Dark in a white world.
MAY 23 2015
Same Color in a Similar Setting
Moving on from honor class to honor class at Iowa City West High School one is able to notice the lack of diversity in those classes. Not only is diversity low in those classes, but the encouragement of teachers to encourage students to challenge themselves is also lacking. These two reasons are why Maya Mahajan ’16 has made it her duty to get involved in adding more diversity in honor and AP classes. Mahajan has decided to team up with her mom to fight a battle where the opponent is not human but rather a mindset of inaccurate beliefs. Iowa City Community School District has sent out a report which states about 24 percent of students have heard their teacher make a racist comment or remark. Also Principal Gregg Shoultz said, “Many students have the belief that I can’t be in in a certain class because all students in that class have got a 36 on the ACT”. Both the study and Shoultz ‘s words start Mahajans quest to finding the answer to conflict she is trying to overcome. Since the struggle starts with children who think they are not good enough and students who have been told a C+ is a very good grade for their type, there might not be a way to ending the fight. Although when people like Mahajan and her mom start fighting and others join in, there is a bigger chance of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. So Ms. Majaha has met up with the Superintendent of the Iowa City Community School District Stephen F. Murley, Equity and Staff Director Kingsley Botchway and organized a group called Students and Parents for Equity. Mahajan also talked with Assistant Superintendent,Matt Denger and Dr. Shoultz, and they stumbled across City High School’s program called Achieve. “The Achieve program would take students with 3.0 or higher….” Mahajan said. She contacted the City High principal, John Bacon, to find out more information about the program. She provided some data Bacon has sent to her which states, “Minority student participation in advanced placement classes has risen from 14% to 19% to 24% over the last three years before”. With these results everything should be set and done, but West High is not planning on implementing the program. Many rumors have played into the reason why the program is going to be implemented at North West Junior high but not West. However one rumor has surprised many students and it has to do with Dr. Shoultz and Social Studies Department teacher Brady Shutt “not wanting to implement the program or wanting more minorities because it might bring down the school’s name/ rank”. Yet, this rumor is false and both are unaware of where this rumor has started.
Shoultz denies the rumor and said, “It is true AP is not for every single student however that does not mean we should not encourage anyway who wants to take on that challenge. “I am in a position for advocating for lower AP scores,”. Shoultz believes with the high AP scores in AP classes it discourages students from taking them since students think they have to achieve a high score on the AP exam to be in that class. According to Shoultz Fifteen years ago, the school eliminated the gatekeeper criteria which required students to have a 3.0 or higher GPA in order to enroll in an honor or AP class. It was removed in order to get more students into those classes, but--according to Shutt--it did not do the trick. “One thing we did five or six years ago we had every department meet and had everyone in the department look at their class rosters and achievement of their students with really thinking through who are some students of color or international students or first generation college student try to figure out who they are and have private conversations with them to encourage them to consider taking some of our advanced classes but we are not doing it now.” Shutt is not sure why teachers are not doing it anymore, but he thinks it should start again. Removing the gatekeeper requirement and having teachers find excelling students has not done much in helping West High’s problem with getting more underrepresented minorities in honor and AP classes. From a student’s perspective Mahajan said the problem is not that these two techniques did not work yet, “West has difficulty with students and staff, all of us need to realize that. Maybe ‘West High best high’ is not the only thing we need to worry about.” She is right. In a case where a school wants to improve communication between students and teachers is key but if the percentage of racial remarks increases and students are being forgotten about or let down, “ We have a lot of work to do. I think we need to take action,” Shutt said. Shoultz agrees and has a new plan he hopes to implement soon. “I want to implement a student mentoring program where we train about 25 upperclassmen to mentor lowerclassmen students”. This might just be what West needs to move on to the next level but also, “If people do not interact with people from a different background then they are, then it is not a stretch that they will treat them differently” Mahajan said.
How To
Make It
Look Book
As her feet touch the shiny white stage, she is ready to walk towards the audience They await talking amongst themselves, but they do not anticipate what is coming their way. Some carry book bags others sit near the lockers, this stage is not ready for a super model catwalk, this stage is made of white tiled and belongs to West High School. A large percent of students at West High School come dressed up or dressed down for the school day, yet some dress in something so unique, so unusual, so different that the name fashion is thrown on to their backs as they step passed the clear double doors that spells out school. As they enter the school building the hallways then become their runway and their style is like no other. Emina Abdagic ‘17 has a sense of style makes her stick out more than other students, however she has never gotten into fashion, fashion found her. “I’ve never really started getting into fashion it has just been with me ever since I was little, I would always get people complimenting me and one time I got a fashion award”. Sometimes trying something new means going to the past and Abdagic finds 90s fashion more stylish, “I do not really keep up with the trends but I just wear me. Personally I like fashion from 90’s era and I try to incorporate it with modern fashion so I do not feel like I stick out a lot, but sometimes I do stick out and people tend to like it”. When it comes to fashion following what is trending might be what everyone likes, but, “ following the path you want and not what everyone else wants I think this is fashion” Emina said. http://intro.wsspaper. com/?p=1351 WSSPAPER.COM MONTH 2015 SECTION 13
A change in currency?
Author: Leena Taha
Photo complied by pixabay
Photo complied by pixabay
Allegedly, a new wave of currency will be circulating as of 2020. Harriet Tubman,who escaped slavery to become a leading abolitionist and a conductor on the Underground Railroad, risking her life to lead slaves to freedom. She led hundreds of enslaved people to freedom along the route of the Underground Railroad. Tubman will be the first African American AND the first woman to appear on the face of U.S. currency in over a century since Martha Washington. This breaking news was publicized on Wednesday, April 20 by Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew, T. Andrew Jackson, who appears on the 20 dollar bill now won’t vanish entirely, his visual image will dominate the back of the 20 U.S. note. Jacob J. Lew also notified the public about design alterations on the $5 and $10 bills. Lew’s original plan to change the $10; to have Hamilton share the bill with a woman, or release two different bills — met backlash from several directions. Many individuals stated that the only woman on the nation’s paper currency should be featured alone on the bill, rather than sharing space with a man. Several students at West we’re frustrated. “Andrew Jackson shouldn’t remain on the new currency expected to circulate, he holds no notable historical actions in relation to civil rights. He shouldn’t share the space with Tubman, Andrew Jackson was a wealthy slave owner and an infamous Native American killer.”Safeya Siddig‘18
“ Andrew Jackson owner of as many as 300 slaves in his lifetime, demonstrating that genocide against indigenous(Native Americans) is a nonpartisan issue, which basically means he thinks the murder of several indigenous people is justified, unprejudiced and unbigoted. Why would people want that in the upcoming currency expected to showcase? “ Suha Said’ 16 “ I’m confused because Andrew Jackson signed the Indian removal act law.” ( a law that permits presidents to grant unsettled lands in western Mississippi in exchange for Indian lands within existing state borders)” So why do people want him to remain the face of our American currency”? Nada Ibrahim ‘ 16
Suha Said 16’
Nada Ibrahim’16
Safeya Siddig’18
Photo co mplied b y pixaba y
“ Numerous new faces are expected to make an appearance. As time progresses, Abraham Lincoln and Alexander Hamilton will resume embellishing the front of the dollar bill but this time around the back will include various women who were the great leaders during the civil rights movement. Soon, though, the two will share prominent placement on a new $20 bill- the Obama administration is under pressure to add diversity to the currency, Lew’s compromise is to replace a picture of the Treasury building on the back of the $10 with leaders of the suffrage movement As for the new $10 bill, other notable women who were leaders of the 1913 suffrage movement, fighting for women’s enfranchisement and to stand in electoral office include; Lucretia Mott, Sojourner Truth, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Alice Paul, and Susan B. Anthony.
Photo complied by pixabay 5 MAY 2016 WSSPAPER.COM
-The up to date $5 will exhibit the Lincoln Memorial and historical events tied to it- events like the 1939 extraordinary performance of the African American classical opera singer- Marian Anderson, who performed at the Lincoln Memorial after she was prohibited the opportunity to sing at the segregated Constitution Hall . Other people expecting to be featured are; First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s prominent 1963 “I have a dream” speech. The final and absolute outline of the new bill will be eventually disclosed to the public in 2020 which ironically lies on the 100-year anniversary of the 19th Amendment- granting women’s enfranchisement. The new currency, starting with the $10 bill, will enter into circulation later that decade .
1 apple 1 cup tamarind paste 1 cup of Chamoy sauce ½ teaspoon chili powder (Tajin)
1.)Place tamarind paste in a bowl. 2.)Dip apple in paste to coat. Allow excess paste to drip off. 3.) Dip into Chamoy sauce 4.)Place apple on a sheet of parchment paper. 5.)Sprinkle apple with chili powder (Tajin) and allow to set.
Simiran Sarin
As the design is traced onto one’s hands and feet, every reddish flower every curve of a spiral is done with elegance as you await to see what is drawn next as the cool solid comes out and forms a shape which is mysterious to you, but beautiful in away no one would have thought. Made from the red dye which comes off the henna plant henna or “Mehndi” in Hindi is used in many cultures especially in Hindi and Sudanese culture. Simiran Sarin’17 is from northern India where henna originally was not used for decoration, “Originally used as a cooling effect so when it gets really hot Henna has a cooling effect makes your body feel cooler, but after time it became a big part of weddings”. Henna has grown so prominent in Hindi culture that a wedding night is dedicated to the bride where henna is placed on her hands all the ways up to her elbow and on her feet just above the ankle. Yet, little children get to join in the fun as they get simple but unique designs on their hands to join in the festivity. This wedding night is also observed 7 SECTION MAY 2016 WSSPAPER.COM
in Sudanese culture said Mariam Himat’16 who is from Sudan herself. Himat has grown up in Sudan most of her life and has just come to the United Stated about 6 years ago. Living in Sudan she she was surrounded by henna art on one’s hands and feet. Yet, just like Sarin she states that henna is more cultural than a religious. Yet, how henna portray a place into countries that are far apart depends on who founded the country or which group of people moved in, “Sudan was dominantly made up of African tribes before the Arabians from the Middle East poured into Sudan and so many tribes and cultures started to clash” said Himat. However henna has some sort of a reference in the old Hindu Vedic , so henna originally is apart of Hindi culture. Yet, as henna starts to surface in cultures that have no relationship with it, many are upset with how such a sacred part of someone’s culture is is made into a trend. Sirin is especially upset since she encountered many unpleasant hurtful words as a younger child because of it. Sarin said, “When I come to school people would say why do you have mud on your hands,
of Henna what is that disgusting thing on your hands or eww you shit on your hands. I took that criticism to heart I was in the seventh or eighth grade I cared a lot of what other people thought about me. Yet, suddenly I get to high school and suddenly all these other people who are not affiliated wit my culture are wearing it. Wow so suddenly when they are wearing it is not mud on their hands, it is not that weird stuff. Suddenly it is artwork and beautiful and their eyes”. However, the problem does not rest with peers wearing henna, but the celebrities that do it. Since celebrities have so much influence on what is the latest style and what is trending of course everyone else is going to think it is okay and so called “cool”. Although culture appropriation is wrong, Sarin wants people to know that, “If want to wear henna you have to know what it truly means and what is it that you’re representing”. So one should become knowledgeable before copying or staying up to date with what is hot. Himat agrees as well she said,” Even though people like henna who are not affiliated with it, I still would like them to know what it means instead of wearing henna and at the same time making fun of other religions and cultures”. Henna is done for fun and on a serious note for weddings, it connects many cultures together even though they can be nowhere near each other. Just like the designs and paths drawn out on someone’s hand sometimes what is coming next is not a beautiful flower, but the connection of people from around the world.
Mariam Himat
Author : Leena Taha
Photo complied by pixabay
A video was recently leaked Online that went viral across the country. At San An tonio, Texas, Rhodes Middle School a severe altercation occurred that was caught on tape, showing a Student Resource officer slamming a 12 year old student, Janissa Valdez, into the concrete floor. The officer is currently on paid leave. Allegedly there was said to be a fight between Valdez and another student at the school. The officer also allegedly thought Valdez tried to kick him and that he assumed she was evoking a fight with another student. The officer in the video is Joshua Kehm, after the young girl was restrained by the officer, the young girl appeared to be unconscious, then handcuffed by officer Joshua Kehm. Several people across the social media spectrum were outraged, as were students of West , like Members of Truth Squad, a club that focuses in social issues had some opinions. “ Student Resource officers integral goal is to protect the students the officers were sworn to protect. Not fight them”. Said Hiba Ibrahim 16’.
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Another active member of truth squad actively expressed “ I’m just confused about the context of this altercation. Even if the student did harm the officer, it’s not in his job title to grab the young girl and attack her. It’s not really hard to restrain a small, young 14 year old girl all he needed to do was hold her back if danger was being evoked”. Said Wala Siddig 18’ “I think Officers are gaining too much power and abusing their power. , An educational facility is not a prison, but that officer provided the vibe that it was when he attacked the young girl”. Said Sarah Ahmed 17’ There has been a history of violence of Student Resource officers. Just last year, in October 2015, South Carolina at Spring Valley High School- A video was uploaded by a fellow student who witnessed the horrid incident, that included a Student resource officer flipping the 16 year old student over and then dragging her across the floor while students watched in horror, an attempt of intervention by another fellow student to help the student who was aggressively assaulted, the officer- Ben Fields claimed he would arrest the other student as well. The alleged offense of the young girl was that she was on her phone, being disruptive to class and refused to put it away or go to the office, which was what the assault was a result of.
Summer Date
What time of day?
no Physical actvitiy?
Starry night?
Star Gazing Date Grab any blanets and pillows go in he back yard and set up for a chill nifgt cuddling and watching the stars.
Movie Date Stay home, order in pizza and watch movies all da on the couch.
Fun Date Go outside, maybe to a carnival or a fair? Have fun. Do somehng you both enjoy.
By Leena Taha
Class of 2016 Horoscopes Photo complied by: Leena Taha
June 22 – July 22 March 21 – April 20 Insecurity is centering you currently- the upcoming You’re more than ready to face the unknown future that graduation means one thing- responsibilities and lies ahead of you- face on. - Unlike your fellow peers. adulthood. You are no longer a kid. You are growing Keep this concept ingrained and without a doubt you worrisome over the upcoming dramatic changes in will honorably succeed your life that are coming soon, in a short amount of time. Failure is at question, but the reality is this: you’ll be just fine and you’re more than ready for the real world.
April 21 – May 21 Taurus, a solution for your stressful future: Comprise rather than argue over petty arguments. The anxiety of college seems overrated and you’re probably more worried about moving into that new dorm of yours. Disputes with potential roommates are inevitable but remember to compromise on simple solutions.
July 23 – August 21 Post- celebration after graduating is extremely acceptable! BUT what’s not is- remaining in the party mode for eternity! The hard and dirty work isn’t always the norm for you. The real world will be a real wake up call when you’re ready. Responsibility is key if you want to really succeed, or you might suffer the consequences of an extremely stressful future/potential career.
May 22 – June 21 Don’t worry over the fact not knowing what you want to do after graduating! This stressful conflict is far too Virgo common shared with everyone, including several of August 22 – September 23 your peers. The right decision will soon fall into your For one fraction of your time- let college slip your hands, don’t stress excessively! mind and time! Don’t spend the entire summer worrying about college and contemplating it’s hardships! Let loose and treat yourself for all of the hard work you’ve accomplished over the years. 14 MAY 2016 WSSPAPER.COM
apricorn September 24 – October 23 Now that you passed through high school, there might be December 23 – January 20 more pressure from others to conform to today’s socie- You may have your future in the bag, but that’s all you tal youth. Remember to stay true to yourself, and don’t have in the bag. You’re an efficient worker, so you’re bound to have time for yourself. Use that time to expechange for other people if you don’t want to. rience new things and become a little more of a social butterfly.
October 24 – November 22 In college, it’s a definite you’ll find a lot of passive people, and that’ll definitely irk you. Just let their passiveness go over your head and think about how someday, you’ll be above them.
November 23 – December 22 College is a time of taking on several tasks all at once. Stop relying on yourself to do everyone’s work. Plan carefully and don’t take on more than you can handle. Pace yourself so you’re not stressed out on the near future.
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January 21 – February 19 As of now, your future is looking great, but you have to remember that there are limitations in life. You can be whatever you want to be, but just remember that your decision comes with consequences. Whether you like them or not, you’ll have to accept those consequences if you’re that passionate about your dreams.
February 20 – March 20 Don’t be afraid to receive a little criticism in the progressing future, step out of the box for the right reasons on what you’ve done or what you’ve worked on. Don’t let others’ suggestions get to your head and accept your flaws. After all, flaws make you human, and mistakes teach you how to improve.
Clay sculptures 18 WSSPAPER.COM MAY 2016
Paintings and drawings
On the top left and bottom right are two drawings. Top right and bottom left are the space by the cardio room.
Until NextYear...