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International InvestorAwards Winners2023
Amongstourawardwinnerstherearesomeexceptionalbanks,businessesand leaders and we want to recognise their roles and achievements. In this issue in particular, Wealth Management companies have excelled greatly and we are excited to showcase them here.
The awards are open to any business, large, mid-size or small, established or start-up, provided they display first rate service, opportunity, innovation and performance.
The following pages celebrate organisations that drive forward the world of international business and investment.
The Access Bank Uk Ltd
Most Innovative Trade Finance African Bank // UK 2023
The Access Bank UK Limited is a whollyowned subsidiary of Access Bank Plc, a Nigerian Stock Exchange listed company. We provide Trade Finance, Commercial Banking, Private Banking and Asset Management products and services for customers in their dealings with Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) markets and support companies wishing to invest in and trade in Africa, MENA and Asian markets.
Access Corporation
Best Bank & Best Investment Relations & Corporate Governance // Nigeria 2023
Access Bank, a wholly owned subsidiary of Access Holdings Plc (“Access Corporation”), is a leading full-service commercial bank operating through a network of more than 700 branches and service outlets, spanning 3 continents, 17 markets and 52 million customers.
The bank employs 28,000 people in its operations in Nigeria and has subsidiaries in sub-Saharan Africa and the United Kingdom, a branch in Dubai, UAE and representative offices in China, Lebanon and India.
Access Bank’s parent company, Access Corporation, has been listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange since 1998 and has over 900,000 shareholders.
As at 31 March 2022, Access Bank had total assets of approximately US $28.8 billion.
Best Global ESG Investment Boutique Firm // 2023
Architas is a global asset manager that specialises in multi-manager investments. We are part of the global AXA Group and offer unit linked products and services in 11 countries across Europe and Asia, as well as Wealth Management services in Belgium. We currentlylookafter€29.9billiononbehalfour clients as at 31 March 2023.
Banque Misr
Best SME Business Bank // Egypt 2023
Best Customer Reward Program & Customer Service // Egypt 2023
Bank Of The Year // Egypt 2023
Banque Misr (BM) was established in 1920 by the pioneer economist and financial expert Mohamed Talaat Harb Pasha, who spearheaded the concept of investing in national savings and directing them toward economic and social development. Thus, Banque Misr was established as the first wholly Egyptian-owned bank.
Barclays Wealth
Private Bank of the Year // Monaco 2023
ESG Bank of the Year – Barclays Private Bank // 2023
Entrusted in the primary global wealth hubs and corridors, we provide comprehensive specialist investment, banking, lending and wealth advisory services to the world’s most influential individuals and their families; alongside Trusts, Charities, and Family Offices.
Based on a deep understanding of them, their families and businesses, we connect our clients to tailored opportunities and insights from across the Barclays Group.
From philanthropy to private market access, and succession planning to sustainable investing, we recognise that each client has a different vision for the future.
Best Bank // Tunisia 2023
Most Innovative Bank // Tunisia 2023
Foundedin1976,BIAT-theArabInternational Bank of Tunisia – is Tunisia’s leading bank.
As a universal bank, BIAT covers retail banking and corporate and investment banking businesses. BIAT has a network of morethan200brancheslocatedthroughout Tunisia.
BIAT has grown to become a diversified financial group with subsidiaries in insurance, asset management, stock market intermediation, private equity and international consulting.
TheorganizationoftheBIATGroupcombined to the wide range of business lines covered and a senior level dedicated teams enable it to develop synergies and to offer tailored services to the specific needs of each client: individuals, professionals and companies.
CARNEGIE Best Investment Bank // Scandinavia 2023
Best Sustainable Investment Bank // Scandinavia 2023
With its unique platform where capital and investors can meet companies and markets, and gain access to financial markets, Carnegie is the leading financial adviser in the Nordics.
The Carnegie organisation comprises four business units: Investment Banking, Securities, Private Banking and Asset Management. Carnegie Investment Banking offers professional advisory in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and equity capital market (ECM) transactions. The Debt Capital Markets (DCM) unit also provides advisory related to capital acquisition via corporate bonds and fixed income instruments. With unique understanding of sectors and capital markets in the Nordic region, Carnegie is a leading Nordic adviser in corporate finance withoperationsinSweden,Norway,Denmark, Finland, the UK and the US
Devere Group
Most Innovative Digital Firm // 2023 Lifetime Achievement
The deVere Group of companies is one of the world’s leading independent financial institutions offering clients across the globe the powerful combination of personal financial advice and innovative digital solutions.
Foundedin2002andnowcomprisingofover 50 different legal entities globally, deVere provides a broad range of Financial Services including retirement planning, fixed-income investments, ESG investing, digital asset investing and much more.
NIGEL GREEN DEVERE Financial CEO Of The Year // 2023
A financial services industry professional with more than four decades of top-level international experience, Nigel leads from the front to fulfil his over-arching mission of helping clients reach their long-term financial goals.
Helping, encouraging and supporting the people within the organisation is a key critical feature of Nigel’s management style. The result is not a conglomerate driven by memos, but a group of companies made up of individuals who benefit from regular personal contact right from the top.
Not afraid of facing the tough issues and difficult questions, being open to criticism and always with an open mind, Nigel has built a group that thrives in the complexities of multi-jurisdictional legislation and regulation to provide a service that is now enjoyed by more than 100,000 clients worldwide – and growing.
And he knows his work is only just beginning. We set the standard that others follow.
Best Comprehensive Banking Education Provider // MENA 2023
Best Private Wealth Manager // Latin America 2023
Landco Pacific Corporation
Most Sustainable Developer in the Philippines //2023
International Finance Education Provider // MENA & Africa 2023
The Egyptian Banking Institute (EBI) was established in 1991 by the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) to act as its official training arm with a vision to be the preferred partner for developing the human capital of the banking ecosystem in Egypt, and the lighthouse for banking sector development across strategic African and Arab countries, through mirroring the latest international banking trends.
K&B Family Office is an independent multifamily office (MFO) established in Panama that provides comprehensive advisory and wealth management services to clients in Latin America and international families.
Best Investment Real Estate Developer in the Philippines //2023
We are Landco, and luxury living is our expertise. For more than 30 years, we have delighted in creating world-class leisure communities, breathtaking resortinspired condominiums and luxury home communities. As a pioneer upscale real estate developer in the Philippines, we are passionate about offering innovative and outstanding lifestyle products and experiences that revolutionize the way the Filipino lives.
Landco is also an affiliate of Metro Pacific Corporation,withMr.ManuelV.Pangilinanas the Charmain of our Board of Directors. We are expected to drive continued significant growth in the next few years, making the company a by-word in leisure development in the Philippines. Fueled by our passion to provide Filipinos with the luxurious, truly enjoyable lifestyle that they deserve, Landco will continue to explore new living concepts that respond to the needs of our consumers.
Lynceus Partners
Most Innovative Global Structure Products Investment Firm // 2023
Lynceus Partners is an independent investment boutique that specialises in alternative investments, boasting extensive in-house expertise in Structured Products and Private Debt.
With its headquarters in Switzerland and a global presence across Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, Lynceus Partners serves abroadrangeofclientsworldwide,including asset managers, financial advisors, and institutional investors. The company is a leading provider of high-tech solutions, offering an endless universe of tailor-made investment products paired with cuttingedge technology.
Lynceus Partners’ award-winning platform, ARGO, serves as a one-stop shop for structured products based on proprietary, state-of-the-art technology. ARGO streamlines the investment process by quicklytransforminganinvestmentideainto an actionable investment solution enabling clients to identify market opportunities and benefit from increased productivity and enhanced efficiency. By harnessing innovative technology, Lynceus Partners strikes a balance in a fast-paced financial environment, offering bespoke and costefficient solutions, while ensuring full transparency and comprehensive end-toend services for investors.
Best Wealth Management // Europe 2023
We are a universal bank with a 200-year history of supporting and growing the Nordic economies. Our values are deeply rooted in these open, progressive and collaborative societies. We are the largest bank in the Nordics and have a strong market position within our four business areas: Personal Banking, Business Banking, Large Corporates&InstitutionsandAsset&Wealth Management. Mindful of our responsibility towards current and future generations, we have made sustainability an integrated part of our business strategy. We enable sustainable choices for our customers, engage in active ownership and drive change through our lending and investment decisions.
Best Sustainable REIT // Philippines 2023
Best REIT // South East Asia 2023
Best REIT CEO // South East Asia 2023
Best Real Estate CEO // South East Asia 2023
Robinsons Land Corporation (“RLC”), incorporatedin1980,istherealestatearmof the Gokongwei Group. It is one of the leading real estate and property developers in the Philippineswithaproventrackrecordofover 40 years in the industry. To-date, it is the second largest mall operator in the country with its extensive portfolio of 53 lifestyle centers nationwide. It has 31 prime office developments anchored on the resilient BPO sector and it is the Sponsor of the biggest Philippine Real Estate Investment Trust in terms of asset size and geographic spread.
TAKAFUL MALAYSIA Best Islamic Insurance Company // Malaysia 2023
For over thirty years, our company has been one of the leading Takaful operators in Malaysia and has provided the financial strength and risk management expertise that fulfils our customers’ needs across our 24 service centres.
Theorganizationhasevolvedtomeetclients’ needs by working closely with them and our consistent profitable growth over the years has enabled our company to provide high returns to our valued shareholders. With our portfolio of Family and General Takaful businesses, our multi-channel distribution capability, strong strategic partnerships, customer-centric products and services, and considerable brand equity, Takaful Malaysia is committed to helping people achieve their ambitions of a brighter and financially more secure future.
THEMIS SERVICES UK Anti Financial Crime Firm Of The Year // 2023
Established in 2018, Themis is a purposedriven, B-Corp Certified anti-financial crime business with the mission to reduce the global impacts of financial crime on people, on businesses, and on the environment.
Themis’ award-winning AI-powered KYC/ AML technology, Themis Search, helps organisations detect the financial crime threats to their business through an ESG and socio-economic lens and helps protect their customers, staff, suppliers and shareholders fromcriminal attacks or association.
SUMMER ATLANTIC Best Consultancy Business Expansion // China 2023
Summer Atlantic Capital is an Asset Management Hub with focus on helping portfolio companies and clients with strategiccapitalandinternationalexpansion matters. With operations in US and China, we provide strategic investment, market access, international expansion and joint venture, manufacturing and distribution opportunities for our clients and partners. Our company focuses on healthcare and deep technology sectors, and we also develop strategic business plans for US and EUcompaniesenteringAsianmarketthrough the provision of tailored solutions to Cultural, Transparency and Political Challenges of entering the Asian market.
SEBRIGHT CHEN Financial CEO Of The Year // China 2023
Sebright Chen is Chairman and CEO of Summer Atlantic Capital. He has shaped the strategic reorientation of different companies under management. Sebright Chenhadextensiveexperienceininvestment management, corporate advisory, technology and pharma industries. After graduating from Stanford University, he held executive positions with asset management companies and technology firms resulting in the development of extensive contacts in China and the United States; creating important international relationships within theassetmanagementandpharmasectors.
Before founding Summer Atlantic Capital, Sebright was the CFO for an AI startup that was acquired by one of the largest technology companies in the world in 2018. He is a frequent speaker at Horasis Global Meetings, as well as the China Chapter Chairman for International Trade Council. Sebright obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from Binghamton University, he has an Innovation and Entrepreneurship Certificate from Stanford University, and is currently an Executive MBA Candidate at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
UNION BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES Most Outstanding Digital Bank // Philippines 2023
Union Bank of the Philippines (UnionBank) hasalwaysbeenamongthefirsttoembrace technological innovations to empower its customers.Itembracesthefutureofbanking. Undoubtedly the Philippines’ pioneer in digital banking, UnionBank is committed to betheregion’sdigitaltrailblazertobestserve the growing needs of Filipinos everywhere.
EDWIN BAUTISTA Lifetime Achievement Award
Edwin R. Bautista, serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of Union Bank of the Philippines (UnionBank). He was named one of Asia’s Best CEO 2022 at Corporate Governance Asia’s Asian Excellence Awards 2022. He was previously recognized as International Banker’s 2021 Banking CEO of the Year in Asia 2021; 2020 Asia/Pacific DX CEO at the IDC Asia/Pacific Digital Transformation Awards; by The Asset as Digital Banker of the Year - 2020 for Asia Pacific; The European’s Best Banking CEO –2018; and as the Banking CEO of the Year for Asia - 2018 by the INTERNATIONAL BANKER.
BautistahasastellartrackrecordinBanking, spanning more than 35 years of experience.
After becoming President in 2016, Bautista launched UnionBank’s “digital transformation” making sure that they complete the journey with the promise that “no one gets left behind”.
Prior to UnionBank, Bautista headed Citibank Philippines’ Global Transaction Services Group. Before Banking, Bautista was with Procter & Gamble Philippines. He is a product of the Harvard Business School and De La Salle University, where he received his Mechanical Engineering Degree while garnering the prestigious Bro. Gabriel Connon Award.
VICTORY HILL Best Sustainable Energy Infrastructure Investment Company // 2023
Victory Hill is a specialist investment firm targeting direct investments in global enVictory Hill is a specialist investment firm targeting direct investments in global energy infrastructure that support the UN SustainableDevelopmentGoals,withtheaim of facilitating an orderly energy transition to a Net Zero Carbon future.ergy infrastructure thatsupporttheUNSustainableDevelopment Goals, with the aim of facilitating an orderly energytransitiontoaNetZeroCarbonfuture.
WPS ADVISORY Most Trusted Boutique Advisory of the Year // UK 2023

WPS is an independent financial advice service. We help people make informed decisions about their finances. Our affordable, impartial advice helps you better understand your financial situation and develop a plan to achieve your personal goals.