Li es, Decei t, And A Random Comment
Starti ng Over
AF T E R DI VORC E Ti p s t oFa l l Ba c k i nLo v e Wi t hYo u r
Pos t BabyBody MySe c r e t , Wh yMyLi f e i sBe t t e r No wTh a t
MyHu s b a nd i sDe a d WWW. I NTI MACYTV. COM. AU
Th e Ar t o f Be i n g Al o n e
Te l e p a t h i c Lo v e
CELEBRATI NG TheMont hof St ar t i ngOv er
EDI TOR’ S NOTE c omebac kt oI nt i mac y TV,t heper f ec tpl ac et ohav e I nt i mac y TVMagaz i nef oc us esont ac k l i ngev er y day Wel awc onv er s at i onsandr eal educ at i on.OurJ unei s s ue i s s uesr egar di ngdat i ng,l ov e,s exandr el at i ons hi ps .r TheUns pok enMont h)hasr ec ei v edanov er whel mi ng Ourmot t oi st of oc usonpr ov i di ngr eal educ at i on ( amountoff eedbac kandemai l ss har i nghowmuc ht hey t hr oughhav i ngr awandhones tc onv er s at i ons l ov er eadi ngt hear t i c l es .Shewantt ogi v eourgr eat es t ar oundt abooands ens i t i v et opi c st hatmos t oourc ont r i but or sandaut hor saswe peopl ear es hy i ngawayf r om.I nt i mac y TVMagaz i ne ThankYout dn’ thav edonei twi t houty oual l .Youc anr ead i spubl i s hedmont hl yandi sav ai l abl et of r eeof woul pr ev i ousmagaz i nei s s uesher e: c har get or eader s .I fy ouwoul dl i k et or ec ei v ea t p: / / i nt i mac y t v . c om. au/ i nt i mac y t v magaz i nes / c opyoft hemagaz i ne,pl eas eemai l usy ourdet ai l s . ht
Thi sJ ul ywel c omesanewc hapt erf ort hef i nanc i al y earandatt hes amet i me,c el ebr at i ngal l t he pr ogr es s es ,ac hi ev ement s ,s uc c es saswel l asf ai l ur es Al l mat er i al i nt hi smagaz i nei ss ubj ec tt oc opy r i ght wehav ehadi nt hel as t12mont hs .Thet hi ngi smos t andc annotber epr oduc edi npar torf ul l wi t hout peopl eav oi df ai l ur eatal l c os t ,t heyr at hers t ayi nt he wr i t t enper mi s s i onf r om t heedi t or .Bys ubmi t t i ng c omf or tz ones ot hatnot hi ngc hanges .Ther eal i t yi s anuns ol i c i t edc ont r i but i onory ouar ei nv i t edt o wear enot hi ngwi t houtourdownf al l sandf ai l ur es ,t hey c ont r i but ebyust oI nt i mac y TVMagaz i ne,y ou ar ewhats hapewhowear et oday .Eac handev er y t i me agr eet opr ov i deuswi t hal i c ens et or epr oduc e wef ai l ,wegetc hanc et odoi tal l ov eragai n,j us tbet t er . y ourmat er i al ,i nc l udi ngi mages ,i npr i ntand Whi l es uc c es si sgr eatt ohav e,i t ’ st hepr ogr es st hat el ec t r oni cmedi awi t ht her i ghtt oedi twr i t t en mak esust hehappi es tandmos tf ul f i l l ed. mat er i al .Ar t i c l esandadv er t i s ement s ex pr es st he opi ni onoft heaut hor sandar enotnec es s ar i l y SoourJ ul ymagaz i nef eat ur esdi f f er entar t i c l eson t hos eofI nt i mac y TVMagaz i neorI nt i mac y TV St ar t i ngOv er-whet heri t ’ si ny ourr el at i ons hi p,heal t h, Par t ner s hi p. c ar eer ,f i nanc eorl i f e.Someoft hear t i c l esf ort hi s mont hi nc l ude:APr os per i t yPl anf ort heNewFi nanc i al Year ,WhyMyLi f eI sBet t erNowThatMyHus bandi s Dead,St ar t i ngOv eraf t eraTox i corAbus i v e Forenqui r yaboutar t i c l ec ont r i but i onand Rel at i ons hi p,Tel epat hi cLov e,TheAr tofBei ngAl one, magaz i neadv er t i s ement ,pl eas es endan 5Ti psToFal l Bac ki nLov ewi t hYourPos tBabyBody emai l t oi nf o@i nt i mac y t v . c om. au andmanymor e.
A.I nt i mac yTVMagaz i ne PO BOX8294Ar madal e Vi c t or i a3143,Aus t r al i a E.i nf o@i nt i mac y TV. c om. au W.www. i nt i mac y TV. c om. au
Cov erI magec r edi t : Phot ogr aphyby :Rus i l aSev udr edr e Mak eupby :Adj oaMk wananz i INTIMACYTV/JULY 2
OurAugus ti s s uewi l l f oc uson “ Aut hent i c i t yandTr ut h”s omak es ur e y our egi s t ert ohav eourmagaz i ne del i v er eds t r ai ghtt oy ouri nboxev er y mont h.ht t p: / bi t . l y / i nt i mac y t v magaz i nes I ft her ei sat opi cofi nt er es t , pl eas ef eel f r eet os endusanemai l t oi nf o@i nt i mac y t v . c om. au. Wi t hLov ef r om t heent i r e I nt i mac y TVt eam and
a n i l e M d n ea n a J
Cl eanseTheCr ap,APr osper i t yPl anf ort heNew Fi nanci alYear ,TheDaunt i ngI deaSt ar t i ngOver , MySecr et ,WhyMyLi f ei sBet t erNowThatMy Husbandi sDEad
Br eaki ngal lt her ul esi nt hei ndus t r ybyput t i ngaf acet ot he companyMel i nai snow t hel eadi ngI nt i mat eLi f es t yl eEducat ori n Aus t r al i at odays peaki ngasagues ts peakeratvar i ouswomen’ s event s . Mel i nahascr eat edAus t r al i a’ sf i r s tcompl et eboxs etof‘ I nt i macy’ pr oduct spr ovi di ngaf ul ls ens or yexper i ence.Tocompl et et he exper i ence,TabooI nt i macyas s i s t syouwi t hs cenar i os ,educat i on andpl aycar dst okeept hej oyhappeni ng. Mel i naal s or unswor ks hopsandonl i nepr ogr am t oeducat e womenont het opi csofl ove,s ex,r el at i ons hi p&i nt i macy.
. How t ohaveapas s i onat es exl i f eevenaf t erchi l dr en . How t omas t ert hear tofat t r act i on . ThePor naddi ct i ondi l emma MELI NAMACDONALD . H o w t o s p i c e u p y o u r s exl i f ewi t hi nt i macypr oduct s I nt i macy&Adul tPr oduct . i t ybehi ndSTI ’ s–how over80% ofs exual l yact i ve Li f es t yl eEducat or ,Aut hor , Thereal peopl econt r actt hem &i nf er t i l i t y Speaker ,Dat i ng,Sex, . Thet ypesofguyst odat eandt heone’ st oavoi d Love&I nt i macyExper t . Navi gat et hr oughModer nDat i ngPl at f or ms Adds ubheadi ng JaneNguyenempower ss t r ong,i ndependent&power f ulwomen t ocr eat et hebes tr el at i ons hi poft hei rl i ves .Hercl i ent scomef r om al lwal ksofl i f e,whet heri t ’ saboutr ei nvent i ngt hems el vesaf t era nas t yr el at i ons hi pbr eakup,want i ngt oat t r actamor econs ci ousand l ovi ngmani nt ot hei rl i ves ;orwant i ngt os avet hei rr el at i ons hi pf r om t hebr i nkofbr eakupordi vor ce.Janei st he‘ got ogi r l ’f orpeopl e whowantt oexper i encet r ans f or mat i onalchangei nt hei r r el at i ons hi ps . Janecomesf r om abackgr oundofa6yearabus i ver el at i ons hi p ( bot hphys i cal l y&emot i onal l y) .Af t erl eavi ngt hatr el at i ons hi p, Janedevot edmanyyear sofherl i f ei nt hes paceofper s onal devel opmentt of i ndoutt hekeyi ngr edi ent st ocr eat eas ucces s f ul r el at i ons hi p.Us i nghers i gnat ur e“Femi ni nePower ”coachi ng met hodi nherpr ogr ams ,wor ks hopsandr et r eat s ,Janet eaches womenhow t ot apmor ei nt ot hei rFemi ni nees s enceands hi nef r om t hei ns i deout ,t oat t r actamanandar el at i ons hi pt hatal l owst hem t obeal lt hatt heycanbe.
JANENGUYEN Aut hor ,Speaker , Tr ans f or mat i onalDat i ng SPEAKI NG TOPI CS: &Rel at i ons hi pCoach, NLPPr act i t i onerand Thes ecr etf or mul aofal ongl as t i ngands ucces s f ulr el at i ons hi p. L e v e l 2 Me t a Dynami cs How t oavoi dl os i ngyourr el at i ons hi pt oent r epr eneur s hi p Cons ul t ant How t oavoi dt het op3commonmi s t akest hatmos ts t r ongwomen makei nr el at i ons hi pt hatkeept hem s t r es s edout ,f r us t r at edand unf ul f i l l edi nr el at i ons hi ps W hyar eyouat t r act i ngMr .W r ongandhow t oef f or t l es s l yf i ndMr .Ri ght . How t os t epi nt oyourf emi ni nees s ence&al l ow yourment os t epi nt ohi s pur pos e,s t r engt h&power . How t of i ndacons ci ousmant hatcanhandl eyouandyourawes omenes s .
. . . . . .
C l e ans eT heC r ap By:Mi l osMar i nkovi c Ican' tbel i evehow weacceptf eel i ngl i ke s hi tmos toft het i me!Ser i ous l ywedon' t evenr eal i s ehow goodwear es uppos ed t of eelunt i lwes t ar tt r ul ygi vi ngourbody whati tneeds ! Ius edt obel i ket hi s !I tpr obabl ydi dn' t hel pt hatIt houghtt her ewasnotmuch di f f er encebet weenanappl eanda chees ebur ger .Imeani fi twasf ood,andI coul deati t …t hat ' sal lt hatmat t er ed! ! Unf or t unat el yf ormei tt ookaver y unpl eas antandhor r i bl eexper i encet o changet hewayIl ookedatf oodandal s owhatIwasgi vi ngmybody.ThedayIwasi nhos pi t alwi t hmy mum,havi ngneverbeent her ewi t hherbef or e…Is aw at er r i f i edl ooki nhereyes .Thatwast hedaywe f oundouts hehadat umourandhadbeendi agnos edwi t hpancr eat i ccancer .Fors omeonewho cons i der edt hems el vesapos i t i veper s on,Iwasknockedof fmypat hcompl et el y.If el tl os t ,s car edand hopel es s .Iwass ouncer t ai naboutmymot her ’ sf ut ur e,butatt hes amet i meIwascur i ous-whywast hi s happeni ng?!
Themor eIs t ar t edr es ear chi ng,t hemor eIs t ar t edr eal i s i nghow backwar dswewer eheadi ng!W hi l et her e wass uchar api dadvancementi nt echnol ogy,Is aw how s omekeyf undament al sofl i vi ngagoodl i f ehad beenmos t l yf or got t eni nt hi smoder nage.Thebi gges tr eas onbei ngs obackwar dsi sbecaus eofhow f as t pacedourl i veshavebecome;ever yonet r yi ngt okeepupwi t ht heeconomyandt her ei sver yl i t t l et i me. Thi si swhyf as tf oodhasgr ownandeat i ngheal t hyhast akenabacks eat . Regar dl es sofhow badi tmays eem,t her ear edef i ni t el ymanypeopl eal r eadywaki ngupt owhat ' s happeni ng,maki ngchangesandhel pi ngot her ss eewhatt hepos s i bl es ol ut i onsar e.That ' swhyIl ovewhat Ido…t hepeopl eIwor kwi t har eext r emel ypas s i onat eaboutpr ovi di ngconveni ents ol ut i onst ogetpeopl e backont r ackwi t ht hei rheal t h.Ther emaybeal otoff ocusonwei ghtl os sandf i t nes si ns oci et y,butt he number1f ocuss houl dbeondi ges t i veheal t h.Ourdi ges t i ves ys t em i st hegat ewayt ot her es tofourbody andi fi t ' snotf unct i oni ngpr oper l y,wewon' tbeachi evi ngmanyoft heheal t hgoal swe' r eai mi ngf or . Thi si swhydai l ycl eans i ngi ss oi mpor t ant .W e' r eput t i ngs uchat oxi cl oadonourbodyever ydaywi t hal l t hechemi cal si nt hef oodweeatands ki ncar eandcl eani ngpr oduct sweus e,yetweonl yl ookatcl eans i ng oncei nawhi l e.I ts houl dbeadai l yact i vi t yandt hat ' swhyf i ndi ngaconveni entwayi sver yi mpor t ant . Ourmai nf ocusi st ohel ppeopl ei mpr ovet hei rdi ges t i veheal t ht hr oughpl antbas eds uppl ement ss uchas enzymes ,pr obi ot i csandot herpr oduct s ,andal s or epl aceamaj orpar toft het oxi cchemi call oadont hei r bodybyus i ngor gani ces s ent i aloi l s . Oncewes t ar tgi vi ngourbodywhati tact ual l yneedst ot hr i ve,andf i l l i ngi nt hemi s s i nggapsofwhat we' r enotget t i ngf r om ourf ood,wes t ar tr eal i s i nghow cr azywehavebeent oacceptf eel i ngs ocr apf or s ol ong!
Mi l osandhi spar t nerVi ckiar et woyoungent r epr eneur swho ar ever ydr i veni ns pr eadi ngt hemes s ageofgoodheal t h becaus eofci r cums t ancesi nt hef ami l yt hathadaf f ect edt hem. Theywor kwi t hat eam ofexper t si ncl udi ngdoct or s ,nat ur opat hs s ci ent i s t sandr es ear cher swhohaveover1 00year sof exper i encei nt heheal t hi ndus t r yputt oget herandt hei rmi s s i on i st obr i ngt hi sknowl edget ot hepubl i cs opeopl ecanunder s t and whydi ges t i veheal t hi ss oi mpor t antandwhats t epst ot aket o gi vet hei rbodi eswhatt heyneedi nor dert of unct i onatt hei r bes t . www. es s ent i al oi l s gui de. com. au INTIMACYTV/JULY 5
APr o s p e r i t yPl a nf o r t h e Ne wFi n a n c i a l Ye a r
Mar i s aPuns honi saMoneyMent orandCas hFl ow Cons ul t ant .Shehel pspeopei ncr eas e t hei rcas handgai ncont r oloft hei rf i nancess ot heycangr ow t hei rper s onalweal t hand dowhatt heyl ovet odo.Shei saVi s i onPar t nerf orTheEnt our age,201 6andaMndPT Cons ul t ant . W ooohooo–HappyNew Fi nanci alYear ! ! !I t ’ st i met or evi ew,r es etandpl anf ort heNew Yearahead.I ft he l as tyearwasas t r uggl eandl ef tyouf eel i ngr el at i vel ycr apt hennow’ st het i met odr aw al i nei nt hes and, maket hedeci s i ont ot akecont r olofyourbus i nes sandputapl ani npl acet omakemor emoney,have mor et i meands t r es sl es s .W hatbet t erwayt os t ar tt heNew Yeart hanwi t hdet er mi nat i onandapl ant o ki ckar s eandher e’ show youcangoaboutdoi ngs o: Revi ew Las tYear Thebes tpl acet os t ar ti st or evi ew t hef i nanci alper f or manceofyourbus i nes sl as tyear : •How muchdi dyoumakei ns al es ,how muchwer eyourexpens esandwhatwasl ef tover( yourpr of i t ) ? •How muchmoneydi dyoupayyour s el fei t herf r om awageordr awi ngs ? •W hatwer et hebes ts el l i ngpr oduct s / s er vi cesandwhi chhadt hebes tpr of i tmar gi n? •Revi ew yourexpens es .W hatwer eyourl ar ges texpens esandwhatexpens escanyoucutdownon? Forexampl ear et her es ubs cr i pt i onsyoucanr educeoropt outof ? •How mucht i medi dyous pendwor ki ngi nyourbus i nes s ?W ast het i meyous pentpr oduct i veanddi dyou manageyourt i mewel l ? •How or gani zedwer eyouar oundkeepi ngyouraccount supt odat e,havi ngenought opayyourGST/ PAYG/ Super annuat i on,i nvoi ci ngoutont i me,col l ect i ngmoneyf r om yours al esandpayi ngyourbi l l s ?
SetGoal sFort hi sYear Now youcans t ar twi t hacl eans l at e.Is ugges tt hatyouar es peci f i caboutyourf i nanci algoal s ,f or exampl e,r at hert hans ayi ngIwantt omakemor emoney,wr i t edownadol l arf i gur e. •Choos ehow muchmoneyyouwantt omakei ns al est hi syear( dol l arf i gur e)andt henwor kouthow manys peci f i cpr oduct s / s er vi cesyoumus ts el lt or eacht hi samount .Lookbackatt hel as tyear ’ sbes t
s el l i ngpr oduct s / s er vi cesandt heoneswi t ht hegr eat es tpr of i tmar gi ns . •Deci dehow muchmoneyyouwantt obepai dandwhet heryouwantt or ecei veawageort aker egul ar dr awi ngsoutoft hebus i nes s . •Revi ew yourexpens esands el ectwhi chonesyouar egoi ngt ocutoutorr educe. •Setupas i mpl ebudgetf or ecas t( s oundss car ybuti t ’ snot–Ipr omi s e! )andpl ayar oundwi t hyours al es andexpens est os eewhatyouhavet odot omakeapr of i t .Youcoul dal s omoni t oryourbudget t hr oughoutt heyearandmeas ur ehow youar eact ual l ygoi ngagai ns twhatyoui ni t i al l ybudget edf or . •Of t enwhens et t i nggoal sf orourbus i nes swef ocusj us tont hef i nanci aloroper at i onalgoal showeveri t ’ s i mpor t antt oi ncl udehow youwantt of eelt hi syear .Doyouwantt of eeli ncont r ol ,empower ed, s ucces s f ul , or gani zedormot i vat ed?Theai mi st obes peci f i candl ookathow youcanr unyourbus i nes s s oyouar eabl et of eelt hi sway.I fyouwantt of eeli ncont r ol ,f orexampl e,t hi smaymeannotonl yof yourf i nancesbutal s oofyourt i mes oyoumayneedt ocons i derl ooki ngati mpr ovi ngt hes ys t emsand pr oces s esi nyourbus i nes s . Mai nt ai ni ngMoment um Thi scans omet i mesbet het r i ckypar tbutper s i s t i ngwi t hs t i cki ngt oyourvi s i onandgoal swi l lpayof f ! W hatchangesdoyouhavet omaket oens ur eyoumai nt ai nmoment um ands t i ckt oyourgoal s ? •Keepi ngyouraccount supt odat eandaccur at ewi l lhel pyoukeept r ackofyourf i nanci algoal sand s et t i ngas i deadayperweek( orevenhal faday)t owor konyourbus i nes swi l lenabl eyout os eet hebi g pi ct ur e,s t i ckt oyourvi s i onandnotgetl os ti nt hedai l yt odo’ s .Youmayneedt ogett obedear l i erand s t ar tt hedayear l i erorbl ockoutdi s t r act i onsdur i ngpar toft hedays oyouar emor epr oduct i ve. •Havi ngcl ar i t yaboutt hevi s i onyouhavef oryourbus i nes sandul t i mat el yt hel i f es t yl eyouwantyour bus i nes st opr ovi dei samas s i vemot i vat ort os t i ckt oyourgoal s .W het heryouwr i t eyourvi s i ondownor cr eat eavi s i onboar dt hi swi l lhel pwi t hmai nt ai ni ngyourmoment um,whi chi spar t i cul ar l yhandyi fyou gets i det r ackedorchal l enged. •I nves ti nacoachorment ort ohel pkeepyouaccount abl e.I ff i nancesar eabi tt i ghtt hencons i der pai r i ngupwi t hs omeoneel s ewhoneedsanaccount abi l i t ys t r uct ur eandwor kt oget hert os uppor teach ot her .
“ Th e r e a l v a l u e o f s e t t i n gg o a l s i s n o t t h e r e c o g n i t i o n o r r e wa r d , i t s t h e p e r s o nwe b e c o me b yf i n d i n gt h e d i s c i p l i n e , c o u r a g e a n dc o mmi t me n t t oa c h i e v e t h e m. ”
T h e D a u n t i n g I d e a o f S t a r t i n g O v e r …
Doyouf eell i keyourcar eeri snotr eal l ygoi nganywher eandmor eof t ent hannotyou’ r ecount i ngdown t hemi nut esunt i lyoucangetoutoft her e?Somanypeopl echoos et os t ayi nunf ul f i l l i ngj obs ,event hough t heyknow t her ei ss omet hi ngbet t erwai t i ng. Sowhati st hef i r s ts t ept o“ s t ar t i ngover ” ?Thever yf i r s ts t epi st oacceptt hatyouar enots t ar t i ngover ; eveni tmi ghtf eell i ket hat .Yous ee;muchl i kehow abankappl i escompoundi ngi nt er es tont hemoneyi n yours avi ngsaccount ,ever ys i ngl eper s onhascompoundi ngl i f eexper i enceandpr of es s i onalexper i ence. Ever yt hi ngyou’ ves t udi ed,wor kedwi t h,managedandbeeni nvol vedi nhasgi venyouar angeofval uabl e exper i ences ,youj us thavenotl ear nedt os ees omeoft hos eashi ghl yval uabl e!Andgues swhat–i fyou don’ tval uet hi scompoundi ngef f ecti nyours ki l l s et ,nooneel s ewi l lei t her . W enevers t ar tf r om s cr at ch,eveni fwemi ghtbeheadi ngi nt os omet hi ngunf ami l i ar . “How doIf i ndmypas s i ont hen?” Ther ear emanygr eatt ool syoucanus eandunpackt oget herwi t hacar eercoach,butf i r s tIwoul d encour ageyout oputal lyourpr es s ur esand“ Is houl d”i t emsas i deandal l ow s omecr eat i ves pace. Onet hi ngt hatwi l lgetyous t ar t edi swhatIcal lt hemagi ct r i angl e. Thet r i angl ei sbas edon3equal l yi mpor t antcor ner s : 1 )Somet hi ngyouar enat ur al l ygoodat 2)Somet hi ngt hati sf unand 3)s omet hi ngt hatchal l engesands t r et chesyou.
Thet r i angl eneedsal l3s i desandt oget hert heymakeupyours weets pot .How doyoubr i dget hef i nanci al gap?Thi si sat r i ckyonef ormos tpeopl e!Is t ar t edmyownbus i nes saf ew year sagowhi s twor ki ngf ul lt i me i nanot herj obands t udyi ngpar tt i mei nt heeveni ngs .I tbas i cal l yf ol l ows2ver ys i mpl epr i nci pl es :A)You havet or eal l ywanti tandB)youhavet os pendl es st hanyouear n.Mos tpeopl ecanact ual l yf i ndbot ht i me andmoneyi ft heyj us tgetcr eat i ve.Thekeyi st obewi l l i ngt obeabi tuncomf or t abl ef oras hor twhi l ef or t hel ongt er m gai n.Gr eatchangeandgr owt hwi l lneverhappeni nyourcur r entcomf or tzone!
The3bes tt i pst ohel pyougets t ar t ed: 1 .Rat eonas cal ef r om 1–1 0( 1=Iwantt ol eavemyj obt omor r ow and1 0=Il ovewhatIdo)wher eyou ar ecur r ent l yat .Behones twi t hyour s el fher e! 2.Dot hemagi ct r i angl eexer ci s e:onabl ankpapercr eat e3col umns .I n1youwr i t eever ys i ngl et hi ng you’ r egoodat ,i n2youwr i t edownasmanyt hi ngsaspos s i bl et hatyouf i ndf unandenj oyabl eandi n3 youwr i t edowns omeoft hekeyt hi ngsi nt hepas tt hathaver eal l yhel pedyougr ownandevol ve( eveni fi t washar datt het i me) .I tdoesnotmat t eri fyourans wer sar es t r i ct l ywor kr el at edornotbecr eat i ve! 3.I nves ti nyourf ut ur eanddo1s mal lt hi ngf oryour i ghtnow!W het heryoudeci det owor kwi t hacar eer coach,buyanew book,s i gnupf orat r ai ni ngors i mpl yt al kt os omeonei nHRabouti nt er nalj obt r ans f er oppor t uni t i es .Dot hef i r s tt hi ngands t ar tput t i ngi toutt her et hatyouar el ooki ngf ort henextt hi ng. EmmyPet er s oni sanact i onf ocus edcoachandcer t i f i edNLP( neur ol i ngui s t i cpr ogr ammi ng) pr act i t i onerwhohaswor kedwi t hpeopl ei nt r ans i t i onbet weencount r i es ,car eerchanges andchal l engi ngl i f es i t uat i onss i nce201 3. ht t p: / / t hebr i dgecoachi ng. com. au
MySe cr e t ,WhyMyL i f ei sBe t t e rNo w ThatM yHu s b a n di sDe a d Ker r yAnneNel s on Speaker ,Aut hor ,Coach andEventOr gani s er www. ker r yannenel s on. com I t ’ ss t r ange,butAl ecandIus edt ot al kaboutwhatwoul d happeni ft heot heronedi ed.Thos econver s at i onsal ways br oughtmet ot ear s .Thes edaysmyl i f ei saf ant as t i c concoct i onofgr at i t ude,s ur pr i s eandopt i mi s m.Icanbar el y bel i evet hatmyl i f ei sbet t ernow t hatmyhus bandi sdead. If oundAl ect hatni ghtl yi ngf acedownonourki t chenf l oor .I wast ol dhehadbeent her ef oraboutni nehour saf t erhavi nga hear tat t ackcaus edbyaf at alcombi nat i onofs t r es sandt oo manymedi cat i ons .Fi ndi nghi ml i ket hatwast r ul ys i ckeni ng. Ni ght mar i s h.Sur r eal .Thi sl os swasgut t i ngandt hi sr eal i t ywas i nconcei vabl e. W ehadbeenmar r i eds i nce27Apr i l2002andwe’ dal waysl ovedbei ngt oget her .W ecoul dn’ tf at hom coupl eses capi ngt ot hei rmen’ ss hedsorgi r l ’ sni ght s .I fwewer en’ tt oget heri ts i mpl ywas n’ tf un. W el i vedt hr oughever ys eas onconnect edi nl ove,ambi t i onanddar i ng. I n2004wecr eat edourNoSl eepApar tpol i cy,s oweal wayss l eptt oget her ,eveni fi tt ookhour sf oronet o r et ur nt ot heot her .I n201 3ouronl i nebus i nes swasf i nal l yabl et os uppor tusbot hf ul lt i me,whi chgi f t ed ever ymi nut et oget her .Br eakf as t ,wor k,gym,gr ocer i es ,movi esandr es t aur ant s .Per f ect .
Idon’ tr emembert hef i r s tt houghtIhadi nt heki t chent hatni ght ,butIdoknow s omeofmyi ni t i ali mpul s es . “ How di dt hi shappen?”“ How am Igoi ngt ol i ve?”“ Icannotpos s i bl ydot hi s . ”“ W hatwi l lIdo?” Mycl ar i t ynow i sal mos tunbel i evabl e,exceptt hati t ’ st r ue.Mymi s s i onnow asas peaker ,aut hor ,coach andeventor gani s eri st ohel ppeopl ef ol l ow t hei rpas s i on. I ti snotanabs enceoff eart hatpr opel sme.W eal lexper i encef ear .Fearoff ai l ur e.Fearoft heunknown. Fearofr ej ect i on.Evenf earofs ucces s .Is t i l lf eelf earmos tdays ,butpeopl eof t ens ayI ’ ms t r ongand conf i dent .Il ear nedas ecr etaf t erAl ecdi ed.Thatl es s ons t ar t edf i r s twhenIwass car edt os i tont hecouch wi t houthi m.Thel es s onkeepshel pi ngmet hr ough,ever yt i meIam af r ai di nmynew wor l d.Now Idos i ton t hecouch,wi t hmynew l ovewhat ’ smor e,andIdobui l dnew l i f eevenwhenI ’ mt er r i f i ed. W hat ’ smys ecr et ? Ihaves wappedt hepr et enceofs t r engt handconf i dencef oradedi cat i ont obr aver yandcour age.Idon’ t wai tf ort hef eart ol eavebef or eIact ,butIr emi ndmys el ft hatIam def i nedbymyl oveandhow I demons t r at ei t . Thi scommi t mentt ocour ageper mi t sr aw hones t yi nal lar eas ,becaus ei ts t ar t sbyadmi t t i ngmyf ear ,t hen i ti si mpl ement edbymaki ngmys el faccount abl et oahi gherpur pos e.Ther ear enol i es ,noexcus es .Onl ya t r ut hf ulacknowl edgementofmyvul ner abi l i t yandacommi t mentt oact i onr egar dl es s . Thi smi nds etl i ber at esmet oadmi tot hert hi ngst oo.Iownal lmymi s t akes ,hur t ,f r us t r at i on,conf us i on,and s or r ow whenIchoos eaut hent i ci t y.Thi si show wes us t ai nt hepur s ui tofourpas s i onsandIt hi nki t ’ st he mai nr eas onf ormypr ogr es s .Thi sl es s onhast r ans f or medt hemos tgut wr enchi ngl os sofmyl i f ei nt ot he chancet opr epar emycor ei dent i t y,per cei venew oppor t uni t i es ,pos s es st hepowerofowni ngupt omy pot ent i al ,andenj oyt heempower mentofpur s ui ngmypur pos e. Sos omehow,des pi t et hedevas t at i ngl os st hatwi l lal waysbes ad,myl i f er eal l yi sbet t ernow t hatmyhus bandi sdead.
Photo credit: @mwenyamwanasabamba
What are you passionate about?
I am Passionate about quantum healing ,self love, sensuality, embodiment and creative empowerment. A t ypical day
I would have to say most of my days are quite varied as I travel a lot for my work and it depends on what activities I have. However, on average I will always spend time connecting with my inner self and centering through meditation, yoga or time in nature. I also make sure I have a dancing or singing session most days. The most significant influence in my working career was/is
I have had so many influences/mentors through out my journey and they change depending on what I'm learning and integrating in my life. I consider anyone I look up to and respect has something to teach me. I'm most proud of
Making a spontaneous decision to quit my career in Information Technology, to follow my dreams, which I didn't even really know what they were at the time but I just knew life was too short to be unhappy and inauthentic.
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One of the most memorable moments was
My very first experience having Ayaheusca with a trained Shaman in 2012. It was mind blowing. I was never the same again after this experience. Whats the biggest lesson you learned
Not being yourself is too big a price in this life. You have to free yourself from yourself.
Whats the biggest challenge you face
My biggest challenge has been accepting my sensual and sexual expression publically, unashamedly and openly sharing this part of myself having grown up in a very conservative and religious society were women get beaten for wearing mini skirts on the streets. There is a lot of shaming of women and suppression of their sexuality and expression. I still live with the fear of rejection and being ostracized by family and friends. Especially in this modern day and age with social media. You can not hide who you are and live a double life. You just have be authentic. 3 best tips
-Dance and Sing as often as you can. -Tree Hugging or Earthing to clear your body of anxiety and unwanted negative vibes. Its simple , effective and free -Be relentless in weeding out negativity and drama in your life. What is your biggest dream
To travel the world, speaking, healing and inspiring women from all backgrounds to be the best versions of themselves, so they too may know they are worthy of all that they dream. What I like best about my job
I love the relief, transformation and alignment people experience after working with me. I love watching someone become who they were always meant to be. It makes me feel like I am doing my part to make the world a better place with every person I work with. My clients also heal me because the people who tend to gravitate towards me have had similar challenges or experiences as me and often it feels like I am seeing my own reflection in another body. Taking up the responsibility to do this kind of work and step up also means I have a duty to be in integrity with myself, always practicing what I preach. If you weren't doing this job what would you do instead
Within my career and life I get to do everything that I love. There is no choosing, sacrificing or a Plan B. I just get live my love period!
Expe r tIn t e r v i e w NehandaYemay aRus er e W hyar eyoupas s i onat eaboutyourpur pos e/ mi s s i on, bus i nes s / s er vi ce? Iam s opas s i onat eaboutr ai s i ngawar enes s ,al lf or msof al t er nat i veheal i ngi ncl udi ngs el fexpr es s i onandcr eat i vi t y becaus eIknow f i r s thandhow i ncr edi bl edepr es s i ng, s t r es s f ulandpai nf ull i f ei nt hi swor l dcanbewi t houta gr eat ers ens eofawar enes sandl ovei nyourl i f e.Ial s o f eeldeepl yf ul f i l l edbydedi cat i ngmyl i f et omaki ngot her peopl esl i vesbet t er .
Ibel i evebei ngofs er vi cet oot her si st hemos tr ewar di ng gi f tyoucanr ecei vei nl i f e.Al lt hr oughmy20sIl i veda ver ydepr es s i ng,s el fdes t r uct i ve,dr amaandaddi ct i on f i l l edl i f eandatt hebes tt i mei twasamedi ocr el i f e.I r emembers ovi vi dl ycons t ant l yt r yi ngt of i l lt hevoi dIf el t Photo credit:@JoshOpalMaden wi t hi nmys el fand al wayst r yi ngt of i nds omeki ndof r el i efbutal waysf al l i ngs hor t . Byt heendofmy20sIwas depl et ed,s ui ci dalanddi s s at i s f i edi nf i r s tcar eeri nI . T.Ir eal i s edIwasl i vi ngamer ef r act i onofmy pot ent i al ;s et t l i ngf ormoneyands ecur i t y,butt hes ecur i t ynevercoul dqui t ef i l lt hevoi d. Iwasa ps ychol ogi cal l yandemot i onal l yabus i ver el at i ons hi pf orf i veyear sdur i ngt hi st i mewhi chl ef tmeanempt y s hel lofper s on.Feel i ngwor t hl es sandl os t .Iunder s t andnott hatImadeal loft hes echoi cesunknowi ngl y andoutmyowni gnor anceandt henwat chedast heys uckedt hel i f ef or ceoutofme,unt i lIr eached br eaki ngpoi nt .Mypas s i oncomesf r om havi ngexper i encedt hes t ar kcont r as toft hes eexper i ences .And ast heys ayexper i encei st hebes tt eacher . W hocanbenef i tf r om yours er vi ce? Anyonewhoi sf eel i ngphys i cal l yoremot i onal l yunwel lors i mpl ys omeonewhohast heawar enes st hat t heyar enotashappyast heyknow t heycoul dbebutt heyar enots ur ehow t ogett ot hi spl acei nt hei r l i f e.Someonewhohast r i edal lt heconvent i onalmet hodst ohealandi sopenmi nded,l ooki ngf oral ong t er ms ol ut i onandpr epar edt odowhat everi tt akest of i ndheal i ngandadeepers ens eoff ul f i l mentand happi nes s
W hatmakesyou/ s er vi ce/ bus i nes suni que( s et syouapar tf r om ot herpeopl ewi t hi nyouri ndus t r y? Il i ket ohealt hever ycor eofanydys f unct i onori l l nes s .Mys ki l l s etal l owsmet oacces sands eet hebl ocks t hatar et hever ycor eofanypat t er nordi s har mony.I ’ m noti nt er es t edi nmaki ngyouf eelbet t erf or5mi ns . Iwantyout ogetbet t erandneverneedmyhel pagai n.
W hatar eyourcl i ent skeychal l enges ?AndW hy? Mos tofmycl i ent ss t r uggl ewi t hf i ndi ngabal ancewi t ht heMas cul i neandFemi ni neener gi es .Theyar e ei t hert oodomi nanti nt hei rmas cul i neener gyands uppr es s i ngt hei rf emi ni negi f t s ,s el fexpr es s i onand cr eat i vi t y.Thei rs ens ualexpr es s i on,r el at i ons hi pwi t ht hei rbodi esands exual i t yal s ogr eat l ys uf f er sasa r es ul t .Ther eas onbei ngwel i veapat r i ar chals oci et yandt hef emi ni nepr i nci palhasbeenheavi l y s uppr es s edwi t hi nal lofusf orcent ur i es .Rel i gi on,Educat i on,mai ns t r eam medi ahaveal lcont r i but edt ot he di s t or t edbel i efs ys t ems ,concept sandi deasofhow wes houl dexpr es sours ens ual i t yands exual i t y. How doeswhatyoudobenef i tourvi ewer s ? Themodal i t i esIwor kwi t hcancl earpas tt r aumas ,memor i es ,bel i efs ys t ems ,bl ocksar ounds exual i t y, s ens ual i t y,i nt i macy,s el fl oveandyourownabi l i t yt oexpr es syourowncr eat i vi t yandt obeempower edi n t hi s .Asar es ul t ,i l l nes scaus edbyt hi si mbal ancewi t hi nyour s el fcanbeheal ed. Anyt hi ngexci t i ngcomi ngup? Fol l ow meons oci almedi af orupcomi ngevent sandwor ks hops . 3bes tt i psf oryouraudi ence? 1 .Al waysmaket i met ogi vebackt oyour s el f 2.Know t hatyouar eal wayswor t hyanddes er vi ngofl oveandgr eati nt i macy 3.Makeyourheal i ngapr i or i t yandbydoi ngs oyous ayyest ot hel i f eyouknow youdes er ve.
Photo credit: @mwenyamwanasabamba
REALQUES TI ONS CE wi t hM e l i n aa n dJa n e HONESTADVI
Iam devas t at edt of i ndoutmy hus bandi scheat i ngbehi ndmy back.
I si tnor malf ormyhus bandt o dot hi s ?
Iki ndofhaveamor aldi l emmagoi ngonher e.I I ’ vebeenmar r i edf oraboutayear .Myhus band f oundoutaf ew weeksagot hatmyf i ancécr eat ed andIdeci dedt ot r yf orababyr ecent l yandwe anaccountonapor ns i t eandi spr et endi ngt obea wer epr egnanti nabout4mont hsbuts adl yl os t gi r lont her e.He' ss ext i ngwi t hmul t i pl eguyst al ki ng t hebabyat1 5weeks .W ewer ebot hs oexci t ed ver ydi r t y.If oundoutabouti tbyacci dentand f orababyandwhenIl os tt hebabyhewasan whenIdi dIconf r ont edhi m abouti t .Hewas i ncr edi bl es uppor t .Myhus bandwas n' tr eal l y def ens i veatf i r s tandaf t eraf ew f l ar eupshe i nt er es t edi ns exf r om t het i meIgotpr egnant expl ai nedwhyhe' sdoi ngi t :i t ' sj us tamas t ur bat or y unt i lnow.al t houghhes ayshewant st ot r yagai n t hi ng,hei s n' tcheat i ngbecaus ehe' snevergoi ngt o f orababy,hedoes n' teveri ni t i at es exal t hough meetwi t ht hes eguys ,andi t ' sas t r es sr el i everf r om hei sof t enaf f ect i onat e.Ihadal ookonhi sphone t hes t r es sofj obs ear chi ng.He' ss t i l ldoi ngi t ,al mos t andf oundoutt hathehadt woaccount sondat i ng ever yday,f oraf ew hour s ,whet herI ' m athomeor webs i t esandt extmes s ageswi t ha" mas s eus e" atwor k.Heal s os ext sus i ngt ext i ngappsont he whi l eIwasoutoft ownt heot herni ght .I ts eems web.W ehaves exr egul ar l yandhes ayshe' ss uper t ohavebeenmor eofapr os t i t ut eashewas happywi t hme.Ibel i evehi m.W e' vebeent oget her meet i ngheratahot elandherwebs i t ehadnude f or4year sandhe' smademever yhappyi nmul t i pl e phot os .Now Idon' tknow whatt odo.Il ovet hi s ways .Idon' tknow exact l ywhybutt hi ss ext i ng manbutIam compl et el ybl i nds i ded.DoIconf r ont t hi ngi ss t i l lbuggi ngmeevent houghwe' vet al ked hi m?How doIappr oacht hi s ??Iam devas t at ed. abouti t . . .Anyi deas ?Shoul dIber i ghti nbei ng Ihaven' tt ol danyoneaboutt hi sasIam mor t i f i ed. . . . .concer ned?I st hi ss omet hi ngnor mals omeguysdo? butam now f eel i ngver yi s ol at ed. Iknow t hathe' spans exualhe' smadet hatver ycl ear
Addr es st her eali s s uesi nyour r el at i ons hi pf i r s t
Fi r s tofal l ,Iam s or r yf oryourl os t .I ti snot s omet hi ngt hati seas yt ogot hr ough.I nr egar dst o yourhus bandnoti ni t i at i ngs ex,i tcoul dbeduet o acoupl eofr eas ons .Somemendohes i t at et ohave s exwi t ht hei rpar t nerast heyar eaf r ai dofhur t i ng t hebaby.However ,t hi smaynotbet hecas ei nt hi s s i t uat i on.Ther emaybeunder l yi ngi s s ueswhi ch havenotbeenaddr es s edi nyourr el at i ons hi p. Thef actt hatyoucheckedhi sphonemays ound l i ket her ei sal ackoft r us ti nt her el at i ons hi p.Ido t hi nkyouneedt oconf r onthi m aboutt hedat i ng webs i t esaswel last het extmes s ages .Bef or eyou t hi nkabouthavi nganot herbaby,It hi nki t ’ swi s e youaddr es st hes ei s s ues .Havi ngababywon’ tf i x yourr el at i ons hi p,i t ’ sj us tgonnamakei teven har deranddef i ni t el ynotf ai rf ort hebaby.You won’ tt obr i nghi m/ herupi nanenvi r onmentt hat i sl ovi ng&nur t ur i ng,notf ul lofl i esandcheat i ng.
i nt hepas t ,t hatdoes n' tbugme.
Focusont hebi gges tpi ct ur e andbef l exi bl e
Pans exualpeopl ei sanat t r act i ont os omeone r egar dl es soft hei rgender .Thati snott hecas eher e ashei ss peci f i cal l ys ext i ngwi t hmen&onl ymen! I ts oundsl i ket omehei ss exual l yat t r act edt obot h menandwomenandneedst ophys i cal l yexpl or et hi s s i t uat i on.Bot t om l i nei si t ' snotgonnagoawayor changet i l lheexpl or est hi spar tofhi ss exual i t y.Your choi cei st oei t herexpl or ei twi t hhi m,l ethi ms ol o expl or ef orawhi l eori ft hes ei deasdon' tf l oatyour boat . . . l eave.
Pl eas es endyourques t i onst o i nf o@i nt i macyt v. com. auand outt eam wi l lper s onal l yr evi ew andans wert hem. *Al lnameshavebeenchangedt o pr ot ectpr i vacy
Te l e p a t h i c Lo v e Dani el aBi rch I nt ernat i onalPsychi cMedi um and SoulMat eSpeci al i st www. dani el abi rch. com Movi ngonf r om s omeoneyouhavehadanobvi ousconnect i onwi t hi sr eal l yhar dt odo;es peci al l yi ft hi si s as oulmat ewi t hwhom youhavebeenwi t hovermanyi ncar nat i ons .Longaf t ert hatper s onhasl ef tyour l i f e,youcans t i l lbeener get i cal l yconnect edt ot hem bywhati sknownasEt her i cChakr aCor ds . Somecl eari ndi cat i onst hi sper s oni ss t i l lat t achedt ooyoui s : . Youf eelt heener get i cpr es enceoft hi sper s onandyoucannotgett hem outofyourmi nd. . Youcons t ant l yt hi nkaboutt hem yetyoumaybei nanot herr el at i ons hi port heyar e!I ns omecas est hey ar eevenmar r i edwi t haf ami l y. . Ther ei st hi sener get i cpul lt obewi t ht hem yetyoudon' tunder s t andf ul l ywhy. . Youmayf orexampl epi ckupont hei rt hought s&f eel i ngs ;youmays mel lt hes centoft hei rcol ogne,have s exualener gypr oj ect edont oyououtofnowher e,s ens et hi st ot alemer gi ngofbot hyourbodi esand hear t s&youcanevenheart hem t al ki ngt oyoui nyourmi nd! Theyar ecommuni cat i ngl ovi ngt hought st el epat hi cal l y;how mucht heymi s syou,andwi s hyouwer e t oget her . Youmayevenf eelt hem i fyourwi t hyourcur r entpar t ner ,t r yi ngt ocomei nbet weenyou,event hough t heyendedt her el at i ons hi p.
. .
W el comet ot heabi l i t yt ocommuni cat ewi t hs omebodyvi at el epat hi cl ove!
Aswear emul t i di mens i onalbei ngs ,wear eabl et opower f ul l yconnectwi t heachot hervi aanener gypor t al f r om t hei rs oul s ,hear t sandmi nds !Thi si sl i kenedt oanans wer i ngoft hei r" Tel epat hi cFr equencyPhone Cal l "yeti nmos tcas est heot herper s oni sunawar eoft hi sexchange,asi ti shappeni ngi nt heet her i c! Thi si sawayf ort het woofyout os t ayconnect ed,eveni foneorbot hofyouar ecur r ent l yi ns acr ed cont r act swi t hanot her .
Yett her ei ss t i l layear ni ng,us ual l yonas oull evelt obeabl et oconnecti nt ot heot her sener gyf i el d! Thi smaybeoccur r i ngasyourownSpi r i t ualCont r act s( wi t hyourcur r entpar t ner )ar eyett obe compl et edandi t ' sawayt os t ayi nt ouchoroneofyoui sdes per at el yunhappyandyouar e" f eedi ng"of f eachot her ' sl ovi ngvi br at i on!I ft het woofyouar eSoulMat esandi twas n' tt hedi vi net i met obet oget her , ort hel oveyous har edwass oover whel mi ng&power f ul ;youar es t i l lf ul l yat t ached,unabl et ol etgoand t hi si swher et heTel epat hi cUni onwi l lt akepl ace. Theconswi t ht hi sexchangecanbet hati t ' sver yaddi ct i veasyourf eedi ngof feachot her ' sener gy, es peci al l ys exual l y&i fyourort hei rpar t ner sar enotmeet i ngt hei rneeds ,youar eal l owi ngyour s el ft obe mani pul at edener get i cal l y,s oi deal l yt heyar el i vi ngt hebes tofbot hwor l ds !
Ther eas oni t ' shar dt obr eakf r eei st hei ri snoego,youf eelt hi ss ens eofpur el oveasi t sl i t er al l yf r om t hei r s oul !Yeti tal l owst hem t oknow youral wayst her ef ort hem nomat t erwhat ,andes peci al l yi fyoudonot
communi cat eatal li nt hephys i cali e.Not ext i ng/ phonecal l s ,t henyoui nf actbei ngs pi r i t ual l ymani pul at ed. I ft hi st el epat hi cexchangehasbeengoi ngonf orawhi l e,andi t ' spr event i ngyouf r om connect i ngi nt o yourcur r entpar t nerorhol di ngyoubackf r om meet i ngs omeonenew,t heni t ' st i met ocr eat es ome boundar i es . I t ' st i met ocl os et hi s' l ovepor t al'andcr eat es ome' t oughl ove' !Atf i r s tt hi sper s onwi l lgoi nt opani cand f eelabandoned,yeti ft heyr eal l ywantyoui nt hei rl i ves ,t hent heyneedt os how youi nt hephys i cal i t y! ! How t oyoudot hi s? St ep1 :Fi r s t l yt al kt ot hi spar toft hem andas kt hei rhi ghers el f ,s oulandhear tt ocompl et el yl eaveand s t epback!Thi smayf eell i keyou' r ehear thasbeenr i ppedapar tbuti t ' scr uci alf oryout obedi s cer ni ng. St ep2:Vi s ual i zedoor sar oundyouwher et heyar eabl et oent erbei ngcl os ed,andevenl ockt hes e ener get i cdoor s .As kAr changelMi chaelt ocl earal lhooksandener get i ccor dsat t achedt ot hem andbe r el eas ed.I ns t ant l yyouwi l lf eelyour s el fbei ngf r eeandabl et ot hi nkcl ear l y.Sur r oundyour s el fi nabubbl e ofdi amondl i ghtt ohel ps ealyouraur as ot heyar eunabl et oknockont hedoorwhent heywant ! St ep3:Ful l ydi s ci pl i neyourmi ndandt r ynott ot hi nkaboutt hem t oomuch,ast hi sal l owsnew cor dst o becomeat t achedandyouwi l lneedt os t ar tt hepr oces sal lover .Remembert heyar epower f ulandnohow t ogett ooyou,bys endi ngyout hei rl oveandyouaut omat i cal l yopenupt ot hem.
St ep4:Remi ndyour s el ft hatasl ongasyoucommuni cat eont hi sl evel ,( andal s ot hewi s dom t hatt heyar e doi ngt hi ss ubcons ci ous l yandmaynoteven beawar eoft hi s ) ,t hati t ' snotal l owi ngyout obeemot i onal l y f ul f i l l edi nar el at i ons hi pi nt henow. W eonl yhavet hepr es entmoment ,andbys ayi ng' no't ot hem i t ' scr eat i ngaf ut ur eevent ,i fi t ' sf oryour hi ghes tgoodt ocomet oget heragai n! Setyour s el ff r eeandal l ow t heuni ver s et obr i ngt hem back,i fnott hens omeoneevengr eat erwi l lnow be abl et of i ndt hepor t alt oyourhear t
“ e r e ' s n e v e rat i meo rp l a c ef o r t r u el o v e . I t h a p p e n s a c c i d e n t a l l y , i nah e a r t b e a t , i nas i n g l ef l a s h i n g r o b b i n gmo me n t . ” INTIMACYTV/JULY 15
St a r t i n gOv e ra f t e raTo x i c o rAb u s i v eRe l a t i o n s h i p Ani t aBent at ai saSur vi vor ,Aut hor ,Pr of es s i onalSpeaker ,Tr auma Ps ychot her api s t ,Ret r eat ,W or ks hop,Gr oupf aci l i t at or ,andTr ai ner . www. ani t abent at a. com How canwedat edi f f er ent l ywi t houtgoi ngt ot hecompl et eoppos i t e,becaus eoppos i t escangetus caught i ns omet hi ngequal l ydi s appoi nt i ngorhear t br eaki ng. W hi chpar tofyouwant st oputyour s el foutt her e?Thepar tt hati sr eady,ort hel onel ypar t ? Fol l ow t hi scheckl i s tt oyourr es our cedandconf i dents el f !
1 2 3
Lear nt hes peci f i cdef i ni t i onofabus e. Don’ twaverf r om bel i evi ngi twhenyou s eei ti nanyf or m.Don’ twai tf or‘ pr oof ’ . Becl earonwhati sunaccept abl e. Thi nkaboutpas tr el at i ons hi ps . Wr i t es peci f i cal l yonwhat ’ snot okay.
Doyouhaveboundar ys et t i ngs ki l l s ? I fnot ,s eeas ki l l edps ychot her api s t , whowor kswi t ht heuncons ci ousand t hecons ci ous ,s oyoudon' tgett r i pped up.
4 5 6
Don’ twor r yaboutwhatot herpeopl e t hi nki s‘ r i ght ’ .Fol l ow wher eyouar eat . Tr us tyour s el f .Movi ngoni snotabout t r us t i ngs omeoneel s e.W henyout r us t your s el fanddon’ ti gnor eyourqui ets el f , t henyoucandi s cer nwhot ot r us tand when.
Takeyourt i me.Ar eyour eadyt odat e? Takeyourt i met ogett oknow s omeone.
7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3
Fol l ow youri ns t i nct .
W henyouf eels car edorl onel y,wr i t e uncens or ed,t al kt oaf r i end,s eea s ki l l edpr of es s i onal .Don’ tdoi mpul s e dat i ng Dot heyas kaboutyouorj us tt al kabout t hems el ves ?Dot heyj us tques t i onabout you,anddon’ ts har eaboutt hems el ves ? Toomuchei t herwayi sar edf l ag. Ref l ectont hever balandnonver bal mes s agesyour ecei vedf r om your par ent sr el at i ons hi paboutl ove, bei ngaman/ womenandconf l i ct .
Don’ tbes wayedbychar m ors ads t or i es .
Don’ tgets exualt oos oon,s oyout hi nk cl ear l ywi t houtmer gi ngener gi es .
As ki l f ulwayofuncover i ngyourl i mi t i ng, uncons ci ousbel i ef si swr i t eoutyour bi gges tf ear .Don’ twor r yi fi ts oundss i l l y ori r r at i onal .Keepwr i t i ngt of i ndoutt he uncons ci ousbel i efaboutyouor l ove i ns i det hatf ear .
1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 20
Beyour s el fs t r ai ghtaway.Theyar e goi ngt of i ndouts oonerorl at er ,s o beyouf r om t hes t ar t .
Bewi l l i ngt os ay‘ no’ .Sayi ng‘ yes ’i s s af eranddeeperwhenyouhave acces st o‘ no’ . Wr i t ewhatyouwantt odoi nyour nextr el at i ons hi p.St ar tdoi ngt hem byyour s el fandwi t hf r i ends !Don’ t wai tf or‘ hi m/ her ’t ol i vet hel i f eyou want . Wr i t eal i s toft hequal i t i es ,at t i t udes andval uesyouwanti napar t ner . Di s covers omeone’ schar act er ,not t hei ri nt er es t s .Bever ys peci f i c. Bui l demot i onalmus cl e.Getoutof yourcomf or tzonei not herar easof yourl i f e.Thi sal l owsheal t hyr i s kt aki ng.Bevul ner abl e.Al li mpor t ant r el at i ons hi ps ki l l s ,becaus edat i ng andr el at i ons hi psar ear i s k,and s t eppi ngi nt ot heunknown,canbea r ol l ercoas t ert of i ndyourmat ch. Dat ei navar i et yofenvi r onment s . W at chhow t heyar ei ndi f f er ent s et t i ngsandt owar dsot her s . As kt heques t i onsyouwantt oas k. Rel at i ons hi psar es oi mpor t ant ,yet weas kmor eques t i onswhenwe buyacar .Cont actmef ormyl i s tof s ugges t edques t i onsf ordeep conver s at i ons .
Wo u n d sd o n ' th e a lt h e w a yy o uw a n tt h e mt o , t h e yh e a lt h e w a yt h e yn e e dt o . I tt a k e st i me f o rw o u n d sf o rf a d e i n t os c a r s . I tt a k e st me f o rt h e p r o c e s so f h e a l i n gt ot a k e p l a c e . G i v e y o u r s e l f t h a tt i me . G i v e y o u r s e l f t h a tg r a c e . B e g e n t l e w i t hy o u rw o u n d s . B e g e n t l e w i t hy o uh e a r t . Y o ud e s e r v e t oh e a l . -D e l e Ol a n u b i
St a r t i n gOv e rFr o m Di v o r c e
ReneeCat t FounderofDi vor ceGoToGi r landCoach ht t p: / / www. di vor cegot ogi r l . com
Noonei severr eal l ypr epar edf ori tandi tcanbeoneoft hehar des tt i mesi nyourl i f e,onanemot i onal l evel ,pl ust hef i nancesandmos ti mpor t ant l yt heki ds .However ,t her ei sal waysaf l i ps i det oanys i t uat i on. Youhavet owantt os eei tt houghandyouhavet odot hewor kandl ear nandgr ow t or eal l yhaveaf ul f i l l i ngl i f eaf t er war ds .So,how t hef * ckdoyour eal l ydot hat ?St ar t i ngagai ns eemsl i kehar dwor k,Iget ,I havebeent hr oughal oti nmy5year ss i ncemymar r i ageended.
Ihaveal s os pokent o1 000’ sofwomen,r epl i edt ohundr edsofemai l sandr eadcount l es sFacebookt hr eads . Manypeopl e,yes ,MenandW omenar eemot i onal l ydr ai nedandexhaus t ed.Thent her e’ st hos ewhoputon af acadeof‘ happyevenaf t er ’ .Mei ncl udedi nal lt heabove.W ear ehumanaf t er al l .Sur e,you' r egoi ngt o havet os t ar toveragai nf i nanci al l y,get t i ngus edt oonewageandever yt hi ngt hatgoeswi t hyourl i f es t yl e. Iam notaf i nanci alexper ts or eachoutt os omeonewhoi s ,whocanhel pyouwi t hr ebui l di ngyourweal t h.
W hatIdoknow i speopl eandt heemot i onalchal l engeswef ace,t hatcans omet i mesbet hehar des tt o dealwi t h,andyourl awyercanthel pyouwi t ht hi sandnei t hercanyourf i nanci alexper t .Youmayeven t hi nkyoudontneedt odoanyt hi ngaf t ert hepaper wor ki ss or t edands i gned.Jumpi nt oanot herr el at i ons hi pmaybeorf i ndadi f f er entdi s t r act i on.Di dyouknow t hats econdmar r i agedi vor cer at esar ehi gher t hant hef i r s tmar r i ageendi ng?W onderwhy…. .Ladi es ,t hi si smos t l yf oryoubecaus eyouar et hemaj or i t y ofwhoIwor kwi t handwel l ,bei ngachi ckgi vesmeapr et t ygoodi deaofhow t os t ar tover ,r edef i newho youar eandgetbus yl i vi nganamazi ngnew chapt eri nyourl i f e,asaconf i dentandempower edver s i onof YOU! ! Now,al lt hats ai d,ont ot hegoods t uf f ! 1 .GETI N TOUCHW OO W OO Not hati snotapl ace,butyours pi r i t uals i de.Medi t at i onbecamepar tofmydai l yr i t ual sandhasnow f or t hel as t5year s .Thebenef i t sar eendl es sbutt hes ci encebacksupt her es ear chs ocheckoutt hi sar t i cl e f r om myt eacherht t p: / / mor ni ngt onmedi t at i on. com. au/ t ag/ s t r es s r el i ef / 2.FUN Getoutt her ei nt ot hebi gwi dewor l d,nott hewww,geti nt or eall i f eanddos t uf f .St uf ft hatl i ght syouup, getcr eat i ve,dos omet hi ngyou’ veal wayswant edt o,l i ket akeakar at el es s onorj umpoutofapl ane, what everr ocksyours ocks .Ther e’ sbeenenoughs er i ous nes si nyourl i f e,s oi ti st i met obemor epl ayf ul . INTIMACYTV/JULY 18
3.LOVE Your s el f ! Goonaj our neyofs el fdi s cover yandf i gur eoutwhoyour eal l yar e. W hatgoal syouwantt os etandr ai s e yours t andar dst oachi evet hem.Al s oknow,t hatwhenyouhaveki dswi t hs omeoneel s e,s howi ngt hem l ovef orbei nghal fofyourchi l di samuchni cerf eelt hanbei ngbi t t erandr es ent f ul .Show your s el fl ove,get amas s age,manipedi ,buyavi br at or ,t akeyour s el foutonadat e.Thechoi cei syour s . 4.PEOPLE Sur r oundyour s el fwi t hgr eatpeopl e.Not heki ndwhowantt of ocusondr amaorbi t chaboutyourexor t hei r s .Iknow,Iknow,weal lhavet odoabi tofaventorr antwhenweneed.Ladi es ,youneedt odot hi s wi t hyourgi r l f r i ends ,becaus et hat ’ show uswomenwor k.Li mi tt het i meyoudot hi sf ort hough,andt hen changet hef ocus . 5.BESOCI AL Getoutt her eandmi ngl easanew s i ngl e,per hapsnotqui t ehow t hemovi eof‘ How ToBeSi ngl e’goes… al t houghs omeni ght sl i ket hi si spr et t ynor malt hes edays .Getamoungs tpeopl ewhet heri t ’ satacaf e, barorf es t i val ,whet heri ti st aki ngupanew hobbyort as t i ngapaddl eatyourl ocalmi cr obr ewer y,get outt her e,anddol i f e. 6.THEDO OVER Getamakeover .Maybei ti sanew hai r do,new br i ghtl i ppyorapai rofs hoes( s hoesar eal waysour f r i end) .Dos omet hi ngt hats i gni f i est hi snew chapt eri nyourl i f e.Takeyour s el fonas ol ohol i dayt oan amazi ngheal t hr et r eatt ozenout ,f i nds omepeaceandhar mony.Gopar t yi nLasVegasf oraweek.
7.W ORK Now Idontmeanyourj ob,Icoul dandyoucoul ds etyour s el fagoalatwor kt or eal l yf ocusonandbe pr es entwhenyouar et her e.W hatImeani sdoTHESELFW ORKyoucanl ookf ordi s t r act i onsal lovert he pl ace,att hebot t om ofanes pr es s omar t i ni , s wi per i ghtt os omehotTi nderguy,what evert akesyourf ancy t odi s t r actyouf r om whati sbel ow t hes ur f ace.Youmayt hi nkt her e’ snopai n,nor es ent ment ,t hatyou havemovedon,butunt i lyou’ ver eal l ydeal twi t hhow youar et r ul yf eel i ng,t her e’ saf ai rchanceyour e pr et endi ngt obehappyont heout s i de.Sur e,i tmaypi s syouof fatf i r s tandyoumaycr yenought of i l la bat ht ub( t hat ’ swhatmycoachs ai dt ome! )butFFS,whenyoul etgooft he‘ s t uf f ’whatar el i efandt he wei ghtt hati sl i f t edof fyours houl der s ,mmmm whataf eel i ng.Thi si swhenot her sl ookatyoudi f f er ent l y, t hi si swhenyoucant r ul ys mi l eandr adi at e.THI SI STHEGOLD,t hi si sFREEDOM andt hi si sHAPPY.Then, al l ow met oi nt r oduce yout ot her ealyou. Ul t i mat el y,t hechoi cei syour sandonl yyour st omake.Sur e,i tmayf eelal i t t l euncomf or t abl e,butt hati s t hef eel i ngyouwant ,becaus et hati syouri nnervoi ce,youri nt ui t i ont el l i ngyout odowhat everyouar e r es i s t i ngmos t .Somyques t i ont oyoui s ,wher ewi l lyous t ar t ?
“ J u s t b e c a u s e t h e p a s t d i d n ' t t u r no u t l i k e y o uwa n t e di t t o , d o e s n ' t me a n y o u r f u t u r e c a n ' t b e b e t t e r t h a n y o u ' v e e v e r i ma g i n e d . ” INTIMACYTV/JULY 19
$197 -Ar eyouas i ngl ewomant hati ss t r uggl i ngt oat t r actt her i ghtmani nt oyourl i f e? -Doyouf eell i keyouhavel ot st oof f erbutkeephavi nguns ucces s f ulr el at i ons hi pwi t ht hewr ongguy? -Doyous t r uggl et ogetaguyt ocommi t ? -Ar eyous i ckandt i r edoff eel i ngl onel yanduns ucces s f uli nl ove? I fyous ayYESt oanyoft heabove,youar enotal one. W hatwenor mal l ys eei fapoolofwomens t r uggl i ngt oat t r actt her i ghtmat ch,s omeonewhocanl ove, acceptands uppor tt hem t of ort hewomant hatt heyar eandt ohavet hel oveandpas s i ont heyt r ul y des er ve. Joi nusi nourREAL,RAW ,AUTHENTI C conver s at i onsi nouramazi ngcour s e,whi chi ss peci f i cal l ydes i gned t ohel pwomenat t r actt hei rt r uel ove:
" D AT I NGMAS T E R C L AS SF O RT HEMO D E R NWO MAN” You’ l lbewal ki ngawayl ear ni ngt het ool sandi ns i ght sonhow t o: Avoi dt hecommonmi s t akest hatmos tpeopl emakei nt hei rdat i nggame Lear nhow andwher et of i ndhi gherqual i t ymen Becomeal ovemagnetandl etyourconf i dences hi nef r om t hei ns i deout How t oat t r actt heRI GHTmant hatal i gnswi t hyourvi s i onandval ues How t os etyour s el fupf oral ongt er ms ucces s f ulr el at i ons hi p . . . andmuchmor e W ehavedonet hel egwor kf oryou…s har i ngwi t hyouonl yt hos ewehavet es t ed&appl i edi nourl i ves andf r om ourcl i ent st hatwehavewor kedwi t h.Thi spr ogr am al l owsyout odoi ti nt hecomf or tofyour ownhome,wheni tf i t syou&yours chedul e.
Joi nMel i na,Jane&Pat t yt ol ear nhow t ot r ans f or m yourdat i ngl i f eandbei r r es i s t i bl et oyourpot ent i al mat ch.
ht t p: / / bi t . l y/ dat i ngmas t er cl as s women
YOURI NVESTMENT TODAY -Ar eyous i ngl eandkeepat t r act i ngt hes amet ypeofwomen? -Don' tknow how t ogett hewomant hatyouwantt owantyouback? -Ar eyous i ckofbei ng' f r i endzoned'al lt het i me? -W antt oat t r actal ovi ngandcar i ngl i f epar t ner ?
I fyous ayYESt oanyoft heabove,youneedt okeepr eadi ng. Al lyouwanti st of i ndal i f epar t nert hati sl ovi ng,car i ngands uppor t i ve,andi ns t ead,youkeep at t r act i ngt hes amet ypeofwomen.Youcan' ts eem t ogett hewomanyoudes i r et owantt obe wi t hyou( i . e.bei ng' f r i endzoned' ) ,att hes amet i me,youkeepat t r act i ngwomenwhoar e des per at e,cont r ol l i ngormani pul at i ng. W ear egoi ngt os how yout hes t epst obecomet heMAN t hatwomendes i r eandat t r acti nt o youl i f eal ovi ngpar t ners oyoucanbui l dt hel ovi ngr el at i ons hi pyoudes i r e. I nt r oduci ngouronl i nepr ogr am:
" DATI NG MASTERCLASSFORTHEMODERN MAN” You’ l lbewal ki ngawayl ear ni nghow t o: Avoi dt hecommonmi s t akest hatmos tpeopl emakei nt hei rdat i nggame Lear nhow andwher et of i ndhi gherqual i t ywomen Becomeawomanmagnetandat t r actt hewomanofyourdr eam How t oconf i dent l yappr oachwomenanyt i me,anywher e How t os etyour s el fupf oral ongt er ms ucces s f ulr el at i ons hi p . . . andmuchmor e W ehavedonet hel egwor kf oryou…s har i ngwi t hyouonl yt hos ewehavet es t ed&appl i edi nourl i ves andf r om ourcl i ent st hatwehavewor kedwi t h.Thi spr ogr am al l owsyout odoi ti nt hecomf or tofyour ownhome,wheni tf i t syou&yours chedul e.
( VALUEDAT$597) ht t p: / / bi t . l y/ dat i ngmas t er cl as s man
5T i p st oF al lB ac ki nL o veWi t hYo u r P o s tB ab yB o d y. J aneNguy en Aut hor ,Speak er ,Tr ans f or mat i onalDat i ng&Rel at i ons hi pCoac h, NL PPr ac t i t i onerandL ev el2Met aDy anmi c sCons ul t ant www. i nt i mac y t v . c om. au Ever yday,womenever ywher econs t ant l ys t r uggl ewi t ht hei rbodyi mage.W el i vei nas oci et ywher et he i deaofbeaut yi smoul dedbywhatyous eeandheari nt hemedi a.I ti st i r i ngandexhaus t i ngt oconf or m t ot hi ss t andar dofbeaut yof‘ cont our edf ace’ ,‘ t anneds ki n’ ,‘ s moot hbodi es ’ ,‘ hourgl as sf i gur e’ ,‘ t hi ghgap’ et c.Thent her e’ spr es s ur ef ormumst ol ookacer t ai nwayaf t ergi vi ngbi r t hast heKar das hi ansorot her cel ebr i t i espor t r ayed.Asi fbei ngamum i ni t s el fi snotenough!
1 0mont hsago,Igavebi r t ht ot hemos tbeaut i f ull i t t l egi r landIador eherwi t hal lmyhear t .Butt he j our neyofmot her hoodhas n’ tbeenal ls moot hs ai l i ng.I nf act ,i twasmor el i keanemot i onalr ol l ercoas t er r i de.Ir ememberl ooki ngi nt ot hemi r r oraweekaf t ergi vi ngbi r t hands eei ngal lt hes t r et chmar ks ,cel l ul i t e and‘ bi t s ’Iwasl ef twi t h.AsmuchasIam gr at ef ulandpr oudf orwhatI ’ vebeent hr ough,att het i met her e wasas ens eofl os s–If el tl i keIl os tmyowni dent i t y.I twasl i keapar tofmehaddi ed.Bef or ebi r t h,It ook pr i dei nl ooki ngaf t ermys el f ,owni ngmybodyandmys exual i t y.Af t erbi r t h,Ir emembercons t ant l yf el l‘ f at ’ anduns exy,hi di ngbehi ndl oos ecl ot hi ng,di s l i ki ngwhatIs aw i nt hemi r r or .Bef or eIknow i t ,Iwass ayi ng al lt henas t ys t uf faboutmybodi es .Anyonewho’ samum knowst hats omet i mesyouar et oot i r edt ogi ve as h* tabouthow yourbodyl ook,orbebot her edabouts havi ngyourl egsorwas hi ngt hei rhai r .Iwast he s ame.Ir at hers l eptt hanhavi ngs hower / was hi ngmyhai r .
ThenIr eal i s edt hatt hemor eIkeepgoi ngl i ket hi s ,t hef ur t herIam awayf r om r ecl ai m myownconf i dence, happi nes sands exual i t y.I fIvowedt oal waysputi nef f or ti nmyr el at i ons hi pwi t hmyhus band,i t ’ sabout t i meIputt hatext r aef f or ti nt her el at i ons hi pwi t hmys el f .SoIs ai dt omys el f‘ Fuckt hi st i r ednes s ,I ’ m goi ng t ol ookandf eelashappyandconf i dentasIwannaf eel . ’ThatdayImadet hedeci s i ont ol ovemys el fagai n, andl ovi ngever ybi t sofmypos tbabybody.I twas n’ tanover ni ghtpr oces sandI ’ m gl adIdi di t ,becaus eI cant el lyouhow genui nel yhappyIam wi t hmybody. Soi nt hi sar t i cl e,Iwoul dl i ket os har ewi t hyous omes i mpl et i psf oramor epos i t i vebodyi magepos tbaby
1 . Letgooft heol d&embr acet henew Let t i nggooft heexpect at i onspr ebabyaboutyourbodyandhow youar es uppos edt ol ookorf eel .Thi s i spr obabl yt hehar des tt hi ngf ormet obehones tbecaus eIhadt ol etgoofmyol di dent i t yandembr ace t hi snew ver s i onofmeasamum ( i ncl udi ngmypos tbabybody) .Lear nt ol ookatyours t r et chmar ksand cel l ul i t esas‘ wars car s ’becaus eyouwentt hr oughhel landbackdel i ver i ngt hi sbaby.Si tdownandt hi nk aboutar eal i s t i cver s i onofyou–W henyouar ehappy,cont entandconf i dent ,whatdoesi tl ook/ f eel / s ound l i ket oyou? 2.Remi ndyour s el fhow t r ul ybeaut i f ulandamazi ngyouar e. Your eal l yar ebeaut i f ulandamazi ng.I fyoudon’ tbel i eveme,yous houl ds eeyour s el ff r om yourchi l dr en’ s per s pect i ves .Youar et hei rever yt hi ng.Tol ear nt os eemys el ff r om adi f f er entper s pect i veal l owsmet o di s as s oci at ewi t hal lt henegat i vet hi nki ng.Sof orweeksIwr ot eonmymi r r or“ Youar eenough”andkeep r epeat i ng“ Iam beaut i f ulandIam ENOUGH” .Idi di tunt i lIf eelcompl et el ycongr uentwi t hmys el f . 3.Dos omet hi ngt hatmakesyouf eelhappyandbeaut i f ul Thi sdoes n’ thavet obes omet hi nggr ant ,coul dbes omet hi ngt hati ss i mpl el i kegoi ngf orwal ks ,exer ci s i ng ,havi ngas hower ,get t i ngyournai l sdone,get t i ngamas s age,medi t at i nget c.FormeIcommi t t edt oget outofmyPJ,haveas hower ,getdr es s edi npr opercl ot hesandputmakeuponnomat t erhow t i r edIf el t . Ther ewer edayswher eIr at herhi dundert hebl anketandnotf acet hewor l d,butmos tdaysIf el tamazi ng af t ermymor ni ngr out i ne.Ial s ot r i edt ogetoutf orwal ks ,pl aycent r eandcof f eeasmuchaspos s i bl es oI coul df eel‘ nor malandME’agai n. 4.Lear nt obei nt i mat ewi t hyour s el fandyourpar t neragai n. Mos tpeopl et hi nkt hatt heyneedt of eelconf i dentwi t ht hei rbodyf i r s tbef or et heycanbes exualand i nt i mat ewi t ht hei rpar t neragai n.I t ’ sact ual l yt heot herwayar ound.Havi ngt i meal onet ogeti nt ouch wi t hmybodyandbei nt i mat eagai nal l owsmet of eelmor econnect edwi t hmys el fandf eelmor e conf i dent .Mumsal lgot hr oughani ncr edi bl ej our neywi t hbi r t handi ts ur echangeshow yous eeandf eel aboutyourbody,es peci al l ydownt her e.Taket i met or econnectwi t hyour s el fi nt i mat el y,r eal i s i ngt hat event houghyouar eamum now,i tdoes n’ tchanget hef actt hatwear eal ls exualbei ngs .Don’ tr us hi nt o s exbutal s odon’ twai tt ool ongt ohaves exagai n.Thel ongeryouwai t ,t hel es syouwanti tandevent ual l y you’ l lj us tt el lyour s el fyoudon’ tneedi t( whi chi sat ot alB/ S) .St ar twi t hs omes ens ualmas s age,ki s s i ngor j us tt ouchi ngandbui l di tupf r om t her e. 5.Gr at i t ude,gr at i t ude,gr at i t ude W henyoucomef r om apos i t i veandgr at ef ulpl ace( aka.Thanki ngyourbodyf orwhatani ncr edi bl e j our neyi thasbeent hr ough) ,your eal i s ehow s t r ongandamazi ngyourbodyr eal l yi s .Lookatbody f eat ur esyouar epr oudofnow anddr es swel lt oaccent uat et hos ef eat ur es .Soi ns t eadoft r yi ngt o s queezei nanol dpai rofj eanst hatnol ongerf i tyou,buyt her i ghts i zet of i tyours hape.Makel ovi ngyour bodyapr i or i t y( i . e.t aki ngcar eofyourbodybyeat i ngheal t hi er&exer ci s i ng)i ns t eadofl os i ngwei ght andyou’ l lf i ndt hatt hewei ghtwi l ldr opnat ur al l y. Ihopet hes es i mpl e5t i pshel pyouf al li nbacki nl ovewi t hyourbodypos tbaby.Foranyques t i ons ,pl eas e f eelf r eet os endanemai lt oj ane@i nt i macyt v. com. au
“ D ar i ngg r e at l yme anst hec o u r ag et oB EVU L NE R AB L E . I tme anst os ho wu pandb es e e n.T oas kf o rwhatyo une e d . T ot al kab o u tho w yo u rf e e l i ng .T ohavet hehar dc o nve r s at i o ns . ”
Marie-Louis e Powsey is the founder of Life Stylin,' which aims to help people who feel a bit s tuck in their life, and uns ure of their next step toward happines s . She helps them to examine as pects which are holding them back, and empowers them to make smart decisions that they will f orever be confident in. facebook.com/LifeStylinDatingCoach
Starting over is like starting from scratch, isn't it? Well, it doesn't have to be. It all depends on your perspective. I, for one, choose not to see it that way. It doesn't have to feel as though your life until that point has been a waste, because it hasn't been. But that's your choice. In fact, it affords you the chance to do things a different way if you want to. Or you can do it again the right way but with a new mindset. Because no matter how much or how little time has passed, you're different now.
Whatever happened previously has brought you to where you are now, and it's made you who you are now. It hurt you, or helped you mature, but whatever it was, it brought you here. You can use your experience to navigate your future, and make the best of it, based on what you want your life to be. What you want for yourself will likely change with time. For example, if you're newly out of a marriage, what you want soon after the split could be different from 2 years down the track. ie shag first, relationship later. Getting back into dating can be a real headfuck. Even keeping it casual can be a headfuck, but you're stronger than you ever were, so you can do it. You won't necessarily know what you want straight away, and you might make a few mistakes along the way, but they're important, because they'll help you figure out what you do and don't want. From the time I truly came to the realisation that I was on my own, and had to start all over again, I was both determined to feel every emotion and move forward as quickly as possible. I've had a few traumatic events happen in the years I've walked this earth, but I've certainly learned to live them. People can tend to indulge themselves so much that they become more of a victim after the fact than they were at the time of the traumatic incident.
That's not me. I refuse to let any of the horrible things which have happened become b igger than me, and define me. It would be really easy to do, in fact, much easier than what I did. I've also found that by looking into the past and bringing forward brave moments helps me now. I remember times when I didn't think I could make it, or survive the trauma, and I'm grateful for what became as a result of that event, and the joy or triumph I felt by conquering the feat which seemed so completely insurmountable at the time. Most of us don't live uneventful lives, we have shit things happen in our lives, and it's up to us to get what we can out of those moments so that we're strong enough to cope with what comes our way next. As much as we try to be in control of our life, there are things we'll never expect, people changing their mind about being in a relationship with us, friends and loved ones dying. We can't control those, but we have to learn to live through them. And by learning how to cope with mourning what we've lost, we'll be strong enough to face what happens in our future when we start over again. Think about starting over as spring, a chance to freshen up, clean the windows of your life, and look around with clear vision- and get going!
Andr eaDi x TheJoyCoach andr ea@andr eadi x. com. au
li es, decei t, anda random comment
Peopl emaket hewor l dgor ound.Rat her ,connect i onwi t hpeopl edoes . Ibel i evewear eal ll ongi ng,s ear chi nganddr eami ngf ori nt i mat econnect i on–s omet hi ngt hatmakesus f eell i kewear es een,hear dandacknowl edgedexact l yaswear e.Butt het r ut hofi ti s ,t hatpeopl ewi l l onl ys eeyou,asmuchasyoual l ow t hem,andwantt hem t os ee. Peopl ewi l lcomeandgof r om yourl i f e,butt heoner el at i ons hi pt hatwi l lendur ef or ever ,i st heonewi t h your s el f .Soundschees y,Iknow,butyoucan' tes capet het r ut hs omet i mes . Sot hi si swhatIhavel ear nts of arf r om myowndevel opi ngr el at i ons hi pwi t hmys el f . Igr ew upwi t hl i esanddecei tf r om ayoungage.W el lmeani ngadul t st el lyouof f handedl yt hatyou' r e wr ong,s t upi d,s houl dbes eennothear d.Andayoungs pongel i kegi r lasmys el fs t ar t st obel i evet hem. Andt hepr obl em wi t hhear i ngt hi ngsout s i deofyour s el fbecomest hi s–t hatyous t ar tt omani pul at eand s hapet hem i nt obel i ef sandt hought st hats oundl i ket hey' r eyourown.Her ebegi nst hej our neyoft r ut h i nt ol i esanddecei t .
Themor el i esyout el lyour s el f ,t hemor eyous t ar tt ochangeands hapeyourbehavi our st omat ch.My t hought sar oundnotbei nggoodenough,pr et t yenough,and/ ors mar tenoughact ual l yi mpact edt hewayI i nt er act edwi t hot her s ,t hes or t sofj obsIwentaf t er ,t hei ncomeIf el tIdes er ved.Andnotonl ywasI decei vi ngmys el f ,andr obbi ngmys el foft hegi f tofl ovi ngandappr eci at i ngwhoIwas ,whoIcoul dbecome, andwhoIwant edt obe–Iwasal s odenyi ngt hos ear oundmet hej oyofknowi ngt het r ueandaut hent i c ver s i onofme.
Forwhati st het r ueandaut hent i cver s i onofmeanyway? Idancedar oundi tf ors ol ong,t hati tt ookmea l ongt i me,l ot soft ear s ,l oadsofmoneys pentons el fdevel opmentandi nt r os pect i on,l os toppor t uni t i esand f ai l edr el at i ons hi pst or eal i s et hati twasatmyf i nger t i psal lal ong–j us twai t i ngt obeal l owedavoi ce.
Theaut hent i cmei st heonet hati sf l awedi ns omanyways ,t hatIhavet ol augh.Idon' thavei tal lt oget her I ' m notper f ectbyanymeans ,I ' m notmodel l i kei nl ooks ,mynos ei sbi ggert hanI ' dl i ke,Is nor ts omet i mes whenIl augh,Idon' tal waysexer ci s eoreatt hewayIwantt o,andIcr yi ns ad,ands omet i mesf unny movi es .Gof i gur e.
Themos tr andom commentIhear doncewast hatt hemos ts t r engt hcomesi nbei ngvul ner abl e.I t ' show I l i vemyl i f enow,andIt r ul yt hi nkt hati tpr omot esanaut hent i ci t yandt r ut haboutmet hats hi nesf orot her s t owi t nes sandconnectwi t h.Icomef r om apl aceofi nt er nalj oyandhappi nes s ,andIdeepl yappr eci at e andl ovemyf l aws ,r at hert hanhi di ngt hem,pus hi ngt hem downori gnor i ngt hem.I tal l owsr el at i ons hi pst o bl os s om,l ovet odeepen,andl i f et of eelamazi ngandwor t hwhi l e. Andi s n' tt hatwhatl i f ei sal labout ?
T h eAr tOf Be i ng Al o ne
Mel i naMacdonal d I nt i macy&Adul tPr oduct Li f es t yl eEducat or ,Aut hor ,Speaker Dat i ng&Sex,Love&I nt i macyExper t www. i nt i macyt v. com. au Oneofpeopl e' sbi gges tf ear si sbei ngal oneI t ' snotmi ne I ' m qui t ecomf or t abl ei nmyowns pacei nmyown' cavet i me'bymys el f . W hatI ' vedi s cover edi soneofmybi gges tf ear si sact ual l ybei ngwi t hs omeoneagai n!Shar i ngmys pace, s har i ngmyl ove,s har i ngmyhear t ,Shar i ngmyever yt hi ng. Thel as tt hr eel ovesofmyl i f ehaveal lhadami dl i f emel t downsandf ormeIf el tl i keIwasdyi ngas l ow deat hasIcoui dnothel pt hem. I nf act ,wel l . . . t heys l owl ydi s appear edandmor phedi nt ocompl et el ydi f f er entpeopl et ot hepoi ntwher e t heywer eunr ecogni s abl eandunl ovabl e.Eacht i me,whenIf oundt hel i nei nt hes and,Iknew i twast i me t ogo.Theabus eIendur edhadnor el evancei nanyways hapeorf or mt ome. It henwentt hr oughamour ni ngpr oces swi t heachl os sofs omeone.Thehar des tt hi ngwast hef actt hat t heys t i l lwal kedont hi spl anet .I ' vel os ts omanypeopl et hi sl i f et i meandIunder s t andIwi l ll os emor ebut s omeonephys i cal l ydyi ngIf oundi sl es spai nf ult henwat chi ngs omeonement al l yandemot i onal l ywi t her away&mor phi nt os omebodyel s e.Thel ovesofmyl i f es l owl ydi ed. . . Mos tpeopl ewoul dn' tunder s t andi tbutl os i ngmypar t ner si nament alcapaci t yt obecomean unr ecogni s abl emanhasl i t er al l yf el tl i ket heydi edr i ghti nf r ontofmyeyes ! ! Thi si shandsdownbeent hemos tpai nf ulexper i encet hi sl i f et i met hatI ' vehad.Knowi ngt heys t i l ll i ve andbr eat heyetnotr ecogni s abl et oyouqui t ef r ankl yr i ppedoutmyhear t ! ! Thewor s tpar ti si sI ' vegotnowher et omour n.I ' vehadt oMour nt hes edeat hsi ns i l encebecaus enoone under s t andsi t .Thi shass hutdownmyhear t ! Myf i r s ts hutdownasachi l dwaswhenIl os tmybes tf r i end,aboyIl ovedt onever&want edt omar r y, andneverbeabl et os eehi m agai nwi t hnowar ni ngover ni ght .Is t i l lt hi nkofhi mt ot hi sday. Fi r s thear t br eak Secondhear t br eakwasl os i ngmycous i n,agai nwi t hnowar ni ngwhoIl oved( Iact ual l yt houghtIwant ed t omar r yhi m)
Thenmydadbr okemyhear twhenhel ef tmymum &hedumpeduski dsj us tt or uni nt ot hear msof anot herl adywi t hchi l dr en. . . t hi sIt r ul ybel i eveI ' veneverr ecover edf r om. Mynexthear t br eaki sf r om myf i r s tboyf r i endwhos t ol emyvi r gi ni t ywi t houtmyper mi s s i onbydr uggi ng meandt henl at erexpl i ci t l yt el l i ngever ybodyaboutours exualr endezvous( Thi si nf or mat i onIf oundout f r om myl i t t l ebr ot her ) . Thenmyhear twasbr okenbymybr ot herashebecameawomanbas her ! Thenmyf i r s thus bandnevergotoverhi sj eal ous yunt i li tbecames uchanobs es s i ont hatIhadt ol eave. ThenImetamanwhoIbel i evedwast hel oveofmyl i f e( t i l lIdi s cover edI ' vehadaf ew)andhehada mi dl i f emel t downaf t erhi sdadBl ew hi sbr ai nsout .Themos tcal m mani nt hewor l dt ur nedi nt ot hemos t meanman,al wayst aki nghi sr ol l er coas t erofemot i onsoutonme( whi chIneverunder s t oodunt i lmy br ot hers ui ci dedandt hat ' swher eIl ear ntt of or gi ve) .Bumpi ngi nt ohi m1 6year sl at erbr okemyhear t agai nashe' sneverr ecover edandmyadvent ur eadr enal i nemanhast ur nedi nt oas car edqui etl i t t l eman wi t hnopas s i onf orl i f e.Hel ookedl i kemycatr i ghtbef or eIputhi m down,nol i f ei nhi m!Icr i edf ordays . Andt hent hemant hatIs pent1 1year sofmyl i f ewi t hal s ohadami dl i f emel t downandneverr ecover ed. Hebecamecompl et el yunr ecogni s abl e.AndwhenIas kedhi m" whoar eyou?"hes ai d"Idon' tknow! "and Iknew mydeci s i ont ol eavewast her i ghtone.Bot hmenIgaveupnear l yal lmyi dent i t yf or ,t heys t r i pped mebar eandIhadt os t ar tmyl i f eagai nf r om s cr at chonever yl evel Noj obnohomenomoneynobel ongi ngs ! ThenIcameacr os samanIhavebeenmagnet i s edt o,mykr ypt oni t e,t odi s covert het her eas onwhyOur r el at i ons hi pi ss uchapus h/ pul lr el at i ons hi pi sbecaus eIhavei ncar nat edwi t ht hi ss oulmor et hanany ot hers oul .ThenhehadAmi dl i f emel t down! Over ni ghtwewentf r om s eei ngeachot herever ys econddayandhi m cal l i ngmeendear i ngnamest o. . . not hi ng. . . nada! Ont hi sj our neyt het hi ngsI ' vedi s cover edi st hatupunt i lt hel as tman( myf al s et wi nf l ame) ,Ineverever al l owedmyl over si n.Ineverl ett hem s eet heaut hent i cver s i onofme.Inevercompl et el yopenedupmy hear ts pace.Thi smanbr oughtaver s i onofmet hatwasr eal . . . l ovi ng. . . i nf l ow.Unt i lt woyear sagoIhad nevermetherei t her ! ! Soi nr ef l ect i onofwhymyhear ts pacei ss ocl os edandwhyt hi si st hechal l engeIf acet o' openmyhear t s pace'Iam di ggi ngdeepandact ual l yr el eas i ngal lt hepai nat t achedt omys t or i es . Iam r el eas i ngbecaus eInol onger des i r et ol i vei nf earofhavi nganot herpar t nerbymys i de. Ides i r et oembr acet hepos s i bi l i t yandoppor t uni t yt omeetapar t nerwhocompl ement sme. Ides i r et of ul l yembr acet hi sexper i ence. . . whi chi swhyweass oul shavedeci dedt ohavet hi shuman exper i ence!I fIdon' twhat ' st hepoi nt ?
Soher e' st ot het ear sandt hepai nt hatIam r el eas i ngasIconnectnotonl yt omyar chnemes i sar chet ype. t hemai den. . . her ei st obecomi ngt hevul ner abl eaut hent i cver s i onofme!
T h eP a s tI sT h eP a s t andhasno t hi ngt od owi t hyo u .I thasno t hi ngt od owi t hr i g htno w. D ono tl e tanyt hi ngf r o myo u rp as ti nhi b i tyo ui nt hi sp r e s e ntmo me nt . S t ar to ve r .S t ar tF r e s h.E ac hd ay.E ac hho u r ,i fi ts e r ve syo u .He c k, e ac hmi nu t e .J u s tg e tg o i ng . INTIMACYTV/JULY 27
MyHe a l i n gJ o u r n e y
Ti m Cox Di r ect or / f ounder-Ener gyAl i gnmentPr act i cesRei ki / Sei chi m mas t er , chakr abal anci ng,ener gyal i gnment sandgr oundi ngs ,Cons ci ous nes seducat or www.ener gyal i gnment pr act i ces . com. au Hel l oever yone.W ow t hi scoul ds er i ous l ynotbemor ei nal i gnmentwi t hwher eIam r i ghtnow “ s t ar t i ng over ” .Asanener gyheal erandcons ci ous nes seducat orIhavet ol eadt hewayi nt hewor l dpr act i ci ng whatIt eachi nmyper s onall i f e.i ’ m al waysl ooki ngf ormyt r aumaandemot i onall i nkst ocl ear ,ort hi ngs t hatar eaf f ect i ngmyr eal i t yandf eell i kei ’ m ent er i ngaphas eofs t ar t i ngover . Thi ngshadt ochangei nmyl i f e.Iwasgoi ngar oundandar oundonahams t erwheel .Iwasat t r act i ngt he s amet hi ngs .Evenmyhomel i f el i vi ngwi t ht wogi r l snots el fawar eoft hei rownt r aumaandnotr eadyt o s ur r enderpr i deandkeeppr oj ect i ngt hei rs t uf fl i kei twass epar at ef r om t hem ( i t ’ ss omet hi ngweal ldoi n t hei gnor ancei sbl i s sordeni albubbl e,Iknow iwas! ! )notr eal i s i ngi twast hei rdeeperwoundswhi chi s whyt heygott r i gger ed.Looki tj us twas n’ tt hei rpat hatt hi spoi nti nt hei rl i ves ,maybet hi sl i f et ot oget t hi sandt hat st ot al l yok. Asanexampl et ot hos ewant i ngt obemor econs ci ousi nt hei rl i ves ,t hi si swhatt hepr i dewi l ldo( your egoorl et ss aymi ndwheni t ’ si ncont r ol ) .I tkeepsyouf r om BEI NG EMOTI ONALLYRESPONSI BLEFOR YOURSELF.Notr eadyt os ee,f oradeeperheal i ng,W hi chi swhatt hehear ts pacei sal labout .FEELI NG ANDSURRENDERI NG THEMI NDSTORI ES.Thewho’ sr i ghtorwr ongswer et ooi mpor t anti nabl ame s i t uat i on. LookIwoul dn’ tchangeat hi ngt heywer eper f ectf ormeandmygr owt handIl ovet hem f orpl ayi ngt hei r r ol esper f ect l y.Thi si swhatwedoi ns oulcont r act s .W ear es oul st hatcomei nt ol i f e, meetwhowear e meantt omeetandpl ayoutourr ol esf oreachot her sl es s onsandgr owt handIr eal i s edIcoul dn’ tl i vel i ke t hatanymor e.I tcoul dn' tofbeenanyot herwayot her wi s ei twoul d' vebeen. Thi si sl i f eandper f ect i oni nal li t ’ sgl or ys et upf orourl es s ons .Ir eal i s enow t hought hatasIhavegr own mor eIcannotl i vei nahous ehol dl i ket hatanymor eourener gi esdon’ tmat ch,i t ’ st i met omoveont oa as t udi os i t uat i onandt oes t abl i s hmys el fwher eicant akecl i ent sandnothavet ocar eaboutot her
f l at mat esmovement st oaccomodat ewhenicandoheal i nget c.Real l yt houghj us tt ohavemyowns pace andcr eat emyownuni nf l uencedener get i cs pace.I ’ mr eal l yexci t ed.W hatel s ehadt ohappent ooi sI ’ ve hadt oi nt egr at eanddownl oadal otofnew i nf or mat i ons omycl i ent ss t oppedcomi ngt hr ought hedoor andIhadt ogobackt oaf ul l t i mej obt os ur vi ve.I t ’ sbeenamazi ngt houghasi t ’ sbeenapat hwayof get t i ngmebacki nt omymas cul i neener gyandt ogetmebacki nt omypower ,s ohasmynew gi r l f r i end. W ehaver econnect edi nl oveagai nand ar es oul st hathaver er emember edeachot herandcomebackt o uncondi t i onal l yl oveeachot herandbr i ngt her ealmeani ngi ni t sent i r et yofwhati tact ual l yi sout s i deofa t ypi calwant / need3Di mens i onr el at i ons hi pbas i s .Ful lUncondi t i onall ovei s5Di mens i on.Lovet hem no mat t erwhatf or ever ,cons ci ous l yr ememberandunder s t andt hat ,j us tbei ngl oveandnotwant i ngor needi ngi t . Yous ee,wear emi xt ur eormas cul i neandf emi ni neener gyr egar dl es sofwhatyouar eeducat edofmal es bei ngmas cul i neandf emal esbei ngf emi ni ne,mas cul i nebei ngt hepr ogr es s ,“ got t agett hi ngsdone” ener gy,r eachi nggoal s ,gener alpr ogr es sanddomai nofpas tf ut ur et hought ,whi chi swher es t r es si s cr eat edal s o.Toomuchmas cul i neener gyi swhatcr eat ess t r es s !Femi ni neener gyi sbei ngpr es enti nt he momentandr eal i s i ngcr eat i vi t y,i ns pi r at i on,l oveandever yt hi ngi sper f ecti nt hemomentandal wayshas been.Byt heway,t hi swhatyoga,medi t at i on,mi ndf ul nes sexer ci s eset cdot ogetyoui nmomentandar e al labout ,connect i ngt of emi ni neener gy!
I fiwast oof f ers omeadvi cet opeopl es t ar t i ngover .Tr us tt hepr oces sofl i f e.W hat everyouar et r avel l i ng t hr oughr eal i s ei t ’ sper f ectandyours oulas kedf ort hi s .Remembert hi si st hes paceoff emi ni neener gy,i n acr azywayunbeknownst oyougener al l yatt i meoft r auma( dependi ngonyourl evelofawar enes s )i t act ual l yi sr eal l yper f ectr egar dl es sofyourper cept i onatt het i me.Keepbr eat hi ngdeep,not hi ngwasever s ol vedbys hal l ow br eat hi ng. BEREASSUREDW HATYOU ARETRAVELLI NG THROUGHI SYOURSOULPATHANDYOU W I LLBEPROVI DED FORW I THW HATYOU NEEDANDTUNI NG I NW I THYOURI NTUI TI ON W I LLONLYHELPYOU. I ns pi r at i onandi nt ui t i oni syouri nnervoi ceandi sconnect edt oyouhear t ,dr awi ngi ns oulener gyor i nt egr at i ngs oulener gydowni nt oyourbei ngs ot hat ’ swhyyouar emor ecal mi nt hats paceasyouar e mor econnect edt os oulandi t st r ai t sandwhys hal l ow br eat hi ngdoesnot hi ngf oryoubecaus eyouar ei n t hemi ndands uf f er i ngands el fs abot ages pace. Yourhear tanchor syourhi ghers el forl i f ef or ceener gyi nt oyourexper i enceandt heener gywhi chget s youont r ackagai nandbr i ngshar monyandheal i ngt oyouandi ti si nt hes paceofs el fawar enes syou wi t nes sal lyourgr owt handt hes oulr emember sandl ogst heexper i ence.
Las t l ys ur r ender ,s ur r ender,s ur r ender…l ett hepr i des t epas i de,t hewho’ sr i ghtorwr ongsar en’ t i mpor t antanymor e…i fyouhavet r i gger si nyourbodyandf eel i ngemot i onsi t ’ syourt r aumat oheal . Thankt heper s on,peopl eori nf l uencef orbr i ngi ngyout henew phas eofgr owt handgof or war d.Us eyour mas cul i neener gyt ogof or t hwi t hwhatyourhear twant sbutats amet i mebepr es entandr eal i s eal li s per f ectandyouar eonpat h.Youri nt ui t i onwi l lal waysbr i ngyoubackonpat h. I t sal lper f ect , t r us t, t r us t , t r us tyou' r eacour ageouschal l engi ngs oul . Muchl ovet oyoual l
" Th i si swh a tt h ep r i d ewi l l d o( y o u re g oo rmi n dwh e ni t ’ si n c o n t r o l ) .I tk e e p sy o uf r o mBEI NGEMOTI ONAL L Y RES P ONS I BL EF ORYOURS EL F .No tr e a d yt os e ef o rad e e p e r h e a l i n g ,wh i c hi swh a tt h eh e a r ts p a c ei sa l l a b o u t . "
EXCLUSI VE Git s&Mer c handi s e FI NDMUCHMUCHMORE. . .bi t l y/ r edbubbl ei nt i macyt v LoveCl ock bi t . l y/ l ovecl ock Focus edFabul os edCas e bi t . l y/ f ocus edf abul ous cas e Li veLaughLove bi t . l y/ l i vel aughl ovenot ebook Li veLaughLove bi t . l y/ l i vel aughl ovenot ebook Caf f ei neLapt opSki n bi t . l y/ caf f ei neandconf i dence Hel l oGor geousBag bi t . l y/ hel l ogor geous bag Behi ndEver ySucces s f ult s hi r tbi t . l y/ behi ndever ys ucces s f ul t s hi r t #oneof aki ndt s hi r t bi t . l y/ oneof aki ndt s hi r t YouMus tDar eToFl yShi r t bi t . l y/ youmus t dar et of l yt s hi r t Fool s i nl ovet op bi t . l y/ f ool s i nl ovet op