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Saltwater Freshwater Festival 2022
tapping to accompany the guitar. Also on stage will be OETHA – made up of Lady Lash, Miss Hood and Dizzy Doolan. Together, they breathe a breath of fresh air into the music scene.
Come celebrate with us you mob! Yilaami maagunda ngiyambala ngujawiny! (Gumbaynggirr) Mara gagi gindalan nyiirun.gay nyura! (Gathang) Dhanang! Dugaaguga, giwin.ga nyinanhambuta! (Dhanggati)
A free community event, Saltwater Freshwater Festival is back this year with a deadly program of Aboriginal music, dance, film, yarn sessions, workshops, arts and craft stalls, and more! Join us on 28 May at Unkya Reserve, Eungai Creek, in a celebration of the rich living culture of the Gumbaynggirr, Dunghutti, Biripi and Worimi nations.
Check out the main stage program with the headline act, acclaimed Gumbaynggirr songstress Emma Donovan and Melbourne rhythm combo The Putbacks. Other acts include Eric Avery Kabi Marrawuy Mumbulla; violinist, vocalist dancer and composer from the Ngiyampaa, Yuin and Gumbaynggirr people of NSW, Glenn Skuthorpe a Nhunggabarra, Kooma and Muruwari man and internationally touring singer-songwriter, powerful lyricist and composer and Kauri Munro Greentree – a percussive guitarist, singer-songwriter and self-taught Gamillaroi man who has developed his own unique style of rhythmic curling finger Dive into the Festival experience with: • Dance Stage – performances all day with a big finale Corroboree to close the event! • Yarn Tent – featuring panel discussions about resilience, connection to country, cultural protocols and cultural burn practices. • Film Tent – showcasing the Saltwater
Freshwater short film collection • Workshops – dance, language, weaving and bark canoes • Aboriginal Arts and Craft Stalls • Food stalls
To keep posted on the event and the details of the final program, visit www.saltwaterfreshwater.com.au/festival
This event is proudly funded by the NSW Government in association with the Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund through the joint Commonwealth/State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements and Nambucca Valley Council.