes 4-H
Horse Show - Jr. Ranch
1st Place
Kinley White
Golden Horseshoes 4-H
Horse Show - Jr. Record
1st Place
Kinley White
Golden Horseshoes 4-H
Horse Show - Jr. Quiz
1st Place
Allison Whitehead
Auburndale Sr. FFA
Poultry - Female Large
Fowl Champion
Jessie Whitehead
Lake Gibson Sr. FFA
Illustrated Talk - Sr.
1st Place
Jessie Whitehead
Lake Gibson Sr. FFA
Horticulture - Ornamental Plant
Eli Wilbanks
New Horizons 4-H
Commercial Heifer Inter.
Record Book
1st Place
Ryan Wilkins
Bartow Middle FFA
Horticulture - Blueberry
McKenzie Woodruff
Lake Wales Sr. FFA
Horse Show - Open Hollow
1st Place
Demi Wynn
Rowdy Ropers 4-H
Dairy Goat - Commerical
Grand Champion
Kati Wynn
Rowdy Ropers 4-H
Poultry - Commercial Hen
McKenzie Young
Rowdy Ropers 4-H
Table Setting - Jr.
Best Holiday
Adeline Zelenelei
Farm Fresh 4-H
Market Hog - Jr. Herdsman Winner
Lindsey TRUE
Frostproof Mid/Sr. FFA
Table Setting - Sr.
Best Formal
Frostproof Middle/Sr.
Poultry/Egg Judging Sr.
1st Place
Blake Academy
Rabbit Judging Jr. Team
1st Place
Bartow Middle
Livestock Judging - Team
1st Place
Bartow Middle FFA, A
Horticulture Judging -
Team Middle
1st Place
Frostproof Middle/Sr.
Poultry/Egg Judging Sr.
1st Place
Auburndale Sr. FFA, A
Horticulture Judging -
Team Sr.
1st Place
Chasey Bartow Sr. FFA, A
Livestock Judging - Team
Sr 1st Place
Auburndale Sr. FFA, A
Horticulture JudgingTeam Sr.
1st Place
Bartow Middle
Livestock Judging - Team
Jr. 1st Place
Bartow Middle FFA, A
Horticulture JudgingTeam Middle
1st Place
Blake Academy
Rabbit Judging Jr. Team
1st Place
Frostproof Middle/Sr.
Poultry/Egg Judging Sr.
1st Place
Frostproof Middle/Sr.
Poultry/Egg Judging Jr.
1st Place
Emmanuel Auburndale Sr. FFA/B
Rabbit Judging Sr. Team 1st Place
Frostproof Middle/Sr.
Poultry/Egg Judging Jr.
Team 1st Place
Bartow Middle Livestock Judging - Team Jr.
1st Place
Bartow Middle FFA, A Horticulture JudgingTeam Middle 1st Place
Bartow Sr. FFA, A Livestock Judging - Team Sr 1st Place
Bartow Middle Livestock Judging - Team
1st Place
Auburndale Sr. FFA/B
Rabbit Judging Sr. Team
1st Place
Bartow Middle FFA, A Horticulture JudgingTeam Middle
1st Place
Auburndale Sr. FFA, A Horticulture JudgingTeam Sr, 1st Place
Frostproof Middle/Sr.
Poultry/Egg Judging Jr. Team 1st Place
Blake Academy
Rabbit Judging Jr. Team 1st Place
Bartow Sr. FFA, A Livestock Judging - Team Sr 1st Place
Frostproof Middle/Sr.
Poultry/Egg Judging Sr. Team
1st Place
Auburndale Sr. FFA, A Horticulture JudgingTeam Sr.
1st Place
Toby Bartow Sr. FFA, A Livestock Judging - Team Sr 1st Place
Archery Inter. Instinctive Compound 1st Place
Archery Jr. Sighted Compound
1st Place
Auburndale Sr. FFA/B
Rabbit Judging Sr. Team 1st Place
Blake Academy
Rabbit Judging Jr. Team 1st Place
Thousands of 8ft. & 10ft. sheets. In Stock. Prices from $6 and up. Custom lengths available. 813-752-7088 ask for Ferris
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Barn doors starting at $80.00 Call Ted 813-752-3378
BH 6’ cutter. $875 Call Alvie 813-759-8722
2020 MAHINDRA 6065
Tractor with loader. 491 hours, 4x4. $35,500 Call John 863-537-1345
770 2 wd tractor with 5' mid mount mower. $5,650 ask for Alvie. 813-759-8722
Citrus packing house equipment for sale. Mikey Fertilizer Spreader, two wind machines. Call 863-324-2833
Used 7.5 HP pump motor and 119 gal. holding-tank. Call LLCA 813-382-8382
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Lawn tractor with 48" deck. Bagging system included. In good condition.
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The sounds of generators, kids, and animals hollering will always bring me back to this time of the year, fair season. Now there is breeding season, calving season, and harvest season, but fair season has got to be my favorite. I love getting to see my favorite kiddos presenting their projects they have worked all year on.
Polk County CattleWomen have already been at work this fair season by judging and presenting the awards for our Polk County Youth Fair Steer Record Book Contest. Our winners for the Junior Division are 1st: Lily Lambert from Be a Champ 4-H, 2nd: Zibe Stein from Bok Academy North FFA, and 3rd: Elizabeth McDowell from Frostproof Middle FFA. For our Senior Division 1st: Payge Dupre from Lake Gibson Sr. FFA, 2nd: McKenzie Hollie from Lake Wales Sr. FFA, and 3rd: Caitlynn Robertson from Lake Gibson Sr. FFA.
In the month of February, PCCW will be volunteering at the Florida State Fair Florida CattleWomen’s booth to spread the word about the many benefits of including beef in a healthy diet. Stop on by the Ag Hall of Fame building if you are at the fair and grab a tasty beef sample! Also, on February 18, 2023, PCCW will be working the concession stand for the 19th Annual Polk County Cattlemen’s Association Trade Show and Ranch Rodeo.
The rumor spreading that you have to own cattle to be a PCCW member, is false. All you need is a great attitude and the drive to spread the word about Florida’s cattle industry
and beef to consumers! There is no age limit, young or ……experienced, beef is healthy for everyone’s diet. We would love to see you at our monthly meetings that are held every first Tuesday of the month at the UF/IFAS Extension Office in Bartow, FL, or on our Zoom meetings. Our next meeting will be March 7, 2023 at 6:30 P.M. Feel free to join us as we discuss the upcoming months festivities and how we are serving our local community.