Tiebreaker Issue 27 - Autumn 2014

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AUTUMN 2014 / ISSUE 27


TIEBREAKER Issue 25 / Winter 2014


Local MP and Speaker John Bercow took part in an exciting exhibition match as a prelude to becoming the new Honorary President of Buckingham Tennis Club. Dubbed ‘The Champ Versus The Speaker Match’, John won a ferociously fought battle against 2014 Buckingham Men’s Club Champion, 18 year-old Max Heaton, last Friday evening. This was followed by the Club’s AGM, where John was introduced to club players, and committee members were voted in for the next 12 months. John recounted his playing days as a Junior Champion, and his continued love of the game today having recently published a book about the tennis greats, called

‘Tennis Maestros: the twenty greatest male tennis players of all time’. John said, “I’m delighted to have been asked to become the new President and really look forward to coming down and playing on the club nights when Parliament is in recess”. Buckingham Tennis Club always welcomes new members, and plays throughout the Winter months with club sessions on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6.30pm onwards, and Sunday afternoons from 1.30pm onwards, on the courts in Chandos Park. For further details see the club’s website: www. buckinghamtennis.net




Keep up to date at facebook.com/bucksLTA or





AUTUMN 2014 / ISSUE 27



irstly, I take this opportunity to publically congratulate our Ladies team on winning the Summer County Cup for the second time in a row. This was a fantastic achievement for Alison Longfield and her team. It was extremely pleasing to see so many clubs represented at the recent Forum held at Aylesbury LTC. The changes of focus at a regional level necessitate that county LTAs take on increased responsibility for liaising directly with clubs and other places to play. We are fortunate in Bucks to have one of the two East Region offices based within the county, at our Indoor Centre. In future, initial general communication on county LTA matters should be directed to Mary Crowshaw (Honorary Secretary of Bucks LTA) or myself; our contact details are on the back of this Tiebreaker. Alternatively, national and regional LTA matters should be raised through the East Region office or myself, as LTA Councillor. British Tennis Members (‘BTMs’) should recently have learnt of the need to opt-in to an on-line registration process if they wish to stand any chance of gaining

Wimbledon tickets for next year’s Championships through their club. I urge BTMs to register this interest by 31 January 2015 because the number of pairs of tickets allocated to each club will be directly allied to the number of members who opt-in. Over the last few months there has been an increase in the number of clubs applying for a financial loan from Bucks LTA to improve their facilities. Recent upgrades have included a ‘minizone’ at Marlow LTC and a twocourt indoor ‘bubble’ at Stony Stratford. Bucks LTA is particularly keen to see more indoor facilities, even on a temporary basis, established within the county. Money is still available to provide further loan assistance for upgrades to facilities. I am pleased to report that improved sponsorship income to Bucks LTA is helping to finance increases in our ‘Aspirantes’ and county team training programmes, the establishment of ‘Buckinghamshire Girls’, ‘Miss-hits’, and new inclusive tennis projects, as well as a number of on-going schemes. We are keen to support further initiatives from places to play aimed at increasing participation

and performance and have established a small grants fund available for such purposes. Please feel able to request an application form. I look forward to meeting representatives of Registered Clubs and other affiliated organisations at the Annual General Meeting (‘AGM’) to be held on Monday 24 November. At an Extraordinary General Meeting (‘EGM’) to be held just before it at 8pm, the Council of Bucks LTA is proposing a restructuring process. It is believed the changes will provide an opportunity to refocus our efforts for the benefit of tennis in Bucks and include more people who will contribute directly to the new committee structure. I hope the proposals will gain the support of the EGM. Like all sports, tennis in Bucks relies heavily on the commitment of volunteers. As always I am grateful to everyone who commits time and resources to tennis within the county. Please continue to feel able to contact me on any matters concerning tennis in Bucks. Andrew Petherick Tel: 07779579674 Email: andrew.petherick@lta.org.uk


LuvTennis had a busy summer running various activities including a 5 week summer camp and the fantastic open day in the centre of High Wycombe, Frogmoor. LuvTennis run The Bucks Indoor Tennis Centre at Cressex and have many new exciting opportunities for clubs, players and individual groups to continue playing through the winter. Kicking off in November is the first monthly Mini Tennis Red Festival. This event has been set up to aid regional clubs in team competition who wish to play. Winners from our monthly event will take part in a grand final! Also in November a new exciting Saturday junior coaching programme begins with 3 new sessions from 10.00am-13.00pm for all ages. Winter roll-ups have begun and with Christmas only just around the corner everyone is getting there practice in for the LuvTennis Tinsel Tennis Christmas tournament on 16th December. Roll-ups take place Tuesdays 10.0012.00, Fridays 10.00-12.00 and Sundays 17.00-19.00. To find out more about what is happening at Luv tennis either visit our website at www.luvtennis.net, LIKE us on Facebook via LuvTennis.net, or e-mail us at info@ luvtennis.net; phone 01494448700.

GROWING PROGRAMME AT STANTONBURY Stantonbury arts and leisure in Milton Keynes has a growing coaching programme run by Lauren Rose. This year’s summer camps (pictured) run over five weeks for the first time were really successful. Over 85 children aged 4-11 attended and had loads of fun. 15 children came for more than one week and many of them have signed up for weekly sessions since. The children learnt the basics of tennis and played a variety of games, including giant volleyball! We were blessed with

great weather for all but one day so that was a bonus too! The October half term camp this week were good too. Due to the success of the camps Lauren has been able to increase the programme at Stantonbury

and has groups for all ages, from mini red through to adult improvers. many of the parents have taken advantage of the new Tennis Xpress sessions and there are currently 55 people taking part in the weekly programme. For further information contact Lauren Rose on 07986 931792 or email lrosetennis@gmail.com

AUTUMN 2014 / ISSUE 27


LTA TENNIS LEADERS COURSE COMPLETED Many of us may wonder where our future tennis coaches and volunteers in clubs come from and over a recent weekend eight teenagers, of which four were from Stony Stratford, completed the LTA Tennis Leaders Course which was ran by John Cavill, the Director of Tennis for Stony Stratford Tennis Club and Tennis Works. The course gives the leaders a basic introduction to tennis plus many other important life skills such as leadership, organisation and communication. On the Saturday, John and his Leaders ran a FREE tennis session which was advertised to local schools in Milton Keynes.

In the first hour children aged 4 to 6 years old attended and in the second hour those aged 7 to 10 years old enjoyed the four tennis zones where every child had a different challenge in

each zone. The purpose of the event was to give more children a taste of tennis so they can continue playing and enjoying the sport. At the end of the session

John said, “The Leaders did a great job and all the parents were enlightened to the club’s wonderful facilities and grateful for the fun experience their children had. To prove how successful it was, we had 90% of the children sign up to a future programme or join the club!” On the Sunday, the club hosted the Tennis Works LTA Grade 5 Mini Tennis Tournament for those aged 8&U and 9&U. Again, the Tennis Leaders were called into action as they assisted John Cavill who refereed the competition with 25 children involved. www.tennisworks.net/stony

THE STONY STRATFORD JUNIOR OPEN The Stony Stratford Tennis Club Junior Open Tournament attracted sixty youngsters and juniors from Bucks and the surrounding counties in the summer, taking part in various competitions ranging from Mini Tennis Red for the 8 and under age group, through the various levels and age groups, up to the 18 and Under competition. As the Tournament was an LTA accredited Grade 4 event,

which earned grading and ranking points for entrants, it was officiated over by referee Rob Stean, who organised the individual competition draws and ensured the tournament rules were adhered to. The winners of each category were as follows: Mini Tennis Red – 8&U mixed: Tom Matcham of S L TC (Bucks) Mini Tennis Orange – 9&U mixed: Thomas Ladyman of Stony Stratford TC (Bucks)

Mini Tennis Green – 10&U mixed: Calum Fairey of Halton TC (Bucks) Boys 12&U: Joel Good of Halton TC (Bucks) Boys 14&U: George Reed of Stony Stratford TC (Bucks) Boys 16&U: Jake Williams of Halton TC (Bucks) Boys 18&U: Max Heaton of Buckingham TC (Bucks) Rob Stean, in recognition of his third year of refereeing the event presented the trophies

with the exception of the Red 8&U which were presented by Keith Dewick, the Bucks LTA County President. “Stony Stratford Tennis Club are proud of how this annual event continues to grow and attracts high performance players. I would like to applaud everyone who helped make this week so enjoyable,” said Melvyn Jones, Business Director of Tennis Works who ran the event.


AUTUMN 2014 / ISSUE 27


This year’s county championships took It was great to run consolation events place during the last week in August and all the players responded well to and was played at Great Missenden the schedule and hopefully enjoyed Lawn Tennis Club. My thanks must go the tennis that was played. We also to the Club for their help and support managed to play doubles events at a well as the use of their excellent 10U, 12U, 14U and 18U Boys as well as facilities. During the week players a 12U Girls event. Hopefully we will see were able to experience three different the doubles entries increase next year surfaces; clay, tarmac and acrylic. as they offer a great deal of enjoyment Unfortunately the grass courts were and fun. not in a good enough condition. My only disappointment this year The tournament started on Sunday was the low entry in the girls’ events 24th August at the Bucks Indoor Tennis especially at 10U and 18U ages. There Centre. There was an excellent day of is an absence of many players who competition with play in the County 164 matches being teams and some played at both red of the feedback and orange age revolves around “AN EXCELLENT DAY groups. There were ratings and not the OF COMPETITION WITH 66 competitors fun or the prestige 164 MATCHES BEING across the two age of being County PLAYED…” groups and we Champion. It is saw an increase in a pity there is so entries this year. much emphasis The whole process on ratings and went extremely well with almost rankings rather than just enjoying our continuous play from 9:00 to 6:00pm. wonderful game. Perhaps the LTA can The Red competition was ably umpired address this issue for the future. by volunteers from Wooburn Park My personal thanks must go to Ann and Widmer End Tennis Clubs and my and Keith Dewick, Janet Jamieson thanks go to them for an excellent job. and Marion Rogan who do so much On Monday 25th August it looked prior and during to the County to be a complete washout with rain Closed. I think very few people realise the whole day but Halton came to how much time and effort goes into the rescue offering 6 indoor courts. planning and running these events Amazingly we completed the full but the satisfaction comes from the day’s programme at the 12 and 16 positive feedback from parents and age groups. We were very grateful to players. My thanks must also go to Halton as otherwise we would have Jill and Kate who supported the lost a full day and this would have had tournament throughout the week consequences later in the week. in the GMLTC clubhouse ensuring The tournament gathered that no-one went hungry. Finally momentum from Tuesday and despite my thanks also to the umpires who a short rain delay all the events looked after the finals making them a progressed well throughout the week. little special. Malcolm Jamieson

THE STONY BUBBLE! After Stony Stratford Tennis Club members voted in favour of the development of two floodlit artificial clay courts with an airdome covering the courts during the winter months, the club started the project in September. Before the project started, the two hard courts numbered 8 and 9 sat dormant during the winter months due to no floodlights and the persistence of moss from the damp conditions. It is hoped that the courts will be ready to play on by the end of November with the airdome in place for December. Director of Tennis at Stony Stratford Tennis Club, John Cavill, said, “This will be another major stage in the club’s history. The benefit of being able to guarantee tennis throughout the winter periods will not only help us to grow the numbers of people playing tennis all year round but will also significantly benefit our members. There is now a low cost option to play indoor tennis in North Bucks and Milton Keynes where this wasn’t available before, so we hope that people can take advantage of this and get involved.”

DOUBLE PROMOTION FOR HIGH WYCOMBE At the end of another busy year in the Bucks Shield, High Wycombe Lawn Tennis Club have won promotions of two teams for next season. The Mens 1st team won their final match of the season against Great Missenden to get promoted to the Premier Division. The Ladies 2nd team also had a fantastic season, finishing second in Division 2 clear on points, having only lost one match all season - to the eventual winners Widmer End. They will compete in Division 1 next season. Neil Chapman, High Wycombe LTC Mens Captain.

AUTUMN 2014 / ISSUE 27


RUTH’S TENNIS MARATHON We have all been affected by cancer in some way and following the news of Ross Hutchins last year, and the untimely death of Elena Baltacha this year, I decided that I had to try and DO something, rather than just watch others, and donate occasionally. I followed Elena’s career from her early teens, and was always so impressed by her sheer determination to succeed, despite various obstacles. I am always impressed by sports people who maximise their potential as so few of us really do that in life! I decided I had to do something that would be hard for me and very testing. I am nearly 60, overweight, with problems in my elbows so friends and family thought I had completely lost my marbles when I said I was going to play competitive tennis for 12 hours straight. Most were

stunned into supporting me by donating, and over 30 people came and played with me for periods on the day. Luckily, one of the clubs I play for (Princes Risborough LTC) has recently resurfaced their courts with artificial clay because the weather was appalling - it did not stop raining all day! I do not think we could have played for the whole day on any other surface. My ‘support team’ of my partner Tom, with Roz, Lesley and Martin, plied the other players with hot drinks and cakes in the clubhouse as they finished with the heating on as it was so cold. Statistics noted by my ‘support

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE MIXED KNOCK OUT SENIOR AND INTERMEDIATE CUPS 2014 Congratulations to our finalists in the Mixed Knock Out Cup played on 5 October at The Stoke Park Club. We are very grateful to the Club for their generous hospitality at the event which was well supported by spectators. Both competitions provided entertaining and competitive tennis; an appropriate finale to the competition. The Intermediate competition was keenly contested with Chesham Bois (Viv Windsor, Paul Vicary, Jenny Coady and Roy Coffer) making a welcome return to the competition, defeating Iver Heath (Emma Cottrell, Mark Watson, Carly Hall, Steve Hall). The Senior competition was won by Halton (Celia Cornforth, Alan Bevan, Helen Adams, Ed

Taylor) who defeated Great Missenden (Nicki and Alex Hartley, Lottie Hayood-Cook, James Harley). The Great Missenden team despite a very spirited attempt were unable to defeat a strong Halton team who deservedly won the event for the twelfth consecutive year. A fantastic record and evidence of the club’s continued commitment to the competition. This competition requires two pairs and fixture dates are deliberately flexible. I would like to thank team captains and fixture secretaries who efficiently organised matches and submitted legible results promptly. Hopefully 2015 will see more clubs taking part particularly in the Senior Cup. Janet Jamieson

team’ were that I had played 20 sets, won 15 of them(!) and apparently I only served six double-faults all day. Despite having wondered many times leading up to the day, and on the day, whether I could actually do it, I was thrilled to complete the challenge playing competitive tennis all day AND keep serving overarm all day AND still be able to walk at the end! The money raised exceeded all my expectation and I have donated over £1800 to the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity and because I exceeded my target by so much, I have also donated £500 to the Elena Baltacha Tennis Academy, which was personally handed over on my behalf by LTA President, Cathie Sabin. If anyone still wants to contribute, look up Ruth Tupper on the JustGiving website, or contact me directly.

AEGON TEAM TENNIS BUCKINGHAMSHIRE 2014 Another excellent series was held between 1st April and the end of June. This year 194 teams competed in 44 divisions with the winners of each receiving an LTA pennant to highlight their achievement. This year there was a Central Venue League for the Red (U8) age group which was a major success, the only disappointment was with late withdrawals and teams not fulfilling the rating criteria. The format of this excellent competition offers a division 1 where teams of 4 players play 4 singles and two doubles events. However for smaller clubs with fewer players they can enter a division 2 where there are two players who play two singles and a doubles with a rating ceiling of 8.2. We hope next season, entry which opens on 1st December, sees further participation growth. For more information please contact. Malcolm Jamieson

NEW GIRLS ONLY PROGRAMME LAUNCHED With the ratio for boys to girls playing tennis at 4:1 the new Buckinghamshire Girls Group initiative by Jemima King and the female coaches at Halton is designed to encourage more girls to participate and compete in tennis. Starting in December and continuing throughout 2015, Jemima will be running fun girls only sessions to cater for players aged between 5 and 18. The first fun session will be on Sunday 14 December, 2-4pm at Halton with 2 hours indoors for players aged 18 or under Attendance £10 per player, reserve a place with Jemima via: jemima@everyball.net


AUTUMN 2014 / ISSUE 27


AYLESBURY TENNIS CLUB FINALS DAY The 35th Annual Tournament in August was a great success with all players enjoying their tennis and benefitting from extra matches on the 17 courts at Bull Lane plus courts at Gayhurst School and Chalfont St Peter Tennis Club. Players aged from 6 to 35 years old competed over six days in various singles and doubles

events. The standard of play was astonishing in many of the events particularly the boys under 16 where many players were rated 3.2 or above with top seed Alex Juniper 2.2 from Kent beat Julian Goodger rated 3.1 from Surrey 7-6 6-4 in a hardhitting encounter. The Tournament was organised and Refereed

by Andy Scholfield with assistant referees Conor McHale and Charlotte Thistle. Prizes were awarded in all events including gift vouchers bought from GX Tescos. The tennace Autumn Term Courses for all ages and standards start early September. For more information and sign up see www.tennace.com

The Aylesbury Club Championships reached a rousing conclusion in sunny weather on Sunday 21st September with entertaining hard fought tennis all round including a match won from match point down! Jarek Nowak retained his men’s singles title with an impressive display against Paul Prikryl while Amanda Pople and Dean Palmer claimed the mixed doubles crown against Luke Robinson and Caron Ruse, having survived a match point against them in the final set. The ladies doubles final was equally close with Venetia Cosier and Stella Wallington squeezing home in the third set against Yvonne Shaw and Bridget Vellacott. The mens doubles favourites Jarek Nowak and Paul Prikryl were given a scare by Chris Adams and Sam Frost before winning in two tight sets. After three hours of watching tennis members and guests were ready to be treated to tea kindly provided by lady members before the presentations. The historic trophies, dating back to 1896 in the case of the men’s singles cup, were presented to the winners by the club’s president Alan Brialey. Alan thanked Club Coach James Woodwards and Mike Francis for organising the event, and Charles Robertson of Radley Windows Doors and Conservatories for their continued sponsorship. The Junior Championships were completed during the following week under the guidance of Club Coach James Woodwards and following some exhilarating tennis the final results were: Under 18 Boys – Krishna Chintamreddy beat Alex McIntyre Under 14 Boys – Krishna Chintamreddy beat Alex McIntyre Under 10 – DJ Mentiply beat Sam Fryer Under 8 – Sophie Nowak beat Tom Bradley For details of organised tennis at Aylesbury LTC contact James at info@jwtcoaching.com or 07834 826130

AUTUMN 2014 / ISSUE 27

ROY THORN AT 90 How do you think you would be spending Sunday Morning’s when you are 90 years old? Well if you are lifetime Chesham resident Roy Thorn the answer is the same as it has been for the last 75 years, which is put his kit on, pick up his racquet and go to play tennis. Roy started playing at the age of 15 when with his two best school-friends, his cousin Gordon Darvell and Jack Gomm, he joined St Mary’s Church Chesham’s Tennis and Badminton Club. It was here that he met Mary Crowshaw, Jenny Robinson and Kari Wells three other long-time members of Chesham Bois Lawn Tennis and Squash Club. In 1948 after demob he and his two friends joined Chesham Bois Lawn Tennis Club. This was

situated on what is now part of Dr Challoners Boys Grammar School playing fields. There were six rather low quality courts there before the club moved to its present site and the facilities extended to provide the excellent environment that exists today. Roy has now been a member for 66 years. In his younger days he played for the teams as well as the club’s annual tournament and was a regular entrant to the annual

local Barnardos’ fundraising tournament. In 2008, he along with an erstwhile mixed doubles partner, Jenny Robinson, was made an Honorary Member as part of the Club’s Centenary Celebrations. At the age of 90 Roy is remarkably playing twice a week, at club play on Sunday mornings, and midweek whenever the younger and more fragile of his four are fit! To celebrate this milestone the Club held a celebration tea party in August, organised by Mary Crowshaw and attended by some 40 family, friends and players including Keith Dewick another long-time member and President Bucks LTA. Roy regaled the audience with some tales from his life and is looking forward to playing for many years to come. Peter Henry




This year saw a major increase of teams into this School competition. 36 teams competed in 8 leagues and for the first time we were able to offer a second division to schools who did not have strong juniors but were looking for a structured friendly competition. The leagues look set to expand next year with the addition of some more division 2 teams from the Wycombe district. The competition offers both singles and doubles in the matches so offers the players an interesting and complete experience. Although there are other school competitions this is aimed at years 8 and 10 but the winners of division 1 leagues go through to a regional round in the autumn term. This year the winners were John Hampden Grammar and Dr Challoner’s Grammar School in the Boy’s competition while Wycombe Abbey were the Buckinghamshire girl’s representative.


Last month Halton Health and Fitness Club launched a variety of junior and mini gym classes, led by professional trainers. Players at Halton Tennis Centre aged 5 to 14 years have been using the outdoor gym area, along with a variety of balls, ladders, hurdles and balancing equipment to develop their ABCs (agility, balance and co-ordination). Classes have been social, non-competitive, full of energy and a lot of fun! A real chance for young players to develop those physical skills required not only for tennis but also as a foundation for all sports. Classes welcome tennis and non-tennis members, along with family and friends. For more information please visit www.haltontennis.co.uk

SIXTEEN KIDS COMPETE IN INTER CLUB TENNIS On Saturday 18th October 16 children from four clubs descended on Stony Stratford Tennis Club to compete in an 8&U Inter Club Match. Teams from Halton, Riverside (Bedford), Chesham 1879 and Stony Stratford were up against each other. There were four players in each team and they were ranked on ability by their coach from 1 to 4. Each team got to play the other with the top ranked players coming up against each other and this was the same for the lower ranked players. After two and a half hours and 48 matches completed, Riverside Tennis Club took the title with 20 matches won and Chesham 1879 were in a close second with 18 matches won. John Cavill, Director of Tennis for Stony Stratford Tennis Club and Tennis Works said, “It’s been a great event and something that all the players have really enjoyed. As tennis is an individual sport, it’s nice to bring a team element to it, especially for the younger players. The Junior Committee at Stony Stratford Tennis Club have been working hard to organise fixtures against lots of clubs at all ages and abilities and this is another successful result of their efforts.”



AUTUMN 2014 / ISSUE 27


The Bucks Ladies O60s team competed in a very strong division 2B. After some close fought matches they were unfortunate to lose 3 matches 1-3 to Dorset, Middlesex and Essex. They narrowly lost to Suffolk 2-2 (4-5), but saved the best till last beating Somerset 3-1. The team finished 5th, but should remain in the division for 2015. The team: Liz Murdoch (Capt), Glynis Lambert, Sue Soul, Melinda Arthur, Jill Wyldbore.


There were excellent performances by Bucks players at the British Closed Senior Grass Courts Championships that were held at Wimbledon recently. Leading the way were Chris Hearn and Sue Bartlett who both enjoyed unbeaten weeks. Chris won the men’s 50 singles and doubles event in partnership with Eric Knowles from Lancashire whilst Sue took the ladies 55 singles and doubles in partnership with Christine French from Middlesex. Both players have been selected to represent Great Britain in the next World Team Championships. Other notable performances came from Toni Marchetti who reached the semi- final of the men’s 60 singles and doubles pair Bev Wilson and Peter Linsell who reached the semi final of the men’s 65 doubles.

Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting to be followed by The Annual General Meeting of Buckinghamshire Lawn Tennis Association. To be held on Monday 24th November at 8pm at The Holiday Inn, Aston Clinton.

CONTACT WITH BUCKINGHAMSHIRE LTA: Chairman // Andrew Petherick Tel: 07779579674 Email: andrew.petherick@lta.org.uk Secretary // Mary Crowshaw Tel: 01494 726931 Email: mscrowshaw@gmail.com Or via // Bucks LTA County Office, Bucks Indoor Tennis Centre, Holmer’s Lane, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP12 4QA

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of Buckinghamshire LTA. The association accepts no liability for the accuracy of information provided by contributors. CONTACT WITH LTA REGIONAL OFFICE: Tel: 01494 471238 Email: East@LTA.org.uk East Region Tennis Office, Bucks Indoor Tennis Centre Holmer’s Lane, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP12 4QA



Since the middle of last summer, I have been engaged on producing a history of Bucks tennis from the start in 1923 up until 2013. I would like to make this a comprehensive record and I anticipate that gathering information will take a year or so.

In order to be able to do this, I need access to records of past events such as Tiebreakers and County NEXT IS handbooks AVAILAB SUE amongst other LE IN items.To this FEBRUA RY end I am trying AT YOU to track down R LOCAL C LUB early copies of Tiebreaker. The first issue was Make sure not to miss the next publication produced in May 1992 deadline for articles and photos on the and the first 18 issues 20th January. were fairly basic. This It is important that your article has the following: was followed by a • no more than 200 words more ambitious format • f ull event name, participant’s names and including black and labelled photo files so that everybody gets white photos and issues attributed correctly 19-32 were produced •h igh‑resolution photos (set your digital camera up to December 2004. to the ‘biggest’ setting) In 2006 the familiar •p lease include your full name at start/end of a colour editions came report if you want to be credited as the author into production.


Send your files to dom@tennis4kids.co.uk We look forward to reading all about you. The TIEBREAKER Team

This issue of TIEBREAKER was brought to you by Dominic Killinger and Patrick Thorne. The next TIEBREAKER will be published in February, if you have any articles you wish to be included please send them to dom@tennis4kids.co.uk by 20th January 2014.

Published by: Tennis4Kids Designed by: YOTE Design.com This issue can be viewed in full on the Bucks web site: lta.org.uk/In-Your-Area/ Buckinghamshire

I am searching the whereabouts of all of the first 18 issues and numbers 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27 and 28 of the second batch and I would be very grateful to anyone who could help me in this regard. If you are able to help, please contact me on 01296486242 or at docco1@aol.com Thank you. David Orchard

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