Passenger's Guide

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Introduction This version of Passenger Guide has been updated on the initiative and coordination of the National Airport and Authorities (Conaero), with the participation of Civil House, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply, Ministry of Defense, Treasure Department, Ministry of Justice, Ministry Planning, Budget and Management, Ministry of Health and the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC), under the supervision of the Department of Civil Aviation (SAC). The concessionaires responsible for operating of the airports of Guarulhos, Campinas and Brasilia contributed to make possible this new edition. This publication brings updated information about the governing rules of the sector, particularly those edited by ANAC, including details on passenger rights, and other informations that are of the traveler interest . An innovation is the information of the Central Bank of Brazil and the Natural Renewable and Resource Environment Institute (IBAMA) clustered to this version. Consolidating the contributions of many departments of government, the Passenger Guide became a reference for the traveler in Brazil. First released in December 2009, through initiatives of Anac and Infraero, the Passenger Guide is distributed mainly in airports that have instituted Airport and authorities, whose coordination is of Infraero. It is also available for consultation on the internet 3

in the pages of the Department of Civil Aviation, Infraero, Anac and several involved institutions as Brazilian civil aviation. With this initiative, Conaero fulfills its major goal: to optimize services at airports, establishing an environment of appropriate management to better serve the user. In the final pages of the Guide, you will find the addresses and telephone numbers of institutions related to this publication. Published by the Brazilian Airport Infrastructure Company (Infraero), this guide is directed to the user of airports: the passenger. Describes aspects of public services provided to citizens by Infraero and the other ones involved in the airline industry, in accordance with Decree No. 6932 of 11 August 2009.


ABSTRACT BEFORE TRAVELING Ticket purchase......................................................................9 Healthcare.............................................................................9 Arrival at the airport and check-in.........................................9 Baggage-.............................................................................11 Documents for boarding......................................................13 Access to embarkation rooms..............................................14 Special assistance...............................................................16 Transport pets......................................................................18 At the boarding time............................................................20 Passengers’ rights in cases of delay, cancellation or non-boarding...................................................................20 5

Refund of ticket...................................................................22

DURING THE FLIGHT Inside the plane...................................................................23 Flight security......................................................................24

ON ARRIVAL Return of luggage................................................................26 Facilities at the airport .......................................................28

INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL Healthcare...........................................................................30 Documents for international shipment................................32 Exchange and money...........................................................33 Boarding international.........................................................35 Luggage- . ...........................................................................35 Landing - . ...........................................................................38 6

Transport of plant and animal origin...................................38 Transport of animals............................................................43 Entry of purchased goods abroad........................................43

Infraero - customer relationship.....................50 REQUESTING ASSISTANCE ANAC - National Aviation Civil Agency.................................51 SAC - Civil Aviation Secretariat of the Presidency the Republic........................................................................51 Decea - Air Traffic Department Control/Air Force Command............................................................................51 Federal Police Department...................................................51 ANVISA - National Sanitary Vigilance...................................51 Vigiagro - International Surveillance Agriculture.................52 Internal Revenue..................................................................52 BCB - Central Bank of Brazil...............................................52 7

IBAMA – Resources and Natural Renewable Environment Institute .........................................................52 Airport operators..................................................................52 Small Claims Courts............................................................53 Airline companies................................................................54

EXpedient ....................................................................57


BEFORE TRAVELING Ticket purchase Does the government control the price of airline tickets? No. He does not. The airline companies sets the passages prices. Airfares in Brazil follow the free tariff regime, that goes for both domestic flights as for international flights originating in the country. Do I need to buy the travel insurance? When buying your ticket, you are not obligated to purchase travel insurance: these services are additional and optional. The ticket´s price for kids is like for adults? On domestic flights, the value of the passage of small children under two years of age who are not taking seat may not exceed 10% of the fare paid by the adult. What is the boarding fee for? The boarding fee is charged by airlines in upon sale of the passage, and passed on to the administration airport for maintenance of infrastructure and services. Lanes, courtyards aircraft, departure lounges, elevators, escalators, air-conditioning, sound system and cleaning are some of the items that are the responsibility of airport administration. The value is determined according to the airport category and nature of travel (domestic or international).



Can I take baby chair (up to two years old) in seat of airplane cabin? Yes. The chair needs to fit in the airplane seat and be certified for aviation use. In this case, as the children will not be transported in the lap, it´s necessary to buy a passage for the baby. Does the Anac regulates mileage programs? No. The advantages offered by mileage programs characterize trade relations between the company and consumer. Therefore, these programs are not regulated or monitored by the ANAC. Passengers who used miles air to travel should be treated the same way as those who bought passage without benefit. How do I change the date of my travel? For any change of your flight, consult Air Company or travel agent. Changes is made according flight availability and it can produce additional coasts which vary according to the rate of passage. The expiry date of the passage is one year, after the date of issue. Can I transfer my ticket to other person? No. The air ticket is personal and untransferable, i. e., in the moment of the buy, the passenger name is registered in the ticket and then it will not be changed. So, just that person is authorized to travel with the ticket. Take care when filling in your name, because differences in graphy in relation to identity document can cause problems at the time of shipment. 10


What happens if I give up of travel? For cancel your travel, check the rules in your transport contract, since this change will produce additional coasts (in case of rebooking) or the company may retain a part of the amount paid (In case of refund). If you give up your travel, the Air Company has 30 days of deadline to return the value to the passenger; the time will be counted from the solicitation date. The Air Company doesn´t have the obligation to return the value to the passenger, if he decides to cancel his travel in the stopover airport (in case of indirect flight).

Healthcare Is it necessary to take some care regarding to vaccination? Always keep your vaccination card updated. Accordance with the conditions of your travel, other vaccines may be recommended. It is important to note that for achieve the necessary protection, each vaccine has a period that may vary between ten days and six weeks. So vaccinate up in advance.

Arrival at the airport and check-in How much time should I arrive at the airport before the flight? You must be present to check in at the stipulated time by the airline company. In most of the times, you must obey the deadline for at least one advanced hour for domestic flights and two hours for international flights. Consult your airline about this.



How should I proceed with the DST and time zone time? Follow local time. It is unnecessary to calculate time zone or DST. Tickets and airlines websites inform local time in both the source and destination . In doubt, consult the airline company. What is check-in? Check-in is the procedure performed by the airline to identify the passenger, baggage check and boarding pass issuance. It can be done at the counter of the company, the internet, self-service points and mobile applications and tablets. The attendance and queue arrangements are responsibility of the airlines. After check-in, you must go to the boarding gate designated by the airline in the stipulated time. I did check in online, what do I do with my baggage? If you’re without luggage or just with a hand luggage, you must print the boarding pass and go straight to the indicated boarding gate informed by the company in the stipulated time. If you are with luggage to ship, go to the check-in company with enough time to identify, check bags and present themselves at the boarding gate in informed time by the airline. Some companies have desks exclusive to the dispatch of luggage. How can I get information about the time of my flight? There are monitors installed at the airports with flight information in several places. It is essential that the passenger is always attentive to his flight information because they can 12


change. It is also possible to follow the arrival and departure schedule by Infraero site on the internet:, and via the Flights Online Infraero application mobile - see Infraero portal. The flight schedules are provided by airlines.



5 kg Width


What is the size of hand luggage allowed? The limits of hand luggage are defined by criteria security to meet the maximum takeoff weight at the airplane and preventive safety onboard. On domestic flights, the luggage cannot be larger than 115cm (considering height + length + width) and the maximum weight is 5kg. If the passenger exceed this specification, the airline may require that the luggage will not travel and will be dispatched.



What is the weight of baggage that I can dispatch without additional cost? Depending on the size of the airplane and the class in which the passenger is traveling (first or economy class, for example). On average every passenger can carry until 23kg. The airline company is authorized to charge for excess baggage ,at checkin, a value that can reach0.5% of airfare per pound of excess weight. The company may also deny the baggage transport over or transport it in an another flight. Sporting goods in general, (surfboard, bicycles on), musical instruments and other special luggage types should be included on the franchise, the same way as an ordinary luggage. For more information, consult the airline company. What do I do to dispatch something of value in my bags? In the luggage to be checked, the passenger must avoid carrying valuables (such as jewels or electronics). If necessary, you can declare the value of the goods that are to be transported when at check-in. To do this, ask the form to the airline, which is responsible for the goods declared by a fee to be charged upon confirmation of goods. See the values with the airline. Are the rules of luggage for international flights different? Yes, they are. A few allowed items on domestic flights are not released for international flights, because they depend of the rules in the destination country. Look this guide, the topic International Travel. 14


Documents for boarding What identification documents do I need for domestic flights? You can present an official document with photo allowing your identification like an ID card (RG); national driver´s license (CNH); professional ID card with photo (OAB, CREA and others); portfolio of work; national passport, identification cards issued by the Judicial and Legislative Federal or state; dispatched document for presidential agency; pilot, commissioner, flight engineer licenses and dispatcher operational flight issued by ANAC. In cases of domestic flights, certified copies are accepted of these documents. What if my documents have been stolen for example? In case of theft or document loss, it will be accepted Occurrence Report issued less than 60 days. What documents do I need for boarding children? For children and adolescents, it is accept the birth certificate (original or certified copy) In case of travel with only one parent or unaccompanied, check the demands of the Childhood and Youth of boarding location. No child that is unaccompanied by parents or guardians can travel outside the city where she lives without express judicial authorization. This authorization is dispensed when the child is accompanied by one of the parents. Furthermore, it is possible that an unaccompanied children and teenagers can travel without both parents, since the observed legal requirements. Consult the airline in advance and check what



it says the Child and Adolescent Statute, beyond the demands of the Children and Juvenile Courts of boarding location. The rules for international flights are different. Review the information in the topic International Flights. Are there different rules for foreigners’ passengers boarding? Passengers of other nationalities must bring one of the following documents, considered their validity: passport; foreign ID - CIE (RNE), respecting the international agreement signed by Brazil; another travel document, result of international agreements signed by Brazil. In case of travel inside Brazil, the CIE request protocol issued by the Federal Police Department may be accepted in substitution of the original document for a period of 180 days from the date of dispatch.

Access to embarkation rooms Who can enter the departure lounges? The access to embarkation rooms is restricted to passengers who have in his hands the valid boarding cards from the airline. Notice the time you should enter the boarding hall that is informed on card. Can I come in the boarding room with baggage carts? It is not permitted the enter of baggage carts in the boarding room. They are freely supplied at airports, to be used in public areas of the passenger terminal. Children should not be transported in the baggage carts in order to avoid accidents. 16


Why should I pass through X-ray equipment? These are international safety standards. Before entering the boarding hall, all passengers and hand luggage must pass through the X-ray inspection. It is prohibited to carry piercing or sharp objects such as: pocket knives, nail clippers and so. Therefore if you forget to dispatch them, these items must be discarded at the inspection time. How should I proceed when passing the equipment of metal detector? The inspection of passengers at the metal detector is required except for patients with pacemakers (with confirmed documentation of that condition) and cochlear implant. Remember to clean away coins, cell phone, keys and other metal objects from pockets. You may also remove belts or shoes containing metal parts to pass through detector. Passengers can leave the departure lounge? If you need to leave the departure lounge, ask directions to an airport employee to turn back this place. Remember to be at boarding gate on determined time by Airline Company. Do I need to identify myself again to get in the plane? Yes, you do. For this reason, have available one of official documents identification listed above, to be presented to employee of airline at the boarding call time.



Special Assistance How to proceed in case of passengers who need particular assistance? Unaccompanied children, disabled people or limited mobility, pregnant and nursing women, people with lap child, elderly and obese must be special cared. These passengers must notify the airline their needs when they buy the ticket, even on the internet, or with at least 48 hours of ticket buy. They are also entitled to preferential service at check-in and boarding. But the landing of these people is done at last, except in cases where the available time for connecting or other reason prioritize them. Furthermore, the passenger may use a wheelchair or other assistive (canes, crutches, walkers etc.) for getting up to the aircraft door, as long as the equipment passes about by airport security inspection. Passengers who need ask technical assistance and / or use of supplemental oxygen must contact the airline company at least 72 hours beforehand. What are the rights of passengers who need special assistance? These passengers have the right to priority attendance at check-in and boarding; adapted telephones, in public areas of airports, and information on the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras), for people with hearing loss. Moreover, they have information in Braille (at least in two languages, in the case of an international airport) for passengers with visual disability. There are some 18


airline Companies that requires a chaperone for disabled people, the company must justify the fact in writing and offer discount of at least 80% on the disabilities passenger’s ticket. Remember that the passenger must travel next to his companion. Is there any limitation on the pregnancy woman travel? It is important to contact the airline company and your doctor before you buy the ticket, because some companies have restrictions on the pregnant women transport. How should be canes, crutches, and walkers flied carried? These appoints are known as “technical assistance” and are carried in the passenger cabin, except when their dimensions or aircraft dimension make difficult their transport in the cabin, in which case such equipment can be transported in compartment luggage. When “technical assistance” is dispatched, they will be considered a priority luggage. How are the passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility boarding and landing? If the airplane is parked next to a boarding bridge, the user with disabilities or reduced mobility entrance or exit is done in these structures as priority. However, if the airport does not have boarding bridge or stop the airplane in a remote position, the Airlines Companies should offer vehicles equipped with elevators or other suitable equipment to carry disabilities or reduced mobility people during boarding and landing, as established by



Resolution No. 9, June 2007, the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC). Passengers who need special assistance should inform the airline about their condition at the time of booking or at least 48 hours before boarding. On landing, the ground crew will drive the passenger output of aircraft, which should be accompanied by company employees or contracted by it, all with proper training. Where are transported the wheelchairs? If space is available, the wheelchair must be transported freely inside the cabin. If not, it will be considered priority baggage. The wheelchair user should be accommodated in special seat, equipped with removable arms, close to hall, located from the first to third line of the aircraft, according to the chosen class. How is guide dog transport? The guide dog must be transported freely on aircraft cabin in the floor beside its owner and under his control, in the first row. The animal must be equipped with harness and without muzzle. In domestic travel case, is obligatory to present to the animal’s updated vaccination card with evidence of multiple and rabies vaccine and anthelmintic treatment, issued by a veterinarian. For international travel will be obligatory to present the International Zoo sanitary Certificate (CZI), issued by the International Agriculture Vigilance Unit of the Ministry of Agriculture, in accordance with the requirements imposed into the destination country.



Transport pets How do I take my pet on the travel? In relation to transport form, check what rules are for transporting pets in the airline of your choice, depending on the size or race, the animal may use muzzle for access to the airport terminal. Besides the rules of the airline, there are requirements of the Agriculture, Livestock and Supply Ministry (MAPA) for transporting pets, which change according to the kind of the travel. Do I need to pay for this service? The service is not included in the tariff. The request and consultation price must be made to the airline in advance. If Airline Company authorizes animal transport, it is necessary to present animal health license to board. What are the travel rules for pets in domestic flights? In the case of travel inside Brazil, dogs and cats must be transported with health certificate issued by a veterinarian registered in the Veterinary Medicine Regional Council. To drive from other animals, is requested to guide Transit Animal - GTA issued by the veterinarian of MAPA or by state sanitary defense. In the case of wild species, it is necessary authorization by the Environment and Renewable Resources Brazilian Institute (IBAMA).



At boarding time The boarding gate where I am going to embark can change? Yes. It does. The boarding gate may suffer changes, due to the accommodation of aircraft to get a greater comfort for the passenger or compliance of flight schedules. So, you must stay attentive to warning beeps about the boarding calls and/or arrivals and departures panels. Is it possible I lose the flight? Yes It is. In some cases, the passenger can be shut out from boarding in the planned flight. This happen because certain aircraft may be unscheduled maintenance. Every time an airplane arrives at an airport, it is inspected by airline maintenance personnel. If there is unscheduled maintenance need, the passengers will be transferred of airplane, in other that they are attended and accommodated again on other flights. In other situations, is it possible that my boarding time may be changed? It’s usual that an airplane stays overnight in a certain airport and, along the day, it goes through several airports. If it’s early morning and that first airport is closed due to bad weather, for instance, that airplane may not be able to take off and this will create a domino effect; consequently, the passengers will make change for in others airplanes and accommodate again.



Passengers’ rights in case of delay, cancellation or non-boarding What are my rights in delayed flights or cancellation? In delay, flight cancellation and non-boarding case, the passenger that attends to board may be operation assistance, involving communication, food and accommodation. These measures are intended to minimize discomfort for passengers while waiting for the flight, meeting their immediate needs. Assistance is offered by the airline, according to the waiting time, since the flight delay until cancellation, as presented below: • Starting at one hour: communication (internet, phone calls so on; • Starting at two hours: food (voucher, snack, beverages so on; • Starting at four hours: accommodation or loading (if necessary transport for other place). If you are in the domicile place, the company can only offer transport to his residence and then to the airport. If the delay is above four hours or any flight cancelation, the airline must offer passengers in addition to material assistance, repayment or re-accommodation options. The material assistance will still be provided to passengers in airplane. The company may suspend material assistance to proceed to immediate boarding.



What is boarding infringement? The boarding infringement (boarding unrealized because of operational safety), occurs when the passenger was denied boarding although he complies with requirements for boarding. As soon as the company finds that there is a possibility of infringement, should look for volunteers to board another flight, by offering compensation (cash, extra tickets, miles, hotels daily, so on.). If you accept this compensation, the company may ask you to sign a receipt stating that the proposal was accepted. If you do not accept it, it will be up to the airline to offer repayment, material assistance and accommodation alternatives.

Refund of ticket How is ticket refund? If the flight is delayed for more than four hours, it’s canceled or the passengers denied boarding, the company may reimburse him in accordance with the payment form used to ticket purchase. The return of amounts should be immediate, in cash or through bank account. If the airfare was financed on credit card and has installments due, repayment will follow rules of card administrator. The measures for the repayment must be immediate. If it’s interest of the passenger, the company may offer, programs mileage.



Airport Closed What is the situation of the passenger in cases where the airport was closed? An airport closes by reason of bad weather or inadequate local operating for takeoffs and landings. In this case, arrivals and / or departures are suspended or canceled until the reopening of the airport. Consequently, the planes can be forwarded to other airports or staying on hold. The material assistance right, reaccommodation and repayment are made toward bad weather or operating con ditions too.



DURING THE FLIGHT Inside the plane Can the Airline Company change seat that I marked? The marking of seats can be made online, when buying the ticket, check-in, through the Internet or check in at the airport counter. In case of operational necessity, the passengers may be relocate to other seats or leave the free choice on board. Are the snacks served inside the plane free? Some companies offer free in-flight service, others charge for this service. If in doubt, consult the airline. Is smoking permitted on the plane? No, it’s not. It is prohibited to smoke on board during the flight time. Is it permitted to use electronic devices inside the airplane? Some types of electronic devices can be used in flight, except during landing and takeoff. In these moments equipment that emit electromagnetic waves are not permitted, such as mobile phones, laptops, MP3 players, MP4, tablets and others handsets, photo and video digital cameras, and so on. Some airlines offer particular services. See the company for more information.



Flight safety Why does a plane go around? Is it dangerous? A “go around� is a safe procedure that poses no hazard to the aircraft or its passengers. A pilot decides to go around when he or she identifies the conditions for landing are not fully supported and considers it necessary to make a new approach. Why are the takeoff and landing of an airplane sometimes slow? Flight operations are focused on air safety, therefore it is sometimes necessary to delay a takeoff or landing for a few minutes in order to ensure minimum separation between aircraft. Priority for takeoff is given to the aircraft of the airline that first presented its flight plan, and landing priority is given to whichever aircraft arrives first at the destination. Exceptions to this are aircraft in emergency situations, aircraft transporting patients in critical condition , etc. Are there areas without radar coverage in Brazilian airspace? The entire airspace of Brazil is covered by means of surveillance (radar), navigation aids and telecommunications. Therefore, all Brazilian regions are safe to fly, as they have adequate facilities in terms of providing security and fluidity levels in operating commercial flights.



Is it dangerous to fly when it’s raining? Even if the rain is intense, it is possible to fly because the aircraft is designed to operate under those conditions. However, there may be some discomfort due to turbulence. Why is there turbulence on flights? Turbulence is an atmospheric phenomenon that makes the plane rock back and forth. It occurs more commonly when the plane is flying through a layer of clouds but it can also occur with clear skies. It can be caused by convective thermal currents, or when strong winds blow perpendicular to mountain ranges, variation in wind speed in a frontal zone or changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure. The planes can avoid areas of turbulence using weather radar, indicating the thickest clouds. The aircraft are designed with stand lightning. When lightning strikes an airplane, its fuselage passes without compromising flight safety. During the trip, remain seated with your seat belts fastened, especially when given the warning on the plane (light signals over seats and / or communicated by the crew). If you are in the toilet or the aisle, immediately return to your seat. The flight service is also stopped during turbulence. Why is it possible to fly at night? Fly during the day or night, from the point of view of air operations, makes no difference because of the technological resources available in aircraft and equipment of air navigation.



ON ARRIVAL Return of luggage Who is responsible for the return of my luggage? The flight company should return the luggage to the passenger in the same condition in which it was shipped. The airport administrator shall maintain the baggage handling system and equipment in operation. What should I do if there are problems with the return of my luggage? Look for the airline representative possibly in the luggage claim area or within 15 days after the arrival date, report It in a document provided by the company or any other written communication. To make your claim, you must provide proof of your luggage check in. If the airline locates it, the baggage must be returned to your provided address. The luggage can remain lost for no more than 30 days (domestic flights) and 21 days (international flights). If not located and delivered within that time, the Company must in compensate the passenger. What happens if luggage is damaged? Find the airline representatives to report it as soon as you see the problem, possibly in the luggage claim area. A written notice may be registered in the company within seven days from the date of landing.



How about in cases of theft? Find the airline representatives and report the evidence with a written document. The company is responsible for the luggage from check in to check out. In addition to filing a complaint with airline also file a formal complaint with the police. Where do I go to voice my complaint? When buying a ticket, you establish with the airline a contract of transportation. So if you feel hurt or that you had your rights violated, go first to the airline contracted to claim your rights as a consumer. You can also initiate a complaint against the airline in ANAC, after registering the complaint and the company having received the protocol number. ANAC examines the facts and if it finds a breach of civil aviation rules, administrative penalty may apply to the company. Can ANAC compensate me for the problems I had? No. ANAC is not part of the relationship established between the passenger and the Airline Company; therefore you cannot seek compensation with ANAC. To claim compensation for moral damages and / or materials, see the administration of consumer protection or file with your Judiciary system. To require such compensation, it is important to retain proof of boarding card and proof of expenses eventually made (food, transport, accommodation and communication) or documents related to the professional activity that would be fulfilled at the destination.



Facilities at the airport What facilities can be found at airports? At most airports, passengers can find the lost and found services, information desk, Ombudsmen and support from government agencies, such as ANAC, Federal Police, IRS, ANVISA, Vigiagro, Judgeship for Children and Youth, Civil Police, Military Police, among others. Who is responsible for the bus that transports passengers from the plane to the terminal? Transport of passengers between airplane and airport terminal is requested by the airline after the flight arrives, so that the airport administrator sends the necessary number of buses. Who is responsible for Airport Parking? Each airport operator can define how to manage their airports, which can be administered either directly or indirectly. For more information, see the airport operator. Is there any guidance on taxis and public transportation at the airports? The amount charged by taxi drivers at airports are defined by labor unions or competent body in the state, usually the municipal government. Taxis licensed in airports follow quality criteria to meet the passengers’ safety and comfort. Public transport is controlled and offered by the competent public agency in the region - municipal, state or district.



INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL Healthcare What precautions should I take before making an international trip? It is important to know your level of health in advance. Consult your doctor for an evaluation, especially if you have some disease(s). Avoid traveling with any infectious disease(s). If you need to use any medicines during the trip, get the prescription and keep it with you. Remember to buy enough medicine for the entire trip. Do I need any vaccinations? Currently the World Health Organization acknowledges vaccination against Yellow Fever as the only requirement for entry in the signatory countries of the International Health Regulations that adopt this measure. The International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis is the official document that proves the immunization and is issued at the Centers Guidance for Travelers’ Health Anvisa Accredited and spread throughout the country. Carry with you the National Immunization Card and official ID with photo. Accessing the Internet Information System Ports, Airports and Borders (Sispafra) Anvisa the address / traveler, it is possible to develop a travel itinerary that will indicate the vaccines required for entry into the destination country and others care about your health, and perform pre-register your attendance to streamline and identify the Centre nearest to his residence. 32


What should I do if I get sick during the flight? If you get sick on the aircraft, speak to the flight crew on board and they will assist and alert health care of where you are landing. When immobile for more than four hours, the prolonged immobility increases the risk of venous thrombosis. Therefore, try to exercise every two or three hours. If you are at high risk for this disease, remember to consult a doctor before flying. What type of healthcare do I need after arriving at my destination? A common problem when traveling is diarrhea caused by ingestion of contaminated food or water. Always be alert to safety and the quality of what you eat or offer to children. Some species of birds and mammals can also transmit infectious diseases, especially in urban areas. Therefore, avoid close contact with live birds or slaughtered. If you are attacked by a domestic or wild mammal, immediately wash the area with soap and water and seek medical attention. Furthermore, a new influenza virus circulates every year and an annual vaccination is provided by the government. Eating well, adopting healthy habits, healthy hygiene and avoiding stress are the most effective methods of prevention. What should I do if I get sick after returning from the trip? After returning from the trip, if you have a fever or other symptoms, such as diarrhea, skin problems or breathing, seek immediate health care and let them know the regions visited.



Documents for international shipment What documents are needed to embark on an overseas trip? For Brazilians, it takes a valid Brazilian passport. In the case of traveling to Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela, it’s also accepted as a travel document to civil identity card (RG), issued by the Departments of Public Security of the State or Federal District. Be aware! Drivers licenses and professional I.D. cards are not supported or functional. Passengers under 18 traveling without one or both parents also need the submission of authorization in addition to the travel documents. What are the rules for international travel with minors? For Brazilian minors traveling abroad unaccompanied by parents or in the company of only one of those it will be required the submission of judicial authorization. That is really necessary since it has been issued by the responsible approval, following the template available here: edicao_manual_menores.pdf. It will be necessary to submit to the Federal Police of travel authorization, albeit at check-in, before the airlines are present parents or guardians of the child or adolescent. And when the authorization was issued outside the country? In cases of permits issued abroad it must be observed orientations of the respective consulates in Brazil, following the template available on site 34


What documents are required in the case of foreigners? You need a valid passport and the arrival/ departure card completed. The card must be submitted by the foreign entry in Brazil and continued until the time of the passenger’s departure, and then it will be collected by the Federal Police. The arrival/ departure card will be provided by the airlines or will be available at checkpoints. Moreover, you need a visa consular according to the purpose of the trip, depending on the country of origin and in cases where it is required. A foreigner living in Brazil, either temporarily or permanently, beyond passport must present the identity card or alien’s application for adjustment protocol issued by the Federal Police. For citizens from countries of Mercosul, it will be accepted in addition to passports, other documents referred to in the agreement.

Rates and Currency Where can I buy foreign currency in Brazil? The exchange shall be done by an establishment licensed by the Central Bank of Brazil. How do I find an establishment licensed by the Central Bank of Brazil? At airports and shopping malls is common to find banks or exchange brokers. For questions, you can consult the list of agents authorized by site.



How much cash or travelers check can I take into or out of Brazil? There is no limit to the carrying value of currency in cash or travelers checks both in arrival and in departure from the country. However, if the values ported (cash) exceed R $ 10,000.00 (ten thousand reais) or the equivalent in other currencies, it is necessary to fill the Electronic Declaration Porte de Valores - e-DPV, issued by the Internal Revenue Service Brazil, through the website www.receita. fazenda. How about when making the exchange? Is there any limit for operations with currency in cash or travelers checks? There is also no limit value for foreign exchange transactions. However, the purchases and sales where there is delivery and receipt of securities in cash or travelers checks, there is a limit of $ 10,000.00 (ten thousand reais) per operation. How to recognize the security features of the banknotes Real? Upon receiving bills in a withdrawal or a payment, it is always necessary to check at least three security features. All bills have the watermark, (holding the note up to the light, you see the picture clear in the area of the animal in shades ranging from light to dark), touch is the highest reveal point. For instance, you can feel the numbers in some areas of the bill and also you can feel the symbol of the Federal Republic 36


of Brazil. The hidden number (set on the note at eye level you can see the number representing the value of the note, paper currency second in the Family, or the letters BC, the First Family on the paper currency). For more information and to know the other security features of the bills, see the sites www. Details with views of the security of the Second Family Banknote Real hot site www. are in, the paper currency and the First Family, who are still in circulation at the site br. The paper currencies of the First Family of Real still apply.

Boarding international How to proceed when boarding? When entering the boarding area, have all your travel document ready in hand to expedite their care in immigration control Federal Police. Pay attention the signs posted in the international shipping are, to be sure to go to your desired location. (Brazil, foreign, etc.). The shipment of minors is the responsibility of the company and in the absence of both or one of the legal guardians; the proper travel authorization should be ready and available. Holders of diplomacy, pregnant women, the elderly and persons with disabilities or reduced mobility can use the service at preferential booth.



Luggage What is considered Carry-on luggage? The rules for international flights Prohibit items such as these in carry-on luggage: sharp or piercing objects like knives, nail clippers etc… These items should only be carried in checked baggage. The transport of liquids on international flights must meet the following standards: • Liquids, gels and pastes must be packaged in a transparent plastic bag up to 1 liter (approximately 20cm x 20cm), it must show in the X-ray inspection of baggage separately. Each container cannot exceed the volume of 100ml. Liquids in bottles over 100ml cannot be transported, even if partially filled; • Perfumes, beverages and other liquids purchased at dutyfree must be packed in a sealed bag and accompanied by invoices from the day of the flight. This measure does not guarantee acceptance of the sealed package by other countries. In the case of a lay-over, see the airline about the possibility of retaining their product by foreign authorities; • Medications are accepted only with the prescription and receipt of payment of at the time of the X-ray inspection; • Food for infants or special liquids (soups, syrups, serum etc.) only the amount being used during the flight, including any lay-overs for connecting flights, must be presented in the X-ray inspection for on board safety; The baggage allowance varies by destination country. So, check the airline in advance. 38


Can I take my medications on the trip? The entry of drugs into other countries may undergo sanitary inspection. So do not forget the prescription remember to bring (preferably in hand luggage) medicines needed to complete duration of the trip. It is recommended that medications are kept in the original box for better identification. Stay tuned to the volume of individual containers, because the air safety standards, is only allowed to carry in your hand luggage: • Baby bottles and infant foods (when babies and children are traveling); • Essential medicines accompanied by prescription (the prescription shall have the name of the passenger to be confronted with the name on the boarding pass); • Medications that do not require a prescription: eye drops, saline solution for contact lenses etc; (Not to exceed 100ml or 3.4oz); • Insulin and special liquids or gels for diabetic passengers, accompanied by prescription (provided they do not exceed 100ml or 3.4oz); • Cosmetic solid (lipstick, lip balm or deodorant stick etc.). Do I need to declare my camera and other objects before boarding? The Internal Revenue Service of Brazil, federal police and other agencies do not issue documents attesting to the output of goods outside the traveler’s baggage. There are some ways that the passenger can prove that the object in question was his



or hers before the flight. To learn more, see item entry for goods purchased abroad, this Guide.

Landing How to proceed when landing? On landing the aircraft, have your travel documents ready in hand, to speed up the process in Immigration control. Pay attention to the signs in the area of international arrivals to find the specific location of Brazilian citizen service. Diplomats, pregnant women, the elderly and persons with disabilities or reduced mobility can use the service at preferential booth.

Transport of plant and animal origin What are the guidelines for entry of products of plant and animal origin from abroad? • Vegetation products, beverages and oils in relation to phytosanitary requirements, have free entry in the country, there is no need to submit any documentation to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA), upon arrival in Brazil; • Vegetable products and parts thereof, accompanied by phytosanitary certificates issued by the competent authority of the country of origin - the traveler must provide, with the official body of the country of origin, the issuance of phytosanitary certificate and present it to the supervision of the MAPA when the arrival in Brazil; 40


• Animal products can only enter Brazil if authorized in advance by MAPA - this authorization must be requested by the traveler, before traveling to be represented to the Ministry in their state. Furthermore, the traveler should ask the veterinary authority of the country of origin of the product to issue the international health certificate, meeting the requirements contained in the authorization granted by the MAPA, and submit it to inspection, upon arrival in Brazil; • Animal products and vegetables purchased at shops located at Brazilian airports have free entry into the country because we have already been subjected to prior control by MAPA, there is no need to submit any documentation to the MAPA, upon arrival in Brazil. What agricultural products cannot enter Brazil without permission? • Fresh fruits and vegetables; • Insects, snails, bacteria and fungi; • Flowers, plants or parts of them; • Bulbs, seeds, seedlings and cuttings; • Cigars; • Hookah tobacco containing honey in its composition; • Pets such as dogs and cats, without the International Animal Health Certificate, they may transmit rabies, among other diseases; • Poultry and wild as they can harbor the virus of influenza (flu); • Exotic species, fish, ornamental birds and bees as they may transmit diseases that do not exist in Brazil;



• Meat of any animal species, raw or industrialized (sausages, hams, smoked, salted, canned), because they can contain infectious agents; • Milk and dairy products like cheese, butter, fresh milk, yogurt, because in addition to requiring special storage conditions, yet they contain infectious agents; • Bee products (honey, wax, propolis etc.). Because they may harbor infectious agents; • Eggs and derivatives, they also require special storage conditions and may contain infectious agents; • Fish and derivatives, for the same reason above; • Semen and embryos, considered propagation material for animals, increasing the risk of spreading disease; • Veterinary biological products (serum, vaccines and drugs) require registration with the MAP; • Animal feed (food, biscuits for dogs and cats, chew toys) require registration with the MAP; • Lands; • Untreated wood untreated; • Pesticides; • Fertilizer; • Biological material for scientific research, among others, as specimens of animals, plants or their parts and kits for laboratory diagnosis; • Food served on board; • Animal products and vegetables purchased at duty free shops abroad. 42


And what products are allowed? • Oils; • Plant products manufactured, vacuum packaged, canned, pickled and other preservatives; • Chocolates; • Beverages in general (teas, juices and soft drinks); • Yerba Mate prepared and packaged. • Powder for ice cream and desserts, packaged; • Starches packed; • Margarine and cocoa paste; • Instant coffee; • Coffee roasted and ground; • Glucose and sugar and packed; • Cigarettes. Can a passenger take a native Brazilian plant or animal to a foreign country? Yes, provided you have legal origin and that the person obtains a license from IBAMA. The license application must be completed online on the internet page of IBAMA,, services option, license for import or export of fauna and flora - CITES and non-CITES. The request can only be made by individuals or legal entities that have registered in the Federal Technical Registry of IBAMA, which can be obtained at the website br, the option services, make your registration. The completed application should be sent to IBAMA, and its progress can be monitored in real time by the person concerned. Upon approval



of the application and payment of the fee for the license is issued. We emphasize, however, that no animal species whose importation is prohibited. The international transport of animals considered domestic by IBAMA Ordinance No. 93 of 1998, as dogs and cats, is license exempt IBAMA. It is also important to check the animal health and phyto sanitary requirements of the destination country, which should be the subject of consultation with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply - MAPA for evaluating whether or not answering. And if some species are included in the Annexes to the Convention on International Trade in Species of Wild Flora and Fauna in Peril (CITES) as an orchid or a parrot? To leave Brazil with animal or plant species included in the CITES appendices, or products made from these species, it is necessary to obtain an export permit IBAMA / CITES. The procedure for obtaining permission and authorization by IBAMA MAP is the same as described in the previous item. Can you take from Brazil or bring to Brazil objects containing parts of animals of wild species native or exotic? Yes, products that have proof of legal origin may be exported or imported under license from IBAMA. The procedure for obtaining the license is the same as described in the foregoing is true and products of species listed or not in the CITES appendices. International shipping these objects, when 44


considered personal use by IBAMA Ordinance No. 93 of 1998, is exempt from license from IBAMA. For more information, visit To import objects containing parts of animals, beyond the requirements of IBAMA, the traveler must apply for permission to import from MAPA. In possession of the authorization and Brazilian sanitary requirements, the traveler must arrange with the veterinary authority of the country of origin abroad, the issuance of health certificate for the requirements contained in the relevant authorization and submit it to the supervision of the MAPA upon arrival in Brazil.

Transport of animals What are the rules for traveling with pets internationally? Whoever enters Brazil with live animals must provide, prior to travel, the International Animal Health Certificate (CZI), issued by the veterinary authority of the country of origin, meeting the sanitary requirements Brazilians, according to animal species and country of origin. Whoever leaves Brazil bound for other countries should check what are the sanitary requirements for the country you want and request the issuance of the federal tax CZI agricultural veterinarian at the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA).



Entry of goods purchased abroad How do I proceed in relation to goods bought abroad? Upon returning from travel abroad, being in the condition required to file Accompanied Baggage Declaration (DBA), individually fill your statement and report to the Customs. DBA is required to submit, upon arrival to the country, the passenger, even a minor, which is in any of the situations listed below: a) Cash received in business in excess of $ 10,000.00 (ten thousand dollars) or the equivalent in another currency; b) Acquired assets abroad, in your luggage: i) subject to special control to enter the country; ii) Whose total value exceeds the exemption limit of tax regime baggage? iii) Whose amount exceeds the limits that can be imported in the tax regime of luggage, oriv) that can not be imported in the tax regime of accompanied baggage. If in doubt, travelers can access the website of Federal Revenue of Brazil ( the link of Customs and Trade, or the mobile application Travelers Abroad, IRS. What types of goods are subject to special controls to enter the country? Certain goods are subject to special controls by the appropriate organization, such as: live animals, animal products, vegetable products, weapons and ammunition, equipment and other products that may have effects on public health, safety and the environment. 46


What is the tax exemption limit for entry of products? The maximum total value is U.S. $ 500.00 (five hundred U.S. dollars). Anything within this limit is not counted (disregard the value of): a) Books, pamphlets and periodicals; b) Goods for personal use or consumption of the traveler; c) Goods purchased within the exemption limit of $ 500.00 (five hundred U.S. dollars) at the free shop at the airport of arrival in Brazil, because this is another quota exemption the passenger is entitled to d) Assets not acquired in the journey, the passenger is bringing back to the country Note that even goods received free overseas are calculated in the exemption value limit. Should I worry about the amount of goods brought on the trip? To be exempted from tax and for the release of goods in the tax regime of accompanied baggage, it is not enough that products are within the limits indicated above. It is also necessary that they are within the quantitative limit, listed below: a) 12 liters of alcoholic beverages; b) 10 packs of cigarettes, each containing 20 units; c) 25 cigars or cigarillos; d) 250 grams of tobacco; e) 20 units of goods not related to items “a” through “d” (souvenirs and small gifts), unit value less than $ 10.00 (ten U.S. dollars), provided that no more than 10 identical units;



f) 20 unrelated goods units in items “a” to “e”, provided that no more than three identical units. Note that even goods received free overseas are calculated in these quantitative limits. What are personal consumer goods? They are articles of clothing, toiletries and other goods that represent personal care. The nature and quantity must be consistent with the circumstances of the trip. Examples: clothing, shoes, sunglasses, a used watch, used a camera, an old cell phone. Notebooks and camcorders are not exempt. How can I prove I did not buy an asset during the trip? Proof that an item was not acquired during the journey can be made using many suitable means. Examples: the invoice issued by an establishment domiciled in Brazil, presenting DBA duly cleared, containing a detailed description of goods purchased abroad on another trip etc. The IRS does not send documents from Brazil to prove the departure abroad of goods contained in traveler’s baggage. Can I add my tax exemption limit to another person who is with me? No. The tax exemption limit is personal, nontransferable and can only be used once every interval of one month. You are also unable to add the exemption limits of a couple, for example, to bring valuables to the upper limit individual without paying taxes. 48


What products are subject to Anvisa, sanitary inspection, can I bring on luggage? Medicines, foods, household cosmetics, hygiene products and medical products intended for personal consumption and individual (if not featuring in frequency and quantity for commercial or resale). All products must be in their original containers for identification. Controlled drugs must be accompanied by medical prescription. It is not allowed to bring medical product abroad, in luggage, to provide services to third parties. Do I need to declare cash values? On arrival or departure of Brazil, the traveler that is carrying amounts in cash (money) over R $ 10,000.00 (ten thousand dollars) or the equivalent in another currency shall submit a statement of possession of values (e-DPV), via web-site www. / e-dpv. The audit will verify the accuracy of customs declaration and require specific documents to prove the lawful acquisition of values. How about if I made purchases at duty-free? Shopping at duty-free arrival to Brazil is not counted in the tax exemption limit of $ 500.00 (five hundred U.S. dollars). How to calculate the tax due in the event of baggage above the exemption limit value? The value exceeding the value limit of exemption of goods that can be imported in the tax regime of accompanied baggage



will be taxed at the rate of 50%. The inaccurate statement or no statement is required when this subject a passenger to a fine and other penalties. How to calculate the tax due for goods above the quantitative limit likely to be imported in the tax regime baggage? The assets that exceed the quantitative limits referred to above may be imported only in common system of taxation, by recording an Import Declaration (DI) or Simplified Import Declaration (DSI). In this regime, the tax rates levied on imports vary according to the type of commodity, i.e., there is a single rate. The order of import regime that requires the storage of goods at the airport is also subjected to payment of VAT by States and the Federal District. What can I NOT import in the tax regime in my baggage? It cannot be disentangled in the tax regime of luggage: a) aircraft, including hang gliding and paragliding, vessels of any kind, including inflatable boat and kayak, motor vehicles, motorcycles, scooters, bicycles with motor, motors for boats, jet skis and similar, as well as its parts; b) Property acquired abroad that exceed the limits mentioned earlier in this Guide; c) Goods acquired abroad, in any quantity, intended to trade.



What is prohibited to import? Besides the illegal products and counterfeit, cigarettes and liquor made in Brazil, intended for sale exclusively abroad, cannot be imported. Traveler residing abroad on temporary trip to Brazil should declare? Yes. The passenger must declare goods of personal use or consumption of an aggregate value exceeding $ 3,000.00 (three thousand United States dollars) or the equivalent in another currency. What to do in case of lost luggage containing goods purchased abroad? Have the record of the occurrence to the airline at the time of the arrival. Look customs supervision and guarantees the right to quota exemption.



INFRAERO - CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP Infraero maintain different relationship channels with their customers. The Ombudsman aims to meet the suggestions and complaints of users, passengers and Infraero employee. The themes are monitored by the Board and the President of the company and the opportunities of improvement and offer new services are identified. The result is improved quality of services. Internet:, link Ombudsman Helpline: 0800 727 1234 Fax: (61) 3312-3013 Letters: PO Box 8626 - CEP: 70312-970 - Brasília - DF Infraero information desks, located at major airports, are ready to assist passengers with their needs, while also receiving reports of the Ombudsman. Aware of the growing role of the Internet in Brazil, Infraero also maintains official profiles on major social networks. Through this innovative channel, the relationship with customers is enhanced and narrowed daily in real time. The official profile of the company on Twitter, Facebook and other social networks is “InfraeroBrasil.”



REQUESTING ASSISTANCE Anac - Civil Aviation National Agency Regulatory agency responsible for the normalization and follow up inspection of the civil aviation rules by airlines and airport operators. Contact: or 0800 725 4445.

SAC - Civil Aviation Department of Presidency of the Republic Contact: or (61) 3313-7107.

DECEA - Airspace Department Control/Aeronautic Command The Decea is the Command Brazilian responsible organ by Brazilian air traffic control. Contact: or or (21) 6234-6637 / 2123-6585. FEDERAL POLICE DEPARTMENT Responsible organ byimmigration and/or emigration controlling and security in restricted areas of airports. Contact: or 194.

ANVISA –NATIONAL AGENCY OF SANITARY VIGILANCE Information for travelers about vaccination, prophylaxis, world health and sanitary requirements. Contact: / traveler or 0800 642 9782.



VIGIAGRO - INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURE VIGILANCE Responsible for promoting international agriculture vigilance. Contact: or or 0800 704 1995.

INLAND REVENUE Responsible for tax administration and customs in airports. Contact: or 146 (Receitafone) or 0800 702 1111 (Ombudsperson).

BCB - CENTRAL BANK OF BRAZIL Information for travelers and Currency Exchange. Contact: or 0800 979 2345.


Airport operators INFRAERO - BRAZILIAN AIRPORT INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY Responsible for the administration of more than 60 airports. Contact: or 0800 727 1234.



VIRACOPOS BRAZIL AIRPORTS Responsible for administering the Viracopos/Campinas International Airport. Contact: or (+55 19) 3725-5000.

GUARULHOS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT CONCESSIONAIRE Responsible for administering the São Paulo International Airport André Franco Montoro Governor. Contact: or (11) 2445-2945.

INFRAMERICA Responsible for administration Brasília International Airport – Juscelino Kubitschek President Address: Brasilia International Airport, Mezzanine, CEP: 71608900, Brasília, DF. Contact: or (+55 61) 3214-6798.

Small Claims Courts Guarulhos International Airport/SP: (11) 2445-4726 / 4727/4728. Congonhas Airport/SP: (11) 5090-9801 / 9802/9803. Galeão International Airport/RJ: (21) 3353-2992 / 3398-5344. Santos Dumont Airport/RJ: (21) 3814-7763 / 7757. Brasilia International Airport/DF: (61) 3365-2343 / 1720.



Airlines AVIANCA 0800 286 6543 Hearing impaired: 0800 286 5445 Internet:

AZUL 0800 884 4040 Hearing impaired: 0800 881 0500 Internet:

GOL/VARIG 0800 704 0465 Hearing impaired: 0800 709 0466 Internet:

PANTANAL 0800 123 200 Hearing impaired: 0800 555 500 Internet:

PASSAREDO 0800 770 3757 Hearing impaired: 0800 771 6836 Internet:



SETE LINHAS ÁERAS 0800 605 7000 Hearing impaired: Internet:

TAM 0800 570 5700 Hearing impaired: 0800 555 500 Internet:

TRIP 0800 722 8747 Hearing impaired: 0800 722 8488 Internet:



ALITALIA Internet:

AIR FRANCE Internet:





DELTA Internet:

IBÉRIA Internet:

LAN Internet:



EXPEDIENT: Achievement: This version of Passenger Guide has been updated on the initiative and coordination of the National Airport and Authorities (Conaero), with the participation of Staff, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply, Ministry of Defense, Treasure Department, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management, Ministry of Health, National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC), Central Bank of Brazil and the Natural Renewable and Resource Environment Institute (IBAMA), and airport operators Infraero, Viracopos Brazil Airports, Guarulhos International Airport Concessionaire and Inframerica, under the supervision of the Civil Aviation Department (SAC).


Publication: Brazilian Airport Infrastructure Company - Infraero Issue No. 2 Passenger Guide under Conaero coordination and editing No. 4 Infraero Passenger Guide - October 2012 Contact about this publication: Ombudsman Infraero Internet:, link Ombudsman Helpline: 0800 727 1234 Fax: (61) 3312-3013 Letters: PO Box 8626 - CEP: 70312-970 - Brasília-DF “This publication is for merely information. Any proceeding needs to consider the legislation.”


Support: ANVISA - National Agency for Sanitary Vigilance BCB - Central Bank of Brazil Decea - Airspace Control Department/Air Force Command Federal Police Department IBAMA - Natural Renewable and Resource Environment Institute Brazilian Federal Revenue Vigiagro 窶的nternational Health Surveillance

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