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Narrows Escape Rainforest Retreat.

Narrows Escape is an enchanting rainforest paradise at the edge of Kondalilla National Park in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland. Its owners, Ali and Xochi, of Indian and SwedishAustralian backgrounds, fell in love with the magic of this property the first time they saw it. They knew these six villas nestled in nature were incredible, a place that sparked special memories.
ThebeautyofNarrowsEscapeisthatitisaboutiqueproperty and the owners have the luxury of personally welcoming you and getting to know what they can do to help make your stay exceptional. Whether it is sharing their secrets on the best spots in town or their favourite walks or water holes, or helpingyouorganiseanextraspeciallittlesomethingforyour loved one.
Looking for something extra special or a little out of the ordinary? Maybe you are thinking of proposing and want some help to make that special moment as magical as it can be, or perhaps you want to book out the whole property withsomefriendsforaspecialbirthdaycelebration. Narrows Escapelovestoworkwithgueststomakeyourstayincredible. Contact them on www.narrowsescape.com.au
• 2021 Narrows Escape Rainforest Retreat won “the most romantic hotel in the world” – TripAdvisor’s Travellers Choice Award

• 2021 – Queensland Tourism Award – Winner – Hosted Accommodation
• 2021 – Australian Tourism Award – Winner – Hosted Accommodation
• 2021 – Sunshine Coast Business Awards – Winner – Small Accommodation
• 2022 – Queensland Tourism Awards – Silver – Hosted Accommodation
• 2022 – Sunshine Coast Business Awards – Winner – Small Accommodation
Owners Ali and Xochi said of their awards “These are incredible achievements and we are so honoured to have suchwonderfulguestswhohavetakenthetimetoreviewour product and service. We are so grateful for this recognition and we continue to strive to give our guests the very best experience.”
Climate Change And Sustainability
Narrows Escape believes in conscious luxury.

They believe that even lavish and indulgent travel can still have a small footprint. Sustainable and ethical tourism is at theforefrontoftheirminds,soyoucanresteasyknowingthat youaresupportingabusinessthatsupportstheenvironment. They are advance eco-certified. They know that climate change is a real challenge facing us all. Every effort counts, that is why we are continuously striving towards becoming a greener business. They have solar panels to harness natural energy, a hybrid car to offset emissions, they source all food locally and produce what they can to limit their carbon footprint, for instance, they keep chickens and bees.
They encourage their guests to reuse towels throughout their stay and their rooms are designed to limit heating/cooling requirements in warmer and cooler months.
The projected changes on the Sunshine Coast region due to climate change include changes such as sea-level rise, higher minimum, and maximum temperatures, more hot days and fewer cold nights, lower annual average rainfall and extended droughts, more frequent and more intense bushfires, more intense storms, increasing tendency for cyclones to track south, increasing risk from large hailstorms and an associated increase in storm surges along the coastline. These changes pose very real problems to the area and its ability to sustain the environment and enjoy the natural beauties and recreational activities offered in and around the Sunshine Coast region.
Being aware of the impacts of climate change and the steps that you can take as an individual to mitigate these, is incredibly important. It is only through working together and adopting eco-conscious practices in your everyday life, including your leisure and travel activities, that change can be achieved.
Narrow Escape Rainforest Retreat acknowledges the Kabi Kabi peoples and the Jinibara peoples whose lands and waters it now shares. The Traditional Owners’ unique values and ancient and enduring cultures deepen and enrich the lives of the community. Narrows Escape Rainforest Retreat acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the Sunshine Coast and pays respect to their elders past, present and emerging.
ThroughimportantculturaleventssuchastheBunyaFestival, this region has been a place of celebration, abundance, connection and kinship for thousands of years.