International Business Magazine Issue 9

Page 28


Is Bitc Bitcoin is a digital currency that

was created in the year 2009. It is a decentralized cryptocurrency

Blockchain does not require

Also, if you are concerned that is


bitcoin legal in India then you can

Bitcoin is decentralized.

be rest assured that transacting in Bitcoin is not illegal in India.

that relies on a peer-to-peer network known as blockchain that

How Safe is Bitcoin?

the same will be subject to tax

helps in recording transactions


rather than any other regulatory

Several elements assist in secur-

body. If you buy bitcoin in India,

ing bitcoin from stealing. Cryp-

you must understand its features

tography maintains the invention

What Are the Risks related to

and investment process. Howev-

and transfer of a cryptocurren-


er, there are no physical bitcoins,

cy, and the protocols underlying

and their value varies depending

bitcoin have been confirmed to

Like any other digital activity, the

on the market.

be substantial. Bitcoin’s use of

most significant security concern

a disseminated ledger technolo-

for many people regarding Bitcoin

It is noted that Bitcoin technolo-

gy (DLT), typically known as the

investing is the threat of hacking

gy is mostly secure as it is creat-

blockchain, gives owners a chro-

and forgery. As per the Federal

ed on safe technology called the

nology of all their trades that can-

Trade Commission’s data, Cryp-

blockchain. It is also cryptograph-

not be tampered with because

tocurrency crimes are on the rise

ic, public, permissionless and de-

there is no single point of loss.

and resulted in a median loss of $1,900 as per the report between

centralized. However, it is subject


However, the profits gained by

October 2020 and March 2021.

to market volatility when it comes


to trade. The most known rea-

means all transactions are open

sons why Bitcoin is mostly safe

to the masses. Still, the individu-

According to the FTC, report-

are –

als involved remain anonymous,

ed crypto crimes often involve

Bitcoin is public

so there is no chance of a data

scammers demanding payment

Bitcoin works on secure

breach as with standard financial

in cryptocurrency or sending



unsolicited offers to assist you



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