Cover More Ground with CKP



President – Dr. Lujean Waters 8750 Shreck Rd Bartow, FL 33830 (863) 537-1495 Lujean.waters@gmail.com
Vice President – Ken Sherrouse 13475 Moore Rd Lakeland, FL 33809-9755 (863) 698-1834 kensherrouse@yahoo.com
Secretary/Treasurer - Justin Bunch PO Box 849 Highland City, FL 33846-0849 (863) 425-112 Justin.bunch@nutrien.com
State Director – Orrin Webb PO Box 202 Bartow, FL 33831 (863) 634-6029 owebb@wandwsupply.com
Donald Conroy 3882 Wolfolk Rd Fort Meade, FL 33841 (863) 412-0790
Stuart Fitzgerald PO Box 1437 Lake Wales, FL 33859 (863) 206-5021 stuartcattlellc@yahoo.com
Kevin Fussell 5125 Fussell Rd Polk City, FL 33868 (863) 412-5876 drfussellranch@gmail.com
Wes Fussell 5010 Barush Rd Bartow, FL 33830 (863) 838-1594 g.wesfussell@gmail.com

Det. Jay Scarborough 1575 Mountt Pisgah Rd Fort Meade, FL 33841 (863) 860-7731 Jayscarborough5581@outlook. com
Scott Shoupe 6130 Allen Lane Lakeland, FL 33811 (863) 581-7593 Scott_shoupe@hotmail.com
James Stice PO Box 460 Highland City, FL 33846 (813) 714-2333 jstice@verizon.net
Dave Tomkow 3305 US Highway 92 E Lakeland, FL 33801-9623 (863) 665-5088 dave@cattlemens1.com
Alternate Standing Committee Chairs: Membership Events- Scott Shoupe
Trade Show- Bridget Stice
Rodeo- Fred Waters PO Box 463 Alturas, FL 33820-0463 (863) 559-7808
Website – Blair Buchanon
Cattlewomen – President, Blair Buchanon 8444 Tom Costine Rd Lakeland, FL 33809 (863) 581-2711 Buckld96@gmail.com
Extension – Bridget Stice PO Box 9005, Drawer HS03 Bartow, FL 33831 (863) 519-1048 bccarlis@ufl.edu
Sheriff’s Dept. – Lt. Paul Wright 1891 Jim Keen Blvd. Winter Haven, FL 33880 (863) 557-1741 pw5281@polksheriff.org
Sgt. Tim Sanders 1891 Jim Keen Blvd. Winter Haven, FL 33880 (863) 656-6119 brusso@polksheriff.org
Warner University –
Abby Crawford 13895 Highway 27 Lake Wales, FL 33859 (863) 638-7248 Abby.crawford@warner.edu

Cover Photos Courtesy of Images By Blair

Letter from the Editor

In July 2023 I wrote about the Florida heat and the entire world having record breaking heat, reaching the hottest day on Earth since records began. And here we are in 2024, looking at daily heat advisories. Again, those who work in the outdoors probably don’t need to hear this. Maybe you would prefer not to know the temps! But you certainly need to be aware of it and take appropriate measures when working outside.
We do get acclimated to it somewhat but take care not to overheat. When the humidity is high, sweat doesn’t evaporate as quickly and can keep you from releasing heat the way that you need to.
Other things to consider when the heat and humidity are oppressive include trying to get your outdoor work done in the morning and evening. Yes, it’s still hot, but midday is typically when the temps are at their peak. Hydrate more than usual. Don’t wait until you are thirsty. Wear light-colored, lose fitting clothes. Pace yourself. And check on your friends and neighbors to make sure they are weathering the weather.
As for pets, limit their activity. Don’t walk them on hot pavement. Dogs with short noses, like bulldogs, are especially prone to heat stroke. Signs of heat stroke include heavy panting, brick red gum color, fast pulse rate and they may be unable to get up. To cool them down use a water hose and take them to a veterinarian. Heat stroke can lead to organ damage or even death.
Stay cool when you can and have a great Summer.
Until Next Month
Sarah Holt
Karen Berry
Senior Managing Editor/
Associate Publisher
Sarah Holt
Karen Berry
Sarah Holt
De De Floyd
Melissa Nichols
Creative Director/Illustrator
Juan Alvarez
Karen Berry
Melissa Nichols
Images By Blair
Staff Writers
Al Berry
Sandy Kaster
James Frankowiak
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Autum Miller
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Social Media
Victoria Saunders
In The Field Magazine is published monthly and is available through local Polk County businesses, restaurants, and many local venues. It is also distributed by U.S. mail to a target market, which includes all of the Greenbelt Property owners, members of the Polk County Catllemen’s Association.
Letters, comments and questions can be sent to P.O. Box 5377, Plant City, Florida 33563-0042 or you are welcome to email them to: info@inthefieldmagazine.com or call 813-759-6909
Advertisers warrant & represent the descriptions of their products advertised are true in all respects. In The Field Magazine assumes no responsibility for claims made by advertisers. All views expressed in all articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of Berry Publications, Inc. Any use or duplication of material used in In the Field magazine is prohibited without written consent from Berry Publications, Inc.
Published by Berry Publications, Inc.

Praise the Lord for this rain!
June is always an exciting month for our Association as it’s the month of our annual Florida Cattlemens Association State Convention. This year we are so proud to report that several of our Polk County Cattlemens Association members were honored with distinguished awards.
Kerry Hammock -The FCA Cowman Award
This purpose of this award is to recognize, honor and preserve the memory of deceased members, who during their lifetime made substantial and significant contributions to the cattle industry in Florida.
Dewey Fussell- FCA Honorary Director
The Honorary Director distinction is designed to recognize those senior members who have been active and prominent in the activities of their County and the State Cattlemen Associations. While not having the power to vote, Honorary Directors shall have the power to discuss and advise on all questions discussed at a Board of Directors meeting.
M&D Overstreet Ranch- Environmental Stewardship Award
The FCA Environmental Stewardship Award Program began in 1991 and has created a great deal of positive public attention. This award recognizes cattle producers for the activities they do every day in the preservation and enhancement of this nation’s natural resources. All nominees must be signed up and implementing the BMPs for nutrient management for cow/calf operations.
Bailey Lightsey- Sweetheart Candidate
We are so unbelievably proud to announce that after a week of speeches, presentations, interviews, and a slew of other rigorous tasks our sweet Bailey was crowded First Runner Up!
Blair Buchanon- FCA Leadership Academy
This year Blair was selected by PCCA to attend the FCLA and graduated from the year-long lead program at the convention. We are extremely proud of her dedication and commitment to our industry.
Becky Finely - Florida Cattlewomens President
After a wonderfully successful year Mrs. Becky retired her gavel as the Florida Cattlewomens President. She represented our county phenomenally and we couldn’t be more proud of her. She attended every meeting across the nation as a confident leader and brought her unparalleled skill set powered by a long history of experience in our industry along with her graceful presence.

We are so proud of all of our Polk County Leaders that were honored at this year’s FCA Annual Convention!
Dr. LuJean Waters
Heartland Large Animal Services

Managing Cattle in the Florida Heat

Every Floridian has experienced the heat and humidity during the summer months. It’s not uncommon to see temperatures in the 90s or humidity levels ranging from 60-80% in the summertime. While humans can go indoors to find relief from the weather conditions, cattle remain outdoors. Cattle can be affected by heat stress, so it is important to help them cope with the heat. Not only does heat stress compromise the health and productivity of cattle, but it also results in economic losses for producers.
The severity of heat stress is determined by the combination of ambient temperature and relative humidity. While there are factors such as genotype, coat type and color, diet, fat coverage, health, and production status that can influence the animal’s thermal balance, generally cattle may start to experience heat stress as temperatures near the upper 70s. Genomics play a major role in the animal’s tolerance to heat load. Bos indicus cattle have higher thermotolerance compared to Bos taurus breeds. Signs of heat stress include increased water intake, reduced feed intake, increased respiration rate, and gathering in shade or water sources.

Reduction in weight gain, body condition, milk production, pregnancy rates, semen quality, and sperm motility are all effects of heat stress in cattle. Many of these factors are related to the decrease in dry matter intake (DMI). With cattle being ruminants, microbial fermentation in the rumen creates additional body heat. To cope with the effect
Williams, UF/IFAS Extension Hillsborough County

of metabolic heat production, cattle will consume smaller quantities more frequently and alter their schedule to feed during cooler times of the day. The decrease in intake can be a concern, especially in late summer when the forage quality declines and adequate DMI is required to meet the animal’s nutrient needs.
It is crucial to utilize strategies such as providing shade and water to help reduce heat stress and improve animal comfort and production. Adequate shade should be provided all day – these areas may change throughout the day as the sun moves. It is recommended to have about 40 square feet of shade per head of cattle. This can be provided by natural or artificial shade. Natural shade provided by trees helps to block solar radiation and the moisture released from the leaves through transpiration helps to cool the air. Artificial shade structures can be permanent or portable. The shade structure should be sturdy enough to withstand cattle pressure and utilize either shade cloth or some type of roofing. Using a shade cloth that reduces light by 80% and allows air movement is the preferred method. While shaded areas don’t alter ambient temperature or relative humidity, they have shown a reduction in head load on the animal by 30% by blocking out the sun.
Cattle should have access to ample amounts of clean, cool water. Water consumption is the quickest way for cattle to reduce their core body temperature. Ambient temperatures in the mid-90s can increase cattle water requirements by 2.5 times compared to 70° F. Make sure that your water trough capacity and refill rate is adequate to support this additional consumption. Increased water consumption leads to increased urination, resulting in the loss of certain minerals including sodium, potassium, and magnesium. While loose mineral should be fed free choice year-round, it is especially important to provide mineral during times of heat stress to replenish the animal’s mineral status.
In addition to providing shade and water, be aware of the risk of handling cattle in extreme conditions (Figure 1). If necessary, handle cattle in the early morning and limit time spent in handling facilities. The Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) website, https://www.bqa.org/, has additional resources for information on cattle handling. As we go through the summer months, keep in mind the weather conditions, and take a proactive approach to alleviate heat stress on cattle and minimize loss in profits.
Allie Williams is the Small Farms & Alternative Enterprises Extension Agent for UF/IFAS Extension Hillsborough County and can be reached by email (allisonwilliams@ufl.edu).

Do you ever wish that you had superpowers or magic? Most kids (and adults if we are honest) daydream about what they would do if they had the powers of their favorite superheroes or the magic of their favorite fantasy character. It would be cool to fly, or to have super strength, or to make something appear out of nowhere. Of course, most people would use their gifts for good and to protect the innocent, take down evil world powers, and create a cool secret hideout where they would dedicate the rest of their lives to bringing justice to the world. But when you ask a rancher what they would do with their powers, you might get some simpler answers.
What would a rancher do if he had the power to control metal? The morning after my sister and I watched X-men for the first time, we worked cows with our dad. It was our job to stand with our horses behind one of the gates to the pens so the cows wouldn’t attempt to jump over it. While we were sitting there on our horses watching the cows mill around anxiously before their turn to go into the chute, one of us mentioned that if we had the power to control metal, our cows would not be able to bend a panel while trying to jump over. This started a chronic fantasy of being able to move metal with just my mind. I would never have to get out of the truck to open a gate, I would always be able to find that one fence staple that inevitably goes flying, and untangling barbwire would be a breeze (no gloves required).
What would a rancher do if he could use the Force?
There are lots of things that a rancher could do if he could use The Force. Can you imagine how easy it would be to work cows if you could do a Jedi mind trick on them? There would be no jumping out of the pens or trying to chase a stubborn bovine into the chute to be loaded up into the trailer. If ranchers could use Jedi mind tricks the occupational hazards of being a cowboy would go down drastically. It would also be just helpful to move things with your mind. Under the truck and can’t reach the tool? Just use the Force. Finally, climbed on the snorty colt, but realized the cinch was loose? Just tighten it with the Force. Trying to summon your dad from the house while you’re out in the pasture? Just cause a disturbance in the Force.
By Marisol Tarango
What could a rancher do if he had magic to manipulate nature? I love to read fantasy books. One of the latest series that I have discovered includes elves that have magic (insert eyeroll from my father here), usually connected to nature. When you work in a field (metaphorically) that is directly connected to nature, you start to see the practical aspects, even if it is a fantasy book. For example, some elves have plant magic, so they can grow and move plants almost on demand. How great would it be to be able to grow grass on demand for your cattle or to move a tree that is growing into a fence line? Other elves (called trolls, but still technically elves) have the power to control stone. At first, this may not sound practical, but when you think about having to clear a field of a bunch of rocks to plant stuff, it would come in pretty handy. In this series, a few select elves have an especially strong magic that is something between fire and electricity. This magic is used in battle or to power things in a similar fashion that electricity does, but it can also burn things. Which leads a rancher’s daughter to think… a perfectly controlled burn on a pasture right up to the fence line! (All ranchers know that there is no such thing as a truly controlled burn, just a mostly controlled burn with fingers crossed.)
Given some of the more mundane tasks of ranching, ranchers often find time to ponder kind of stupid things through the practical lens of someone who has to wrestle with the earth for his living. Most of those thoughts come back to ranching, whether it is because that is where he hopes he will always be, or because he would welcome any way to make it easier. But honestly, if a rancher was given the power to make ranching as easy and safe as a grandma’s rocker, I am not sure he would continue ranching. Part of the draw of ranching for most people is the challenge. A rancher may complain when that one crazy cow won’t allow herself to be caught, but the cowboy in him is just waiting to take the rope off the saddle horn. Sincerely and non-magically yours,
The Rancher’s Daughter
P.S. A rancher probably would always accept the power to be able to have a completely controlled burn. That is one thing that they will accept to not be a challenge.

Compiled by Jim Frankowiak

4th of July Cookout Cost Sets Record
American Farm Bureau (AFB) reports for the first time in history the national average per person cost for July 4th cookouts broke $7 this year with the highest cost increase attributed to meat. However, the average cost per person in the Southeast was set at $6.83, while Western U.S. “barbecuers” averaged $8 per person.
Feeding Minds Press Offers New Children’s Soil Science Book

Feeding Minds Press, a project of the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture, is offering a new soil science book for children. “The Soil in Jackie’s Garden” is a cumulative-style picture book that tells the story of Jackie and her garden friends as they discover the wonders of soil and how things grow.
More information on the book and how to buy it is available at www.feedingmindspress.com.

HC Farm Bureau Releases New Website
Hillsborough County Farm Bureau (HCFB) has announced the release of its new website which can be visited at https://hcfarmbureau.org. The new site offers just about everything you want to know about Farm Bureau, its initiatives, activities, and member benefits.
$25 Million Available to Help Expand High-Speed Internet Access in Rural Areas
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development is making available $25 million through the Broadband Technical Assistance (BTA) Program to help local organizations, cooperatives, and tribes expand affordable, high-speed internet projects in rural communities.
The BTA program provides funding to help communities and organizations receive or deliver broadband technical assistance and training that will expand high-speed internet into rural and Tribal communities. This includes providing funding for feasibility studies, network designs, hiring efforts, application development assistance, and more. Applications must be submitted electronically using Grants.gov no later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on August 20, 2024.
Additional information is available on page 52012 of the June 21, 2024, Federal Register.
Driscoll’s Awards $100,000 Grant to RCMA
RCMA has announced a $100,000 grant from Driscoll’s Inc. to kick off a capital campaign aimed at constructing its Mulberry Community Academy, expanding facilities and programs, ensuring that children in underserved communities have access to high-quality education and opportunities for a brighter future.

Fishing vs Catching

Fishing can be one of the most relaxing and enjoyable outdoor activities you can do if you take your time and use the right approach.
First and foremost, if you’re familiar with the area you’ll be fishing, have a game plan before hitting the water. The day before you go, study the local tide chart and fish your predetermined spots accordingly. Check your fishing tackle, rods, and reels. If you need new fishing line or leader material, make the change now. If you will be fishing on the weekend, arrive at the boat ramp at daybreak to beat the crowds.
as long as they have something tugging on the end of their line. So, I always fish where the fishing is the easiest, in deep water. Artificial reefs, submerged rock piles, and bridge pilings are usually the most productive when it’s blistering hot outside.
The aforementioned areas are loaded with baitfish, and where there’s bait, there’s fish. The majority of my catch right now consists of mangrove snapper, seatrout, sand trout, Spanish mackerel, black drum, jack crevalle, ladyfish, the occasional cobia, and shark. Not all are good table fare, but they are fun to catch. Kids particularly, love catching any of these fish, most adults too.
Fry baitfish are everywhere, and the biggest of the hatch are the perfect size for mangrove snapper. Nose-hook them while using a size 1 or 1/0 hook for the best presentation. If fishing around the bridges freeline them close to the pilings and wait on a strike. When fishing deepwater rock piles and artificial reefs, use just enough weight to get the bait to the bottom.

Once you arrive at your first fishing spot, be very aware of your surroundings. Watch for any movement on the water’s surface, however slight. When you set up in an area spend at least 10-15 minutes there before moving on. Just because you may have caught snook or redfish at this particular spot last week, doesn’t mean you will now. Trust me, there are days when I may catch ten or more redfish in a spot, and the next day nothing. Many people like to just target redfish, for some, it’s just snook! That, my friends, can make for a long day on the water, especially in the summer. If that person is you, well knock yourself out.
Me, I’m going catching!
In the summer I don’t have the luxury of spending hours upon hours targeting just one or two species of fish. When you run a fishing charter business, you’re expected to catch fish almost immediately. Most days I do, but some days it can be a struggle.
Keep in mind, about 70% of my clientele are non-residents, so the majority of them don’t care what species they catch,
Some areas require that you get the bait very close to the structure and let it sit. When that’s the case, do so during the last part of an incoming or outgoing tide, or when it’s completely slack. Many anglers assume that fish won’t eat if the tide isn’t moving, not true. You just have to do a little extra chumming to get the action going.
I’d say about 90% of the time my clients want to keep some fish for lunch or dinner. That being the case, I don’t even consider going after redfish or snook lately until the fish box is looking satisfactory. Even then, I ask everyone on board
26-Year Veteran Fishing Guide, Captain Wade Osborne.
Capt. Wade Osborne

if they’re done catching, and ready to do some fishing?
Once I do hit the grass flats, I start looking for movement on the water. If I spot some mullet I move in close, anchor my boat, and start live-bait chumming. After chumming for a bit, I have everyone cast a bait out suspended under a cork. After sitting for about 10 minutes and nothing bites, I move 50 yards or so down the shore-

line. Should the activity pick up at the next spot and a fish takes the cork under, it’s best to wait two to three seconds, then reel for a solid hookset.
Summer fishing can be challenging, so simplify things by deciding if you want to go catching or fishing!
Afishionado, “Always an Adventure.”

Tampa Bay fishing guide Wade Osborne of “Afishionado Guide Services” has been plying the waters of Tampa Bay as a professional full-time captain, since 1997. Osborne has been featured on numerous TV and radio shows and writes for multiple publications. Osborne offers inshore fishing charters on light tackle spin, fly or plug. He also offers eco-tours with an emphasis on photography. For more info visit Afishionado.com or find Afishionado Guide Services on Facebook and Instagram. Email: wade@afishionado.com Call/Text 813-286-3474

By Libby Hopkins

The Burrowing Owl, or the Athene Cunicularia as it’s known by its scientific name, is one of the smallest owls in Florida. It can reach a length of nine inches with a wingspan of 21 inches. Burrowing Owls have brown dorsal (back) feathers with patches of white spots and a white underside with brown bar-shaped spots. The body color pattern helps them blend in with the vegetation in their habitat and avoid predation. They also have large yellow eyes and a white chin.
In some parts of the American West, the long-legged Burrowing Owl is known as the “howdy owl” because it seems to nod in greeting at passers-by. This up-and-down action, however, is just the owl sizing up potential danger.
The Burrowing Owl is a pint-sized bird that lives in open, treeless areas. The Burrowing Owl spends most of its time on the ground, where its sandy brown plumage provides camouflage from potential predators. It lacks the ear tufts of the more familiar woodland owls. Unusually long legs provide additional height for a better view from its typical groundlevel perch.
The Burrowing Owl has several adaptations more often seen in subterranean mammals, such as gophers and moles. It has a higher tolerance for carbon dioxide than most other birds, which allows it to nest and roost in tunnels lacking fresh airflow. It also has a habit of storing extra food in times of scarcity.
Unlike other owls such as the Barn Owl and Long-eared Owl, the Burrowing Owl is often active during the day. Inhabiting wide-open spaces, this owl perches on the ground, where it’s effectively camouflaged by its brown and white-speckled plumage. When threatened, it will often run or flatten itself against the ground, rather than fly away.
The diet of the burrowing owl primarily consists of insects; however, they will also feed on snakes, frogs, small lizards, birds, and rodents.
The typical breeding season for the Florida burrowing owl is February 15 to July 10, though owls can breed earlier or later. Nesting occurs in burrows in the ground that they dig. These burrows will be maintained and used again the following year. Females lay up to eight eggs within a one-week period and they will incubate the eggs for up to 28 days. Once the white-feathered juveniles are born, it takes two weeks before they are ready and able to appear out of the burrow. Juveniles will begin learning how to fly at four weeks, but will not be able to fly well until they are six weeks old. Juveniles will stay with their parents until they can self-sustain at 12 weeks old.
The burrowing owl faces many threats to its population, mainly loss of habitat. Threats to habitat include construction activities, development, and harassment by humans and domesticated animals. Heavy floods can destroy burrows in the ground, which can destroy eggs and young. Other threats include increased predation by ground and aerial predators in the burrowing owl’s habitat and vehicle strikes.
The Burrowing Owl is classified as State Threatened by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. This means taking, possessing, or selling burrowing owls, their nests, or eggs is prohibited without a permit. Burrowing owls, eggs, and young are also protected by the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

By Brad Buck

An orange teeming with antioxidants and other health benefits may be a shot in the arm for consumers and citrus growers if the fruit is stored at cool temperatures, a new University of Florida study shows.
But it’s too soon to know if the so-called “blood oranges” are a viable crop for the Florida citrus industry, says Ali Sarkhosh, a UF/IFAS associate professor of horticultural sciences. Sarkhosh’s post-doctoral associate Fariborz Habibi explains further.
“Although blood oranges typically command higher prices than other common varieties, such as navel or Valencia oranges, it is unclear if farmers could substantially increase their per-acre income by adding them to their crop selection and then storing them for internal color development,” said Habibi, lead author of the study. “Improved fruit quality from the storage method presents a promising opportunity for the Florida citrus industry. However, further study is needed before recommending anything to growers.”
The fruit is rich in anthocyanins, which have been linked to various health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and an-
tioxidant properties. They also contain other beneficial phytochemicals such as vitamin C, flavonoids and dietary fiber. “Fruit can also develop internal color under similar conditions at home. However, the fruit in the supermarket should have a good internal color and be ready for consumption,” Sarkhosh said.
For this research, scientists harvested fruit from a research plot at the UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center in Quincy.
Scientists found that storing the blood oranges at 40 to 53 degrees enhances anthocyanin, phenolic content, and antioxidants. When they lowered the temperatures 43 to 46 degrees, they also preserved fruit firmness, weight loss, and sugar content.
“Attributes such as firmness are crucial for maintaining the overall quality, texture, and taste of the blood oranges during storage,” said Habibi. Blood oranges get their name from their deep red flesh. Their skin contains a type of antioxidant pigment. The fruit is commonly grown in countries like Italy and Spain, which have the

Mediterranean climate – cold, but above 32 degrees -- that helps them grow. In the United States, blood oranges grow primarily in California, but are not grown commercially yet in Florida.
Anthocyanin develops when the fruit is exposed to cold temperatures between 46 and 59 degrees for at least 20 days. Such conditions are rare in Florida’s subtropical climate.
The mission of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) is to develop knowledge relevant to agricultural, human and natural resources and to make that knowledge available to sustain and enhance the quality of human life. With more than a dozen research facilities, 67 county Extension offices, and award-winning students and faculty in the UF College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, UF/IFAS brings science-based solutions to the state’s agricultural and natural resources industries, and all Florida residents. ifas.ufl.edu | @UF_IFAS
Feeding a hungry world takes effort. Nearly everything we do comes back to food: from growing it and getting it to consumers, to conserving natural resources and supporting agricultural efforts. Explore all the reasons why at ifas.ufl.edu/food or follow #FoodIsOurMiddleName.

Beavers have transparent eyelids so they can see underwater with their eyes shut.
In 2008, Usain Bolt set the 100 meters world record with one shoelace undone.
Two-thirds of the people in the world have never seen snow.
A squirrel can remember the hiding places of up to 10,000 nuts.

Construction on the Pentagon began on September 11, 1941, 60 years to the day before the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
A flea expert is a pullicologist.
Baboons cannot throw overhand.
Vincent van Gogh didn’t begin to draw until he was 27.


Last year I went to my wife’s family reunion in Alabama. I decided to do a little “Southern Survey” on grits, since most everyone in attendance were true southerners. I know I have written about “God’s Manna From Heaven” before, but I thought you might be interested in the results of my survey.
My first question was, “What Are Grits?”
John “Greg” Davidson was a walking encyclopedia on grits. When posed the question he said, “I did an essay in college on the origin of grits. What do you want to know?”
“Well, John” I asked, “If a Yankee asked you what grits were, what would you say?” He replied, “First off, Yankees have attempted to create synthetic grits. They call it ”Cream of Wheat.” The main ingredient, as far as I can tell, is Elmer’s Glue mixed with shredded Styrofoam.”
I asked Jerry Davidson, Patsy’s uncle, “When they ask how grits are formed, what do you tell them?”
“No problem, I just tell them grits are formed deep and underground with intense heat and pressure much like a volcano. Then I give them the full story! I tell them it takes more than a thousand years to form a single Grit. Most of the world’s grit mines are in the south, main-
Editor’s Note: This Rocking Chair Chatter was originally printed in the July 2019 issue
ly Alabama and Georgia, and are guarded by armed guards with dogs. Harvesting the grit is a dangerous occupation, and many grit miners lose their lives each year so that grits can continue to be served morning after morning with the correct amount of butter.”
I asked Kim Strother, my wife’s cousin, about the best way to cook grits. She said, “There’s nothing to it. You boil a cup and a half of water with salt and a little butter, dump in about five tablespoons of grits. Let the grits soak up all the water, then put the heat to it. When you stick a pencil in the grits and it stands alone, the grits are done.”
Aunt Babs jumped into the conversations and said, “Do you know how to tell if the grits are buttered enough to eat?”
“What is your answer, Aunt Babs?” I asked.
She replied, “You hold an un-pealed ripe banana next to the bowl of grits. If the colors match, the grits are ready to eat.”
Those Alabama people know how to cook grits and make red eye gravy. Grits, homemade buttermilk biscuits and red-eyed gravy will beat a T-bone steak and baked potato every time. My mother made the best
biscuits in the world, and always said you never ever substitute canned or store bought biscuits for the real thing because they cause rotten teeth and impotence.
Now I have some questions for you to help me answer. Does pushing the elevator button more that once make it arrive faster? If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, then what is baby oil made from? Why doesn’t glue stick to the inside of the bottle? How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire? Do illiterate people get the full effect of Alphabet soup? Why is it that now everyone has a cell phone, no one talks about seeing UFOs like they used to? Who decided “Hotpoint” would be a good name for a company that sells refrigerators? Who took the bite out of the Apple logo? Do Victor the Dog’s relatives still receive royalties from RCA Victor when they use his picture on their label? Why isn’t there a period after Dr on the Dr Pepper label? Can you knock the stuffing out of the Pillsbury Dough Boy? Was Betty Crocker ever a flour child? Why do people spend twice as much money on a shirt just because it has popular logo on it? And men, when you’re working on the car and your hands become coated in grease, why is it your nose begins to itch, and you have to tinkle?
I am not sure I have a firm grip on the situation we are in today! If you cross the Cuban border illegally you will be thrown into political prison to rot. If you cross the Venezuelan border illegally you will be branded a spy and your fate will be sealed. If you across the Iranian border illegally you are detained indefinitely. If you cross the Afghan border illegally, you get shot. If you cross the Saudi Arabian border illegally you will be jailed. If you cross the Chinese border illegally you may never be heard from again. If you cross the border into the United States you can get a job, drivers license, welfare, food stamps, credit cards, subsidized rent or a loan to buy a house, free cell phone, free education and free health care. I think I’ll change my name and get caught sneaking across the border into the United States.
Did you hear the story of the Florida senior citizen that was driving his brand new Corvette convertible on I-75 at 90 miles an hour? He looked in his rear view mirror and saw a FHP Trooper, blue lights flashing and siren blaring. The old sport floored it to 100 mph, then 110, and on to 120. Suddenly he thought, “What am I doing? I am too old for this,” and pulled over to await the trooper’s arrival. Pulling in behind him, the trooper got out of his vehicle and walked up to the Corvette. He looked at his watch, and said, “Sir, my shift ends in 15 minutes. Today is Friday. If you can give me a good reason for speeding---a reason I’ve never heard before, I’ll let you go!” The old gentleman thought for a second and said, “Three years ago, my wife ran off with a Florida State Trooper. I thought you were bringing her back.”
“Have a good day, Sir,” replied the trooper.
And in closing, don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It’s already tomorrow in Australia!

By Autumn Miller

The 96th Florida FFA State Convention and Expo was held at Caribe Royal Resort in Orlando, Florida. On Thursday, June,13 Kenzie Wheeler, runner-up on season 20 of NBC’s, The Voice, performed hit country music songs and originals at the annual FFA mega party. He first had the opportunity to sing at the FFA State Convention in June of 2021, soon after arriving home from filming The Voice. In 2021, he performed an acoustic show, but this time it was a full band.
Wheeler relived memories at convention, but this time in a different way. “My senior year of high school I got the opportunity to sing at the Florida FFA State Convention for the talent portion and I chose to sing “Buy Me A Boat” by Chris Janson,” said Wheeler. It was a full circle moment for Wheeler as he stepped foot onto the Florida FFA stage, once again.
Wheeler graduated from Strawberry Crest High School, where FFA played a major role in his life. The National FFA Organization and agriculture is near and dear to his heart, as he was a member of the organization and raised and showed livestock at The Florida Strawberry Festival. “Being a former FFA member throughout my middle school and high school years, it makes me proud to be able to come back to perform for an organization that had such a big impact on me growing up,” said Wheeler. Wheeler knows the impact the organization had on him and is proud to see so many members who have also been positively impacted.
A few songs Wheeler covered included, Fishin’ In the Dark, John Deere Green, Big Green Tractor, Don’t Close Your Eyes, and International Harvester. He also performed a few of his original songs – Dear Country and That Truck.

When asked about his favorite part of performing at the Florida FFA State Convention, Wheeler had a lot to say. “I love seeing how much the kids participate and really get into the show. They were dancing and singing songs back to me, which really helps me more as a performer…you know you’re doing something right when you see the crowd react to your performance.” Wheeler also made sure to interact with the members. As he was performing, he gave out high fives, took pictures with members, and walked around the crowd.
There are a lot of exciting things in store for Wheeler. He continues to book gigs and shows, while also releasing new music. “People can look forward to hearing my new song I just released on July 5 called Always At Home. You can also expect some more original songs coming from me in the future,” said Wheeler.
After the show, Wheeler met FFA members by his merchandise table to sign hats, and shirts, and take pictures. “I had a first at this show… one member asked me to sign his forehead with a Sharpie marker, and it’s definitely something I will never forget,” said Wheeler.
As Wheeler continues to chase his dream, he encourages members to do the same. “Never give up on your dreams and

always keep chasing them… always have a plan for your future and never let anyone tell you that you can’t do something,” said Wheeler. As Wheeler continues to chase his dream, we wish him the best of success and can’t wait to hear his songs on the radio in the future!


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By Sandy Sun, M.S. Clinical Medicines, B.S. Nutrition Science
Florida is home to several delicious Chinese vegetables, such as tatsoi, bok choy and celery cabbage. According to University of Florida, over 4500 acres of Chinese vegetables are grown in the state. Tatsoi, also called tat choy, is sometimes referred to as Chinese spinach, with its thin stalks and dark green leaves. The name comes from the Cantonese word for “drooping vegetable.” Other names for this leafy green vegetable include Chinese flat cabbage, rosette bok choy, and spinach mustard. Both the leaves and stalks are edible, and can be enjoyed raw or cooked. The stalks taste a little like cucumber and the leaves are tender and a little sweet. Tatsoi is used in similar ways as spinach leaves. Traditionally, the vegetable is stir-fried.

Vitamin K
Tatsoi is bursting with vitamin K. A single serving of tatsoi provides 183% of your daily needs for this vitamin! Vitamin K is an essential component for clotting of blood in the body. This vitamin also helps maintain bone health by transporting calcium and metabolizes the mineral into your skeleton. Several research studies have found that vitamin K boosts bone mineral density and reduces fracture rates in people with osteoporosis. As a result, the Institute of Medicine increased its daily recommendation of vitamin K. Tatsoi is one of the richest sources of vitamin K and contains other bone boosting nutrients such as calcium and magnesium.
Tatsoi, along with other leafy green vegetables such as spinach and kale, is full of vitamins and minerals. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, a diet rich in dark green leafy vegetables lowers the risk for developing a variety of cancers. In addition to its cancer-fighting properties, tatsoi is considered an excellent source of vitamins A, C, K, and the B vitamins. It’s a very good source of dietary fiber, protein, phosphorus, copper, and zinc.
According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, one serving (100 g) of raw tatsoi contains 13 calories, 1.3 g protein, 0.2 g fat, 2.2 g carbohydrate, and 1.9 g of dietary fiber. One serving of tatsoi also provides a whopping 183% of the Daily Recommended Value (%DV) for vitamin K, 34% for vitamin C, 18% for vitamin A, 16% for folate and manganese, and plenty of potassium, iron, calcium, copper, and many of the B vitamins. That’s an amazing amount of concentrated nutrients in only one serving and a great way to get more vegetable-based protein!
Fresh tatsoi is an excellent non-dairy source of calcium, providing 12% of your daily requirements in one cup of cooked vegetable. Calcium is important in maintaining the strength and density of bones. Additionally, this mineral has been shown to prevent bone loss that can occur as a result of menopause and reduce symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome. Adequate calcium intake is needed to prevent calcium stores being leached out of bones. Calcium also plays an important role in muscle contraction, nerve conduction, and cell membrane function.
Tatsoi is considered an excellent source of manganese, an important mineral that plays a role in a variety of physiological functions throughout the body. Manganese is needed for glucose, protein, lipid, and cholesterol metabolism from the foods we consume, as well as for pancreatic function and development. The mineral is important in normal skeletal growth and development, prevention of sterility, and synthesis of thyroid hormone.
How to Select and Store
When selecting tatsoi, look for stalks that are firm. The leaves should be green and dry to the touch. Avoid any that are yellowed, limp or wilted. Store unwashed tatsoi in paper towels and refrigerate in a loose plastic bag for up to several days. Washing well immediately before use.
How to Enjoy
Fresh tatsoi can be enjoyed raw or cooked, and prepared similarly to how you would you use baby spinach. Cooking this vegetable lightly helps preserve its optimal flavor and texture. It can be stir-fried, steamed, or sauteed.
Additional ways to enjoy tatsoi include:
• Lightly steamed with garlic
• Sauteed lightly with olive oil and herbs
• Stir-fried with soy sauce, mushrooms, and baby corn
• Tossed as a salad instead of lettuce
• Added to pasta sauce or lasagna
• Tossed into a stew or soup
• Use as a sandwich topper
Enjoy fresh Florida tatsoi. Eat more of these leafy greens and reap all of the health benefits in one delicious package.
http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ http://www.whfoods.com

“I believe in the future of agriculture, with a faith born not of words but of deeds…” said E.M. Tiffany. If you were ever a member of the Future Farmers of America (FFA), better known now as the National FFA Association, then you probably said the rest of this well-known sentence in your head just now. This month’s cover story may not have competed in the FFA Creed Speaking Contest, but Caitlynn Robertson knows the definition of this line from the FFA Creed, “I believe that to live and work on a good farm, or to be engaged in other agricultural pursuits, is pleasant as well as challenging…”
Caitlynn Robertson, daughter of Neal and Melissa Robertson, and sister to Emmalee Robertson, is a young girl from Polk County who did not grow up in agriculture but got there as fast as she could. She shared with me the experience that sparked her interest in showing cattle. She went with her dad, as he was hauling some cattle to the Florida Strawberry Festival Beef Breed Show, and after coming back and watching the cattle show a few days later, she was hooked. She begged and begged her mom and dad to let her start showing heifers, and after some negotiations, they settled on letting her show a steer, as this project is terminal. The Lord works

in mysterious ways, and an opportunity came Caitlynn’s way that she could not pass up. The LGHS FFA Alumni received an anonymous donation to pay for a countybred steer at the Polk County Youth Fair for one student. A drawing was held and the only name to put in for this project was none other than Caitlynn. “Little did I know that this one steer would open up a world of opportunities for me and my future,” said Caitlynn. Her first steer ended up being the smallest, lightest weighing steer in the bunch and she was the last person to choose for the whole day. His name was Dunkin and he came from the Evans Family Ranch, while her next 3 steers, Charlie, Frank, and Bo came from the Lightsey Legacy Ranch. Caitlynn went on to show various heifers over her four years, which led her to show at the Polk County Youth Fair, Central Florida Youth in Agriculture, Florida Strawberry Festival Beef Breed Show, JFCA shows, and jackpot shows across the state of Florida. Recently, she graduated from Lake Gibson High School (LGHS) 6th in her class, with a 4.57 GPA, and her 2-year degree completed. She also got the opportunity to travel to Waco Texas and show at the 2024 National Junior Brangus Show.
Blair Buchanon | Photo Courtesy of Images By Blair
Her involvement in FFA started when she was in 9th grade when her agriculture teacher, Paxton Evans, influenced her to become an FFA member. From there she went on to compete in meat judging, food science, forestry, aquaculture, and agriculture mechanics contests. Outside of agriculture, she was captain of her high school swim team, a member of National Honor Society, Freshman class Treasurer, and Sophomore class President. She also worked at Evans Family Ranch and interned at the Lakeland Veterinary Hospital where she watched operations, dental cleanings/extractions, and got to help with doctor/patient interactions.
In the midst of graduation and the end of the school year, Caitlynn’s Agriculture teacher, Selena Paul, influenced her to look into Florida FFA State Officer Screening, happening at the end of April, and she decided to dive in headfirst. She shared that she never competed in Leadership Development Events (LDE’s) in FFA, so she did not have much experience in public speaking or even how to prepare a speech, so this would be new territory for her. The candidates that wish to try their hand at State Officer Screening would need to travel to Haines City, to the Florida FFA Leadership Training Center (LTC), to give various presentations and attend many interviews until the final candidates are announced on the last day. Caitlynn was chosen as an Area IV State Vice Presidential Candidate to potentially cover Orange, Osceola, Polk and Brevard Counties. From there, her attendance was required at the Florida FFA State Convention and Expo where she would campaign for her fellow FFA members to vote for her to be the Area IV State Vice President. Caitlynn and her mom spent many hours making friendship bracelets to pass out to FFA members as she came across them in the hallways or at sessions during the week. She was required to attend each of the eight general sessions, and, at the final session on Friday morning, they announced the 2024-2025 Florida FFA State Officer Team where Caitlynn joined her team members on stage. Once photos were taken and the dust settled, they had to attend a mandatory meeting with their parents where they were given their start date and what to expect for the next year of their lives.
Caitlynn shared that during her time campaigning, and now serving Florida FFA, she would like to show students, “You do not have to be born into agriculture to have the courage to succeed in agriculture.” When sharing her aspirations for the future, Caitlynn explained, “My goal is to mentor members and help them find courage within their respective interests in order for them to succeed.” After her year of service with Florida FFA, she would like to attend the University of Florida and earn her bachelor’s degree in either pre-vet or Agriculture Advocacy. She would like to be a College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) Ambassador and a NaviGATORing CALS Ambassador. Outside of school, she would like to continue showing cattle and developing her own cow/calf operation. Let’s all say a prayer for Caitlynn for her busy and exciting year to come!


When it comes to beef, the choices can be overwhelming. Two of the most debated options are grass-fed and conventionally raised beef, each with its own unique characteristics and benefits. In 2016, the USDA revoked the “USDA Grass-fed” label claim, making “grass-fed” a voluntary marketing term. Today, this claim must be approved by the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) before it can appear on beef product labels. FSIS has set industry guidelines that recommend documentation and third-party verification to support these marketing claims. However, as guidelines and recommendations, some stakeholders are concerned that these claims are being made without proper verification. This month’s article in the “Know Your Beef” series will explore the differences between grass-fed and conventionally raised beef.
What is Grass-Fed Beef?
Grass-fed beef comes from cattle that have been raised on a diet primarily consisting of grass and other forage. The USDA’s FSIS defines grass-fed beef as cattle that have been fed only forage, except for milk consumed before weaning. These cattle tend to take longer to reach production stage which impacts their ability to achieve USDA quality grades (Prime, Choice, Select).
What is Conventionally Raised Beef?
Conventionally raised beef, often referred to as grainfinished beef, comes from cattle that are typically raised on a combination of pasture and grain. These cattle usually spend most of their lives on pasture and are then fed a diet that includes grains the last 160180 days of life (~25 to 30% of their life). This production method is rooted in early research that remains valid today. Grain-finishing compensates for decreased efficiency in cattle as they age by using energy-dense grains.
United States grass-fed beef commands a higher retail price than grain-fed beef due to several factors: it takes longer to bring grass-fed cattle to market, they require more land, and they need high-quality pastures for finishing.
Taste and Texture
The diet of the cattle significantly impacts the taste and texture of the beef, with well-documented differences between grass-fed and grain-fed varieties. Grass-fed beef typically has a stronger, more pronounced flavor, often described as “earthy” or “gamey,” and is leaner, resulting in a distinct texture compared to conventionally raised beef. On the other hand, conventionally raised beef often has a richer, more buttery flavor and a more tender texture, making it more palatable to a broader range of consumers.
In a 1980 study comparing five different feeding systems, Schroeder et al. found that “steaks from carcasses of cattle fed the all-forage diets had limited retail acceptability and were scored lower for all palatability-determining characteristics.” Similarly, Brewer and Calkins (2003) reviewed nine papers and concluded that grass-fed beef is lower in tenderness (both from shear force and by taste panel), flavor, and overall acceptability/desirability ratings.
Nutritional Differences
The nutritional profile of grass-fed beef differs from that of conventionally raised beef. Grass-fed beef tends to be lower in total fat. A major claim by the grass-fed beef industry is that grass-fed beef is higher in certain beneficial nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and antioxidants like vitamin E. However, some studies have found that the differences in the nutritional content of products produced in one system are either small in absolute value or not statistically significant compared with those of another.
By Bridget Stice, UF/IFAS Livestock Extension Agent
When analyzing the fatty acid composition of meat, we consider a “pool” of fat that includes all types of fatty acids. Grass-fed beef may have a higher proportion of omega-3 fatty acids because of the fat in the grass, but since grass is not a rich source of fat and grass-fed beef is typically leaner, the actual amount of omega-3 fatty acids may not be significantly higher than in grain-fed beef. Similarly, while CLA has potential health benefits, its levels in grass-fed beef are not substantially higher than in grain-fed beef. This is because CLA, derived from plant-based fats, is quickly converted by rumen bacteria into other fatty acids, resulting in low absorption levels. Consequently, the CLA content in lean grass-fed beef remains relatively low.
Environmental Impact
The environmental impact of beef production systems is worth considering, with grass-fed beef typically requiring more land and longer timeframes to reach market weight. Capper (2012) found that conventional beef production is more resource-efficient in terms of feed conversion and land use. Klopatek (2022) found that the conventional system had the lowest greenhouse gas footprint but required the most energy, while grassfed beef used the least water but produced the most greenhouse gases. Ultimately, each system has its own trade-offs, highlighting the complexity of achieving sustainable beef production.
Choosing between grass-fed and conventionally raised beef involves a nuanced consideration of various factors, including taste, texture, nutritional differences, environmental impact, and cost. Grass-fed beef, with its distinct flavor and leaner profile, comes at a higher price and with a larger environmental footprint in certain aspects. Conversely, conventionally raised beef offers a more familiar taste and tender texture, generally favored by a wider consumer base, and is often more resource-efficient.
As the debate continues, it is important to rely on accurate information and verified claims to navigate the complex landscape of beef production. Whether you choose grass-fed or conventionally raised beef, being knowledgeable about these differences empowers you to make choices that best suit your needs and preferences.
Stay tuned for more insights in our “Know Your Beef” series, and if you have any topics you’d like us to cover, please email your suggestions to bccarlis@ufl.edu.
Sources: Brewer, Perry, and Chris Calkins. Quality Traits of Grainand Grass-Fed Beef: A Review Quality Traits of Grainand Grass-Fed Beef: A Review. 2003.
Capper, Judith L. “Is the Grass Always Greener? Comparing the Environmental Impact of Conventional, Natural and Grass-Fed Beef Production Systems.” Animals, vol. 2, no. 2, 10 Apr. 2012, pp. 127–143, https://doi. org/10.3390/ani2020127.
Carr, Chad. Meat Quality & Market Outlets for GrassFinished Cattle. 2010.
Klopatek, Sarah C, et al. “Grass-Fed vs. Grain-Fed Beef Systems: Performance, Economic, and Environmental Trade-Offs.” Journal of Animal Science, vol. 100, no. 2, 22 Dec. 2021, https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab374.
Mathews, Kenneth, et al. A Report from the Economic Research Service Alternative Beef Production Systems: Issues and Implications. 2013.
NAMI. Corn-Fed versus Grass-Fed Beef: Fact Sheet. North American Meat Institute, 2015.
Schroeder, J.W., et al. “Palatability, Shelflife and Chemical Differences between Forage- and Grain-Finished Beef.” Journal of Animal Science, vol. 50, no. 5, 1 May 1980, pp. 852–859, https://doi.org/10.2527/jas1980.505852x. Accessed 31 May 2022.
Severe, J, and D Zobell. Grass-Fed vs. Conventionally Fed Beef. 2011.

By Libby Hopkins

Hart Family Homestead is a local family homestead farm in Lakeland. It is owned and operated by Carol and Bill Hart and their entire family. “We do not have a background in agriculture,” said Carol Hart. “My husband and I started gardening in our backyard in a subdivision we lived in down the road from our homestead. We couldn’t find fresh produce in the stores, so we started growing some fruits and vegetables and raised a few chickens and it took off from there.”
Once the family ran out of space, they moved to our current location and started growing. “Now my son and his wife live on another part of the homestead and our daughter and her husband live nearby. Together we make sure that the Hart Family Homestead stays family-owned and operated.”
The family started their homestead farm as a way for their family to be more self-sufficient with the food they ate. “We noticed a decline in quality of foods from the supermarkets and wanted to change the way we eat,” Hart said. “We started small with just a small garden and a handful of chickens for eggs. Then, we added our milking cow. People kept asking if they can buy milk and eggs from us so we started the Hart Family Homestead LLC and it has been growing ever since.”

Now with more than 60 chickens and a few milking cows, the family business is thriving. “We sell at our self-serve farm stand on the honor system, and we can say that we have the best and most honest customers and we love being able to serve the public with our farm fresh products,” Hart said. “We don’t see very many farm stands in our area and still haven’t been able to find anyone that sells raw milk in North Lakeland, so we believe that our fresh raw milk is what makes us different and with us being so close to Highway 98, we are super easy to get to from anywhere in Lakeland.”
There are many benefits to having a homestead farm. One of the main benefits of homesteading is food selfsufficiency. By growing your own food, you have control over what you eat and can ensure that it is healthy and free from harmful chemicals. You also have the ability to preserve and store food for later use, which can be especially beneficial in times of economic uncertainty or during natural disasters.
In addition to food self-sufficiency, homesteading also allows for greater energy independence. Many homesteaders choose to use renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power, reducing their dependence on the grid. Homesteaders also often have their own water source, such as a well or spring, which provides a steady supply of clean water, without relying on a municipal water system.

They promote a healthy lifestyle. One of the biggest health benefits of homesteading is the ability to eat a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. By growing your own food, you have control over what goes into it and can ensure it is free from harmful pesticides and fertilizers. This can help reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease and certain cancers, as well as, improve overall health and well-being.
Homestead farming is a way of sustainability. Sustainability is a core aspect of homesteading, as it involves a way of life that is focused on reducing waste and conserving resources. By growing your food, raising livestock, and becoming more self-sufficient in other areas of life such as energy and waste management, homesteaders are able to live in a way that is both environmentally friendly and economically responsible.
Homesteading also promotes community. Homesteading can be a great way to bring individuals and families together, as it provides opportunities for shared experiences, cooperation, and interdependence. By working together on common goals, homesteaders can strengthen their relationships and build a sense of community. (www.homesteaderswest.com)
“Keeping things local is important to us,” Hart said. “We source the produce we can’t grow from local farmers. We want to stay family-owned and local to maintain the quality of our products. We want to make sure that we maintain the quality of our products and do our best to make all our customers feel that they are receiving the best quality and service that we can provide.”
If you would like to learn more about Hart Family Homestead, you can visit their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/profile. Hart Family Homestead is located at 928 W Socrum Loop Rd. in Lakeland.


By Brad Buck
Growers are always looking for ways to maintain or increase their yields and boost the ability of their crops to resist pests, diseases, and heat brought on by climate change.
That’s particularly the case when you grow crops in a high-intensity production system, which farmers use to grow tomatoes in Florida.
Such systems require a lot of water, nutrients, and chemicals to control pests and diseases. Growers typically fumigate to try to control underground pests and diseases, but that method doesn’t always work.
To explore other options, the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture has awarded Sarah Strauss, a UF/IFAS associate professor of soil, water, and ecosystem sciences, a $700,000 federal grant to study ways to increase soil productivity.
“The question we’re asking is, ‘How do we make this high-intensity crop production system more efficient?’” Strauss said. “How can we enhance or improve the soil to reduce disease and pest pressure?”
Strauss and her colleagues will first study tomatoes because they grow in abundance in Southwest Florida. She and her colleagues hope their results apply to farmers of high-intensity crops throughout the Southeast.
“We want more efficient control of these diseases and pests, which will help productivity,” said Strauss, a faculty member at the Southwest Florida Research and Education Center in Immokalee. “Hopefully, with our findings, growers will also have more control of the nutrients they use to help their crops grow. That could reduce growers’ costs. The idea is, if you have a more resilient system, ultimately a farmer doesn’t have to spend as much.”
Farmers use cover crops when the land is fallow, or bare, when cash crops are not growing. They don’t make money from cover crops. Instead, they use them to protect soil.

Among other benefits, certain cover crops, like sunnhemp, can reduce the likelihood that nematodes will harm cash crops.
“But cover crops also might change soil microbes so that crops require less fertilizer,” Strauss said. “Changing which microbes are in the soil can help keep nutrients available for plants and may protect the plants against some diseases.”
The mission of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) is to develop knowledge relevant to agricultural, human and natural resources and to make that knowledge available to sustain and enhance the quality of human life. With more than a dozen research facilities, 67 county Extension offices, and award-winning students and faculty in the UF College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, UF/IFAS brings science-based solutions to the state’s agricultural and natural resources industries, and all Florida residents. ifas.ufl.edu | @UF_IFAS

Brad Buck Brad is a senior public relations specialist for UF/IFAS Communications. A huge Gator fan, Brad grew up in Gainesville, loves movies, sports and finding great stories to tell.


When you think about it, it’s a bit ironic that these days when you go to a National Park, actually finding a place to PARK is almost an impossibility!
Our beloved National Parks are now so loved that when you do get to go there, the crazy crowds tend to make you forget why you went in the first place.
Traffic jams are a daily, and nightly, occurrence; and attempts at communing with nature require you to exhibit the patience learned from visits at Disney, along with the skillset of navigating long lines to get you through the adventure.
One case in point is our most recent visit, just last month, to the Great Smoky Mountains. Our real goal was to rendezvous with our grandkids who were happily ensconced at a nearby youth camp. We figured, let’s add on a few extra days and enjoy a return to the source of some wonderful long-ago memories.
Visiting the Smokys eons ago, when I was about 12, is one of my favorite “mind memories.” It was my very first time out of state, and I vividly remember and still share the story of my parents stopping the car 50 feet before the Florida / Georgia line, only to insist on taking my picture with one leg firmly planted in the Sunshine State while the other stretched over to Georgia Bulldog country.
My Dad thought that was the coolest thing ever and constantly flipped the picture out of his wallet to show anyone willing to smile and humor the moment. If only I could find that picture now, I’d probably make it a social media profile pic!
Traveling to the Smoky Mountains today typically doesn’t allow for such two-state straddles, nor does it take three days to get there. Such is the luxury of modern-day travel; and just one reason why so many people are going to so many places.
On our trip this time, we chose to get up early one morning and greet the sunrise at Clingmans Dome. My iPhone “knowit-all,” Siri, said that would happen at 6:23 a.m. So, we set out an hour ahead of time to drive to what I imagined would be the magical spot.

by John Dicks
It was at the top of a tower, about a one-mile roundtrip hike from where the road ends into a huge parking lot. There, we found a self-pay kiosk nipping us $5 to park in the Park. Fortunately, it took Apple Pay, allowing my Apple Watch to complete the transaction.
Mind you, it was a weekday morning. We knew not to tempt fate by visiting on a weekend. Still, a number of other cars, filled with eager like-minded sunrise lovers, started stacking into the lot around us.
Precisely on time, as Siri had promised, the sun made its appearance. Beautiful it was, though spectacular it was not. There were too many clouds and fog whipping briskly by to make it really remarkable.
A pre-planned makeshift breakfast followed by some hiking along the adjacent Appalachia Trail certainly made it even more memorable until we had to leave just a few hours later.
By then, though, the crowds had really begun to arrive. Cars, and buses, and bikes and camper vans, all with drivers and riders eager to pay for a place to park yet finding the lot already full. That caused a wait to begin with a traffic jam snaking its way up the mountainous road.
Minutes turned into hours, making some of those in line evidently more concerned with a pit stop than they were with a parking spot. Coming off the trail we counted 46 people of all ages anxiously awaiting a “vacant” sign to appear on the door of any of the only six “no water” restrooms!
We relinquished our parking space and headed downhill, but became curious about the number of cars all queued up to enter. It was an astonishing 173 vehicles just waiting in a very long uphill line! The only bit of satisfaction for driver #173 was the frustrated smile on his face when #174 pulled up and braked behind him!
Yes, we do love our National Parks. They truly are amazing. Go visit them, indeed! I only suggest that you find the right time to do so. Probably it’d be after Labor Day if possible, and certainly, never on weekends!
John Dicks is both a Lawyer and Businessman, including an interest in farming. He and his family have owned a Blueberry Farm and have Agricultural lands which they lease for cattle operations, as John says, “to someone who knows and handles cattle much better than I do!”. John is both a Gator, having received his undergraduate degree from the University of Florida, and a Seminole, with his Law Degree from Florida State University. John serves as Of Counsel to Trinkle Redman, a law firm in Plant City where he also served nine years as City Commissioner, including three terms as Mayor.

By Megan Winslow

BenthTorch.jpg caption: Study co-author
Kendall Breland uses a BenthoTorch instrument to measure the concentration of individual microbial communities in a soil sample. (Courtesy of Amelia Westmoreland)
The human body’s inability to break down sucralose, an artificial sweetener found in many zero-calorie food and drink products, is well established by scientific research. The compound is so stable that it escapes wastewater treatment processing and is in drinking water and aquatic environments.
“We can’t break down sucralose, and a lot of microorganisms can’t break it down, either, because it’s a
really tough molecule that doesn’t degrade easily. So there are a lot of questions about how it is affecting the environment and whether it’s something that could impact our microbial communities,” said Tracey Schafer, an assistant research scientist for the University of Florida’s Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience and the soil, water and ecosystem sciences department, part of UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.

Schafer is a co-author of a recently published study demonstrating how sucralose affects the behavior of cyanobacteria — an aquatic photosynthetic bacteria — and diatoms, microscopic algae that account for more than 30% of the primary food production in the marine food chain.
Researchers collected soil and water from a freshwater site and a brackish water site in Marineland, Florida. Back at their St. Augustine lab, they exposed samples to different sucralose concentrations and measured photosynthesis and microbial respiration in two separate time studies: every four to six hours during a single day and every 24 hours over the course of five days.
Compared to a control group, the concentration of freshwater cyanobacteria increased when samples were exposed to sucralose, but the concentration of brackish cyanobacteria spiked and then crashed when dosed.
“There is the potential that the freshwater communities might be mistaking sucralose for a nutrient, for a sugar that they can use as food,” said Amelia Westmoreland, the study’s lead author and a scientific researcher who worked on the project while completing her undergraduate degree in chemistry.
Both freshwater and brackish diatoms exposed to sucralose displayed an overall decreasing trend in population compared to a control group. The difference between dosed samples and the control group was most profound, however, in the freshwater experiments.
Sucralose’s ability to both increase and decrease microbial community populations could potentially threaten a naturally balanced ecosystem, Westmoreland said.

“Extreme examples of how this could play out are the diatom community could disappear, and the other extreme is this community could completely overtake everything else,” she said.
Both Schafer and Westmoreland said more research is needed to fully understand sucralose and its impact on aquatic environments.
“I think this study was a good first step in starting to look at how sucralose could impact our aquatic communities, and hopefully it will drive more research forward,” Schafer said.

The mission of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) is to develop knowledge relevant to agricultural, human and natural resources and to make that knowledge available to sustain and enhance the quality of human life. With more than a dozen research facilities, 67 county Extension offices, and award-winning students and faculty in the UF College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, UF/IFAS brings science-based solutions to the state’s agricultural and natural resources industries, and all Florida residents.
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Amelia Westmoreland headshot
Tracey Schafer headshot

Courtesy of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Chef
Justin Timineri

Florida Chicken, Avocado and Swiss Wrap

In a small bowl combine the yogurt, mustard, and lemon juice; season with sea salt and pepper, to taste. Place two slices of cheese on top of each wrap, place on a cookie sheet and broil in the oven until the cheese melts. Remove from the oven and add chicken slices to each wrap. Add sliced avocado, sprinkle with lime juice, and top with yogurt sauce. Fold the wrap to create a sandwich.
Florida Avocado Crostini Recipes
Ingredients q q
2 Florida avocados, halved, pitted and peeled
4 ounces thinly sliced prosciutto, torn into 3-inch pieces
1 medium baguette, sliced into ½-inch-thick rounds
Extra-virgin olive oil for brushing
2 cloves garlic
Sea salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Arrange prosciutto in a single layer on a baking sheet. Bake until crisp; let cool. Arrange baguette slices on a baking sheet and brush with oil. Bake until light golden brown around edges. Rub bread with garlic cloves. Mash avocados with a fork and season with salt and pepper. Spread avocado on baguette slices. Top each with a piece of prosciutto and serve.
Ingredients q q
3 Florida chicken breasts
1 large Florida avocado, peeled and sliced
4 slices Swiss cheese
4 whole-wheat wraps
¼ cup plain yogurt
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1 lemon, juiced
1 lime, juiced
Sea salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste

By Randy Fernandez and Rebecca Baldwin
Ladybug, Ladybug fly away home. That line is the beginning of a nursery rhyme you may be familiar with. The rhyme about this beautiful, lovable insect, has some biology behind it that may interest you and we’ve created a craft to help you teach your child all about it.
Ladybugs are insects but are not true bugs. They are beetles in the order Coleoptera. The name Coleoptera refers to the hardened wings that form a cover to protect the more delicate flight wings underneath. Ladybugs, or more accurately, lady beetles, are known for their spherical shape and recognizable red coloration.
In nature, red is a warning color, and indeed ladybugs are distasteful to predators, such as lizards and birds. If you disturb them, they can release a liquid, usually orange, that has an odor. This is a warning to would be predators that the lady beetle doesn’t taste good and should be left alone. They aren’t harmful to us, although ladybugs indoors can stain carpets, curtains, and lampshades. Their red color, for predator protection, is good for our gardens as ladybugs are beneficial insects.
As beetles, ladybugs have chewing mouths that they use in larval and adult forms to eat other insects, such as aphid pests. Because of their voracious appetite for these sapfeeding aphids, ladybugs are protecting plants.
How does this relate to the nursery rhyme? Well, after a growing season, some crops are burned to prevent future pests and remove the stalks or vines for the next growing season. This has been a farming practice since ancient times. When farmers would burn their fields, people worried about the survival of these adored ladybugs who helped protect the plant while it was in season.
Lady beetles have a complete life cycle. The eggs are laid on leaves. The larvae are active, looking like red and black alligators, and feed, not on the leaves, but on insects, the pupa is attached to a leaf to transform into the beautiful adult beetle. As a warning to the ladybug to fly away from the fields before they were burned, the rhyme came into being. “Ladybug, ladybug fly way home, your house is on fire and your children are gone.” Luckily, lady beetle adults can fly with those red wings raised and the flight wings unfolded. They can move to another area and continue feeding and laying eggs for the next generation of lady beetles. Ladybugs are so adored that you can find everything from stuffed animals to clothing, jewelry, party supplies, and household goods with their image.
For this craft, you can create a model of an adult lady beetle on a leaf. This model has action, so you can extend those elytra, outer wings, expose the hind wings, and demonstrate how the ladybug would “fly away home.” You can use this craft as a bookmarker and take a break from your book to let your ladybug fly.
• 8.5×11″ green construction paper
• 8.5×11″ red construction paper
• 8.5×11″ yellow construction paper
• Glue stick
• Black Marker

Green Construction Strip

1. Cut a 2×11″ strip from the green construction paper.
2. Fold the 2×11″ strip of green construction paper horizontally.
3. Fold the corners of the folded part of the construction paper to the center to create a point.
4. Place a fold 1/3 of the way from the bottom of the strip so the strip can be pulled down.
This will make a crease and the strip, then fold the corners in, so they are now inside the fold.
5. Check to see if the tugging mechanism works efficiently.
1. Cut a 2-1/4″ circle from red construction paper, then fold in half to make a crease.
2. Cut along the crease to divide the circle in half. These form the forewings.
3. Cut a 1″ circle from yellow construction paper.
4. Cut the yellow construction paper circle in half.
5. Cut the yellow construction paper halves into tear shapes to form the hind wings.
6. Paste the red half-circle in the upper triangle fold of the green construction paper strip.
7. Paste the yellow tear shapes on the lower triangle fold.
8. Use a black marker to draw and color the lady beetle’s body, dots, head, legs and spots on the forewings. Remember that insects have six legs on the thorax and one pair of antennae.
9. On the green strip paper cut so that it will fit the large leaf. You will glue the bottom of the tugging to the leaf.
1. Use the template to cut out the leaf from the green construction paper
2. Cut the green strip with the ladybug into the shape of the center large leaf
3. Glue the green strip onto the leaf paper
4. Use a black marker to outline the details of the leaf, such as adding the veins to the leaf or adding food for the ladybug, such as aphids.
Some lady beetles have markings on the protonum, so feel free to add colorations. For example, you can cut out an M shape from white paper and glue it to the area above where the head and thorax meet. This is the area you colored with a black marker. This area, the pronotum, can be used to help identify certain lady beetles, like the introduced species called the Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle.

By Grady Judd, Polk County Sheriff


We’re so fortunate here in Florida with our year-round warm weather to be able to lounge by the pool, spend time boating on a lake, or dip our toes in the salt water at one of our beautiful beaches. Unfortunately, a fun day on the water can quickly turn tragic.
One moment you could be enjoying a great day swimming or boating, and the next moment the unimaginable has happened. Tragically, our agency has already responded to several fatal drownings of children who slipped away unseen and got into the rental home pool or family pool. What most people don’t realize is that it only takes seconds for someone to drown.
According to Safe Kids Worldwide, drowning is the leading cause of injury-related deaths among children between the ages of 1 and 4-years-old, with as many as 11 unintentional drownings each day across the United States.
In the good news department, this past April, Governor DeSantis signed a bill that allocates $500,000 for free swimming lessons for low-income families with children 4 and under.
The “Swimming Lesson Voucher Program” (SB 544) requires the Florida Department of Health to create a program to establish a network of swimming lesson instructors in each county and offer vouchers for free swimming lessons to lowincome families. Hopefully this program will be up and running soon.
Drownings are so preventable, which is why they are so tragic. Here are some tips to avoid tragedy from occurring in your family:
First, never, ever leave a child alone in, or near the water – even in the shallow water of a bathtub. Also, put away anything that could distract you from paying attention to the child, like a book or electronic device. Again, it only takes a few seconds
for a bath to turn into a tragic life-changing event, or for a toddler to wander outside and fall into a pool.
When you’re at a pool, keep children away from drains and pipes where they could become entrapped. Install a minimum of a four-foot tall fence around your pool and use selfclosing and self-latching gates – and ask your neighbors with a pool to do the same. Also, consider placing door alarms leading out to pool and spa areas. These inexpensive, battery-operated, stick-on alarms create an audible tone when the door is opened alerting you when someone is near the pool. If you’re in a rental home that has a pool, it is imperative that you know where your children are at all times.
If you’re boating, be sure everyone on the vessel has access to a life vest and that they wear it. By law, children under six years old must wear a life vest.
One final suggestion that can save lives beyond the water – learn how to perform CPR. This is a skill that could come in handy at any time, anywhere. You could save the life of a loved one or even a stranger.
So, get out there and have fun this summer, but please do so safely.

A Closer Look Leather Bookmark by Sean Green Naturally Amazing Activities
When you mention bookmarks these days many will assume you’re talking about a web browser. Bookmarks, like the books they belong in, are quickly becoming a thing of the past. Digi tal copies of a book cannot replace the personal connection the printed version offers. Likewise, there is nothing quite like a book mark that has acquired its character through countless pages of beloved literature. This month we are making a magnetized leather bookmark that will not only endure, but will gain charac ter the more it’s used.
Thin Leather Scrap (1-2 oz) Felt
Strong Magnetic Strip (Ideally Neodymium)
Fabric Glue
Cutting Tool (Leather knife, Scissors, Razor)
Leather sewing needles (optional)
Waxed Cord (optional)
Leather Stamp (optional)
Your bookmark design should be symmetrical and double the length you want sticking in the book. The finished piece will be folded in half over the page.
Lightly draw the shape of your bookmark onto leather with a sewing needle.
Cut the leather and felt to shape
Cut magnetic strips to fit within both sides of the bookmark leaving a couple mm space on each side and space to fold the bookmark in the middle.

Stamp or decorate the leather bookmark

Sandwich the magnetic strip between the glued leather and felt, allow to dry.
Sew an outer seam of 2 mm to secure the leather and felt (optional)
The fabric glue will likely hold well enough, but hand stitching will certainly make the bookmark more durable and attractive.
Spread fabric glue onto the leather
A Closer Look by Sean Green Giant Water Bug (Belostomatidae)

It’s getting hot in Florida and many of us are playing in the water to keep cool. This month we are featuring a bug that just might be swimming in the water with you. If you’ve ever seen little black bugs swimming in circles on the surface of the water, these are water bugs. Not all water bugs are created equally and not all are small. The waterbug we are featuring this month is the giant water bug and is, in fact, the largest of the true bugs. The giant water bug, though fascinating, should be approached with caution for a closer look.
If you’ve ever seen a giant water bug you will not soon forget. They are huge; in fact they’re the largest of true bugs. Their bodies can reach lengths of 4 inches and their two front legs have been modified to become raptor like appendages with spikes on the end specially designed to grasp their prey. Hollowed out, these front appendages inject digestive fluid into its prey to reduce it to a slurry that can be sucked up through its proboscis in much the same manner a spider predigest it’s meal.
The giant water bug is very close to the top of the food chain in its environment of small bodies of still water. It has been known to prey on fish, crustaceans, like crawfish, frogs and even turtles, pretty much anything it can dig its claws into. Although human beings are not on the menu, they will definitely bite if harassed. Oh, and I might add, they can fly. I have never been bitten by one, but most sources agree that when this bug does bite it is known to be one of the most painful of all insects and can last up to four or five hours. The venom this insect injects is enough to paralyze its prey and begin breaking down its tissue; however, there’s no evidence that the Venom is potent enough to have the same effect on a human being.
Those of us that have experienced these insects first hand may refer to them as toe biters for obvious reasons. They typically hunt in the water just below the surface, breathing through a snorkel like organ attached to their abdomen. When frightened they will dive down into the water and settle within the leaves and sub-
merged debris, their camouflage making it very difficult to find them in their natural environment. Most of us see these bugs in urban environments such as mall parking lots, airports, parking garages, public pools or anywhere else there are bright lights near bodies of stagnant freshwater. As mentioned before these bugs can fly and do so when they emerge for mating. They crawl out of the water and fly from pond to pond to mate and get disoriented by bright street lights and can be seen flying around the street lights. It is because of this attraction to lights that the giant water bug is also known as the electric light bug.
Once mated these seemingly evil bugs are actually pretty good parents. One species (B. lethocerus) lays her eggs on plants near the edge of a pond and takes turns with the male in guarding the eggs while the other hunts. Another species, (B. abedies), lays the eggs on the larger males’ back to ensure the eggs remain protected until hatched. The male not only surfaces occasionally so the eggs get air, but also has an interesting brood pump that forces water to move over the eggs increasing oxygen diffusion.
These fascinating insects are very efficient Hunters in both their larval and adult forms. They are opportunistic feeders with a wide range of prey that include critters that many of us would consider pests, such as mosquito larva and other aquatic insects, snails, and snakes. The giant water bug will prey on animals many times its size, sometimes even sharing the kill with other giant water bugs. This insect can absolutely be a benefit to pond owners that wish to maintain balance in the pond habitat. Choose this insect as a pet simply because they are so fascinating to watch and relatively easy to keep. I encourage you to take a closer look at the giant water bug. I will caution you again that these insects can deliver a very painful bite though not life-threatening. If you would like to take a closer look, you could always go to Asian food market where these insects are sold as a delicacy and can be safely handled and examined before indulging in new cuisine. Bon Appetit.

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Polk County Cattle Women County Cattle Women

Hey y’all! I have been enjoying every drop of this rain that we have been getting. It makes driving in town horrible, but it’s worth the traffic to see the green pastures and fat cows.
PCCW has finished up with the Florida Cattlemen’s Association Convention that was held in Marco Island, FL. I attended this event as President of PCCW but also as a graduate of the Florida Cattlemen’s Leadership Academy (FCLA) Class X. This is a prestigious leadership academy put on by the Florida Cattlemen’s Association with multiple sponsors that help make it happen, where only a handful of candidates are chosen each year from across the state. I had the opportunity to travel from the panhandle to Arcadia with some amazing people to meet some amazing people in the cattle industry. If you know of anyone thinking about applying for the class, tell them to sign up as soon as they can. PCCW com-
peted in the County Pride Board contest at convention where we didn’t place, but we represented well. Thank you to Hanna Lightsey for making our board for us! I also gave a short report at the Florida CattleWomen’s membership breakfast where I talked about everything we had done for this past year.
In the upcoming months, we don’t really have too much going on, so keep on the lookout for emails from me! Our next meeting is going to be August 6th at 6:30 at the UF/IFAS Extension Office in Bartow, FL. If you need anything at all from me, please let me know.
Blair Buchanon
Polk County Cattlewomen President