InTheSnow – Issue 47 (Jan 2016)

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ISSUE 47 | JAN 2016

T h e - wo r l d ’s - l a rg e st - s k i - a re a










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EVERYBODY LOVES NORWAY  ESPECIALLY FOR SKIING BRITS Great people, great attitude, excellent ski resorts, stunning scenery

044 016

and even lower prices. It’s no surprise that more people are coming




ANYONE FOR ICE CROSS?  THE FASTEST SPORT ON ICE ... ... and probably the most dangerous. Sponsored by Red Bull and with Britain’s first Olympic ski medallist Alain Baxter now a leading star, we went to Quebec to check it out.

PRINCES AND THE PAST  IN ST. ANTON Iain Martin’s mum and dad first ski holidayed in St Anton more than 50 years ago and stayed with an instructor who kept his cattle in rooms downstairs and also gave a young Prince Andrew ski lessons.




back to Britain’s original mass-market favourite ski destination nation.






“The shirt that thinks it’s a jacket,” weighs in at nearly £400, but Gaby Le Bretton reckons its worth every penny, being the brainchild of a mountain guide, not some huge corporation, among other things.

This month’s collection of exciting new gear and innovative products will give you lots of ideas for a late Christmas gift to award yourself if you didn’t get what


you actually wanted (again). As I write this on the last day of last year, the forecasts are for big snowfalls in the Alps over the coming week, bringing to an end the dismally dry December. I’m hoping, as we all are, that the snow stacks up as forecasters expect and it marks a change in conditions for the remaining three or four months of the season to


I do feel somewhat responsible for the recent lack of snow




something more like normal. as I tempted fate by writing a piece about the “snowtastic





also busy with big events all season long, here are some to watch out for if you’re visiting (or to make a special trip for).

This month I’ve played it slightly safer with a feature on over the past two months, the result of a “Godzilla


It’s one of the claimants to the title ‘world’s greatest ski resort’ and it

snowfalls hit the Alps and the Pyrenees. the amazing snowfall that has hit Western North America



start to the season” a month ago, when the last good






El Niño” giving amazing powder conditions right up the Pacific Coast and putting some areas on course

Printed in the UK.

for record snowfall by the end of the season in April.

No part of this publication

Hopefully now I’ve written about how good it is, it won’t

may be copied, photocopied or reproduced, stored

suddenly stop falling.

in a retrieval system or

But perhaps my New Year’s resolution should be not to

transmitted, in any way or

be paranoid or so arrogant as to imagine I’m some sort of

means, either by recording or otherwise, without permission

snow god.


of the publishers in writing.

Well, whether you’re off to the slopes this month or not, I



Besides the latest snow and ski holiday news, there’s our


usual mix of news and features on all things snowsport. Did




© Copyright 2016


hope you’ll find plenty to interest you in this month’s edition.


you know, for example, that our current Sports Minister is a big snowsports fan and thinks that everyone should be out


on the slopes from a young age? She points out that dry slope skiing in Blighty can be quite affordable but doesn’t say whether she’s lobbying her colleagues to make it possible for families in England to take their children skiing outside of school holidays, when it’s much more affordable, without breaking the law. There are also quite a few news stories from indoor snow slopes and dry ski centres. Did you know a British company has just completed the world’s largest year-round dry slope in Turkey, or that work is underway on the new largest indoor snow play area in the UAE, or that Manchester’s Chill Factore indoor snow centre has welcomed its 10 millionth visitor? We also have news of British success in World Cup events. I wonder if it’s all related?

Follow us @inthesnowmag 005 // JAN16



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WEST COAST 2016 SNOWFALL HEADING FOR RECORD BOOKS? t has been feast or famine in

Snowbird in Utah also reporting more than

season snowfall ever recorded (29m during

skiers and riders among our clientele, and we

ski resorts across the northern

a metre (1.2m in fact) of snow in seven days

the 1998/99 season), and also enjoys the

haven’t been able to open that area for the

hemisphere in the first month of the

shortly before Christmas.

unofficially highest average annual snowfall

past couple of years,” said George Trousdell,

2015/16 ski season.

The snowy excess, which began in early

of any resort in the world (16.3m), struggled to

Director of Mountain Operations, at the end of

Most of Europe, the eastern half

November and has continued for two months

open at all due to a lack of snow.

of North America and even large

so far, is being credited to the strongest-ever

It’s all change this winter though, thanks to El

swathes of Japan had a fairly dry

recorded (or at least back to 1950) El Niño

Niño, and Mt Baker was the first resort in the

December with little or no snow, but

weather system from the Pacific, which has

world this season to reach a 4m base depth.

in contrast Western North America

been dubbed the “Godzilla El Niño”. Initially

The challenge once again for road crews and

has seen huge snowfalls, for

British tabloids thought the system would carry

lift operators is to clear all the snow to open

many areas the best for at least

on across the Atlantic to bring a severe winter

access and ski runs for people to be able to

five seasons.

to Europe too, although there’s no scientifically

ski and board it all, as well as battling and

As of the end of December, the resort of

recorded link; however, our last severe winter

publicising the resulting avalanche danger.

Mount Washington:

Revelstoke in British Columbia, which has a

did occur during the last strong El Niño year.

In another example, on Vancouver Island in

reputation as being one of the 10 snowiest ski

So far there have been plenty of storms, but

Western Canada, Mount Washington ski area

Mt Baker:

resorts in the world, was reporting its second

mostly mild weather, and it’s not clear if there’s

opened its Outback freeride area for the first

snowiest season in its history, with 5.2m of

a direct correlation or not.

time in two years. The resort has received

season-to-date snowfall, already nearly half its

It’s all a big change from recent seasons with

over 300cm of snowfall in the first three

seasonal average.

four successive winters of drought following

weeks of December.

It’s a great season so far in Colorado, with

the huge snowfall winter of 2010/11 in the

The Outback is 400 acres of terrain designated

most ski areas fully open and reporting very

Western United States (when more than a

as black diamond and double black diamond,

healthy snow depths. Steamboat received

dozen areas in the region were open for

meaning it is only suitable for advanced and

90cm of snow in one week, and at Arapahoe

snowsports on 4 July there’d been so much

expert skiers and snowboarders. Because of

Basin, Patrol Director Tony Cammarata called

winter snow), the worst of all coming last winter

the steepness of the terrain and the number of

last year. “The more advanced skiers like the

the pre-Christmas opening of their iconic

when ski areas in California and all along the

obstacles such as rocks, trees and cliff bands,

steep and deep, but the only downside to the

Montezuma Bowl freeride terrain “the best in

West Coast had trouble opening. Mt Baker,

it requires more snow than the rest of the

deep snow is the extra threat of avalanches.

its history”.

in Washington State, which has the record

mountain to open.

We will take the next few days to perform

Many other resorts in the region have

for being the snowiest resort in the world, on

“It’s nice to have this amount of snow

avalanche control work in the Outback before

reported similar huge snowfalls, with

average, and for receiving the greatest single-

because Mount Washington has a lot of good

opening it all up on the 26 December.”

MORE INFO Arapahoe Basin:

Revelstoke: Snowbird: Steamboat:

007 // JAN16

TOWER BLOCK WITH SKI SLOPE A new accommodation complex proposed for Kazakhstan’s capital city Astana incorporates a ski run descending some 300m from the building’s roof to the ground. A team of local architects are reported to have come up with the concept due to the low winter temperatures but lack of existing ski facilities in the city.

WOMEN & WINE FROM SKI SCHOOL The Breckenridge Ski and Snowboard School has fine-tuned its offers this winter. Women specifically will benefit during Women’s Ski Week this February, the school says, with women-only classes for all levels, first tracks, Women & Wine and more. Classes and guides are available for all ages and levels.

SKI COMPETITIONS REINSTATED There has been a minor respite for the Indian ski area of Solang Nallah, where all skiing was banned earlier this year by the Indian government’s National Green Tribunal on environmental grounds. The decision was bad news for many small ski businesses as well as Indian winter-sports athletes who train there. In a new ruling the Tribunal say competitions are allowed again but no commercial ski activity.

LATE-NIGHT SKIING AT MADESIMO New on Saturday evenings this season the Larici gondola in Madesimo will stay open until 10.45pm (the evening lift pass costs €13) allowing people to tackle the Italian



resort’s floodlit Pianello and Montalto

“virtual reality” (VR) downhill racing

Bode Miller confirmed, “This is by

ski video that has been launched

far the best way to experience ski

online by Eurosport.

racing I have ever seen.”

The video follows Miller as he

The video was created, according

races down the “Birds of Prey”

to Eurosport, by fixing two rigs to

World Cup course at Beaver Creek

Miller’s equipment, each rig itself

in Colorado, but what makes it

carrying two cameras and a 220°

Tour operator Interski has created four

different to other videos is that

fisheye lens.

new virtual piste maps for the resorts of

users can swing their field of view

Eurosport and their owners

Courmayeur, Pila, La Thuile and Champoluc in

around so that they can see the

Discovery Channel’s VR teams

the Aosta Valley of western Italy, where they’ve

race from Bode’s perspective, or

then created the final footage

organised holidays for 32 years.

watch Bode’s face as he descends,

to give what they describe

The maps allow you to “see before you ski” or

he great American ski racer Bode

or watch from any other angle.

as “the ultimate in dynamic,

just relive fond memories of a favourite slope

Miller is the star of an all-new 360°

After watching the video in VR,

engaging content”.

and pick any run in the resort to “virtually” ski down the piste, taking in all the dips and turns of each resort’s blue, red and black runs. “It started three seasons ago with some


pistes or simply tuck into a moonlit dinner at the Larici restaurant. Thanks to the


GoPros,” said Colin McIntosh, Managing Director of Interski. “We thought, why not convert existing piste maps; join the digital revolution; be the first, the originator; blaze

resort’s impressive snow record, it expects after whose most famous member,

the trail? Piste maps, Jim, but not as we

to mid-April.

Jean-Claude, the huge Espace Killy

know them!”

ski region, shared with neighbouring

The task was perhaps larger than Interski had

Tignes, is named.

initially envisaged, taking three seasons to film

Jean-Claude’s father, Robert, started

and a further six months to collate, construct

the collection after World War ll,

and perfect.

and Jean-Claude himself added to

“It was stacks of work,” admitted Colin.

it during his racing career. Pride of

To use the maps and check out a run before

place goes to two pairs belonging

you ski it, either live on the day to see whether

NEW ZERMATT BEERS A company has begun brewing beer in Zermatt this autumn. The unpasteurised,


to offer the new night skiing right through

unfiltered Zermatt Beer is now on sale

A new restaurant in Val d’Isère is

specialities, grills and salads, has

to Val d’Isère’s triple Olympic

it’s the kind of thing you want to ski, or perhaps

in selected bars and restaurants in the

part of a complex that now houses

replaced La Perdrix Blanche. Along

champion: the first pair Jean-Claude

months ahead before you even leave home,

Swiss resort. Fans of black-nosed sheep

a very special collection of more

with a salon de thé, it’s part of a new

used to win the downhill at the 1966

you simply click on the run’s name and a

will also find the first mountain pale ale

than 1,000 pairs of skis dating from

leisure and dining complex that also

Alpine Ski World Championships in

video opens up on the screen showing a top-

in Switzerland called “Black Nose” for

the 19th century right through to the

houses the permanent display of skis.

Portillo, Chile, and the second pair

to-bottom descent of the piste from a skier’s

sale in the Papperla Pub among other

present day. The Fondue Factory,

The skis have been collected for

he wore to win no less than seven

perspective, clearly filmed and easy to follow.

locations in the village.

which serves traditional Savoyard

nearly 60 years by the Killy family

World Cup downhills in 1967.



Heavenly Skiing At Down To Earth Prices



After nearly 30 years of freestyle events, the Swiss resort of Laax will

Revelstoke in BC, Canada, believes it is the first resort in Canada to

begin a new era in snowboarding events from 18 to 24 January with the

offer an automated filming service.

new Laax Open. Competitors will be competing for the world’s biggest

The resort has strategically positioned HD cameras throughout the

prize purse for a snowsports event of £500,000.

resort, and once adventurers download the Paparazzi Pass™ app, the

Over 300 participants will be competing in the half pipe and slopestyle

cameras communicate with their cell phones to record the action and

competitions, both top international riders and young challengers.

send it to their device for online viewing.

Olympic gold medallist in the half pipe Louri Podladtchikov (Switzerland),

Also new this season is a 4.4-hectare terrain park, set beneath the

slopestyle rider Ståle Sandbech from Norway (Olympic silver medallist,

Stoke Chair — a new playground that boasts more than 20 jib features

Burton European Open 2015 Laax champion), Canadian rider Tyler

and a full range of kick-up-your-boots jumps.

Nicholson (ranked number two worldwide) and Christy Prior from New

Revelstoke Mountain Resort is located between the Selkirk and the

Zealand (BEO 2015 Laax slopestyle champion) are among the boarding

Monashee Mountain ranges and offers the biggest lift-served vertical

legends from around the world who have confirmed that they are attending.

drop in North America at 1,712m, which allows it to also provide some

Laax is stressing though that the Open isn’t just about the competition.

of the continent’s longest descents.

Following the snowboard action on the mountain, there’ll be daily free

It has a reputation for being one of the world’s snowiest resorts too and

concerts in Rocksresort and resort staff just carried 400 extra beach chairs

is believed to have had more snowfall than any other last November

up onto the mountain to help supporters chill in the sun.

2015, when it received around 4m of snow during the month.

CHILL FACTORe WELCOMES 10 MILLIONTH VISITOR High Quality Catered + Self Catered Accommodation French and Swiss Alps Snow Sure Resorts The UK’s longest indoor real-snow slope, which

the 180m slope has played host to some

host to, either; last year it opened its Santa’s

is currently celebrating its eighth birthday, has

weird and wonderful activities, and also some

grotto especially for Manchester Dogs’ Home

welcomed its 10 millionth visitor.

famous faces.

after it was struck by a terrible fire. This year, it

Since opening its doors in 2007, Chill Factore

Who can forget the Christmas pudding- and

has taken its love of pets one step further and

near Manchester has been the go-to destination

pumpkin-rolling championships, or the various

opened its grotto to all pets.

for millions of people looking to learn to ski or

Guinness World Records?

Over the years, Chill Factore has welcomed

snowboard, or touch up on their skills ahead of

Earlier this year, it created the magic of its slope

many notable guests to its slope. Justin

a trip abroad.

in its car park, and it hosted the UK’s first-ever

Bieber and Amir Khan are among a plethora of

But the success story of Chill Factore hasn’t

outdoor Rail Jam Championships in July.

celebrities who have tried their hand at skiing or

just been limited to skiing and snowboarding;

It’s not just people that Chill Factore has played

snowboarding there.


009 // JAN16

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N O .1 0 S K I I N G I N T H E L A N D O F ‘ I N G ’


of ‘ing’. Then, along the way, skiing

urge to want to do it right takes

steer‘ing’, gripp‘ing’, slipp‘ing’.

became a pastime, a hobby, and ski

over experiment‘ing’, try‘ing’,

Unfortunately, I lost my way to

schools sprouted up. Techniques of

correct‘ing’ and even fail‘ing’. You

‘ing’ when I became serious about

turning were developed and given

see, in the land of ‘ing’, everything

skiing, wanted to ski correctly and

names such as “snowplough turn”,

is a verb.

trained to be a ski instructor. My

“parallel turn”, and “stem Christie”.

The land of ‘ing’ is not about skiing

skiing became predictable and

Freedom was replaced with

repetitive. Some may say I

technical adherence, and for

skied well, very well, but I

many skiers the land of “ing”

began to lack creativeness,

hen I rediscovered skiing in the

slowly but surely disappeared.

a kid’s playfulness and

land of ‘ing’, my skiing changed

You see, the land of ‘ing’

individuality. Luckily, by

dramatically. ‘Ing’ is a land of

is all about verbs. About

starting a company that

freedom, of individuality, of infinite

do‘ing’ activities. Ski‘ing’ is a

specialises in all-mountain

skiing possibilities. Skiers are

verb, and verbs while you’re

skiing and then having

all different, following their own

doing them finish with ‘ing’:

children of my own I was

passions and developing their

jump‘ing’, runn‘ing’, mov‘ing’,

able to rediscover the land of

own way of skiing. Like most kids, I

swerv‘ing’, avoid‘ing’,

remember being in this land when

brak‘ing’, accelerat‘ing’.

I was young but veered off track

Some may say I’m just being

along the way in my skiing career

pedantic and it’s just names.

as many do, taking a few wrong

But it’s more than just names,

turns, and I was unable to find my

it’s your perception, and your

way back until a lot later on in my

perception affects how you ski,

skiing career. I lost my map.

how you learn to ski and how

The land of ‘ing’ was where

good you can actually become

skiing originally began but along

at skiing.

the way for many skiers it was

Children ski in the land of ‘ing’

lost. Luckily for some skiers,

all the time. They’ve never

they always knew ‘ing’ existed

heard of a “parallel turn” or

and have benefitted from its

“stem Christie”, and they’re not

a particular way or mimicking

experiment‘ing’, creat‘ing’.

existence all along, achieving

interested in facing their shoulders

a demonstration. It’s not about

You may be one of the lucky ones

great heights in their skiing.

in a particular direction or skiing

attempting to replicate a noun, a

who discovered the land of ‘ing’ a

Let me explain. In the early days,

with their feet a certain distance

name of a manoeuvre, a parallel

long time ago. Great skiers have

skiing was pretty straightforward.

apart. They certainly don’t care

turn. It’s all about being active,

always skied there, and that’s why

It was a means of go‘ing’

how they look. They’re doers and

doing stuff. Names of manoeuvres

they are so different. If you haven’t

somewhere, travell‘ing’, mov‘ing’

they just want to go ski‘ing’.

(nouns) don’t exist, only activities

discovered skiing in the land of

and slid‘ing’ across the vast snowy

Many skiers miss out on skiing in

(verbs): slid‘ing’, skidd‘ing’,

‘ing’ yet, I urge you to do so quickly

plains, and it took place in the land

the land of ‘ing’ altogether. The

accelerat‘ing’, brak‘ing’, swerv‘ing’,

– your skiing will literally take off.

010 // JAN16

PHIL SMITH SNOWORKS Phil Smith is founder of Snoworks All-Mountain Ski Courses. Snoworks run Off-Piste and Backcountry courses throughout the winter along with Off-Piste Adventure trips to destinations around the world.

‘ing’ a number of years ago, and my skiing was totally rejuvenated. It was like being a child all over again. You see, the land of ‘ing’ opens up a whole new world of skiing, a world that kids ski in all the time. A world where how you look doesn’t matter, because in the world of ‘ing’ everyone is different and everyone is hav‘ing’ fun, do‘ing’, try‘ing’,




freeskier Matilda Rapaport before

the winner has to do is to help

@peakperformance to see all the

she sets off on her descent

Matilda hold her skis before the

applicants posts.

during the Freeride World Tour

start,” said a spokesperson for

Applications closed on 31

contest from 17 to 25 March 2016.

the competition’s organisers.

December and the five best

“I am looking for an outgoing

The winner also gets the

applicants are now to be

person who loves to ski and

opportunity to ski and discover

interviewed over Skype. After

travel. I need help with my

Alaska with Matilda, one of the

the winner is th decided, the four

skis before starting at the

best freeskiers in the world,

runners-up will receive prizes:

top of the mountain,” Matilda

during a week that includes

a Peak Performance Heli Line

commented, when asked what


#6 jacket, worth €800, for the

she was looking for in her new

Matilda and a team of recruiters

first runner-up; a GoPro HERO4

on-mountain assistant, adding

are now carefully selecting the

Black plus accessories, value

“This is a small but important

best applicants and in the end

€700, for the second runner-up;

kiwear company Peak

part in my preparation for a race.

will decide who gets the job.

a Peak Performance Heli Gravity

Performance invited skiers to

Can anyone do the job? My last

Applicants were asked to post a

Jacket, worth €575, for the third

enter a competition to win a job

assistant was a disaster.”

picture or video of themselves

runner-up; and a GoPro HERO4

with a difference – the winner,

“For anyone who can ski, this is

on Instagram and describe why

Session plus accessories, worth

and a friend, will travel to Haines,

truly the opportunity of a lifetime

they should get the job. Search

€450, for the fourth runner-up.

Alaska, to help professional

– it’s a five-second job and all

#radicaljob and

PRICES FOR BRITISH SKIERS IN NORWAY DROP 35% krone at its lowest, compared to

been a financially better time

November 2015 rate, when £1 was

to go,” said AnneLine Kaxrud

13 Norwegian krone.

of She added,

Norway has previously had a

“With the Norwegian krone having

high price reputation in the UK,

plummeted since the oil crisis

like Switzerland, and although it

kicked in, it is now 35% cheaper

is not in the “euro zone”, prices

for British holidaymakers to visit

have dropped by even more than

Norway than in 2013.”

the euro.

The Brits are reported to be

Over the past two years, it has

pound to Norwegian krone rate

“Norway is hardly known to be

already taking advantage of the

become more than a third cheaper

that’s given the 35% decrease

‘on the cheap,’ and while we

strong pound, with a 23% increase

for Brits to take a ski holiday in

is based on an exchange rate in

still have a way to go on the

in British bed nights recorded from

Norway. The very favourable

2013, when £1 was 8.55 Norwegian

Southern Europeans, it has never

2013 to 2015.


011 // JAN16



 PROMOTION Chamonix, of course, and it

Fayed is high in the rankings.

a world-famous resort

rolls into town on 6 February.

By springtime, things get a

that is popular with alpine

Next up is the historic

little more relaxed, and the

enthusiasts the whole year

Kandahar World Cup which

annual Adventure Film Festival

round. But alongside its

returns to the Chamonix

is staged from 26 to 27

world-class ski facilities, it

Valley a fortnight later on

March, showcasing the best in

hosts a number of major

19 and 20 February. The

adventure filming from around

events each ski season

world’s fastest men on skis

the world. Then it’s time to chill

which help cement that

will be back on the slopes

out still further as the season

reputation of being the best

above Les Houches for the

winds down after Easter with

of the best for skiers.

first time in four years. Great

the Unlimited Festival from

The Freeride World Tour

skiers Bode Miller and Didier

7 to 11 April. It offers the best

wouldn’t be the global

Cuche made the podium

electronic music acts on

pinnacle of freeride

last time in 2012. This year,

breathtaking stages all over

competition if it did not include

Chamonix’s own Guillermo

the Mont-Blanc range.


Chamonix is, of course,




012 // JAN16





downhill skiers by the International

injury. However, later reports

and initially racers have appeared

Ski Federation (FIS).

said he had in fact broken two

less than keen to use it on race

Mayer was competing in the Men’s

vertebrae which needed bolting

day unilaterally, some fearing

Downhill World Cup race in Val

together and would be out of

wearing it could add vital fractions

Gardena in the Italian Dolomites

action for the season.

of a second to their race times,

when he suffered what appeared

It was the first time an airbag was

others saying it was too bulky.

to be a horrific crash and was

deployed during a World Cup

But in recent races, some racers

airlifted to hospital.

race. The airbag system had been

have started to wear the airbag,

Having lost control and spun

developed over five years by the

including Mayer. He had been

around 180° in the air, Mayer

Italian manufacturer Dainese, who

wearing it in training earlier in

crashed down the hill backwards

had worked on a similar system for

the autumn when he fell and it

at speeds of around 70mph and

motorcycle racers, in conjunction

deployed, as had other racers

was not seen to move before

with FIS and a panel of racers.

in training.

ochi’s Olympic downhill champion

being airlifted off the mountain.

British speed skier Jan Farrell

There is now a debate as to

Matthias Mayer of Austria was

Initial reports from the hospital

successfully tested the system

whether Mayer’s potential injuries

apparently saved from serious

were that Mayer had been

for the manufacturers and FIS in

were lessened by wearing the

injury in a crash just before

wearing an airbag and as a

Spain last year. He tested it by

airbag, or, as American racer Ted

Christmas by the new airbag

result had suffered only bruising

deliberately falling over. However,

Ligety has suggested, made worse

system developed specifically for

rather than a potential spinal

use of the airbag was voluntary,

by the airbag itself.


on the qualification before the

Andrew Young finished third in

winter. Last season I was a lot

the Freestyle Sprint last weekend

between 30th and 45th place. I

to claim a bronze medal in the

felt strong the whole day. I had

World Cup in Toblach, Italy, on a

a good start and a very good

historic day for British cross-

middle part.”

country skiing.

Young’s sensational achievement,

“First final, first podium, it was an

Britain’s first-ever podium result in

amazing day. I had perfect skis.

the event, happened a week after

The whole team worked really

he took ninth place in the World

hard,” Young, the 23-year-old son

Cup in Davos, racing alongside

of the British team coach, told

teammate Andrew Musgrave.

Huntly in Scotland, became the

compete in a World Cup event

reporters. “I had worked a lot

Andrew Young, who is from

youngest male skier ever to

back in 2008.


013 // JAN16




selecting what is now Whistler Mountain.

the sixth venue – the second in Whistler – for

Although unsuccessful for the 1968 Games, the

the Toptable Group portfolio. Family-run, casual

development of this new ski area began and

fine dining restaurant Legs Diamond has also

success was found in 2003, when the bid to

opened in the Upper Village, with a 1920s New

host the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games

York vibe and an eclectic menu of regionally

was won. From opening in 1966, 12 years

inspired cocktails and a small menu supporting

passed until the new town centre opened and

local farmers.

then two years after that Blackcomb Mountain opened in 1980, creating one of the largest ski areas in North America. Having just been voted the best resort in North

histler is celebrating its 50th season this winter,

America again by readers of US magazine

and happily Mother Nature has decided to

SKI (that’s three years out of the past four),

celebrate it too! There have been successive

Whistler Blackcomb’s promise of going beyond

snow storms delivering a build in snow depth for

has continued into its anniversary year while

visitors to enjoy on the mountain since November,

the resort continues its effort to surpass guest

with over 3.5m recorded by mid-December.

expectations with a number of new facilities,

Opening early for its season due to the impressive

tours and renovation projects.

ski conditions, the 50th anniversary has so far

Fat bikes and their distinctive wide tyres have

Guests visiting Blackcomb Mountain this

shown Whistler at its very best.

become an increasingly common sight around

season will also notice the Rendezvous Lodge

Built on a dream of hosting the Winter Olympics

Whistler, and now they’re making their official

has had a facelift. It underwent a massive

in British Columbia, a group of Vancouver

debut at Whistler Olympic Park this winter

renovation in 2015, with a brand new look to

businessmen submitted a bid to be Canada’s

season. After initial trials determined the

complement the new and fresh customisable

candidate for the 1968 Winter Olympics upon

impact was minimal, fat bikes are permitted on

menu options in the food court, including

designated trails throughout Whistler Olympic

Japanese ramen bowls and a Thai-inspired

Park (weather and snow conditions permitting).

wok station among other worldly cuisines.

Access to fat-tyre biking will require a valid

Those familiar with Christine’s restaurant will

season pass or a cross-country day ticket with

also see a new look as well as being able to

additional trails weekly.

sample a reimagined menu this season from

Whistler has also added to its culinary

new chef Steve Ramey.

portfolio this season, including Bar Oso, a new

For art buffs, Whistler this month sees the

Spanish-influenced tapas spot in the heart

opening of the Audain Art Museum, showcasing

of Whistler Village, which officially opened

a permanent collection of British Columbia art

its doors in Whistler in November. Bar Oso is

including Emily Carr and Andy Warhol pieces.

014 // JAN16



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016 // JAN16



professionalism is required to be the best

He still managed to get up on skates to the

and for those expecting to be on the podium,

finish but medical exams revealed the former

raw talent is not enough anymore. Athletes

Olympian had broken three ribs and bruised

now train all year round.

a lung – putting him out of the competition.

The competition is tougher than ever. This

Despite his bad fall he had actually scored a

new trend was initiated by the Dallago

run fast enough to make it to the finals.

brothers (AUT), skating for victory, who put

Among the older racers, the 42-year-old

in a strong training programme ahead of

admits it’s harder to deal with impacts but is

the new season, video analysis, studying

certainly delighted to compete again.

their races as skiers do. They are not only physically ready but mentally too. There is no room left to chance to collect points. ou may not have heard of ‘ice cross’ before

Croxall battled hard to defend his title in the

but if you have, you’ll already know it’s one of

World championship competition but the

the most exciting high adrenaline sports on

American Cameron Naasz, second in 2015

ice that’s been thought up so far.

Quebec City competition marked the start

and third in 2014, was looking to finally win

Imagine ski cross but put the competitors in

of a new era. This season the Red Bull

the title this year and found his reward at

ice hockey gear and on a course of downhill

Crashed Ice track was designed specifically

last. It was not a small job with competitors

ice, surrounded by thousands of overexcited

for more experienced riders – in other

of such calibre as the Moriarity brothers

fans and you get the picture. The perfect

words, the most challenging yet.

(CAN) constantly pushing the limits.

sport for Red Bull to sponsor.

“Each athlete is a proven rider, so we’ve

“There is no secret; work hard and commit

The good news is that we even have Brits

gone further in the technical aspect of track

yourself,” was Cameron Naasz’s explanation

who are great at it – one of them our first-

design to push their limits,” said Red Bull

of how he won.

ever Olympic ski medallist, Alain Baxter.

Crashed Ice Sport Director Christian Papillon.

In the women’s competition Canadian

The track construction required a team

former hockey player, Myriam Trépanier,

of 12 ice makers spraying water on the

who only joined the adventure last year,

refrigerated mats 24 hours a day for six

took the victory in Quebec.

The Red Bull Crashed Ice and the Canadian

days to create the ice surface.

“I did not expect to win this stage. I was

city have a long history together in terms

Built in the city centre, stretching 460m,

taking part in this competition with a different

of this very modern sport. Since 2006, the

from the start it goes on to encompass

mindset,” said Trépanier. “I want to go

capital has hosted the World Championship

seven turns and features at the Parliament

through the steps one by one, race by race.”

final on nine occasions – more than any other

Building, down to the finish at Place

city. The edition earlier this winter was the 10th

D’Youville. The track uses natural terrain

race in the French-speaking city, the perfect

as much as possible and is mainly shaped

place for the opening of the ice cross downhill

on natural hillsides of the park. It includes

season. With a total of 10 races, the 2015/16

jumps, hairpin turns, rollers and gaps. The

Quebec City is one of North America’s

season will be the biggest in the 16-year

riders, who all wear helmets, padding and

oldest and most magnificent cities – very

history of the fastest sport on skates.

protection, reach speeds of over 50 kph.

unlike most others on the continent, it feels

The track requires complete concentration

like an old European walled city. Quebec

from top to bottom:

City’s compact size makes it ideal for

“There’s a 12m-long triple jump in the

walking and discovering the picturesque

Ice cross downhill skating is a tactical and

middle of the track that is complicated by

Old Town.

physical sport. The format is straightforward,

battling side by side and being tired and

For skiers and boarders Québec City enjoys

the fastest two riders in each four-person

maybe unbalanced by the time they reach

a fantastic location, surrounded by three

heat advance through a round of 64, a

it. They have to think quickly and make

ski resorts, the closest only 30 minutes’

round of 32, to quarter finals and semi finals

decisions, which can be simple or a killer,”

drive from the centre: Mont-Sainte-Anne,

to finally compete in the final four. Each

states Papillon.

Stoneham and Le Massif. The region offers

stage offers an opportunity to earn points.

Morning training sessions help the athletes

fantastic terrain within an easy commute

The rider with the highest score at the end

determine the right tactic.

unlike any other in North America.

of the season is crowned World Champion.

The fun started Friday night with the Team

Mont-Sainte-Anne and Le Massif are

2015 has been an intense and busy year

Competition followed by Women’s and

renowned for the breathtaking views of the St

for ice cross downhill skating. As the

Men’s World Championship competition on

Lawrence River from their slopes. Stoneham

sport continues to grow, an international

Saturday. The man to beat was a Canadian,

has the largest number of runs for night skiing

federation has recently been created, and

Scott Croxall, who captured the 2015 title and

in the country and also has a great terrain park.

there’s also now an amateur course to

was crowned World Champion last season.

encourage new participants. This year for the first time there is be a women’s competition at each Red Bull Crashed Ice race with a female World


It was a triumphant return of the Red Bull

Champion crowned at the end of the season.

Used to coming to Quebec when he was

Crashed Ice contest to Quebec City in front of

Quebec City hosted the very first race of this

a ski racer, the Scottish skiing legend

a huge crowd. The sport’s massive growth and

new female World Championship.

Alain Baxter has carved out a whole new

mass appeal has attracted the interest of the

career racing on the ice. Now retired from

International Olympic Committee (IOC) who

skiing for six years, Baxter found all of the

are now reported to be considering integrating

pieces were there for a successful return to

the ice cross downhill skating into its calendar

extreme sports: the skating, the jumps and

and thus bring in new blood to the game. It’s

Ice cross downhill skating is a demanding

the familiar run against the clock.

evidence that the fastest sport on skates is

sport which requires perfect balance, agility

The daredevil was looking forward to build

well on the track.

and stamina. Athletes joining the competition

on a strong start to the season during this

come from various sports, even though most

first stage but on his fastest lap during the

The Red Bull Crashed Ice heads to Jyväskylä-

of them have a hockey background. As the

qualifying runs, Baxter crashed heavily on

Laajis, Finland next on 29-30 January.

sport develops, an ever-increasing level of

the last three rollers before the final bend.

Find out more at

017 // JAN16







It was a great end to 2015 for Delancey British Alpine Team athletes

Sister resorts Squaw Valley and Alpine Meadows in California have

The British Schoolgirls’ Races will be staged for the 57th time this

Alex Tilley and Dave Ryding, both slalom experts, who both scored

launched a number of new initiatives offering new ways to explore the

season, taking place in Flaine on 25 and 26 January 2016.

World Cup points thanks to top 30 finishes in two of the final races of

resort’s slopes. The first idea is an innovative new digital “zone map” of

The two-day event, which features racers from over 35 schools across

the year.

the two centres which breaks their combined 6,000 acres into 14 easy-

the UK, is an important part of the British Alpine racing calendar and has

Dave Ryding took 24th place in the World Cup Slalom in Madonna di

to-navigate areas for every rider in the family.

historically proved to be a breeding ground for young British talent, with

Campiglio in Italy staged a few days before Christmas.

The zones comprise groupings of terrain designed to help guests ski

Olympian Chemmy Alcott and Paralympic sight guide Charlotte Evans

Then Alex Tilley, from Aberdeenshire in Scotland, claimed a top

and ride in areas that have the terrain that is just right for them. Zone

being previous competitors. The British Schoolgirls’ Races have not only

20 finish and 12 World Cup points, finishing 19th after the second

descriptions include terrain details, highlights, difficulty level and

produced some of Britain’s best alpine skiing talent but also play a vital

run in the World Cup Giant Slalom in Lienz, Austria, shortly before

directions to get to the zone easily. The zones are easy to explore on

role in giving aspiring racers the chance to be part of well-organised

New Year.

the Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows website and mobile app.

on-snow races, which is important for growing confidence and giving the

After a frustrating start to the season for Tilley, where she has been

The second idea is to offer a solution to the current problem faced

young racers valuable competitive experience.

skiing well but not managing to pin down a result, the Scot rose from

by drone fans and ski resorts, that unregulated drone use on the

The event is open to all UK schools and has racers from a range of age

joint 27th in run one to 19th, after some impressive splits at the top

slopes is potentially dangerous and is thus banned at most ski areas,

groups, including under 14s, under 16s and under 18s. All age groups

(second fastest) and at the bottom (fifth fastest).

by offering a professional drone filming service before the slopes

compete in GS and Slalom races, and there is also the chance for schools to

“I wanted it. I got to the bottom of the first run and thought I have

open to everyone else at 9am. The service is being offered by Cape

go head to head in Parallel Slalom – the most exciting race of the two days.

got so much more to give, but recently, every time I try and step

Productions, which has special authorisation to operate drones from the

“The two days are jam-packed with racing, which the girls thrive on,

it up, it kind of goes a bit backwards,” Tilley told the winter-sports

Federal Aviation Administration and offers to film guests from 8am to

but for spectators it is also a really social event with the race pistes

magazine Racer Ready, adding, “but for the second run, I had so

9am. The company’s professional videographers utilise overhead drone

being easy to access on foot or on skis,” said British Schoolgirls’ Races

much more confidence after my first run, so to push it out there

technology as well as handheld cameras to film individuals or groups;

organiser Anne Taylor.

and get that consistency back, it is a very good feeling.”

then within 48 hours they condense the one-hour filming session to a

For 2016, the British Schoolgirls’ Races will be supported by Gold

two-minute highlight reel priced at $149.

Partner, Skiplex, and Silver Partners, Ski Club of Great Britain and UVEX.


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23 JAN

12 FEB

Lauberhorn, Wengen, Switzerland

Hahnenkamm, Kitzbühel, Austria

Art on Ice, Davos, Switzerland

The latter half of January traditionally sees

he second of the big races in the Alpine

This magnificent show is back for its 20th

the biggest races in the Alpine World Cup

World Cup calendar, and none is bigger

season and will present superstars Jessie J

with the longest and fastest on the circuit,

than the Hahnenkamm, Austria’s largest

and The Jacksons with Olympic, World and

the Lauberhorn, up first for its 86th staging.

annual sporting event. It is the race

European Champions including Plushenko

every downhiller wants to win, perhaps

and Lambiel on the rink.


16 – 17 JAN

19 – 22 JAN

23 – 24 JAN

Festival of Gastronomy, Châtel, France

Women’s Ski World Cup, Cortina, Italy

Châtel in the Portes du Soleil is known

Cortina’s spectacular Olympia delle Tofane

for its commitment to traditional food

slope will be hosting the Women’s Ski

production so is the natural venue for this

World Cup Downhill and Super G races

gastronomical event, staged every two

attracting top female athletes from all over

years, the Neiges Etoilées International.

the world to compete at the highest level.


13 FEB EarlyBird Skiing, Engelberg, Switzerland Engelberg offer this only twice a season. At 7am you’ll be first on the freshly groomed slopes from Stand to Trübsee then get breakfast at the Alpine Hotel Trübsee.

23 JAN

6 FEB – 5 MAR

17 FEB

Night Trail, Les 2 Alpes, France

Adults Pay Child Rates, Tignes, France

Snow Rugby Tournament, Valmorel, France

The fourth edition of Night Trail, a night-

Adults pay child lift ticket prices, nice!

The increasingly popular snow rugby

time trail-running event in the snow, invites

The deal is offered on accommodation

tournament (essentially rugby on a small,

competitors to run above Les 2 Alpes at

packages which are from €199pp in an

snowy pitch) is back in France with six

night. Instead of descending snow-covered

apartment for four.

resorts taking part this winter. Valmorel

runs, you have to climb them by moonlight.

hosts its stage today.




even more than Olympic Gold.


SKI SAFARI IS NEW £50K SNOW-CAMP SPONSOR Ski Safari, one of the UK’s

artificial slopes.

leading independent ski tour

A new Snow-Camp Bristol

operators, has announced a

Graduate Programme will then

£50,000 donation to youth

offer young people who have

charity Snow-Camp, which uses

completed the First Tracks

winter sports as a way to help

course the opportunity to

young people make more of

further develop their skiing

their lives.

and snowboarding through a

“This is truly amazing news,”

structured six-day programme

said Snow-Camp Founder

at the partner artificial slope.

and Director, Dan Charlish.

Group sessions held after each

“A donation of this size is

slope lesson further broaden

going to have a huge impact

horizons by introducing young

on the overall development

people to the wider world of

of the charity and our plans

skiing and snowboarding,

to develop our programmes

with talks from those involved

nationally. We are so grateful to

across the snowsports industry.

Ski Safari for the support and

“There is no better way of

their belief in our work we’re

giving back to this fantastic

doing with young people.”

industry than by helping people

Snow-Camp recently launched

who wouldn’t normally have

expansion plans to work in

the chance to experience the

five major UK cities over the

mountains in winter,” said Ski

next three years, beginning in

Safari’s Founder and Chairman,

Bristol this year. Starting this

Richard Rice.

month, Snow-Camp will provide

Bristol-born Olympic Bronze

young people in the city and

Medallist and Snow-Camp

surrounding areas with a chance

Patron Jenny Jones also

to hit the slopes for the first time

recently donated £5,500 won

and develop key life-skills during

on ITV’s The Chase to further

the two-day beginner First

support Ski Safari’s donation.

Tracks Programme using local


021 // JAN16

Aviemore is where many Brits learnt to ski in

The big benefit of the “no towers” is that the

same length but has increased user capacity,

decades past and is still a great choice for first-

whole system can be raised by 5m to allow the

reducing queues and increasing visitors’

timers. This winter it is better after the centre

modern piste machines to groom and prepare

active skiing time and the number of skier

invested in a state-of-the-art new lift which

the snow, and then the lift can be lowered again.

days it can be used.

replaces a 50-year-old drag lift – which had

Previously, after big snowfall or storms, it used

Part of the new lift’s installation allowed the

been bought secondhand even back then!

to take a lot of time to clear the snow to get

CairnGorm team to reprofile the ground,

The old Shieling Ski-Tow, which a resort

the lift open, and the big piste machines could

reshape the landscape, address drainage

spokesperson described as “never the

not get in there to prep the snow.

problems and improve a bottleneck area

most user- or operator-friendly lift”, is being

The new lift is safer for the guest and operator,

on the main route back to the day lodge,

replaced by a modern low-level surface lift

CairnGorm say, more user-friendly for all

rectifying some of the environmental damage

with no intermediate towers.

abilities. It is in the same location and is the

from the 1960s.

ALPE D’HUEZ SPEND MORE ON SARENNE Alpe d’Huez have spent a further €1.75 million on the world’s longest black run after a big investment last year adding floodlighting along its 10km length. The Sarenne piste is the resort’s big draw, attracting 370,000 skiers and boarders last season. The latest investment covers the final 4.5km of piste down to the Alp Auris ski lifts with 30 more snow cannons installed.

NEW GONDOLA AT PASSO SAN PELLEGRINO A new eight-place gondola has replaced the chairlift in the Alpe Lusia-Passo San Pellegrino sector of the Dolomites. The new lift makes the 1,890m aerial route faster, more comfortable and now sheltered from


wi-fi, and the lift will run at night for evening


ascents to the mountain restaurant.

NEW AVORIAZ RUN “BLUE VELVET” Avoriaz has decided to name a new piste that has opened there in the Brochaux sector this winter “Blue Velvet” after the film directed by David Lynch. The film after which the run is named was awarded first prize in the International Fantastic Film Festival in the avant-garde French resort back in 1987.



the French resort of Les Gets on

The world premiere of the event on

Saturday 12 March.

snow at the end of last winter saw

Skicolor combines skiing and

over 800 people taking part, and

partying around the theme of

the resort expects many more to

colour. Equipped with protective

sign up and take part in 2016.

suits, participants follow a fun-

Different online registration

packed trail, specially developed for

packages are available, with prices

the slopes of Mont Chéry, passing

ranging from €6 for children to €10

through cascades of multi-coloured

for adults. Participants can collect

A new tour operator, Whistler Experience,

powder paint as they descend.

their pack including their protective

has launched for this winter, offering ski

The goal is to cross the finish line

clothing from 8am, then go skiing,

and snowboarding holidays to the famous

fter the great success of the first

looking as colourful as possible.

before joining a collective warm-up

Canadian resort.

edition, Skicolor, the event which

Along with the Skicolor descent

on the starting line in the specially

Among its selling points, Whistler Experience

sees skiers and boarders sprayed

itself, there is entertainment, a live

created Skicolor Village, which will

offers its clients the option to pay at the current

in coloured powder paint as they

DJ and, as a bonus, a sumptuous

be prepared at the top of the Mont

favourable rate of exchange for Brits, and every

descend the ski slopes, returns to

view of Mont Blanc.

Chéry ski lift.

client receives free use of a GoPro camera


wind and cold with an increased capacity of 2,400sph. Each cabin is equipped with

The Colorado ski area of Purgatory, which

while on holiday to capture footage which is

has spent the past decade or so named

then turned into a keepsake short film of all

“Durango Mountain Resort”, has a new local


owner, James Coleman, who has decided to change the ski area’s title back to its

to celebrate.

NEW ZILLER VALLEY GONDOLA A new €8 million gondola installed at


investing in a new high-speed quad chairlift

The new company offers 21 hotel options, from 3★ to 5★, and prices start from CAD1,350pp (£650pp) for seven nights’ accommodation,

original name – Purgatory. It’s the resort’s 50th season this winter, and Coleman is

their holiday fun.

Fügen in the Ziller valley this winter will

provides a completely new route

six-day lift pass and return transfers from

up to the Kaserer Kees at 3,135m,

Vancouver to Whistler excluding flights. Prices

where there are year-round pistes

at the 5 Diamond Four Seasons Resorts start

on Kaserer and the Olperer.

from CAD1,795pp (£860pp).

All 62 chairs are equipped

“Our staff work, live and play in Whistler every

with heated seats and weather

day and have done so for the last five years,”

protection hood, and the lift can

said Mark Sturgess, Founder of Whistler

carry up to capacity of 2,800 people

Experience. “We pride ourselves on the quality

per hour over its 2.25km length.

and knowledge of our team and rely on them

The construction work in the high

to help provide the ‘experience’; whether that

improve access to the Spieljoch area and

The Hintertux Glacier, Austria’s only

boarders up to the glacier.

Alpine terrain and especially in the

is finding the best powder in the winter or

climbs a remarkable 1,450 vertical metres

year-round ski area, and with Zermatt,

This winter there’s a new

glacier area was reported to be

ensuring you can eat at the restaurant of your

from its base station at 650m up to 2,100m

one of only two in the world that

Doppelmayr-built lift to get you up

very complex, and before beginning

choice, we aim to offer unrivalled service.”

on the mountain. The new lift will cut the

endeavour to open every day of

the slopes of the glacier, and on a

the actual construction work,

Whistler, which was one of the key venues for the

gap between the ski area and neighbouring

the year, has invested millions over

new route too. For those familiar

Doppelmayr built a lift especially to

2010 Winter Olympics, offers three glaciers, over

Hochfügen. The area’s Superski Pass now

the years in faster, higher-capacity

with the centre’s slopes, the new

carry up the materials required as

200 marked runs, 16 alpine bowls and 37 lifts.

state-of-the-art lifts to get skiers and

Lärmstange 2 six-seater chairlift

there was no road access to the site.

includes 181 lifts and 506km of trails.




BEACH BOYS HAVE “FUN, FUN, FUN” IN ISCHGL The Beach Boys celebrated the launch of Ischgl’s winter season with a snowy concert that brought surfboards and snowboards together in the Silvretta mountain range of the Austrian Alps way back at the end of November. The famous Californian band’s lead singer, Mike Love, declared Ischgl “beautiful” and after riding on the resort’s €40 million Pardatschgratbahn gondola said, “I’ve never been on a gondola like that and I live on Lake Tahoe which is in the mountains out west of the United States … beautiful ski areas and everything, but this ride was truly amazing.” The six-strong band arrived separately over several days, and some slotted in some skiing on Ischgl’s 238km of groomed piste before last weekend’s concert, which the Tirolean ski centre used to help promote the fact that it is snow-sure for five months. The season will end with another big concert at the beginning of May (2016 act yet to be announced). The Beach Boys performed many of the hits including Wouldn’t It Be Nice, Good Vibrations, Surfin’ and Catch A Wave on an outdoor stage in sub-zero temperatures in front of a crowd of 15,000.

THE WINE SKISAFARI On 20 March 2016, the region of Alta Badia in Italy’s Dolomiti Superski region will again stage its “Dé dl vin” or Wine Skisafari, a gourmet celebration in which expert sommeliers bring the best regional red and white wines as well as sparkling wines up on the lifts for a special tasting session on the slopes. From 10am, six mountain restaurants up at 2,000m altitude, high above the valley, will house different local wines, and the experts will be on hand to explain how the favourable climate, fertile soil and love of winemaking combine perfectly to create South Tyrol’s excellent wines. For this one day, South Tyrolean quality wines such as Lagrein, Pinot Blanc, Sauvignon, Gewürztraminer, Pinot Noir and sparkling wine will be in the spotlight alongside Alta Badia’s ski slopes, which include the region’s famed Sellaronda circuit. In addition, typical South Tyrolean products such as bacon, cheese and bread will be served, so guests can combine culinary delights with skiing and wine!


023 // JAN16

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principality independently.

“Visitors wanting something other

rentals or tuition to generate a

Both of Andorra’s two big resorts

than the traditional seven-night trip

competitive price quote.

have been making more flexible

are now well catered for. There’s also offer a

accommodation booking a priority,

also a huge range of cheap flights

transfer booking service from six

breaking away from the traditional

to Barcelona, and seven shared

airports around Andorra, including

Sunday-to-Sunday model and

transfers a day from Barcelona

Barcelona. 2016 has brought

allowing people to book their ski

Airport to Andorra all make it really

several days of heavy snowfall,

trips over flexible periods.

easy,” Steve added.

with reports of up to half a metre

“Andorra is taking a lead for’s simple

of fresh snow in Grandvalira just

independent and flexible ski trips

online booking system allows you

in the first few days of January

– Grandvalira have for some time

to choose between the five main

meaning the number of slopes

ndorra’s ski areas got off to a

now offered a range of flexible

ski villages in the two areas of

open is ever increasing and the

great start to the season with

packages with lift passes and

Grandvalira and Vallnord, which

snow conditions are beautiful

heavy snowfall for the opening

lessons which are great value, but

are Soldeu, Pas de la Casa, Arinsal,

powder, with more snow set to fall

weekend, and it now looks like

this year Vallnord have joined in

El Tarter and Encamp. Next, you

over the coming week.

2015/16 will see record numbers

too with some new deals,” said

can choose any date to start your

To book flexible, independent

of skiers and boarders booking

Steve Hull of Andorra experts,

holiday and any duration from one

holidays to Andorra, visit

to travel to the Pyrenean

to 13 days then select lift pass,

NEW HIGH-SPEED QUAD CHAIRLIFT FOR LES HOUCHES CE Approved EN1621-2 Level 2 Carve Tested to -20°C (+) Fully Adjustable 3D Moulding (+) Lightweight RPT (Repeat Performance (+) Fully breathable Technology)

A first new high-speed detachable quad chairlift is due to go into service at Les Houches in the Chamonix Valley this winter. The lift, which will replace the Cha


(+) (+) (+) (+)

and Chamois drag lifts, is approximately 1,200m in length and will transport 2,000 passengers per hour. “This lift will open an entirely new space to skiers in the Cha/ Chamois sector,” said spokesperson Claire Burnet.

024 // JAN16







Vail Resorts, one of the world’s leading operators of ski resorts, with

The ninth “Turkey for a Ticket” charity fundraiser took place at Big Sky

St Moritz will see two of its biggest equine events of the year on its

10 ski centres in the US plus Perisher in Australia, has announced it

Resort in Montana in the run-up to Christmas last month.

frozen lake over the coming month.

has created a new foundation which will award $750,000 in annual

The annual event encourages guests to give to local food banks in

First there’s the Snow Polo World Cup from 29 to 31 January, and

grants to employees, aimed at providing emergency assistance in

exchange for a free day of skiing, allowing three food banks in the

then the famous White Turf on 7, 14 and 21 February 2016.

times of need and also to help fund education.

region to provide food for people and families in need during the

The Cartier-sponsored Snow Polo World Cup has been running

The new EpicPromise Foundation is being set up as a charity, and

holiday season.

since 1985. This year, world-class players from six nations will

the company will contribute $500,000 per year to fund it, with Vail

To receive a free lift ticket, valid for the day of the event, skiers and

compete in front of the magnificent mountain backdrop of the

Resorts’ CEO Rob Katz making a personal one-time donation of $1.5

boarders had to arrive at Big Sky with a frozen turkey weighing in at at

Engadin, with free entry to the lake for spectators as well as parties

million to help establish the Foundation.

least 13lb, or alternatively bring 20 cans of non-perishable food.

and gourmet food from local chefs.

“The EpicPromise Foundation is another way for us to create

“We look forward to the Turkey for a Ticket event because it is our

On 7, 14 and 21 February 2016, St Moritz will host its most daring

that experience of a lifetime by supporting our employees in

chance to guarantee that the shelves will be filled throughout the

annual event, White Turf, attracting more than 30,000 spectators

times of need and to ensure that they and their families can

rest of the year,” said Sarah Gaither, Big Sky Community Food Bank

to watch hair-raising horse races across the frozen lake. Between

pursue their educational dreams. I feel very fortunate to be able

Operations Manager. “Because of these Turkey for a Ticket reserves,

races, guests will also be able to enjoy live music, excellent food and

to personally support this effort,” said Mr Katz, adding, “The

we are able to cut down on food purchase costs and focus our funds

art exhibitions.

EpicPromise Foundation will be managed by our employees, for

on keeping the lights on and refrigerators running.”

Tickets to White Turf cost from CHF20 (approx. £13.40) per adult,

our employees.”

Since the inaugural year in 2007, Turkey for a Ticket has collected

while children up to the age of 16 are granted free entry. The

The EpicPromise Foundation grant application process will open

close to 200,000 lbs of food for local area food banks.

luxurious Carlton Hotel St Moritz ( offers

in January 2016, with the first round of grants awarded in February

“We continue to see nearly 3,000 individuals a month, and the Turkey

Junior Suites from CHF1,300 (approx. £880) per night, based on

2016. Grants will be available for employees in times of need, when

for a Ticket Food Drive helps us meet the ongoing need. We are

two adults sharing on a B&B basis, including CHF100 (approx.

they are facing medical or family emergencies, as well as to help

grateful for such a giving community,” said Jill Holder, Gallatin Valley

£68) food and beverage credit per adult per day and use of the

employees and their families achieve their educational dreams.

Food Bank Operations Manager.

spa facilities.







Japanese skiing hit its peak in the late 1980s and early 1990s

Scandinavia’s largest ski resort, Åre in Sweden, is working with Philips

SkiStar, the Scandinavian ski resort group that runs several of the

before the country’s bubble economy burst and public taste turned

TV to light up its terrain park with LED lighting in changing colours.

region’s leading resorts including Åre in Sweden and Hemsedal and

to video gaming.

The new snowpark Ambilight Garden is open on Monday and Friday

Trysil in Norway, is in talks to take a majority share in an Austrian ski lift

However, there are signs of a long-awaited upturn in the popularity

nights each week and offers this year’s skiers a brand new and unique

operator which runs the ski centre at St Johann in Tirol.

of snowsports in the Japanese domestic market, following on from


To be precise, Skistar’s corporate statement is:

a surge in international guests to the country’s ski slopes over the

The move comes after Philips TV released their popular film “Afterglow”,

“SkiStar AB has been invited to participate in a preferential rights issue for

past decade.

which showed skiers on the slopes at night surrounded by fantastic

shares in St Johanner Bergbahnen GmbH. Acceptance of the offer means

Japan had just 7.6 million skiers and snowboarders last season

coloured lighting. The film was an online hit, clocking up millions of

ownership of about 68% of the company’s shares. In conjunction with the

according to official stats, around 40% of the peak seasons in the late

views and receiving several awards. Philips TV wanted to recreate the

offer, a letter of intent was signed between SkiStar and representatives of

1990s, when nearly 20 million Japanese went skiing each winter.

experience for Åre’s skiers by adding coloured lighting to the terrain

the three largest current shareholders (representing 91% of current shares)

But demand is showing signs of picking up according to local reports,

park this winter.

stating that they will not participate in the share issue.”

as the generation that experienced the 1990s skiing boom come

The lighting is inspired by Philips TV’s unique Ambilight technology,

“St Johann is a good place to establish SkiStar in the Alps. Through our

back with their families.

which projects lights and colours on the wall behind the TV set to match

knowledge, the destination’s geographical location and a positive hotel

The response of resort operators has been to provide more to attract

the colours on the screen.

expansion in St Johann, we see potential for developing the destination,”

them. Several leading resorts offer totally free lift passes to children

“We wanted to bring the fantastic experience you get with Ambilight

said Mats Årjes, SkiStar’s CEO.

up to age 12, one of the most generous offers in the skiing world.

to the skiers in Åre. We think it will be a truly magical experience and

St Johann in Tirol is a historic, traditional ski resort area located in the

This season, the country’s Prince Hotels Group, one of its largest

unlike anything they’ve ever done before,” said Per-Åke Broman, Nordic

Austrian Tirol 125km from Munich and 95km from Innsbruck, and borders

ski resort operators, have announced a number of improvements

Marketing Director at Philips TV.

on Kitzbühel. The ski area has about 300,000 skier days per year.

including creating a new families and beginners snowpark at their

The same Philips LED lamps that currently light up the Empire State

“Through this acquisition we will be able to offer our guests a European ski

Manza Onsen ski resort in Gunma Prefecture. The park will have a

Building have been placed around the park. The park is lit up in

resort that complements our Scandinavian destinations. It also presents an

150m-long snow tubing course for added fun and snow huts to visit.

changing colours, including lit-up boxes and rails.

opportunity to promote St Johann as a SkiStar destination for a European audience with a focus on family ski experiences,” added Mats Årjes.

adv inthesnow 300x120.pdf





Live an amazing experience at 3,600m above sea

You may not know it, but Les 2 Alpes

If you’re looking for winter sun, Les 2 Alpes is


In Les 2 Alpes, you don’t need a car!

The resort of Les 2 Alpes is ideal for

undoubtedly the place where you’ll find the

pedestrians. Once you arrive, you can

culminating at an altitude of 3,600m.

most! Check out the resort’s sunshine levels

park your car and not use it again until

Whether there’s good snowfall in winter or

on the Météo France weather report! In winter,

you leave. Built on a 2km-long plateau

not, there’s always skiing in Les 2 Alpes! As

the resort has more sunshine than Marseille or

(therefore flat), ski lift departure stations

proof, you can also ski here in the summer,

Perpignan (but not the same temperatures!).

are dotted roughly every 200m along

over the world to do just that! Winter also provides the opportunity to ski non-stop from 3,600m to 1,300m, to the village of


at the bottom of the slopes. That means

For mad afternoons at the Pano Bar!

Do you love partying and never want a night out

Mont de Lans: a world-class vertical drop of

to end? In Les 2 Alpes, you can start the party

2,300m and 16km of runs over the region’s

on the slopes from 3pm until the runs close. The

highest summits.

Pano Bar awaits you at an altitude of 2,600m,


at the top of the Jandri ski lift: let the music take

Freestyle Land, a top snowpark!

Les 2 Alpes’ snowpark is legendary. Going beyond the scope of a simple snowpark, Les 2 Alpes has built Freestyle Land. This is


Les 2 Alpes has both sun and winter snow!

has the largest skiable glacier in Europe,

and professional skiers come from all



you over; the DJs are pumping up the volume!


there’s always a ski lift nearby! There are also free shuttlebuses running throughout the whole resort.


Because there’s more than just skiing in Les 2 Alpes!

Dream of going dog sledding? Well you can in Les 2 Alpes! Want to glide around on the ice? Come and try out our ice-rink! Need to

Blue runs from the top of the ski area to your doorstep

This winter, a new blue run will make the

unwind? Les 2 Alpes has swimming pools and spas for exactly that! Discover all the available activities.

a whole sector of slopes (mainly in La Toura

journey back down to the resort much easier.

sector) dedicated to freestyle, arranged by

Now you will be able to ski on blue runs from

Further information available at

ability level and discipline.

3,400m to 1,650m.


Why come to Les 2 Alpes this winter? Lots of people have stopped even asking themselves that question and have adopted the French resort for good, but for anyone yet to be converted, here are seven good reasons.

Make it a Christmas to remember! BOOK NOW !

Bad Gastein is one of the best-known and best-loved ski resorts in Austria’s Salzburgerland region. Here are some insider tips from Martina Ellmauer on how to make more of a ski holiday there.

Best For Ladies

one of the longest downhill runs in the Eastern

It was the spa business that put our beautiful

stop for a thigh-burning challenge. And if you

valley on the map in the 16th century and put the

like the latest in technology, link your lift ticket to

charm; seven of Austria’s leading chefs; seven

Bad in Bad Gastein and Bad Hofgastein. With

the internet and track all your vertical stats.

specially created signature dishes. Ask for the

Alps, and one of the most beautiful. Ski it non-

17 hot springs, it’s still a big draw, although

5% Extra Discount

SNOW5  Savings of up to 60%

in 500 professional ski shops

 Over 300 partnered resorts in the Alps and Pyrenees

 Ski and snowboards picked & fitted by mountain professionals

more people come for general wellness than a medical cure these days. Of the Alpen Thermal Spa’s six different spa experiences, one is “ladies only” – a blissful way to unwind at the end of the day.

Best Gourmet Tour

Seven mountain huts, full of character and

Gasteiner Skihauben Guide from any ticket office

Best For Gin,Schnapps, Sushi And So On...

Choose from 130 different gins from across the globe at Ginger n’Gin. Drink straight, mix with tonic or Martini or the secret ingredients of a

in the valley, for directions to a different gourmet lunch each day of your stay.

Best Beer

Bad Hofgastein has its own micro-brewery,

Best For Breakfast

Tante Lilli (knock-out cocktail). G&G also has the

Schmaranz. Enjoy the strong local biobrew in

best sushi at a terrific (low) price. For a traditional

the cosy ambience of the Bräustüberl, while the

There’s no better way to build an appetite than

fondue, the best place is Bellevue Alm; ski

steaks and schnitzels sizzle over the flames of

a brisk hike to the Kreuzkogel (2,700m) in the

down to it for lunch or take the single-seater

an open fire.

crisp morning air, after the comfortable lift ride

chairlift up for supper. Go easy with the house

from Sportgastein. A gourmet breakfast awaits

Zirbenschnaps before tobogganing down.

in the designer capsule on the summit, with a

Best Folklore

Best Karma

Squeeze into the tiny Hexenhäusl bar on

The pretty hamlet of Dorfgastein boasts the

Krampus masks, gingerbread hearts and other

only Feng Shui’d Restaurant in the Alps: the

knick-knacks. The music won’t be Mozart, but

Best In The Eastern Alps

UnterbergerWirt, where the Berti Family invite

it rocks.

Be sure to ski the Hohe Scharte Nord – at

element” cuisine and stay in a pastoral setting

10.4km and a top-to-bottom drop of 1440m, it is

that can’t fail to boost harmony and energy.

gorgeous panorama of 400 peaks glistening in the early sun. After that, lay down first tracks on a corduroy piste or in back-country powder.


Mozartplatz, its beams hung with ghoulish

sceptics and converts to sample their “fifth

028 // JAN16




SOCIABLE SKIING HOLIDAYS FOR THOSE AGED 50+ Independent tour operator, Classic Alpine

“We offer sociable, personalised holidays, and

Packages include a Beginners’ Group to Les

(formerly Classic Ski) has launched a new

groups are never larger than 20 people, so it’s

Saisies from 13 March inclusive of six days’

programme of year-round mountain holidays,

easy to get to know everyone. Guests tend to be

tuition limited to groups of just four guests

tailored to meet the needs of active, like-

a mix of those who are travelling alone, in couples

priced from £1,699pp. There’s also an Off-

minded people aged 50 or older.

or with friends, but all share a love of great skiing,

Piste Technique Group taking place from 22

“We call ourselves a Club although there’s no

fine food and good company,” added Helen.

to 29 January in Flaine priced from £1,250pp.

joining fee or need to register, but like the best

Experienced English-speaking instructors

Packages include a £130 flight allowance,

clubs, we aim to create an atmosphere that’s

accompany guests in small, private groups

seven nights’ high-quality accommodation,

always welcoming, inclusive and fun,” said

on every day of the holiday. Travel flexibility

transfer from Geneva, premium rentals, buffet

Managing Partner Helen Macintosh, who with

is offered with holidays that avoid Saturday

breakfast and a three- or four-course evening

partner Stewart has lived in the French Alps for

changeovers and school holidays, but include

meal with wine and five hours of private ski

the past 13 years.

private transfers to handpicked slopeside hotels.

tuition or guiding daily.

THE WEARABLE SKI APP Ever more ski apps appear

new, but with SkiLynx, those

each winter, and it can be hard

looking for you can tell if you’re

to know before you try them

going up on a lift or skiing

whether claimed features really

down the mountain, and what

work or will be really helpful.

percentage along you are).

However, the new SkiLynx

Because SkiLynx’s advanced

“wearable app” that’s optimised

mapping system knows if you

for the Apple Watch and also

are riding up a lift or skiing down

works on iPhone does appear

a run, the app also offers the

to have some new ideas.

ability to track actual miles skied

“The app beautifully and

or snowboarded, unlike most ski

seamlessly solves the age-old

apps which can only track your

frustration of finding your ski

“vertical feet/metres”.

group on the mountain. I’m

There are also “location-aware

not always impressed by the

hashtags” so that “Meet me at

consumer tech targeted at

#here” becomes “Meet me at

skiers – but this app is a game

Lift X” when you are riding Lift

changer,” said Amelia Richmond,

X. Quick messaging let you chat

who formerly worked at Squaw

with your group with just one

Valley in California, one of a

tap – and with Apple Watch, you

handful of US resorts where

can keep your iPhone safely in

the new app will work initially –

your pocket and chat with the

ahead of a worldwide rollout.

group by using the microphone

The app offers several

on Apple Watch.

functions which its makers

After SkiLynx California, out

say have never before been

now, the platform will expand

seen in apps for skiers and

to include more US regions,

snowboarders, including the

including Colorado, Utah and

ability to pinpoint exactly which

Wyoming, by mid-winter.

chairlift or run you and your

SkiLynx is available now in

group are on (not completely

Apple’s App Store for $2.99.

Bloc Systems Ltd. t: 01483 893504 e:


029 // JAN16






N ot many people can claim to have taught British royalty how to ski in the morning,

before going home in the afternoon to milk their cows. When you visit St Anton am Arlberg today, you see an ultra-modern resort, but only one generation ago Richard Falch, an instructor with the famous St Anton Ski Schule, tended to both princes and cattle. Richard Falch was also my parents’ ski instructor when they travelled to St Anton in the early 1960s. They were part of the first wave of British ski tourists and visited the resort throughout the 1960s, having met on a

030 // JAN16


trip to Obergurgl in 1959.

one carriage dedicated to a disco and

and most businesses were clustered

of his family had lived, in farming. It was

resort as a great après-ski destination are

So last winter I visited St Anton to see

no couchettes, it was not uncommon

around the old station.

only when skiing became popular in the

as high as ever.

it with fresh eyes – to look beyond the

for revellers to end up sleeping in the

The first couple of years my parents

1960s that he became an instructor.

While the infamous MooserWirt and Krazy

world-class resort that it is now and recall

luggage racks.

travelled to St Anton, they stayed in the

“When we first stayed at Haus Falch the

Kanguruh bars were still to open, there

what it was like 50 years ago and what

In the 1960s, you would take a train to

Hotel Tyrol, but after taking lessons from

ground floor was occupied by cows that

were plenty of options for my parents

drew so many early skiers there.

Dover, board a ferry, then travel through

and becoming friends with Richard Falch,

the family still tended,” my mother told me.

when they wanted to party.

What hasn’t changed since the 1960s is

Europe overnight on the ‘Snow Sport

on future trips they stayed in his small

Richard Falch died in 2007. I met his

“The après-ski scene was incredible –

that British skiers return to St Anton year

Special’ direct to Austria, dropping off at

“pension” – the eponymous Haus Falch.

daughter, Huberta, who still owns the

something I had never experienced before,”

after year.

the different resorts the following morning.

While it’s not unheard of these days to

house and rents it out as a holiday let.

my mother told me. “Après-ski drinking was

St Anton am Arlberg has always been a

I decided to travel by train as well, but my

share a drink with your instructor after

“Sometimes my father would go straight

at the Hotel Post, which had live music,

popular resort with the British. The pioneer

journey was more prosaic. The speed of

skiing, it’s rare that you would end up

from milking the cows to a lesson,”

and the smaller Rosanna stubl was another

of Alpine ski racing, Sir Arthur Lunn, founded

Eurostar and TGVs means that travelling

staying in their house!

Huberta told me. He wasn’t the only

great venue for dancing and drinks.”

the Kandahar Ski Club after meeting

by rail is still feasible even in the modern

“Richard Falch was our ski instructor for

instructor who might have smelt slightly

I found that the Rosanna stubl is now

influential instructor Hannes Schneider in

world – it took me just 11 hours to get from

several years running and we adored

rural – back then the resort was still in

better known as Scotty’s Bar, but it is still

1927, and the first Arlberg-Kandahar races

St Pancras to the St Anton railway station.

him,” my mother told me. “His English was

transition from agriculture to tourism.

full of British holidaymakers and endless

were held the following year.

The bahnhof in St Anton has changed

very good and many evenings were spent

Before Lech, Verbier and Davos became

rounds of “Prost!”

Ski racing slowly became more popular

since my parents’ time, albeit comparatively

in his stubl talking the night away over a

popular, many royals took their skiing

Some things never change …

through the last century, but in the 1960s

recently. It was relocated when it was rebuilt

few schnapps.”

holidays in St Anton. As Falch’s reputation

a ski holiday was still the hobby of an

for the 2001 FIS World Ski Championships.

Falch was a charismatic man with a story

grew, demand for his services spread to

eccentric minority of Britons. Although

The new design is sleek and elegant with

to tell. At the end of the World War II, when

the British royal family.

charter flights had existed since the late

award-winning architecture and has given

the German army was disbanded, he made

Richard Falch taught the young Prince

1950s, most flights were to Spain, so the

the resort a more unified centre, no longer

his way from Russia and across the Alps

Andrew, as well as Prince Michael of Kent,

St Anton

only way of getting to the Alps was to

divided by the tracks.

back to Austria on foot – a journey that

during an illustrious career that bridged

drive or take the train.

The station is not the only part of St Anton

took him seven months.

eras in the Tirolean resort.

Companies like Inghams and Erna Low

that has changed in the last 50 years.

On his return to Haus Falch – a 500-year-

St Anton has changed in many ways since

Train fares from London to St Anton start

both offered packages by train, which

In the 1960s, Nasserein was a nearby

old building that had been in his family for

the first tourists of 50 years ago, but the

at £184 return.

were popular with younger skiers. With

village, rather than the suburb it is today,

generations – he continued the life that all

reputations of its ski school and of the

For bookings visit:


031 // JAN16



also ensure you’ll spend your holiday exploring the

the 160m main slope. Plus their alpine-themed

mountain and its many pistes, rather than learning

restaurant overlooks the whole slope and is

the basics on the baby slopes!

ideal for watching all the snowsports action.

The experienced snow enthusiasts among us,

Chill Factore in Manchester is the UK’s longest

and those who are keen to make the switch from

indoor real-snow slope at 180m and is

skiing to snowboarding, will know all too well

conveniently located among shops, restaurants

the importance of keeping up with friends or

and bars, so you’re spoilt for choice at lunchtime.

family on a ski holiday! If you don’t want to waste

Alongside ski and snowboard lessons, the centre

mountain time on the beginners’ slope or hold

frequently offers mogul, ski and boardercross

up the rest of the crew, an indoor UK centre is

sessions, quite a find on an indoor slope!

the ideal setting to get a newfound snowsports

Tamworth Snowdome offers a lot more than just

discipline up to scratch or to get those rusty ski

an indoor snow slope! Besides a rental fleet of skis,

legs working again!

snowboards, snowblades and toboggans for hire,

But, it’s not all “snow before you go” at indoor

the centre has ice skating and other leisure facilities.

side from being conveniently located in the

snowsports centres. Their fresh-snow slopes allow

Complete with a pool, gym and spa, you could spend

UK, real-snow indoor skiing and snowboarding

skiers and snowboarders of all abilities the chance

a whole weekend enjoying their many facilities!

centres boast a “snow load” of other reasons

to keep their skills at the ready all year round and

Ian Brown, The Snow Centre Managing Director,

for trying snowsports for the first time indoors.

provide progression in between holidays to the

gave his personal experiences of trying

Adults, children and those making the switch

mountains or without ever visiting a winter ski

snowboarding indoors: “My family and I are

from skiing to snowboarding or vice versa can

resort at all. And there is a choice of real-snow

frequent skiers, visiting the mountains yearly on

all benefit from the many learning opportunities

indoor ski centres up and down the UK, so you’re

our ski holiday. However, none of us had ever

these amazing facilities have to offer.

never far from a practice session on the snow!

tried snowboarding but weren’t keen to give up

If you’re trying skiing or snowboarding for the first

London’s closest and the UK’s newest indoor

any time exploring the mountain pistes to learn.

time, indoor snow centres offer you the opportunity

real-snow slope, The Snow Centre Hemel

The Snow Centre offered the perfect solution, and

to get your skills up to scratch before you head to

Hempstead, is great for learning, perfecting

we thoroughly enjoyed our time snowboarding on

the mountains! Learning to ski or board in the UK

skills and landing tricks during weekly freestyle

the lesson slope. Now we can take to the centre’s

not only offers you or your youngsters the chance

evenings. The centre hosts the largest lesson

main slope on our skis or snowboard. What’s

to get to grips with all the new equipment and

slope in the UK, complete with two easy-to-use

more, we can take our ski or snowboard pick

learn how to put it on, set it up and use it; it can

travelator lifts and two button lifts running on

when exploring the mountain too!”

032 // JAN16





Yorkshire-based Briton Engineering has completed the design and

The International Ski Federation (FIS) has rapidly decided on

If global warming really takes hold as forecast, we could all be skiing

build of the world’s largest synthetic snowsports slope to date.

a complete ban on the use of drones for filming at its official

indoors in a century’s time, so could the United Arab Emirates be the

At 11,700m2, the prestigious Altın Oran development, completed

sanctioned events including World Cup races.

place we go on our annual ski holidays?

with Briton’s award-winning Snowflex® slope system for Sinpaş

The decision came after a drone carrying a TV camera fell to

Already home to Ski Dubai and never short of dramatic and innovative

Construction in Ankara, will provide year-round snowsports for

earth just behind Marcel Hirscher as he made his descent in a

construction projects, the UAE’s latest initiative is the world’s largest

residents of a huge new property development near the Turkish

World Cup race at Madonna di Campiglio in Italy in the final race

snow park. The $1 billion Reem Mall development will have 11,600m2 of

capital, where people have now started to move into the apartments.

before Christmas.

real snow indoor attractions including activities such as sledging, luge

The slope had an official “soft opening” on 19 December and a

The camera, weighing 10kg, fell 20m from the sky and

runs and zorbing.

“grand opening” is now being planned.

shattered on the slope just behind Hirscher, who later said

“Reem Mall is one of the most ambitious and exciting retail and leisure

The opening marked the latest in a year of success for Briton

he was aware of “something” behind him but not what had

projects ever undertaken in Abu Dhabi, and we are thrilled to announce

Engineering, which also supplied Snowflex® training facilities to the

happened until after he had finished his run, eventually coming

the news of it becoming home to the world’s largest indoor snow-play

Olympic training park in Park City, Utah, and designed and built a

second in the competition.

park,” said Shane Eldstrom, Chief Operating Officer for Reem Mall.

Snowflex® tubing facility for YMCA of the Rockies in Colorado, all

The FIS Men’s Race Director Markus Waldner told the Associated

That’s not the biggest indoor ski slope in the world (which is actually

helping it win the HSBC International Business of the Year award for

Press he was “very angry” about the incident, and Hirscher described

currently around 35,000m2 at SnowWorld in The Netherlands, although


the circumstances of the incident as “insane”.

Dubai does have plans for a ski slope twice the size and more than

“Briton has moved on a long way since we started making portable

The FIS said they had given permission for drone use, but not directly

a kilometre long), but the biggest multi-activity snow-play area, the

ski lifts in 1979 and now has unique experience building prestigious

over the course, and that the company filming were not abiding

developers claim.

snowsports projects all over the world,” said Terry Di Stasi, the

by the agreement. The company concerned said they were “still

A ground-breaking ceremony to mark the start of construction took

company’s Director of Business Development.

investigating” what happened.

place at the end of December, and the snow centre and surrounding

For 2016 Briton is working on a number of project enquiries around

Legal restrictions for the use of drones at events in Italy are reported

mall with about 450 stores and 85 food and beverage outlets is

the world, including Europe, the Far East, Australasia and the USA.

to not yet be as tight as in other countries.

expected to open in 2018.




The Championships will see 16 teams from

their carefully planned Tale of Two Dragons

all over the world descend on the famous

design. Team GB will be joined by teams

mountain town, where they will be tasked with

from countries such as Germany, Canada and

turning a 12-foot and 20-tonne block of snow

Mexico, who are all hoping their sculpture will

into a work of art.

scoop first place.

Using just their bare hands and a selection

The enormous blocks of snow are built ahead of

of hand tools, the teams of four will work

the artists arriving in Breck so the blocks have

tirelessly for 65 hours over the course of five

time to settle and compact under their own

days as they sculpt their piece of snow into

weight before being ready to be carved. Using

a masterpiece worthy of being crowned the

diggers and a huge blower, snow is transferred

highly acclaimed winner.

from trucks into wooden moulds, where a team

These other teams are from the Yukon in

of “snow stompers” climb onto the block and

Canada, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,

stomp the snow to help pack it down. The

Mexico, Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia, and Ukraine,

process is repeated until the mould is full and

team from Wales and the West Country

along with several US entries.

packed into a sculptable block.

will be in Breckenridge, Colorado, for the

This year, the Great Britain team will be led

The grand finale will see the winners crowned

26th annual International Snow Sculpture

by experienced sculptor and International

at the award ceremony on 30 January, and the

Championships, which take place between 26

Snow Sculpture Championships veteran Ollie

sculptures will remain on display for the public

and 30 January 2016.

Annaly, who will mentor the team as they craft

to marvel at until 7 February 2016.


+33 (0)4 50 54 55 56

From this winter onwards, the

free Hahnensee-Express ski bus

winter. The new service runs every

encompasses nine great pistes,

famous Hahnensee Piste from

will run every half-hour between

Tuesday and takes those who sign

12 mountain railway and ski lift

Corvatsch to St Moritz-Bad will

St Moritz-Bad and the Corvatsch

up on a tour of the best pistes of

journeys, and takes in a total of

be opening earlier to skiers and

valley station so that snowsports

Corvatsch and Corviglia.

88km of pistes and 4,444m of

snowboarders each day – now

enthusiasts are able to commute

Experienced local ski instructors

skiable vertical. The tour runs

from 9am onwards.

between the two skiing areas

will accompany Snow Safari

from Furtschellas via Corvatsch

In another improvement, in addition

more easily. There’s also a new

participants across two summits

to St Moritz-Corviglia and on to

to the regular bus service, the

guided Snow Safari opportunity this

above 3,000m. The safari

Celerina-Marguns. 034 // JAN16


WIN A TRIP TO EUROPE’S SKI CAPITAL Mountain Drop-offs has joined forces with a host of great brands to give you the chance to WIN a fantastic spring ski break in Chamonix.

Everything you need for a three-night short

To enter just visit or complete the entry form at

break for two people in this legendary resort is included: flights from London to Geneva with SWISS, a Mountain Drop-offs’

day Mont Blanc Unlimited lift passes from

Terms and conditions apply

transfer to deliver you to resort as well as

Compagnie du Mont Blanc, boot and ski/

For full details see the Mountain Drop-offs

accommodation with Nomadic Ski.

board hire from Sanglard and goodies from

website at

Our luck winners will also pick up three-

our partners Arc’teryx and Julbo.


Made For The Journey



NEW FROM ESPRIT Esprit say that in addition to lower

(Gressoney Saturday departures

class and Snow Club prices.

prices they’ll be offering more

are one day earlier).

There’ll be a new Ski Chaperone

free children’s holidays than ever

These offer savings from £272 per

Service launched for older

before, and there’s a saving of

infant and up to £470 for families

children who have outgrown

up to £265 per family with the

with a baby and a toddler. Along

Esprit’s Sprite classes and are

Esprit Loyalty Bonus. There’s free

with free infant places there are

attending a local ski school. Esprit

ski rentals and ski insurance for

half-price nursery places (saving

staff will provide parents with more

children when their parents book

£154 per infant), half-price Spritelets

slope time by accompanying their

rentals and/or insurance.

and Snow Club places (saving up

children to the ski school meeting

Finally, Esprit Baby And Toddler

to £201 per toddler) along with

point and collecting them at the

(BAT) weeks are back in all resorts

reduced under-occupancy charges

end of the day. The new service

with departures on 8, 15, 22, 29

and extra activities and gifts.

will cost from £69 per child for five

January and 5, 26 February 2017

days (with extra charges payable

sprit are experts in ski holidays for

for ski classes).

families, and every season they

There’ll also be a new Family

somehow manage to unveil more

Dining Option in all of Esprit’s

great ideas to make your family ski

Chalet Hotels and Xtra Chalets.

break ever better and stress-free.

Children aged 8 and above may

The company’s preview brochure

now choose to join adults and older

for winter 2016/17 is now out and

siblings at the adult dinner time.

has plenty of fresh ideas along with

A Baby Welcome Pack to include

special offers. The company says that

nappies, baby wipes, nappy sacks

many holiday prices are lower than

and other essential baby toiletries

2015/16, and there are also lower ski

will also be available from £19 each.



pack prices and lower Nursery, Sprite

ICELANDIC SKI TOWN IS BEST EUROPEAN DESTINATION Lonely Planet is reported to have selected the northern Icelandic town of Akureyri as its “best European destination” of 2015. Situated on the north coast under snowcapped peaks at the head of Iceland’s longest fjord, Akureyri is Iceland’s second biggest town and a centre for adventure tourism with its own ski fields. It’s also good for seeing whales and the Northern Lights.

036 // JAN16



CHOCOLATE TOURS AT KEYSTONE For the week of 24–30 January 2016 only, children visiting Keystone resort in Colorado can participate in a unique, behind-the-scenes Chocolate Tour experience with Chef Ned, Keystone’s Executive Pastry Chef and Master Chocolatier. The Chocolate Tour experiences will provide children with a behindthe-scenes look into Chef Ned’s fun world of desserts, including a tour of his pastry shop, a chocolate-making experience and a delicious takeaway for each participant. The event is part of a weeklong celebration in Keystone resort this January as the resort is poised to reach a milestone of 100,000 free kids’ lift tickets provided since a special programme was created in 2012 which gives children aged up to 12 a free lift ticket as part of a family ski holiday booking. “We are thrilled to reach 100,000 free kids’ lift tickets provided as a part of the programme, which contains no blackout dates or hoops to jump through,” said Mike Goar, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at Keystone Resort. The Chocolate Tours are free, but participants need to register


online at

THE TRIO INFERNALE Last winter, a new connection between ski areas in Salzburgerland, Austria, created an area with 120km of pistes for all abilities, particularly families. However, the resorts of Flachau, Wagrain and Sankt Johann im Pongau – now all connected by the “G-Link” cable cars – want to highlight the challenging skiing too. So they’ve packaged up their best black runs and named them “the trio infernale” as well as installing a speed track with photopoint. The three blacks are the infamous Hexenschuss, Habergeiss-Ritt and Other changes this winter include a new location for Betterpark at Hirschkogel; Geisterturm is a new panoramic viewing platform, and the area’s enhanced snowmaking facilities now cover 98% of the pistes. Besides the black runs and terrain parks, the area is ideal for families, especially the Hahnbaum sector. There are two toboggan runs including a fun 3.5km course at Hahnbaum.


037 // JAN16


Schlangengrube runs.

W W W. U LT R A S P O R T E U .C O M I N F O @ U LT R A S P O R T E U .C O M

W W W. P O W G L OV E S . C O M // B U I LT TO L A S T



038 // JAN16

When Switzerland

hubby’s majestic train ride

the way down from the Vorab

Tourism launched their

on the Gornergrat Bahn from

3000 started my love affair of


Zermatt to marvel at the

Switzerland,” said Katja.

campaign and asked people

mighty Matterhorn standing

“I fell in love with your

to write in and tell them why

proudly in the spotlight of

beauty and grace, Your

they loved Switzerland, they

the Swiss Alps! We were

powerful waterfall, gushing

weren’t expecting quite the

in awe and totally snow

at pace. Your mountains,

tidal wave of enthusiasm

giddy! The light quality was

never ending, reaching

for all things Switzerland

incredible, the air alpine

the sky, The beauty of

they’ve received.

clean and the ambience

Switzerland that caught my

“The response has been

serene,” wrote Sarah.

eye,” wrote poet Ian after

really great and some

“The trauma of moving from

visiting Mürren.

stories were just brilliant,”

the UK to CH at age 10 faded

To read more stories, see

said a Switzerland Tourism

as soon as my brother and I

more superb pictures,


learnt to ski. The family trips

or upload your own, visit

Here are some of the posts:

to Laax every weekend of

“Memories of me and my

every winter and skiing all





break, they’ll be flying out on Tuesday 3

accommodation in France, Austria and

January and returning Sunday 8 January

Claviere (Italy) as well as free child places on

when normal Sunday flights will resume.

every departure date.

Please note, only some resorts are affected as

Lift passes are included in packages to La

the majority of their flight programme is based

Clusaz, Valloire, Chamrousse and Engelberg

on Saturday departures.

and Crystal Ski Plus packages, which cost from

(Very) early booking offers for 2016/17

£435pp but include local lift pass and ski/board

announced include two-for-one ski/board hire

hire or ski carriage as well as the usual flights,

or carriage offer, saving up to £184 (based on

transfers and accommodation and back and

advanced ski rentals in Courchevel), and a

must be booked by 30 November 2016.

two-for-one lift pass offer, saving up to £598

Crystal operate to over 130 resorts in 13

inter 2016 may only just have started, but

(based on a 13-day lift pass in Tremblant) if

countries in Europe and North America, with

the UK’s largest winter-sports holiday tour

you book before 30 March 2016.

departures from 21 UK airports and St Pancras

operator, Crystal, have today launched their

Hotel credit is back. Book one of Crystal’s

and Ashford stations as well as numerous

2016/17 programme for the winter AFTER this.

selected hotels by 28 September 2016, and

ferry points.

Although the company doesn’t make its

you’ll get up to €100pp.

2017 prices start at £335pp (based on four

big news announcements for the following

There’s also £100 off Crystal childcare at

sharing) for a week’s self-catering at the

season until the summer, it has said it will be

selected Pepi Penguin and Whizz Kids clubs

Résidence Sunotel in Les Carroz, France,

adding the Lapland ski areas of Levi and Yllas

(children aged six months to 11 years) when

departing on 7 or 14 January 2017 from

to its programme in 2016/17.

booking before 27 April 2016 in selected

Gatwick including airport transfers.

Due to Christmas falling on a Sunday in 2016, in the run-up to Christmas and New Year, Crystal say they’ll be switching their Sunday flights to selected resorts to leave on Tuesdays, giving customers a seven-day ski holiday and the benefit of still being able to ski on Christmas Day. Only resorts in Andorra, Finland, Norway and some in Eastern France and Western Italy accessed from Turin airport are affected as most resorts are served with Saturday flights. What’s more, for those who prefer a five-day




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46 years

of world class Canadian Heli-Skiing Canada’s Highest Heli-Operation

amalgamation of the former

previous holder of the “largest in

company, the debut of the

Park City Mountain Resort and

North America” title, Big Sky in

Quicksilver Gondola connecting

Canyons ski areas after both

Montana to the north, but in terms

the two mountains and Miners

came under the control of Vail

of the North American continent

Camp restaurant brings to life

Resorts, contains over 300

remains smaller than Whistler

one of the most ambitious capital

trails, 41 lifts and 7,300 acres

Blackcomb in BC, Canada.

projects undertaken at any

of skiable terrain. Canyons is

However, the worldwide ski area

resort in industry history,” said

now downgraded to a Park City

size expert, Chris Schrahe of

Rob Katz, Chairman and CEO of

Mountain base area., says that if you

Vail Resorts.

Vail Resorts spent $50 million (US)

use the European measure of

In addition to Quicksilver and the

ski area that’s officially the biggest

on upgrades to make the physical

trail length rather than the North

new Miners Camp restaurant,

in the USA, but unofficially the

connection over last summer

American terrain area measure,

skiers will also find additional

largest in North America, has

and autumn, including the new

the expanded Park City area has

snowmaking across the resort, two

opened at Park City in Utah.

Quicksilver Gondola.

more miles of marked trails than

new trails off of Pinecone Ridge

The new Park City Mountain

The “new” ski area covers 7,300

Whistler Blackcomb.

and major upgrades to the King-

ski area, formed from the

acres, and thus overtakes the

“On this historic day for our

Con and Motherlode lifts.


DOG SLEDDING FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS Mont Blanc region of France.

above), a third Baby Park has

The Baby Park allows children

opened this winter at Les Saisies.

aged from three to seven to

The Baby Park has a chalet where

learn dog sledding in a safe

children can warm up after a

environment with equipment

session of fun learning, or go

especially adapted for use by little

inside to play when it snows.

ones, and the dogs are specially

The Baby Park concept has

trained to be with children.

been created by Frédéric Borgey

Just like skiing, kids can start

That’s the philosophy behind Baby

Following the initial centres which

and Elsa Jougla, who have now

young when it comes to dog

Park, a new range of special dog

opened last winter in the ski areas

franchised their idea, and it is now

sledding, so long as they’re

sledding centres that have opened

of Praz de Lys and Val d’Arly in Notre

being exported to Germany, Italy

properly taught and watched over.

in recent seasons within the Savoie

Dame de Bellecombe (pictured

and Norway.

040 // JAN16




MOUNTAIN SHIRT Top price: £375

Bargain price: from £335 WORDS: GABBY LE BRETON


tales about the durability of Dachstein’s old-

expanded selection of shirts for this winter.

school boiled-wool gloves, McNair set out to

There are four different shirts for both men and

create a piece of clothing that would similarly

women, with the option to have each made to

work with nature to protect the wearer, rather

measure if you skip over to the Mill. Choose

than creating a barrier between the two.

between virgin (soft), recycled (durable) and

A passionate anti-waste campaigner in his home, Tignes, McNair was determined to

ded All intchleu price: in

create the “unplastic jacket”: a fully natural, sustainable and durable jacket-cum-mid-layer. No mere nod to the “lumbersexual” trend,

n commodatio 7 nights ac All meals Lift pass hire Equipment struction in s ur ho 12

McNair’s shirts give Savile Row suits a run for their tailoring money. First, sustainably sourced merino lambswool is selected from New Zealand and shipped to the McNair Mill in Slaithwaite, in deepest loveliest Yorkshire. Merino is the

early £400 for a shirt?” I hear you splutter. Yes.

ideal raw material for the shirts, being naturally

But a McNair mountain shirt is no ordinary shirt.

water-resistant, odour-resistant and temperature-

If you believe the marketing spiel, it’s the shirt

regulating. However, McNair further empowers

heavy (seriously warm) merino and between

that thinks it’s a jacket. And, having worn mine

his merino by steaming and raising it for ultimate

a standard or long fit, the latter being ideal for

for the past two months, in the cold and snow,

thermal efficiency and softness.

winter sports as it offers rear coverage and an

on crisp sunny days, and even fresh out of the

Remarkably, every McNair shirt is designed,

extra 5cm in the arm. Each features a slim fit

bath, finding it to be the ideal garment for each

dyed, blended, spun, woven, milled, raised,

that has you looking suave on the hill and in

situation, I imagine that it probably does think.

steamed and completed at the Mill and at

the bar yet leaves sufficient room around the

The mountain shirt is the brainchild of

neighbouring W.T. Johnson & Sons, a fourth-

shoulders and elbows for skiing and riding.

Scotsman, snowboard instructor and mountain

generation family-owned textile dyeing and

I could try to baffle you with some of the

guide Neil McNair. Inspired by mountaineers’

finishing company. Thus, each shirt is crafted

technical details that make McNair shirts so

in its entirety within a 10-mile radius, making

special – the weather baffle (I didn’t know it

for a carbon footprint the size of one of its

was a thing either) that runs the length of the

buttons. Each one comes with a hand-written

shirt’s placket to provide a fully wind-proof

label inside stating its unique number, the

closure, the buttons sewn on with thermally

name of the expert McNair tailor who made it

bonded Ascolite thread for durability, and

(thanks go to Josie, who made mine) and care

the neat sunglasses loop on the breast

instructions (hang outside to air occasionally).

pocket – but surely it’s enough to say that

McNair launched his shirts to the public last

this is a piece of technical yet uncomplicated

winter, yet they’ve already achieved cult

mountain kit, exquisitely and sustainably

status. Josie and the gang have been sewing

crafted in Yorkshire, that works as a jacket and

all summer to meet demand and create an

a mid-layer and looks the business.



NO SINGLE SUPPLEMENT! The UCPA holiday packages are absolutely perfect if you find yourself travelling alone. You simply select which level ski or snowboard course you want to do and we will look after the rest. The friendly atmosphere, group instruction, evening entertainment and communal dining makes socialising with likeminded people super easy. For more information and to book: THE UK PARTNE











Heated Gloves

Discount Offer

The brilliant X1 heated glove

Blazewear are offering readers of

liners have been a real hit for

InTheSnow a special introductory

wearing under gloves and mitts.

discount of 15% off the purchase of

The Blazewear ranges all use the

any of their products. Use discount

latest composite fibre heating

voucher ITS-MZ1 to receive the

technology and heat all around

discount on any order from their

the fingers including the tips


where the heat is needed most.

The GT6 is a superb heated glove providing powerful heating at a very affordable price.

taying warm on the slopes is a crucial element of our ski holidays – not just for physical comfort and having fun



but for maintaining fitness through the day and staying safe.

Good insulation in high-quality skiwear is a must, but for maximum comfort it’s a good idea to consider battery-powered, electrically heated clothing products. Blazewear are the UK’s leader in heated clothing products and offer a much bigger range of products to keep you warm than you might


realise – headed jackets, gilets, gloves, socks, scarves and back

The ski property listings and information website

and knee warmers are all available. Blazewear garments incorporate the latest in carbon-based heating technology and offer the practical



benefits of adjustable heat control.

Heat For Your Feet

The company have been developing their heated clothing range for

This year, Blazewear are offering

over 10 years, and their innovative

brand-new heated socks which are

products are used by both amateur

supplied with removable heating

and professional sportspeople alike.

elements for ease of washing. Heated socks are a great way to overcome the problem of cold toes on the slopes, which can otherwise ruin your day.

Heated Vests The versatile G6 heated gilet is Blazewear’s most popular heated garment and is designed to wear under any type of ski jacket. It comes with an optional remote control battery for ease of use and


is a garment that is enjoyed by skiers and instructors alike. Listings from Ski Estate Agents and Developers Buying guides, Mortgages and Currency Exchange Like us on Facebook nidskiproperty

Follow us on Twitter @NidskiProperty 042 // JAN16


4 Countries - 1 Airport

Friedrichshafen-Airport (FDH)

Your Gateway to the Alps Discover the snowy landscapes of Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Driving times to ski resorts

Ski resorts

Route closed during winter

e.g. Ski resort



Transfer Time



96 km

1 h 30



99 km

1 h 25



101 km

1 h 10



124 km

1 h 30



128 km

1 h 35

St. Anton


129 km

1 h 35



144 km

1 h 35



144 km

1 h 50



153 km

2 h 00



153 km

2 h 00



168 km

2 h 10



179 km

2 h 15



183 km

2 h 19



170 km

1 h 55



200 km

3 h 00

St. Moritz


210 km

2 h 35

Ski Lifts to Friedrichshafen-Airport (FDH)


044 // JAN16


Hemsedal has some great bars with plenty of live music and dancing on the tables. Along with fast modern lifts, well-groomed runs, plenty of freeride possibilities and everything else you could want from a ski holiday, Hemsedal has a few Norwegian novelties, including the superb designer Hotel Skarsnuten ( at the top of the slopes with ski-in/ski-out access. It’s an intimate paradise for adults with spectacular views through its huge glass walls out over the slopes. Dark? Well, the thing is Norway is very long.

Another new idea for Scandinavia (with

From south to north it’s more than twice as

a North American feel to it) is a “club

long as the UK, and the northern bit is in the

floor” in the excellent new Skigaarden

Arctic Circle, so it is indeed dark in winter yet

( complex on the slopes,

has 24-hour daylight in summer. But the thing

where a community of condominiums are

is, most of the population and the best-known

being developed with underground vehicle

ski resorts are at the southern end of the

access to all. A whole upper floor in the

country, or at a similar latitude to the UK, so

beautiful wood-clad lodge building is being

the daylight there is about the same as here.

offered for the private use of buyers of each

Expensive? Not so much. Over the past

condo, although initially, while the condos

two years, it has become 35% cheaper

are still under construction, memberships

for Brits to holiday in Norway. A very

are for sale at a high price to anyone.

too when they turn their minds to it. Three

favourable pound to the Norwegian krone

Geilo is one of the most snow-secure ski

of the highest-medal-scoring male skiers

makes this the perfect time to go.

destinations in Europe. Located in the

in the top six all-time list for the Alpine

OK, drinking alcohol is quite expensive,

middle of Norway, it is an exceptionally

World Championships, for example, are

because of high taxes. That’s not a myth,

picturesque, traditional village with a long

not Austrian, Swiss, French or American

but with the fact that drinking in the Alps

and significant history in world skiing, both

– they’re Norwegian, with Norway’s Kjetil

is expensive in many resorts too, plus

downhill and Nordic.

André Aamodt in top spot with 12.

the jump in value of the pound, it doesn’t

There are several small ski centres

Anyway, last time I tried cross-country

seem that bad. Essentially expect to pay a

surrounding the village, which is also home

skiing, I could see where they’re coming

fiver for an alcoholic drink.

to one of the world’s great ski hotels, Dr.

from, even though I wasn’t instantly

Holms, which opened in 1909 on the same

hooked as I struggled around a small,

day that the spectacular railway line, which

gentle loop one evening.


runs through the village from Oslo to

asked her if she preferred cross-country

I am, however, hooked on Norway. I’ve

or downhill skiing.

been a dozen times in the past five or six

Her response was the same as the one

years, was last there in December with

Even though heading downhill may not

restaurants, a superb spa and a wonderful

given by all the other people I heard James

James, and can’t wait to go back.

be a priority for Norwegians, it is for us,

library amongst its many assets, simply

ask during our recent trip to the country’s

I’m not Norwegian so I do prefer downhill

and thankfully Norway is home to more

exudes skiing history as you walk through

leading ski resorts of Geilo and Hemsedal

skiing, and thankfully there’s plenty of it

than 50 downhill ski centres, including a

its corridors, and all those who love winter

last month. The slight twinkle in the eye,

and lots more to do besides. The locals are

selection that have reached international

sports will feel happy just to be there.

the intelligence, and the wry humour as she

great, the food fantastic, scenery superb,

acclaim and are now offered as part of

The same can be said for all things Geilo,

spoke are so typical of Norwegians, who

service standards high, and miraculously

package holidays by British tour operators

a resort surrounded by national parks and

all, or nearly all (perhaps not the current

every time I visit it seems to get cheaper.

including Flexiski and Crystal Ski Holidays.

one of the select few that has managed to

downhiller Aksel Lund Svindal – although I

In the era before charter flights to

Hemsedal is one of Norway’s most popular

create a fan base that keeps it popular all

wouldn’t be surprised even with him) seem

Geneva and fast French motorways to

resorts with a very well-equipped, state-

year round.

to prefer cross-country.

the Alps, Norway was the number-one ski

of-the-art ski area and a resort base that

There are slightly pained expressions as

destination for Brits, and it deserves to be

wouldn’t look out of place somewhere on the

Norwegians try to explain why cross-

more popular again. Fortunately, there are

slopes of Colorado – although the centre’s

country is better. They take the position

now charters from the UK straight to the

operators, Scandinavia’s biggest ski resort

of a wise adult explaining something

main ski region that make getting there

management company Skistar, are keen to

that’s clearly true, to a wide-eyed toddler.

easy, and once you book a trip, you’ll know

stress it’s actually “very Norwegian”.

Crystal (; 020 8234 6400)

Downhill is just downhill, they explain, fun

why everybody loves Norway.

The resort does in fact have two hearts:

run charter flights every Saturday from

but each run short-lived. Cross-country

there’s the ever-growing, super-modern,

Gatwick to the Norwegian airport of

is more a way of living – a challenge that

every-convenience-to-hand, slopeside

Fagernes for a short transfer to Norwegian

can, in Norway’s vast snowy expanses, go

village run by Skistar, and the original

ski resorts. They (or sister company

village a few kilometres away, which

Flexiski –; 0208 939 0862)

has since last year been connected by a

offer holiday packages to all properties


on for as long as you like, with as much

Norwegian Myths

challenge as you like.

Bergen on the coast, was opened. Dr. Holms Hotel, which has excellent

Norway Deals

And whilst we may tend to focus on

It’s time to finally lay to rest some long-

wonderful long run taking you all the way

mentioned, amongst others (Flexiski

alpine names like Killy and Klammer or

standing myths about Norway. No, not the

there. A lift back is some way off, however,

added the resort of Trysil this winter).

even Bode Miller, and the same when we

ones about Thor and trolls; the ones about

but the shuttle bus is efficient and has

If you want to plan ahead, Crystal Ski

think of ski nations, the realities are that

it being cold, dark and expensive.

been increased to run every 20 minutes

Plus packages, which include lift pass

ou mean, you’re asking me if I’m

(1) Norway has got more Winter Olympic

Well, actually the cold thing isn’t a myth.

this season from every half-hour before.

and rental or ski carriages on top of your

Norwegian!?” the lady at reception in our

golds than any other country by some

It’s actually quite useful for snow to (1) fall,

Norway isn’t known for raucous après (that

flights, transfers and accommodation all

hotel responded to a colleague of mine,

distance – and the majority in Nordic

(2) stay and (3) keep fluffy, so I’d probably

all ended with the Vikings, I think), but

for one inclusive, high-value price, are

James Cove of, when he

sports – but (2) they’re good at downhill

better not dispel that one.

that doesn’t mean it can’t be found, and

already on sale for winter 16/17!


045 // JAN16

MERISKI’S SUPER CHALET Meriski (, the luxury catered chalet operator in Méribel, has added two new prestige chalets for the new season, Chalet Le Grenier and Chalet Kashmir, each sleeping 12. It is also launching a super-chalet for up to 20 adults to share. K2 has been created by partnering Chalet Kashmir and neighbouring sister property Chalet Kalliste. The super-chalet offers 10 en-suite bedrooms.

RUSSIAN SKI AREA EXPANDS Arkhyz, one of five new ski areas in Russia’s southern Caucasus region, will expand this winter with the installation of a new 1.4kmlong Poma-built six-passenger chairlift on the mountain’s south face. The lift has a centre’s existing gondola lift. It will mean at least one new ski run has been created in the westerly oriented bowl it accesses.

SKIWELT’S YOUNG FAMILY TICKET Austria’s SkiWelt Wilder Kaiser-Brixental has created a new Young Family Ticket – an interchangeable pass for two parents with children up to three years of age who want to alternate slope time and childcare time. The ticket can be bought for three to 14 days and will carry pictures of both parents taken at the ticket office.

NEW BEGINNERS’ AREA AT TIGNES Famed for its high-adrenaline ski slopes and off-slope alternatives, Tignes in the huge Espace Killy shared with Val d’Isère has created the new “Le Rosset”




will take place from 18 to 23

The teams are arriving from Italy,

January in Grindelwald.

Germany, France, Great Britain,

International artists in teams of

Slovenia, Sweden, USA and

four will be arriving in the Swiss

Switzerland as well as South Korea.

resort from 10 countries to show off

The public as well as the jury, which

their artistic skills through massive

is composed of participants, will

creations of snow and ice.

judge the sculptures at the end of

In Grindelwald village centre on

the festival.

Baerplatz, 40 sculptors will work on

The festival started back in 1983

Badrutt’s Palace Hotel in St Moritz has decided

their creations and 20 more will be

when a Japanese artist created

to celebrate its 120th birthday season by offering

up on the ski slopes at Männlichen,

a “Heidi” sculpture in the village

a very special “CHF120 package” … which

First, Bodmi and Schreckfeld

centre, and it then kicked off the

actually costs CHF120,000, or around £80,000.

he 34th World Snow Festival, with

building their giant snow sculptures

idea of an annual sculpting event

The package kicks off with a private jet

this winter’s theme, “Harmony”,

all through the week.

in Grindelwald.

transfer to the local airfield at Samedan from


440m vertical and ascends to the top of the

Zurich or Milan. On the itinerary for the stay are a 120-minute helicopter ride, a 12-course gourmet dinner and


a glass of the Palace’s most decadent cocktail – the 1.2 carat cocktail – which contains a 1.2 Graff diamond, from the purveyor of the world’s most sought-after diamonds, and at the end a

beginners’ area in Tignes-Le-Lac. The total return fare from Gatwick of just

return flight by private jet.

better access at the Jardin de Neige, and

£366 (oh, and 24 pence!) on numerous

Guests stay in The Palace’s Beau Rivage Suite,

there are two new beginners’ slopes and a

dates in January and March, including

featuring fine parquet flooring in the private

20kg luggage, allocated seat and

living space which is embellished with gold

booking fee, and the equivalent from

and velvet detailing. Facilities include a steam

Dublin from just €452.41,” said a

sauna and marble bathtub with panoramic

spokesperson for The New Hampshire

views of the Engadin Mountains as well as a

Ski Group, who are excited about

vast balcony providing epic views of Lake St

this new option to access resorts like

Moritz below.

Cannon, Loon and Waterville Valley in

The story began in 1896, when Caspar Badrutt

chairlift has been realigned to allow for

longer covered carpet lift.

N. KOREA ADDS NEW LIFT AT MASIK PASS North Korea’s much publicised Masik Pass ski resort appears to be expanding ahead

Icelandic carrier WOW air has

its hub in Reykjavik and offer usually

the East Coast state.

first opened the gates of the grand hotel with

of this season. Images from Google Earth

launched a new service to Boston’s

high-value fares across the Atlantic.

The Gatwick service operates five

the unmistakable green tower and surrounding

show a new ski lift on a shorter route to the

Logan International Airport from

Checked luggage and allocated

times a week, with Dublin flights

snow-peppered streets lined with designer

ski area’s summit. North Korean media has

both Gatwick and Dublin.

seating are charged separately as for

on Mondays and Fridays, as well

boutiques. Since that auspicious day, the

The self-declared “happy low-cost

European no-frills airline routes, with

as Wednesdays in certain popular

Palace has been celebrated for its luxurious

airline” (and you can believe that

hand luggage free of charge up to 5kg.

weeks. What’s more, WOW air has

elegance, opulence and discreet service,

they might be coming from Iceland

“We took WOW air’s website for a

announced that it is commencing

garnering a loyal celebrity following, from

…) WOW air’s services route through

test-flight this week and arrived at a

flights from Bristol in May 2016.

Audrey Hepburn to Alfred Hitchcock.

also reported plans to build a second ski resort in the area.

0046 // JAN16 // INTHESNOW.COM


SKI WITH A LIVING LEGEND IN CORTINA D’AMPEZZO Cortina d’Ampezzo’s beautiful Hotel Cristallo

Kristian Ghedina or Deborah Compagnoni will

hotel can arrange for an exclusive shopping

has announced that its guests will have the

guide guests around the extensive local ski

spree at Franz Kraler, a luxury boutique in

chance to ski with one of Italy’s all-time great

area and – if they’re brave enough – down the

the centre of Cortina d’Ampezzo that will only

ski racers this season. Both Kristian Ghedina

famous Olympic run to Rumerlo, where the

open its doors after hours for Cristallo guests.

and Deborah Compagnoni are working with

Olympic flame burned during the 1956 Winter

The Skiing with a Champion package includes

the famous 5★ deluxe hotel and are happy to

Olympics. Alternative activities such as ice

three nights in a junior suite and costs from

ski with hotel guests, subject to availability.

karting, snow walking, snow kiting and many

€2,370 for two adults sharing. It includes a

In addition to private arrangements, the

more can all be arranged by the experienced

full day skiing with Kristian Ghedina or

Cristallo has put together a brand-new

concierge team at the Hotel Cristallo.

Deborah Compagnoni, daily breakfast and

package that will allow guests to spend a day

Adding to a long list of unique experiences

full access to the hotel’s swimming pool,

“skiing with a champion”.

available to Cristallo guests, the team at the

thermarium and gym.


camera location on the helmet,

your helmet might lessen its

different types of camera mount

protective qualities in an impact

and different types of impact

have been laid to rest, to some

were all tested. The study’s

extent, by an exhaustive new

conclusion was as follows:

study carried out by the Transport

“Results indicated that all

Research Laboratory (TRL).

helmet-mounted camera

TRL was commissioned by

configurations investigated may

BBC Safety to investigate the

be mounted to all three helmet

potential effects that mounting

models, and at all three impact

a camera, such as a GoPro®,

locations, without increasing

may have on the safety

the risks of head injury beyond

performance of helmets, and

current legislative performance

their findings were that there

requirements or published

weren’t really any. In fact, in

injury thresholds.”

a few cases they found the

The study focused on impacts

camera mounting appeared

and found that in 40% of tests

to actually absorb some of

the camera became detached

the impact before the force

from the helmet upon impact.

reached the helmet itself.

It did not directly focus on the

Concerns had been raised about

issue of whether chemicals

cam safety following various

present in adhesives used in

incidents, the most high profile of

camera mounting could damage

which was Michael Schumacher’s

helmet structure integrity.

crash above Méribel two years

The authors noted that having

ago, when his helmet, which

a cam on your helmet was just

had a camera mounted on it,

one of a number of factors that

reportedly split in two when he

might cause a differing result

hit his head on a rock.

in an impact; others, including

The TRL study involved studying

the variables of helmet fit, size,

impacts on a total of 75 test

weight, the angle of impact and

helmets, each with a camera

the energy of an object strike or

mounted on it. Different types of

fall, can all affect the end result.


047 // JAN16

RIDES FREE CARBON CORE TECHNOLOGY. LIGHTNESS AND SENSITIVITY, FOR PERFORMANCE AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS. Freedom RS combines maximum performance downhill along with a smooth and natural walking phase, thanks to the 25° range of motion. WWW.SCARPA.CO.UK

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PHOTO Biege Jones








InTheSnow columnist Jack Steele has been a keen skier from an early age and has been living in Whistler for the past two years, working as a liftee during the ski season.


leaving university, I have been

have some local contacts. If you

pursuing a life in the mountains

don’t know anybody living in the

wherever possible. During this

mountains, then it has never been

Take alternative transportation

time I have been travelling on a

easier to find new friends in the

With many European resorts within

fairly tight budget, and therefore

right places. Apps and websites

distance for driving and taking the

I feel that I can offer up an insight

like Airbnb, Couchsurfing and

train, why not head to the mountains

into the best ways to avoid

Live Seasonal are just a few

overnight and overground? Save on

breaking the bank when heading

examples of the multitude of ways

transporting skis and snowboards

out on ski trips.

that you can reach out and gain

as extra baggage on the plane and

a more local experience and, in

have the pleasure of watching the

turn, avoid stacking up a massive

sun rise as you drive through the

hotel bill.


Make friends with locals

kiing and snowboarding are

Knowing someone that lives in

expensive sports. In the UK,

a ski resort is a major asset and

going on a ski holiday is

should reduce your expenditure

Go somewhere unexpected

often considered as an act of

as well as enhancing your

Of course, big names like Val

Buy the right equipment ... at the right time

extravagance that is exclusive to

experience. Locals like to help

d’Isère, Aspen and St Anton

The rental vs personal equipment

the wealthy. These connotations

each other out in ski resorts, so if

are going to be able to charge

argument has been commonplace

are not unreasonable. Pricey lift

you know the right people, you’ll

top dollar for lift passes,

in snowsports for a while. I would

passes, hotel accommodation

find all the best deals as well as

accommodation and restaurants.

say unless it is your very first

and the requirement for a lot

visiting those undiscovered gems

There are plenty of ski areas to

trip then it is worth investing in

of equipment are just some of

that aren’t in the guide book. It

be found where lift prices are a

personal equipment. This may

the factors to consider when

is also great to ski with locals as

quarter of the price, and you can

seem like a massive expenditure,

budgeting for a ski trip. Throw

they will know where all the best

discover something culturally

but gear needs to be bought at the

a family into the mix and it is

snow is hidden! Therefore I would

different and off the beaten path.

right time. You can get great online

clear to see why ski holidays can

always recommend choosing

Why not consider Andorra, Bulgaria

deals on end-of-season gear in the

seem intangibly expensive. Since

a destination where you may

or even Korea?

spring and summer.

048 // JAN16


BOOT ROOM Sponsors of Boot Room

Sponsors of Boot Room

 DIDRIKSONS AMBU JACKET Street styling with suitable snow features come together in this fashionablelooking jacket that will make you feel good at home or abroad. You’ll definitely get all-winter-long use from this great warm jacket. Available for boys and girls. £80 | SKIBARTLETT.COM

 BLACK DIAMOND DEPLOY 3 SHOVEL When you need an avalanche shovel


you want it to be user-friendly and quick to deploy. Built to be robust, quick and

Easy-turning, lightweight, great grip, power,

easy to use, it features an instant pullout

stability, strength and all-round skiability!

handle and solid metal construction. With

Yes, the all-new Pinnacle series has been

its small backpack size you’ll always be

designed to impress, and these will not

ready for action.

disappoint the adventurer inside you.



 FISCHER CRUZAR 10 CF MEN’S & CRUZAR 9W CF WOMEN’S This sporty boot stands out with a high degree of comfort thanks to easy entry, freedom of movement and warm feet. Thanks to VACUUM CF this boot is the ideal partner when it comes to sportiness – the whole day long. The tailor-made section fit relieves boot pressure where it counts. The shell is heat and pressure moulded directly to the shape of the foot in problem zones such as the heel area – and guarantees good performance! £280 | FISCHERSPORTS.COM

 ZAINI HATS Zaini hats, still the leaders in mountain headwear, have a whole new range for 2015/16 season including our new neck warmers and over 100 styles of beanies. £20.99 | ZAINI.COM




top: Injection ABS, bottom: In-Mold), its air extractor

A new addition to T-lab’s ski and winter sports

One of our best-selling transceivers due to its

for optimal head ventilation, and its Clik-to-fit® system,

range, Downhill-France combines a geometric

simplicity and safety. Its multi-antennas allow

for ultra-precise fit adjustment, this new helmet offers

snowfall pattern with the colours of the French

someone searching for you to find your signal

unparalleled lightness and hold. Plus, on the comfort

flag to create a look that is both sporty and

quickly and accurately and also allow you to easily

side, the Millenium is equipped with removable ear

distinctive. Available in short-sleeve or long-

pinpoint burials. Combine this with its ease of use

pads, washable fur lining and a magnetic chin-strap clip.

sleeve heavyweight cotton shirts.

and you’ve got a superb transceiver package!


£27 | T-LAB.EU


Protection, comfort and strength are the key features of this new Millenium helmet. With its hybrid shell (helmet

050 // JAN16





A freeride-specific backpack

A slimmer-fitting, comfortable ski boot.

Its clever, light construction means

designed to move with you when

A mouldable merino-wool inner boot

the Vantage series feels agile

you ski. Its cleverly designed

gives you added warmth, and its slimmer,

and super-smooth during every

shoulder straps and waist belt

anatomically shaped shell holds your foot

turn. Not just good on slopes or

allow the load to be hugged in

snugly when you roll from edge to edge.

powder, these seem to eat up

close to your spine for comfort

A great performance boot for aspiring

bumps, chopped-up snow and

and unhindered skiing. Now on

anything else you want to ski over,

every turn your bag will move at

around or through.

the same time you do!



intermediate to advanced level skiers who want precision with no lack of soft, fluffy comfort. Superb comfort, warmth and fit. £285 | SKIBARTLETT.COM



BUFF® Headwear’s debut hats collection has

A flattering fitted merino-wool thermal mid layer

everything from function to fashion, incorporating

that doesn’t compromise on technical performance.

innovative technologies and designs into a quality

Maximum freedom of movement, breathability, fast-

product. The Yssik hat offers comfort and warmth into

drying and non-smelling – a great top for a skier

a high-quality product. Many of the products have

who always demands performance and doesn’t

complementary and matching items to mix and match.

want to compromise on style.




 SCOTT STRAPLESS S POLE A clever new easy-entry strap system. No more fiddling to get your


Would you like the added

hand in and out of your pole straps with cold hands. No more getting

warmth of a mitten but without

caught up in your straps if you fall. Clean, sleek and definitely stylish.

the cumbersome feel? Gorgeous The award-winning Cham is back with

soft goat leather, unique

a new shape and new lighter-weight

lightweight filling and clever

construction making it even more

trigger mitt design combine to

impressive. More versatile, better

give you the right amount of

performance on-piste and still as agile

warmth, dexterity and function

and surfy in powder, it’s an easy-turning,

for all-day-long comfort.


 VÖLKL 90EIGHT Utilising the same clever construction as the V-Werks

flattering ski that will help you ski more

skis, these make for light and easy turning. A perfect-

and more of the mountain ahead of you.


width ski for impressive versatility.




 DALBELLO RAMPAGE ID LINER Dalbello boots are among the best-

Two of the best materials on the

performing freeski boots available

market, Gore-Tex and Primaloft, have

on the market, and the Rampage will

been combined to give you a warm,

definitely not disappoint you. The

waterproof all-winter-long jacket. Looking

meticulously designed anatomical

at home on the streets or the mountain,

shell and lightweight customisable

you’ll get multiple days’ use from this

ID liner combine to perform with

twill-finished longer-line jacket.

precision and flow in every situation.



MORE AT SKIBARTLETT.COM With their renowned reputation for specialist expert advice, combined with their carefully selected and tested range of products, it’s no surprise that Ski Bartlett’s word-of-mouth reputation over the last 50 years has made them


051 // JAN16

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Every BE Headwear beanie or

The Trenchover has it all: deep-

headband has built-in headphones and

neck zip for ventilation, full-length

microphone which connect to your

side-seam zip for easy entry and

mobile phone or Bluetooth device.

exit, stowable hood, and a drop

Listen to music and take phone calls.

tail to keep your butt dry and your

Volume, tracks and calls are controlled via

shifties buttery.

buttons on the side of all styles. £204.95 BEHEADWEAR.CO.UK


 UNION JULIET SNOWBOARD BINDING This binding not only looks great but performs to the highest level too. The highbacks are symmetric in shape and asymmetric in flex, giving optimal comfort, and the 3D straps provide great pressure distribution and response, making them a superb all-rounder. £119.95 | SPUTNIKSNOWBOARDSHOP.COM



They’re sturdy, waterproof, and they look

The Evil Twin has now become a true

cool. They’ll make your legs look awesome.

classic. The TBT makes the board super-


When your legs look awesome, they feel

versatile and feels at home in the park

awesome, and awesome-feeling legs pop,

and also on the whole mountain. A great

lock in, and stomp better than legs that just

board for a seasonaire or for a rider

Fresh style with high-end performance. The 20K

feel OK. Think about it.

looking for one board to do it all.





Hipora insert with a full-grain leather palm keeps you dry whilst the Superloft insulation keeps you warm and cosy even on the coldest of days. £59.95 | SPUTNIKSNOWBOARDSHOP.COM




New for 2016 and coinciding with their

With premium acrylic fibres, these Fusion

A firm favourite with our female customers

45th anniversary, Adidas have re-

Snow socks keep your feet warm and dry.

who want one board to do it all! Great for

imagined and re-invented the utterly

Anatomically correct designs deliver an

cruising around on-piste but also for playing

iconic Superstar shoe in the form of a

unrivalled fit while also applying strategic

in the snow park. The Triple Base Technology

medium-flexing, all-mountain freestyle

compression, keeping your feet feeling

(TBT) gives you extra confidence to push your

snowboard boot.

fresh all day.

riding further.




MORE AT SPUTNIKSNOW BOARDSHOP.COM Sputnik is one of the UK’s largest independent snowboard shops. We offer great choice and service to all our customers. Whether you are beginner or expert, we can kit you out to ensure you have a great day on the mountains. 052 // JAN16




A true rider’s jacket, high-tech and high rad all rolled into one. 15K waterproofness and 10K breathability will keep you warm and dry all day in even the toughest of conditions. £229.95 SPUTNIKSNOWBOARDSHOP.COM

 AIRBLASTER NINJA SUIT THERMALS The iconic one-piece that started

Thinking about buying a helmet?

it all. The Ninja Suit is the original

Statistically, skiing is actually a surprisingly safe

hooded base-layer suit, and still

sport; however, there have been a number of

the best long underwear on the

high-profile deaths from head injuries in the last

planet. As a bonus, the Ninja Suit

few years, resulting in a steep rise in helmet use,

is so comfortable and awesome

and you’re in the minority now if you don’t wear

that you’ll find yourself wearing it

one when skiing! Lots of ski resorts and ski schools

whenever possible.

require under-16s to wear helmets. An invaluable investment for children – children’s heads grow slowly, so a helmet usually lasts them three to four


years. Buying your own helmet means you can look after it, and you’ll know if it has been dropped and therefore damaged. Protect your brain – you wouldn’t go biking without a helmet, so why go skiing without one! What are the key features to look for when buying a ski helmet? A secure fit is the most important. A helmet should fit like a pair of shoes, snug all round, no slipping and comfortable when you’re wearing it all day. Head shapes vary and with lots of different helmet

 AIRBLASTER BILLY CLAVA BALACLAVA A new take on the classic balaclava, the Airblaster Billy Clava certainly turns heads while keeping your noggin nice and warm, and the Stay Wild print peak will make you look rad. £23.95 | SPUTNIKSNOWBOARDSHOP.COM



fits it’s important to try them on. To make sure your helmet offers proper protection, it has to conform to ski safety standards – look for certifications EN1077, ASTM 2040 or Snell RS-98. Bright-coloured helmets make you more noticeable to oncoming skiers and also to your friends on a crowded slope. Helmets keep you warm, but they have venting to enable you to regulate temperature so you don’t overheat. Helmets come with soft or hard earpieces – What’s the difference? Hard sidepieces around your ears will give you fuller head protection. They’re worn by racers, but are also great for children needing more protection for soft, growing skulls. Soft-earpiece helmets are more commonly available, lighter-weight and soft around the ears. Helmets have different levels of protection dependent on their materials and range from

With two different lacing zones, the Aura Boa system allows you to adjust both the upper

This men’s soft shell jacket is stadium-ready

lightweight plastics to strong carbon Kevlar. Make

and lower sections independently, giving you

and mountain-approved. With a 10K-level

sure the helmet you choose is appropriate to your

optimum foothold and comfort. Its mid-range

layered football jersey look, it features

skiing level, speed and terrain choice.

flex makes it a great all-round boot suitable for

waterproof breathability to keep you dry

intermediate riders.

through snowstorms and slush.



A helmet is essential to protect your head from impacts, whether from the ground, other people skiing into you (especially important for small children) or from obstacles like trees when you’re skiing off-piste! Don’t compromise when it comes to safety!


053 // JAN16




THE GREENER WAY TO MAKE SNOW The irony in the fact that more snowmaking is needed to make snow when the natural stuff fails to fall is not lost on most people, especially as snowmaking requires energy, which usually means pumping out more climate-warming gases. This in turn makes natural snow less likely to fall, and the vicious downward cycle continues. The compressors used by snowmaking systems can be some of the greediest consumers


of energy on the mountain, taking up a far greater chunk of energy consumption than

largest ski areas, Paradiski,

who are wanting to try ski

know where they’re going to

taking small groups (maximum

with around 10,000 hectares

mountaineering can attempt

end up, and the descents will

five) along the new marked

of terrain shared with

either alone or as part of a

be protected from avalanches,”

itineraries in the morning (7am–

continues to increase, the energy these ever-

neighbouring Les Arcs and over

guided tour.

said a La Plagne spokesperson.

8.30am) before the slopes

larger systems consume is decreasing as they

425km of groomed runs.

The ski-touring routes (ranging

“The routes aren’t really aimed

open, and in the evening, after

But this winter the resort is

from 2km to 6.5km in length)

at expert ski tourers who want

they close (5.30pm–7pm).

opening up more runs to

are based on walking paths

to get completely lost in the

Individual sessions cost from

energy consumption by the combined global

skiers and boarders in its “ski

used in the summer, forested

wild per se, but at good skiers

£26pp, or a week’s ski touring

snowmaking arsenal is on the decline or not.

mountaineering project”. This

runs and unofficial routes used

who want to practise ski touring

can be booked from £237pp

There are lots of ways in which ski areas can be

isn’t quite as hard-core as the

by ski tourers and keen off-

safely and easily, and improve

with skis, skins and boot hire

title might suggest; the idea

piste skiers.

their fitness by walking up the

included, if needed. Maximum

a Plagne is known for being

is to provide marked off-piste

“Because the new itineraries

slopes with skins on their skis.”

five people per group.

part of one of the world’s

routes which good skiers

end on pistes, the skiers always

The Oxygène Ski School will be

any other aspect of operations. Fortunately, although the amount of snowmaking

get more efficient. However, no one has done a global inventory to work out whether total brown

savvier in their snowmaking energy consumption too. Using green power is of course a positive (although the most efficient system with the minimal power consumption of all is clearly a good thing to start with). Using gravity rather than compressors to fire out snow is another, which some ski areas have been able to do by building their reservoirs at the top of the slopes. Another idea is to plan your whole snowmaking


lake water collection so that it’s all natural, rather than using energy to pump water up from

Europe and North America, it’s

excellent early-season

existing water sources.

unusual for a new one to open

snowfalls in Utah. Snowbird,

On Corviglia ski area at St Moritz, a newly built

on either continent these days

one of the state’s largest ski

natural reservoir that has begun operating

– most of the world’s new ski

areas, reported the biggest

this winter at Lej Alv uses that thinking. With

areas open in Asia, although

accumulation in the world last

a capacity of just under 400,000m3, it is filled

some still do in the far eastern

week, with 1.2m of new snow.

parts of Europe.

The ski area is opening with

pumps whatsoever.

Cherry Peak, which has been

four lifts including three triple

The electricity saving is the equivalent of

planned for more than a year

chairs (one of which won’t

2,000,000kWh or a 16% annual reduction in the

and is running a year late,

open until next season as

total electricity needs of the entire Engadin St

having planned to open for

it’s still being installed) and a

during the snowmelt without the use of any

Moritz Mountains AG.

054 // DEC15

A new ski resort has opened

located near the town of

thing in the skiing world these

winter 2014/15, appears to

170m-long carpet lift for the

this season in Utah. The

Richmond up near the Idaho

days. Although there are more

have chosen a good season

beginner area.

opening of Cherry Peak,

state line, represents a rare

than 4,000 existing ski areas in

to start running its lift, with






is always a main feature of BUFF®

collections include bobble hats,

skiers, taking the title of English

designs, and the new tech fleece

beanies and slouchy fits as well as

Champion in 2009 before

hat gives excellent breathability and

neckwarmers and headbands.

becoming a sight guide in 2010.

softness on the skin. The brushing

Alongside the innovative Sport

Charlotte and her partner Kelly

treatment it undergoes increases

and Lifestyle hat collections,

Gallagher won Britain’s first-ever

the thermal insulation power and

BUFF® have brought on board a

Winter Games gold medal in skiing

offers maximum protection from

new ambassador for the brand,

at Sochi 2014 and later that year

cold weather without being bulky.

Charlotte Evans MBE. The British

were placed fifth at BBC Sports

The tech fleece fabric is available

Skier and sight guide Paralympian

Personality of the Year.

in a bandana, hat or windproof and

was one of Britain’s brightest

tech hat. The Sport and Lifestyle collections

his autumn/winter 2016/17, BUFF®

offer authentic style and superior

will be celebrating 25 years in

protection from the elements.

the outdoor industry. They will be

It incorporates the high-quality

showcasing their extended hats

manufacturing that has made

collection, ranging from function

BUFF® products famous worldwide.

to fashion, at trade shows Slide

Knitwear is at the forefront of

and ISPO.

these collections with Polartec®

Whether for the slopes or après-ski,

and merino wool in the mix to

the Sport and Lifestyle collections are

upgrade a standard bobble hat to

definitely ones to watch. Innovation

a more practical accessory. These

KITZBÜHEL ADDS ANOTHER EIGHT-SEAT CHAIRLIFT Kitzbühel has built a new eight-seat chairlift complete with leather heated seats and pull-down bubble cover for this winter. The new Brunn chairlift will access three new ski runs. The famous resort now has over 200km of ski piste locally and over 1,000km of slopes in the region included in its multi-area lift pass.


055 // JAN16








Skiing off-piste is one of the

Without those brilliant piste-bashers

An error many people make

Especially if the snow is deep

Skiing off-piste in the variables is

Jon holds the top qualifications from

greatest aspects of skiing. From

to make a lovely smooth surface,

when skiing off-piste, particularly

or heavy, we want to keep our

supposed to be fun. Let your skiing

France, Switzerland and Britain,

your first few turns outside the

the snow off-piste tends to be

in powder, is to sit back on their

performance as flowing as

show it. We can mix up our turns,

and we can say firsthand that he is

piste markers to doing the Haute

uneven and unpredictable. It’s hard

heels. We want to stay as centred

possible. It is easier to manage

doing small, rhythmical short turns

a great ski instructor! Jon heads up

Route, each new stage is fun and

to know exactly what is under all

on our skis as possible, just as we

and control our skis when they

or long, flowing powder turns. We

the team at Altitude Ski School –

challenging. Although enjoyable

the layers of snow. To deal with

would do on-piste. Of course, with

are moving a little quicker. We

are going to get thrown around and

Verbier’s most established British ski

for most skiers, it is also an

this we need to be reactive and

the suddenly changing terrain, we

can use this to our advantage by

knocked off balance when we leave

school. Each month Jon or one of

area where many will find their

prepared to handle the changes

may not be able to maintain this

not slowing down completely at

the smooth confines of the piste. At

his team will provide us with a few

technique coming apart. However,

that occur beneath us. We can then

position all the time; however, we

the end of each turn and instead

times we have to roll with it, taking

tips and words of wisdom to help

the more we train ourselves to

use our legs like the suspension

want to try to recover to the centre

allowing the momentum to flow into

a bit of air, ending up back on our

improve our understanding of skiing.

maintain good form, the more we

of a car or a bike to absorb the

of our skis as much as possible. For

the next turn. Rather than fighting

inside ski, and falling occasionally.

can control off-piste and the more

various bumps. Our goal is to keep

our lateral or side-to-side balance

the mountain we let it do the work

It’s all part of the fun. Do remember

challenging terrain we can explore.

our skis in contact with the snow

we do not need to ski exactly as we

for us. Keeping a good, consistent

if you are going to head off-piste

In this article we are going to look

and to keep our head and core

would on-piste. We can be more

rhythm can also help those who

that though it is enjoyable, it can

at some areas in which we can

as still as possible by flexing and

evenly balanced between our two

might find off-piste intimidating.

also be dangerous, and the risk of

The Altitude winter company portfolio

improve our performance off-piste.

extending our legs. You can practise

skis rather than heavily committed

By have a consistent and strong

avalanches is very real. If you are

includes the ski and snowboard

this by traversing in a mogul field

to the outside ski.

pole plant we have to commit to

inexperienced then hiring a guide or

school, the Futures instructor

and focusing on keeping your head

starting the next turn as soon as

instructor is a must to keep you safe.

training programmes, and FREERIDE

at the same height while allowing

the last one finishes, removing that

VERBIER, a new school dedicated to

your legs to flex and extend as the

moment of agonising.

off-piste coaching in Verbier.


terrain undulates. +41(0)27 771 6006

056 // JAN16

STARTING OUT Parents who love skiing all want to pass that love on to their children at the first opportunity. Our children’s lessons provide a fantastic opportunity for them to learn in a safe and fun environment. While many parents choose to let a ski school handle this often tough business while they go skiing themselves, some of you may want to teach your own children. This can be challenging but also rewarding. In this article, we’re going to look at ways to get young kids started skiing. Before even putting your child’s skis on, you want to pick the correct terrain. Most ski resorts will have a beginner’s slope, which should be a very gentle slope with a large flat run out and space to slow down on, with no dangerous obstacles around. The first step for your child will be to learn how to just stand and balance on their parallel skis while they gently slide down the hill in a straight line. This might sound simple, but it can take a while for children to find their balance and stand on their own. When we are young, it is not as important to be centred on our skis, as our centre of mass is much lower. Being able to slide down the hill until the terrain stops us is a good starting point. Once this is mastered, we can begin to look at making a snowplough (or pizza as you may have heard many parents or instructors calling it). To make this shape, your child has to turn their skis in while pushing their feet out. This is a complex movement for an adult, let alone a child. For very young children, instructors will often use a device that connects the two tips of the child’s skis together to form what is called an “edgie-wedgie”. This helps them learn how to make the snowplough quicker and allows them to safely enjoy sliding down the hill. Throughout these stages we want to make the activities as engaging and fun as possible. There are many games to play to aid your children’s learning. Telling stories, singing songs, small challenges and little games help to keep the task of learning enjoyable. For young children, a good instructor is not necessarily the most technically skilled one but rather the one that knows how to make skiing fun and memorable.






Including Flights, Transfers and Seven Nights Half-Board Accommodation at the 3 Madame Vacances Hotel Ibiza


Deux Alpes, the recently

drink on the, south-facing terrace

refurbished Hotel Ibiza offers

as you marvel at the picturesque

a charming stay in spectacular

peaks of the Ecrins National Park.

surroundings. Facilities include an indoor pool with

The Prize

jacuzzi, steam room and

Enter for your chance to

sauna, whilst your south facing

win 7 nights half-board

room enjoys warm wood

accommodation for two adults in a South-facing room

specialist in ski accommodation

most popular ski resorts in

furnishings, comfortable beds

in France for 25 years, Madame

France, renowned for its high-

and floor to ceiling windows,

Vacances offers a wide selection

altitude glacier skiing, freestyle

commanding beautiful

of hotels, self-catered apartments

and snowboard scene as well

views. After a day on the

and chalets in over 20 resorts in

as its lively atmosphere and

slopes; chill in the chic lounge

the French Alps and Pyrenees.

excellent nightlife.

bar whilst relaxing to the mellow tunes from the in-house

The Resort:

The Hotel:

DJ, enjoy tasty meals from

Les Deux Alpes is one of the

In a stunning location in Les

the extensive buffet or a cool

HOW TO ENTER Simply visit our website at and just enter your name and email.

at Madame Vacances Hotel Ibiza including return flights and transfers to Les Deux Alpes. Please see for full terms and conditions. Closing date: 19 February


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emphasising the high value offered

affair, but what we are seeing is

followed the government’s pledge

by artificial surface or “dry” slopes

more people doing skiing and

of increased funding for sport,

in Great Britain.

snowboarding on artificial slopes.

which was a timely announcement

“What we want is for people to

This is what the success of

for a sport which has seen a

have access to any sport they

Chatham is all about.”

rise in participation since the

want to participate in, and that

Tracy Crouch met GB Paralympic

Sochi Winter Olympics in 2014,

may well be a sport like skiing or

Games gold medallist Charlotte

thanks in part to initiatives like

snowboarding,” commented the

Evans and English Park and Pipe

Snowsport England’s GO SKI GO

Minister, who is said to be a keen

skier Mike Rowlands, along with

BOARD campaign.

skier. “The cost of snowsports

30 pupils and teachers from

“I think it is really important to get

really is reasonable. You can come

Hempstead Junior School in

people to use their local slopes.

and ski here for just £6 and that

Medway, during her visit. She

Getting children in when they

he UK’s Sports Minister Tracey

includes all your equipment. I think

was impressed by the slope

are young and developing that

Crouch visited Chatham Ski Slope

skiing is an accessible sport and

skills of the young skiers and

love for it, as well as developing

and Snowboard Centre recently

there really aren’t any barriers.

wowed by the tricks of rising

commitment and determination,

and said that she felt the cost

People think they have to go away

talent Mike Rowlands.

is key,” the Minister concluded.

of snowsports is reasonable,

to do it, and it may be a costly

The Sports Minister’s visit

398-ZH-PresAd-InTheSnow-h175x100-V2a.indd 1

NEW LIFT SAFETY WEBSITE SET UP BY SKI RESORT Sugarloaf ski resort in Maine is

diagnosed as being caused by a

also spending $1.4 million ( just

gear box problem.

under £1,000,000) on upgrading

More than half of the investment

the motors on seven lifts this

Sugarloaf is making in the lift where

summer with the aim of avoiding

last season’s incident occurred will

any further incidents.

see new engines with “anti-rollback

In 2010 several chairs fell 10m to

technology” and manufactured

the ground from one of Sugarloaf’s

by market leader Doppelmayr

lifts, which was subsequently

installed, replacing the crucial

replaced, then last season another

working parts of the lift. Six other

An American ski resort which has

website on chairlift safety and invite

chairlift went into reverse, leading

chairlifts will also be upgraded,

had two serious chairlift accidents

anyone interested to ask questions

to the injuries of seven skiers and

although with fewer major

in the past five years is to set up a

and report concerns.

boarders, due to an issue later

overhauls required.


059 // JAN16


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Berlin’s purveyor of finest techno,

there are no restrictions and ticket

Âme, along with Nina Kraviz, jungle

will be The Hotel House Party.

holders will be offered the chance

pioneer Congo Natty and bastion of

For this, Team Horizon have

to design and host a room.

UK garage MJ Cole. They join the

commandeered a derelict hotel

In addition, the three natural

likes of Goldie, Craig Charles, Lady

in the remotest part of the local

geothermal pools just southwest

Leshurr, nine-piece dub reggae band

mountains with the whole hotel set

of Bansko will, for the first time

Gentleman’s Dub Club, John Talabot

to be transformed into a labyrinth

ever, host après-ski raves complete

and Levon Vincent.

of unexpected party rooms.

with DJs, a full bar and delicious

There are a variety of ticket

From top international DJs playing

menu (served on platters in the

packages available, including

in the dilapidated master suite to

pools). Also in the pools will be

Festival Ticket Only from £110,

the 007-themed cocktail bar and

the immersive Hot Spa Cinema

or with six nights’ apartment

rooms with Bulgarian woodwind

showing classics and new arrivals.

accommodation from £172pp,

he Horizon Festival, which

bands, immersive magicians and

Musically, Horizon Festival delivers

or with lift pass from £178pp,

promises to deliver 120 acts,

bashment pole dancers (can you

a programme to suit many varied

or with six nights’ apartment

believe it?), there’s a twist at every

tastes, be it house, techno, drum

accommodation and lift pass from

six days from Saturday 12 to

turn. The 25 curated rooms will

and bass, grime, funk, garage, soul

£232pp (4★ version from £270pp).

Thursday 17 March 2016, takes

run all night, the soundtrack will

or hip-hop. On the line-up so far is

at 30 parties over


om .c fs of op

Snowsport England’s snowsports

GO SKI GO BOARD sessions

participation campaign, GO SKI

running at seven Welsh slopes

GO BOARD, is set to be extended

can now be found on the website

across much of the rest of the UK. and are run

Snowsport Cymru Wales have

for a range of ability levels of

now committed to rolling out the

both skiers and snowboarders.

programme at artificial ski slopes

As in England, which has already

across Wales, and early 2016 will m co

seen over 128,000 people take

. fs

f also po see GO SKI GO BOARD being ro

nd ai introduced to several Scottish nt ou m w. centres, clubs and resorts, as ww

om .c fs of op

advantage of GO SKI GO BOARD sessions since the campaign

The introduction of the programme

about the initiative, saying it is “A

began in September 2013, the

to Welsh ski and snowboard

brilliant opportunity for people

Snowsport Scotland joins the

sessions will be all-inclusive and

centres has already been praised.

of all ages across Wales to try

participation programme.

offer value for money.

Llangrannog Ski Centre enthused

snowsport on home soil.”

om .c fs of

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nd ai nt ou m w. ww

m w. ww m co . ffs po ro d n ai nt

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om .c ffs po o r nd ai

Over a decade of exceptional service om .c fs of p ro nd ai nt u o m w. ww

p ro

nt ou .m w ww

nt ou m w. w w

be pumped out at full volume as

A planned highlight this year

om .c fs playing of

Super Saver Chamonix Morzine

om .c fs of p ro nd ai nt u o m w. ww

place in Bansko, Bulgaria.




om .c

060 // JAN16






Located on a sun-soaked plateau above the lake of St Moritz, the hotel boasts captivating views from all of its 60 suites and junior suites. A complete refurbishment now showcases the historical values of the property, built a century ago, with a contemporary re-interpretation. The hotel exhibits the signature unconventional style of interior designer Carlo Rampazzi and a colour palette affording the hotel an unrivalled self-assured luxury.

Located in the heart of Serre Chevalier the hotel Plein Sud is situated only 200m to the slopes, lifts & village centre making it easy. Serre Chevalier offers over 250km of pistes with a varied amount of skiing and a fantastic tree line. Super fast lifts with panoramic views to get you to the heart of the ski area







Madame Vacances’ recently renovated flagship hotel combines cosy and quirky décor with exceptional service for an unforgettable stay in a ski-in ski-out location in the heart of the 3 Valleys. From the moment you cross the southfacing terrace, past a bubbling Jacuzzi and into our cosy lounge bar, you’ll feel ready to start your holiday. Relax in your comfortable room with waterfall shower room and enjoy stunning valley or piste views from your balcony.

The recently refurbished Hotel Ibiza offers a charming stay in spectacular surroundings. Facilities include a jacuzzi, steam room and swimming pool, whilst your south facing room enjoys warm wood furnishings, comfortable beds and floor to ceiling windows. Chill in the chic lounge bar whilst relaxing to the beat of mellow tunes from the in-house DJ, enjoy tasty meals from the extensive buffet or a cool drink on the large, south-facing terrace.

Kandersteg is an ideal family ski resort and cross-country paradise. The idyllic and cosy village is in the heart of the Bernese Oberland and can easily be reached by train or by car. The Hotel Victoria is centrally located and offers a beautiful view of the snow-capped mountains. You will find a cheerful and familiar atmosphere combined with Swiss hotel tradition. The ideal place to relax and enjoy oneself.






Nestled in the charming village of Vallorcine, in the Chamonix MontBlanc valley, Vallorcine Mont-Blanc offers a relaxing atmosphere. The 5 Residence gives guests a choice of 50 cosy apartments with services. Facilities include an indoor heated pool, two saunas, a spa, a tea-room, a ski shop and a private ice-rink. Less than 10 minutes from your breakfast to the ski slopes !

Located in the very heart of the old village of Val d’Isère, this hotel is among the most fashionable in the region. Perched at 1850m altitude, it is superbly located just a few steps from the snow, meaning you can be on the slopes straight from your front door. The 109 rooms are spacious and comfortable, seamlessly blending wood and natural colours. It has all the equipment and services of an international hotel with a world-class reputation.

4 hotel with spa in central Chamonix, by the Aiguille du Midi lift, offering a new level of comfort including a 500m2 spa (with pool, onsen, hammam, banya, ice cave and tepidarium), restaurant, bar, ski shop, four conference rooms, take-away shop, free wi-fi and a covered car park.








061 // JAN16

Nick Williams Nick Williams is the Joint Founder of

What are the main differences between

Mountain Heaven, a family-run specialist

you and other operators?

in apartment and chalet holidays in the

NW: We’re family run, and both property

French and Swiss Alps. Nick believed he

owners and holidaymakers can and do still

could do a better job for both holiday-

talk to us directly. Our key staff like Maria in

makers and property-owners when he

the office have been with us since day one,

set up Mountain Heaven 13 years ago,

and some we’ve known since well before

with a handful of apartments in the resort

we set up the business.

of Plagne Montalbert. Now with 4,000 mostly repeat customers and a £2 million

What do people ask for the most?

turnover, it’s clear Nick’s foresight was

NW: No question, it’s being as close to

spot on.

the slopes as possible, so all our properties are either ski-in/ski-out or very close.

Why did you set up Mountain Heaven? NW: I bought property in Montalbert

Most unusual customer request?

and signed up with a company which

NW: A lady once asked me how long our

managed the property and let it out for us.

baguettes were. There was logic to her

After the first season I was unimpressed

request though as she was trying to calculate

by their service and decided to set up

how many sandwiches she could make.

Mountain Heaven, initially working with 10 properties in the village owned by

Will the fast new gondola from

friends. It was a bit of a gamble, but we’ve

Montalbert this season spoil the unspoilt

just gone from strength to strength and

nature of Montalbert?

now run 16 catered chalets and around

NW: No, it will help people staying in

30 self-catering apartments in French and

Montalbert get into the full Paradiski region

Swiss resorts.

much more quickly at the start of the day. It will also help local businesses in the resort

Any mistakes in your business develop-

as it will be easier for people to come for

ment you’re prepared to confess to?

lunch in the village and know they can get

NW: I think we’ve made mistakes every

back to other areas of the circuit quickly,

season, but the important thing is to

but in the evening Montalbert will remain

learn from them. One winter we thought

the same unique community.

it would be nice to give our guests a free bottle of wine waiting for them on

The future?

arrival, but then people started saying,

NW: We don’t want to grow much more as

“Thanks but could we have red wine

we don’t want to lose the personal touch and

not white?” or they asked for beer not

the direct connection between ourselves

wine, and it became quite a headache.

and our customers. We have just bought land

Another season we picked some great

for a chalet in Morzine next to the Nyon lift,

apartments but then found the resort

though, and plan to build then open our own

itself was not so popular.

catered chalet for the first time.

062 // JAN16


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